Ab Montero Final
Ab Montero Final
Ab Montero Final
Annotated Bibliography
Arroyo Flooding
Branden Montero
RWS 1301
Dr. Vierra
The questions that me and my group came up with for this topic was.
4.) The fourth is why did they take the arroyos away?
Annotated Bibliography
kinds of factors. The first one is that the roughness of the stream is very visible. Most of these
streams are unsteady and they have different kinds of sediment involved with them. These
streams also tend to overflood very intensely. Because these streams have no relief water streams
to help with the excess water that flows from them. Mountain streams have many different
variations to it. Such as a mountain from Colorado will have different types of streams compared
to the mountain streams that are here in El Paso. This is how there are different kinds.
Evans, Kim Masters. "Water Issues." The Environment, 2016 ed., Gale, 2016, pp. 137-157.
According to Evans (2016) Water may cover up to ¾ of our earth but most of this water
is all usable as most of it is not usable. Water usually starts off by it raining in various locations.
The main one being on the mountain. Once the water begins to come heavily down the mountain
it will begin to run off into a certain lake or a reservoir. The excess water will then continue to go
into the river. Whereas to most places would be an ocean. But for the southwest location we do
not have oceans so that is usually where all the excess water ends up. The runoff water from the
Evans, K. M. (2016). Surface Water: Rivers, Streams, and Lakes. In Information Plus Reference
Series. Water: A Limited Resource (2015 ed., pp. 33-49). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale.
According to Evans (2016) Rivers receive water from the rain, and melting snow, ground
water and lakes. Most off the small rivers that you see are from the larger rivers. These rivers
are very important. These rivers carry soils that are very necessary for the local crops. As the
rivers contain small debris and stones. These rivers also help clear up most of the debris that
would flow into the streams. This is good for the crops because they don’t have much debris in
their soil that would hinder the growth of the crop. These streams are also very important
Issar, A., & Resnick, S. D. (1996). Runoff, infiltration, and subsurface flow of water in arid and
According to Issar and Resnick (1996) “An Arid and semi-arid region is when an
environment water is in the limiting factor of the area”. This definition fits perfectly with the
area that arroyos are in. In El Paso we are a semi-arid region because we don’t have a lot of
water in our area. This is part of the reason that these arroyos form. When the heavy rains come
in they end up making these gullies. But since it hardly rains here the water never actually stays
in these arroyos. This is why they form so they simply become dry channels with nothing in
Klima’s, V. (2015). Remote sensing of floods and flood-prone areas: An overview. Journal of
According to Klima’s (2015) “Storm surges and floods affect people more than any other
weather disaster”. Most floods destroy homes and roads, they are even able to tear out trees. The
NWS is responsible for covering these issues. The NWS stands for National Weather Service,
they determine the severity of each flood by categories. Living by the coastal areas can make this
disaster eve worse. The reason is because the ocean can carry sea surges which bring the height
of the wave into the town or outer city. These surges can be extremely high, mostly higher than
houses and trees. This is why it is important to be aware of your surroundings and known where
According to Bloodworth (2010) “Irrigation is used for agriculture in various parts of the
world.” Irrigation is a big part of the southwest region as there is a lot of crops that are grown in
this region. The irrigation system is made up of two different water systems the first one is
surface and ground water. This ties into arroyos because the natural made creek acts part of the
irrigation. When the water comes down from the mountain these creeks send water into near, by
crops and farming areas needed for irrigation. This how irrigation and arroyos go with each
Providence sewer line may run on university. (1972,). The Prospector Retrieved from https://0-
UT System Board of Regents (1972) “claimed that they are going to add a new feature
behind the Liberal Arts building.” The new feature is going to be a sewer line that goes about 75
feet into UTEP. The sewer line is supposed to connect with the UTEP sewer line, however the
UTEP officials said that there was no contact with them about this addition to the arroyo behind
the Liberal Arts building. The people of the University also became upset because they are trying
to preserve the natural arroyos that go through UTEP. So, the sewer line would then take away
Daniels, R. B., & Hammer, R. D. (1992). Soil geomorphology New York: Wiley, c1992.
According to Daniels and Hammer (1992) “Soil geomorphology is when a scientist uses
techniques to investigate soils”. This type of technique is necessary in determining the soil and
how it react to the water. This is necessary for my research project as it has to do with Arroyos.
Because soil forms a change into arroyos, when the rain water has run off from the mountain.
This is why geomorphology is important because it allows to know if there will be more of these
arroyos and how they form. Because we know how the soil in the area will react to the rain water
that happens.
Snavely, K. (2014). Flooding. In K. L. Lerner, & B. W. Lerner (Eds.), The gale encyclopedia of
science (5th ed. ed., pp. 1780-1783). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale. Retrieved from http://0-
According to Snavely (2013) “a flood is a natural process”. Even though a flood usually
has a negative meaning whenever you hear it. It is just another natural process that the earth goes
through. These floods can be either man made or natural. Floods are usually caused by large
amounts of rain, melting snow, and ice. The reason that they become man made, is because
people usually build homes and towns near these bodies of waters that flood. So, the surrounding
areas flood causing it to be more of a man-made flood, instead of the water naturally flowing
In the year 2001, the UTEP campus was going to do something about the arroyos that
were near the Union and the Liberal Arts building. The Arroyos have been around UTEP since
the begging of UTEP when it was built. The students for UTEP however were complaining about
the parking for UTEP. So, what was proposed is that the they would fill the arroyo make parking
for the students to park in. However, the people that work for UTEP did not agree with this.
They think that the arroyos should stay with UTEP as they have already been there since the
LEE, G. F., & JONES-LEE, A. (2005). Urban Storm water Runoff Water Quality Issues. In J. H.
Lehr & J. Keeley (Eds.), Water Encyclopedia (Vol. 3, pp. 432-437). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
According to Lee (2005) Urban creeks and lakes are important to habitats for aquatic life.
The function of an urban creek is to convey storm water to prevent flooding. Many of these
creeks can hoard many harmful materials. Such as: bottles, trash, and other harmful material to
the ecosystem. The reason the hoard these items is because they get taken in by the rain water
that washes down all of these items into the creeks. However, when these creeks are active they
provide life for many amphibious animals. The most common in the southwest would be frogs or
even turtles.
According to Smith and Goodrich (2005) water runoff occurs when the soils ability to
absorb the water doesn’t contain it enough. Vegetation is one of the most affected things by this.
As the water comes in the soil can began to get to saturated and begin to overflood the crops in
the area. Too much water can affect the crops causing them to die. The climate however plays a
big role in this area. Because depending on the area that the flood occurs it can make it can make
flooding that much worse in the area. Areas such as us down south don’t really experience water
as much as other places so our type of soil isn’t used to it. This will cause the flooding though to
Evans, K. M. (2016). Surface Water: Rivers, Streams, and Lakes. In Information Plus Reference
Series. Water: A Limited Resource (2015 ed., pp. 33-49). Farmington Hills, MI: Gale.
According to Evans (2016) Rivers receive water from the rain, and melting snow, ground
water and lakes. Most off the small rivers that you see are from the larger rivers. These rivers
are very important. These rivers carry soils that are very necessary for the local crops. As the
rivers contain small debris and stones. These rivers also help clear up most of the debris that
would flow into the streams. This is good for the crops because they don’t have much debris in
their soil that would hinder the growth of the crop. These streams are also very important
Smith, C. (2014). The Top Facebook Marketing Strategies, According To Its Most Elite
Marketing Insiders. New York, NY: Business Insider. Retrieved November 21, 2018,
from https://www.businessinsider.com/the-best-facebook-marketing-advice-2014-2.