Professional Ruffles and Pleats: Preparing The Sewing Machine: Attaching Ruffles For Fancy Effects

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Ruffles and Pleats
The easy way to
1 Preparing the
Sewing Machine:

1 I Unscrew the presser

> Cut out a fabric strip, approx. 30 cm long. Select the required
ruffle regulator setting and sew your test fabric strip.
Measure the length of the finished ruffle and calculate the
total length required for your project’s fabric piece. It’s the
easiest way to determine the length of the fabric strip
Attaching ruffles for fancy effects
Ruffling a valance and attaching it on a fabric piece in one
single step is a technique allowing you to combine two
sewing steps in one easy
operation: Place the fabric
on which you want to
foot shaft of your required for the valance.
romantic ruffles ! sewing machine. Then Important: Before sewing the pleats, finish the valance’s
attach the ruffle under the
ruffler. The precut fabric
thread the machine, as seam edge first. It’s much faster than finishing the raw
From children’s wear, doll’s accessories to modern, strip for the valance must
it is much easier to fabric edge on the completed ruffle!
fanciful blouses or home decor items: Ruffles can be 2 be placed between the
thread the needle’s eye
found in all categories. It used to take a little 1 Tip! Spare the finishing part! two black fabric guides as
before attaching the
patience to achieve precisely sewn results, until the ruffler! You can now
! If you’re using a very fine, soft material, there’s no
described before. This way
the ruffle is pleated and
introduction of the ruffler! It produces ruffles and secure the ruffler to the need to finish the raw fabric edge: Simply cut out the
simultaneously attached
valances automatically while sewing, making this shank, making sure the fabric strip for the valance in a double width and fold
to the fabric piece.
sewing technique a much faster and more enjoy- ruffle regulator points it in half. When using slippery materials like chiffon or
able affair. to the front. Following soft silks, stitch along the open edges with a long
Tip! Which seam width do you want ?
We’ll show you a few tricks for beautiful ruffle
the illustrated operating instructions included in the ruffler
package, you can’t go wrong!
straight stitch ensuring a smoother pleated result. ! Some valances are attached in seam width, and others by
effects – so why not give it a try? topstitching along the center of the valance. Thanks to the
small metal pin located on the front left of the black fabric
guides you can easily set the required seam allowance:
2 I You can easily determine the pleat spacings, ranging If the fabric is inserted in the guide so the metal pin lies
from very tight to loose, in two different ways: above the valance strip, the distance to the ruffle edge is

1. With the ruffle regulator allowing you to preset the approx. 0.6 cm. If the fabric is inserted so the metal pin is
number of stitches between the individual pleats. It lets not visible, the seam allowance will increase up to 2.5 cm.
you choose from 3 settings: One pleat for every stitch, after
every 6. stitch or after every 12. stitch.
Fast and precise 2. You can additionally determine the pleat spacings by the Let’s Start Sewing:
stitch length selected: A shorter stitch length will produce
pleats ! closer pleats, a longer stitch length wider pleats. The general Loose pleats:
rule is: Pleats on fine fabrics are sewn with a shorter stitch Ruffle regulator setting: 1; stitch length of straight stitch: 2.5 mm
length than on firmer-type materials. The stitch length
The Ruffler should be between 2 mm and 4 mm. 4 I Do you see the two
black fabric guides on
A presser foot outstanding in size and performance! At
the ruffler? Raise the
Attaching ruffles with center
first sight the ruffler looks quite different, but at first try
you’ll know that it’s quite different in performance too:
foot and place the topstitching
precut fabric strip exact-
It automatically produces small pleats in the fabric or
ly between the two
evenly gathers the fabric. If desired, the ruffles can be
guides, making sure the
attached to a piece of fabric simultaneously.
valance shows to the
left. While sewing the
upper guide moves the
And to top it all:
Tip! The pleat depth can be fabric to the back ensur-
You can choose bet-
ween three different ! set as follows: Do you see the
screw on the foot’s front?
ing that pleats are folded at the same time. That’s all there
is to it! You only need to »feed« the foot evenly with the
pleat spacings and
fabric! Sewing at a slow speed makes this part truly hassle-
determine their It adjusts the depth of the
free. Important: The foot must be lowered before you start
depths before sew- pleats. The more you turn it
ing. Sewing on to the right, the deeper the The fast variation for beautiful effects: Ruffles that are attach-
valances has never pleats will be. ed with center topstitching! Finish both fabric edges of the
been faster before! 5 I Three settings – precut fabric strip. For best results, use a narrow rolled hem!

three different ruffle Place the fabric piece on which you want to attach the ruffle
effects under the foot. Insert the valance fabric strip in the fabric guide
One pleat for every stitch
The ruffle regulator lets so the metal pin is covered by the fabric.The fabric may extend
you easily determine up to the right edge of the foot (see Tip).
Preparing the Fabric: the ruffle formation. Of course, you can also sew this type of ruffles without attach-
The three examples on One pleat after every 6. stitch ing them on a fabric piece. Finish both fabric edges of the
3 I Cut to size the valance in the required width, including a the right show you the
Materials Required for Sewing Ruffles: seam allowance of approx. 0.7-1.0 cm on each side. The different pleat spacings.
valance strip, insert it in the foot as described before,
select the required ruffle regulator setting and
length of the fabric strip depends on the piece of fabric on
> SINGER® ruffler You want more variety? start sewing!
which you want to attach the ruffle: A general rule is to cut One pleat after every 12. stitch
> SINGER® needle, size 80 out the valance three times the length of the fabric piece. Simply play with the
> Fine fabrics that can easily be gathered: Due to the different types of pleats that can be produced stitch length between 2 mm and 4 mm until you have found
with the ruffler, we recommend to sew a test piece first... >> the optimal result for your work!
Cotton, fine linen, silks, batiste, etc.

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