Noun and Verb Praise

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Instructional Planning

(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process by using
principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format


Teacher ESTRELITA M. DALMACIO Learning Area Reading and Writing
Time & Dates 7:20-8:20 AM Quarter 2nd

A. Content Standards Purposeful writing in the disciplines and for professions
Research Report.
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies / At the end of the period the students will be able to:
Objectives. a. differentiate phrases and clauses
b. relate independence and dependence to their daily lives
Write the LC code for each
identify phrases and clauses from the sentence

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages The Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Scientific Writing
Pages 2.4.2
B. Other Learning Resources Fact Sheets, Pictures
A. Reviewing previous lesson 1. Checking of attendance
2. Energizer
or presenting the new lesson 3. Motivational Questions
3.1 What was our lesson yesterday? (Q and A Approach in individual basis)
B. Establishing a purpose for Presentation of the lesson proper
the lesson Research report present the results of formal in investigations into
the properties, behavior, structures, and principles of material and
conceptual entities.
C. Presenting examples/ 1. Motivation
The teacher will randomly call students who will beas'ed whether their
instances of the new lesson preference is to be dependent or independent.
I am sassy.
love pretty red shoes.
although have no money.
I still like them.
1. D i d t h e s t a t e m e n t m a k e s e n s e ?
2. M a k e it so. (Make a sentence out of the phras es and
d ependent clauses )
One is a phrase and the others are different clauses. That is what we
are going to discuss now.L0ok at the statement in the board. Did
you notice the differences of the group of words?

D. Discussing new concepts A phrase

and practicing new skills #1 is a group of related words ,within a sentence without both
subject and verb.
at the joker
best student
Different kinds of Phrases
 noun phrase
consists of a noun and other related words ,usually modifiers
and determiners which modify the noun. 1t functions li'e a noun
in a sentence.
The alchemist brought a bottle full of formaldehyde.
The red-headed girl is running.
An assassin in the room bas hidden.
The girl will blue eyes hates her fiery-souled sister

prepositional phrase
consists of a preposition2 ob(ect of preposition,noun or
pronoun and mayalso consist of other modifiers.
The goblin
on t#e cliff
is planting a bomb.The man
in t#e corner
is the shop'eeper.A'asha is shouting
in a lou& !oice.
3 alor always behaves
in a )oo& "anner.

a&+ecti!e p#rase
consists of ad(ectives2 modifier and any word that modifies a
noun or pronoun.
0ina is wearing a
nice re&
dress.&irana has a
cute ta"e cat.
A don'ey
fro" t#e +un)le
wal'ed into the river.

a&!er' p#rase
functions li'e an adverb to modify a verb2 an ad(ective or
another adverb.

always runs
li,e t#e *in&
. ,modifies run She paused her game
in a #urr
. ,modifies paused &ortred dances
in a )raceful *a!e.
,modifies dances
!er' p#rase
is a combination of main verb and its au iliaries ,helping verbs
in a sentence.
The courier
is &eli!erin)
items.The boy
*ill stu&
for his e ams.6is sister
#as finis#e&
her wor'.She
can use
the ! now.

infiniti!e p#rase
always functions as an ad(ective2 adverb or a noun in a
6e li'es
to far".
She wants
to 'u a 'i,e.
6e shouted
to co""an& #is tea""ate.
6e is planning
to *in t#e lotter .

)erun& p#rase
consists of a gerund,verb 7 ing and modifiers or other words
associated withthe gerund. A gerund phrase acts as a noun in a
Shendel are li'es
s#ootin) "a)ic "issiles.
1 li'e
pla in) !i&eo )a"es
when 1 m sad
.Sleepin) after -a"
is a bad habit.

participle p#rase
consists of a present participle ,verb 7 ing 2 a past participle
,verb ending in)ed or other form in case of irregular verbs and
modifiers or other associate words. A participle phrase is
separated by commas. 1t always acts as an ad(ective in a
9e saw a car2
&a"a)e& in an acci&ent.
The 'eyboard2
"a&e for )a"in)
2 is e pensive.1 received letter
"entionin) " e$a".

a'solute p#rase
is a group of words including a noun or pronoun and a participle
as well asany associated modifiers. Absolute phrase modifies
,give information about the entire sentence. 1t

resembles a clause but it lac' a true finite verb. 1t is separated

by a comma or pairs of commasfrom the rest sentence.
*endi loo's sad2
#is face e$pressin) *orr .
"aigor was wating for his haw'2
#is e es on t#e cloc,.
Sasha was painting the wall2
#er s#irt staine& *it# *#ite.

