Operation Manual For Universal VFO/BFO
Operation Manual For Universal VFO/BFO
Operation Manual For Universal VFO/BFO
by VUSPF, SP Bhatnagar
ver 1.1
Aug 2018
Important Note: This is a work in progress and based on usage and the suggestions from users
updation may be done in software and manual. Please refer to latest copies of both as and when
This work is combined fruit of efforts by many hams who have contributed to the development of ham
community with their projects and experiences.
Arduino (At Mega 328P) chip controls the Si5351 Ocillators. The display is simple 2X16 character
LCD. There are 7 pushbuttons connected to a divider network which can be read through Analog input
of Arduino. A normal Rotary Encoder is used to adjust the frequency.
Switch 2. VFO Selection : There are three choices of VFOs called as A, B and Memory. A and B are
standard VFOs which can be tuned with rotary encoder. There are 20 memory channels where we can
store frequencies of our choice for retrieving directly. Any of the three can be saved on EEPROM for
getting back later.
Initaially the A VFO is selected and on LCD “ VFOA” is displayed. On pressing the VFO button once
the B VFO is selected and “VFOB” appears on the display. The next press will select the Memory
VFO and go to Memory channel 1 . The memory channel is selected by < and > keys and the
frequency is varied as usual by Rotary enoder.
Switch 3. Band Select: By pressing this button one can move from one band to the next . The Bands are
defined in the program and can be selected as per our requirement there by providing the two extreme
frequencies of the band. Initially 40,20,15 m and a BC band are programmed. Very easy to change in
Switch 4.Side band select: One can select USB, LSB, BC and CW by repetively pressing this button for
any frequency. Automatically the LSB is selected below 10MHz and USB above it. Both can be forced
to any of the four.
Switch 5. BFO Tune: Tuning the BFO is very interesting as one can select the best RX and will get the
best TX. On pressing this buttom BFO is displayed and its frequency is shown. Using Rotary encoder
and < , > keys one can change its frequency and immediately feel the effect in audio of received
Switch 6. Save : This button saves all the relevant current parameters on the EEPROM. A + sign is
displayed when storing. VFOA, B and Mem are saved at their own seprate locations in EEPROM.
Gerbers/PDF’s for the PCB and the Arduino Sketch are available from [email protected]