Rock Cycle Web Lesson

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INTERN NAME: Thomas McCormick

EDR 317/318 Lesson Plan Template


Lesson Day ● 10/17/2018

(Include: Date, Subject, Duration, Grouping/# of students) ● 8th Grade Science
● 43 Minutes
● All classes
How will this lesson support the learning goal? Students will learn about rocks and the rock cycle because it is
(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) important to understand this topic before moving forward in Earth

Objective(s) ● Student will be able to show an understanding of the rock cycle.

(1c: Setting Instructional Outcomes) ● Students will be able to come up with an idea for a short story
Taking the learning goal into consideration, what is the about the rock cycle.
objective(s) of this lesson that will support progress toward
the learning goal.

Objectives should be learner focused (not what the teacher

will do or accomplish), observable (use verbs that can be
measured), and target a specific outcome. Please refer to
the SLO User Guide for the “ABCD” method or “I CAN”
statements that can be used as a guide.
PA Standards ● Science or ○ Standard - 4.1.8.B - Relate plate tectonics to both slow and rapid changes in the earth’s surface. Describe the
rock cycle and the processes that are responsible for the
formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
rocks. Relate geochemical cycles to the conservation of
matter. Explain how the Earth is composed of a number of
dynamic, interacting systems exchanging energy or
RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018
INTERN NAME: Thomas McCormick

● Reading
○ Standard - CC.3.6.6-8.B - Use precise language and
domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the
ISTE Standards (if applicable) ● 5c - Students break problems into component parts, extract key
information, and develop descriptive models to understand
complex systems or facilitate problem-solving.
Technology Materials/ Resources ● PowerPoint
(1d: Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources) ○ Helps guide the lesson
● Laptop
What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this ○ Internet is used
lesson? How do the materials align with the learning ● Interactive Rock cycle Website
objective(s)? If appropriate, what educational technology will ○
be used to support the learning outcomes of this lesson? nt/investigations/es0602/es0602page02.cfm?chapter_no=
How do the resources support the learning objectives? investigation
Cite publications and any web resources. ○ Content is on these websites
● Citation
○ “Interactive Rock cycle Animation.” Interactive Rock
cycle Animation,
○ “Introduction.” Annenberg Learner,
Anticipatory Set I will start the class by passing out post-it notes to everyone in the
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and classroom.
5-10 minutes Good morning/afternoon everyone, please read and begin doing
How will you set the purpose and help students learn why the “Do Now” that is on the board.
today’s lesson is important to them as learners?
How will you pique the interest or curiosity regarding the On the board it will state to write your name on the sticky note, write
lesson topic? down a word that you think has to do with rocks or the rock cycle, and
How will you build on students’ prior knowledge? a number between 1-4 then put it on the whiteboard. Once everyone is

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

INTERN NAME: Thomas McCormick

How will you introduce and explain the strategy/concept or done and has put a sticky note on the whiteboard I will take a few off
skill? the board at random and ask the student to explain why they wrote
what they wrote. This will engage the students by getting them active
Provide very detailed steps. while also building on some prior knowledge from before. I will then
post on the board our learning objective for class today.

Can someone please read me what the learning objective for

today's class is?

Hopefully, someone will volunteer and read the learning objective,

however, if I must call on someone to read that is okay. Once that is
over I will talk briefly about what they will be doing after the lesson

So, just so you all are aware. After today's lesson if there is time
we will begin an assignment where you will be making a short
story about the rock cycle. You will be creating a character who
is a rock and describe his experiences through the rock cycle.
You will have all day tomorrow as well so do not feel rushed to
get this done. First, we must learn about the rock cycle.

I will then split the classroom into two groups, one side with Mr. Atkins
the other with me. They will be split by the number they chose. Odds
will go with me, and evens will go with Mr. Atkins.

Now, before we begin we are going to separate the class into

two groups. I will take one side of the room and Mr. Atkins will
take the other half of the room. If you chose an even number
please go over here and bring your notebooks, if you chose an
odd number please go to this side of the room with your laptops.
Instructional Activities In this co-teaching lesson plan I will be focusing on the interactive
(1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and website style of learning.
1e: Designing Coherent Instruction)

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

INTERN NAME: Thomas McCormick

30-35 minutes Direct:

Exploration (Model): How will students explore the new
concepts? How will you model or provide explicit instruction? Hello everyone, I will be guiding you through this website and
You MUST include a teacher think-aloud using student- worksheet today as you learn about the rock cycle. If you log
friendly language here. onto Schoology under Week 8 and Mr. McCormick’s Materials,
there will be a link called “Link 1”. Click on “Link 1” and then
Guided Practice: How will you provide support to students eyes on me before moving forward. As you can see there is a lot
as they apply the new concept? How will you allow them to of information on this website that you will use to answer
practice (with teacher support)? questions.

