Ch18 PDF Official Sat Study Guide Passport Advanced Math

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Passport to
Advanced Math
Passport to Advanced Math questions include topics that are especially
important for students to master before studying advanced math.
Chief among these topics is the understanding of the structure of
expressions and the ability to analyze, manipulate, and rewrite these
expressions. These questions also include reasoning with more REMEMBER
complex equations and interpreting and building functions. 16 of the 58 questions (28%) on
the SAT Math Test are Passport to
Heart of Algebra questions focus on the mastery of linear equations, Advanced Math questions.
systems of linear equations, and linear functions. In contrast, Passport
to Advanced Math questions focus on the ­ability to work with and
analyze more complex equations. The questions may require you to
demonstrate procedural skill in adding, subtracting, and multiplying
polynomials and in factoring polynomials. You may be required to
work with expressions involving exponentials, integer and rational
exponents, radicals, or fractions with a variable in the denominator.
The questions may ask you to solve a quadratic equation, a radical
equation, a rational equation, or a system consisting of a linear
equation and a nonlinear equation. You may be required to manipulate
an equation in several variables to isolate a quantity of interest.

Some questions in Passport to Advanced Math will ask you to build

a quadratic or exponential function or an equation that describes a
context or to interpret the function, the graph of the function, or the
solution to the equation in terms of the context.

Passport to Advanced Math questions may assess your ability to

recognize structure. Expressions and equations that appear complex
may use repeated terms or repeated expressions. By noticing these
patterns, the complexity of a problem can be quickly simplified.
Structure may be used to factor or otherwise rewrite an expression, to
solve a quadratic or other equation, or to draw conclusions about the
context represented by an expression, equation, or function. You may
be asked to identify or derive the form of an expression, equation, or
function that reveals information about the expression, equation, or
function or the context it represents.

PART 3 | Math

Passport to Advanced Math questions also assess your understanding

of functions and their graphs. A question may require you to
demonstrate your understanding of function notation, including
interpreting an expression where the argument of a function is an
expression rather than a variable. The questions may assess your
understanding of how the algebraic properties of a function relate to
the geometric characteristics of its graph.

Passport to Advanced Math questions include both multiple-choice

questions and student-produced response questions. Some of these
questions are in the no-calculator portion, where the use of a calculator
is not permitted, and others are in the calculator portion, where the use
of a calculator is permitted. When you can use a calculator, you must
decide whether using your calculator is an effective strategy for that
particular question.

Passport to Advanced Math is one of the three SAT Math Test

subscores, reported on a scale of 1 to 15.

Let’s consider the content and skills assessed by Passport to Advanced

Math questions.

Operations with Polynomials and

Rewriting Expressions
Questions on the SAT Math Test may assess your ability to add,
subtract, and multiply polynomials.

Example 1
​(x 2 + bx − 2)​(x + 3) = x 3 + 6x 2 + 7x − 6
In the equation above, b is a constant. If the equation is true for all values of x,
what is the value of b?
A) 2
B) 3
C) 7

Passport to Advanced Math
questions build on the knowledge To find the value of b, expand the left-hand side of the equation and
and skills tested on Heart of Algebra then collect like terms so that the left-hand side is in the same form as
questions. Develop proficiency with the right-hand side.
Heart of Algebra questions before
(x 2 + bx − 2)(x + 3) = (x 3 + bx 2 − 2x ) + (3x 2 + 3bx − 6)
tackling Passport to Advanced Math
questions. x 3 + (3 + b ) x 2 + (3b − 2) x − 6

Chapter 18 | Passport to Advanced Math

Since the two polynomials are equal for all values of x, the coefficient
of matching powers of x should be the same. Therefore, comparing
the coefficients of x 3 + (3 + b ) x 2 + (3b − 2) x − 6 and x 3 + 6x 2 + 7x − 6
reveals that 3 + b = 6 and 3b − 2 = 7. Solving either of these equations
gives b = 3, which is choice B.

