Bulletin of The Madras Govenment Museum The Adichanallur Skulls

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Edited by The Superintendent




Demonstrator of Anatomy of Universi ty College, London and
Research Anatomist to the Zoological Society of London



University College, London

NEW SERIES - General Section Vol. /I Pt. I.

Published by:
The Commissioner of Museums,
Government Museum,
Chennai - 600 008.



Edited by The Superintendent




Demonstrator of Anatomy of University College, London and
Research Anatomist to the Zoological Society of London



University College, London

NEW SERIES - General Section Vol. /I Pt. I.

Published by:
The Commissioner of Museums,
Government Museum,
Chennai - 600 008.

First Edition : 1930
Reprinted : 2000

© Commissioner of Museums
Government Museum,
Chennai - 600 008.

Price: Rs. 25/-

Printed at:
The Chennai Printers Industrial Co-operative Society Ltd.,
118, Big Street,
Chennai - 600005.
Phone: 8546287
Dr. R. Kannan, B.Com., M.B.A., C.A.I.I.B., B.L., Government Museum,
M. Social Science (Birmingham), U.K., Ph.D., lAS, Chennai - 600 008
Commissioner of Museums,


The second edition of the book "The Adichanallur Skulls" by Prof. S. Zukerman and
Prof. G. Elliot Smith was published in th~ year 1930. Since it has run out of stock, the need
for reprinting this book was keenly felt, especially in view of the persistent demand for
copies of this volume, both from the scholars and the students of Anthropology.

This book exposes the burial site at Adichanallur excavated by Mr. Alexander Rea of
the Archaeological Department of the Madras Presidency and Mr. E. Thurston of Madras
Museum. A brief account of the human remains was given in the first volume of the book:
"Castes and Tribes of Southern India (1909)" by E. Thurston. He writes about two skulls of
Adichanallur. The general features of human skulls are exposed in this book. The Australian
Dravidian Relationship theory has been expounded as result of studying the Adichanallur

The Discovery Channel also subscribes to this theory of human migration in their
programme 'The story of man' in their profile series.

2000 AD (R. Kannan)

The Adichanallur Skulls.
By S, ZUCKERMAN, University College, London.
With notes by G, ELLIOT SMITH,
In the latter part of last century, Mr, A, Rea, of the Archreological Department of
the Madras Presidency, excavated at a burial site at Adichanallur, in the Tinnevelly
district, a number of earthenware urns containing human bones, including some fairly
well preserved skulls, The hUI)1an remains were handed over to Mr, E. Thurston of the
Madras Museum, who gave a brief account of them in the first volume of his" Castes and
Tribes of Southern India" (1909), He writes that "two of these skulls , are
conspicuously prognathous , , , The measurements of six of the most perfect
skulls from Adichanallur in the Madras Musem collection give the following results:-
Cephalic length Cephalic breadth Cephalic index
cm, cm,
18'S 12'4 66
19'1 12'7 66'S
IS'3 12'4 67'S
IS 12'2 67'S
IS 12'S 77'!
16'S 13'1 7S'o"
The historical age of the Adichanallur remains is doubtful, Thurston quotes a state-
ment of Monsieur L, Lapicque implying that they represent a Proto-Dravidian race,
while he also quotes Dr. C. Macleane's opinion , , , "the sepulchral urns of
Tinnevelly may be earlier than Dravidian, or they may be Dravidian." Rea's own views
on the age of the remains are summarised by Professor G, Elliot Smith as follows :-" We
have no unquestionable, but only circumstantial evidence of dates that can be variously
interpreted, Speculations as to the age have ranged from 400 to 4,000 years old, and no
one can disprove either assertion, but there seeins to be a possibility that the site may
even have been occupied during early Pandyan times, that is at least several centuries
before the beginning of the Christian era,"
Two of the skulls were sent to Professor G, Elliot Smith, who refers to them in the
second edition of his "Essays on the Evolution of Man" (1927), These two skulls
conform to "different racial types, One [pI. i, figs, 1,2; iii, 7 of the present paper] of
them is clearly and unmistakably Proto-Australian in type, and the second one [pI. ii, figs,
4, 5; iii, 6] confotms more nearly to the racial type that is known as Mediterranean,'

'It is not of pure Mediterranean type, the breadth ot the cranium and the flattening of the
occiput suggesting the possibility that it may he an example of the ~ype I have called "Maritime
Armenoid," a branch of the Alpine Race that is found as one of the ingredients of the racial mixture
known as Dravidian-G, Elliot Smith,
2 Bulletin, Madras Government Museum. . [G.S.11,

which is so largely represented in the present population of India . . . Curiously

enough, in one of the Indian skulls from Adichanallur we have precisely the same combi-
nation of characters as are found in the so-called Old Woman of Grimaldi (ii, 3). The
cranial sutures show no trace whatever of closure; yet the molar series in the lower jaw
had disappeared and the alveolar process has' been absorbed" (p. J30 and 136).
Before a detailed study of the skulls had been made, the Australoid skull met with
an accident and was broken into many pieces. These were reconstructed by Dr. J. Beattie
who possessed photographs of the skull as a guide for his reconstruction. The fragments
were· so brittle that it was found necessary to impregnate them with size before they
could be safely handled. Previous to this, 'several pieces had crumblp.d to dust. The
bones of the base of the skull and the zygomatic arches were missing. The calvarium was
almost complete and it was possible to reconstruct the face accurately. The photographs
and a cast of this reconstruction, without the mandible, were available for study in the
preparation of this report l •

Adichanallur No.1.
PI. I figs. 1-2, III 7; text figs. I and 2.

The form of this skull is shown in pl. i, I, 2; iii, 7, and, its Australoid affinities
are revealed in text figs. I and 2, where contours of the Adichanallur skull are super-
imposed on type contours of the Australian skull.
. The skull, probably that of an adult female, is hyperdolicocephalic and phaenozygous.
The contour of the norma verticalis is an elongated ovoid, with the greatest width across
the parietal bosses, which, however, are not prominent. The skull is of moderate height.
The glabella and supra-orbital ridges are well marked, and the forehead is receding.
The mastoid processes and muscular ridges are well developed. It is impossible to