Independent practice: How will students review and solidify I will then pass out the worksheet that goes along with this website.
these concepts to be able to use this new knowledge? How
will you monitor and provide feedback? Here is the worksheet you will be working on with this website.
Now, I will show you how to navigate the website and answer the
Provide very detailed steps and include teacher talk where first question. Let’s look at question 1 and question 2.
appropriate. “Crystallization of Magma will form ______ rock.” So, I am
looking for a rock that is formed by crystallization of magma. If I
Bold/highlight academic language that will be used/taught look at the interactive website I start the animation by clicking the
throughout the lesson. play bottom on the bottom of the page. The animation stops at
important parts. A text box appears on the bottom left of the
animation. It states “Crystallization of magma to form igneous
rock. So, our answer to the first question is igneous. For the
next set of questions, the directions say to “Click on the image
for lava flow” so we will click on the blinking lava flow. A pop-up
appears on the screen with another animation. Now, this
animation goes quick, so we should pause it, so we are able to
read the text. The text reads “Quick cooling results in many
small crystals. Gases bubbling out of lava form holes in the
rock.” The next set of questions state “Quick cooling of magma
results in many _______ crystals.” From what we just read we
can say the answer to question 2 is small. Question 3 reads
“Gases bubbling out form ____________ in the rock. Again,
from the text box we just read we can form the answer is holes.
Then the directions say to click continue. The directions then

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

INTERN NAME: Thomas McCormick

say click continue. The text box at the bottom gives you the
answer to question 4 “Erosion of solid rock produces
___________”, sediment.

Now, turn to a partner/group of students and work on the
remaining questions together. Stop when you get to “Link 2”

I will begin to walk around and assist students when they need help
finding answers. They should have their partners to bounce ideas off
each other.

Once you and your partner have gotten to Link 2: Interactive

Rock cycle please start filling in the rest of the worksheet

Students will finish working on the worksheet on their own. If they have
any questions on how to answer a question I will guide them to keep
looking. If the question involves technology, then I will assist.
Closure When time is running out we will reconvene to our regular seats. I will
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) explain that this worksheet is for homework and ask co-teacher if he
5-8 minutes has anything that needs to be done.
How will students share or show what they have learned in
this lesson? If you are not done, that is okay. You may finish this for
How will you restate the teaching point or ask students to do homework tonight. Mr. Atkins is there any homework for your
so and clarify key concepts? students tonight? Let’s talk about tomorrow’s class. Turn to a
How will you provide opportunities to extend ideas and partner and brainstorm with them an idea for a short story that is
check for understanding? about the rock cycle.
How will this lesson lead to the next lesson?
I will walk around the room and listen to what they are saying. After a
minute or two I will continue to explain.

Tonight, I would like you to continue to brainstorm a short story

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

INTERN NAME: Thomas McCormick

idea. Think about the characters, setting, plot, all the things that
are in a short story. Tomorrow you will be working on creating
your own short story on the rock cycle.

Then, I will call on someone to recite what the learning objectives were.
I will ask students to use a thumbs up, thumbs down to indicate their
understanding of the learning objective.

Does anyone remember what our learning objective was today?

Thumbs up if you understand, thumbs down if you don’t?
Differentiation ● Above grade level learners (L1) work independently
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) ● At or below grade level learners (L2) can work with a partner
throughout and get more support
What differentiated support will you provide for students ● ELL students may work with a partner
whose academic development is below or above the current ● Students may choose how they learn the content
grade level? ● Students who need more time will get more time
What specific differentiation of content, process, products, ● Short-story involves creativity and choice
and/or learning environment do you plan to employ to meet ● Students do not have to sit in assigned seats
the needs of all your students?
How will your lesson be supportive for all students, including
English Language Learners, and build upon the linguistic,
cultural, and experiential resources that they bring to their
How will your lesson promote creative and critical thinking
and inventiveness?
Accommodations ** (see note below) ● Students with IEP’s will still work with the class, however they will
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) not be expected to have all the answers correct.
● Students with ADHD will benefit because we get up out of our
What classroom accommodations do you plan to employ to seats during our lesson and change seats
increase curriculum access for students identified with ● Select students will have access to the PowerPoint slide before
special education needs or 504? the lesson so they can follow along with the slides

Describe how these accommodations align with the current

Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for each student as

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

INTERN NAME: Thomas McCormick

applicable (avoid using actual names of students).

Modifications**(see note below) ● If necessary, student will be given multiple choices for answers
(1e: Designing Coherent Instruction) instead of having none.
● If necessary, I will only be looking for an understanding of the 3
What curricular modifications and/or changes in major rocks and the rock cycle.
performance standards, if any, do you plan to employ to
facilitate the participation of students identified with special
education needs?

