Basic Security Measures For Guards in Facility

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Security Policy Corporate/Strategic

Register No: 04051

Status: Public

Developed in response to: Trust Requirement

NHSLA standards 3.9
Contributes to CQC Outcome number: 10

Consulted With Post/Committee/Group Date

Helen Clarke NHSLA Audit Lead July 2014
Jane Giles Chief Pharmacist/ Accountable Officer July 2014
Jo Mitchell Head of Performance, EFM July 2014
Ian Jackson Deputy Director of EFM July 2014
Sue Brown Head of Hotel Services July 2014
Ryan Curtis Health and Safety Manager July 2014
Colleen Hart HR July 2014
Professionally Approved By Health & Safety Group 19 August 2014

Version Number 7.4

Issuing Directorate Estates & Facilities directorate
Ratified by: DRAG
Ratified on: 28 August 2014
Trust Executive Board Date September 2014
Implementation Date July 2014
Next Review Date Extension agreed to May 2019
Author/Contact for Information Eric Carter –Security/ Portering Manager; Doug Smale – LSMS
Policy to be followed by (target staff) All staff
Distribution Method Intranet and Website
Related Trust Policies (to be read in  Risk Management Policy and Strategy
conjunction with)  Health & Safety Policy
 Incident Policy/ Serious Incident Requiring Investigation Policy
 Lone Worker Policy
 Violence & Antisocial Behaviour Policy
 Safer Restraint Policy
 CCTV Policy
 Controlled Drugs Policy
 Prevention of Infant Abduction from Maternity Policy
 Evacuation Policy
 Mandatory Training (Training Needs Analysis)
 Complaint handling (including the Independent Review process)
 Supporting staff involved in a traumatic incident, complaint and claim
 Recruitment & Selection Policy
 Patient Missing Policy
 Information Security Policy
 Whistleblowing policy
 Patient’s Valuables Policy
 PREVENT Policy
Document Review History
Review No Reviewed by Issue Date
1.0 Pepe Mengual September 2005
2.0 Jo Englefield April 2008
4.0 Jim Dorrian/Jo Englefield November 2008
5.0 Leanne Wilson 28 October 2010
6.0 – updates on job titles and roles. Doug Smale Dec 2012
6.1 – update to ID application form (appx 2) Jo Mitchell March 2013
7.0 Formal Review Doug Smale July 2014
7.1 Amendment to frequency of reporting to H&S Group Jo Mitchell November 2014
changes to numbering, and include annual audit tool.
7.2 Amendment to Security Risk Assessment template Jo Mitchell 14 May 2015
7.3 Extended for standardisation and review process Doug Smale 15 January 2018
7.4 6 month extension request due MSB standardisation Jo Mitchell 6th November 2018

1. Purpose
2. Background
3. Introduction
4. Aims
5. Scope
6. Roles and Responsibilities
6.1 Chief Executive
6.2 Security Management Director (SMD)
6.3 Local Security Management Specialist (LSMS)
6.4 The Governance Department
6.5 Portering & Security Manager
6.6 Security Officers
6.7 Accountable Officer (AO) Controlled Drugs (CDs)
6.8 All Directors, Heads of Nursing, Lead Nurses, Managers and Supervisor Staff
6.9 Human Resources (HR)
6.10 All Staff
7. How Security fits in with Other Organisational Functions
8. Building and Refurbishment Projects
9. Reporting and Controls
9.1 Incidents
9.2 Security Incident Data Analysis
9.3 NHS Protect Alerts
9.4 Health and Safety Group
9.5 Requirement to undertake appropriate risk assessments.
9.6 Risk Book
10. Specific Areas of Security
10.1 Security of Equipment
10.2 Security of Employee’s Property
10.3 Asset Marking
10.4 Patient’s Property
10.5 Lost Property
10.6 Trust’s Right to Search Property
10.7 Access Control and Trust Identification Badges (Appendix 2)
10.8 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
10.9 Security Alarm Systems
10.10 Lockdown
10.11 Security of Motor Vehicles
10.11 Security of all Residences
10.12 Keys and security access devices
10.13 Security of Controlled Drugs (CDs) and CD Cupboard Keys
10.14 Intruders/ Unauthorised/ Suspicious Persons
11. Data Protection
12. Training
13. Communication and Implementation
14. Monitoring and Compliance with Policy
15. Review
16. References

Appendix 1 Security Risk Assessment Template
Appendix 2 Security ID Badge Application Form
Appendix 3 Annual Security Policy Audit Tool

1. Purpose

1.1 The purpose of this policy is to support the aims of the Mid Essex Hospital Services
NHS Trust in the delivery of high quality clinical services through provision of a
secure environment.

