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Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)


Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

Writer/Designer Bruce R. Cordell
Developer Monte Cook
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Cover Artist Matt Stawicki
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Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

Your Assignment: Encyclopedia of Impossible Things 4
Chapter 1: Artifacts 6
Weapons 10
Guns and Beam Weapons 10
Magic Implements 19
Swords and Other Melee Weapons 21
Armor 29
General Artifacts 32

Chapter 2: Cyphers 75
Chapter 3: Artifacts Remixed 147
Chapter 4: Personal Recursions 152
Index 158

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

I’m the Fixer. I’ve got a title, not a name, because fixing things requires anonymity. I
hope you’re not one of those dumbass operatives with an attitude about my position at
the Estate. Believe you me, it’s no picnic doing what I do. It’s why someone held the title
before me, and someone will hold it after me when I get too burned out to continue. So
listen up, the Fixer’s talking to you. This is important.

This dossier is your 411 on a tome titled the Encyclopedia of Impossible Things, penned
by a rival recursion-traveling organization the Estate only just discovered. They call
themselves the “Implausible Geographical Society.” From what we’ve been able to
piece together, they’re older than the Estate by at least a couple of hundred years, and
though they originated on Earth, now they operate out of a constructed recursion that
reflects London of the 1800s. (If this is the first time you’ve heard the name Implausible
Geographical Society, check out the supplemental I’ve provided at the end of this dossier.)

The Encyclopedia of Impossible Things contents are an abridged survey of artifacts and
cyphers found in the recursions making up the Shoals of Earth, plus a few found on Earth
and in the Strange itself. Some of these are artifacts and cyphers that operatives of the
Estate have encountered before, but most we’ve never run across.

Which is why this encyclopedia is a treasure trove—forewarned is forearmed. For

instance, if you find yourself in a recursion where an albino prince is waving a demonic
rune blade at you, you’d better hope that when the blade eats your soul, your quickened
nature doesn’t wake the spark in it. Because that would be bad. Not for you; you’re
already dead. But for everyone else.

So. Read the encyclopedia. Become familiar with the items described herein. The cyphers
and some subset of the artifacts, too, make great acquisition targets for any bright-eyed
operative eager to make a name. But the other items, like the aforementioned demonic

rune blade, should be left well-enough alone.

The Fixer

You’re not a dumbass, so I’m sure it’s already ARTIFACTS
occurred to you that if fictions can spawn People have been telling stories to each other
a limited world, then the crazy weapons, since language was invented. I haven’t the
vehicles, mutation rays, and all other lunatic foggiest if that’s true, but it sounds good.
devices some caffeine-addicted writer But stories have been around for thousands
spattered over her computer screen are also of years, and when a story gets old enough,
out there. If a screenwriter for a superhero it goes from being fictional to mythological.
TV show invents a speed belt that gives At least, that’s how the classification breaks
anyone who wears it super-speed powers, in the Encyclopedia of Impossible Things.
and if that TV show becomes popular enough, From a certain perspective, fictional and
then by God that belt is likely to be echoed mythological items are of a kind, but
into a recursion of the Strange at least once. obviously the IGS likes the distinction.
The Implausible Geographical Society, which Anyway, artifacts from myth tend to be
I’ve decided to abbreviate as IGS starting overpowered implements of the gods
now, classifies these as fictional artifacts. themselves, like Thor’s hammer or Odin’s

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
spear. Most of the time, such artifacts are
associated with a creature of the Strange IMPLAUSIBLE
you should probably stay clear of. A god is GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY
not a creature you want to piss off within the SUPPLEMENTAL
context of its own recursion. A secret offshoot of the Royal Geographical
Society of London (founded in 1830)
has long been aware of recursions. This
EMERGENT ARTIFACTS secret “sister” society was originally made
up of a handful of regular Royal Society
Even an operative with only a few
translations under her belt quickly realizes members: those who were also quickened
that few fictions are exactly replicated as and able to translate. The IGS is located
limited worlds in the Strange (though some in an Earthlike recursion of London based
get close). No, it’s more like the limited on the writings of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
worlds overlap, merge, cross-pollinate, but it has bases in other recursions,
and boil within the dark energy network to including one called Paradiso. Apparently,
create—by synthesis—wholly new recursions, the IGS isn’t concerned with protecting
though ones with obvious provenance. The the Earth but merely with cataloguing all
artifacts that come into being within these the many worlds, creatures, and wonders
recursions often can’t be classified as either of the Strange, a task they’ve been at for
fictional or mythological. Rather, they’re nearly two centuries.
emergent. They evolved “naturally” from
the context of the recursion itself. Though
of course, that usually means some group of
engineers (or a mad scientist lab or wizard
cabal) created the thing. Such is the case for
the latest and greatest in Estate travel: the
Estate surveillance van Model 7, which is my
very favorite thing.

You know about cyphers. If you’re like most
of the operatives, we’ve issued you more
cyphers than policy strictly authorizes,
which apparently pisses off only me among
the senior staff. You’re an operative of the
Estate! Go gather your own cyphers. And
guess what, friend? If you take a gander
through the Encyclopedia of Impossible
Things, you’ll discover hundreds of cyphers
completely new to the Estate. Knowing they
exist in the first place is half the battle,
making it more likely you’ll be able to find
them. Well, that’s not what Hertzfeld believes,
but you know what? He’s not always right.

go su
this rfing
ta l i s while
man. weari
n g

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

“Though we of the Implausible Geographical Society are not in the habit of being brief in
our correspondences, I only wish to impart one thought to you, dearest love: I have
acquired a pair of talaria from a recursion reflecting Legendary Greece as a gift for you
befitting our two years together.”
~Sir Raymond Creswicke, in a letter to his paramour Irene
located in the constructed recursion of Paradiso

Most “true” artifacts of the Strange are seeded more than 320 artifacts to choose from. The
from the same fictions that create recursions few groups on Earth aware of the Strange keep
Repair rules, page 119 themselves. Objects of myth and legend, as track of artifacts according to their own unique
well as objects made popular by novels, TV classification systems. The system used in this
shows, and movies, are the most spectacular book draws on the classification system used
artifacts found in the Strange. by the Implausible Geographical Society.
Artifacts are similar to cyphers in that they
Artifact translator, page 81 can create amazing effects, and moreover,
For more information on
they can usually create such effects more than FINDING, IDENTIFYING,
finding, identifying, and once. On the other hand, most artifacts can’t AND USING ARTIFACTS
using artifacts, see chapter 7 translate. So unlike cyphers, a recursor must In most cases, artifacts must be found
in The Strange corebook. leave behind the Holy Grail, the stasis ring, or or acquired from defeated foes. After the
the blaster when she translates to a new limited characters find an artifact, identifying it is
world (unless she has a special translating a separate Intellect task. The GM sets the
artifact or gives the artifact the capacity to difficulty of the task, but it is usually equal to
Throughout this translate, perhaps by using a cypher such as an the artifact’s level. Identifying it takes fifteen
book, you’ll see artifact translator). minutes to three hours. If the PCs can’t identify
page references Unlike the dozens of cyphers a typical an artifact, they can bring it to an expert to be
to various items character might possess over the course of her identified or, if desired, traded or sold.
accompanied career, most characters will only ever find and Using an artifact that hasn’t been identified
by this symbol. use a handful of artifacts. That makes them is possible. It requires an Intellect task equal
These are page even more special. to the artifact’s level + 2. Failure might mean
references to The All artifacts have a level. Unlike cyphers, each that the PCs can’t figure out how to use the
Strange corebook,
also has a unique form, and most have a rate artifact or that they use it incorrectly (GM’s
where you can find
additional details of power depletion. When an artifact is used discretion). Of course, even if characters use an
about that item, or activated, the player rolls the designated die unidentified artifact correctly the first time, they
place, creature, or (d6, d10, d20, or d100). might not figure out the actual effect.
concept. It isn’t If the die shows the depletion number(s), the Once characters identify an artifact, using it
necessary to look item works, but that is its last use. A depletion for the first time might require an additional
up the referenced entry of “—” means that the artifact never Intellect action; for many artifacts, the process
items in the depletes, and an entry of “automatic” means is more complex than pushing a button. It can
corebook; it’s an that it can be used only once. involve manipulating touchscreens, reciting the
optional way to
Depowered artifacts can sometimes be proper arcane words, or anything else that fits
learn more about
the game and recharged using the repair rules, or by a the recursion. The GM sets the difficulty, but it
provide additional method detailed in the artifact description. is usually equal to the artifact’s level.
information to your In this chapter, you will find approximately
players. 270 new artifacts. Combine those with the
ones in The Strange corebook, and you’ve got

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
NATURE OF ARTIFACTS fictional because they were called into existence
Within the context of the recursion where by a piece of fictional writing or film, which is
they are found, artifacts are more powerful related to the question of what differentiates
than regular equipment and can’t simply be fictional artifacts from mythological. Though
purchased. Nearly anyone on Earth with the an Implausible Geographical Society surveyor
means could buy a medium ranged weapon like would be loath to say so, it comes down to
a 9mm pistol, but buying a rocket-propelled how recently a fiction was penned (or filmed).
grenade would require more extraordinary Essentially, stories that persist long enough—
circumstances. more than a few hundred years—often become
Though ease of acquisition is a good rule myths. Those created more recently remain
of thumb, the more fundamental distinction fictional.
between artifacts and equipment is provided by
the recursion of origin. If an item is an artifact MYTHOLOGICAL
within the context of its recursion of origin, it Mythology is dense with magical artifacts,
remains an artifact even if it passes through an including Zeus’s aegis, the green armor of
inapposite gate to a world where similar items the Green Knight, the seven-league boots of Inapposite gate
can be bought as equipment. Thus, the artifact European folklore, and so on. Some among (matter gate), page 135
in the hands of a PC continues to require the Implausible Geographical Society refer to
depletion rolls. certain mythological items as Biblical items,
For instance, if a character from Earth as if they belonged to a separate category.
with a rocket-propelled grenade travels via Such items include the staff of Moses, Noah’s Staff of Moses, page 68
an inapposite gate to a recursion that uses ark, and the sword of the archangel Michael.
rocket-propelled grenades as a matter of course However, that is a distinction we’ve chosen not
in hunting giant alien beasts, the RPG in the to make in this survey.
character’s hands remains an artifact. Sure, the
character might be able to purchase something EMERGENT
similar in that recursion as equipment, but Many artifacts do not owe their origin to a
the original RPG she brought with her isn’t piece of fiction or myth, but rather come about
changed. through the natural evolution of a self-consistent
Essentially, just because an item is recursion. If a recursion is populated by beings
considered gear in one recursion doesn’t mean capable of creating fantastic artifacts consistent
that a similar item in a different recursion isn’t with their context, then those artifacts manifest
an artifact. For instance, a Star Trek replicator as part of the recursion. Emergent items include
would clearly be a Mad Science or science artifacts like a negation rifle, boots of the Negation rifle, page 15
fiction artifact; however, on Earth, 3D printers Strange, a power rod, and so on.
are getting more sophisticated every year. One Boots of the Strange,
page 33
is an artifact, but the other is more a piece of
equipment—an expensive one, sure, but within ARTIFACT TABLES Power rod, page 59
the means of average people who set their The tables in this section allow you to select
minds to acquiring it. artifacts randomly. First, roll a d20 to figure out
which table to roll on.
01-05 Artifact Table A
The Implausible Geographical Society classifies
artifacts by their recursion of origin, as well as 11-15 Artifact Table C
by three broad categories. The categories are: 16-20 Artifact Table D
fictional, mythological, and emergent.
Items in these tables marked with an asterisk
FICTIONAL are from The Strange corebook.
Fiction is full of wondrous items, such as Alternatively, the tables in chapter 3 let
Saberhagen’s swords, Star Trek phasers, the you select artifacts by category (such as all
many and varied Dungeons & Dragons magical guns and beam weapons) or by recursion
items, blasters in Star Wars, and so on. Almost law (Exotic, Mad Science, Magic, Psionics,
all of these exist in some limited world or other Standard Physics, or any law).
in the Strange, and they are designated as

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
1 Aegis 36 Cloak of innocence 70 Disintegration beamer
2–3 Aladdin’s lamp 37 Cloak of wisdom 71 Dr. Nikidik’s celebrated
4 Ankh of death 38 Coil of endless rope wishing pills*
5 Ankh of life 39 Coinbringer 72–73 Dragon horn
6 Antigrav boots 40–41 Communicator 74 Dragon’s eye*
7 Armor-piercing machine gun 42 Communion platter* 75–76 Dragon’s teeth
8–9 Artificial blood 43 Companion oracle 77 Dragontongue weapon*
10 Ascended armor plating 44–45 Confusion ray 78 Draupnir, ring of Odin
11 Axe of the Dwarvish Fathers 46 Cosmetic case of beauty 79 Duplicator
12 Battle armor* 47 Crown of immortality 80 Eaglestone
13–14 Beam projector 48 Crown of the king 81 Ecstasy node
15 Belt of divine strength 49 Crown of terror 82 Electric katana
16 Biosplice companion* 50–51 Crying gnat 83 Elvish knife
17 Blade of warding 52 Cybernetic hand 84 Elvish long sword
18–19 Blaster 53–54 Cypher chest 85–86 Elvish short sword
20 Blaster goggles 55 Cypher siphon (boost) 87 Empathic psychotron
21 Blister glove 56 Cypher siphon (detonation) 88 Enigmalith*
22–23 Boots of the Strange 57–58 Cypher siphon (healing) 89 Equalization field generator
24 Burner 59 Cypher siphon (ray emitting) 90 Equilibrium infuser*
25 Capricious hookah 60 Cypher siphon (shielding) 91–92 Estate badge (enhanced)
26–27 Carbonizer 61–62 Death ray 93 Estate surveillance van Model 7
28 Carnwennan 63 Death’s scythe 94 Excalibur
29 Cellular prod 64 Defabricon 2 95 Exoskeleton (gravity assistance)
30 Cellular sampler 65 Demoleculizer 96 Exoskeleton (melee)
31 Chaos skiff* 66–67 Demon powder 97 Exoskeleton (turret)
32 Chest of worms 68 Demonic rune blade 98 Eyeglasses of memory
33–35 Cloak of elfkind 69 Dimensional modulator 99–00 Falcon cloak

1 Faterazor 34 Graft (cypher pocket) 68 Impact cloak
2–3 Flamethrower (antipersonnel) 35 Graft (fast-twitch muscle) 69 Impact cloak (reflective)
4 Flashlight laser 36 Graft (gravitic assist) 70 Impact cloak (stealth)
5 Flintlock of certainty 37 Graft (light eating) 71–72 Inapposite case
6 Flute of the elder spirit 38–39 Graft (skill specialization) 73 Inapposite harness*
7–8 Flying carpet 40–41 Graft (skill training) 74 Intellect cache
9 Foam restraint rifle 42 Graft (slow-twitch muscle) 75 Interface disc*
10 Foldable keep 43 Graft (synthesis gland) 76 Interface gauntlets*
11 Force armor 44 Graft (tentacle) 77 Jack-o’-lantern
12 Fractal wing* 45 Gravity gun 78–79 Jade dragon
13–14 Freeze ray 46 Gravity maul* 80 Kavacha, armor of Karna
15 Friction modulator 47 Green armor 81 Knot of Isis
16 Fundament tunneler* 48 Grip glove 82 Kusanagi
17–18 Game of Screams 49–50 Guardian sphere (defensive) 83–84 Learning torc
19 Gas gun 51 Guardian sphere (offensive) 85 Lich eye
20 Gate map 52 Guardian weapon 86 Lich hand
21 Gate ring* 53 Gun armor 87–88 Lock seal
22 Gecko jumpsuit 54–55 Gunbot (mark one) 89–90 Luck stone
23 Gem of dreams 56 Gunbot (mark two) 91–92 Machine plasma gun
24 Genius proximator 57 Gunbot (mark three) 93–94 Magic wand
25–26 Ghost instance 58 Gungnir, spear of Odin 95 Marvelous powder of life*
27 Gjallarhorn, horn of 59 Hammer of wishes 96 Mask of dream
summoning 60–61 Hand of glory 97 Mask of happiness
28 Glass from Leng* 62 Helm of Hades 98 Mask of Oceanus*
29 Gleipnir, chain of binding 63 Hlidskjalf, seat of Odin 99–00 Medusa rifle
30 Goggles of mind control 64 Holy Grail
31 Goggles of mind leeching 65–66 Human helper
32–33 Graft (All Song implant) 67 Human suit

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
1–2 Memory eraser 34 Necronomicon* 68 Psychic whip
3 Memory spike (focus) 35–36 Necronomicon (Latin edition) 69 Railgun
4 Memory spike (knowledge) 37 Negation rifle 70 Reality-tearing knife
5 Metabolism bud* 38 Omni arm* 71–72 Recursion anomaly bell
6 Metalodermis graft 39 Orb of far sight 73 Recursion pod*
7–8 Microdrone 40 Perpetual motion engine* 74 Red coat
9–10 Microwave gun 41–42 Personal wardstone 75 Replication rifle
11 Midas’s touch 43 Pheromone banner* 76 Requisition arch
12 Mind armor 44 Phial of elflight 77–78 Retractable claws
13 Mind armor (conscious) 45 Phylactery 79 Retractable laser claws
14 Mind blade 46 Picture of Dorian Gray 80 Retractable venomous
15 Mind blade (conscious) 47 Planetovore skin* head spikes
16 Mind blade (mind feeding) 48–49 Plasma crossbow 81 Ring of dragon’s flight*
17 Mind blade (psychic bane) 50–51 Plutonian iron knife 82–83 Ring of fall flourishing
18 Mindcrusher 52 Pnakotic Manuscripts 84 Ring of Gyges
19 Minor network terminal* 53–54 Potion of invincibility 85–86 Ring of invisibility
20 Mirror of fading beauty 55 Power bracers 87 Ring of magic breaking
21–22 Mirror of mental swapping 56 Power glove 88 Ring of Ruling
23 Mjölnir, hammer of Thor 57 Power rod 89 Ring of wishes
24 Monitor’s monocle* 58 Prang suitcase 90–91 Robodoc
25–26 Monocle of doom 59 Prion gun 92 Robodoc (longevity)
27 Moriarty’s cane 60 Prism of the eighth ray* 93–94 Rocket-propelled grenade
28 Moriarty’s pistol 61 Probe bot 95 Rod of blasting
29 Morphic integrator 62 Protocol bot 96–97 Rune staff (Ashur) *
30 Mutation mask 63–64 Protohibitor 98 Rune weapon of blood*
31 Nanobot pill 65 Psychic circlet 99–00 Rune weapon of striking*
32 Naturalizer 66 Psychic inverter
33 Necroham radio 67 Psychic skin

1 Sand of dreams 33–34 Spellbook of searing light 68 Vibro saber
2–3 Scarab of shielding 35 Spellbook of Thoth 69 Violin of Erich Zann
4 Seal of Solomon 36 Spirit revolver 70 Vorpal sword*
5 Serpent pistol 37 Spirit ward* 71 Wand of binding
6 Seven demon bag 38–39 Spiritslaying weapon* 72 Wand of blasting
7–8 Shadow cloak* 40 Staff of Moses 73–74 Wand of delirium (madwand)
9 Shamshir twinblade* 41 Staff of Ra 75 Wand of spider’s webbing
10–11 Shrink ray 42 Staff of spell mastery 76 Wand of vampire slaying
12 Siege Perilous 43 Stasis ring 77 War walker
13 Skatert-Samobranka 44 Strange harness 78–79 Ward tape
14–15 Skill bud* 45 Strange sword 80 Water of Urd
16 Sleep band 46 Strangelance* 81 Water wand
17 Sonic harmonizer 47–48 Suggestion ray 82–83 Weapon graft*
18 Sonic toolgrip 49 Swordbreaker Zeal fragment 84 Weapon of splendor*
19 Soul sheath* 50 Talaria 85 Whorl of destiny
20 Soul weapon* 51–52 Tattoo graft 86 Windrider*
21–22 Space suit 53–54 Tendril graft* 87 Wings of the sun*
23 Spark damper 55 Terahertz cannon 88–89 Witch’s broom
24 Spear of Longinus 56 Terahertz scanner 90–91 Wizard’s staff
25 Spectacles of slaying 57 Tesla goggles 92 World key*
26 Spellbook of the Amber Mage* 58–59 Time-slicing dagger 93 Yasakani no Magatama
27 Spellbook of the dragon’s maw 60 Transfer discs 94 Yobuko mask (dominating)
28 Spellbook of Dreadimos Felthane* 61 Translation anchor 95 Yobuko mask (intimidating)
29–30 Spellbook of elemental summoning 62 Translation staff 96 Yobuko mask (knowledge)
31 Spellbook of glass 63–64 Trickster’s charm 97 Yobuko mask (observant)
32 Spellbook of ineffable evil 65 Veil of judgment 98 Yobuko mask (protective)
(Zauber Maleficarum) 66–67 Venom trooper command helm* 99 Z-com
00 Zero pistol

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
The weapons available across the myriad recursions were seeded either directly or indirectly from


Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 2
New York Grey, page 70 Origin: Earth (emergent) Origin: New York Grey (fictional)
Law: Standard Physics Law: Mad Science
Form: Automatic rifle Form: Handheld metallic box with nozzle
Effect: This automatic rifle functions as a normal Effect: The artifact has two settings. One fires a
medium weapon of its kind. However, beam of energy that acts as propulsion and
because of its unique design, rounds fired rockets the artifact away unless the user can
from the weapon ignore most kinds of Armor hold onto it with a difficulty 4 Might-based
found on Earth, such as flak vests and even task. A user could use this setting to fly a long
tank armor. Against alien (or magic) force distance each round, but doing so requires a
fields, the weapon ignores Armor only if the difficulty 4 Speed-based task each round to
level of the machine gun is equal to or higher move in the direction desired (and not plow
than the level of the source of the effect (or into the ground or the side of a building).
the tier of the ability user). The other setting fires a reactionless beam that
This device is a rapid-fire weapon, and thus can can be used as a long-range plasma attack
Spray, page 27 be used with the Spray or Arc Spray abilities that inflicts damage equal to the artifact level.
that some characters have, but each round of Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Arc Spray, page 28 ammunition used or each additional target
selected requires an additional depletion roll.
Depletion: 1 in 1d100

IMPLAUSIBLE GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY recursion of London based on the writings of

The Estate believes its own founding operatives Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
were the first on Earth to discover recursions The Royal Geographical Society was founded
and the Strange. They’re wrong. As it happens, to advance geographical knowledge and
a secret offshoot of the Royal Geographical science. The Implausible Geographical Society’s
Society of London (founded in 1830) has long purpose is the same, except its members
been aware of recursions. This secret “sister” explore both known and new recursions.
society was originally made up of a handful Unlike the more well-known society, the IGS
of regular Royal Society members: those who doesn’t widely broadcast its discoveries or
were also quickened and able to translate. The publicly award medals to its members who have
so-called Implausible Geographical Society achieved amazing things in the face of adversity.
met clandestinely within the confines of the The IGS keeps all it learns secret among its
larger organization until 1913. That’s when the members. However, that membership is quite
regular Royal Society moved into the Lowther large. In fact, several individuals who the Estate
Recursion miner, Lodge in Kensington Gore, when the ban on regards as lone recursion miners are affiliated
page 150 female membership was lifted, and when the with the Implausible Geographical Society.
Implausible Geographical Society (IGS) moved The truth is, members of the IGS have been
to its own, separate headquarters. In fact, the active in the Shoals of Earth for almost two
IGS moved to a virtual duplicate of Lowther hundred years.
Lodge, located not on Earth but in an Earthlike

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) ARTIFACT WEAPONS
Law: Mad Science The artifact weapons described in this
Form: Similar to submachine gun with sight section are idiosyncratic in that they are not
Effect: This one-handed weapon fires a blast of described as light, medium, or heavy. If they
energized particles at a creature or object were specifically categorized, many characters
within long range, or if a round is taken to set would find that their training doesn’t match
up a shot through the sight, at a target within up with a particular designation. With artifact
500 feet (152 m). Damage inflicted is equal to weapons living outside the regular weapon
the artifact level; however, a manufacturing categories, anyone can use an artifact weapon
defect in many of these artifacts means the without penalty. Spray, page 27
wielder must use two hands to fire or the
difficulty of her attack is increased by one step. Arc Spray, page 28
Alternate models of blasters can be found; roll a extreme pain, and suffers ambient damage
d100 to determine blaster type. equal to the artifact level. Fleshy pustules Major effect, page 101

01–10 Electricity also form on objects, the ground, and other

structures near the target.
11–30 Spikes R639, page 53
Depletion: 1 in 1d20
31–40 Spores
Rebel Galaxy, page 47
41–50 Flechettes BURNER
51–75 Laser Level: 1d6 + 2
76–00 Energized particles Origin: Ruk (emergent)
Law: Mad Science
This device is a rapid-fire weapon, and thus Form: Scarlet pistol-like device
can be used with the Spray or Arc Spray Effect: This weapon fires a
abilities that some characters have, but heat beam at a target
each additional target selected requires an within long range,
additional depletion roll. inflicting damage equal
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 to the artifact level.
An affected target
BLASTER GOGGLES ignites with flame, and
Level: 1d6 + 2 beginning in the round
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) following the attack, takes 2
Law: Mad Science points of damage for three
Form: Complex goggles with red-tinted lenses rounds.
Effect: A wearer can tap the side of the goggles This device is a rapid-fire
and cause them to emit a blaster pulse that weapon, and thus can be
travels a long distance. The pulse inflicts used with the Spray or Arc
damage equal to the artifact level. Spray abilities that some
If the user gets a major effect on an attack roll characters have, but each
using this device, in lieu of extra damage, additional target selected
another major effect, or anything else, the requires an additional
pulse inflicts 6 additional points of damage to depletion roll.
the target, and it inflicts 4 points of damage Depletion: 1 in 1d20
to all creatures and objects within immediate
range of the target.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Level: 1d6 + 2
Origin: R639 (emergent)
Law: Exotic
Form: Fingerless glove sewn from ratty denim,
covered with rusted rivets
Effect: If the wearer points with her gloved hand
at a target she can see within long range, the
target blisters across its extremities, feels

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
CARBONIZER be knocked back an immediate distance and
Level: 1d6 + 1 lose her turn in the next round. Even on a
Origin: New York Grey (fictional) success, the difficulty of actions taken on the
Law: Mad Science user’s next turn is increased by one step.
Form: Tiny silver pistol with multiple pronglike Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Effect: This weapon fires a beam that transmutes DEATH RAY
the matter of targets within short range into Level: 1d6 + 2
powdery ash, inflicting damage equal to the Origin: New Centropolis (fictional)
artifact level that ignores Armor from force Law: Mad Science
fields and natural scales, leather, and other Form: Two-handed silver gunstock with sight and
organic sources. A target killed by a carbonizer single menacing barrel
is turned completely to dust. Effect: Allows the user to make a long-range attack
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 with a red ray of neural energy that instantly
shorts out all brain and nerve functions of a
CONFUSION RAY level 1 creature, killing it.
Level: 1d6 + 2 The user can adjust the settings to increase the
New Centropolis, page 59 Origin: New Centropolis (emergent) death ray’s effectiveness by making one
Law: Mad Science additional depletion roll per increase in the
Form: Single-handed pistol-like gun made of maximum level of the target. Thus, to kill a level
translucent crystal and steel 5 target (4 levels above the normal limit), the
Effect: Allows the user to attack a target within user must make five depletion rolls.
short range with a grey beam of energy. Depletion: 1 in 1d20
The target becomes confused and acts in a
random manner determined by the GM for DEFABRICON 2
one minute. A confused target might attack Level: 1d6 + 1
an ally, do nothing, run away, attack normally Origin: New York Grey (fictional)
(though without understanding why), or Law: Mad Science
take some other action appropriate to the Form: Tiny red pistol with multiple pronglike
circumstances. barrels
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Effect: This short-range weapon targets a victim’s
synthetic clothing and equipment, not the
living creature itself. It automatically destroys
CONFUSED ACTIONS mundane clothing and objects whose level is
A creature targeted by a confusion ray might less than or equal to the artifact level. Special
adopt one of the following behaviors while equipment such as cyphers and artifacts must
the condition persists: be attacked separately.
1 Fainting Depletion: 1 in 1d20
2 Screaming fit
3 Panicked flight Level: 1d6 + 2
4 Laughing or crying inappropriately Origin: New York Grey (fictional)
5 Attacking allies Law: Mad Science
Form: Shotgun-sized weapon with multiple barrels
6 Hallucinating
Effect: This weapon fires a beam at a target within
short range, inflicting damage equal to the
artifact level to the target and all creatures
CRYING GNAT and objects within immediate range of it. The
Level: 1d6 + 2 weapon automatically cancels out force fields
Origin: New York Grey (fictional) and similar energy fields it is fired through.
Law: Mad Science Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Form: Miniature pistol-like device
Effect: Despite its tiny form, the crying gnat fires a DISINTEGRATION BEAMER
blast of plasma at a target within short range Level: 1d6 + 2
that inflicts damage equal to the artifact level Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
that ignores most forms of Armor. However, Law: Mad Science
the recoil is powerful, and the user must make Form: Pistol with two rotating barrels
a difficulty 4 Might defense roll after firing or

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Effect: This weapon fires a beam to suppress the
charge of the electrons that make up a creature GUNS OF ARDEYN
or object within long range, inflicting damage It’s easy to forget, even for veteran recursors, but objects and
equal to the artifact level for three rounds. If artifacts that operate under the law of Standard Physics also work
the attack reduces the target’s combined Pools in recursions that operate under the laws of Magic, Mad Science,
to below the level of the artifact, the target is and Psionics, unless specified otherwise. This means that if a gun
disintegrated and instantly falls to dust. (A PC (or other piece of equipment or Earthly artifact) is transferred via a
who would be disintegrated can spend 1 XP and matter gate or a translation cypher to Ardeyn, the Sword Realms, or
instead descend one step on the damage track.) some even more unusual recursion, it’s likely that it would shoot just
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 fine, at least until it ran out of ammo.
Level: 1d6 + 1 as a light long-range weapon that inflicts an
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) additional 2 points of damage (4 points total).
Damage track,
Law: Psionics However, in continuous firing mode, each page 108
Form: Pistol with elaborate crystal components round a user keeps the laser pointed at the
Effect: This one-handed weapon leeches mental same spot without drifting, it inflicts 1 more Atom Nocturne,
energy from the wielder to empower an point of damage than in the previous round, page 234
intense beam of focused psychic energy at up to a maximum of 10 additional points of
a target within long range. Each shot fired damage (12 points of damage total).
inflicts damage equal to the artifact level, plus Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check per laser blast use
2 additional points of damage for each point and per round of continuous laser use)
the wielder sacrifices from her Intellect Pool
(ignoring Edge). The user chooses how many FLINTLOCK OF CERTAINTY
points to sacrifice, and she could sacrifice Level: 1d6 + 1
none and still gain the base effect. Origin: Oceanmist (emergent)
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Law: Magic
Form: Classic flintlock inscribed with glowing
Level: 1d6 + 1 Effect: The flintlock fires a magic bullet to a range
Origin: Earth (emergent) of 200 feet (60 m) that inflicts damage equal
Law: Standard Physics to the artifact level. If the wielder can see the
Form: Cherry-red flamethrower target, the attack always hits. A PC wielder
Effect: This weapon sprays a short-range line of should still roll for the attack because results
flaming, high-pressure liquid at up to three of 17 to 20 grant special effects. On the other
targets standing next to each other, inflicting hand, a roll of 1 doesn’t result in a miss (but a
damage equal to the artifact level. Affected GM intrusion is still triggered).
targets are also doused in burning liquid, Depletion: 1 in 1d20
catch on fire, and take 2 points of damage for
three rounds following the first round. FOAM RESTRAINT RIFLE
Depletion: 1 in 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 2
Origin: New Centropolis (emergent) Pirates, princesses, and
FLASHLIGHT LASER Law: Mad Science dragons reside along a
beach in the recursion
Level: 1d6 + 3 Form: Two-handed rifle with a wide mouth
called Oceanmist.
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) Effect: Emits a short-range stream of orange
Law: Mad Science liquid that foams over a target and hardens
Form: Device similar to a flashlight into a body restraint that lasts for ten minutes. Rebel Galaxy, page 47
Effect: The user can move this device through A restrained victim can’t move or take actions
three settings. The first setting provides bright that require movement. A target whose level is
light in a cone reaching a long distance. higher than the artifact level can usually break
The middle setting allows the device to be used free within one or two rounds.
as a weapon, firing a laser burst at a target in This device is a rapid-fire weapon, and thus
long range that inflicts 4 points of damage. can be used with the Spray or Arc Spray Spray, page 27
The last setting creates a continuous laser beam abilities that some characters have, but
with an effective range of 3 miles (5 km). each additional target selected requires an Arc Spray, page 28
The user can make attacks with the beam by additional depletion roll.
adjusting the line of light so it comes in contact Depletion: 1 in 1d20
with a target he can see. Treat such an attack

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
FREEZE RAY Poison: Victims are initially fine, but each day, they
Level: 1d6 + 2 descend one step on the damage track unless
New Centropolis, page 59 Origin: New Centropolis (fictional) they receive treatment specifically designed to
Law: Mad Science alleviate poison.
Form: Two-handed black gunstock with several Depletion: 1 in 1d10
menacing protruding barrels
Effect: The artifact emits a time-nullifying ray at GRAVITY GUN
a single target within long range. The victim Level: 1d6 + 2
remains frozen in time for as long as the user Origin: New Centropolis (emergent)
maintains the effect by holding down the Law: Mad Science
weapon trigger plus one round. A victim of the Form: Two-handed rifle tricked out with gadgets
freeze ray is immune to damage and effects. Effect: The gravity gun has a range of 5 miles (8
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check for each use, or each km). An object struck by the gun doubles in
day of continuous use) weight for one minute. Creatures affected find
the difficulty of all tasks involving movement
GAS GUN and finesse increased by two steps. For many
Level: 1d6 +1 objects, doubling in weight has little effect.
Origin: Eleventh Reich (emergent) However, flying objects are often grounded if
Law: Mad Science and/or Magic their weight is doubled, usually by crashing.
Form: Wide-barreled pistol connected to backpack Depletion: 1 in 1d20
canister with hose
Effect: The wielder can select different chemical MACHINE PLASMA GUN
gasses, though some gas guns may come Level: 1d6 + 3
equipped with only one kind of cartridge. An Origin: New York Grey (fictional)
attack projects a gas grenade up to a long Law: Mad Science
distance and floods the area within immediate Form: Two-handed machine gun with sleek styling
range of that point with the selected gas. Effect: This weapon fires plasma rounds at targets
Acidic: An acidic cloud melts most substances, within long range, inflicting damage equal to
inflicting damage equal to half the artifact the artifact level.
level each subsequent round for one minute This device is a rapid-fire weapon, and thus can
Spray, page 27 or until the chemical is washed away. be used with the Spray or Arc Spray abilities
Anticoagulant: After a few minutes, victims begin that some characters have, but each round of
Arc Spray, page 28 bleeding from the eyes, mouth, ears, and skin. ammunition used or each additional target
Bleeding is gradual, but unless an antidote selected requires an additional depletion roll.
is given, a victim descends one step on the Depletion: 1 in 1d100
damage track every hour.
Coagulant: After a few hours, victims notice an odd MEDUSA RIFLE
stiffness to their limbs as their blood begins to Level: 1d6 + 3
Urban Fantastic, page 53 clot in their veins. The process is gradual, but Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional)
unless an antidote is given, a victim descends Law: Magic
one step on the damage track every ten hours, Form: Rifle with fiber-optic barrel
and if killed by the coagulant effects, he Effect: This rifle replicates the effect of a medusa’s
remains stiff as an embalmed corpse thereafter. gaze on one target within long range. A target
Lachrymator: Victims cry, sneeze, cough, find it takes damage equal to the artifact level as a
hard to breathe, and are partially blinded for portion of the victim’s flesh is transformed
ten minutes or more, increasing the difficulty into stone, which initiates a chain reaction
of all tasks by two steps. within his body. Each round thereafter, the

The conspiracy theorists were right about Nazis surviving, but their imagination didn’t come
close to the real truth. The ideology of the Third Reich (Nazi Germany, 1933 to 1945) survived,
but not because specific individuals were given safe haven by sympathetic organizations. No,
it “survived” because the strength of the Nazi mythology bled over into the Strange, creating
a recursion where Germany won World War II and went on to create an empire that rules
most of the planet (or, in this case, the parts of the planet that exist within the limited world
of the Eleventh Reich).

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
victim must make another Might defense roll NEGATION RIFLE
or suffer the same number of points of damage Level: 1d6 + 2
as the transformation process continues. If he Origin: Earth (emergent)
succeeds on a defense roll, the chain reaction Law: Standard Physics
ends. If he is killed by the process, he is turned Form: A broad-barreled rifle rich with embedded
into mute stone, hot to the touch. electronics
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Effect: When the rifle is fired, a designated
recursion gate (translation or inapposite) Translation gate,
MICROWAVE GUN within short range collapses if it leads to a page 134
Level: 1d6 + 1 recursion whose level is less than or equal to
Origin: New York Grey (fictional) the artifact level. The recursion beyond the Inapposite gate,
page 135
Law: Mad Science gate isn’t otherwise affected.
Form: A tiny, silver gun-shaped object with no Depletion: 1 in 1d10
moving parts
Effect: This ranged weapon is a maser, beaming PLASMA CROSSBOW
collimated microwaves at a target within Level: 1d6 + 3
long range, initially inflicting damage equal Origin: New York Grey (fictional)
to the artifact level, and then inflicting half Law: Mad Science
that amount in each of the two subsequent Form: Large crossbowlike weapon festooned with
rounds. A living creature killed by a microwave gadgets
gun explodes as if it had been cooked in a Effect: This ranged weapon is a crossbow that
microwave. The microwave gun can also burn fires bolts of plasma at targets within 1,000
through solid objects of its level or lower at a feet (305 m), inflicting damage equal to the
rate of 1 foot (30 cm) per round. artifact level.
Depletion: 1 in 1d100

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
This device is a rapid-fire weapon, and thus can PROTOHIBITOR
Spray, page 27 be used with the Spray or Arc Spray abilities Level: 1d6 + 2
that some characters have, but each round of Origin: New York Grey (fictional)
Arc Spray, page 28 ammunition used or each additional target Law: Mad Science
selected requires an additional depletion roll. Form: Pistol-like device
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 Effect: This one-handed weapon fires orbs of
incandescent energy at a target within long
PRION GUN range. The orbs track the target, which
Level: 1d6 decreases the difficulty of hitting it by two
Origin: New York Grey (fictional) steps. On impact, an energy orb inflicts
Law: Mad Science damage equal to the artifact level. A target
Form: Large pistol that fires spinning discs killed by an orb becomes a glassy, slagged
Effect: This one-handed weapon inflicts damage equal sculpture of its former likeness.
to the artifact level. On a hit, a prion-unfolding Depletion: 1 in 1d20
chain reaction begins in the target’s tissue. Each
round thereafter, the victim must make another RAILGUN
Might defense roll or suffer the same number of Level: 1d6 + 3
points of damage as the chain reaction dissolves Origin: Steam London (emergent)
her from the inside. A successful defense roll ends Law: Mad Science
the chain reaction. A creature killed by the chain Form: Bulky, long-barreled rifle
reaction slumps into so much cloudy pink fluid. Effect: This weapon fires a railroad spike via an
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 intense steam-powered process at targets

Steam London is a recursion seeded from thousands of stories about improbable science
and magic that have been written in the so-called “steampunk” genre. Steam London has
the advantage of possessing technology far in advance of its Victorian trappings, where large
construction projects that result in dirigibles, giant robots, and other wonders of “the modern
world” do not draw undue attention from the locals (as long as one has paid the proper Mad
Science Tax to the London authorities).

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
within long range, inflicting damage equal to When the special function of the pistol is
the artifact level. A target that takes damage activated, instead of a normal shot, it emits
must make a Might defense roll or be knocked a ray of slithering energy at a foe within short
back an additional short distance and either range. The snake-shaped ray inflicts damage
be prone or be spiked to an intervening wall equal to the artifact level. As another option,
or barrier. If spiked to a surface, the creature the wielder can choose to fire an empowered
must sustain 5 points of damage (ignores slithering ray (requiring two depletion rolls)
Armor) in order to get free and begin taking that deals damage equal to the artifact level
normal turns again. plus 3 additional points of damage.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Depletion: 1 in 1d20


Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6
Origin: Zed America (fictional) Origin: Samurai Sky (emergent) Samurai Sky, page 48
Law: Mad Science Law: Magic
Form: Precision military rifle with fused bioreactor Form: Six-shooter inscribed with kanji
module and telescopic sight Effect: This revolver inflicts 5 points of damage
Effect: The bioreactor contains live, concentrated on a target within short range. It inflicts
human regenerative virus (HRV), which causes additional damage equal to the artifact level to
rapid-onset zombie transformation in those it undead, spirits (even if intangible), and other
infects. The HRV coats the ammunition when paranormal creatures (generally speaking,
fired from the rifle. With the scope, the rifle can creatures that rely on the law of Magic to exist).
be fired at a target within 1,600 feet (488 m), Depletion: 1 in 1d20
inflicting damage equal to the artifact level. A
target that fails a Might defense roll suffers an SUGGESTION RAY
episode of HRV replication. If the target fails Level: 1d6 + 2
three subsequent Might defense rolls before Origin: New Centropolis (emergent)
succeeding on two, she falls into a coma and Law: Mad Science
rises ten minutes later as a zombie. Form: Pistol studded with gadgets Zombie: level 3, Speed
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Effect: This one-handed weapon fires a violet defense as level 2; health 12.
beam of energy at a target within short range. If an attack would reduce
ROCKET-PROPELLED GRENADE The target becomes highly suggestible for one the zombie’s health to 0, it
does so only if the number
Level: 1d6 + 3 minute. A suggestible target finds the difficulty
rolled by the attack was an
Origin: Earth (emergent) of tasks related to detecting lies and resisting even number; otherwise,
Law: Standard Physics persuasion increased by four steps. the zombie’s health is
Form: Tube with sight and trigger Depletion: 1 in 1d20 reduced to 1 instead.
Effect: The user can make a long-range attack
with a rocket-propelled grenade that inflicts TERAHERTZ CANNON
7 points of damage to the target and every Level: 1d6 + 4
creature and object next to the target. Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
Depletion: 1 in 1d6 Law: Mad Science
Form: Cannon turret, mountable on solid ground,
SERPENT PISTOL a vehicle, or a spacecraft
Level: 1d6 + 1 Effect: By emitting a prodigious amount of
Origin: Samurai Sky (emergent) terahertz light and long-range infrared light,
Law: Magic this device can target a structure (or part of
Form: Pistol inlaid with serpent designs in mother a city-sized or larger structure) up to 5 miles
of pearl (8 km) away and inflict damage equal to the
Effect: This pistol inflicts 5 points of damage on a artifact level on all living targets inside, unless
target within short range. the structure was built to shield out terahertz

Zed America is a recursion—one of many—seeded from stories of the zombie apocalypse.
Most “Zed Omegas” aren’t as fortunate as Zed America, where civilization survived by finding
a new equilibrium. The status quo is an uneasy one, because every year, new HRV replication
events convert fresh victims, sometimes even those who hunker behind high fortress walls.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
radiation. The cannon works by generating ZERO PISTOL
resonant effects that unzip double-stranded Level: 1d6 + 2
Cataclyst, page 238 DNA. In addition, when the cannon fires, Origin: Cataclyst (emergent)
the user can see the interior of the structure Law: Mad Science
on a screen, which usually shows enemies Form: Large pistol
falling left and right in the invisible glare of the Effect: This weapon fires a blast of absolute zero
terahertz beam. energy at a creature or object within long range.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Depending on the setting used by the wielder,
the gun either inflicts freezing damage equal
Z-COM to the artifact level or freezes the victim solid.
Level: 1d6 + 1 A victim frozen solid isn’t killed, but instead
New York Grey, page 70 Origin: New York Grey (fictional) put in a state of suspended animation, during
Law: Mad Science which time it is immune to damage and effects.
Form: Smartwatch device with deployable laser It can be unfrozen by the wielder, but it also
Effect: The z-com wrist unit has all the functions revives on its own after a few hours.
of a modern smartphone. An analyzer app Depletion: 1 in 1d20
using microsensors in the device lets the
wearer scan her surroundings for specific
materials, toxic traces, and life forms.
In addition, the unit can fire an offensive laser; in
this mode, treat the z-com as a light long-
range weapon that inflicts an additional 2
points of damage (4 points of damage total).
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each time the
analyzer app is used)

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
The Implausible
MAGIC WAND If a user wants to knock back a creature or smash Geographical Society
uses the term “magic
Level: 1d6 + 2 open doors or objects, compare the base
implements” to describe
Origin: Ardeyn (emergent) level of the rod of blasting plus the number of items from Magic
Law: Magic charges empowering it to the level of the target. recursions designed to
Form: Wand Depletion: — directly attack or harm
Effect: When a character spends points from a foes with arcane energy.
Pool to trigger a special focus or type ability SPECTACLES OF SLAYING This is why a magic wand
that is a direct attack, she can draw some or Level: 1d6 + 3 is considered a magic
all of the points from the held wand instead. Origin: Wuxia City (fictional) implement but spellbooks
are not, since several
The wand contains a number of points equal Law: Magic
related effects can usually
to the artifact level, which return each day Form: Pair of spectacles whose eyepieces are be coaxed from spellbooks.
after the wielder’s ten-hour recovery roll. opaque ruby crystal
A user can attempt to coax out additional Effect: The wearer can see normally through
points, but doing so requires a separate the spectacles, which correct any vision
Ardeyn, page 160
Intellect task whose difficulty is equal to the impairments, including blindness. In addition,
number of additional points being drawn from the wearer can project scarlet-hued lightning
the wand. Coaxing additional points out of a from the lenses at up to three targets within
magic wand can be done only once per day. long range as one action, inflicting damage Wuxia City, page 38
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 equal to the artifact level. If an attack misses,
the ruby spectacles fuse to the wearer’s face
ROD OF BLASTING on a failed difficulty 2 Might defense roll.
Level: 1d6 Once fused, the spectacles can’t be removed
Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) until the artifact is depleted, and even then, Urban Fantastic, page 53
Law: Magic they leave the victim’s face scarred.
Form: Wooden rod engraved with runes Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Effect: A rod of blasting has no power unless a
wielder empowers it, after which the rod can STAFF OF RA
target a creature or an object within long Level: 8
range with a powerful concussive force. At Origin: New Kingdom (mythological) New Kingdom, page 57
the user’s discretion, the force can either Law: Magic
inflict damage or knock the target back an Form: Simple staff set with elaborate circular
immediate distance, blast open doors, or headpiece
smash breakable objects. Effect: This staff functions as a normal medium
A rod of blasting has a variable number of charges melee weapon. In addition, the wielder can
that are dependent on a user empowering call upon the following effects.
the rod by expending recovery rolls. Even if Combust: If the wielder uses the staff to strike a
a user spends several days empowering a foe in melee, she can activate a flame as hot
rod of blasting, it can hold a maximum of as the sun that inflicts additional damage to
five charges at any one time. To empower a the target equal to the artifact level.
rod with a charge, the wielder must expend Dawn: The user summons the dawn, which
one or more recovery rolls while holding could be as simple as clearing the clouds
and concentrating on the rod. Each recovery that obscure the rising sun to as dramatic as
roll expended requires one minute of collapsing part of a structure to let in the light
concentration and adds one charge to the rod. or advancing time so that dawn is imminent.
The origin of a particular
One charge grants the potential for a blast that The GM may rule that this use automatically
artifact doesn’t lock it to
inflicts 6 points of damage; each additional depletes the staff of Ra. appearing only in that
charge increases the blast damage by 3 Sun Ray: Allows the user to make a long-range location—usually, similar
points. So a rod of blasting empowered with attack with a golden beam of sunlight, artifacts can be found
three charges can inflict up to 12 points of inflicting damage equal to the artifact level in other recursions that
damage on its first attack. However, each and blinding the target for one round. Spirits, operate under the same
attack reduces the number of charges and zombies, vampires, and similar creatures take 5 law. For instance, though
the additional damage by the same amount additional points of damage from each sun ray. magic wands are indicated
as originating in Ardeyn,
it was incremented. So after a rod with three Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (upon depletion, becomes a
they can also be found in
charges is used once, it has only two charges beam of sunlight that leaps into the sky) the Sword Realms.
remaining and can inflict 9 points of damage.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 1 01–07 Target sprayed with acid that inflicts 3
Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) points of damage (ignores Armor) for
Law: Magic three rounds
Form: Wooden staff engraved with runes 08–09 Target exchanges places with wand user
Effect: Although this staff can be used as a 10–16 Target limned in red light for one hour
medium melee weapon, its intended use is to 17–18 Random cypher carried by wand user
give the wielder greater focus over any magical affects target
abilities she may have. When the staff is held 19–25 Icy blizzard inflicts 5 points of damage
by someone able to create an effect with a on target and all within immediate range
spell or a similar special ability, the difficulty of target
of the task—including a qualifying attack—is 26–27 Wand user reduced to 1 foot (30 cm) in
reduced by one step. height for one hour
In addition, some staves have an inherent ability 28–34 Electrical discharge connects wand and
to tap nearby fonts of energy, especially those target (and all between), inflicting 5
that have been concentrated for use by magical points of damage
beings. If so, the wielder can attack a target 35–36 Enraged gorilla (level 4) appears in
within long range with burning energy that immediate range of wand user
inflicts 4 points of damage that ignore Armor. 37–43 Wand user telepathically hears target’s
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 thoughts for three rounds
44–45 Target and creatures within immediate
WAND OF BINDING range of it are blinded for one minute
Level: 1d6 + 1 46–47 Wand user laughs uncontrollably each
Sword Realms, page 73 Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) round until making a difficulty 3 Intellect
Law: Magic defense roll
Form: Maple wand 48–54 Target affected as if by a wand of spider’s
The wizard Abigail, a
Effect: A target within long range is held webbing artifact
mercenary in the employ
of the Lords of Dyranmar
motionless and unable to take actions for one 55–56 Wand user suffers extreme vertigo each
in the Sword Realms, minute. In addition, the bearer of the wand round until making a difficulty 3 Might
was called upon to has an asset on defense rolls to resist similar defense roll
defeat a secret church of effects that would bind, freeze, or otherwise 57–63 Target affected as if by wand of blasting
assassins. She famously directly hold him in place. artifact
used a wand of binding Depletion: 1 in 1d10 64–65 Thirty gold coins emerge from wand
to capture many of the
at high velocity, inflicting 7 points of
assassins alive so they could
be formally charged for
WAND OF BLASTING damage on target
treachery in the Free City.
Level: 1d6 + 1 66–67 Target is teleported, appearing next to
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) wand user
Law: Magic 68–74 Fireblast inflicts 5 points of damage on
Form: Rosewood wand target and all within immediate range of it
Effect: The wand emits up to three glimmering 75–76 Target becomes invisible for one minute
blue points of light that speed toward one, two, or until after its next attack
or three targets within long range. Unless the 77–83 Target is teleported 100 feet (30 m) in the
target is protected by some kind of Armor from air, then falls normally
a magical source, the attacks unerringly hit, each 84–85 Wand user forgets name and should
inflicting 1 point of damage that ignores Armor. choose a new one
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 86–92 Target falls asleep for one minute or until
WAND OF DELIRIUM (MADWAND) 93–94 Roll again; wand user afflicted by indicated
Level: 1d6 + 1 result regardless of targeting instruction
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
95–99 Roll again; target afflicted by double the
Law: Magic indicated result regardless of targeting
Form: Butternut wand instruction
Effect: This wand produces a variable effect 00 Target up to level 5 killed; a higher-level
that is entirely random, making its efficacy target takes 10 points of damage (ignores
questionable but occasionally entertaining. Armor)
The user specifies a target within long range
to attack, and the result is determined by a roll Depletion: 1 in 1d20
on the following table, or by the GM.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 1
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
Law: Magic Law: Magic
Form: White oak wand Form: Wand carved with magic runes that glow
Effect: This wand produces a long-range stream golden like the sun
of grey spider’s webbing that entangles a Effect: The wand emits a ray of burning sunlight
target and holds it stuck to nearby surfaces. that inflicts 4 points of damage on a target
Entangled victims can’t move or take actions within long range. In addition, vampires and
that require movement. Targets whose level is other creatures vulnerable to sunlight take 8
higher than the wand’s level can usually break points of damage, are stunned for one round,
free within one or two rounds. The entangling and lose their next turn.
web is highly flammable, and if ignited it Depletion: 1 in 1d20
burns away over the course of one round, but
the intense heat inflicts damage equal to the
artifact level on whatever was caught within it.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20