) The condition of the two crania is shown in the photographs I had made when they arrived in
England sixteen years ago (pI. i, ii, iii). The problems arising out of the interpretation of their
features wert' so interesting that I postponed the writing of a report until I had seen ,the whole
Adichanallur collection in the Madras Museum in 1914. Unfortunately the war prevented me
from going to India and until 1919 I was occupied with other matters. During the journey from
Manchester to London in 1919 a deplorable accident happened, and one of the skulls {pI. i, I,
2 j iii, 7) was broken into small pieces and the other (pI. ii, 5 j iii, 6) was damaged.
Dr. John Beattie undertook the difficult and laborious task of restoration: but when he was in
the midst of the preparation of his report, he was appointed Assistant Professor of Anatomy at the
McGill University in Canada. Dr. S. Zuckerman then undertook the work and has made the best
of a task of exceptional difficulty-G. Elliot Smith.
1930.] The Adic/ieJ1lallUr Skulls. 3

determine the condition of the ~ranial $utures, either in the photographs taken previous
to the fragmentation or in the cast.
The fronto-nasal suture is depressed and the nasal bones are small. The face is
broad across the malars and leptoprosopic. The orbits are mesoseme, and the nasal
aperture is platyrhine. The face is somewhat prognathous. The teeth are small; the
left second and third molars are missing. The dental arcade is almost parabolic, the
width between the third molars being almost equal to the greatest palatal length. The
skull is micro-cephalic.
Certain features have been over-emphasised in the reconstruction. The norma
occipitalis of the reconstructed skull is pentagonal in outline, the parietals meeting at a
well marked angle, and the greatest width is found across the upper part of the mastoid
processes. The original bi-mastoid width was, however, less than the bi-mastoid width
of the reconstructed skull, and the effect of this increase has been to diminish slightly
the height of the skull and to exaggerate the pentagonal nature of the contour of the norma
occipitalis. Another feature which the reconstruction exaggerates is the posterior part of
the temporal crest. This appears in the cast as a wide ridge running upwards' and
slightly backwards from above the external auditory meatus. The ridge completely
separates the temporal fossa from a well-marked depression above the superior nuchal
line. This temporo-occipital depression may have been overemphasized in the recon-
struction. There is also a marked degree of parieto-occipital flattening, but this does not
appear to have been affected by the reconstruction. Both these depressed areas, as well
as the pentagonal norma occiptalis, are primitive features.
For detailed analysis Adichanallur No.1 has been compared with the Dravidian and
the Australian skull. Eor data regarding Dravidian skulls, reference has been made
mainly to Sir William Turner's monographs on Indian skulls (1901, [906, 1913) and to
Harrower's monograph based on a study of thirty-five authentic Tamil male skulls
obtained in Singapore from the unclaimed bodies of coolies who had emigrated from
Southern India (1926). For information about the Australian skull I have relied mainly
on the data provided by Hrdlicka (1928) and Wood-Jones (1929).

It is impossible to be certain of the sex of this skull. While the jaws and teeth are
suggestively feminine, the general thickness of the bone, the relatively massive eyebrow
ridges, and the mastoid processes suggest the opposite. In this Adichanallur No. 1
provides the same difficulty as do Australian and Tasmanian skulls. Hrdlicka (1928)
writes that the" sexing of the Australian skull is not always easy, some of the females
closely resembling males, and the same applies, though for the opposite reason (some of
the males presenting rather female characters), to the South African blacks. It is no
wonder that some of the older sex-identifications, particularly perhaps with the
Tasmanians, were found to be erroneous." Wood-Jones (1929), too, found that
4 Bulletin, Madras Go'Vernment Museum. [G.s. lJ,

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1930.] Tile Adicltallallur Skulls; 5
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problematical sex-identifications of Australian and Tasmanian skulls were of no value

owing to their uncertainty. It is therefore almost impossible to state definitely the sex
to which Adichanallur No. I belongs. Feminine sex characters, however, predominate.

In text fig. I a profile contour of the Adichanallur skull has been superimposed on
similar contours of the Tamil and Australian skulls.
The Adichanallur contour is the dioptograph tracing of the norma lateral is of the
cast, corrected by reference to the scale photographs of the skull taken before the
accident. The Australian contour is a tracing of the type contour constructed by W ood-
Jones from measurements of skulls of both sexes. The Tamil contour is a tracing of the
type contour constructed by Harrower from measurements of male skulls only. The three
contours have been aligned along the Frankfurt horizontal, glabella on glabella.
The three skulls are very nearly equal in length, Adichanallur No. I being inter-
mediate between the other two. The Adichanallur contour, except for a slightly more
inclined frontal slope, closely matches the Australian, and is almost complejely different
in form from the Tamil contour. The greater length of the Australian skull is not due to
its prominent glabella and supraorbital ridges but to its greater occipital projection;
for the glabella and supra-orbital ridges of the Adichanallur skull are, if anything, more
prominent than those of the Australian type skull. The occipital projection is partly
responsible for the marked nuchal plane of the Austral·ian skull. This plane is not very
distinct in either Adichanallur No. I or in the Tamil type skull. In both, the curve of the
contour below the inion passes gradually into the curve above the inion. Virchow drew
attention to the small occipital development of the Tamil skull in 1888, and Harrower
(1926) also remarks upon it, inferring that there is a" decreased development of the
occipital region of the brain." This is one of the few points in which the Adichanallur
and Tamil skulls agree.
The auriculo-vertical height of the Australian is only slightly less than that of
Adichanallur No. I, the Tamil exceeding both. The frontal slope is steepest in the Tamil,
and slightly better developed in the Australian than in the Adichanallur skull. It is in
its highly developed frontal region that the Tamil skull differs so markedly. from the
other two. On the other hand, the well-developed glabella and supraorbital ridges of the
Adichanallur skull tend to emphasize its lack of frontal development.
Judging from this contour diagram, the Australian and Adichanallur skulls are
equally prognathous, both being far more prognathous than the Tamil. A similar opinion
is gained when the contours are oriented, glabella on glabella, along a line passing
through porion and nasion. These methods of indicating facial projection are, however,
somewhat deceptive, and tend to disguise the more primitive appearance of the
Adichanallur contour. When the contours are arranged on the Frankfurt horizontal,
porion on porion, it is seen that relatively more of the Adichanallur contour is in front of
a line drawn vertically to the Frankfurt horizontal from the porion than there is of either
6 Bulletin, Madras Governmcllt Museum • [G.s. II,

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Adichanallur No. 1---'---
Australia" (Wood-jotlesj- - - - - - - - - -
Tamil (Harrower)·· ...... ··· .... ···· .... ···· .................. ··
t930.] The AdichanaJ/ur Skulls. 7

the Australian or Tamil contours. Moreover, the face of the Adichanallur skull is
actually larger than that of either the ~ustralian or Tamil skull.
In text fig. 2, norma facialis contours of the Tamil skull (a tracing of the type
contour constructed by Harrower) and of the Australian skull (a tracing of the type
contour constructed by Wood-Jones) have been superimposed upon the norma facialis
contour of Adichanallur No. I, prepared in the same way as the norma latera lis contour
of Fig. I. The three are aligned along the Frankfurt horizontal.
The Adichanallur contour corresponds more closely to the Australian thal to the Tamil
contour. Its cranium appears, however, to be somewhat more primitive than the Austra-
lian. It is widest across the mastoid region, gradually narrowing as it approaches the
vortex. In the Australian skull, the bi-mastoid width is almost the same as the bi-parietal
width; the side walls of the cranium are vertical, and the parietal bosses are not prominent.
In the Tamil skull the parietal bosses are well developed and the bi-parietal width is the
widest part of the transverse vertical contour, a condition similar to that found in the
average European skull.
The smallest II minimum frontal diameter" is possessed by the Adichanallur skull, a
feature adding to its primitive appearance. This diameter is about the same in the Tamil
and Australian skulls.
The face is not included in the transverse vertical contour provided by Harrower.
When viewed from the front, the face of the type Australian appears decidedly less
massive than that of the Adichanallur skull. Its interorbital width, too, is smaller.

