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2nd Quarter Exam-EAPP

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Department of Education

Division of Tagum City

2nd Quarter Examination
Laureta National High School
Grade 11 - English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Brgy. San Miguel, Tagum City

Name: _________________________________________ Section: ____________________ Score: ____________

Part I. Multiple Choice

Directions: Choose the best answer that describes in each item. Write the letter of your choice at the blank
before the number.

______1. A concept paper is written mainly to:

a. distinguish between the old and new meaning of a word/concept.
b. trace the development of a word from its old form to its new one.
c. clarify the meaning of a concept.
d. identify the examples of a concept.
______2. At the heart of a concept paper is usually:
a. the definition of the term. c. a distinction between its standard and slang versions.
b. the semantic history of the concept. d. the examples of the concept.
______3. The etymology of a concept or word clarifies:
a. the changes in the meaning of the word. c. the origin and development of the word/concept.
b. the original form of the concept. d. the development of a word from its old form to its new one.
______4. The following defines the position paper EXCEPT:
a. express ones ideas to give explanation to existing problems
b. convince that a policy or action must or must not be adopted with the intent of improving the organization
c. used to advocate the reader on an argument or position
d. serves as a foundation of the full proposal
______5. This is a part of the position in which it presents the issue while grabbing the attention of the readers.
a. Introduction c. Conclusion
b. Body d. Main Idea
______6. This is where the author restates the position and main argument.
a. Introduction c. Conclusion
b. Body d. Main Idea
______7. This is where the author provides counterarguments against the possible weaknesses of his/her arguments.
a. Introduction c. Conclusion
b. Body d. Main Idea
_______8. This is where the statistical data, interviews and testimonies are found.
a. Introduction c. Conclusion
b. Body d. Main Idea
_______9. Statements such as quotation, a challenge, or a question are usually found.
a. Introduction c. Conclusion
b. Body d. Main Idea
______10. This is what makes your stand on your position paper weakens.
a. criticism c. The use of passive voice
b. fallacy d. Plagiarism
Department of Education
Division of Tagum City
2nd Quarter Examination
Laureta National High School
Grade 11 - English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Brgy. San Miguel, Tagum City

Part II. Modified True or False

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If not, underline the phrase or word that makes it wrong and
write the correct answer on the blank.
______1. A research instrument should be valid and reliable.
______2. Interviews are least time consuming and difficult to analyze data.
______3. When conducting an experiment, always ensure the confidentiality of participants.
______4. Open-ended questions aim to get specific information such as the age and address of the participant.
______5. An experiment cannot be replicated.
______6. Leading questions must be asked because they guide the participants into giving a specific answer for the
______7. One of the advantages of using a questionnaire is that it has the lowest response rate.
______8. The Intelligent Consent Form (ICF) must be filled out by the participants before the experiment.
______9. The warm-up stage is a stage in which respondents are asked to take basic physical exercises to prepare
them for the interview.
______10. Audio recordings can be used to record the interview with the respondents.
______11. It is okay to administer the questionnaire without validating it to the experts.
______12. Rectangles are used for positions in the organizational chart.
______13. Dotted lines symbolize direct relationship in the organizational chart.
______14. Diamond symbolizes an action to make in a flow chart. It is answerable by yes/no.
______15. Rounded Box indicates the start and end of the whole process in a flowchart.

Part III. Data Preparation

Directions: Choose from the choices on the box the appropriate tool in preparing data.

Flow chart Table Line Graph

Organizational chart Bar graph Pie Graph

__________1. Displaying numbers in columns

__________2. Procedure in making position paper
__________3. Family lineage
__________4. Activities spent in a day
__________5. Population of Filipino in years 2015-2018

Part IV. Data Interpretation

Directions: With the given example of data interpretation, give an interpretation to the following chart, table or
Table 1
For Example:
Table 1 shows that boys are more aggressive than
girls. The percentage of pushing is 21% of girl; on the
other hand that of boys is 35%. Except for chasing, the
percentage of aggressive behavior is higher in boys.
Department of Education
Division of Tagum City
2nd Quarter Examination
Laureta National High School
Grade 11 - English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Brgy. San Miguel, Tagum City

6-10. Interpretation:


Department of Education
Division of Tagum City
2nd Quarter Examination
Laureta National High School
Grade 11 - English for Academic and Professional Purposes
Brgy. San Miguel, Tagum City

Part V. Matching Type on Research Report

Directions: Match the items from column A to the items that are related to column B. Write the correct letter of
the answer on the space provided.

________1. This part contains the problem of the study A. Title Page
and identifies the research gaps.

________2. This contains the research instruments used in B. Abstract

the study, how you gather and interpret the data

________3. Contains the content of the paper, author of the paper C. Introduction
and the data submitted in the paper

________4. This is a 100-250 words summary of the research paper D. Review of Related

________5. This part uses the tables, charts or graphs to E. Methodology

present the data gathered.

________6. Contains the summary and synthesis of all F. Results

available sources directly related to the study

________7. These are the sources of all concepts the author G. Discussion
included in the paper.

________8. This is where the author restates the major findings, H. Conclusion
limitations of the study, recommendations and implications.

________9. This part is the why’s of the results. I. Acknowledgment

________10. This part is the recognition of the persons significant J. References

in the making of the research paper

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Proverbs 1:7

Soli Deo Gloria!

- Ma’am Dana

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