Classical Guitar Complete - Music Mark PDF
Classical Guitar Complete - Music Mark PDF
Classical Guitar Complete - Music Mark PDF
A Common
Classical Guitar
Introduction 1
The Classical Guitar Framework 3
Programme of Study 1 4
Programme of Study 2 18
Programme of Study 3 30
Programme of Study 4 42
Programme of Study 5 58
Unit of Work Template 76
Specimen Units of Work 77
Short-term Planning and Recording Template 83
Summary of Learning Outcomes 85
Summary of Learning Objectives 88
Glossary 94
eveloping this revised and expanded version of A Common Approach has been a
D challenging and illuminating task. Our career paths and teaching experiences are
diverse. We were aware that there are many different ways of teaching classical
guitar. Nevertheless, we discovered considerable common ground. We also found that we
shared many similar ideas and principles with colleagues from the other working parties.
Indeed, it was reassuring to find that many colleagues who contributed to the consultative
process not only concurred with much of our thinking but also use some of the activities
included here in their own teaching. To all who responded to the draft documentation, we
are extremely grateful. Your experience and expertise were particularly valuable, and helped to
clarify and refine our thinking.
By drawing on good practice, A Common Approach aims to improve the quality of musical
experience for all pupils by encouraging instrumental / vocal teachers to reflect on, develop
and improve their professional skills, knowledge and understanding. But it is not intended to
be prescriptive. Our hope is that teachers will find the suggestions useful and will be helped
in developing their own work further. Instrumental teaching is always evolving and we can all
benefit from a fresh look at even the most fundamental aspects of our work.
All the ideas and activities have been proven to work on many occasions, in a variety of
circumstances and with different pupils. We believe, therefore, that the learning objectives
and activities, used in conjunction with a wide and attractive range of repertoire, offer pupils
the opportunity to enjoy a broad and balanced instrumental curriculum. Above all, we hope
that we are encouraging a musical approach to learning an instrument, an approach that at
each stage of learning is stimulating, enlightening and rewarding, and gives pupils a
deepening love of music and a range of skills, knowledge and understanding.
The classical guitar is still, in pedagogical terms, a relatively young instrument. Its teaching
traditions are not as coherent, consistent or evolved as, for example, those of the piano or
bowed strings, so the idea of ‘a common approach’ to instrument learning represents a
particular challenge for guitar teachers. It is difficult to argue that the guitar is harder to play
than other instruments, but it does possess inherent characteristics that make early access
to its indigenous repertoire – and therefore its Grade examinations – problematic. Like the
pianist, the guitarist does not just play melodic lines (in various registers) but accompanies
them at the same time (with chords or arpeggios). He or she must also read and play music
written in two or more equal but independent voices, giving due regard to the demands of
each voice. Such distinct musical elements require separate right-hand techniques which
should be taught individually at first if they are eventually to work well in combination. At a
basic level these consist of: alternating pairs of fingers, the independent use of the thumb
(including damping) and arpeggiating with thumb and fingers together. In respect of
A Common Approach, therefore, programmes 1 and 2 focus on the development
of these techniques, solo repertoire not coming on-stream until programme 3.
apoyando or tirando when playing single-line melodies with alternating fingers, but bear in
mind the predominance of the tirando stroke in guitar music in general, and in the next broad
stage of development in particular. Programmes 3 and 4 see the technical emphasis move
from right hand to left. Position shifting is explored, along with barrés and ligados, those
awkward left-hand techniques peculiar to the guitar. The suggested activities, here as
elsewhere, focus on the musical aims of these techniques, e.g. to perform shifts legato and
to execute left-hand slurs rhythmically. Programme 5 seeks to consolidate and extend
technical skills in a way that will equip pupils for independent learning, enabling them to make
informed choices regarding how best to apply those skills as they increasingly make their
own musical decisions.
The following general points are intended to raise awareness of important issues. They may
be of particular relevance to new teachers.
• Make sure that pupils have appropriate-sized instruments from the start. Where possible,
teachers should advise on the purchase of a new instrument. Although guitars are
relatively inexpensive, parents / carers need to be reminded that the cheapest instrument
does not necessarily represent the best value. Providing information about instrument
insurance is important as well.
• Make sure the strings are wound round the capstan the right way and the machine heads
are in good working order. Strings should be set at a comfortable height but should not
rattle against the frets.
• Make sure pupils have their own footstool for practising at home. Other devices are
advisable only if they are fully adjustable and can take into account differences in
chair height.
• Be aware of individual physical characteristics, including disabilities.
• Accompany early learners whenever possible, to help develop awareness of pulse,
listening skills, etc.
• Professional issues regarding pupil and teacher protection are of the utmost importance.
Teachers working for Music Services and / or schools will probably have access to
comprehensive guidelines. Private teachers are advised to seek guidance from one of the
professional associations.
Pupils should be offered broad and balanced programmes of study that promote and
develop musical playing and singing. They should be given opportunities to:
i listening to music with concentration in and out of lessons, building on their experiences
ii having a clear aural perception of the music to be played
iiirecognising and discriminating between the musical elements of pulse, pitch, rhythm,
tempo, dynamics, texture, and tone colour
iv recognising and conveying structural elements in their playing
v making links between sound and symbols when using notation
i improvising expressively
ii applying their instrumental skills in composing
iii interpreting music, developing a personal response
* where appropriate
Programme of Study 1
NQF entry level / Pre-grade 1
Learning objectives
A. listening and internalising
Pupils should learn to: i listen to music with concentration in and out of lessons, enjoying their experiences and
building on them
During Programme 1, pupils aim to iii recognise and discriminate between the musical elements of pulse, pitch, rhythm, tempo,
control sounds on the guitar. They dynamics, texture, and notice changes of tone quality and colour
start to develop technical and
musical skills. They learn how to
play simple pieces, enjoying their
experiences and building on them
with increasing confidence.
iv recognise and convey in their playing simple rhythmic and melodic patterns, e.g. repetition
of main tune
v make links between sounds and symbols when using notation, e.g. shape of the melody
Programme of Study 1
NQF entry level / Pre-grade 1
• Ask pupils to listen with concentration to different pieces of music in their own time and then It is important that listening is
describe them in the lesson, including aspects of dynamics, instrumentation, character, etc. approached in a relaxed and enjoyable
• Encourage pupils to jot down details of favourite pieces in their notebooks. way.
• Ask pupils to tap the pulse of music played by the teacher or other pupils. Listening games can be linked to all
the pieces being learnt in the early
• Ask pupils to respond physically to music being played, i.e. moving in time or beating time to stages.
music with a regular pulse. Repeat at different tempi.
• Go through the piece again with pupils, using gestures or actions to indicate rests. Ensure that pupils understand the
• Help pupils to play / sing short, simple rhythmic / melodic phrases by ear. difference between tempo, pulse and
• Ask pupils simple questions about pulse, pitch, rhythm, dynamics, etc. rhythm.
• Ask pupils to sing songs they know well, singing some phrases in their heads at a given
signal from the teacher. When pupils sing aloud again, they should be singing at the correct Further ideas in developing aural
pitch and pulse. acuity can be found in the approaches
of Kodaly and Dalcroze (Eurhythmics).
• Ask pupils to sing the final note to complete a melodic phrase played / sung by the teacher. In the first instance, it helps if the
penultimate note is either the leading
note or the supertonic.
• Ask pupils how many phrases there are in a short piece. Where do they start and finish?
• Listen to other short pieces, e.g. ‘Hot Cross Buns’, and ask pupils to indicate when the main There are many opportunities to use a
tune is repeated: count the number of times it is repeated and describe what happens in wide range of musical styles from
between. around the world.
• Using notation, ask pupils to play / sing or clap short phrases of a piece and count silent bars
in their heads, e.g. bars 1-2 clapped / played / sung, bars 3-4 counted and bars 5-6
clapped / played / sung.
• Using notation, ask pupils to describe the main features of a piece before playing / singing it –
e.g. shape of melody and obvious repetitions.
• Play a familiar piece incorrectly. Ask pupils to spot the mistakes.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique
ii tuning
• understand the basic principles of tuning the instrument
• move the thumb independently of the rest of the hand and damp open-string bass notes
• control sequential right-hand thumb and finger movements in the simplest arpeggio patterns
• Encourage pupils to explore the effect on pitch of plucking a string and immediately tightening An electronic tuner (with visual display)
and loosening it, i.e. giving its machine head one or two full turns in both directions. can be useful for practising at home.
• Play an open string. Ask pupils to:
– play the equivalent string in response Playing the string two or three times
– say whether it is higher or lower in pitch and silencing it between repetitions
– turn the machine head accordingly can help pupils to focus on the pitch.
right hand (tone quality and dynamics) Squeezing a soft, suitably sized ball
• Show pupils how to prepare the basic right-hand stance by forming a fist with the fingers flat between the fingers and palm can
against the palm, placing it over the sound hole, then opening the hand until the tips of the also help establish a good hand
fingers and thumb (pima) stand on each of the top four strings. Encourage pupils to develop shape.
their own pictorial image to support this process, e.g. seeing the thumb and fingers as
forming an ‘X’. Check that the hand and forearm are
• Demonstrate ‘parachute landing’, i.e. how to lift the ready-formed hand shape on and off the aligned. (It is much more difficult to
top four strings of the guitar from the elbow. Ask pupils to imitate. make a fist if they are not aligned.)
The wrist should be relaxed, with the
back of the hand parallel to the
face of the guitar and the line from
knuckle to fingertip more or less
perpendicular to it.
• Accompany pupils as they play single-note, open-string rhythm patterns with the thumb Check that the thumb moves from the
(fingers planted on the top three strings), ensuring a regular pulse. wrist joint, with its middle joint held
• Play single-note, open-string rhythm patterns and ask pupils to copy them. away from the hand. This can take
• Ask pupils to play ‘mini-scales’ with the thumb, using the notes they know. longer to develop in pupils with
• Show pupils how to play two adjacent bass strings with the thumb, one after the other particularly flexible or double-jointed
(soh-doh). As soon as the second one has sounded, ask pupils to quickly touch the first fingers.
again to stop it ringing on.
• As an extension activity, play two open-string bass notes with and without damping. Ask
pupils how many notes they can hear after the second note has been played.
• Explain and demonstrate how feeling the weight of the fingers pushing down and across Relaxing the fingertip joints can help
(with pima planted) is a valuable preparation for arpeggio playing. prevent hooking and enhance the
downward direction of the stroke, but
• Ask pupils to play simple open-string arpeggio patterns with a regular pulse, ensuring the take into account the flexibility of
fingers push through from the knuckle in the direction of the elbow. individual pupils’ finger joints.
• Ask pupils to explore how ‘hooking’ the strings up makes a twangy, less satisfying sound,
and pushing them down and across makes a richer, more attractive sound.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd...
Pupils should learn to: • control alternating pairs of right-hand fingers, using apoyando and tirando strokes
iv left hand
• develop a comfortable and relaxed left-hand shape that facilitates the accurate placement of
all fingers, using one finger at a time
• Show pupils how to practise alternating by walking the fingers on one string without playing. Encourage pupils to:
• Accompany pupils as they play single-note, open-string rhythm patterns using im and ma, • approach the string from above
tirando and apoyando, ensuring a regular pulse. rather than in front
• Ask pupils to play mini-scales with alternating fingers, using the notes they know. • start the stroke from the string
(think: ‘place and push’)
• when playing apoyando, feel a
transference of weight when
changing finger
Resting the thumb on a lower string
can help provide stability, particularly
when playing tirando.
• Play single-note, open-string rhythm patterns and ask pupils to copy them. Incorporate rests made by the finger
due to play next.
• Teach exercises and accompanied melodies that use more than one string, starting with Choose material in which the fingers
repeated notes on the top three open strings. can cross strings the ‘right way
round’, i.e. i to m when changing from
second to first string.
• Demonstrate a good quality sound and ask pupils to compare it to their own sound. With pupils, develop a vocabulary to
describe the sound being produced,
e.g. thin, round, big, small.
• Discuss reasons for unsatisfying sounds, including those caused by left-hand inaccuracies. Explain that the amount of sound
• Ask pupils to comment on each other’s tone quality and dynamics. produced by a guitar is determined
• Play short, simple phrases using different dynamics and ask pupils to copy them. solely by the amount of lateral
displacement the string is subjected to
prior to its release.
• Ask pupils to choose ways of playing simple phrases with different dynamics. Singing the various alternatives can
help the process of evaluation.
left hand
• Show pupils how, when holding a pencil between the left-hand thumb and fingers, a balance These and other preparatory games
is achieved by placing the thumb opposite the second finger. allow pupils to focus on and rehearse
• Show pupils how to make the second finger into a ‘pecking hen’, by lifting its tip on and off hand shapes and finger movements
the underside of the thumb tip. away from the instrument.
• Teach two-note exercises combining the second-finger A or E with their respective open strings. Use an adhesive dot to show the
exact placement of the left-hand
thumb and make sure pupils can
locate notes accurately without
looking at their left hand. If necessary,
use adhesive dots to help pupils
locate the fingertips correctly, i.e. just
behind the fret.
• Teach exercises and simple melodies using all other fingers in combination with open strings, Encourage pupils to feel the
making sure they all maintain their shape and lift on and off from the knuckle joint. Ask pupils transference of weight when changing
to name the notes as they are played. from finger to finger. Using the fourth
finger for third-fret notes, particularly
on the upper strings, helps to maintain
alignment and strengthen the weak
side of the hand.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd...
Pupils should learn to: i improvise expressively by exploring different sounds and creating satisfying repeated
musical patterns or phrases
• Ask pupils to say and sing two-syllable names, e.g. ‘Emm-a’ or ‘An-drew’, stressing the The phrasing slur is a purely musical
first syllable. consideration and should not be
• Teach simple exercises and melodies that include slurred pairs of notes, both rising and confused with the guitarist’s left-hand
falling in pitch. ligado or technical slur, i.e. hammers
and pull-offs. In this context, it refers
to the right hand playing the second
note of a legato pair more gently than
the first, as in the resolution of a
• Play simple phrases demonstrating the difference between legato and staccato and ask Singing a well-known song both
pupils to imitate them. legato and staccato is a good
preparation for playing with different
• Teach simple exercises and melodies that use rests and staccato. Show pupils how to make Rests should be treated as active
rests and staccato effects by touching the string with the right-hand thumb or appropriate musical events and strictly observed.
finger, or a combination of both.
Pencil in staccatos and slurs, where
appropriate, on music that does not
include them.
