A Dissertation
Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Education
Major in Educational Management
November 2017
to be able to make up for a bad eating habit or to justify several indulgences that
may put one’s health at risk. In the case of the teachers, they are prime movers
wealth and being healthy would also mean being able to actively and dynamically
teachers are also influenced in their participation motivation to live a healthy life.
Baker, Little, Browner (2003) put it this way: “Given that children’s and
and friends can influence their own behaviours”. This implies that immediate
circles such as family and friends can have a huge impact or influence in the
health promotion as people who are at risk when it comes to health may opt to
have a personal research and may make use of internet provided information
that serves as a remedy to their health problems, because apart from it can be
Pillay (2008), health and well-being concerns in the workplace are very essential
are taken for granted which is supposed to be one of the most important
Labour, 2004). Poor health and work-related stress results to low productivity,
steadfast in their duty to uphold the rights of the workers-that is to protect them
against work-related sickness, injuries and unhealthy practice that can hamper
the work efficiency and performance. Citing the International Labor Organization
(2016) “global estimates show that every year over 2.3 million women and men
consistently suffering among the highest rates of workplace injury. More than
350,000 of these deaths are due to fatal accidents and almost 2 million are due
taken for granted but may create a huge implication to company’s overall
In the local setting, a study of Pagoto and Sherry (2012) from the Ateneo
and professors. The professors administered lectures and trainings for students
activity helps control weight, obtain good cholesterol, reduce blood pressure and
risk in diabetes and some types of cancer. Furthermore, in the study conducted
by Allender, Cowburn and Foster (2006), it revealed that “the enjoyment and
social networks offered by sport and physical activity are clearly important
motivators for many different groups of people aged between 18 and 50 years.
The reasons for participation can, however, differ subtly between people within a
single group. For example, Smith (1998) interviewed members of a running club
and found a distinction between ‘runners’ and ‘joggers’. Runners were elite
members of the club and were motivated by intense competition and winning.
Conversely, joggers did not consider themselves competitive in races but aimed
to better their own previous best time. Joggers were more motivated by the
health benefits of running and the increased status afforded to them by non-
exercisers who saw them as fit and healthy”. It only implies that there are
several reasons why people participate in any health related activities. It in fact
varies from various age groups and thus, the participation motives depend on the
persons’ interest and way of living. Does it follow that once a person is health
very high cost of health care. It is a fact that a person can only become aware on
certainly better than a pound of cure. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle after all is a
choice of an individual and there are several factors that can influence a person’s
decision to have a healthy way of living. It is for the abovementioned insights that
the researcher wants to pursue the study to find out if significant relationship
exists between participation motives, health risk awareness and physical well-
being of the catholic HEI instructors in Digos City. Results and findings of the
study are the basis for a fitness development program that can be very useful in
has a healthy life’s disposition and allows him/her to be effective in all the
health and wellness. It is the duty of the human resource department to ensure
that health and wellness activities are incorporated in the goals and activities of
the organization. Thus, in the case of the academic institutions, teachers are
although these terms “health and wellness” are not their main subject matter, it is
still part and parcel of our way of living as human beings. The World Health
Organization (1986) stressed that the dominant view of wellness is the absence
level of participation motives of the HEI instructors in the health and wellness
aspect of the workplace, the level of the HEI instructors ‘health risk awareness,
and the level of the physical well-being, the researcher would be able to
administrators for them to sincerely and seriously implement health and wellness
program through the human resource department. The result of the study is
beneficial to the teachers as it will shed light to those who are not conscious on
from a bad healthy habit to a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, the study will provide
that can be incorporated in the health and wellness program of the organization.
And last but not the least, the result of the study can also provide information for
future and potential researchers who want to study other variables and indicators
participation motives and health risk awareness and the physical well being of
terms of:
1.1 autonomy;
1.3 relatedness?
2. What is the level of health risk awareness of the catholic HEI instructors in
terms of:
3. What is the level of physical well-being of the catholic HEI instructors in terms
the catholic HEI instructors’ physical well being in terms of physical activity,
spiritual wellness.
the catholic HEI instructors’ physical well being in terms of physical activity,
This section presents the related literature and studies that supports the
emotional, social and spiritual wellness; and the physical well-being in terms of
physical activity, nutrition and diet, medical self care, and rest and sleep.
Participation Motives
improving fitness, and having fun. Motivation can certainly play a huge role of
he/she is not confident with his/her competence and abilities. In general terms,
essentially means whether or not someone expects they will be successful when
different motives for participation in physical activities. Egli et al. (2011) found
that male college students were motivated most by intrinsic factors (strength,
females. Male adults has higher motivation for affiliation and challenge, whereas
Moreover, Molanorouzi, K., Khoo, S., & Morris, T. (2015) concluded that
“strong and important motives for participation in physical activity are different
across type of activity, age, and gender in adults. Understanding the motives that
across different dimension and therefore it is very important to get a full grasp of
regarded as the essential nutriment for individuals’ optimal functioning and well-
being, as water, minerals, and sunshine are essential forplants to bloom (Deci
&Ryan,2000; Ryan, 1995). In SDT, three basic needs are distinguished: the
needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. First, the needfor autonomy
follow-up a request from their supervisor (and thus fail to be independent) but
rationale for doing so (Soenens et al.,2007). Second, the need for competence is
test and extend one’s skills. Competence satisfaction allows individuals to adapt
the assumption that people are actively involved in their own development with
evolved tendencies towards growth and mastery (Ryan and Deci 2000b). The
theory outlines three universal, innate needs that serve as the avenue through
as our need for feeling that we are acting out of our own volition and in
The need for competence reflects our inherent desire to feel effective when
interacting with our environment (Deci and Ryan, 2000). It follows that when our
at the center of more general feelings of well-being. The need for relatedness is
our needs for deep and meaningful connections with close others, as well as a
need for broader connections to society in general. This need is satisfied when
we experience social support and feel close to others (Deci and Ryan 2008).