ANKH OF DEATH is posed to the Dwarvish Fathers; if depleted,
Level: 1d6 + 2 the axe’s magical abilities can be recharged if
Origin: New Kingdom (mythological) a living human or elf perishes on its blade.) New Kingdom, page 57
Law: Magic
Form: Ebony ankh-shaped rod BLADE OF WARDING
Effect: This one-handed ankh-shaped weapon can Level: 1d6 + 4
be used to make a melee attack that inflicts Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) Urban Fantastic, page 53
damage equal to the artifact level. Struck targets Law: Magic
are blinded for one round and aged five years. Form: Sword made entirely of silver
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Effect: This sword functions as a normal weapon
of its type. Once claimed by a wielder, it can
AXE OF THE DWARVISH FATHERS be summoned or dismissed as part of any
Level: 1d6 + 2 other action (from or to a prepared location in
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) the same or different recursion), including an Sword Realms, page 73
Law: Magic attack, which makes it easier to surprise a foe.
Form: Double-bladed axe Individual swords of warding are keyed to destroy
Effect: This axe functions as a normal weapon of certain types of creatures. Instead of dealing Surprise, page 110
its type. Furthermore, it inflicts 2 additional damage, the user can attempt to destroy a
points of damage due to its magically sharp creature of the keyed type of up to level 3. To
blade. This quality means that if the wielder do so, she must succeed on a second attack
rolls a 20, instead of choosing to inflict extra and make a depletion roll. (She can try to
damage or a normal major effect, he can affect higher-level creatures, but it requires
instead attempt to chop off one of the target’s one additional depletion roll per level higher
limbs or even its head. To do so, he must than 3 attempted.) Roll a d100 to determine
reroll the d20 and get a 17 or higher. the kind of creature the sword wards against.
In addition, the user can see in the dark, teleport to 01–25 Aliens
a known location under the earth in the same
26–50 Fae creatures
recursion, and call upon the wisdom of the
Dwarvish Fathers to answer a question. (The 51–75 Demons and devils
Dwarvish Fathers are wise when it comes to 76–00 Undead
knowledge regarding the Sword Realms, but Depletion: 1 in 1d20
less so if questions stray to recursions beyond.)
However, each day the wielder retains the axe, his CARNWENNAN Camelot is a recursion
semblance becomes more and more like that of a Level: 7 seeded from the many
short, broad, bearded man, if he is not one already. Origin: Camelot (mythological) myths and stories detailing
Depletion: 1 in 1d6 (Check each time a limb is Law: Magic the events surrounding King
chopped off, the user teleports, or a question Form: Dagger with white hilt Arthur’s Court.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Effect: This dagger functions as a light bladed DEMONIC RUNE BLADE
The demonic rune blade melee weapon. In addition, Carnwennan’s user Level: 1d6 + 4
trembles on the edge of can step into shadow, which allows him either Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
gaining the spark. If this to teleport to another shadowy location within Law: Magic
occurs, it would look for long range, or to become invisible for up to one Form: Sword inscribed with runes in the alphabet
a quickened wielder who
minute or until he attacks another creature. of demons
could take it into the wider
universe or the Strange
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per use of invisibility Effect: This sword functions as a normal weapon
itself. The blade’s ambitions or teleportation) of its type. In reality, it is a powerful demon
would become unbounded, transformed into the shape of a sword. The
potentially giving it DEATH’S SCYTHE demon cannot speak directly to the wielder,
planetovore status. Level: 1d6 + 4 but it can make its desires known by emitting
Origin: Urban Fantastic (mythological) bass rumbles and dirgelike melodies, and by
Law: Magic pulling in the direction of its desire. The sword
Form: Double-handed scythe has had many names (and perhaps forms)
The spark, page 22 Effect: This scythe functions as a normal weapon and, according to the context of the recursion
of its type. In addition, it instantly kills level 1 hosting it, is older than the current universe.
Quickened, page 22 or level 2 creatures it hits. To try to kill higher- The sword’s features include the following:
level creatures, instead of applying Effort to • The difficulty of attacks made with the sword
Planetovore, page 8
decrease the difficulty of the attack, the wielder is reduced by one step.
can apply Effort to increase the maximum level • The sword inflicts 4 additional points of
of the target. Thus, to instantly kill a level 5 damage beyond the 6 points a heavy weapon
target (three levels above the normal limit), the normally inflicts (10 points of damage total).
wielder must apply three levels of Effort. • The wielder absorbs a portion of the life force
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per killing effect; upon of a creature killed by the sword, adding 5
Death manifestation: depletion, a manifestation of Death appears points to her Might Pool and 1 to her Might
level 7 to reclaim its blade) Edge (surpassing the maximum in both for
up to one hour). If in a recursion where a

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
spirit normally lingers after death, the spirit is Finally, the blade sheds a blue light as bright as a
instead absorbed and eaten by the blade. candle to warn when goblins, orcs, trolls, or
• If the wielder misses a target, the blade similar creatures are within 300 feet (91 m).
sometimes attacks a wielder’s ally instead; Depletion: —
this always happens on an attack roll of 1.
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 (check each time a killed ELVISH SHORT SWORD
creature’s life force is absorbed; if depleted, Level: 1d6 + 3
the sword’s magical abilities can be recharged Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
if it kills an “innocent” creature) Law: Magic
Form: Short sword
ELECTRIC KATANA Effect: This sword can be used as a normal
Level: 1d6 medium sword that deals 2 additional points
Origin: Samurai Sky (emergent) of damage (for a total of 6 points). Samurai Sky, page 48
Law: Standard Physics In addition, the elvish short sword can cut
Form: Katana fitted with power cables and a through any material of its level or lower with
battery backpack ease, owing to its exceptional sharpness.
Effect: This katana inflicts 4 points of damage if Finally, the blade sheds a blue light as bright as a
wielded with one hand or 6 points if wielded candle to warn when goblins, orcs, trolls, or
with two hands. When it strikes a foe, the wielder similar creatures are within 300 feet (91 m).
decides whether to activate the electrical charge Depletion: —
as part of the same action, which deals additional
points of damage equal to the artifact level. If the EXCALIBUR
weapon is depleted on a use, the final electrical Level: 7
charge is dealt to the wielder instead of the target. Origin: Camelot (mythological)
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Law: Magic
Form: Sword inset with jewels and engraved with
ELVISH KNIFE Latin phrases (“Take me up” and “Cast me
Level: 1d6 + 3 away”) on opposite sides of the blade
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Effect: This sword functions as a normal weapon of
Law: Magic its type. The first time each day that Excalibur
Form: Large dagger is drawn from its sheath by its wielder, all
Effect: This large knife can be used as a normal enemies within long range are blinded for one
light knife or a medium short sword (user’s round (depletion roll required).
choice). Either way, it deals 1 additional point Constructed of magically enhanced meteoric iron,
of damage (for a total of 3 or 5 points of Excalibur can cut through wood, stone, and
damage, respectively). normal metal (of the artifact level or less)
In addition, the elvish knife can cut through any without losing its edge; the blade inflicts 1
material of its level or lower with ease, owing additional point of damage (no depletion roll
to its exceptional sharpness. required).
Finally, the blade sheds a blue light as bright as a Finally, Excalibur has the ability that Earth myth
candle to warn when goblins, orcs, trolls, or often confers to the blade’s scabbard and can
similar creatures are within 300 feet (91 m). keep the wielder healthy even if wounded.
Depletion: — When this ability is used, 1d6 points are
restored to any stat Pool the wielder wishes.
ELVISH LONG SWORD Though using Excalibur in this fashion requires
Level: 1d6 + 3 a depletion roll, it does not require an action.
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (if depleted, the sword
Law: Magic becomes embedded in the nearest boulder
Form: One-and-a-half-handed sword and will not come free except in the hand of
Effect: This sword has a long pommel and can be its maker or the rightful ruler of the recursion)
used as a medium sword or a heavy sword if
wielded in two hands (user’s choice). Either FATERAZOR
way, it deals 1 additional point of damage (for a Level: 1d6 + 3
total of 5 or 7 points of damage, respectively). Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
In addition, the elvish long sword can cut through Law: Magic
any material of its level or lower with ease, Form: Sword inscribed with red runes down one
owing to its exceptional sharpness. side of the blade, white runes on the other

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Effect: This sword functions as a normal weapon GUNGNIR, SPEAR OF ODIN
Gungnir GM Intrusion: of its type, and the difficulty of attacks made Level: 9
The weapon becomes
with the weapon is decreased by one step. If Origin: Asgard (mythological)
lodged in the target
and is wrenched from
the wielder becomes separated from the blade, Law: Magic
the wielder’s hand. Faterazor returns to her if she can find a dagger, Form: Large spear
sword, or other bladed weapon to grip as a Effect: This spear functions as a normal weapon
Asgard, page 33 temporary stand-in. The first time the wielder of its type. It is so well crafted and carved
attacks another creature with the stand-in blade, with magic runes of such power that it never
Odin: level 8, attacks with Faterazor manifests, replacing the stand-in. misses a target. No attack roll is necessary for
Gungnir as level 10; magic In addition, Faterazor can store spells and cyphers the wielder to hit with Gungnir. If a PC rolls in
and martial abilities perfect
along its blade as runes. Spells and cyphers hopes of achieving a special effect but gets a
for the task at hand
that grant aid are stored as white runes on one 1, Gungnir still hits the target (though a GM
side of the blade, and spells and cyphers that intrusion is still appropriate).
inflict harm on foes are stored as red runes If the user defeats an enemy with the spear and
down the other side. If a PC wields Faterazor, dedicates the victory to Odin, Odin knows it
Cypher limit, page 310 her cypher limit increases by one as long as she and may eventually reward the wielder with a
stores her cyphers as runes on the sword. trove, a secret, or direct aid.
Storing a cypher on Faterazor requires an action, Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (upon depletion, the spear
whereupon the cypher is converted to a rune. returns to Odin in the recursion of Asgard)
Using a stored rune-cypher merely requires
that the user have her hands on Faterazor. The KUSANAGI
cypher provides its normal effect, though the Level: 1d6 + 3
Samurai Sky, page 48 user can choose to convert a red rune-cypher’s Origin: Samurai Sky (emergent)
energy into a number of points of damage Law: Magic
dealt on a successful hit equal to the cypher Form: Sword forged of white metal
so converted. A white rune-cypher can likewise Effect: This sword functions as a normal weapon
be converted to additional points equal to the of its type. If a target lies while the tip of the
cypher level restored to the wielder’s Pools on blade is pointed at him, the wielder feels a
a recovery roll. vibration in the hilt. If the wielder spends a
Storing a spell requires a spellcaster to cast the round concentrating, she learns the exact
Fate’s assassin once wielded spell into the blade. Only three spells can be location of every creature within long range,
Faterazor but has since so stored. Triggering a spell is the same as for regardless of how well hidden they might be.
gone missing. Now the using a cypher, and a stored spell can likewise Finally, if the wielder attacks a foe with the blade,
blade floats around the be converted into extra damage or extra healing. she can choose to inflict 2 additional points of
Sword Realms, a prize to If it’s unclear, the GM determines whether a damage beyond the 6 points normally dealt by
anyone brave enough to a heavy blade (8 points total).
character’s special abilities qualify as spells.
find it.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Check each day of use. If Each special use of the weapon requires a
depleted, Faterazor must by “fed” a number of depletion roll. If the artifact is depleted, it
cyphers whose total level exceeds that of the finds a way to become lost and pass on to a
artifact. These cyphers are destroyed; they do new wielder.
not appear as runes on the blade.) Depletion: 1 in 1d100


Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6
Atlantis, page 51 Origin: Atlantis (mythological) Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent)
Law: Magic or Mad Science Law: Psionics
Form: Curved wand of bronze and glass that flows Form: Dagger made from grey crystal
to fit perfectly in the wielder’s hand Effect: This dagger functions as a normal weapon
Effect: This device has two functions. First, it can of its type. In addition, material from which
produce a constant bladelike beam 2 or 3 feet this weapon is made is highly receptive to
Atom Nocturne,
(60 to 90 cm) long that can be used in melee thought and stores mental energy placed into
page 234
as a light, medium, or heavy weapon (user’s it. When a user attacks with the weapon and
choice upon activation). Once activated, the applies Effort, he can spend points from his
blade remains for one minute. Second, the Intellect Pool instead of his Might Pool.
weapon can also fire a blast of superheated Depletion: —
energy up to long range, which inflicts
damage equal to the artifact level.
Depletion: 1 in 1d10

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
MIND BLADE (CONSCIOUS) 41–50 For one hour, the wielder gains +5 to
Level: 1d6 Armor against a kind of energy specified
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) in the first table entry. Action.
Law: Psionics 51–60 For one hour, the weapon is transformed
Form: Sword made from grey crystal into a creature whose level equals the
Effect: This sword functions as a normal weapon weapon’s level. The creature must obey
of its type. In addition, material from which the wielder’s commands. Action to
this weapon is made is highly receptive to initiate.
thought and stores mental energy placed into 61–65 On a hit, the victim gains a harmful Harmful mutation,
it. When a user attacks with the weapon and mutation. Enabler. page 240
applies Effort, he can spend points from his 66–70 On a hit, the victim is flung forward in
Intellect Pool instead of his Might Pool. time by one minute. Enabler.
A conscious mind blade contains a telepathic 71–75 On a hit, a level 3 or lower NPC or
presence, usually a psychic echo of a once- creature ceases to exist; one higher than
living person trapped in crystal. It typically level 3 loses its next turn. Enabler.
possesses one or more additional abilities the
76–80 The weapon can attack a target that the
wielder can call upon (or which the mind blade wielder can see within long range. It fires
can trigger itself, if applicable). Roll a d100 to an energy ray of a kind specified in the
determine the additional ability the mind blade first table entry that deals damage equal
provides. Each use of a mind blade’s secondary to the weapon’s level. Action.
ability requires a depletion roll; the user can
81–85 On a hit, a level 3 or lower NPC or
decide whether or not to use the special ability,
creature forgets the previous hour; one
though sometimes the mind blade may trigger higher than level 3 loses its next turn.
its ability unexpectedly. Enabler.
86–90 On a hit, the victim is blinded for one
01–10 On a hit, deal extra damage equal to round. Enabler.
weapon level of a kind specific to the
91–95 On a hit, the victim goes insane for one
weapon. Roll a d6. Enabler.
round and attacks its own allies. Enabler.
1 Psychic
96–00 On a hit, the victim’s mind is transferred
2 Cold into the blade and the consciousness
3 Lightning of the blade enters the victim’s body for
4 Acid three rounds. Enabler.
5 Flesh-decaying Depletion: 1-2 in 1d00 (on depletion, user must
6 Fire make an Intellect defense roll or his mind is
drawn into the blade)
11–15 For one minute, a singularity appears
in the space where the first victim of
the mind blade was killed, dragging
Level: 1d6
everything within immediate range into
another recursion of punishment and Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent)
pain. Enabler. Law: Psionics
Form: Sword made from grey crystal
16–20 A violent storm gathers in the sky over
Effect: This sword functions as a normal weapon
the area where the mind blade kills its
of its type. In addition, material from which
first foe of the day and rages for one
minute, randomly striking allies of the
this weapon is made is highly receptive to
slain creature with lightning attacks. thought and stores mental energy placed into
Enabler. it. When a user attacks with the weapon and
applies Effort, she can spend points from her
21–25 On a hit, the victim is aged 1d6 years.
Intellect Pool instead of her Might Pool.
In addition, when the wielder makes a successful
26–30 If the wielder is debilitated, the attack with the weapon, she adds 1 point
personality in the mind blade exchanges to her Intellect Pool. If this causes the Pool
places with him and fights on until the
to exceed its normal maximum, the excess
fight is concluded or the body is killed.
points fade following the wielder’s next one-
hour or ten-hour recovery roll.
31–40 The wielder can make a free recovery Depletion: 1 in 1d20
roll that doesn’t count against his daily
recovery rolls. Action.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
target’s mind (ignoring Armor). Against a PC,
MIND BLADE PERSONALITY the additional damage is subtracted from the
The personality of a conscious mind blade character’s Intellect Pool.
can be a little extreme, given its limited Depletion: 1 in 1d20
existence. The GM could develop a general
Thor: level 8, attacks with personality and perhaps a special purpose MJÖLNIR, HAMMER OF THOR
Mjölnir as level 10; health that the mind blade desires to accomplish, Level: 9
50; Armor 2 such as “bring about revolution,” “protect Origin: Asgard (mythological)
the downtrodden,” “instigate conflict,” and Law: Magic
Only someone “worthy” so on. Form: Medium hammer
can lift Mjölnir; it’s up
to the GM to determine
One of the greatest dangers of using a Effect: This hammer functions as a normal
whether a PC meets that conscious mind blade is that it sometimes weapon of its type and the difficulty of attacks
criteria when the hammer trades places with the consciousness of made with it is decreased by one step.
is first discovered. the wielder, especially when the wielder is In addition, the wielder can make a long-range
confused or otherwise addled. The wielder lightning attack on a target and all creatures
must make an Intellect defense roll to within immediate range of the target that inflicts
resist the transfer. damage equal to the artifact level. Alternatively,
every other round she can throw the hammer at
a single foe within long range, inflicting double
MIND BLADE (PSYCHIC BANE) the artifact level in damage. Once thrown, the
Level: 1d6 hammer returns to the wielder.
Atom Nocturne, Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) The wielder can activate the hammer and gain
page 234 Law: Psionics the ability to fly a long range each round while
Form: Dagger made from grey crystal holding it. This ability lasts for ten minutes.
Inapposite gate,
Effect: This dagger functions as a normal weapon Finally, the wielder can use the hammer to
page 135
of its type. In addition, material from which travel between recursions as if through an
the weapon is made is highly receptive to inapposite gate generated on the fly, if she has
thought and stores mental energy placed into previously visited that recursion. She can also
Creatures that qualify as it. When a user attacks with the weapon and travel in this fashion to Asgard, regardless of
targets for the psychic bane
applies Effort, he can spend points from his whether she’s been there before.
mind blade include anyone
with a focus like Awakens Intellect Pool instead of his Might Pool. Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (upon depletion, the wielder
Dangerous Psychic Talent, In addition, the weapon is the bane of creatures is judged to be unworthy to wield Mjölnir any
Awakens Dreams, or other that use mental powers or psychic energy longer, and she cannot lift it)
foci, types, or natural to make attacks. Against such creatures, the
special abilities that allow mind blade inflicts additional damage equal PLUTONIAN IRON KNIFE
someone to command to its level and the difficulty of attacks against Level: 1d6
mental powers. For such creatures is reduced by one step. If such Origin: Ardeyn (fictional)
example, a sirrush makes
a creature attempts to use the mind blade, it Law: Magic
psychic attacks, and this
blade would be effective takes damage equal to the artifact level each Form: Night-black blade in which distant stars
against one. round the blade is handled. and nebulae are sometimes visible
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Effect: This knife functions as a normal weapon
of its type. However, if the wielder wishes,
Awakens Dangerous MINDCRUSHER on a successful attack the special qualities of
Psychic Talent, Level: 1d6 + 2 the knife inflict additional damage (ignores
page 236 Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) Armor) equal to the artifact level. If this
Law: Psionics damage reduces a target to 0 health, the
Sirrush, page 290
Form: Mace with crystal head target’s soul is drawn into the blade. The soul
Ardeyn, page 160
Effect: This mace functions as a normal weapon remains trapped there for up to three days,
of its type. In addition, the material from after which time it is consumed. (Alternatively,
which it is made is highly receptive to thought the wielder can release the soul to whatever
and stores mental energy placed into it. When its fate would otherwise be.)
a user attacks with the weapon and applies As a separate activation, the wielder can ask
Effort, she can spend points from her Intellect three questions of a creature whose soul is
Pool instead of her Might Pool. trapped in the blade and not yet consumed.
In addition, when the user makes a successful After answering the third question, the soul is
attack with the weapon, she can deal 1 consumed.
additional point of damage directly to the Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 1
Origin: New Centropolis (fictional) Origin: Ruk (emergent) New Centropolis, page 59
Law: Mad Science Law: Mad Science
Form: Metal gauntlet with integrated circuits Form: Metallic claws and bone sheath graft, self-
Effect: Unarmed attacks made while wearing the installing Generally speaking, grafts
glove inflict 1 additional point of damage. Effect: The graft recipient can make unarmed that become part of a
However, if the user activates the glove weapon attacks with metallic claws that can character translate into
as part of an attack, gravity is modified in be extended as part of another action. Instead other recursions with that
character as if they were
her vicinity for one round, allowing her to of dealing normal unarmed attack damage,
a cypher and take on the
make a gravity punch attack. If the attack the attack deals damage equal to the artifact visual context of the new
is successful, the glove inflicts additional level. If the user has a special ability or location, though they do
damage equal to the artifact level and throws training that increases her natural unarmed not count against a PC’s
the target back a short distance. attack damage, the increase is applied to the cypher limit.
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 (check per use of gravity damage dealt by the retractable claws.
punch) Depletion: —


Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 3
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) Origin: Ruk (emergent) Cypher limit, page 310
Law: Psionics Law: Mad Science
Form: Crystal-handled whip made of flexible silver Form: Metallic claws and bone sheath graft, self-
metal installing
Effect: A target within short range takes damage Effect: This graft functions like a set of regular A reality scar is a region
equal to the artifact level. In addition, the retractable claws. However, as a special use about 200 feet (60 m) in
target must make a second Intellect defense of the claws, the user can energize them with diameter that messes with
roll or be subject to extreme mental pain, a laser-cutting surface, which can cut through perceptions of creatures
within it, increasing the
causing it to collapse into a quivering mass any material of the artifact level or less.
difficulty of all tasks by one
of screaming nerve endings for one round, Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per laser ignition) step. Everything within a
which inflicts 2 points of damage (ignores scar is seen as if through
Armor). visual static. Creatures and
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 NPCs sometimes take on
nightmarish outlines that
REALITY-TEARING are probably not real.
R639, page 53
Level: 1d6 + 3
Origin: R639 (emergent)
Law: Exotic
Form: A shard of dull steel, sharpened
along one edge
Effect: This large knife functions as a normal
weapon of its type. When its special power is
activated as part of an attack, the knife emits
a silent pulse of reality-twisting force that
sweeps out to a short range in all directions.
Creatures in the area other than the wielder
are knocked prone and stunned for one
round, losing their action. Unfixed objects
are toppled or moved at least 5 feet (2 m).
Cracks form in walls, floors, and ceilings, and
a reality scar is left behind in the area.
Sometimes, the largest crack left behind creates
a temporary inapposite gate to the recursion
R639 (or to recursions outside it, if the knife
is used within R639).
Depletion: 1 in 1d10

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
RETRACTABLE VENOMOUS HEAD recursion but also loses any quickened abilities
SPIKES and the spark for an indeterminate period.
Level: 1d6 + 1 Depletion: 1 in 1d100
Origin: Ruk (emergent)
Form: Cranial spikes, self-installing Level: 1d6 + 3
Effect: If the wearer of this graft head-butts a foe Origin: Ardeyn (fictional)
and inflicts damage, the victim must make a Law: Magic
Might defense roll as the venomous spikes Form: Dagger with short curved blade and medial
automatically break the skin and inject the ridge
foe with venom. If the second defense roll Effect: This dagger can be used as a normal light
fails, the target takes an additional number weapon. In addition, the user can activate the
of points of Speed damage (ignores Armor) dagger as part of another action, gaining the
equal to the artifact level and is so stunned ability to take another full turn immediately,
with pain that it loses its next turn. but never more than once every other round.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 During the round in which the user slows
apparent time around her, the difficulty of her
According to the Christian SPEAR OF LONGINUS Speed defense rolls is reduced by one step.
Bible, the Spear of Level: 7 Depletion: 1 in 1d10
Longinus is the lance that Origin: Legendary Canaan (mythological)
pierced the side of Jesus as Law: Magic VIBRO SABER
he hung on the cross.
Form: Large spear Level: 1d6 + 2
Effect: This spear functions as a normal weapon Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
Legendary Canaan is a of its type. In addition, it inflicts 2 additional Law: Mad Science
recursion seeded from the points of damage. A character hit by the spear Form: Thin metallic blade on a hilt like a gun grip
myths and legends of the also moves one step down the damage track. Effect: This long one-handed sword inflicts
Ancient Near East. Depletion: — (GM Intrusion: The wielder’s heart damage equal to the artifact level. In addition,
is not pure enough to permit the use of the the target takes 1 point of damage each round
spear. If he attempts to use it regardless, until 1 or more points of damage inflicted by
Rebel Galaxy, page 47
during each round in which he remains in the weapon are restored.
direct or indirect contact with the shaft, he is Depletion: 1 in 1d00
subjected to a level 10 pyrotechnic attack.)

Level: 1d6
The material from which Origin: The Strange (emergent)
a Strange sword is forged
Law: Any
appears to be a slice of
the dark energy network
Form: Tear in reality shaped like a bladed weapon
itself, like a tear in reality, in which the fractalscape of the Strange slowly
except on Earth. On Earth, boils
a Strange sword appears Effect: This bladed weapon functions as a normal
to be forged of night-black weapon of its type. However, it inflicts 2
steel inset with tiny fractal additional points of damage, which means
designs. that a medium Strange sword inflicts 6 points
of damage.
The weapon can inflict one of two additional
effects on creatures who are not native to
the recursion where they are struck. The first
option is to allow the Strange sword to inflict
an additional number of points of damage
equal to the artifact level. The second option
is to forgo regular damage on a successful hit
and instead attempt to force the creature back
to its home recursion as if pushing it through
a translation gate, which requires a second
successful attack. If the wielder rolls a natural
19 or 20 on this second attack and the target is
hit, the target not only is returned to its native

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

Level: 1d6 + 3 Level: 1d6 + 4
Origin: Legendary Greece (mythological) Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) Legendary Greece is a
Law: Magic Law: Mad Science recursion seeded from
Form: Gold-hued shield Form: Bulky metallic suit featuring an integrated the myths and legends of
ancient Greece.
Effect: In addition to the asset on Speed defense weapon of prodigious size
rolls the user has while bearing the shield, Effect: This heavy armor grants +2 to Armor in
the difficulty of her Speed defense rolls is addition to the +3 that heavy armor usually
decreased by a further two steps. provides. Further, the armor features a
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per day of use; if massive integrated weapon that fires plasma;
depleted, the shield fades away, perhaps treat as a heavy weapon able to target a
recalled to Mount Olympus) creature within long range, inflicting damage
equal to the artifact level.
ASCENDED ARMOR PLATING Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check for each day of use)
Level: 1d6
Origin: Atlantis (mythological) HELM OF HADES Atlantis, page 51
Law: Magic or Mad Science Level: 1d6 + 2
Form: Ring Origin: Legendary Greece (mythological)
Effect: Nanomachines sweep out of the ring, Law: Magic
completely covering the user’s body in a sheen Form: Dark-hued helm
of bronze-colored armor, granting her additional Effect: The wearer has an asset on Speed defense
Armor equal to the artifact level for ten minutes. rolls. In addition, she can become invisible
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 for one minute, which decreases the difficulty
of stealth tasks by two steps and grants the
FORCE ARMOR possibility of making a surprise attack against an
Level: 1d6 enemy. While the wearer is invisible, attacking
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) another creature doesn’t disperse the effect,
Law: Mad Science which means that a foe is effectively blind when
Form: Belt attacking and defending against her.
Effect: Upon activation, an almost transparent Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per use of invisibility;
force field surrounds the user in blocky planes if depleted, the helm fades away, perhaps
for one hour, giving her +2 to Armor. The recalled to Mount Olympus)
user can tune the field so that it’s translucent,
hiding her identity, or make it fully dark so that
it emits no light (though she can see through
the field normally).
Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Level: 1d6
Origin: Camelot (mythological)
Law: Magic
Form: Emerald-hued plate mail
Effect: This plate mail functions as heavy armor. In
addition, the user gains +3 to Armor against
effects that would directly affect her Speed
(such as poison) or Intellect (such as a curse
or psychic attack). The user can also make an
extra one-action recovery roll each day.
Depletion: —

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
GM Intrusion for
Kavacha: The wearer’s
heart is not pure enough Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 1
to permit continued use of Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
the armor. If he continues Law: Mad Science Law: Mad Science
to wear the Kavacha Form: Cloak with attached hood Form: Cloak with attached hood
regardless, all subsequent Effect: Under normal circumstances, the hood Effect: This artifact functions as an impact cloak,
attacks against him are and cloak are as flexible and fashionable as except that it has a 50% chance to reflect
treated as level 10 attacks. a normal garment of this type, without any energy attacks back on the attacker.
According to the Hindu epic
penalties associated with wearing regular Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check per attack)
Mahabharata, Karna was armor. However, if the wearer is subjected
an ancient king of India. to a physical or energy attack, the garment IMPACT CLOAK (STEALTH)
immediately stiffens, redirecting the energy Level: 1d6 + 1
Legendary India is a of the attack and protecting him as if he was Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
recursion seeded from wearing heavy armor for that instant. Law: Mad Science
the myths and legends of Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check per attack) Form: Cloak with attached hood
historical India.
Effect: This artifact functions as an impact cloak,
Generally speaking, grafts
except the user can activate the cloak’s stealth
that become part of a field as an action. The stealth field creates
character translate into a camouflage bubble around the user that
other recursions with that dampens sound and decreases the difficulty
character as if they were a of stealth tasks by two steps.
cypher and take on the visual Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check per attack)
context of the new location,
though they do not count
against a PC’s cypher limit.
Level: 1d6 + 4
Origin: Legendary India (mythological)
Law: Magic
Form: Breastplate and helm
Effect: Grants +2 to Armor in addition to the +3 that
heavy armor usually provides. The suit doesn’t
completely cover the wearer, but its protection
applies to damage that often isn’t reduced by typical
armor, such as heat, cold, and Intellect damage.
Depletion: —

Level: 1d6
Origin: Ruk (emergent)
Law: Mad Science
Form: Injection
Effect: A microthin layer of flexible metal spreads
beneath the user’s skin, giving her a greyish,
silvery cast. She gains +1 to Armor.
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day)

Level: 1d6
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent)
Law: Psionics
Form: Armor (usually medium or heavy) made
from crystal
Effect: The material from which the armor is
made is highly receptive to thought and stores
mental energy placed into it. When the wearer
defends from a physical attack and applies
Effort, she can spend points from her Intellect
Pool instead of her Speed Pool.
Depletion: —

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
MIND ARMOR (CONSCIOUS) 51–60 User lands on her feet and takes no damage
Level: 1d6 after a fall from any height. Enabler.
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) 61–65 Allows user to mentally communicate
Law: Psionics with up to six other touched allies for
Form: Armor (usually medium or heavy) made twenty-four hours. Action to initiate.
from crystal 66–70 While the user wears the armor, her
Effect: The material from which the armor is maximum Intellect Pool is 2 points higher
made is highly receptive to thought and stores than normal for ten hours. Enabler.
mental energy placed into it. When the wearer 71–75 User can move more quickly for one
defends from a physical attack and applies minute, and each round she can move
Effort, she can spend points from her Intellect up to a short distance and take a normal
Pool instead of her Speed Pool. action. Action.
A conscious set of mind armor contains a 76–80 User can see normally in the dark; through
telepathic presence, usually a psychic echo fog, smoke, and similar translucent and
of a once-living person trapped in crystal. opaque gasses; and through cloudy water
The armor usually possesses one or more for up to one minute. Action.
additional abilities the wearer can call upon 81–85 A level 1 foe who strikes the user forgets
(or which the armor can trigger itself, if the previous hour. Enabler.
applicable). Roll a d100 to determine the
86–90 User becomes invisible, which reduces the
additional ability. Each use of a mind armor’s
difficulty of stealth tasks by two steps, for up
secondary ability requires a depletion roll; the
to one minute or until she attacks or takes a
wearer can decide whether to use the special
similar dramatic action. Action to initiate.
ability, though sometimes the mind armor
may trigger its ability unexpectedly. 91–95 If struck by a ranged attack, the user
can choose to immediately teleport to a
location next to the attacker. Enabler.
01–10 If the user is struck with a melee attack,
96–00 If the user is debilitated or killed,
the mind armor automatically fires a bolt
the armor retains an echo of her
of energy back at the attacker. Roll a d6 to
consciousness and continues to act as if
determine the kind of energy. Enabler.
she was hale for up to one hour. Enabler.
1 Psychic
Depletion: 1-2 in 1d00 (upon depletion, user must
2 Cold
make an Intellect defense roll or her mind
3 Lightning is drawn into the armor and becomes the
4 Acid resident personality)
5 Flesh-decaying
6 Fire
11–15 The armor teleports the user to a spot she
can see within short range. Enabler.
16–20 The armor and its user go out of phase
for up to one minute, during which
time she can move through physical
objects but cannot physically attack or be
physically attacked. Action to initiate.
21–25 The armor allows the user to fly a short
distance each round for one minute.
Action to initiate.
26–30 When an enemy makes a melee attack
against the user, the armor pulses with
light, which counts as an asset on the
wearer’s Speed defense roll. Enabler.
31–40 Grants the user 1 point that she can use
to restore any Pool. Action.
41–50 User gains +5 to Armor against a kind of
energy specified in the first table entry for
one hour. Action.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6
Legendary Arabia is a Origin: Legendary Arabia (mythological) Origin: New York Grey (fictional)
recursion seeded from Law: Magic Law: Mad Science
the myths and legends of Form: Bronze oil lamp Form: Stylish shoes or boots
historical lands of western Effect: When rubbed, the lamp produces a djinni Effect: Wearer can fall from any height safely, even
Asia and Egypt.
that appears in a puff of smoke and remains if not prepared for the descent. In addition,
Djinni of the lamp: level manifest for up to one hour or until a service he can levitate in the air for up to ten minutes
7; health 35; magic touch or wish is requested of the creature. If the user at a time, rising or descending an immediate
attack inflicts 9 points of makes a wish, it is granted, within limits; the distance each round.
damage; can transform into level of the effect granted is no greater than Depletion: 1 in 1d20
smoke and flame; can grant the level of the artifact, as determined by the
a limited number of wishes GM, who can modify the effect of the wish ARTIFICIAL BLOOD
while bound to the lamp accordingly. (The larger the wish, the more Level: 1d6
likely the GM will limit its effect.) Once the Origin: Ruk (emergent)
New York Gray, page 70 service or wish is granted, the user makes a Law: Mad Science
depletion roll. Form: Red fluid in pod, self-injecting
Depletion: 1 in 1d6 (upon depletion, the djinni’s Effect: Once a recipient has incorporated a full
service is completed and it is free to act as it measure of artificial blood into her system,
will) she is more resilient, adding 1 to all recovery
rolls, and she gains one additional benefit, as
ANKH OF LIFE determined by a d100 roll. The effects last for
Level: 1d6 + 2 twenty-four hours.
New Kingdom, page 57 Origin: New Kingdom (mythological) 01–10 Immune to disease
Law: Magic
11–15 Immune to poison
Form: Ebony ankh-shaped rod
Effect: If the ankh is touched to a character, 16–20 Immune to acid
she regains 10 points in one Pool, is cured 21–25 +5 to Armor against electrical damage
of blindness, and, if elderly, is reduced in 26–30 +5 to Armor against fire damage
Ruk, page 190 apparent age by ten years. 31–40 +5 to Armor against cold damage
Depletion: 1 in 1d10
41–50 +5 to Armor against psychic damage
51–60 +5 to Armor against damage from high
61–65 Difficulty of defense rolls to survive drug or
alcohol overdose decreased by two steps,
and user is not subject to hangovers
66–70 Tireless; add 1 to Might Edge
71–75 Quick; add 1 to Speed Edge
76–80 Smart; add 1 to Intellect Edge
81–85 Regenerative; recovery roll restores 2
additional points to a Pool
86–90 User’s eyes reflect light like a cat’s; user
can see in the dark
91–95 User’s blood is acidic to other creatures;
melee attackers who damage the user suffer
1 point of acid damage from blood splash
96–00 User can apply one level of Effort to a
noncombat task without spending any
points from a Pool
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each day)

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
The belt of divine strength,
BELT OF DIVINE STRENGTH as her ally for one minute or until she spends a
also called Megingjörð,
Level: 1d6 round rubbing the smoke out of her eyes. was a possession of the god
Origin: Asgard (mythological) Tell Me True: Force a secret (bearing on the Thor, and those who find
Law: Magic topic selected by the smoker) from a target and wear it risk his wrath.
Form: Heavy belt tooled with Norse runes within immediate range. If no secret is being
Effect: For ten minutes, wearer adds 10 points to withheld, treat this as a psychic attack against Thor, page 26
her Might Pool and adds 3 to her Might Edge. a target within short range that deals 5 points
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 of Intellect damage.
Depletion: 1 in 1d6
Level: 1d6 + 3 CELLULAR PROD
Origin: The Strange (emergent) Level: 1d6 + 1 The Strange, page 212
Law: Any Origin: Ruk (emergent)
Form: Pair of boots inlaid with swirling fractals Law: Mad Science Chaosphere navigation,
Effect: When the boots are activated as part of Form: 4-foot-long (1 m) metallic rod with a barbed page 215
a move, the wearer can walk across empty propulsive head
Fractal surfing,
air for a long distance each round for up to Effect: The cellular prod is used like a cattle prod. page 215
one minute. If used in the Strange, the boots When its business end is applied to a living
decrease the difficulty of any Chaosphere target (possibly in a melee attack), it injects
navigation or fractal surfing task by one step. a potent cocktail of DNA, RNA, ribosomes,
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 and other promoters that have an immediate
effect and a long-term effect on the target.
CAPRICIOUS HOOKAH The immediate effect paralyzes the target for up
Level: 1d6 + 1 to one minute, after which the target has no
Origin: Wonderland (fictional) memory of that time period. The long-term Wonderland, page 253
Law: Magic effect could be any one of the following,
Form: Hookah depending on the nature of the cellular prod
Effect: A user who occupies herself with smoking (each injector has only one kind of secondary
the hookah—which must be supplied with effect).
tobacco and lit—can call upon the following Aggression: The target’s aggressive tendencies
effects, but never the same effect twice in two are increased for up to twelve hours, during
rounds. which time the target attacks almost anything
Cough: Attack all creatures within immediate it encounters.
range with a cloud of smoke. On a failed Calm: The target’s aggressive tendencies are
Might defense roll, victims suffer damage and damped down for up to twelve hours, during
a fit of coughing that renders them unable to which time the target responds to attacks but
take actions in the following round. never initiates them.
Get Away: User blows a smoke ring around himself Transformation: The target transforms into
and teleports to a location within long range. a leukocyte over a twelve-hour period. A
Go Away: Create a magic smoke circle that targets fully transformed target loses all memory
one creature in short range. If the victim of his former existence, but a successful
fails a Speed defense roll, it is teleported to a translation to another recursion before the
random location within long range. transformation is complete salvages those
Heal: Breathe in a long draught of smoke that memories (and resets the recursor’s form to
restores 4 points to any Pool. fit the context of the new recursion).
Make Friends: Blow smoke into the eyes of a target Depletion: 1 in 1d20
within immediate range. If the victim fails an
Intellect defense roll, she sees the hookah smoker


Asgard is a recursion seeded by Norse myths and modern comics and movies that feature
godlike entities such as Odin, Loki, Thor, and many more who reside there. According to
the fiction that birthed the recursion, all these beings possess the ability to travel into other
realms (linked recursions), which is how some of them spend much of their time. Associated
recursions include the Nine Worlds, such as Jotunheim (the home of the giants) and
Svartalfheim (the home of the dark elves). A few Norse gods may have the spark and travel
farther afield.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
CELLULAR SAMPLER Effect: Anything placed in the chest whose level
Level: 1d6 + 1 is less than or equal to the artifact level is
Origin: Ruk (emergent) consumed within one hour and rendered into
Law: Mad Science more rich compost. (Each time an object is
Form: 4-foot-long (1 m) metallic rod with a barbed consumed by the chest’s residents, an equal
propulsive head mass of particularly rich compost can be
Effect: The cellular sampler is used like a cattle removed from the chest.) The chest measures
prod. When its business end is applied to a 2 by 3 by 2 feet (60 by 90 by 60 cm).
living target (possibly in a melee attack), it Depletion: 1 in 1d20
removes a sample of the target’s tissue and
analyzes it. A readout shows what, if any, CLOAK OF ELFKIND
special abilities the target possesses. If the Level: 1d6 + 2
wielder wishes, she can then use the cellular Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
sampler on herself and gain one of the special Law: Magic
abilities from the last creature sampled. Form: Cloak of fine greyish-green cloth
A transferred ability lasts for one minute. Effect: When the cloak is activated by drawing the
Sampling and transferring each require a hood over the wearer’s head, the difficulty of
depletion roll. all stealth tasks she attempts is decreased by
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 two steps. The effect lasts until the hood is
lowered again. If the wearer cannot see in the
CHEST OF WORMS dark already, the active cloak grants her that
Level: 1d6 + 3 ability.
Crow Hollow, page 242 Origin: Crow Hollow (emergent) Depletion: 1 in 1d00
Law: Magic
Form: Wooden chest containing soil and writhing CLOAK OF INNOCENCE
worms Level: 1d6
Origin: Crow Hollow (emergent)
Law: Magic
Form: Violet cloak
Effect: Anyone wearing the cloak is reduced to a
Ardeyn, page 160 young child. Removing the cloak returns the
wearer to his normal apparent age (unless the
cloak became depleted when it was put on).
The wearer’s clothing reduces in size to fit the
child, though the cloak does not.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Level: 1d6
Origin: Crow Hollow (emergent)
Law: Magic
Form: White cloak
Effect: Anyone wearing the cloak is advanced to an
arthritic, elderly age. Removing the cloak returns
the wearer to her normal apparent age (unless
the cloak became depleted when it was put on).
Depletion: 1 in 1d20


Level: 1d6
Origin: Ardeyn (fictional)
Law: Magic
Form: Coil of rope
Effect: The coil of rope can be let
out at a rate of 50 feet (15 m) per
round; however, no end to the
rope can be found no matter
how long the user uncoils it. The

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
rope retains its incredible length until recoiled and provides that answer after a few minutes
or until it becomes depleted. of psychically searching.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per hour the rope’s Depletion: 1 in 1d10 (check per special question
length remains extended past 50 feet) successfully answered)


Level: 1d6 + 3 Level: 1d6
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) Urban Fantastic, page 53
Law: Magic Law: Magic
Form: Bracelet set with dice icon Form: Cosmetic case
Effect: For tasks that are usually random, the user Effect: The supplies within this case are infused
exerts some level of control. When he picks a with illusion magic. Someone who uses the
card, rolls a die, or otherwise takes an action cosmetics can visually erase the signs of
that skill usually plays no part in, he makes age and skin damage for twenty-four hours.
a difficulty 4 Intellect roll. If successful, he In addition, someone made up with the
achieves the desired result if it is a result that cosmetics has an asset on all tasks related
could have occurred randomly. to perception, persuasion, deception, and
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 pleasant social interaction. Finally, the user
can see invisible creatures within short range,
COMMUNICATOR or see through illusions that cloak a creature’s
Level: 1d6 + 2 true appearance within short range.
Origin: The Strange (emergent) Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Law: Any
Form: Two matched fossil-like spirals CROWN OF IMMORTALITY
Effect: A communicator is a special artifact of the Level: 1d6 + 3
Strange that travels between recursions when Origin: Legendary Greece (mythological)
its user translates without losing its abilities. Law: Magic
The artifact comes in two pieces. Whoever Form: Laurel wreath
holds one piece can activate it and verbally Effect: If the wearer would become debilitated
communicate with the owner of the matched or die, the crown prevents it by instantly
piece for up to one minute per use. The restoring health (to a creature or an NPC)
communication is instantaneous and works at or points to a Pool (to a player character).
any range, even across recursions. If the wearer would die of old age, disease,
Each piece also serves as a recursion key, allowing or poison, the crown prevents it by rolling Recursion key, page 130
a quickened creature to translate to the back the clock by a few decades, clearing the
location of the other piece (but otherwise disease, or denaturing the poison. The crown
following the normal rules of translation). This is ineffective in preventing death when it
special effect isn’t obvious even to those who comes from extreme sources, such as falling
know the artifact’s main effect. into lava, the sun, a singularity, and so on, or
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 being struck by Death’s scythe or some other Death’s scythe, page 22
divine implement specifically designed to kill.
COMPANION ORACLE Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (upon depletion, the crown
Level: 1d6 + 1 fades away, perhaps recalled to Mount
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) Olympus) Atom Nocturne,
Law: Psionics page 234
Form: Crystal sphere containing psychic image of CROWN OF THE KING
an oracle Level: 1d6 + 2
Effect: When the sphere is touched, it displays a Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Sword Realms, page 73
psychic image of an entity. This is the Oracle, Law: Magic
who will talk with, counsel, and serve as a Form: White crown set with jewels and with silver
friendly confidant to the user without the need and pearl wings on either side
for a depletion roll. In addition, the Oracle Effect: The wearer of the crown has an asset on
can answer questions about any topic put to all interaction tasks. In addition, she can ask
it, and if anyone within all the recursions that one general question each day and receive
make up the Shoals of Earth whose level is an answer from a divine source, though the
equal to or less than the artifact level knows answer received may not always be complete,
the answer, the Oracle knows the answer too, or even in words.
Depletion: —

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
CROWN OF TERROR level is less than the hand’s level, a short-
Level: 1d6 + 3 range laser attack that inflicts damage equal
Halloween, page 51 Origin: Halloween (emergent) to the artifact level, and +1 to Might Edge
Law: Magic that applies only when the user is using
Form: Blackened, rusted iron crown the prosthesis directly to accomplish a task
Effect: When the wearer activates the crown, (such as making a melee attack, climbing, or
creatures within short range view him as a holding onto something).
terrifying vision for one minute. An affected Depletion: —
creature either stands frozen or runs away. If
the wearer moves to within immediate range CYPHER CHEST
of an affected target and menaces that target, Level: 1d6 + 1
its terror is magnified; the target takes 3 Origin: The Strange (emergent)
points of damage that ignore Armor and can Law: Any
take no actions for one round. Each round Form: Chest measuring 1 foot (30 cm) in its
in which the wearer menaces a single target longest dimension
Cypher limit, page 310 requires an additional depletion roll. Effect: The chest can store a number of cyphers
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 equal to its level for the user. This could
potentially allow her to exceed her normal
CYBERNETIC HAND cypher limit. Accessing the chest and
Level: 1d6 + 1 removing a cypher from it takes one action, as
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) does storing a cypher.
Law: Mad Science This artifact translates like a cypher but does not
Form: Mechanical hand count against a PC’s cypher limit.
Effect: Serves as a fully functional prosthetic Depletion: 1-2 in 1d00 (Check each time a cypher
mechanical hand. In addition, the hand is removed. If the chest becomes depleted,
provides its owner with several abilities, it and any remaining cyphers stored in it are
including the ability to crush objects whose lost.)

