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Research Methodology Notes

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Journal Name Research Methodology

Isnaad Teacher: Shaykh Dr. Ahsan Hanif (hafidhahullah)

Student: Umar Shariff

Contact For Corrections/Suggestions, please email me at

[email protected]

Details Notes taken from KIU Semester 8.
Total number of Sessions: 1 – 19
Version:1.0 / Last updated Date: 1-Jun-2012
Table of Contents
Section 1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1: Introduction to Research Methodology ............................................................................... 3
Section 2 ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2: Critical Thinking ..................................................................................................................... 7
Section 3 ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Chapter 3: Preparing a Research Argument ........................................................................................ 10
Section 4 ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
Chapter 4: Planning, Drafting and Revising your Research .............................................................. 13
Chapter 5: Structuring your Research ................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 6: Presenting the information .................................................................................................. 17
Section 5: Field Research and Library Research .................................................................................. 19
Chapter 7: Library Research ................................................................................................................... 19
Chapter 8: Field Research ....................................................................................................................... 21
Chapter 9: Field Research Tools ............................................................................................................. 23
Section 6: Islamic Research ..................................................................................................................... 24
Chapter 10: Islaamic Library ................................................................................................................. 24
Chapter 11: Islaamic Sciences ................................................................................................................ 25
Chapter 12: Fiqh of Four Madaahib ...................................................................................................... 27
Section 6: Research Ethics ....................................................................................................................... 31
Chapter 10: Ethics, Plagiarism and Referencing .................................................................................. 31

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Section 1

Chapter 1: Introduction to Research Methodology

A. Ways of Seeking Knowledge

1. Reading a Book
2. Learning from a Tape
3. Studying with a Teacher
4. Studying at University
5. Research

B. Research Methodology
1. In Arabic, it is called as Manahij al Bahath
2. Research is part of everyday life. We undertake research to buy a Car,
identify a courier company and so on
3. In common language, it is called search for knowledge
4. In Technical usage, Scientific and systematic search for a pertinent
information on a specific topic
5. It is an art of Scientific Investigation
6. Specialized studying of specific topic by certain principles
7. Study through which one solves set problem by undergoing certain
information to reach the goal

C. Examples of Early Islaamic Research

1. Umar writing to his governor how to find a ruling when people comes with
an issue
2. Companion travelled to Egypt just to confirm one hadeeth
3. Abdullaah ibn Masud said, “I have given knowledge about all ayah of the
Qur’an. If I do not know, I will travel”
4. Musa and Khidr Story. He travelled to find Majmaa al Bahrayan (junction of
two seas)
5. Research of Imam Bukharee, Muslim, Mughni and so on
6. No teacher can give 14 years of Islaamic research in 20 hours of Class. So it
important for student to be attached to books
7. Abdullaah ibn Mubarak, great Muhadith of Khurasan was asked by his
friends. “Why don’t you sit with us and spend time with us?” He replied “I like
to sit with companions and Tabiee than with you” (meaning reading of books)

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8. Imam az-Zuhree (rahimmahullaah)’s wife said “I would rather have three co-
wives than his books”
9. Imam Abu Dawood would go for long sleeves because he can keep his books
in it
10. At one stage in life of Imam Ibn al Qayyim, he was advised by Doctor to stop
reading. He told his Doctors “When person is of high spirit, it will defeat them
from their illness. They replied “yes” He told, I develop high spirits by reading
11. Imam Khateeb al Baghdadee would read whenever he walks
12. Imam Muslim died due to research. He went back to all of his books to find
evidence. Whilst reading, he was having dates and he died because of it
13. Ibn al Jawzee (rahimmahullaah) “If I find the book which I have never seen
before, it is like I have found a treasure.”
14. Ibn Abdul Haadi, Student of Ibn Taymeah told about his teacher “He would
never fed up of reading, knowledge. He would read even if he is in prison”

D. Objective of Research
1. To discover answers to questions through scientific research
2. To gain familiarity with the phenomenon or to achieve some new insights
3. To portray accurately characteristic of individuals, group, society –
Descriptive Research
4. To determine the frequency with which something occurs or with which it is
associated with something else – Bio gnostic research
5. To test casual relationship between variables – Hypothesis research

