Brotherhood Labor Unity Movement v. Zamora

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VOL. 147.

JANUARY 7, 1987 49
Brotherhood Labor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.
No. L-48645. January 7, 1987.


DANILO B. MATIAR, ET AL., petitioners, vs. HON.
GODOFREDO CUETO, respondents.

Labor Relations; Factors considered in determining

employeremployee relationship.—In determining the existence of an
employeremployee relationship, the elements that are generally
considered are the following: (a) the selection and engagement of
the employee; (b) the payment of wages; (Q) the power of dismissal;
and (d) the employer’s power to control the employee with respect to
the means and methods by which the work is to be accomplished. It
is the socalled “control test” that is the most important element.




BrotherhoodLabor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs. Zamora

Labor Relations; Criteria for determining existence of

independent contractor relationship.—The existence of an
independent contractor relationship is generally estabished by the
following criteria: “whether or not the contractor is carrying on an
independent business; the nature and extent of the work; the skill
required; the term and duration of the relationship; the right to
assign the performance of a specified piece of work; the control and
supervision of the work to another; the employer’s power with
respect to the hiring, firing, and payment of the contractor’s
workers; the control of the premises; the duty to supply the premises
tools, appliances, materials and laborer; and the mode, manner, and
terms of payment.
Ibid; Unfair Labor Practice; Where there is an existing CBA, a
group of employees who wish to form another union must follow
Labor Code procedures.—The respondent company had an existing
collective bargaining agreement with the IBM Union which is the
recognized collective bargaining representative at the respondent’s
glass placed there being a recognized bargaining representative of
all employees at the company’s glass plant, the petitioners cannot
merely form a union and demand bargaining. The Labor Code
provides the proper procedure for the recognition of unions as sale
bargaining representatives. This must be followed.

PETITION to review the order of the Bureau of Labor


The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

Armando V. Ampil for petitioners.
Siguion Reyna, Montecillo and Ongsiako Law Office
for private respondents.


The elemental question in labor law of whether or not an

employer-employee relationship exists between
petitionersmembers of the “Brotherhood Labor Unit
Movement of the Philippines” (BLUM) and respondent San
Miguel Corporation, is the main issue in this petition. The
disputed decision of public respondent Ronaldo Zamora,
Presidential Assistant for Legal Affairs, contains a brief
summary of the facts involved:

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Brotherhood Labor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.

“1. The records disclose that on July 11, 1969, BLUM filed a
complaint with the now defunct Court of Industrial Relations,
charging San Miguel Corporation, and the following officers:
Enrique Camahort, Federico Oñate, Feliciano Arceo, Melencio
Eugenio, Jr., Ernesto Villanueva, Antonio Bocaling and Godofredo
Cueto of unfair labor practice as set forth in Section 4 (a), sub-
sections (1) and (4) of Republic Act No. 875 and of illegal dismissal.
It was alleged that respondents ordered the individual complainants
to disaffiliate from the complainant union; and that management
dismissed the individual complainants when they insisted on their
union membership.
“On their part, respondents moved for the dismissal of the
complaint on the grounds that the complainants are not and have
never been employees of respondent company but employees of the
independent contractor; that respondent company has never had
control over the means and methods followed by the independent
contractor who enjoyed full authority to hire and control said
employees; and that the individual complainants are barred by
estoppel from asserting that they are employees of respondent
“While pending with the Court of Industrial Relations (CIR),
pleadings and testimonial and documentary evidences were duly
presented, although the actual hearing was delayed by several
postponements. The dispute was taken over by the National Labor
Relations Commission (NLRC) with the decreed abolition of the CIR
and the hearing of the case intransferably commenced on
September 8, 1975.
“On February 9, 1976, Labor Arbiter Nestor C. Lim found for
complainants which was concurred in by the NLRC in a decision
dated June 28, 1976. The amount of backwages awarded, however,
was reduced by NLRC to the equivalent of one (1) year salary.
“On appeal, the Secretary in a decision dated June 1, 1977, set
aside the NLRC ruling, stressing the absence of an
employeremployee relationship as borne out by the records of the
case. x x x.”