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6
Origin: The Strange (emergent) Origin: The Strange (emergent)
Law: Any Law: Any
Form: Bracelet etched with fractal designs Form: Bracelet etched with fractal designs
Effect: An unused cypher’s energy is siphoned by Effect: An unused cypher’s energy is siphoned by
this artifact, which destroys the cypher. The this artifact, which destroys the cypher. The
siphoned energy adds 1 to the user’s Edge for siphoned energy forms a ray of destructive
one hour. Roll a d6 to determine which Pool’s energy targeting a foe up to 200 feet (60 m)
edge is boosted: away that inflicts damage equal to the level of
1–2 Might the destroyed cypher. Roll a d100 to determine
the effect.
3–4 Speed
01–50 Heat/concentrated light
5–6 Intellect
51–60 Cell-disrupting radiation
This artifact translates like a cypher but does not
count against a PC’s cypher limit. 61–80 Force
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 81–87 Magnetic wave
88–93 Molecular bond disruption
CYPHER SIPHON (DETONATION) 94–00 Concentrated cold
Level: 1d6
Origin: The Strange (emergent) This artifact translates like a cypher but does not
Law: Any count against a PC’s cypher limit.
Form: Bracelet etched with fractal designs Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Effect: An unused cypher’s energy is siphoned by
this artifact, which destroys the cypher. The CYPHER SIPHON (SHIELDING)
siphoned energy forms a glowing orb that Level: 1d6
streaks to a location within a short distance Origin: The Strange (emergent)
determined by the user, where it explodes in Law: Any
an immediate radius, inflicting damage equal Form: Bracelet etched with fractal designs
to the level of the destroyed cypher. Roll a Effect: An unused cypher’s energy is siphoned by
d100 for the type of damage: this artifact, which destroys the cypher. The
01–10 Cell-disrupting (harms only flesh) siphoned energy creates a force field around
the user that lasts for one hour. He gains +3
11–30 Corrosive
to Armor against a specified kind of damage
31–40 Electrical discharge for one hour. Roll a d100 to determine which
41–50 Heat drain (cold) kind.
51–75 Fire 01–12 Fire
76–00 Shrapnel 13–27 Cold
This artifact translates like a cypher but does not 28–39 Acid
count against a PC’s cypher limit. 40–52 Psychic
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 53–65 Sonic
66–72 Electrical
Level: 1d6
Origin: The Strange (emergent) 85–00 Physical (blunt force, slashing, piercing)
Law: Any This artifact translates like a cypher but does not
Form: Bracelet etched with fractal designs count against a PC’s cypher limit.
Effect: An unused cypher’s energy is siphoned by Depletion: 1 in 1d20
this artifact, which destroys the cypher. The
siphoned energy restores a number of points DEMON POWDER
to the user’s Pools equal to the level of the Level: 1d6 + 1
destroyed cypher. Origin: Wuxia City (fictional)
This artifact translates like a cypher but does not Law: Magic
count against a PC’s cypher limit. Form: A leather pouch filled with yellow powder
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Effect: A pinch of powder cast at targets in
immediate range deals damage equal to the
artifact level and causes victims to run in

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Wuxia City is a recursion the size of San Francisco with many of the actual neighborhoods,
businesses, and establishments of the city it was seeded from. However, it also contains
a host of secret societies, sorcerous colleges, and martial arts dojos where mystical power
is real and the most respected (and feared) teachers are beings who first came into their
strength centuries ago in ancient China. Regular citizens don’t know or believe in any of it,
but that doesn’t stop the constant power struggles, dramas, and intrigues from playing out in
the back streets and hidden places.

abject terror for up to a minute, or to cower DRAGON HORN

if fleeing is not an option. The powder works Level: 1d6
on targets whose level is less than or equal Origin: Ardeyn (fictional)
to the artifact level and who are supernatural Law: Magic
creatures (including ghouls, demons, and Form: Musical horn carved of dragon bone
other supernatural beings from recursions Effect: When sounded, the horn attracts the
that operate under the law of Magic). attention of the closest dragon (if in a
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 recursion inhabited by dragons). The dragon
attracted is at least curious but not necessarily
Level: 1d6 + 3 Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Urban Temporal, page 65 Origin: Urban Temporal (fictional)
Law: Mad Science DRAGON’S TEETH
Form: Handheld device Level: 1d6 + 1
Effect: For an object or creature no larger than Origin: Legendary Greece (mythological)
the user and within immediate range, the Law: Magic
dimension of breadth is folded into a higher Form: Burlap bag containing a handful of teeth
dimension, rendering the target as flat as Effect: If a dragon’s tooth is drawn from the bag
paper. The target adheres to whatever surface and cast upon the earth, a soldier outfitted as
Greek warrior: level 4, it was attached to, set upon, or standing an ancient Greek warrior (whose level is equal
Speed defense as level 5 due upon, resembling particularly realistic art. to the artifact level) appears, ready to fight for
to shield; Armor 1; spear An affected creatures enters stasis. While in the user for up to ten minutes before going
attack (melee or short
stasis, it can take no actions, doesn’t age, and his own way. The user can draw several teeth
ranged) inflicts 4 points
of damage and impedes
is immune to damage and effects. It remains at once from the bag, but each tooth drawn
movement of victim to in stasis until the artifact is depleted. requires a separate depletion roll.
immediate range for one A dimensional modulator can also be used to Depletion: 1 in 1d10
round return a dimensionally collapsed creature or
object within immediate range to its normal
Depletion: 1 in 1d10

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 +2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Origin: Asgard (mythological) Origin: The Strange (emergent) Asgard, page 33
Law: Magic Law: Any
Form: Golden ring inscribed with runes Form: Small device on tripod Odin, page 24
Effect: Ring can produce eight nonmagical, gold Effect: The artifact creates a translucent field of
replicas of itself, each worth 20 gold coins. energy that extends to a diameter of short
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 range and lasts for ten hours. Reality is
warped inside the field so that any creature
DUPLICATOR entering it can survive inside it regardless of
Level: 1d6 + 2 physical or environmental requirements, even
Origin: Ruk (emergent) if other creatures requiring a much different
Law: Mad Science environment are already within. For example,
Form: Palm-sized disc sharks and humans would each feel fully at
Effect: Creates a duplicate of the user that persists home within the field, and the sharks could
for up to one hour. The duplicate’s level is swim around as if in water, while the humans
equal to the artifact’s level or the user’s level could walk around normally without drowning.
(or tier), whichever is lower. The duplicate is The field has one additional effect on all creatures
dressed like the user but has no specialized within it: all tasks, attacks, and defenses
equipment such as cyphers or artifacts. The attempted within the field are treated as if
duplicate possesses the general knowledge of attempted by a level 4 creature, regardless of
the user, including at least one special ability normal level, training, or lack of expertise. For
that most defines the user. instance, if an antagonistic level 2 human and
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 an enemy level 5 grey found themselves within
the field, the human would attack the grey as
EAGLESTONE if level 4, the grey would defend as if level 4,
Level: 1d6 + 2 and vice versa.
Ohunkakan, page 41
Origin: Ohunkakan (mythological) The device translates like a cypher but does not
Law: Magic count against a character’s cypher limit.
Form: Amber-colored crystal Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Effect: If placed next to the body of a creature Cypher limit, page 310
that was recently killed, at dawn the body is ESTATE BADGE (ENHANCED)
returned to life and health. Level: 1d6 + 2
Depletion: Automatic Origin: The Strange (emergent)
Law: Any Only a handful of Estate
ECSTASY NODE Form: Estate badge in badge holder operatives on Earth are
lucky enough to be given
Level: 1d6 Effect: In the hands of a quickened individual
one of the very rare and
Origin: Ruk (emergent) who has been duly sworn into the service valuable enhanced Estate
Law: Mad Science of the Estate, the badge identifies her as an badges.
Form: Small biopod fitted behind the left ear operative and authorizes her to freely pass
Effect: Once the biopod is fitted, the user can through certain warded areas on the Estate
mentally direct the stimulation of his brain’s campus and other locations the organization The Estate, page 148
pleasure center in a short pulse lasting about has warded.
a round, or program a series of pulses lasting Additionally, other creatures to whom the badge
up to ten minutes. On the lowest intensity is shown see the identification as whatever
setting, the user has an asset on tasks related would be most useful to the operative, which
to pleasant social interaction. On the medium can grant the bearer authority over a situation.
setting, the user can still interact with his For example, the badge might grant authority
surroundings, but the difficulty of all tasks is over local police, get the bearer past the gate
increased by one step. On the highest setting, guards of nearly any compound, and so on.
the user is essentially debilitated, though Furthermore, the bearer can command a Debilitated, page 108
incredibly happy. viewer to forget events that occurred within
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 the last hour and even forget the bearer
herself, as long as she makes such demands
to further a mission or goal of the Estate.
Finally, an enhanced Estate badge translates
with a quickened operative and takes on
the context of a new recursion as if it were a

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
cypher, though it does not count against the controls for operating the van, a conference
bearer’s cypher limit. area immediately behind the passenger seats,
In the hands of someone who is not an Estate storage lockers, and a bathroom. The driver
operative (and, more important, someone can coax the same speed and performance
who is not quickened), the badge has from the Model 7 as she might from a regular
no special abilities. It merely shapes the van.
quickened abilities of its bearer. Depletion: —
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each time a target is
commanded to forget events or the bearer) EXOSKELETON (GRAVITY
Level: 1d6 + 1 Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
Origin: The Strange (emergent) Law: Mad Science
Law: Any Form: Metallic frame
Form: White electrician’s van exterior with tinted Effect: Anyone wearing the metallic frame
windows functions normally in areas of high gravity,
Effect: The cabin of the vehicle is a separate low gravity, and zero gravity. The exoskeleton
pocket dimension larger on the inside than allows the user to walk normally in every
the outside. Interior windows seem like gravity condition (including adhering to or
regular glass, but they are projections of walking on a surface in a zero-gravity or low-
what sensors on the van’s exterior detect, gravity environment). She can make attacks
filtered so that attacks that use lasers and and attempt other tasks normally with no
other light-based attacks are not replicated increases in difficulty due to extreme gravity
inside. Indeed, the exterior of the van could conditions. The exoskeleton fails in the
be destroyed, and as long as the inapposite especially extreme gravity on the edge of a
doors remain internally sealed, the van’s singularity.
passengers are safe. The interior contains Depletion: —
a driver and passenger seating area with

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) Origin: Asgard (mythological) Rebel Galaxy, page 47
Law: Mad Science Law: Magic
Form: Metallic frame Form: Cloak made of feathers
Effect: The melee exoskeleton offers protection Effect: For ten hours, the wearer becomes a falcon Asgard, page 33
that other exoskeleton models do not offer, whose level is equal to the artifact level. The
providing +1 to Armor. In addition, the falcon can fly a long distance each round, or up
wearer becomes practiced with using the to 60 mph (97 kph) when traveling overland.
exoskeleton manipulators, which can function Depletion: 1 in 1d100
as heavy melee weapons. If he hits a foe with
a manipulator, the manipulators latch on FLUTE OF THE ELDER SPIRIT
and automatically deal crushing damage in Level: 1d6 + 1
subsequent rounds until the caught foe can Origin: Ohunkakan (mythological)
break free with a Might defense roll. Law: Magic
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per minute of use) Form: Delicate wooden flute with the symbol of an
elder spirit carved upon it
EXOSKELETON (TURRET) Effect: There are as many kinds of flutes as there
Level: 1d6 are elder spirits. When played, the flute
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) confers an ability of the elder spirit carved
Law: Mad Science upon it for one hour. The kinds of flutes
Form: Metallic frame include (but are not limited to) the following:
Effect: The wearer can make one attack using Owl: Flautist’s Intellect Edge increases by 1.
the long-range blaster turret mounted on the Wolf: Flautist’s Speed Edge increases by 1.
exoskeleton as part of any other action. The Bear: Flautist adds 3 points to Might Pool.
blaster is a heavy weapon and deals 6 points Hawk: Difficulty of all perception tasks for the
of energy damage. flautist decreases by two steps.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per minute of use) Snake: Flautist deals 2 additional points of venom
damage on a successful melee attack.
EYEGLASSES OF MEMORY Transformation: The flute transforms the flautist
Level: 1d6 + 2 into an animal of a specified type. He takes on
Origin: Wuxia City (fictional) the physical characteristics and abilities of the Wuxia City, page 38
Law: Magic animal for the duration but retains his own
Form: A pair of silver spectacles mind.
Effect: The wearer can duplicate a special ability Love: Flautist specifies one character, and that
that she witnessed an ally or foe perform within person falls in love with the flautist for the
the last few rounds. This can be an attack, the duration of the flute’s song.
creation of a special effect, the application of Blood: Flautist can willingly inflict 2 points
skilled knowledge to complete a task, and so of damage on himself. His spilled blood
on. The effect created by the spectacles knows coagulates and becomes a tiny man-shaped
few bounds, though the wearer must make construct that can communicate a short
any associated task or attack roll to use the message to anyone in the recursion whose
duplicated ability. For example, if the wearer sees name the flautist knows.
a giant asp deliver a venomous bite that shrivels Sometimes the user of an activated animal flute
flesh in seconds, she can attempt to do the exhibits some of the behavioral characteristics
same, but she must succeed on the attack roll. of the animal carved upon the flute, even for
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 flutes that do not transform the flautist.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20


In Ohunkakan, the old stories still live. Tale-tellers practice their art throughout the recursion,
the constant flux of their tellings and retellings weaving an ever-changing tapestry of myth
that shapes the fabric of reality. Landmarks, villages, and even the patterns of stars shift
across the landscape, the familiar freely mixes with the mythic, and elements of dim ages
stubbornly persist alongside images pulled from modern Earth. Even today, a tale told
powerfully enough might just become true.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
FLYING CARPET for up to seven days, or until the keystone above
Level: 1d6 + 1 the fireplace in the Great Hall is pressed, at
Origin: Legendary Arabia (mythological) which point the keep begins to unfold, returning
Law: Magic to its sheet form over the course of one minute.
Form: Silken rug with repeating arabesque Creatures and foreign objects inside the keep
designs bordered with a pattern that suggests that do not exit before the end of that minute
scudding clouds could be ejected or stored in stasis until the
Effect: Carpet flies a long distance each round, next time the keep is folded, depending on the
carrying up to five passengers for up to ten hours particular foldable keep.
per activation. When traveling overland, the Depletion: 1 in 1d20
artifact can achieve a rate of 60 mph (97 kph).
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 FRICTION MODULATOR
Level: 1d6 + 3
Urban Temporal, page 65 FOLDABLE KEEP Origin: Urban Temporal (frictional)
Level: 1d6 + 1 Law: Mad Science
Sword Realms, page 73 Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Form: Handheld device
Law: Magic Effect: An object that has moving wheels, gears,
Form: Thick sheet of stiff parchment inked with discs, or other moving parts ceases to function
intricate fold guides for one minute as the coefficient of friction
Effect: If one minute is spent folding this sheet dramatically increases. The object must be able
of parchment, a tiny keep takes shape. Upon to fit into a cube 10 feet by 10 feet (3 m by 3
completion, it expands and transforms, m). Solid-state objects and objects that work
becoming a broad stone keep some 50 feet (15 biologically, magically, or psionically are not
m) high and 35 feet (11 m) in diameter. The keep affected, unless moving gears or other moving
takes the form of a tower with battlements. The mechanical parts are part of their normal
interior is furnished and stocked with enough operation. A clockwork creature or similar
supplies to feed and outfit a small group of target is frozen in place for the duration.
travelers for up to seven days. The keep persists Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
GAME OF SCREAMS within 3 miles (5 km) of her current location.
Level: 1d6 + 4 Each exit shown lasts no more than a few
Origin: Halloween (emergent) rounds. Charting a course to a specific Halloween, page 51
Law: Magic recursion is possible using the map (and
Form: Board game in a wooden box with a d20 requires a difficulty 5 Intellect roll with each
and seven playing pieces attempt); however, even a successful attempt
Effect: The game is linked to the recursion of is somewhat roundabout, and the user can
Halloween and mediates effects between the expect to pass through at least a few unrelated
two locations through game play. The basic recursions in the process.
rules are as follows: “Roll the die to move A gate map translates with its owner like a cypher
your token. The first one to reach the end with but does not count against the user’s cypher
a Trick and a Treat wins. But beware: do not limit.
start unless you intend to finish. Finishing is Depletion: — (GM Intrusion: A mysterious entity
the safest way to release those who become of the Strange appears to reclaim its lost
trapped.” See Playing the Game of Screams. map.)
The game has a special property allowing it to
translate between recursions as a cypher, GECKO JUMPSUIT
though it does not count against a character’s Level: 1d6 + 1
cypher limit. Origin: Earth (emergent)
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Roll for depletion after a Law: Standard Physics
game is completed. If depleted, the game Form: Jumpsuit with rough surfaces that mimic
disappears and reappears in a random mechanism used by geckos to stick to walls
recursion.) Effect: The wearer can climb any surface without
the need to succeed on a Might-based task,
but only as long as he keeps his speed down
PLAYING THE GAME OF SCREAMS to an immediate distance per round. Doing
To play a simplified game, the GM can something other than climbing (such as
have the players roll d20s on their turn climbing and fighting) requires that the user
and keep track of their total; the first player attempt a normal climbing task; however,
to reach 100 wins, if they’ve also got a while wearing the suit, he has two assets to
Trick and a Treat. Each time a player rolls any such task.
5 or less on the d20, a Halloween-themed Depletion: —
creature appears out of the game and
menaces them until killed. When killed, GEM OF DREAMS
a creature drops either a Trick (such as a Level: 1d6
loose tooth, a bag of dung, and so on) or Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) Urban Fantastic, page 53
a Treat (such as a hard candy, a cypher, Law: Magic
or the like). If more detailed instructions Form: Glowing red gem
of play are desired, see page 55 of Strange Effect: The user can pull dreams from his mind
Revelations. (or those of others) and make them real
within short range. The effects created have a
level equal to the artifact level and can include
GATE MAP objects, structures, and creatures. This is a
Level: 1d6 + 3 creative process, not a destructive one—at
Origin: The Strange (emergent) least not directly. For example, the user
Law: Any could overlay a coffee shop with a dream of a
Form: Foldable poster map on heavy stock jungle, complete with trees, vines, heat, bugs,
Effect: The map reveals a series of connected and venomous snakes, which might then
inapposite gates and translation gates in the threaten the shop patrons. The created dream
recursion in which it is opened, along with lasts for ten minutes, or longer if the user
timestamps that constantly update. These is present and concentrates on maintaining
gates are not normally recognized within the it. If maintained for longer than a day, the
context of any given recursion because they dream may pinch off into a completely new
are not permanent—just brief, ephemeral recursion.
flaws in the dark energy network. But with the Depletion: — (GM Intrusion: The gem is lost in a
aid of a gate map, any user (quickened or not) passing dream.)
can find a hidden “exit” to another recursion
within a period of 1d20 hours and somewhere

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Origin: The Strange (emergent) Origin: Ruk (emergent)
Law: Any Law: Mad Science
Form: Metallic cube etched with spirals Form: Metallic umbilical
Effect: A psychic energy source within the artifact Effect: The user can project a short-lived imprint
All Song, page 192 is linked to the subconscious minds of of her consciousness into the All Song. The
several brilliant people in various recursions imprint—a “ghost”—can travel the network
in the Shoals of Earth, including fictional for up to ten hours, searching for hard-to-find
versions of Albert Einstein, Socrates, and data, tracing users of other networks, and
Dmitri Mendeleev, as well as wholly fictional attempting to break into encrypted areas. The
personages such as comic book inventor ghost sends a message with a summary of
geniuses, mad scientists of novels and everything it’s learned on a topic (if anything)
movies, and so on. In effect, possessing the prior to its natural dissolution. In effect, the
artifact means that the difficulty of the user’s ghost instance reduces the difficulty of an
tasks related to knowledge, solving puzzles, information-gathering or hacking attempt by
and generating tactical suggestions is reduced two steps.
by three steps, thanks to the aid of a particular The ghost instance could spawn a “ghost” into
summoned genius mind. However, if the user a similar data network, such as the Internet,
fails a difficulty 5 Intellect task for pleasant if it were brought into a different recursion.
social interaction, the personality that comes However, in a recursion that doesn’t support
to the fore becomes difficult, sullen, manic, or Mad Science, the ghost lasts for only a few
otherwise represents a viewpoint that is not hours, and the difficulty is reduced by only
eager to answer questions for the next twenty- one step.
four hours. Depletion: 1 in 1d10 (Upon depletion, the user’s
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 mind is transferred, not duplicated, leaving
behind an unconscious body; the user
must find a way back into her body or risk
permanent disassociation with it.)

Level: 1d6
Origin: Asgard (mythological)
Law: Magic
Form: Musical horn
Effect: When the horn is sounded, five spirits of
Einherjar: level 4; Armor fallen warriors called Einherjar are summoned
1; sword attack inflicts for up to one minute and fight on behalf of
5 points of damage on whoever blew the horn.
normal and immaterial or Depletion: 1 in 1d10
phased foes alike


Level: 1d6 + 4
Origin: Asgard (mythological)
Law: Magic
Form: Silver chain of indeterminate (and
expandable) length
Effect: The chain can be used to bind a creature
whose level is less than or equal to the artifact
level. Once bound, the creature cannot
remove the chain through any method. The
bound creature becomes frozen in time,
cannot be harmed, and cannot be interacted
with unless Gleipnir is removed by another
Depletion: 1 in 1d10

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
GOGGLES OF MIND CONTROL Effect: The graft recipient permanently adds 2
Level: 1d6 + 2 points to her Speed Pool.
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) Depletion: —
Law: Psionics
Form: Crystal goggles GRAFT (GRAVITIC ASSIST)
Effect: If the wearer meets the eye of another Level: 1d6
creature within immediate range and makes Origin: Ruk (emergent)
an Intellect attack, the creature comes under Law: Mad Science
the wearer’s sway for one minute and does as Form: Organ, self-installing
he telepathically commands. The wearer can Effect: The graft recipient can reduce or increase
see from the target’s point of view, if desired, his gravity on the fly, nullifying the effects of
during this period. high, low, or no gravity, as a normal function
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 of the graft that doesn’t require a depletion
roll. In addition, he can trigger the graft to
GOGGLES OF MIND LEECHING reduce his effective mass in order to leap up
Level: 1d6 to a long distance as his normal movement
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) for the round.
Law: Psionics Depletion: —
Form: Crystal goggles
Effect: If the wearer meets the eye of another GRAFT (LIGHT EATING)
creature within immediate range and makes Level: 1d6 + 2 Atom Nocturne,
an Intellect attack, mental energy is drained Origin: Ruk (emergent) page 234
from the target (as damage) and transferred to Law: Mad Science
the wearer in an amount equal to the artifact Form: Skin replacement, self-wrapping
level. The wearer adds the drained points to Effect: The graft recipient can subsist without
her Intellect Pool. Points added that exceed her food as long as he has the equivalent of one
normal maximum fade after one hour. hour of bright sunlight exposure each day and
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 a normal quantity of water. In addition, he
gains +5 to Armor against attacks using light,
GRAFT (ALL SONG IMPLANT) including lasers. Finally, each time the user is
Level: 1d6 attacked by light or lasers, 1 point is restored Generally speaking, grafts
Origin: Ruk (emergent) to the Pool of his choice. that become part of a
character translate into
Law: Mad Science Depletion: —
other recursions with that
Form: Organ, self-installing character as if a cypher,
Effect: The graft recipient can plug into the All GRAFT (SKILL SPECIALIZATION) taking on the visual context
Song anywhere in Ruk and gain full access to Level: 1d6 of the new location. They
it without the need to connect via umbilical Origin: Ruk (emergent) do not count against a PC’s
to an All Song communal. The difficulty of Law: Mad Science cypher limit.
all tasks associated with connecting to and Form: Organ, self-installing
retrieving information from the All Song is Effect: This organ grants specialization in one
decreased by one step. noncombat task. A multitude of different skill
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 grafts provide specialization in a multitude All Song communal,
page 198
of different skills. The higher metabolic cost
GRAFT (CYPHER POCKET) of a skill-specialization graft (as opposed to a Cypher limit, page 310
Level: 1d6 skill-training graft) means that this graft will
Origin: Ruk (emergent) eventually burn out and become depleted. Skills, page 21
Law: Mad Science Depletion: 1 in 1d00 (check each day)
Form: Organ, self-installing Specialization, page 99
Effect: The graft recipient’s cypher limit increases GRAFT (SKILL TRAINING)
by one. Level: 1d6 Training, page 99
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each day) Origin: Ruk (emergent)
Law: Mad Science
GRAFT (FAST-TWITCH MUSCLE) Form: Organ, self-installing
Level: 1d6 Effect: This organ grants training in one noncombat
Origin: Ruk (emergent) task that the user is not already trained in. A
Law: Mad Science multitude of different skill grafts provide training
Form: Organ, self-installing in a multitude of different skills.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Roll a d20 to determine the skill training or GRAFT (TENTACLE)
choose from this table: Level: 1d6
1 Biology Origin: Ruk (emergent)
Law: Mad Science
2 Climbing
Form: 3-foot (1 m) long tentacle, self-installing
3 Computer science Effect: The graft recipient gains an additional
4 Crafting limb, which allows her to hold an extra piece
5 Deceiving of equipment, such as a shield, or make
6 Escaping an unarmed attack with the tentacle (as if
practiced), treating it as a light weapon. On
7 Forensic science
a hit, the user can inflict damage or hold the
8 Healing victim in place for one round.
9 History Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each day)
10 Initiative
11 Intimidation GRIP GLOVE
Level: 1d6 + 3
12 Jumping
Origin: Earth (emergent)
13 Lockpicking Law: Standard Physics
14 Mechanical repair Form: Gauntlet with a mechanical suction device
15 Perception on the palm
16 Persuasion Effect: The wearer of the glove has an asset for
all tasks related to gripping, which includes
17 Pickpocketing
making an attack with a melee weapon,
18 Riding climbing, and holding tightly to something.
19 Stealth Depletion: 1 in 1d20
20 Swimming
Depletion: — Level: 1d6
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent)
Level: 1d6 Form: Crystal sphere about twice the size of a
Origin: Ruk (emergent) human head that glows with blue internal light
Law: Mad Science Effect: The sphere follows whoever activated it
Form: Organ, self-installing around for one hour by rolling across the
Effect: The graft recipient permanently adds 2 ground to stay within an immediate distance
points to her Might Pool. of her. The sphere jumps over obstacles that
Depletion: — are 6 feet (2 m) tall or less. Otherwise, it
maneuvers around them if possible or stays
Synthesis Gland Graft GM GRAFT (SYNTHESIS GLAND) put if not. Upon command, the sphere emits a
Intrusions: The character Level: 1d6 mental cloaking field in an immediate radius;
takes damage equal to the Origin: Ruk (emergent) anyone within the field is virtually immune to
artifact level. The character
Law: Mad Science mental tracking and has an asset on Intellect
loses her next turn. The
character’s skin turns bright
Form: Organ, self-installing defense rolls.
blue. The character begins Effect: Over the course of one minute, the graft Depletion: 1 in 1d20
to emit the overpowering recipient can synthesize hormones and other
odor of burned chocolate. chemicals that feed directly into her blood.
This can provide a great many advantages,
including reducing the difficulty by one step
of a particular task, kind of attack, or kind
of defense for three rounds; counteracting
a poison or acid; or restoring 2 points to a
Pool. The GM may allow other effects from
synthesized chemicals but may require a
roll. Users who spectacularly fail to create a
desired outlier chemical may suffer instead of
gain a benefit from the botched synthesis, as
determined by the GM.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
Law: Psionics Law: Mad Science
Form: Crystal sphere about twice the size of a Form: Flying robot with integrated laser firearm
human head that glows with blue internal light Effect: This robotic entity is not free-thinking,
Effect: The sphere follows whoever activated it but rather commanded by a user (typically,
around for one hour by rolling across the a designated leader with the appropriate
ground to stay within an immediate distance command module). It can fly a long distance
of her. The sphere jumps over obstacles that each round and fights as part of a squad,
are 6 feet (2 m) tall or less. Otherwise, it using its integrated laser firearm to make
maneuvers around them if possible or stays long-range laser attacks as an entity equal to
put if not. Once per round, whenever the the artifact level.
user is attacked by a foe within an immediate Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day; on
distance, the sphere fires a psychic bolt that depletion, robot powers down until repaired)
inflicts 3 points of damage (ignores Armor) on
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Level: 1d6 + 3
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
GUNBOT (MARK ONE) Law: Mad Science
Level: 1d6 Form: Spherical when moving; unfolds into gun-
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) armed robot when attacking
Law: Mad Science Effect: This robotic entity is not free-thinking,
Form: Skeletal-frame robot with integrated laser but rather commanded by a user (typically,
firearm a designated leader with the appropriate
Effect: This robotic entity is not free-thinking, command module). It can roll a long distance
but rather commanded by a user (typically, each round when moving and fights as part
a designated leader with the appropriate of a squad, using its integrated laser firearm
command module). It fights as part of a to make two long-range laser attacks as one
squad, using its head-mounted eye laser to action as an entity equal to the artifact level.
make long-range laser attacks as an entity Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day; on
equal to the artifact level. depletion, robot powers down until repaired)
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day; on
depletion, robot powers down until repaired) HAMMER OF WISHES
Level: 1d6
Origin: Samurai Sky (emergent)
Law: Magic
Form: Hammer inlaid with kanji that read “Uchide
no Kozuchi”
Effect: A wielder who spends a minute using the
hammer on a solid surface of stone, metal, or
a similar substance can wish for an object and
tap it into existence. Objects created can last
for several days or weeks, depending on their
simplicity and purpose. The level of the item is
determined by the GM but is no greater than
the level of the artifact. The more powerful

Nothing’s better than a fast ship and your trusty blaster at your side in Rebel Galaxy, a
recursion created by fictional leakage from action-packed space opera films and books,
particularly those popular in the last forty years. In Rebel Galaxy, the forces of good face near-
impossible odds but struggle on in the name of freedom from oppression. Rebels fight to
free the galaxy from the tyrannical Imperium one planet at a time. What neither side of this
interstellar war realizes, however, is that outsiders seek to stoke the flames of the conflict for
their own ends.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
the object, the more likely the GM will limit candles making up the hand must be lit and
its existence. For example, an object with an burning to produce an effect.
effect like a cypher probably lasts for only one Thief ’s Passage: A locked or barred door or a
use, like a regular cypher, while a chair might container whose level is less than or equal
last for weeks. to the hand’s level becomes unlocked when
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 touched by the hand.
Insensibility: A target within short range is
HAND OF GLORY motionless and unable to take actions as long
Level: 1d6 + 3 as the lit hand remains within range (or until
Albion is a recursion seeded Origin: Albion (mythological) the target is attacked or otherwise snapped
from the myths and legends Law: Magic out of the trance).
of the island of Great Britain. Form: Dried humanoid hand with candle-tip Invisibility: User is invisible for up to one minute
fingers while holding the hand. While invisible, the
Effect: A hand of glory has several potential uses, user is specialized in stealth and Speed
including the following. In all cases, the defense tasks.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20

In the recursion of Samurai Sky, the economic and cultural prosperity enjoyed by the Land of
the Rising Sun during the historical Edo period (1603 to 1868) never ended. Usually, the law
of Standard Physics is ascendant in the recursion, but Magic also functions under certain
phases of the moon. Some artifacts in the recursion rely on Magic (and thus a certain phase
of the moon) to fully function.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
HLIDSKJALF, SEAT OF ODIN drinker who suffers from one or more curses
Level: 1d6 + 4 is released from them all, and unwelcome
Origin: Asgard (mythological) transformative effects are completely Asgard, page 33
Law: Magic reversed. Furthermore, the ill effects of age are
Form: Blazing jewel, usually set in a chair or wiped away, rendering someone older than
throne twenty-five years back to that approximate Many versions of the Holy
Effect: When someone sits in a seat set with physiological age. The drinker is not made Grail exist throughout
the artifact, she can see and hear into any immortal, however, or immune to normal the Shoals of Earth. One
other location in Asgard or the Nine Worlds aging thereafter. version, from a recursion
for up to ten minutes at a time. In addition, Depletion: 1 in 1d6 (Upon depletion, the Holy where Nazis have
attempted to pervert the
a quickened user can see into any other Grail disappears. A new quest to find it, if
power of the Grail to their
recursion, world, or even the Strange itself successful, restores the artifact for another own uses, has twisted the
if she makes a difficulty 5 Intellect-based span of time.) magic so that it creates
task. However, doing so is strenuous. Seers “eternal life” by converting
who use Hlidskjalf who are not gods must HUMAN HELPER the drinker into a mindless
make a level 5 Might defense roll or fall dead Level: 1d6 zombie.
afterward. Origin: New York Grey (fictional)
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (upon depletion, the blazing Law: Mad Science New York Grey, page 70
jewel disappears and returns to Odin) Form: A ring with a generic human face design
Effect: The ring ejects a pellet that rapidly inflates
HOLY GRAIL to create what seems to be a normal human,
Level: 1d6 + 4 though one with limited vocabulary and ability
Origin: Camelot (mythological) to reason. The human created (level 1) does
Law: Magic as instructed for ten minutes and then slumps
Form: Modest bronze cup and melts into so much reddish goo.
Effect: Anyone who drinks from the Holy Grail is Depletion: 1 in 1d20
immediately healed of all wounds, diseases,
toxins, and malign mental influences. A

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 1
Origin: New York Grey (fictional) Origin: Ruk (emergent)
Law: Mad Science Law: Mad Science
Form: Folds of cloth and fleshlike substance Form: Black attaché case
(inactive) or a specific human individual Effect: The case translates with its holder, but
(active) objects within the case retain the context
Effect: The wearer of a human suit is completely of the recursion where they were stored. If
disguised as a specific human individual; the items are stored in a recursion that operates
difficulty of any disguise task attempted is under one law and then taken to a recursion
reduced by five steps. A human suit is usually that operates under a different law, they do
no one in particular; each suit is designed not begin to degrade until they are removed
to allow whoever’s wearing it to adopt a new from the case. This means that cross-law
human persona, not pretend to be someone items function for at least a minute at full
famous. A suit’s technology is such that it capacity upon removal from the case. Thus,
adapts to fit a wearer ranging from half the a magic wand could work in Ruk, a nanobot
size of a normal human to one that is almost injector could work on Earth, and so on,
the same size (including another human). without having to be used immediately after
Human suits usually come with attached translation or inapposite travel.
clothing. Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per translation)
Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Level: 1d6 + 4
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent)
Law: Psionics
Form: Necklace with inset crystal
Effect: The crystal is highly receptive to thought
and stores mental energy placed into it. A
character can transfer points of Intellect from
his Pool into the crystal, up to 1 per round,
up to a number of stored points equal to the
cache’s level. (He can recover the transferred
points normally.) Thereafter, the points can
be used to pay the cost of abilities (including
associated Effort) that use Intellect. The
character using the intellect cache does not
need to be the same one who invested it.
The user cannot use the points to restore his
Intellect Pool, unless he does so indirectly by
using an Intellect-based ability that restores
the points.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each time the cache is
drawn down by any amount)

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
JACK-O’-LANTERN Effect: When the wearer makes a slashing or piercing
Level: 1d6 + 3 attack on a foe, the foe takes damage as normal.
Origin: Halloween (mythological) In subsequent rounds, however, the wound
Law: Magic bleeds abnormally strongly, dealing 3 points of
Form: Brass lantern sculpted to resemble a damage each round for three additional rounds.
traditional Halloween pumpkin Depletion: 1 in 1 d100
Effect: When lit, the lantern provides bright
light within immediate range and dim light LEARNING TORC
within short range for one hour. The user can Level: 1d6 + 2
also call on various abilities of the lantern, Origin: Atlantis (mythological)
including the following: Law: Magic or Mad Science
• Reveal invisible or otherwise unseen creatures Form: Golden torc that flows to fit perfectly
for one round. around the wearer’s head
• Command level 1 spirits for ten minutes. Effect: When worn, the artifact grants knowledge
• Add +1 to Armor against damage from spells (as an asset) in one area, depending on the
for one hour. particular torc. Possible options include the
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 following (roll a d20 or choose one):
1 Biology
JADE DRAGON 2 Climbing
Level: 1d6 + 2 3 Computer science
Origin: Samurai Sky (emergent) Samurai Sky, page 48
4 Crafting
Law: Magic
5 Deceiving
Form: A 2-inch (5 cm) jade statuette of a dragon
6 Escaping
Effect: When the statuette is activated, it grows
into a living dragon-shaped creature 30 feet 7 Healing
(9 m) long that obeys the user’s commands. 8 History
The creature is level 5 and persists for up to 9 Initiative
eight hours. The dragon can bear up to three 10 Intimidation
human-sized creatures on its back, attack with 11 Jumping
a bite, or (once every other round) breathe fire 12 Lockpicking
at short range on up to three targets within 13 Magic lore
immediate range of each other. 14 Perception
Depletion: 1 in 1d10
15 Persuasion
16 Pickpocketing
17 Riding
Level: 1d6 + 1
Origin: New Kingdom (mythological) 18 Stealth New Kingdom, page 57
Law: Magic 19 Swimming
Form: Brooch with symbol resembling an ankh, 20 Weapon (choose category)
except its arms curve down Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per use)

Halloween is a recursion where the holiday is manifest as a city. Each neighborhood of Halloween
has its own unique character and includes the Midnight Circus, the Graveyard, and the witch-
haunted House on the Hill. Goblins, trick-or-treaters, ghosts, witches, and ghouls inhabit the
leaning buildings and spookily decorated tenements. Though some may initially mistake the
recursion for a place to let childlike wonder roam free, those few are quickly eaten and forgotten.

The story of Atlantis is one of the oldest myths. Supposedly 9,000 years before Plato first
wrote of its existence, a great civilization arose on the now-lost continent. There is truth to the
myth, but it has become distorted by time—and by intentional deception. Atlantis has thus
become a “recursive” recursion, where a God-King has long tended to fictions about the lost
civilization in order to shape the actual recursion, making it larger, stronger, and more potent
than it would otherwise be.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Level: 1d6 + 3
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
Law: Magic Law: Magic
If the same individual gains Form: Eyeball-sized white orb with a burning point Form: Withered hand
both the lich eye and the of fire at the center Effect: Serves as a fully functional prosthetic—if
lich hand as prosthetics, Effect: Serves as a fully functional prosthetic—and not especially aesthetic—hand. In addition,
reports indicate that an noticeably malefic—eye. In addition, the eye the hand provides its owner with an icy touch
additional suite of malefic grants the owner the ability to see in the dark attack that inflicts damage equal to the artifact
powers becomes available. for up to ten hours at a time, the ability to see level, a long-range magical blast that inflicts 4
However, apparently
through illusions and see invisible creatures points of damage (ignores Armor), and a +2
so does a secondary
personality that attempts to for up to one minute at a time, and the ability boost to Might Edge that lasts for one hour.
trick the wearer into giving to command the actions of a creature within The lich hand will translate into other recursions
up control of his body. immediate range who meets the eye’s gaze for with its owner as if a cypher, taking on the
a period of one minute. visual context of the new location, though it
The lich eye will translate into other recursions does not count against a PC’s cypher limit.
with its owner as if a cypher, taking on the Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (upon depletion, the hand
visual context of the new location, though it detaches and attempts to strangle its former
Cypher limit, page 310 does not count against a PC’s cypher limit. owner)
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Upon depletion, the eye
takes control of the host for one day, during LOCK SEAL
which time he has no memory of the horrible Level: 1d6 + 3
Urban Temporal, page 65 deeds he undertakes at the eye’s bidding. At Origin: Urban Temporal (fictional)
the end of the period, the eye disappears.) Law: Mad Science
Form: Self-adhering locking mechanism

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Effect: If applied to a container, door, or other MASK OF HAPPINESS
object that can be closed, the target is locked. Level: 1d6
The lock mechanism level is equal to the Origin: R639 (emergent)
artifact level and requires three successful Law: Exotic
lockpick attempts before the lock seal Form: Humanoid clown mask
disengages. It will also disengage at the user’s Effect: The wearer is happy while the mask
touch or under conditions the user specified remains on. This effect also keeps him safe
when installing the lock, such as to open only from malign mental influence, including fear
in the presence of a certain individual or under and intimidation.
special circumstances. Once disengaged, the Depletion: 1 in 1d20
lock seal folds back into a compact form and
can be reused if not depleted. MEMORY ERASER
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Level: 1d6
Origin: New York Grey (fictional) New York Grey, page 70
LUCK STONE Law: Mad Science
Level: 1d6 Form: Handheld cylinder with a dial and a flash
Origin: Camelot (mythological) Effect: A flash of light erases the last minute
Law: Magic (or more) of memory in all creatures within
Form: A river-smooth stone with a hole in the immediate range that look at the flash without
center protective eyewear. The memory eraser has a
Effect: When the stone is activated, the next task dial with increments; the higher the dial is set
the wearer attempts within one minute is before the device is used, the larger the swath
decreased in difficulty by one step. of memory erased by the flash, up to about a
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 month.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20
MASK OF DREAM Mask of Dream GM
Level: 1d6 + 2 MEMORY SPIKE (FOCUS) Intrusion: The mask is lost
Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) Level: 10 in a passing dream.
Law: Magic Origin: Urban Temporal (fictional)
Form: Gas mask of ominous design Law: Mad Science
Effect: The user can physically enter the dream Form: Slender crystal rod
of any nearby sleeping creature for up to ten Effect: The rod contains a personality fragment
minutes at a time. While in another creature’s from a person long dead. Accessing the
dream, the difficulty of all tasks related to fragment is as simple as grasping the rod
persuasion and intimidation is decreased by and concentrating on its contents. The user’s
one step for the user. mind is instantly flooded with shreds of
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 memory, feelings, and sensations until he

In some ways, R639 resembles Seattle in December. Cloud cover is constant, grey, and
oppressive. Coats and gloves only partly protect from a seeping damp chill that pervades
everything. But R639 takes gloominess orders of magnitude further, because the recursion is
a version of Seattle without power and, more immediately noticeable, one where everyone has
vanished. Streets are empty. Cars are parked as if their owners expected to return. Chalky dust
covers everything that’s not exposed to the weather. Nothing moves in the parks but for the
sway of empty swings in the wind. Silence lies as heavy as a shroud over the Seattle of R639.

“Urban Fantastic” is the term given to a class of recursions seeded by the plethora of urban
fantasies in novels, TV, and movies. It includes a recursion called Urban Wizardry and others
of a similar bent. At first glance, an Urban Fantastic recursion seems just like modern-day
Earth. But peel back the facade just a bit, and revealed is a world where magic and creatures
of the night, of myth, and of magic are all too real. Vampires and werewolves exist in their
nests and packs, as do fae creatures, demons, humans who can perform magic, and the
remnants of ancient gods who yet wander the Earth in the guise of normal people (or who
abide in separate but associated recursions).