E. Why people write books?

1. New Research
2. Something which is deficient which should be completed
3. Something which needs to be explained
4. Something which is long to be abridged and condensed
5. Something scattered which should be organized and brought up
6. Something mixed up and it needs to be put in order
7. Someone made research with a mistake which needs to be corrected

F. Motivation for Research

1. Person having passion to do research (Rahbattu Sahsiyyah) like “Is there
anything like Salatul Tasbeeh, zakah for gold and so on?”
2. Part of a job like Student of knowledge doing research on certain
celebrations or Ph.d Scholar and so on

G. Characteristics of Muslim Researcher

1. Ikhlaas  If person’s intention is not sincere, he will not find a blessing in

his research

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2. Taqwa
i. Fruit of seeking Knowledge and Ikhlaas.
ii. Ibn Rushd said “Best of that you can use to seek knowledge is Taqwaa
of Allaah”
iii. Allaah says in Qur’aan “Fear Allaah and Allaah will teach you”
3. Enthusiasm
i. If person doesn’t enjoy research, he will not do proper research.
ii. Some of the Scholar said, For you to seek knowledge, you need 5
1. Sharp mind
2. Passion
3. Long life
4. Determination
5. Good Teacher
4. Knowledge and Awareness  How to do Research?
5. Ability
i. Natural ability
ii. Developed ability
6. Time Management and Accuracy
i. If you are doing University research, you have to finish within time
ii. Right sources should be referenced
7. Patience
i. Research will take its own time so we cannot put it down in the midst
ii. Musa travelled and spent a quite a lot of time. He said “You will find
me patient”
iii. Challenge may be finance, finding right books and so on
8. Don’t be hasty
i. You hurry and finish it tomorrow
9. Intellectual Honesty (Amaanah al Ilmiyyah)
i. No plagiarism
ii. We do not say of Allaah without knowledge
10. Personality of the Researcher
i. It should show up in Research

H. What makes Research Academic?

1. Objectivity
i. To define the purpose of Research
1. Example: Person can do Research on Salah which will be open
ended. Objective is to learn about How to pray Salah of Eclipse?
ii. It helps Researcher plan and stay on the course
iii. It will helps us to meet our Goals

2. Methodology

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i. How we go about in preparing our Research paper?
ii. It tells the reader about our approach
iii. Parameters: How we collect evidence? How we will evaluate? How we
will reach Calculation
iv. Example: Al Bidyatul Mujtahid of Ibn Rushd in dealing with difference
of opinion

3. Accuracy
i. Making our Research precise
ii. Way we quote, reference, acknowledge

4. Replicable
i. It should be understood and replicated by others

5. Simplicity
i. Logical precision

6. Result
i. You should have achieved the end objective
ii. You should have answered the question
iii. One should not lose sight of it

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Section 2

Chapter 2: Critical Thinking

A. Why “Critical Thinking” in Research Methodology?

1. To promote Original Contribution

2. We will not repeat the information
3. To make Research relevant to the context
i. Example: Benefits of Prayer as a Research. We can discuss how it
helps in nurturing the Children
4. Critical Thinking is you accept everything and question it to attain the truth
5. Tools: Analyze, Compare, Contrast

B. Finding a Topic
1. Choose something you are passionate about
2. Should be prepared to go and Research about it
i. Example: If a Student of Knowledge wants to go and do a thesis on
Benefits of Honey in Medicine, it is not good as he is not having a
background i.e., Doctor
3. Resources should be available
4. Should be worthy of being researched
5. Ability to research in that field
i. We cannot rely on experts opinion for our Research
ii. We should have our own ability
6. Should be on general field so that it will be easier for you to research
7. Should conduct existing literature review
i. General review to know what is already out there
ii. Active Reading will help us to know
1. Interesting questions raised on the topic
2. Possible solutions
3. We can make references easier for future reference
4. Refer Further Reading/Research to get the pointers for further

iii. Types of Literature

1. Conceptual literature  speaks about concepts/issues. Eg.: Al-

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2. Empirical literature  Number of books speaking on the same
specific topic Eg: Is taraweeh 8 or 20 or 36?

