G.R. No. L-15247 February 28, 1962

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The case discusses the liability of an employer for damages caused by its employee in a vehicular accident.

The case was about a civil action filed by the respondent Angeline Steen to recover damages from the petitioner De Leon Brokerage Co. and its employee Augusto Luna for injuries suffered in a collision between Luna's cargo truck and the passenger jeepney the respondent was riding in.

The petitioner claimed that: 1) the complaint was ambiguous on whether it was for damages from a quasi-delict or crime, 2) the criminal conviction was not admissible as evidence of a quasi-delict, 3) Luna was not performing his duties at the time of the accident, and 4) it could not be held solidarily liable with Luna.

G.R. No.

L-15247 February 28, 1962

STEEN, respondents.

Review of the decision of the Court of Appeals affirming the decision of the Court of First Instance of Manila which
ordered petitioner and its employee, Augusto Luna, to pay jointly and severally to respondent Angeline Steen
P12,18370 as actual and moral damages, and attorney's fees.

The awards were for injuries said respondent suffered as a result of the collision between the passenger jeepney in
which she was riding, and petitioner's cargo truck reclessly driven by its employee, Luna, and for which the latter had
been prosecuted and convicted of the crime of homicide with physical injuries thru reckless imprudence.In the
criminal action against Luna (and the driver of the passenger jeepney, who was, however, acquitted), respondent had
reserved her right to file a separate civil action.

After a judgment of conviction had been rendered, respondent filed in the court of first inst ance of Manila, an action
for recovery of damages against Luna and petitioner.As proof of Luna's negligence, she presented during the hearing
the judgment of conviction in the criminal case, Exh. B; and likewise established her claim for actual, moral and
exemplary damages. Defendants, that is, Luna and petitioner, sought to prove by means of the former's testimony
that he was not engaged in the performance of his duties at the time of the accident.

Said court rendered judgment — which on appeal was affirmed by the Court of Appeals — holding petitioner and
Luna solidarily liable to respondent for the sums of P1,183.70 for actual expenses; P3,000.00 for unpaid medical
fees; P7,000.00 as moral damages; and P1,000.00 as attorney'sfees; all amount to earn legal interest from the filing
of the complaint, plus costs.

Seeking reversal of such affirmance by the AppellanteCourt, De Leon Brokerage Claims that: (1) the allegations in
respondent's complaint were so ambiguous that it was not clear whether she was suing for damages resulting from a
quasi-delict or for civil liability arising from crime,but since the averments therein are more characteristic of an action
of the latter nature, the same, as against petitioner, is premature for failure to allege the insolvency of its employee;
(2) the judgment of conviction Exh. B, is not admissible against it as evidence of a quasi-delict; (3)the employee,
Luna, was not in the discharge of his dutiesat the time of the accident; and (4) it cannot be held solidarily liable with
Luna for damages.

The court of origin and the appellate court correctly considered respondent's complaint to be based on a
quasidelict.She alleged that she suffered unjuries because of the carelessness and imprudence of petitioner's
chauffeur who was driving the cargo truck TH-776 belonging to petitioner,which truck collided with the passenger
jeepney wherein shwe was riding. Since averment had been made of the employer-employee relationship and of the
damages caused by the employee on occasion of his function, there is a clear statement of a right of action under
Article 2180 of the Civil Code. The complaint does not, and did not have to allege that petitioner did not exercise due
deligence in choosing and supervising Luna, because this is a matter of defense.

Contrary to petitioner's view, respondent is holding it liable for its own lack of car. Her allegation "that the acts of the
defendants above described consitutute gross negligence and recklessness", plainly refers to petitioner's act of
employing Luna as driver of its cargo truck, and to Luna's careless manner of driving it.

Whatever doubts remain as to the nature of respondent's action are resolved by her prayer that petitioner and its
employee be held solidarily liable.

According to petitioner, what causes confusion as to the nature of respondent's action are the allegations of Luna's
conviction (a copy of the judgment of conviction was attached of her civil action — circumstances, petitionerargues,
which infallibly characterize an action for civil indemnityunder the criminal code.

