Final Project

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Sarah Black

Classroom Management
Final Project

I feel that everyone’s teaching philosophy is lead off by answering the question: “Why do

you want to be a teacher?”. I knew at a young age that I was going to be a teacher. I was good at

working with children, and everyone told me I’d be a great teacher someday. Not until the end of

high school and into my freshman year of college, did I learn why I wanted to be a teacher.

When I was student, my elementary teacher in first grade figured out I had learning problems

and got me on IEP. I want to be one of those teachers to help figure out learning problems and

impact their learning in a positive way. As I have been making my way through college, I have

realized there is not one key on becoming a great or impacting teacher. There are many different

skills that go into creating the “perfect teacher”. The first is to stop thinking that you will be a

perfect teacher. You can be a great teacher, but not a perfect one.

In the book The First Days of School How to be an Effective Teacher by Harry k. by

Harry Wong and Rosemary Wong there is an abundance of information on what a great teacher

should be. In the first couple chapters it discusses how a teacher must be in control of their

classroom. A good teacher knows the difference between procedures and discipline. The

procedures they create for themselves and students in their classroom create consistency.

Consistency is the key for routine and trust between what goes on in the classroom. Wong also

states: “Effective teachers teaches classroom management procedures that create consistency.”

The first weeks of class can determine how the rest of year will turn out for learning in your

Every teachers goal should be to achieve the final two stages of teaching: mastery and

impact. They are too able to create a positive learning environment where students can succeed

in effective practices. Your top goal is your students achieving everything in the aspirations and

development to their maximum potential by doing everything you can as a teacher to go above

and beyond the natural bar of education, and by continually learning more to pass on to the next

generation. Impacting your students’ lives is one of the best rewards a teacher can receive or

even ask for. Students who come back years later and tell you how you affected them a great

deal is incredibly rewarding. The only way you will do this as a teacher is by creating the success

your students need by giving them what they need to both succeed and further themselves. Not

only physically, socially and mental. Making sure students needs are met will continue the

learning process.

Teachers need three crucial characteristics and a plethora of tools to be an affective

teacher. You need to have a positive expectation for student success in and out of the classroom,

be an extremely good classroom manger in all situations, and lastly know how to design lessons

for student mastery. Meaning, you must be able to create a lesson that will work for all students

in unique situations. Having these three characteristics shows your initiative and drive to become

an effective teacher. To be an effective teacher you need to continue with learning and being

prepared for all change. The degree you earn in the four or five year will not be the all the

information you will need to be prepared to teach at the best you can. You will need to continue

with learning on your own through research and attending more classes in the future. Also,

student teaching will not prepare you for how your own classroom will operate. It will give you

practice on learning the “do and don’t” practices in your classroom.

In conclusion the overarching idea that must be looked to is: “Life is a never-ending

journey of educating yourself for educating those around you.” this is a creed a teacher should

live by. Being effective in the teaching field is about so much more than just showing up to class

and learning how to be a teacher, it’s about learning entire new life styles to benefit others. The

type of teacher I hope to be is most of all: the teacher that genuinely cares for her students, their

education and their future.

Procedures for the first day of school:

Arriving to Class/Opening Assignment /Taking Attendance
• Find their nametag by their hook or locker
• Find your desk with your name tag on it.
• Practice walking from the coat room into the classroom.
• Organize desk and put materials away.
• When we walk into the classroom, we put our take home folder in the labeled bin for me to
• Go up to the smart board and move your name to the correct box nicely.
o Don’t just fling your name or mess with another people’s name.
o Left side is sack lunch and the ride side are your eating school lunch
• Make sure your pencil is sharpened (Only be able to sharpen during recess and before or after
o If not grab one from the sharpened pencil cup and put your old one in the unsharpened cup.
• Check your correction folders and work on corrections while I am checking folders and taking
o If you do not have any corrections take your silent reading book and read.
• Once all folders are checked in and I have sent attendance to office and lunch count I will
announce its time for warmup.
• Practicing Transitions in between each activity to get use to using them in a daily routine.
Agenda/Warm Up
• Students Will either Sit at their desk or in small rug area depending on teacher preference.
o On the Rug they will sit crises cross with their hands in their lap.
• Students will read the displayed schedule for the day out loud with teacher
• Race their hands to speak when asked questions.
• Follow all directions when stated by teacher or other staff.
Dismissing Class (For ending the day)
• Put all their supplies away in their desk neatly quietly.
• Grab their folder from the bin quietly
• Check their box and grab their papers and put them in their leave at home side of their folder
• Sit quietly at their desk until teacher dismisses them to stand in line.
• Walk in a straight line, hands to side and walking quietly to the lockers/ hooks.

