Kpi ML V01
Kpi ML V01
Kpi ML V01
Markup Language
Version 01 - May 2015
MESA • 107 S. Southgate Drive • Chandler, AZ 85226 USA • 480-893-6110 • [email protected] •
IMPORTANT: While the information, data, and standards provided in this publication were developed and are presented
in good faith in accordance with a reasonable process that was subject to intellectual property and antitrust policies to
benefit the industry as a whole, the publication is provided “as is” for information and guidance only, and there is no
representation or warranty of any type or kind, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose, and no warranty that use of the information, data, or standards will not infringe patent, copyright,
trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property rights of any party.
Table of Contents
4 SCHEMA SCOPE............................................................................ 5
4.1 Type Names .............................................................................. 5
4.2 User Element Extensibility ......................................................... 5
4.3 Use of IDs and Names in Schema Definitions .............................. 6
4.4 KPI Object Model....................................................................... 6
4.5 Diagram Convention .................................................................. 7
5 UN/CEFACT CORE COMPONENT TYPES ......................................... 8
5.1 BinaryObjectType ...................................................................... 8
5.2 CodeType .................................................................................. 9
5.3 DateTimeType ......................................................................... 10
5.4 IdentifierType .......................................................................... 10
5.5 MeasureType .......................................................................... 11
5.6 TextType ................................................................................. 11
5.7 String Type Usage .................................................................... 11
6 BASIC ELEMENT DEFINITIONS ..................................................... 13
6.1 KPI Definition .......................................................................... 13
6.2 KPI Instance............................................................................. 14
6.3 KPI Value ................................................................................. 15
7 SECONDARY ELEMENT DEFINITIONS ........................................... 16
8 TRANSACTION DEFINITIONS ....................................................... 19
8.1 Standard Transaction Element Structure .................................. 20
8.2 Message Confirmation ............................................................. 21
8.3 PULL Transaction Model .......................................................... 21
8.4 PUSH Transaction Model ......................................................... 25
8.5 PUBLISH Transaction Model ..................................................... 29
8.6 ConfirmBOD ............................................................................ 31
8.7 Common Transaction Elements ................................................ 32
8.8 KPI-ML and OAGiS Differences ................................................. 40
9 KPI DEFINITION EXAMPLE........................................................... 41
Change Date Person Description
[1] ANSI/ISA-95.00.01-2010 (IEC 62264-1 Mod), Enterprise-Control System Integration − Part 1: Models and
[2] ANSI/ISA-95.00.02-2010 (IEC 62264-2 Mod), Enterprise-Control System Integration − Part 2: Object Model
[3] ANSI/ISA-95.00.05-2013, Enterprise-Control System Integration − Part 5: Business-to-Manufacturing
[4] ANSI X12 EDI Allowable Units of Measure and Codes
[5] IETF RFC 2045 – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies
[6] IETF RFC 2046 – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types
[7] IETF RFC 2047 – Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Three: Message Header Extensions for
Non-ASCII Text
[8] ISO 639-1:2002 – Codes for the representation of names of languages – Part 1: Alpha-2 code
[9] ISO 639-2:1998 – Codes for the representation of names of languages – Part 2: Alpha-3 code descriptions of
[10] ISO 3166-1:2013 – Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 1: Country
[11] ISO 3166-2:2013 – Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 2: Country
subdivision code
[12] ISO 3166-3:2013 – Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions - Part 3: Code for
formerly used names of countries
[13] ISO 4217:2008 – Codes for the representation of currencies and funds
[14] ISO 8601:2004 – Data elements and interchange formats - Information interchange - Representation of dates
and times
[15] ISO 22400-1 Automation systems and integration — Key performance indicators (KPIs) for manufacturing
operations management — Part 1: Overview, concepts and terminology
[16] ISO 22400-2 Automation systems and integration — Key performance indicators (KPIs) for manufacturing
operations management — Part 2: Definitions and descriptions
[17] ISO 80000-1:2011 – Quantities and units – Part 1: General Corrigendum 1
[18] OAGiS – The Open Application Group Interface Specification –
[19] Professional XML Schemas, 2001, published by WROX (ISBN 1-861005-47-4
[20] UN/CEFACT - United Nations framework of the Economic and Social Council, Core Components Library
[21] UN/ECE Recommendation 20 – Code for units of measure used in international trade
[22] UN/ECE Recommendation 21 – Code for types of cargo packages and packaging materials with complementary
codes for package names
[23] UN/EDIFACT – United Nations rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and
Transport, Data element 3055 Code List
[24] MESA B2MML – Business to Manufacturing Markup Language –
This document defines and presents the Key Performance Indicator Markup Language, KPI-ML. KPI-ML is based on XML
and KPI-MLs schemas are intended to hold information related to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The schemas allow
for a standard representation of generic KPI definitions, specific instances of use of KPIs (such as related to specific
equipment), and KPI values for specific KPI instances.