8. Research Gaps
i. So that we will not duplicate the Research

9. Research question
i. It will make very specific, precise
ii. We can choose the appropriate methods like survey, books
iii. Required resources can be found
iv. You can plan your work
v. Objectives can be finally met
vi. Characteristics of Questions:
1. They must be well grounded
2. It should be something researchable
3. It should be an important question
vii. Example: How do Fiqh councils operate? How do they give their
Fatwa out?
viii. Sample objectives:
1. Encyclopedia of Fiqh – Ibn Quddamah
2. Encyclopedia of Tafseer – Imam Tabaree
3. Saheeh Hadeeth – Imam Bukharee
4. Tafseer of Qur’aan by Qur’aan – Muhammad al Shinqitee’s
Adwaa al Bayaan
10. Problematizing the Question Approach
i. It is another way of identifying Research gap
ii. What are all the problems that exist?
1. In West, you don’t have many Ulemaa. For western issues,
people cannot go every time to the Scholars in the East
2. From here, we work reverse i.e., Research Gap  Literature
Review  General Field

11. Steps:
i. General Field  Literature Review  Research gaps  Research

C. Sources
1. Books
2. Electronic Resources (CD, Journals)
3. Magazines
4. Internet
5. Makatab ash-Shaamilaah
6. People like Scholars, Guides, Teachers

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D. Problems in conducting the Research
1. Financial issue
i. We may not be able to travel to places we wish required for Research

2. Poor Time Management

i. If there is 3 year limit to complete the research, we have to do by that
ii. Good Research Plan is required
iii. It will have domino effect

3. Procrastination

4. Too daunting
i. For example, you have to write 3400 pages (80,000 words) to finish
the Ph.D
ii. Divide it into stages

5. Negativity
i. Don’t think that “I cannot do this research”
ii. “People are not cooperating”

6. Loss of Motivation
i. You should check whether you will have motivation all along the
Research period

7. Perfectionism
i. No doubt we should do to best of your ability
ii. You have to edit, re-edit several times

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Section 3

Chapter 3: Preparing a Research Argument

A. What are we going to discuss?

1. Making a good argument

2. Making a Claim/Argument
3. Assembling evidence
4. Responding to the evidence
5. Insider and outsider view

B. Research Argument
1. For example, In “How do Fiqh councils operate?” In the end, there should be
argument like “Are they good or bad?”
2. In the end, Reader should be able to understand your conclusion

C. Criteria of Good Research

1. Purpose of Research should be clearly defined
2. Procedure should be described so that it will be replicable
3. Design of Research should be carefully planned
i. Example: Fiqh books begin with Tahaarah as wudu is required for
Salah. So next chapter is Fiqh of Salah. Even before wudu, they will
discuss about water
4. Researcher should be honest and write with complete frankness
5. Analysis of data should sufficiently reveal its significance
6. Conclusions should be confined to the data of your research
7. Greater confidence in research is warranted if the Researcher is having

D. Qualities of Good Research

1. Systematic
2. Logical
i. Should demonstrate the procedure behind the research
3. Empirical
i. Shows practical implication
ii. Verifiable
4. Replicable

E. Step1: Making a Good Argument

1. You should know your subject well

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i. Read as much as you can
2. Clearly present your argument
i. If you don’t present it clearly, people will not understand
3. You must be able to defend it
4. Citing all of your sources
5. Tie everything together

F. Step 2: Making a Claim

1. Adopt a skeptical point of view
i. Play devil’s advocate to check whether it makes sense to others and
2. Logical
3. Beneficial

G. Step 3: Assembling evidence

1. Assemble all of the available evidences
i. For eg.: Issue of gold for women. We should gather evidences like
women should pay zakah for the gold. We should also present a
skeptical point of view like no zakah on such jewelry
2. We quote from original resources
i. To quote Hanafi evidence, quoting from Mughni may not be
appropriate because it is a Hanbali book. Rather it should be from
where Imam Mughni himself quoted like Mabsuth of Imam as sarahshi
which is a Hanafi book