The petitioners strongly argue that there exists an

employer-employee relationship between them and the
respondent company and that they were dismissed for
unionism, an act constituting unfair labor practice “for
which respondents must be made to answer.”


Brotherhood Labor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.

Unrebutted evidence and testimony on record establish that

the petitioners are workers who have been employed at the
San Miguel Parola Glass Factory since 1961, averaging
about seven (7) years of service at the time of their
termination. They worked as “cargadores” or “pahinantes”
at the SMC Plant loading, unloading, piling or palleting
empty bottles and wooden shells to and from company
trucks and warehouses. At times, they accompanied the
company trucks on their delivery routes.
The petitioners first reported for work to Superintendent-
inCharge Camahort. They were issued gate passes signed
by Camahort and were provided by the respondent company
with the tools, equipment and paraphernalia used in the
loading, unloading, piling and hauling operation.
Job orders emanated from Camahort. The orders are
then transmitted to an assistant-officer-in-charge. In turn,
the assistant informs the warehousemen and checkers
regarding the same. The latter, thereafter, relays said
orders to the capatazes or group leaders who then give
orders to the workers as to where, when and what to load,
unload, pile, pallet or clean.
Work in the glass factory was neither regular nor
continuous, depending wholly on the volume of bottles
manufactured to be loaded and unloaded, as well as the
business activity of the company. Work did not necessarily
mean a full eight (8) hour day for the petitioners. However,
work, at times, exceeded the eight (8) hour day and
necessitated work on Sundays and holidays. For this, they
were neither paid overtime nor compensation f or work on
Sundays and holidays.
Petitioners were paid every ten (10) days on a piece rate
basis, that is, according to the number of cartons and
wooden shells they were able to load, unload, or pile. The
group leader notes down the number or volume of work that
each individual worker has accomplished. This is then made
the basis of a report or statement which is compared with
the notes of the checker and warehousemen as to whether or
not they tally. Final approval of report is by officer-in-
charge Camahort. The

VOL. 147, JANUARY 7, 1987 53

BrotherhoodLabor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.

pay check is given to the group leaders for encashment,

distribution, and payment to the petitioners in accordance
with payrolls prepared by said leaders. From the total
earnings of the group, the group leader gets a participation
or share of ten (10%) percent plus an additional amount
from the earnings of each individual.
The petitioners worked exclusively at the SMC plant,
never having been assigned to other companies or
departments of SMC plant, even when the volume of work
was at its minimum. When any of the glass furnaces
suffered a breakdown, making a shutdown necessary, the
petitioners’ work was temporarily suspended. Thereafter,
the petitioners would return to work at the glass plant.
Sometime in January, 1969, the petitioner workers—
numbering one hundred and forty (140) organized and
affiliated themselves with the petitioner union and engaged
in union activities. Believing themselves entitled to
overtime and holiday pay, the petitioners pressed
management, airing other grievances such as being paid
below the minimum wage law, inhuman treatment, being
forced to borrow at usurious rates of interest and to buy
raffle tickets, coerced by withholding their salaries, and
salary deductions made without their consent. However,
their gripes and grievances were not heeded by the
On February 6, 1969, the petitioner union filed a notice
of strike with the Bureau of Labor Relations in connection
with the dismissal of some of its members who were allegedly
castigated for their union membership and warned that
should they persist in continuing with their union activities
they would be dismissed from their jobs. Several conciliation
conferences were scheduled in order to thresh out their
differences. On February 12, 1969, union member Rogelio
Dipad was dismissed from work. At the scheduled conference
on February 19, 1969, the complainant union through its
officers headed by National President Artemio Portugal, Sr.,
presented a letter to the respondent company containing
proposals and/or labor demands together with a request for
recognition and collective bargaining.


BrotherhoodLabor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.