Questions may also ask you to use structure to rewrite expressions.

The expression may be of a particular type, such as a difference of
squares, or it may require insightful analysis.

Example 2
Which of the following is equivalent to 16s4 − 4t 2?
A) 4(s 2 − t )(4s 2 + t )​
B) 4(4s 2 − t )(s 2 + t )​
C) 4(2s 2 − t )(2s 2 + t )​
Passport to Advanced Math
D) (8s 2 − 2t )(8s 2 + 2t )​ questions require a high comfort
level working with quadratic
This example appears complex at first, but it is very similar to the equations and expressions,
equation x 2 − y 2, which factors as (x − y ) (x + y ). The expression 16s 4 − 4t 2 including multiplying polynomials
2 2
is also the difference of two squares: 16s 4 − 4t 2 = (4s 2) − (2t ) . Therefore, it and factoring. Recognizing classic
2 2
can be factored as (4s 2) − (2t ) = (4s 2 − 2t ) (4s 2 + 2t ). This expression can quadratic patterns such as x 2 − y 2 =
be rewritten as (4s 2 − 2t ) (4s 2 + 2t ) = 2(2s 2 − t ) (2) (2s 2 + t ) = 4(2s 2 − t ) (2s 2 + t ), (x − y )(x + y ) can also improve your
which is choice C. speed and accuracy.

Alternatively, a 4 could be factored out of the given equation:

4(4s 4 − t 2). The expression inside the parentheses is a difference of two
squares. Therefore, it can be further factored as 4(2s 2 + t )(2s 2 − t ).

Example 3
y 5 − 2y 4 − cxy + 6x
In the polynomial above, c is a constant. If the polynomial is divisible by y − 2,
what is the value of c?

If the expression is divisible by y − 2, then the expression y − 2 can

be ­factored from the larger expression. Since y 5 − 2y 4 = (y − 2)y 4,
you have y 5 − 2y 4 − cxy + 6x = (y − 2) (y 4) − cxy + 6x. If this entire
expression is divisible by y − 2, then −cxy + 6x must be divisible by
y − 2. Thus, −cxy + 6x = (y − 2)(−cx ) = −cxy + 2cx. Therefore, 2c = 6,
and the value of c is 3.

PART 3 | Math

Quadratic Functions and Equations

Questions in Passport to Advanced Math may require you to build a
quadratic function or an equation to represent a context.

Example 4
A car is traveling at x feet per second. The driver sees a red light ahead, and
after 1.5 seconds reaction time, the driver applies the brake. After the brake is
applied, the car takes _ ​  x  ​ seconds to stop, during which time the average speed
of the car is ​    ​ feet per second. If the car travels 165 feet from the time the
PRACTICE AT driver saw the red light to the time it comes to a complete stop, which of the
following equations can be used to find the value of x?
Example 4 requires careful
A) x 2 + 48x − 3,960 = 0
translation of a word problem into
an algebraic equation. It pays to be B) x 2 + 48x − 7,920 = 0
deliberate and methodical when C) x 2 + 72x − 3,960 = 0
translating word problems into
D) x 2 + 72x − 7,920 = 0
equations on the SAT.

During the 1.5-second reaction time, the car is still traveling at x feet
per second, so it travels a total of 1.5x feet. The average speed of
x x
the car during the ​  _   -second braking interval is ​ _  ​feet per second,
24 2
x _
(  ) (  )
x x 2
so over this interval, the car travels ​ ​    ​  ​ ​ ​    ​  ​= ​    ​ feet. Since the
2 24 48
total distance the car travels from the time the driver saw the red
light to the time it comes to a complete stop is 165 feet, you have the
x 2
equation ​  _  ​ + 1.5x = 165. This quadratic equation can be rewritten in
standard form by subtracting 165 from each side and then multiplying
each side by 48, giving x 2 + 72x − 7,920 = 0, which is choice D.