The dimensions of Adichanallur No. I are given in Table I (pp. 21-23) side by side with
dimensions of the Australian and Tamil skulls. The Adichanallur measurements were
taken on the cast and have been corrected by reference to the scale photographs of the skull
taken before the accident. This table provides only detail to text figs. I and 2. The
estimated capacity of the Adichanallur skull--the mean of the two values obtained by
using Lee's formula No. IO for males and his formula No. II for females--is almost the
same as the figure obtained in the same manner for the Australian (Wood-Jones). The
Tamil exceeds both.
Table 2, consisting of the cranial indices of the Adichanallur, Australian and Tamil
skulls, shows clearly the correspondence of Adichanallur No. I to the Australian skull.
The main indices of both the Adichanallur and the Australian skull differ greatly from
those of the Tamil.
Adichanallur No.2.
PI. II figs. 4-5, III 6.
I have not had the opportunity of studying the second of the two Adichanallur skulls
which were sent to England. My remarks are based on Professor G. Elliot Smith's notes
8 Bulletin, Madras Government Museum. [G.s. II,

and on photographs of the norma lateralis and norma verticalis. Unfortunately the con-
clusions one may arrive at regarding the skull are limited, as the faci:.!l bones, including
the nasals and malars, are missing.
Professor Elliot Smith's opinion on this skull has been quoted on page I. He refers
to it as of Mediterranean type and draws attention to the curious combination it exhibits
of open cranial sdtures and an edentulous lower jaw.
One cannot be certain of the sex of this skull; the probability is that it is female.
The question of age is more easily answered. The open cranial sutures--there is
no sign of occlusion in any--are certain evidence that the skull is that of an in-
dividual in the early twenties. The edentulous condition of the lower jaw in no way
affects this opinion.
The skull is small and mesaticephalic. The contour of the norma verticalis is broadly
ovoid; with the greatest width across the well-developed parietal bosses. The skull is
cryptozygous. The forehead rises almost vertically, and both glabella and supra-orbital
ridges are very poorly developed. The mastoid processes are of moderate size, and
judging from the photographs the mascular markings on the skull are not well marked.
The nuchal region merges gradually with the region above the inion, which too is not
prominent. There is no indication of parieto-occipital flattening, or of the temporo-
occipital depression that is so well marked in Adichanallur No. I.
The maximum length of the skull is I68 mm., and the greatest breadth I3I mm. The
cephalic index is 78. The auricular height is approximately I I4.5 mm. The mean of the.
values obtaineq by using Lee's formula No. IO for males and No. II for females for the
estimation of the cranial capacity, is I264 cc.
There can be little doubt about the identification of Adichanallur No.2. Its charac-
teristics are as definitely Dravidian as those of Adichanallur No. I are Australoid, corres-
ponding in all essentials to Dravidian cranial features (see Turner's description, pp. 25,
26 and 27). Its dimensions, too, are well within the range of those of Dravidian skulls
(see Tables I and 2).

The Australian-Dravidian Relationship.

It now becomes necessary to explain the association in the same burial site at
Adichanallur of two skulls so different from each other as are Adichanallur No. I and
Adichanallur No.2. It is obvious that their completely different forms imply the presence
of two racial stocks. This does not, however, necessarily mean that the two individuals
to whom these skulls belonged were members of different tribes; there has been So much
racial mixture in the Deccan that collections of skulls from almost any tribe will
exhibit marked variation in cranial form. In this particular instance the one skull is as
unmistakably Australian in form, as the other is Dravidian. The presence of an
-Australoid skull in Southern India demands explanation.
Anthropology has for a long while recognized that some relationship exists between
the aboriginal inhahitants of Australia and those of the Deccan, but opinions about the
1930.] The Adichanallur Skulls. 9

nature of the relationship have varied. In order to understand the significance of the
occurrence of an Australoid skull in India, it wfll be necessary to enquire briefly into
the existing theories concerning the Australian-Dravidian relationship, and to consider
the evidence upon which they are based.
The first to associate the Australians with the Dravidians was probably Huxley. In
his essay on "The Methods and Results of Ethnology," published in 1865, in which he
introduced his w-ell-known classification of human races, he describes the Australian as a
pure type, and draws attentio~ to the "Dravidian populations of Southern Hindostan,"
who" lead us back, physically as well as geographically, towards the Australians." In a
later paper, published in 1869, he referred to the Indian problem in greater detail,
describing the people of the Dekkan as ." long headed, dark skinned and dark-eyed men,
with black wavy hair, devoid of any inclination to woolliness. Not infrequently they
exhibit prominent brow ridges. Examples of them are commonly seen in the coolies who
work their way over to this country in Indiamen, and anyone who has ever seen an
Australian native will be struck with the resemblance between the two. They speak the
languages known as Dravidian and where they have been left iri their primitive condition
are thorough savages. The rest of the population of Hindostan is allied in physical
character and language either to the adjacent peoples in the north-west and the north-
east, or exhibits evidence of being the result of the intermixing of such people with the
Dravidians." In his paper Oti "The Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifications
of Mankind" published in 1870, he reaffirmed this opinion without introducing any fresh
evidence. In this paper he also presented the view that the Ancient Egyptians formed
part of his "Australoid" race, as well as suggesting that the Melanochroi-his dark
European type-were the result of an Australoid-Xanthochroid (Nordic) cross.
According to Huxley, therefore, the Australians and Dravidians are pure races and
form part of the same primitive stock. It should be noted, however, that in stating
this view, Huxley appealed only to superficial similarities, such as hair, skin colour,
stature, etc.
There appears to have. been a general acceptance of Huxley's opinion regarding
the resemblances between Australians and Dravidians.
Topinard writes (1894), that" before the present race of Australians there must have
existed on their continent a race much inferior still It is clear that the
Australians might very well be the result of the cross between one race with smooth
hair from some other place and a really Negro and autochtonous race. The opinions
expressed by Mr. Huxley are in harmony with this hypothesis." He .adds that "we are
still in ignorance as to whether the present Australian race took its origin on the spot,
• or whether, on the contrary, it was altogether constituted in Asia, or
whether it is a cross race, and in that case, of what elements it is composed." The
population of the Indian peninsula, according to Topinard, "is composed of three strata,
namely, the Black, the Mongolian and the Aryan. The remnants of the first are at the
10 Bulletin, Madras Government Museum. [G.s. II,