Procedures for Students:

1. Classroom Tardiness
a. If a student is tardy, they will lay their slip tardy slip on the desk
b. Sit down at a spot on the rug, by smartboard or ask their desk depending on where the
class is at when they arrive.
c. If no one is in the classroom look at the agenda on the wall to see if we are at specials or
2. Absent Folder/ Assignments
a. When an assignment, activity or any resource is used the day your absent it will be placed
on your desk in a pile.
b. When a student is back it will be their responsibility to put each subject in the
corresponding folder.
c. Test and quizzes will be made up when teacher has time to fit it in
d. Activity’s will be finished when down time opens during that day’s schedule and teacher
will explain any questions.
3. Organizing Homework
a. The folder students will check in every morning will have two pockets one will be
labeled leave at home and the other will be bring back to school.
b. Each week I will put a sheet of paper stating everything will be learning for week
including spelling words.
c. Parents/ students will be able to locate information in an email I will send at the
beginning of the week as well.
4. Paper Headings
a. Students will need to write their name and date at the right hand of each of their
assignments. Art projects they will need to write teachers name and their name with
grade level.
5. Unfished Class Assignments
a. Students will put all unfished assignments in their corresponding subject folder.
b. Papers that need to be corrected will be put in their correction folder in a box labeled

Classroom Procedures:
1. Emergency Preparedness
a. All emergency information will be in a manila folder labeled emergency for when a sub
is in the room.
b. In this binder will have a highlighted map for every emergency that could happen
c. Attendance sheets will be in there to take roll once children are in a safe place
d. Contact numbers will also be in there for the school officials
2. Classroom Jobs
a. Students will to stack their chair on their desk depending on the day the janitor
designated day.
b. Each day there will be a leader and it will start alphabetical
i. If a student misses the day, they are leader they will have to wait again.
ii. Student Leader will be line leader, pass out certain materials, will dismisses pods
and will help with daily agenda.
3. Classroom Phone Ringing
a. Only Teacher will be allowed to answer the phone
b. Will return messages during breaks when students are not in the room.
c. If the phone rings twice in a row I will answer the phone during class
4. Bathroom Breaks
a. Before students go out to Recess, they will go to bathroom.
b. After Lunch Students will go to bathroom and get drinks
5. Replacing Dull or Broken Pencils
a. Make sure your pencil is sharpened (Only be able to sharpen during recess and before or
after school)
b. If during class, you break your pencil you raise your hand and wait for teacher’s
permission to grab a pencil from the sharpened cup.
6. Collecting and Returning Papers
a. Students papers will be put in their box with their name on it where they will be able to
grab at the end of day and put in their folder.
b. Stuff that needs to be corrected will be in their correction folder in the Correction labeled

Procedures for Instructions:

Class Discussions
 Students can speak when I tell them to start a conversation or when they have the talking
item in hand.
 Students must pay attention to the person talking not just with their eyes, but with their
 Respect everyone in, and out of the discussion.
 Students will toss, or hand, the item to the next person who wants to talk or is asked to
 Students will raise their hand or wait for an open moment to ask for the item.
Working in Groups
 Students will be put into pod-based groups.
 Students will work as a team.
 Students are responsible for their own work.
 Students will help one another as much as they can
o only asking teacher for help when entire group is stumped
Note Taking
 Students will take out their subject specific notebooks for note-taking.
 The notebook will be broken up into three sections.
o Sections will be categories such as:
 Vocab
 Main Concepts
 Review
 Students will only write important information.
 No information will be written down twice, use abbreviations and brief phraseology
 Students will leave spaces between thoughts.

Reading a Textbook
 Before reading through the assigned pages or chapters skim the book first looking for
main ideas, vocab and diagrams.
 Make a check list on paper or in your head on what you need to learn, and want to learn
while reading
 Read the assigned pages or chapters. While reading use sticky notes or write on a piece of
paper important items you need to remember.
 At the end of each chapter say the question and answer out loud you were looking for.
 Make sure you have read and written everything down that was assigned or that you
thought was important.
 Write down questions that you cannot find answers for or want more information about.
Reading Any Place
 Students can read at any place in the classroom during certain times
o When assigned tasks are done
o Indoor Recess
o Centers
 No talking to anyone else except the teacher during this time.
 Books must be put back in the correct labeled bin or back in their reading bin of books.
 Students may not sit next to each other.
 Students can grab a pillow to sit with while they read.