San Miguel refused to bargain with the petitioner union

alleging that the workers are not their employees.
On February 20, 1969, all the petitioners were dismissed
from their jobs and, thereafter, denied entrance to
respondent company’s glass factory despite their regularly
reporting for work. A complaint for illegal dismissal and
unfair labor practice was filed by the petitioners.
The case reaches us now with the same issues to be
resolved as when it had begun.
The question of whether an employer-employee
relationship exists in a certain situation continues to
bedevil the courts. Some businessmen try to avoid the
bringing about of an employer-employee relationship in
their enterprises because that judicial relation spawns
obligations connected with workmen’s compensation, social
security, medicare, minimum wage, termination pay, and
unionism. (Mafinco Trading Corporation v. Ople, 70 SCRA
In determining the existence of an employer-employee
relationship, the elements that are generally considered are
the following: (a) the selection and engagement of the
employee; (b) the payment of wages; (c) the power of
dismissal; and (d) the employer’s power to control the
employee with respect to the means and methods by which
the work is to be accomplished. It is the so-called “control
test” that is the most important element (Investment
Planning Corp. of the Phils. v. The Social Security System,
21 SCRA 924; Mafinco Trading Corp. v. Ople, supra, and
Rosario Brothers, Inc. v. Ople, 131 SCRA 72).
Applying the above criteria, the evidence strongly
indicates the existence of an employer-employee
relationship between petitioner workers and respondent San
Miguel Corporation. The respondent asserts that the
petitioners are employees of the Guaranteed Labor
Contractor, an independent labor contracting firm.
The facts and evidence on record negate respondent
SMC’s -claim.
.The existence of an independent contractor relationship
is generally established by the following criteria: “whether
or not

VOL. 147, JANUARY 7, 1987 55

Brotherhood Labor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.

the contractor is carrying on an independent business; the

nature and extent of the work; the skill required; the term
and duration of the relationship; the right to assign the
performance of a specified piece of work; the control and
supervision of the work to another; the employer’s power
with respect to the hiring, firing and payment of the
contractor’s workers; the control of the premises; the duty to
supply the premises tools, appliances, materials and labor;
and the mode, manner and terms of payment (56 CJS
Master and Servant, Sec. 3(2), 46; See also 27 AM. Jur.
Independent Contractor, Sec. 5, 485 and Anne., 75 ALR
None of the above criteria exists in the case at bar.
Highly unusual and suspect is the absence of a written
contract to specify the performance of a specified piece of
work, the nature and extent of the work and the term and
duration of the relationship. The records fail to show that a
large commercial outfit, such as the San Miguel
Corporation, entered into mere oral agreements of
employment or labor contracting where the same would
involve considerable expenses and dealings with a large
number of workers over a long period of time. Despite
respondent company’s allegations not an iota of evidence
was offered to prove the same or its particulars. Such failure
makes respondent SMC’s stand subject to serious doubts.
Uncontroverted is the fact that for an average of seven
(7) years, each of the petitioners had worked continuously
and exclusively for the respondent company’s shipping and
warehousing department. Considering the length of time
that the petitioners have worked with the respondent
company, there is justification to conclude that they were
engaged to perform activities necessary or desirable in the
usual business or trade of the respondent, and the
petitioners are, therefore regular employees (Phil. Fishing
Boat Officers and Engineers Union v. Court of Industrial
Relations, 112 SCRA 159 and RJL Martinez Fishing
Corporation v. National Labor Relations Commission, 127
SCRA 454).
As we have found in RJL Martinez Fishing Corporation
v. National Labor Relations Commission, (supra):


BrotherhoodLabor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.