present time shut up in the mountains of Central India, under the name of Bhills, Mahairs,
Ghonds and Khonds; and in the South under that of Yenadis, Maravers, Kurumbas,
Veddahs, etc. Its primitive characters, apart from its black colour and low stature, are
difficult to discover, but it is to be noticed that travellers do not speak of woolly hair in
India. The second has spread over the plateaux of Centra] Asia by two lines of way,
one to the north-east, the other to the north-west. The remnants of the first invasion are
seen in the Dravidian or Tamul tribes, and those of the second in the Jahts. The third,
more recent and more important as to quality than as to number, was theAryan." The
evidence adduced by Topinard in favour of these views is very scanty and superficial.
The tribes with which he compared the Australian were the Bhills, Ghonds, KJlOnds,
Maravers and Veddahs.
According to Flower and Lyddeker (1891), "Australia was originally peopled with
frizzly-haired Melanesians" but "a strong infusion of some other race, probably
a low form of Caucasian Melanochroi, such as that which still inhabits the interior of the
southern parts of India, has spread throughout the land from the north-west, and
produced a modification of the physical characters, especially of the hair. This influence
did not extend across Bass's Straits into Tasmania, where . . . the Melanesian element
remained in its purity." The same two authors state that the Dravidians and Veddahs
belong to the Caucasian Melanochroi, Huxley's dark European type, but are "largely
mixed with a Negrito element." These opinions are the same as those expressed in 1885
by Flower alone. In nehher of the two works in which they appeared was any detailed
evidence adduced in their support ..
Statements regarding Australians and Dravidians in Keane's work "Ethnology"
(1896) conflict somewhat with one another. He first suggests (P. 226) that a "fusion of
Melanochroid Caucasic (South Indian) and Austral Negro blood" occurred "at a remote
epoch in some now perhaps submerged Indo-Austral region." This, of course, implies
acceptance of Huxley's idea of Dravidian-Australian similarity. Later, however (pp.
290-291), Keane recognizes a black sub-stratum, the pure Oceanic Negro, in Australia and
Tasmania. This type became modified in Tasmania asa result of long isolation (a view
suggested by Flower in 1885). In Australia, on the other hand, the primitive Negroid
became modified mainly through mixture with immigrant Dravidian, and also with
The absence of woolly hair in India leads Keane, while accepting De Quatrefages;
view that an autochtonous negrito element forms" the sub-stratum of the Dravidian and
other populations in India and along the southern slopes of the Himalayas," to consider
"that the.dark el€ment in India would appear no longer to represent tge original reddish-
haired yellowish Negrito, but an intermediate. form between that tn(e and the Papuan,
generally modified by later intruding Kolarian, Dravidian, and Aryan populations"
(p. 255). The Dravidian invaders of Australia are to be regarded "not as of Mongolic
stock, against which there are many objections, but as" Caucasian Melanochroi," such as
are still represented in Southern India and Ceylon by the shaggy-haired and full-bearded
1930.] The Adichallallur Skulls. II

Todas and Veddahs" (P.292). Later, however(p. 297), the Dravidians are classed as an
example of "early Mongolo-Caucasic intermingling"; and later again (p. 417) Keane
writes that the Dravidians, examples of whom are the Telingas (Telugus), Tamils,
Kanarese, Malayalam, Kodagu, Oraons, Rajmahali and Gonds, " are usually regarded as
a Mongoloid -people, who entered India from the north-west • . . But at present
the type cannot be called Mongolic ; it scarcely differs from the average Hindu, except
in some districts, where it has been somewhat modified by contact with the Kolarians and
dark aborigines."
In a later work entitled" The World's Peoples" (1908), Keane reaffirmed most of
these views, but distinguished from the true Dravidians, (e.g., the Tamils, Telugus,
Malayalams, etc.), the Pre-Dravidians, examples of whom are the Kotas, -Irulas, Badagas,
Kurumbas, Paniyans, Pulayas, Izhuvans, Parayas and Kaniyans. These tribeg, though
they talk a Dravidian language, often show marked Negroid characters. In the 1920
edition of Keane's "Man, Past and Present," edited by Haddon and Hingston Quiggin,
the term Pre-Dravidian is " employed to include certain jungle tribes of South India, the
Yedda of Ceylon, the Sakai of the southern Malay Peninsula, the basal element in certain
tribes in the East India Archipelago and the main element in the Australians. Pre-
Dravidian characters are coarse hair, more or less wavy or curly, a narrow head, a very
broad nose,- dark brown skin and short stature" (p. 422). The Pre-Dravidian jungle
tribes of Southern India include the Kadir, Paniyan, Irula, Kurumba and Yedda. It is
stated in this work that the Indian invaders of Australia "are regarded by some as
belonging to the Dravidian, and by others, and with more probability, to the Pre-Dravidian
race" (p. 428). The true Dravidian races are again said to be a blend of Caucasian and
Mongolian elements. No fresh evidence supports the hypothesis of the Australian-
Dravidian relationship in any of Keane's works.
In Deniker's classification (1900), the Australian and Dravidian figure in the same
class. The Dravidian group consists of two sub-divisions, the Kolarians and the true
Dravidians. Examples of the Kolarians are the Juang, Santals, and Munda; of the
Dravidians, the Oraons, Gonds, Khonds in the North, and the Telugus, Kanarese, Mala-
yalam, and Tamils in the South. Deniker distinguishes from these Southern Dravidians
a "numbet of small tribes more or less uncivilized and animistic, having somatic types of
considerable variety." Examples of these are the Kadir, Maravers, Paniyans, and
certain tribes of the Nilgiri Hills, th~ Irulas, 1he Kurumbas, and the Todas amongst others.
The Todas of Indo-Afghan stock, differ from the other tribes of the Nilgiri Hills. The
Veddah, according to Deniker: "approximates nearest to the platyrhine variety of the
Dravidian race, at the same time presenting certain peculiarities." The Australian, too,
is connected by certain traits, prominent amongst which is wavy or frizzly hair with the
Veddahs and with" certain of the Dravidian populations of India." Deniker does not
support these views with detailed evidence.
Haddon's (1924) opinions on the Australians and Dravidians are the same as those
expressed in the 1920 edition- of Keane's "Man, Past and Present." The Australians are
12 Bulletin, Madras Goverllment Museum. [G.s. II,