1.2. The standard for security management is that of supporting the Trust’s strategy to
provide high quality healthcare through a safe and secure environment that protects
all users including patients, staff, visitors and their property and the physical assets of
the Trust.

1.3. Security management in healthcare organisations is the responsibility of senior

managers, but security itself is the responsibility of every member of staff and
presents very real challenges in a culture where staffs are trained to put the needs of
the patient first.

1.4 This policy document is intended to ensure that the Trust:

 Provide direction and help to those managers and staff who are entrusted to
deal with the Trust’s security provision.

 Support the delivery of high quality clinical and non-clinical services through
the provision of a secure environment.

 Comply with relative legislation, such as the Health and Safety at Work Act
1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

 Regularly review procedures for the physical security of staff, visitors and
patients as well as trust premises, equipment and information, including staffs
who work in the community.

2. Background

2.1 The Trust is committed to providing a secure environment that protects patients, staff
and visitors and their property and the physical assets of the organisation so far as is
reasonably practical. This policy is part of the Trust’s commitment to managing its risk
agenda and acknowledges its responsibility to the wider community.

2.2 The Trust Board fully accepts its responsibility for security management matters and
compliance with legislation. To this end, the responsibility will lie with the Director of
Estates and Facilities Management, who will ensure that security management issues
are addressed through the Health and Safety Group, which will be representative of
all services.

2.3 This Policy reflects the requirements of all relevant standards and complies with
relevant legislation. The Trust also fully accepts its responsibility for other persons
who may be affected by its activities. The Trust will take steps to ensure that its
statutory duties are met at all times.

2.4 The organisation has designated individuals as nominated officers, referred to

throughout this document, whom staff / contractors may contact confidentially if they
suspect a security incident has taken place. The “Nominated Officers” for the Trust
are the Director of Estates and Facilities Management and the Local Security
Management Specialist (LSMS) in accordance with the Secretary of State’s
Directions, November 2003 and latest guidance issued from the Secretary of State
for Health in November 2004 and the Security Department.

2.5 This policy does not make reference to information technology security. Please refer
to the Information Security Policy.

3. Introduction

3.1 Whilst security management within NHS organisations is the responsibility of senior
management, security itself is everyone’s responsibility. Security involves all groups
of staff at all levels and to be effective it is important to establish at the outset the
support of everyone in the organisation. Sensible and cost effective security
management initiatives can be taken to reduce risks to all stakeholders by
establishing a pro-security culture, which aims to prevent criminal activity. In order to
develop appropriate policies and procedures regarding security, co-operation and
collaboration with other parties is essential (i.e. other organisations who may use the
site, local police etc.).

3.2 It is therefore important that all those who work in the public sector are aware of, and,
wherever possible, protected from the risk of illegal acts involving violence,
(threatened and actual), harassment, or damage to property and theft.

3.3 The Trust Board already have procedures in place that may reduce the likelihood of
breaches of security occurring. These include documented procedures and a system
of risk assessment in relation to the physical security of Trust premises and assets in
accordance with NHS Protect. In addition, the Board aims to ensure that a risk aware
culture exists within the Trust and has complied with the Secretary of State’s
Directions in nominating a Local Security Management Specialist (LSMS).

4. Aims

4.1 The policy seeks to ensure:

 The personal safety at all times of all the Trust users

 The protection of property against fraud, theft and damage, or the potential threat
of terrorist activity
 A safe environment in which the uninterrupted delivery of quality health care can
be delivered
 A partnership with local agencies, e.g. police and local authority for a safe and
secure Trust environment
 staff are provided with appropriate information and/or training on security
initiatives and best practice

5. Scope

5.1 This policy applies to all staff, visitors and patients attending or working for the Trust,
including contractors and staff working in the community.

6. Roles and Responsibilities

The Trust has appointed a number of key employees to have managerial and
supervisory responsibilities for ensuring compliance to this policy, legislation and
liaison with external stakeholders (e.g. police, NHS Protect).

6.1 Chief Executive

The Chief Executive has overall responsibility for controlling and co-ordinating
security. However, responsibility for management and implementation of this policy is
delegated to the Security Management Director (SMD) and the appointed LSMS.
This is in accordance with the Secretary of State Directions of November 2004 and
the Security Incident Response plan.

6.2 Security Management Director (SMD)

The SMD (Director of Estates and Facilities Management) will be responsible for
taking reports and proposed action plans to the Chief Executive and the Executive
Team for consideration and implementation. The SMD may delegate various
responsibilities to an appropriate manager and/or the appointed LSMS and is
required to monitor and ensure compliance with directions set out by the Secretary of
State on NHS Security Management. The SMD will report any amendments of this
policy to the Trust Board.

