Interdisciplinary Project 1

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Running head: Interdisciplinary Project: Real Life Scenario Thematic Model 1

Interdisciplinary Project: Real Life Scenario Thematic Model

Haylee Weiss

March 25, 2018

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The interdisciplinary approach to education is becoming increasingly popular in

classrooms across the world. The interdisciplinary thematic model integrates two or more

content areas (science, math, social studies, and language arts) in association with each other to

create a rich learning experience for students through which they can make connections and

expand their schema. Hye Sun You (2017) explains that this approach is targeted at helping

students associate what they are learning to real life scenarios. You states that there are many

benefits to this approach saying, “interdisciplinary teaching facilitates higher-order thinking by

students, which include freedom of inquiry, critical thinking, deductive reasoning, reasoning by

analogy, and synthetic thinking through integrated education” (p. 67). This higher-ordered

thinking encourages students to reach a higher level of academic excellence, therefore leading to

a much more meaningful learning experience for students. The National Herbart Society for the

Scientific Study of Education advocates for the integration of multiple disciplines in curriculum

because of the impact it has on students. The National Herbart Society believes that this way of

discovery and learning allows students to be informed citizens aware of the world around them.

Gita Steiner-Khamsi (2014) states, “multidisciplinary approach is not to be confounded with an

approach that suspends or transcends disciplines,” it includes many disciplines to provide for

students a well-rounded educational experience (p. 41). These multidisciplinary experiences

should revolve around a central theme to help students make connects and add knowledge to

their growing schemas.

You highlights a philosophy, pedagogical progressivism, that centers on the

interdisciplinary approach. This philosophy emphasizes that children’s interest and needs should

be present in the curriculum while incorporating themes relevant to the world around them

creating an environment for holistic learning. Pedagogical progressivism stresses that “authentic
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natural learning only occurs in a holistic manner, where several realms of skill and knowledge

are integrated into units, topics, and projects rather than taught as separate subjects” (p. 68). If

subjects are taught separately it may put students in danger of finding and understanding the

relationships between subjects and activities. The integration of subjects into curriculum has

shown to give students a fundamental base of knowledge upon which they can build deeper

understandings and make lasting connections.

Mahanin et al. (2017) conducted a study to determine how interdisciplinary learning

impacted students’ mathematical understanding. Mahanin et al. aimed to answer two questions in

their experiment. The first being whether the learning activities were beneficial to students’

mathematical understanding. The second question they aimed to answer built off the first

question, whether or not the learning activity alone was enough for students to construct

knowledge from.

The participants in the study were forty three ninth grade students. The students were

given a pretest before the interdisciplinary project was introduced to assess their baseline

knowledge. After the pretest the students received instructions on the interdisciplinary project

which incorporated concepts from math, language arts, art, and geography. The project was

completed in groups in which the students actively collaborated with each other to complete the

project. Through the project, “the students were able to connect the classroom knowledge with

the real world problems regardless of the family income and achievement levels background” (p.

284). This project gave students an understanding of the world while completing the assignment.

It also gave them an opportunity to practice real life skills such as collaboration and team work,

two skills that are becoming more of a necessity in the job market. After completing the project

and presenting findings to the class, the students took a post-test to assess their growth. Through
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the researchers’ collection of data, they discovered that the interdisciplinary project had a

positive impact on students’ achievement, thus confirming You’s (2017) stance in support of the

thematic interdisciplinary model.

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Mahanin, H.U.H., Shahrill, M., Tan, A., & Mahadi, M.A. (2017). Integrating the use of

interdisciplinary learning activity task in creating students’ mathematical knowledge.

International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES), 3(1), 280-298.

Steiner-Khamsi, G. (2014). Comparison and context: The interdisciplinary approach to the

comparative study of education. Current Issues in Comparative Education, 16(2), 34-42.

You, H. S. (2017). Why teach science with an interdisciplinary approach: History, trends, and

conceptual framework. Journal of Education and Learning, 6(4), 66-77.