classed with the" Sakai of the Malay Peninsula, the Veddas of Ceylon, and certain tribes
of the Southern part of India in a group called Pre-Dravidian. The Pre-Dravidian Indian
tribes are the Kadir, Kurumba, Paniyan, Irula, Bhil, Gond, Khand, and Oraon.
" Dravidian" is a general term for the main population of the Deccan. They are mixed
with other races \ in certain places, and many
exhibit a marked Pre-Dravidian strain."
While admitting that the presence of .a Negroid element in the Deccan has not been
established, Haddon creates the impression that the autochtonous element in Southern
India is Negroid; and the best example of this original Negro type is, according to
Haddon, the Kadir. "Mixture with Dravidians has modified the features of some of the
Aborigines", however, so that types like the Kurumba, Bhill, Gond, and Khond are not
pure Pre-Dravidian. "From a racial point of view the Kolarians can only be placed in
the Pre-Dravidian group." Kolarian Pre-Dravidian tribes are the Juang, Korwa, Munda,
Santal, Kharwar and Oraon. True Dravidian tribes, e.g., Tiyan, Nayar and Vellala, are
those speaking Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam, and according to Haddon" there are many
points of resemblance between the Dravidian and Mediterranean peoples which point to
an ancient connexion between the two, perhaps due to a common origin." The view that
the Australian forms part, with the Pre-Dravidian tribes of India, of the Pre-Dravidian
group', naturally makes it unnecessary to postulate any Dravidian or Pre-Dravidian
invasion of Australia. Haddon writes that" there is a general similarity in type through-
out Australia, though subject to considerable variation. There is extremely little, if any,
evidence of immigrant racial admixture . . . We may therefore conclude that
since the arrival of the Australians there has been no distinct racial immigration into
Haddon's views on the Aust~alian-Dravidian relationship are essentially the same as
Deniker's. Both distinguish amongst the mass of Dravidian peoples a Pre-Dravidian
element, more marked in certain tribes than in others. The Australians are identified
with the Pre-Dravidian group. This view, which may be considered to be the accepted
view of Ethnology to-day, is in reality the same as that originally proposed by Huxley,.
with this exception, that Huxley did not distinguish two elements amongst the Dravidian
peoples. This is not surprising in view of the limited data at his disposal. The main
assumption upon which this hypothesis rests is that the Australian is a pure type.
The other opinions quoted, those of Topinard, Flower, and Keane, resemble each
other and differ fundamentally from Huxley's by implying that the Australian is a mixed
type. It is assumed that the modern Australian native is the result of a cross between a
primitive negroid inhabitant of Australia and invading peoples, chiefly from India, and
probably of Caucasian Melanochroid (Mediterranean) stock.
Opinions differ regarding the racial purity of the Australian. This problem, however,
cannot be discussed here in detail. It will be sufficient to give Hrdlicka's opinion, based
upon a study of a thousand Australian crania. .. The Australians, while generally related
are not of exactly the same type in all parts of the territory . . . Admixture (Papuan)
and local variation are doubtless both involved in the observed differences of characters.
1930.] The Adic/zatlallur Skulls. 13

But these differences are so appreciable that anthropology will hardly be justified hence-
forth to refer merely to the" Australian." It is perhaps significant that Hrdlicka makes
no referenc.e to an infusion of Indian blood.
Apart from the somewhat problematical racial purity of the Australian, the
hyputhesis of a Pre-Dravidian racial stock, as postulated by Haddon, depends largely
upon the recognition in Southern India of an Australian type amongst those tribes
regarded as Pre-Dravidian. This presents- two main difficulties. Firstly, authorities are.
not agreed about the tribes which are to be regarded as Pre-Dravidian. Topinard's
black sub-stratum to the population of the Dekkan consists of the Bhills, Mahairs, Gonds ,
and Khonds in the north, and the Yenadis, Maravers, Kurumbas and Veddahs in the south.
Presumably by "black sub-stratum" Topinard meant a Negro sub-stratum, corresponding
to the Pre-Dravidian of Haddon. These he distinguished from the Dravidian or
Tamil population. Keane also recognizes the distinction between Dravidian and Pre-
Dravidian (this does not refer to his somewhat confused account in "Ethnology"). His
examples of Pre-Dravidians are the Kotas, lrulas, ,Badag'as, Kurumbas, Paruyans,
Pulayas, Parayas and Kaniyans; of Dravidians, the Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam.
Deniker distinguishes the Kadir, Madaver, Paniyan, Irula and Kurumba, a group which
he considered the more primitive, from the Oraons, Gonds, Khonds, Telugus, Kanarese,
a nd Tamils, a group he calls Dravidian, and from the luang, Santal, and Munda, a group
he calls Kolarian. The Pr«:l-Dravidians of Haddon are the Yedda, Kadir, Kurumba,
Paniyan, lrula, Bhill, Gond, Khond, and Oraon. The Sakai of the Malay Peninsula are
also included in this group. The Kolarians according to Haddon are also Pre-Dravidian
tribes. Examples of them are the luang, Korwa, Munda, Santal, Kharwar, and Oraon.
True Dravidians are the Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam. Haddon considers that the
Kurumbas, Bhills, Gonds, and Khonds have some infusion of Dravidian blood.
It is obvious that there is no fixed opinion about the status of certain tribes. Dcniker,
for instance, includes the Kolarians with the Dravidians, distinguishing both from the
Pre-Dravidians, while Haddon considers the Kolarians to be Pre-Dravidians.
This confusion is probably due to the absence of racial characters sufficiently fixed
to afford a means of distinguishing between the two elements in the population. The
distinction is usually made by an appeal to superficial characters, such as the type of
hair, colour of skin, type of nose, and stature. In fact, the hypothesis of the Australian-
Dravidian (or Pre-Dravidi~n) relationship is based entirely upon similarities of completely
superficial characters. If, however,the population of the Dckkan consists of Dravidian
and Pre-Dravidian groups, of supposedly different racial stocks, one should be able to
recognize one from the other by an examination of their cranial characters. Moreover, if
the hypothesis of a Prc-Dravidian racial stock is sound, one should be able to distinguish
in the Pre-Dravidian group Australian or Negroid cranial characters.
It is necessary, therefore, to enquire into two questions :--(a) the possibility of dividing
the tribes of the Deccan into two groups by means of their cranial characters j and (b) the
possible resemblance of the cranial characters of either Dravidian or Pre-Dravidian tribes
Bulletin, Madras Government ·Museum. [G.s. II,