6.3 Local Security Management Specialist (LSMS)

6.3.1 The LSMS provides a resource to managers at all levels in the pursuit of incident
investigations. This will also involve carrying out surveys, audits and risk
assessments for and with departments to promote safer working arrangements and

The LSMS must:

 have been approved by the NHS Protect as a suitable person for appointment
 have successfully completed any training required by NHS Protect
 report directly to the Designated SMD on all security issues
 not undertake responsibility for the counter-fraud activities of any NHS body

6.3.2 The LSMS will provide all the necessary advice to ensure that the policy is in
operation within the Trust.

6.3.3 The LSMS is responsible for the Implementation of a Crime Reduction Plan, Incident
Response Plan in conjunction with the Security and Portering Manager.

6.3.4 The LSMS is responsible for monitoring security risk assessments in conjunction with
the Security and Portering Manager.

6.3.5 The LSMS is responsible for co-ordinating investigations and incident follow up,
including providing support and clarification to victims of crime regarding process.
The LSMS is also responsible for promoting and developing a pro-security culture
within the Trust by raising the profile of incident reporting and redress in accordance
with the procedures set by NHS Protect.

6.3.6 The LSMS has a duty to provide support and guidance to victims as necessary and
assist the police in pursuance of any investigations that follow. The LSMS will attend
court appearances with staff when required, and provide a presence during all cases
representing the Trust.

6.3.7 The LSMS will lead on the Hospital Watch Scheme Initiative for the Trust and work in
conjunction with the North Essex Mental Health Partnership Foundation Trust and
Essex Police to ensure joint working across healthcare sites relating to crime

6.3.8 The LSMS is responsible for liaison with persons responsible for security at other
local NHS organisations, East of England Ambulance Trust, Essex Air Ambulance,
Essex County Council and local Borough Councils and the Police.

6.4 Governance Department

6.4.1 The Governance department are responsible for ensuring that procedures are in
place to allow the Trust to actively pursue incidents and that a successful reporting
culture is developed and enforced

6.4.1 To incorporate security into the Trust Risk Management strategy, by collating and
monitoring security incidents and risks highlighted in conjunction with all incident
reports to identify trends or perceived risks.

6.4.2 Reports of serious incidents relating to major theft, loss, and any form of violence,
non-violence and harassment are to be forwarded to the LSMS to monitor and make
NHS protect aware.

6.5 Portering &Security Manager

6.5.1 The Portering & Security Manager is responsible for ensuring:

 the effective running and delivery of a security service within the Trust

 any contracted security company provides adequate security staff who are vetted
and licensed according to the SIA (Security Industry Authority)

 security staff are adequately trained, in particular in Conflict Resolution, and

provided with the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to allow
them to carry out their roles in confidence and as safe as possible

 security Officers respond to incidents in the appropriate manner and ensuring

that all such incidents are reported via the Trust Datix incident reporting system

 the effectiveness of the CCTV, intruder alarms, access controls, lighting and key
related access processes through monitoring (in conjunction with the LSMS)

 they work with the LSMS relating to all security issues to ensure that the Trust
and NHS Protect security strategies are implemented

6.6 Security Officers

6.6.1 Security Officers should be informed of any events and issues; they in turn will notify
and report findings to the Portering & Security Manager or LSMS as appropriate.
Reports in the form of Risk Event forms (Datix) will also be referred to the LSMS.

6.6.2 Security Officers are responsible for assessing security risk and for immediate action
and notification of incidents. Where possible, in the first instance, they are to attempt
to dispel and control incidents sufficiently that the risk is reduced and care can
continue. In addition, they are the initial liaison for the police etc. should they be
requested to attend: following their liaison with the police they must notify the LSMS
by an appropriate means i.e. telephone, email etc.

6.7 Accountable Officer (AO) Controlled Drugs (CDs)

6.7.1 The Chief Pharmacist is the Accountable Officer (AO) for the Trust. The AO is
ultimately responsible for all aspects of the safe and effective use of CDs within the
Trust. Any staff concerns about individuals or processes in the handling of CDs
should be reported to the AO. See also the Controlled Drugs Policy.

6.8 All Directors, Heads of Nursing, Lead Nurses, Managers and Supervisor Staff

6.8.1 It is the responsibility of directors and managers to ensure that they and their staff
fully comply with the security policy, and follow the incident reporting policy and
system when a breach of security occurs.

6.8.2 Security is a responsibility of managers who must undertake preventative measures

for the safety of staff, users and property.

6.8.3 Managers should implement a procedure to record details, of any valuable property
left in their care, ensuring that arrangements are made to secure the department out
of working hours, together with the safe custody of keys.