H. Step 4: Acknowledging and Responses

1. To compare, contrast and Analyze
2. We study all the data without prejudice

I. Step 5: Insider Outsider view

1. If you are part of the community, you view would be considered as Insider
2. If otherwise, then it would be Outsider view
3. Insider may have more advantages like understanding the culture and so on
4. Examples:
i. In KIU, yourself researching on something about University on your
class, then it is Insider view
ii. People like External Researcher invited to do research on KIU is called
Outsider view
5. Advantages of Insider
i. They are already accepted by the community
ii. People will be open because of the trust as they know the person well
6. Advantages of Outsider
i. No Bias as he is an outsider
7. Disadvantages of the Insider

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i. Doing Research in an unbiased way
ii. Emotional connection that may cloud certain things
iii. Will not be able to look at other point of view as person is already
trenched into the system
8. Disadvantages of the Outsider
i. People may not trust well
9. Space between
i. It is a spectrum where person is between Insider and Outsider
ii. Insider can represent view of Outsider and vice versa

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Section 4

Chapter 4: Planning, Drafting and Revising your


A. What are we going to discuss?

1. Planning
2. Drafting
3. Revising
4. Analyzing Data
5. Structuring Research
6. Presenting Information
7. This stage is also called write up stage

B. Planning your Research

1. Step 1: Choosing a Broad field
2. Step 2: Literature Review
3. Step 3: Finding Research Questions / Problematizing questions
4. Step 4: Choose and develop a methodology
i. Like Research to write a book or conducting the survey or Field
Research and so on
5. Step 5: To pilot the Methodology
i. To understand whether the approach is coherent, understandable
6. Step 6: Organizing the data collection
7. Step 7: Actual data collection itself
i. Using online survey or postal and so on
8. Step 8: Data Analysis
9. Step 9: Drawing Conclusion
i. Evaluation of the data
10. Step 10: Writing it up as a final version
i. Research paper or article or book and so on
ii. Word count: There will be limit in every Research. So we have to stick
to that. For eg.: 80000 words for thesis in UK

11. All these steps should be put into Research plan. Deadlines should be given to
each stage

C. Drafting your Research

1. Always see your work or research as draft
i. Our research cannot be final product on the first draft

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2. Don’t write the introduction at the beginning. Leave it until the end as this
going to be the first thing reader is going to read

D. Revising your Research

1. Keep revising your arguments, drafts until final thesis is ready

E. Analysis of Data
1. You analyze opponents arguments
2. You make graphs, charts to make your analysis
3. Data Analysis is body of methods that help to ascertain facts, detect patterns,
develop explanation, test your hypothesis and so on
4. Always refer back to Research Goals

F. Types of Data Analysis

1. Quantitative
i. Always back up your research. Make extra copies are research are
easily lost or misplaced
ii. Tabulate the information
iii. Detect the patterns
iv. Look at the answers, analyze, compare them and arrive at conclusions

2. Qualitative
i. These are information and cannot be put in numbers
ii. How to Analyze?
1. Make back up copies
2. Organize the data
3. Label the pattern
4. Interpret the pattern

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Chapter 5: Structuring your Research

A. Abstract
1. First you will write abstract of your Research
2. You write it in one page
3. This tells you how much you know the subject
4. Tells major issues and major findings

B. Dedication
1. You can dedicate your research to someone
2. Shaykh Ateah as Saalim would dedicate his book always
3. This is optional

C. Acknowledgment
1. We thank people helped in the research
2. We will start off with praising Allaah azza wajal
3. This is again optional

D. Table of Contents
1. It should be numbered in a logical way
2. Reader will get a gist of content from this

E. Table of Figures
1. All the figures, diagrams used in the research should be numbered
2. It is numbered like “Fig. 3”
3. This table comes after table of contents

F. Transliteration table
1. Used in Islaamic materials
2. As we know, some Arabic sounds may not be available in English. So this will
be transliterated

G. Introduction
1. Here you Introduce your research. Following are something part of
2. Rationale behind the research
3. Aims and objectives of the study
4. Research questions
5. Scope and limitation
6. Literature review
7. Methodology of the researcher
8. Structure of the study

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9. Each chapter should have mini introduction and mini conclusion
10. Chapter transition should be made to show the logical progression

H. Chapters
1. Individual chapter will be discussed

I. Conclusion
1. Main Conclusion
2. Summary of the findings
3. Further Research

J. Appendices
1. These are not part of actual thesis but people can benefit with
2. If you prepared questionnaire, you will not show in your main content rather
you can have it in your appendices