The information in this document is based on the data models and attributes defined in the ISO 22400 standards and the
ANSI/ISA 95 standards.
Contact ISO (International Standardization Organization) and ISA (The International Society of Automation) for copies of
the standards. Additional information on these standards is also available at and
The KPI-ML schemas are based on the standards ISO 22400-1 Automation systems and integration - Key performance
indicators (KPIs) for manufacturing operations management - Part 1 Overview, concepts and terminology [14] and
ANSI/ISA-95.00.05-2006 Enterprise-Control System Integration Part 5: Business to Manufacturing Transactions [3].
An example of KPI-ML using the KPI’s defined in the ISO 22400-2 [15] KPI definitions is also included as part of the KPI-
ML deliverables. See Section 9 for additional information,
This information is based on the data models and attributes defined in the ISO 22400 KPI Standard and ANSI/ISA 95
Enterprise/Control System Integration standard. Contact ISO and ISA (The International Society of Automation) for
copies of the standard. Additional information on these standards is available at and
<xsd:complexType name="ScopeType">
<xsd:restriction base="IdentifierType"/>
The method is the “Venetian Blind Model” [19] for schema definitions. This model makes all of the type names global
and usable in user derived works, without a loss of context or additional information required to identify the element as
of being of the same type as related KPI-ML elements.
+ ID + ID
+ Name [0..1] + Description [0..*]
+ Name [0..1] KPI Value
+ Description [0..*]
+ Scope [0..*] + Scope [0..*]
+is defined by + Formula [0..1] +is defined in + ID
+ Formula [0..1] + Description [0..*]
+ UnitOfMeasure [0..1] + UnitOfMeasure [0..1]
1 0..* 1 0..* + Name [0..1]
+ Trend [0..1] + Trend [0..1]
+ Timimg [0..*] + Value [0..1]
+ Timimg [0..1] 0..* 0..* + UnitOfMeasure [0..1]
+ Audience [0..*] + Audience [0..*]
+ ProductionMethodology [0..*] + ProductionMethodology [0..*]
+ EffectModel [0..*] + EffectModel [0..*] +may be used in
+ Notes [0..*] +may be used in + Notes [0..*] calculation of 0..*
calculation of 0..*
KPI Definition Time KPI Definition KPI Range KPI Instance Property Resource Reference KPI Instance Time KPI Value Property KPI Value Time Range
Range Property Range
+ ID + ID + ID + ID + StartTime [0..1]
+ StartTime [0..1] + ID + Description [0..*] + Description [0..*] + Description [0..*] + StartTime [0..1] + Description [0..*] + EndTime
+ EndTime [0..1] + Description [0..*] + LowerLimit + Value + ResourceType + EndTime [0..1] + Value + Recurrence [0..1]
+ Recurrence [0..1] + Value + UpperLimit + ResourceID + Recurrence [0..1] + Duration [0..1]
0..* 0..*
+ Duration [0..1] + Duration [0..1]
0..* 0..* 0..*
Indicates elements
NOTE: The core components contain optional attributes that may be used to specify the context and source of the
associated element value. All attributes are optional in KPI-ML.
The core components use several international standards for the representation of semantic and standardized
Name Standard
5.1 BinaryObjectType
BinaryObjectType is used to define data types representing graphics, pictures, sound, video, or other forms of data that
can be represented as a finite length sequence of binary octets. It is derived from base64Binary.
mimeCode normalizedString The mime type of the binary object. See IETF RFC
2045, 2046, and 2047. [5],[6],[7]
characterSetCode normalizedString The character set of the binary object if the mime type
is text. See IETF RFC 2045, 2046, and 2047. [5],[6],[7]
Filename string The filename of the binary object. See IETF RFC 2045,
2046, and 2047. [5],[6],[7]
5.2 CodeType
CodeType is used to define a character string that is used to represent an entry from a fixed set of enumerations. It is
derived from the type normalizedString.
