Fall 2018 Edtpa Lesson Plan 2
Fall 2018 Edtpa Lesson Plan 2
Fall 2018 Edtpa Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Intro Pt. 2/Branching Out Thoughts, Stemming to Narratives Date: October 2nd, 2018
CCGPS or GPS Standard(s): ELAGSE4RI5: Describe the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison,
cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a text or part of a text.
ELAGSE4RI1: Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when
drawing inferences from the text.
__X__ Whole Group _____ Small Group _____ One-on-One _____ Students with IEPs/504s _____ ELL Students
Individual Education Plan Goal(s) and Benchmarks specific to this lesson: N/A
Central Focus/Lesson Students will describe the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts, or information in a
Objective(s) text or part of a text.
Objectives are
measurable and Students will refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says
aligned with the explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
Academic Language Language Functions (Identify the purpose for which the language is being used, with attention
What is the key to goal and audience- the one verb from the standard; ex. demonstrate.) Refer to examples of
language demand? organized and appropriately written text that students can analyze and identify
What academic supporting key details that is needed in writing.
language will you
teach or develop?
What are the key
vocabulary words Language Vocabulary (Identify key, content specific words for this lesson: examples of
and/or symbols? vocabulary words- drama, prose, structural elements, verse, rhythm, meter, characters, settings,
descriptions, dialogue, stage directions. Additionally, include words within a text necessary for
students’ comprehension.) The vocabulary words for the lesson are: plot, characters,
setting, conflict, resolution, and theme.
Materials Pencil
What resources can be Story Element Task Card Game
used to engage Using Story Elements: Plan a Story Worksheet
Introduction to Divide students into 4 Teams to play a Story Elements Task Cards game.
Activating Thinking The teams have to listen to me read a passage and determine which of the following Story
What is the ‘hook’ for Element choices does the passage describes.
the lesson to tap into
prior knowledge and If the team answers the question incorrectly, the question goes to the next team to answer.
develop students’
interests? This should
tie directly into the
lesson’s objective and
standard and should
promote higher level
thinking. How will
you introduce the
content specific
vocabulary words?
***Use knowledge of
students’ academic,
social, and cultural
Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate): Oral language is used when the students discuss yesterday’s
lesson and vocabulary.
What opportunities
will you provide for
students to practice
content language/
vocabulary? What
language supports Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
will you offer? sentences):
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate): Writing was used as the language discourse when students
were forming their story elements and stories.
Management Plan: Monitor students’ work and progress on the worksheet by walking to
each table.
Closure/ Have students volunteer to present their elements and stories to the class.
Strategies: Review the essential questions and highlights of the lesson.
How will the students
summarize and/or
share what they have
learned to prove they
know and understand
the standard(s) and its
vocabulary? Will you
provide opportunities
for students to apply
new knowledge while
making connections to Language Syntax (set of conventions for organizing symbols, words, phrases into structures,
prior learning? sentences):
Language Discourse (structures of written or oral language; how participants of the content
area speak, write, and participate): Students are presenting orally using language discourse as
they discuss their story elements and stories.
Reflection includes
characteristics of the
lesson and specific
examples on how it
can be improved.
Improvements are
based on the
supported by evidence
on how well the
objectives were
achieved. Specific
examples to improve
future lessons are
***Credit for this template belongs to Tennessee State University, Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity
(SCALE), and Columbus State University.