Connections Manual

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Design of joints

Design of connections between steel structural

members according to Eurocode 3 (Part 1.8)

Athens, February 2012

Version 1.0.29
Design of joints 2

Table of contents

1 About the module ................................................................ 4

1.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 4
1.2 How to use the module ................................................................... 5
1.2.1 Select type of connection ............................................................... 5
1.2.2 The main screen ............................................................................. 6
1.2.3 Calculation of the connections under certain loading (by using a
file of Fespa) .................................................................................. 7
1.2.4 Calculation of connections without given loading ......................... 8
1.3 Printing of results............................................................................. 9
1.4 Export drawing to file ....................................................................... 9

2 Moment resisting connections ......................................... 11

2.1 Design method according to EC3 ................................................. 11

2.1.1 Design resistance of basic components ........................................ 11
2.1.2 Calculation of end-plate and bolts................................................ 13
2.2 Properties of a moment resisting connection ................................ 15
2.2.2 Bolts – Anchor bolts .................................................................... 17
2.2.3 End-plate ...................................................................................... 17
2.2.4 Reinforcement of column web with supplementary plate (optional)18
2.2.5 Reinforcement of column with transverse stiffeners (optional) ... 19
2.2.6 Reinforcement of column flange with backing plate (optional)... 19
2.2.7 Reinforcement of beam lower flange (optional) .......................... 20
2.3 Capacity control of moment resisting connections ................. 20
2.3.1 Resistance for each load case ....................................................... 20
2.3.2 Resistance analysis (for critical load case) ................................... 23
2.3.3 Resistance investigation ............................................................... 27
2.3.4 Rotational stiffness investigation ................................................. 28
2.4 Dealing with problems during the design ...................................... 37
2.4.1 Column web panel in shear, Ft,v,wp ............................................... 37
2.4.2 Column web in transverse compression, Ft,c,wc ............................ 37
2.4.3 Column web in tension, Ft,t,wc....................................................... 38
2.4.4 Column flange in bending (Τ - stub), Ft,t,fc ................................... 38
2.4.5 End-plate in bending (Τ - stub), Ft,t,ep ........................................... 38
2.4.6 Beam flange and web in transverse compression, Ft,c,fb ............... 39
2.4.7 Beam flange in tension, Ft,t,wb ....................................................... 39
2.4.8 How to increase the rotational stiffness of a joint ........................ 39
Design of joints 3

3 Column bases .................................................................... 40

3.1 Definition of the connection ........................................................... 40

3.1.2 Resistance analysis (for critical load case) ................................... 43

4 Shear connections ............................................................ 45

4.1 General .......................................................................................... 45

4.2 Properties ...................................................................................... 46
4.3 Calculate connection ................................................................ 48
4.3.1 Checks for primary member ......................................................... 49
4.3.2 Checks for secondary member ..................................................... 50

5 Vertical bracing connection.............................................. 56

5.1 General .......................................................................................... 56

5.2 Properties ...................................................................................... 57
5.3 Calculate connection ............................................................... 61
5.3.1 Checks concerning the brace member .......................................... 62
5.3.2 Checks concerning the bolting ..................................................... 63
5.3.3 Checks concerning the welds between the brace member and the
gusset plate ................................................................................... 63
5.3.4 Check concerning the plate resistance ......................................... 64
5.3.5 Check concerning the “bilateral” weld between the plate and the
beam/column ................................................................................ 64

Annex ........................................................................................... 67

A1.2 Column base connection .......................................................... 78

A1.3 Beam-to-column web (shear) connection .............................. 79
A1.5 Vertical bracing connection ...................................................... 87
Design of joints 4

About the module

1.1 Introduction
The software is used for the design of connections between steel structural
members according to the clauses of Eurocode 3 / prEN 1993-1-8: 2003 / Part
1.8: Design of steel structures; Design of joints (Greek version 5 May 2003).
The module interacts with the software Fespa:
 for obtaining all needed information for the calculation of a joint (geometry
of members, actions effects), and
 for creating the report and structural drawings for every joint.
The user may work with the module “Design of joints” independently (without
Fespa), by using the geometrical and load characteristics that he desires.
The program calculates the connections between members of cross-section type
H or I and covers:

Moment connections
 Bolted beam-to-column connections with end-plate
 Bolted beam-to-beam connections with end-plate,
 Column base connection to concrete fundament with anchors.
Note: When a moment resisting connection is designed, the rotational stiffness of
the joint is also checked.
Design of joints 5

Shear connections
 Bolted beam-to-column connections with steel angles,
 Bolted beam-to-column connections with steel angles, with the beam con-
nected to the web of the column,
 Bolted beam-to-beam connections with steel angles.

Tension connections
 Bolted or welded connections of diagonal members.

1.2 How to use the module

1.2.1 Select type of connection

Image 1.1: With the command “File > Select type of connection” the type
of the connection is selected among the available types.

As shown in Image 1.1, the following types of connections are available:

 Beam-to-column (moment) connection (Chapter 2)
 Beam-to-beam (moment) connection (Chapter 2)
 Column base connection (Chapter 3)
Design of joints 6

 Beam-to-column flange (shear) connection (Chapter 4)

 Beam-to-column web (shear) connection (Chapter 4)
 Beam-to-beam (shear) connection (Chapter 4)
 Vertical bracing connection (Chapter 5)
 Beam/ Column splice (Chapter 6)

1.2.2 The main screen

Sketch of the connection. Properties tabs. By selecting the option “Automatic” of each
Automatically updated. tab, the program applies the optimum default geometrical
values according to EC3.

Error / Warning bar.

Image 1.2 The main screen of the program. On the right hand side the
properties tabs are found, where the geometrical properties of
the connection are set. If all needed data are imported from an
existing design file (.tek file) then the file is selected here. A
sketch of the connection is given on the left hand side, which is
automatically updated after every modification of the properties
Design of joints 7

1.2.3 Calculation of the connections under certain loading (by

using a file of Fespa)

Image 1.3 Import data from existing .tek file.

The module recognises the cross-sections of the members of a joint and the cor-
responding action effects under all combinations of actions.
The results include the competence factors of the connection under moment
(mj = MSd / MRd), shear (vj = VSd / VRd) and axial force (nj = NSd / NRd).

For the characterisation

of the members
running at a joint,
see the next image.

When all needed

information is
imported Beam inclination.
from Fespa, See example
this table is §10.1.

Image 1.4 The names of the members running at a joint are inserted at the
proper boxes by using the [Tab] button. The program controls
the connection and in case of error displays a relevant message.
Design of joints 8

Joint to be




Figure 1.1 By using the command “Import data (existing .tek file)” the user
may design every joint of a building.

1.2.4 Calculation of connections without given loading

In case that the user desires to calculate the bearing resistance of a certain joint,
without given loadings, the cross-sections of the members running at the joint
are selected in the table of Image 1.5.
The results of this calculation include the moment resistance (MRd), shear re-
sistance (VRd) and axial resistance (NRd) of the connection.

Image 1.5 When a .tek file is not imported then the selection of cross-
sections is undertaken by the user.
Design of joints 9

1.3 Printing of results

With the command “Results display at the report” the data, sketches and results
of the design of a joint are added in the report.
The report is fully or partially (by using the relevant “filters”) printed.

1.4 Export drawing to file

The details of a joint may be exported in .tek file format, to be further elaborated
in Fespa. The exported file includes two “floors”: the first floor includes the
side view of the joint (“Side A”) and the other floor the front view of the joint
(“Side B”). In case of a column base connection, the front view refers to the plan
view of the connection.

Select part of the joint to define

its colour and pen.

Image 1.6 Define pen and colour for every part of a joint (beam, column,
bolts, etc). Default values are already set to the program to be
used by the user.
Design of joints 10

This button is used for selecting the

directory where the exported file will
be saved in.

Image 1.7 Select the name of the .tek file.

