Saep 1638
Saep 1638
Saep 1638
1 Scope............................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................ 2
3 Applicable Documents................................... 2
4 Definitions...................................................... 3
5 Responsibilities............................................. 4
6 Instructions.................................................... 4
1 Scope
The Site Acceptance Test (SAT) Plan covered by this procedure shall be considered as
one of the Non-Material Requirements (NMR) in accordance with SAEP-16.
1.1 This Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure (SAEP) provides instructions for the
development and approval of the process automation system project Site
Acceptance Test (SAT) Plan. The document is not required to follow the format
provided in this SAEP, but shall contain the information specified.
1.2 The SAT Plan is a document which specifies and describes the conditions,
requirements, plans, procedures, success criteria, and responsibilities for
performance of the SAT.
1.3 The SAT Plan will be used by the Contractor to guide and control the
performance of the SAT. The SAT Plan will be used by the Company as the
basis for monitoring performance of the SAT and for determining satisfactory
completion of the SAT.
2.1 Any conflicts between this Procedure and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Procedures (SAEPs), Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards
(SAESs), Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Saudi
Aramco Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms
shall be resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through
the Manager, Process & Control Systems Department of Saudi Aramco,
2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this Procedure in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Process & Control Systems
Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.
3 Applicable Documents
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-1638
Issue Date: 11 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Site Acceptance Test Plan
4 Definitions
The following is a list of definitions of terms whose meanings may not be obvious from
their usage in this document. Terms that have special meanings when capitalized are
shown in that form.
Factory Acceptance Test (FAT): demonstrates compliance of the System with all
requirements, to the extent possible in the Contractor's factory environment.
FAT Plan: is a document which specifies and describes the conditions, requirements,
plans, procedures, success criteria, and responsibilities for performance of the FAT.
The FAT Plan shall contain sufficient content and detail such that successful completion
of the FAT, according to the FAT Plan, will demonstrate and document that the System
satisfies all requirements of the Job Specification.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-1638
Issue Date: 11 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Site Acceptance Test Plan
Project Management Team (PMT): The team of Company individuals who are
assigned the responsibility of managing the project.
Site Acceptance Test (SAT): The acceptance test, performed on the installed System
that demonstrates compliance with all requirements, except availability.
System: is the process automation system that is procured under the Contract.
System Design Document: A document prepared by the vendor and/or the design
contractor that contains the design narratives and the key design issues of the system.
5 Responsibilities
4.1 The PMT has overall responsibility for the development of the SAT Plan.
The SAT Plan is to be delivered with 601 NMRs and 602 NMRs, which require
approval by both PMT and the Operating Organization (OO). Process &
Control Systems Department may be requested to review the SAT Plan at any
time as a consultant to either PMT or the OO.
4.2 Per SAEP-16, PMT and the OO are responsible to perform the SAT. Typically,
PMT includes in the Job Specification that the Contractor will perform the
structured testing. The Company has pass/fail approval authority. The OO
typically performs unstructured testing.
6 Instructions
5.1 After completion of installation and checkout per SAEP-1636, Installation and
Checkout Plan, SAT is performed to verify that the System is installed properly,
hardware and software are per specification, grounding/earth connections are
properly carried out, and the system is powered up properly. The system is
checked for damage of any kind during packing, shipment, installation, or power
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-1638
Issue Date: 11 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Site Acceptance Test Plan
5.2 Tests not conducted during the FAT due to subsystem unavailability or due to
any other reason including integration shall be performed during the SAT as
PMT considers appropriate. FAT plan and FAT test procedures developed as
per SAEP-1634 during detailed design or at the time of FAT shall be used.
5.3 The SAT Plan shall provide a complete definition of the SAT, including detailed
step-by-step procedures. Appendix 1 describes a suggested outline for the SAT
Plan. The plan need not follow this outline but shall contain, as a minimum the
information specified.
Revision Summary
11 July 2012 Revised the “Next Planned Update.” Reaffirmed the content of the document, and reissued
with no other changes.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-1638
Issue Date: 11 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Site Acceptance Test Plan
The SAT Plan serves as a checklist to “sign-off” each of the tests as they are completed.
After a test has been satisfactorily completed, the person responsible for the test will
sign and date the appropriate section of the document. This signed document will
provide the basis for the acceptance of the Site Acceptance Test.
The SAT will consist of the following categories of testing as defined by subsequent
sections in this document.
Section 4 Visual System Inspection
Section 5 System Hardware Testing
Section 6 FAT Untestable Items
All test activities will be managed by Vendor's Site Manager or his designated
representative, whose primary role is to monitor progress and manage test
activities such that all tests are completed within the planned schedule.
If the test is interrupted for any reason that portion of the test may be re-run, in
whole or part, subject to agreement by Contractor and Saudi Aramco.
A document called “Exception Item List” contains sheets that allow the
recording and resolution of any exceptions encountered during testing.
This document is considered part of the SAT records.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-1638
Issue Date: 11 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Site Acceptance Test Plan
Each exception reported is further classified into one of the following resolution
Type 1 - Exception must be corrected before SAT can continue.
Type 2 - Exception must be corrected before SAT completion.
Type 3 - Exception will be corrected before Final Acceptance.
Type 4 - Exception noted for resolution later by CONTRACTOR and
Saudi Aramco.
The purpose of this section of the test is to ensure that all of the required system
components are installed per the documents and are free of defects.
This section is intended for an engineering review and that a certified Quality
Assurance inspection has been performed. This section may be eliminated or
minimized as deemed by the project team.
Verify that all the DCS system and vendor subsystem components are
free of damage or manufacturing defects by visually inspecting them.
Verify that all of the system components are installed by checking their
installation against the Cabinet Internal Arrangement and Wiring
Drawings. Checking is to include:
a) Subsystem quantity and interconnection.
b) Enclosure loading and cabling.
Verify that the module identification of all DCS and sub-system modules
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-1638
Issue Date: 11 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Site Acceptance Test Plan
Verify that the proper labels are attached, per the requirements of the
Saudi Aramco specification as documented on the enclosure and console
drawings, for the following items:
a) DCS and Subsystem Enclosures
b) Workstations
c) I/O termination blocks
d) Printers
e) System Cables
f) Marshalling Cabinets
H/W Module General Complete Saudi
Cabinet Defects Contractor Remarks
Inventory ID Label Date Aramco
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-1638
Issue Date: 11 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Site Acceptance Test Plan
The purpose of this section of the test is to ensure that all of the system hardware
components are functioning properly.
Turn power off to all of the enclosures and wait 30 seconds for the power
to drain. Turn the power on to all of the enclosures and allow the system
to boot. Verify that all of the modules pass their diagnostics and are
Turn off the main power supplies and verify that the back-up
power supply maintains power to all modules and that an alarm
is generated to notify the operator that power has been
disrupted. Carry out this test for all the systems.
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Document Responsibility: Process Control Standards Committee SAEP-1638
Issue Date: 11 July 2012
Next Planned Update: 11 July 2017 Site Acceptance Test Plan
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