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Loitering Munition System

WARMATE Loitering Munition System

The WARMATE Loitering Munition System is a combat mini UAV
that provides a highly targeted strike capability with either an anti-
personal or anti-tank warhead. The addition of a daylight or thermal
camera to the warhead allows for the assessment of a target before
launching a strike, and a number of fail safe mechanisms means that
missions can be easily aborted if intelligence is revised.

The complete WARMATE set is composed of three air vehicles (AVs), 3 warheads,
a lightweight ground control station (GCS) and a ground data transceiver, which allows
for the user to control the AV, and receive real time video. The system can be packed into
two ruggedized backpacks and carried by two users.

WARMATE Loitering Munition System

The attack mode initiates a strike on a selected target, and
control of the AV is semi-autonomous during a strike. The
user is shown a video feed, at the ground control station,
from the camera mounted on the front of the warhead, and
this can be used to assist in directing the aircraft.


The WARMATE airframe can incorporate one of three

different warheads:

• A training warhead without armed capabilities


• A high explosive anti-personal head (GO-1-HE), which

contains 300 g explosive charge. The warhead has
an effective destructive range of 10 m.

• An anti-tank warhead (GO-1-HEAT), which also

contains explosive charge. The warhead is capable
of penetrating of RHA 120 mm.

The warheads are interchangeable and can be changed

in the field depending on the mission objectives.

A real time video feed is provided by a daylight (EO) or thermal (IR) camera mounted on the front of the
attached warhead, allowing for the observation of potential targets before initiating a strike.

The camera has an angle of incidence of 10° relative to the horizontal plane of the AV and offers a field
of view of 75°. The daylight camera is capable of producing high quality images, and vehicle and human
recognition is possible from a distance of 200 m.

WARMATE Loitering Munition System

User Friendly
The WARMATE System includes a mobile ground control station (GCS) that is easy to use and provides a real time
video feed to the user. A wide range of autonomous flight modes can be managed at the GCS.

Flight Modes

Autonomous is the main flight mode that is pre-programmed by the user prior to a flight. During this mode the AV will
take-off and then follow a series of waypoints according to a flight plan. However, at any point during this mode three
further modes can be activated:

 Loiter flight mode The AV orbits a point over the ground.

Fly to coordinate This flight mode is similar to the ‘Loiter Flight Mode’ except that the AV will fly from its
current position to a new position set by the operator.

Cruise This mode causes the AV to fly in a straight line in the direction that the camera is facing.

 Attack This mode initiates a strike.

Ground Control Station
The WARMATE ground control station (GCS) is lightweight and may be transported in a single backpack,
allowing for easy deployment of the air vehicle (AV). The GCS comprises a ruggedized touch screen tablet
computer, which allows the user to control the air vehicle (AV) and view visual data, and a data transceiver,
which is a digital and bidirectional, tripod mounted, encrypted datalink that allows for the transmission of
flight controls from the GCS to the AV.

Operators can easily set and modify flight plans using user-friendly software installed on any type of laptop
chosen by the end-user. Real  time data from the AV can be viewed and modified on the same screen
as a map detailing the location, speed, and altitude of the AV.

WARMATE Loitering Munition System

Rapid Deployment
The take-off of the WARMATE is fully automated using a lightweight catapult
launcher, which can be used from any surface; grass; ice; snow; or  concrete.
The  launcher is assembled from three subcomponents and can be  constructed
in under ten minutes by an experienced user.

The AV is launched following a  series of  pre-flight tests to ensure communication

between the ground control station and the AV. Take-off is fully automated ensuring that
the AV will climb to 500 m before switching to the chosen flight plan.

Aborting a mission

Landing of the vehicle, in an emergency is possible using a  manual landing flight

mode. The air vehicle will land, by belly landing, in any open area identified by the user.
In addition, the  warhead may be  detonated remotely when the air vehicle is in flight
allowing for the abortion of a mission.

Long Term Support

O-level or operational level is ongoing maintenance in the field to repair minor damage to the system.
Each system has a toolkit provided and part of the training program enables the user to understand
how and when to carry out minor repairs.

I-level or intermediate level is the repair and maintenance of more serious damage or faults with the
system. This can be carried out by WB Electronics or be assigned to a third party, who will receive
training from WB engineers, depending on the requirements of the user.

D-level or depot level is an overhaul of the system that is recommended every year, and is carried out
by WB Electronics.


WB Electronics provides a two week tailored program, which consists of lectures, simulation training,
and live operation of the UAV. All training is computer aided and instructor led. Trainees undertake
a series of exercises so as to become accustomed to multiple different flight and attack scenarios.
The training program can be carried out in Poland or in a different country taking advantage of local

WARMATE Loitering Munition System

Safety Levels
The Warheads have three independent safety levels ensuring that
detonation is only possible during a strike.

Level 1 A red strip needs to be removed before preparing the UAV for launch
unlocking the warhead. This provides safety during the transport of the

Level 2 A second connector is attached to the launcher and removed

during the launch. This provides safety during the assembly of the UAV.

Level 3 Each warhead has a unique electronic code that needs to be

activated during the attack phase. Only following entry of this code by the
user is detonation of the warhead possible. This ensures against incorrect
detonation of the warhead during a mission.

Technical Specifications for WARMATE

wingspan 1590 mm

length 1170 mm

maximum take-off weight 5300 g

maximum payload weight 1400 g

propulsion electric motor

instrument airspeed (IAS) 50 - 150 km/h

operating ceiling 100 - 500 m

flight endurance 50 min.

maximum wind speed during the launch: 10 m/s

during the mission: 12 m/s

data link range 12 km Line of Sight (data transfer in real time).

real-time video transmission and display yes

guidance method Fully autonomous mode: the operator defines the waypoints on the digital map that UAV is following.

strike method The attack mode initiates a strike on a selected target, and control of the AV is semi-autonomous
during a strike. The user is shown a video-feed, at the ground control station, from the camera
mounted on the front of the warhead, and this can be used to assist in directing the aircraft.

power supply lithium-polymer battery

mission planning yes, pre- and in-flight

flight along a flightpath yes

flightpath modification yes

manual control yes, assisted by the on-board computer – autopilot

flight to a specific location yes

circling around a location yes

launch mode launched from a pneumatic launcher (automatic)

warheads 3 types of Warhead can be included with a system:

1) a training warhead without armed capabilities (GO-1-T)
2) a high explosive anti-personal head (GO-1-HE)
3) an anti-tank warhead (GO-1-HEAT)

personnel needed for ground station 1 person can launch the UAV and then subsequently operate the GCS

operational frequency Military C Band – both uplink and downlink

mission termination Possible. The AV can be instructed to return to the GCS to make an emergency landing
(see below) or the Warhead can be detonated while the AV is in flight destroying the system.

vehicle recovery Possible. The air vehicle can be landed in an emergency semi-autonomous landing mode allowing for
recovery if the mission needs to be aborted. The Warhead can be re-used on subsequent missions.


WB Electronics S.A.
ul. Poznańska 129/133
05-850 Ożarów Mazowiecki, Poland

t: +48 22 731 25 00
f: +48 22 731 25 01

[email protected]

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