6.8.4 Managers should keep records of all keys issued to staff and report the loss of keys
to the Portering & Security Manager.

6.8.5 Managers should advise the security department of any changes within departments
that may adversely affect the overall security of the premises. Managers should also
update their security risk assessment at this time and forward to the LSMS.

6.8.6 Managers should ensure all staff employed by the Trust, or from other organisations
working in the Trust, including contractors and visitors, will wear an identification
badge/ card at all times.

6.8.7 Managers must ensure that all members of staff are made aware of the above policy
and fully understand its content and their responsibility under the policy and that they
are required to communicate this to their staff.

6.8.8 To enable effective security management, senior managers must monitor and report
on the workplace to ensure that the Trust is protected. Where security management
risks are identified the manager must ensure that these are assessed, eliminated or
minimised, so far as is reasonably practicable.

6.8.9 Contracted staff are expected to adhere to the Trust Security Policy and Trust staff
letting and managing contracts/contractors are responsible for ensuring security is

6.9 Human Resources (HR)

6.9.1 HR will ensure all pre-employment screening is undertaken and a robust vetting
procedure is adopted in accordance with NACTSO (The National Counter Terrorism
Security Office) and NHS Protect Requirements.

6.10 All Staff

6.10.1 All staff has a responsibility to report any breaches or incidents of a security nature.
The main forum for this will be via the Trust’s Incident reporting system (Datix).
Where urgency dictates, incidents can be reported via Security Operatives, and / or
the LSMS.

6.10.2 All staff of the Trust has a duty to be aware of the Security Policy and to adhere to it.
Staff must co-operate with management to achieve the aims, objectives and
principles of the security policy. Great emphasis is placed on the importance of co-
operation from staff in observing security measures and combating crime at all levels.
Security concerns, incidents including incidents of violence and aggression should be
reported immediately to line managers and an incident report should be completed as
soon as possible.

6.10.3 Staff should be aware of their responsibilities in protecting at all times the assets and
property of patients, visitors, colleagues and other Trust users, as well as the safety
of the Trust’s assets and property.

6.10.4 Where specific security procedures exist, staff must abide by them at all times.
Where staff know or suspect a breach in security, they must report it immediately to
their manager and escalate it to the LSMS/ Security Officers. Once escalated, a Datix
report form must be completed detailing the breach.

6.10.5 All staff are reminded that it is an offence to remove property belonging to the Trust
without written authority. Failure to seek authority from their line manager could result
in disciplinary action or criminal prosecution.

6.10.6 Staff are required to wear an identification badge whilst on duty for the Trust, this also
applies to those that are at work in the Community.

6.10.7 Staff are responsible at all times, for the protection and safe keeping of their own
property. The Trust LSMS will if requested, advice staff on the security of their
property, including motor vehicles or other modes of transport. Any theft of private
property must be reported to police without delay. If property has been brought on
site, it is at the owner’s own risk and therefore it is their responsibility to report the

7. How Security fits in with Other Organisational Functions

7.1 The overlapping interests of security with the requirements of the Health and Safety
legislation and the preventive and protective elements of fire and safety are
recognised. The LSMS will maintain close liaison with the Security and Portering
Manager, Trust Fire Officer, the health and Safety Manager and all managers and
supervisors to ensure that in implementing security any threat to life, property and the
means of escape are fully considered in conjunction with Fire Policy and guidelines.
In addition all these functions will be subject to internal audit.

7.2 Advice on security matters should initially be sought from an immediate supervisor or
manager who may refer to the LSMS who will have recourse to relevant security
manuals. The NHS publishes information on security/personal safety, which will be
held and distributed as appropriate by the LSMS. Reference should be made to the
Fraud/Whistle Blowing and Violence and Aggression Policies where appropriate.

7.3 It is acknowledged that all members of staff have a right, as individuals, to refer to the
police if they feel threatened in any way in the course of carrying out their duty.
Without seeking to prejudice that right, the automatic involvement of the police may
not always be in the interests of involved parties, the Trust or the police themselves.
Therefore it is suggested that in non-emergency situations, staff should consult with
the LSMS or their line managers in the first instance. Similarly, it is recommended
that, where practical, line managers discuss incidents with the LSMS prior to a
referral to the police.

8. Building and Refurbishment Projects

8.1 The Trust will ensure suitable advice regarding security is sought and that
appropriate security measures are incorporated into all buildings projects and

8.2 All capital and revenue projects involving changes to, or the introduction of, security
devices must be referred to the LSMS who will in turn seek assistance and
consultation with the Police Crime Prevention Design Advisor. The LSMS will also
advise the Trust on relevant Health Technical Memorandum’s (HTMs) or other
papers released.