Taking a test
 Students will make sure their pencil is sharpened before starting.
 Students half way through certain tests, like reading, will get a water and bathroom break.
 Students will always have their privacy folders up.
 Eyes on their own paper.
 Remain quiet during the whole test.
 Raise their hand and wait for the teacher to come over and talk to them.
 Turn test over when finished and wait for teacher to come grab it once it turned over it
may not be turned over again.
 Work on assignments in your folder or silent read that is in your desk.

Procedures for Teachers:

New Student Orientation

 I will have extra copies of the notes that students will use every day in a binder that I will be able
to copy for new students.
 On my computer I will have a folder created with documents a new student would need.
o Map of emergency routes
o Class name list
o Rules of classroom
o Rules for outside
 Before a new student comes, I will assign students to be the welcome helpers for the new student
depending on if it’s a boy or a girl. These students will help give the tour, explain the rules,
explain recess rules and lunch rules.
 Students will have a number based on ABC order. New students will just get the last number of
the order or the number based on their technology equipment number.
Angry Student

 Calmly ask the student to take out his supplies

 If the student does not, I will give them the option to lay their head down or sit in the reading area
quietly. Once the student Is calmed down, they can come back and follow along.
 During recess or work time I will ask the student to write down what they feel, and they can talk
to me about it or I can find someone they feel comfortable with to talk about it.
Death of a Student

 Let the parents of the deceased student if they need anything you are there for them.
 Ask the parents for what information they feel comfortable with telling the class.
 Set a time aside to talk to the students with the given information.
 Let students know they can talk to you about anything or will find someone to talk too.
 I will not change the classroom until students have a week of grieving.
 I will watch all my students to make sure all my students are okay and make note of any changes.
 If anything of high assessment will be postponed because students won’t be able to focus.
 The day after giving the talk with student’s class will go back to normal.
The death of Parent

 Be flexible with the student if they are missing class.

 Be flexible with assignments were not finished during the death.
 The day the student returns talk with the student one on one letting the student know that you are
there for them to listen, to talk or just be with in their time of need.
 Before the student comes back have the counselor come in and talk to the class as a whole
 Explain to the student’s strategies on how to talk their classmate.
 Watch this student to make sure there are not drastic changes.
Substitute Teacher Handbook-

 Will have a folder created for substitute teachers with everything they will need. Inside will be
class roster, seating chart, class rules, sheets for comments and emergency routes that will be
updated monthly.
 I will come in before school starts to print everything that was needed for day (If accessible).
 I will write out my daily schedule leading with what activities students will complete during that
 I will have list of students that a substitute can ask questions too.
 On each student’s desk that leaves for groups will list where and what time they go.
 I will also have a list of dos and not dos for certain students that are on IEP’s and behavior plan.
 Contact information
Home and School Connection

 Create a lesson plan where parents can see what standards students will be learning that week.
 Keep my website updated daily.
 Send out weekly emails.
 Encourage parents to leave voicemails or email me questions.
Technology in the Classroom-

 Will send home a technology and picture form for parents to fill out.
 Create a list of things I will not do with technology and information about students.
 Monitor students use of technology.
 Students will use same computer every day.
Parent-Teacher Conferences

 Will have binders of materials students have created.

 Will have data to show students’ progress and behavior
 Will give two positives for every negative.
When preparing for my first every class as a teacher and future classes after that the one thing I

need to remember is that no class will ever be the same. When creating procedures and teaching the

expected behavior in your class will sometimes vary. I will always make sure to stay consistent with

what I am expecting of my students. I will model and show students how I want things done, give

them time to practice because they will not learn it on the first day. I will also hold students

accountable for these expected behaviors but not aspect anything too far out of their reach. As I’m

expecting students to be able to complete these behaviors, I also need to be able to complete these on

a daily. I need to set procedures for myself that I promise my students I will complete for them.

Including grading assignments in a reasonable amount of time, giving them positive and constructive

feedback, listening to them, keeping them safe and many more. When students trust you and know

you have their right interest in mine, they have a higher chance of succeeding and following the

procedures you set for them. After the first couple weeks of school to make sure my students will

remember the rules and expectations, I have set for them. I will make sure students will easily be able

to see them if they need to re check what I have expected of them. If that means if certain students

need their own copy to check every day, I will do this for them to succeeded. They will be on the

wall, the first day of school their will be a PowerPoint we will go through. I also will let the students

create they’re on set of rules that go along with mine, so they feel like they have some say and