Self-determination theory posits that all three needs are essential; when they are
fulfilled via the social context, an individual is in the position to maintain optimal
functioning and achieve positive personalgrowth. However, when any one need
demands and the real ones – how dangerous does someone think it is, and how
dangerous is it really? The more they coincide, the better the risk awareness. It is
a fact that health is very important to all human beings. Similarly, wellness is a
general term that describes the overall aspect of a human being when it comes
to personal wellness must be holistic, which in turn help one to obtain well
Being healthy means that the body and mind function as they are
supposed to. Jones (2005) elaborated on the difference between health and
wellness. Wellness is a way of life and living in which explores, searches and
finds new questions and discovers new answers, along with three primary
dimensions of living: the physical,, the mental and the social; which is a way of
life designed to enable human beings to achieve, in each the dimensions, the
maximum potentials that is realistically and rationally feasible at any given time.
Rickhi et al. (2006) believed that creating health and wellness awareness means
focusing on practices the benefit one or all of the three dimensions-body, mind
and spirit. Physical health and wellness awareness includes drinking clean water,
healthy eating, healthful touch such as massage and physical activity. Mental
and spiritual wellness require mind and body based stress reduction programs,
Mental wellness
the degree that one engages in creative and stimulating activities, as well as the
lifelong learning, an effort to share knowledge with others, and developing skills
and abilities to achieve a more satisfying life. More recently, the distinction
al., (2006) states that realizing ones’ personal potential involves cognitive
Physical wellness
exercise regime and diet and monitoring internal and external physical signs of
the body’s response to events including stress. This includes seeking medical
care when appropriate and taking action to prevent and avoid harmful behaviours
(ex. Tobacco and excess alcohol use) and detect illnesses (Case et al., 2006).
Agency of Canada, (2008); Renger et al., (2000); Ryanet et al., (2001) detailed
transmitted diseases.
smoking and inactive living as well as somatotype affects physical wellness with
benefits including better autoimmune functioning. Ryan et al., (2001) also noted
that physical wellness however, does not always correlate to one’s sense of well
being; a person can be ill and have a positive state of mind while a physically
Emotional wellness
feelings freely and manage feelings effectively. Emotional wellness is not an end
stage but a continual process of change and growth. It enables one to maintain
satisfying relationships, deal with conflict and remain grounded during stressful
times. It implies the ability to be aware of and accept our feelings, rather deny
them, have an optimistic approach to life and enjoy life despite the
health can lead to success in work, relationship and health. In the past,
researchers believed that success made people happy. Newer research reveals
that it is the other way around. Happy people are more likely to work toward
goals, find the resources they need and attract others with their energy and
Social wellness
others, the community, and nature. It includes the extent to which a person works
Getting along with others and being comfortable and willing to express ones’
relations), and intimacy; and the interaction with the social environment and the
quality and extent of one’s social network especially family. Helliwell (2005)
examines the nature of relational styles and patterns focusing on one’s attitude
towards relationships and seeking help from others as key elements. Ryff et al.,
among persons who are more socially integrated. Features of social support
consists of the size or density of one’s social network and frequency of contact
Durlak (2000) and May (2007) included peer acceptance, attachments and
that married people (both men and women are happier than those who are
divorced). Findings from Frey et al., (2000; 2002) found no gender difference with
the variables. Those with additional voluntary group membership are one-tenth
happier again.
Spiritual wellness
Cohen (2002) found that within religions there are differences in the
strength of people’s beliefs, the degree to which they use a deity to help cope
with difficulties and their degree of spirituality, all of which have been found to be
stands outside our own experience. The depth and expanse of life both known
and unknown, as well as questioning the meaning and purpose in life, while also
recognizing, accepting, and tolerating the complex nature if the world is all part of
spiritual wellness, focusing on harmony with the self and harmony with others
and the universe and the search for a universal value system. This value system
strives toward a worldview that gives unity, purpose, and goals to the thoughts
Physical Well-being
mental and emotional health. Taking care of the body is a powerful first step
towards mental and emotional health. The mind and the body are linked. When
you improve your physical health, you’ll automatically experience greater mental
and emotional well-being. This only implies that a persons’ everyday activity is
dependent of his or her life choices and dispositions. One has to be aware of the
activities that would keep both our mind and body healthy. For example, exercise
not only strengthens our heart and lungs, but also releases endorphins, powerful
chemicals that energize us and lift our mood. The activities you engage in and
the daily choices you make affect the way you feel physically and
emotionally. Get enough rest. To have good mental and emotional health, it’s
important to take care of your body. That includes getting enough sleep. Most
people need seven to eight hours of sleep each night in order to function
optimally. Learn about good nutrition and practice it. The subject of nutrition is
complicated and not always easy to put into practice. You will feel better if you
learn about what you eat, how it affects your energy and mood, and practice
healthy eating habits. Exercise to relieve stress and lift your mood. Exercise is a
powerful antidote to stress, anxiety, and depression. Look for small ways to add
activity to your day, like taking the stairs instead of the elevator or going on a
short walk. To get the most mental health benefits, aim for 30 minutes or more of
exercise per day. Get a dose of sunlight every day. Sunlight lifts your mood, so
try to get at least 10 to 15 minutes of sun per day. This can be done while
exercising, gardening, or socializing. Limit alcohol and avoid cigarettes and other
drugs. It is very important to take good care of our physical well being because it
can help us maintain a happy and fruitful life. Having a healthy lifestyle does not
achieve optimum physical health a regime of good eating, regular exercise and
getting adequate sleep should be adopted. This results in feeling better and
having sufficient energy and motivation to get things done in our daily lives.
