Equipment Operation: Safety Guidelines

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Equipment Operation

IT’S YOUR LIFE . . . in the form of shrapnel.”

Preserve it with Safety More frequently, the incorrectly mixed gases ignite in the hose; the
injury to the operator is a burn. However, oxygen and fuel gas burn
This safety bulletin illustrates causes of industrial accidents with at 4000 -6000 F, so the burn injury frequently is severe.
torches, hoses and regulator and shows the two ways in which these
accidents can be prevented: SAFETY IS A FULL-TIME RESPONSIBILITY

1. SAFE HANDLING OF TORCHES, REGULATORS, AND CYLINDERS The accidents described so far could all have been prevented if the
2. USE OF AVAILABLE MODERN SAFETY EQUIPMENT oxygen and fuel gas had been kept separated. The gases cannot
cause trouble when correctly used. For example, each travels from
Remember, safety is a full-time responsibility. Accidents don’t need to its cylinder through its regulator and hose into the torch, and only
happen. Understanding their cause and cure is the best prevention. become mixed in either a specially designed mixing chamber within
the torch itself or in the tip. Danger occurs only when mixing takes
“BLOWN” REGULATORS . . . place in some area other than the correct location.
Illustrate the type of serious accidents which can cause injury, lost
time, liability, property damage, and administrative headaches. This
is a typical accident that frequently occurs and can be prevented.
Gases incorrectly mixed within the regulator and hose create an
explosive mixture which can ignite.

You must have three things: fuel, oxygen and ignition.
No two will burn alone.

For example, a popular fire extinguisher

The subsequent explosion is violent and injuries come from both the is filled with carbon dioxide. It puts out
flames and the disintegrating metal. a fire by smothering it. Smothering
means it prevents atmospheric air,
THE EXPLOSIVE FORCE . . . which has a 21% oxygen content, from
Resulting from the incorrectly mixed gases which are lighted can be getting to the flames. Without the
tremendous. Regulators can rupture. The letter, reprinted on this oxygen, the fire extinguishes itself.
page, describes an accident where an oxygen cylinder exploded:
On the other hand, you can’t have a fire without fuel. An automobile
“A recent explosion of a single oxygen bottle killed three men and injured won’t run on an empty gas tank. Finally, a combustible mixture isn’t
thirty others. The top of the bottle was found high in the plant roof; the dangerous until it’s lighted. Mixed gases in a hose or regulator aren’t
bottom was buried deep in the ground. The center portion disintegrated hazardous until they’re lighted. This ignition can occur several ways.
Reverse flow caused by unequal pressures can result in mixed gases
in hoses and regulators.

Reverse flow can happen when:

1. The oxygen cylinder empties in use and with the oxygen needle
valve on the torch opened, fuel gas can reverse flow into the
oxygen hose and regulator.


has put mixed gases into the fuel gas hose and regulator, a dangerous
explosion can occur when:

1. The fuel gas torch valve is opened and gases are lighted before the
mixed gases are completely bled off. With a small tip this can be
2. Both cylinder valves are closed with unequal pressures in the several seconds.
regulators and the torch valves closed. If the operator opens both
torch needle valves simultaneously to bleed off the oxygen and THESE ACCIDENTS . . .
fuel gas, typically higher pressure oxygen may reverse flow into
the typically lower pressure fuel gas hose, regulator and can be prevented if the equipment is properly used.
upstream gas supply.
1. An oxygen cylinder never should be completely emptied. It should
be considered empty when the pressure drops to approximately
50 psi.

2. The operator should always independently bleed his hoses before

lighting the torch. This bleeds off any combustible mixture that
may be present.

3. The operator should never light both gases at once. The only
exception is a universal pressure torch. Universal pressure
3. The operator opens both torch valves and attempts to light both
equipment is designed to prevent reverse flow, except when the
gases at once. If more oxygen is flowing than can flow through
tip is obstructed.
the tip, the system is back-pressured and oxygen can reverse
flow into the fuel gas hose and regulator.
4. Equipment must be in good condition. If a torch tip is plugged, the
higher pressure gas will always back up into the lower pressure line.


accidents won’t happen. However, all of us occasionally are careless.

Many years of field experience have shown the various oxy-fuel gas
torches to be reliably safe pieces of equipment when operated in
accordance with the instructions recommended by the manufacturer.
Under certain circumstances, the users fail to follow these instructions.
With reverse flow, two of the three ingredients necessary for a fire Failure to follow these instructions can cause the backflow of unwanted
are present. All that is lacking is the source of ignition. gas into the hose lines.