K. Bibliography
1. We mention all of the materials we used in preparation of research

L. Important aspects of Structuring the research

1. Logical Coherence
2. Argument should also be coherent

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Chapter 6: Presenting the information

A. Why presentation is important?

1. If there are two cakes, one decorated and other plain cake. People normally
would chose decorated cake though plain cake may taste better
2. The book presented well would always be preferred

B. Visual Presentation
1. Pie Chart
i. If 75% has one colour and other 25% is other colour, reader can
immediately understand the majority opinion
2. Bar Graph
3. We can picturize and diagramize an issue

C. Headings
1. These are sub headings within the chapter

D. Mistakes
1. Research should be free from spelling mistakes, punctuation issues, grammar

E. Formatting
1. Fonts that we use is important
2. We normally use classical fonts like Times new Roman and so on
3. Normal standard is size 12
4. There should be double spacing between two full stops

F. Introduction and Conclusion

1. Introduction sets the tone of the research
2. Conclusion summarizes the research

Style revision
1. Table of index should reflect the right page
2. If page number is incorrect, people would deem the presentation as
3. Chapter should always start on a new page
4. Chapter always comes in right hand page

G. Glossary
1. If writing is scientific or having lot of terminologies, glossary is recommened
2. Eg.: Book on Mustalah al Hadeeth
3. It is always done in Alphabetical order

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H. Index
1. It can be index of names used, books, hadeeth, quranic verses
2. It is just for ease of reference
3. This helps book to be used as a reference material

I. Bibliography
1. Helps person who wants to research further
2. It is done
3. Surname, firstname, title of the book in italics, place of publication,
publication house, Edition, year

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Section 5: Field Research and Library Research

Chapter 7: Library Research

A. Library Research
1. Even in this age of technology, libraries plays great role in Research
2. Internet is not able to offer the depth of the books

B. Types of Library
1. University Library
2. National Library
3. Personal Library

C. Planning your research

1. You should plan your research and visit library. If not, you will be lost with
the overwhelming materials
2. Get accustomed to Libraries referencing system
3. Decide your research areas and break them into searchable key words
4. List your searchable keywords
5. Refine your keywords
6. Use different research tools like books, electronic journals
7. Compile all them together
8. Now you are ready to research on library
9. Bear in mind about different spelling for same words like
10. Bear in mind about abbreviations like “AMJA – American Muslims Jurist
11. Bear in mind about changes in terminologies like same people referred as
native people or red Indians and so on

D. Use of the Library

1. With the planned research, you will come and take the books you want
2. You can use computer terminals or ask the Librarian

E. Locating Books or Journals

1. Familiarize the numbering system in the library
2. Based on the system, we can easily locate the books
3. We choose books which are relevant to time, and books of authority
4. We go for latest edition

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F. Reference everything
1. Always reference everything even if you take a line from a book

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Chapter 8: Field Research

A. Primary Data and Secondary Data

1. It is part of the nature to collect the data for research
2. In the collected data, there are two types viz Primary and secondary data
3. Primary data is something you yourself have gathered
4. Secondary data is something we collect from library, article and so on. There
is something between you and source
5. Primary data is considered special and unique

B. Field Research
1. It is an activity aimed at collecting primary data
2. Social Research is similar to field research
3. It is new, original and unique

C. Methods of Field Research

1. Ethnography
2. Ethnomethodology
3. Phenomenological Study

D. Ethnography
1. Way of building and understanding the culture and behavior of group of
2. It can be done by observation, interviews and documentation
3. You go to parliament and observe what is happening

E. Ethnomethodology
1. Study of common sense of people
2. It is to see how people use their common sense
3. Example
i. Person gives iphone to a 6 year old boy who is illiterate and grown up
in Slums. The boy uses like anyone

F. Phenomenological Study
1. Understanding and experiencing the participants part of view

G. Benefits of field Research

1. It is new, original and unique
2. Flexible as you can add question to your survey which is not possible with
researching from the book
3. Natural environment

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4. Relatively inexpensive

H. Disadvantage of the Field Research

1. It is not always comprehensive as you cannot survey everyone
2. It is not inclusive
i. If you do online survey, there are old people who cannot participate
because they are not computer savvy
3. Generalization from a small sample may not be correct
4. It may be biased
i. If you are doing the questionnaire, you will first send to your friends
and family which by itself a bias
5. It is hard to understand and deduct good results