The first way I will make sure my reinforcement is happening for teaching procedures and

expected behaviors in my classroom is by modeling. I will show my students how to put their

supplies away, to hang up their coats and how to stand nicely in line. Students need to see how things

should be done, hear how things need to be and read how things need to be. Making sure students

understand what they need to be doing is key. If that means you must show everyone based on their

ways of learning that’s what you will have to. Spending the first few days of school focusing on this
will help make the rest of the year go by much smoother. The biggest way I am going to make sure to

reinforce expectations in my classroom is to practice. No matter what age of students I have the

students will be able to practice what they are expected. If students can’t pick up/ clean their desk and

wait quietly for the next step or walk quietly down the hall during transitions. We will take a step

back from learning and practice it. If it means we put our stuff back on desk and clean up for times

we will. If this does not work I will re-think on how to make the procedure work if that means

switching it up depending on how my class acts, then I will. If changing the way, the procedure is

done I will then make it a rule where discipline will have to involved. That would be my last option

though because procedures should not be punished for not completing if you teach it well enough.

The third way I will reinforce my expectation of behaviors and procedures in the classroom is giving

positive feedback for the students who are completing the behavior. For example, when asking the

students to get out their reading book. If some students are talking and haven’t gotten their book out

yet or slammed their desk hard on accident or just haven’t gotten their book out at all. I could say I

like how student A quietly got their book out and set it on their desk quietly after shutting it nicely.

Hearing another student compliment will have the chance of getting the students who were not doing

as they were told attention and will try and get me to complement their name next. Reinforcement can

be completed in many ways but not every way is the best for students. Analyzing your students to

make the right decisions is key to a good classroom management.

I will engage my students in daily learning by keeping student’s attention, varityping my

activities and making sure total participation is happening. One engagement strategy I will use is

having activities for students to complete when they have down time after finishing an assignment or

test. Students will be able to use certain apps on their iPad if the technology is accessible including

epic, tinker and ixl. I will also have a reading library in my classroom with age level books (students

will know what level they are based off on their color) and variety of types of books and genres. The

second engagement strategy I would incorporate into my classroom would be to have lots of
discussions into my activities. Discussions could be with a partner (think pair share), in small groups

and whole groups. Having discussions can help with students’ social skills, learn new perspectives

from other students, help guide students into the right discussion or idea of what you are wanting

them to discover. Plus, its an easy activity that you can put in all subjects. The third engagement

activity I will do in my classroom is to incorporate technology in the lesson. Using technology is a

great way to get students involved because students use technology everyday and they are

accustomed to it already. Great resources for technology are using iPad, smart boards, interactive

games, kahoots, videos, audio stories and many more great resources. Students can complete

activities on their own using electronics once they get in a set routine.

I will mange behaviors in my classroom by making sure students know what they should always

be doing. If an incident happens that was not able to be fixed by working on a procedure and is an

actual behavior, I will deal with them in the correct response. I will check the situation and handle it

the best the way possible. Some situations would be where I will intervene right away to make sure

things do not get worse. I will talk to students separately and together if it’s a problem between more

then just one person. I will have class dojo to help document for my record electronically but also will

have a binder/folder for every student to make sure all files are organized. In all situations I will be

calm and collective making sure the situation is handled. Depending on the student’s behavior the

consequence will follow through like staying inside from recess depending on the age, talking from a

teacher, note sent home to parents, call home to parents and getting involved with the principle. Ever

incident should be reported to a principle doesn’t mean the principle needs to talk to the students one

on one.

I will create relationships with my students by doing activities that will help me learn about them.

Get to know your activities during the first week, narrative writings, listening to what the students are

interested in, watching them doodle on scratch paper when given, seeing what genres and types of

books they are reading and giving them free reign on discussions. will also ask questions when
needed that are approraite to the situation I am put in. That means going to the guidance counselor or

principle and asking questions if I suspect something is happening and seeming if they can give me

advice on how to handle it. I also will make relationships by participating in events outside of the

classroom like fun nights and activities held by the school. Also going out in the public activities like

sports games that students could see me at. I would also take time to listen to question and go out of

way to help students at an appropriate level.

My philosophy and believe of using management and discipline is that its mandatory for every

teacher. Teachers need classroom management and discipline to make sure learning is happening in

the classroom but to have great classroom management you need to have many characteristics. You

need to be calm, organized, and flexible. This won’t happen in one day and it takes practices because

it will never be perfect because no classroom will be perfect. I believe all teachers should have

procedures set for themselves as the teacher and students. Students need to be held accountable and

we as teachers also need to be held accountable. A teacher who can set the procedures will have less

chance of causing an observance in the classroom and have lower chance of a having to deal with

behavior issue. That’s why we have classroom management to help lower the chance of students

getting bored and misbehaving.


Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (2013). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher.

Seoul, Korea: Global Contents.

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