Limited Only To The Errors of Law Committed by The Appellate Court (Except in Case of Conflict)

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Rule Rule 43 Rule 45 Rule 65

Appeal by Certiorari/Petition for

Mode Ordinary appeal Petition for Certiorari

When filed 15 days 15 days 60 days

Regional Trial Court (RTC), CA,

Where filed Court of Appeals (CA) Supreme Court
Supreme Court (SC)

limited only to the errors of law

Questions of law or errors of
Scope Questions of fact, law or mixed committed by the appellate court
(except in case of conflict)

Decisions of the Commission Where an administrative agency or

Excluded Elections (COMELEC) and officer does not exercise judicial or
Commission on Audit (COA) quasi-judicial power
The tribunal, board or officer
Exhausted all administrative exercising judicial or quasi-judicial
remedies and that a final order or functions has acted without or in
Conditions decision has been rendered by the excess its or his jurisdiction, or
administrative body in the exercise with grave abuse of discretion
of its quasi-judicial functions amounting to lack or excess of
jurisdiction, and there is no appeal,
or any plain, speedy, and
adequate remedy in the ordinary
course of law,

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