physical well-being is about being safe, sheltered and in good health and it is
other hand mental stress and anxiety will put stress on internal organs,
healthy is hugely important. It can be the key to a long, fulfilling life. Having a
healthy body means you are equipped to deal with the challenges of everyday
life, fight off illnesses and function well, allowing you to do the things you want to
do. In order to achieve and maintain physical health, the body must be given the
right nutrients, in a balanced diet, with regular exercise. An unhealthy body can
general apathy, which can spread to work, relationships and many other areas of
life. Taking care of physical health is an excellent first step to taking care of
Physical Activity
Physical activity is any body movement that works your muscles and
requires more energy than resting. Walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga,
physical activity that's planned and structured. Lifting weights, taking an aerobics
good for many parts of your body. This article focuses on the benefits of physical
activity for your heart and lungs. The article also provides tips for getting started
Health, 2017).
identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality (6% of deaths
other activities which involve bodily movement and are done as part of playing,
relevant approach.
US News Health (2017) explained that a healthy diet doesn't require a lot
sounds like a gimmick. Because it's true what they say about what seems too
good to be true: Eating well means listening to that little voice inside that knows
what healthy foods generally look like – fresh and recognizable in nature – and
what they don't – prepackaged and processed. That sensibility may not fit so well
with our on-demand culture, where we want results now – be it dinner or weight
loss. But if you want a program that works for the long run, you'll need a lifestyle
you can live with and like. That means a diet that's nutritious and delicious, but
one that will take a bit of planning and commitment from you. While staying lean
is a big part of good health, weight lost doesn't always equal health gained. That
new diet that took inches off your waistline could be harming your health if it
locks out or severely restricts entire food groups, relies on supplements with little
of the keys to a healthy life. One can improve health by keeping a balanced diet.
You should eat foods that contain vitamins and minerals. This includes fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and a source of protein. It can be hard to change
your eating habits. It helps if you focus on small changes. Making changes to
your diet may also be beneficial if you have diseases that can be made worse by
things you are eating or drinking. Symptoms from conditions such as kidney
disease, lactose intolerance, and celiac disease can all benefit from changes in
health care system is the expectation that individuals will take more responsibility
for their own health. Practicing medical self care is one way of taking more
with minor illness and injuries at home. This includes preventing, detecting, and
treating illness and disease. Data suggests that self care is already a fact of life.
Over 80% of health problems are treated at home. For example every time
someone takes an over-the-counter drug for a headache they are practicing self
care. Studies also suggest that an even larger number of health care problems
could be treated at home. As many as 70% of all visits to doctors for new
problems, have been termed unnecessary. For example, 11% of such visits are
for uncomplicated colds. Many other visits are for minor cuts that do not require
stitches, for tetanus shots even though the person is current on their
is not about practicing alternative medicine or using weird home remedies. Self-
care is not a substitute for professional care. One of the important self-care
decisions individuals always have to make is, "Do I see my health care provider
or do I apply home treatment?" Your goal is to protect your health and that of
your family so you want to practice sound self care skills. This is very true about
learning the basics of medical self care as it becomes a huge help for first aid
and remedy before finally going to the doctor to seek for medical help.
Additionally, Bednez, (n.d), stated that medical self-care programs are a critical
component for the success of any workplace wellness strategy. They help
They also create awareness towards knowing when to treat common illness or
minor injuries at home and when to get medical attention. Self-care programs
programs have the power to help contain employers escalating costs and
good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at
the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life,
and safety. The way you feel while you're awake depends in part on what
happens while you're sleeping. During sleep, your body is working to support
healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. In children and teens,
sleep also helps support growth and development.The damage from sleep
deficiency can occur in an instant (such as a car crash), or it can harm you over
time. For example, ongoing sleep deficiency can raise your risk for some chronic
health problems. It also can affect how well you think, react, work, learn, and get
become a significant health problem for many people. The brain and body need
sufficient, regular sleep to recover from the stresses of each day and to bring
order to mind and body functions. In a normal sleep pattern, the brain cycles
through various stages of wakefulness and deep slumber. Some conditions may
disturb the progression of these stages. Insomnia disturbs the sleep pattern by
interfering with the plunge into deep sleep. Sleep apnea causes breathing to
repeatedly stop for one or more breaths, resulting in periodic low blood oxygen.
There are also conditions that make it difficult for people to fall asleep. All of
these conditions that disturb a normal sleep pattern deprive the body and mind of
needed recovery from daily stress and leave the person tired, functioning poorly,
and susceptible to disease. However, there are things that can be done to
improve the quality of sleep and rest by practicing to free our minds from stress
is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing, according to the National Sleep
Foundation (NSF). Yet millions of people do not get enough sleep and many
suffer from lack of sleep. For example, surveys conducted by the NSF (1999-
2004) reveal that at least 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different sleep
disorders and 60 percent of adults report having sleep problems a few nights a
week or more. Most of those with these problems go undiagnosed and untreated.
enough to interfere with their daily activities at least a few days each month - with
family. Usually the sleep problem disappears when the stressful situation passes.
from the beginning, they can persist long after the original stress has passed.
