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Four Frameworks
•  Provides a model where the boundaries of the study
can be set.
Research •  An approach to carry out research whereby
conceptual framework shapes, supports, and directs
Techniques the other three frameworks.
•  Conceptual Framework
RES100-4 •  Theoretical Framework
Methods of Research •  Methodological Framework
•  Analytical Framework
Reference: Robert Weissberg and
Suzanne Buker

Test of Researchability The Research Process

Resources: 1.  Choose an area of interest that you would
•  The time needed to conduct the research like to research. Limit this area to a specific
•  The money needed to conduct the research research topic that will produce (numerical)
•  The access to data data.
2.  Write a research question that focuses on
one aspect of your topic.
3.  Formulate a hypothesis that is a possible
response to your research question.


Steps in Beginning the

The Research Process
Research Process
4.  Design a study that will permit you to answer 1.  Select an area of interest.
your research question. 2.  Focus on one aspect of the area.
5.  Determine the type of materials you will need 3.  Write a research question.
to carry your study.
4.  Formulate a hypothesis.
6.  Check the hypothesis and design of your
study, and determine what kind of statistical 5.  Design a study.
analysis should be done to interpret your 6.  Writing up the research.

Different Types of Common Characteristics of

Research Different Types of Research
• Controlled Scientific Experiment • Studies – Research question
• Correlational • Hypothesis
• Studies that may deal with information • Studies – Quantitative
obtained from surveys questionnaires or from • Data – one or more statistical tests
case studies.
• Studies that use computer-generated models
that attempt to explain or predict phenomena
observed in the laboratory or in nature.


Research Question Research Question

• The basis on which the study is planned or Example:
carried out. • Topic/Area of interest: Effect of industrial
• A question that addresses a specific aspect of pollution on plant life in a particular area
the topic in which the researchers are • Research Question: What are the effects of
interested after they focused on a specific topic increased concentrations of sulfuric acid in the
of investigation. atmosphere on production of grain sorghum?

Research Question Hypothesis

Example: • A possible response to the research question.
• Topic/Area of interest: Effect of industrial • Statement of the expected results.
pollution on plant life in a particular area • Hypothesis: Abnormally high concentrations
•  R e s e a r c h Q u e s t i o n : D o i n c r e a s e d of sulfuric acids in the atmosphere have no
concentrations of sulfuric acid in the effect on the production of grain sorghum.
atmosphere lead to a significant decreases in
the production of grain sorghum?


Hypothesis Research Report

• Null hypothesis – hypothesis stated in a • A paper written by an investigator to describe a
negative way. research study that he or she has completed.
• The purpose of the experiment is to determine • Explains the objectives, methods and findings
whether the hypothesis can be rejected or not. of the study to other researchers.
• May be published in a professional journal, or
a monograph, or a thesis or dissertation as
part of the requirements for a university

Organizational Formal
Basic Skills
for Research Reports
• Abstract •  The ability to generate ideas for research projects
• Introduction •  The ability to identify, source and use appropriate
• Method
•  The ability to develop research projects with a good
• Results fit, i.e. where the different parts of the research
• Discussion project fit well together
•  The ability to gather and analyze data
• References
•  The ability to write well, to be able to communicate
clearly, thoroughly and simply through writing


General Tools for Research Common Pitfalls

1.  The library and its resources 1.  Confusing what must logically be true with what
2.  Computer technology seems to be true in the world as we know it.
3.  Measurement 2.  Making generalizations about members of a
category after having encountered only a restricted
4.  Statistics subset of that category.
5.  Language 3.  Looking only for evidence that supports our
6.  The human mind hypotheses, without also looking for evidence that
would disconfirm our hypotheses.
4.  Confirming expectations even in the face of
contradictory evidence.

(Leedy, Ormrod, 2013) (Leedy, Ormrod, 2013)

Common Pitfalls To be submitted via BB

5.  Mistaking dogma for fact. • Topic/Area of Interest
6.  Letting emotion override logic and objectivity.
• Working Title
7.  Mistaking correlation for causation.
• Research Question
• Hypothesis

(Leedy, Ormrod, 2013)

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