Some questions on the SAT Math Test will ask you to solve a quadratic
equation. You must determine the appropriate procedure: factoring,
completing the square, the quadratic formula, use of a calculator
The SAT Math Test may ask you (if permitted), or use of structure. You should also know the following
to solve a quadratic equation. Be facts in addition to the formulas in the directions:
prepared to use the appropriate
§ §The sum of the solutions of x 2 + bx + c = 0 is −b.
method. Practice using the various
methods (below) until you are § §The product of the solutions of x 2 + bx + c = 0 is c.
comfortable with all of them.
Each of the facts can be seen from the factored form of a
1. Factoring quadratic. If r and s are the solutions of x 2 + bx + c = 0, then
2. Completing the square x 2 + bx + c = (x − r )(x − s ). Thus, b = −(r + s ) and c = (−r )(−s ) = rs.
3. Quadratic formula
Note: To use either of these facts, the coefficient of x 2 must be equal to 1.
4. Using a calculator

Chapter 18 | Passport to Advanced Math

Example 5

What are the solutions x of x 2 − 3 = x?

−1 ± √​ 11 ​
A) ​  _  ​   
2 _
−1 ± ​√13 ​
B) ​  _  ​   
1 ± ​√11 ​
C) ​ _  ​   
1 ± ​√13 ​
D) ​ _  ​   

The equation can be solved by using the quadratic formula or by

completing the square. Let’s use the quadratic formula. First, subtract
x from each side of x 2 − 3 = x to put the equation in standard form: PRACTICE AT
x 2 − x − 3 = 0. The quadratic formula _ states the solutions x of the
__± ​√b  − 4ac ​ 
The quadratic formula states
equation ax 2 + bx + c = 0 are ​       ​. For the equation

2a that the solutions x of the
x 2 − x − 3 = 0, you have a = 1, b = −1, and c = −3. Substituting these equation ax _
+ bx + c = 0 are

−(−1) ± ​√   2
(−1) − 4(1)(−3) ​ −b
__ ± ​ b 2
− 4ac  ​
___ x = ​        ​.
values into the quadratic formula gives x = ​          ​ = 2a
_ _
± ​√ 1 − (−12) ​ 1
1__ ± ​√13 ​
​      ​   = ​ _  ​  , which is choice D.

2 2

Example 6
If x > 0 and 2x 2 + 3x − 2 = 0, what is the value of x?
The left-hand side of the equation can be factored: Pay close attention to all of the
2x 2 + 3x − 2 = (2x − 1)(x + 2) = 0. Therefore, either 2x − 1 = 0, which details in the question. In Example 6,
gives x = ​  _  ​, or x + 2 = 0, which gives x = −2. Since x > 0, the value of x can equal ​ _  ​or −2, but since the
2 2
_ question states that x > 0, the value
x is ​    ​.
2 1
of x must be ​ _  ​.
Example 7

What is the sum of the solutions of (2x − 1)2 = (x + 2)2?

If a and b are real numbers and a 2 = b 2, then either a = b or a = −b.
Since (2x − 1)2 = (x + 2)2, either 2x − 1 = x + 2 or 2x − 1 = −(x + 2). In the
first case, x = 3, and in the second case, 3x = −1, or x = −​ _  . Therefore,
2 2 1
3(  ) 8
the sum of the solutions x of (2x − 1) = (x + 2) is 3 + ​ −​    ​  ​= ​ _ ​.

PART 3 | Math

Exponential Functions, Equations,

and Expressions and Radicals
We examined exponential functions in Examples 7 and 9 of Chapter 17.
Some Passport to Advanced Math questions ask you to build a function
that models a given context. As discussed in Chapter 17, exponential
functions model situations in which a quantity is multiplied by a
constant factor for each time period. An exponential function can be
increasing with time, in which case it models exponential growth, or it
can be decreasing with time, in which case it models exponential decay.