Design of joints 11

Moment resisting connections

2.1 Design method according to EC3

2.1.1 Design resistance of basic components

According to Eurocode 3, the joint is considered as a group of partial compo-
nents connected in between. The calculation of the design resistance of the joint
is undertaken with regard to the plastic analysis of all components that comprise
the joint. See …
Moreover the total moment resistance MRd of the joint is equal to the sum of
effective tension resistance of each bolt-row multiplied by the distance di of each
bolt-row to the centre of compression, that is
M Rd   Fti  di
The module calculates and prints the effective tension resistance of each bolt-
row and indicates the critical row.
Design of joints 12

Figure 2.1 Moment resisting beam-to-column connection with steel end-

plate. For negative value of moment the centre of compression is
located at the lower flange of the beam (position j). The points a
to q are the checking positions of the joint.

Table 2.1 Notation of the symbols used in the tables “Results of joint

Stress Component to be Notation of the symbols

Position used in the tables “Results
condition checked
of joint analysis”
a Bolts in tension 2Bt,Rd

b End-plate in bending Ft,t,ep

Column flange in bend-

c Ft,t,fc
force d Beam web in tension Ft,t,wb

e Column web in tension Ft,t,wc

Weld of beam flange to

f σw < σw Rd

Horizontal h Column web in shear Ft,v,wp

shear force
Design of joints 13

Beam web and flange in

j Ft,c,fb
Normal compression
sion force Column web in com-
l Ft,c,wc

Weld of beam web to

n τw < τw Rd
p Bolts in shear Fv, Rd
shear force

q Bearing resistance Fb,Rd

2.1.2 Calculation of end-plate and bolts Equivalent T-stub in compression

Especially for the verification of the resistance of the end-plate and of the col-
umn flange in bending the method of equivalent T-stub in compression is ap-
plied. All possible modes of failure are checked (modes 1, 2, 3).
The possible modes of failure of a T-stub are as follows:
Design of joints 14

Weak plate
Strong bolts

Mode 1: Total yielding of the end-plate

Ft = 4Mpl / m

Mode 2: Failure of the bolts and yielding of

the end-plate
Ft = (2Mpl+e·ΣBtRd) / (m+e)

Mode 3: Failure of bolts – Fragile failure

Ft = ΣBtRd

Strong plate
Weak bolts

Where:  pl  leff  t 2  f y / 4    0 (t: thickness of the end-plate)

t , Rd  tensile resistance of the bolts

Figure 2.2 Positions of the plastic hinges for the three modes of failure.

Ductile components:
 End-plate in bending
 Column web in shear
 Beam web in tension
Design of joints 15

Fragile components:
 Bolts in shear and tension
 Welds

2.2 Properties of a moment resisting connection

All the components of a joint are found at certain tabs, with preset optimum de-
fault values at the geometrical properties of each component.

Image 2.1 The tab “General” of moment resisting connection.

The automatic pre-dimensioning (that the program undertakes) is not adequate

for dimensioning a joint for all load cases. This application (pre-dimensioning) is
useful for approaching the geometry of the joint at the beginning of the design.
The available options as presented in Image 2.2 provide a useful tool to the user
in modifying the geometry of the joint automatically, saving time during the di-
mensioning of the connection.
For the proper use of these options, see §2.4 “Dealing with problems during the
Design of joints 16

Image 2.2 From the tab “General”, the user selects the basic
characteristics of the joint (e.g. if a supplementary plate will be
added or if reinforcement at the beam lower flange will be
provided). After every modification of these characteristics the
sketch of the connection is automatically updated. The available
options of joint reinforcing refer only to moment resisting

By selecting the option “Capacity design of columns in bending”, the pro-

gram dimensions the connection to sustain a moment equal to 1.20Mpl of the
beam (Greek standards of 2000, Annex C, §C3 “Connections”). In case of
double sided beam-column joint the value of the transformation parameter β
is equal to 2.00. This is a conservative assumption.

In case that a joint of the top floor of a building is checked, the distance (in mm)
between the end-plate and the upper end of the column should be given. The
continuity of a column to higher floors affects the drawings that accompany the
design and the dimensions of the T-stub. Modify properties

When the option “Automatic calculation” is deactivated, the user may modify
the values of all available properties. In case that the joint does not satisfy the
criteria of the design, some properties of the connection, being automatically
preset to default values, should be activated giving the option to the user to insert
new values (e.g. thicker end-plate etc).
Some information about the optimum options / modifications for the reinforcing
of a joint is given in §2.4 “Dealing with problems during the design”.
Design of joints 17

2.2.2 Bolts – Anchor bolts

Optimum modifications according to §2.4.4(2), §2.4.4(3)§2.4.5(2), §2.4.5(3).

Available number
of inner bolts rows.

Image 2.3 Usually during the dimensioning of a joint, modifications at the

number, diameter, steel grade or spacing w of the bolts are
required. With given number of inner rows of bolts, the program
arranges the needed rows in the height of the beam web. Bolts
Μ36x3 and higher are anchor bolts.

2.2.3 End-plate
Optimum modifications according to §2.4.5(1), §2.4.5(2).
Design of joints 18

Image 2.4 Usually the thickness of the plate, the grade of the plate and the
thickness of the welds are modified.

2.2.4 Reinforcement of column web with supplementary plate


Image 2.5 The supplementary plates at the web are added only in cases
that one of the following checks is critical: check of column web
in shear Ft,v,wp, check of column web in compression Ft,c,wc
or check of column web in tension Ft,t,wc. See §2.4.1(1),
§2.4.2(1), §2.4.3(1).
Design of joints 19

2.2.5 Reinforcement of column with transverse stiffeners


Image 2.6 Transverse stiffeners are added to the column in case that the
critical check for the dimensioning of the joint is one of the
checks mentioned under Image 2.5 or when the check of the
column flange in bending is the critical one. See also §2.4.1(1),
§2.4.2(1), §2.4.3(1), §2.4.4(4.

2.2.6 Reinforcement of column flange with backing plate


Image 2.7 A backing plate is applied at the column when the check of the
column flange in bending Ft,f,fc – mode 1 or mode 2 is critical.
See also §2.4.4(1), §2.4.4(2).
Design of joints 20

2.2.7 Reinforcement of beam lower flange (optional)

Image 2.8 Reinforcement at the lower flange of a beam is needed in case

that the capacity design rule is applied. The moment resistance
is increased (due to the increase of the lever of the developed
forces). This case is met when the check of the beam flange /
web in compression Ft,c,fb or the check of the beam web in
tension Ft,t,wb is critical. See also §2.4.6(1), §2.4.7(1).

2.3 Capacity control of moment resisting connec-

By applying the command “Calculate connection” of the main toolbar, the pro-
gram automatically calculates all the components of the joint in question. The
capacity ratio of each component is presented in a separate window.

2.3.1 Resistance for each load case

This table is displayed only in case that the calculated joint is imported from
Fespa in .tek format.
Design of joints 21

Load case (LC)

Image 2.9 For every load case the actions, resistance and capacity ratio
under moment and shear loading appear on the aforementioned
table. The loading with the maximum (critical) capacity ratio is
given in bold font.

Nc, Mc Axial force and bending moment of column [kN, kNm] respec-
k,wc Reduction factor related to the maximum compression strength
at the web due to axial force and moment, see prEN
§ When the action effects at the joint are not given,
the value of kwc is taken equal to 1.0.
Mb1, Mb2 Bending moment of the beam (beam 1, right side of the joint)
and bending moment of the conjugate beam (beam 2, left side
of the joint, in case of double-sided connections) [kNm]. These
are the developed bending moments (MSd) at the connection.
See Figure 2.3.
β Transformation parameter related to the sign of the moments
acting on the beams running to the joint, see prEN §5.3(7).
When the action effects at the joint are not given, the value of
kwc is taken equal to 1.0.
Vb1 Beam shear force 1 (right side of the joint) [kN].
MjRd, VjRd Moment resistance and shear resistance of the joint [kNm, kN]
respectively. See Image 2.9.
Design of joints 22

mj, vj Capacity ratio under moment and shear loading. For values
greater than 1.0, the connection should be reinforced.

M b1 V
mj   1 , v j  b1  1
M jRd V jRd
σw Normal stress on the weld between the beam flange and the
end-plate [MPa].
 w   wRd 
 M2
τw Shear stress on the weld between the beam web and the end-
plate [MPa], prEN, §6.2.2 (1)
 w   wRd 
 * 3 * M 2
σw / σwRd Capacity ratio of normal stresses. For values greater than 1.0,
the thickness of the weld should be increased.
τw / τwRd Capacity ratio of shear stresses. For values greater than 1.0, the
thickness of the weld should be increased.