9. Reporting and Controls

9.1 Incidents

9.1.1 All security incidents should be reported by telephone on 6000 or bleep to the
Security lead, Team Leader (on shift). For emergency contact fast bleep 6666 is
the recommended method.

9.1.2 Incidents should be recorded, by the reporting department, on the Trust’s electronic
Incident Report form (DATIX). The Manager for the area will be required to
investigate the incident and the Security Porters manager and LSMS should be

9.1.3 Security Officers will complete a security incidents form when requested to attend
security incident. This log will be maintained by the Portering and Security
Department. Security Officers are responsible for completing Trust’s Incident Report
form when an incident has occurred in a public area.

9.1.4 Incidents involving theft of or damage to Trust property should, in addition, be

reported by telephone to Departmental Management, Portering & Security Manager
and LSMS.
9.1.5 Serious Security Incidents should be reported to the Portering & Security Manager
and LSMS.

9.1.6 Incidents of violence and anti-social behaviour will be managed by the SMD, who will
delegate as appropriate to the LSMS.

9.1.7 A log is kept of reported security incidents. This is maintained by the Hotel Services

9.2 Security Incident Data Analysis

9.2.1 Individual incidents will be reviewed by the LSMS upon receipt to ensure that they
have been completed in accordance with this policy and CFSMS guidelines

9.2.2 Incident figures will be collated through the Trust’s incident reporting procedures.
Relevant incidents will be sent to NHS Protect on a regular basis in accordance with
their national monitoring system SIRS (Security Incident Reporting Service) by the

9.2.3 The Health and Safety Group will review summaries of security incidents and trends
analysis on a consistent basis. Where this review identifies areas at a high risk of
incidents, further support, including advice and additional training will be provided by
the LSMS.

9.2.4 Significant risks will be recorded and placed on the Risk Assurance Framework with
appropriate controls and risk treatment plans in operation within the directorate, who
will ensure adequate business planning to reduce or remove the risk, so far is
reasonably practicable.

9.3 NHS Protect Alerts

9.3.1 Alerts are issued on Security and individuals who may pose a significant threat to
NHS staff or patients. These Alerts are issued by NHS Protect and detail
recommendations to be implemented by the organisation to protect its staff. If an alert
is received by a department the Department Manager must ensure all listed
recommendations are actioned and report back to the LSMS.

9.4 Health and Safety Group

9.4.1 The Trust has an established Health and Safety Group with representatives from all
areas of the Trust. The Group has agreed terms of reference and will:

 Receive information and reports from the LSMS in the form of a security report on
incidents and all security matters at each meeting and a report to be presented

 Conduct post incident reviews and, in consultation with the LSMS, co-ordinate a
Trust wide action plan to address any shortfalls and to implement appropriate
recommendations in accordance with NHSLA guidance.

 Jointly identify any anticipated need for action or, where applicable, escalate
issues for discussion at Board level through the chair of the Health and Safety
Group/ SMD.

 Review current policy and processes with a view to upgrade or improve security
measures and hardware.

9.5 Requirement to undertake appropriate risk assessments.

9.5.1 Proactive assessment

 Annually, managers should undertake appropriate security risk assessments for their
areas of responsibility using the Trust Security Risk Assessment template (see
Appendix 1) in respect of the prevention and management of security incidents.

 These proactive risk assessments should be reviewed annually as a minimum and

more frequently if necessary in order to address any foreseeable weaknesses, such
as the introduction of new buildings, new services or a significant change in use of an

 Where the Trust is in receipt of intelligence which might result in an incident

associated with security, a risk assessment should be undertaken to evaluate and
address any risks identified.

 Where risks are identified, an action plan should be developed with clear timescales
and any significant risk should be recorded on the Directorate and Health and Safety
Risk Assurance Frameworks. Progress should be monitored locally by departmental

9.5.2 Reactive assessment

 Reactive risk assessments are carried out post event using the template in Appendix
1. Generally these may be after an incident has occurred or as a result of an
identified weakness in current practice.

 Where risks are identified, an action plan should be developed with clear timescales
and this risk should be recorded on the Directorate and Health and Safety Risk
Assurance Frameworks and an action plan developed

9.5.3 Escalation of Security Risks and Risk Assurance Framework (RAF)

 All services will review their risks with respect to security management using the
security risk assessment tool (see Appendix 1).

 All identified security management high risks (rated 15 and above) must be entered
onto the appropriate directorate RAF and the Health and Safety RAF.

 Significant risks must be managed in accordance with the Risk Management


9.6 Risk Book

9.6.1 The Risk Book is a folder situated in all clinical departments containing information
relating to health, safety, security and welfare of staff.