Example 8
A researcher estimates that the population of a city is increasing at an annual
rate of 0.6%. If the current population of the city is 80,000, which of the
following expressions appropriately models the population of the city t years
from now according to the researcher’s estimate?
A) 80,000(1 + 0.006)t
B) 80,000(1 + 0.006t )
C) 80,000 + 1.006t
D) 80,000(0.006t )

According to the researcher’s estimate, the population is

increasing by 0.6% each year. Since 0.6% is equal to 0.006,
PRACTICE AT after the first year, the population is 80,000 + 0.006(80,000) = 80,000(1 + 0.006). After the second year, the population is
80,000(1 + 0.006) + 0.006(80,000)(1 + 0.006) = 80,000(1 + 0.006) 2.
A quantity that grows or decays by
a fixed percent at regular intervals is Similarly, after t years, the population will be 80,000(1 + 0.006) t
said to possess exponential growth according to the researcher’s estimate. This is choice A.
or decay, respectively. A well-known example of exponential decay is the decay of a
Exponential growth is represented radioactive isotope. One example is iodine-131, a radioactive isotope
by the function y = a(1 + r)t, while used in some medical treatments. The decay of iodine-131 emits beta
exponential decay is represented and gamma radiation, and it decays to xenon-131. The half-life of
by the function y = a(1 − r)t, where y iodine-131 is 8.02 days; that is, after 8.02 days, half of the iodine-131 in
is the new population, a is the initial
a sample will have decayed to xenon-131. Suppose a sample of
population, r is the rate of growth or
A milligrams of iodine-131 decays for d days. Every 8.02 days, the
decay, and t is the number of time
intervals that have elapsed. quantity of iodine-131 is multiplied by ​  _  ​, or 2−1. In d days, a total
of ​     ​ different 8.02-day periods will have passed, and so the
original quantity will have been multiplied by 2−1 a total of ​  _    ​ times.
Therefore, the amount, in milligrams, of iodine-131 remaining in the
_ d
sample will be A​(2−1)​8.02 ​= A​( 2​​ ​  8.02 ​
​     ​ 
​  ​.
In the preceding discussion, we used the identity ​  _  ​= 2−1. Questions
on the SAT Math Test may require you to apply this and other laws of
exponents and the relationship between powers and radicals.

Chapter 18 | Passport to Advanced Math

Some Passport to Advanced Math questions ask you to use properties

of exponents to rewrite expressions.

Example 9

(  )
​  1__   ​   ​ ​?
Which of the following is equivalent to ​​ _
​ x ​
​ __ ​  
A) ​x​2 ​
n ​  
− ​ __
B) ​x​ 2 ​
1 ​ 
n + ​ __
C) ​x​ 2​
1 ​ 
n − ​ __
D) ​x​ 2​

_ 1
_1 −_
   is equal to ​x​  2 ​. Thus, ​  _
​    ​
The square root ​√x ​   ​ = ​x​  ​  2  ​​,
​ x ​

(  )
n 1 n
  ​  ​ ​= ​​( ​x​​  ​  2  ​​  )​​​ ​= ​x​  ​  2  ​​.​ Choice B is the correct answer.
and ​​ ​  _
−_ −_
​ x ​
An SAT Math Test question may also ask you to solve a radical
equation. In solving radical equations, you may square both sides of
Practice your exponent rules.
an equation. Since squaring is not a reversible operation, you may end _ 1
Know, for instance, that ​√x ​   ​ = ​x​ ​2  ​​​​and
up with an extraneous root; that is, a root to the simplified equation
1_ 1
that ​ _

that is not a root to the original equation. Thus, when solving a   ​ = ​x​ ​  2  ​​​​.
​√x ​
radical equation, you should check any solution you get in the original