is a group of words containing a sub(ect and verb.
im reads.;ecause 1 forgot my homewor'.
T*oT pesofClauses:

in&epen&ent clause
is a simple sentence. 1t can stand on its own.
The teacher presents the activity = uc' The >aerie *ragon?. 1n this activity2 students will
1 am a gamer.She is an elf.1 li'e her.
begrouped into four. A representative will get a rainbow from uc' s pouch and they will
classifywhether it isAa phrase or a clause. The groups are also instructed to identify what
'ind of phrase or clause is on their
&epen&ent clauserainbow and use it in a 'noc' 'noc' (o'e.
cannot stand on its own. 1t needs an independent clause to
complete asentence. *ependent clauses often begin with such
words as although2 since2 if2 when2 and because.
Although "oshan is waiting9hatever they decide;ecause 1 am a
fun person

E. Discussing new concepts Questions and Answer Strategy

and practicing new skills #2
F. Developing mastery (Leads Teacher’s reinforcement to clarify and answer questions.
to Formative Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical A. Identify whether it is phra se or clause2 a nd then be a bl e to
tell the type.
applications of concepts and 1.Iam your father.(clause—independent)
skills in daily living 2 . B ec a use she was a hopel ess roma ntic (cl ause- dependent).
3. Big black centaur (phrase- noun)
4. Black and blue (phrase- adjective
5.His fingers clicking fast ,(phrase absolute

B. Give exampl es of phra ses a nd cla uses based on the words

1. Ca r i n g - i n d e p e n d e n t c l a u s e
2.Burgundy – adjective phrase
3.Minions - noun phrase
4.Wipe - absolute phrase
5.Listen < infinitive phrase
H. Making generalizations and Therefore when can you say that a group of words is a phrase or
abstractions about the lesson clause how do you know the types?
I. Evaluating learning A. identify each item as a clause or a phrase .Then tell what k'ind.
1. He w o r k s h a r d e v e r y d a y , ( c l a u s e – i n d e p e n d e n t ) .
2. After a good day ,(phrase – Absolute).
3. if I need to call you ,(clause – dependent)
4.In a dark and dangerous hallway ,(phrase -Noun
5.Before the next light.(phrase –prepositional)
6. Because it’s the right thing to do ,(clause-dependent
7. A s q u i c k l y a s p o s s i b l e , ( p h r a s e - A d v e r b )
8. This car’s not working ,(clause –Independent)
9.Working for himself ,(phrase – Gerund)
10. Until she finds a car. (plause- dependent)
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation
 Assignment/Agreement
(____ minutes). Fill-in
below any of the four
Individual Work - Essay type (20 points)
 Reinforcing /  Write a song about how happy
your life is use a clause as your
strengthening the day’s title and underline the phrases
lesson andclauses in the lyrics
 Enriching / inspiring the
day’s lesson
 Enhancing / improving
the day’s lesson
Preparing for the new lesson
V. REMARKS Indicate special cases including but not limited to
continuation of lesson plan to the following day in case of re-
teaching or lack of time, transfer of lesson to the following
day, in cases of class suspension, etc.

A. No. of learners who earned

80% on the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional process by using
principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

School Grade Level 12

Teacher Dalmacio, Estrelita M. Learning Area Reading and Writing
Time & Dates Quarter 2nd

A. Content Standards Purposeful writing in the disciplines and for professions Research
B. Learning Identifies the unique features of and requirements in composing
Competencies / texts that are useful across disciplines.
Objectives. EN11/12RWS-IVdg-12.3
Write the LC code for
II. CONTENT Research Report
A. References The Mayfield Handbook of Technical and Scientific Writing Pages
3. Textbook pages Pages 2.4.2
B. Other Learning Fact Sheets, Pictures
Introductory Activity A. Before the lesson
(___10_ minutes). This 1. Checking of attendance
part introduces the 2. Energizer
lesson content. Although 3. Motivational Questions
at times optional, it is 3.1 What was our lesson yesterday?
usually included to serve (Q and A Approach in individual basis)
as a warm-up activity to B. During the discussion
give the learners zest for  Presentation of the lesson proper
the incoming lesson and  Research Reports present the results of formal investigations
an idea about what it to into the properties, behavior, structures, and principles of
follow. One principle in material and conceptual entities.
learning is that learning Some key difference between formal research and other less
occurs when it is structured kinds of inquiry
conducted in a
pleasurable and 1. Problem definition
comfortable atmosphere. The rigorous reduction of the inquiry to a narrow question with a
quantifiable answer. The most significant preliminary phrase of
research writing is that of effective problem definition. This process
is one of identifying and interesting question and narrowing the
second inquiry to a manageable size.
2. Research Approach
The structuring of the research according to a methodology
associated with a specialized field of inquiry. Specialized fields have
research methodologies that are followed investigating problems.
These range from general methods of interviewing and literature
researching to highly specialized procedure for using material and
mechanical devices to established appropriate conditions for
generating data. Adapting a sound research methodology to the
investigation of your problem is a major milestone in the conduct of
3. Research Report
The presentation of the research and its results in a rigorously
formatted documents that follows a conventional structure. In
presenting your research, you pull all its elements together is a
focused, coherent document, research reports contain a standard
set of elements that is include:
1. Front, matter
2. Body
3. End matter