schedule, and working or doing other mentally intense activities right before or
All the cited literature and studies are important and relevant to the
present study. It provided sufficient insights and data for theoretical basis for the
autonomy and relatedness and health risk awareness as the dependent variable
The study was anchored on the Self Determination Theory of Deci and
Ryan (1985) that highlights the importance of humans' evolved inner resources
thoughts are freely chosen), and relatedness (the need to feel connected to
people around us). This implies that participation motives of the HEI instructors in
the health and wellness programs of their respective institutions is based on their
concerns which can have an effect or relationship with the level of their health
risk awareness in the aspects of mental, physical, emotional, social and spiritual
that can make people unhealthy, can inspire an individual to maintain a healthy
lifestyle and behaviour. In this way, teachers are able to bring forth lifestyle
developed in ones heart and mind, it can help nurture a person’s confidence and
that to achieve optimum physical health a regime of good eating, regular exercise
and getting adequate sleep should be adopted. This results in feeling better and
having sufficient energy and motivation to get things done in our daily lives. The
autonomy and relatedness and the health risk awareness in terms of mental,
physical, emotional, social and Spiritual wellness which can affect the dependent
variable that is physical well-being in terms of physical activity, nutrition and diet,
Emotional Wellness
Social Wellness
Spiritual Wellness
Research Design
impression or overview of what is being studied or the subject matter, and while
variables that are considered in the study. From the design, it aimed to find the
Research Locale
The study was conducted within Region XI Davao Region in the island of
Mindanao. There were five private catholic colleges: Cor Jesu College in Digos,
San Pedro College of Davao and Holy Cross of Davao, Davao City.
instructors of the different private catholic school in Davao Region.: Cor Jesu
Concepcion in Davao, San Pedro College of Davao and Holy Cross of Davao,
Davao City. It made used of the purposive sampling method which according to
David (2002), the proponent uses specific purpose in selecting a sample which
means that there is a specific criterion in the selection of the participants of the
Research Instrument
adopted items from the Health and Wellness Questionnaire were utilized. Part I
consisted of questions about the level of health risk awareness of catholic school
And Part III consisted of questions about the physical well being of HEI
instructors in terms of physical activity, nutrition and diet, medical self-care and
the study.
A letter of request was also sent to the Human Resource Head of the
School in order to get data on the number of teachers employed in the institution.
Upon the approval of the letter of request, the researcher informed the
respondents prior to the conduct of the study to give them an idea on the
Data Analysis
The statistical tools that were used to analyze the study were the
health risk awareness and physical well-being of the catholic HEI instructors.
Post hoc analysis was used to detect some specific size and scores which
will further identify the difference that will be observed in the study. Hence, it was
only employed when significant difference was observed in the ANOVA test.
physical well being in terms of physical activity, nutrition and diet, medical self-
This chapter includes the results, findings and interpretation of the study.
the Catholic HEI Instructors in terms of physical, mental, emotional, social, and
terms of physical activity, nutrition and diet, medical self-care, and rest and sleep.
The result from the first, second and third level were the basis of the proposed
The study revealed that the mean score of autonomy is 4.07 with a
description of high. Thus, catholic HEI instructors are motivated on the statement
in majority of the cases. According to Deci & Ryan, (2000), the need for
activity. This implies that HEI instructors value their autonomy in choosing to take
good care and to be conscious of their physical well-being. Added to that, HEI
instructors have their own personal choice in carrying out activities that are
related with health and wellness and that they believe in their own psychological
freedom because they personally know what is best for their own self.
Employees might, for instance, follow-up a request from their supervisor (and
thus fail to be independent) but nonetheless act willingly because their supervisor
also means that HEI instructors may have the freedom not to be meticulous with
be done in their body because they are aware that it is also for their own good.
Therefore, the manner that they participate in any health related activity can be
4.45 which has the same description of high that is interpreted as catholic HEI
instructors is motivated on the statement in majority of the cases. The need for
interacting with the environment (Deci &Ryan,2000; White, 1959). This attests
that HEI instructors agree to the idea that their competence can also be
are aware of its advantages. They also believe that they seek and accept
For third indicator, relatedness, it has a mean score of 4.22 with the same
description high and the same interpretation that catholic HEI instructors is
motivated on the statement in majority of the cases. The need for relatedness is
our needs for deep and meaningful connections with others, as well as a need for
relatedness, HEI instructors usually seek advice from friends every time they
make decisions related with health and wellness. This need is satisfied when we
experience social support and feel close to others (Deci and Ryan 2008). Thus,
the need for relatedness through social support is very essential in order to
The overall mean revealed a mean score of 4.25. Thus, it has the same
description and interpretation with the three previous indicators, which is high
and the catholic HEI instructors are motivated on the statement in majority of the
cases. Generally, participation motives of the HEI instructors indicates that they
perceive that their reason for engaging into health related activities is dependent
with their personal autonomy, competence and relatedness in the area of health
and well-being.
catholic HEI instructors. The level of different indicators of health risk awareness
is indicated in the table. For the first indicator, physical wellness was found to
is implied that the catholic HEI instructors are often aware of the physical
wellness include maintaining a healthy exercise regime and diet and monitoring
internal and external physical signs of the body’s response to events including
stress. The term “physically fit” denotes the HEI instructors’ awareness of their
health-related activities in order to keep the body active and healthy. This
includes seeking medical care when appropriate and taking action to prevent and
avoid harmful behaviours (ex. Tobacco and excess alcohol use) and detect
however, does not always correlate to one’s sense of well being; a person can be
ill and have a positive state of mind while a physically healthy person can
experience a poor sense of well being. This means that a persons’ drive to
Emotional wellness is the next indicator. The result showed a mean score
of 4.23 which means that catholic HEI instructors have high emotional wellness.
It is implied that catholic HEI instructors are often aware of the emotional
emotionally well people because they believe that they are able to express
feelings freely and manage feelings effectively. Emotional wellness is not an end
stage but a continual process of change and growth. It enables one to maintain
satisfying relationships, deal with conflict and remain grounded during stressful
times. It implies the ability to be aware of and accept our feelings, rather deny
them, have an optimistic approach to life and enjoy life despite the
displayed a mean score of 4.15. This means that catholic HEI instructors have
high social wellness. Meaning, catholic HEI instructors are often aware of the
social wellness and he/she does it regularly. Social wellness encompasses the
degree and quality of interactions with others, the community, and nature. It
includes the extent to which a person works towards supporting the community
Social Determinants of Health, 2008). Durlak (2000) and May (2007) included
peer acceptance, attachments and bonds with others, and social skills
of social wellness. This further explains the HEI instructors positive response on
social well-being because they believe that they find association and relatedness
with peers and love ones who are instrumental to their decision to maintain a
healthy lifestyle.