All of the KPI-ML enumerations are derived from CodeType. Also, KPI-ML elements that are not identifications of objects
or other elements are derived from CodeType.
listAgencyName string Text that contains the name of the agency that maintains
the list of codes. For example: Istituto Nazionale per la
Diffusione della Codifica dei Prodotti, National Alcohol
Beverage Control Association
listName string Text that contains the name of a code list that this is
registered with at an agency. For example: CSC (for the
listURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where
the code list is located. For example: “”
listSchemaURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where
the code list scheme is located. For example
5.3 DateTimeType
DateTimeType is used to define a particular point in time together with the relevant supplementary information to
identify the timezone information. It is derived from the type dateTime. In KPI-ML this is a specific instance on time
using the ISO 8601 CE (Common Era) [14] calendar extended format and abbreviated versions. For example:
yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ for UTC as “2002-09-22T13:15:23Z”
5.4 IdentifierType
IdentifierType is used to define a character string to identify and distinguish uniquely, one instance of an object in an
identification scheme from all other objects in the same scheme. It is derived from the type normalizedString.
All of the KPI-ML ID types are derived from IdentifierType.
schemaName string Text that contains the name of the identification scheme.
schemaDataURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where
schema data is located.
schemaURI anyURI The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies where
schema is located.
5.5 MeasureType
MeasureType is used to define a numeric value determined by measuring an object along with the specified unit of
measure. It is derived from type decimal.
5.6 TextType
TextType is used to define a character string (i.e. a finite set of characters) generally in the form of words of a language.
It is derived from the type string.
xsd:normalizedString is a string in which line feeds, carriage returns, and tabs have been replaced by blanks.
There can be multiple blanks in the string.
This is used in KPI-ML for all of the attributes defined in the core component types. This should not be changed
because it would no longer match the recommended Core Component types.
This is also used in the transaction elements in order to match the definition in the OAGiS [18] schemas. If this
were changed, then KPI-ML would no longer be compatible with the OAGiS transaction model. It would probably
not be a problem to change this to xsd:string, BUT it could make it difficult to find compatibility issues (for
example someone uses a tab instead of a space, or has a non-printing CR in a string that causes it not to match
the expected string.)
xsd:string is a string which may contain line feeds, carriage returns, and tabs.
This includes tag delimiters, order delimiters delimited data, and all “otherValue” attributes in enumerated lists.
These should not be changed, because the tabs, LF and CR characters are important. The “otherValue” types
could probably be changed to xsd:normalizedString without any major impact, because these are usually just
vendor specific enumerations.
The Value element is optional to allow the use of a KPIValue in a GET transaction, where one or more KPIValue elements
with no values, but with time ranges or KPIInstance IDs, are sent with a GET message and the response SHOW message
contains the KPI’s value.
Properties for KPIValues are optional, but if used the properties should only contain the values used in calculation of the
KPI. In addition a property may also be defined to contain the “Formula”, duplicating the KPIInstance information.
For example:
KPIValue/ID 3421
KPIValue/Name WCP02WC015
KPIValue/KPIInstanceID Worker Efficiency – Plant 2, WorkCenter 15
KPIValue/Value 80
KPIValue/UnitOfMeasure1 “%”
KPIValue/Description “the relationship between the Actual Personnel Work Time (APWT) related to
production orders and the Actual Personnel Attendance Time (APAT) of the employee”
KPIValue/StartTime 2014-08-04 08:00.00
KPIValue/EndTime 2014-08-08 17:00.00
KPIValue/Property/ID Formula, KPIValue/Property/Value APWT/APAT
KPIValue/Property/ID APWT , KPIValue/Property/Value 32
KPIValue/Property/ID APAT , KPIValue/Property/Value 40
1 Where possible the Unit Of Measures should be specified using The International System of Units (abbreviated SI from French: Le Système
international d'unités). See ISO Standard ISO 80000-1:2009 [17].
ResourceReference/ID 1001
ResourceReference/ResourceType “Equipment”
ResourceReference/ResourceID “Unit 52”
ScopeType A string that identifies the resource element that the KPI is relevant for.
Example: work unit, work center or production order, product or
TrendType Identifies how values should be interpreted.