Figure 2.3 Positive orientation of forces and moments acting at the joint.
Design of joints 23

2.3.2 Resistance analysis (for critical load case)

The program calculates the total resistance of a joint and the resistance of each
component of the joint.
For each bolt row (table rows 1, 2, 3, …), the program calculates the limiting
resistance Flim of every “basic joint component” (see Image 2.10, Image 2.11 and
“Notation” below).
At each table row the minimum available resistance of the critical joint compo-
nent is indicated with magenta font colour. The designing engineer may then
properly reinforce the critical part.
In case that mj > 1.00, then the joint should be reinforced. Suggestions about the
reinforcing of a joint are given in §2.4 “Dealing with problems during the de-
sign”. The reinforcing should be applied at the bolt-row with the maximum dis-
tance from the compression centre (bolt-row 1). See Figure 2.4.

Total resistance of the joint

and capacity ratio.

Resistance of each bolt row.

Image 2.10 In case of a joint imported from Fespa, apart from the moment
and shear resistance of the connection, the capacity ratio of the
joint is also given.
Design of joints 24

MjRd, VjRd, NjRd Moment resistance, shear resistance and axial resistance
of the joint respectively [kNm, kN, kN]. See Image 2.9.
mj, vj, nj Capacity ratio in bending, shear and axial loading.

Bolt row

Bolt row

Bolt row

Bolt row
Compression centre

Figure 2.4 The compression centre and the characterisation of the bolt
rows with regard to the applied bending moment MSd = Mb1.
Here the moment MSd has negative sign (M-). The bolt-rows are
always numbered starting from the bolt-row farthest from the
centre of compression.
Design of joints 25

Option for checking In case that data are not imported

under positive or from Fespa, the capacity ratios
negative moment. are not given.

The bolt-rows are always numbered
starting from the bolt-row farthest from
the centre of compression (Bolt-row 1).

Image 2.11 In case of a connection not imported from Fespa in .tek format,
the numbering of bolt rows is properly modified: For negative
moment (Μ-) where the centre of compression is located at the
lower flange of the beam, the upper bolt row is characterised as
row 1. In case of positive moment (Μ+), where the centre of
compression is located at the upper flange of the beam, the
lower bolt row is characterised as bolt row 1.

2Bt Tension resistance of bolt-row [kN]
Ft,v,wp Limiting value of tension due to shear at the column web [kN]
For the 1st row of bolts:
0.9 f y , wc Avc
Ft , v , wp  Vwp , Rd 
3 M 0
Ft,c,wc Limiting value of tension due to compression at the column
web [kN]
For the 1st row of bolts:
Design of joints 26

 * beff , c , wc * t wc * f y , wc * k wc
Ft , c , wc  Fc , wc , Rd 
Ft,c,fb Limiting value of tension due to compression at the beam
flange [kN]
For the 1st row of bolts:
M b , Rd
Ft , c , fb  Fc , fb , Rd 
h  t fb
Ft,t,fc Limiting value of tension due to transverse bending of the col-
umn flange (T-stub) [kN]
Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 6.2.4
Α1, Α2, or Α3 At the T-stub checks, this symbol refers to the failure mode,
mode 1, 2 or 3.
μ or ο At the T-stub checks, this symbol indicates whether the failure
refers to certain bolt-row or to certain group of bolt-rows.
Ft,t,wc Limiting value of tension due to transverse tension at the col-
umn web (T-stub) [kN]
 * leff ,t , wc * t wc * f y , wc
Ft ,t , wc  Ft , wc , Rd 
Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / §
Ft,t,ep Limiting value due to bending of the end-plate (T-stub) [kN]
Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / §
Ft,t,wb Limiting value due to tension at the beam web (T-stub) [kN]
beff ,t , wb * t wb * f y , wb
Ft ,t , wb  Ft , wb , Rd 
Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / §
Ft,1.9Bt When the effective design tension resistance of one of the pre-
vious bolt-rows is greater than 1,9Bt,Rd (or 95% = 1.9/2 of its
plastic resistance), the effective design tension resistance for
all next bolt-rows should be linearly reduced. In such case the
reduced limiting resistance (kN) of each bolt-row (due to ex-
Design of joints 27

ceedance of the limiting value in a previous bolt-row) is given.

See prEN § This is recommended to be avoided.

Fti The available (total) tension resistance of each bolt row, equal
to the minimum value of the aforementioned values in kN.
α Ratio indicating the efficiency of the lever arm (= hi / hmax,
where hmax = h1). Low values of “a” for a bolt row (< 0.5) cor-
respond to low effectiveness of the reinforcing of the row to
the total resistance of the connection.
2Fv Shear resistance of bolt-row [kN]
av * f ub * As
Fv  Fv , Rd 
Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.6 / Table 3.4
2Fb Bearing resistance of bolt row [kN]. This is the minimum val-
ue among the resistance of the end-plate and the resistance of
the column flange.
k1*ab * f u * d * t
Fb  Fb , Rd 
Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.6/ Table3.4
Fvi Total shear resistance of bolt row, equal to the minimum value
of the aforementioned values [kN]. The simultaneous presence
of tension is also taken into account as follows:
Fv , Ed F
 t , Ed  1.0
Fv , Rd 1.4 Ft , Rd

2.3.3 Resistance investigation

A table is created where all the possible values of the total resistance of the con-
nection are given, for every combination of diameter-bolt grade. The user has
the option to directly select the method of reinforcing (add backing plate,
transverse stiffeners, reinforce beam flange with haunch, etc) and evaluate the
effectiveness of each type of reinforcing.
Design of joints 28

Moment resistance of the Alternative methods

current bolts. of reinforcing.

Image 2.12 In the table the value of the moment resistance (MjRd) is given
for each combination of diameter and bolt grade. The
combinations which are not satisfied are indicated with red font
colour. The user may check the effect of all possible methods of
reinforcing on the value of MjRd. By selecting the option “Undo
changes” all changes are cancelled and the table is updated
with the values of the current bolting.

The changes applied by the user in the tab “Resistance investigation” are tempo-
rary and do not affect the configuration of bolting. Permanent chang-
es/modifications are applied only through the tabs where the characteristics of
the connection are inserted.

2.3.4 Rotational stiffness investigation

The table displayed in Image 2.13 appears in the results. During the analysis the
joints are considered to be stiff, that is Sj,ini/(EI/L) >25.
Design of joints 29

Image 2.13 In the table the stiffness ki that participates in the calculation of
Sj,ini is shown. It may be noted that the value of k2 is high
(practically equal to infinity). This is attributed to the fact that k2
is related to the web of the column which in the current example
is reinforced and in that case it does not participate in the
calculation of the total stiffness of the joint.

In case that an elasto-plastic analysis is applied for the global analysis of a struc-
ture, a joint may be classified as follows:
 Nominally pinned
 Rigid and full-strength
 Semi-rigid
For joints connecting H or I sections, the moment resistance Μj,Rd, the rotational
stiffness Sj and the rotation capacity φCd may be related with the following bi-
linear expression:
Design of joints 30



Sj,ini 


Figure 2.5 Bilinear expression of the relationship between the moment

resistance Mj,Rd, the rotational stiffness Sj and the rotation
capacity φCd.

The stiffness modification coefficient η is taken according to the table EC3 –

Part1.8, §5.1.2, Table 5.2.

1. Nominally pinned joints

A nominally pinned joint should be capable of transmitting the internal forces,
without developing significant moments which might adversely affect the mem-
bers or the structure as a whole. A nominally pinned joint should be capable of
accepting the resulting rotations under the design loads.

2. Semi-rigid joints
A joint which does not meet the criteria for a rigid joint or a nominally pinned
joint should be classified as a semi-rigid joint.

Semi-rigid joints provide a predictable degree of interaction between members,
based on the design moment-rotation characteristics of the joints.