Example 10
x − 12 = √
​ x  + 44 ​ 
What are the solutions x of the given equation?
A) 5
B) 20
C) −5 and 20
D) 5 and 20
Squaring each side of x − 12 = ​√x  + 44 ​ 
​(x − 12)​2​= ​​( ​√x  + 44 ​  
)2​​ ​= x + 44

x 2 − 24x + 144 = x + 44

x 2 − 25x + 100 = 0

(x − 5)(x − 20) = 0

The solutions to the quadratic are x = 5 and x = 20. However, since the
first step was to square each side of the given equation, which is not a
reversible operation, you need to check x = 5 and x = 20 in the original
equation. Substituting 5 for x gives
5 − 12 = ​√5  + 44 ​ 
−7 = ​√49 ​

PART 3 | Math

This is not a true statement (since ​√49 ​
   represents only _
the positive
square root, 7), so x = 5 is not a solution to x − 12 = ​√x  + 44 ​. 
PRACTICE AT Substituting 20 for x gives
_ 20 − 12 = ​√20
  + 44 ​ 
A good strategy to use when solving _
8 = ​√64 ​
radical equations is to square both
sides of the equation. When doing This is a true statement, so x = 20 is a solution to x − 12 = ​√x  + 44 ​. 
so, however, be sure to check the Therefore, the only solution to the given equation is 20, which is
solutions in the original equation, choice B.
as you may end up with a root that
is not a solution to the original
Solving Rational Equations
Questions on the SAT Math Test may assess your ability to work
with rational expressions, including fractions with a variable in the
denominator. This may include finding the solution to a rational

Example 11
​  3   ​ = _
_ ​  2   ​ + _
​  1 ​ 
t+1 t+3 4
If t is a solution to the equation above and t > 0, what is the value of t?

If both sides of the equation are multiplied by 4(t + 1)(t + 3),

the resulting equation will not have any fractions, and the
variable will no longer be in the denominator. This gives
When solving for a variable in an
12(t + 3) = 8(t + 1) + (t + 1)(t + 3). Multiplying out the products gives
equation involving fractions, a good
12t + 36 = (8t + 8) + (t 2 + 4t + 3), or 12t + 36 = t 2 + 12t + 11, which
first step is to clear the variable out
of the denominators of the fractions
simplifies to 0 = t 2 − 25. Therefore, the solutions to the equation are
Remember that you can only t = 5 and t = −5. Since t > 0, the value of t is 5.
multiply both sides of an equation

Systems of Equations
by an expression when you know the
expression cannot be equal to 0.
Questions on the SAT Math Test may ask you to solve a system of
equations in two variables in which one equation is linear and the
other equation is quadratic or another nonlinear equation.

Example 12
3x + y = −3
(x + 1)2 − 4(x + 1) − 6 = y
If (x, y) is a solution of the system of equations above and y > 0, what is the
PRACTICE AT value of y?
The first step used to solve this One method for solving systems of equations is substitution. If the
example is substitution, an approach first equation is solved for y, it can be substituted in the second
you may use on Heart of Algebra equation. Subtracting 3x from each side of the first equation gives you
questions. The other key was y = −3 − 3x, which can be rewritten as y = −3(x + 1).
noticing that (x + 1) can be treated
Substituting −3(x + 1) for y in the second equation gives you
as a variable.

Chapter 18 | Passport to Advanced Math

(x + 1)2 − 4(x + 1) − 6 = −3(x + 1). Since the factor (x + 1) appears as a

squared term and a linear term, the equation can be thought of as a
quadratic equation in the variable (x + 1), so collecting the terms and
setting the expression equal to 0 gives you (x + 1)2 − (x + 1) − 6 = 0.
Factoring gives you ((x + 1) − 3)((x + 1) + 2) = 0, or (x − 2)(x + 3) = 0.
Thus, either x = 2, which gives y = −3 − 3(2) = −9; or x = −3, which gives
y = −3 − 3(−3) = 6. Therefore, the solutions to the system are (2, −9) and
(−3, 6). Since the question states that y > 0, the value of y is 6.

