Inner-Circle Outer-Circle Socratic Sem Rubric

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Inner-Circle/Outer-Circle Socratic Seminar

Assessment Guide for Success

Assessment Profoundly Proficient Quite Competent Still Struggling Score

The student has thoroughly The student has mostly The student has not
prepared for the Socratic prepared for the Socratic sufficiently prepared for the _______ / 60
seminar by completely seminar by completely Socratic seminar. The student
answering all five discussion answering at least three has completely answered two
questions. The student questions OR partially questions OR partially
demonstrates answering all five questions. answered at least two
“completeness” by answering For a partial response, the questions. For a partial
the question clearly, student has completed at least response, the student has
Preparation providing a direct quote two of the following for each completed at least one of the
(60) from one of our texts with an question: answered the following for each question:
MLA citation, and question clearly; provided a answered the question
analytically explaining how direct quote from one of our clearly; provided a direct
the quote supports their texts with an MLA citation; or quote from one of our texts
answer. The student came to analytically explained how the with an MLA citation; or
class on the day of the quote supports their answer. analytically explained how the
seminar with their The student came to class on quote supports their answer.
preparation notes for the day of the seminar with The student did not come to
reference. their preparation notes for class on the day of the
51-60 reference. seminar with their
42-50 preparation notes.
Up to 41
The student demonstrates The student demonstrates The student is still struggling at
the ability to work progress toward working working collaboratively in
collaboratively in diverse collaboratively in diverse teams diverse teams and
teams by speaking at least by speaking at least one time demonstrates this challenge by
Communication two times during their inner- during their inner-circle remaining silent during their
and Listening circle discussion and listening discussion and listening in the inner-circle discussion and
(30) actively in the large circle. large circle. The student failing to listen in the large
The student demonstrates demonstrates progress toward circle. The student might be
Inner-Circle/Outer-Circle Socratic Seminar
Assessment Guide for Success
active listening skills by being
active listening skills by sleeping, talking, using an
silent in the large circle, accidentally speaking once or electronic device, among other _______ / 30
taking notes on their peers’ twice in the large circle, taking distractions. The student
contributions, and some notes on their peers’ rarely or never references the
referencing the previous contributions, and attempting previous speaker during the
speaker during their inner- to reference the previous inner-circle discussion. The
circle discussion. The student speaker during their inner- student often neglects to
follows all class-created circle discussion. The student follow class-created
discussion norms. mostly follows class-created discussion norms.
26-30 discussion norms, forgetting Up to 20
one or two occasionally.
The student thoughtfully The student mostly completed The student insufficiently
completed the reflective self- the reflective self-assessment completed the reflective self-
assessment by noting in by thoroughly completing at assessment by inadequately _______ / 10
detail something memorable least two of the following: completing at least two of the
Reflective Self- that a classmate contributed noting something memorable following: noting something
Assessment during the discussion; that a classmate contributed memorable that a classmate
(10) honestly reflecting on their during the discussion; honestly contributed during the
own preparation and reflecting on their own discussion; honestly reflecting
participation during the preparation and participation on their own preparation and
Socratic process; and during the Socratic process; or participation during the
reflecting on the usefulness reflecting on the usefulness of Socratic process; or reflecting
of the Socratic process as it the Socratic process as it was on the usefulness of the
was conducted in our class. conducted in our class. Socratic process as it was
8-10 7-10 conducted in our class.
Up to 6

Total (100) ______ / 100

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