Spiritual wellness is the last health risk awareness indicator. The results
revealed a mean score of 4.27 which means that catholic HEI instructors have
high spiritual wellness. This implied that catholic HEI instructors are often aware
of the spiritual wellness and he/she does it regularly. Cohen (2002) found that
within religions, there are differences in the strength of people’s beliefs, the
degree to which they use a deity to help cope with difficulties and their degree of
spirituality, all of which have been found to be associated with different levels of
involves an appreciation for the complexities of existence and accepting that the
experience. The depth and expanse of life both known and unknown, as well as
questioning the meaning and purpose in life, while also recognizing, accepting,
and tolerating the complex nature if the world is all part of spiritual wellness.
focusing on harmony with the self and harmony with others and the universe and
the search for a universal value system. This value system strives toward a
worldview that gives unity, purpose, and goals to the thoughts and actions of
Nutrition and 100 1.60 5.00 3.4440 .63027 -.412 .241 1.026 .478
Medical self 100 2.00 5.00 3.9520 .70617 -.340 .241 -.641 .478
Rest and sleep 100 1.60 5.00 4.0680 .68827 -1.149 .241 1.806 .478
overall_wellbein 100 2.74 5.97 4.5903 .59514 -.416 .241 .494 .478
Valid N 100
For the first indicator, physical activity, the study revealed a mean score of
2.85. It is described as moderate, which means that the catholic HEI instructors
are sometimes aware about physical activity and he or she does it often (2-4
connected to mental and emotional health. Taking care of the body is a powerful
first step towards mental and emotional health. The mind and the body are
linked. When you improve your physical health, you’ll automatically experience
greater mental and emotional well-being. This only implies that a persons’
everyday activity is dependent of his or her life choices and dispositions. One has
to be aware of the activities that would keep both our mind and body healthy.
For the second indicator, nutrition and diet. The study showed a mean
instructors is sometimes aware about nutrition and diet, and he or she does it
often (2-4 times per month). According to Family (2017), good
nutrition is one of the keys to a healthy life. One can improve health by keeping a
balanced diet. The HEI instructors rated nutrition and diet as sometimes aware
healthy meal or opting to eat healthy food because of their busy schedule, and
so, they eat according to the dictates of their mind which sometimes result to
Now, for the third indicator which is medical sefl-care. The result revealed
a mean score 3.95. This is described as high. It implies that the catholic HEI
instructors is often aware about medical self care and he or she does it regularly
(4-6 times per week). As emphasized by Carlson (2009), one of the changes
occurring in the health care system is the expectation that individuals will take
more responsibility for their own health. Practicing medical self care is one way of
taking more control. Medical self-care is defined as those things that individuals
do to deal with minor illness and injuries at home. This includes preventing,
detecting, and treating illness and disease. Data suggests that self care is
already a fact of life. Over 80% of health problems are treated at home. For
they are practicing self care. Studies also suggest that an even larger number of
health care problems could be treated at home. HEI instructors believed that
performing self medication saves them time and effort in going to the doctor.
They also are aware of preventive medicine as they rated it high and does it
Then, the fourth indicator is rest and sleep. The study showed a mean
score of 4.06 which is described as high. It means that the catholic HEI
instructors is often aware about rest and sleep and he or she does it regularly (4-
good health and well-being throughout your life. Getting enough quality sleep at
the right times can help protect your mental health, physical health, quality of life,
and safety. The way you feel while you're awake depends in part on what
happens while you're sleeping. During sleep, your body is working to support
healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. This indicates that HEI
instructors give value to rest and sleep and despite their busy schedule, they
take time to rest and sleep because they believe it is very essential to recover the
Lastly, for the overall well-being, the result revealed a mean score of 4.59
instructors are always aware about his or her overall well-being and he or she
of good eating, regular exercise and getting adequate sleep should be adopted.
This results in feeling better and having sufficient energy and motivation to get
N 100 100
**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The results revealed that the significance value is .000 which is found to be lower
than 0.05 level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. It implies
risk awareness. Moreover, the result on the Pearson r value which is equal to
.618 further confirms the existence of such relationship and that the magnitude of
that if the level of participation motives increases, health risk awareness also
also decreases.
whether or not someone expects they will be successful when they attempt a
between the perceived task demands and the real ones – how dangerous does
someone think it is, and how dangerous is it really. It reveals that the more HEI
employed. The results revealed that the significance value is .000 which is found
to be lower than 0.05 level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected.
and physical well-being. Moreover, the result on the Pearson r value which is
equal to .767 further confirms the existence of such relationship and that the
indicates that if the level of health risk awareness increases, physical well-being
also decreases. Being healthy means that the body and mind function as they
are supposed to. Rickhi et al. (2006) believed that creating health and wellness
awareness means focusing on practices the benefit one or all of the three
includes drinking clean water, healthy eating, healthful touch such as massage
Table 6. Coefficients
multiple linear regression was utilized. The results revealed from the ANOVA
table of a sig-value of .000 which is found to be lower than the .05 level of
significance set for this study. This implies that overall, the model reflected to be
data coefficient for autonomy implies that holding all other variables constant, the
coefficient indicates that for every 1 unit increase in the autonomy, would give
.244increase in the physical well-being. This implies that the higher the level of
autonomy, the higher it would be for the physical well-being. The resulted
significance value is .014 which is lower than the significance value used in this
study which also confirms the empirical findings that the higher the level of
autonomy, the higher it would be for the physical well-being. The need for
autonomy is understood as our need for feeling that we are acting out of our own
though our behavior stems from coercion or pressure (Grolnick and Raftery-
oneself, the drive of taking care and valuing the physical well-being is also high.