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
R639, page 53 absorbs the extra personality. He immediately MIRROR OF FADING BEAUTY
chooses and gains a second focus, though Level: 1d6
Though the user of a mirror it operates only in the recursion where the Origin: R639 (fictional)
of fading beauty can’t memory spike is used, and only until the user Law: Exotic
normally see it, others
translates away. Form: Hand mirror
see the user’s reflection in
any mirror become more
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Effect: A user who gazes at himself in the
horrific and threatening reflective surface activates the device. He
with each use of the MEMORY SPIKE (KNOWLEDGE) gains access to an additional stat Pool called
artifact. The monstrous Level: 10 Beauty that has a number of points equal to
reflection lasts after the Origin: Urban Temporal (fictional) the artifact level. When spending points from
Beauty Pool is used up and Law: Mad Science any other Pool, he can take one, some, or all
the artifact is depleted, Form: Slender crystal rod the points from the Beauty Pool first.
even if the user translates to
Effect: The rod contains a personality fragment Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per day of use)
other recursions.
from a person long dead. Accessing the
fragment is as simple as grasping the rod and MIRROR OF MENTAL SWAPPING
Urban Temporal, page 65 concentrating on its contents. The user’s mind Level: 1d6
is instantly flooded with shreds of memory, Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent)
feelings, and sensations until he absorbs Law: Psionics
Atom Nocturne, the extra personality. He immediately gains Form: Hand mirror
page 234 training in one task that does not involve Effect: If the user presents the mirror so that a
offense or defense. The training applies only creature within immediate range can see its
in the recursion where the memory spike is own reflection, the minds of the user and the
used, and only until the user translates away. creature are swapped for one minute.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Depletion: 1 in 1d10


Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 2
New Centropolis, page 59 Origin: Earth (emergent) Origin: New Centropolis (emergent)
Law: Standard Physics Law: Mad Science
Form: Tiny flying drone shaped like a dragonfly Form: Silver lens that can be worn as a monocle
Effect: This microdrone uses four quad-copter or mounted as part of a helmet or suit
rotors housed in synthetic but lifelike Effect: A user who gazes through the monocle
dragonfly wings, giving the mechanical device and activates it as an action determines the
a disguise that is difficult to pierce when it is weaknesses, vulnerabilities, qualities, and
flying. The microdrone comes with a remote mannerisms of a single creature within long
control and virtual-reality goggles that give the range. The GM should reveal the creature’s
user visual and audio in the drone’s proximity. level, basic abilities, and obvious weaknesses
Under most circumstances, the drone has a (if any). For the user, the difficulty of all
range of 1 mile (2 km). actions that affect that creature—attack,
Moriarty, page 307
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Check per flight; depletion defense, interaction, and so on—is reduced by
usually means the microdrone suffered a one step for one minute afterward.
mishap, but it can be repaired with a difficulty Depletion: 1 in 1d20
2 Intellect task if the right part is available, or
with a difficulty 6 Intellect task if not.) MORIARTY’S CANE
Level: 1d6 + 3
Midas’s Touch GM MIDAS’S TOUCH Origin: The Strange (emergent)
Intrusion: The character Level: 1d6 + 2 Law: Any
must make a difficulty 3 Origin: Legendary Greece (mythological) Form: Walking cane with polished mahogany
Might defense roll or be Law: Magic handle
turned to gold.
Form: Rod tipped with solid gold finger Effect: Once per day, as an action, the user
Effect: Anything touched by the rod is turned to can translate between recursions he has
solid gold for twenty-four hours, after which previously visited.
time the target dissolves into dust. The cane translates as if a cypher but does not
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 count against a PC’s cypher limit.
Depletion: 1 in 1d00

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
MORIARTY’S PISTOL Roll a d6 to determine whether it is a harmful
Level: 1d6 + 2 mutation (1-4) or a powerful mutation (5-6), Cataclyst, page 238
Origin: The Strange (emergent) and then roll on the associated mutation
Law: Any table. Harmful mutation,
Form: Idealized pistol Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day the mask is page 240
Effect: This pistol can be wielded in one hand worn, and each time the mutation changes)
Powerful mutation,
like a normal light weapon, but it deals 5 page 241
additional points of damage (for a total of 7 NANOBOT PILL
points per attack) that ignore Armor. Level: 1d6 + 1
The pistol translates as if a cypher but does not Origin: Ruk (emergent)
count against a PC’s cypher limit. Law: Mad Science
Depletion: 1 in 1d00 Form: Large pill filled with miniaturized robots
Effect: When the user ingests the pill, nanobots
MORPHIC INTEGRATOR swarm out of it and into her body, providing
Level: 1d6 + 1 one of the benefits described below. When the
Origin: New York Grey (fictional) effect ends after about a minute, the nanobots New York Grey, page 70
Law: Mad Science extricate themselves from her tissue and
Form: Metallic helm with wires and LEDs form a fresh pill nestled in her hand, ready for
Effect: The wearer can integrate body parts of another use (unless depleted). Effects include
other creatures into her own, enhancing the following.
herself by gaining associated abilities of Antivenom. User is cured of the effects of any
the melded parts. The integrator can meld poison currently afflicting her and gains
any kind of alien biology with the wearer. immunity to poison for one hour.
The integration process requires the wearer
to touch a subdued, unresisting creature
for one minute. Afterward, the creature is
reduced to dust, and the skin, extra arm or
head, tail, tentacle, tendril, organ, or other
desired portion of the creature is melded
with the wearer. The wearer can then access
the body part’s associated ability as her
own. For instance, if the creature could see
radiation with its eyes, the user of the morphic
integrator can too.
Multiple additional abilities can be gained by
using the integrator, but each additional
use further disfigures the wearer, depending
on the part melded. In addition, for each
integration after the first, the wearer must
succeed on a difficulty 5 Intellect defense roll
or begin to go crazy. Three failed rolls render
the user criminally insane, whereupon she
turns on her former friends and allies and
tries to integrate them.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Level: 1d6 + 4
Origin: Cataclyst (emergent)
Law: Mad Science
Form: Leather face mask with integrated
Effect: When worn, the mask conforms to the
wearer’s head, enclosing it. While wearing
the mask, the user can trigger a mutation by
spending an action fiddling with the mask.
Over the next few rounds, any previous
mutations fade, and a new mutation appears.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Decontamination. User is cured of radiation with a named and described dead creature
sickness and other unwanted effects of whose corpse is not present (this latter effect
Harmful mutations, radiation, including any harmful mutations, works best if something that was once in the
page 240 over the course of one minute. possession of the dead creature is present),
Reconfiguration. User gains one randomly rolled but the difficulty of the task is increased by
Powerful mutations, powerful mutation, a process that takes one three steps.
page 241
hour to complete and inflicts 10 points of Depletion: 1 in 1d20
damage on her. The mutation lasts for twenty-
four hours and then fades. NECRONOMICON (LATIN EDITION)
The Necronomicon is near Recovery. User makes a free recovery roll that Level: 1d6 + 4
the top of the list when it
doesn’t count against her daily number of Origin: Innsmouth (fictional)
comes to fictional artifacts
the Estate has banned its recovery rolls. Law: Magic
operatives from interacting Remedy. User is cured of one mundane disease Form: Grimoire (no reader can long keep the
with, on pain of dissociation and gains immunity to mundane diseases for book’s exact form in memory)
from the organization. one hour. Effect: A reader who understands Latin can use
Unlike other similar relics, Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Upon depletion, the pill this grimoire to accomplish a wide variety of
no versions of the tome reforms one final time; if ingested again, it occult operations, though all of them risk her
have been found that can acts like acid that inflicts 5 points of damage sanity. Indeed, one must be a little insane, or at
translate like a cypher. At
for three rounds.) least naive, to use this tome, given its storied
least, not yet.
history. That said, the uses a reader can put the
NATURALIZER Necronomicon to include the following.
Level: 1d6 + 3 Reference. Grimoire reduces the difficulty of any
Origin: The Strange (emergent) task related to knowledge of Lovecraftian
Innsmouth, page 253
Law: Any recursions, entities, objects, and related
Form: Metallic ring subjects by three steps.
Effect: The wearer gives the appearance of being Spellbook. Grimoire contains a variety of horrifying
native to the recursion where the ring is worn spells and rituals, which a reader can attempt
to all forms of scanning and perception, to cast by incanting from the tome. They
including qualities from artifacts and cyphers, range from simple curses and spells to speak
that might otherwise reveal a creature to to the dead all the way up to death spells and
be a non-native. This camouflage includes the summoning of Lovecraftian entities. The
Exception, page 32 invisibility to special abilities like Exception GM can let the player describe the kind of
and similar attacks that rely on a subject being spell she’s looking for, and then decide if that
foreign, a native of the Strange, a demon, spell exists in the Necronomicon. If it does, the
and so on. The artifact does not change the spell also likely has an unintended side effect,
wearer’s physical appearance, so if a demon such as infecting a nearby object or friend
wearer becomes immune to an attack that with a demonic entity, killing a pet, or striking
normally expels demons, observers might still a nearby NPC insane.
recognize the wearer for what it is. Each time the reader references the grimoire or
A naturalizer translates with its owner like a casts a spell from it, the disturbing imagery,
cypher but does not count against the user’s phrasing, and general evil nature require her
cypher limit. to make a difficulty 5 Intellect defense roll.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 On a failed roll, she takes 5 points of Intellect
damage, descends one step on the damage
Someone using a necroham NECROHAM RADIO track, and takes one other action (determined
radio to contact a dead Level: 1d6 + 3 by the GM) motivated by insanity. On a
creature of malign power, Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) successful roll, she still takes 2 points of
such as an evil wizard, Law: Magic Intellect damage.
should be cautious lest the
Form: Electronic device superficially similar to a Depletion: —
summoned spirit decide
that it’s tired of being dead ham radio
and try to use the radio Effect: A user who succeeds on a difficulty ORB OF FAR SIGHT
operator’s body as its new 4 Intellect task to operate the radio can Level: 1d6 + 4
form. communicate with a dead creature for up Origin: Ardeyn (fictional)
to ten minutes per use. The corpse must be Law: Magic
Urban Fantastic, page 53 present and dead for no more than about Form: Glass orb
a decade per level of the artifact. A user Effect: When the orb is activated, the user names
can attempt to communicate with a corpse a place in the same recursion and can see a
that has been dead longer, or communicate vision of that place for up to one minute if she

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
makes a difficulty 2 Intellect roll, though some PHYLACTERY
areas may be harder to view, especially if they Level: 1d6 + 1
are warded, which increases the difficulty. Origin: New Kingdom (mythological)
The user can see a vision from named places Law: Magic
in other recursions if she succeeds on an Form: Circlet set with square ebony gem
Intellect task equal to the recursion’s level + 2. Effect: While the phylactery is worn, the wearer’s
Several orbs of far sight exist. Telepathic soul is stored in the ebony gem. This provides
communication between orbs by their users the wearer +1 to Armor and an asset on Might
is possible, and merely requires one user to defense tasks. In addition, he can choose to
open communication with one of the other ignore the effects of becoming impaired or
orbs. However, this is dangerous because debilitated. Finally, he can choose to ignore
it lays open the user’s mind to attack by the effects of death itself for a limited time.
unfriendly owners of other orbs. To attack the Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check for each minute spent
mind of another user (or attempt to implant either impaired or debilitated, and for each
a false vision), one user makes an Intellect round the user would otherwise be dead)
attack against her. If successful, Intellect
damage equal to the artifact level is inflicted PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY
on her, or a false vision is presented to her as Level: 1d6 + 3
if true, such as a vision of a city being burned Origin: Victorian Earth (fictional)
when in reality it remains unharmed. Law: Any
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Upon depletion, the orb grows Form: Framed portrait of whomever the picture is
as black as pitch, and for the following seven attuned to
nights, the user has nightmares of falling into Effect: Once the portrait is attuned to a specific
the heart of that darkness. On the eighth night, person (requiring the user to succeed on a
the nightmares are gone, and so is the orb.) difficulty 5 Intellect-based task), it takes half
the damage that person would otherwise
PERSONAL WARDSTONE take after Armor (if any) is applied. After
Level: 1d6 attunement, the picture and the one portrayed
Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) do not have to remain in proximity for the Urban Fantastic, page 53
Law: Magic bond to remain, though someone else could
Form: Amulet or bracelet come along later and change the portrait’s
Effect: Nullifies one magical effect per round attunement. The picture can withstand a
whose level is less than or equal to the artifact number of points of damage equal to its level
level that would otherwise affect the user. per day, at which time no more damage is
Depletion: 1 in 1d6 transferred that day (and a depletion roll is
PHIAL OF ELFLIGHT Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Level: 1d6 + 2
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) PNAKOTIC MANUSCRIPTS Sword Realms, page 73
Law: Magic Level: 1d6 + 2
Form: Crystal vial filled with glowing fluid Origin: R’lyeh (fictional)
Effect: The vial constantly emits light as dim as a Law: Magic
candle. However, it can be commanded to emit Form: Tome with stony plates binding a sheaf of R’lyeh belongs to a class of
bright light that fills an area a short distance parchment limited worlds seeded by
across. Undead creatures, evil spirits, orcs, Effect: When a user reads aloud from the stories of cosmic horror and
madness written by author
goblins, and similar foul beasts are blinded manuscripts in an area or a recursion where
H.P. Lovecraft.
for one round when first exposed to the bright Magic operates, she can create several
light, and afterward their tasks, attacks, and different effects, all of which put her at risk.
defenses are modified by two steps to their The effect most readily available allows the
detriment while they remain in the light. user to contact the mind of a powerful godlike
Depletion: — being. She must make a difficulty 5 Intellect

Seeded from the myths of ancient Egypt commingled with modern stories of that period, the
New Kingdom is a recursion located along an alternate Nile where pharaohs yet rule the land,
and gods such as Anubis, Isis, Nephthys, Osiris, Ra, and Tefnut are revered.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
defense roll. On a failed roll, she takes 5 POTION OF INVINCIBILITY
points of Intellect damage, descends one step Level: 1d6
Wuxia City, page 38 on the damage track, and takes one other Origin: Wuxia City (fictional)
action (determined by the GM) motivated by Law: Magic
insane panic. On a successful roll, she takes Form: A golden decanter filled with steaming
2 points of Intellect damage and learns the liquid
answer to one question, no matter the scope, Effect: When a portion of the liquid in the
from the mind contacted. decanter is consumed, it confers a sense of
The Pnakotic Manuscripts can translate between overweening confidence and well-being for
recursions like a cypher, thanks to the one hour. This effect counters fear effects,
Fundament, page 214 fundament making up the plates binding the psychic attacks that attempt to cripple a
sheaf of parchment that is inked with spells. victim’s mind, and similar psychological
Depletion: — manipulations. The user also immediately
gains 3 experience points (XP) that can be
used to reroll failed rolls. If these 3 XP are not
used by the end of the hour, they fade away.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Level: 1d6 + 2
Origin: New Centropolis (emergent)
Law: Mad Science
Form: Matching ebony bracers etched with
nanoscale circuits
Effect: The bracers bond to the wearer and are
extremely difficult to remove until depleted.
Different bracers confer different abilities.
Known power bracers include the following
Cryo. The user emits a long-range cold ray that
inflicts damage equal to the artifact level.
In addition, the user can create bridges and
walls of ice within long range that last for up
to one hour. An ice object’s level is equal to
the artifact level. A wall is up to 1 foot (30 cm)
thick and up to 20 feet by 20 feet (6 m by 6 m)
in size, and a bridge is up to 5 feet by 50 feet
(2 m by 15 m) in size. The ice object appears
resting on a solid foundation.
Deflection. The difficulty of the user’s Speed
defense rolls is decreased by two steps for ten
Energy. The user emits a long-range heat ray attack
that inflicts damage equal to the artifact level.
Growing: The user (and her equipment and
clothing) grows to a height of 9 feet (3 m) for
about a minute. During that time, she adds 4
points to her Might Pool, +1 to her Armor, and
+2 to her Might Edge. While she is larger than
normal, the difficulty of her Speed defense
rolls increases by one step.
Intangibility. The user can pass through solid
objects for one minute, during which time she
cannot interact with or attack tangible objects
or creatures.
Invulnerability. The user gains +5 to Armor for one

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Shrinking. The user (and her equipment and must succeed on an Intellect-based task with
clothing) becomes about 1 inch (3 cm) high a difficulty equal to the level of the object that
for one minute. During that time, the difficulty he is attempting to replicate. The replicated
of her Speed defense rolls decreases by three object can be converted back to its base state
steps; however, given her radical change in as part of another action.
scale, she may find many tasks beyond her Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Soaring. The user gains +1 to her Speed Edge and PROBE BOT
can fly a long distance each round for one Level: 1d6
hour. Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) Rebel Galaxy, page 47
Strength. The user gains +3 to her Might Edge for Law: Mad Science
ten minutes. Form: Hovering robot with a variety of
Supersense. The difficulty of the user’s perception manipulator arms and data-gathering tools
tasks is decreased by two steps for one hour. Effect: This robotic entity typically takes
Each use of the bracers usually focuses on commands from a designated leader. The
one sense enhancement: hearing, sight, bot can be deployed to other “planets” in the
touch, taste, or smell. recursion to gather environmental and tactical
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (a pair of depleted bracers information, which is transmitted back. Most
may regain its power spontaneously a few probe droids do not fight, but if threatened
months or years later) or discovered, they detonate in a short-range
blast inflicting damage equal to the artifact
POWER ROD level on all creatures and objects in the area.
Level: 1d6 + 3 Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day; on
Origin: The Strange (emergent) depletion, robot explodes as if threatened)
Law: Any
Form: 1-foot (30 cm) long metallic rod ringed with PROTOCOL BOT
wires and electronic connectors Level: 1d6
Effect: Each time the end of the metallic rod is Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
touched to a living, warm-blooded creature Law: Mad Science
(or on a successful melee attack), the user can Form: Humanoid form but obviously robotic
siphon a designated amount of health from Effect: This robotic entity emulates sentience and
the target, up to the artifact level. For each a pleasant personality, though it isn’t actually
point of health drained, the power rod gains free-thinking, but rather commanded by its
an electrical charge. user. It accompanies its designated user and
If a charged rod is connected to a piece of provides language translation, knowledge on a
machinery that can use electrical power, the variety of Mad Science topics, and something
rod powers the machinery for one hour per akin to companionship.
charge gained. Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day; on
Depletion: 1–2 in 1d100 depletion, robot powers down until repaired)

PRANG SUITCASE It’s possible to convert

Level: 1d6 + 1 the prang suitcase matter
Origin: New York Grey (emergent) into a weapon that fires
Law: Mad Science ammunition. After it is
fired, the spent ammo
Form: Large metallic suitcase composed of
reveals its programmable
programmable matter nature by creeping back to
Effect: The user can convert the suitcase matter the user on a variety of tiny
into nearly any object or piece of equipment of robotic legs.
an equal or lower level, including weapons or
artifacts native to the recursion. To do so, he New York Grey, page 70

New Centropolis is one of several “Supers” recursions, which are seeded by comics, anime,
and movies about superhuman heroes. A PC in New Centropolis is likely to be a superhero,
though bad choices could lead to a different path.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
PSYCHIC CIRCLET 71–75 The wearer can mentally project a ball of
Level: 1d6 + 1 psychic static at a target within long range
Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent) that inflicts 2 points of damage (ignores
Law: Psionics Armor) on the target and all creatures
within immediate range. Enabler.
Form: Circlet or crown set with crystals
76–80 A target within long range is immediately
Effect: A psychic circlet possesses at least one
drawn to within immediate range of the wearer
special ability. Roll a d100 to determine the
by psychic lines of energy, which also inflict
ability. damage equal to the artifact level. Action.
01–10 Wearer can take on the semblance of another 81–85 The wearer teleports to a location within
person for one hour, which decreases the long range. Upon her arrival, all creatures
difficulty of disguise tasks by three steps. and objects next to the wearer are subject to
Action to initiate. a psychic attack inflicting damage equal to
11–15 Wearer can take on the shape of a mundane the artifact level. Action.
animal for up to one hour, growing to twice 86–90 The wearer steps into another recursion she
her normal size or shrinking to the size of has previously visited as if stepping through an
Inapposite gate, a mouse. She generally retains her normal inapposite gate. Action.
page 135 stats but gains flight if she takes the shape 91–95 On the wearer’s next turn, the difficulty of a
of a bird, the ability to swim and breathe task (including attack or defense) is reduced
underwater if she takes the form of a fish, by one step. Action.
and so on. Action to initiate. 96–00 The difficulty of a task (including attack or
16–20 The wearer adds +5 to Armor against defense) attempted as part of the same
attacks that target Intellect for one hour. action as activating this ability is reduced by
Action to initiate. one step. Action.
21–25 The wearer becomes especially affable for
one hour, during which time the difficulty
Depletion: 1 in 1d20
of all tasks related to pleasant social
interaction is reduced by two steps. Enabler. PSYCHIC INVERTER
26–30 The wearer becomes two-dimensional for Level: 1d6
New York Grey, page 70 up to one hour. She can slip through narrow Origin: New York Grey (fictional)
spaces, turn sideways to an observer to Law: Mad Science
become invisible, or make hand-to-hand Form: Harness
slashing attacks that inflict 4 additional points Effect: Whenever the wearer takes damage, 1 point
of damage thanks to their hyper-fine edge. of that damage isn’t actually taken. Instead, it
However, anytime she takes damage, she is converted to a point of Intellect and added
takes 1 additional point of damage. Enabler. to the wearer’s Intellect Pool, unless that Pool
31–40 The wearer can make a free recovery roll is already full.
that doesn’t count against her daily recovery Depletion: 1 in 1d10
rolls. Action.
41–50 The wearer makes a mental attack on a living PSYCHIC SKIN
target she can see within long range, forcing Level: 1d6 + 1
Atom Nocturne, it to take a specified action on its next turn. Origin: Atom Nocturne (emergent)
page 234 Action. Law: Psionics
51–60 The wearer can make a mental attack on a
Form: Fist-sized ball of psionically charged ectoplasm
living target she can see within long range,
Effect: When activated, this ball liquefies and coats
forcing it to forget a span of preceding time
the body of the user for one hour, appearing to
(one minute, ten minutes, one hour, or ten
hours). Action.
be an opaque bodysuit veined with pathways
61–65 If the wearer takes damage from an attack, of soft light, swirling bands of color, or some
an illusory duplicate is formed that lasts for other striking pattern. All psychic skin confers
one minute. The duplicate might confuse at least two abilities. First, the wearer can inflict
enemies as to whether it is real or a facade. 3 points of psychic damage (ignores Armor)
All else being equal, if the wearer succeeds with a touch. Second, the skin provides one
on a difficulty 3 Intellect-based task, a given of the following abilities, as determined by the
enemy believes the illusion is real until the user’s desire when she first activates the skin.
enemy interacts with it. Enabler. Acrobatic. The wearer has an asset on all
66–70 The wearer can move one round forward balancing, jumping, and acrobatic tasks, as
in time. She does not seem to exist for well as an asset on Speed defense rolls.
observers during the round she chooses to Animate. When the wearer attacks a foe within
step over. Action. short range, during that same round the skin
automatically attacks the foe by firing a glob

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
of ectoplasm from its surface that inflicts 2 all tasks related to persuasion, deception, and
points of psychic damage (ignores Armor). pleasant social interaction. The set of clothes
The wearer makes the attack as if practiced. repels dirt and odor, and it self-repairs tears,
Armoring. User gains +1 to Armor (+5 to Armor punctures, burns, and so on.
against psychic attacks). Enabler. Depletion: —
Claw. The skin can extend lethal claws from the
wearer’s fingertips. She can make a claw attack REQUISITION ARCH Requisition arches might
as if practiced with unarmored attacks. The Level: 1d6 + 3 be used by fugitives who
attack is considered a light melee attack, but the Origin: The Strange (emergent) are so desperate to escape
their enemies that they’ll
underlying psychic damage inflicted by the touch Law: Any
hide even the knowledge
of the suit also counts, so a claw attack inflicts 5 Form: Free-standing arch, foldable into a cube of their own existence from
points of damage, 3 of which ignore Armor. that fits in the palm themselves. Campaign idea:
Disguising. The wearer can take on the semblance Effect: The appearance and underlying biology one or more of the PCs’
of other people, real or imagined, as the skin of a creature who passes through the arch is strange dreams come from
changes shape and hue, even taking on the altered to become that of another creature having walked through a
likeness of special clothes or equipment (but not “requisitioned” from any recursion in the requisition arch.
the abilities of such equipment). The difficulty of Shoals of Earth of similar level and outlook.
disguise tasks is decreased by three steps. The requisitioned creature is either chosen
Invisibility. While invisible, the wearer is randomly or determined by the user as a
specialized in stealth and Speed defense difficulty 5 Intellect task (the creature that
tasks. This effect ends if she does something serves as the template is not harmed in
to reveal her presence or position—attacking, any way). A translation could do something
using an ability, moving a large object, and similar, but the arch also overwrites the
so on. If this occurs, she can regain the target’s mind with a new personality. Only
remaining invisibility effect by taking an action the faintest residue of what it was like before
to focus on hiding her position. Action. remains, which likely manifests as strange
Mental Edge. The wearer gains +1 to her Intellect dreams. The erased persona and memories
Edge. are stored in a separate object (such as a
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per day of use) locket, a bracelet, or a jump drive) that can
restore the previous mind (and body) if
RECURSION ANOMALY BELL reunited with the user.
Level: 1d6 + 3 A folded requisition arch (and the separate key)
Origin: The Strange (emergent) translates like a cypher but does not count
Law: Any against the user’s cypher limit.
Form: Hand bell Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Effect: The bell rings of its own volition when
it detects a Strange-related anomaly within RING OF FALL FLOURISHING
long range. Potential anomalies include Level: 1d6
a translation event, a gate mouth, the Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Sword Realms, page 73
appearance of a creature not native to the Law: Magic
recursion, and similar events. Depending Form: Gold band inscribed with feather wreath
on the event in question, the bell makes a Effect: The wearer of the ring can fall any distance
slightly different tone; deciphering the tone is safely, landing easily and upright.
a difficulty 5 Intellect-based task. Depletion: 1 in 1d00
A recursion anomaly bell translates with its owner
like a cypher but does not count against the RING OF GYGES
user’s cypher limit. Level: 1d6 + 2 Cypher limit, page 310
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 Origin: Plato’s Republic (mythological)
Law: Magic
RED COAT Form: Gold band inscribed with Greek characters
Level: 1d6 + 2 Effect: The wearer of the ring becomes invisible
Origin: Camelot (mythological) until the ring is removed. Each minute the
Law: Magic ring is worn, the wearer must make a difficulty
Form: Splendidly tailored, long black suitcoat with 3 Intellect defense roll. On a failed roll, she is
red velvet lining, pants or skirt, and boots driven to steal something, trip someone, or
Effect: This clothing looks fabulous in any setting take some other malicious action unlikely to
and fits whoever puts it on as if tailored be tied back to her since she can’t be seen.
especially for him. The wearer has an asset on Depletion: 1 in 1d00

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
RING OF INVISIBILITY wearer becomes paranoid about the Ring of
Level: 1d6 Ruling and begins to think that even friends
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) and allies want to steal it.
Law: Magic Depletion: 1 in 1d10 (Check per use of an
Form: Gold band inscribed with characters that enhanced task, per minute of invisibility, or
are revealed only if ring is heated per day of commanding someone wearing a
Effect: The wearer of the ring becomes invisible lesser ring. Upon depletion, the Ring of Ruling
for one minute, until he spends points from manages to get itself lost so that someone
a Pool for any reason, or until he attacks else will find it—perhaps someone with a
another creature. heart more suited to wielding it.)
Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Level: 1d6 + 3 Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Law: Magic
Law: Magic Form: Plain gold band
Form: Silvery, mirror-bright ring Effect: The user makes a wish, and it is granted,
Effect: The difficulty of all defense rolls to resist within limits. The level of the effect granted
ranged magical attacks, especially spells, is is no greater than the level of the artifact, as
decreased by one step. In addition, if the user determined by the GM, who can modify the
rolls a 17 or higher on the defense roll, the actual effect of the wish accordingly. (The
magical attack is turned back upon its source. larger the wish, the more likely the GM will
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 limit its effect.)
Depletion: 1-3 in 1d6
Level: 1d6 + 4 ROBODOC
Sword Realms, page 73 Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Level: 1d6
Law: Magic Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
Rebel Galaxy, page 47 Form: Heavy gold band Law: Mad Science
Effect: Several lesser magical rings are scattered Form: Skeletal-frame robot with integrated
about the Sword Realms, each providing a medical tools
minor ability or power to its wearer. Many are Effect: This robotic entity can restore points to the
leashed to the Ring of Ruling, which grants Pools (or health) of a creature that has taken
its wearer the ability to dominate and control damage at a rate of up to 10 points per hour.
those wearing a lesser ring, no matter how far Creatures in the robodoc’s care are usually
apart they are. Treat domination attempts as rendered unconscious for the duration of the
an Intellect attack that, if successful, puts the care provided.
lesser ring wearer in the thrall of the Ring of Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check each day; on
Ruling wearer for twenty-four hours. depletion, robot ceases functioning until
In addition, the Ring of Ruling enhances the power repaired)
of its wearer by decreasing the difficulty of
any task, attack, or defense by three steps ROBODOC (LONGEVITY)
(including domination attempts of lesser ring Level: 1d6
wearers). Attacks made while wearing the Ring Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional)
of Ruling inflict 15 additional points of damage. Law: Mad Science
The Ring of Ruling turns its user invisible while Form: Skeletal-frame robot with integrated
it is worn. A wearer who wishes to remain medical tools
visible can do so for up to one hour at a time Effect: This robotic entity can reverse all signs of
if he makes a difficulty 5 Intellect roll for each aging in a creature. Creatures in the robodoc’s
new period. care are usually rendered unconscious for three
The Ring of Ruling also extends the natural life span days until the procedure is complete. Afterward,
of its owner by hundreds of years or longer. the creature appears as a young adult of its
The abilities of the ring come with a price. The species, and then it begins to age normally
first time the Ring of Ruling is touched, and again.
each time thereafter that the wearer rolls Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check each day; on
for depletion, he must make a difficulty 6 depletion, robot mistakenly ages target and
Intellect-based roll or become obsessed with ceases functioning until repaired with a
the ring. After three failed obsession rolls, the difficulty 7 Intellect roll)

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) Origin: Wuxia City (fictional) Urban Fantastic, page 53
Law: Magic Law: Magic
Form: Pouch filled with sparkling sand Form: An ebony bag sewn with fangs, claws, Wuxia City, page 38
Effect: Selected creatures within immediate range tusks, shanks of fur, and similar beast parts
fall into a deep sleep that lasts for several Effect: The owner of the bag can pull forth a small
hours (unless a sleeper is attacked or prodded leathery, furry, or slimy lump and cast it down
awake). While sleeping, the sleeper has a within immediate range. The lump immediately
dream with a theme suggested by the artifact expands and becomes a demon whose level
user. A particularly terrifying or horrifying equals the artifact level. Seven distinct demons
dream leaves the dreamer shaken when she can be pulled from the bag, but no more
wakes, and until her next recovery roll, the than one at any given time, and the choice is
difficulty of all tasks is increased by one step. mostly random (roll a d6). A demon persists
On the other hand, an uplifting dream leaves for up to a minute (or until it is killed) before
her hopeful and eager to take on the day, and evaporating into vapor.
until her next recovery roll, the difficulty of all The demon named Baigujing is never randomly
tasks is decreased by one step. chosen. It emerges only on a GM intrusion,
Additional dream-related effects are possible, in the presence of malign magic, or when the
including dreams of prophecy, communion bag would otherwise be depleted.
with other dreamers, and bodily travel 1 Heiyú: A scaled humanoid with a snake’s
between recursions (the dreamer falls asleep head that can unfurl its neck like a serpent
in one recursion and, after a dream of a great on an attack. This demon responds to simple
journey, wakes in another). commands of the user. Armor 1; bite inflicts
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 damage plus poison that causes severe pain
in victim for one minute, during which time all
SCARAB OF SHIELDING tasks are modified by one step to the victim’s
Level: 1d6 + 2 detriment.
Origin: New Kingdom (mythological) 2 Lúwpí: A monstrous humanoid covered New Kingdom, page 57
Law: Magic in dank, waterlogged weeds (which smell
Form: Scarab-shaped ebony medallion horrific) instead of fur. This demon responds
Effect: The wearer has an asset on all Might to simple commands of the user. Battering fist
and Intellect defense rolls. A depletion roll attack inflicts damage, and odor stuns victim
is required each time she succeeds on a roll for one round.
while wearing the scarab. 3 Heifeng: A black bear whose roar unleashes a
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 terrible wind. This demon attacks all creatures
indiscriminately. Long-range attack inflicts
SEAL OF SOLOMON damage on all targets within immediate range of
Level: 1d6 + 2 each other.
Origin: Legendary Canaan (mythological) 4 Xuézhe Bái: An old man wearing scholarly
Law: Magic white robes and a staff. This demon offers
Form: Signet ring bearing star design advice to the user. If the user attempts a
Effect: The wearer has power over creatures from knowledge-related task with the demon’s help,
hellish recursions, such as demons, devils, the difficulty is reduced by two steps.
djinn, creatures native to the Strange, and 5 Hutóu: A humanoid with a tiger’s head
creatures from recursions not part of the and claws. This demon responds to simple
Shoals of Earth. She can attempt to command commands of the user, but it turns on the
such creatures, which if affected must do as user if he fails a persuasion task. Hutóu’s
she asks for up to one minute (if the creature attacks inflict 1 less point than its level
is level 5 or lower) or for one round (if the indicates; two claw attacks against a target
creature is level 6 or higher). The ring also and if both hit, the demon also makes a bite
grants the wearer the ability to understand attack as part of the same action.
and communicate with animals. 6 Hóngháizi: A cute red ape about 3 feet (1
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 m) tall. This demon responds to simple
commands of the user. A hug from it restores
3 points to a Pool (for a PC) or 3 points of
health (for an NPC).

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Special Baigujing: A 9-foot (3 m) tall skeleton SIEGE PERILOUS
wearing shreds of a woman’s gown. This Level: 1d6 + 4
demon viciously attacks the user when freed. Origin: Camelot (mythological)
Claws deal damage and on a second failed Law: Magic
Speed defense roll, the user is captured and Form: Black gem, usually set in a chair or table
stuffed into the skeleton’s rib cage. If the user Effect: When someone sits in a chair set with the
can’t escape before Baigujing would normally artifact or at the place on a larger table where
return to the bag, the user dissipates and is the artifact has been installed, she gains a true
pulled into the bag instead. If this occurs, vision about one topic of her choice. Certain
Baigujing remains free, and the user becomes individuals (Sir Galahad being one) can
one of the demons of the bag. safely use the Siege Perilous. But those not
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 so chosen must succeed on a level 7 Intellect
defense roll or fall dead as the vision comes
SHRINK RAY over them. Death usually comes so quickly
Level: 1d6 + 1 that they cannot communicate their vision to
New York Grey, page 70 Origin: New York Grey (fictional) anyone else.
Law: Mad Science Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Upon depletion, the
Form: Wide-barrel projector gem disappears, possibly to reappear in
Effect: A target within short range and all its another time or recursion, potentially in a
equipment shrinks to half its previous size different form with different, though no less
each round the artifact’s ray is directed at impressive, abilities.)
it. The target remains shrunk until the ray
is reversed and used on the target a second SKATERT-SAMOBRANKA
time (although a recursor who translates can Level: 1d6
Legendary Novgorod is a also throw off the effect). A target shrunk Origin: Legendary Novgorod (mythological)
recursion where Russian to half its normal size finds the difficulty of Law: Magic
myths and stories are real physical tasks increased by one step. A target Form: Elaborate tablecloth
and magic exists. shrunk to a quarter of its normal size (a result Effect: When the tablecloth is unrolled, it is
of the ray applied for two rounds) finds the revealed to be set with food and drink
difficulty of all physical tasks increased by sufficient to feed ten people, complete with
four steps. A target shrunk further than that plates, silverware, wine glasses, and other
finds it impossible to perform most physical needful things. The food is simple but tasty
tasks related to its previous scale. On the fare, but the quality varies based on how well
other hand, physical tasks associated with the the artifact has been treated before being
target’s new scale are not penalized. rolled out. If mishandled, the food produced
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 is stale and unappetizing. If mended and
praised, the food revealed is an amazing
product of gourmet skill.
Depletion: 1 in 1d100

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
SLEEP BAND (and targets) at long range, as if standing next Sleep bands can be
Level: 1d6 to them. The interaction is made possible modified to keep prisoners
Origin: Rebel Galaxy (emergent) with a sonic effector field, which can be tuned secure by switching off
the sensors that wake a
Law: Mad Science for delicate work such as picking a lock or
sleeper if danger threatens.
Form: Bracelet unscrewing a bolt, or tuned to a high-intensity A sleeper snoozing in a
Effect: The wearer immediately drops into sleep, beam that can burn one target (or a group of modified band can be
and sleeps soundly and comfortably for eight targets within immediate range of each other) woken before the program
hours (or up to the number of hours set by the for damage equal to the artifact level. For all ends only by removing the
wearer) in nearly any setting. Upon waking, tasks, the sonic toolgrip reduces the difficulty band.
she is refreshed and doesn’t suffer from a by one step.
stiff back, neck, or other issues that might Additional functions using the highly tunable sonic Rebel Galaxy, page 47
afflict someone who sleeps in a less-than-ideal field can be generated by an imaginative or
location (such as on a bench or on the floor). If skilled user, though the GM is the final arbiter.
she sleeps at least six hours, she adds 1 to the Suggested possibilities include acting as a
next recovery roll she makes. While sleeping, microphone, tracking movement, hacking
she wakes instantly if danger threatens, thanks electronics, charging electronics, and scanning
to sensors built into the artifact. an object or creature for strange properties.
Depletion: — Depletion: 1 in 1d100


Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 1
Origin: Atlantis (mythological) Origin: Rebel Galaxy (fictional) Atlantis, page 51
Law: Magic or Mad Science Law: Mad Science
Form: Metal and glass device with a handle that Form: Lightweight full-body suit with helmet Rebel Galaxy, page 47
flows to fit perfectly in the wielder’s hand Effect: Serves as light armor and offers complete
Effect: The device launches a floating glass sphere protection from environmental temperature
that moves up to a short distance away. and pressure dangers, providing breathable
Once it is in position (the following round), air, food pellets, and waste recycling services.
all creatures and objects within immediate Each day of use requires a depletion roll.
range are “harmonized” via sonic vibrations. Depletion: 1 in 1d100
Devices work better, creatures operate more
efficiently, and so on. All objects in the area SPARK DAMPER
provide an asset when used or operate at Level: 1d6 + 3
one level higher than normal, whichever is Origin: The Strange (emergent)
more appropriate. The difficulty of all tasks for Law: Any
creatures in the area is reduced by one step. Form: Metallic ring
This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal Effect: The wearer gives the appearance of not
to the harmonizer’s level. possessing the spark to all forms of scanning Spark, page 22
Depletion: 1 in 1d6 and perception that might otherwise reveal
a creature’s true nature. If the scan would
SONIC TOOLGRIP normally reveal a creature’s level, the wearer’s
Level: 1d6 + 3 level instead seems to be 1.
Origin: Urban Temporal (fictional) A spark damper translates with its owner like a
Law: Mad Science cypher but does not count against the user’s
Form: Screwdriver-like grip with sonic actuator tip cypher limit.
Effect: The sonic toolgrip is a multifunction tool Depletion: 1 in 1d20
that allows its user to interact with objects

A handful of Urban Temporal recursion iterations are known, seeded by decades of movies,
comics, and especially TV series about time travelers. At first glance, an Urban Temporal
recursion may seem like modern-day Earth. But before long, aliens, time-traveling monsters,
cross-dimensional dangers, and animate angels (all within the context of the recursion)
appear to threaten the average bloke with all manner of esoteric dangers. On the flip side,
most of these recursions have at least one designated protector, and many of those seem to
be versions of the same savior who travels through space and time.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Ardeyn, page 160 MAW SUMMONING
Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 1
Origin: Ardeyn (fictional) Origin: Ardeyn (fictional)
Each spellbook has a
Law: Magic Law: Magic
given effect, but spellbooks
could also produce related Form: Tome inscribed with a rearing dragon Form: A weighty tome filled with pages of spell
effects if the GM allows. Effect: When the user incants from the spellbook, runes
For example, a spellbook he fashions and controls a hovering Effect: When the user incants from the spellbook
of glass might also create a phantasmal construct of magic within long and makes a level 3 Intellect-based roll, she
block of glass large enough range that resembles a dragon’s head. The can summon an elemental of one specific
to bridge a narrow ravine. construct’s level is equal to the artifact’s level. kind (usually earth, fire, thorn, and so on).
The construct lasts for up to an hour, until it is The elemental appears and does her bidding
The spellcasters of the
destroyed, or until the user incants from this for up to one hour, unless it breaks the geas
Wizards’ Guild in Dyranmar
discovered a particularly foul spellbook again. While the construct persists, created by the book.
book of spells in the stacks the spellcaster can use it to manipulate Depletion: 1–3 in 1d20
of their library. Supposedly large objects, carry heavy items in its mouth,
haunted by the ghosts of its or attack foes. To use it to attack foes, the SPELLBOOK OF GLASS
authors and inexpert readers, spellcaster must spend his action directly Level: 1d6 + 1
the book has gained far controlling the phantom maw for each attack. Origin: Ardeyn (fictional)
too much agency. Several Action to initiate. Law: Magic
attempts have been made to
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Form: Thin tome bound with plates of warm glass
destroy the book, but so far,
no one has succeeded. Effect: When the user incants from the spellbook,
she creates a level 6 wall of glass within short
Sword Realms, page 73 range that is 1 foot (30 cm) thick and up to 20
feet by 20 feet (6 m by 6 m) in size. It appears
resting on a solid foundation and lasts for
about ten hours. If the incanter succeeds on a
second depletion roll, the glass wall becomes
permanent until destroyed naturally. Action to
Depletion: 1 in 1d20


Level: 1d6 + 4
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
Law: Magic
Form: Tome of ineffable evil
Effect: When the user incants from the spellbook,
various effects can be produced. Several
suggested effects follow, though other effects
might also be possible. However, each time
a user incants from the book and fails the
required Intellect-based roll, she gains a mark
of evil, which is difficult if not impossible to
remove. If a reader gains three marks of evil,
her life is snuffed out and her soul is drawn
into the spellbook, becoming one more soul
trapped in torment within.
Curse Enemy: A target becomes cursed. The
general parameter of the curse is variable (the
victim can’t sleep because of nightmares,
the victim can’t gain nourishment because
he vomits up anything eaten, the victim is
infected with a terrible disease, and so on).
Regardless, the underlying effect reduces the
victim’s maximum health (or maximum in
Pools) by 2 points each day.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Lich (level 7 Intellect roll): If the spellcaster if the user is standing in full daylight when
succeeds on this roll every day for thirty-three making the attack). The spell doesn’t work in
days, she is transformed into an undead full darkness.
version of herself, which grants her +2 to Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Armor, adds 4 points to her Might Pool, and
gives her the ability to return from death SPELLBOOK OF THOTH
within three days. Level: 1d6 + 2
Mark of Evil: A mark of evil is a physical sign of Origin: New Kingdom (mythological) New Kingdom, page 57
the reader having dabbled with pure evil. The Law: Magic
mark is up to the GM, but possible effects Form: Weighty tome filled with pages of spell
include horns sprouting from the user’s runes
forehead, eyes taking on the appearance of Effect: When the user incants from the spellbook
burning orbs, or profanity she can’t help and makes a level 3 Intellect-based roll, she
but deliver when circumstances are least casts one of the following spells.
appropriate. Calm: One target in long range loses the desire to
Summon Greater Demon (level 6 Intellect roll): A fight for up to one minute. A calm target isn’t
level 6 demon is summoned and does the necessarily a cooperative one, and attacking
user’s bidding for up to one hour, unless it the target or taking an action that it would
breaks the geas created by the book. normally violently oppose prematurely ends
Summon Lesser Demon (level 3 Intellect roll): A the state of calm. However, the target may be
level 3 demon is summoned and does the reasoned with while it is calm, and perhaps an
user’s bidding for up to one hour, unless it agreement can be reached that will withstand
breaks the geas created by the book. the end of the spell.
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check per day of use) Knowledge: The knowledge of Thoth is infused
into the spellcaster for one hour. During that
SPELLBOOK OF SEARING LIGHT period, the difficulty of all non-attack Intellect-
Level: 1d6 based tasks is decreased by three steps.
Origin: Ardeyn (fictional) Speak to Creature: The spellcaster can speak to
Law: Magic any creature, including animals, in its own
Form: Slender book bound with a white cover that language.
glows dimly Summon Baboon: A level 2 baboon appears
Effect: When the user incants from the spellbook, for one minute and does the spellcaster’s
she collects available light into a beam of bidding. The baboon is best used for combat,
searing light focused on a location she can though each round in which it attacks, the
see within long range. The beam persists spellcaster must use her action to command
each round in which she uses her action the baboon to do so.
to concentrate. The beam can set fire to Summon Ibis: A level 1 ibis (a kind of bird) appears
flammable objects, boil water within a few and will deliver a message recited by the
rounds, melt certain metals after a few more spellcaster to any one creature in the same
rounds of concentrated attention, or attack a recursion, or possibly in another recursion.
creature within range (dealing damage equal Depletion: 1 in 1d20
to the artifact level, plus an additional 3 points

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6
Origin: Legendary Canaan (mythological) Origin: Ruk (emergent)
Law: Magic Law: Mad Science
Form: Short staff Form: Thick ring with a control dial and contact surface
Effect: The staff confers several abilities to its Effect: The wearer can adjust the ring from one
wielder, including the following. to six settings, corresponding to one minute,
Sea Passage. Creates a dry route through a body one hour, ten hours, one hundred hours,
of water. The route is approximately 20 feet 1,000 hours (a bit longer than a month), and
(6 m) wide, up to 1,000 feet (305 m) deep, 10,000 hours (a bit longer than an Earth year).
and as long as the body of water is wide. The If the contact surface is depressed, the wearer
limiting factor is time; the dry route lasts up to goes into stasis for the amount of time set
four hours, or less if the wielder collapses the on the ring. While in stasis, the wearer can
passage early. take no actions, doesn’t age, and gains +10
Snake Form. Staff is transformed into a venomous to Armor against all forms of damage, even
snake whose level is equal to the artifact kinds not normally reduced by Armor.
level. The snake has a bite attack that inflicts If a wearer in stasis takes enough damage to
6 points of damage, plus 3 additional points get through his Armor, the stasis effect
Steam London, page 16 of Speed damage (ignores Armor) for three immediately ends.
rounds on a failed Might defense roll. Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Water From Stone. Produces approximately
Moriarty, page 307 10 gallons (38 liters) of pure water within STRANGE HARNESS
immediate range, as if from a natural spring Level: 1d6 + 1
Planetovore, page 8 in the ground. Origin: Steam London (emergent)
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 Law: Any
Form: Chest harness with central crystal capacitor
Effect: The worn harness decreases the difficulty
of all translation rolls, Strange lore rolls, and
rolls related to using twists, revisions, or
moves by one step.
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 (Check per day of use; harness
can be recharged in Steam London with access to
tools and a successful difficulty 6 Intellect roll.)


The Strange harness is an artifact
constructed by the cross-recursion criminal
Moriarty, though it is incomplete. Being
incomplete, the harness does not function
as Moriarty intended. If components
(many of which are other artifacts) could
be gathered from around the Shoals
of Earth and successfully incorporated
according to Moriarty’s original plan, the
Strange harness might grant its wearer the
ability to walk at will between recursions,
either in translation or as if through an
inapposite gate, while customizing foci
abilities on the fly, regardless of recursion
or operant law. Furthermore, with a bit of
extra mental effort, the wearer might gain
the ability to redesign an extant recursion
as if in a lucid dream. The wearer might
become, in effect, a god. (The Estate has
another name for someone wearing a fully
constructed Strange harness: planetovore.)