3. Rigid joints
Joints classified as rigid may be assumed to have sufficient rotational stiffness to
justify analysis based on full continuity.
Design of joints 31 Classification boundaries by stiffness

Classification boundaries for joints, other than column bases, are given in Fig-
ure 2.6:

M kb=25
d joi

Sem kb=0.5
Nominally pinned joint

Figure 2.6 Moment – curvature diagrams for pinned, semi-rigid, rigid

Design of joints 32

Zone 1: rigid, if Sj,ini ≥ kb EIb / Lb

where kb = 25

Zone 2: semi-rigid
All joints in zone 2 should be classified as semi-rigid. Joints in zones 1 or 3 may
optionally also be treated as semi-rigid.

Zone 3: nominally pinned, if Sj,ini ≤ 0,5 EIb / Lb

Column bases may be classified as rigid provided the following conditions are
– In frames where the bracing system reduces the horizontal displace-
ment by at least 80 % and where the effects of deformation may be neglected
– if 0 ≤ 0,5

– if 0,5 < 0 < 3,93 and Sj,ini ≥ 7 ( 2 0 - 1 ) EIc / Lc

– if 0 ≥ 3,93 and Sj,ini ≥ 48 EIc / Lc
– Otherwise if Sj,ini ≥ 30 EIc / Lc.

0 is the slenderness of a column in which both ends are assumed to be


The boundary 48 EIc / Lc is conservative and may be used for all column ba-
ses. The limiting stiffness 12EIc / Lc may be used for frames without bracing
system with column slenderness lower than 0 = 1.36.
Design of joints 33 Rotational stiffness

The rotational stiffness of a joint should be determined using the stiffness coeffi-
cients of its basic components ki according to the following table. See also
EC3, Part1.8, §6.3.

Component Stiffness coefficient ki

Column web in shear Unstiffened, single-sided Stiffened
joint, or double-sided joint in
which beam depths are
0.38 AVC k1  
k1 
Column web in Unstiffened Stiffened
0.7beff ,c , wc twc k2  
k2 
Column web in tension Stiffened or unstiffened Stiffened welded
bolted connection with a connection
single bolt-row in tension or
unstiffened welded

0.7beff ,t , wc twc k3  
k3 
Column flange in 0.9leff t 3fc
bending (for a single k4 
bolt-row in tension) m3
End-plate in bending (for 0.9leff t 3p
a single bolt-row in k5 
tension) m3
Bolts in tension (for a 1.6 As
single bolt-row) k10 
Concrete in compression
Ec beff leff
(including grout) k13 
1, 275 E
Base plate in bending with prying forces without prying forces
under tension (for a k15 =
single bolt row in
Design of joints 34

tension) 0,85leff t p 3 0, 425leff t p 3

k15  k15 
m3 m3
Anchor bolts in tension with prying forces without prying forces
k16  1.6 As / Lb k16  2.0 As / Lb

For end-plate joints with two or more bolt-rows in tension, the basic components
related to all of these bolt-rows should be represented by an equivalent stiffness
coefficient keq determined from the following expression:

k eff , r  hr
keq  r


hr is the distance between bolt-row r and the centre of compression
keff,r is the effective stiffness coefficient for bolt-row r calculated as fol-

keff , r 
k i i,r

ki,r is the stiffness coefficient representing component i relative to bolt-

row r
zeq the equivalent lever arm determined from the following expression:

k eff , r  hr 2
zeq  r

eff , r  hr

In the case of a beam-to-column joint with an end-plate, keq should be based

upon (and replace) the stiffness coefficients ki for:
 the column web in tension (k3);
 the column flange in bending (k4);
 the end-plate in bending (k5);
Design of joints 35

 the bolts in tension (k10).

Provided that the axial force NEd in the connected member does not exceed 5%
of the design resistance Npl,Rd of its cross-section, the rotational stiffness Sj of a
beam-to-column joint, for Mj,Ed less than the design moment resistance Mj,Rd of
the joint, may be obtained with sufficient accuracy from the following expres-

Ez 2
S j ,ini 
i k


ki is the stiffness coefficient for the basic joint component i

z is the lever arm Column bases

The rotational stiffness Sj of a column base subject to combined axial force and
bending should be calculated using the method given in the table that follows.
This method uses the following stiffness coefficients:

kT,1 is the tension stiffness coefficient of the left hand side of the joint
and should be taken as equal to the sum of the stiffness coefficients
k15 and k16 acting on the left hand side of the joint.
kT,r is the tension stiffness coefficient of the right hand side of the joint
and should be taken as equal to the sum of the stiffness coefficients
k15 and k16 acting on the right hand side of the joint.

kC,l is the compression stiffness coefficient of the left hand side of the
joint and should be taken as equal to the stiffness coefficient k13
acting on the left hand side of the joint.

kC,r is the compression stiffness coefficient of the right hand side of the
joint and should be taken as equal to the stiffness coefficient k13
acting on the right hand side of the joint.
For the calculation of zT,l, zC,l, zT,r, zC,r see EC3 –Part1.8, §
Design of joints 36

Table 2.2 Rotational stiffness Sj of column bases

Loading Lever arm z Rotational stiffness Sj,ini

Left side in NEd > 0 and e NEd ≤ 0 and e

z = zT,l + zC,r
tension > zT,l ≤ -zC,r
Right side in
E z2 e
where ek =
 (1 / kT ,1  1 / k C ,r ) e  ek
z C ,r k C ,r  z T ,1 k T ,1
k T ,1  k C ,r
Left side in NEd > 0 and 0 NEd > 0 and -
z = zT,l + zT,r
tension < e < zT,l zT,r < e ≤ 0
Right side in
Ez 2 e
where ek =
 (1 / kT ,1  1 / kT ,r ) e  ek
z T ,r k T ,r  z T ,1 k T ,1
k T ,1  k T ,r
Left side in NEd > 0 and e NEd ≤ 0 and e
z = zC,l + zT,r
compression ≤ -zT,r > zC,l
Right side in
Ez 2 e
where ek =
 (1 / k C ,1  1 / k T ,r ) e  ek
z T ,r k T ,r  z C ,1 k C ,1
k C ,1  k T ,r
Left side in NEd ≤ 0 and 0 NEd ≤ 0 and -
z = zC,l + zC,r
compression < e < zC,l zC,r < e ≤ 0
Right side in
Ez 2 e
where ek =
 (1 / k C ,1  1 / k C ,r ) e  ek
z C ,r k C ,r  z C ,1 k C ,1
k C ,1  k C ,r
MEd > 0 is clockwise, NEd > 0 is tension, for µ see EC3 –Part1.8, §6.3.1(6)

M Ed M Rd
e= =
N Ed N Rd
Design of joints 37

2.4 Dealing with problems during the design

The process of calculating a connection is as follows:
After the initial analysis of a connection, its resistance (MjRd) is obtained and the
problem’s severity is evaluated, that is, if MjRd < MSd (mj > 1.00) or
MjRd << MSd (mj >> 1.00).
Then by proper reinforcing of the joint and especially by improving the re-
sistance of the bolt-rows in tension (lower flange of beam for negative moment
Μ-, upper flange of beam for positive moments +), the problem is solved. Bolt-
row 1 is always the farthest row from the compression centre.
Depending on the critical tension resistance of each bolt-row and with regard to
the weakest “basic component”, the following reinforcing options are available:

2.4.1 Column web panel in shear, Ft,v,wp

Increase of resistance using supplementary plates or transverse stiffeners. See
Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7 Column web with supplementary plates. Column transverse


2.4.2 Column web in transverse compression, Ft,c,wc

Same reinforcement as previously.
Design of joints 38

2.4.3 Column web in tension, Ft,t,wc

Same reinforcement as previously.

2.4.4 Column flange in bending (Τ - stub), Ft,t,fc

1. Ιf failure mode 1 is developed, then the resistance may be increased by using
backing plates at the column flange. See Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8 Backing plate of column flange.

2. Ιf failure mode 2 is developed, then the resistance of the bolts should be in-
creased (increase of diameter or bolt grade). If after the aforementioned mod-
ifications, the connection still fails but according to failure mode 1 and not
according to mode 2, then backing plates may be provided at the column

3. Ιf failure mode 3 is developed, then the resistance of the bolts should be in-
creased (increase of diameter or bolt grade). Failure mode 3 leads to brittle
failure of the connection and should be avoided.