This may be either a standard type or an application specific extended
type. Standard enumerations are: "Higher-is-better", "Lower-is-
better", and "Other".
Higher-is-better Higher numbers have higher value. For
example, an Asset Utilization KPI.
Lower-is-better Lower numbers have higher value. For
example, a Quality Reject Ratio KPI.
If “Other” then the type is an application specific extension and the
value is defined in the attribute “OtherValue”.
If a KPIValue is the on-demand current Throughput rate then:
The EndTime defines the time of the current value;
If a KPIValue is the periodic Utilization Efficiency then:
The StartTime defines the start of the period;
The EndTime defines the end of the period;
If a KPIValue is the weekly average for the first shift OEE for a
month, then:
The StartTime defines the start of the week;
The EndTime defines the end of the week;
The Recurrence defines once per day,
The Duration defines the time of the first shift,
NOTE: The TimeRange element is an extension to the
specification in ISO 22400-1 to handle a more complete
definition of the timing associated with the KPI data and its
KPI-ML contains a set of elements used to support the transactions as defined in the ISA 95 Part 5 Business-to-
Manufacturing Transaction [3] standard. Transactions define sets of messages that are exchanged between applications
according to a specific set of rules. The transaction model follows the OAGiS 9.6 model for transaction messages using
the OAGiS XML schema structure, but using data objects (nouns) that are KPI-ML elements (relating to the ISO 22400
data objects).
Transaction messages are based on the concept of VERBS and NOUNS. Verbs define the action to be taken or the
response to an action. Nouns define the data objects the actions are taken on. The top level element of a XML document
(the message) is named as the combination of the verb and the noun. For example, a “Get” verb on KPIValue nouns
would have an element named GetKPIValue.
Three different transaction models are defined:
1. A PULL model where a user of data requests the data from a provider using a GET verb, and where the provider
of the data responds with a SHOW verb.
2. A PUSH model where a provider of data requests an action (processing, changing, or canceling) on the data by
another user.
a) A request to process the attached data is sent using the PROCESS verb and an optional response to the
processing is returned using the ACKNOWLEDGE verb.
Note: The definition of word “process” as meaning “deal with” or “handle”. A PROCESS verb is often the
equivalent of a command to add the data, but usually the receiving entity performs further actions as a
result of receiving the data.
b) A request to change information is sent using a CHANGE verb and an optional response to the change is
returned using the RESPOND verb.
c) A request to cancel the attached data is sent using the CANCEL verb.
Note: The request to cancel indicates that the sender no longer needs the data. Because the CANCEL is
not sent by the owner of the data, the data are not necessarily deleted.
3. A PUBLISH model where the publisher of data sends to users (subscribers) of the data.
a) A notification of new data is sent using a SYNC verb and the ADD option.
b) A notification of changed data is sent using a SYNC verb and the CHANGE option.
c) A notification of deleted data is sent using a SYNC verb and the DELETE option.
<GetKPIValue … releaseID="KPI-ML-V01">
</KPIValue >
All transaction elements contain the same ApplicationArea element (see definition in Section 8.7). Each DataArea is
unique to the specific element type being exchanged. The DataArea contains two elements, an element that is specific
to the verb (Get, Show, Process, Confirm, Acknowledge, …) and an element that defines the specific exchanged element
(KPIDefinition, KPIInstance, and KPIValue).
All common transaction element types are prefixed with “Trans” and postfixed with “Type”. For example the
ApplicationArea is defined in the type TransApplicationAreaType, and the Get is defined in the type TransGetType.
All confirmations are returned in a single message (XML element) type of ConfirmBOD. (Note: This follows the OAGiS
definitions, where BOD is short for Business Object Document.)
NOTE: While any message may request confirmation (including a ConfirmBOD message), the recommended use is to only
request confirmations for critical messages and only on CANCEL messages. (Confirmation on SYNC messages may lead to
a large number of messages that the publisher could take no effective action on, GET messages have SHOW responses,
PROCESS messages have ACKNOWLEDGE responses, and CHANGE messages have RESPOND responses.)
Information Information
Requestor GetKPIDefinition Provider
The ISO 22400 standards do not, at this point in time, define transaction rules for GET/SHOW data exchanges. The
following tables define recommended rules for interpreting GET transaction messages.