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Chapter 9: Field Research Tools

A. Survey and Questionnaire

1. People asking feedback at Restaurant, Museum, and so on
2. Published survey
i. It is a printed survey material
ii. It should be simple and easy to fill in
3. Mailed survey
i. You send your survey in an envelope with reply back envelope
4. Telephone Questionnare
i. You do when you have narrowly defined people
ii. Expensive
iii. As it is audio, people may forget the options
iv. It should be very simplified
5. Internet and online survey
i. Popular method now
ii. Automatic tabulation is an advantage
iii. It offers number of features like heading, thanking message, export
and so on
6. Interview Questionnare
i. You will ask authorities regarding what you want to know
ii. It can also happen over email and writing
7. Piloting
i. You test your questionnaire with limited people before you distribute
to all

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Section 6: Islamic Research

Chapter 10: Islaamic Library

A. Uniqueness of Islaamic Library

1. Wealth of information already available
2. All of the books are categorized based on general subject like Aqeedah, Fiqh,
Thareekh, Uloom and so on
3. There are number of uniqueness in Islaamic books as follows
4. Ummhatul Kutub are the founding books/classic in every science
5. Mutoon are very small text giving basic information about the subject like
Usool as Salasah, Jazarriyah, bayqooniyah and so on
6. Sharh al Mutoon or Mukhtarasat explaining the mutoon briefly
7. Mutawalaat are encyclopedia on that subject
8. Books of Fatawa
9. Rasaail are thesis at Masters level
10. Books of abridgment
11. To access this treasure of knowledge,
i. Arabic is required
ii. Tahqeeqat will help a lot
12. Asking Scholars in the field will help you to right edition of books

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Chapter 11: Islaamic Sciences
A. Usool at Tafseer
1. Muqaddimah usool at Tafseer by Shaykhul Islaam Ibn taymeeah (available in
2. Al qawaid al hisan fee Tafseer al Qur’aan by Shaykh Saadi
3. At-Tahbeer fee ilmi tafseer
B. Uloom al Qur’aan
1. Al Itqaan fee uloom al Qur’aan by Suyoote
2. Ahmad von denefer on Uloom al Qur’aan
3. Yasir Qadhi on Uloom al Qur’aan
C. Tafseer
1. Tafseer at Tabari
2. Tafseer Qurtubi
3. Tafseer Ibn Kathir
4. Tafseer as Saadi
5. Tafseer al Jalalyn
D. Aqeedah
1. Books of Ibn Taymeah
i. Aqeedah al waasitiyah
ii. Fatawa al hamawiyyah
2. Books of Imam Abdul Wahab
i. Usool at Thalatha
ii. Kashfu Shubuhaat
iii. Qawaid al Arbah
iv. Kitaab at Tawheed
3. Aqeedah at Tahawiyyah
4. Fundamentals of Tawheed by Dr.Bilal Philips

E. Mustalah al Hadeeth
1. Al Bayqooneyah
2. Nukhbat al Fiqr
3. Muqaddimah Ibn Salah
F. Hadeeth
1. Short compilations
i. Jaami al Hikam
ii. Riyad us Saaliheen
2. Fiqhee Hadeeth
i. Umdatul Ahkam
ii. Bulugh al Maram
3. Kutub Sittah
i. Bukhari, Muslim
4. Musnad Ahmad

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5. Musannaf
6. Muwatta al Malik
G. Usool al Fiqh
1. Al-waraqaat by Aljuwaynee
2. Bulbul of Imam tufee
3. Mukthasar an Naadhir
4. Matan al Minhaj
5. Al Manaar
6. Matan at Tahreer
7. Rawdat an Naadir of Ibn Quddamah
8. Al Waadih fee usool al Fiqh
H. Fiqh
1. Hanafee
i. Mukhtasar of Imam al Qudooree
ii. Al Mansoot of Imam Zarkhashi
iii. Hashiyat radd al Mukthar
2. Maalikee
i. Mudawanna
ii. Mukhtasar Khalil
iii. Mawahibul Jaleel
iv. Ad Daheerah
v. Bidayatul Mujtahid