IF REVERSE FLOW . . . “Flash-guard” check valves can provide a measure of protection to

puts mixed gases into the oxygen hose and regulator, an explosive prevent reverse flow. To maintain this protection, a routine inspection
mixture may result which could cause serious personal injury or fire. program must be followed to ensure that the check valves are still
functional. These are available in two styles. The torch type is
1. The oxygen torch valve is opened and the mixed gases meet the mounted on the torch and fits any torch with standard hose
fuel gas flame. connections. Their large capacity flows enough volume to cut 12”
2. The cylinder valve of an oxygen regulator with pressure up to steel plate or handle Harris’ largest heating torch. These are preferred
2,400 psi is quickly opened and the “heat of recompression” for stopping REVERSE FLOW at the point of origin. They are easily
(approx 2000 F) raises the mixed gases to ignition temperature. tested and easily seen.

gives the added measure of safety. First, flashback arrestors include

The regulator type is mounted on the regulator outlet nipple. They a built-in check valve to prevent reverse flow, the major cause of
have the same capacity as the torch type, and their effective service flashback explosions. Second, they have incorporated, in the same
life is expected to be longer than the torch type. This is because they unit, a soutered metal filter to extinguish the flame should a flashback
are subject to less abuse and installed in a clean area (upstream of the occur due to the failure of a check valve or some other such
hoses). They effectively prevent REVERSE FLOW into the regulator and unpreventible condition.
cylinder and prevent dangerous quantities of mixed gases from
entering into the hoses. These are sometimes preferred for the REGULATOR AND TORCH MOUNTED . . .
practical value of longer service life.
versions of flashback arrestors are available. Torch types are mounted
Harris check valves open wide for full flow at only four ounces of on the torch inlets and fit any torch with standard “B” type hose
pressure; but if REVERSE FLOW starts, the valve closes instantly. Each connections. These are preferred because they offer protection at the
valve is individually tested at the Harris factory for positive shut-off at most common point of origin. They are easily seen and offer
only 10 ounces of backpressure. protection from hose explosions, a very common occurrence in
equipment of this type.
HOW THEY WORK . . . The regulator type is mounted on the regulator outlet nipple. The
effective service life of this type is generally longer because they are
subject to less abuse, and are installed in the clean area upstream of
the hoses. They are sometimes preferred when the extra weight
and/or inconvenience of the torch type cannot be tolerated. They
effectively protect the regulator and the gas supply system and in
some instances include thermal shutoff devices reducing certain
hazards associated with hose fires.
Check valves are designed to stop REVERSE FLOW. They are not
designed to stop a flame. However, many equipment fires and FLOW CAPACITIES . . .
explosions are caused by reverse flow. Check valves stop trouble
before it starts by stopping reverse flow the moment it begins. of Harris Flashguard® Flashback Arrestors are high enough to cut
Pipeline systems using oxygen and fuel gases, in accordance with up to ten inches steel plate when used properly. Operating pressures
NFPA-51, will require back flow checkvalves independent of any must be increased slightly, however, to compensate for pressure drops
installed on hoses. through the arrestor.


We are frequently asked why check valves are not built into the however, when selecting or using any device such as flashback
torches. The reason is Harris Flash-Guard Check Valves are arrestors on oxy-fuel equipment requiring large volumes of gases to
manufactured for a recommended 5 years service life. They should be work properly and safely. Large cutting tips and heavy heating
checked regularly, at least every 6 months. They should be replaced equipment are extremely sensitive to flow restrictions created by add-
if found defective. on equipment. Always remember to read the manufacturer’s
instructions and/or contact a properly trained representative when
using this type of equipment.


for body leakage and for leaks across the check valve. Dirt and
contaminants should be kept from building up on the flame arrestor
filter. This condition further restricts flow and it cannot safely be
FOR ADDITIONAL PROTECTION . . . cleaned or repaired. The flashback arrestor must be replaced.

