Health: Should We Define Health?

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1948 WHO definition of health “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity” – WHO Constitution

Should we define health?

Mr President of the Forum, Commissioner Dalli, distinguished delegates, Speakers in this
session have been asked to consider whether, in the present economic uncertainty, we are
building effective health strategies, investing in the right technologies and involving the right
actors. As the programme introduction to this session makes clear: health is to be achieved by
designing the right building blocks, with the right actors. Where are we today on the road to
tomorrow’s well-being? Let me begin by clarifying the issues a little. Yesterday at this meeting
I spoke about the development of Health 2020 largely in terms of health and health
improvement. We so often do this, using mortality and morbidity data as indicators of what we
mean. Just as, when we speak of human development, we often speak the economic language
of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita. These are clearly simplifications, yet 3 data
sources are reasonably available and these simplifications encourage comparability and debate.
It is when we ask ourselves what we mean by health that greater difficulties emerge. We must
admit that health is an easier concept than well-being. Yet I am constantly encouraged that the
much quoted 1948 WHO definition of health – as “a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being, not merely the absence disease or infirmity” –has not only stood the test of
time, but appears even more relevant today, particularly in this period of financial and
environmental crisis, and social and political upheaval. It does seem to refer to an idea whose
time has come. In truth, physical, mental and social well-being must be the goal towards which
we all work. Yesterday at this meeting, in my talk on the new European health policy, Health
2020, I emphasized that such a goal was the responsibility of society and what has come to be
called the “whole of government”. Put simply, we must all work towards and share
responsibility for the realization of health and well-being. Both are essential in fostering
economic development, poverty reduction and overall social cohesion both nationally and
locally. Recognition of this goes back many years, through, for example, the measurement of
the United Nations Human Development Index, which includes measures not only of income
but also of health and education. More recently, in the European Union (EU), attempts have
been made to go beyond simply assessing GDP as a measure of progress, recognizing that not
only the quantity but also the quality of growth is important. 4 Well-being is now an explicit
goal of the EU. Article 3 of the Lisbon Treaty, which sets out the main objectives for the EU
makes specific reference to well-being, stating that “the Union’s aim is to promote peace, its
values and the well-being of its peoples”. Article 9 of the Treaty specifically states that EU
policies should take into account requirements linked to social protection, the fight against
exclusion, promotion of education and training, and the protection of human health. The EU
sustainable development strategy aims “at the continuous improvement of the quality of life
and well-being on our planet for present and future generations”. Recent studies indicate that,
in societies where there is greater equality, there is also greater progress on a wide range of
developmental issues. Unfortunately, however, these positive trends could now be endangered
in the present financial and social crisis, as countries across the WHO European Region face
cuts in the social and welfare nets. The right to decent working and living conditions, so
relevant to health and won through many years of hard struggle, now appear to be at risk. The
stress and uncertainty of these changes are already taking a heavy toll in terms of mental health,
and increasing suicides in some countries. In this situation, it is vital that we who are concerned
with public health work together to act as guardians of the right to health and well-being,
protecting the basic determinants of health and avoiding increasing inequalities and health
gaps. We need a new approach to developing policies and strategies for health and well-being,
and for creating the partnerships, infrastructures and resources to ensure their implementation.
The need for such policies and strategies must be understood, throughout the whole of society
and the whole of government, so that all those who 5 must act fully acknowledge their
responsibility, and all available assets are mobilized.

So how do we in WHO intend to play our part? We fully support the design and implementation
of policies and strategies for health and wellbeing. Our history over the last 30 years in
promoting throughout Europe the WHO Health for All policy, and in initiating a new health
policy for Europe, Health 2020, gives ample proof of where we stand. Yesterday I outlined for
you the proposed vision and goals of Health 2020. Health 2020 will show us the way here,
including the latest evidence and good practice within a value-based framework that puts health
and well-being at the core of human and societal development. Social solidarity, universal
access to health care and the shared values of equity, sustainability, participation and dignity
are deeply rooted in the value system of the European Region. They were most recently
expressed 6 collectively within the Tallinn Charter: Health Systems for Health and Wealth, to
which my Office remains fully committed In this present climate of financial crisis and
uncertainty, these values are being shaken by those intent only on cutting financial costs. We
believe that the need for a strong value-based policy framework has become even more critical.
This is the challenge that Health 2020 will meet. It will provide the overall framework through
which all our work can be channelled, and the values against which we can judge the actions
to be taken. We also believe that a new approach, engaging the whole of society and the whole
of government is essential. Health 2020 will provide the overall blueprint, within which we can
build for a future where the human right to health is inalienable, and where health and wellbeing
are central components of development. As part of the development of Health 2020 we are
working on the development of European targets for health in six domains, one of which is
well-being. We have conducted a literature review on well-being indicators and composite
indices. I do not have time to go into the details of this work, but the results will be considered
by a working group of the Standing Committee of the Regional Committee and incorporated
into the fully developed Health 2020 policy, which will be considered by the WHO Regional
Committee for Europe in Malta in September 2012. However, in summary, the literature offers
recommendations on both the domains of measurement of well-being and indicators in the
areas of economics, health, education, societal and community participation, and the
environment. Measures of subjective well-being are emphasized, and the literature seems to
indicate that self-reported health status and health perception correlate well with observed
health status. I have high hopes 7 that this work will take us a long way forward in being able
to characterize and describe well-being in a way that both gives the concept meaning and
allows, as with mortality and morbidity, comparability and debate.

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