3. Shafiee
i. Al Umm
ii. Rawdat at Taalibeen of Imam Nawawee
iii. Al Majmoo of Imam an Nawawee
iv. Mukhtasar al Hiraqee
4. Hanbalee
i. Umdatul Fiqh of Imam Qudamah
ii. Al Kaafi of Imam Qudamah
iii. Al Insaaf of Imam al Bardawee
iv. Al – Mukhni
v. Al Mugni of Ibn Qudamah
vi. Majmoo al Fatawaa
I. Arabic
1. Lisaan al Arab
2. Alfeeyah ibn malik

J. Seerah
1. Seerat an Nabaweeyah by Hishaam
2. Zaad al Maad by Ibn al Qayyim
3. Thareekh of Ibn Qaldoon
4. Al Bidaayah wa nihaayah by Ibn Qayyium

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Chapter 12: Fiqh of Four Madaahib

A. Hanafee Madhab
1. Founded by Imam Abu Haneefah (d.150 H)

2. Category 1: Masaail al Usool or Daahir ar Riwayah (Apparent

i. Speaks about opinions of Imam Abu Haneefah, Abu Hasan, Muhammd
ibn Hasan ash Shaybanee
ii. Written by Muhammad ibn Hasan alone
1. Al mabsut
2. Al Zeyadat
3. Al Jaami as Sagheer
4. As siyar as Sagheer
5. Al Jaami al Kabeer
6. As Siyar al Kabeer
iii. These 6 books were gathered by Haakim ash Shaheed in one book
called “Al Kaafi)
iv. Shamsul Aimah Imam Zarakshit written explanation of 6 books called

3. Category 2: An Nawadeer (Rare)

i. Outside of above 6 books written by Muhammad ibn Hasan
ii. Al Harooniyat
iii. Al Kaisaniyat (attributed to compiler of Hasan called Suhayb ibn
Sulaiman al Kaisan)

4. Category 3: Fatawah and Al-Waaqiyat

i. Mukhtasar at Tahawai
ii. Mukhtasar al Kirahi

5. Comparative books
i. Badaair as Sanaee
ii. Sharfatul Qadeer
iii. Al Mabsut

6. Order in books
i. Fiqh ul Ibaadah
ii. Munaqihaat (Marriage, divorce)
iii. Al-Muammalat (Transactions)
iv. Dawah and al bayinaat

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v. Qada (Judicial process)
vi. Al uqoobat (penal code)
vii. Al Jihaad

7. Important Terminologies of Hanafee Madhab

i. Imam ul Aadham refers to Imam Abu Haneefah
ii. Immatuna thalathaa referring to Imam Abu Haneefah, Abu Yusuf,
Muhammad ibn Hasan
iii. Shaykhan refers to Imam Abu Haneefah, Abu Yusuf,
iv. Tarafan (two sides) refers to Imam Abu Haneefah, Muhammad ibn
v. Sahiban refers to Muhammad ibn Hasan and Abu Yusuf
vi. Daahir ar Riwayah refers to 6 books of Muhammad ibn Hasan

B. Maalikee Madhab
1. Wrote Muwatta Imam Malik
2. Important Books
i. In terms of Fiqh, Al Mudawanah by Imam Suhnoon
ii. Ad-daheerah of Imam al karafi (d. 684H)
1. Gathered books of all Malikee Scholar
2. Al Mudawannah by Imam Suhnnoon
3. Al Jawaheer us Sameenah fee madhab aalim al madeenah by
Ibn Shash
4. Al Talqeen by Al Qaadi Abul Wahab
5. At Tafreeq by Ibn Jallaab
6. Ar Risalaah by Ibn Abi Zayd al qayrawanee
iii. Mukhtasur al Khalil by Imam Khalil
1. It is an abridgment of another book called Mukhtasar ibn
2. Explained in Muwaahib al Jaleel
iv. Bidayatul Mujtahid by Ibn Rajab
1. Comparative Fiqh
2. He written it as own notes which he wanted to make it as a
book but he passed away
v. Al Istidqaar
3. Important terminologies
i. Riwayah means opinion of Imam Maalik
ii. Aqwaal means opinion of students of Imam Maalik
iii. Al Madaneeyun were those who settled in Madeenah
iv. Al Misriyun were those settled in Egypt
v. Al Iraqiyun were those settled in Iraq
vi. Al gharibiyun were those settled in Morocco