“x x x [T]he employer-employee relationship between the parties

herein is not co-terminous with each loading and unloading job. As
earlier shown, respondents are engaged in the business of fishing.
For this purpose, they have a fleet of fishing vessels. Under this
situation, respondents’ activity of catching fish is a continuous
process and could hardly be considered as seasonal in nature. So
that the activities performed by herein complainants, i.e. unloading
the catch of tuna fish from respondents’ vessels and then loading
the same to refrigerated vans, are necessary or desirable in the
business of respondents. This circumstance makes the employment
of complainants a regular one, in the sense that it does not depend
on any specific project or seasonable activity. (NLRC Decision, p. 94,

so is it with petitioners in the case at bar. In fact, despite

past shutdowns of the glass plant for repairs, the petitioners,
thereafter, promptly returned to their jobs, never having
been replaced, or assigned elsewhere until the present
controversy arose. The term of the petitioners’ employment
appears indefinite. The continuity and habituality of
petitioners’ work bolsters their claim of employee status vis-
a-vis respondent company.
Even under the assumption that a contract of
employment had indeed been executed between respondent
SMC and the alleged labor contractor, respondent’s case
will, nevertheless, faiL
Section 8, Rule VIII, Book III of the Implementing Rules
of the Labor Code provides:

“Job contracting.—There is job contracting permissible under the

Code if the following conditions are met:
"(1) The contractor carries on an independent business and
undertakes the contract work on his own account under his own
responsibility according to his own manner and method, free from
the control and direction of his employer or principal in all matters
connected with the performance of the work except as to the results
thereof; and
"(2) The contractor has substantial capital or investment in the
form of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, and other
materials which are necessary in the conduct of his business.”


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BrotherhoodLabor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.

We find that Guaranteed and Reliable Labor contractors

have neither substantial capital nor investment to qualify
as an independent contractor under the law. The premises,
tools, equipment and paraphernalia used by the petitioners
in their jobs are admittedly all supplied by respondent
company. It is only the manpower or labor force which the
alleged contractors supply, suggesting the existence of a
“labor-only” contracting scheme prohibited by law (Article
106, 109 of the Labor Code; Section 9(b), Rule VIII, Book
III, Implementing Rules and Regulations of the Labor
Code). In fact, even the alleged contractor’s office, which
consists of a space at respondent company’s warehouse,
table, chair, typewriter and cabinet, are provided for by
respondent SMC. It is therefore clear that the alleged
contractors have no capital outlay involved in the conduct of
its business, in the maintenance thereof or in the payment
of its workers’ salaries.
The payment of the workers’ wages is a critical factor in
determining the actuality of an employer-employee
relationship whether between respondent company and
petitioners or between the alleged independent contractor
and petitioners. It is important to emphasize that in a truly
independent contractor-contractee relationship, the fees are
paid directly to the manpower agency in lump sum without
indicating or implying that the basis of such lump sum is
the salary per worker multiplied by the number of workers
assigned to the company. This is the rule in Social Security
System v. Court of Appeals (39 SCRA 629, 635).
The alleged independent contractors in the case at bar
were paid a lump sum representing only the salaries the
workers were entitled to, arrived at by adding the salaries of
each worker which depend on the volume of work they had
accomplished individually. These are based on payrolls,
reports or statements prepared by the workers’ group leader,
warehousemen and checkers, where they note down the
number of cartons, wooden shells and bottles each worker
was able to load, unload, pile or pallet and see whether they
tally. The amount paid by respondent company to the
alleged independent contractor considers no business
expenses or capital outlay of the



Brotherhood Labor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.

latter. Nor is the profit or gain of the alleged contractor in

the conduct of its business provided for as an amount over
and above the workers’ wages. Instead, the alleged
contractor receives a percentage from the total earnings of
all the workers plus an additional amount corresponding to
a percentage of the earnings of each individual worker,
which, perhaps, accounts for the petitioners’ charge of
unauthorized deductions from their salaries by the
Anent the argument that the petitioners are not
employees as they worked on piece basis, we merely have to
cite our rulings in Dy Keh Beng v. International Labor and
Marine Union of the Philippines (90 SCRA 161), as follows:

“'[C]ircumstances must be construed to determine indeed if payment

by the piece is just a method of compensation and does not define
the essence of the relation. Units of time . “and units of work are in
establishments like respondent (sic) just yardsticks whereby to
determine rate of compensation, to be applied whenever agreed
upon. We cannot construe payment by the piece where work is done
in such an establishment so as to put the worker completely at
liberty to turn him out and take in another at pleasure.’ "