• Help pupils to make up short and simple rhythmic / melodic patterns from suggested musical The teacher can promote pupils’
starting points, e.g. pentatonic phrases, drones, ostinati / riffs. Abstract or pictorial ideas could confidence by:
also be used. • demonstrating how to experiment
• Repeat the process, selecting and discarding ideas and aiming for musical coherence. with musical ideas
• Lead pupils in a discussion about the musical effect of their improvisations. • providing step-by-step assistance
• Play ‘Follow my Leader’: a pupil plays three or four notes, then the next pupil plays three or with models, patterns and
four more, starting on the last note of the first player, and so on. procedures
• emphasising the open-ended nature
of the activity – all outcomes are
valued and enjoyed
Learning objectives
C. creating, developing and interpreting musical ideas contd...
Pupils should learn to: ii make use of instrumental skills when beginning to compose1
iii begin to interpret music with some expression and with a sense of its intended effect; talk
about its mood and how it is played and suggest improvements
D. playing music
i work out by ear how to play short, easy phrases from well-known tunes
1 Instrumental teachers should harness the composing interests of pupils wherever it is appropriate. This may be as an
integral part of the instrumental curriculum or to support the pupils in other areas of the National Curriculum.
• Ask pupils to compose short pieces from a given starting point, e.g. a story, poem, theme, Through composing, pupils are able
picture, or one of the musical techniques suggested above. Discuss the outcomes. Initially, to explore music from the inside.
this could consist of asking pupils to write down their improvisations as an aid to memory, Composing is valid in its own right,
perhaps using their own forms of shorthand as a precursor to staff notation. but it can also be used to develop
• Provide opportunities for pupils to perform their compositions to others. performing skills, knowledge and
• Encourage pupils to use their guitars in creative activities in the classroom, applying technical understanding. Productive links with
skills already acquired. general classroom work should be
made wherever possible.
• Show pupils how to experiment with different ways of playing pieces, perhaps in relation to Interpretation is the creative dimension
dynamics, tempi and articulation. Ask them to listen and decide which way of playing is most of performing. At the earliest stage,
appropriate to the character of the music. pupils should be encouraged to make
• Involving all pupils in the group, discuss ways of improving the interpretation, particularly in expressive musical decisions either
pieces that have few expressive indications. intuitively or by evaluating their work.
The teacher can help by being an
informed listener, giving feedback and
D. playing music
• Choosing appropriate starting notes, play short, simple tunes with a limited range of notes, This is not as difficult as it sounds.
e.g. television jingles, folk-tunes, nursery rhymes. Ask pupils to select one and, on the guitar, Many pupils experiment with tunes
work out separate phrases by ear, gradually building up the complete tune. they know before starting formal
• Ask pupils to play the complete tune expressively to others. instrumental lessons.
• As an extension activity, ask pupils to teach the tune to other pupils.
If tunes exceed pupils’ note range,
teach a simple accompaniment or
bass line by ear instead and play or
sing the tune with them.
Learning objectives
D. playing music contd...
Pupils should learn to: ii repeat with accuracy short, easy rhythmic and melodic patterns by playing back from
iii play short, easy pieces from notation / symbols, conveying the character of the music
iv memorise with accuracy selected short, simple pieces from their repertoire
v read and play at sight short, simple phrases at a regular pulse; begin to make links
between sound and symbol
• Perform a piece and ask pupils to respond to the music by clapping, tapping or moving with There is always scope to design new
a regular pulse and at a variety of tempi. musical games in order to develop
• Repeat, with pupils substituting a different sound, gesture or action to indicate rests. pupils’ short-term memory. These can
often be invented together as the
activity proceeds, building on prior
• Engage pupils in ‘copycat playing’, either with or without notation, maintaining a secure pulse At first, limit the phrase to be copied
and rhythm. Incorporate different musical effects, such as contrasts of dynamics and to possibly two bars of 2/4 or
articulation. equivalent, using only two notes.
• Ask pupils to sing easy intervals and match them to notes on the guitar where appropriate.
• Select pieces for pupils to learn, from a range of different times and places, and in a variety Adopt the holistic approach to
of styles. Take into account: teaching and learning as outlined in
– the musical and technical skills that will be needed section 1.
– opportunities to develop musical ideas
– pupils’ prior experience For this programme, choose repertoire
– their personal response to the music that uses:
– their general musical interests • simple time signatures
• Show pupils how to practise their pieces and make improvements. • semibreves, minims, dotted minims,
crotchets and beamed quavers
(along with their equivalent rests)
• the first position, including only the
easiest chromatic notes (i.e. avoid
the fourth fret where possible)
• Help pupils to memorise selected pieces from their repertoire by: Playing from memory is an important
– building up short sections at a time and realistic expectation in learning
– identifying and remembering rhythmic patterns and the shape of the melody pieces from the earliest stages.
– noting where repetitions and contrasts occur Promote confidence by making
– focusing on expressive details memorisation of whole pieces a
• From time to time, teach a short piece away from the music, only referring to the notation natural part of the learning process.
once it is learnt. Bear in mind that they are unlikely to
• Encourage pupils to play from memory to other pupils. be memorised properly until the
performance is technically fluent.
• Using flash cards, help pupils to: The overall aim is to help pupils to
– recognise different note values and their rests develop instant recall of notes and
– clap, sing and play simple rhythmic / melodic patterns maintaining a regular pulse, perhaps rhythms, thus heightening musical
at different tempi memory.
– name notes and find them on the guitar (note recognition)
– read and play simple dynamics The maxim ‘sound before symbol’ is
– read and play staccato and legato as important now as ever. Reading
• Devise a variety of games to explain staff notation to young beginners, e.g: notation is a means to making music,
– use a large stave with movable notes not an end in itself. However, it
– space permitting, play ‘note jumping’: lay out five skipping ropes and ask pupils to step or remains an essential skill: meaningful
jump between them, calling out the note names and perhaps singing them as well progress will be slow without it and
– play the ‘musical alphabet’ game: a pupil says / sings a note name, the next pupil says / sings the ability to play with others will be
the next one, and so on, up and down. Do the same missing out a note – G / B / D, etc. compromised.
Learning objectives
E. playing music with others
Pupils should learn to: i play with others, demonstrating some basic ensemble skills by listening, watching and
keeping in time with the group
ii explore and discuss the character of the music and the expressive possibilities
Pupils should learn to: i perform music to others, e.g. parents / carers, teachers and friends, demonstrating an
awareness of the mood of the music
ii discuss the quality of their playing and, with guidance, learn from their performance
• Create opportunities for pupils to: In addition to their lessons, all pupils
– play with an accompaniment, provided either by the teacher or by recorded means, e.g. should be provided with opportunities
keyboard, tape, CD / minidisc, computer / midi sequencing for participation in ensembles. By
– play in a small guitar ensemble or suitable mixed group playing with others, they are likely to:
• increase their motivation and interest
• quicken their rate of progress
• widen their performing skills
• improve their personal and social
• Ask pupils to follow someone beating time. This can be a fun activity, with teacher
or pupils beating time at a variety of
• Discuss the mood of the music and how it can be conveyed. tempi.
• With pupils, assess their ensemble playing, identifying strengths and areas for further
development. Make a recording for this purpose, if appropriate.
• Organise opportunities for informal performances in lessons and for parents / carers, relatives Performance is a key skill that should
and friends at home. be a natural part of the learning
• Ask pupils to revise pieces already learnt and to perform them with expression. process from the earliest lessons.
• Encourage pupils to perform from memory where this will enhance confidence, musical Simulated performances in
awareness and communication. instrumental lessons are particularly
• Demonstrate to pupils where and how to sit. If notation is used, ensure that stands are beneficial, helping pupils to gain
appropriately placed and at the correct height. confidence.
• Help pupils to evaluate each performance and suggest ways of making improvements and On-going assessment is an integral
building up confidence. Promote self-evaluation as much as possible. part of successful teaching and
• Encourage pupils to develop their own library of pieces that can be repeated in future. learning. Opportunities for formal
assessments need to be built into the
activities. Informal assessments,
however, are to be encouraged
throughout the teaching, prompted by
effective teacher-pupil discussion.
Programme of Study 2
NQF 1 foundation level / Grade 1
Learning objectives
A. listening and internalising
Pupils should learn to: i listen to music with concentration in and out of lessons, enjoying their experiences and
building on them
ii have some aural perception of the music to be played, including some feeling of the
During Programme 2, pupils build expressive characteristics
on the skills, knowledge and
understanding acquired in
Programme 1. They extend their
musical and technical skills, play a
wider range of repertoire and iii recognise and discriminate between the musical elements, including aspects of
communicate the expressive articulation, phrasing and quality of tone
character of the music.
iv recognise and convey simple structures in their playing, e.g. repetition of rhythmic and
melodic phrases
v hear some elements of the music internally when using notation / s ymbols, e.g. tempo,
pitch, rhythm, dynamics
ii tuning
• tune each string to the teacher’s guitar with some accuracy
Programme of Study 2
NQF 1 foundation level / Grade 1
• Ask pupils to listen with concentration to different pieces of music in their own time and then
describe them in the lesson, including aspects of dynamics, instrumentation, character, etc.
• Referring to the musical elements, ask pupils to describe what they liked and disliked about
the music they have listened to.
• Perform pieces to be learnt and ask pupils to discuss appropriate features, e.g. tempo, Playing to pupils provides an
rhythm, range of melody, dynamics, in relation to the character of the music. immediate way of modelling, i.e.
• Perform pieces in different ways, e.g. with different tempi, dynamics and articulation. Ask demonstrating musical ideas and
pupils to discuss the effect on the mood and character. techniques, as well as developing
aural skills.
• Play short rhythmic phrases from pieces to be learnt and ask pupils to clap back the pulse
and / or rhythm.
• Ask pupils to identify note lengths aurally, e.g. crotchets and minims or quavers and
• Ask pupils to tap the pulse of simple phrases with one hand and the rhythm with the other.
• Help pupils to sing / play short melodic phrases of pieces by ear, and to identify the
differences either between half steps and whole steps or between different types of larger
• Using notation, ask pupils to work out the rhythm of phrases in their heads, then clap it.
• Using notation, help pupils to trace the contour of phrases, then compare it with the actual
sound when played.
• Ask pupils to clap / hum / sing simple phrases at sight.
• Using notation, perform pieces with some deliberate mistakes or deviations inserted. This activity can be adapted to an
Ask pupils to identify the differences. aural one only, by asking pupils to
memorise the main melody and then
asking them to identify any deviations.
• Ask pupils to tune all strings to the reference guitar. When tuning, pupils should be aware
that approaching the note from below
can result in more stability of pitch
than approaching it from above.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
• improve the balance of sound between thumb and fingers in simple arpeggio patterns and
begin to use arpeggios for simple song accompaniments
• alternate pairs of right-hand fingers more evenly and with more economy of movement, using
apoyando and tirando strokes
• play with a full, clear sound more consistently at two or more dynamic levels
iv left hand
• maintain a comfortable and relaxed left-hand shape that facilitates the accurate placement of
all fingers, using more than one finger at a time
• Accompany pupils as they play thumb melodies with right-hand fingers planted on upper
strings, making sure the hand stays still when the thumb changes string.
• Ask pupils to work out and play by ear part-octave and one-octave thumb scales on the
lower four strings in keys relevant to the pieces being studied.
• Play pupils a solo piece or passage with and without damping open-string bass notes. Ask
them to describe the difference and to point out where the music would benefit from
• Teach triplet-based arpeggio patterns that move between thumb and ring finger (pim-ami), This type of arpeggio helps to
asking pupils to listen carefully for any unevenness. establish an awareness of the whole
• Show pupils how to accompany a simple song by arpeggiating first-position C and G chords hand and is particularly valuable for
on the top three strings (pim). the early development of the ring
• Ask pupils to work out and play by ear one-octave scales (apoyando and tirando, im and ma) When practising the apoyando stroke,
on the upper four strings in keys relevant to the pieces being studied. excessive forward lifting can be
• Ask pupils to play repeated-note scales with four, three then two notes per scale degree, avoided if each finger is allowed to
using neat and controlled finger movements. remain in contact with the ‘resting’
• Accompany pupils as they play short, simple melodies with alternating fingers (apoyando and string (as opposed to the ‘sounding’
tirando). string) until the alternate finger arrives.
• Teach pieces in which the right hand occasionally plays two notes simultaneously, making
sure they are evenly balanced and sound exactly at the same time.
• Ask pupils to develop exercises for playing two notes simultaneously, using all combinations
of right-hand fingers.
• Ask pupils to play simple up / down strumming patterns with the index finger on the top three
open strings, resting the thumb on the fourth string and keeping a regular pulse.
• Show pupils how to accompany a simple song in the same way, using first-position C and G
chords on the top three strings.
• Ask pupils to comment on their own and each other’s tone quality and dynamic range, Discuss and demonstrate the effect
suggesting improvements. on tone quality and volume of
incorrect right-hand finger movement.
left hand
• Teach pieces and exercises in which two left-hand fingers are held down simultaneously, Exercises that involve touching the
starting with those in which the fingers are placed one at a time. strings (without holding them against
the frets), then gradually increasing the
amount of pressure, can help pupils
understand the ‘minimum pressure’
• Lead pupils in a discussion about when to hold down fingers as appropriate to the musical principle.
context, i.e. so that notes can ring on beyond the given values in broken chord textures.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
i improvise rhythmic and melodic phrases freely or within given structures, individually or as
part of a group
• Introduce an exercise slurring long notes to short notes over a regular pulse. Ensure that the This is an intrinsic expressive feature,
dynamic level at the start of the second note matches the level of decay at the end of the first. e.g. at the resolution of a cadence or
suspension. Remember that, in this
context, ‘slur’ does not refer to the
left-hand ligado.
• Ask pupils to play groups of repeated notes staccato, alternately fairly short and very short. Make sure the right-hand finger
• Play patterns (using two or three notes on a single string) with varying degrees of staccato movements are neat and controlled,
and ask pupils to copy them, making sure they maintain control of pulse. with the volume and duration of the
• Demonstrate a short passage played with and without attention to details of articulation. staccato notes as even as possible.
Discuss the differences with pupils.
• Ask pupils to comment on their own and each other’s articulation, suggesting how As with all other examples of group
improvements can be made. evaluation, encourage pupils to begin
by pointing out something positive in
the playing and only then mention
something that could be improved.
• Show pupils how to improvise over a simple diatonic chord sequence: The chords of a major scale can be
– choose a small group of notes they know well and that are playable in a single position, used for the chord sequence. In the
e.g. doh to soh in C or G, both in first position scale of C, they are:
– choose a chord sequence and help pupils decide which notes fit which chords, e.g. in C, I C
the note C fits chords I, IV and VI, while D fits chords II, III7 and V II D minor
– ask pupils to play one of the appropriate notes as each new chord is sounded, trying a III E minor
different option when that chord comes round again IV F major
– continue by asking pupils to add passing notes that lead through the bar from one chord V G7
change to the next VI A minor
– ask pupils to explore the effect of moving in step and by larger intervals VII G7 (first inversion)
Learning objectives
C. creating, developing and interpreting musical ideas contd…
ii compose by developing musical ideas within given simple structures and applying
instrumental skills
iii make choices in relation to tempo, dynamics, phrasing, articulation, colour, etc. in order to
achieve an intended effect and convey the expressive characteristics; describe and
evaluate the music using appropriate musical vocabulary
• Show pupils how to play a 12-bar blues: Both activities are open-ended. To
– choose one of the scale degrees that will fit all three chords, e.g. the fifth or flattened third start with, i.e. in this programme, they
(with chord V augmented), in a key to suit both pupil and teacher could be explored at the simplest
– provide a chord accompaniment and ask pupils to play their note on the first beat of bars level, e.g. repeating a two- or three-
1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11, ensuring that they count through the empty bars and listen carefully to note riff in the 12-bar blues. Turning
the chord changes riffs into non-identical phrases or
– with pupils, develop a concise, rhythmic pattern or riff using the same note, incorporating improvising with more than five notes
appropriate syncopation as desired. This can be clapped at first and then played every two over more than four chords can wait
bars as before until Programme 3.