But respondent clearly did not base her suit on the criminal conviction. This fact, it is true, was alleged in a paragraph
separate from her allegation of Luna's negligene as having been the cause of her injuries; but mention of the criminal
conviction merely tended to support her claim that Luna had been recklessly negligent in driving the truck. Being
evidentiary, the allegation could have beeb dusregarded. 1äwphï1.ñët
Respondent neither had to wait for the termination of the criminal proceeding nor to reserve in the same her right to
file a separate civil action.1 She waited for the results of the criminal action because she wanted to besure which
driver and respective employer she could rightly sue, since both Luna and the driver of the passenger jeepney were
prosecuted. An she reserved because otherwise, the court in the criminal proceeding would have awarded her
indemnity, since the civil action for recoveryof civil liablity arising from the offense is deemed instuted with the criminal
action.2 In such event, she would no longer be able to file the separate civil action contemplated by the civil code, not
because of failure to reserve the same but because she would have already received indemnity forher injuries.3

Plainly, the reservation made in the criminal action does not preclude a subsequent action based on a quasi-delict.It
cannot be inferred therefrom that respondent had chosento file the very civil action she had reserved. The only
conclusionthat can reasonably be drawn is that she did not want the question of damages threshed out in the criminal
action, but preferred to have this issue decided in a separate civil action.

At any rate, if respondent's complaint, which was clear enough, had created confusion in petitioner's mind as to the
foundation of her cause of action, then it should have moved for a more definite statement of the same before the

However, it seems that petitioner understood quite wellthat it was being held liablie under the civil code. In its answer,
it alleged as an affirmative defense that in the selection and supervision of its employees and drivers, it had exercised
the diligence of a good father of a family — a defense available only to an employer being sued for a quasi-delict.
Petitioner arques that, not knowing the nature of respondent's action and deciding to play it safe,it put up defense
both against a suit for quasi-delict and against an action for civil liability arising from crime. Yet,it did not aver that the
complaint failed to alleged that its employee was insolvent — the defense consistent with an action against an
employer for subsidiary liabilityunder the criminal code. What it alleged was that the complaint failed to state a cause
of action as against it,which could nt be sustained since the complaint sufficientlyalleges an action based on quasi-
delict and the court could validly have granted respondent's prayer for relief.4

Considering that the judgment of conviction, Exh. B,had been admitted without objection, its competency can no
longer be questioned on appeal.5 It established the factof Luna's negligence, giving rise to the presumption that
petitioner had been negligent in the selection and supervisionof its employees.6 And petitioner failed to prove that it
had exercised such requisite care and deligence as would relieve it from responsibility.

But, was Luna in the performance of his duties at the time of the colision? He testified that on the day of the accident
he had been instructed to go to Pampanga, from there to proceed to Nueva Ecija, but that after unloading his cargo in
Pampanga, he at once returned to Manila.However, his reason for immediately returning to Manilais not clear. He
could have returned for purposes of repair. It does not appear that he was on an errand of his own. In the absence of
determinative proof that the deviationwas so complete as would constitute a cessation orsuspension of his service,
petitioner should be held liable,7 In fact, the Court of Appeals disbelieved the alleged violationof instructions.

Since both Luna and petitioner are responsible for the quasi-delict, their liablity is solidary8, although the latter can
recover from the former whatever sums it pays to respondent.9

Petitioner invites attention to Art. 2184, of the Civil Code, and insists that it is only in the instance covered thereby —
when the owner of the motor vehicle is riding therein at the time of the mishap — that the employer becomes
solidarily liable with the driver for any accident resulting from the latter's negligence. That article refers to owners of
vehicles who are not included in the terms of Art. 2180 "as owners of an establishement or enterprise."

As alternative remedy, petitioner asks that the damages awarded be reduced. The moral damages of P7,000.00 is
amply justified by the pain and disfigurement suffered byrespondent, a pretty girl of sixteen (at the time of
theaccident), whose left arm had been scraped bare of flesh from shoulder to elbow because of the accident. As a
result, she had to undergo seven operations which cost P3,000.00 — a reasonable enough sum. Attorney's fees of
P1,000.00 is not unconscionable considering that the case was appealed to this Court.