Value of KPI
Action on Object(s) Specified for the GET verb on KPI Definitions
Definition ID
IDs specified Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all attributes about the
specified KPI Definition, all properties and their attributes, and the IDs of KPI Instances that
are associated with the KPI Definition.
Wildcard specified Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all attributes and
properties about the KPI Definitions that match the wildcard ID and the IDs of KPI Instances
that are associated with the KPI Definitions.
To return all KPI Definitions, specify a “*” as the wildcard.
Value of KPI
Action on Object(s) Specified for the GET verb on KPI Instance
Instance ID
IDs specified Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all attributes about the
specified KPI Instance, all properties and their attributes.
Wildcard specified Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all attributes and
properties about the KPI Instances that match the wildcard.
To return all KPI Definitions, specify a “*” as the wildcard.
KPI Value
Action on Object(s) Specified for the GET verb on KPI Definitions
KPI Instance ID Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, all KPI Values for the
specified KPI Instance ID, in conjunction with the other GET rules.
Start Time Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message:
For periodic KPIs - all KPI Values that have a Start Time greater than or equal to the
specified start time, in conjunction with the other GET rules.
For on demand KPIs – the current KPI Value, in conjunction with the other GET rules.
For real-time KPIs – all KPI Values that have a Start Time greater than or equal to the
specified start time, in conjunction with the other GET rules.
End Time Defines a request that the receiver is to return, in a SHOW message, :
For periodic KPIs - all KPI Values that have an End Time less than or equal to the specified
end time, in conjunction with the other GET rules.
For on demand KPIs – the current KPI Value, in conjunction with the other GET rules.
For real-time KPIs – all KPI Values that have an End Time less than or equal to the specified
end time, in conjunction with the other GET rules.
The SHOW message contains a required response actionCode attribute of either Accepted or Rejected in the
Show/ResponseCriteria/ResponseExpression element as shown in the figure below.
8.4.1 Transactions
For example, the following diagram indicates a Process/Acknowledge transaction for a KPIValue element. The PROCESS
message may contain a CONFIRM option and an ACKNOWLEDGE option, but normally only the ACKNOWLEDGE would be
specified (not both).
The PROCESS Acknowledgement option may specify the following options:
See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a
PROCESS message for each object (element) type.
Information Information
Sender ProcessKPIValue Receiver
The following diagram illustrates a CHANGE/RESPOND transaction for a ProductDefinition element. The CHANGE
message may contain a CONFIRM option and a RESPOND option, but normally only one or neither would be specified
(not both).
See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a
CHANGE message for each object (element) type.
Information Information
Sender ChangeKPIInstance Receiver
The following diagram illustrates a CANCEL transaction for a KPIInstance element. The CANCEL message may contain a
confirmation option.
See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a
CANCEL message for each object (element) type.
Information Information
Sender Receiver
Contains optional
“acknowledgeCode” attribute
For consistency with OAGiS verb definitions, the PROCESS verb also contains an actionCode attribute with
ActionExpression elements. This element is not used in the KPI-ML transactions.
The ACKNOWLEDGE message contains a required status attribute in the
Acknowledge/ResponseCriteria/ResponseExpression element, as shown below.
Contains required
“actionCode” attribute
Contains optional
“responseCode” attribute
For consistency with OAGiS verb definitions, the CHANGE verb also contains an actionCode attribute with
ActionExpression elements. This element is not used in the KPI-ML transactions.
The RESPOND message contains a required actionCode attribute in the Respond/ResponseCriteria/ResponseExpression
Contains required
“actionCode” attribute
Information Information
Publisher Subscriber
SyncKPIInstance (Add)
The following diagram illustrates a SYNC CHANGE transaction for a KPIValue element. The SyncKPIValue (Change)
message may be sent to multiple information subscribers when a KPIValue object is changed, but only one is shown in
the example. The SYNC message may contain a confirmation option, but this is not normally used in PUBLISH
transactions. See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of
receiving a SYNC CHANGE message for each object (element) type.
The following diagram illustrates a SYNC DELETE transaction for a KPIDefinition element. The SyncKPIDefinition (Change)
message may be sent to multiple information subscribers when a KPIDefinition is deleted, but only one is shown in the
example. The SYNC message may contain a confirmation option, but this is not normally used in PUBLISH transactions.