– next, work with two notes, e.g. first and flattened third, and then three, e.g. fifth, flattened
seventh, first, and so on, each time developing / extending the riff to accommodate the It is important to realise that effective
extra notes but always repeating it whole throughout the cycle every second bar improvisation depends more on
– when pupils are comfortable playing extended riffs and confident of the 12-bar form, they rhythm and phrasing, i.e. where the
can begin to vary them as the cycle progresses, adding extra notes and changing the notes fall, than how many notes are
rhythms as they go so that the riffs eventually become independent phrases played or which ones they are. Using
a limited number of notes to begin
with encourages pupils to leave
spaces for the music to breathe, to
make a creative virtue out of repetition
and to explore more fully the harmonic
relationships of the notes in question.
• Show pupils how to build on ideas from their pieces and improvisations and develop Whilst instrumental lessons are not a
individual or group compositions. Starting points can be musical devices or structures found substitute for curriculum music, they
in repertoire, e.g. sequences, ostinati / riffs, a pentatonic scale or other note row, pieces do provide opportunities for pupils to
listened to, or literary or visual stimuli. develop ideas that originate in the
classroom. Instrumental teachers have
• Ask pupils to explore musical ideas using the guitar, jotting down the main points. particular expertise that helps pupils to
• Encourage pupils to evaluate their work during their lessons. Give specific feedback about explore the technical and expressive
musical details and help them to overcome particular problems. potential of the instrument.
• Help pupils to refine and notate their compositions, possibly using ICT if appropriate.
• Promote opportunities for pupils’ compositions to be performed alongside other pieces that Structural coherence and balance are
they are learning. more important than how many notes
• Set activities over a number of weeks. These can be undertaken as part of pupils’ practice or bars a piece contains. What
and reviewed in each lesson. matters most, however, is that musical
creativity becomes a habit - and one
that pupils enjoy.
• When learning new pieces, encourage pupils to make independent decisions about Some pupils interpret music intuitively,
expressive features, such as dynamics, tempi, phrasing, articulation, and tone quality. with little intervention from the teacher.
• Show pupils how to apply their listening skills and respond to the musical features of the music. Others need a more structured
• Tease out pupils’ understanding in questions about the music. approach. All pupils should be
• Encourage pupils to perform the music intuitively and to explore different interpretations, even encouraged to analyse how they
at a simple level. make their musical decisions.
• Demonstrate alternatives for pupils to discuss and evaluate.
Learning objectives
D. playing music
Pupils should learn to: i work out by ear how to play easy, well-known tunes in simple keys
ii repeat with accuracy short, easy rhythmic and melodic phrases by playing back from
iii play a variety of easy pieces from notation / symbols, conveying the character of the
iv play from memory, and to others, selected contrasting pieces from their repertoire
v read and play at sight short, easy pieces at a regular pulse, beginning to hear some of
the elements internally and attending to expressive details, including articulation and
• Show pupils how to work out by ear the notes and rhythms of simple, well-known tunes
within their note vocabulary and ask them to play them to others.
• Ask pupils to work out straightforward scale patterns and arpeggios by ear, giving them a
suitable starting note.
• Play a simple piece and ask pupils to recall the melody by humming or singing it. At this
stage, melodies can include simple leaps, e.g. the notes of a tonic triad, but aim to keep the
overall range within an octave.
• Engage pupils in more extended ‘copycat playing’, i.e. more notes, longer phrases, greater
expressive detail.
• Building on the musical skills, knowledge and understanding acquired in Programme 1, Use the holistic approach outlined in
extend the range of pieces to be taught, ensuring that the chosen repertoire relates to the full Section 1.
range of learning objectives.
• Demonstrate different ways of interpreting the music and encourage pupils to apply their own Choose a wide range of repertoire
creative ideas, e.g. using ideas in the piece to generate their own improvisations or that:
compositions. • consolidates knowledge of the first
• Show pupils how to practise their pieces and make improvements. position
• uses simple key signatures
• possibly includes compound time,
e.g. dotted crotchets and beamed
quavers, so as to accommodate the
pim-ami arpeggio pattern.
• includes a larger variety of rhythmic
• Help pupils to learn selected pieces from memory, showing them ways to remember the Build up memorisation skills regularly
music, e.g. by identifying patterns, identifying the form, noting how passages are similar or and systematically so that pupils gain
how they change, and devising mnemonics to remember sections such as endings. confidence and are able to perform to
others from memory.
• Encourage pupils to read short, simple passages / pieces at sight, making sure that they are Point out to pupils that when first
well within their technical range. playing a piece of music from
• Before playing through passages / pieces for the first time, help pupils to hear in their heads notation, they are always ‘sight-
the overall sound of the music by asking them to: reading’ it. Sight-reading, therefore,
– identify important notational features of the music, e.g. time signature, key signature, should not be regarded as a separate
accidentals, dynamics activity, but rather as an integral part
– clap or tap rhythmic patterns of learning new music.
– tap the pulse with one hand and the rhythm with the other
– note the shape of the melody and the melodic range
– identify, from the notation, intervals larger than a second
– sing / hum the larger intervals, having given them one of the two pitches
• Emphasise the importance of steady, fluent reading, i.e. maintaining a regular pulse, and of
allowing mistakes to pass uncorrected.
• Ask pupils to sight-read in small groups (in unison) or in parts, perhaps with simplified filler lines.
Learning objectives
E. playing music with others
Pupils should learn to: i play with others, helping to maintain a separate part and showing awareness of their role
within the ensemble
ii evaluate the quality of their performance in relation to the character of the music,
suggesting improvements and commenting on how intentions were achieved
• Ask pupils to play a variety of ensemble pieces together, maintaining a regular pulse and Regular ensemble experiences provide
listening to the other players. a focus for making music. Taking part
• Remind pupils to sit so that they can clearly watch the leader or conductor. in a group promotes quicker
• Ask pupils to play different parts of a piece (with differentiated levels of difficulty) in turn, progression and increased motivation
discovering which part is the most significant in any particular passage and noting how the and helps pupils to develop social and
parts fit together. personal skills.
• Encourage different pupils to take a lead, perhaps by counting in, selecting the tempi or
suggesting expressive contrasts.
• Encourage pupils to participate in a school ensemble, playing in unison with others initially,
later maintaining a separate part.
• Ask pupils to discuss the character of the music and how this influences the choice of tempi,
dynamics, etc.
• Discuss with pupils how further improvements can be made to their playing.
• Organise opportunities for performances with others of a similar standard in lessons, and Performance enables pupils to convey
occasionally for parents / carers, relatives and friends. their music to others, building on a
• Using their growing library of pieces, prepare pupils so that they are able to perform with range of acquired skills, knowledge
fluency and expression. and understanding. Simulated
• Encourage pupils to perform from memory where this will enhance confidence, musical performances in lessons help to
awareness and communication. develop these skills before playing to
• Remind pupils where and how to sit to perform. If notation is used, ensure that stands are larger audiences.
appropriately placed and at the correct height.
• Show pupils how to respond to applause and walk on and off stage. Allow plenty of time so that the music
• Refine pieces through simulated performances during instrumental lessons. is thoroughly prepared.
• Lead pupils in reflecting on and evaluating each performance. Help them to build confidence References to nerves can be counter-
and make further improvements. productive. If pupils are thoroughly
• Discuss strategies for overcoming nerves and solving problems. prepared, however, nerves can be
• Encourage pupils to revise pieces from their repertoire. viewed as an aid to concentration.
Encourage pupils to have a sense of
anticipation and enjoyment about
Programme of Study 3
NQF 1 foundation level / Grades 2 - 3
Learning objectives
A. listening and internalising
Pupils should learn to: i listen with concentration, responding to the expressive character of music, using their
experiences to inform their playing
ii have a clear aural perception of the music to be played, including some feeling and
During Programme 3, pupils understanding of the expressive characteristics
continue to develop their skills,
knowledge and understanding.
Through consolidating their
technical skills they perform with
increasing confidence, iii recognise and discriminate between the musical elements, including more refined aspects
demonstrating more understanding of articulation, phrasing, quality / variety of tone
of structural relationships and
musical devices.
iv recognise and convey structural features and compositional devices in their playing,
e.g. A A B A, sequence
v hear simple music internally when using notation / symbols, including repetitions,
contrasts, changes to melodic and rhythmic patterns
ii tuning
• tune strings independently of the teacher
Programme of Study 3
NQF 1 foundation level / Grades 2 - 3
• Ask pupils to listen to a variety of music, e.g. baroque, classical, flamenco, blues, and then
describe the expressive character of the music with reference to the musical elements.
• Ask pupils to listen to music that is similar in period, genre, etc. to pieces they are learning.
Ask them to point out similarities and differences.
• Perform pieces to be learnt. Ask pupils to describe the overall character using appropriate As their knowledge increases, pupils
vocabulary. are able to use a larger musical
• Ask pupils to compare and contrast new pieces with pieces already known. vocabulary.
• Perform pieces in different ways. Ask pupils to describe how changes to the dynamics,
articulation, phrasing, tone quality, etc. affect the expressive character of the music.
• Play appropriate rhythms from pieces. Ask pupils to clap them back and identify the
note values.
• Ask pupils to tap the pulse of phrases with one hand and the rhythm with the other.
• Help pupils to sing / play by ear short phrases from pieces to be learnt. Ask them to analyse
some of the melodic intervals.
• Play phrases in major and minor keys, ending on the tonic, dominant or submediant. Ask
pupils to identify the mode of the music and the finishing note.
• Ask pupils to identify the main sections of more extended pieces. Ask further questions on There are many natural links with the
rhythmic / melodic features, use of sequence, tonality, modulations, etc. early stages of GCSE work.
• Ask pupils to prepare short pieces using various compositional techniques, e.g. glissandi,
pentatonic and whole-tone scales, and describe their effect.
• Encourage pupils to improvise short pieces using similar techniques.
• Using notation, ask pupils to work out in their heads: Music from all parts of the world is
– the rhythm of phrases appropriate for these activities.
– the sound of melodies, e.g. hum / sing simple phrases and then compare with the actual
sound when played
• Using notation, ask pupils to describe the main characteristics of pieces to be learnt: refer to
musical elements, articulation, phrasing, use of sequence, tonality, structure, expressive
features, etc.
• Ask pupils to clap / hum / sing appropriate phrases at sight.
• Using notation, perform pieces with a range of deliberate mistakes, e.g. rhythmic, melodic,
dynamic. Ask pupils to identify the differences.
• When tuning, show pupils how to use alternatives to the teacher’s guitar as a reference, e.g.
tuning fork, keyboard.
• Use familiar tunes to help pupils learn the intervals by which strings are tuned.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
• maintain the balance of sound between thumb and fingers in a variety of arpeggio patterns
and song accompaniments
• alternate pairs of right-hand fingers evenly and with more economy of movement at a variety
of tempi, using apoyando and tirando strokes
• play with a more satisfying, clear sound across a range of dynamics and with some changes
of tone colour
• Ask pupils to experiment with the angle of the wrist when playing scales or other passages Similar adjustments of the right wrist
for alternating fingers. Allowing the knuckles and strings to be more aligned may facilitate a may also be helpful if, at a later stage,
more balanced finger action (differences in finger length are a factor here) but care should be pupils have to adapt their technique to
taken to avoid any loss of tone quality. accommodate particular nail-shape
• Ask pupils to work out and play by ear thumb scales on the lower four strings in keys relevant
to the pieces being studied. Pupils should remind themselves of
• Ensure pupils listen for unwanted overtones on lower strings (audible as a result of the key signature before they begin a
sympathetic vibration) and damp them where possible. scale and be able to name each note
as it is played.
• Ask pupils to choose a simple chord or chords and develop their own arpeggio patterns,
using pima in a range of permutations.
• Encourage pupils to develop their own song accompaniments using these patterns. Pupils should plant the thumb and
fingers individually before each note is
played and watch the right hand for
signs of unnecessary movement.
Highlighting ring-finger notes will help
develop melodic projection.
• Ask pupils to play scales (apoyando and tirando, im and ma) in keys relevant to the pieces Dotted rhythms are particularly
being studied, using various rhythm patterns and playing each scale degree once or twice. effective for developing speed.
• In a group lesson, ask pupils to play scales in thirds, i.e. team A starts the scale two notes The apoyando stroke can serve as a
after team B. Do the same as a pupil / teacher activity. ‘size-of-sound’ model by which pupils
can measure the strength and quality
of their tirando.
• Show pupils how to play three or four notes together (simple chords at first, that include open Ensure there is no movement in the
strings) using pim, pma, pia and pima. right hand and that the notes are
balanced and sound at exactly the
same time.
• Ask pupils to rest the thumb on the fifth string and choose an appropriate two- or three-chord Strummed rhythm patterns like these
sequence using the upper four strings. Make a three-beat pattern by strumming down with i can be used for song
and m together on beat 1 and up with i and m separately (in either order) on beats 2 and 3. accompaniments.
• Encourage pupils to explore syncopated patterns, using simple down and up strums with the
index finger, as in the following example:
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
iv left hand
Pupils should learn to: • manage simple chords
left hand
• To help establish finger independence in chord preparation, ask pupils to place and hold Make sure pieces and exercises
down pairs of fingers on adjacent strings in different combinations, then to place and lift off contain chords that are as easy as
an additional finger on another string. possible for the left hand.
• To help fingers arrive at a chord shape at the same time, ask pupils to isolate the finger
arriving last and get it to arrive first next time.
• Show pupils how to practise the preparation of chord shapes by placing a chord, then lifting
it off about a centimetre, holding the fingers in their correct spatial relationship to each other
before replacing them.
• Ask pupils to play a range of notes in an appropriate position, other than the first position,
naming each note as it is sounded. Also ask them to find and play individual notes in a
specific position and on a specific string.
• Playing the ‘invisible guitar’ can help develop spatial awareness, i.e. ask pupils to put the It is valuable if pupils can develop:
guitar down and move the left arm up and down the right forearm as if from first to third • a clear mental picture of a position
position, second to fifth, etc., always letting the arm instigate the shift. When changing shift so as to avoid over-reliance on
position on the guitar, the thumb should release its grip and stay opposite the second finger looking at the left hand
during the shift. • a clear aural picture of a position
• Show pupils how to practise different types of shifts on one string, e.g. those that move from shift by making an association
one finger to the same finger and from one finger to a different finger (in both cases with and between the size of the shift and the
without the open string in between). interval encompassed by it
When relying on sight, however, it
is better to look at where the hand is
moving to, rather than the hand itself.