IN VIEW OF THE FOREGOING, the judgment of the Court of Appeals is hereby affirmed with costs.

SESISTA, and REYNALDO SESISTA, G.R. No. 173180 August 24, 2011
Two vehicles, a tractor-trailer and a jitney, [1] figured in a vehicular mishap along Maharlika Highway
in Barangay Agos, Polangui, Albay last 12 August 1994. Laarni Pomasin (Laarni) was driving the jitney towards the
direction of Legaspi City while the tractor-trailer, driven by Claudio Jabon (Jabon), was traversing the opposite lane
going towards Naga City.[2]

The opposing parties gave two different versions of the incident.

Gregorio Pomasin (Gregorio), Laarnis father, was on board the jitney and seated on the passengers
side. He testified that while the jitney was passing through a curve going downward, he saw a tractor-trailer coming
from the opposite direction and encroaching on the jitneys lane. The jitney was hit by the tractor-trailer and it was
dragged further causing death and injuries to its passengers.[3]

On the other hand, Jabon recounted that while he was driving the tractor-trailer, he noticed a jitney on the
opposite lane falling off the shoulder of the road. Thereafter, it began running in a zigzag manner and heading
towards the direction of the truck. To avoid collision, Jabon immediately swerved the tractor-trailer to the right where it
hit a tree and sacks of palay. Unfortunately, the jitney still hit the left fender of the tractor-trailer before it was thrown a
few meters away. The tractor-trailer was likewise damaged.[4]

Multiple death and injuries to those in the jitney resulted.

Gregorio was injured and brought to the Albay Provincial Hospital in Legaspi City. His daughter, Andrea
Pomasin Pagunsan, sister Narcisa Pomasin Roncales and Abraham Dionisio Perol died on the spot. His other
daughter Laarni, the jitney driver, and granddaughter Annie Jane Pomasin Pagunsan expired at the hospital. His wife,
Consorcia Pomasin, another granddaughter Dianne Pomasin Pagunsan, Ricky Ponce, Vicente Pomasin, Gina
Sesista, Reynaldo Sesista, Antonio Sesista and Sonia Perol sustained injuries.[5] On the other hand, Jabon and one
of the passengers in the tractor-trailer were injured.[6]

Albert Tison (Tison), the owner of the truck, extended financial assistance to respondents by giving
them P1,000.00 each immediately after the accident and P200,000.00 to Cynthia Pomasin (Cynthia), one of
Gregorios daughters. Cynthia, in turn, executed an Affidavit of Desistance.

On 14 November 1994, respondents filed a complaint for damages against petitioners before the Regional
Trial Court (RTC) of Antipolo. They alleged that the proximate cause of the accident was the negligence, imprudence
and carelessness of petitioners. Respondents prayed for indemnification for the heirs of those who perished in the
accident at P50,000.00 each; P500,000.00 for hospitalization, medical and burial expenses; P350,000.00 for
continuous hospitalization and medical expenses of Spouses Pomasin; P1,000,000.00 as moral
damages; P250,000.00 as exemplary damages; P30,000.00 for loss of income of Cynthia; P100,000.00 as attorneys
fees plus P1,000.00 per court appearance; P50,000.00 for litigation expenses; and cost of suit.[7]

In their Answer, petitioners countered that it was Laarnis negligence which proximately caused the
accident. They further claimed that Cynthia was authorized by Spouses Pomasin to enter into an amicable settlement
by executing an Affidavit of Desistance. Notwithstanding the affidavit, petitioners complained that respondents filed
the instant complaint to harass them and profit from the recklessness of Laarni. Petitioners counterclaimed for

Petitioners subsequently filed a motion to dismiss the complaint in view of the Affidavit of Desistance
executed by Cynthia. The motion was denied for lack of merit.[8]