(–3, 6)

(2, –9)

The solutions of the system are given by the intersection points of

the two graphs. Questions on the SAT Math Test may assess this or
other relationships between algebraic and graphical representations
of functions.

Relationships Between Algebraic and

Graphical Representations of Functions
A function f  has a graph in the xy-plane, which is the graph of the
equation y = f (x) (or, equivalently, consists of all ordered pairs (x, f (x)).
Some Passport to Advanced Math questions assess your ability to
relate properties of the function f to properties of its graph, and vice
versa. You may be required to apply some of the following relationships:

§ §Intercepts. The x-intercepts of the graph of f correspond to values

of x such that f (x) = 0, which corresponds to where the graph
intersects with the x-axis; if the function f has no zeros, its graph
has no x-intercepts, and vice versa. The y-intercept of the graph
of f corresponds to the value of f (0), or where the graph intersects
with the y-axis. If x = 0 is not in the domain of f, the graph of f has
no y-intercept, and vice versa. PRACTICE AT
§ §Domain and range. The domain of f is the set of all x for which
The domain of a function is the set
f (x) is defined. The range of f is the set of all y such that y = f (x) for
of all values for which the function
some value of x in the domain. The domain and range can be found is defined. The range of a function is
from the graph of f as the set of all x-coordinates and y-coordinates, the set of all values that correspond
respectively, of points on the graph. to the values in the domain, given
the relationship defined by the
§ §Maximum and minimum values. The maximum and minimum
function, or the set of all outputs
values of f can be found by locating the highest and the lowest that are associated with all of the
points on the graph, respectively. For example, suppose P is the possible inputs.

PART 3 | Math

highest point on the graph of f. Then the y-coordinate of P is the

maximum value of f, and the x-coordinate of P is where f takes on
its maximum value.

§ §Increasing and decreasing. The graph of f shows the intervals

over which the function f is increasing and decreasing.

§ §End behavior. The graph of f can indicate if f (x) increases or

decreases without limit as x increases or decreases without limit.

§ §Transformations. For a graph of a function f, a change of the form

f (x) + a will result in a vertical shift of a units and a change of the
form f (x + a) will result in a horizontal shift of a units.

Note: The SAT Math Test uses the following conventions about graphs
in the xy-plane unless a particular question clearly states or shows a
different convention:

§ §The axes are perpendicular.

§ §Scales on the axes are linear scales.
§ §The size of the units on the two axes cannot be assumed to be
REMEMBER equal unless the question states they are equal or you are given
Don’t assume the size of the units enough information to conclude they are equal.
on the two axes are equal unless
the question states they are equal § §The values on the horizontal axis increase as you move to the right.
or you can conclude they are equal § §The values on the vertical axis increase as you move up.
from the information given.

Example 13
The graph of which of the following functions in the xy-plane has x-intercepts
at −4 and 5?
A) f (x) = (x + 4)(x − 5)
B) g (x) = (x − 4)(x + 5)
C) h (x) = (x − 4)2 + 5
D) k (x) = (x + 5)2 − 4

The x-intercepts of the graph of a function correspond to the zeros of

the function. All the functions in the choices are defined by quadratic
equations, so the answer must be a quadratic function. If a quadratic
function has x-intercepts at −4 and 5, then the values of the function
at −4 and 5 are each 0; that is, the zeros of the function occur at x = −4
and at x = 5. Since the function is defined by a quadratic equation and
has zeros at x = −4 and x = 5, it must have (x + 4) and (x − 5) as factors.
Therefore, choice A, f (x) = (x + 4)(x − 5), is correct.