• Choose pieces (and devise exercises) in which slurs appear in a chordal context, e.g. the Again, in this context, ‘slur’ does not
first note of a slurred pair is supported by a chord and its resolution is a single note, or the refer to the left-hand ligado.
phrasing requires one complete chord to be slurred into another.
• Choose pieces (and devise exercises) in which staccato is used in a chordal context.
Learning objectives
C. creating, developing and interpreting musical ideas
Pupils should learn to: i improvise in a variety of genres and styles, sustaining and developing musical ideas and
achieving different intended musical effects with the instrument
iii convey their interpretation with an understanding of the musical style and idiom; make
improvements to their work in the light of their knowledge about the music
D. playing music
Pupils should learn to: i work out by ear how to play tunes in straightforward major and minor keys or modes
ii repeat with accuracy moderately short musical phrases (melodic, rhythmic, textural and
harmonic) from memory
• Ask pupils to compose short pieces for guitar (and perhaps other instruments), developing Notation should be used as a memory
the work in Programme 2. aid, at first for sketching ideas in
• Encourage pupils to use a range of musical devices appropriate to their technical and rough and then for making a fair copy
musical understanding, e.g. repetition, sequence, contrast. for performance.
• Literary, visual or emotional starting points can be used, but the process of composing
should focus on how effectively the musical ideas are developed within the genre. It is likely that some pupils will be
• Help pupils to refine their pieces within the chosen style, discussing their progress and composing for the early stages of
suggesting ideas for improvement and development. GCSE.
• Provide opportunities for pupils to perform their compositions, perhaps involving other
musicians. There are many natural ways in which
instrumental teachers can liaise with
classroom colleagues for mutual
• Discuss interpretative ideas with pupils as pieces are being learned. Build on an intuitive Interpretation is not a separate activity.
response to the music. Pupils should be encouraged to make
• Encourage pupils to think about the nature of performance and how they can communicate interpretative decisions in all their
musical ideas to others. Particular strategies may include: playing, even when ‘learning the
– listening to different interpretations of music being learnt and discussing the effects, e.g. by notes’. Considerations of interpretation
the teacher demonstrating and / or the use of recordings will inevitably inform the way passages
– analysing the structure of music being learnt and the implications for communicating this in are learnt, e.g. in relation to phrasing,
performance fingering, articulation, tempo.
– discussing mood, meaning and emotions
– making links between technique and interpretation, e.g. the effects of various articulations
– emphasising expressive features
D. playing music
• Ask pupils to work out by ear familiar tunes that are more challenging, e.g. longer, larger Sustain opportunities for playing by
range, perhaps including some chromatic notes. ear – it brings together many skills.
• Playing by ear, introduce pupils to different modes, scales, blues patterns, etc. Ask them to
experiment with various starting notes and to work out the key, structure, etc.
• Ask pupils to repeat moderately short phrases, of appropriate difficulty, performed by the
teacher or other pupils. These can include music with a variety of time signatures, including
compound time, and tunes with a wider range.
• Ask pupils to clap / tap the pulse while the phrases are being played and possibly identify
some musical features.
• Extend a call-and-response sequence, repeating phrases or improvising new ones, always
aiming for a musical performance.
Learning objectives
D. playing music contd…
Pupils should learn to: iii play a variety of moderately easy pieces from different styles and traditions, showing an
awareness of idiom and structure and communicating the character of the music and the
intentions of the composer
iv memorise a variety of pieces from their repertoire of increasing length and complexity
v read and play at sight a variety of short, straightforward pieces at a regular pulse, using
an increasing rhythmic, melodic and tonal range
• Approach new pieces from different angles – perhaps aurally, or through improvisation, Continue to use the holistic approach
listening, notation, etc. outlined in section 1, aiming for
• Ask pupils to identify challenging passages and to make suggestions for solving problems. simultaneous learning through
• Building on their own suggestions (if appropriate), show pupils how to practise challenging interrelated activities and processes.
passages and make improvements.
• Make the process as creative as possible, always aiming to prompt pupils’ imagination Choose as wide a range of repertoire
and curiosity. as possible. In particular, it should
aim to:
• explore the first five positions
• include semiquavers, semiquaver
rests and dotted-quaver
semiquaver groupings
• expand pupils’ knowledge of key
• make fuller use of compound time
• Building on strategies suggested in Programme 2, help pupils to commit selected pieces to Aim to develop musical memory in a
memory. number of ways, e.g. automatic, aural,
• Once pieces are memorised, encourage pupils to try them out in front of others. visual, cognitive, kinaesthetic.
• Discuss problems and possible solutions in respect of playing from memory.
• Provide opportunities for pupils to play from memory in a group. Note any new perspectives Remind pupils that a performance is
that this brings, e.g. the opportunity to listen more acutely and to pick up visual cues secure when it is learnt thoroughly
more easily. from memory, but they should guard
against it becoming mechanical.
• Develop sight-reading skills by regularly asking pupils to play at sight music that is well within Sight-reading can always be
their technical range and in familiar keys or modes. connected to learning repertoire
• Extend the structured approach outlined in Programme 2. Thus, before playing through because the skills are applied when
pieces for the first time, help pupils to hear in their heads the overall sound of the music by reading pieces for the first time.
asking them to:
– identify important notational features of the music, e.g. tempo, time signature, key Promote enjoyment and confidence by
signature, accidentals using metaphors to describe phrases
– notice articulation, phrasing and dynamics and discussing the character of the
– clap or tap rhythmic patterns, perhaps including syncopated patterns music and the intended effect.
– tap the pulse with one hand and the rhythm with the other
– note the shape of the melody and the melodic range
– identify, from the notation, a range of intervals
– sing / hum a variety of intervals taken from the melodic line
– sing / hum the melodic line of appropriate phrases
• Ask pupils to sight-read in small groups, each pupil maintaining a separate part individually
(the parts possibly having differentiated levels of difficulty). Emphasise the importance of
keeping going and maintaining a regular pulse.
Learning objectives
E. playing music with others
Pupils should learn to: i play with others, independently maintaining an individual line, demonstrating awareness of
their role within the ensemble
ii contribute to collective decisions, e.g. tempo, ensemble, tuning, balance, conveying the
character of the music
Pupils should learn to: i perform to others with increasing awareness and assurance, communicating the character
of the music and their musical intentions to the audience
ii evaluate with perception and some independence the quality of their performance and
respond to ideas from others
• Increase the frequency and range of ensemble experiences. These could include both Help pupils to learn their parts for new
instruments and voices. ensemble pieces by providing time in
• Ask pupils to consider the best layout for particular ensembles, ensuring that all participants lessons.
can clearly watch the leader or conductor.
• Ask pupils to maintain a separate part individually.
• Encourage pupils to develop their listening skills, e.g. awareness of ensemble, balance, Aim to extend and develop the
tuning, when playing with others. necessary listening skills for playing
with others.
• Promote more musical independence by encouraging pupils to take the lead and make Adopt a creative, problem-solving
decisions relating to the character of the music. approach which gives pupils the
• Ask pupils to reflect on and evaluate their progress and discuss ways of making further responsibility for overcoming the
improvements. challenges of playing with others.
• Organise opportunities for performance with others of a similar standard at various occasions To promote self-confidence, help
and venues. pupils to develop their own library of
• Ask pupils to perform, over time, pieces from a variety of styles. repertoire pieces, i.e. pieces which
• Prepare pupils so that they are able to perform with fluency, expression and understanding. once learned and performed can be
• Encourage pupils to perform some or all of their pieces from memory where this will enhance repeated.
confidence, musical awareness and communication.
• Make sure that pupils know where and how to sit to perform. If notation is used, check the Ensure that pupils perform music from
position and height of stands. different styles and genres so that
• Ensure that pupils know how to respond to applause and walk on and off stage. confidence and experience can be
• Refine pieces through simulated performances in lessons, during performances at school and developed across a range of
as part of concerts to the wider community. repertoire.
• Ask pupils to reflect on and evaluate each performance in order to make further
improvements and build up confidence.
• Organise opportunities for pupils to join and perform with directed groups which sensitively
take into account their musical needs and stage of development.
Programme of Study 4
NQF 2 intermediate level / Grades 4 - 5
Learning objectives
A. listening and internalising
Pupils should learn to: i use their listening skills and experiences of a variety of musical styles and traditions to
inform their interpretations, e.g. use of rubato, shaping of phrases, variety of tone
iii identify and incorporate subtle changes to the musical elements in their playing, e.g.
tempo, articulation, phrasing
iv recognise and convey more extended structures and techniques in pieces being studied,
e.g. rondo, raga, dance forms, simple modulations
v hear simple music internally with increasing accuracy and fluency when using
notation / symbols
Programme of Study 4
NQF 2 intermediate level / Grades 4 - 5
• Ask pupils to listen to a variety of music from different styles and traditions, using more It is important for pupils to be
extended and complex structures. Ask them to describe the expressive character of the challenged by a range of relevant
music, referring to the musical elements, phrasing, etc. and noting how composers use questions.
repetition and contrast.
• Ask pupils to listen to music that is similar in period, genre, etc. to pieces they are learning. Use a framework of open and
Ask them to compare pieces using appropriate vocabulary. closed questions that lead pupils
step by step.
• Perform pieces to be learnt. Ask pupils to describe the overall character and style of the
music, referring to the musical elements, phrasing, articulation, tonality, etc.
• With pupils, compare performances of the same piece, looking at shaping of phrases,
articulation, use of rubato, quality / variety of tone, etc.
• Help pupils to play / sing by ear appropriate phrases from pieces to be learnt, e.g. irregular
phrases, melodies containing chromatic notes / embellishments.
• Ask pupils to comment on the implied cadence at the ends of phrases, e.g. ‘open’ or
‘closed’ – imperfect or perfect.
• When playing with others, ask pupils to note the differences between homophonic and Whenever possible, use ensemble
contrapuntal passages. opportunities to explore different
• Encourage pupils to think about and experiment with alternatives in tempi, articulation, The emphasis is on intuition,
phrasing, dynamics, etc., listening to the effect and deciding which approach meets the imagination and curiosity.
musical intentions most successfully.
• Discuss new repertoire with pupils, listening to structure, compositional devices, tonality and
melodic lines in order to promote better aural perception.
• Discuss the roles of solo and accompaniment in pieces being learnt. When appropriate, ensure that pupils
• Use an element of a piece as the starting point for a short improvisation. are thoroughly familiar with
accompaniments. If these are
instrumental reductions, take the
opportunity to listen to the full version.
• Using notation, ask pupils to work out in their heads the sound of phrases, then compare
with the actual sound when played.
• Using notation, ask pupils to describe the overall character of pieces, referring to style,
structure, phrasing, dynamic range, texture, etc. Suggest how they affect the mood of
the music.
• Ask pupils to clap / hum / sing at sight appropriate phrases from pieces to be learnt.
• Using notation, perform extracts with deliberate deviations in rhythm, articulation, phrasing,
dynamics, etc. inserted. Ask pupils to point out the mistakes.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique
ii tuning
• tune strings with more accuracy and independence
• Ask pupils to look for convenient points in the music where they can counteract any Some pupils find relaxation methods
accumulated tension by consciously relaxing. useful, e.g. yoga, Alexander
• Show pupils how to adjust their tuning by listening to octaves and fifths played on their own
guitar (combining open and stopped strings); also by comparing fifth- and seventh-fret
• Ask pupils to plant i and m on the top two strings and play the following (or similar) thumb
exercise with all notes staccato, i.e. damp each note before playing the next, then play only
selected notes staccato.
• Show pupils how to use thumb damping to cover the inadvertent sounding of open bass The effect of this can be
strings caused by the removal of left-hand fingers in particularly awkward situations. Choose demonstrated to pupils by playing a
any three stopped thumb notes (one each on strings 4, 5 and 6): after playing each note, piece removing left-hand fingers
damp the previous string before releasing its left-hand finger. carelessly!
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
• adjust the balance of sound between thumb and fingers in a variety of arpeggio patterns at a
wider range of tempi
• alternate pairs of right-hand fingers evenly and with economy of movement at a range of
tempi, using apoyando and tirando strokes
• Show pupils how to achieve a fuller, richer sound for specific bass notes by applying Thumb apoyando is best practised
apoyando with the thumb. With ima planted on the top three strings, they can play an with thumb and fingers planted at the
open-string E minor arpeggio (thumb apoyando, fingers tirando) or a one-octave scale on the outset. The thumb should push down
bottom three strings entirely apoyando. Both exercises can also be played with the thumb and through on to the next string
alternating between apoyando and tirando. without the wrist rising or the hand
• Ask pupils to look for opportunities to use thumb apoyando in their pieces. tipping forward more than is necessary.
As with any other right-hand technique,
complete independence of movement
should be the aim.
• Ask pupils to revisit a range of right-hand arpeggio exercises (and explore new ones) at a Make sure tone quality and projection
variety of tempi, playing the thumb notes more strongly than the others. Next, ask them to are not compromised by speed.
play the ring-finger notes and finally both thumb and ring-finger notes.
Scales in sixths, tenths and octaves
(played together and broken) also help
develop the balance between thumb
and fingers.
• Ask pupils to play scales apoyando and tirando, using all right-hand pairings (im, ma, ia) at a Again, make sure tone quality and
variety of tempi: projection are not compromised by
– with two, three and four notes to the beat speed.
– accenting different degrees of the scale
– incorporating ‘speed bursts’, i.e. following a long-note value with two or three notes of a When playing on the bass strings,
shorter value adjust the angle of the right wrist so
that the nails do not scrape against
the string winding.
• Ask pupils to play one-octave scales on a single string, legato and staccato. A good fingering Being able to see the layout of tones
for the major scale would be to shift to seventh position after the first tetrachord, and to ninth and semitones in this way can
position for the final two notes. contribute to an understanding of
scale theory.
• Ask pupils to play a repeated-note scale (three or four notes to the beat), applying a rest It is important that pupils understand
stroke to the first of each group, then the second, and so on. both the occasional nature of the
apoyando stroke and the musical
reasons for its use, i.e. to highlight or
enhance a particular note or notes.
• Show pupils how to roll a four-note chord evenly so that the highest note is ‘on the beat’, the Rolled chords are a characteristic
others leading up to it in a slight crescendo. Do the same with the lowest note ‘on the beat’, feature of much guitar music, the
the others falling away from it in a slight decrescendo. Ask pupils to copy. technical and expressive demands of
• Ask pupils to consider where it would be appropriate to roll chords in their pieces. which are easily overlooked. The top
note of a chord is often part of a
melodic line: continuity of sound
between it and the melody notes that
precede and follow it means that
rolling the chord with the thumb is not
always an appropriate solution.