4. Transverse stiffeners may be also provided.

2.4.5 End-plate in bending (Τ - stub), Ft,t,ep

1. If failure mode 1 is developed, then the thickness of the end-plate should be
increased or the steel grade of the end-plate should be enhanced.
Design of joints 39

2. If failure mode 2 is developed, then the increase of the end-plate thickness

and the steel grade upgrading should be combined with increased diameter
and grade of the bolts.

3. If failure mode 3 is developed, then the diameter and grade of bolts should be
increased. Failure mode 3 leads to brittle failure of the connection and
should be avoided.

2.4.6 Beam flange and web in transverse compression, Ft,c,fb

1. The upgrading of the joint characteristics (thickness, material grade, stiffen-
ers) does not improve the resistance of the connection. In order to avoid
changing cross-section, it is recommended to increase the level arm by rein-
forcing the lower flange of the beam. This is valid for all types of failure.

2.4.7 Beam flange in tension, Ft,t,wb

1. Same reinforcement as previously.

2.4.8 How to increase the rotational stiffness of a joint

For considering a joint as rigid the following may be done:
1. Add a supplementary plate at the column web,
2. Upgrade the bolting (diameter of bolts, bolt grade, increase the number of
3. Reinforce the lower flange of the beam,
4. Increase the length of the beam span Lb (correct the value derived from the
imported file, in case that the beam has been divided into two or more seg-
Design of joints 40

Column bases

3.1 Definition of the connection

A column base connection is a moment resisting connection subjected to axial
force and shear. The calculation is undertaken along the major axis. The addi-
tional components of the connection are the footing (dimensions and concrete
strength) and the base stiffeners.

Image 3.1 Tab for the definition of the column base connection.
Design of joints 41 Support surface – Base plate

Proposed modifications from §2.4.5(1), §2.4.5(2).

Image 3.2 In case of a column base connection, the geometrical data and
the material strengths (of base plate and concrete footing) are
inserted in the above window.

The dimensions of the support surface (BxD) should be three times greater than
the relevant dimensions of the base plate. The selection of the footing dimen-
sions derived from Fespa leads to safe results. The default thickness of the level-
ling layer (tg = 50 mm) is generally sufficient.
The thickness of the base plate (tp) is recommended to be twice the thickness of
the column flange thickness.
Design of joints 42 Backing plate of column base (optional)

Image 3.3 The backing plates improve the resistance of the connection
along the major axis. Their contribution to the resistance of the
connection is similar to the one of the transverse column

Image 3.4 Schematic plan view and section of footing.

Design of joints 43

3.1.2 Resistance analysis (for critical load case)

Control of load eccentricity.

See also the text that follows.

Image 3.5 In case of a column base connection apart from the T-stub
checks, the footing, supporting the steel column, is checked in
compression and the resistance of the bolts in tension is also

Ft,c,pl Bending resistance of base plate kN]
Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / §
Ft,c,fc Compression resistance of column flange/web [kN]
Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / §
fjd Design bearing strength of the joint, prEN §6.2.5(7)
f jd   j * FRdu /(beff * leff )
The value of fjd depends on the dimensions B, D and h of the
footing and the concrete strength fcd. See Image 3.4. The val-
ue of FRdu is calculated according to ΕΝ1992-1-1:2003, §6.7.

FRdu  Ac 0 * f cd * Ac1 / Ac 0  3.0 * f cd * Ac 0 , where

Ac 0  beff  leff
Design of joints 44

fjdmax The maximum bearing resistance of the footing, equal to 2·fcd. The
maximum bearing resistance is obtained when the dimensions of the
support surface (B x D) are three times greater than the dimensions of
the base plate and the height h is twice the biggest dimension of the
base plate.
fjd / fjdmax The capacity ratio of the concrete footing. A value close to 1.00 indi-
cates that the given dimensions B and D are the optimum ones.
e Load eccentricity (= MSd / NSd)
zi The relevant dimension of the lever arm (zc or zt), prEN, §
e / zi A ratio indicating whether the connection is under dominant compres-
sion, tension or bending. In case of dominant compression (e / zi <
1.0) some checks (e.g. the T-stub checks that refer to the tension of
the column web) are not undertaken.
Design of joints 45

Shear connections

4.1 General
A shear connection refers to beam-to-column joints (provided either at the col-
umn web or column flange) or to beam-to-beam connections.

Image 4.1 “Side Α” of beam-to-column shear connection.

Design of joints 46

4.2 Properties Flange cleat – Bolting

Image 4.2 Even in the case that the user deactivates the option “Automatic
calculation of bolting”, the program checks the maximum and
minimum required values for e1, p1, e2, p2 according to the
clauses of EC3-1.8 In case of not compliance with the
requirements of EC3-1.8 a relevant message is displayed at the
bottom left hand side of the window.
Design of joints 47

Image 4.3 Especially for a beam-to-beam connection, the user may define
if the secondary beam will have a notch (upwards or
downwards) and its distance from the top flange of the main
beam. See Image 4.4.

Image 4.4 Beam-to-beam connection provided with a flange cleat

including three rows and three columns of bolts and a notch
(upwards) at the secondary beam.
Design of joints 48

4.3 Calculate connection

By applying the command “Calculate connection” of the main toolbar, the pro-
gram undertakes all needed calculations for each joint component and displays
their resistance at the relevant window, as shown for example in Image 4.5.

Image 4.5 By applying the command “Calculate connection”, a table is

displayed with the results derived from the calculation of the
shear connection.

In case that no action effects are available, the program undertakes all neces-
sary checks by using an applied design action equal to half of the beam’s
shear resistance (Maximum shear force VEd = Vpl,b,Rd / 2).
Design of joints 49

4.3.1 Checks for primary member Applied shear force per bolt, Fv,Ed

Fv , Ed  VEd n

where n the number of bolts provided at the web of the primary member. Shear resistance per bolt, Fv0,c,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.6 / Table3.4

au  fub  A
Fv 0,c , Rd 

Bearing resistance of flange cleat, Fb,Lc,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.6 / Table 3.4

k1 is taken as the minimum of the values corresponding to inner and edge bolts.

k1  ab  f u  dt
Fb , Lc , Rd 
M2 Bearing resistance of primary member, Fb,c,Rd

Same as previous check. Tearing resistance of flange cleats (total), Veff,2,Lc,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.10.2

 
Veff ,2, Lc , Rd  0.5  f u  Ant  M 2  1 3  f y  Anv  M 0

In Figure 4.1 the area of the cleat about to fail in tearing is given. This part is
taken into account in the calculation of Αnt.
Design of joints 50


Figure 4.1 The area of the cleat about to fail in tearing is given. This part is
taken into account in the calculation of Αnt.

4.3.2 Checks for secondary member Applied moment (resulting from eccentricity), ΜΕd

M Ed  FV , Ed  e

where e the distance of the bolting to the adjacent edge of the primary mem-
Ultimate applied shear force per bolt (resultant force), Fv,b,Ed

Fv ,b , Ed  Fvy ,b , Ed 2  Fvx ,b , Ed 2 Ultimate applied shear force per bolt (vertical), Fvy,b,Ed

This is the vertical shear force applied at the most stressed bolt.
Design of joints 51 Ultimate applied shear force per bolt (horizontal), Fvx,b,Ed

This is the horizontal shear force resulting from the moment applied to the edge
(See: “ΣΙΔΗΡΕΣ ΚΑΤΑΣΚΕΥΕΣ ΤΟΜΟΣ Ι, Παραδείγματα εφαρμογής του
Ευρωκώδικα 3, Ι.Βάγιας, Ι.Ερμόπουλος, Γ.Ιωαννίδης”, Example 46, Page 364). Shear resistance per bolt, Fv0,b,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.6 / Table3.4
The resistance is multiplied by 2 because the bolt has two shear planes.

av  f ub  A
Fv 0,b , Rd  2 
M2 (a) Bearing resistance of flange cleat (vertical), Fby,Lb,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.6 / Table 3.4
Note: k1 is taken as the minimum of the values corresponding to inner and edge

k1 ab  fu  dt
Fby , Lb , Rd 
In Figure 4.2 the distances to be taken into account in the calculation of k1, αb
are given. (b) Bearing resistance of flange cleat (horizontal), Fbx,Lb,Rd