On 7 February 2000, the Regional Trial Court rendered judgment in favor of petitioners dismissing the
complaint for damages, the dispositive portion of which reads:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered in favor of the defendants and against

plaintiffs hereby DISMISSING the instant complaint considering that plaintiffs have authorized
Cynthia Pomasin to settle the case amicably for P200,000.00; and that the proximate cause of the
accident did not arise from the fault or negligence of defendants driver/employee but from plaintiffs

The trial court considered the testimony of Jabon regarding the incident more convincing and reliable than
that of Gregorios, a mere passenger, whose observation and attention to the road is not as focused as that of the
driver. The trial court concluded that Laarni caused the collision of the jitney and the tractor-trailer. The trial court
likewise upheld the Affidavit of Desistance as having been executed with the tacit consent of respondents.
The Court of Appeals disagreed with the trial court and ruled that the reckless driving of Jabon caused the
vehicular collision. In support of such finding, the Court of Appeals relied heavily on Gregorios testimony that Jabon
was driving the tractor-trailer downward too fast and it encroached the lane of the jitney. Based on the gravity of the
impact and the damage caused to the jitney resulting in the death of some passengers, the Court of Appeals inferred
that Jabon must be speeding. The appellate court noted that the restriction in Jabons drivers license was violated,
thus, giving rise to the presumption that he was negligent at the time of the accident. Tison was likewise held liable
for damages for his failure to prove due diligence in supervising Jabon after he was hired as driver of the
truck. Finally, the appellate court disregarded the Affidavit of Desistance executed by Cynthia because the latter had
no written power of attorney from respondents and that she was so confused at the time when she signed the
affidavit that she did not read its content.

The dispositive portion of the assailed Decision states:

WHEREFORE, the present appeal is granted, and the trial courts Decision dated February
7, 2003 is set aside. Defendants-appellees are ordered to pay plaintiffs-appellants or their heirs the

a) Actual damages of P136,000.00 as above computed, to be offset with the P200,000.00

received by plaintiff-appellant Cynthia Pomasin;

b) Civil indemnity of P50,000.00 for the death of each victim, to be offset with the balance
of P64,000.00 from the aforementioned P200,000.00 of civil indemnity received by plaintiff-
appellant Cynthia Pomasin. Hence, the net amount is computed at P37,200.00 each, as follows:

Narcisa Pomasin P37,200.00

Laarni Pomasin P37,200.00
Andrea P. Pagunsan P37,200.00
Dionisio Perol P37,200.00
Annie Jane P. Pagunsan P37,200.00

c) Moral damages of P50,000.00 to each of the victims; and

d) Attorneys fees of 10% of the total award.[10]

Petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration, which was, however, denied by the Court of Appeals in a
Resolution[11] dated 19 July 2006.

The petition for review raises mixed questions of fact and law which lead back to the very issue litigated by
the trial court: Who is the negligent party or the party at fault?

The issue of negligence is factual in nature. [12] And the rule, and the exceptions, is that factual findings of the Court of
Appeals are generally conclusive but may be reviewed when: (1) the factual findings of the Court of Appeals and the
trial court are contradictory; (2) the findings are grounded entirely on speculation, surmises or conjectures; (3) the
inference made by the Court of Appeals from its findings of fact is manifestly mistaken, absurd or impossible; (4)
there is grave abuse of discretion in the appreciation of facts; (5) the appellate court, in making its findings, goes
beyond the issues of the case and such findings are contrary to the admissions of both appellant and appellee; (6)
the judgment of the Court of Appeals is premised on a misapprehension of facts; (7) the Court of Appeals fails to
notice certain relevant facts which, if properly considered, will justify a different conclusion; and (8) the findings of fact
of the Court of Appeals are contrary to those of the trial court or are mere conclusions without citation of specific
evidence, or where the facts set forth by the petitioner are not disputed by respondent, or where the findings of fact of
the Court of Appeals are premised on the absence of evidence but are contradicted by the evidence on record.[13]

The exceptions to the rule underscore the substance and weight of the findings of the trial court. They render
inconclusive contrary findings by the appellate court. The reason is now a fundamental principle:

[A]ppellate courts do not disturb the findings of the trial courts with regard to the assessment of the
credibility of witnesses. The reason for this is that trial courts have the unique opportunity to
observe the witneses first hand and note their demeanor, conduct and attitude under grilling

The exceptions to this rule are when the trial courts findings of facts and conclusions are not
supported by the evidence on record, or when certain facts of substance and value, likely to
change the outcome of the case, have been overlooked by the trial court, or when the assailed
decision is based on a misapprehension of facts.[14]

This interplay of rules and exceptions is more pronounced in this case of quasi-delict in which, according
to Article 2176 of the Civil Code, whoever by act or omission causes damage to another, there being fault or
negligence, is obliged to pay for the damage done. To sustain a claim based on quasi-delict, the following requisites
must concur: (a) damage suffered by the plaintiff; (b) fault or negligence of defendant; and (c) connection of cause
and effect between the fault or negligence of defendant and the damage incurred by the plaintiff. [15] These requisites
must be proved by a preponderance of evidence.[16] The claimants, respondents in this case, must, therefore,
establish their claim or cause of action by preponderance of evidence, evidence which is of greater weight, or more
convincing than that which is offered in opposition to it.[17]

The trial court found that the jitney driver was negligent. We give weight to this finding greater than the opposite
conclusion reached by the appellate court that the driver of the tractor-trailer caused the vehicular collision.

One reason why the trial court found credible the version of Jabon was because his concentration as driver
is more focused than that of a mere passenger. The trial court expounded, thus:

In the appreciation of the testimony of eye-witnesses, one overriding consideration is their

opportunity for observation in getting to know or actually seeing or observing the matter they testify
to. This most particularly holds true in vehicular collision or accident cases which oftentimes
happen merely momentarily or in the split of a second. In the case of a running or travelling vehicle,
especially in highway travel which doubtless involves faster speed than in ordinary roads, the driver
is concentrated on his driving continuously from moment to moment even in long trips. While in the
case of a mere passenger, he does not have to direct his attention to the safe conduct of the
travelling vehicle, as in fact he may converse with other passengers and pay no attention to the
driving or safe conduct of the travelling vehicle, as he may even doze off to sleep if he wants to,
rendering his opportunity for observation on the precise cause of the accident or collision or
immediately preceding thereto not as much as that of the driver whose attention is continuously
focused on his driving. So that as between the respective versions of the plaintiffs thru their
passenger and that of the defendants thru their driver as to the cause or antecedent causes that
led to the vehicular collision in this case, the version of the driver of defendant should ordinarily be
more reliable than the version of a mere passenger of Plaintiffs vehicle, simply because the
attention of the passenger is not as much concentrated on the driving as that of the driver,
consequently the capacity for observation of the latter of the latter on the matter testified to which is
the precise point of inquiry --- the proximate cause of the accident --- is more reasonably
reliable. Moreover, the passengers vision is not as good as that of the driver from the vantage point
of the drivers seat especially in nighttime, thus rendering a passengers opportunity for observation
on the antecedent causes of the collision lesser than that of the driver. This being so, this Court is
more inclined to believe the story of defendants driver Claudio Jabon that the jitney driven by
Laarni Pomasin fell off the shoulder of the curved road causing it to run thereafter in a zigzag
manner and in the process the two vehicles approaching each other from opposite directions at
highway speed came in contact with each other, the zigzagging jeep hitting the left fender of the
truck all the way to the fuel tank, the violent impact resulting in the lighter vehicle, the jitney, being
thrown away due to the disparate size of the truck.[18]

The appellate court labelled the trial courts rationalization as a sweeping conjecture [19] and countered that
Gregorio was actually occupying the front seat of the jitney and had actually a clear view of the incident despite the
fact that he was not driving.

While it is logical that a drivers attention to the road travelled is keener than that of a mere passenger, it
should also be considered that the logic will hold only if the two are similarly circumstanced, and only as a general
rule, so that, it does not necessarily follow that between the opposing testimonies of a driver and a passenger, the
former is more credible. The factual setting of the event testified on must certainly be considered.