Chapter 18 | Passport to Advanced Math

The graph in the xy-plane of each of the functions in the previous

example is a parabola. Using the defining equations, you can tell that
the graph of g has x-intercepts at 4 and −5; the graph of h has its vertex PRACTICE AT
at (4, 5); and the graph of k has its vertex at (−5, −4).
Another way to think of Example 13
Example 14 is to ask yourself, “Which answer
choice represents a function that
has values of zero when x = −4 and
x = +5?”
–4 –2 –2 2 4

The function f (x) = x 4 − 2.4x 2 is graphed in the xy-plane as shown above. If
k is a constant such that the equation f (x) = k has 4 solutions, which of the
following could be the value of k?
A) 1
B) 0
C) −1
D) −2

Choice C is correct. Since f (x) = x 4 − 2.4x 2, the equation f (x) = k, or

x 4 − 2.4x 2 = k, will have 4 solutions if and only if the graph of the
horizontal line with equation y = k intersects the graph of f at 4 points.
The graph shows that of the given choices, only for choice C, −1, does
the graph of y = −1 intersect the graph of f at 4 points.

Function Notation
The SAT Math Test assesses your understanding of function notation.
You must be able to evaluate a function given the rule that defines
it, and if the function describes a context, you may need to interpret
the value of the function in the context. A question may ask you to
interpret a function when an expression, such as 2x or x + 1, is used as
the argument instead of the variable x.

Example 15
If g (x) = 2x + 1 and f (x) = g (x) + 4, what is f (2)? PRACTICE AT
You are given f (x) = g (x) + 4 and therefore f (2) = g (2) + 4. To determine What may seem at first to be a
the value of g (2), use the function g (x) = 2x + 1. Thus, g (2) = 2(2) + 1, complex question boils down to
and therefore g (2) = 5. Substituting g (2) gives f (2) = 5 + 4, or f (2) = 9. straightforward substitution.

PART 3 | Math

Alternatively, since f (x) = g (x) + 4 and g (x) = 2x + 1, it follows that f (x)

must equal 2x + 1 + 4, or 2x + 5. Therefore, f (2) = 2(2) + 5 = 9.

Interpreting and Analyzing More

Complex Equations in Context
Equations and functions that describe a real-life context can be
complex. Often, it’s not possible to analyze them as completely as
you can analyze a linear equation or function. You still can acquire
key information about the context by interpreting and analyzing the
equation or function that describes it. Passport to Advanced Math
questions may ask you to identify connections between the function,
its graph, and the context it describes. You may be asked to use an
equation describing a context to determine how a change in one
quantity affects another quantity. You may also be asked to manipulate
an equation to isolate a quantity of interest on one side of the equation.
You may be asked to produce or identify a form of an equation that
reveals new information about the context it represents or about the
graphical representation of the equation.

Example 16
For a certain reservoir, the function f gives the water level f (n), to the nearest
whole percent of capacity, on the nth day of 2016. Which of the following is the
best interpretation of f (37) = 70?
A) The water level of the dam was at 37% capacity for 70 days in 2016.
B) The water level of the dam was at 70% capacity for 37 days in 2016.
C) On the 37th day of 2016, the water level of the dam was at 70% capacity.
D) On the 70th day of 2016, the water level of the dam was at 37% capacity.

PRACTICE AT The function f gives the water level, to the whole nearest percent of capacity on the nth day of 2016. It follows that f (37) = 70 means that on
Another way to check your answer the 37th day of 2016, the water level of the dam was at 70% capacity.
in Example 17 is to pick simple This statement is choice C.
numbers for mass and speed and
examine the impact on kinetic Example 17
energy when those values are
altered as indicated by the question.
If an object of mass m is moving at speed v, the object’s kinetic energy KE is
If mass and speed both equal 1,
1 given by the equation KE = _​ 1 ​  mv 2. If the mass of the object is halved and its
kinetic energy is ​ _  ​. 2
2 speed is doubled, how does the kinetic energy change?
When mass is halved, to ​ _  ​, and A) The kinetic energy is halved.
speed is doubled, to 2, the new
B) The kinetic energy is unchanged.
kinetic energy is 1. Since 1 is twice
1 C) The kinetic energy is doubled.
the value of ​ _  ​, you know that kinetic
energy is doubled. D) The kinetic energy is quadrupled (multiplied by a factor of 4).