Same as previous check (the distances e1, p1 are characterised as e2, p2 and vice
versa, with regard to the previous check).
Design of joints 52



e2 p2



p1 e1

(a) (b)

Figure 4.2 Indication of the distances to be taken into account in the

calculation of k1 and αb. (c) Bearing resistance of beam (vertical), Fby,b,Rd

Same as previous check. (d) Bearing resistance of beam (horizontal), Fbx,b,Rd

Same as previous check (the distances e1, p1 are characterised as e2, p2 and vice
versa, with regard to the previous check).
Design of joints 53

e1 e2

p1 p2

e2 p2 e1 p1

(c) (d)

Figure 4.3 Indication of the distances to be taken into account in the

calculation of k1 and αb. Shear resistance of flange cleats (total), Vpl,L,Rd

Av  f y
V pl , L , Rd  2 
3  M 0

Bending resistance of flange cleats (total), Μpl,L,Rd

Holes in the tension flange may be ignored in the calculation of the bearing re-
sistance of the flange cleat provided that for the tension flange the following
criterion is satisfied:

Anet f y  M 2
0.9   
A fu  M 0

wpl , L  f y
M pl , L , Rd  2 

Tearing resistance of flange cleats (total), Veff,2,Lb,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.10.2
Design of joints 54

 
Veff ,2, Lb , Rd  0.5  fu  Ant  M 2  1 3  f y  Anv  M 0

In Figure 4.4 the area of the cleat about to fail in tearing is given. This part is
taken into account in the calculation of Αnt.


Figure 4.4 The area of the cleat about to fail in tearing is given. This part is
taken into account in the calculation of Αnt. Shear resistance of beam, Vpl,b,Rd

Av _ z  f y
V pl ,b , Rd 
3  M 0

Bending resistance of beam, Μpl,b,Rd

Holes in the tension flange may be ignored in the calculation of the bearing re-
sistance of the flange cleat provided that for the tension flange the following
criterion is satisfied:

Anet f y  M 2
0.9   
A fu  M 0

wpl ,b  f y
M pl ,b , Rd 
Design of joints 55 Tearing resistance of beam, Veff,2,b,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.10.2

 
Veff ,2,b, Rd  0.5  fu  Ant  M 2  1 3  f y  Anv  M 0

In Figure 4.5 the area of the cleat about to fail in tearing is given. This part is
taken into account in the calculation of Αnt.


Figure 4.5 The area of the cleat about to fail in tearing is given. This part is
taken into account in the calculation of Αnt.
Design of joints 56

Vertical bracing connections

5.1 General
This is the connection of the brace member with the beam-to-column joint pro-
vided either by welds or bolting.

Image 5.1 “Side Α” of the vertical bracing connection.

The type of cross-section of the brace member may be:

 I cross-section (IPE, HEA, HEB, HEM, IPN)
 L cross-section (Leq)
 UPN cross-section
Design of joints 57

5.2 Properties Brace

Image 5.2 In the tab “Brace” the user may define the length of the brace
member the distance of the brace member from the beam-to-
column joint, the direction of the brace member or if a double
brace member is provided. The characteristics of the gusset
plate (geometry, shape, existence of double gusset plate or not
etc) are further given. The properties of the type of the
connection (welds or bolting) are also given.
Design of joints 58

Image 5.3 Orientation of the column at its weak direction.

Image 5.4 Orientation of the beam at its weak direction.

Design of joints 59

Image 5.5 Orientation of the bracing at its weak direction.

Image 5.6 Definition of the dimensions of the gusset plate. In the tab
“Brace” the user may define the length Lx1 and the thickness
sy1 of the weld of the gusset plate along the length of the beam,
the length Lx2 and the thickeness sy2 of the weld of the gusset
plate along the column, the thickness t, the steel grade and the
shape of the gusset plate.
Design of joints 60

Image 5.7 In the tab “Connection”, the user may define the type of the
connection between the brace member and the gusset plate
(welds or bolting). The properties’ values of the connections
may be either automatically set by the program or set by the
Design of joints 61

5.3 Calculate connection

By applying the command “Calculate connection” of the main toolbar, the pro-
gram undertakes all needed calculations for each joint component and displays
their resistance at the relevant window, as for example in Image 5.8.

Image 5.8 Results of the calculation of a vertical bracing connection

provided with bolting.

In case that no action effects are available, the program undertakes all neces-
sary checks by using an applied design action equal to the bracing’s yielding
resistance ( ΝEd = Νpl,Rd).
Design of joints 62

Image 5.9 Results of the calculation of a vertical bracing connection

provided with welds.

5.3.1 Checks concerning the brace member Yield resistance, Νpl,Rd

Af y
N pl , Rd 
M0 Ultimate resistance, Νu,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.10.3
Design of joints 63

5.3.2 Checks concerning the bolting Applied shear force per bolt, Fv,Ed

N Ed
Fv , Ed 
where n the number of the bolts of the brace member. Shear resistance per bolt, Fv0,d,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.6 / Table 3.4 Bearing resistance of brace member, Fb,d,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.6 / Table 3.4

(Note: t is the thickness of the brace member) Bearing resistance of plate, Fb,p,Rd

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § 3.6 / Table 3.4

(Note: t is the thickness of the gusset plate)

5.3.3 Checks concerning the welds between the brace member

and the gusset plate Shear weld stress, τw

w  =
Atot a l

 in case that the action effects are imported by a file from Fespa, N is taken as
the developed tensile force at the brace member
 in case that no action effects are available, the program undertakes all neces-
sary checks by using as N the yielding resistance of the brace member (Ν =
Νpl,Rd ).
Design of joints 64 Design resistance of weld, fvw,d

Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 / § Resistance of weld (total), Nw,Rd

af u
N w, Rd  Fw, Rd  l = l
3 w M 2
βw The correlation factor βw is taken according to Eurocode 3 / Part 1.8 /
Table 4.1.

5.3.4 Check concerning the plate resistance

Depending on the shape of the gusset plate the bearing resistance of the plate is

5.3.5 Check concerning the “bilateral” weld between the plate

and the beam/column

Figure 5.1
Design of joints 65

The weld stresses are distributed by a linear analysis:

M w, Ed
 Mw,b  rb
I wx  I wy

where Iwx and Iwy are the moments of inertia along x and y direction of the welds
of the gusset plate with the beam and the column.

 w,b , x   w,b  sin b

 w,b , y   w,b  cos b

N  cos 
 wx 

N  sin 
 wy 
where Αs the total area of the weld.
The ultimate weld stress between the plate and the beam is given by the follow-
ing expression:

 w, b     wx    Mw,b , y   wy 
2 2
Mw, b , x

The weld stresses are distributed by a linear analysis:

M w, Ed
 Mw, c  rc
I wx  I wy

where Iwx and Iwy the moments of inertia along x and y direction of the welds
between the gusset plate and the beam/column.

 w,c , x   w,c  cos c

 w,c , y   w,c  sin c

N  cos 
 wx 
Design of joints 66

N  sin 
 wy 
where Αs the total area of the weld.
The ultimate weld stress between the plate and the column is given by the fol-
lowing expression:

 w, c     wx    Mw, c , y   wy 
2 2
Mw, c , x

The design resistance of the weld between the plate and the beam/column is cal-
culated as follows:

f vw, d 
3 w M 2
Design of joints 67


A1.1 Design examples

A1.1.1 Beam-to-column (moment) connection

Imported file from Fespa

The joints indicated in Figure A1.1 are calculated, assuming that the spatial
frame is analysed in Fespa and all members are already dimensioned.

E300 Δ5.3 (0)
A Δ5.2 (0) IP IPE300
Δ5.4 (0)
Δ5.1 (0) IPE300

K10 (0) HEA300

K9 (0) HEA300

Figure A1.1 Schematic presentation of the cross-sections of a frame and

indication of the joints to be calculated.
Design of joints 68

The imported file from Fespa includes the developed action effects of all load-
ings and combinations of actions.

