Optomix Moddemix

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Make Noise Optomix & modDemix Low Pass Gate & VCA Mixer Modules

The Optomix is a two channel Low Pass Gate, providing simultaneous voltage control over amplitude and frequency content of a signal. It is in essence, a
Voltage Controlled Filter Amplifier (VCFA) that has an extremely organic response to control signals. Additionally, the Optomix offers a summing stage complete
with an auxiliary input, allowing for the chaining of multiple units to create larger mixes (this also works well in combination with the modDemix. The modDemix
features 2 identical direct-coupled balanced modulator circuits that may be used together or independently for Ring Modulation, VCA, Mixer, Signal Multiplica-
tion, Voltage Controlled Polarization, Attenuation and more.

CHANNEL 1 SIGNAL IN: DAMP CV IN: DC CV input for the cor- CONTROL CV IN: DC, highly sensitive CV
DC signal input, capable of ac- responding channel’s damping param- input for the corresponding channel’s vactrol Channel 1 vs Chan-
cepting audio or CV. Range: Up eter. Normalized to +8V. Range: 0V-8V. gate. Normalized to +8V. Range: 0V-8V. nel 2: both channels are
to 18Vpp. identical, except as noted
here. If you don’t see a
DAMP ATTENUATOR: Uni- CONTROL ATTENUATOR: Unipolar description of the Chan-
attenuator for the Control Input. With nothing nel 2 parameter, refer to
polar attenuator for the Damp
patched to the Control CV In, the attenuator the Channel 1 descrip-
CV Input. With nothing patched
acts as a manual control attenuator. tions for information.
to the Damp CV In, the attenu-
ator acts as a manual damping
STRIKE INPUT: Gate input for striking or plucking the vactrol. Expects 8V
Gate. It acts as a fast attack envelope with slow amplitude response affecting
CHANNEL 2 SIGNAL IN: the LPG. Combined with the Damp parameter, Strike allows for the program-
DC signal input, capable of ac- ming of percussive sounds (sharp Attack w/ CV Decay), without the need for a
cepting audio or CV. Normalized separate envelope generator.
to Channel 1 Signal Out, for
series processing. Range: up to CHANNEL 1 SIGNAL OUT: DC output of the signal applied to the input,
10Vpp (depending on settings as pro-cessed by the LPG. Range: 10Vpp (depending on settings and source
and source material). material).


input to the Sum circuit, to al- CARRIER CV IN: Deter-
low for the chaining of multiple mines amplitude & phase of
Optomix and modDemix units to Channel 1 Signal In.
create larger mixes. Capable of
accepting audio or CV signals. STRENGTH ATTENUA-
Range: up to 10Vpp (depending TOR: Unipolar attenuator
on settings and source material). for Carrier CV In: Normalized
to +5V so that with nothing
patched to the Carrier CV
SUM OUT: The sum or mix In, the attenuator acts as a
of all signals processed by the manual Carrier attenuator.
Optomix (Channel 1 & 2 In, and Range: 0V-5V.
Aux In) is sent out here. Range:
10Vpp (depending on settings
and source material). AUXILIARY IN: DC signal
input to the Sum circuit, to al-
low for the chaining of multiple
modDemix and Optomix
CHANNEL 1 SIGNAL IN: DC signal input, capable of accepting audio or CV. units to create larger mixes.
Capable of accepting audio
CHANNEL 1 LEDs: LED indication of signal activity in four quadrants. Verti- or CV signals. Range: up to
cal position represents amplitude and phase of input signal; horizontal position 10Vpp (depending on settings
represents amplitude and phase of Carrier CV In signal. and source material).

CHANNEL 1 SIGNAL OUT: Output of the processed signal from Channel 1. Channel 1 vs Channel 2:
Similar to the Optomix, both
CHANNEL 2 SIGNAL IN: DC signal input, capable of accepting audio or CV. modDemix channels are identical,
Normalized to Channel 1 Signal Out, for series processing. except as noted here. If you don’t
see a description of the Channel 2
parameter, refer to the Channel 1
SUM OUT: The sum or mix of all signals processed by the modDemix (Channel descriptions for information.
1 & 2 In, and Aux In) is sent out here.

Further Information
Optomix: As a VCA, Optomix has a moderate attack response and slow decay response, meaning that it turns on quickly, but takes a while to shut off,
yielding a smooth natural sounding decay to almost any sound processed dynamically. The sound is often described as “ringing,” and while the circuit is
not technically ringing, that does describe many of the sounds possible when using the Optomix to process complex signals generated through FM or Ring
Modulation. As a VCF it is a mild, nonresonant Low Pass circuit acting to gently reveal (or hide) the sharper edges of a sound. This characteristic also adds
to the “ringing” effect. As the amplitude of the sound decays, there is a simultaneous loss in high frequency content that is similar to the natural loss of en-
ergy in idio and membranophonic instruments. The Optomix, being a vactrol-based circuit, will never have the speed or tight tolerances found in many other
VCA and VCF circuits. If you seek to program extremely short sounds, clicks, pops and ticks, then the Optomix is not the best choice. What the Optomix
does offer is extremely low noise and low distortion and a smooth, natural sounding circuit.
modDemix: The modDemix consist of 2 identical direct coupled circuits that may be used together or independently to process audio or control signals
by means of amplitude modulation and the many derivatives of AM such as double/ single-sideband, voltage controlled amplification/ attenuation, voltage
controlled polarization or multiplication and of course, ring modulation. The modDemix is a specialized amplitude modulation circuit that could be thought of
as a “Thru-Zero VCA,” meaning that in addition to the AM, when the Carrier signal (called Carrier CV) changes phase, the resulting signal’s phase will flip as
well. What makes the modDemix unique when compared to other balanced modulators, is that because it is Direct Coupled, it will perform wonderfully both
as anaudio rate modulator to implement Ring-Modulation, and as a control rate modulator to implement multiplication of CV. Also, the circuit used will, with
ease, turn off around 0V at the Carrier CV In; a characteristic that makes the circuit behave very well as a VCA. Both circuits feed a “Sum” stage, allowing
the module to be used as a voltage controlled mixer. The Strength attenuators are “combo knobs,” acting as unipolar panel controls. In practice, this means
the summing stage can also be a mixer with amplitudes set by the 2 Strength controls. An Aux In allows for chaining multiple modDemix (or Optomix) units
to create larger mixes. The attenuator allows for setting the Strength or Level of the incoming signal. When performing ring modulation, adjusting Strength
will alter the integrity of the resulting modulated and/or demodulated signal, thus affecting the timbre as well as the amplitude. In most other uses, Strength is
directly related to the amplitude of the resultant signal.

©2015 - Compiled by Robert Anselmi Reason101.net Visit www.makenoisemusic.com for full manual

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