Chapter 18 | Passport to Advanced Math

Choice C is correct. If the mass of the object is halved, the new

mass is ​ _ ​ . If the speed of the object is doubled, its new speed is 2v.
1 m
2 2 (  )
1 m
(  )
Therefore, the new kinetic energy is ​  _  ​​ ​  _ ​   ​(2v)2 = ​ _  ​​ ​  _ ​   ​(4v 2) = mv 2.
2 2
This is double the kinetic energy of the original object, which
was ​  _  ​  mv 2.

Example 18
A gas in a container will escape through holes of microscopic size, as long as
the holes are larger than the gas molecules. This process is called effusion. If a
gas of molar mass M1 effuses at a rate of r1 and a gas of molar mass M2 effuses
at a rate of r2, then the following relationship ___ holds.
r__1 M2
M1 √
​  r2  ​= ​ ​  ___  ​ ​ 
This is known as Graham’s law. Which of the following correctly expresses M2
in terms of M1, r1, and r2?

A) M2 = M1 ​ __
(  )
​r 2​ ​​ 
​  12 ​   ​​
​r 2​ ​​ 

B) M2 = M1 ​​ __ (  )
​r 2​ ​​ 
​  22 ​   ​
​r 1​ ​​ 

(  )
___ r1
​ M1 ​ ​ ​  __
C) M2 = √ r2  ​  ​

​ M  ​ (​  ​  r   ​  )​
___ r __2  
D) M = √ 1 

( √ )
___ ___

√ (  )
r1 M
___2 r1 2 M 2
___2  ​ ​  ​ , which can be Always start by identifying
Squaring each side of ​ __
r2   ​​= ​ ​  M1  ​ ​ gives ​ ​  __
r2  ​  ​ = ​ ​ ​ 
M1 exactly what the question asks.
M2 ​r ​12​ ​ M2 r​  ​12​ ​ In Example 18, you are being asked
rewritten as ​ ___  ​= __
​  2 ​ . Multiplying each side of ​ ___  ​= __
​  2 ​ by M1 gives to isolate the variable M2. Squaring
M1 ​r ​2​ ​ M1 ​r ​2​ ​
both sides of the equation is a

(  )
​r ​ ​ ​
__1   great first step as it allows you to
M2 = M1 ​ ​   ​   ​, which is choice A.
​r ​ ​ ​
2 eliminate the radical sign.

Example 19
A store manager estimates that if a video game is sold at a price of p dollars,
the store will have weekly revenue, in dollars, of r (p) = −4p2 + 200p from the
sale of the video game. Which of the following equivalent forms of r (p) shows,
as constants or coefficients, the maximum possible weekly revenue and the
price that results in the maximum revenue?
A) r (p) = 200p − 4p2
B) r (p) = −2(2p2 − 100p)
C) r (p) = −4(p2 − 50p)
D) r (p) = −4(p − 25)2 + 2,500

PART 3 | Math

Choice D is correct. The graph of r in the coordinate plane is a parabola

that opens downward. The maximum value of revenue corresponds
PRACTICE AT to the vertex of the parabola. Since the square of any real number is always nonnegative, the form r (p) = −4(p − 25)2 + 2,500 shows that the
The fact that the coefficient of the vertex of the parabola is (25, 2,500); that is, the maximum must occur
squared term is negative for this where −4(p − 25)2 is 0, which is p = 25, and this maximum is
function indicates that the graph r (25) = 2,500. Thus, the maximum possible weekly revenue and the
of r in the coordinate plane is a
price that results in the maximum revenue occur as constants in
parabola that opens downward.
the form r (p) = −4(p − 25)2 + 2,500.
Thus, the maximum value of
revenue corresponds to the vertex
of the parabola.


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