See the ISA 95 Part 5 standard for a complete definition of the action to be performed as the result of receiving a SYNC
DELETE message.
Information Information
Publisher Subscriber
SyncKPIDefinition (Delete)
The SYNC options are specified in the required attribute of the Sync/ActionCriteria/ActionExpression element. There are
multiple ActionCriteria elements allowed by the schema, but only one is used in the KPI-ML transactions.
8.6 ConfirmBOD
The ConfirmBOD is the message that is returned when the confirmation option is specified in a message. The actual
status of the response is contained in the actionCode attribute in the Confirm.ResponseCriteria.ResponseExpression.
Addition information may be contained in the free format text of the Description and Note areas in the BOD. The
original ApplicationArea can also be returned in the ConfirmBOD for the receiver to determine source of the confirmed
TransAcknow ledgeType
TransActionCriteriaType Data Type for a SYNC, PROCESS, CHANGE, and CANCEL message. It
ActionCriteria contains one optional element ActionExpression (see
TransExpressionType) that contains an action code for SYNC messages.
It also contains an optional ChangeStatus (see TransChangeStatusType)
element for a definition of the change.
If no ActionExpression is defined for a SYNC message, then the action
code of “Add” is the default.
TransActionCriteriaType 0..¥
CreationDateTim e
TransCancelType ActionCriteria
EffectiveDateTim e
TransConfirmationCodeType A string used to indicate a confirmation, acknowledge, or respond code
option in a message. The value must be one of the following standard
Always, Never, OnError
Always Always return a confirm, acknowledge, or respond message.
Never Never return a confirm, acknowledge, or respond message.
OnError Only return a confirm, acknowledge, or respond message if
an error occurred during processing of the message’s action.
TransGetType Data type for a GET verb in a Get<Object> message. There are no
Get attributes.
TransGetType Expression
TransProcessType Data type for a PROCESS verb in a Process<Object> message.
Process Contains an optional attribute acknowledgeCode of type
TransResponseCodeType. The responseCode specifies if a response is
acknow ledgeCode
TransReceiverType Contains information about the expected receiver of the message.
Receiver This contains an optional LogicalID of the server and application for which
the BOD is intended.
This contains an optional ComponentID of the server and application for
which the BOD is intended. It provides a finer level in addition to the
This contains zero or more optional IDs for the receiver of the message.
TransRespondType Data type for a RESPOND verb in a Respond<Object> message.
TransResponseCodeType A string used to indicate if response is requested for the sent. The value
must be one of the following standard enumerations:
Always, Never
Always Always return a response message.
Never Never return a response message.
TransResponseCriteriaType Data Type for an ACKNOWLEDGE, CONFIRM, SHOW, and RESPOND
ResponseCriteria response. It contains one optional element ResponseExpression (see
TransExpressionType) that contains an action code.
If no ResponseExpression is defined, then the action code of “Accepted”
is the default.
ChangeStatus is an optional element that contains the reason for the
TransSenderType A complex type that identifies characteristics and control identifiers that
relate to the application that created the transaction message. The sender
area can indicate the logical location of the application and/or database
server, the application, and the task that was executing to create the data
The format for the LogicalID is not defined in KPI-ML. It may contain a
logical (not physical) identification of the sending task.
The format for the ComponentID is not defined in KPI-ML. It may
contain additional detail for the LogicalID.
The format for the TaskID is not defined in KPI-ML. It may describe the
business event that initiated the need for the Business Object
Document to be created.
The format for the ReferenceID is not defined in KPI-ML. It may contain
additional information that enables the sending application to indicate
the instance identifier of the event or task that caused the data to be
The format for ConfirmationCode is defined in
The format for the AuthorizationID is not defined in KPI-ML. It may
identify the authorization level of the user or application that is sending
the data. This authorization level may indicate to the receiving system
what can be done on request.
Com ponentID
Confirm ationCode
TransShow Type
TransSignatureType A ##any type that is used if the message is to be signed. It supports any
digital signature that may be used by an implementation. The optional
qualifyingAgencyID attribute identifies the agency that provided the format
for the signature.
In order to support digital signature specifications currently available or that
will be developed in the future, the Signature element is defined to have an
##any content from other namespaces. The choice of which digital signature
to use is left up to the specific implementation.
any ##any
TransStateChangeType Defines any state change associated with the response, such as a change
StateChange from effective to obsolete.