9.6.2 Staff are responsible for ensuring their risk assessment for security are kept up to
date and information and intelligence about new risks are shared with staff working in
the department, the Portering and Security management and the LSMS.

9.6.3 Risk assessments in the risk books will also be stored electronically in a shared data
location for monitoring purposes within the Governance department.

9. Specific Areas of Security

10.1 Security of Equipment

 All portable equipment should be kept in a secure place, particularly at times

when departments are not staffed. Managers are to maintain an inventory/asset
register of equipment within their department that is in excess of a value of
£1,000. However, this figure may vary as directed by the Director of Finance.

 The register must be verified on an annual basis and adjusted when new
equipment is obtained. All equipment must be clearly marked with the name of
the hospital/departmental/ward as soon as it is obtained and any loan of
equipment to other departments/wards should also be entered in the register,
albeit temporarily

10.2 Security of Employee’s Property

10.2.1 Employees are advised not to bring large amounts of money, valuables to work or
any item that might present a security threat/ risk to work.

10.2.2 Where changing facilities are provided for employees, the room should be kept
locked to prevent unauthorised access. Lockers, when available, should be used for
all personal property. In the event of deficiencies or un-serviceability, the Estates &
Facilities Help Desk should be informed via the line manager.

10.2.3 All instances of theft of property should be reported immediately to the manager and
on an Incident Report form (Datix).

10.2.4 All staff are to be made aware that all money and valuables are brought onto Trust
premises at the owner’s own risk. Staff have a duty to take reasonable steps to
ensure the security of their personal belongings whilst at work, and take
consideration of personal items that they bring into the work environment

10.3 Asset Marking

10.3.1 The Head of Department should keep an inventory of all equipment within their
charge and regular checks should be made to ensure the equipment is where it
should be.

10.3.2 It is the responsibility of Departmental Managers to ensure that equipment and the
inventory are logged onto an asset register and stored within the department for audit
and monitoring purposes.

10.4 Patient’s Property

10.4.1 Patients’ property should be handled in accordance with Trust policy for managing
patient’s valuables policy and secured accordingly.

10.4.2 No responsibility can be accepted by the Trust for the loss of personal property that is
not stored as per 10.4.1.

10.4.3 Suitable and sufficient documentation should be completed to record personal items
of patients while on Trust premise. In addition, guidance should be given to patients
by the Trust and individual departments on the suitability of bringing valuable items
onto Trust premises. However, it is the responsibility of the patients, visitors and
contractors to make sure that their personal property is secure.

10.5 Lost Property

10.5.1 All found property should be immediately handed to the Duty Security/ Porters
Supervisor. Compliance to the Trusts’ Standing Financial Instructions for lost
property shall be implemented

10.6 Trust’s Right to Search Property

10.6.1 Legally the Trust is entitled to authorise trained security operatives with powers to
search lockers property etc. following declaration of an incident where an item (of any
description) is reported missing.

10.6.2 Security Officers have the right to ask for staff to empty pockets, bags, lockers etc. to
rule out any alleged offence on Trust premises.

10.6.3 Security Officers do not have the right to frisk, touch or physically search a person.
This function is the sole responsibility of the Police. Should security operatives
suspect a person is concealing an item on their person, the police will be informed
and requested to attend for a search.

10.6.4 Security Operatives are not to compromise any situation where a crime scene
scenario may apply: crime scene integrity must be retained for the police. If at any
time the Security Operatives suspect a crime has taken place, the Operatives must
notify the LSMS and Security/ Porters Manager to secure the crime scene and
preserve evidence.

10.6.5 Trust employees have the right to refuse a search of their property or to empty
pockets etc., but in doing so this will lead to HR and police contact to conduct a
search. The purpose of the search is for the protection of staff to minimise the risk of
allegations made by patients, members of the public and other staff.

10.7 Access Control and Trust Identification Badges (Appendix 2)

10.7.1 Photographic identification should be worn at all times Trust-wide and the security
policy supports the policy of all staff wearing up to date photographic identification
badges. A computerised photo ID badge scheme combined with access control
proximity card operates in the Trust. Staff responding to a major incident must bring
photographic ID with them, as this will be needed to access the hospital as access
may be restricted by the police.

10.7.2 Staff who are not wearing an identification badge should be challenged and
requested to wear their badge. Failure to visibly wear a personal ID badge is a
disciplinary matter.

10.7.3 The Departmental Manager and Portering Security Manager are able to determine
levels of security access to buildings and internal areas throughout the Trust.

