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At the Love, Peace, Harmony Empowerment Center our purpose is to remove

interferences to the expression of your primordial life force, to reveal the

source of true identity and to help you achieve the manifestation of your fullest

The materials at the Soul Light Learning Annex is dedicated to the

remembrance of wellness in the human being. We are focused on identifying
and removing the many behind-the-scene causes of discomfort and disease,
thereby supporting the body in a continual process of self-healing. We also
work closely with individuals not necessarily in physical pain, but who are
seeking to further their understanding of the conscious role they can play in
creating the sustainable fulfillment of their personal goals and desires.

We do all of this, not through the use of drugs or surgery, but through a
natural, non-invasive method known as the Soul, Mind Body repatterning
In addition to our revolutionary B.E.S.T. treatment programs, we provide
various opportunities to engage with the clinic, and we invite you to explore
what would best fit your needs.

 Customized Wellness Plans & Focused Care Programs

 Meditation classes
 Nutritional supplementation
 Detox programs
 Continuing education classes
 Life and health-enhancing CD’s & DVD’s

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