The trial court did just that in the instant case. Contrary to the observation of the Court of Appeals, the
relative positions of a driver and a passenger in a vehicle was not the only basis of analysis of the trial court. Notably,
aside from Jabons alleged vantage point to clearly observe the incident, the trial court also took into consideration
Gregorios admission that prior to the accident, the jitney was running on the curving and downward portion of the
highway. The appellate court, however, took into account the other and opposite testimony of Gregorio that it was
their jitney that was going uphill and when it was about to reach a curve, he saw the incoming truck running very fast
and encroaching the jitneys lane.

We perused the transcript of stenographic notes and found that the truck was actually ascending the
highway when it collided with the descending jitney.

During the direct examination, Jabon narrated that the tractor-trailer was ascending at a speed of 35 to 40
kilometers per hour when he saw the jitney on the opposite lane running in a zigzag manner, thus:

Q: Now, when you passed by the municipality of Polangui, Albay at about 5:00 of August 12, 1994,
could you tell the Court if there was any untoward incident that happened?

A: There was sir.

Q: Could you please tell the Court?

A: While on my way to Liboro coming from Sorsogon, I met on my way a vehicle going on a zigzag
direction and it even fell on the shoulder and proceeded going on its way on a zigzag

Q: Could you describe to the Court what was the kind of vehicle you saw running in zigzag

A: A Toyota-jitney loaded with passengers with top-load.

Q: You said that the top[-]load of the jeep is loaded?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: Could you please tell the Court what was your speed at the time when you saw that jeepney
with top[-]load running on a zigzag manner?

A: I was running 35 to 40 kilometers per hour because I was ascending plain. (Emphasis

In that same direct examination, Jabon confirmed that he was ascending, viz:

Q: Could you please describe the condition in the area at the time of the incident, was it dark or day

A: It was still bright.

COURT: But it was not approaching sunset?

A: Yes, sir.

Q: Was there any rain at that time?

A: None sir.

Q: So the road was dry?

A: Yes sir.

Q: You said you were ascending towards the direction of Liboro, Camarines Sur, is that
correct at the time the incident happened?

A: Yes sir.[21] (Emphasis supplied).

Upon the other hand, Gregorio, during his direct examination described the road condition where the
collision took place as curving and downward, thus:
Q: Could you please describe the place where the incident happened in so far as the road condition
is concerned?

A: The road was curving and downward.

Q: And the road was of course clear from traffic, is that correct?

A: Yes sir.

Q: And practically, your jitney was the only car running at that time?

A: Yes sir.[22] (Emphasis supplied).

Significantly, this is a confirmation of the testimony of Jabon.

However, on rebuttal, Gregorio turned around and stated that the jitney was going uphill when he saw the
tractor-trailer running down very fact and encroaching on their lane, to wit:

Q: Mr. Claudio Jabon, the driver of the trailer truck that collided with your owner jeepney that you
were riding testified in open Court on July 24, 1997 which I quote, while on my way to
Liboro coming to Sorsogon I met a vehicle going on a zig-zag direction and it even fell on
the shoulder and proceeded going on its way on zig-zag direction, what can you say about
this statement of this witness?

A: We were no[t] zigzagging but because we were going uphill and about to reach a curved (sic)
we saw the on-coming vehicle going down very fast and encroaching on our lane so our
driver swerved our vehicle to the right but still we were hit by the on-coming vehicle.
(Emphasis supplied).

The declaration of Jabon with respect to the road condition was straightforward and consistent. The
recollection of Gregorio veered from curving and downward to uphill. [24] On this point, Jabon and his testimony is
more credible.

The fact that the jitney easily fell into the road shoulder, an undebated fact, supports the trial courts
conclusion that the jitney was indeed going downhill which, it may be repeated, was the original testimony of Gregorio
that the road was curving and downward. [25] It is this conclusion, prodded by the inconsistency of Gregorios testimony,
that gives credence to the further testimony of Jabon that the herein respondents jitney, loaded with passengers with
top-load was running in a zigzag manner.[26]

Going downward, the jitney had the tendency to accelerate. The fall into the shoulder of the road can result
in the loss of control of the jitney, which explains why it was running in a zigzag manner before it hit the tractor-trailer.