to those of the Australians. For an answer to those two questions I shall rely almost
entirely on Turner's four monographs on the "'Craniology of the Peoples of the Empire of
Turner commences his second monograph (I9or) with a classification of the peoples
of Southern India. The Kolarians are, for philological reasons, distinguished from the
Dravidians. The principal Kolarian tribes are the Santals, Mundas, Hos, Kols, Korwas,
and the Bhills. The Dravidians are divided into a northern group consisting mainly of the
Gonds, Tulus, Oraons, Kharwars, Mal-Paharias, and the Kandhs, and a southern group
consisting mainly of the Telugu, Tamil, Kanarese an d Malayalam.
Amongst the Gond,Oraon, Paharia, Kharwar, Nagesar, Korwar and Phuija, tribes
belonging to the northern Dravidian group and representing the purest type of jungle
people, the skull in the norma verticalis is elongated and ovoid, with vertical sides. The
customary type is dolicocephalic. The forehead is only slightly receding, and the
muscular ridges are not strong. The glabella and supra-orbital ridges are not prominent,
nor is the nasion depressed. The skull is usually platyrhine, orthognathous, and
microseme. With the exception of somewhat more marked supraorbital ridges and a
more prominent glabella, two Tamil skulls, representing the southern Dravidian group,
were of the same type. The average skull belonging to these tribes is microcephalic.
The skulls of the Munda, Bhumij and Turitribes of the Kolarian group are essentially
the same as those of the true Dravidians. Turner writes :-" If we compare the characters
of the skull in the Dravidian with the Kolarian group, we shall find that they correspoQd
in essential particulars. In both, the type of cranium in form and proportion was
dolicocephalic; the anterior nares were platyrhine, or in the higher term of the mesorhine
group; the presence of a leptorhine index was altogether exceptional; the upper ja w was
usually orthognathous; only one of thirty-six skulls was prognathous; as a rule the orbit
was low or microseme, the palato-alveolar arch was brachyuranic. In both groups the
face was chamreprosopic, i.e., the interzygomatic width was great in proportion to the
length of the face. If we take the cranial capacities of the two groups together, the men
have a mean 1,305 c.c., the women 1,157 C.c.
" Judging, therefore, from the characters of the skull, one would draw the conclusion
that there is no difference of moment in the form and proportion of this part of the
skeleton between the Dravidian and Kolarian types, and support is given to the view of
their essential structural unity as advocated by Mr. Risley. For descriptive purposes
b<;th groups of skulls may be classed therefore as Dravidian."
In the same monograph Turner described nine Veddah skulls which had not been
examined before. From a consideration of the data of sixty-seven other Veddah skulls
provided by the literature and the nine he himself described, Turner concludes that
the Veddah skull is of the same type as the Dravidian. "In both the crania were
dolicocephalic in form and proportions; in both the height as a rule exceeded the
breadth. The glabella and supra-orbital ridges did not strongly project, the forehead
was not specially retreating, and in many specimens approached the vertical; the
1930.] The Adichanallur Skul/s. IS

occipital squama was usually convex, and projected behind the inion. The face was low
in relation to the breadth; the nasion was seldom much depressed; the anterior nares
were platyrhine or mesorhine, rarely leptorhine; the upper jaw was orthognathous,
occasionally mesognathous, not prognathous; the orbits varied in the proportion uf width
anq height; the palato-alveolar arch also varied, though the index seldom much
exceeded 120, and the breadth was not greatly in excess of the length. The cranial
capacity was microcephalic in both Veddahs and Dravidians, though the former were, on
the whole, of smaller capacity than the latter. It is difficult, therefore, to lay down
a series uf characters in which the Veddah and Dravidian skulls differed from each
In his third monograph (1906), Turner describes a further series of Tamil skulls which
corresponded to the Dravidian type of skull described in his second monograph. "In
both series the crania were elongated and delicocephalic, an occasional skull having an
index in the lower term of the mesaticephalic group ;in both the nasal index was
platyrhine or mesorhine, a leptorhine index being exceptional; in both the upper jaw
was orthognathic, in the Tamils no skull was prognathous, and in the previous
Dravidian series only one in thirty-six skulls had so high an index; in both the prevail ing
orbital index was low or microseme; in the previous series the mean maxillo-facial
index was low or chamaeprosopic, in the Tamils the mean index was somewhat higher
and mesoprosopic; the palato-maxillary arch, though with a wide variation in each
series, was in the mean brachyuranic; in both the cranial capacity was below the
European average. The cranial configuration in both series therefore closely curre-
sponded, and testified to their racial affinities."
lb his fourth monograph (1913), Turner refers to the Bhills, whose cranial characters
he found to be essentially the same as those of the Dravidian tribes described in his
earlier monographs.
Judging from Turner's evidence, therefore, there is no craniological justification for
dividing the people of the Deccan into Pre-Dravidian and Dravidian groups. The
Kolarians, the Veddahs and the northern Dravidian tribes, the" Pre-Dravidian" jungle
people, present the same craniological characters as do the southern Dravidian group,
or true Dravidians.
Turner compared the Dravidian type of skull with that of the Andamanese,and
decided that they differed" in essential particulars." He writes therefore that" the direct
evidence of either a past or a present Negrito population in India has yet to be obtained
• . . Did we accept the view that a brachycephalic Negrito people preceded
the Dravidians in the occupation of India, we .could not, I consider, regard the latter,
either in cranial configuration or external characters, as the direct descendants of the
Turner is equally emphatic a bout the Australian-Dravidian relationship. "Many
ethnologists of great eminence have regarded the aborigines of Australia as closely
associated with the Dravidians of India. Some also consider the Dravidians to be a
16 , Bulletin, Madras. Government Museum. [G.s. II,