• Ask pupils to rest the thumb on the fourth string and strum the top three open strings a-m-i Rasgueado techniques in general can
with the back of the nails as a triplet upbeat. Come back with i on the downbeat. help increase speed, as, by
• Discuss with pupils how to incorporate this type of pattern into their song accompaniments. strengthening the extensor muscles,
they quicken the fingers’ recovery
action. They should, however, be
practised gently at first to avoid
straining the hand.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
Pupils should learn to: • develop a smooth and even tremolo technique
• play with a consistent, satisfying sound across a wider range of dynamics and tone colours
iv left hand
• develop security in different positions and when changing position
• Show pupils how to play p-a-m-i slowly and continuously on the same note, e.g. the first The same exercise can be used as a
string played open, planting the thumb and fingers both as early as possible (staccato) and repeated-note scale, while repeating it
as late as possible (legato), as well as accenting each finger in turn. on the second string will encourage
greater economy of movement, and
therefore accuracy, in the approach to
the string.
• Ask pupils also to play p-a-m-i slowly and continuously, with the thumb alternating between Tremolo may occur fairly infrequently
open B and G while the fingers play open E, and between open G and D while the fingers in the repertoire but, like arpeggio
play open B. exercises, it is extremely useful for
developing relaxation, independence
of movement and a balanced sound
across the whole hand.
• Encourage pupils to make up patterns using 12th-fret harmonics, playing them with the third Make sure harmonics are played with
or fourth fingers, touching lightly and removing the finger immediately but without haste. the left-hand finger directly above, not
behind, the fret: where harmonics are
concerned, the finger is the fret.
• Demonstrate exercises that help develop the partial or half barré, e.g. ‘the trampoline’: bend
the first finger at the middle joint until it makes a right angle, touch the thumb with the
fingertip, then raise and lower the fingertip joint repeatedly, as if bouncing on a trampoline.
• Demonstrate exercises that help develop the full barré, e.g. ‘the crocodile’: lightly form a fist
with the left hand, extend and hold together the thumb and first finger, then raise and lower
the first finger from the knuckle joint, keeping it straight like the upper jaw of a crocodile.
• Ask pupils to play the second-inversion B major triad on strings 5, 4 and 3 (third, fourth and While pupils should listen carefully for
second fingers) at the seventh position, and then lower the barré across all six strings, slowly notes that are not sounding clearly
arpeggiating the full major chord. This can also be tried without the second finger (giving the and adjust the barré finger
minor chord), the fourth finger (giving the dominant seventh) and both fingers (giving the minor accordingly, it is better to allow some
seventh), each time exposing different barré finger notes. The sequence can be repeated in buzzing or weak sounds at first than
progressively lower positions. to encourage the kind of excessive
pressure that can lead to muscle
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
• judge when it is appropriate for the left hand to execute the phrasing slur
• Ask pupils to play individual ascending and descending left-hand slurs, to a slow, regular Start on the third or fourth string,
pulse initially, with full consideration of the musical relationship between the plucked and half-way up the fingerboard, using the
slurred notes. For ascending slurs, i.e. ‘hammer-ons’, ensure that pupils drop the slurring more comfortable pairs of fingers.
finger quickly, avoiding any tension before the action takes place and any unnecessary Later, use all combinations – there are
pressure once the fingertip has landed on the string. For descending slurs, i.e. ‘pull-offs’, 24 in all.
ensure that the fingertip ends up touching both the fingerboard and the string above (think of
this as a sort of left-hand apoyando), using only as much effort as is necessary. When executing downward slurs,
pushing the anchor finger in the
opposite direction to the slurring can
help prevent the sounding string being
dragged towards the string above and
sounding sharp.
• Discuss with pupils what vibrato is for, and how and where it should be used.
• Show pupils how to establish the sense of movement required for playing with vibrato by Explain that, on the guitar, vibrato is
sliding the second finger (slowly and to the pulse) between any two frets half-way up the the result of a slight rising and falling
second or third string, making sure the thumb moves with it. Then ask pupils to repeat the of pitch caused by left-hand fingers
exercise (again, slowly and rhythmically) but this time retaining enough pressure between the tightening and slackening the strings.
fingertip and thumb to stop the slide taking place.
• Repeat the exercise, this time using a full barré and adding the sixth-string note (played with
the thumb) at the start of each downward arpeggio.
• Discuss with pupils how to decide if using a left-hand slur is desirable on musical / stylistic Being able to identify strong / weak
grounds, e.g. an ornamental appoggiatura in a baroque piece, or practical grounds, e.g. note relationships in different types of
convenience for the right hand in rapid passages. music is important. Make sure pupils
understand the principle of suspension
and resolution as applied to cadential
harmony, accented passing notes, etc.
• Show pupils how to finger passages to allow for the use of the left-hand slur.
• Demonstrate to pupils the difference between the use of staccato technique for slightly
detaching notes (e.g. between upbeats and downbeats and at phrase ends) and its use as
an expressive effect in its own right. Ask them to look for examples of the former in their
Learning objectives
C. creating, developing and interpreting musical ideas
Pupils should learn to: i improvise with freedom in a wide range of musical structures, genres, styles and
traditions, drawing on internalised sounds
ii compose in different styles, creating and selecting musical ideas by exploring the
characteristics of their chosen resources
iii apply their knowledge of style, characteristics and historical / social background in order to
interpret the music with understanding and insight; evaluate how their interpretation
reflects the context in which the music was created and is performed and heard
• Ask pupils to improvise melodies above predetermined harmonic patterns, using conventions A chord sequence of
and techniques within the chosen style, e.g. melodies in an Aeolian mode above a simple Am7 / Dm7 / Em7 / Am7 provides a
chord sequence. suitable accompaniment. The Aeolian
mode would be A B C D E F G A.
• Ask pupils to improvise short melodies using a variety of scales, e.g. major, minor, pentatonic,
blues, modes. Focus on developing an awareness of
style by relating the particular scale or
• Ask pupils to improvise with others by embellishing a melody, e.g. the pentatonic mode to repertoire being studied.
Raga Bhupali, starting on C over a drone:
Researchless – familiar musics from
around the world and make links with
curriculum music, e.g. GCSE, where
• Encourage pupils to use melodies of songs they know as the starting point for improvisation. The best improvisations have a
Pupils should first sing the melody, ideally to their own chord accompaniment, then find the coherent, well-phrased, vocal quality.
notes on the guitar and approach the improvisation itself in the same way, starting with simple Singing the ideas before trying to play
melodic embellishments. them provides pupils with an internal
• Help pupils to develop confidence by improvising frequently, doing a little at a time. template. This allows their
• Make recordings of improvisations and discuss the outcomes with pupils. improvisations to be head-led not
finger-led and will help prevent them
from getting musically ‘stuck’.
• Ask pupils to compose some pieces over an extended period of time in a variety of traditional Ensure that time is allowed for
and contemporary styles. This could include: reviewing progress of compositions.
– exploration of a particular aspect of technique It may be appropriate to select
– two contrasting pieces, possibly evoking different moods or feelings, e.g. clouds, pyramids, particular times of the year when it is
the evening, rush hour, dreams, aiming for consistency of style within each piece possible to focus more on composing,
– a short piece for an ensemble e.g. in the summer term after
• Help pupils to refine their pieces within the chosen style and idiom. Rehearsing, interpreting and
performing compositions are essential
parts of the process.
• Building on Programme 3, discuss the interpretation of pieces being studied, especially how Developing an interpretation is the
pupils can convey their own personal responses within the stylistic conventions and the crux of a personal performance and
composer’s markings. should be the focus of discussion.
• Encourage pupils to be aware of stylistic, structural and idiomatic features of pieces, e.g.
musical forms, repetition, contrast, development techniques, and to communicate their Listening to various CDs, etc. of the
feelings and understanding in their playing. same piece can stimulate discussion
and provide a way to develop pupils’
Learning objectives
D. playing music
Pupils should learn to: i work out by ear how to play moderately easy tunes, e.g. with simple modulations, a wider
range of intervals and different octaves / positions
ii repeat with accuracy phrases of a moderate length and complexity in a variety of styles
iii play a variety of pieces of moderate difficulty, developing a personal response through
sustained study of and reflection on the music
iv memorise a variety of pieces from their repertoire in different styles and traditions,
featuring a range of musical devices and structures
v read and play at sight moderately easy pieces in different styles at a regular pulse;
internalise and incorporate less familiar musical features, e.g. time signatures, variety of
tempi, keys
• Ask pupils to play by ear familiar tunes that include some simple chromatic writing and Regular playing by ear helps to build
modulations. confidence. Familiar tunes can be
• Discuss the effect of accidentals and what needs to be done in order to modulate from one worked out during individual practice
key to another. and then played again in the lesson.
• Ask pupils to work out some of the underlying harmonies. Discuss possible alternatives.
Explain that chromatic writing may be decorative and therefore does not require
• Ask pupils to vary tunes by using alternative melodic and / or rhythmic patterns. Discuss
the variations.
• Improvise on the given tune and extend the piece for fun.
• Develop further call-and-response or echo exercises, perhaps using more challenging keys
and a wider variety of styles and forms, e.g. waltz, Latin-American rhythms, riffs.
• Play scales in canon, e.g. one pupil starts, the next begins two notes later, the third a further
two notes on, thus producing a sequence of chords. Discuss whether the chords are major,
minor, diminished, etc.
• Play arpeggios in canon, pupils starting on successive notes. Discuss whether the resulting
chords are in root position, first inversion, etc.
• Play simple pieces in canon, with either the teacher or other members of the group leading.
The second group repeats the part played by the first group.
• Continue the activity in pairs, with the second player decorating the line or improvising
answering phrases in the style of the first. Whole pieces can be built up in this manner.
• When pupils are learning new pieces, ask them to identify and discuss structural
relationships, e.g. repetitions, contrasts, deviations, developments. Ask them to describe the
musical effects of these features.
• Encourage pupils to learn pieces more independently, identifying and solving problems, and As pupils develop their own responses
making musical decisions. to pieces, so the teacher’s input can
• Continue to advise pupils on practising strategies. be reduced.
• Encourage pupils to learn pieces away from the guitar in order to consider the overall
character, the shape of phrases, subtleties of tempo, etc. Encourage pupils to use the holistic
approach outlined in Section 1 by
prompting them to apply listening
skills, solve technical and musical
problems and use their imaginations.
• Encourage pupils to read the score away from the guitar, as another way to help with This is a challenging activity that
memorising pieces. depends on internalising the music,
• Ask pupils to memorise short pieces or sections of music this way, then play them without making links to notation and
using the music. memorising patterns and structures.
• Continue to develop sight-reading skills by regularly asking pupils to play appropriate music at Use a wide range of styles from
sight, using the structured approach outlined in Programme 3, i.e. before playing through different times and places.
pieces for the first time, help pupils to gain a clear internal picture of the overall shape and
character of the music. As in previous programmes, sight-
• Ask pupils to sight-read appropriate music in small groups, each pupil maintaining a separate reading should have fluent, musical
part individually (the parts possibly having differentiated levels of difficulty). Emphasise the outcomes. Attention to rhythmic
importance of pupils listening to each other in respect of ensemble, tuning, balance, etc. accuracy and expression will help to
project the music.
Learning objectives
E. playing music with others
Pupils should learn to: i play with others, independently maintaining an individual line with sensitivity and
demonstrating awareness of their role within the ensemble
Pupils should learn to: i perform convincingly to others, responding to the audience, venue and occasion,
communicating the character and style of the music through their own / shared
ii evaluate with perception the quality of their performance, using their knowledge of
performing conventions, including the performances of distinguished musicians
• Encourage more independence by promoting unsupervised rehearsals and by asking pupils Remember to take account of
to take the lead, e.g. pupil-led guitar ensembles, instrumental / vocal groups. independent group activities,
• Encourage pupils to use eye contact when playing in small (chamber-music size) ensembles. especially in contemporary rock and
folk areas.
• Discuss ways of using rehearsal time effectively, e.g. marking scores and parts, tuning Bear in mind that it can take
procedures, dealing with challenging passages. considerable time and effort to
• Encourage pupils, through careful listening, to develop greater sensitivity in respect of organise ensemble opportunities. It is
balance, ensemble, tuning, shaping of phrases, etc. helpful, therefore, to work in close
• Ensure there are a variety of opportunities for ensembles / groups to perform to audiences co-operation with school music
and to each other. departments, Music Services, local
performing groups and / or other
appropriate organisations.
• Organise performing opportunities at a variety of occasions and venues, e.g. school events, Aim to give pupils a range of
concerts in the wider community. performing experiences, e.g. solo,
• Ask pupils to perform, over time, pieces from a range of musical styles and traditions. with others, directed, non-directed.
• Prepare pupils to perform with fluency and understanding, encouraging them to communicate
their personal feelings within the style of the music and the composer’s markings. Ensure that pupils perform music from
• Ask pupils to research some background information on pieces, e.g. details of style, the a range of musical styles and genres
historical / social context. so that confidence and experience is
• Encourage pupils to perform some or all of their pieces from memory where this will enhance developed across a range of
confidence, musical awareness and communication. repertoire.
• Refine pieces through simulated performances in lessons, performances at school and as
part of concerts to the wider community. Through performance, pupils
• Encourage pupils to perform music with others independently of the teacher, e.g. duets, demonstrate their ability to absorb a
ensembles, folk and rock bands. range of musical and technical skills,
knowledge and understanding.
• Ask pupils to reflect on and evaluate each performance in order to make further
improvements and build up confidence.
• Record pupils’ performances in order to promote discussion. Recording performances can be both
• Encourage pupils to devise their own criteria for self-assessment. a positive and a negative experience
• Organise opportunities for pupils to perform with directed groups by encouraging them to join for pupils. With this in mind, only
bands, orchestras, choirs, large ensembles, etc. that are appropriate to their needs. record performances which promise to
build confidence and offer positive
learning outcomes.
Programme of Study 5
NQF 3 advanced level / Grades 6 - 8
Learning objectives
A. listening and internalising
Pupils should learn to: i listen systematically and critically to a wide variety of music from different styles and
traditions to develop their own independent interpretations
iii identify and incorporate subtle changes to the musical elements in their playing,
interpreting music both personally and idiomatically
iv recognise and convey in their interpretative decisions a wide variety of musical structures
and compositional techniques
v hear a wider range of music internally when using notation / symbols, anticipating the
sound in their heads
Programme of Study 5
NQF 3 advanced level / Grades 6 - 8
• Ask pupils to listen to and identify music from a variety of styles and traditions, including It is important for pupils to be
extended pieces with complex structures. Ask them to compare and contrast various pieces, challenged by a range of relevant
referring to form, texture, harmonic language, instrumentation, tonality, etc. questions.
• Ask pupils to listen to music that is related in style and tradition to the pieces they are
learning. Ask them to compare and contrast the range of musical ideas / devices and observe Use a framework of open and closed
how they are used in the music. questions that lead pupils step
by step.
• Perform pieces to be learnt and / or listen to recorded / live performances. Ask pupils to
describe the overall character and style of the music.
• Ask pupils to compare the performances, noting subtleties of tempo, phrasing, articulation,
dynamics, quality / variety of tone, etc.