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5th Grade Fall Theme: Journey through the Solar System

Content Area Standards Evidence of Formative Summative

Understanding Assessment Assessment
CCSS.ELA- The students will be Research, group Students will write
Language Literacy.W.5.2 reading stories and brainstorming one short essay
Arts Write autobiographies about sessions, think- detailing one
informative/explanat astronauts and their pair-share, short astronaut and the
ory texts to examine experiences in the space writing prompts process he/she
a topic and convey program. The students limited to 10 underwent to
ideas and will also be reading minutes prepare for time in
information clearly. about the solar system space.
and what makes up the
solar system. The
students will use what
they have learned from
their reading and
exploration to write
informative texts to
share with others.
CCSS.Math.Content Students will use their The students will Students will be
Mathematics .5.NBT.A.3 understanding of be given a bell given a math test to
Read, write, and numbers, place value, work problem at assess their
compare decimals to and comparison symbols the beginning of learning. The test
thousandths. to compare distances each class to will require them to
CCSS.MATH.CON traveled in space and review the work with decimals
TENT.5.NBT.A.3.B distances between material learned (adding,
Compare two planets, specifically the day before. subtracting,
decimals to distances rounded to the The students will multiplying, and
thousandths based thousandths place. also be keeping dividing) as well as
on meanings of the Students will solve records of the comparing two
digits in each place, simple calculation distances between decimals. The last
using >, =, and < problems and compare planets to help question of the test
symbols to record answers. them complete the will ask the
the results of writing activity. students to read
comparisons. three decimals
orally to the teacher
to assess their
CCSS.ELA- Through research, The students will The students will
Science LITERACY.W.5.7 students will identify create a blueprint follow a loose
Conduct short differences between the drawing, based on procedure to create
research projects planets such as weather, their research, of their own solar
that use several colors, whether or not the solar system system out of clay.
sources to build the planet has rings or they plan to create As they are
knowledge through moons. complete with creating they will
investigation of sizes, colors and have to write a
different aspects of a details about detailed step by
topic. adding rings or step procedure on
Running head: Interdisciplinary Project: Real Life Scenario Thematic Model 7

moons. how they created

their solar system.
The students’
completed solar
systems will be
throughout the
CCSS.ELA- Students will identify The students will The groups will put
Social LITERACY.RI.5.3 different historical be put into groups together a short
Studies Explain the figures relating to space of three. The multimedia
relationships or such as scientists and groups will pick presentation to
interactions between astronauts. The students two astronauts/ share with the class
two or more will be able to identify scientists to detailing the ideas
individuals, events, historical significance of research. that the scientists/
ideas, or concepts in different events astronauts had
a historical, involving space about space and
scientific, or exploration. explain the
technical text based influence of the
on specific people on our
information in the knowledge of space
text. exploration today.
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5th Grade Spring Semester Theme: Flying through history

Content Standards Evidence of Formative Summative

Area Understanding Assessment Assessment
CCSS.ELA- Students will identify The students will Students will create
Language Literacy.W.5.2 the sequence of events brainstorm (use a a short story with
Arts Write in the Wright Brothers graphic organizer- illustrations or a
informative/explanato lives up until the Story Board) to short video (with a
ry texts to examine a creation of the airplane. organize their written script)
topic and convey ideas As a class we will read ideas about their detailing the
and information short biographies and story or video they Wright Brothers
clearly. see a video about the will complete. and their journey to
CCSS.ELA- brothers. This will be creating an
Literacy.W.5.2.a collected by the airplane.
Introduce a topic teacher and
clearly, provide a reviewed during The short story
general observation individual student should be
and focus, and group conferences with something that
related information the teacher before could be read to
logically; include beginning the younger grades to
formatting (e.g., project. inform them about
headings), the topic.
illustrations, and
multimedia when The video option
useful to aiding should be no longer
comprehension. than a few minutes.
CCSS.ELA- The video can be
Literacy.W.5.2.b informational or it
Develop the topic with could be a
facts, definitions, dramatization of
concrete details, what the students
quotations, or other have learned. (This
information and project can be done
examples related to in small groups)
the topic.