FromStateChange (CodeType): Old state
ToStateChange (CodeType): New state
ChangeDateTime (DateTimeType): Date and time the change
Description (TextType): Descriptions of the change.
Note (TextType): Secondary notes associated with the change.
UserArea: User ##any type
From StateCode
ChangeDateTim e
TransStateChangeType Description
TransStateChangeTextGroup 0..¥
TransSyncType ActionCriteria
TransUserAreaType A ##any type that is used to contain user data in the application area.
TransUserAreaType any ##any
ConfirmBOD The ConfirmBOD is a complex type that contains an application area and
data area. The data area contains a Confirm element and a BOD element.
TransConfirm Type
Confirm BOD
Confirm TransResponseCriteriaType
DataArea ChangeStatus
BOD A general type that is used to contain additional return status information.
FreeFormTextGroup A group of Descriptions and Notes that are related and contain additional
return status information.
Element Differences
The OAGiS 9.6 ”Show” specification includes a set of optional attributes
(recordSetStartNumber, recordSetCount, recordSetTotal,
recordSetCompleteIndicator, and recordSetReferenceId) that are used by
the responding task to indicate the status of the request and to define the
scope of the information returned.
These attributes are not defined for KPI-ML. The Show message should
return all elements of the Get request.
The OAGiS “Get” specification includes a set of optional attributes
(uniqueIndicator, maxItems, recordSetSaveIndicator,
recordSetStartNumber, and recordSetReferenceId) that are used by the
requesting application to control how many elements are returned.
These attributes are not defined for KPI-ML. The Show message should
return all elements of the Get request.
In KPI-ML this contains a required actionCode attribute that contains an
Accepted or Rejected value.
KPI-ML contains only the Original Application Area, a free form text group,
and user data.
OAGiS 9.6 also contains BOD Failure Message, BOD Success Message, and
Partial BOD Failure Message areas.
KPI-ML has the DateTimeType derived from the xsd:dateTime type.
OAGiS 9.6 has the DateTimeType derived from xsd:string.
KPI-ML is more restrictive than OAGiS, but OAGiS recommends the use of
ISO 8601 CE format.
Schema definition:
<xsd:complexType name="ProductionMethodology1Type">
<xsd:restriction base="CodeType">
<xsd:enumeration value="Batch"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="Continuous"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="Discrete"/>
<xsd:complexType name="ProductionMethodologyType">
<xsd:extension base="ProductionMethodology1Type">
<xsd:attribute name="OtherValue" type="xsd:string"/>
</kpiml:ProductionMethodology >
For example: The following schema segment defines the “Extended:Range” element within a “RangeType”.
<xsd:complexType name="RangeType">
<xsd:element name="ID" type="IdentifierType"/>
<xsd:element name="Description" type="DescriptionType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="LowerLimit" type="MeasureType" nillable="true"/>
<xsd:element name="UpperLimit" type="MeasureType" nillable="true"/>
<xsd:group ref="Extended:Range" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
The following schema segment defines a sample user extension to Range and includes two company specific extensions:
<xsd:group name="Range">
<xsd:element name="RangeClass" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="Accountability" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:group ref="AAA-Control:PhysLimit" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:group ref="XYZ-Eng:LogLimit" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
NOTE: When company specific extensions are added to an extended element, then the extended names spaces should be added in
alphabetical order with a minOccurs of 0, and all end users extended elements should be listed first. This allows the mixing of schemas
from different vendors, so that any B2MML document may have none, some, or all of the extensions without any element sequencing
The use of the extended namespace construct allows for intra-vendor or intra-company extensions to the schemas with
full schema validation, extending the number of places that they may be applied. The extended namespace does this
without affecting the ability to perform inter-vendor or inter-company information exchange as defined by the
standards for exchanged information in ISO 22400-1. However, extensive use of extensions limits the interoperability of
KPI-ML data exchanges.
About MESA: MESA promotes the exchange of best practices, strategies and innovation
in managing manufacturing operations and in achieving operations excellence. MESA’s
industry events, symposiums, and publications help manufacturers achieve
manufacturing leadership by deploying practical solutions that combine information,
business, manufacturing and supply chain processes and technologies. Visit us online at
About the XML Committee: The XML Committee was formed within MESA to provide a
forum for the development of the B2MML, BatchML, and KPI-ML specifications.