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vii. Opinions of Egyptians are given preference over Madeenah first, then
moroccans, then the Iraaqi because top scholars of Maaliki madhab
were from Egypt
viii. Ash Shaykhaan refers to Ibn Abi Zayd and Al Qaadisi

C. Shafiee Madhab
1. Imam ash Shafiee himself wrote Madhab down
2. Two Methods
i. Tareeqat al Ahl al Iraaq
1. Way of people of Iraq
ii. Tareeqat al Khurasan
1. Ways of people of Khurasan
iii. Later people gathered both the ways
1. Imam shaashi
2. Imam al Haramayn
3. Imam al Ghazaali
3. Order in the books
i. Fiqh ul Ibaadah
ii. Al Muamalat
iii. Al Munaqahat (nikah, divorce)
iv. Al Uqoobat
v. Al Kafaraat
vi. Al Jihaad
vii. Al Qada
viii. Shahaadat
ix. Dawah and bayyinat
4. Important terminologies
i. Aqwaal means opinions of Shafiee
1. There are two opinions held by Imam Shafiee
2. Opinions held in Iraq – Madhab al Qadeem
3. Opinions held in Egypt – Madhab al Jadeed
4. New opinion is normally given precedence over the old
ii. Al awjuh (view) – Opinions of students of Imam Shafi’ee
iii. Turk (path) – difference of opinion within the madhab
iv. Nass - word for word statement of Imam Shafi’ee
v. Takhreej – To understand why Imam Shafi’ee given different rulings
for a similar case on two occasions

D. Hanbali Madhab
1. Died in Baghad in 241 H
2. Imam Shafee said he is imam in 8 things: He is Imam in
i. Hadeeth
ii. Fiqh
iii. Language

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iv. Quran
v. Poetry
vi. Zuhd
vii. Waraa
viii. Sunnah
3. Famous Books
i. Abu Bakr al Hallal recorded opinions of Imam Ahmad
ii. Mukhtasar al Hiraqi
iii. Mugni is explanation of the above book
iv. Ibn Qudammah’s book
1. Umdatul Fiqh
2. Umdatul Ahkam
3. Mukni
4. Mugni
v. Al uddah , explanation of Umdatul Fiqh
vi. Sharh al Kabeer
vii. Muharrar by Al Majd ibn Taymean
viii. Al Mubi by Imam Muhlih
ix. Al Insaaf
x. Zaad al Mustaqni
4. Terminologies of the Madhab
i. Riwayah – opinion of Imam Ahmad
ii. Alqawl – Opinion attributed to him but not his actual words
iii. An Nass – Opinion of Imam in an issue which cannot be interpreted in
iv. Tanbee – Opinion of imam which is implicit
v. Al Wajh – derived by Scholars of the Madhab

E. Transliteration
1. Some of the Arabic words are transliterated in Islaamic materials
2. Letters to be focused and confusing English letters
i. Kha, Haa – H
ii. Daal, Thaal – t
3. Refer to transliteration table in standard Islaamic books

F. Differences between Muslim Academia and Western Academia

1. Muslim Academia is an Ibaadah
2. We don’t criticize everything in Islaam like western academia

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Section 7: Research Ethics

Chapter 13: Ethics, Plagiarism and Referencing

A. Ethics and Values

1. Moral principle or code of conduct that governs what people
2. It is code of conduct of Researcher
3. Required Ethics:
i. Honesty
ii. Objectivity
iii. Integrity
iv. Precise and accurate
v. Confidentiality
vi. Non Discrimination
vii. Openness
viii. Respect for Intellectual property
ix. Legality

B. Plagiarism
1. Theft of authors idea or words
2. It should be avoided. It can be done in two ways
i. Always keep the text in quotation marks
ii. Always reference the original content with sources

C. Referencing
1. Make references in footnotes
2. There are different ways
3. Harvard system
i. Surname, Initial, year of publication, title (in italics), Edition, place of
publication, publication
4. Oxford system
i. Intial, surname, title, publishers name, location, edition, year

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