Quiz No. 2

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Name: ________________________ Section: ________ Name: ________________________ Section: ________

Quiz No. 2 – Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences Quiz No. 2 – Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences

1. ______________________________ was an influential 1. ______________________________ develops self by

figure in the field of symbolic interactionism. allowing individuals to take on different roles, pretend, and
2. ______________________________ is a sociological express expectation of others.
framework that focuses on the different meanings individuals 2. ______________________________ is developed by
attach to objects, peoples and interactions. understanding that there are rules in which one must abide by
3. ______________________________ are important aspects in order to win the game or be successful at an activity.
in communication. Two Sides of Self: 3. ________________ 4. ___________
Three Activities that develop the self: 5. ______________________________ is a powerful tool in
4. ______________________________ making sense of why people act or behave in the way they do.
5. ______________________________ 6. _______________________________ is the notion that the
6. ______________________________ self develops thru our perception of others’ evaluations of us.
7. ______________________________ represents learned 7. During _______________________________ a person is
behaviors, attitudes, and expectations of others and of society. able to internalize the perspective of others and develop an
8. ________________________________ can be considered understanding of how others feel about themselves and others
the present and future phase of the self. in a variety of social situations.
9. _________________________________ copes with the 8. ________________________________ performs the
integration by controlling its component parts latency function by providing actors with the norms and values
10. _______________________________ performs the goal that motivate them for action.
attainment function by defining system goals and mobilizing 9. _______________________________ handles adaptation
resources to attain them. function by adjusting to and transforming the external world
11-14. Give the acronym for AGIL model. 10. _____________________________ was an influential
15. _____________________________ he identified four figure in the field of symbolic interactionism.
imperatives for societies to survive which is the AGIL model. 11-14. Give the acronym for AGIL model.
15. _____________________________ he identified four
imperatives for societies to survive which is the AGIL model.

Name: ________________________ Section: ________ Name: ________________________ Section: ________

Quiz No. 2 – Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences
Quiz No. 2 – Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences
1. ______________________________ develops self by
1. ______________________________ was an influential allowing individuals to take on different roles, pretend, and
figure in the field of symbolic interactionism. express expectation of others.
2. ______________________________ is a sociological 2. ______________________________ is developed by
framework that focuses on the different meanings individuals understanding that there are rules in which one must abide by
attach to objects, peoples and interactions. in order to win the game or be successful at an activity.
3. ______________________________ are important aspects Two Sides of Self: 3. ________________ 4. ___________
in communication. 5. ______________________________ is a powerful tool in
Three Activities that develop the self: making sense of why people act or behave in the way they do.
4. ______________________________ 6. _______________________________ is the notion that the
5. ______________________________ self develops thru our perception of others’ evaluations of us.
6. ______________________________ 7. During _______________________________ a person is
7. ______________________________ represents learned able to internalize the perspective of others and develop an
behaviors, attitudes, and expectations of others and of society. understanding of how others feel about themselves and others
8. ________________________________ can be considered in a variety of social situations.
the present and future phase of the self. 8. ________________________________ performs the
9. _________________________________ copes with the latency function by providing actors with the norms and values
integration by controlling its component parts that motivate them for action.
10. _______________________________ performs the goal 9. _______________________________ handles adaptation
attainment function by defining system goals and mobilizing function by adjusting to and transforming the external world
resources to attain them. 10. _____________________________ was an influential
11-14. Give the acronym for AGIL model. figure in the field of symbolic interactionism.
15. _____________________________ he identified four 11-14. Give the acronym for AGIL model.
imperatives for societies to survive which is the AGIL model. 15. _____________________________ he identified four
imperatives for societies to survive which is the AGIL model.
1. George Herbert Mead
2. Symbolic Interactionism
3. Gestures
4. Language
5. Play
6. Game
7. Me
8. I
9. Social System
10. Personality System
11. Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, Latency

1. Play
2. Self
3. Me
4. I
5. Rational Choice Theory
6. Looking glass self
7. Role-play
8. Cultural System
9. Action System
10. George Herbert Mead

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