CCSS.Math.Content.5 Students will Students will Students will take a

Mathematics .MD.C.3.b experiment with complete teacher short test over
A solid figure which different shapes finding examples of finding the volume
can be packed without the volume of shapes volume for of different shapes.
gaps or overlaps using such as pyramids, homework. They They will also find
n unit cubes is said to cubes, and cylinders. will also design the volume of the
have a volume of n Once mastered, the their own 3D wings they have
cubic units. students will move on shapes and created for their
to find volume of determine the science project.
shapes that resemble volume of the
airplane wings. shapes.
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Science CCSS.ELA- Students read and study Students will use a Once the students
LITERACY.RI.5.5 how airplanes take chart to compare have completed
Compare and contrast flight. I will show the and contrast their wing designs
the overall structure students videos, different wing and the designs
(e.g., chronology, demonstrations, and shapes and have been tested,
comparison, examples of how designs. The the students will
cause/effect, airplane wings are students will also write a short
problem/solution) of designed and made. design their own reflection
events, ideas, The students will then wing to test. comparing their
concepts, or be asked to design their wing to other wings
information in two or own airplane wing we have studies. In
more texts. which will be tested. their reflections,
CCSS.ELA- Their wings should the students should
LITERACY.RI.5.6 include elements we address why their
Analyze multiple have discussed in class. design was
accounts of the same successful or what
event or topic, noting they could alter
important similarities about their designs
and differences in the to make it
point of view they successful in flight.

CCSS.ELA- Students will recall The groups will After the debates,
Social LITERACY.SL.5.1.C reading on the Wright come up with a each student will
Studies Pose and respond to Brothers done in stance on the topic write a short
specific questions by Language Arts. From and then pair with reflection based on
making comments that these sources, and another group their own personal
contribute to the others the students may with the opposite view answering the
discussion and find, the students will view and engage questions: Which
elaborate on the discuss in small groups in a civil debate. state can claim the
remarks of others. which state can claim Wright Brothers?
the Wright Brothers. Can both states
Ohio claims it is the claim them, why or
home of aviation, while why not?
North Carolina claims
it’s the first in flight.
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Dear Parents,

As we begin the school year I want to share with you some exciting changes that have

been made to the Fifth Grade curriculum. This year we are structuring the curriculum around

two semester themes. The semester themes will be the underlying motivation for each subject’s

lessons. We have made these changes to better serve our students and have picked topics that

will help prepare them to be informed active members in our society.

The first semester project, “Journeying through Space,” focuses on the solar system. This

theme will be carried across all disciplines. In Language Arts, the students will be reading and

learning about famous astronauts and their contributions to space exploration. The students will

pick one astronaut to conduct research on and then write a short essay detailing their lives,

journey to becoming an astronaut, and their contributions to science. In Social Studies, the

students will be taking their Language Arts findings one step further. They will be looking at

the historical significance of space exploration as well as scientists that have influences space

exploration. In groups students will be creating a multimedia presentation that will be shared

with their peers. Mathematics class this semester will focus on decimals to the thousandths

place and comparing decimals in regards to distance. Students will be focusing specifically on

distance between planets and moons. Finally, in Science students will be engaged in a hands-on

activity in which they will create their own solar system out of clay. They will be writing a step

by step process to be turned in. They will also create a blueprint of what their solar system will

look like (colors, ring, moons, etc.).

The spring semester’s theme is “Flying through history” which will focus on the history

of flight and aircrafts. This theme again will branch into all disciplines, allowing students to
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make cross-curriculum connections. Students will read short biographies in Language Arts

about the Wright Brothers and have a choice of project: either create a short illustrated story

about their journey, or create (in groups) a short movie about their lives. Social Studies will

continue with the Wright Brothers. Students will conduct research and engage in civil debates

about a given topic. In Mathematics, students will be introduced to volume and be asked to

create their own three-dimensional shapes to calculate volume. After students master the

concepts of volume, they will be finding the volume of the airplane wings they will create for

Science. Science this semester will focus on how airplanes take flight. Students will study

different wing shapes and also design their own to see how well they fly.

My fellow Fifth Grade teachers and I are excited about this curriculum and we cannot

wait to see our students grow and learn through these semester theme projects! There will be

multiple opportunities for parents to participate in the lessons and we hope you are able to join

us! Throughout the semester, ask your student about what he/she has been learning and

encourage them to explore the world around them! If you have any questions please do not

hesitate to reach out to me. I can be reached at [email protected] or (317) 522-7204.

Thank you for your attention and support!


Miss Weiss

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