10.7.4 Identification badges are the property of the Trust and under no circumstances
should they be worn by, or transferred to, any other person than the holder. Staff are
not to allow any other individual to use their access card/fob at any time and should
not allow any other person passage through any access point. All staff entering a
restricted area are required to present their card prior to entry.

10.7.5 Staff are not to leave controlled doors open or unattended at any time. Visitors
needing access to restricted areas should be escorted at all times.

10.7.6 Persons not wearing an identification badge and those whose identity is unknown
must be challenged and asked to account for their presence. This should be done
politely and quietly and in a helpful manner. Suspicious incidents must be reported to
Security as soon as possible and an Incident Report completed.

10.7.7 Lost or stolen identification badges and all problems relating to the proximity card
system (including lost, missing or stolen cards) must be reported to your Line
Manager and Security Porters immediately.

10.7.8 When a staff member leaves the employment of the Trust, it will be the responsibility
of the departmental manager to retrieve the identification badge and arrange for the
deactivation and destruction of the card

10.7.9 The operational management and control of this system kept within Estates and
Facilities. The protocol for effective management is followed. In addition, alterations
to the permissions of access may be altered dependent on need.

10.8 Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

10.8.1 The Trust will comply with legislation such as the Data Protection Act and other
related legislation that ensures full compliance with the law. This will be controlled by
the Estates and Facilities directorate to ensure that propriety and professional use is

10.8.2 In addition the LSMS and Portering and Security Manager will assist and ensure that
the Trust’s protocol for controlled use of the CCTV systems throughout the Trust
premises is followed in accordance with the Trusts’ CCTV policy.

10.9 Security Alarm Systems

10.9.1 It is the responsibility of Heads of Department or a designated member of staff to

activate their local alarm system on leaving the building or deactivate the alarm on re-
entering the building. Switchboard will notify the Security operative should an alarm
be activated within a designated building.

10.9.2 Personal and Departmental panic button alarms systems are employed in a number
of areas throughout the Trust presently. Each of these is considered through a risk
assessment process.

10.10 Lockdown

10.10.1 Lockdown is the process of controlling the movement and access, both entry and
exit, of people (NHS Staff, patients, visitors and public) around Trust sites or other
specific trust buildings or areas in response to an identified risk, threat or hazard
that might impact upon the security of those on site or the capacity of the
organisation to continue to operate. A lock down is achieved through a combination
of physical security measures and the deployment of security personnel.

10.10.2 The Portering and Security Manager will co-ordinate an electronic system to
establish up-to-date site, buildings and security profiles in line with NHS Protect
Lockdown Guidance for each Trust site. The Fire and Security Advisor will identify
gaps in information and liaise with Estates and emergency planning functions.

10.10.3 All managers for each department must ensure they have addressed lockdown in
their department security risk assessments and ensured that all staffs are aware of
the local lock down procedure for the area.

10.11 Security of Motor Vehicles

10.11.1 All motor vehicles used by employees, patients, and visitors along with other outside
agencies must park in the authorised parking areas which have been provided by the

10.10.2 The security of motor vehicles owned by employees, patients and visitors is the
responsibility of the owner of the vehicle. Whilst the Trust provides parking facilities,
it does not accept liability for any theft, loss or damage to motor vehicles or their
contents when they are parked on the Trust sites. See also the Trust’s Car Parking

10.11 Security of all Residences

10.11.1 Staff whom are residing in the Hospital accommodation should be advised that they
are responsible for their personal property and should insure it against theft/damage.
Wherever possible it should be locked away out of sight during the absence of the

10.11.2 The Trust is not responsible for the security of hospital accommodation this is the
responsibility of the housing association.

10.12 Keys and security access devices

10.12.1 Keys and security access devices are important security items and must be kept on
the person at all times. Under no circumstances should these be left unattended
e.g. on desks, in key holes of doors, or borrowed by unauthorised personnel.

10.12.2 Managers have a responsibility to ensure that their department is locked when
unoccupied and for ensuring that only named members of staff have keys to that
10.12.3 Duplicate keys and security access devices should be held in a locked

10.12.3 Arrangements must be made to ensure that adequate arrangements are in place for
opening and closing of departments, which are cleaned by domestic staff outside
normal working hours.

10.12.4 Replacement keys are only to be obtained via the Estates department and must not
be replicated locally. Reimbursement for replacement keys will not be made via Petty
Cash: the cost of replacement is to be met by the requesting services.

10.12.5 The issue of Master suited key systems and keys and devices should be severely
limited and only issued to those staff responsible for whole areas of a building.

10.12.6 Staff who hold access devices must also be made aware that losing them could be
a high security risk and they are accountable for them.

10.12.7 If access devices are lost, staff may be charged for their replacement,
dependent upon the circumstances of the loss.