On the other hand, the value of the data coefficient for relatedness implies
that holding all other variables constant, the coefficient indicates that for every1
unit increase in the relatedness, would give .366increase in the physical well-
being. This implies that the higher the level of relatedness, the higher it would be
for the overall being. The resulted significance value is .001 which is lower than
the significance value used in this study which also confirms the empirical
findings that the higher the level of relatedness, the higher it would be for the
physicalwell- being. The need for relatedness is our needs for deep and
social support and feel close to others (Deci and Ryan 2008). It can be inferred
that as the HEI instructors need for relatedness increases, or the more they
become associated with others, the more they give importance to their physical
the variation in the overall well-being. This is shown in the model summary table
which shows that the value of adjust r square is .278 which implies that about
research problem, multiple linear regression was utilized. The results revealed
from the ANOVA table of a sig-value of .000 which is found to be lower than the
.05 level of significance set for this study. This implies that overall, the model
Among the five indicators of health risk awareness, only physical and
the data coefficient for physical wellness implies that holding all other variables
constant, the coefficient indicates that for every 1 unit increase in the physical
wellness, would give .440increase in the physical well-being. This implies that the
higher the level of health risk awareness specifically the physical awareness
aspect, the higher it would be for the physical well-being. The resulted
significance value is .000 which is lower than the significance value used in this
study which also confirms the empirical findings that the higher the level of
physical wellness, the higher it would be for the physical well-being. Physical
wellness according to Case et al., 2006 includes seeking medical care when
appropriate and taking action to prevent and avoid harmful behaviours (ex.
Tobacco and excess alcohol use) and detect illnesses. While physical well being
according to Econation for People and Planet (2017) is about being safe,
we have good physical health, we will automatically experience better mental and
emotional well-being. Thus, the more the HEI instructors acquire high level of
physical wellness, the higher they can also achieve physical well-being.
On the other hand, the value of the data coefficient for social wellness
implies that holding all other variables constant, the coefficient indicates that for
every 1 unit increase in the social wellness, would give .250increase in the
physical well-being. This implies that the higher the level of social wellness, the
higher it would be for the physical being. The resulted significance value is .003
which is lower than the significance value used in this study which also confirms
the empirical findings that the higher the social wellness, the higher it would be
for the physical well-being. Social wellness encompasses the degree and quality
of interactions with others, the community, and nature. It includes the extent to
of Health, 2008). As the HEI instructors further develop their social interactions
and community involvement, the more they improve their state of physical well-
considered to be between high and low because it could account to 56.8 percent
of the variation in the physical well-being. This is shown in the model summary
table which shows that the value of adjust r square is .568 which implies that
about 56.8 percent of the variation of social wellness can be explained by the
assess the fitness activity involvement among HEI instructors in Davao Region
and to formulate fitness development program for them. It also aimed to find the
respondents of the study were the instructors of the different private catholic
school in Davao Region.: Cor Jesu College in Digos, Saint Peter’s College of
Davao and Holy Cross of Davao, Davao City. It will made used of the purposive
sampling method which according to David (2002), the proponent uses specific
purpose in selecting a sample which means that there is a specific criterion in the
adopted items from the Health and Wellness Questionnaire were utilized. Part I
consisted of questions about the level of health risk awareness of catholic school
And Part III consisted of questions about the physical well being of HEI
instructors in terms of physical activity, nutrition and diet, medical self-care and
For the data analysis the following statistical tools were used:
health risk awareness and physical well-being of the catholic HEI instructors.
significant difference exist in the level of participation motives of the catholic HEI
Post hoc analysis is used to detect of some specific size and scores which
will further identify the difference that will be observed in the study. Hence, it will
teachers’ physical well being in terms of physical activity, nutrition and diet,
On the the level of health risk awareness of the catholic HEI instructors:
The study revealed that the mean score of autonomy is 4.07 with a description of
the cases.
4.45 which has the same description of high that is interpreted as catholic HEI
For third indicator, relatedness, it has a mean score of 4.22 with the same
description high and the same interpretation that catholic HEI instructors is
And the last indicator for participation motives, the overall participation,
study revealed a mean score of 4.25. Thus, it has the same description and
interpretation with the three previous indicators, which is high and the catholic
On the level of the health risk awareness: For the first indicator, physical
wellness was found to have a mean score of 3.54. It is described as high level of
physical awareness. It is implied that the catholic HEI instructors are often aware
Emotional wellness is the next indicator. The result showed a mean score
of 4.23 which means that catholic HEI instructors have high emotional wellness.
It is implied that catholic HEI instructors are often aware of the emotional
For the next indicator, social wellness displayed a mean score of 4.15.
