Project Description At&T Proposed Telecommunications Facility 2700 Watt Avenue APN# 269-0090-051

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Proposed Telecommunications Facility
2700 Watt Avenue
APN# 269-0090-051

Proposed Use

AT&T is currently deploying the infrastructure of its wireless communications network in

California. AT&T proposes to mount (12) panel antennas behind proposed RF-Friendly
Screen Wall on top of existing penthouses. Each panel antenna will measure
approximately 5’ tall and 10” wide. The corresponding equipment cabinets will be
located inside a lightweight equipment shelter to be mounted on a proposed steel platform
on rooftop of existing building. All equipment and antennas will be hidden from view.
Please see the site plan for the detailed information. This facility was designed to have a
minimal visual impact and will not be significantly visible from any vantage point within
the area. AT&T’s facility is an unmanned facility, which will operate 24 hours per day, 7
days per week. The facility will require access by company representatives less than
twice a month.

AT&T will utilize existing roads and parking to access the site. After the initial
construction, no noise, odors, dust, glare, or additional traffic will be generated by this
project. AT&T does not plan any future use for this site other than the use being
proposed by this application.

Type of Technology

As previously mentioned, AT&T is currently deploying the infrastructure of its wireless

communications network in California, called a “Personal Communication Service”
(PCS). PCS is, in essence, simply another form of radio communication. PCS uses radio
frequencies to send and receive information or conversations from an antenna to a
wireless telephone. The PCS technology works through a series of transmitting facilities,
which carry and hand off phone signals as a caller moves from one area to another. As
the caller moves from one cell area (the area where there is a transmitter and an antenna)
to the next, signals to and from the first cell area fade and then “hand” the call off to an
available channel in the cell area where the caller is entering.

Consumer Services

The new AT&T offers the largest digital voice and data network in the U.S. including
service in all top 100 metropolitan areas. We offer our customers a nationwide
GSM/GPRS footprint across our service areas.
GSM is the world’s most popular wireless phone technology used by more than 1 billion
people in 200 plus countries around the world. GSM offers customers unparalleled global
roaming capabilities as well as the truest voice quality in wireless. We also maintain our
TDMA network, which continues to provide high quality voice and data services.
In 2003, Cingular launched the world’s first commercial deployment of wireless services
using Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution (EDGE) technology. EDGE is a third
generation high speed mobile data and internet access technology, with average rates that
are fast enough to support a wide range of advanced data services, including streaming
audio, video, fast Internet access, and large file downloads.

In 2004 AT&T launched Universal Mobile Telephone Service expanding the network
nationwide. UMTS is the leading 3G-Technology choice today offering potential
worldwide coverage and enabling economies of scale, global roaming, and a priority
technology for software and applications developers. UMTS is one of the natural forward
evolutionary paths for the GSM network.

Performance Agreement

AT&T is prepared to enter into an agreement with Sacramento County to remove

abandoned facilities and to perform periodic monitoring of radio frequency (RF)
emissions. AT&T is also prepared to defend, indemnify, and hold Sacramento County
harmless from any claims, actions, or proceedings from connection with the project.

Location Standards

According to Sacramento County the proposed facility at 2700 Watt Ave has the below
land use designation:

Zoning: BP (Business and Professional Zone, 740,520 square foot lot size)

This facility was designed to have a minimal visual impact and will not be significantly
visible from any vantage point within Arden Arcade. The site is not near daycare
facilities, open spaces, or ridgelines.

Co-Location and Shared Location Standards

T-Mobile is currently operating a facility on the existing roof with Clearwire planned in
the future. AT&T will be the second carrier at this location. The design allows for the
consolidation of future facilities (none are planned at this time).

Radio Frequency Report

This project complies with the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) standards.
FCC guidelines are based on standards and recommendations developed by expert

committees of physicians, scientists and engineers, most of whom are researchers from
leading universities and government research laboratories.

These guidelines were extensively reviewed and endorsed by the major government
agencies responsible for public health and the environment – the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration, and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
The standards and guidelines, which are based on careful scientific review and
interpretation, prescribe specific exposure levels that are extremely protective.

The radio frequency emissions transmit non-ionizing radio waves. Non-ionizing

electromagnetic emissions, at the low levels associated with this type of wireless
technology have not been proven to be harmful to the public. Police/Fire/EMS radios,
television broadcasts, CB radios, microwave ovens, and a variety of common household
electronics including garage door openers and baby monitors all produce non-ionizing
electromagnetic emissions.

Please refer to the attached “Radio Frequency Report Analysis”. This report is based on
predicted and actual RF levels. Predicted levels are determined by the theoretical
maximum field strength (as predicted by the FCC equations contained in 08165). If
Sacramento County is interested, AT&T will measure the actual RF levels once the
proposed facility is in operation.

Road and Accessway Standards

AT&T will utilize existing roads and parking to access the site. No new access roads or
parking spaces are required for the facility. The size of the parking area is not limited to
the minimum necessary to accommodate maintenance vehicles.

Vegetation and Landscaping Standards

AT&T is not proposing any landscaping at this time.

Noise and Traffic Standards

AT&T equipment operates quietly or virtually noise free. After construction, AT&T’s
maintenance personnel will access the site less than twice a month.

Visual Compatibility and Facility Design Standards

The facility was designed to produce minimal visual impact and is designed to integrate
into the existing environment to the greatest degree possible. Please refer to the attached
photo simulations for further detail.

The proposed facility does not interfere with residential views, vistas or public view
corridors. The proposed facility does not display any advertising signage or identifying

Approval Request

AT&T respectively requests Sacramento County’s approval of a Design Review to install

and operate a wireless communications facility located at 2700 Watt Ave. The
establishment and operation of this wireless communications facility as proposed will not
create unusual noise, traffic or other conditions or situations that may be objectionable,
detrimental or incompatible with other permitted uses in the vicinity. This determination
is supported by the following:

The proposed facility is consistent with Sacramento County’s Section 301-13.5. Wireless
Communication Facilities Code

Section 301-13.5 Section (b) findings:

1. Wireless facilities may be permitted in any zone, subject to the following criteria. For the
purposes of this section, zoning district designations are organized into the following:
Group I - RD, AR, O, CO, RM-2, DW, RR, and SPA zones (unless otherwise specified in
the particular SPA ordinance); Group II - BP, SC, LC, AC, TC, and GC zones; Group III
- M-1, M-2, MP, AG, IR, and UR zones.

(b) Roof Mounted Antennas may be permitted in the Group II and Group III zones,
subject to the grant of a use permit by the Zoning Administrator. In addition
to those conditions which the Zoning Administrator may impose pursuant to
Section 110-34, the Zoning Administrator may also impose conditions
pursuant to Section 301-13.5(f).
(1) All equipment shelters, cabinets, or structures utilized or built in
connection with the antennas shall be located within the building being
utilized for the antennas, or on the ground outside of any setback area
or vehicle parking space allotment required for the underlying zoning
district designation. Wireless equipment or structures located on the
roof must meet standards for mechanical equipment located on roofs
subject to Section 301-21.
(2) Antennas affixed to towers located on the roof of buildings shall be
located towards the center of the roof and the height of the tower shall
not exceed 12 feet from the roof top.
(3) An application for a use permit for any antenna that does not meet the
requirements listed herein, or is located within a Group I zone shall be
heard by the Project Planning Commission.

(4) Any appeal of the action of the Zoning Administrator to approve, deny or
conditionally approve a use permit pursuant to this section shall be heard by the
Project Planning Commission.

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