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
SWORDBREAKER ZEAL FRAGMENT • If he makes a difficulty 5 Speed roll, he can run
Level: 5 or fly up to 1 mile (2 km) in one round as an The Soul Gem of Zeal is
Origin: Ardeyn (fictional) action (but not attempt any other tasks as part located in a hidden spot
Law: Magic of his turn). in Ardeyn under control
of a group of people
Form: Crystal fragment, usually set in an amulet, a Depletion: 1 in 1d10 (check per use of ability to
who call themselves the
staff head, a weapon hilt, or a ring travel a mile in one round) Swordbreakers.
Effect: Someone with this fragment who has
personally renewed it (see below) gains access TATTOO GRAFT A Stranger is the term for
to the following abilities. Anyone else with Level: 1d6 any creature native to the
this fragment can use only the Repel Enemies Origin: Ruk (emergent) Strange, rather than Earth
function. Each use requires a depletion roll Law: Mad Science or a recursion.
unless otherwise noted. Form: Injection
Renew: Once a fragment’s energy has been Effect: When injected under the skin, organic
depleted, it can be renewed if it is pressed nanomachines able to stimulate and adjust
against the Soul Gem of Zeal by someone skin cells give the semblance of inked
who utters the Swordbreaker Oath: “I vow tattoos of various designs. Each tattoo graft
to quench the fires of Lotan, to stand as a comes with a static template, but a user can Lotan, page 162
bulwark against Strangers, and to break the concentrate on the tattoos and, over the
swords drawn against the sanctity of Ardeyn. course of one minute, create any design on Seven, page 162
By the Seven, I so bind myself with bravery, his skin that he can imagine. He can also
Ruk, page 190
honor, and sacrifice.” Action. animate a design or make a tattoo visible only
Repel Enemies: If the user makes an attack of any under certain wavelengths. Finally, he can Earth, page 147
kind against a Stranger, a demon of Lotan, cause a tattoo to emit light, and if the design
a creature that employs spells provided by is concentrated enough, it can emit light in a
Lotan, or Lotan himself, the difficulty of the bright beam reaching a short distance.
attack is decreased by one step; this effect Depletion: 1 in 1d100 (check per design change)
does not require a depletion roll. If the
attack succeeds, the artifact bearer decides
whether to activate the following additional
effect (which does require a depletion roll):
the fragment flares with Zeal, and the attack
inflicts 4 additional points of damage (ignores
Armor). Enabler.
Speak: The user can broadcast to all other
fragments and the Soul Gem of Zeal for about
a minute. If more than one fragment bearer
does this simultaneously, it enables real-time
communication between them. Action to initiate.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20

Level: 1d6 + 2
Origin: Legendary Greece (mythological)
Law: Magic
Form: Winged sandals of golden hue
Effect: The sandals give the wearer different
movement abilities, as follows.
• He can fly a long distance each round.
• He can run or fly a short distance and attempt
a separate task or attack as part of the same
• If he makes a difficulty 3 Speed roll, he can run
or fly a long distance and attempt a separate
task or attack as part of the same action.
• If he makes a difficulty 4 Speed roll, he can
move or fly up to 200 feet (60 m) and attempt
a separate task or attack as part of the same

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
TERAHERTZ SCANNER Effect: The user can step between deployed transfer
A terahertz scanner Level: 1d6 + 1 discs, teleporting any distance. If a series of
visor utilizes the same Origin: Earth (emergent) discs is deployed in a network, the user receives
technology as is used in Law: Standard Physics a mental map of the discs upon stepping on any
airports on Earth, but it is
Form: Bluetooth visor and smartphone app one of them, and she can navigate by stepping
far more portable thanks
to the relentless advance of
Effect: By emitting terahertz and long-range infrared on each intervening disc between her current
technology. light, this device allows a user to see a short location and her desired location.
distance through most interior walls of standard To deploy a disc, the user must set it on a mostly
structures, through normal clothing, and into level, secure surface and make a successful
normal bags and briefcases. Only stone or difficulty 3 Intellect-based roll.
concrete more than 6 inches (15 cm) thick Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check after each day of use)
prevents a scan. Regardless, images are black
and white and fuzzy, without offering fine detail. TRANSLATION ANCHOR
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check per use; depletion Level: 1d6 + 2
usually means a special part must be Origin: The Strange (emergent)
replaced) Law: Any
Form: Large glowing mechanical device
TESLA GOGGLES Effect: When activated, the translation anchor
Level: 1d6 + 1 functions constantly until switched off again.
Urban Fantastic, page 53 Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) If used in a juvenile or younger recursion, the
Law: Magic recursion becomes a magnet for translation
Form: Steampunk-style goggles that crackle with attempts that fail, drawing recursors from
static discharge across the Strange to the default translation
Juvenile recursion, Effect: The wearer can see all of the following location of that recursion (or to the last
page 142 within short range: spirits, invisible creatures, location a recursor visited, if applicable).
those who are affected by magical geas and Unlike normal equipment and artifacts, the
charms, and the residue of past powerful translation anchor itself can translate between
magic, great evil, or a divine visitation (though recursions if carried by a recursor.
not the specifics of what occurred). She can Depletion: 1 in 1d100
also see active spells within that range and can
attempt to identify their nature as an Intellect TRANSLATION STAFF
task whose difficulty equals the level of the Level: 1d6
spell or magical effect in question. However, Origin: The Strange (emergent)
using a pair of Tesla goggles is hard on the Law: Any
living mind, and after each session wearing the Form: Staff decorated with fractal designs with
goggles, a character takes 2 points of Intellect headpiece of iterating hard light
damage when they are removed. Effect: The user has an asset on tasks related to
Depletion: 1 in 1d100 initiating translations with the staff. In addition,
she gains additional fine tuning over the
TRANSFER DISCS translation that a regular quickened creature
Level: 1d6 + 1 doesn’t have. These effects include sending
Origin: New York Grey (emergent) others who helped with the translation into
Law: Mad Science separate recursions the wielder has personally
Form: Two or more matching rings 3 feet (1 m) in visited, delaying the arrival of one or more
diameter translation helpers into the new recursion by up


Aliens known as greys surreptitiously studied humans, sometimes abducting them to do
advanced research. Eventually, the greys learned everything they needed, and they emerged
from the shadows in a historic event (known as the Revelation) in front of the United Nations
Headquarters in New York. The greys promised to partner with humanity, help them through
their many troubles, and usher in a new golden age where grey and human worked side by
side for a better tomorrow. And if you believe that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you. The reality is
that the greys have taken on the role of society elites rather than partners, rendering humans
into second-class citizens. Sinister rumors suggest that the greys may still be experimenting
on humans, or even eating them. Paranoia runs high in New York Grey.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
to twenty-four hours, picking the new recursion Intellect-based task, the player can close an
focus for other helpers (if they haven’t previously inapposite gate or a translation gate. On
visited that recursion), and forcing one or more a particularly bad roll (a natural 1) when
of those involved in the translation (including attempting any task with the instrument,
the user herself) to appear in the new recursion the user instead opens a gate to another
as if she’d stepped through an inapposite gate. Lovecraftian recursion (such as R’lyeh), a
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 recursion of general horror (such as R639), or R639, page 53
the Strange itself. Such a gate persists for up
TRICKSTER’S CHARM to one hour.
Level: 1d6 + 4 The violin can also generate other effects as a
Origin: Ohunkakan (mythological) single action (often, as an attack), including Ohunkakan, page 41
Law: Magic banishing a creature not native to the
Form: Yellow stone painted with a bestial eye recursion within short range, breaking an
Effect: The incidence of foolishness increases active spell within short range, or attacking
dramatically near the trickster’s charm. Any d20 the mind of a creature within short range. If
rolls the bearer makes provoke GM intrusions the latter effect is attempted, the target suffers
on a result that is 1 higher than normal, which damage equal to the artifact level (ignores
usually means on a 1 or 2 instead of just on a 1. Armor). However, using the violin of Erich
This effect does not require a depletion roll. Zann is hard on a sane living mind, and after
The bearer also gains the ability to get a major each session playing it, the user suffers 2
effect on any task roll, even a failed roll. points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor)
The player and the GM should work out the when the bow is put down.
details, but the consequences of failure can’t Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (upon depletion, the violin
be nullified completely. Usage of this ability attempts to rejuvenate itself with the spirit
requires a depletion roll. and life force of its player)
Depletion: 1 in 1d10
VEIL OF JUDGMENT Level: 1d6 + 2 Eleventh Reich, page 14
Level: 1d6 + 1 Origin: Eleventh Reich (emergent)
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) Law: Mad Science Sword Realms, page 73
Law: Magic Form: Weaponized, motorized exoskeleton
Form: Long, pale, vellum-like scarf covering the wearer’s body
Effect: The long veil is sentient and animate, and Effect: The war walker serves as heavy armor but
when loosed from its role as a scarf, it can doesn’t penalize a user’s Pools; the walker is
attack an enemy within immediate range with driven as much as worn. It grants +1 to Armor
a strangling squeeze as a creature equal to its in addition to the +3 to Armor that heavy
artifact level, or move a short distance each round armor usually provides. Further, it is entirely
like a sidewinding snake. In addition, the veil can sealed and has its own synthesized internal
communicate with its owner by producing text atmosphere, which protects against poison
that appears written along its length, though it is and chemical gasses and allows the wearer to
an artifact of few words. While consulting the veil operate in an airless environment for up to an
and the expertise it possesses, the owner has an hour. The suit’s protection also applies against
asset on all knowledge-related rolls. Finally, the damage that often isn’t reduced by typical
veil sometimes sees hours or days into the future armor, such as heat or cold damage (but not
and may warn its owner with cryptic clues about Intellect damage).
approaching dangers. In addition, the wearer can deploy a shield that acts
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (Check per clue about the as an asset for Speed defense rolls, but that
future revealed. If depleted, the veil leaves doesn’t require the use of the wearer’s hand.
the owner of its own volition to “continue its Finally, the wearer gains a long-range gun attack
search,” whatever that means.) that inflicts damage equal to the artifact level.
Depletion: — (GM Intrusion: At any time, the
VIOLIN OF ERICH ZANN GM can rule that the armor has sustained
Level: 1d6 + 2 enough damage to lose its atmospheric
Origin: Innsmouth (fictional) and environmental protections, that the Innsmouth, page 253
Law: Magic mechanized exoskeleton that allows the
Form: Bone-white violin war walker to be driven has been destroyed,
Effect: Upon playing the instrument for a few or that the mounted gun has run out of
rounds and succeeding on a difficulty 3 ammunition.)

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
WARD TAPE Effect: When consumed, the water has one of the
Level: 1d6 + 1 following effects on the user. If the user makes
Urban Fantastic, page 53 Origin: Urban Fantastic (fictional) a difficulty 3 Intellect roll, she can choose the
Law: Magic effect; otherwise the effect is random (roll a
Form: Roll of sticky tape (similar to duct tape) d100). The user could give another creature
scribed with continuous scroll of occult runes a sip of the water of Urd and attempt to
Effect: An area an immediate distance across can determine the effect in the same fashion.
be warded from malign magic, possession, and 01–04 Learns the answer to one question
malign creatures (“malign” being defined by 05–08 Ages ten years
the user when creating the ward). The ward has
09–12 Increases Might Pool maximum by 5 for
a level equal to the artifact level and persists for
one hour
up to a few months, unless broken. A creature
13–16 Increases Speed Pool maximum by 5 for
or effect must break through the ward with an
one hour
attack in order to affect whatever is inside the
taped area. A ward created with the tape can 17–20 Increases Intellect Pool maximum by 5
also suppress a translation or inapposite gate for one hour
mouth. Finally, the tape can increase the level 21–25 Restores a number of Might Pool points
of the warded area by a number of levels equal equal to artifact level
to half the ward tape’s level for the purposes of 26–30 Restores a number of Speed Pool points
Asgard, page 33 translating into or out of the area. equal to artifact level
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 31–35 Restores a number of Intellect Pool
According to Norse myth, points equal to artifact level
the Well of Urd is used by WATER OF URD 36–45 Age reversed by ten years
the Norns to water the
Level: 1d6 +2 46–55 Restores life to corpse for one day
magical world tree called
Yggdrasil. The Norns are
Origin: Asgard (mythological) 56–65 Permanently increases apparent beauty
powerful entities who Law: Magic
66–75 Provides a random vision of the future
safeguard fate, destiny, and Form: Clay pot filled with cold water from the Well
76–85 Provides a random vision of the past
death. of Urd

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
86–95 Provides ten hours of dreamless, can move up to 100 miles (160 km) per hour.
peaceful sleep Additionally, a witch’s broom can induce a
96–00 Replaces imbiber with a Norn for one hour powerful hallucinogenic state in a user who Norn: level 7, all tasks when
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 desires it. Hallucinations last for four hours, seeing and manipulating
during which time the difficulty of all tasks is the future as level 8; can
see the future to know
WATER WAND increased by one step. After the hallucinations
secrets and pierce lies
Level: 1d6 + 2 end, the difficulty of Intellect-based tasks is
Origin: Atlantis (mythological) decreased by one step for ten minutes.
Law: Magic or Mad Science Depletion: 1 in 1d20
Form: Golden wand with a clear inset crystal on both
ends that flows to fit perfectly in the wielder’s hand WIZARD’S STAFF
Effect: This device causes water within immediate Level: 1d6 + 2
range to take a solid shape as the wielder Origin: Sword Realms (fictional)
desires. She can create any single solid object Law: Magic
with no moving parts that could fit in a cube Form: Staff of black iron set with an eye-shaped
that is 3 feet by 3 feet (1 m by 1 m). Although crystal headpiece
the object appears to be made of water, it Effect: The wielder can use the staff to gain one of
is as solid as metal (but only half as heavy). the following effects, once per activation.
Alternatively, the water wand can be used to Influence: The wielder makes a mental attack on a
create a thin shield or wall about 8 feet by 8 creature within immediate range by providing
feet by 1 inch (2 m by 2 m by 3 cm). This level a suggestion. An affected target follows any
6 structure is as hard as steel. suggestion during its next turn that doesn’t
Depletion: 1 in 1d20 cause direct harm to itself or its allies.
Lightning: The wielder discharges a stroke of
WHORL OF DESTINY lightning that attacks all targets along a
Level: 1d6 + 3 straight line within long range, inflicting
Origin: Sword Realms (fictional) damage equal to the artifact level.
Law: Magic Shield: For one hour, the wielder gains the
Form: Golden ring whose band is twisted like a protective effect of a normal shield, which
Möbius strip provides an asset on her Speed defense rolls.
Effect: The wearer operates as if she were 1 tier This effect is invisible and doesn’t require her
higher than normal for up to one hour. This to hold an actual shield.
grants access to special abilities of the next Depletion: 1 in 1d100
higher tier for her type and focus, +1 to her
Intellect Edge, 4 additional points to a Pool, YASAKANI NO MAGATAMA
training in one skill, and the ability to apply Level: 1d6 + 3
one additional level of Effort. Origin: Samurai Sky (fictional)
Depletion: 1 in 1d6 (if depleted, the artifact Law: Magic
doesn’t function again until the user spends Form: Bejeweled necklace
4 XP to gain a benefit along the way toward Effect: The wearer radiates an aura of kind Samurai Sky, page 48
achieving the next higher tier) benevolence, which provides an asset on
tasks related to pleasant social interaction,
WITCH’S BROOM persuasion, and deception. In addition, each
Level: 1d6 + 2 round the wearer can choose one creature
Origin: Halloween (mythological) within short range that becomes besotted with Halloween, page 51
Law: Magic her aura and will not attack her as long as she
Form: A 6-foot-long (2 m) wooden broom does nothing to attack the target or its allies.
Effect: As a vehicle, the broom can be ridden a long Depletion: 1 in 1d20 (check with each use of the
distance each round, but on extended trips, it ability to prevent direct attack)

The Sword Realms were seeded by innumerable novels, stories, games, movies, and campaigns
about swords and sorcery. The Sword Realms are not a single recursion, but rather the name
for several connected recursions shaped by wizardry, hidden elvish enclaves, ambitious human
kingdoms, rapacious dragons, barbarian outlanders, marauding orc tribes, trolls and mountain
giants, half-forgotten deities, and amazing treasures of gold and magic.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 1
Origin: Seishin Shore (emergent) Origin: Seishin Shore (emergent)
Law: Magic Law: Magic
Form: Colorful face mask Form: Colorful face mask
Effect: The wearer can make a mental attack on Effect: The wearer enjoys perfect vision and has
a living target he can see within long range, an asset on any one category of knowledge,
forcing the target to take an action suggested such as carpentry, sailing, poetry, and so on.
by the wearer on the target’s next turn. If Depletion: —
commanded to kill itself or an ally, the target
resists and instead loses its next turn. YOBUKO MASK (OBSERVANT)
Depletion: 1 in 1d10 Level: 1d6 + 1
Origin: Seishin Shore (emergent)
Level: 1d6 + 1 Form: Colorful face mask
Origin: Seishin Shore (emergent) Effect: The wearer enjoys perfect vision and has
Law: Magic an asset on all perception tasks.
Form: Colorful face mask Depletion: —
Effect: The wearer enjoys perfect vision and has
an asset on all intimidation tasks. YOBUKO MASK (PROTECTIVE)
Depletion: — Level: 1d6 + 1
Origin: Seishin Shore (emergent)
Law: Magic
Form: Colorful face mask
Effect: The wearer enjoys perfect version. She
can also activate a function of the mask that
provides +5 to Armor against attacks that
inflict Intellect damage for one hour.
Depletion: 1 in 1d20


Seishin Shore is a recursion of loss, memory,
magic, and adventure. It operates under the
law of Magic and is a land seeded by a blend
of Asian myths mixed with contemporary
stories, comics, and films of related magical
lands. It is a changeable place; new creatures
and locations sometimes appear there
without notice or apparent reason. Seishin
Shore is neither a land of everlasting peace
nor one of relentless evil; both dwell together
in the heart of every creature who abides
there, including the yobuko.
A yobuko has a slender humanoid body
and always wears a mask. Behind the mask
is an utterly blank expanse of flesh; the
mask is also the yobuko’s face. Sometimes
a yobuko removes her mask, possibly to
hide it somewhere so she can see and hear
what’s going on in that location even when
she is a few miles away.
Yobuko masks can be used by yobuko
and normal humanoids alike. However, if
someone who isn’t a yobuko wears and
activates a mask, he must make a Speed
defense roll upon removing it, or his face is
erased (effectively, he becomes a yobuko).

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

“Several new varieties of cypher have been recently catalogued, many of which I’m proud to say
I had a hand in. But more important than my discoveries is my new theory: the various halos,
cypher codicils, essence inhalations, and so on and so forth suggest that the increasing fictions
are spawning not only more recursions than ever, but also a surge in cypher class and variety.”
~Sir Raymond Creswicke, in a letter to his paramour Irene
located in the constructed recursion of Paradiso

Cyphers are some of the most prized items situations that do not directly involve PCs to
retrieved from worlds numberless and strange. determine if an NPC is affected by a cypher or
Because of their ability to translate, cyphers can not.
move between fictional realities. In comparison, For more information on finding, identifying,
the majority of artifacts are relegated to a state and using cyphers, see chapter 18 of The
of abeyance when a recursor leaves, until she Strange corebook. Abeyance, page 129
returns to the same recursion, if she ever does.
Cyphers themselves may be misunderstood
parts of the Strange, mistaken applications CYPHER FORM
of laws attempted to be written upon the Cyphers change forms when they translate
Strange, or relics of the distant past, created across recursions, taking on the context of the
by alien races who used the Strange—perhaps new recursion. Thus, a cypher might appear Two kinds of cyphers exist:
even the aliens who created the dark energy to be a magic ring in Ardeyn, a wristwatch
network. Before the Strange was shattered and on Earth, or a bio-tattoo in Ruk. Cyphers with Anoetic cyphers are
easy to use—just pop a
began to grow without bounds, what recursors physical forms, like a ring or potion, are called
pill, push a button, pull a
experience as cyphers today were likely part manifest cyphers; cyphers without physical trigger, and so on. Anyone
of some amalgam of command and control form, like an inspiration or a blessing, are can do it.
that assured safe and instantaneous transport called subtle cyphers. A cypher that translates
across interstellar and even intergalactic between recursions might not only change Occultic cyphers are
distances. But with that system’s dissolution, form, but also whether it stays manifest. rarer, more complicated,
cyphers in their multifarious, ever-changing It’s important for PCs to know what their and more dangerous. They
are devices with multiple
forms were seeded into the network, much like cyphers look like, because that helps set the buttons, switches, knobs,
recursions themselves. context of the recursion. However, no matter keypads, touchscreen
Cyphers are an essential aspect of The what its form, a cypher works the same way in controls, wires, and so on.
Strange, which is why the system behind the whichever recursion it is used. For example, They have many different
game is called the Cypher System. Cyphers regardless of whether the cypher appears as settings, but only one
produces an effect. Occultic
enable PCs to get their hands on incredible a pill, an elixir, a temporary tattoo, a pair of
cyphers count as two
powers, but only for a moment, so no single gloves, a motorcycle helmet, a smartphone cyphers for the purpose of
ability will ever throw the game out of whack. app, a blessing, an inspiration, or a taserlike determining how many a
They also give the GM the ability to play a small device, it provides the same effect when used. PC can carry and use at
role in determining what a character can and GMs can use the suggested form (for Earth, one time.
can’t do. And since cyphers are dangerous to Ardeyn, or Ruk), or make it up on the fly. No
hoard, they provide ever-changing variety to a form is impossible, if it suits the game. If the
character’s available abilities. GM wants a pill that allows anyone swallowing
All cyphers have a level. Sometimes the level it to teleport, then it exists.
suggests the amount of time the cypher works.
Other times, it relates to the amount of damage
or healing provided. This level is also useful in

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Each cypher presented in The Strange corebook
and this book has an indicated form for how it To choose cyphers at random, first roll a d6 to
appears on Earth, in Ardeyn, and in Ruk. Most determine which table to roll on.
of these are manifest forms, although a few 1 Cypher Table A
(like smartphone apps) are subtle. Of course,
2 Cypher Table B
there are thousands of possible recursions
where the PCs can find cyphers, which 3 Cypher Table C
means that a given cypher could have many 4 Cypher Table D
possible forms. When the PCs translate to new 5 Cypher Table E
recursions, the GM can choose one of the three
6 Cypher Table F
forms presented or make up her own, as she
thinks best suits the cypher’s context. Items in these tables marked with an asterisk
are from The Strange corebook.

GM INTRUSION: CYPHER SURPRISE • Creatures of the Strange are summoned

Inkling, page 273 Not all GM intrusions, even those triggered (such as inklings, Vaxt growths, kray, a
by a roll of 1 on the die, should be fumbles cypher eater, and so on).
Vaxt, page 298 or malfunctions. A GM intrusion can be • The cypher translates away under its own
anything that potentially changes the course power instead of providing its effect.
Kray, page 276 • The user is instantaneously translated to a
of the action or the storyline. When it comes
to cyphers of the dark energy network, a randomly selected recursion.
Cypher eater, page 263
surprise might be worse than a simple failure • Damage is dealt to the recursion in some
to operate. Some suggestions: fashion. For instance, a hole is ripped in the
• The cypher functions normally but continues recursion’s fabric, creating a sucking vortex
for a few additional rounds, its effect moving that empties nearby creatures and objects
to new targets each round. So something into the Strange.
that healed a character in one round might • The recursion’s law is temporarily changed
heal an NPC in a subsequent round. to a different law within a long distance.
• The effect of another randomly selected For example, instead of operating under the
cypher is substituted for the cypher used. law of Mad Science, the specified area now
• The cypher functions normally but operates under Standard Physics.
continues for a few additional rounds, its • The cypher changes its form (as if the
effect “mutating” each time. For example, user had translated with the cypher
something that healed a character in one into a different recursion), possibly into
round might next glue him to the ground, something normally seen only in an Exotic
and then explode in the following round. recursion, such as a color, a scent, or an
• The cypher affects the user rather than the emotion.
intended target. • The cypher becomes a reusable artifact at
• An inapposite gate to a previously visited the expense of permanently draining 1 point
recursion opens. of Intellect from all nearby creatures.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
1 Abeyance trap* 35 Body bulwark 68 Conduit link (lightning)
2 Acrobatic boost 36 Body burst (grave) 69 Confidence trick
3 Age taker* 37 Body burst (nova) 70–71 Confuser
4 Ammunition (armor phasing) 38 Body burst (temporal) 72 Contextualizer*
5 Ammunition (inapposite) 39 Body throwing 73 Contingent activator*
6 Ammunition (regenerating) 40–41 Brain burgeon 74–75 Curative*
7 Ammunition (sentient) 42 Brain sentinel 76 Curse bringer*
8 Ammunition (tracer) 43 Breaker 77 Cypher alchemist
9 Ammunition (truth) 44 Brute bloom 78 Cypher codicil (boost)
10–11 Analeptic* 45 Bubble cage 79 Cypher codicil (defense)
12 Antidote* 46 Buoyancy 80–81 Cypher codicil (healing)
13 Aquatic adaptation 47 Calculator 82 Cypher extender (area expander)
14 Arm addition 48 Calming presence 83 Cypher extender (duration
15–16 Armor reinforcer* 49 Camouflage coating doubler)
17 Armor (vengeance enhancer) 50–51 Camouflage screen 84 Cypher extender (range
18 Artifact enabler 52 Chained trauma elongator)
19 Artifact transferer 53 Charge (accelerated) 85 Darkness (eye eating)
20–21 Artifact translator (type 1) 54 Charge (interrupting) 86 Darkness (hungry)
22 Artifact translator (type 2) 55 Charge (ramming) 87 Darksight*
23 Assassin flyer 56 Charming summons 88 Data ingestor
24 Assistant 57 Clean and bright 89 Data specialization (weapons)
25 Attractor* 58 Cognizance booster 90–91 Data training (weapons)
26 Battlecry (berserking) 59 Coin trick (Mars) 92 Death disguiser
27 Battlecry (enervating) 60–61 Coin trick (moon) 93 Death eye
28 Battlecry (inspiring) 62 Coin trick (sun) 94 Death module*
29 Beast form 63 Coin trick (Venus) 95 Death’s door guardian
30–31 Beast lure 64 Colossus 96 Deception module
32 Blackout* 65 Companion seeds 97 Defense of friends
33 Blurred form 66 Condition remover* 98 Deflection guardian
34 Body bastion 67 Conduit link (fire) 99–00 Déjà vu

1 Desiccation inducer 33 Escape route 66 Far attack
2 Destabilizer 34 Essence binding (allied) 67 Feast
3 Dexterous bulwark 35 Essence binding (offensive) 68 Feast (fortifying)
4 Dimensional flattener 36 Essence binding (soul fuel) 69 Fiery leap
5 Disguise module* 37 Essence binding (soul touch) 70–71 Fire form
6 Doomsday device 38 Essence inhalation (blasting) 72 Fission duplicates
7 Draining capacitor* 39 Essence inhalation (healing) 73 Flashburst*
8 Dupe 40–41 Essence inhalation (inspiration) 74 Flashburst (memory erasing)
9 Earthshaker 42 Essence inhalation (knowledge) 75–76 Flashburst (mind numbing)
10 Edge of celerity 43 Essence inhalation (transportation) 77 Flashburst (terrifying)
11 Edge of exhilaration 44 Essence transfer (body) 78 Floating bubble
12 Effect resistance* 45 Essence transfer (mind) 79 Flurry of punches
13 Effort enhancer* 46 Exotic blood (acidic) 80–81 Focus hook*
14 Effort enhancer (combat)* 47 Exotic blood (exhilarating) 82 Force armor projector*
15 Electric summons 48 Exotic blood (healing) 83 Force screen projector*
16 Electric touch 49 Exotic blood (swiftness) 84 Frenzy boost
17 Ember storm 50–51 Exotic blood (tornadic) 85 Frictionizer
18 Encrust 52 Exotic servitor 86 Frigid summons
19 Endurance enhancer 53 Expert knowledge 87 Fusion prime
20–21 Enduring shield* 54 Explosive spittle 88 Gas ammunition*
22 Energy drain 55 Explosive touch 89 Gaseous sneak
23 Energy siphon 56 Extended awareness 90–91 Gaseous warrior (acidic)
24 Equipment cache* 57 Extra punch 92 Gaseous warrior (possessing)
25 Equipment stash 58 Extra recovery 93 Ghost defense
26 Escape 59 Extra sense 94 Ghost offense
27 Escape (explosive) 60–61 Eye blaster 95 Giant
28 Escape (hiding) 62 False image 96 Glue*
29 Escape (luring) 63 False image (assassin) 97 Golden glow
30–31 Escape (misleading) 64 Falsifier 98 Gravity tower
32 Escape catapult 65 Falsifier (reverse) 99–00 Gravity turret

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
1 Grenade* 34 Halo (transposing) 68 Instant weapon turret
2 Grenade (adhering) 35 Halo (truth casting) 69 Intellect booster*
3 Grenade (attracting) 36 Halo (weapon) 70–71 Intellect limiter
4 Grenade (banishing) 37 Halo (winged) 72 Intelligence enhancement*
5 Grenade (black hole) 38 Hand of immobility 73 Interface
6 Grenade (confounder) 39 Harm buffer 74–75 Invigorator
7 Grenade (creature)* 40–41 Hasten attacks 76 Iron punch
8 Grenade (daylight) 42 Home beacon 77 Iron skin
9 Grenade (disintegration) 43 Ice form 78 Judge
10–11 Grenade (expanded radius) 44 Illusory scene 79 Juggernaut
12 Grenade (expanded range) 45 Image duplicator 80–81 Kill proofer
13 Grenade (forgetting) 46 Image projector 82 Killer instinct
14 Grenade (gravity inversion)* 47 Immobilizing grip 83 Knowledge enhancement*
15 Grenade (health) 48 Infiltrator 84 Life sense
16 Grenade (ice) 49 Information lenses* 85 Lifeleech touch
17 Grenade (petrification) 50–51 Insanitron lure 86 Lift*
18 Grenade (protein misfolding) 52 Insanity cure 87 Liftlock
19 Grenade (recursion)* 53 Insect eruption 88 Liftlock (detonating)
20 Grenade (recursion collapsing)* 54–55 Insight* 89 Liftlock (energized)
21–22 Grenade (recursion shifting) 56 Instant projectile weapon 90–91 Liftlock (persisting)
23 Grenade (restraining) 57 Instant shield (blinking) 92 Lightning seed
24 Grenade (shock) 58 Instant shield (endurance) 93 Limb extension
25 Grenade (siphoning) 59 Instant shield (improved) 94 Liquid confidence
26 Grenade (stunning) 60–61 Instant shield (mind) 95 Locater
27 Grenade (telepathic bond) 62 Instant shield (reflective) 96 Luck maker
28 Halo (mindjamming) 63 Instant shield (traveling) 97 Magnetic master*
29 Halo (mindreading) 64 Instant sword 98 Magnetic radical
30–31 Halo (protective) 65 Instant vehicle 99–00 Manipulation beam*
32 Halo (targeting) 66 Instant wall
33 Halo (telekinetic) 67 Instant warrior

1 Mapper* 34 Mist producer (revulsion) 67 Permanent handle
2 Martial multiplier 35 Mist producer (suggestibility) 68 Permanent pocket
3 Martial presence 36 Monoblade* 69 Personal pocket dimension
4 Matter remapper 37 Monohorn* 70–71 Personal pocket dimension
5 Matter translation ray* 38 Morphic adjustment (eyes) (confounding)
6 Maze guide 39 Morphic adjustment (kangaroo) 72 Personal pocket dimension (extra foci)
7 Meditation aid* 40–41 Morphic adjustment (tentacle) 73 Personal pocket dimension (extra gate)
8 Melt all* 42 Mount 74–75 Personal pocket dimension
9 Memory remover 43 Multiphasic module* (from fiction)
10–11 Memory switch* 44 Multiplier 76 Personal pocket dimension (imperator)
12 Mental bulwark 45 Multiplier (damage) 77 Personal pocket dimension (juvenile)
13 Mental scrambler* 46 Murderous strength 78 Personal pocket dimension (pass)
14 Metallic form 47 Neuron buttress 79 Personal pocket dimension (young)
15 Metamorphic cypher 48 Neuron fort 80–81 Phantasm
16 Mighty 49 Neuron tower 82 Phase changer*
17 Mimic 50–51 Nimble bloom 83–84 Phase wall*
18 Mind-control implant 52 Null field* 85 Phase adhesive
19 Mind meld* 53 Nullification ray* 86 Phasing wave
20 Mind-restricting wall* 54 Nutrition and hydration* 87 Pheromone spray
21–22 Mind sled 55 Omega point 88 Plentiful wallet
23 Mind stabilizer* 56 Oracle 89 Possession rod
24 Mindjack 57 Orbital armor 90–91 Power source
25 Mine (cypher) 58 Orbital offense 92 Prison
26 Mine (damage) 59 Overload 93 Probability alteration
27 Mine (holding) 60–61 Pain capacitor 94 Projectile buffer
28 Mineralize 62 Pain inverter 95 Protection from law
29 Mirth 63 Path 96 Protective film
30–31 Mist producer (fear) 64 Perfect papers 97 Provoking
32 Mist producer (joy) 65 Perfect tool 98 Psychic entanglement
33 Mist producer (poison) 66 Perfection 99–00 Psychic explosion

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
1 Psychokinetic adversary 35 Recursion projection 67 Shadow animator (reach)
2 Purifier 36 Redactor 68 Shadow cape (terrifying)
3 Quantum spears 37 Reflex enhancer* 69 Shadow cape (traveling)
4 Quietude 38 Regenerative boost 70–71 Shape of fire
5 Radiation proofer 39 Relieve affliction 72 Shape of gravity
6 Radiation spike* 40–41 Remembering* 73 Shape of ice
7 Rapport enabler 42 Remote control 74 Shape of the storm
8 Ray emitter* 43 Remote viewer (space) 75 Share pain
9 Ray emitter (command)* 44 Remote viewer (time) 76 Share sense
10 Ray emitter (disintegrator) 45 Repeating module* 77–78 Sheltering recursion*
11–12 Ray emitter (fear)* 46 Repulsive wave 79 Shield garment (athletic)
13 Ray emitter (friend slaying)* 47 Respiratory attack (brain eating) 80–81 Shield garment (empathic)
14 Ray emitter (gravity multiplier) 48 Respiratory attack (fiery) 82 Slammer
15 Ray emitter (gravity repulsion) 49 Respiratory attack (poisonous) 83 Slave maker*
16 Ray emitter (kindling) 50–51 Resurrector 84 Slayer
17 Ray emitter (mind disrupting)* 52 Revealer 85 Slaying (armor piercer)
18 Ray emitter (reaping) 53 Revealer (matter phasing) 86 Slaying (bleeding)
19 Ray emitter (shrinking) 54 Revealer (present through past) 87 Slaying (closing)
20 Ray emitter (unstable flame) 55 Revealer (third eye) 88 Slaying (critical strike)
21–22 Ray emitter (unstable ice) 56 Rhetoric enabler 89 Slaying (disconcerting)
23 Ray emitter (withering) 57 Rubicon 90–91 Slaying (marking)
24 Reanimator 58 Rumor bringer 92 Slaying (shadowclad)
25 Recovery acceleration 59 Sapience inducer 93 Sleep inducer*
26 Recovery advantage 60–61 Scuttling scorpion (explosive) 94 Snapshot
27–28 Recursion anchor* 62 Scuttling scorpion (spying) 95 Sniper module*
29 Recursion code* 63 Scuttling scorpion (transponder) 96 Soul sipper
30–31 Recursion control (damaging) 64 Searing summons 97 Sound encrypter
32 Recursion control (holding) 65 Shadow animator (armor) 98 Spark investiture
33 Recursion control (wayfaring) 66 Shadow animator (attack) 99–00 Spark suppression
34 Recursion lens

1 Speed boost* 34 Swift step 67 Vacuum adaptation
2 Speedburst 35 Sympathetic imager 68 Vacuum protector
3 Spirit question 36 Task imitator 69–70 Vanisher*
4 Spying grenade* 37 Task valet 71 Vanisher (daylong)
5 Stalking target 38 Telekinetic bloom 72 Versatile
6 Standard of allied aid 39 Telepathic bond* 73 Vigor transition
7 Standard of allied defense 40 Temporary shield* 74 Visual displacement device*
8 Standard of allied power 41 Tissue regeneration* 75 Visualizer (psychometry)
9 Standard of enemy affliction 42 Torture spike 76 Visualizer (scanning)
10–11 Standard of enemy morale 43 Tracker* 77–78 Vocal translator*
12 Starshine 44 Transfer affliction 79 Water adapter*
13 Stasis keeper* 45 Translation remedy* 80–81 Water form
14 Stillness 46 Trans-mutation (armored) 82 Water transformation
15 Stim* 47 Trans-mutation (brawn) 83 Weapon enhancer (disarming)
16 Storm lure 48 Trans-mutation (climbing) 84 Weapon enhancer (impairing)
17 Stormcaller 49 Trans-mutation (death) 85 Weapon enhancer (limb breaking)
18 Strange ammunition* 50 Trans-mutation (density) 86 Weapon enhancer (returning)
19 Strange apotheosis* 51 Trans-mutation (flying) 87 Weapon enhancer (slaying)
20–21 Strange melee enhancer 52 Trans-mutation (swift) 88 Weapon enhancer (stunning)
22 Strength boost* 53 Trans-mutation (thinking) 89 Weapon enhancer (terrifying)
23 Strength enhancer* 54–55 Trans-mutation (venomous) 90–91 Weaponizer
24 Stunning summons 56 Transmutation dust 92 Weaponnaut
25 Stunning whip 57 Transporter 93 Weather oracle
26 Stunt 58 Transvolution* 94 Weathermaker
27 Summon ally 59 Trauma multiplier 95 Wildwalker
28 Supersonic 60–61 Trick embedder* 96 Wildwhisperer
29 Surprise attack 62–63 Uninterruptible power source* 97 Wind aura
30–31 Surveillance set* 64 Universal key 98 Wings*
32 Survival carapace 65 Universal lock 99 Windtamer
33 Swift shift 66 Unrestrained movement 00 Zero gravity

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
ACROBATIC BOOST be cocked to fire still require that task to be
Level: 1d6 + 1 completed). The weapon retains this quality
Earth: Hard candy for twenty-four hours.
Ardeyn: Red fruit
Ruk: Liquid refreshment AMMUNITION (SENTIENT)
Effect: User becomes an acrobatic marvel for ten Level: 1d6 + 1
minutes, during which time she is trained in Earth: Ammo clip that fits any firearm
acrobatics. In addition, when she attacks she Ardeyn: Rune that transfers to a ranged weapon
can employ her acrobatic boost to twist or flip Ruk: Nodule that affixes to any weapon that
through the air to decrease the difficulty of the fires ammunition
attack by one step, and on a natural 17 or 18, Effect: Once the cypher is attached to a ranged
she can choose a minor special effect rather weapon that fires physical slugs, bolts,
than deal extra damage. arrows, or similar objects, each object so
fired is a unique, sentient entity with a single
AMMUNITION (ARMOR PHASING) overriding desire to “find communion” with
Level: 1d6 + 1 whatever it was fired at. This quality decreases
Earth: Ammo clip that fits any firearm the difficulty of all attacks using the weapon
Ardeyn: Rune that transfers to a ranged weapon by one step; however, individual pieces of
Ruk: Nodule that affixes to any weapon that ammunition that fail to find communion
fires ammunition (and thus are not destroyed) are usually
Effect: Before use, the cypher must be attached to condemned to long, lonely existences lying
a ranged weapon that requires ammunition. abandoned in the dirt.
Thereafter, the weapon ignores armor made
of physical matter. The weapon retains this AMMUNITION (TRACER)
ability for up to twenty-four hours. Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Ammo clip that fits any firearm
AMMUNITION (INAPPOSITE) Ardeyn: Rune that transfers to a ranged weapon
Level: 1d6 + 1 Ruk: Nodule that affixes to any weapon that
Earth: Ammo clip that fits any firearm fires ammunition
Ardeyn: Rune that transfers to a ranged weapon Effect: Once the cypher is attached to a ranged
Ruk: Nodule that affixes to any weapon that weapon, at the weapon user’s option, instead
fires ammunition of taking normal damage, targets struck by the
Effect: Before use, the cypher must be keyed to a weapon take 1 point of damage and become
location in the same recursion or an alternate traceable by the user for twenty-four hours.
recursion, usually a jail cell or some other The user knows the direction, the general
holding facility, though the location could distance, and (if applicable) what recursion
be the empty air over a lava pit or a similarly the target has traveled to. The weapon retains
deadly location. Once the cypher is attached this quality for twenty-four hours.
to a ranged weapon that requires ammunition,
at the weapon user’s option, instead of taking AMMUNITION (TRUTH)
damage, targets struck by the weapon are Level: 1d6 + 1
transferred to the keyed location as if through Earth: Ammo clip that fits any firearm
an inapposite gate. The weapon retains this Ardeyn: Rune that transfers to a ranged weapon
quality for up to twenty-four hours or until ten Ruk: Nodule that affixes to any weapon that
creatures have been transferred, whichever fires ammunition
comes first. Effect: Once the cypher is attached to a ranged
weapon, at the weapon user’s option, instead
AMMUNITION (REGENERATING) of taking damage, targets struck by the
Level: 1d6 + 1 weapon must answer the first question put
Earth: Ammo clip that fits any firearm to them in the next minute truthfully. The
Ardeyn: Rune that transfers to a ranged weapon weapon retains this quality for twenty-four
Ruk: Nodule that affixes to any weapon that hours.
fires ammunition
Effect: Once the cypher is attached to a ranged
weapon that requires ammunition, such as
pistol or bow, the user has access to unlimited
ammunition for that weapon without need
for reloading (though weapons that must

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
AQUATIC ADAPTATION attempts to use any function related to the
Level: 1d6 + 1 artifact (or to understand and manipulate the
Earth: Pill artifact) is decreased by two steps.
Ardeyn: Elixir
Ruk: Clear fluid in tube ARTIFACT TRANSFERER
Effect: User is trained in swimming, can breathe Level: 1d6 + 4
underwater, can see underwater as if in Earth: Electronic module
bright light, and ignores penalties for any Ardeyn: Transferable rune
action (including fighting) in underwater Ruk: Organic oil
environments for ten hours. Effect: If the cypher is applied to an artifact or
other object, the item treated gains a one-time
ARM ADDITION capacity to transfer with a recursor to another In Atom Nocturne and
Level: 1d6 + 2 recursion. However, the item is transferred as other recursions that
Earth: Prosthetic arm if through an inapposite gate, so if it transfers operate under the law of
Ardeyn: Spiritual arm to a recursion that doesn’t operate under a Psionics, arm addition
cyphers sometimes take on
Ruk: Robotic arm law it needs to function, the item degrades to
a mind and existence of
Effect: User gains full use of an extra arm for one uselessness within a few days. their own after the normal
minute. The extra arm can hold a shield, make duration expires.
an extra attack the user is capable of making, ARTIFACT TRANSLATOR (TYPE 1)
or attempt a task different from the task (or Level: 1d6 + 4
attack) the user is making normally. Earth: Electronic module Atom Nocturne,
Ardeyn: Transferable rune page 234
Level: 1d6 + 1 Effect: If the cypher is applied to an artifact (or
Earth: Electronic device affixed to clothes or other object), the artifact treated gains a
armor one-time capacity to translate with a recursor
Ardeyn: Periapt affixed to clothes or armor to another recursion. This means it
Ruk: Biomechanical graft can continue to function in the new
Effect: The user’s Armor is enhanced for one hour, recursion indefinitely (or until
increasing the Armor value and granting one depleted) even if the new
additional quality. Roll a d6 to determine the recursion operates under
effect. a law different from the
1 +1 to Armor; spikes inflict 2 points of damage artifact’s origin. The
to all attackers that succeed on melee attacks artifact can translate
against user this way only once.
2 +1 to Armor; enemies within immediate range
of user take 1 point of damage each round
from blasts of freezing air
3 +1 to Armor; reflects ranged attacks back on
4 +1 to Armor; enemy attacks against user are
modified by one step to their detriment
5 +1 to Armor; wearer can become invisible for
one minute once every hour
6 +1 to Armor; wearer can emit spike pulse
on her turn, attacking all enemies within
immediate range, inflicting damage equal to
the cypher level

Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: Ring
Ruk: Umbilical
Effect: This cypher must first be attuned to an
artifact, a process that takes a few rounds.
Afterward, for one hour, the difficulty of

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 4 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Electronic module Earth: Bullhorn
Ardeyn: Transferable rune Ardeyn: Ram’s horn
Ruk: Organic oil Ruk: Grumbling froglike organ
Effect: If the cypher is applied to an artifact (or Effect: The user unleashes a battle cry that
other object), the artifact treated gains the reverberates loudly. All creatures within long
ongoing capacity to translate with a recursor to range (except the user) randomly attack other
another recursion. This means it can continue nearby creatures for three rounds, regardless
to function in the new recursion indefinitely of alliance.
(or until depleted) even if the new recursion
operates under a law different from the BATTLECRY (ENERVATING)
artifact’s origin. The artifact retains the special Level: 1d6 + 2
ability to translate multiple times (like a cypher) Earth: Bullhorn
until depleted normally. Ardeyn: Ram’s horn
Ruk: Grumbling froglike organ
ASSASSIN FLYER Effect: The user unleashes a battle cry that
Level: 1d6 + 3 reverberates loudly. Enemies within long
Earth: Tiny robotic bee distance lose 3 points of health, and the
Ardeyn: Bee figurine difficulty of their first defense roll after hearing
Ruk: Biomod bee the roar is increased by one step.
Effect: Bee stealthily locates the target named
or described by the user, flying up to a long BATTLECRY (INSPIRING)
distance each round as it searches. If it Level: 1d6 + 2
Surprise, page 110 eventually finds the target, it attempts to attack Earth: Bullhorn
with surprise and injects poison that inflicts Ardeyn: Ram’s horn
damage equal to the cypher level for five rounds, Ruk: Grumbling froglike organ
barring effective treatment or antivenom. Effect: The user unleashes a battle cry that
reverberates loudly. Allies within long distance
restore 3 points to a Pool of their choice, and
the difficulty of their first attack after hearing the
roar is decreased by one step.

When used on Earth, a BEAST FORM

beast form cypher doesn’t Level: 1d6 + 1
change the user’s physical Earth: Pill
appearance except by
Ardeyn: Elixir
distorting her face into a
mask of rage as she goes
Ruk: Brown fluid in tube
berserk. Effect: User changes into an uncontrolled beast
for one hour. While changed, she attacks any
and every living creature within short range. In
addition, she adds 8 points to her Might Pool,
1 to her Might Edge, 2 points to her Speed
Pool, and 1 to her Speed Edge. While in beast
ASSISTANT form, she can’t spend Intellect points for
Level: 1d6 + 1 any reason other than to try to change to her
Earth: Action figure normal form before the one-hour duration is
Ardeyn: Rag doll over (a difficulty 2 task).
Ruk: Bio-homunculus
Effect: A 3-foot (1 m) tall entity is created. The level BEAST LURE
2 entity takes on the context of the recursion Level: 1d6 + 1
where it forms and might appear as a robot on Earth: Small flutelike instrument
Earth, a magical creature in Ardeyn, a half-size Ardeyn: Ring with beast head
clone worker in Ruk, and so on. The assistant Ruk: Tube containing odiferous gel
entity accompanies the user and follows her Effect: If any nonhuman beasts wander within 3
instructions. The assistant doesn’t make attacks miles (5 km), the closest level 5 or lower beast
in combat but provides the user with an asset makes its way to the user and calmly remains
on her attacks. for up to one minute. During this time, the

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
user can impart a basic concept or question to BODY BURST (NOVA)
the beast, and the beast can convey a simple Level: 1d6 + 3
answer in return. The cypher can also be used Earth: Pill
to calm a nonhuman beast that wasn’t lured Ardeyn: Elixir
to the user; the calming effect persists for up Ruk: Adhesive patch
to one minute. Effect: User emits a sun-bright flare that inflicts Creatures and objects
damage equal to the cypher level on all caught in a nova body burst
BLURRED FORM creatures within immediate range, 2 points of may continue to burn for 2
points of damage for three
Level: 1d6 + 2 damage on all creatures within short range,
Earth: Holographic badge and 1 point of damage on all creatures within
Ardeyn: Small mirror long range. In addition, all affected creatures
Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing who were looking at the user are blinded for
Effect: For the next hour, during any round in two rounds. The user emits bright light over
which the user moves at least an immediate her entire body for one minute, during which
distance, she becomes a blur. This makes it time she is immune to damage from heat.
difficult to ascertain her identity and decreases
the difficulty of her stealth tasks and Speed BODY BURST (TEMPORAL)
defense rolls by one step. Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Pill
BODY BASTION Ardeyn: Elixir
Level: 1d6 + 2 Ruk: Adhesive patch
Earth: Injection Effect: User emits a pulse of warped time that Instead of being stuck in
Ardeyn: Elixir rapidly ages tissue, inflicting damage equal time, a creature affected
Ruk: Gas in sealed tube to the cypher level on all creatures within by a temporal body burst
can be tumbled through
Effect: User ignores the negative effects of immediate range, 2 points of damage on all
time several hours, days,
becoming impaired or debilitated for twenty- creatures within short range, and 1 point of months, or longer.
four hours. If the user would be killed, he is damage on all creatures within long range.
instead debilitated, and the ongoing effects of In addition, all affected creatures become
the cypher immediately end. stuck in time for two rounds, during which
they cannot take turns or be harmed. The user
BODY BULWARK appears to move at blinding speed for three
Level: 1d6 + 1 rounds, during which time he can take two
Earth: Ring set with bull head actions each round. In recursions that operate
Ardeyn: Ring set with shield under the law of Magic,
Ruk: Dermal graft BODY THROWING corpses in the area and
Effect: For one hour, the user gains +1 to Armor, Level: 1d6 + 2 creatures killed by a grave
has an asset on Might defense rolls, and is Earth: Glove body burst may rise as
immune to poisons. Ardeyn: Gauntlet zombies that serve the user
for up to one minute.
Ruk: Spine
BODY BURST (GRAVE) Effect: For the next minute, if the user attacks
A character using a body
Level: 1d6 + 3 a creature her size or smaller with an
throwing cypher can choose
Earth: Pill unarmed attack and inflicts damage, she to throw a foe straight
Ardeyn: Elixir can also choose to throw the creatureup to up, so that it lands at her
Ruk: Adhesive patch a short distance; it lands prone and takes an feet and not outside of her
Effect: User emits a pulse of midnight darkness additional 3 points of damage. attack range.
that inflicts life-sucking damage equal to the
cypher level on all creatures within immediate BRAIN BURGEON
range, 2 points of damage on all creatures Level: 1d6 + 4 If a cypher that restores
within short range, and 1 point of damage on Earth: Clear pill Intellect, such as a
meditation aid, is used in
all creatures within long range. In addition, all Ardeyn: Fizzy elixir
a recursion that operates
affected creatures who were looking at the user Ruk: Translucent oil in an ampule under the law of Psionics,
become afraid for two rounds, which increases Effect: User adds 1 to her Intellect Edge for one a character regains 2
the difficulty of attacking the user and defending hour. In addition, her maximum Intellect Pool additional Intellect points.
against the user by one step. The user appears increases by 4 for twenty-four hours.
as a silhouette for one minute, during which
time he is immune to life-sucking and cold Meditation aid,
damage. page 322

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
BRAIN SENTINEL with the atmospheric conditions, regardless
Level: 1d6 of the weight it encloses, until the bubble is
Earth: Knit cap destroyed or ten minutes elapse.
Ardeyn: Circlet
Ruk: Grey matter lobe, self-installing BUOYANCY
Effect: User gains the protection of a brain Level: 1d6 + 1
sentinel for up to twenty-four hours. The Earth: Pill
brain sentinel is psychically invoked when the Ardeyn: Elixir
user is mentally attacked with an effect that Ruk: Injector
would harm, charm, delude, or otherwise Effect: For one hour, the user cannot become
affect his mind in a way he wouldn’t choose submerged in any liquid.
(mundane persuasion, intimidation, and
deception does not invoke the brain sentinel). CALCULATOR
An invoked brain sentinel is visible to the user Level: 1d6 + 3
and whatever attacked him, appearing as a Earth: Pill
kind of dream version of the user. An invoked Ardeyn: Elixir
brain sentinel provides an asset to the user’s Ruk: Injection
defense rolls. In addition, the sentinel can Effect: For one hour, the user can solve nearly any
make one long-range psychic attack per round mathematical equation put before her, if the
on the target that invoked it, inflicting Intellect level of the problem is less than or equal to
damage equal to the cypher level (ignores the cypher level.
Armor). The sentinel disappears when the
target that invoked it is neutralized, which CALMING PRESENCE
ends the cypher’s effect. Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Cufflinks
BREAKER Ardeyn: Amulet
Level: 1d6 + 3 Ruk: Skin dye
Earth: Tuning fork Effect: User becomes utterly calm, a rock in
Ardeyn: Tiny clay pot stormy seas, and merely being around her
Ruk: Transferable tattoo assuages potential pain and discomfort
Effect: A weapon, shield, piece of armor, or other in allies. The user chooses any number of
equipment in the possession of a target within creatures within short range; each of them
long range breaks. adds 1 to their defense rolls for one minute
while they can see the user.
Earth: Red liquor Level: 1d6 + 1
Ardeyn: Red mist Earth: Spray can
Ruk: Subdermal injection Ardeyn: Pouch of powder
Effect: User’s musculature visibly swells, possibly Ruk: Nanoparticles in a sealed tube
so much that tight clothing tears and gives Effect: When the coating is dispersed over an
way. For the next ten minutes, tasks that object that can fit into an area 10 feet by
depend on brute force—such as moving 10 feet (3 m by 3 m), the object is rendered
a heavy object, smashing down a door, or invisible for up to twenty-four hours.
hitting someone with a melee weapon—are
easier for the user. The difficulty of such tasks CAMOUFLAGE SCREEN
is decreased by two steps. Level: 1d6
Earth: Handheld device
BUBBLE CAGE Ardeyn: Small figurine
Level: 1d6 + 1 Ruk: Handheld projector
Earth: Container with bubble ring Effect: Projects an opaque, two-dimensional
Ardeyn: Wand with ring at end screen of light 12 feet (4 m) high and 20
Ruk: Toadlike synthetic creature feet (6 m) across that persists for up to ten
Effect: Creates a bubble of transparent, filmy hours. The screen bears an animate image
material of exceptional strength (level equal appropriate to the surrounding area, such as
to the cypher level) around a creature or trees and brush in a forest, sandy dunes in
object no larger than 10 feet (3 m) on a side a desert, and so on. Thus, anything behind
within immediate range. The bubble floats the screen is easily hidden from visual

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
observation unless the viewer is within CHARMING SUMMONS
immediate distance (and even then it may be Level: 1d6 + 2
obscured, depending on the circumstances). Earth: Smartphone app with smiling-faced icon
Ardeyn: Amulet with smiling-faced shape
CHAINED TRAUMA Ruk: Adhesive patch of smiling-faced design
Level: 1d6 + 2 Effect: A target within long range is drawn to
Earth: Fob within immediate range of the user on its next
Ardeyn: Figurine turn, and it must act as the user commands
Ruk: Humming cricket on its subsequent turn.
Effect: User’s attacks made against a single foe
propagate from that foe to other enemies CLEAN AND BRIGHT
within immediate range of the primary foe Level: 1d6 + 1
for one minute. If the user of a chained Earth: Smartphone app
trauma cypher attacks an enemy with a sword, Ardeyn: Small figurine
phantom sword images lash out at other foes Ruk: Handheld projector
close to the target. The same phenomenon Effect: When the cypher is activated, a structure
(but with different images) occurs for attacks of up to 5,000 square feet (465 square m) is
made with a bullet, a laser, a spell, or some cleaned and tidied as if subject to the expert
other single-target attack. attention of a reliable maid service.


Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Ring Earth: Pill
Ardeyn: Amulet Ardeyn: Potion
Ruk: Adhesive patch Ruk: Bio-organic film
Effect: User immediately moves up to a long Effect: The difficulty of tasks to see invisible
distance and then makes a melee attack on a creatures, hidden or sneaking creatures, and
target as part of the same action. The difficulty other hard-to-perceive details is reduced by
of the attack is reduced by one step and three steps for one hour.
inflicts 3 additional points of damage.
CHARGE (INTERRUPTING) Level: 1d6 + 4 If the user of an
Level: 1d6 Earth: Red coin interrupting charge cypher
Earth: Ring Ardeyn: Red crown (minted coin) fails to interrupt a foe’s
action, she still moves up to
Ardeyn: Amulet Ruk: Red disc
a long distance to the foe—
Ruk: Adhesive patch Effect: User can execute a coin trick with the it’s just too late to do any
Effect: If the user succeeds on a Speed-based cypher so that it seems to disappear, only to good. If she does succeed,
attack against a foe within long range, she reappear up to thirty-three days later when the foe might be able to
immediately moves up to a long distance to she pretends to pluck at the planet Mars (or attempt the same action on
the foe and makes a melee attack on it as part other red light source) and retrieve the coin. its next turn.
of the same action. The attack interrupts and The retrieved coin can be used to martially
ruins whatever action the foe was attempting empower the user or another creature for up
(an attack, the use of a special ability, and so to ten minutes, during which time the target
on). has an asset on melee attacks, gains +1 to
Armor, adds 5 points to his Might Pool, and
CHARGE (RAMMING) adds 1 to his Might Edge.
Level: 1d6 + 3
Ardeyn: Amulet Level: 1d6 + 4
Ruk: Adhesive patch Earth: Silver coin
Effect: User immediately moves up to a long distance Ardeyn: Silver crown (minted coin)
and makes a melee attack on a target as part of Ruk: Silver disc
the same action. The difficulty of the attack is Effect: User can execute a coin trick with the
reduced by one step, and it inflicts 3 additional cypher so that it seems to disappear, only to
points of damage. If the target is a wall, barrier, or reappear up to thirty-three days later when
similar object, it is breached by the user if its level she pretends to pluck at the moon (or other
is less than or equal to the cypher level, creating a pale light source) and retrieve the coin. The
hole an immediate distance across. retrieved coin can be used to render the user

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
or another creature out of phase for up to COMPANION SEEDS
ten minutes, during which time the target Level: 1d6 + 1
can choose either to travel to any recursion Earth: Packet of garden seeds
it has previously visited as if walking through Ardeyn: Pouch of seeds
a translation gate (which immediately ends Ruk: Nanoparticles in a sealed tube
the effect), or to pass through solid objects Effect: When the seeds are cast upon the earth
as though it were entirely insubstantial, like a or another solid inert substance, a military
ghost (the target cannot make physical attacks automaton whose level is equal to the cypher
or be physically attacked). level grows from the substrate over the course
of one minute. The automaton has a form
COIN TRICK (SUN) appropriate to the recursion (a military drone
Chrysalid, page 70 Level: 1d6 + 4 on Earth, a golem in Ardeyn, a chrysalid in
Earth: Gold coin Ruk, and so on). It will fight, guard, or carry
Ardeyn: Gold crown (minted coin) a message for the user for up to ten hours
Ruk: Gold disc before dissipating.
Effect: User can execute a coin trick with the
cypher so that it seems to disappear, only to CONDUIT LINK (FIRE)
reappear up to thirty-three days later when Level: 1d6
she pretends to pluck at the sun (or other Earth: Candle
brilliant light source) and retrieve the coin. Ardeyn: Wax figurine
The retrieved coin can be used to restore life Ruk: Gel pack
to one corpse (if dead no longer than three Effect: User and all allies within immediate range
days), or restore a number of points equal to burn with phantom flames that do them
the cypher level to a character’s Pools. no harm. They inflict 2 additional points of
damage with all melee attacks for one minute.
Earth: White coin Level: 1d6
Ardeyn: White crown (minted coin) Earth: Metal bracelet
Ruk: White disc Ardeyn: Iron ring
Effect: User can execute a coin trick with the Ruk: Steel piercing
cypher so that it seems to disappear, only to Effect: User and all allies within immediate range
reappear up to thirty-three days later when spark with electricity that does them no harm.
she pretends to pluck at the planet Venus They inflict 2 additional points of damage with
(or other white light source) and retrieve the all melee attacks for one minute.
coin. The retrieved coin can be used to endow
the user or another creature with extreme CONFIDENCE TRICK
likeability for up to ten minutes, during which Level: 1d6 + 1
time the target has an asset on all interaction Earth: Flyer
tasks, adds 1 to Might Edge and Intellect Ardeyn: Broadsheet
Edge, and can speak to any creature in its own Ruk: Umbilical
language. Effect: For the next day, if the user is running a
con, picking a pocket, fooling or tricking a
COLOSSUS dupe, sneaking something by a guard, and so
Level: 1d6 + 1 on, the difficulty of the task is reduced by two
Earth: Grey pill steps.
Ardeyn: Scroll
Ruk: Pod graft CONFUSER
Effect: The user (and her equipment and clothing) Level: 1d6 + 1
grows to a height of 60 feet (18 m) for one Earth: Penlight
minute. During that time, she adds 15 points Ardeyn: Small wand
to her Might Pool, adds 2 to her Might Edge, Ruk: Small gunlike device
gains +1 to Armor, and deals 4 additional Effect: The difficulty of all tasks, attacks, and
points of damage with melee attacks. While defenses of a target within long range is
she is larger than normal, the difficulty of her increased by three steps during the next
Speed defense rolls increases by three steps. round.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)


Level: 1d6 + 3 Level: 1d6
Earth: Smartphone app Earth: Temporary tattoo
Ardeyn: Wand Ardeyn: Elixir
Ruk: Handheld device Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: The user activates this cypher as part of Effect: Each time the user uses a cypher in the
the same action as activating another cypher. next twenty-four hours, the difficulty of one of
In the subsequent round, both cyphers meld her defense rolls decreases by one step for ten
together, forming a new random cypher. The minutes. Roll a d6 to determine the improved
user can guide the process and choose the defense.
new cypher if she succeeds on a difficulty 3 1-2 Might defense
Intellect-based task.
3-4 Speed defense
CYPHER CODICIL (BOOST) 5-6 Intellect defense
Level: 1d6
Earth: Temporary tattoo CYPHER CODICIL (HEALING)
Ardeyn: Elixir Level: 1d6
Ruk: Adhesive patch Earth: Temporary tattoo
Effect: Each time the user uses a cypher in the Ardeyn: Elixir
next twenty-four hours, she adds 1 to one Ruk: Adhesive patch
Edge for ten minutes. Roll a d6 to determine Effect: Each time the user uses a cypher in the
the improved Edge. next twenty-four hours, she also restores a
1-2 Might Edge number of points to her Pools equal to the
cypher codicil’s level.
3-4 Speed Edge
5-6 Intellect Edge

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6
Earth: Smartphone app Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: Amulet Ardeyn: Amulet
Ruk: Adhesive patch Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: The user activates this cypher as part of Effect: The user activates this cypher as part of the
the same action as activating another cypher. same action as activating another cypher. If
If the other cypher affects an area at least an the other cypher has an effect that is at least
immediate distance in diameter, its area is an immediate distance away from the user, its
extended: immediate becomes short, short range increases: immediate range becomes
becomes long, and long increases to about short range, short range becomes long range,
200 feet (60 m) in diameter. and long range becomes about half a mile (1
An area-expanding cypher extender can be km).
used with cyphers that deal damage, create
a shield, heal, or have virtually any other DARKNESS (EYE EATING)
effect that produces an area larger than a Level: 1d6 + 2
single target, though cyphers with multiple Earth: Cigar
individual targets are not applicable. Ardeyn: Nargilah
Ruk: Pipe
CYPHER EXTENDER Effect: A patch of absolute darkness an immediate
(DURATION DOUBLER) distance in diameter is created within long
Level: 1d6 range and lasts for one round. Creatures
Earth: Smartphone app within the darkness are blind but treated as if
Ardeyn: Amulet invisible for those outside the darkness. When
Ruk: Adhesive patch the darkness dissolves or creatures leave
Effect: The user activates this cypher as part of it, affected creatures remain blind for one
the same action as activating another cypher. minute, their eyes blots of pure black.
If the other cypher affects only one target and
has a duration (not an instantaneous attack or DARKNESS (HUNGRY)
effect), its maximum duration is doubled. Level: 1d6 + 2
A duration-doubling cypher extender can be used Earth: Cigar
with cyphers that stun, daze, or otherwise Ardeyn: Nargilah
saddle a target with an effect that lasts at least Ruk: Pipe
one round. It can also be used with a cypher Effect: A patch of absolute darkness an immediate
beneficial to the user. distance in diameter is created within long
range and lasts for three rounds. Creatures
within the darkness take damage equal to the
cypher level each round. When the darkness
dissolves or creatures leave it, affected
creatures trail a miasma of dark haze that
inflicts 1 point of damage on them each round
for one minute.

Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Smartwatch app
Ardeyn: Transferable rune
Ruk: Umbilical
Effect: User rapidly gains complete knowledge of
an object or creature touched, including its
special qualities, special abilities, weaknesses
(if any), level, and so on. If the object is an
artifact or a complex piece of equipment, the
user becomes trained in using it, if not already

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
DATA SPECIALIZATION (WEAPONS) The roll does not count against the limit
Level: 1d6 + 3 on recovery rolls that he can make in a day.
Earth: Hard candy Points restored are likely enough to return the
Ardeyn: Red fruit user to life.
Ruk: Liquid refreshment
Effect: For twenty-four hours, the user becomes DECEPTION MODULE
specialized in one type of attack in which he is Level: 1d6 + 2
already trained. Earth: Eyeglasses
Ardeyn: Brooch
DATA TRAINING (WEAPONS) Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing
Level: 1d6 + 1 Effect: User becomes trained in deceiving for one
Earth: Hard candy hour.
Ardeyn: Red fruit
Ruk: Liquid refreshment DEFENSE OF FRIENDS
Effect: For twenty-four hours, the user becomes Level: 1d6 + 1
trained in one type of attack in which he is not Earth: Bracelet
already trained. Arden: Amulet
Ruk: Umbilical
DEATH DISGUISER Effect: When the user stands guard as her
Level: 1d6 action during the next twenty-four hours, the
Earth: Cable difficulty of all defense tasks is decreased by
Ardeyn: Cord one step for other characters she chooses who
Ruk: Umbilical are next to her.
Effect: User touches a corpse and takes on the
appearance and voice mannerisms of what DEFLECTION GUARDIAN
it was like while alive. Simultaneously, the Level: 1d6
corpse takes on the appearance of the user Earth: Smartphone app
(as if the user had died in the same way). The Ardeyn: Wand
effect lasts for twenty-four hours. Ruk: Handheld device
Effect: User’s eyes gain a reddish glow for ten
DEATH EYE minutes. During that period, if he spends an
Level: 1d6 + 2 action concentrating on an area within long
Earth: Eyeglasses range, he can attempt to deflect a number
Ardeyn: Transferable, ring-shaped tattoo fitted of ranged, single-target attacks equal to the
around one eye cypher level each round. When a ranged target
Ruk: Prosthetic third eye is selected to be deflected, the difficulty of its
Effect: Wearer uses the cypher as part of an attack attack is increased by five steps. If that would
action against a foe. If struck, the target is hit increase the difficulty higher than 10, the
in a vital location and takes 5 additional points attack is reflected back on the attacker.
of damage. If the target is level 3 or lower, it
dies immediately. DÉJÀ VU
Level: 1d6
DEATH’S DOOR GUARDIAN Earth: Smartphone app
Level: 1d6 Ardeyn: Wand
Earth: Ring Ruk: Biomodule
Ardeyn: Brooch Effect: A target in long range experiences all the
Ruk: Piercing sensory inputs of events that occurred to it in
Effect: This cypher activates only if the user is the previous round, in addition to whatever
debilitated or killed. If either of these events happens to it in this round. If the target took
occurs, his body (assuming it remains mostly damage or sustained some other kind of
intact) is suffused with a controlling energy effect, it takes the same damage and sustains
that causes it to take steps to protect and the same effects this round too. This distracts
repair itself. During the next minute, even the target, and the difficulty of all tasks it
if the user is dead, the body moves away attempts related to what’s actually going on
from danger by the safest available route. during the current round is increased by two
At the end of this duration, the user makes steps.
a recovery roll (again, even if he is dead).

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
DÉJÀ VU 1 foot (30 cm) tall and weighs a few pounds.
Level: 1d6 The user is in suspended animation and
Earth: Smartphone app remains so indefinitely until submerged in
Ardeyn: Wand water, at which time she is resuscitated over
Ruk: Biomodule the course of one minute. While desiccated,
Effect: A target in long range experiences all the she has +2 to Armor.
sensory inputs of events that occurred to it in
the previous round, in addition to whatever DESTABILIZER
happens to it in this round. If the target took Level: 1d6
damage or sustained some other kind of Earth: Handheld device
effect, it takes the same damage and sustains Ardeyn: Amulet
the same effects this round too. This distracts Ruk: Crystal
the target, and the difficulty of all tasks it Effect: Produces a pulse attack that renders all
attempts related to what’s actually going on artifacts and machines within a 2-mile (3 km)
during the current round is increased by two radius inert for one minute. The pulse does
steps. not affect cyphers.


Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Pill Earth: Ring set with cheetah head
Ardeyn: Elixir Ardeyn: Ring set with diamond
Ruk: Injection Ruk: Dermal graft
Effect: User’s fluids rapidly drain from her body Effect: For one hour, the user gains +1 to Armor
over the course of one minute, leaving behind against Speed damage, has an asset on Speed
a leathery doll-like inert object; a human-sized defense rolls, and has immunity to most
user leaves behind a dried doll that is about effects that would slow or hold him in place.

Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: Wand
Ruk: Biopod
Effect: For an object or creature no larger than the
user and within short range, the dimension
of breadth is folded into a higher dimension
for up to ten minutes, rendering the target
as flat as paper. The target adheres to
whatever surface it was attached to or set
upon, resembling particularly realistic art. An
affected creature is in stasis. While in stasis,
it can take no actions, doesn’t age, and gains
+10 to Armor against all forms of damage,
even kinds not normally reduced by Armor.
If a creature in stasis takes enough damage
to get through its Armor, the stasis effect
immediately ends.

Level: 10
Earth: Explosive device
Ardeyn: Complex rune
Ruk: Cyst
Effect: When the device is activated, the user sets
a timer for up to one year. When the time runs
out, the device explodes to a range of 1 mile (2
km). The explosion inflicts 20 points of damage

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
to everything in the area and saturates the air EDGE OF EXHILARATION
and ground with radiation that lasts for 5d20 Level: 1d6 + 1
years. Until the radiation dissipates, it inflicts Earth: Pill
1 point of ambient damage for each minute a Ardeyn: Elixir
creature remains in the area. Ruk: Yellow oil in an ampule
Effect: User adds 1 to Might Edge and 1 to Speed
DUPE Edge for ten minutes.
Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Smartphone app ELECTRIC SUMMONS
Ardeyn: Wand Level: 1d6 + 2
Ruk: Biomodule Earth: Smartphone app with lightning icon
Effect: A physical duplicate of the user, or a Ardeyn: Amulet with lightning shape
touched creature or object, appears next to Ruk: Adhesive patch of lightning design
the user. A duplicate character or creature Effect: A target within long range is immediately Duplicate: level 2; health 6
appears with no clothing or possessions. It drawn to within immediate range of the
obeys the user’s commands, remaining until it user by electromagnetic attraction, a bolt Using a dupe cypher to
clone oneself can be very
is killed or the user takes an action to dismiss of electricity, a vaguely humanoid shape of
handy, but more often
it. When the duplicate disappears, it leaves lightning, or a similar electric force fitting than not, a surviving clone
behind anything it was wearing or carrying. the context of the recursion, which inflicts eventually returns and seeks
If the duplicate of an artifact is created, the damage equal to the cypher level as it does so. to destroy the original for
original may become depleted, at the GM’s some mad reason or other.
option. Likewise, if a cypher is duplicated, the ELECTRIC TOUCH
original may dissipate. Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Glove
EARTHSHAKER Ardeyn: Gauntlet
Level: 1d6 Ruk: Hand-shaped spider
Earth: Seismometer Effect: For one hour, the user’s hands crackle
Ardeyn: Rune with electricity, and the next time he touches
Ruk: Crystal a creature, he inflicts damage equal to the
Effect: User can control earth movement and cypher level. Alternatively, if the user wields
shaking within long distance for three rounds. a weapon, it crackles with electricity and on
The user can cause all shaking to cease or its next successful attack, it inflicts normal
increase movement to replicate a severe damage plus additional damage equal to half
earthquake in the area, which is enough the cypher level (round down).
to knock creatures to the ground and deal
damage equal to the cypher level, create EMBER STORM
fissures in the ground, and partly or wholly Level: 1d6 + 2
collapse buildings (especially ones made Earth: Match
of small bricks). The user and creatures Ardeyn: Coal
within immediate range remain unaffected Ruk: Crystal igniter
by the shaking, though indirect effects, like a Effect: A target within 200 feet (60 m) becomes
collapsing building, are not ignored. ground zero for a swirling storm of burning
embers affecting it and every creature within
EDGE OF CELERITY long range of it for three rounds. All affected
Level: 1d6 + 1 creatures take 3 points of damage from
Earth: Pill embers each round. In addition, the difficulty
Ardeyn: Elixir of their attacks and perception attempts is
Ruk: Yellow oil in an ampule increased by one step, and they are restricted
Effect: User adds 1 to Intellect Edge and 1 to to moving only an immediate distance each
Speed Edge for ten minutes. round.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
ENCRUST Effect: A piece of equipment held in abeyance
When an encrust cypher is Level: 1d6 + 2 when the user left some other recursion is
used in a Mad Science or Earth: Miniature pistol drawn into the current recursion for up to
Magic recursion, sometimes Ardeyn: Wand one hour. The equipment can be used to full
the creature that emerges
Ruk: Ebony rod effect without degradation, regardless of any
has a new ability or a
new appearance, as if
Effect: A target within long range grows a rocky, law mismatch. When the duration expires, the
the mineral crust was a mineral crust that freezes it in place, giving borrowed equipment returns to abeyance in
chrysalis. it the semblance of someone who was its recursion of origin.
petrified. The target is in stasis until the
crust is removed by a hearty melee attack
or until it explosively sheds after one week,
Abeyance, page 129 whichever comes first. If the crust sheds, it
inflicts damage equal to the cypher level on
the target.

Level: 1d6
Earth: Drug patch
Ardeyn: Elixir
Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing
Effect: For one hour, the user ignores the impaired
condition of the damage track and treats the
debilitated condition as impaired. ESCAPE
Level: 1d6 + 1
Level: 1d6 + 1 Ardeyn: Amulet
Earth: Charging cord Ruk: Adhesive patch
Ardeyn: Iron rod Effect: User mentally triggers the cypher to escape
Ruk: Umbilical any kind of bond, grasp, or captivity. A user in
Effect: User drains one type of energy (heat, suspended animation or stasis may attempt
electrical, metabolic, nuclear, and so on) from to gain this effect, but doing so is a difficulty 4
a touched creature or object. An object is Intellect-based task.
rendered useless, a cypher is used up, and an
artifact becomes depleted. A creature falls into ESCAPE (EXPLOSIVE)
a deep sleep for at least one minute before Level: 1d6 + 1
it can be roused. The drained energy can be Earth: Ring
harmlessly dissipated or used to power a Ardeyn: Amulet
piece of equipment that requires a charge or Ruk: Adhesive patch
fuel (including a depleted artifact). Effect: User emits a blast of energy that inflicts
damage equal to the cypher level on all
ENERGY SIPHON creatures within immediate range, and then
Level: 1d6 + 2 immediately moves up to a long distance,
Earth: Microdrone ignoring difficulties from terrain such as mud,
Ardeyn: Winged figurine water, steep slopes, and so on.
Energy siphon cypher: Ruk: Small metallic device
health 18 Effect: When activated, this small cypher hovers ESCAPE (HIDING)
around the user, and any energy attack (such Level: 1d6 + 1
as a wizard’s fire blast or a beam from a Earth: Ring
laser) strikes the hovering cypher instead. Ardeyn: Amulet
The cypher functions for one hour or until Ruk: Adhesive patch
Equipment borrowed from destroyed. Effect: User becomes invisible, which decreases
alternate recursions can the difficulty of all stealth tasks by two steps,
include any artifacts that EQUIPMENT STASH and then immediately and silently moves up
the character gained while
Level: 1d6 + 2 to a long distance, ignoring difficulties from
in those recursions, as
long as they were part of
Earth: Safe terrain such as mud, water, steep slopes, and
the character’s equipment Ardeyn: Chest so on.
when she translated away. Ruk: Metallic cylinder

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
ESCAPE (LURING) and so on. After being bypassed, restraints
Level: 1d6 + 1 and barriers return to their previous condition.
Earth: Ring The user can’t use this cypher to break into a
Ardeyn: Amulet secure situation or facility, only to leave one.
Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: User emits a blast of energy that inflicts ESSENCE BINDING (ALLIED)
3 points of damage on all creatures within Level: 1d6 + 3
immediate range, and then immediately Earth: Pen
moves up to a long distance, ignoring Ardeyn: Feather
difficulties from terrain such as mud, water, Ruk: Palm graft
steep slopes, and so on. On their subsequent Effect: The user chooses an ally within immediate
turns, all affected creatures can follow the range. For the next twenty-four hours, each
user, crossing the same distance and similarly time the ally takes damage while within long
ignoring any intervening terrain. range, the user restores 1 point to any Pool.


Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Ring Earth: Pen
Ardeyn: Amulet Ardeyn: Feather
Ruk: Adhesive patch Ruk: Palm graft
Effect: User becomes invisible, which decreases Effect: For the next twenty-four hours, the user
the difficulty of all stealth tasks by two steps, restores 1 point to any Pool each time she
and then immediately and silently moves up deals damage to a creature.
to a long distance, ignoring difficulties from
terrain such as mud, water, steep slopes, and ESSENCE BINDING (SOUL FUEL)
so on. Simultaneously, a phantom image Level: 1d6 + 4
of the user moves a long distance in the Earth: Pen
opposite direction and continues to move Ardeyn: Feather
away as conditions permit for up to one Ruk: Palm graft
minute or until the image is directly interacted Effect: For the next hour, each time the user uses
with. a special ability from her type or focus that
has a Pool point cost, all living creatures
ESCAPE CATAPULT within immediate range take 1 point of
Level: 1d6 + 1 damage. The user gains those points (if any)
Earth: Handheld device and can immediately use them to pay the cost
Ardeyn: Crystal orb of the special ability, including points spent
Ruk: Fleshy nodule to use Effort. Any extra points gained from
Effect: User and up to one creature of her size or damaging living creatures are lost.
smaller within immediate range is instantly
and safely catapulted up to 200 feet (60 m) ESSENCE BINDING (SOUL TOUCH)
in a direction she chooses. The user and Level: 1d6
passenger, if any, land safely, assuming a level Earth: Pen
place capable of holding their weight exists Ardeyn: Feather
at the end of the trajectory. The cypher does Ruk: Palm graft
not activate in the confines of a structure that Effect: For the next twenty-four hours, each time In recursions that operate
doesn’t contain a travel path of at least a short the user uses a special ability from her type under the law of Magic,
essence binding cyphers are
distance. or focus that has a Pool point cost, all living
considered to be evil magic,
creatures within immediate range take 1 and anyone caught using
ESCAPE ROUTE point of damage. If at least one living thing is them could be shunned,
Level: 1d6 + 2 affected, the user can reroll the first 1 rolled on banned, or condemned
Earth: Transferable tattoo any die roll associated with using that special as outlaws to be killed on
Ardeyn: Stone ability and ignore 1 point of cost. sight.
Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: For ten minutes, the user can’t be
restrained if he wishes to escape. Ropes slip
loose, manacles malfunction, bars temporarily
bend, walls reveal previously hidden passages,

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 3 (KNOWLEDGE)
Earth: Crystal charm Level: 1d6 + 3
Ardeyn: Crystal wand Earth: Crystal charm
Ruk: Crystal piercing Ardeyn: Crystal wand
Effect: A number of targets equal to the cypher Ruk: Crystal piercing
level within short range take 1 point of Effect: A number of targets equal to the cypher
damage (ignores Armor), and the user inhales level within short range take 1 point of
this essence. In the subsequent round, as her damage (ignores Armor), and the user inhales
action, the user emits a blasting attack on one this essence. She telepathically learns the
target within long range, inflicting damage name, title or profession (if any), and one
equal to the cypher level plus additional general fact about each affected target. In the
damage equal to the number of targets whose subsequent round, as her action, the user
essence was inhaled. Roll a d100 to determine can choose one of those targets and learn
the kind of damage. additional deeper secrets or other relevant
01–12 Fire hidden knowledge the target has (if any).
13–27 Cold
40–52 Psychic Level: 1d6 + 3
53–65 Sonic Earth: Crystal charm
Ardeyn: Crystal wand
66–72 Electrical Ruk: Crystal piercing
73–84 Poison Effect: A number of targets equal to the cypher
85–00 Physical (blunt force, slashing, and piercing) level within short range take 1 point of
damage (ignores Armor), and the user inhales
this essence. If she dealt at least 1 point of
ESSENCE INHALATION (HEALING) damage, in the subsequent round, as her
Level: 1d6 + 3 action, either she can teleport to any location
Earth: Crystal charm she has previously visited in the recursion, or
Ardeyn: Crystal wand she can travel to another recursion she has
Ruk: Crystal piercing visited as if stepping through a translation
Effect: A number of targets equal to the cypher gate. Alternatively, she can teleport or
level within short range take 1 point of translate one of the targets she damaged.
damage (ignores Armor), and the user inhales
this essence. In the subsequent round, as her ESSENCE TRANSFER (BODY)
action, the user emits a healing pulse that Level: 1d6 + 2
restores a number of points to her own Pools Earth: Foreign coin
or one ally’s Pools equal to the cypher level Ardeyn: Green-tinged gold crown
plus the number of targets whose essence Ruk: Metallic disc
was inhaled. Effect: A creature within immediate range of
the user takes damage equal to the cypher
ESSENCE INHALATION level, and the same number of points is
(INSPIRATION) immediately added to the user’s Might Pool
Level: 1d6 + 3 or Speed Pool (her choice), even if that causes
Earth: Crystal charm her Pool to temporarily exceed its normal
Ardeyn: Crystal wand maximum. Unused excess points are lost after
Ruk: Crystal piercing ten hours. In addition, the target is stunned,
Effect: A number of targets equal to the cypher losing its next turn, and the user can take an
level within short range take 1 point of additional turn immediately.
damage (ignores Armor), and the user inhales
this essence. In the subsequent round, the ESSENCE TRANSFER (MIND)
difficulty of the user’s next task, attack, or Level: 1d6 + 2
defense is reduced by a number of steps equal Earth: Foreign coin
to the number of targets whose essence was Ardeyn: Green-tinged gold crown
inhaled. Ruk: Metallic disc
Effect: A creature within immediate range of
the user takes damage equal to the cypher

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
level, and the same number of points is EXOTIC BLOOD (TORNADIC)
immediately added to the user’s Intellect Pool, Level: 1d6
even if that causes the Pool to temporarily Earth: Blue injection
exceed its normal maximum. Unused excess Ardeyn: Blue elixir
points are lost after ten hours. In addition, the Ruk: Blue fluid in sealed tube
target is stunned, losing its next turn, and the Effect: The user can fly a short distance each
user learns one secret about the target, if any round for one hour. During that same period,
are to be had. she is surrounded by swirling winds and can
use them to attack selected creatures within
EXOTIC BLOOD (ACIDIC) immediate range, blowing targets to short
Level: 1d6 range (and rendering them prone) as an
Earth: Green injection action.
Ardeyn: Green elixir
Ruk: Green fluid in sealed tube EXOTIC SERVITOR
Effect: User is immune to acid damage for one Level: 1d6
hour. During that same period, he can make Earth: Smartphone app
touch attacks that inflict 4 points of acid Ardeyn: Figurine
damage or, alternatively, coat a melee weapon Ruk: Homunculus
with acid so it inflicts 1 additional point Effect: Produces a humanoid creature (level equal
of damage for one minute (however, this to the cypher level) that fits the context of the
probably destroys the weapon). recursion but also is somewhat exotic, such
as a “man in black” on Earth, a demon in
EXOTIC BLOOD (EXHILARATING) Ardeyn, or a variokaryon in Ruk. The servitor Variokaryon, page 297
Level: 1d6 will perform one task that takes no more than
Earth: Sparkling injection an hour. Anything can be requested, including
Ardeyn: Sparkling elixir fighting for the user or attacking a named
Ruk: Sparkling fluid in sealed tube victim solo.
Effect: User is immune to being mentally
controlled or influenced for one hour. During EXPERT KNOWLEDGE
that same period, she gains an amazing Level: 1d6 + 1
boost to her ability to persuade and charm. Earth: Smartphone app
The difficulty of attempts to convince other Ardeyn: Crystal orb
creatures to change their minds or attempt a Ruk: Umbilical
new course of action is reduced by two steps. Effect: The user asks a question and the cypher
spends ten minutes seeking out the nearest
EXOTIC BLOOD (HEALING) expert (whether electronically, magically, or
Level: 1d6 psychically, as determined by the context of
Earth: Golden-hued injection the recursion). At the end of that period, the
Ardeyn: Golden-hued elixir question is answered by the expert. Afterward,
Ruk: Golden-hued fluid in sealed tube the expert usually retains no memory of the
Effect: User makes a free recovery roll that doesn’t contact.
count against his recovery rolls that day. In
addition, for one hour, he gains a regenerative EXPLOSIVE SPITTLE
ability and can restore 1 point to any Pool as Level: 1d6 + 2
part of any other action each round. Earth: Injection
Ardeyn: Transferable rune
Level: 1d6 Effect: For one hour, the user’s spittle becomes
Earth: Silver-hued injection explosive a few seconds after contact with air.
Ardeyn: Silver-hued elixir This effectively gives the user an immediate-
Ruk: Silver-hued fluid in sealed tube range spit attack (that she is practiced with)
Effect: The difficulty of the user’s Speed defense that inflicts explosive damage equal to the
rolls and Speed-based tasks is reduced by cypher level on a target. Spittle remains
one step for ten minutes. During that same inactive while it is in contact with the user.
period, he can take two actions every other

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Pill Earth: Pill
Ardeyn: Elixir Ardeyn: Elixir
Ruk: Injection Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing
Effect: For the next ten minutes, one inanimate Effect: The user gains an extra sense for twenty-
object per round touched by the user becomes four hours. He can choose from the following
explosive. The changed object must be no or come up with one of his own. If he
larger than something the user can hold in encounters an entity, situation, or task that
one hand. Once changed, the object explodes relies on or uses the energy he can detect
within one minute, or sooner if struck or with that sense, the difficulty of tasks related
thrown. The object could be thrown a short to that interaction is reduced by one step, if
range as a grenade, inflicting damage equal to applicable.
the cypher level in an immediate radius from Electromagnetic Sense: Detect gradations in
the point of impact. magnetic field lines and electrical flows and
EXTENDED AWARENESS Ghost Sense: Detect spiritual energy.
Level: 1d6 + 1 Gravity Sense: Detect minor gravitational
Earth: Smartwatch app fluctuations.
Ardeyn: Crystal bracelet Psychic Sense: Detect mental energy.
Ruk: Living crystal band Radiation Sense: Detect a variety of high-energy
Effect: The user’s senses extend up to a mile in particles.
any direction for one minute, allowing her to
ask the GM very simple, general questions EYE BLASTER
Sark, page 288 about that area, such as “Where is the sark Level: 1d6 + 2
camp?” or “Where are the black helicopters Earth: Sunglasses
parked?” and receive simple, correct answers. Ardeyn: Goggles
Ruk: Prosthetic eye, self-installing
Effect: User gains the ability to fire energy from
her eye for one minute. The energy blasts can
be fired at a creature or an object within long
range. Roll a d100 to determine the kind of
01–10 Electricity
11–30 Maser
31–40 Radiation
41–50 Cold
If an enemy is focused on
the image and not the user 51–75 Laser
of a false image cypher, the
Level: 1d6 + 1 76–00 Energized particles
invisible user can usually
make her first attack Earth: Temporary tattoo
against the misled enemy Ardeyn: Transferable rune FALSE IMAGE
with surprise. Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing Level: 1d6 + 2
Effect: For one hour, the user’s melee attacks Earth: Smartwatch app
knock out a living target if the user succeeds Ardeyn: Elixir
Surprise, page 110
on a second Might-based roll against the Ruk: Adhesive patch
target. The foe remains unconscious for three Effect: For up to one minute, the user becomes
rounds. invisible while shedding an immaterial but
solid-seeming image of herself. The image
EXTRA RECOVERY acts as the user wishes, though it cannot
Level: 1d6 + 1 speak. Meanwhile, the user can act as she
Earth: Red liquid in vial wishes, though if she attacks a creature or
Ardeyn: Elixir an object, the image fades and she becomes
Ruk: Red fluid in tube visible again.
Effect: User gains an immediate extra recovery
roll. She can add a number of points equal to
the cypher level to the roll.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 4
Earth: Smartwatch app Earth: Small drone
Ardeyn: Elixir Ardeyn: Winged figurine
Ruk: Adhesive patch Ruk: Flying homunculus
Effect: For up to one minute, the user becomes Effect: The cypher animates and speeds away
invisible while shedding an immaterial but in the direction of an individual named by
solid-seeming image of herself. The image the user or the nearest person fitting the
acts as the user wishes, though it cannot description the user provides. Wherever
speak. Meanwhile, the user can act as she that person is located (whether in the same
wishes. Even if she attacks a creature or recursion or a different one), the cypher
an object, she remains invisible until the eventually finds it and attacks, inflicting
duration expires. damage equal to the cypher level for a
number of rounds equal to the cypher level.
Level: 1d6 + 1 FEAST
Earth: Pill Level: 1d6
Ardeyn: Elixir Earth: Picnic basket
Ruk: Injection Ardeyn: Hamper
Effect: For one hour, the user loses all “tells” Ruk: Biomodule
that people, magic, electrical instruments, Effect: Produces a large quantity of food able
and similar devices rely on to determine to feed and delight the palates of up to six
if someone is lying. Thus, he can pass lie normal humans, complete with place settings,
detector tests, brain scans, truth-revealing drink, and condiments.
spells, the super-senses of powerful creatures,
and so on. In addition, the difficulty of FEAST (FORTIFYING)
deception tasks is decreased by three steps Level: 1d6 + 1
for the duration. Other creatures may still Earth: Picnic basket
possess knowledge that contradicts the user’s Ardeyn: Hamper
lies. Ruk: Biomodule
Effect: Produces a large quantity of food able
FALSIFIER (REVERSE) to feed and delight the palates of up to six
Level: 1d6 + 1 normal humans, complete with place settings,
Earth: Dart drink, and condiments. In addition, all who
Ardeyn: Wand partake in the feast have an asset on Might
Ruk: Handheld device defense rolls for ten hours.
Effect: For one hour, creatures within short range
of the user can’t speak the truth without
broadcasting “tells” that people, magic,
electrical instruments, and similar devices
recognize as the signs of lying. Thus,
a target fails all lie detector tests,
brain scans, truth-revealing spells,
the super-senses of powerful
creatures, and so on,
regardless of how truthful
it attempts to be.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
FIERY LEAP Otherwise, the duplicates are free to act as
Level: 1d6 they wish, which is usually exactly what the
Earth: Smartphone app user would do in the same situation. At the
Ardeyn: Amulet end of the hour, all the duplicates (wherever
Ruk: Adhesive patch they are, living or dead) merge with the
Effect: User erupts with fire as she leaps up user, who gains their memories. Each living
to a short distance. When she lands, she duplicate who merges with the original
can attack every creature and object within restores 2 points to the user’s Pools, while
immediate range as part of the same action each dead one inflicts 2 points of damage.
as activating the cypher. Targets take damage
equal to the cypher level and are prone. FLASHBURST (MEMORY ERASING)
Level: 1d6 + 2
FIRE FORM Earth: Small grenade
Level: 1d6 + 1 Ardeyn: Handful of dust in a pouch
Earth: Injection Ruk: Pulsing organic pod
Ardeyn: Mauve elixir Effect: If thrown, the cypher sails up to a
Ruk: Adhesive patch that activates when slapped short range and explodes on impact in an
Effect: User’s body is shrouded in flames that last immediate radius, blinding all within it for one
for ten minutes, granting +2 to Armor against round. In addition, blinded creatures forget
damage from other sources of fire. The flames the previous five minutes.
don’t burn the user, but they automatically
inflict 2 points of damage to anyone who tries FLASHBURST (MIND NUMBING)
to touch or strike the user with a melee attack. Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Small grenade
FISSION DUPLICATES Ardeyn: Handful of dust in a pouch
Level: 1d6 + 3 Ruk: Pulsing organic pod
Earth: Ancient gold coin Effect: If thrown, the cypher sails up to a
Ardeyn: Ring set with clear gems short range and explodes on impact in an
Ruk: Energy trapped in a clear tube immediate radius, blinding all within it for
Effect: For up to one hour, the user splits into one round. In addition, blinded creatures are
up to five discrete individuals, each with the dazed for one minute, and the difficulty of all
abilities and memories of the original. For tasks they attempt is increased by one step.
each duplicate, the difficulty of tasks, attacks,
and defenses is increased by one step. The FLASHBURST (TERRIFYING)
duplicates gain clothing like that worn by Level: 1d6 + 2
the user, but only the user retains special Earth: Small grenade
equipment such as cyphers and artifacts. Ardeyn: Handful of dust in a pouch
Ruk: Pulsing organic pod
Effect: If thrown, the cypher sails up to a
short range and explodes on impact in an
immediate radius, blinding all within it for one
round. In addition, blinded creatures flee in
a random direction in fear (or are paralyzed
with fear) for a number of rounds equal to the
cypher level.

Level: 1d6
Earth: Ring
Ardeyn: Bracelet
Ruk: Handheld projector
Effect: User and up to three allies are
encapsulated in a bubble of force for up to
ten hours, or until the user dismisses it. The
bubble floats at least 1 foot (30 cm) in the
air at all times but moves as the user wishes
vertically or horizontally, up to a long distance

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

each round. The user cannot penetrate the Effect: User becomes a frenzied maniac for one
bubble, and neither can forces from the minute, during which time he can’t use points
outside. Not even ambient damage gets from his Intellect Pool but he adds 1 to his
through. Dealing at least 50 points of damage Might Edge and 1 to his Speed Edge.
to the bubble (which has no Armor) destroys
it. Damaging the bubble does not harm FRICTIONIZER
anyone inside until the bubble is destroyed, Level: 1d6 + 2
at which point they fall from whatever altitude Earth: Spray bottle
the bubble was at. Ardeyn: Wand
Ruk: Biopod
FLURRY OF PUNCHES Effect: An object that has moving wheels, gears,
Level: 1d6 + 3 discs, or other moving parts ceases to function
Earth: Gloves for one minute as the coefficient of friction
Ardeyn: Gauntlets dramatically increases. The object must be able
Ruk: Tendons, self-installing to fit into a cube 10 feet by 10 feet (3 m by 3
Effect: As part of an attack with her hands, the m). Solid-state objects and objects that work
user activates the cypher and becomes biologically, magically, or psionically are not
practiced in making such an attack (if not affected, unless moving gears or other moving
already practiced). She can make four melee mechanical parts are part of their normal
attacks with her fists as one action. operation. A clockwork creature or similar
target is frozen in place for the duration.
Level: 1d6 + 1 FRIGID SUMMONS
Earth: Hard candy Level: 1d6 + 2
Ardeyn: Red fruit Earth: Smartphone app with snowflake icon
Ruk: Liquid refreshment Ardeyn: Amulet with snowflake shape
Ruk: Adhesive patch of snowflake design

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Effect: A target within long range is immediately GASEOUS SNEAK
drawn to within immediate range of the user Level: 1d6
by icy winds, an ice tether, a vacuum pulse, or Earth: Clear pill
a similar frigid force fitting the context of the Ardeyn: Clear elixir
recursion, which inflicts damage equal to the Ruk: Clear adhesive patch
cypher level as it does so. Effect: User and her equipment become a
colorless, odorless gas that is inhaled by a
FUSION PRIME target creature within long range. Given the
Level: 1d6 + 3 nature of the attack, it is usually made with
Surprise, page 110 Earth: Ancient gold coin surprise, and if successful, the target doesn’t
Ardeyn: Ring set with starfire realize that it has inhaled the user. She can
Ruk: Energy trapped in a clear tube remain secreted within the target for up to
Effect: User and up to five allies within immediate one week, during which time she sees and
The visage of a fused being range fuse into a single being for one hour. hears everything experienced by the target.
created by a fusion prime The user retains her base stats and gains While inhaled, the user can take no actions
cypher can be shaped by one special ability possessed by each of her other than to observe. If she is detected, if
the recursion in which allies (who select the abilities they wish to she chooses to leave, or when the duration
it is used. For instance, contribute). In addition, the user gains +1 to expires, she is exhaled and returns to her
in Ardeyn, a fused being Armor, and the difficulty of all tasks, attacks, normal material state up to one minute later
might appear as a 7-foot (2 and defenses is reduced by one step. Finally, at a distance of up to long range from where
m) tall qephilim wreathed
the user adds 3 points to one Pool for each the target exhaled her.
in lightning; in Ruk, as an
omega-class chrysalid; and fused ally. The user can act as she wishes,
on Earth, as any one of a but in any round in which others making up GASEOUS WARRIOR (ACIDIC)
number of mythological the fused being disagree with her attempted Level: 1d6
beings. actions, she loses that turn. Earth: Grey pill
Ardeyn: Grey elixir
Ruk: Grey adhesive patch

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Effect: User and her equipment become a grey, GHOST DEFENSE
corrosive mist that is inhaled by a target Level: 1d6 + 1
creature within immediate range. Each round Earth: Necklace
in which the user remains inhaled, the target Ardeyn: Amulet
suffers damage equal to the cypher level Ruk: Torc
(ignores Armor). The user remains inhaled Effect: Some physical attacks pass directly
each round in which she succeeds on an through the user, decreasing the difficulty of
additional Speed-based attack roll. While his Speed defense rolls by one step for ten
inhaled, she can take no physical actions other minutes. However, the user also loses the
than to attack. If the target is killed, if the user benefit from any physical armor worn for the
chooses to leave, or if the user is exhaled on duration.
a failed attack roll, she returns to her normal
material state. GHOST OFFENSE
Level: 1d6 + 1
Level: 1d6 Ardeyn: Amulet
Earth: Grey pill Ruk: Torc
Ardeyn: Grey elixir Effect: User’s attacks (including melee, ranged,
Ruk: Grey adhesive patch energy, and so on) phase to ignore a foe’s
Effect: User and her equipment become a night- Armor for one minute.
black mist that is inhaled by a target creature
within immediate range. Each round in which GIANT
the user remains inhaled, the target takes Level: 1d6 + 1
actions as she directs. The user remains Earth: Blue pill
inhaled each round in which she succeeds on Ardeyn: Scroll
an additional Speed-based attack roll. While Ruk: Pod graft
inhaled, she can take no physical actions other Effect: The user (and her equipment and clothing)
than to attack. If the target is killed, if the user grows to a height of 9 feet (3 m) for about a
chooses to leave, or if the user is exhaled on minute. During that time, she adds 4 points
a failed attack roll, she returns to her normal to her Might Pool, +1 to her Armor, and +2
material state. to her Might Edge. While she is larger than
normal, the difficulty of her Speed defense
rolls increases by one step.

Level: 1d6
Earth: Key fob
Ardeyn: Figurine
Ruk: Crystal nodule
Effect: Cypher radiates a calming golden glow for
up to ten hours that provides dim light within
short range. Characters within the glow add
1 to recovery rolls made in the light, have an
asset on persuasion and pleasant interaction
tasks, and find the difficulty of Intellect
defense rolls reduced by one step.