This means that catholic HEI instructors have high social wellness. Meaning,
catholic HEI instructors are often aware of the social wellness and he/she does it
Spiritual wellness is the last health risk awareness indicator. The results
revealed a mean score of 4.27 which means that catholic HEI instructors have
high spiritual wellness. This implied that catholic HEI instructors are often aware
On the level of physical well-being: For the first indicator, physical activity,
means that the catholic HEI instructors are sometimes aware about physical
For the second indicator, nutrition and diet. The study showed a mean
instructors is sometimes aware about nutrition and diet, and he or she does it
Now, for the third indicator which is medical and self-care. The result
revealed a mean score 3.95. This is described as high. It implies that the catholic
HEI instructors is often aware about medical and self-care and he or she does it
Then, the fourth indicator is rest and sleep. The study showed a mean
score of 4.06 which is described as high. It means that the catholic HEI
instructors is often aware about rest and sleep and he or she does it regularly (4-
Lastly, the fifth indicator is the overall well-being. The result revealed a
mean score of 4.59 which is described as very high. Thus, it is interpreted that
catholic HEI Instructors are always aware about his or her overall well-being and
motives and health risk awareness, pearson product moment correlation was
utilized. The results revealed that the significance value is .000 which is found to
be lower than 0.05 level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. It
employed. The results revealed that the significance value is .000 which is found
to be lower than 0.05 level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. It
implies that there is a significant relationship between health risk awareness and
physical well-being.
instructors, multiple linear regression was utilized. The results revealed from the
ANOVA table of a sig-value of .000 which is found to be lower than the .05 level
of significance set for this study. This implies that overall, the model reflected to
be significant and the model fits the data. Among the three indicators of
influenced to physical well-being. The value of the data coefficient for autonomy
implies that holding all other variables constant, the coefficient indicates that for
every 1 unit increase in the autonomy, would give .244increase in the physical
well-being. This implies that the higher the level of autonomy, the higher it would
On the other hand, the value of the data coefficient for relatedness implies
that holding all other variables constant, the coefficient indicates that for every1
unit increase in the relatedness, would give .366increase in the physical well-
being. This implies that the higher the level of relatedness, the higher it would be
for the overall being. The resulted significance value is .001 which is lower than
the significance value used in this study which also confirms the empirical
findings that the higher the level of relatedness, the higher it would be for the
physical being.
physical, emotional, social, spiritual wellness) can influence to the physical well-
multiple linear regression was utilized. The results revealed from the ANOVA
table of a sig-value of .000 which is found to be lower than the .05 level of
significance set for this study. This implies that overall, the model reflected to be
Among the five indicators of health risk awareness, only physical and
the data coefficient for physical wellness implies that holding all other variables
constant, the coefficient indicates that for every 1 unit increase in the physical
wellness, would give .440increase in the physical well-being. This implies that the
higher the level of health risk awareness specifically the physical awareness
aspect, the higher it would be for the physical well-being. The resulted
significance value is .000 which is lower than the significance value used in this
study which also confirms the empirical findings that the higher the level of
On the other hand, the value of the data coefficient for social wellness
implies that holding all other variables constant, the coefficient indicates that for
every 1 unit increase in the social wellness, would give .250increase in the
physical well-being. This implies that the higher the level of social wellness, the
higher it would be for the physical being. The resulted significance value is .003
which is lower than the significance value used in this study which also confirms
the empirical findings that the higher the social wellness, the higher it would be
risk awareness. This indicates that if the level of participation motive increases,
well-being. This indicates that if the level of health risk awareness increases,
higher the level of autonomy, the higher it would be for the physical being and
thus, the higher the level of relatedness, the higher it would be for the physical
4. Among the five indicators of health risk awareness, only physical and social
higher the level of health risk awareness specifically the physical awareness
aspect, the higher it would be for the physical well-being and thus, that the higher
the level of social wellness, the higher it would be for the physical being.
In view of the results of the study, and the corresponding conclusions, the
school management must strengthen their health and wellness program in the
constantly doing it, the HEI instructors shall put in their heart and mind the
2. Results revealed that health risk awareness is related with physical well-being.
The HEIs together with the support of the management and the administration,
should conduct either monthly or quarterly health forums that talks about health
and wellness issues. They should invite credible speakers that can speak about
develop various programs that would provide several options to them. For
instance, obliging them to choose a particular health and wellness program that
they can relate on such as zumba, biggest looser program, fun run with
competition, etc.
4. Since physical and social wellness has something to do with physical well-
group session for all of the Department in the institution. This can be done by
clustering or dividing the departments during the sessions. The HEI instructors
will have their own support group and shall meet on a monthly basis so they can
talk about their health and wellness experiences. This can help motivate each
specific plans that is accompanied by goals. This will create a venue to focus and
fitness routine, is a way to living a healthier and more prosperous life. There are
and mental benefits of each of the seven primary elements associated with true
health and well-being. The catholic HEI instructors can choose on the five (5)
different fitness programs that suits their needs and their interests:
Fitness Program #1
1. Brisk walking 3 times a week (no less than 30 minutes per session)
2. Weight training 2 times per week (10-15 minutes of stretching then train all
muscle groups per session)
3. Yoga (no less than 3 times per week)
Fitness Program #2
Fitness Program #3
1. Weight training 3 times per week (10-15 minutes of stretching then train all
muscle groups per session)
2. Mountain biking 2 times a week (no less than 1 hour per session)
3. Relaxing walk 3 times per week (no less than 45 minutes per session)
Fitness Program #4
Fitness Program #5
Program Mechanics:
These five (5) different fitness programs shall be included in the health
1. At the start of the school year, each catholic HEI instructor shall choose one
2. Once they have chosen a fitness program, they will have to register to the
3. The Human Resource Department in coordination with the School Clinic shall
ensure that there are already accredited fitness gyms, aerobic and yoga centers,
and health hubs where the catholic HEIs will enrol every start of each semester.