• Help pupils to play by ear more extended and / or complex phrases, e.g. those featuring
wider leaps and / or challenging rhythms, from pieces to be learnt. Look at how these
phrases fit into the whole piece.
• Ask pupils to explore the effects of varying the tempi, articulation, phrasing, dynamics, etc.
in pieces from different styles and traditions. Encourage them to develop personal
interpretations and to use their understanding of the characteristics of the instrument.
• Discuss the musical effects of more advanced technical devices, e.g. tremolo, artificial
harmonics, advanced rasgueado. Ask pupils to experiment with different ways of using them
in pieces being studied.
• Encourage pupils to ensure consistency of tempo in extended pieces and large-scale
• Discuss new repertoire with pupils, noting structure, tonality, modulations, technically
demanding passages, nature of the accompaniment, etc.
• Encourage pupils to improvise in various styles. This could include making up a short
cadenza or adding ornamentation.
• Using notation, ask pupils to work out in their heads the sound of:
– phrases / pieces
– simple chords
then compare these with the actual sound when played.
• Using notation, ask pupils to describe the overall character of pieces, referring to style,
structure, harmonic language, dynamic range, texture, etc. Suggest how they affect the
mood of the music.
• Ask pupils to clap / hum / sing at sight appropriate phrases from pieces to be learnt.
• Play extracts with subtle deviations from the text in terms of pitch, rhythm, articulation,
phrasing, harmonies, dynamics, etc. Ask pupils to point out the differences.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique
ii tuning
• tune strings with complete accuracy and independence
• play with fully independent thumb movement and full control of a range of damping
• Provide opportunities for pupils to observe how others communicate in performance, e.g. Encourage pupils to attend a wide
master-classes, concerts. range of live performances.
• Help pupils to use their posture to communicate musical intention, e.g. beginning and / or
changing tempo in an ensemble.
• Discuss ways in which pupils can develop the physical and mental stamina required to play
longer, more demanding pieces.
• Show pupils how to adjust the tuning of the guitar to the key of the piece being played. It is helpful if pupils understand that
Discuss with them which chords might present intonation problems in that key. the equal temperament provided by
• Ask pupils to respond to bad intonation during performance by quickly adjusting an individual the frets on an individual string can
string’s tuning at a convenient point in the music, e.g. at a double bar or during a rest. clash with the natural (and therefore
‘unequal’) temperament of overtones
on other simultaneously sounding
strings. For example, in the first-
position E major chord, the G sharp
on the third string sounds much
sharper than the G sharp an octave
higher, heard as the fourth partial on
the sixth string (i.e. the fourth-fret
harmonic, a ‘natural’ major third).
Flattening the third string will make the
E chord sound a little more ‘in tune’,
but at the same time make other
chords requiring the third string sound
out of tune.
• Ask pupils to play the following arpeggio, slowly at first. After the thumb has played the first
note staccato, it should touch (but not play) the sixth and fourth strings in turn during the
course of the arpeggio without interrupting the flow of quavers.
• Show pupils how to damp open bass strings with the back of the thumb. This technique is
used in situations where the rapidity of a passage makes it difficult to damp in the usual way.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
• refine the balance of sound between thumb and fingers in a variety of arpeggio patterns at a
wide range of tempi
• alternate with all combinations of right-hand fingers evenly and with economy of movement at
a wide range of tempi, using apoyando and tirando strokes
• sound five and six notes simultaneously and roll five- and six-note chords with rhythmic and
dynamic expression
• Ask pupils to play three consecutive apoyando notes with the thumb on the open sixth string This exercise can also be played as a
(leaving the thumb resting against the fifth string after the last note). Follow by three notes on chord, i.e. with ima playing the top
the open first string, played tirando with a, m and i. Repeat the exercise, sounding the bass three strings tirando at the same time
and treble notes simultaneously. as the thumb plays the bottom E
• Ask pupils to revisit a range of right-hand arpeggio exercises (and explore new ones),
bringing out internal voices, i.e. notes played by the index or middle fingers.
• Choose a piece containing a mixture of textures, e.g. scales and arpeggios, and discuss with
pupils how to achieve continuity of voicing and tone colour when changing from one texture
to another.
• Ask pupils to play scales apoyando and tirando over the full range of the instrument: Make sure all combinations of right-
– fitting an increasing number of scale degrees into each beat, i.e. 4, 5, 6, and so on, while hand fingers are used and tone quality
the beat remains constant and projection are not compromised
– with speed bursts that contain a larger proportion of shorter notes by speed.
• Ask pupils to play a range of tirando scales alternating with p and i, including two-octave This type of fingering can generate
scales that start with p and i and change to m and i for the upper octave. considerable power and speed
• Show pupils how to play staccato scales, incorporating left-hand staccato, i.e. releasing the without having to modify the basic
left-hand finger early on the note, immediately prior to a change of string. hand position. It is particularly useful
for passages that suddenly jump to a
lower register.
• Discuss with pupils which note or notes in a melodic passage would benefit from being
played apoyando.
• Encourage pupils to play apoyando scales and exercises with dynamic gradation so as to
prevent the rest stroke becoming unduly synonymous with heaviness.
• Ask pupils to choose a simple five-note chord and to plant ima on the top three strings with p These two exercises can be used for
on string 5. Show them how to push the thumb through the fifth and fourth strings in a single, playing and rolling six-note chords.
rapid movement, releasing ima at the same time.
• Show pupils how to roll a five-note chord (ppima) evenly so that the highest note is ‘on the When rolling five- and six-note chords,
beat’, i.e. with the others leading up to it in a slight crescendo. Repeat with the lowest note make sure the notes played by the
‘on the beat’, i.e. with the others falling away from it in a slight decrescendo. fingers are released at the same rate
as those played by the thumb,
regardless of the overall speed of the
• Ask pupils to choose a simple four-note chord and plant pima on the top four strings. Show This technique becomes more
them how to bring out the upper and lower notes by applying extra weight to p and a important as the demands of
respectively, prior to sounding the chord. polyphony increase and should
eventually be extended to include the
index and middle fingers.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
Pupils should learn to: • incorporate thumb strokes into rasgueado technique
• play with a consistent, refined sound across a full range of dynamics and tone colours
iv left hand
• play with security in different positions and with fluency when changing positions
• Show pupils how to strum a six-note chord with the back of the thumbnail in an upward A four-beat version of this pattern can
direction on the first beat of a three-beat figure. Then make a downstroke with the thumb on be made by adding an extra
the third beat. Finally, add a downward strum with the back of i or m on the second beat. downstroke played by m or a, thus:
Gradually turn all three actions into a fast triplet. p (up), a (down), i (down), p (down).
This can be gradually turned into a
fast semiquaver figure. Experiment
with different groupings as an
extension activity.
• Ask pupils to extend their tremolo technique by playing triplet patterns with all possible finger These, and the more conventional
combinations, i.e. pmi, pim, pam, pma, pai, pia. Also experiment with flamenco-style tremolo fingerings, can also be played
quintuplet patterns, e.g. piami, and quadruplet patterns in which the fingers play continuously, with dotted rhythms and incorporating
e.g. imam, mami, the thumb playing at the same time as the first note of the group. speed bursts.
left hand
• Help pupils choose fingerings that:
– support consistency of line and tone colour
– enable position shifts to take place where most beneficial to the phrasing Practising scales with different
– exploit the availability of open strings without undermining line, tone colour and phrasing fingerings (including campanella or
• Ask pupils to choose a well-known tune or melodic passage from their repertoire and play it cross-string fingerings) is also helpful.
(by ear) in as many different positions and octaves as possible, and also in a range of keys.
They might also play individual phrases in different positions, making sure the shifts are as
smooth as possible.
• Encourage pupils to explore fifth-, seventh- and 12th-fret natural harmonics individually Improvising and composing only with
(perhaps making up pentatonic melodies), in pairs, as triads, i.e. the top three strings make a harmonics can help pupils to think of
first-inversion minor triad, strings 2, 3 and 4 make a second-inversion major triad, and as them as actual notes and pitches, not
larger clusters. just sound effects.
• Ask pupils to place a half barré on the top three strings in the seventh position and play the Pressing too hard with the barré finger
one-octave D major scale. Also place a full barré in the seventh position and play the G major can restrict the freedom of movement
scale that starts on the sixth-string B and goes up to the first-string D. Repeat the scales at a of the other fingers. Playing single-
lower fret each time. position scales over a barré
encourages the relaxation of all left-
hand fingers while requiring all notes
under the barré to be clearly heard.
• Ask pupils to play a range of ascending and descending single-position, one-octave scales, This type of fingering is common in
using the right hand once only per string. 19th-century repertoire.
• Ask pupils to practise (slowly at first and always with a sense of musical direction and
resolution) combinations of upward and downward left-hand slurs, i.e. mordents and trills,
and explore appropriate repertoire that requires ornamentation.
• Teach pupils to play vibrato at different speeds and start it at different points during the note.
Discuss how these aspects of vibrato might relate to the character of the music.
• Teach pupils to play chords with vibrato.
Learning objectives
B. making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique contd…
Pupils should learn to: i improvise extended musical ideas with a sense of direction and shape as they develop
their own personal style
• Ask pupils to improvise a piece involving a simple modulation, possibly within a given Ensure that technical points are fully
structure, e.g. A (tonic) B (dominant) A (tonic). Explore techniques involved in modulating and understood and absorbed, e.g.
apply them in other improvisations. modulations to relative keys.
• Continue to link improvisations to repertoire being studied, e.g. pupils improvise a short study
in the style of a well-known composer. Improvisation provides an obvious and
• Ask pupils, or possibly teacher and pupil, to extend a melody by improvising in turn, each enjoyable way of exploring musical
player basing the improvisation on the previous section. Aim for coherence and expression devices and conventions. It often
within an agreed style. provides the groundwork for more
• Working in pairs (possibly teacher and pupil), take turns to improvise divisions (i.e. variations) extended compositions. These
over the following ground basses, using a range of keys. advanced improvisations can be as
challenging for the teacher as
the pupil!
• Ask pupils, when playing baroque pieces, to improvise ornaments and melodic
embellishments, e.g. in repeated passages.
Learning objectives
C. creating, developing and interpreting musical ideas
Pupils should learn to: ii compose with consistency of style, coherence of musical ideas and a degree of
individuality, and by making the most of the instrumental and vocal resources
iii interpret music personally with consistency of style, and an understanding of idiomatic
performing conventions; make independent, critical judgements about their interpretation
D. playing music
Pupils should learn to: i work out by ear how to play pieces of increasing complexity, using simple transpositions
if necessary
• Ask pupils to compose pieces for more than one instrument, e.g. guitar duet or ensemble, Compositions for more than one
guitar and voice. instrument provide opportunities for
• Support pupils in refining, notating and evaluating their ideas. pupils to explore different textures.
• Provide guidance on writing for other instruments / voices.
• Provide opportunities for pupils’ compositions to be performed, if possible in public, and Pupils can use techniques associated
make recordings to help evaluation. with pieces being learnt. These may
• Ask pupils to write programme notes for their pieces, including details of background, style, include contrapuntal textures and
intention and outcomes. more complex structures, and can
involve a higher level of technical
difficulty for the performer.
Alternatively, limitations may be
imposed, e.g. thematic, structural,
technical. Encourage pupils to exploit
the idiomatic potential of instruments.
• Ask pupils to evaluate their approach to the interpretation of pieces being studied, justifying
musical decisions by referring to musical styles, conventions and personal feelings.
• Explore alternative ways of interpreting the directions of the composer.
• With pupils, discuss the interpretations of others, possibly including professional
performances and those of their peers, and compare them with their own.
• Encourage pupils to respond imaginatively to their own playing, and that of others, as
performances unfold.
D. playing music
• Demonstrate how to play melodies by ear in different keys. For the guitarist, transposing a Aim to promote the creative, enjoyable
melody that stays in one position and does not require open strings is a relatively aspects of these activities.
straightforward activity. Ask pupils, therefore, to transpose melodies with wide leaps and Transposing by ear is an important
challenging intervals. tool for the advanced musician.
• Choose guitar pieces with simple melodies and harmonies and ask pupil to transpose them
to keys in which both elements can be comfortably recreated.
• Help pupils to internalise both melodic and harmonic elements by ear.
• Ask pupils to practise playing a familiar piece, e.g. ‘Happy Birthday’, in a variety of keys.
• Ask pupils to make up some variations on well-known tunes by ear, using a range of melodic
and / or rhythmic patterns.
• Ask pupils to work out by ear a variety of harmonies for well-known tunes.
Learning objectives
D. playing music contd…
Pupils should learn to: ii repeat increasingly extended and complex musical extracts, involving different tempi,
keys, tonality, and transpositions where appropriate
iii play a range of pieces from different styles and periods that are technically and musically
advanced; form their own critical ideas in order to project their personal interpretation
iv memorise systematically and independently pieces from their repertoire with refinement
and expressive subtlety, demonstrating a personal response to the music
• Encourage pupils to play back longer and more complex musical extracts from memory,
using a wide range of styles, e.g. ritornello, raga, hooks and riffs.
• Ask pupils to practise repeating patterns that may include augmented and diminished
intervals, asymmetrical phrases and irregular rhythms.
• If a piano / keyboard is available, play a three- or four-part chord or simple chord progression Before playing chords, it may help to
and ask pupils to play the upper, inner and lower parts in turn; alternatively, allocate a part to sing or hum the notes / individual
each pupil and ask for each chord to be played separately, then as a progression. parts.
• As an extension activity, discuss whether the chords are major, minor, diminished, etc. and
which position / inversion they are in.
• Continue the holistic approach to learning new pieces described in Section 1 by:
– enabling pupils to research background knowledge of style, period, etc.
– discussing the structure, harmonic language, etc.
– ensuring that technical skills are applied to the musical context
– devising related listening exercises that support the learning and memorisation of key
features of the music
– encouraging pupils to explore alternative ways of interpreting pieces, taking into account
their knowledge of genre and period, e.g. approaches to ornaments, cadences, phrasing
and articulation, tone quality, etc.
– enriching pupils’ understanding by structuring improvisations based on ideas from the
pieces being learnt
– providing opportunities for self- and peer-evaluation, using criteria that have been devised
by pupils themselves
• Continue to encourage pupils to learn pieces away from the guitar in order to consider the
overall character, the shape of phrases, subtleties of tempo, etc.
• Continue to suggest appropriate practising strategies.
• Encourage pupils to communicate their feelings, within their knowledge and understanding of
the style, with more freedom, conviction and independence.
• Help pupils to memorise selected pieces from the repertoire being learnt. Offer particular By memorising the music, many
strategies for dealing with longer and more complex pieces, so that pupils remember music performers are able to:
in different ways. These could include: • focus more intimately on the music
– devising ways of visualising the music, ranging from imagining a simple picture outline to a • have greater freedom in their playing
more photographic image • be able to communicate more
– relating memory to touch and movement, e.g. finger movement, hand position and patterns directly
of notes
– supporting pupils in knowing the sound in their heads Pupils should be encouraged to
– analysing the structure of the music, e.g. counting the number of times a phrase occurs, perform from memory regularly in
noting key changes and sequences, consciously remembering deviations and exit points order to build up confidence.
