Laporan Presentasi Writing For Employment: Résumés and Letters

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Pembimbing :

Umi Anis, Dra, M.Pd


1 ALLYZA NANDA P 1641160009

9 BAGAS ADITYA P.W 1641160087
10 JOHN MARI E.S 1641160085
16 RAHMANA BURCHAN 1641160051


2017 / 2018
Writing for Employment :
Résumés and Letters

This chapter focuses on several important skills you will need to get a job :
1. Researching a targeted company
2. Preparing a resume and letter of application
3. Writing a thank-you letter to follow an interview
Starting The Job Search :
1. Researching Possible Employers
How you begin your job search depends to some extent on where you are when you
• If you’re still a student in large uni, for example, you will probably work with the
school’s job placement office, faculty, and the recuiters who visit campus
• If you’re a student in a small school, opportunities for on-campus interview may
be more limited and you may find it helpful to work with accounting faculty to
identify potential employers
• If you’ve already graduated, then you may be on your own in locating potential
jobs and establishing initial contacts with employers, although the placement office
of the school from which you graduated may still work with you
Regardless of how you begin your job search, you will need to write certain documents
to secure the job, including a letter of applicants, a resume, and a thank-you letter after an
You also want to show the people who read these documents that you’re familiar with
the company and that you did the preparation necessary to make a good impression.
If there is a specific job opening, you will probably have general information about in
a job announcement. Read the announcement carefully in order to learn as much as possible
about the requirements of the position and the credentials for which the employer is
Find as much information as possible about the organization as a whole and the
particular job which you’re applying.
• If you’ve difficulty to find the information :
- You can ask your school’s job placement office
- You can also visit the library to look for articels and news items in the financial
- You can talk with business faculty about the organization
• If you attend a job fairs and meet recruiters from the organization :
- You must listen carefully to what recruters say about the organization
- Ask any question that seem appropriate
- Show in your polite, attentive listening that you’re interested in what the recriters
have to say
- Remember the names of the people you meet!
2. Preparing a Resume

Preparing a resume may be one of the most important steps you take in finding a good
The purpose of the resume is to demonstrate :
 How you meet the job and the organisation's requirements
 That you are employable
 That you have the right qualifications and education
 That you have the right experience and skills
 That you have the right level of professionalism for the job

Figure 12-1 in an illustration of an

effective resume, and this illustration is not
the only way to prepare a good resume. You
may find other models in business
communication texts or in materials
supplied by your school’s job placement

A. Using a Word Processor.

a. A word processor allows you to
experiment with layout,
headings, and fonts, as well as
the following and organization
of the text
b. If you decided to have your
resume printed professionally,
you may also receive advice on
the design and content. Even if
you use professional help, keep
the following guidelines in
mind to make sure your resume is properly prepared.
B. Format : Figure 12-1
Notice the placement of the text on the page and the pleasing use of
white space, headings, fonts, and bullet. The resume is arranged so that it has an
attractive , professional appearance. Its aslo easy to read because its not crowded and
important information is easy to find.
The information that you should mentioned :

1. Name and Address

Center your name, address, and phone number (including your area code) about
one inch down from the top of the page, in the center.
If you’re living in a temporary address, such as in a dorm, provide two address and
phone numbers.
2. Career Objective
Be as specific as possible about the kind of job you’re looking for so the employer
will see whether your goals match available openings.
3. Education
Beginning with your most recent school, provide information in reverse
chronological order about your education in order to show your qualification for
employment. Include the following information :
 Degrees you’ve completed
 Complete name of the school granting these degrees
 Date of each, or expected graduated date
 Major

4. Work Experince
Again in reverse chronological order, provide information about the jobs you’ve
held, both full- and part-time. List volunteer work if its relevant to the job for which
you’re applying. For each job you list, provide the following information :
 Dates of employment
 Name and location of the organization
 Your position
 A describe of your responsibilities, with emphasis on the ones that show
you’re qualified for the job you’re now seeking

5. Honors and Activities

List the organization you belonged to, the honors you received, and any other
activities that show you to be a well-rounded, active person. List these activites
from most important to least important from the point of view of employer.

6. Interest

The advantage of including information about your hobbies and interest is that it
also can show that you are well rounded person with interest that might help you
relate to other people, such as coworkers and client.

7. Reference

Your resume should list people who can positively recommend you as an employee.
Ideally your references will be people that you have worked with before. Provide
their name, their position title, and a way that they can be contacted.
3. Writing a Letter of Application

Often you will mail your resume to a potential employer with a formal letter of application
or to follow up some earlier communication. Like the resume, the letter must be
professional and well-researched.

If you’ve already discussed the job or possible employment with an employee of the
company, you should refer to this person by name and say exactly why you’re sending the
resume. You might write a sentence such as this one :

Sara Evans suggested that I write you about a possible opening in your auditing
department. I had the pleasure of meeting Ms. Evans at a meeting of our Accounting
Club here at the University of Central California.

For a formal letter of application, you might begin with a setences such as this :

I would like to apply for the position of staff accountant that you advertised in the
June 25, 1996, issue of the Denver Press Register. My resume ia enclosed.
After the introduction to your letter, you will need to show the reader two things :
 That you’re familiar with the organization and,
 That you’ve the credentials they are looking for.

The following paragraphs show examples from different letters.

As you will see on the enclosed resume, I will graduated from the University of
Northen Idaho in June of this year with a Master of Accounting degree and a
specially in tax, so my training should qualify me for an entry-level position in your
tax dept. in addition, I’ve experience as a tax assistant with the Smith Company, a
position I held during the past two summers.
During the years I’ve studied for my accounting degree here at the University of
Tempe, I have worked an average of twenty hours a week to pay approximately half
my college and living expenses. At the same time, I’ve managed to maintain a
cumulative GPA of 3.3 and have been active in a number of campus organizations,
as you can see from my resume. I believe this record shows that I am a
conscientious worker with an ability to organize my time and achieve worthwhile
The final paragraph sould include a courteous and suggest a response from the reader or
follow-up action you will take. At the least, express enthusiasm for the position and a hope
that you’ll hear from the employer soon :
I hope you’ll find my education experience suitable for this position and that we
can set up an interview soon to discuss the position further. I look forward to
hearing from you.
4. Writing a Thank-You Letter

After the interviews, write letter to

the people who met with you to thank them
fo their hospitaly and to show enthusiasm
for what you learned about the
organization and the position for which
you’re applying.
1. Experience :
 He has a lot of experience in these matters.
2. Organization :
 We can pull you into the organization now, if you’re in danger.
3. Potential :
 We looked for any potential hazards at each step of the process.
4. Realize :
 We will realize a dream with serious motivation.
5. Provide :
 PT. Telkomsel provides various kinds of service about telecommunications.
6. Research :
 Before we try to apply for a job, we must research information about the company.
7. Accident :
 If we work in a factory don’t have to follow the procedure to avoid an accident.
8. Interview :
 When we will do the interview job, don’t be nervous.
9. Introduction :
 You must follow the introduction to avoid mistakes
10. Information :
 You can search information about the company in your school’s job placement office

1. What should we wrote on the part of work experience if we don’t have work experience?
2. What should be prepared before writing a resume?
3. What if a company that we’re applying for it isn’t in accordance with the prevision of us?
4. Why we have to apply for the company?
5. How to make a good resume?
6. Does attaching a certificate in applying for a job is a good point?

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