4. The fitness incharge/coach shall issue a control card that serves as a checklist
shall have to sign in every completed fitness activity. This will serve as an overall
the school management every year. In excess to that, the instructor will have to
5. The School Clinic shall have the master control of the programs that the
6. At the end of the semester, the catholic HEI instructor shall ensure that he/she
a. official receipts
the present medical examination result after completing the fitness program.
end of the semester after the fitness sessions are completed by the HEI
10. The Human Resource Department Head together with the clinic in-charge
shall have a yearly report and evaluation of the program for enhancement and
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The questions in this form are asked for the purpose of determining the
Participation Motives, Health Risk Awareness and Physical Well-being of the HEI
1. Physical Activity A O S R N
1.1 I perform a 20-minutesor more of vigorous- 5 4 3 2 1
intensity physical activity that makes me sweat
or puff and pant (for example, heavy lifting,
digging or jogging)
1.2 I perform 30 minutes or more of walking (for 5 4 3 2 1
example, walking from place to place for
exercise or recreation)
1.3 I attend a workplace health and wellbeing activity 5 4 3 2 1
1.4 do stretching exercises for five minutes or more to 5 4 3 2 1
improve flexibility of your back, neck, shoulders, and
1.5 I attend exercise sessions at the gym 5 4 3 2 1
2. Nutrition and Diet A O S R N
2.1 I eat breakfast, more than just a roll and a cup of 5 4 3 2 1
2.2 I eat “junk” snack foods between meals (e.g. 5 4 3 2 1
chips, pastries, candy, ice cream, cookies)
2.3 I eat food with high fat like hamburgers, hot dogs, 5 4 3 2 1
bologna, steaks, sour cream, cheese, whole milk,
eggs, butter, cake, pastry, ice cream, chocolate, fried
foods, and many fast foods.
2.4 I eat food with low fat like lean meats, skinless 5 4 3 2 1
poultry, fish, skim milk, low fat dairy products, fruit
desserts, vegetables, pasta, legumes (peas and
2.5 I eat fruits and vegetables. 5 4 3 2 1
3. Medical Self-Care A O S R N
3.1 I ensure that basic items, such as bandages, 5 4 3 2 1
lozenges, and over-the-counter pain-relieving
medications, should be easily accessible from home.
3.2I addresslong-term coughing, fevers, or other 5 4 3 2 1
ailments should through primary care.
3.3 I seek Emergency treatment when signs and 5 4 3 2 1
symptoms are significant or life-threatening.
3.4 I address minor ailments or injuries and seeking 5 4 3 2 1
emergency care as necessary.
3.5 I get Get regular medical care for prevention 5 4 3 2 1
4. Rest and Sleep A O S R N
4.1 I spend time relaxing or taking a short nap 5 4 3 2 1
whenever I can.
Approval Sheet
First and foremost, this manuscript would not have not been possible at all
without Him.To our Almighty God for giving me the courage and strength to fulfil
this work.
individuals who are always willing to extend their unconditional assistance. The
researcher would like to express her heartfelt thanks and gratitude to the
for her undying help, and for her inspiring words of wisdom for the researcher;
To Dr. Sixto O. Daleon, the chair of the panel committee, for his
Fernandez and Dr. Wilfreda Julve, the members of the panel committee, for
willingly and generously giving their positive comments, suggestions and insights
which help the importance to this study, and for being such an approachable and
Veronica Merlas and Dr. Maria Venice O. Sumaljag for spending time in reading,
Without the shred of doubts I am grateful for having a person who have
been advising and guiding me this challenging task who gives me courage to
work on my weakness as a researcher. Thank you very much Dr. Errika June D.
To all who help me from the start to the end Christian, Intet, Dianne, Iene,
Finally, I would like to thank my family for having confidence in me, and
encouraging all the time, for moral and financial support, for giving me inspiration
to be able to pursue this. To my mama and daddy in heaven thank you for
HEI instructors from five private catholic schools in Davao Region were
What is the level of participation motives of the catholic HEI instructors in terms
risk awareness of the catholic HEI instructors in terms of: a) mental wellness, b)
wellness? What is the level of physical well-being of the catholic HEI instructors
in terms of; a) physical activity, b) nutrition and diet, c) medical self-care; and d)
motives and the health risk awareness of the catholic HEI instructors? Is there a
social wellness and spiritual wellness? Which among the indicators of health risk
being in terms of physical activity, nutrition and diet, medical self-care and rest
and sleep? What intervention program can be designed based on the findings of
the study? The researcher utilized a descriptive correlation method which refers
the study subject. By using an adopted and modified survey questionnaire from
the ACSM and AHA from 2007 and 2008, we collected the necessary information
needed for this study. Thus, the researcher came out with a conclusion that since
the respondents are college instructors and they are engage in a whole day
work, the researcher presume they are not quite involved in activities related to
fitness. That is the reason why a basis for fitness development is proposed.
With this program, college instructors can now determine what activities they can
engage in, in spite of a whole day work. The researcher recommend the
Table of Contents
Title Page
Title Page i
Approval Sheet ii
Acknowledgement iii
Abstract v
Table of Contents vi
List of Figures x
2 Method 29
Research Design 29
Research Environment/Local 29
Research Respondents 29
Research Instruments 30
Data Analysis 33
Conclusion 59
Recommendation 60
References 65
Appendences 70
A Survey Questionnaires
D Validation Sheets
Curriculum Vitae
List of Tables
6 Coefficients
List of Figures
Personal Information
Nationality Filipino
Resident of Davao City Philippines
Birth Date February 12, 1960
Place of Birth Davao City, Philippines
Gender Female
Marital Status Single
Educational Attainment
Professional Experiences
Program Head
Bachelor of Physical Education
Cor Jesu College
Sacred Heart Avenue
Digos City
October 2012 to present
Organization of Physical Education Majors
Cor Jesu College
Sacred Heart Avenue
Digos City
June 2016 to present
College Instructor
Specialize Subjects in BPEd
General Education
Cor Jesu College
College Department
Sacred Heart Avenue
Digos City
October 2012 to present
Academic Coordinator
Davao Chinese School
Sta. Ana Avenue
Davao City
Academic Coordinator
Saint Peter’s College of Toril
Toril, Davao City
Prefect of Discipline
Saint Peter’s College of Toril
6 years High School Department
McArthur Highway, Toril
Davao City, Philippines