Article 106 of the Labor Code provides the legal effect of a

labor-only contracting scheme, to wit:

“x x x the person or intermediary shall be considered merely as an

agent of the employer who shall be responsible to the workers in the
same manner and extent as if the latter were directly employed by

Firmly establishing respondent SMC’s role as employer is

the control exercised by it over the petitioners—that is,
control in the means and methods/manner by which
petitioners are to go about their work, as well as in
disciplinary measures imposed by it.
Because of the nature of the petitioners’ work as
cargadores or pahinantes, supervision as to the means and
manner of performing the same is practically nil. For, how
many ways are there to load and unload bottles and wooden
shells? The mere


VOL. 147, JANUARY 7, 1987 59

Bro therhood Labor Unity Movement of the Philippines us.

concern of both respondent SMC and the alleged contractor

is that the job of having the bottles and wooden shells
brought to and from the warehouse be done. More evident
and pronounced is respondent company’s right to control in
the discipline of petitioners. Documentary evidence
presented by the petitioners establish respondent SMC’s
right to impose disciplinary measures for violations or
infractions of its rules and regulations as well as its right to
recommend transfers and dismissals of the piece workers.
The inter-office memoranda submitted in evidence prove the
company’s control over the petitioners. That respondent
SMC has the power to recommend penalties or dismissal of
the piece workers, even as to Abner Bungay who is alleged
by SMC to be a representative of the alleged labor
contractor, is the strongest indication of respondent
company’s right of control over the petitioners as direct
employer. There is no evidence to show that the alleged
labor contractor had such right of control or much less had
been there to supervise or deal with the petitioners.
The petitioners were dismissed allegedly because of the
shutdown of the glass manufacturing plant. Respondent
company would have us believe that this was a case of
retrenchment due to the closure or cessation of operations of
the establishment or undertaking. But such is not the case
here. The respondent’s shutdown was merely temporary, one
of its furnaces needing repair. Operations continued after
such repairs, but the petitioners had already been refused
entry to the premises and dismissed from respondent’s
service. New workers manned their positions. It is apparent
that the closure of respondent’s warehouse was merely a
ploy to get rid of the petitioners, who were then agitating the
respondent company for benefits, reforms and collective
bargaining as a union. There is no showing that petitioners
had been remiss in their obligations and inefficient in their
jobs to warrant their separation.
As to the charge of unfair labor practice because of SMC’s
refusal to bargain with the petitioners, it is clear that the
respondent company had an existing collective bargaining
agreement with the IBM union which is the recognized


Brotherhood Labor Unity Movement of the Philippines vs.

tive bargaining representative at the respondent’s glass

There being a recognized bargaining representative of
all employees at the company’s glass plant, the petitioners
cannot merely form a union and demand bargaining. The
Labor Code provides the proper procedure for the
recognition of unions as sole bargaining representatives.
This must be followed.
petition is GRANTED. The San Miguel Corporation is
hereby ordered to REINSTATE petitioners, with three (3)
years back-wages. However, where reinstatement is no
longer possible, the respondent SMC is ordered to pay the
petitioners separation pay equivalent to one (1) month pay
for every year of service.

Feria (Chairman), Fernan, Alampay and Paras, JJ.,


Petition granted.
Note.—Where it appears that the questioned employees
were never separated from the service but their status is
that of regular seasonable employees who are called to work
from time to time mostly during summer season, and the
nature of their relationship with the hotel is such that
during off season they are temporarily laid off but during
summer season they are re-employed or when their services
are needed, and they are not strictly speaking separated
from the service but are merely considered as on leave of
absence without pay until they are reemployed, it is held
that their employment relationship is never severed but
only suspended, and, as such, they can be considered as in
regular employment of the hotel. (Manila Hotel Company vs.
Court of Industrial Relations, 9 SCRA 184.)



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