-9.32 -9.32

23.73 33.72



-70.88 -104.13

Figure A1.2 Schematic diagram of bending moments for the frame in

question, derived from the combination of actions LC12 = G +
Wz. This combination leads to the maximum bending moments
Design of joints 69

Beam 5, Span 1, Floor 0

General Data
Nodes Start: 9 End: 32 Member: 39 M.F.A.E. = 1,00
Cross-section IPE300 General member Elastic hinges
Material Structural steel S235 Length lcl=1,45 Start End
Standards DCM Primary Beam NO NO
Factors Ky =1,00 Kz = 1,00 a0y =1,00 a0z =1,00 β0y =1,00 β0z =1,00

Action effects
Start [9] End [ 32 ] Axial
L.C. wy wz My Mz Vy Vz My Mz Vy Vz N max My max Mz
[/] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kNm] [kNm] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kNm] [kNm]
L1 0,42 -4,01 3,96 1,77 3,30 -1,44 1,77
L2 -9,31 8,70 -0,01 -0,01 4,54 8,70 -0,01 -3,37 4,54
L3 -4,65 4,35 0,09 0,14 2,27 4,35 0,09 -1,69 0,14 2,27
L4 -4,65 4,35 -0,10 -0,15 2,27 4,35 -0,10 -1,69 2,27
L5 0,42 -6,80 6,57 -0,01 -0,01 3,14 5,91 -0,01 -2,45 3,14
LC 1 0,56 -15,18 14,48 -0,01 -0,02 7,16 13,58 -0,01 -5,48 7,16
LC 2 0,56 -10,30 9,91 0,09 0,14 4,78 9,02 0,09 -3,71 0,14 4,78
LC 3 0,56 -10,30 9,91 -0,11 -0,17 4,78 9,02 -0,11 -3,71 4,78
LC 4 0,48 -18,56 17,59 -0,02 -0,03 8,85 16,83 -0,02 -6,71 8,85
LC 5 0,48 -11,58 11,07 0,13 0,21 5,44 10,31 0,13 -4,18 0,21 5,44
LC 6 0,48 -11,58 11,07 -0,15 -0,24 5,44 10,31 -0,15 -4,18 5,44
SC:+x 0,42 2,14 -11,62 8,05 1,23 -0,40 5,61 4,43 -1,24 -1,41 2,14 5,61
SC:+x 0,42 -2,14 -1,98 5,10 -1,24 0,39 0,66 7,38 1,23 -3,48 -0,40 0,66
SC:+z 0,42 2,14 -11,62 8,05 1,23 -0,40 5,61 4,43 -1,24 -1,41 2,14 5,61
SC:+z 0,42 -2,14 -1,98 5,10 -1,24 0,39 0,66 7,38 1,23 -3,48 -0,40 0,66
SC:-x 0,42 2,14 -11,62 8,05 1,16 -0,47 5,61 4,43 -1,17 -1,41 2,14 5,61
SC:-x 0,42 -2,14 -1,98 5,10 -1,17 0,45 0,66 7,38 1,16 -3,48 -0,47 0,66
SC:-z 0,42 2,14 -11,62 8,05 1,16 -0,47 5,61 4,43 -1,17 -1,41 2,14 5,61
SC:-z 0,42 -2,14 -1,98 5,10 -1,17 0,45 0,66 7,38 1,16 -3,48 -0,47 0,66
L6 -4,63 4,33 -0,01 2,26 4,33 -1,68 2,26
L7 26,08 -14,08 -0,07 -0,11 3,66 -14,08 -0,07 -0,19 26,08
L8 5,39 -3,05 -0,20 -0,33 0,52 -3,05 -0,20 9,81 5,39
LC 7 0,42 -13,31 12,66 -0,01 -0,02 6,32 11,99 -0,01 -4,81 6,32
LC 8 0,42 -6,80 6,57 -0,01 -0,01 3,14 5,91 -0,01 -2,45 3,14
LC 9 0,56 -19,37 18,39 -0,02 -0,03 9,21 17,49 -0,02 -7,00 9,21
LC 10 0,42 -13,31 12,66 -0,01 -0,02 6,32 11,99 -0,01 -4,81 6,32
LC 11 0,56 2,67 0,77 -0,31 -0,49 3,18 -0,13 -0,31 12,78 3,20
LC 12 0,56 33,72 -15,77 -0,11 -0,17 7,89 -16,67 -0,11 -2,23 33,72
LC 13 0,56 -12,35 11,84 -0,01 -0,02 5,78 10,94 -0,01 -4,45 5,78
LC 14 0,56 -16,95 18,81 -0,30 -0,47 12,29 17,91 -0,30 4,49 12,29
LC 15 0,56 10,99 3,92 -0,12 -0,19 16,52 3,02 -0,12 -9,02 16,52
LC 16 0,56 -18,69 19,54 -0,20 -0,33 11,71 18,64 -0,20 0,32 11,71
LC 17 0,56 -0,06 9,62 -0,08 -0,13 14,54 8,72 -0,08 -8,68 14,54
LC 18 0,56 -15,88 16,92 -0,20 -0,32 10,35 16,02 -0,20 1,34 10,35
LC 19 0,56 2,75 6,99 -0,08 -0,13 13,17 6,10 -0,08 -7,66 13,17
LC 20 0,56 -9,87 12,49 -0,32 -0,51 9,30 11,59 -0,32 8,24 9,30
LC 21 0,56 21,17 -4,05 -0,12 -0,19 14,01 -4,95 -0,12 -6,77 21,17

Image A1.1 Action effects of beams as printed in the Report of Fespa. LC12
is the 5th loading.

Beam-to-column joint
Step 1 Select from the main menu the type of the connection. Here “Beam-to-
column (moment) connection”.
Step 2 Select the file to be imported from Fespa, entitled as “Portal frame.tek”:
Design of joints 70

Image A1.2 Import data from existing .tek file.

Step 3 Select the members running at the joint in question, characterised as C9

and B5.1 of floor 0.

Type the names of

the members
running at the joint.
By pressing [Tab]
pass from one tab
to another.

Image A1.3 The members running at joint A are: column C9(0) with cross-
section HEB300 and beam B5.1(0) with cross-section IPE300.

Step 4 Set the beam inclination equal to a = 9.390.

Select the option “Top floor” by assuming that the column does not extend to the
upper floor. For the same reason deactivate the option “Capacity design rule of
Design of joints 71

columns in bending/Overstrength of joint”. The option “Automatic extension of

end-plate (upwards)” should be also deactivated.
The loadings and action effects are taken into account (derived from the analysis
in Fespa) and a proposal of the configuration of the joint is presented on the

Image A1.4 The main screen of the program after the data insertion.

Verification of the resistance for each load case

The joint is calculated by applying the command “Calculate connection”.
In the tab “Resistance for each load case” the user may be informed whether the
joint fails under a certain action or combination of actions (mj or vj > 1.00).
Design of joints 72

Image A1.5 In the specific example, the maximum capacity ratio mj is equal
to 3.92 under the loading 5. From the report it is shown that the
5th loading corresponds to LC12 that is G + Wz.

The program detects the maximum value of mj under the loading 5. Obviously
the joint is not sufficient. The reinforcing to be provided at the joint should com-
ply with §2.4 “Dealing with problems during the analysis”.

Resistance investigation
In the tab “Resistance analysis (for critical load case)” the user may proceed to
the investigation of the joint’s resistance.
Design of joints 73

Image A1. 6 Apart from the moment and shear resistance of the connection,
the capacity ratio of the joint is also given in the tab “Resistance
analysis (for critical load case)”.

The column flange is the critical component of the joint. The minimum available
resistance appears at the first bolt-row (Ft_lim_t_fc = 141.2 kNm under failure
mode 2). According to the specifications of §2.4.4(1) a backing plate is provided
at the column flange with thickness t=22mm. Then the joint is calculated again.

Image A1. 7 Apart from the moment and shear resistance of the connection,
the capacity ratio of the joint is also given in the tab “Resistance
analysis (for critical load case)”.
Design of joints 74

After the aforementioned reinforcing of the joint the capacity ratio is 3.23. The
column flange is again critical (under failure mode 2 again). With regard to the
clauses of §2.4.4(2) the bolts are upgraded to M30, three bolt-rows are provided
(instead of two) and the bolt grade is set to 10.9. The joint is calculated again.