Assessment (Formal or Informal) ● Formative:

(1f: Assessing Student Learning) ○ I will walk around and listen to their idea of a short story
(Objective 2).
How will you and the students assess where the learning ○ Thumbs up/thumbs down if they obtained the learning
objectives, listed above, were met? objective (Objective 1).
**Aligns with the objective
Each formal or informal assessment should describe how it
is aligned to the above objective(s).
Reflection on Instruction At the end of the lesson the students were able to give me a thumbs up
thumbs down formative assessment check on if they reached the first
At the end of the lesson you should reflect on the lesson. learning objective. Mr. Atkins students were able to reach this learning
The reflection should go beyond simply answering the objective by the end of the lesson, however some of mine were not.
question “Was this a good lesson?” Below are some Most students were not able to finish their web assignment. However,
questions to assist you in your reflective process (Danielson, they were instructed to finish their assignment for homework. I am fully
2008): confident of their ability to finish the assignment at home and reach the
o What evidence did you collect to demonstrate that objective. For objective two everyone was able to reach this objective.
your students have met or are progressing towards The students discussed about ideas for the short story and showed me
the learning outcomes/objectives? the grasped the content.
o View student work samples. What do they reveal
about the students’ level of engagement and If I were to change anything about this lesson in the future I would have
comprehension? done some more pre-lesson evaluations on the students learning
o What changes, if any, would you make to the lesson if styles. By knowing their learning styles, I could have purposely placed
you teach this lesson in the future? What them into groups. By doing that I would have gotten the most out of

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

INTERN NAME: Thomas McCormick

misconceptions, if any, do you need to clarify before each student.

teaching the next lesson?
o Did you stray from your lesson plan? If so, how and I did not stray away from my lesson plan that much at all. Besides my
why? teacher talk, I followed the lesson diligently. I think that practicing the
o Comment on your classroom procedures, student lesson over and over in my head helped me insure that my lesson
conduct, and your use of physical space. To what should go the way I wrote it.
extent did these contribute to student learning?
o Comment on different aspects of your instructional Some classroom procedures that that I had in my lesson that
delivery (e.g., activities, grouping of students, contributed to student learning was my use of getting the students up
materials/resources utilized). To what extent were and moving. By getting the students active it activates their brain and
they effective? starts getting the juices pumping. I didn’t really have any students who
had conduct issues. The biggest issue I had was motivation. Getting
the level 2 students motivated to do their work was the hardest part. I
used the full extent of the room by separating the class into two groups
and splitting the classroom in half.

I think the most effective part of my lesson was the grouping of

students. By randomizing the students nobody felt singled out. I think
that’s a big thing to think about when delivering a lesson.

The most effective teaching moment on my lesson today was when the
Wi-Fi wasn’t working with some of the computers. I had to think on my
feet like a real teacher must do and think of a solution. Thankfully I
thought of an idea for students to share computers and it seemed to
work. Teachers discover problems in their lesson plans all the time and
they must think on their feet. It was a great to be able to say I came out
of that experience a better teacher.

What signaled to me that my students were learning was how indulged

they were in the activity. They followed my directions and successfully
navigated the website. They were able to experience the data and
copy it down on to their paper.

I can relate this experience with the reading we have had in class,

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

INTERN NAME: Thomas McCormick

specifically “The Power of Our Words”. I have noticed myself joking

around with my students and I think I am only able to do that because
of the relationship I have built with my students. My words carry a lot
with them and I am noticing that fully.

In the future I will use this information to my advantage. I am now

unafraid to do an online activity. I am now confident in my ability to
show the students how to achieve an objective through online activities.

**Accommodations and Modifications

Students with disabilities may need accommodations or modifications to their educational program to participate in the general
curriculum. Both are essential to consider when planning an equitable educational experience for students with disabilities.
Accommodations refer to changes in how a student learns the material, but they do not change knowledge content. With
accommodations, a student receives the SAME education as other children, but the student can access content or express knowledge
in different ways. Modifications refer to changes of what is taught or what students with disabilities are expected to learn. This may
include adaptations made to instruction and assessment that change or reduce learning expectations. (Please refer to the SLO User
Guide and SLO template for additional explanation.)

When completing these two sections, you need to describe, if appropriate, how you will ensure that students will access the material
based on the accommodations or modifications listed within the IEP or 504 plans. There should be a direct connection within the
Anticipatory Set, Instructional Activity, and Closure section of the lesson plan template.

The most effective teaching moment on my lesson today was when the Wi-Fi wasn’t working with some of the computers. I had to think on my feet like a real teacher must
do and think of a solution. Thankfully I thought of an idea for students to share computers and it seemed to work. Teachers discover problems in their lesson plans all the
time and they must think on their feet. It was a great to be able to say I came out of that experience a better teacher.

What signaled to me that my students were learning was how indulged they were in the activity. They followed my directions and successfully navigated the website. They
were able to experience the data and copy it down on to their paper.

I can relate this experience with the reading we have had in class, specifically “The Power of Our Words”. I have noticed myself joking around with my students and I think
I am only able to do that because of the relationship I have built with my students. My words carry a lot with them and I am noticing that fully.

In the future I will use this information to my advantage. I am now unafraid to do an online activity. I am now confident in my ability to show the students how to achieve an
objective through online activities.

RJM EDR 317/318 Fall 2018

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