Activity/Strategy (__10__ 1. Inquiry Approach about the given topic on “Research Report”
minutes). This is an 2. Collaborative Work Group Strategy
interactive strategy to 3. Questions and Answer Strategy
elicit learner’s prior 4. Teacher’s reinforcement to clarify and answer questions.
learning experience. It
serves as a springboard
for new learning. It
illustrates the principle
that learning starts
where the learners are.
Carefully structured
activities such as
individual or group
reflective exercises,
group discussion, self-or
group assessment,
dyadic or triadic
interactions, puzzles,
simulations or role-play,
cybernetics exercise,
gallery walk and the like
may be created. Clear
instructions should be
considered in this part of
the lesson.
Analysis (__10__ Laying out questions and answers to the students
minutes). Essential 1. What have you learned from the definition of research report?
questions are included to
serve as a guide for the 1.2 Discuss each element
teacher in clarifying key
understandings about
the topic at hand. Critical
points are organized to
structure the discussions
allowing the learners to
maximize interactions
and sharing of ideas and
opinions about expected
issues. Affective
questions are included to
elicit the feelings of the
learners about the
activity or the topic. The
last questions or points
taken should lead the
learners to understand
the new concepts or skills
that are to be presented
in the next part of the
Abstraction (__10__ SHARING TIME
minutes). This outlines
the key concepts,
important skills that
should be enhanced, and
the proper attitude that
should be emphasized.
This is organized as a
lecturette that
summarizes the learning
emphasized from the
activity, analysis and
new inputs in this part of
the lesson.
Application (____ Differentiate Research Report from simple research work?
minutes). This part is
structured to ensure the
commitment of the
learners to do something
to apply their new
learning in their own
Assessment (__10_ Individual work-Essay type
minutes). For the a) Observation (Formal and informal Possible Activities
Teacher to: observations of learners’ Investigation, Role Play,
a) Assess whether performance or behaviors are Oral Presentation, Dance,
learning objectives have recorded, based on assessment Musical Performance, Skill
been met for a specified criteria) Demonstration, Group
duration, Activity (e.g. Choral
b) Remediate and/or Reading), Debate, Motor &
enrich with appropriate Psychomotor Games,
strategies as needed, and Simulation Activities,
c) Evaluate whether Science Experiment
learning intentions and b) Talking to Learners / Conferencing Hands-on Math Activities,
success criteria have (Teachers talk to and question Written Work and Essay,
been met. learners about their learning to gain Picture Analysis, Comic
(Reminder: Formative insights on their understanding and Strip, Panel Discussion,
Assessment may be to progress and clarify their thinking) Interview, Think-Pair-Share,
given before, during, or Reading
after the lesson). c) Analysis of Learners’ Products Worksheets for all subjects,
Choose any from the (Teachers judge the quality of Essay, Concept
Assessment Methods products produced by learners Maps/Graphic Organizer,
below. according to agreed criteria) Project, Model, Artwork,
Multimedia Presentation,
Product made in technical-
vocational subjects
d) Tests (Teachers set tests or Skill Performance Test,
quizzes to determine learners’ ability Open-Ended Question,
to demonstrate mastery of a skill or Practicum, Pen and Paper
knowledge of content) Test, Pre and Post Test,
Diagnostic Test, Oral Test,
Assignment/Agreement Discuss Research Report based from how it was presented in the
(____ minutes). Fill-in class.
below any of the four
 Reinforcing /
strengthening the
day’s lesson
 Enriching /
inspiring the day’s
 Enhancing /
improving the
day’s lesson
 Preparing for the
new lesson
Indicate special cases
including but not limited
to continuation of lesson
plan to the following day
in case of re-teaching or
lack of time, transfer of
lesson to the following
day, in cases of class
suspension, etc.
Reflect on your teaching
and assess yourself as a
teacher. Think about
your student’s progress.
What works? What else
needs to be done to help
the students learn?
Identify what help your
instructional supervisors
can provide for you so
when you meet them,
you can ask them
relevant questions.
Indicate below whichever
is/are appropriate.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment.
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

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