branch of the great Caucasian stock and affiliated therefore to Europeans. If these tw()
hypotheses are to be regarded as sound, a rel~tionship between the aboriginc.l Australian
and the European would be established through the Dravidian people of India
Both Dravidians, and Australians have dark skin approximating to black; dark eyes;
black hair, either straight, wavy, or curly, but not wooly or frizzly; thick lips, low nose
with wide nostrils; usually short stature, though the Australians are somewhat taller
than the Dravidians." There is no need to quote Turner on the differences which exist
between Australian and Dravidian crania, as these have already been indicated in text
figures 1 and 2, and in Ta bles 1 and 2. Turner concludes that "by a careful comparison
of Australian and Dravidian crania, there ought not to be much difficulty in distinguish-
ing one from the other. The comparative study of the characters of the two series of
crania has not led me to the conclusion that they can be adduced in support of the theory
of the unity of the two people."
In Harrower's opinion the Tamil is a type, preserved in the purest possible state
either because of necessity or from choice, representing the Dravidian peoples. "There
is no craniometrical evidence to show any connexion with any European peoples, and
few characteristics in common with other Asiatics."
Earlier in this paper reference was made to a statement of Virchow's regarding the
Tamil skull. The source of this statement is his 1885 paper on the affinities of the
Veddahs. 1 have not made further reference to this work, because it seems to me that
the conclusions Virchow arrived at were far too dogmatic considering the small amount
of material at his disposal. It might be worth while, however, to give his opinion on the
question of a Veddah-Australian relationship. After denying any real affinity between
the Veddah and the Andamanese, he writes that" even less analogy is found between
Veddahs and Australians. We may certainly point out that the hair and even the beard
is somewhat like that of the Veddahs; but one glance at the skull, and still more at the
skeleton, of the Australian convinces us that here a great and unmistakable contrast
exists." Such an opinion is obviously contrary to the hypothesis of a Pre-Dravidian
racial stock which includes amongst others Australians and Veddahs.
In his introduction to the first volume of "Castes and Tribes of Southern India"
(1909) Thurston discusses the Australian-Dravidian hypothesis, without, however, com-
mitting himself to any definite opinion. The jungle tribes of the Deccan are described
as the "microscopic remnant of a Pre-Dravidian people" and it iSI to mixture wit~ these
Pre-Dravidian tribes that many of the other inhabitants of Southern India owe their high
nasal index.
As craniological evidence in favour of the hypothesis of a Pre-Dravidian racial stock,
Thurston cites a skull mentioned in Flower's, osteological catalogue to the Museum of the
Royal College of Surgeons (1879). The catalogue note regarding this skull, No. 674, is as
follows :_u A skull marked 'Hindoo,' but with no further history: Male. It is remark-
able for the prominence of the glabella, and other resemblances to some Australian
1930.] The Adichanallur Skulls. 17

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18 Bulletin, Madras Government Museum. [G.s, II,

I have examined this skull, but do not agree that it exhibits specifically Australian
characters. In almost any collection of skulls at least one specimen would be encountered
showing a prominent glabella and well-developed brow ridges; these characteristics,
however, even though coupled with marked dolicocephaly, are not of mfficient importance
to warrant the descriptive term" Australian."
R.C.S. No. 674 is a very large skull, with a prominent glabella, well-developed hrow-
ridges, and strong muscular markings. The side walls of the cranium are vertical, the
bi-mastoid width being almost the same as the bi-parietal. The roof of the cranium is
somewhat flat. The skull is just cryptozygous. The nuchal plane is very distinct. The
nasion is depressed, and the nasals are small. It exhibits a small degree of sub-nasal
prognathism. The dimensions of this skull are as follows:-
Max. Ant. Post. diam. . .. 19 8mm . Max. Trans. diam. 132 mm.
Auricular height 115 mm. Bizyg. width 128 mm.
Basi-llreg. height 135 mm. Bas.-Nas. diam. 98 mm.
Bas.-Prosth. diam. 96 mm. Nas.-Prosth. diam. 65 mm.
Min. (ront. breadth 101 mm. Nas. height ... 48 mm.
Nas. width 25 mm. Orbital height 36 mm.
Orbital width 40 mm. Cranial capacity 1,460 c.c.
Alv. length 54 mm. Alv. width 6S mill.
Palatal length 43 mm. Palatal breadth .12 mm.

The main indices fall into the following groups :--

Dolicocephaly 66'6 Orthognathous
Megacephalic 1,460 c.c. Mesorhine
Megaseme 9°, Leptoprosopi c

These figures place the skull in the class which Duckworth calls "Eurasiatic, sub-
division A" (1904). The type contour for this class, which Duckworth figures, is almost
identical with the norma lateralis contour of this so-called Australoid skull, whose dimen-
sions and indices are, however, completely different from those of the average Australian
. skull. In text fig. 3 a norma lateralis contour of R.C.S. No. 674 has been superimposed on
Wood-Jones' type Australian contour. The differences are obvious.
It is clear that this skull provides no evidence in favour of the Australian-Dravidian
Thurston mentions another skull, in the collection of the Madras Museum, which he
apparently considers to possess Australian characters; but the only data he provides for
consideration are prominent superciliary ridges, a cephalic index of 75, a nasal index of
42'S, and the dimensions concerned in these indices. These, however, are non-specific
Considering that the average Australian skull is prognathous, Thurston's remarks on
the facial projection of Iorlian skulls are significant. He writes: -" I am unable to
1930.J The Adichaltallur Skulls. 19

subscribe to the prognathism of the Dravidian tribes of Southern India, or of the jungle
people, though aberrant examples thereof are contained in the collection of skulls at the
Madras Museum . . • the inhabitants of Southern India may be classified as
It is clear that craniological evidence derived from the present populations of the
Dekkan does not support the hypothesis of a Pre-Dravidian racial stock whose representa-
tives are, amongst others, the Australians, the jungle tribes of Southern India, and the
Veddahs of Ceylon. It is .difficult, however, to decide whether craniological evidence is
a fundamental criterion of race; if it were, the hypothesis of a common stock for the
jungle people of the Dekkan and the aboriginals of Australia would be untenable.
Nevertheless, while it is noteworthy that the hypothesis was formulated originally, and
is now held, in spite of the lack of craniological support, itis possible that the uniformity
of cranial characters in Southern India is due mainly to racial mixture, and that even
those tribes considered to be pure representatives of the aboriginal inhabitants have
mixed sufficiently with the Dravidian invaders from the north-west so as to lose, almost
entirely, their original cranial characters.
It is therefore perhaps remarkable that the Adichanallur skulls provide evidence in
favour of the Pre-Dravidian theory. Of the six Adichanallur skulls mentioned by
Thurston, four are sub-dolicocephalic and two are mesaticephalic; two of the six are
prognathous. One of the two prognathous skulls is the sub-dolicocephalic Australoid
skull described in this paper as Adkhanallur No. I. Thurston's account does not
indicate whether the second prognathous skull is also dolicocephalic and whether it is
similar in form to the first. Without this knowledge, one cannot regard it as evidence,
additional to Adichanallur NO.1, indicating the presence of an Australoid aboriginal in
the Dekkan.
One cannot exclude the possibility, however, without at least mentioning it, of the
occurrence in any series of skulls, for instance a collection of South African crania, of a
specimen exhibiting Australian characters. There is therefore a danger lest too much
stress is laid upon Adichanallur No. 1 as evidence in favour of the hypothesis of the
Pre-Dravidian racial stock.
Regarded on its face value, however, Adichanallur No.1 provides support for the
view that the aboriginal inhabitant of Southern India was similar to the present day
Australian native. It therefore upholds Huxley's interpretation of the Australian-
Dravidian relationship, which is embodied to-day in the conception of a Pre-Dravidian
racial stock comprising the Australians, the Sakai, the Veddahs, and the jungle tribes of
Southern India. The evidence of the skull does not support the alternative interpre-
tation (see p. 12) that the present Australian native is the result of a cross between
an aboriginal Australian an'd invading Indians. If anything, it is against such an
interpreta tion. ~ .
The presence of a Dravidian skull in the Adichanallur remains (Adichanallur NO.2)
implies that mixture with invading peoples from the north had occurred before the time
20 Bulletin, Madras Government Museum. [G.s. II,