There was no showing that the tractor-trailer was speeding. There is a preponderance of evidence that the
tractor-trailer was in fact ascending. Considering its size and the weight of the tractor-trailer, its speed could not be
more than that of a fully loaded jitney which was running downhill in a zigzagging manner.

Neither can it be inferred that Jabon was negligent. In hindsight, it can be argued that Jabon should have
swerved to the right upon seeing the jitney zigzagging before it collided with the tractor-trailer. Accidents, though,
happen in an instant, and, understandably in this case, leaving the driver without sufficient time and space to
maneuver a vehicle the size of a tractor-trailer uphill and away from collision with the jitney oncoming downhill.
Clearly, the negligence of Gregorios daughter, Laarni was the proximate cause of the accident.

We did not lose sight of the fact that at the time of the incident, Jabon was prohibited from driving the truck
due to the restriction imposed on his drivers license, i.e.,restriction code 2 and 3. As a matter of fact, Jabon even
asked the Land Transportation Office to reinstate his articulated license containing restriction code 8 which would
allow him to drive a tractor-trailer. The Court of Appeals concluded therefrom that Jabon was violating a traffic
regulation at the time of the collision.

Driving without a proper license is a violation of traffic regulation. Under Article 2185 of the Civil Code, the
legal presumption of negligence arises if at the time of the mishap, a person was violating any traffic
regulation. However, in Sanitary Steam Laundry, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,[27] we held that a causal connection must
exist between the injury received and the violation of the traffic regulation. It must be proven that the violation of the
traffic regulation was the proximate or legal cause of the injury or that it substantially contributed
thereto. Negligence, consisting in whole or in part, of violation of law, like any other negligence, is without legal
consequence unless it is a contributing cause of the injury.[28] Likewise controlling is our ruling in Aonuevo v. Court of
Appeals[29] where we reiterated that negligence per se, arising from the mere violation of a traffic statute, need not be
sufficient in itself in establishing liability for damages. In said case, Aonuevo, who was driving a car, did not attempt to
establish a causal connection between the safety violations imputed to the injured cyclist, and the accident itself.
Instead, he relied on a putative presumption that these violations in themselves sufficiently established negligence
appreciable against the cyclist. Since the onus on Aonuevo is to conclusively prove the link between the violations
and the accident, we can deem him as having failed to discharge his necessary burden of proving the cyclists own
liability.[30] We took the occasion to state that:

The rule on negligence per se must admit qualifications that may arise from the logical
consequences of the facts leading to the mishap. The doctrine (and Article 2185, for that matter) is
undeniably useful as a judicial guide in adjudging liability, for it seeks to impute culpability arising
from the failure of the actor to perform up to a standard established by a legal fiat. But the doctrine
should not be rendered inflexible so as to deny relief when in fact there is no causal relation
between the statutory violation and the injury sustained. Presumptions in law, while convenient,
are not intractable so as to forbid rebuttal rooted in fact. After all, tort law is remunerative in spirit,
aiming to provide compensation for the harm suffered by those whose interests have been invaded
owing to the conduct of other.[31]

In the instant case, no causal connection was established between the tractor-trailer drivers restrictions on
his license to the vehicular collision. Furthermore, Jabon was able to sufficiently explain that the Land Transportation
Office merely erred in not including restriction code 8 in his license.

Petitioners presented the Affidavit of Desistance executed by Cynthia to exonerate them from any
liability. An affidavit of desistance is usually frowned upon by courts.Little or no persuasive value is often attached to a
desistance.[32] The subject affidavit does not deserve a second look more so that it appears that Cynthia was not
armed with a special power of attorney to enter into a settlement with petitioners. At any rate, it is an exercise of
futility to delve into the effects of the affidavit of desistance executed by one of the respondents since it has already
been established that petitioners are not negligent.

WHEREFORE, the petition is GRANTED. The challenged Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals
are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. Civil Case No. 94-3418 lodged before the Regional Trial Court of Antipolo City,
Branch 74, is DISMISSED for lack of merit.

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