• Provide opportunities for repeated playing and testing in order for pupils to develop complete However, this may not be appropriate
security. if it causes anxiety.
Learning objectives
D. playing music contd…
Pupils should learn to: v read and play at sight a range of pieces in a variety of styles containing elements of
surprise and deviation; internalise and incorporate a wide range of time signatures and
tempi, rhythmic patterns, melodic range, intervals, tonality and expression
Pupils should learn to: i play with others with assurance and sensitivity, demonstrating an empathy with other
ii contribute their own interpretative ideas and respond to those of others, conveying the
character and style of the music
Pupils should learn to: i perform music to others with conviction, communicating the character and style of the
music; demonstrate empathy with other performers and with the audience, to whom they
should be able to talk informatively, providing programme notes if appropriate
• Provide sight-reading practice in music that features a wide range of rhythmic and melodic It is often useful to return to simple
devices, e.g. syncopated jazz rhythms and a variety of subdivisions where the rhythms are music to develop sight-reading skills
‘straight’. Include pieces that contain elements of surprise and, with pupils, formulate and, in particular, the ability to read at
strategies for dealing with them. sight quickly and fluently. This also
• Ensure pupils look through the music first, adopting the structured approach described in helps to build up confidence.
earlier programmes, in order to internalise the overall sound and character, and spot potential
• Help pupils to develop further the skill of reading ahead by covering individual bars in the
score as soon as they have looked at them.
• Discuss the overall character and style of sight-reading pieces with pupils, emphasising the Stress the value of sight-reading as a
importance of communicating this to others. way of accessing and gaining greater
• Encourage pupils to sight-read straightforward, standard repertoire rather than sight-reading familiarity with a wide range of music.
• Provide ensemble opportunities that make increasing musical and technical demands on pupils. Bear in mind that it can take
• Help pupils to develop more sensitivity and subtlety in their playing, e.g. shaping of phrases, considerable time and effort to
variety of articulation, rhythmic flexibility, through increasing musical awareness and organise ensemble opportunities.
communication within the group It is helpful, therefore, to work in
• Invite individual pupils to take the lead and direct others. close co-operation with school music
• Acknowledge unexpected musical outcomes. departments, Music Services, local
• Provide a variety of performing opportunities. performing groups and / or other
appropriate organisations.
• Encourage pupils to use their knowledge, understanding and relevant musical experience to
inform their discussions as they seek to develop a shared interpretation.
• Encourage all pupils to contribute to a shared interpretation that is developed and refined as
the piece is practised and performed.
• Ask pupils to prepare three contrasting pieces for a recital, perhaps building their selection In addition to other skills of
around examination pieces. presentation already acquired, pupils
• Ask pupils to research information on each piece, e.g. details on the style of music, the should practise projecting their voices
composer’s life, the historical / social context. and slowing down delivery when
• Ask pupils to prepare a short talk / introduction to each piece. talking to an audience.
• Give pupils opportunities to practise their presentational skills.
• During lessons, encourage pupils to develop their own personal interpretations through It should be remembered that young
discussion and debate. Ask them to justify their decisions using appropriate musical people respond differently to the idea
vocabulary. of performing. For some it will be
• Encourage pupils to perform some or all of their pieces from memory where this will enhance rewarding and motivating, but for
confidence, musical awareness and communication. others it can be stressful to the extent
• Refine pieces through simulated performances in lessons and by performances to others in that they may be ill or wish to give up
preparation for concerts within the wider community. playing. In preparing for a
• Continue to encourage pupils to make music and perform with others, both in directed and performance, the following should be
non-directed groups. taken into account:
• the physical and psychological well-
being of the pupil
• the pupil’s motivation
• the perceived importance of the
• social relationships with other
members of the group
Learning objectives
F. performing and communicating contd…
Pupils should learn to: ii make informed evaluations about their performance in the light of their knowledge about
the music and the interpretations of distinguished musicians
• Ask pupils to evaluate their performance critically, identifying strengths and areas for Recording performances can be both
development. a positive and a negative experience
• Record pupils’ performances in order to promote discussion. for pupils. With this in mind, only
• Provide opportunities for pupils to perform to distinguished musicians / teachers in a record performances which promise to
master-class situation. build confidence and offer positive
learning outcomes.
• how to practise simple • After a count of 4, play a rhythmic accompaniment at a steady pulse and ask pupils to join in on their • Give pupils a ‘listening position’ (e.g. hands on top of the
rhythmic patterns on the guitars, playing repeated notes of a fixed value and using open strings at first, e.g. low strings with the guitar) and a ‘ready to play position’ (fingers or fingers and
guitar thumb and high strings with the fingers. Choose a different note value and / or speed and repeat the thumb planted on the relevant starting strings).
activity, always maintaining a regular pulse. • Playing without notation allows pupils to check that hand
positions and thumb and finger movements are neat and
controlled, thus enabling rhythmic legato playing.
• how to relate sound to symbol • Using flash cards showing one- or two-bar patterns that include crotchets, quavers and crotchet rests, • At first, to help make rhythms secure, encourage pupils to
ask individual pupils in turn to play the rhythm on the card, while the rest keep the beat by playing an count aloud and say rhythmic words (or ‘ta-te-te’, etc.)
open-string ostinato with the thumb. The rhythms on the card could be played a third or fifth higher while playing. They should think the phrase in their heads
than the thumb ostinato, using alternating fingers. before playing.
• Accompany pupils playing simple two-note pieces from notation. • Accompanying pupils helps support their developing sense of
• Ask half the group to provide a pedal note at a steady pulse while the other half plays a simple two- pulse and enriches their musical experience.
note melody from notation.
• how to improvise effective • Provide a backing with a clear pulse over which pupils can improvise a two-note rhythmic pattern using • As an extension activity, pupils who respond well to this
rhythmic patterns crotchets and quavers. Use either two adjacent open strings, or one open string with one left-hand note. activity and who already have some knowledge of notation
• Ask one pupil to improvise a pattern of no more than two-bars duration and another pupil to copy it. may enjoy writing down their improvised patterns.
Unit of Work
• how to control gradations of • Demonstrate a simple repeated-note scale. Ask pupils to play it by ear with crescendos and
dynamic and apply them to diminuendos, with one of them controlling dynamics by raising and lowering a hand.
scales and melodies
• how to explore expressive • Ask one pupil to play a repeated note eight times, i.e. two bars of 4/4, with one note staccato. The • As well as requiring pupils to identify a specific musical
possibilities by applying other pupils should then say which one was staccato, e.g. bar 2, beat 3. characteristic, this activity promotes metrical awareness and
different types of articulation • Ask pupils to make up a short sentence and sing it to soh-me, using the phrasing slur where simultaneous counting and listening.
appropriate, then play it on the guitar.
• Introduce one or two accompanied, single-line, first-position repertoire items of contrasting character • Add phrasing and articulation to music where none exists.
and mood, particularly ones that require different types of articulation.
• how to make links between • Ask pupils to make up words about something they enjoy and fit them to the melody they are playing • Pupils might also compose a short, descriptive guitar melody
words and phrases in a way that reflects its phrasing. based on contrasting types of articulation, e.g. walking on
tiptoe, sighing.
• how to facilitate the correct • When playing the pieces as written, ask pupils to:
simultaneous realisation of – isolate passages of parallel motion, e.g. the tenths in bars 9-12 of the Logy and the sixths in bars • Placing any two fingers on adjacent strings and then
both parts by using a range 21-22 of the Sor; practise double-stop scales of these intervals in the key of the piece through the swapping them makes a good left-hand exercise. Use all
of techniques (independence appropriate range combinations over gradually wider pairs of strings.
exercises, etc.) – isolate passages where the upper part moves over a held bass note, e.g. the first phrase of the Sor • Make sure that each left-hand finger involved in the moving
and, taken individually, bars 2 and 3 of the Logy; at first, practise them with the bass note held down part lifts off when its note is finished, unless the part returns to
but not played, the thumb resting on the same string the same note immediately.
– always damp open-string bass notes with the thumb where changes of harmony occur, e.g. bars • In general, always choose repertoire in which the damping of
13/14, 17/18 and 28/29 of the Sor; this should be practised in isolation and can be rehearsed when over-ringing bass notes can be comfortably achieved.
playing the lower voice at the ‘duet’ stage
Unit of Work
• how to use knowledge of • Ask pupils to offer a simple structural analysis of a piece they are learning. They should: • With practice and guidance, this can be achieved at an early
style and structure to help – describe its overall form, breaking it down into different sections and phrases stage by looking for clues in the score and listening to the
determine choices of tone – experiment by playing individual phrases with two or more tone colours, using different angles of piece and other similar pieces.
colour attack (by adjusting the right wrist) and hand placements (by adjusting the arm)
– decide, on the basis of the piece’s style, form and specific character, which type of sound would be • When to use the apoyando stroke is another important
most appropriate for each section consideration.
– learn the Italian terms that imply tonal variety (dolce, mesto, brillante, etc.) and add them to their own
descriptive vocabulary (warm, dark, spiky, etc.)
• how to explore the role of the • Encourage pupils to work out different ways of fingering selected phrases or passages from the piece.
left hand in refining and They should:
characterising their sound – develop an awareness of, and learn to exploit, the colour characteristics of individual strings, e.g. by • Conversely, pupils must learn to adapt the right hand’s touch
playing scales or improvising melodic passages on single strings and angle of attack when crossing strings in order to
– establish if any position shifts are needed to maintain consistency of sound; if so, execute the shift at neutralise differences in string colour.
a point most conducive to the phrasing
– consider whether any expressive details might suggest a particular choice of fingering, e.g. staying • Singing the relevant passage can help to determine its
on the same string to effect a portamento or facilitate the use of staccato expressive character.
– decide if a given fingering would make the use of vibrato easier or more difficult
– offer a critical appraisal of the fingerings found in their edition of the piece
Unit of Work
Programme Grade
Record of work (e.g. pieces, studies, scales and exercises, aural, playing / singing at sight, duets / ensembles, improvisation /
composition, performances)
End-of-term summary
Programme 1
Pupils play a variety of short, simple pieces (including studies) with fluency and some expression.
When playing with others they listen and watch, keeping in time with the group. In performing to
others, they show an awareness of the character of the music. They play with an appropriate
balanced and relaxed posture, technical control and a pleasing musical sound. They display aural
awareness in their control of musical elements (pulse, rhythm, tempo, dynamics and quality of
tone) and begin to internalise musical patterns in their heads. They play short phrases by ear, from
memory, and from notations where appropriate. They improvise simple musical patterns (both
rhythmically and melodically) with expression and use their instrumental skills when composing.
They talk about the quality of their playing and suggest ways in which they can make
Pupils play simple pieces from a variety of styles with fluency and expression, internalising the
sounds and conveying the character of the music. When playing with others they help to maintain
a separate part with an awareness of their own role in the ensemble. They perform to others with
a sense of occasion, acknowledging audience appreciation and applause. They maintain an
appropriate posture in a manner that facilitates freedom of movement. They build on their listening
experiences, making distinctions in articulation, dynamics, tone quality, etc. They recognise simple
structures in their pieces and use these in their own improvisations and compositions. They also
improvise and compose using a limited number and range of notes, or with more freedom. They
play by ear easy pieces in simple keys, recall short rhythmic and melodic phrases from memory
and use notation, sometimes at sight. They make choices about their playing in relation to musical
elements and talk about the quality of their performances.
Pupils play a variety of moderately easy pieces from different styles, conveying the expressive
intentions of the music. When playing with others they maintain an independent part individually,
showing awareness of their role within the ensemble. They play with assurance when performing
to others, communicating the character of the music with expression and understanding. They
display good posture themselves and identify it in others. Their growing technical control
(articulation, fingering, co-ordination, etc.) is used more consistently. They utilise their listening
skills to make expressive decisions and to project the character of the music. They recognise
common structures and musical devices, e.g. repetition, sequence, contrast, and use this
knowledge in performing, improvising and composing. They play by ear pieces in simple keys or
modes, recall moderately short musical phrases and read / play at sight a variety of short pieces.
They evaluate the quality of their performances with some independence, using appropriate
musical vocabulary, and make improvements in the light of their own perceptions and those
of others.
Pupils play a wide variety of pieces of moderate difficulty from different styles and traditions.
They communicate their feelings within their knowledge and understanding of the style and the
composer’s markings, demonstrating a personal response to the music. When playing with others
they maintain their own individual line with confidence and sensitivity, making significant
contributions to the ensemble and shared interpretation, and taking a lead when appropriate.
As soloists or in ensembles, they perform to others with conviction, responding to the audience,
venue and occasion. They communicate the music through their own individual or shared
interpretations and present their performances carefully, with attention to detail. They develop a
wide range of dynamics and tone colours, using these sensitively and musically in their informed
interpretations. They memorise, internalise, imitate and recall musical patterns of increasing length
and difficulty. They play by ear pieces with simple modulations and a wide range of intervals and
read and play at sight pieces in different styles. When improvising and composing, they freely
develop their own musical ideas within a variety of musical structures, drawing on internalised
sounds. They are able to describe, discuss and demonstrate understanding of how musical
elements are used in a particular form or style. They evaluate their performances independently,
and critically appraise pieces that may include their own as well as others’ compositions.