Image A1.8 Apart from the moment and shear resistance of the connection,
the capacity ratio of the joint is also given in the tab “Resistance
analysis (for critical load case)”.

The capacity ratio mj remains greater than 1.00 but the critical part of the joint is
not the column flange but the column web in compression (Ft_lim,c,wc = 383.0
kNm). According to the specifications of §2.4.2 a supplementary plate is provid-
ed at the column web with transverse stiffeners. Nevertheless the capacity ratio
mj is still greater than 1.00.
The joint will be further reinforced at the lower flange of the beam, the diameter
of bolts is changed to M27 with bolt grade 8.8 and (due to the automatic setting
of bolts) the program will increase the number of rows to 4. The final results of
calculation are given in Image A1.9.
Design of joints 75

Image A1.9 Apart from the moment and shear resistance of the connection,
the capacity ratio of the joint is also given in the tab “Resistance
analysis (for critical load case)”.

The capacity ratio is now lower than 1.00 and equal to mj=0.86.
Save the configuration of the joint and the results of the calculation by using the
command “Save file”. The names of the files created by the current module have
the extension .MTC.

Rotational stiffness investigation

With regard to the tab of the stiffness investigation, it is noted that the joint is
rather flexible (Sj,ini/(EI/L) < 25). Nevertheless, since the analysis is undertaken
by considering the joints as rigid, some modifications should be applied for en-
suring the stiffness of the joint. The next steps are followed:
 Increase of the length Lb to 6.08m (structural length of the beam),
 Addition of supplementary plate at the column web.
Design of joints 76

Image A1.10 The main screen of the program after inserting the
supplementary plate at the column web and increasing the
length Lb.

Image A1.11 The rotational stiffness of the joint is given in the tab
“Rotational stiffness for critical load case”. In this case, the
joint is classified as semi-rigid.

It is noted that the stiffness of the joint requires further improvement (increase).
Therefore, transverse stiffeners are added to the column and the bolt-rows are
reduced in 3. The joint is then calculated again.
Design of joints 77

Image A1.12 The main screen of the program after the increase of the end-
plate’s thickness.

The stiffness of the joint is significantly increased as shown in Image A1.13.

Image A1.13 The rotational stiffness of the joint is given in the tab
“Rotational stiffness for critical load case”. After the insertion
of the column transverse stiffeners, the joint is classified as
Design of joints 78

Printing of report and generation of drawings

Apply the command “Report” of the main toolbar. The module “Report” is acti-
vated and a report is displayed on the screen including all data and results con-
cerning joint A.
The report may be then printed with the command “File – Print”, with the same
process as in Fespa. It is reminded here that for faster and more economic print-
ing the option “Monochrome graphics - economic” should be selected.
The process is completed, by applying the command “Drawings – Export draw-
ing (in .tek format). The created file may be opened by Fespa module.

Image A1.14 By applying the command “Drawings > Export drawing” a file
in .tek format (which can be opened by Fespa) is created.

A1.2 Column base connection

From the main menu of the program select the relevant type of the connection
with the command “File > Select type of connection > Column base connec-
tion”. In the tab “General” set the name of the column running at the joint: col-
umn C9 in the present example. Then select the option “Automatic extension of
end-plate (upwards/downwards).
According to the geometry of the footing (footing F9 here) the dimensions B, D
and H are given in the tab “Column base”:
Design of joints 79

Image A1.15 In case of a column base connection, the geometrical data are
inserted in the tab “Column base”.

The preset values at the properties of the base plate are kept (dimensions 420 x
530 mm, thickness tp = 28 mm).
In the tab “Anchor bolts” the number of bolt-rows is selected, here equal to 2.
The diameter of the anchor bolts is M27 and the bolt grade is 8.8.
With the command “Calculate connection”, the joint is calculated. The joint in
question undertakes safely the imposed loads.

Image A1.16 Apart from the axial, moment and shear resistance of the
connection, the capacity ratio of the joint is also given in the tab
“Resistance analysis (for critical load case)”.

A1.3 Beam-to-column web (shear) connection

The program offers the option to the user to calculate “shear” connections (con-
nections which do not transfer moments and undertake only shear forces). Ac-
cording to EC3 - Part 1.8 / prEN § (3), if the total moment resistance of
Design of joints 80

the joint (MjRd) is lower than 25% of the beam moment resistance (Mbpl,Rd), then
the joint is considered as hinged (does not transfer moments).
From the main menu of the program select the relevant type of the connection
with the command “File > Select type of connection > Beam-to-column web
(shear) connection”. In the tab “General” set the names of the members running
at the joint: column C20 and beam B13.1.
Select the option “Top floor” and set the property “Gap between end-plate and
upper end of column” equal to 30mm.
Modify the properties of the tab “Shear connection” according to Image A1.17
and apply the command “Calculate connection”.

Image A1.17 Beam-to-column flange connection provided with a flange cleat

including two rows and two columns of bolts.
Design of joints 81

Image A1.18 By applying the command “Calculate connection”, a table is

displayed with the results derived from the calculation of the
shear connection.

From the main menu of the program select the relevant type of the connection
with the command “File > Select type of connection > Beam-to-column web
(shear) connection”. In the tab “General” set the names of the members running
at the joint: column C17 and beam B10.8 at the current example. Select the op-
tion “Top floor” and set the property “Gap between end-plate and upper end of
column” equal to 35mm.
Design of joints 82

Figure A1.3 Three dimensional representation of a beam-to-column web

(shear) connection.

Modify the properties of the tab “Shear connection” according to Image A1.19
and apply the command “Calculate connection”.

Image A1.19 Beam-to-column web connection provided with a flange cleat

including two rows and two columns of bolts.

Compared to the previous case, the user may use a cleat of smaller dimensions
and less rows (or columns) of bolts for undertaking only shear forces.
Design of joints 83

Image A1.20 By applying the command “Calculate connection”, a table is

displayed with the results derived from the calculation of the
shear connection.

A1.4 Beam-to-beam (moment) connection

From the main menu of the program select the relevant type of the connection
with the command “File > Select type of connection > Beam-to-beam (moment)
connection”. In the tab “General” set the names of beams running at the joint:
beam B5.2 and conjugate beam B5.3. The beam inclination should be set to
Design of joints 84

Image A1.21 “Side A” of the beam-to-beam connection after the data

insertion from existing .tek file.
Design of joints 85

Image A1.22 “Side B” of the beam-to-beam connection after the data

insertion from existing .tek file.

Apply all the automatic calculations for the bolting and end-plate.
Design of joints 86

Image A1.23 Image A1.24

In the tab “Bolting” the user can make In the tab “End plate – Reinforcement
modifications at the number, diameter, of beam” the thickness and grade of
steel grade or spacing w of the bolts. the plate, the thickness of the welds
and the data for the reinforcement at
the beam lower flange can be modi-
Select the command “Calculate connection”. The following results are derived
from the analysis of the joint:
Design of joints 87

Image A1.25 The moment and shear resistance of the connection, as well as
the capacity ratio of the joint are also given in the tab
“Resistance analysis (for critical load case)”.

A1.5 Vertical bracing connection

From the main menu of the program, the relevant type of connection is selected
with the command “File > Select type of connection > Vertical bracing connec-
tion”. In the tab “General” set the names of members running at the joint: col-
umn C3, beam B10.2 and brace B23.1.
Design of joints 88

Image A1.26 When data are imported from Fespa, the names of the members
running at a joint are inserted automatically at the proper

The following data are set in the tab “Brace” and the connection is then submit-
ted for analysis:

Image A1.27 In the tab “Brace” the user may define the length of the brace
member, the distance of the brace member from the beam-to-
column joint, the direction of the brace member or if a double
brace member is provided. The characteristics of the gusset
plate (geometry, shape, existence of double gusset plate or not
Design of joints 89

etc) are further given. The properties of the type of the

connection (welds or bolting) are also given.

In Image A1.28 the results derived from the analysis of the joint are given.

Image A1.28 Results of calculation of a vertical bracing connection provided

with bolting.

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