of the burial. This means that the Adichanallur remains could not be earlier than
It is believed that primitive man made his way to Australia from Asia, probably
from India. This hypothesis explains the occurrence between Australia and India, e.g.,
Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula, and the East India Archipelago, of peoples of Pre-
Dravidian stock. In the Talgai skull, and possibly in the Wadjak remains, however,
there is evidence tl.at the first inhabitants of Australia were of a more primitive type
than the modern Australian native. Unless the Pre-Dravidian hypothesis is entirely
fallacious, this implies that the Australoid inhabitant of Tinnevelly, whose skull has been
described in this paper, was not the most primitive type of Indian, but that he too, like
the Australian, was the descendent of a Talgai-like race.
I wish to express my thanks to Professor G. Elliot Smith, F.R.S., for his advice on
several points regarding the Adichanallur skulls; to Professor Sir Arthur Keith, F.R.S.,
for permission to avail myself of Indian material in the Royal College of Surgeons;
and to Mr. F. Bond of the Zoological Society of London for preparing the necessary
1930,1 The Adidiallallltr Skulls, 21

Australian. Tamil,
Adichanallur (Hrdlicka, except
No, I. where otherwise (Harrower) (Males
stated), only),

Max, .Ant. .Post, diameter .. ' 189'1 ct, 179'6

173- 210 ct, 16 3- 19 1
179'4 9,
16 3- 19 2 C;,
Max, Trans, diameter Iq 13 2 '2 ct, 13 1 '5 d,
116-146 ct, 119'5-144
12 7'6 C;,
Il6-144 c.;,
Basion- Bregma height 128 (approx,) 133'6 ct,
116- 1 50 ct,
12 7"4 9,
113-14 0 c.;,
Auriculo-vertex height 112 lIT 116'3
(Wood-Jones) 109'5- 1 30

Minimutn frontal breadth 24 'JS· 1 7

(Wood-J one~), 86'5-- 10 4
Bizyg, width 128 135'8 ct, 12 7'8

120- 1 50 ct, II6- 1 38'3

1 2 4'8 C;,
l I I -1 39 Ij.

Ba"ion-Nasion diameter 100 (approx,), 103 ct,

9 2 -- Il 5 d,
97'4 9,
89- 10 7 c.;.
Basion-Prosthion diameter ... 107 (approx,). 106'6 ct. 9 6 '4
9:l--12 3 ct, 88- 10 7'5
101'4 9,
8&--113 9,
Nasion-Prosthion diameter 69'6 ct,
57-86 ct.
64'8 9,
55-76 «,
Nasal height 50 (approx,) 48'8 ct, 49"4
38-5 8 ct, 39'5-55"5
45'6 9,
35-53 9,
22 Bulletin, Madras Gover"me"t Museum. [G.s, 11,

Australian Tamil,
Adichanallur ~Urdlicka, except
No, I, (Harrower, (Males
where otherwise
stated), only),
Nasal width .. , 27'3 cJ,
22 33'S cJ, 21-2 9,
21'-3 2 9,
Orbital breadth 40 (approx,) 38'9 cJ, 39'6,
35'2-'-46'2 d' 36~5-42'S,
37'S 9.
33'5--·P '(,
Orbital height 35 (apprux,) 33'4 cJ,
26-39'8 C/,
33 '(,
29-38 9,
Interorbital breadth 21'S
Alveolar length 53 (approx,) 61'9 d,
55-7 2 cJ,
58'S 9,
5°-68 9,
Alveolar breadth ... 6S (approx,) 68'[ cJ,
60-80 cJ,
63'3 9,
56-70 9,
Cranial capacity 1,268'2 c,c, J ,29°'°9, 1,350'28 c,c,
(Mean of male (Mean of male and 1,085-1,77°
and female). female-Wood-


Adicbanallur Tamil.
No, I,' Australian,
(Males only),

Cephalic illdex .69'9 cJ. 73~4S

57'7-77'9 C/, 66'3 1 -18.'24
71;1 9,
63'2-81'4 9-
1930,) The Adichanallur Siml/s, 23

Adich:mallur Australian, Tamil,

No, I, (Males only),
Height index 70 7°'7 d', 76'21
7' 9, 70'89-82'22
(From mean
measurements, )
Gnathic index 10 7 103'S d', 94'55
1°4'1 9, 87'80-106'06
(From mean
measurements, )
Upper facial index '" '" 547 5 1'2 d', 5°'7
4 1 '3'-62'4 d', 56'84-79'89
52 9,
42'6-62'5 9,
Orbital index .. , 87'S 85'9 d', 81'34
65- 10 3'5 ci', 65-9 2
88 9,
76'3- 100 9,
Nasal index .. , .. , 54 S6 d'. 5 1'6"
45'1-75 (/' 45'37-$9'.1 0
56'.. 9,
44'9-14'4 9,
Mean height index .. , .. , 83'4 83'2 d', 87'6
69'9-94'7 d', (From mean
83'1 9, measurements, )
73'4-93'9 9
Palatal inde1[ .. ~~ .. , 12 3 110 d',
94'1-r:z8'Cj d',
IOS'2 9,
94-12 5'9 9·

DENIKER, J, 1900. The Races of Man, London, Walter Scott,
DUCKWORTH, .W. L, H, 1904, Morphology and Anthropology, Camb. Univ. Press,
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'J 'oN 'An llvuv1/:J!PV-'Z "
'[ 'oN 'AnnVUV1/J!PV-'I 'm.'!
'1 3~Vld
or 3:~V'Id II 'S'~ 'W03S111o\! l.N3WN~3AO~ sv~avw 'NU3TInS
FIG. 3.-So-cal/ed" old woman" of Grimaldi for comparison with the jaw 0/ Adichanallttr.
N•. II.
4,-Adicha1tallur No. II, malldible.
,." 5.-Adichanallur No. II, norma lateralis.

FIG •. 6.-Adichanallur No. II, norma 1Jerticalis.
" 7.-Adichanallur No. l, -norma frontalis.

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