Pupils play a range of advanced pieces from different styles and traditions that are technically
and / or musically demanding. They draw on their high levels of technical control (rhythm, tempo,
co-ordination, articulation, dynamics, tone colour, etc.) in order to interpret the music, expressing
their feelings within their knowledge and understanding of style, period and the composer’s
markings. When playing in ensembles, they show sensitivity and empathy to others, contributing
their own interpretative ideas and responding to those of others. In performance, they project the
music with conviction through their own individual or shared interpretations, demonstrating a
personal response to the music and an awareness of audience, venue and occasion. They
memorise, internalise, imitate and recall sections from a wide variety of music. They read and play
at sight moderately difficult pieces and respond to musical characteristics, including elements of
surprise. They improvise extended musical ideas with a sense of direction and shape. They
compose with consistency of style and coherence, understanding the idiomatic possibilities of
their musical resources. They make informed evaluations about their performances, and those of
others, in the light of their knowledge about the music and the interpretations of other musicians
and professional artists. They value their music-making and take ownership of what they do.
i listen to music with concentration in listen to music with concentration in listen with concentration, responding use their listening skills and listen systematically and critically to a
and out of lessons, enjoying their and out of lessons, enjoying their to the expressive character of music, experiences of a variety of musical wide variety of music from different
experiences and building on them experiences and building on them using their experiences to inform their styles and traditions to inform their styles and traditions to develop their
playing interpretations, e.g. use of rubato, own independent interpretations
shaping of phrases, variety of tone
ii have some aural perception of the have some aural perception of the have a clear aural perception of the have a clear aural perception of the have an accurate aural perception of
music to be played music to be played, including some music to be played, including some music to be played, including some the music to be played, conveying
feeling of the expressive feeling and understanding of the feeling and understanding of the their feeling and understanding of the
characteristics expressive characteristics expressive and stylistic characteristics expressive and stylistic features in
practice and performance
iii recognise and discriminate between recognise and discriminate between recognise and discriminate between identify and incorporate subtle identify and incorporate subtle
the musical elements of pulse, pitch, the musical elements, including the musical elements, including more changes to the musical elements in changes to the musical elements in
rhythm, tempo, dynamics, texture, and aspects of articulation, phrasing and refined aspects of articulation, their playing, e.g. tempo, articulation, their playing, interpreting music both
notice changes of tone quality and quality of tone phrasing, quality / variety of tone phrasing personally and idiomatically
iv recognise and convey in their playing recognise and convey simple recognise and convey structural recognise and convey more extended recognise and convey in their
simple rhythmic and melodic patterns, structures in their playing, e.g. features and compositional devices in structures and techniques in pieces interpretative decisions a wide variety
e.g. repetition of main tune repetition of rhythmic and melodic their playing, e.g. A A B A, being studied, e.g. rondo, raga, dance of musical structures and
phrases sequence forms, simple modulations compositional techniques
v make links between sounds and hear some elements of the music hear simple music internally when hear simple music internally with hear a wider range of music internally
symbols when using notation, e.g. internally when using notation / using notation / symbols, including increasing accuracy and fluency when when using notation / symbols,
shape of the melody symbols, e.g. tempo, pitch, rhythm, repetitions, contrasts, changes to using notation /symbols anticipating the sound in the their
dynamics melodic and rhythmic patterns heads
B Making and controlling musical sounds: developing technique
i posture and freedom of movement posture and freedom of movement posture and freedom of movement posture and freedom of movement posture and freedom of movement
develop a balanced and relaxed maintain a balanced and relaxed maintain a balanced and relaxed use a balanced and relaxed posture to use a balanced and relaxed posture to
posture, supporting the instrument in posture, supporting the instrument in posture, supporting the instrument convey confidence and a willingness convey confidence and project a
an appropriate manner, securely and an appropriate manner, securely and securely and with more ease to communicate positive performance image
without tension without tension
iii right hand (tone quality and dynamics) right hand (tone quality and dynamics) right hand (tone quality and dynamics) right hand (tone quality and dynamics) right hand (tone quality and dynamics)
form stable right-hand shapes and maintain stable right-hand shapes and adapt right-hand shapes and positions adapt right-hand shapes and positions adapt right-hand shapes and positions
positions positions to different functions, including to different functions more quickly and to a range of special techniques
changes of tone colour develop a wider range of tone colours
move the thumb independently of improve independence of thumb improve independence of thumb further develop thumb independence play with fully independent thumb
the rest of the hand and damp movement when playing and damping movement and further develop and damping techniques movement and full control of a range
open-string bass notes damping techniques of damping techniques
use apoyando with the thumb further develop the thumb apoyando
control sequential right-hand thumb improve the balance of sound between maintain the balance of sound adjust the balance of sound between refine the balance of sound between
and finger movements in the simplest thumb and fingers in simple arpeggio between thumb and fingers in a variety thumb and fingers in a variety of thumb and fingers in a variety of
arpeggio patterns patterns and begin to use arpeggios of arpeggio patterns and song arpeggio patterns at a wider range arpeggio patterns at a wide range
for simple song accompaniments accompaniments of tempi of tempi
control alternating pairs of right-hand alternate pairs of right-hand fingers alternate pairs of right-hand fingers alternate pairs of right-hand fingers alternate with all combinations of right-
fingers, using apoyando and tirando more evenly and with more economy evenly and with more economy of evenly and with economy of hand fingers evenly and with economy
strokes of movement, using apoyando and movement at a variety of tempi, using movement at a range of tempi, using of movement at a wide range of tempi,
tirando strokes apoyando and tirando strokes apoyando and tirando strokes using apoyando and tirando strokes
apply the apoyando stroke selectively, incorporate the apoyando stroke with
where appropriate judgement and subtlety
use pairs of right-hand fingers sound three and four notes roll four-note chords with rhythmic and sound five and six notes simultaneously
simultaneously simultaneously dynamic expression and roll five- and six-note chords with
rhythmic and dynamic expression
iii Continued from previous page use simple strumming techniques use simple rasgueado techniques for a develop rasgueado techniques using incorporate thumb strokes into
(rasgueado) wider range of rhythms all three right-hand fingers rasgueado technique
play with a full, clear sound at two or play with a full, clear sound more play with a more satisfying, clear sound play with a consistent, satisfying sound play with a consistent, refined sound
more dynamic levels consistently at two or more dynamic across a range of dynamics and with across a wider range of dynamics and across a full range of dynamics and
levels some changes of tone colour tone colours tone colours
iv left hand left hand left hand left hand left hand
develop a comfortable and relaxed maintain a comfortable and relaxed manage simple chords develop security in different positions play with security in different positions
left-hand shape that facilitates the left-hand shape that facilitates the and when changing position and with fluency when changing
accurate placement of all fingers, accurate placement of all fingers, begin elementary position work, positions
using one finger at a time using more than one finger at a time including simple shifts
use some natural harmonics use a wide range of natural harmonics
use the left-hand slur or ligado execute left-hand slurs with flexibility
and speed
v articulation and co-ordination articulation and co-ordination articulation and co-ordination articulation and co-ordination articulation and co-ordination
play legato by moving the fingers of improve the quality of legato by maintain good legato connection when maintain good legato connection when use a fully connected, singing legato
both hands together rhythmically, to co-ordinating the finger movements of executing simple position shifts executing more extensive position shifts as well as a range of non-legato
the pulse both hands with more precision and when getting on and off the barré articulations and slurring techniques to
create clear and meaningful phrases
understand and use the phrasing slur use the phrasing slur to more extend the use of the phrasing slur judge when it is appropriate for the left in response to the expressive and
expressive effect hand to execute the phrasing slur stylistic requirements of the repertoire
observe rests and play staccato play staccato with more consistency extend the use of staccato vary staccato according to the musical
and variety of touch context
C Creating, developing and interpreting musical ideas
i improvise expressively by exploring improvise rhythmic and melodic improvise in a variety of genres and improvise with freedom in a wide improvise extended musical ideas with
different sounds and creating satisfying phrases freely or within given styles, sustaining and developing range of musical structures, genres, a sense of direction and shape as
repeated musical patterns or phrases structures, individually or as part of musical ideas and achieving different styles and traditions, drawing on they develop their own personal style
a group intended musical effects with the internalised sounds
ii make use of instrumental skills when compose by developing musical ideas apply knowledge and understanding of compose in different styles, creating compose with consistency of style,
beginning to compose within given simple structures and the instrument in order to compose and selecting musical ideas by coherence of musical ideas and a
applying instrumental skills with an understanding of musical idiom exploring the characteristics of their degree of individuality, and by making
chosen resources the most of the instrumental and vocal
iii begin to interpret music with some make choices in relation to tempo, convey their interpretation with an apply their knowledge of style, interpret music personally with
expression and with a sense of its dynamics, phrasing, articulation, understanding of the musical style and characteristics and historical / social consistency of style, and an
intended effect; talk about its mood colour, etc. in order to achieve an idiom; make improvements to their background in order to interpret the understanding of idiomatic performing
and how it is played and suggest intended effect and convey the work in the light of their knowledge music with understanding and insight; conventions; make independent,
improvements expressive characteristics; describe about the music evaluate how their interpretation critical judgements about their
and evaluate the music using reflects the context in which the music interpretation
appropriate musical vocabulary was created and is performed and
D Playing music
i work out by ear how to play short, work out by ear how to play easy, work out by ear how to play tunes in work out by ear how to play work out by ear how to play pieces of
easy phrases from well-known tunes well-known tunes in simple keys straightforward major and minor keys moderately easy tunes, e.g. with increasing complexity, using simple
or modes simple modulations, a wider range of transpositions if necessary
intervals and different
octaves / positions
ii repeat with accuracy short, easy repeat with accuracy short, easy repeat with accuracy moderately short repeat with accuracy phrases of repeat increasingly extended and
rhythmic and melodic patterns by rhythmic and melodic phrases by musical phrases (melodic, rhythmic, moderate length and complexity in a complex musical extracts, involving
playing back from memory playing back from memory textural and harmonic) from memory variety of styles different tempi, keys, tonality, and
transpositions where appropriate
iii play short, easy pieces from play a variety of easy pieces from play a variety of moderately easy play a variety of pieces of moderate play a range of pieces from different
notation / symbols, conveying the notation / symbols, conveying the pieces from different styles and difficulty, developing a personal styles and periods that are technically
character of the music character of the music traditions, showing an awareness of response through sustained study of and musically advanced; form their
idiom and structure and and reflection on the music own critical ideas in order to project
communicating the character of the their personal interpretation
music and the intentions of the
iv memorise with accuracy selected play from memory, and to others, memorise a variety of pieces from memorise a variety of pieces from memorise systematically and
short, simple pieces from their selected contrasting pieces from their their repertoire of increasing length their repertoire in different styles and independently pieces from their
repertoire repertoire and complexity traditions, featuring a range of musical repertoire with refinement and
devices and structures expressive subtlety, demonstrating a
personal response to the music
v read and play at sight short, simple read and play at sight short, easy read and play at sight a variety of read and play at sight moderately read and play at sight a range of
phrases at a regular pulse; begin to pieces at a regular pulse, beginning to short, straightforward pieces at a easy pieces in different styles at a pieces in a variety of styles containing
make links between sound and hear some of the elements internally regular pulse, using an increasing regular pulse; internalise and elements of surprise and deviation;
symbol and attending to expressive details, rhythmic, melodic and tonal range incorporate less familiar musical internalise and incorporate a wide
including articulation and dynamics features, e.g. time signatures, variety range of time signatures and tempi,
of tempi, keys rhythmic patterns, melodic range,
intervals, tonality and expression
E Playing music with others
i play with others, demonstrating some play with others, helping to maintain a play with others, independently play with others, independently play with others with assurance and
basic ensemble skills by listening, separate part and showing awareness maintaining an individual line, maintaining an individual line with sensitivity, demonstrating an empathy
watching and keeping in time with the of their role within the ensemble demonstrating awareness of their role sensitivity and demonstrating with other performers
group within the ensemble awareness of their role within the
ii explore and discuss the character of explore, discuss and convey the contribute to collective decisions, e.g. contribute to collective decisions, e.g. contribute their own interpretative
the music and the expressive character of the music tempo, ensemble, tuning, balance, balance, ensemble, interpretation, ideas and respond to those of others,
possibilities conveying the character of the music conveying the character and style of conveying the character and style of
the music the music
i perform music to others, e.g. parents / perform to others with a sense of perform to others with increasing perform convincingly to others, perform music to others with
carers, teachers and friends, occasion, e.g. in a concert, school awareness and assurance, responding to the audience, venue conviction, communicating the
demonstrating an awareness of the assembly, examination, projecting the communicating the character of the and occasion, communicating the character and style of the music;
mood of the music character of the music and music and their musical intentions to character and style of the music demonstrate empathy with other
acknowledging audience applause the audience through their own / shared performers and with the audience,
interpretation to whom they should be able to talk
informatively, providing programme
notes if appropriate
ii discuss the quality of their playing and, evaluate the quality of their evaluate with perception and some evaluate with perception the quality of make informed evaluations about their
with guidance, learn from their performance in relation to the independence the quality of their their performance, using their performance in the light of their
performance character of the music, suggesting performance and respond to ideas knowledge of performing conventions, knowledge about the music and the
improvements and commenting on from others including the performances of interpretations of distinguished
how the intentions were achieved distinguished musicians musicians
The following definitions are designed to be used in conjunction with A Common Approach.
alternating: the technique of playing consecutive notes with alternate right-hand fingers, e.g. imim, amam,
as opposed to repeating the same finger
apoyando: the method of sounding a string whereby the fingertip comes to rest against the adjacent
(or rest stroke) lower-pitched string
barré: the means whereby the left-hand index finger stops two or more adjacent strings at the same fret
by lying flat across them
campanella: a way of fingering a melodic passage so that, as far as possible, consecutive notes are played
on different strings, thus creating an over-ringing, bell-like effect
damping: the technique of touching a string with the tip of (usually) the right-hand thumb or finger to stop it
ringing on longer than required
étouffé: the technique of playing with the flesh of the thumb while the little-finger side of the right hand
(or pizzicato) mutes the strings by resting on the bridge saddle
harmonic: the sound produced when the fundamental pitch of an open string is removed, leaving only
(natural) higher partials sounding. The octave (or first) harmonic is achieved by briefly touching the string at
its exact mid-point with a left-hand finger, i.e. at the 12th fret, while sounding it with the right hand.
The second harmonic is found at the seventh fret (a third of the string length) and the third
harmonic at the fifth fret (a quarter of its length)
harmonic: a method of producing harmonics in which the entire process is managed by the right hand
(artificial) alone. The index finger touches the string while the right finger or thumb sounds it. This allows
the left hand to stop the string as usual, giving complete chromatic freedom. Limited, in practice,
to the first harmonic only
ligado: the technique whereby the string is sounded by the left hand only, either as a rising pitch by
dropping the fingertip quickly on to the string (hammer-on), or as a falling pitch by plucking the
string with the fingertip (pull-off). Although the word is the Spanish equivalent of ‘legato’, it should
not be confused with the Italian term, even though its use will result in a legato effect
p-i-m-a: the system of using the initial letters of the Spanish words for the thumb and first three fingers to
indicate right-hand fingering: p (pulgar) = thumb, i (indice) = index finger, m (medio) = middle finger,
a (anular) = ring finger
planting: the act of preparing the right hand to play by placing the thumb and fingers (individually or together)
on their strings before playing. Particularly helpful for providing a stable platform for tirando strokes
ponticello: the sound produced by playing near the bridge
raga: an organised collection of tones that sets the melodic framework for a piece of Indian classical music
rasgueado: a traditional Spanish strumming technique in which the right-hand fingers and thumb strike the
strings both up and down in a variety of rhythmic configurations. Typical of flamenco music
tasto: the sound produced by playing over the fingerboard
tirando: the method of sounding a string whereby the fingertip avoids contact with the adjacent lower-
(or free stroke) pitched string. The obverse of apoyando, it permits the adjacent string to continue sounding
(such as when playing chords or arpeggios) and is the most widely used stroke
tremolo: the technique whereby one string is repeatedly and rapidly sounded by a sequence of right-hand
fingers, e.g. ami, creating the illusion of a single continuous note
Royal College of Music Federation of Music Services National Association of Music Educators
Prince Consort Road 7 Courthouse Street, Otley, Leeds, Gordon Lodge, Snitterton Road
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tel: 0207 589 3643 tel: 01943 463311 tel / fax: 01629 760791
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