especially in situations where check valves fail to function properly HEAT OF RECOMPRESSION FIRES
due to abuse or failure to perform periodic inspection and
maintenance, Harris Flashguard® Flashback Arrestors should be As mentioned above, mixed gases can reach ignition temperature due
installed. Flashback arrestors offer an additional measure of to heat of recompression when the oxygen cylinder valve is opened
protection from accidents caused by reverse flow. too quickly. However, mixed gases are only one type of flammable
that can ignite within a regulator when subjected to the high DO NOT:
temperature following a sudden exposure to extreme pressure.
Combustible contaminant's can be present inside a regulator and DO NOT – Attempt to repair or substitute parts on equipment,
cause a fire when subjected to recompression heat and oxygen. particularly the regulators. Special techniques and tools are needed
to safely repair oxy-fuel gas welding and cutting apparatus.
SAFETY IS A FULL-TIME RESPONSIBILITY . . . DO NOT – Handle oxygen regulators, oxygen cylinders, valves or any
and we urge you always to follow these simple safety rules: other equipment with oily or greasy hands or gloves. Oxygen will react
with oil and grease in such a manner that will easily result in fire or
1. Chain cylinders to prevent their falling over. An oxygen cylinder explosion.
with over 2,000 psi in it becomes a lethal projectile if it falls over DO NOT – Lay or store oxygen regulators or other oxygen equipment
and its cylinder valve is sheared. on oily or greasy surfaces. The equipment can become contaminated
with oil or grease which might result in a fire or explosion
2. Vent the oxygen regulator valve before attaching the regulator to DO NOT – Use acetylene pressure above 15 psig. Acetylene pressures
the cylinder. This blows any dust or dirt (which may be above 15 psig can result in a fire or explosion.
combustible) off the cylinder valve. Dust and dirt in the regulator DO NOT – Empty the oxygen cylinder below 25-50 psig. If the oxygen
inlet provides the fuel that can be ignited by the heat of cylinder is allowed to become completely empty, it will lose its positive
recompression in an oxygen atmosphere. Inspect the filter in the pressure, and contamination may enter the cylinder and create an
regulator inlet, if so equipped, to ensure it is in place and it is unsafe condition.
clean. DO NOT – Change regulators from one gas service to another or
replace a pressure gauge with one taken from any other service.
3. Open the oxygen cylinder valve slowly, and always stand to one Contamination resulting in a fire or explosion can take place by
side while doing this. This prevents the sudden pressure surge changing pressure gauges or regulators from one service to the other.
which is accompanied by substantial heat, and also prevents DO NOT – Leave pressure on a regulator, hose or torch when not in
unnecessary strain on the regulator. use for an extended period of time.

4. Purge the system by bleeding off each hose independently. If IN CONCLUSION . . .

REVERSE FLOW has occurred, this precaution safely bleeds off
the mixed gases. follow these suggestions! Treat your gas apparatus with respect. All
manufacturers try to produce the safest equipment possible; but when
5. When using Oxy-Acetylene, always light the acetylene first, when it is not properly used, serious accidents do occur. Also, make sure
using alternate fuel gases with oxygen, it is permissible to light the check valves and or flashback arrestors are on every torch. They will
torch with both gases flowing. Always check with the help you during those times when your hands are working, but your
manufacturer or other authorities first before attempting to head isn’t.
operate oxy-fuel equipment.

6. Use the correct tip size and pressure. Each tip is designed to Copyright 2009 by The Harris Product Group, a Lincoln Electric
operate at a specific pressure. If too much pressure is used, the Company. All rights reserved. These materials may not be reproduced
system can be back-pressured and REVERSE FLOW occurs. If too in any form without the express written consent of The Harris Products
little pressure is used, the tip will sputter and pop and perhaps Group. Federal copyright law prohibits unauthorized reproduction by
encourage backfire or flashback. any means and imposes fines up to $25,000 for violation.

7. Keep heat and flames away from combustibles. Obviously, if torch

flames and sparks are around combustible materials, they can be
ignited easily.

8. Do not use oxygen as a substitute for air. If clothing is blown off

with oxygen, the clothing will absorb the oxygen. Then if a spark
or other source of ignition touches the clothing, the three
necessary ingredients for a fire are present. Combustible material
burns more vigorously in an oxygen enriched atmosphere than in The Harris Products Group
air. Serious injury may result. A Lincoln Electric Company
2345 Murphy Blvd.
9. The expression, “use no oil” is printed on every regulator gauge. Gainesville, GA 30504
Oil is a combustible material with an extremely low flash point. An Phone (770) 536-8801
oxygen regulator frequently has two of the three necessary Outside GA (800) 241-0804
ingredients for a fire. If the cylinder valve is opened quickly, the
heat of recompression creates an ignition temperature.Oxygen is
present, and if oil is also in the area, a combustion triangle is
complete and a dangerous explosion can occur. Printed in U.S.A.
9500597-Rev A

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