10.13 Security of Controlled Drugs (CDs) and CD Cupboard Keys

10.13.1 If the CD keys cannot be found then urgent efforts should be made to retrieve
the keys as speedily as possible by contacting nursing staff who have just gone
off duty, or others who may have been given access to the keys e.g. Authorised
Pharmacy Staff. The Chief Pharmacist, Chief Nurse or senior Nurse on duty
should be informed as soon as possible.

10.13.2 If the keys are not located within 24 hours the Accountable Officer will be informed
by the relevant staff mentioned above. Depending on the circumstances it may be
appropriate to contact the police; this decision will be made by the Accountable
Officer. If wrong doing is suspected, the police should be involved.

10.13.3 For further details on the management of security requirements of Controlled Drugs
please refer to the Controlled Drugs Policy.

10.14 Intruders/ Unauthorised/ Suspicious Persons

10.14.1 The Trust has an undertaking to provide suitably qualified security staff who can be
called in an emergency.

10.14.2 If an unauthorised person/s is found on the premises, Security Officers have the
authority to ask them to leave, escort them from the premises using reasonable force,
as dictated by the Security Industry Authority (SIA) Guidelines, or to notify the police,
depending on the situation presented at the time.


10.15.1 Should any member of staff have concerns relating to an individual’s behaviour
which indicates that they may be being drawn into terrorist-related activity, they will
need to take into consideration how reliable or significant the indicators are. All staff

must raise their concerns and seek advice on how to address them in accordance
with the Trusts PREVENT Policy.

10.15.2 Staff can seek advice through the Trust’s PREVENT Operational Lead, alternatively
advice is also available through the Trust’s Safeguarding Team, and out of hours
advice can be sought via the Trust’s Clinical Site Managers / On-call Senior Manager.

10.15.3 Where staff believe that concerns may need to be escalated, they should seek
advice from the Trust’s PREVENT Operational Lead / Safeguarding Team, who will
assist in determining whether the matter needs to be referred on.

11. Data Protection – Staff should refer to the list of information governance and
information security policies listed in their Information Governance Handbook that is
issued to all staff.

12. Training

12.1 HR and the Learning and Development departments are responsible for ensuring that
security awareness is included in Corporate Induction training and that all front line
staff in high risk areas receive mandatory conflict resolution training in accordance
with NHS Protect guidance.

12.2 All security staff will be required to be trained in managing violence and aggression
and breakaway training on an annual basis.

12.3 Any further training will be delivered in accordance with the Trust’s Training Needs
Analysis which will include staff groups at high risk such as A&E staff.

13. Communication and Implementation

13.1 The policy will be made available on the Trust’s intranet & website.

13.2 The approved policy will be notified to all staff via the Trust’s Staff Focus.

14. Monitoring and Compliance with Policy

14.1 Policy effectiveness will be monitored by Health and Safety Group through feedback
from security representatives.

14.2 NHS Protect compliance will be submitted NHS Protection the form of an Annual
Report and Security Work plan annually.

14.3 A further measure of compliance will be continual communication with external

stakeholders by the LSMS to ensure that all available endeavours are met.

14.4 An annual audit of compliance with this policy will be undertaken in a representative
sample of areas by the LSMS and the Portering and Security Manager (see Appendix
3). As a minimum this will assess the following:

 whether appropriate security risk assessments to assess the physical security

of premises and assets have been undertaken;
 whether actions were developed and implemented where indicated

 whether identified security weaknesses were reported to the Health & Safety
 Whether the Security Annual report and Work plan were submitted.

14.5 The results of the audit will be reported to the Health and Safety Group and an action
plan to address any identified deficiencies will be developed with implementation
monitored by the group at subsequent meetings.

15. Review

15.1 This policy will be reviewed in 3 years or earlier as a result of staff change, local or
national initiatives.

16. References

 The Health and Safety at Work Act (etc.) 1974 (2) and (3)

 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999

 Reporting of Injuries Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations 1995

 NHS Security strategy “A professional approach to managing security in the NHS


 Directions to NHS Bodies on measures to deal with violence against NHS staff 2003
amendments) Direction 2006

 Directions to NHS Bodies on Security Management Measures 2004

 Prevention and Management of Violence where withdrawal of treatment is not an

option 2003

 Not Alone- guidance for the better protection of lone workers in the NHS 2003

 Procedures for placing a risk of violence marker on electronic and paper records

Appendix 1 Security Risk Assessment Template

Security Risk
Assessment Template Proforma 8.xlsx

Appendix 2 Application for ID Badges

Security ID Form Aug


Appendix 3 Annual Security Policy Audit Tool

Appx 3 - Security
Policy Audit Template.doc


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