Level: 1d6
Earth: Fob
Ardeyn: Ladder-shaped charm
Ruk: Metallic disc
Effect: The user and all creatures within
immediate range quickly rise to a height of up
to 3 miles (5 km) above the ground (or to the
recursion’s utmost height, if lower) and can
remain elevated for up to ten hours before
the effect returns them safely to the ground.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
While elevated, affected individuals do not of the detonation. Afflicted creatures are
suffer damage from natural environmental destroyed, turned aside, or otherwise
conditions such as cold, high winds, lack of banished. At the user’s option, affected targets
oxygen or pressure, and so on. instead must obey his commands for one
minute, after which they are free to go about
GRAVITY TURRET their business.
Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Spray can GRENADE (BLACK HOLE)
Ardeyn: Rune Level: 1d6 + 4
Ruk: Spider that rumbles Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere
Effect: An invisible, thin shell of repulsive gravity (thrown, short range)
forms in an immediate range around the user. Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
Bullets, arrows, and other ranged physical Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
attacks that strike the shell are returned on Effect: Implodes spacetime, creating a hovering
a reverse trajectory. Energy and light-based hole of nothingness that attacks all creatures
attacks are not affected, nor are creatures or in short range. Affected creatures are drawn
other slower-moving objects that enter the to within immediate distance of the hole.
area. Moving away from it is a Might-based task
whose difficulty is equal to the cypher level.
GRENADE (ADHERING) Creatures that spend two consecutive rounds
Level: 1d6 + 3 within immediate range of the black hole are
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere consumed by it and presumably completely
(thrown, short range) destroyed (though potentially they are
Ardeyn: Wand (long range) sucked into another recursion as if through
Ruk: Handheld projector (long range) an inapposite gate). The black hole persists
Effect: Adheres to primary target before it for one minute and then evaporates. While
explodes, attacking all targets within the hole persists, any creature that comes
immediate range of the detonation. The within short range of it is attacked again and
difficulty of the attack against the primary potentially drawn toward it.
target is reduced by one step. Affected targets
take a number of points of damage equal to GRENADE (CONFOUNDER)
the cypher level; the primary target takes 4 Level: 1d6 + 3
additional points of damage. Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere
(thrown, short range)
GRENADE (ATTRACTING) Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere Effect: Explodes, afflicting all creatures within
(thrown, short range) immediate range of the detonation with
Ardeyn: Wand (long range) several conditions. Initially, afflicted creatures
Ruk: Handheld projector (long range) can take no actions for one round. During the
Effect: This cypher detonates twice. The first is subsequent minute, they deal 2 fewer points
an implosive pulse, attacking all creatures of damage (1 point minimum), move at half
in immediate range. Affected creatures and normal speed, and find the difficulty of all
objects within short range of the detonation tasks increased by one step.
are drawn to within immediate range,
whereupon the grenade immediately explodes GRENADE (DAYLIGHT)
again, inflicting damage equal to the cypher Level: 1d6 + 3
level on all creatures within immediate range. Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere
(thrown, short range)
GRENADE (BANISHING) Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere Effect: Explodes, creating a region of bright light
(thrown, short range) in a 200-foot (60 m) radius, which lasts for
Ardeyn: Wand (long range) twenty-four hours.
Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
Effect: Explodes, affecting all level 1 or 2 demons,
spirits, henchmen, lackeys, servitors, or
similar creatures within immediate range

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Level: 1d6 + 4
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere Earth: Explosive device or black ceramic Victims of a forgetting
(thrown, short range) sphere (thrown, short range) grenade could be surprised
all over again by adversaries
Ardeyn: Wand (long range) Ardeyn: Wand (long range) they were fighting
Ruk: Handheld projector (long range) Ruk: Handheld projector (long range) immediately before it
Effect: Explodes and creates a field that Effect: Explodes and creates a memory distortion exploded.
suppresses the charge on the electrons in all field within short range of the detonation. All
creatures and objects within immediate range creatures in the area forget everything that
of the detonation, inflicting damage equal to happened since they came into the detonation
the cypher level. If the attack leaves a target’s area. To the affected creatures, it’s as if they’ve
combined Pools reduced to a value less than just walked into the area, and they’re not
the cypher level, the target instantly falls to immediately aware of having lost any time.
dust. (A PC who would be disintegrated can
choose to spend 1 XP and instead descend GRENADE (HEALTH)
one step on the damage track.) Level: 1d6 + 4 Damage track,
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere page 108
GRENADE (EXPANDED RADIUS) (thrown, short range)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
(thrown, short range) Effect: Explodes to release a burst of
Ardeyn: Wand (long range) bioregenerative energy in a short radius. The
Ruk: Handheld projector (long range) energy restores a number of points equal to
Effect: Explodes into a dozen childlet grenades, the cypher level to the Pools (or health) of
which effectively increases the explosion size everyone in the area.
to short range of the detonation. Affected
targets take a number of points of damage GRENADE (ICE)
equal to the cypher level. Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere
GRENADE (EXPANDED RANGE) (thrown, short range)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
(thrown, 500-foot [152 m] range) Effect: Explodes with cold, attacking all creatures
Ardeyn: Wand (500-foot [152 m] range) in immediate range of the detonation.
Ruk: Handheld projector (500-foot [152 m] range) Affected creatures take damage equal to the
Effect: Explodes, attacking all targets within cypher level and are frozen in place by a thin
immediate range of the detonation. Affected coating of ice. Until a target escapes or three
targets take a number of points of damage rounds pass, the ice encasement inflicts 1
equal to the cypher level. additional point of damage each round after
the first, and the creature cannot move or take
physical actions (other than trying to break

Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere
(thrown, short range)
Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
Effect: Explodes, turning all creatures in
immediate range of the detonation to stone.
Affected creatures gain +5 to Armor and can
take no actions. Level 1 targets are turned to
stone permanently, and higher-level targets
revert to normal after one minute.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere
Earth: Explosive device (thrown, short range) (thrown, short range)
Ardeyn: A stone with a rune of destruction Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
inscribed on it (thrown, short range) Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
Ruk: Wristband projector (long range) Effect: Explodes, releasing a liquid that foams over
Effect: Explodes in an immediate radius, inflicting the target and all creatures within immediate
damage equal to the cypher level and range and then hardens into a body restraint
infecting wounds with microscopic prion that lasts for ten minutes. Restrained victims
shrapnel. Each victim is attacked again every can’t move or take actions that require
subsequent round as a protein-folding chain movement. Targets whose level is higher than
reaction melts its flesh, inflicting damage the artifact level can usually break free within
equal to the cypher level. A missed attack one or two rounds.
breaks the chain reaction. A creature killed by
the chain reaction slumps into cloudy pink GRENADE (SHOCK)
fluid. Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere
GRENADE (thrown, short range)
(RECURSION SHIFTING) Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere (see Effect: Explodes with a pulse, creating a shock
effect) wave that attacks all creatures in immediate
Ardeyn: Wand (see effect) range of the detonation. Affected creatures
Ruk: Handheld projector (see effect) take damage equal to the cypher level, are
Effect: The user throws or launches the cypher pushed out of immediate range, and fall
and makes a difficulty 3 Intellect roll. If he down.
fails, the grenade explodes. If he succeeds, it
disappears and reappears within a recursion GRENADE (SIPHONING)
he names. The grenade appears at the Level: 1d6 + 3
location where he last left the recursion, or in Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere
the default arrival location if he never visited (thrown, short range)
there before. The grenade explodes, attacking Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
all creatures and objects within immediate Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
range of the detonation with shrapnel. Effect: Explodes with bioenergy, attacking
Affected targets take a number of points of all creatures in immediate range of the
damage equal to the cypher level. detonation. Affected creatures are drained of
life force, taking damage equal to the cypher
level. An equal number of points are used to
restore the Pools of the user and her allies in
short range (who are not in the blast radius),
split evenly among them.

Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere
(thrown, short range)
Ardeyn: Wand (long range)
Ruk: Handheld projector (long range)
Effect: Explodes, afflicting all creatures within
immediate range of the detonation with brain-
burning light. The light inflicts damage equal
to the cypher level and causes victims to lose
their next turns.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 4 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Explosive device or ceramic sphere Earth: Knit cap
(thrown, short range) Ardeyn: Circlet
Ardeyn: Wand (long range) Ruk: Scalp tattoo
Ruk: Handheld projector (long range) Effect: User manifests a halo composed of boiling
Effect: Explodes, conferring a shared telepathic fractals that persists for one hour, although
bond on all creatures within immediate range he can suppress the effect as part of another
of the detonation for twenty-four hours. action. While the protective halo is active,
Affected creatures can mentally communicate the user has +1 to Armor against all types of
with one another no matter how far they are attacks, including those that normally ignore
separated, even across recursions. Armor.

HALO (MINDJAMMING) HALO (TARGETING) A halo is a circle of light

Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 1 surrounding a character’s
Earth: Knit cap Earth: Knit cap head. Creatures without
Ardeyn: Circlet Ardeyn: Circlet the spark and creatures
Ruk: Scalp tattoo Ruk: Scalp tattoo that are not quickened tend
not to see cypher-created
Effect: User manifests a halo composed of boiling Effect: User manifests a halo composed of boiling
halos, unless the visible
fractals that persists for one hour, although fractals that persists for one hour, although manifestation is specifically
he can suppress the effect as part of another he can suppress the effect as part of another called out to them.
action. While the mindjamming halo is active, action. While the targeting halo is active, the
the user can attack one creature within short user’s ranged attacks are modified by one step
range per round. An affected creature takes to his benefit.
2 points of damage (ignores Armor) and its Spark, page 22
mind is jammed, forcing it to lose its next HALO (TELEKINETIC)
turn. Level: 1d6 + 1 Quickened, page 22
Earth: Knit cap
HALO (MINDREADING) Ardeyn: Circlet
Level: 1d6 + 1 Ruk: Scalp tattoo
Earth: Knit cap Effect: User manifests a halo composed of boiling
Ardeyn: Circlet fractals that persists for one hour, although
Ruk: Scalp tattoo he can suppress the effect as part of another
Effect: User manifests a halo composed of boiling action. While the telekinetic halo is active,
fractals that persists for one hour, although the user can mentally manipulate objects
he can suppress the effect as part of another within long range as if physically present. In
action. While the mindreading halo is active, addition, he can attack all creatures or objects
the user can telepathically communicate with within immediate range, causing them to fly
creatures in long range and attempt to read backward a short distance. Affected creatures
the private thoughts of one creature within also take 4 points of damage and are prone.
immediate range each round.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
HALO (TRANSPOSING) for one minute by a white glow, a ghostly
Level: 1d6 + 1 white hand, a pale hand emerging from a
Earth: Knit cap nearby source, or some other force fitting the
Ardeyn: Circlet recursion’s context. Each round in which a
Ruk: Scalp tattoo target remains held and unable to break free,
Effect: User manifests a halo composed of boiling icy cold inflicts damage equal to the cypher
fractals that persists for one hour, although level.
he can suppress the effect as part of another
action. While the transposing halo is active, HARM BUFFER
the user can swap positions with a creature Level: 1d6 + 4
of roughly similar size that he can see within Earth: Business card
long range, once per turn as an action. Arden: Tiny figurine
Ruk: Transferable tattoo
HALO (TRUTH CASTING) Effect: When the user is attacked, half the damage
Level: 1d6 + 1 she would take (after reduced by Armor, if
If a hasten attacks cypher Earth: Knit cap any) is instead transferred to this cypher for
is used in an Exotic or Ardeyn: Circlet a period of twenty-four hours. The cypher
Substandard Physics Ruk: Scalp tattoo can withstand a number of points of damage
recursion, there is a chance Effect: User manifests a halo composed of boiling equal to its level, at which point it shreds and
that the user accumulates fractals that persists for one hour, although the effect ends early.
friction burns at a rate of 1 he can suppress the effect as part of another
point of ambient damage
for each round in which he
action. While the truth-casting halo is active, HASTEN ATTACKS
makes two attacks. creatures within immediate range of the user Level: 1d6 + 2
cannot knowingly lie. Earth: Game card
Ardeyn: White crystal
Someone using a weapon HALO (WEAPON) Ruk: Injection
halo cypher can attack Level: 1d6 + 3 Effect: User can make one additional attack as
foes with “Strange energy.” Earth: Knit cap part of her normal action for one minute.
Essentially, this is energy Ardeyn: Circlet
that tears at the fabric
of the recursion (or the
Ruk: Scalp tattoo HOME BEACON
universe of normal matter), Effect: User manifests a halo composed of boiling Level: 1d6
which means that few fractals that persists for one hour, although Earth: Smartphone app
creatures are naturally he can suppress the effect as part of another Ardeyn: Round stone
resistant to it. A creature action. While the weapon halo is active, the Ruk: Crystal
killed or hit particularly user can attack a target within long range with Effect: User and up to ten willing creatures she
hard by Strange energy a beam of recursion-tearing “Strange energy,” designates within short range are immediately
might be sucked into the
which inflicts damage equal to the cypher level. returned to their home recursion as if they
dark energy network itself.
had translated there normally.
Level: 1d6 + 1 ICE FORM
Earth: Knit cap Level: 1d6 + 1
Ardeyn: Circlet Earth: Injection
Ruk: Scalp tattoo Ardeyn: Milky elixir
Effect: User manifests a halo composed of boiling Ruk: Adhesive patch that activates when slapped
fractals that persists for one hour, although Effect: User’s body is encased in a layer of ice
he can suppress the effect as part of another that lasts for ten minutes and grants +1 to
action. While the winged halo is active, the Armor. The ice doesn’t harm her or restrict
user can fly a short distance each round in her movements, but her melee attacks deal 1
combat, and on extended trips can move up additional point of damage from the freezing
to 40 miles (64 km) per hour. cold.


Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: White glove Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: White gauntlet Ardeyn: Crystal orb
Ruk: Pale hand-shaped spider Ruk: Cranial graft
Effect: A creature within long range is held unable Effect: User spends a round crafting an illusory
to move (but able to take other actions) scene and launches it in the subsequent

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
round. The illusion can be a complex scene INFILTRATOR
of images within long range. The entire scene Level: 1d6
must fit within a 100-foot (30 m) cube. The Earth: Thin black gloves
images can move but can’t leave the area Ardeyn: Amulet
defined by the cube. The illusion includes Ruk: Spine graft
sound and smell. It lasts for ten minutes and Effect: The user has an asset on lying, sneaking,
changes as the user directs (no concentration lockpicking, falling, and resisting torture for
is needed). If the user moves beyond long twenty-four hours.
range of the effect, the illusion vanishes.
Level: 1d6 + 3 Earth: Milky-white marble
Earth: Smartphone app Ardeyn: Milky-white amulet
Ardeyn: Mirror Ruk: Disembodied milky-white eye
Ruk: Umbilical Effect: Cypher transforms into a level 3 humanoid
Effect: Up to four duplicate images of the user of synthetic white substance, which persists The Implausible
appear within short range. The images last for up to ten minutes or until destroyed. Geographical Society
believes that insanitron
for one minute, and the user mentally directs The insanitron’s mere presence ripples and
lures are minor
their actions. The duplicates aren’t mirror perturbs the minds of all creatures within manifestations of a
images—each one can appear to do different short range, increasing the difficulty of all planetovore-class entity
things, though as images, they can’t interact defense rolls made in the area by one step. of the Strange. For this
with the physical world. If struck violently, The insanitron doesn’t make physical attacks, reason, such cyphers are
they either disappear permanently or freeze speak, or move other than to defend itself. recorded as potentially
motionless until the duration expires (user’s dangerous.
Level: 1d6 + 2
IMAGE PROJECTOR Earth: Injection
Level: 1d6 + 1 Ardeyn: Elixir
Earth: Smartphone app Ruk: Fluid in sealed tube
Ardeyn: Crystal orb Effect: One phobia, depression, mania, senility, or
Ruk: Graft, self-installing other malady affecting the brain of the user or
Effect: User projects her image in a location a creature within immediate range of the user
she has previously seen in a recursion she is permanently cured. This effect can also do
has visited. She sees and hears what the away with the effects of psionic domination,
projection does and can converse with brainwashing, and spells that induce fear
creatures nearby for up to ten minutes before or otherwise affect the brain. It also renders
the duration expires. If the projection is the target immune to new attacks seeking to
attacked and damaged, it is dispersed. The inflict the same deleterious mental effect for
projection can take no physical or mental up to twenty-four hours.
actions other than observing, listening, and

Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Gloves
Ardeyn: Gauntlets
Ruk: Tendons, self-installing
Effect: As part of an attack with his hands, the
user activates the cypher and becomes
practiced in making unarmed attacks (if not
already practiced), and the difficulty of the
attack is reduced by three steps. Instead of
dealing damage on a successful attack, the
user can grab the target and prevent it from
moving for up to one minute. While the
target is held, the difficulty of its attacks and
attempts to break free is increased by three

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Smartphone app with insect icon Earth: Ring with shield emblem
Ardeyn: Wood doll shaped like ant Ardeyn: Amulet with shield emblem
Ruk: Purring spider Ruk: Adhesive patch with shield emblem
Effect: A swarm of insects an immediate distance Effect: Creates a full-sized shield that can be used as
in diameter erupts from a location within long a regular shield in combat, providing an asset
range. The insects remain for one minute on Speed defense rolls for twenty-four hours.
and follow the user’s mental commands. In addition, once during any round in which the
They can swarm about and modify any or user is hit with an attack that inflicts damage,
all creatures’ task difficulties by one step to she can instantly teleport to any location she can
their detriment, or attack all targets within see within short range without using an action.
the swarm area, inflicting 2 points of damage
per round. They can also move heavy objects INSTANT SHIELD (ENDURANCE)
through collective effort, eat through wooden Level: 1d6 + 2
walls, and perform other actions as the GM Earth: Ring with shield emblem
determines. Ardeyn: Amulet with shield emblem
Ruk: Adhesive patch with shield emblem
INSTANT PROJECTILE WEAPON Effect: Creates a full-sized shield that can be used
Level: 1d6 + 2 as a regular shield in combat, providing an
Earth: Gun-shaped fob asset on Speed defense rolls for twenty-four
Ardeyn: Crossbow-shaped figurine hours. In addition, the instant shield grants
Ruk: Adhesive patch with gun design the user an asset on Might defense rolls.
Effect: User gains a ranged projectile weapon
appropriate to her recursion (a heavy weapon) INSTANT SHIELD (IMPROVED)
for one minute. She can wield it or allow it to Level: 1d6 + 2
hover in place protectively within immediate Earth: Ring with shield emblem
range. If she chooses the latter option, her Ardeyn: Amulet with shield emblem
hands remain free to take other actions while Ruk: Adhesive patch with shield emblem
the projectile weapon automatically attacks up Effect: Creates a full-sized shield that can be used as
to one designated enemy within long range a regular shield in combat, providing an asset
each round. However, the hovering weapon on Speed defense rolls for twenty-four hours. In
does not gain any advantages from training or addition, the difficulty of the user’s Speed defense
assets the user might otherwise enjoy. rolls is decreased by one additional step.
Roll a d100 to determine if the weapon has
additional qualities. INSTANT SHIELD (MIND)
01–35 Standard projectile weapon Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Ring with shield emblem
36–50 Weapon attack difficulty reduced by one step
Ardeyn: Amulet with shield emblem
51–65 Weapon inflicts +2 damage Ruk: Adhesive patch with shield emblem
66–75 Weapon attack difficulty reduced by one Effect: Creates a full-sized shield that can be used
step and it inflicts +2 damage as a regular shield in combat, providing an
76–90 Weapon attack difficulty reduced by two asset on Speed defense rolls for twenty-four
steps hours. In addition, the instant shield grants
91–00 Two attacks with projectile can be made the user an asset on Intellect defense rolls.
as a single action
Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Ring with shield emblem
Ardeyn: Amulet with shield emblem
Ruk: Adhesive patch with shield emblem
Effect: Creates a full-sized shield that can be
used as a regular shield in combat, providing
an asset on Speed defense rolls for twenty-
four hours. In addition, once each round,
an enemy’s attack that misses the user is
reflected back on the enemy.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
INSTANT SHIELD (TRAVELING) to a long distance each round, or up to 60
Level: 1d6 + 2 mph (97 kph) when traveling overland. The
Earth: Ring with shield emblem user can drive or allow the vehicle to drive
Ardeyn: Amulet with shield emblem itself.
Ruk: Adhesive patch with shield emblem Roll a d100 to determine if the vehicle has
Effect: Creates a full-sized shield that can be used additional qualities.
as a regular shield in combat, providing an 01–35 Standard vehicle
asset on Speed defense rolls for twenty-four
36–50 Vehicle combat and overland speed is
hours. In addition, the user can command doubled
the shield to wrap her and all creatures within
51–65 Vehicle combat and overland speed is
immediate range in a protective envelope that
becomes a flying vehicle under her control.
The vehicle can fly a long distance each round, 66–75 Vehicle accompanies PCs through
until the user commands the shield to return translation
to its previous form. 76–90 Vehicle accompanies PCs through
translation and persists for ten days
INSTANT SWORD 91–00 Vehicle accompanies PCs through
Level: 1d6 + 2 translation, persists for ten days, and can
Earth: Sword-shaped fob travel through the Strange (granting an
Ardeyn: Sword-shaped figurine asset on tasks to navigate the Strange
Ruk: Adhesive patch with sword design and providing a buffer against alienation) Alienation, page 216
Effect: User gains a two-handed sword (a heavy
weapon) for ten minutes. She can wield it or INSTANT WALL
allow it to hover in place protectively within Level: 1d6
immediate range. If she chooses the latter Earth: Tacks
option, her hands remain free to take other Ardeyn: Dust
actions while the sword automatically attacks Ruk: Warm, dry seed
up to one designated enemy within immediate Effect: If thrown up to a short range, the cypher
range each round. However, the hovering transforms into a solid stone wall up to 30
sword does not gain any advantages from feet by 30 feet by 1 foot (9 m by 9 m by 30 cm)
training or assets the user might otherwise that persists for up to twenty-four hours. The
enjoy. wall’s level is equal to the cypher level.
Roll a d100 to determine if the sword has Roll a d100 to determine if the wall has additional
additional qualities. qualities.
01–35 Standard sword 01–50 Standard wall
36–50 Sword attack difficulty reduced by one 51–65 Wall’s level is +2
step 66–80 Wall’s level is +2 and it lasts until
51–65 Sword inflicts +2 damage destroyed
66–75 Sword attack difficulty reduced by one 81–00 Wall’s level is +2, it lasts until destroyed,
step and it inflicts +2 damage and the far side of the wall bursts into
76–90 Sword attack difficulty reduced by two flame if any creature approaches within
steps immediate distance, inflicting damage
equal to the cypher level each round the
91–00 Two attacks with sword can be made as a
creature remains within range
single action

Level: 1d6 + 1 Earth: Action figure
Earth: Car-shaped fob Ardeyn: Wood doll
Ardeyn: Carriage-shaped figurine Ruk: Tiny homunculus
Ruk: Adhesive patch with hover bike design Effect: Cypher transforms into a warrior that does
Effect: User gains a basic vehicle appropriate to the bidding of the user for ten minutes and
her recursion (such as a car on Earth, a horse- then dissipates. The warrior’s level is equal
drawn carriage in Ardeyn, or a hover bike with to the cypher level. It is armed with melee
extra seats in Ruk) capable of carrying five weapons appropriate to the recursion where
humanoids for ten hours. The vehicle level is it is produced, has Armor 1, and is level 9 for
equal to the cypher level, and it can move up tasks related to combat tactics.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Roll a d100 to determine if the warrior has to delete the creature’s nervous system with a
additional qualities. series of neuron-electrical bolts, inflicting 10
01–35 Standard warrior points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor).
36–50 Warrior has Armor 2
51–65 Warrior has Armor 2; health 25 Level: 1d6 + 1
66–75 Warrior has Armor 2; health 25; melee Earth: Cable
attacks as level 7 Ardeyn: Transferable rune
76–90 Warrior has Armor 2; health 25; melee Ruk: Umbilical
attacks as level 7; long-range attacks as Effect: User can plug into any artifact, machine,
level 7 magic item, or similar complex object,
91–00 Warrior has Armor 3; health 30; melee thereby identifying it and becoming trained in
attacks as level 8; long-range attacks as operating it. The training lasts for twenty-four
level 8 hours.


Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Small plastic box Earth: Liquid in tiny container
Instructions to an instant Ardeyn: Arrow charm Ardeyn: Elixir
turret can be as simple as Ruk: Small metallic box Ruk: Fluid in sealed tube
“Starting in ten seconds, Effect: An immobile automated weapon turret is Effect: When used as part of another action that
fire on anything that
deployed and lasts for twenty-four hours. The requires spending one or more points from a
moves” or directions far
more finely detailed that turret’s level and damage dealt is equal to the Pool (including points spent to apply Effort),
exclude the user and other cypher level, and it fires on targets within long the cypher pays a number of points toward
potential targets. range. The turret attacks only targets that are that cost equal to its level.
designated (or not excluded) by the cypher
user when she deployed it. IRON PUNCH
To the extent possible, the turret takes on Level: 1d6 + 2
the context of the recursion in which it Earth: Smartphone app with fist icon
is deployed. For example, if the turret is Ardeyn: Wood figurine shaped like fist
deployed in a Standard Physics recursion Ruk: Hand-shaped spider
where technology is not yet up to Industrial Effect: The user’s unarmed attacks inflict a
Revolution standards, a single-minded level number of extra points of damage equal to the
1 creature with a ranged weapon is deployed cypher level for one minute.
Roll a d100 to determine the kind of damage the
turret inflicts.
01–12 Fire
13–27 Cold
28–39 Acid
40–52 Psychic
53–65 Sonic
66–72 Electrical
73–84 Poison
85–00 Physical

Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Microdrone
Ardeyn: Winged figurine
Ruk: Flying homunculus
Effect: When activated, this cypher flies into the
air and seeks the most intelligent sentient
creature in long range, which takes one round.
After finding its target, the cypher attempts

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
IRON SKIN phased and tends to punch a character-sized
Level: 1d6 + 1 hole in the object, or destroy the object.
Earth: Temporary tattoo
Ardeyn: Dragon-shaped charm KILL PROOFER
Ruk: Adhesive patch Level: 1d6 + 4
Effect: User’s skin gains a silvery sheen for ten Earth: Drug patch
minutes. During that period, if she spends an Ardeyn: Elixir
entire action concentrating on resisting harm, Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing
her skin becomes iron hard and she gains +10 Effect: User ignores the impaired and debilitated
to Armor in that round. conditions of the damage track, and treats the
dead condition as impaired for ten minutes.
JUDGE However, if he is still technically dead when
Level: 1d6 + 2 the duration expires, he explodes (and dies),
Earth: Robe inflicting damage equal to the cypher level to
Arden: Cassock all creatures within immediate range. Even if
Ruk: Eye graft the user descends past the final step of the
Effect: User has an asset on discerning others’ damage track and is subsequently healed
motives, ascertaining their general nature, and before the duration elapses, he is treated as
detecting lies for twenty-four hours. if debilitated until after he takes his next ten-
hour recovery roll.
Level: 1d6 + 4 KILLER INSTINCT
Earth: Visor Level: 1d6
Ardeyn: Circlet Earth: Injection
Ruk: Goggles Ardeyn: Transferable rune
Effect: Until the end of the next round, the user Ruk: Green spider (bite)
can move through solid objects (such as Effect: The difficulty of the user’s stealth, disguise,
doors and walls) that possess a level lower and ranged weapon attacks is decreased by
than the cypher level. This movement is not two steps for ten minutes.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Eyeglasses Earth: Glove
Ardeyn: Brooch Ardeyn: Gauntlet
Ruk: Extra eye, self-installing Ruk: Hand-shaped spider
Effect: The user becomes hyperaware of his Effect: Target creature within short range is lifted
surroundings. For ten minutes, he is aware of about 6 feet (2 m) for one round, during
all living things within 500 feet (150 m), and which time it cannot take a turn and the
by spending his action concentrating, he can difficulty of attacks against it is decreased by
learn the general emotional state of any one one step.
of them.
LIFELEECH TOUCH Level: 1d6 + 2
Level: 1d6 Earth: Glove
Earth: Glove Ardeyn: Gauntlet
Ardeyn: Gauntlet Ruk: Hand-shaped spider
Ruk: Hand-shaped spider Effect: Target creature within short range is lifted
Effect: For one hour, the user drains life force from about 6 feet (2 m) for one round, during
a living creature touched, allowing him to which time it cannot take a turn and the
restore 1 point per level of the creature to his difficulty of attacks against it is decreased by
Might Pool or Speed Pool. The user restores one step. When the effect ends, it does so
points at the rate of 1 point per minute and explosively. The target and all creatures within
must give his full concentration to the process immediate range take psychic damage equal
during this time, meaning that the creature to the cypher level.
probably has to be subdued in some fashion
because it loses 3 points of health for every LIFTLOCK (ENERGIZED)
point the character gains. Creatures drained of Level: 1d6 + 2
all their health die. Earth: Glove
Ardeyn: Gauntlet
Ruk: Hand-shaped spider
Effect: Target creature within short range is lifted
about 6 feet (2 m) for one round, during
which time it cannot take a turn and the
difficulty of attacks against it is decreased by
one step. The victim also takes a number of
points of damage equal to the cypher level.
Roll d100 to determine the type of damage.
01–12 Fire
13–27 Cold
28–39 Acid
40–52 Psychic
53–65 Sonic
66–72 Electrical
73–84 Poison
85–00 Physical

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
LIFTLOCK (PERSISTING) failed rolls instead of using XP. If these rerolls
Level: 1d6 + 2 are not used for failed rolls by the end of the
Earth: Glove hour, they fade away.
Ardeyn: Gauntlet
Ruk: Hand-shaped spider LOCATER
Effect: Target creature within short range is lifted Level: 1d6 + 2
about 6 feet (2 m) for one round, during Earth: Pill
which time it cannot take a turn and the Ardeyn: Vapor in glass orb
difficulty of attacks against it is decreased Ruk: Injection
by one step. The target is attacked again in Effect: User knows exactly where to find a named
subsequent rounds and remains liftlocked for individual for the next twenty-four hours,
another round each time the attack succeeds, regardless of whether that individual is in
but it escapes the effect on a failed attack. another recursion or in the Strange itself. The
user can attempt to translate to the recursion
LIGHTNING SEED where the target is found, even if the user has
Level: 1d6 + 4 no previous experience with that recursion. Of
Earth: Handheld device course, translating to that recursion would put
Ardeyn: Wand the user in the default arrival location, which
Ruk: Handheld projector is not necessarily where the target is located.
Effect: This cypher can be activated only outdoors
and with a clear and unobstructed path to LUCK MAKER
the sky. A bright white mote flies up from the Level: 1d6 + 1
cypher into the sky and explodes, throwing Earth: Rabbit’s foot
lightning out for 1 mile (2 km) in all directions. Ardeyn: Four-leaf clover
After one minute, lightning-lit clouds form, Ruk: Gas-filled bubble
and after another minute, creatures on the Effect: Use as part of another action. The paired
ground below are subject to random lightning task, attack, or defense is modified according
strikes; each strike inflicts damage equal to to a d6 roll. On any even result, the task
the cypher level. Any round in which a creature attempt is modified by two steps in the user’s
remains in the open (a tree doesn’t count), favor. On a roll of 1, the task is modified by
it is 10% likely to be the target of a lightning one step to the user’s detriment. (On a roll of
strike. The user can also direct a total of 3 or 5, no additional effect results.)
three lightning strikes at targets she can see
in the area. The lightning storm lasts for ten
minutes, after which it becomes a normal
storm that dissipates 1d6 hours later.

Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Pill
Ardeyn: Elixir
Ruk: Gas in sealed tube
Effect: User gains the ability to stretch her body,
or selective body parts, up to a short distance
for ten minutes. This grants her the ability to
manipulate objects or attack foes within short
range, and take other actions the GM allows
as appropriate to the ability.

Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Liquid in tiny container
Ardeyn: Elixir
Ruk: Fluid in sealed tube
Effect: User experiences a sense of confidence
and invincibility for one hour, immediately
gaining three rerolls that can be used to retry

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
MAGNETIC RADICAL special results are doubled. On a 17, the user
Level: 1d6 + 4 deals 2 additional points of damage; on 18, 4
Earth: Metallic helmet additional points; on 19, 6 additional points;
Ardeyn: Small pyramid of crystal and on 20, 8 additional points.
Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing
Effect: Establishes a connection with one metal MARTIAL PRESENCE
object within 3 miles (5 km) that the user Level: 1d6 + 1
can directly see that weighs up to a few Earth: Cufflinks
tons (3,000 kg). After this connection is Ardeyn: Amulet
established, the user can move or manipulate Ruk: Skin dye
the object, moving it up to a short range each Effect: User becomes so suffused with confidence
round (each movement or manipulation is an and martial prowess that merely being around
action). The user can also change the object’s him uplifts the prospects of nearby allies
shape, break the object, or levitate it through in a fight. The user chooses any number of
the air. For example, he could levitate a car, creatures within short range who can see him;
compact the car into a much smaller cube, or the difficulty of their attacks is reduced by one
use the car (or resultant cube) as a weapon. step for one minute while they can see the
The connection lasts for ten rounds. user.


Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Game card Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: White crystal Ardeyn: Wand with diamond tip
Ruk: Injection Ruk: Metallic bracer with touch-controls
Effect: For one hour, if the user rolls a natural Effect: The user can molecularly reshape a single
17 or higher on an attack roll, all damage object no larger than himself that is visible

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
and within immediate range. To do so, he and adds 4 points to her Might Pool, but the
attempts a crafting task to reshape the object difficulty of her Speed defense rolls increases
into another form. Reshaping an object in by one step. Crafting, page 119
this manner has a difficulty equal to 1 plus
the level of the finished object, and it requires METAMORPHIC CYPHER
concentrating on the object for one minute Level: 1d6
per level of the finished object. On a failed Earth: Small mahogany box
attempt to reshape the object, it explodes, Ardeyn: Silver inscribed chest
dealing 10 points of damage to the user and Ruk: Animate mass of red slime
all creatures within immediate range. Effect: The cypher provides (or becomes) the
perfect temporary asset (or equipment)
MAZE GUIDE for one specific task the user names. For
Level: 1d6 + 2 example, if he wishes to decipher an unknown
Earth: Twig language, the cypher provides a key similar
Ardeyn: Wooden charm to a Rosetta stone; if he desires to climb a
Ruk: Organimer strand wall, the cypher provides climbing cleats and
Effect: Cypher transforms into a level 3 entity of gloves; if he wants to blast a hole through
living wood that solves puzzles, mazes, and a door, the cypher provides an improvised
similar tasks as if level 10. The maze guide can explosive that inflicts damage equal to
also physically lead the user through a maze, the cypher level; and so on. The asset or
find the way if the user is lost, or otherwise equipment provided lasts for up to one hour
provide the answer to a puzzle of logic or or until it’s used for its intended purpose.
topology. The maze guide persists for one
hour. MIGHTY
Level: 1d6
MEMORY REMOVER Earth: Injection
Level: 1d6 Ardeyn: Elixir
Earth: Injection Ruk: Adhesive patch
Ardeyn: Elixir Effect: For one hour, the user has
Ruk: Fluid in sealed tube an asset on smashing down
Effect: Removes one bad memory of the user’s barred doors, lifting or
choice from the user’s mind, permanently. If moving heavy objects,
a psychosis, tic, depression, or other adverse striking a foe with a
mental state resulted from that memory, the heavy melee weapon,
user’s brain heals over the next several days and other tasks
until he no longer suffers from the condition requiring brute
associated with the removed memory. force.

Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Ring set with owl head
Ardeyn: Ring set with sapphire
Ruk: Dermal graft
Effect: For one hour, the user gains +1 to Armor
against Intellect damage, has an asset on
Intellect defense rolls, and is immune to most
effects that charm, mentally control, or read
the mind of the target.

Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Pill
Ardeyn: Elixir
Ruk: Metallic fluid in tube
Effect: A sheath of metal forms over the user like
a second skin for ten minutes. She retains the
ability to move and act, gains +2 to Armor,

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
MIMIC mind moves to the new vessel. If the host body
Level: 1d6 + 2 is killed while under this control, the user’s
Earth: Glove mind is drawn back to his real body and he
Ardeyn: Key takes 5 points of Intellect damage.
Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: User takes on the likeness of a touched MINE (CYPHER)
creature or object of about her size for one Level: 1d6 + 2
hour. If a creature is mimicked, she can access Earth: Coin
special abilities the creature possesses, if Ardeyn: Transferable rune
any. If an object is mimicked, she can see and Ruk: Biopod
hear despite her transformed nature. She can Effect: The mine is integrated with a second
return to her normal form as part of another cypher and then set at a specific location.
action, which ends the effect early. Thereafter, if creatures approach within an
immediate distance of the mine and they meet
MIND-CONTROL IMPLANT the criteria set by the user, the mine triggers,
Level: 1d6 + 4 inflicting the integrated cypher’s effect (if
Earth: Injection applicable) on all creatures and objects within
Ardeyn: Transferable rune immediate distance of the mine.
Ruk: Adhesive tissue
Effect: To activate the cypher, the user must MINE (DAMAGE)
apply it to another creature, which requires Level: 1d6 + 2
Characters have a variety a successful melee attack or for the creature Earth: Coin
of options when setting to be willing or helpless. For ten minutes, the Ardeyn: Transferable rune
the criteria that trigger a
mine cypher. For example,
user and the creature enjoy long-range mental Ruk: Biopod
it could be set to detonate communication. The user can also control the Effect: The mine is set at a specific location.
if any creature larger than linked creature, though he doesn’t have to. Thereafter, if creatures approach within an
a mouse enters the area, immediate distance of the mine and they meet
if a particular kind of MIND SLED the criteria set by the user, the mine triggers,
creature (or even a specific Level: 1d6 + 2 dealing a number of points of damage equal
individual) enters the area, Earth: Injection to the cypher level to all creatures and objects
if the mine is touched,
Ardeyn: Transferable rune within immediate distance of the mine. Roll a
if a particular activity
is performed, or after a
Ruk: Adhesive tissue d100 to determine the kind of damage.
certain amount of time has Effect: The user falls unconscious, and one 01–12 Fire
elapsed. round later, a luminous crystal bloodlessly
13–27 Cold
emerges from her head. The crystal persists
indefinitely until it is triggered, which occurs 28–39 Acid
if it is touched by another creature. If this 40–52 Psychic
happens, the consciousness of the user wakes 53–65 Sonic
in the body of that creature, and the host’s 66–72 Electrical
consciousness is temporarily submerged.
73–84 Poison
The user transfers back into her own body
twenty-four hours later. If her body died in 85–00 Physical (blunt force, slashing, and piercing)
the meantime, there’s a chance that her
consciousness will remain in the host body, MINE (HOLDING)
but most often, her personality merely burns Level: 1d6 + 2
out. Earth: Coin
Ardeyn: Transferable rune
MINDJACK Ruk: Biopod
If a mindjack cypher user’s Level: 1d6 + 1 Effect: The mine is set at a specific location.
original body dies while Earth: Handheld device Thereafter, if creatures approach within an
he is controlling another
Ardeyn: Crystal gemstone immediate distance of the mine and they meet
body, his mind might snuff
out when the cypher’s
Ruk: Gas-filled pod the criteria set by the user, the mine triggers.
effect ends. However, if he Effect: User’s mind takes over and controls a Lines of immobile force trap all creatures
succeeds on another mental creature within long range for one minute. The and objects within immediate distance of the
attack on the target, target’s mind is suppressed during this period, mine for twenty-four hours. Trapped creatures
the difficulty of which is while the user’s original body executes a simple are in stasis and can be released only by the
increased by one step, he autonomic program (such as “stand here” or user, if they take damage, or when the effect’s
can stay longer. “sit here”) determined by the user before his duration expires.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Handful of pills Earth: Aerogel
Ardeyn: Set of stone runes Ardeyn: Stone
Ruk: Series of tubes filled with fluid Ruk: Biopod
Effect: User’s entire body hardens for one hour. Effect: Emits a cloud of mind-altering gas that
He gains +3 to Armor, adds 1 to his Might disgusts anyone within immediate range.
Edge, and adds 5 points to his Might Pool. Affected creatures must remove themselves
At the same time, the difficulty of his Speed from the area, the conversation, or whatever
defense rolls is increased by one step. activity they were previously engaged in due to
overpowering distaste. The mist remains for
MIRTH two rounds, but the revulsion effect lasts for
Level: 1d6 up to ten minutes.
Earth: Green pill
Ardeyn: Powder smelling of ginger MIST PRODUCER
Effect: For twenty-four hours, the user has an Level: 1d6 + 1
asset for all tasks related to telling jokes, Earth: Aerogel
relating amusing anecdotes, and putting Ardeyn: Stone
others at ease through humor. Ruk: Biopod
Effect: Emits a cloud of mind-altering gas that
MIST PRODUCER (FEAR) affects anyone within immediate range. They
Level: 1d6 + 1 become open to suggestion, and the difficulty
Earth: Aerogel of attempts to persuade an affected creature
Ardeyn: Stone is decreased by three steps. The mist remains
Ruk: Biopod for two rounds, but the suggestibility effect
Effect: Emits a cloud of mind-altering gas that lasts for up to ten minutes.
gives terrifying visions to anyone within
immediate range. Affected creatures freeze MORPHIC ADJUSTMENT (EYES)
and hide their faces, scream and run, or take Level: 1d6 + 2 In locations where morphic
a similar action. The mist remains for two Earth: Injection adjustment cyphers would
rounds, as does effects of the fear. Ardeyn: Elixir be wholly out of context,
Ruk: Gas in sealed tube such as Earth, average
residents tend not to notice
MIST PRODUCER (JOY) Effect: User gains several additional eyes scattered
the adjustments unless they
Level: 1d6 + 1 about his head and body for one hour. The are quickened or the extra
Earth: Aerogel eyes count as an asset for perception tasks, eyes, transformed legs,
Ardeyn: Stone initiative, resisting surprise, and tasks tentacles, and so on are
Ruk: Biopod involving fine manipulation. In addition, the pointed out to them.
Effect: Emits a cloud of mind-altering gas that user can see in the dark normally.
instills joy in anyone within immediate range.
Affected creatures smile, laugh, sing, or dance MORPHIC ADJUSTMENT
as an overpowering sense of well-being comes (KANGAROO)
over them. The mist remains for two rounds, Level: 1d6 + 2
but the joy effect lasts for up to ten minutes. Earth: Injection
Ardeyn: Elixir
MIST PRODUCER (POISON) Ruk: Gas in sealed tube
Level: 1d6 + 1 Effect: User’s lower body is transformed into a
Earth: Aerogel kangaroo-like morphology for one hour. The
Ardeyn: Stone transformation counts as an asset for tasks
Ruk: Biopod involving running and jumping. In addition,
Effect: Emits a cloud of poisonous gas that inflicts the user can move a short distance and take
damage equal to the cypher level on anyone an action if she succeeds on a difficulty 2
within immediate range. The mist remains for Speed roll.
two rounds.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
(TENTACLE) Level: 1d6
Level: 1d6 + 2 Earth: Injection
Earth: Injection Ardeyn: Transferable rune
Ardeyn: Elixir Ruk: Red spider (bite)
Ruk: Gas in sealed tube Effect: User inflicts 3 additional points of damage
Effect: User gains an additional limb in the form on melee attacks for up to one minute or until
of a tentacle for one hour. The tentacle allows he attacks and misses a target twice in a row.
the user to hold an extra piece of equipment,
such as a shield, or make an unarmed attack NEURON BUTTRESS
with the tentacle (as if practiced), treating it Level: 1d6
as a light weapon. On a hit, the user can inflict Earth: Pill
damage or hold the victim in place for one Ardeyn: Elixir
round. Ruk: Fluid in sealed tube
Effect: User doesn’t need to sleep for three days.
MOUNT All recovery rolls made during this period take
Level: 1d6 + 1 half as long as normal (minimum one round).
Earth: Small jade horse figurine
Ardeyn: Small stone horse figurine NEURON FORT
Ruk: Tube filled with brown gel Level: 1d6 + 1
Effect: Produces a horse-sized creature, complete Earth: Pill
with saddle and harness, that can be ridden Ardeyn: Elixir
as a level 3 mount for up to twenty-four hours. Ruk: Fluid in sealed tube
While the user is mounted, the creature can Effect: User doesn’t need to sleep for three days.
move in the same turn in which the user During this period, he also has an asset on
makes an attack, though it can make no Intellect defense rolls.
attacks of its own.
MULTIPLIER Level: 1d6 + 2
Level: 1d6 Earth: Pill
Earth: Earring Ardeyn: Elixir
Ardeyn: Amulet Ruk: Fluid in sealed tube
Ruk: Transferable tattoo Effect: User doesn’t need to sleep for three days.
Effect: As part of a successful attack, the user During this period, she also gains Armor against
doubles the base damage the attack would Intellect damage equal to the cypher level.
normally inflict.
MULTIPLIER (DAMAGE) Level: 1d6 + 2
Level: 1d6 Earth: White liquor
Earth: Smartwatch Ardeyn: White mist
Ardeyn: Bracelet Ruk: Subdermal injection
Ruk: Spine Effect: User’s musculature visibly lengthens and
Effect: For the next ten minutes, the user deals 3 becomes more taut, possibly increasing
additional points of damage when she makes her height by so much that her clothes
an attack that inflicts that kind of damage. stretch tightly. For the next ten minutes,
She can choose from the table below, or roll tasks that depend on dexterity—such as
a d100 to determine the kind of damage balancing, dancing, avoiding an attack, or
multiplied. hitting someone with a ranged weapon—are
01–12 Fire easier for her. The difficulty of such tasks is
decreased by two steps.
13–27 Cold
28–39 Acid OMEGA POINT
40–52 Psychic Level: 1d6 + 4
53–65 Sonic Earth: Miniature 3D printer
66–72 Electrical Ardeyn: Small chest
Ruk: Pulsing pod
73–84 Poison
Effect: If the user succeeds on a difficulty 3
85–00 Physical (blunt force, slashing, and piercing) Intellect-based task, the omega point cypher

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
transforms into a different cypher of the user’s PAIN CAPACITOR
choice, which can then be used normally. Level: 1d6
The user can pick from the cypher list in The Earth: Pill Cypher list, page 312
Strange corebook, from this book, or from Ardeyn: Elixir
another source the GM allows. Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: For the next hour, the user keeps track of
ORACLE how often she takes damage. As part of any
Level: 1d6 + 4 one melee attack before the duration expires,
Earth: Eyeglasses she can unleash that potential as additional
Ardeyn: Crystal orb damage equal to the number of times damage
Ruk: Extra eye, self-installing was inflicted upon her.
Effect: User gains the ability to predict the future
for ten minutes. During this period, the PAIN INVERTER
difficulty of her defense rolls is reduced by one Level: 1d6
step, she has two assets for seeing through Earth: Pill
deception and betrayal as well as avoiding Ardeyn: Elixir
traps and ambushes, and she has two assets Ruk: Adhesive patch
in all skills involving interaction and deception Effect: For the next hour, whenever the user takes
because she knows what people are going to damage, she has an asset on her next roll
say before they do. made before the next round ends.


Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Three grey metallic cubes Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: Three crystalline stones Ardeyn: Orb
Ruk: Three crystal spheres strung on force- Ruk: Shoulder-mounted projector
beam wire Effect: Reveals direct path to stated objective, if
Effect: The cypher components rapidly spin the user succeeds on an Intellect-based task
around the user for ten minutes, protecting based on the level of a creature named or an
her from incoming piercing, striking, or other object or location sought. If the objective is in
physical damage. The device provides Armor another recursion and the user succeeds on
equal to the cypher level. her task, the path shown is to the nearest gate
to that recursion, if one exists.
Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Three grey metallic cubes
Ardeyn: Three crystalline stones
Ruk: Three crystal spheres strung on force-
beam wire
Effect: The cypher components rapidly spin
around the user for ten minutes. The device
automatically attacks any creature that
attacks the user, up to once per round, with a
long-range blast of searing light that inflicts
damage equal to the cypher level.

Level: 1d6 + 4
Earth: Pill
Ardeyn: Elixir
Ruk: Injection
Effect: For one hour, all attacks the user
successfully makes inflict 4 additional points
of damage. However, during the same period,
automatic GM intrusions for the user occur
on a roll of 1-4 on a d20 (instead of 1 on a

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Badge wallet Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: Royal writ Ardeyn: Wand
True Code, page 192 Ruk: True Code DNA symbol Ruk: Umbilical
Effect: When flashed, the cypher becomes Effect: After ten minutes of concentration, the
a badge, pass, warrant, or other official user fashions a personal recursion if she
Personal recursion, page 152 designation that grants the bearer the doesn’t already have one. The personal
authority to pass a given area, guardian, recursion created by this cypher has all the
officer, or overseer. Once the cypher is so features of a standard, newly created personal
used, it remains transformed in that guise for recursion fashioned according to the normal
twenty-four hours. method, including an inapposite gate. Using
this cypher bypasses the need to make a
PERFECT TOOL difficulty 5 Intellect roll.
A perfect tool cypher might Level: 1d6
produce a cordless electric Earth: Red metallic box PERSONAL POCKET DIMENSION
drill, an awl, an injector, a Ardeyn: Reinforced wooden chest (CONFOUNDING)
tome of lore, or something Ruk: Organic pod Level: 1d6
else that helps the character
Effect: Produces the perfect tool for an indicated Earth: Smartphone app
accomplish a stated task.
task. The cypher produces up to three tools Ardeyn: Wand
at a time for a period of one hour, which has Ruk: Umbilical
the effect of giving the user an asset on any Effect: The user’s personal recursion becomes an
noncombat task. He can update the indicated environment unwelcoming to anyone other
task while the duration lasts. than her, those she designates, and recursion
natives, if any. The difficulty of all tasks,
PERFECTION attacks, and defenses attempted by other
Level: 1d6 + 4 non-preferred creatures in the recursion is
Earth: Bracelet increased by one step.
Ardeyn: Brooch If the user has no personal recursion, this cypher
Ruk: Pod graft instead creates one, as described under the
Effect: As part of another action involving a d20 personal pocket dimension cypher.
roll, the user can replace the actual roll (even
a 1) with a natural 20. PERSONAL POCKET DIMENSION
Level: 1d6 Earth: Smartphone app
Earth: Plastic handle Ardeyn: Wand
Ardeyn: Iron handle Ruk: Umbilical
Ruk: Organic handle Effect: The user adds a number of foci to her
Effect: Permanently bonds to an object or personal recursion equal to the cypher
creature, giving the target a handle. It inflicts level. She specifies the foci, which should
damage equal to the cypher level to any living be appropriate to the recursion’s theme, if
creature it bonds to. any, and operate under the same law as the
PERMANENT POCKET If the user has no personal recursion, this cypher
Level: 1d6 instead creates one, as described under the
Earth: Fabric personal pocket dimension cypher.
Ardeyn: Cloth
Effect: Permanently bonds to an object or (EXTRA GATE)
creature, forming an extradimensional pocket Level: 1d6 + 2
Pocket dimension, (a space the size of a pocket dimension with Earth: Smartphone app
page 142 an inapposite gate at the opening) on the Ardeyn: Wand
target. It inflicts damage equal to the cypher Ruk: Umbilical
Inapposite gate, level to any living creature it bonds to. Effect: The user creates an extra gate for her
page 135
personal recursion. She specifies the creation
of either a translation gate or an inapposite
gate to the recursion that originates in the

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
spot where she uses this cypher. The extra possibly add the genesis of sentient natives as
gate could be an immobile gate, or it could be appropriate for a juvenile recursion.
an item that she carries with her (such as a If the user’s personal recursion is a pocket
collapsible banner) and translates with her as dimension, this cypher instead advances the
if a cypher (that doesn’t count against a PC’s recursion’s age to young as described under
cypher limit). the young personal pocket dimension cypher. Cypher limit, page 310
If the user has no personal recursion, this cypher If the user has no personal recursion, this cypher
instead creates one, as described under the instead creates one, as described under the
personal pocket dimension cypher. personal pocket dimension cypher.


Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Smartphone app Earth: Golden ticket
Ardeyn: Wand Ardeyn: Colored stone
Ruk: Umbilical Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: The user can overwrite her personal Effect: The user creates a number of passes equal
recursion so it evokes a recursion seeded to the cypher level that provide access to his
from a particular piece of fiction she chooses. personal recursion. A pass is a physical object
The recursion must fit within the normal that he can distribute to other creatures. It
limits of a young recursion, including specific allows its bearer to instantly transfer to the Young recursion,
individuals important to the source fiction (of associated recursion and remain there for page 142
which, 5% may have the spark and awaken to up to ten hours until automatically returning
the artificial nature of the seeded recursion). whence it came, unless the creature chooses Spark, page 22
If the user has no personal recursion, this cypher to leave earlier. Once used, a pass turns to
instead creates one, as described under the dust. A pass translates as if a cypher before it
personal pocket dimension cypher. is used, though it doesn’t count against a PC’s
cypher limit.
PERSONAL POCKET DIMENSION If the user has no personal recursion, this cypher
(IMPERATOR) instead creates one, as described under the
Level: 1d6 personal pocket dimension cypher.
Earth: Smartphone app
Ruk: Umbilical (YOUNG)
Effect: The user’s personal recursion becomes an Level: 1d6 + 2
environment especially welcoming to her. The Earth: Smartphone app
difficulty of her tasks, attacks, and defenses Ardeyn: Wand
within the recursion is decreased by one step. Ruk: Umbilical
In addition, a PC user gains access to abilities Effect: The user advances the age of her personal
granted by the next higher tier of her type while recursion from pocket dimension to young
she remains in her upgraded personal recursion. over the course of seven days. She can
If the user has no personal recursion, this cypher increase its size and the number of discrete
instead creates one, as described under the spaces, change its terrain and potential flora
personal pocket dimension cypher. and fauna, add a new focus (if desired), and
add special translation zones (if desired), as
PERSONAL POCKET DIMENSION appropriate for a young recursion.
(JUVENILE) If the user has no personal recursion, this cypher
Level: 1d6 + 2 instead creates one, as described under the
Earth: Smartphone app personal pocket dimension cypher.
Ardeyn: Wand
Ruk: Umbilical PHANTASM
Effect: The user advances the age of her personal Level: 1d6 + 1
recursion from young to juvenile over the Earth: Handheld device with red switch Juvenile recursion,
course of seven days. She can increase its Ardeyn: Crystal orb with burning heart page 142
size and the number of discrete spaces, Ruk: Cranial graft
change its terrain and potential flora and Effect: Illusory images appear next to one or more Special translation
zone, page 143
fauna, add two unique foci (if desired), add creatures within long range who are within
special translation zones (if desired), and immediate range of each other. Anyone can

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
see the images, but they are those most likely she can’t affect or be affected by attacks or
to terrify the target creatures. An Intellect other effects. During non-phased rounds, her
attack roll is made against each target. material state is normal.
Success means the target flees in terror
for one minute, pursued by its nightmares. PHEROMONE SPRAY
Failure means the target ignores the images, Level: 1d6 + 2
which do not hamper it in any way. Earth: Spray bottle
Ardeyn: Wand
Level: 1d6 + 1 Effect: Produces a cloud that affects creatures
Earth: Sticker within immediate range of the user. It reduces
Ardeyn: Transferable rune the difficulty of his attempts to enrage,
Ruk: Sealed tube with clear fluid interact positively with, or distract the target
Effect: Activate by marking a wall or other solid by one step for the next minute.
surface, after which creatures can move
through it an immediate distance each round. PLENTIFUL WALLET
The wall or object is not otherwise affected. It Level: 1d6
remains permeable for ten minutes. Earth: Leather wallet
Ardeyn: Coin pouch
PHASING WAVE Ruk: Bit stick
Level: 1d6 + 2 Effect: For twenty-four hours, the wallet can
Earth: Handful of pills produce a number of units of currency equal
Ardeyn: Set of stone runes to the cypher level each round. The currency is
Ruk: Series of tubes filled with fluid appropriate to the recursion where this cypher
Effect: The user enters a fluctuating state that is used, and it fades after the cypher itself
lasts for ten minutes. During this period, she becomes exhausted.
is phased every other round. While phased,

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Steel rod Earth: Belt
Ardeyn: Iron rod Ardeyn: Circlet
Ruk: Metallic rod Ruk: Shoulder-mounted device
Effect: If the user would be possessed or Effect: Ranged projectile attacks are automatically
controlled by a spirit, psychic presence, deflected from hitting the user for one minute.
computer AI, meme, or any other entity, the Deflected projectiles are redirected randomly
possession rod flares and burns away to dust, at other targets in long range of the user,
but prevents that particular possession or potentially endangering other creatures and
control attempt. objects in the area.


Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 3 In a Magic recursion,
Earth: Small device Earth: Solar-powered mini-lantern the protection from law
Ardeyn: Figurine Ardeyn: Scroll cypher protects against
Ruk: Small homunculus Ruk: Extra eye, self-adhering undead creatures, dragon’s
Effect: If attached to a simple or complex Effect: For ten minutes, the user and all creatures breath, and spells; in a
machine, the power source provides motive within immediate range gain protection Mad Science recursion,
power for up to twenty-four hours. The cypher against creatures and effects dependent on against killer robots and
disintegration beams; in a
adapts to the machine’s power needs and the law of Magic, Mad Science, Psionics,
Psionics recursion, against
can substitute for fuel, electricity, magnetic or Exotic. The protection manifests as an mind blasts and brain
resonance, simple torque, and so on. A power invisible field of influence that physically draining; and so on. A
source will also restore a depleted artifact, but forces creatures back (or prevents them from Standard Physics recursion
it is then immediately used up. closing), and the difficulty to resist effects is the only one in which
passing through the field is reduced by three the cypher does not protect
PRISON steps. against effects.
Level: 1d6 + 2
Ardeyn: Net Level: 1d6 + 4
Ruk: Lens Earth: Ring
Effect: A creature within immediate range Ardeyn: Gauntlet
disappears and is held in a sealed pocket Ruk: Biopod
dimension prison, and the cypher is Effect: Expands to cover the user in a thin film,
transformed into a recursion key that is keyed causing her to appear as a mirror-bright Recursion key, page 130
to that particular dimension. The target is manikin for one hour. She has an asset on
transferred as if through an inapposite gate, any attempt to hide her true identity, and
and it remains in the prison unless it can free she gains access to an additional stat Pool If a prison cypher is used in
itself or the holder of the recursion key comes called Ablation that has a number of points a recursion that operates
for it. equal to the cypher level. The Ablation Pool under the law of Magic,
lasts for twenty-four hours or until it is used there is a better-than-even
chance that the pocket
PROBABILITY ALTERATION up, whichever comes first. Whenever the
dimension prison accessed
Level: 1d6 + 4 user takes damage from her Might Pool, she is already in use by some
Earth: Smartphone app can take some or all of the points from the other imprisoned creature,
Ardeyn: Tome Ablation Pool first. which is exchanged with the
Ruk: White froglike organ new target of the cypher.
Effect: For ten minutes, the user gains access to PROVOKING The previously imprisoned
additional special rolls (when the player rolls Level: 1d6 + 2 creature could be anyone or
a d20). Instead of the normal special rolls, Earth: Lapel pin anything but is probably a
if she rolls a natural 15, 16, 17, or 18 on an Ardeyn: Broach
attack, it deals 1, 2, 3, or 4 additional points Ruk: Spider that growls
of damage, respectively. If she rolls a natural Effect: User draws all enemy attacks for one
19 or 20, she deals 5 or 6 additional points minute, even if he does nothing aggressive.
of damage, respectively, or she can choose a The cypher doesn’t create enemies from
special minor effect or special major effect, as noncombatants; it only channels the
normal. aggression of those already engaged in a

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
If either subject of a psychic PSYCHIC ENTANGLEMENT QUANTUM SPEARS
entanglement cypher Level: 1d6 + 3 Level: 1d6 + 2
becomes debilitated while Earth: Friendship bracelet Earth: Ring with spear emblem
the effect lasts, both must Ardeyn: Green figurine Ardeyn: Amulet with spear emblem
succeed on a difficulty 5
Ruk: Umbilical Ruk: Adhesive patch with spear emblem
Intellect defense roll. If
both fail, the minds of Effect: User and one willing creature within Effect: A flight of softly glowing crystal spears
both subjects become immediate range gain a psychic connection attacks a foe within long range and all
permanently fused, which through which they can communicate no creatures within immediate range of the foe,
usually drives them insane. matter how far they are separated (including inflicting damage equal to the cypher level.
If one subject is killed across recursions). They also share dreams, Three spears remain stuck in the ground after
while the effect lasts, the daydreams, and even personality tics and the attack and persist for up to one minute.
entanglement immediately strong sensations. The entanglement lasts for The residual spears can be collected by
ends for the survivor, but it
seven days. anyone nearby and, until they fade, be used
moves him one step down
on the damage track. as medium weapons that inflict 3 additional
PSYCHIC EXPLOSION points of damage.
Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Crimson tube QUIETUDE
Ardeyn: Crystal orb Level: 1d6 + 2
Ruk: Organic pod Earth: Vest
Effect: Projects an explosive up to a long distance Ardeyn: Bracelet
that explodes in an immediate radius, Ruk: Jumpsuit
inflicting Intellect damage (ignores Armor) Effect: For twenty-four hours, the user does not
equal to the cypher level. Targets are confused register on any device that senses or tracks
for one round following the detonation and movement via sound. He can’t speak or make
attack the closest living creature. any other sound, even if banging on a drum,
blowing a horn, or triggering a handheld
PSYCHOKINETIC ADVERSARY device that produces sound independently.
Level: 1d6 + 2 If the user attempts to sneak, the cloaking
Earth: Pill silence decreases the difficulty of stealth tasks
Ardeyn: Elixir by one step.
Ruk: Injection
Effect: After activating the cypher, the user gains a RADIATION PROOFER
powerful psychokinetic ability for one hour. In Level: 1d6
addition to manipulating objects within long Earth: Injection
range as if she was standing next to them, Ardeyn: Elixir
she can mentally hurl heavy objects at targets Ruk: Inhalable powder
within short range, inflicting 6 points of Effect: Activation inflicts 1 point of damage
damage to the target and to the hurled object (ignores Armor) on the user as the anti-
(which could be another foe, although that radiation substance becomes established in
would require two rolls—one to grab the first his system. For the next twenty-four hours,
foe and another to hit the second foe with the he is immune to the secondary effects of
first). The user could also unleash a shattering radiation and gains +1 to Armor against
burst of power that works only against an attacks that inflict direct damage by radiation.
inanimate object no larger than half her size.
She makes an Intellect-based attack roll to RAPPORT ENABLER
instantly destroy the object; the difficulty of Level: 1d6 + 1
this task is decreased by one step (compared Earth: Inhalant
to breaking it with brute strength). Ardeyn: Vapor in glass orb
Ruk: Fluid in tube
PURIFIER Effect: Up to ten creatures gain a telepathic bond
Level: 1d6 + 2 that lasts for twenty-four hours. While the
Earth: Smartphone app bond lasts, the affected creatures can mentally
Ardeyn: Vapor in glass orb speak with each other, share their senses, and
Ruk: Injection even share their skills. For instance, if one
Effect: User is cured of all drug dependencies, of the participants is trained or specialized
including those as minor as a caffeine in climbing, she can share that training or
addiction and those as serious as a black specialization with another rapport participant
magic or heroin addiction. for up to one minute at a time.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Handheld device Earth: Handheld device
Ardeyn: Wand Ardeyn: Wand
Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module
Effect: Projects a ray up to 200 feet (60 m) that Effect: Projects a ray up to 200 feet (60 m) that
suppresses the charge on the electrons in a sucks life from a target, inflicting damage
target, inflicting damage equal to the cypher equal to the cypher level. If the attack kills the
level. If the attack reduces a target’s combined target, or if the target dies for any other reason
Pools to a value less than the level of the within ten minutes following the attack, the
Damage track,
cypher, the target instantly falls to dust. (A user can restore a number of points equal to page 108
PC who would be disintegrated can choose to the cypher level to any Pool.
spend 1 XP and instead descend one step on
the damage track.)

Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Handheld device
Ardeyn: Wand
Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module
Effect: Projects a ray up to 200 feet (60 m) that
multiplies the effects of gravity on the target.
The target is crushed to the ground (or drawn
toward it), taking damage equal to the cypher
level. It is held in place for three rounds,
during which time moving is a task whose
difficulty is equal to the cypher level, and even
on a success the target can only crawl an
immediate distance on its turn.

Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Handheld device
Ardeyn: Wand
Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module
Effect: Projects a ray up to 200 feet (60 m) that
reverses the effects of gravity on the target.
The target falls upward for a little less than a
full round (or less, if something gets in the
way), after which it falls back to the ground,
which could be a fall of as much as 100 feet
(30 m).


Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Handheld device
Ardeyn: Wand
Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module
Effect: Projects a ray of bioplasma up to 200 feet
(60 m) at a target, inflicting damage equal to
the cypher level. If the attack kills the target,
it explodes and inflicts damage equal to the
cypher level on all creatures within immediate

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Handheld device Earth: Handheld device
Ardeyn: Wand Ardeyn: Wand
Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module
Effect: Projects a ray up to 200 feet (60 m) that Effect: Projects a ray up to 200 feet (60 m) that
shrinks a creature or object to one-twentieth freezes a target’s flesh, inflicting damage
its normal size. The target remains shrunk for equal to the cypher level. A round later, the
twenty-four hours. Its mass decreases as well, target emits a burst of ice that stuns it and
though it’s still much heavier than an object all creatures within immediate range for one
or creature of the new size normally would be. round, so that they cannot move or act.
A shrunk target finds it impossible to perform
most physical tasks related to its previous RAY EMITTER (WITHERING)
scale. On the other hand, tasks associated Level: 1d6 + 2
with the target’s new scale are not penalized. Earth: Handheld device
Ardeyn: Wand
RAY EMITTER Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module
(UNSTABLE FLAME) Effect: Projects a ray up to 200 feet (60 m) that
Level: 1d6 + 2 withers a target’s flesh, inflicting damage equal
Earth: Handheld device to the cypher level, halving the victim’s speed for
Ardeyn: Wand twenty-four hours, and increasing the difficulty
Ruk: Shoulder-mounted module of all tasks by one step for twenty-four hours.
Effect: Projects a ray up to 200 feet (60 m) that
burns a target’s flesh, inflicting damage equal REANIMATOR
to the cypher level. A round later, the target Level: 1d6 + 3
emits a burst of flame that inflicts damage Earth: Glowing fluid in syringe
equal to the cypher level on itself and on every Ardeyn: Rune
creature within immediate range. Ruk: Silvery worm in a tube

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Effect: Reanimates a corpse that retains flesh, RECURSION CONTROL
creating a level 1 creature (a zombie). The (WAYFARING) Zombie: level 3, Speed
reanimation lasts for one hour. Residual Level: 1d6 + 2 defense as level 2; health 12.
memories and motivations may remain, Earth: Smartphone app If an attack would reduce
depending on the corpse’s state of decay and Ardeyn: Jade figurine the zombie’s health to 0, it
does so only if the number
degradation. Ruk: Adhesive patch
rolled for the attack was an
Effect: Elements of the recursion in the area even number; otherwise,
RECOVERY ACCELERATION (such as thorn bushes, structural elements, the zombie’s health is
Level: 1d6 rough terrain, or native creatures without reduced to 1 instead.
Earth: Gum the spark) move aside and allow the user to
Ardeyn: Mint leaves pass through without harm for a period of
Ruk: Organic pod one minute. Creatures without the spark that
Effect: The user activates this cypher and makes a would normally view the user as a foe become
recovery roll in the same action. The roll takes mute bystanders for the duration.
one action, even if it would have otherwise
taken ten minutes, an hour, or ten hours. RECURSION LENS
Level: 1d6
Level: 1d6 + 1 Ardeyn: Eyepatch
Earth: Bracelet Ruk: Eye graft
Ardeyn: Bracer Effect: Allows the user to view any area (up to a
Ruk: Adhesive patch long range in diameter) in any recursion that
Effect: The user activates this cypher and makes she has previously visited and see what occurs
a recovery roll in the same action. In addition in that location for up to an hour. During that
to normal recovery roll benefits, she gains 1 to time, she can switch seamlessly back and
her Might Edge and 1 to her Speed Edge for forth between regular vision and the projected
the next twenty-four hours. vision.


(DAMAGING) Level: 1d6 + 4
Level: 1d6 + 2 Earth: Pill
Earth: Smartphone app Ardeyn: Dust
Ardeyn: Jade figurine Ruk: Sand in sealed tube
Ruk: Adhesive patch Effect: The user’s mind leaves her body and
Effect: Elements of the recursion in the area manifests in any alternate recursion she
(such as thorn bushes, structural elements, has previously visited, leaving behind an
or native creatures without the spark) attack a apparently comatose body. The recursion
foe within long range for one minute, inflicting projection lasts for up to twenty-four hours,
damage equal to the cypher level each round. but it ends early if the user’s Intellect Pool is
reduced to 0.
RECURSION CONTROL The projection looks like the user would if she
(HOLDING) translated to that recursion, but it has little
Level: 1d6 + 2 physical substance. The user controls this
Earth: Smartphone app body as if it were her normal body and can
Ardeyn: Jade figurine act and move as she normally would with a
Ruk: Adhesive patch few exceptions. She can move through solid
Effect: Elements of the recursion in the area objects as if they weren’t there and ignore
(such as grass, structural elements, or native any terrain feature that would impede her
creatures without the spark) snag and hold a movement. Her attacks deal half damage, and
foe within long range for up to one minute. she takes half damage from physical sources.
A foe so caught can’t move from its position, Regardless of the source, however, she takes
and all physical tasks, attacks, and defenses all damage as Intellect damage. If the user’s
are modified by one step to the victim’s physical body takes damage, she doesn’t
detriment, including attempts to free itself. realize it.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
REDACTOR less than a day. If it would last longer, the user
Level: 1d6 + 3 or target can ignore it and act as if it does not
Earth: Token affect him for one hour.
Ardeyn: Ring
Ruk: Green bulb REMOTE CONTROL
Effect: A target within long range forgets the Level: 1d6 + 3
previous thirty minutes. Earth: Handheld device
Ardeyn: Crystal ball
REGENERATIVE BOOST Ruk: Metallic-fiber head net
Level: 1d6 Effect: User takes remote control of a
Earth: Temporary tattoo mechanized, computerized, clockwork, or
Ardeyn: Elixir similar creature or system whose level is less
Ruk: Adhesive patch than or equal to the cypher level. The user
Effect: Each time the user restores points to her must be able to see the target, and it must
Pools for the next twenty-four hours, she be within 2 miles (3 km). The control lasts
restores 1 additional point. for one hour. The user could attempt to take
control of multiple creatures of the designated
RELIEVE AFFLICTION type, but she must apply one level of Effort for
Level: 1d6 + 1 each additional target.
Earth: Pill
Ruk: Gas in a sealed tube Level: 1d6 + 2
Effect: The user or a target within immediate Earth: Sunglasses
range is relieved of an unwanted condition Ardeyn: Goggles
or affliction (such as disease, paralysis, mind Ruk: Extra eye, self-installing
control, a broken limb, and so on, but not Effect: For one minute, the user sees another
damage) if the condition would normally last place that he has seen before, even one in

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
another recursion. Alternatively, if he makes Effect: The user’s respiratory system is altered for
a difficulty 4 Intellect-based roll, he can pick one hour, granting her immunity to inhaled
a spot a specific distance away, in a specific hallucinogens of all sorts. She can also exhale
direction, or a well-known spot in an alternate a puff of brain-digesting spores at a victim
recursion and see it for one minute. in immediate range that inflicts 2 points
of Intellect damage (ignores Armor) for a
REMOTE VIEWER (TIME) number of rounds equal to the cypher level.
Level: 1d6 + 2
Ardeyn: Goggles Level: 1d6 + 2
Ruk: Extra eye, self-installing Earth: Red pill
Effect: The user specifies a time period for the Ardeyn: Red elixir
place where he currently stands and sees into Ruk: Red adhesive patch
that time. The easiest time to view is about Effect: The user’s respiratory system is altered
forty-two years in the past or future (difficulty for one hour, granting her immunity to
5). Viewing other times is more difficult— overheated air. She can also spit a glob of
seeing a million years in the past or future, sticky burning fluid at a victim in immediate
or moments behind or ahead of the present, range that inflicts 2 points of Might damage
are both difficulty 10. Many recursions have (ignores most Armor) for a number of rounds
“fake” pasts, consistent within the recursion’s equal to the cypher level.
context, that the viewer might see into with
Level: 1d6 + 2
Many recursions have “fake” pasts. Ardeyn, Ardeyn: Green elixir
for example, has a history that goes back Ruk: Green adhesive patch
thousands of years, but the recursion is Effect: The user’s respiratory system is altered
only about a decade old. That’s because it for one hour, granting him immunity to
was created with a built-in history stretching poisonous gasses. He can also exhale a puff
back several millennia. To anyone inside the of poisonous vapor at a victim in immediate
recursion, Ardeyn’s history is as real as actual range that inflicts 2 points of Speed damage
history on Earth. It doesn’t matter that it (ignores Armor) for a number of rounds equal
never really happened, because everything to the cypher level.
that exists in present-day Ardeyn points back
at this history, including memory, landforms, RESURRECTOR
and written lore. Level: 1d6 + 4
Earth: Red fluid in vial
Ardeyn: Red dust
Ruk: Red gel
REPULSIVE WAVE Effect: The remains of a dead creature are
Level: 1d6 + 3 returned to life over a period of minutes as the
Earth: Glove body and flesh are reformed. Even the blasted
Ardeyn: Gauntlet remains of a creature reduced to bones and
Ruk: Hand prosthetic dust can be returned to life.
Effect: All creatures in immediate range of the
user are knocked back to short range. On their
subsequent three turns, affected targets are
slowed to moving only an immediate distance
each round, and the difficulty of their tasks,
attacks, and defenses is increased by one step.

Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Grey pill
Ardeyn: Grey elixir
Ruk: Grey adhesive patch

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
REVEALER location she can see within long range. From
A character who uses a Level: 1d6 + 1 that location, she can move the vantage of her
revealer cypher requires Earth: Sunglasses sight a short range from its previous position
anywhere from one Ardeyn: Goggles each round as an action.
action to ten minutes of Ruk: Extra eye, self-installing
concentration to figure
out where an object lies,
Effect: For one hour, the user can perceive RHETORIC ENABLER
depending on what the GM creatures and objects that are normally Level: 1d6 + 1
feels is appropriate due to invisible, out of phase, or only partially in this Earth: Shot of alcohol
time, distance, or other universe. When looking for things that are Ardeyn: Whiskey
mitigating circumstances. hidden more conventionally, the difficulty of Ruk: Fluid in tube
the task is also reduced by one step. Effect: User gains a gift for rhetoric that lasts for
one hour. During this period, in a gathering
REVEALER (MATTER PHASING) of two or more people trying to establish the
Level: 1d6 + 2 truth or come to a decision, the user can sway
Earth: Sunglasses the verdict with masterful rhetoric. If he is
Ardeyn: Goggles given one minute or more to argue his point,
Ruk: Extra eye, self-installing either the decision goes his way or, if someone
Effect: For one hour, the user can perceive else effectively argues a competing point,
creatures and objects that are normally the difficulty of an associated persuasion or
invisible, out of phase, or only partially deception task is decreased by two steps.
in this universe. When looking for things
that are hidden more conventionally, the RUBICON
difficulty of the task is also reduced by one Level: 1d6 + 4
step. In addition, the user can see through Earth: Smartphone app with door icon
up to 6 inches (15 cm) of matter as if it were Ardeyn: Door-shaped amulet
transparent, as long as the material’s level is Ruk: Transferable tattoo with door design
less than or equal to the cypher’s level. Effect: A door opens to a temporary recursion,
drawing the user and all allies within
REVEALER immediate range into a pocket dimension.
(PRESENT THROUGH PAST) The pocket dimension contains a number of
Level: 1d6 + 2 additional doors, some of which correspond
Earth: Sunglasses with locations in any other recursion the user
Ardeyn: Goggles has visited, plus one door with no obvious
Ruk: Extra eye, self-installing designation. Stepping through one of the
Effect: For one hour, the user can perceive doors delivers someone to the corresponding
creatures and objects that are normally location as if through a translation gate. If
invisible, out of phase, or only partially in someone steps through the unknown door,
this universe. When looking for things that the GM decides where the traveler goes. The
are hidden more conventionally, the difficulty pocket dimension lasts as long as at least one
of the task is also reduced by one step. In creature remains in it.
addition, the user sees the traceries of objects
as they move through space and time, and
he can sense the distance and direction of
any specific inanimate object that he has
previously touched at any time.


Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Sunglasses
Ardeyn: Goggles
Ruk: Extra eye, self-installing
Effect: For one hour, the user can perceive
creatures and objects that are normally
invisible, out of phase, or only partially in
this universe. When looking for things that
are hidden more conventionally, the difficulty
of the task is also reduced by one step. In
addition, the user can cast her sight to any

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 (SPYING)
Earth: Sealed envelope Level: 1d6 + 3
Ardeyn: Blue bird Earth: Tiny robotic scorpion
Ruk: Purring spider Ardeyn: Scorpion figurine
Effect: Relates a number of rumors equal to the Ruk: Scuttling scorpion
cypher level associated with an indicated Effect: Cypher activates and moves up to a short
topic, place, or person. The rumors are not range each round, following instructions
necessarily factual in and of themselves, but provided by the user. It can be sent to a
they accurately replicate rumors and gossip (if specific spot, sent to find a specific target,
any) associated with the topic. and so on. Once it reaches its target, the user
can see through its eyes and hear through
SAPIENCE INDUCER its receivers for up to twenty-four hours, as
Level: 1d6 + 2 desired. The user can also directly “pilot” the
Earth: Injection scuttling scorpion using this connection.
Ardeyn: Magic powder
Ruk: Neural net, self-installing SCUTTLING SCORPION
Effect: A creature or object no larger than the user (TRANSPONDER)
becomes sapient and able to speak in the Level: 1d6 + 3
language of the user with a voice determined Earth: Tiny robotic scorpion
by the GM. If an object, it gains the ability to Ardeyn: Scorpion figurine
move in a manner most suited to its shape; Ruk: Scuttling scorpion
for example, a table could walk on its legs, a Effect: Cypher activates and moves up to a short
carpet could flap along the ground, and so range each round, following instructions
on. The personality of the creature or object is provided by the user. It can be sent to a
like that of the popular conception of a person specific spot, sent to find a specific target,
with amnesia. What personality ultimately and so on. Once it reaches its target, the user
develops is up to the GM, including whether becomes aware of it and can teleport to that
the creature or object is friendly toward its location (along with up to five allies within
creator. immediate range).

Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Tiny robotic scorpion
Ardeyn: Scorpion figurine
Ruk: Scuttling scorpion
Effect: Cypher activates and moves up to a short
range each round, following instructions
provided by the user. It can be sent to a
specific spot, sent to find a specific target, and
so on. Once it reaches its target, it explodes,
affecting all creatures in immediate range.
Affected creatures take damage equal to the
cypher level. Roll a d100 to determine the
damage type.
01–12 Fire
13–27 Cold
28–39 Acid
40–52 Psychic
53–65 Sonic
66–72 Electrical
73–84 Poison
85–00 Physical

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Smartphone app with flame icon Earth: Trench coat
Ardeyn: Amulet with flame shape Ardeyn: Cloak
Ruk: Adhesive patch with flame design Ruk: Spine
Effect: A target within long range is immediately Effect: User leaves a trail of darkness behind him
drawn to within immediate range of the user for one hour. After the trail is formed, it lasts
by red-hot wires, fiery chains, burning air, or for only a minute, though the user continues
a similar searing force most closely fitting the to leave new trails when he moves. For the
context of the recursion (if possible), which duration, the user gains a shadowy, terrifying
inflicts damage equal to the cypher level as it visage that reduces the difficulty of all
does so. intimidation tasks by two steps. If any creature
other than the user passes through the trail of
SHADOW ANIMATOR (ARMOR) darkness, it is paralyzed in fear for two rounds
Level: 1d6 + 2 or flees in terror for the same period.
Earth: Umbrella
Ruk: Caul Level: 1d6 + 2
Effect: User’s shadow animates for twenty-four Earth: Trench coat
hours or until dismissed. The animate shadow Ardeyn: Cloak
pools across her skin so that she constantly Ruk: Spine
appears lost in shadow, like a silhouette of Effect: User leaves a trail of darkness behind him
herself. This grants the user +1 to Armor and for one hour. After the trail is formed, it lasts
gives her an asset on all stealth tasks. for only a minute, though the user continues
to leave new trails when he moves. For the
SHADOW ANIMATOR (ATTACK) duration, the user has an asset on Speed
Level: 1d6 + 2 defense rolls, and as an action he can teleport
Earth: Umbrella to any location he has visited in the last hour
Ardeyn: Hood (whether or not the trail of darkness lingers
Ruk: Caul there).
Effect: User’s shadow animates for twenty-four
hours or until dismissed. The animate shadow SHAPE OF FIRE
never strays more than a short distance from Level: 1d6
the user. It is immaterial and can’t be harmed Earth: Small coin with flame motif
normally. Offensively, the shadow is quite Ardeyn: Bronze amulet inscribed with flames
effective in that it grants the user an asset on Ruk: Spider that glows red
all attack rolls made against targets within Effect: User’s body is engulfed in flames for one
short range. minute. The fire doesn’t burn the user, but
it automatically inflicts damage equal to the
SHADOW ANIMATOR (REACH) cypher level to anyone within immediate
Level: 1d6 + 2 range. While the user burns, she is immune
Earth: Umbrella to fire and heat damage, and her own melee
Ardeyn: Hood attacks inflict 4 additional points of damage
Ruk: Caul from her pervasive flames.
Effect: User’s shadow animates for twenty-four
hours or until dismissed. The animate shadow SHAPE OF GRAVITY
never strays more than a long distance from Level: 1d6 + 4
the user. It is immaterial and can’t be harmed Earth: Small coin with black hole motif
normally, and it allows the user to manipulate Ardeyn: Bronze amulet inscribed with black
objects and attack things within long distance circles
by using his shadow. In addition, he can see Ruk: Spider that seems to absorb light
around corners, look into containers, and Effect: User’s body becomes a black silhouette
otherwise extend his vision using the shadow surrounded by an accretion disc halo of
to relay information. infalling dust for one minute, but she
is unharmed and can act normally. The
transformation draws in all ranged attacks—
whether matter or energy—made against the
user so that she suffers no harm from them.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
All creatures within short range feel a force SHARE SENSE
pulling them toward the user, but it is easily Level: 1d6
resisted; small, unsecured objects within Earth: Ink pen
short range roll and bounce toward her. All Ardeyn: Yellow dust
creatures and loose objects within immediate Ruk: Sealed tube with yellow fluid
range of her are attacked each round, drawing Effect: User marks himself and another creature
them to touch the user. Creatures and objects with the cypher. For the next twenty-four
that touch her or make a melee attack against hours, each knows everything the other
her sustain damage equal to the cypher level. experiences, and they can communicate
Creatures that die from this damage are telepathically.
consumed utterly by the shape of gravity.
SHAPE OF ICE Level: 1d6 + 4
Level: 1d6 Earth: Jacket
Earth: Small coin with ice motif Ardeyn: Cloak
Ardeyn: Bronze amulet inscribed with icicles Ruk: Biomodule
Ruk: Spider that glows blue-white Effect: For the next twenty-four hours, the wearer
Effect: User’s body becomes a translucent ice has an asset on Speed defense rolls and
statue shrouded by icy winds for one minute. Might defense rolls. In addition, she has
The cold doesn’t freeze the user, but it an asset on tasks related to athletics and
automatically inflicts damage equal to the acrobatics.
cypher level to anyone within immediate
range. While the user remains ice, she is SHIELD GARMENT (EMPATHIC)
immune to cold damage, her own melee Level: 1d6 + 4
attacks inflict 1 additional point of damage Earth: Jacket
from her pervasive chill, and she can use Ardeyn: Cloak
ambient moisture to heal herself by freezing Ruk: Biomodule
wounds closed or adding back lost mass, Effect: For the next twenty-four hours, the wearer
restoring up to 1 point per round. has an asset on Speed defense rolls and
Intellect defense rolls. In addition, he has
SHAPE OF THE STORM an asset on tasks related to pleasant social
Level: 1d6 + 2 interaction.
Earth: Small coin with lightning motif
Ardeyn: Bronze amulet inscribed with lightning SLAMMER
Ruk: Spider that sparks Level: 1d6 + 2
Effect: User’s body becomes the color of grey Earth: Belt
clouds and constantly emits snapping Ardeyn: Amulet
electrical sparks for one minute. The lightning Ruk: Bio boots
inflicts damage equal to the cypher level to Effect: User jumps in any direction and slams
anyone within immediate range each round, down onto a solid surface. He is unharmed,
though the user is immune. While she but he releases a burst of energy on impact
emits electricity, she is immune to electrical that washes over all creatures within
damage, her own melee attacks inflict 2 immediate range of where he lands, inflicting
additional points of damage from electrical damage equal to the cypher level. Roll a d100
discharge, and she can attack a target within for the type of damage:
long range with a bolt of lightning that inflicts 01–10 Cell-disrupting (harms only flesh)
damage equal to the cypher level.
11–30 Corrosive
SHARE PAIN 31–40 Electrical discharge
Level: 1d6 41–50 Heat drain (cold)
Earth: Ink pen 51–75 Fire
Ardeyn: Yellow dust 76–00 Shrapnel
Ruk: Sealed tube with red fluid
Effect: User marks himself and another creature
with the cypher. For the next twenty-four
hours, they can transfer damage between
them, if mutually agreed upon, at a rate of 1
point per round.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 4 Level: 1d6 + 4
Earth: Bracelet Earth: Temporary tattoo
Ardeyn: Bracer Ardeyn: Transferable rune
Ruk: Flesh cuff Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of a Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of a
successful attack, the user strikes the foe in successful attack, the difficulty of all attacks
a vital spot. If the target is level 3 or lower, it the target makes against the user is increased
is killed outright. If it is level 4 or higher, the by two steps for one minute.
attack inflicts 5 additional points of damage.
Level: 1d6 + 4 Earth: Temporary tattoo
Earth: Temporary tattoo Ardeyn: Transferable rune
Ardeyn: Transferable rune Ruk: Adhesive patch
Ruk: Adhesive patch Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of a
Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of a successful attack, the difficulty of all attacks
successful attack, the user’s attack ignores made by anyone on the target is decreased by
a number of points of Armor equal to the one step for one minute.
cypher level.
Level: 1d6 + 4 Earth: Temporary tattoo
Earth: Temporary tattoo Ardeyn: Transferable rune
Ardeyn: Transferable rune Ruk: Adhesive patch
Ruk: Adhesive patch Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of a
Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of a successful attack, the attack inflicts additional
successful attack, the wound caused by the damage equal to the cypher level. In addition,
attack continues to bleed for one minute, the user becomes shadowy and hard to track
dealing 1 point of damage (ignores Armor) for up to one minute (or until she makes
each round. another attack), during which time she has an
asset on stealth tasks.
Level: 1d6 + 4 SNAPSHOT
Earth: Temporary tattoo Level: 1d6
Ardeyn: Transferable rune Earth: Smartphone app
Ruk: Adhesive patch Ardeyn: Wand
Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of a Ruk: Adhesive patch
successful attack, the user first teleports up Effect: User leaves behind an interactive image
to a long distance to a spot within immediate of herself that remains inactive and invisible
range of the target and then makes the attack until a triggering event predetermined by
Surprise, page 110 (with surprise). the user occurs. (The image can remain
quiescent indefinitely if no triggering event
SLAYING (CRITICAL STRIKE) occurs.) A triggering event could be as simple
Level: 1d6 + 4 as “the next time a creature enters the area”
Earth: Temporary tattoo or as complex as “the arrival of a particular
Ardeyn: Transferable rune individual on a particular day.” Once triggered,
Ruk: Adhesive patch the image appears as if on a projector
The GM should probably Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of a or computer screen, as a ghostly image,
allow a PC to control the successful attack, the user’s attack is treated as as a hologram, or in some other fashion
interactive image of herself if she rolled a natural 20, allowing her to inflict appropriate to the recursion, and it persists
when it is triggered.
4 additional points of damage or gain a special for up to one hour. The interactive image has
major effect. If this cypher is activated as the personality and knowledge of the user but
part of an attack in which she already rolled a is immaterial; it cannot harm or be harmed.
natural 20, she can choose to deal 4 additional Once the image is triggered, the original user
points of damage or gain a second special senses everything that happens in the area
major effect (or combine effects to create an where it manifests.
even larger effect, as determined by the GM).

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

SOUL SIPPER Effect: A recursion native within immediate range

Level: 1d6 + 3 that does not have the spark gains it. The Spark, page 22
Earth: Bracelet full effects of this investiture may take a few
Ardeyn: Bracer hours or days to manifest, though a creature
Ruk: Adhesive patch previously without the spark immediately
Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of a gains the capacity to notice clues regarding
successful attack that kills the foe, the user the artificial nature of its home recursion, if
can immediately make a free recovery roll. In any.
addition, the difficulty of all tasks she attempts
for the next minute is decreased by one step. SPARK SUPPRESSION
Level: 1d6 + 4
SOUND ENCRYPTER Earth: Injection
Level: 1d6 + 2 Ardeyn: Elixir
Earth: Smartphone app Ruk: Gas in a sealed tube
Ardeyn: Wand Effect: A creature within immediate range If a spark suppression
Ruk: Adhesive patch loses the spark for twenty-four hours. The cypher is used on a PC,
Effect: For one hour, sound that escapes an area target loses all knowledge of recursions, she may have to make a
an immediate range around the user becomes the limited nature of its own recursion, and difficulty 5 Intellect defense
roll at the end of each
meaningless static or white noise, even sound other special knowledge about the Strange,
day, or her spark will be
that is optically transmitted, such as from an if any. A non-native creature takes up a role suppressed for another day.
eavesdropping laser microphone. within the recursion suited to the context and
temporarily forgets companions, abilities,
SPARK INVESTITURE and the origin of cyphers and Strange-related
Level: 1d6 + 4 equipment, if any. This cypher does not affect
Earth: Injection creatures that do not possess the spark or
Ardeyn: Elixir creatures targeted on Earth or in the Strange.
Ruk: Gas in a sealed tube

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 3 Level: 1d6
Earth: Red liqueur Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: Dust that glows like red coals Ardeyn: Rolled-up battle standard
Ruk: Leg extension implant, self-installing Ruk: Spider that hums
Effect: For ten minutes, the user gains the Effect: An immobile, immaterial sigil forms in
capacity to build up speed while moving, the air 15 feet (5 m) above the user for one
accelerating over the course of three rounds in minute. The user and all allies within short
a row until she reaches a speed of up to 200 range of the sigil who see it inflict 1 additional
mph (322 kph). point of damage on their melee and ranged
Level: 1d6 + 1 STANDARD OF ENEMY
Earth: Smartphone app AFFLICTION
Ardeyn: Amulet with skull Level: 1d6
Ruk: Mouth-shaped graft Earth: Smartphone app
Effect: Queries the memories of a dead creature Ardeyn: Rolled-up battle standard
as long as at least something physical remains Ruk: Spider that hums
of it. One question can be asked, and the Effect: An immobile, immaterial sigil forms in
answer is provided if the creature knew it the air 15 feet (5 m) above the user for one
while alive. minute. All enemies of the user within short
range of the sigil who see it (or who do not
STALKING TARGET avert their gaze) are mentally attacked each
Level: 1d6 + 2 round, taking 2 points of damage (ignores
Earth: Eyeglasses Armor).
Ardeyn: Wand
Ruk: Handheld projector STANDARD OF ENEMY MORALE
Effect: User selects an individual creature within Level: 1d6
long range. For the next hour, the user is Earth: Smartphone app
trained in all tasks involving following, Ardeyn: Rolled-up battle standard
understanding, interacting, and fighting with Ruk: Spider that hums
that creature. Effect: An immobile, immaterial sigil forms in
the air 15 feet (5 m) above the user for one
STANDARD OF ALLIED AID minute. All enemies of the user within short
Level: 1d6 range of the sigil who see it (or who do not
Earth: Smartphone app avert their gaze) are mentally attacked each
Ardeyn: Rolled-up battle standard round; on a failed defense roll, an enemy
Ruk: Spider that hums spends its turn running directly away from the
Effect: An immobile, immaterial sigil forms in sigil.
the air 15 feet (5 m) above the user for one
minute. The user and all allies within short STARSHINE
The user of a starshine range of the sigil who see it can spend Level: 1d6
cypher can parlay the actions, one per round, to make free recovery Earth: Smartphone app
effects into special rolls that do not count against their normal Ardeyn: Wand
treatment, such as getting recovery rolls each day. Ruk: Metallic bracelet
seated at any restaurant,
Effect: For one hour, the user gains the reality-
being let into any
government building, being STANDARD OF ALLIED DEFENSE altering aura of someone famous. This has
invited to any show or Level: 1d6 no effect on people she already knows, but
sports event (even if they’re Earth: Smartphone app affected strangers recognize her as someone
sold out), getting into an Ardeyn: Rolled-up battle standard they ought to know, a familiar face whose
exclusive private club, and Ruk: Spider that hums name is just on the tip of their tongue.
so on. Effect: An immobile, immaterial sigil forms in Regardless of whether they can put a name
the air 15 feet (5 m) above the user for one to the face, they treat the user with deference
minute. The user and all allies within short and respect, if a little giddily.
range of the sigil who see it have an asset on
all defense rolls.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
STILLNESS 51–60 Deals additional fire damage equal to
Level: 1d6 + 1 cypher level
Earth: Small plastic bottle of ingestible liquid 61–70 Deals additional sonic damage equal to
Ardeyn: Gemstone that adheres to user’s temple cypher level
Ruk: Adhesive patch that activates when slapped 71–80 Deals additional psychic damage equal
Effect: User freezes in place for twenty-four hours, to cypher level
losing all mobility, ability to take actions, 81–90 Knockback (on 18–20 on successful
and consciousness, but gains +10 to Armor attack roll, target is knocked back a short
against damage of all kinds. distance and is prone)
91–95 Holding (on 18–20 on successful attack roll,
STORM LURE target can’t act on its next turn)
Level: 1d6 + 3
Earth: Smartphone app with lightning icon 96–97 Decreases difficulty of attack by two
Ardeyn: Iron figurine shaped like lightning bolt
Ruk: Static-discharging spider 98 Banishing (on 18–20 on successful attack
Effect: If used outside or in an area with a ceiling roll, target is sent to random recursion)
at least 300 feet (91 m) above the floor, a 99 Pulses with fire, inflicting damage equal to
boiling layer of lightning-lit, rumbling clouds cypher level on target and enemies within
up to 1,500 feet (457 m) in diameter appears immediate range of target
overhead for one minute. While the storm 00 Heart-seeking (on a 20 on successful
rages, the user gains +3 to Armor from a visible attack roll, target is killed)
field of electricity that surrounds her. Anyone
who successfully attacks her during this period STUNNING SUMMONS
automatically takes 3 points of damage. Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Smartphone app with blank-faced icon
STORMCALLER Ardeyn: Amulet with blank-faced shape
Level: 1d6 + 1 Ruk: Adhesive patch with blank-faced design
Earth: Smartphone app Effect: A target within long range is immediately
Ardeyn: Crystal orb drawn to within immediate range of the user,
Ruk: Thin silvery rod and then stands stunned on its next turn,
Effect: User can call a severe storm, which blankets unable to move or act.
an area a few miles (4 km) in diameter with
driving rain and cloud cover (which turns STUNNING WHIP
natural bright light dim), accompanied by Level: 1d6 + 2
dramatic displays of lightning and thunder. Earth: Smartphone app with whip icon
The storm lasts about an hour, but is subject Ardeyn: Bracelet with whip shape
to natural conditions of the area, which could Ruk: Adhesive patch with whip design
reduce or lengthen the storm’s duration. Effect: A target within short range takes damage
equal to the cypher level from the application of
STRANGE MELEE ENHANCER a whip of force attack, and then stands stunned,
Level: 1d6 + 2 unable to move or act, on its next turn.
Earth: Permanent marker
Ardeyn: Chalk STUNT
Ruk: Bio-ink Level: 1d6 + 1
Effect: Modifies a melee weapon’s attack in a Earth: Temporary tattoo
particular fashion for one hour. Roll a d100 for Ardeyn: Ring
effect: Ruk: Adhesive patch
01–10 Decreases difficulty of attack by one step Effect: User can accomplish an acrobatic stunt
that would normally be impossible, such as
11–20 Deals additional electrical damage equal
to cypher level running up a completely sheer wall, jumping
from a high place while firing a weapon and
21–30 Deals additional cold damage equal to
landing safely in a roll, finding shelter from a
cypher level
nuclear blast in an appliance, and so on, as
31–40 Deals additional poison damage equal to the GM determines is appropriate. The GM
cypher level may still require a roll to determine success,
41–50 Deals additional acid damage equal to but even a failed roll should grant some
cypher level advantage to the user.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 4 SUMMONED ALLIES
Earth: Smartphone app The following creatures include those that
Ardeyn: Orb might be summoned by the summon ally
Ruk: Handheld device cypher. Many of the creatures described
Effect: A creature is pulled from its home here are abstracted from their entry in The
recursion and does the bidding of the user Strange Bestiary, which can be referred to for
for up to one minute before falling back into additional details.
its home recursion. The user must spend her
action controlling the summoned creature in Fire Elemental: level 4; health 24; flaming touch
any given round; otherwise, it stands idle. Roll attack inflicts 4 points of damage plus 1 point
a d100 to determine the nature of the creature for each previous successful hit on target.
summoned, or allow the GM to decide.
The user can attempt to specify the kind of Velociraptor (Deinonychus): level 4,
creature summoned by making a difficulty 6 perception as level 5; health 15; Armor 1; bite
Intellect roll. inflicts 4 points of damage, and victim who
fails a Might defense roll is held in its jaws
01–12 Fire elemental
and takes 6 points of claw damage each
13–27 Velociraptor round until he breaks free with a Might roll.
28–39 Killer robot
40–52 Deep one Killer Robot: level 4, disguise and deception
53–65 Demon as level 6; Armor 2; punch attack inflicts 6
points of damage; long-range plasma sphere
66–72 Scrap drone
attack (every other round) inflicts 4 points of
73–84 Witch damage on the target and all creatures and
85–00 Earth elemental objects within immediate range of the target.

Deep One: level 4, swimming tasks as level 6,

perception tasks as level 3; health 15; Armor 2;
In recursions that operate Level: 1d6 + 2
bite and claw attack inflicts 5 points of damage.
under the law of Standard Earth: Athletic shoes
Physics, someone moving Ardeyn: Winged sandals
at full speed using the Demon: level 5, tasks related to stealth as
Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing
supersonic cypher creates a level 7; health 30; Armor 2; melee flesh-
Effect: For ten minutes, the user gains the
sonic boom in her wake. decaying touch attack deals 5 points of
capacity to build up speed while moving,
damage, or possession attempt requiring
accelerating over the course of three rounds in
Intellect defense roll to resist.
a row until she reaches a speed of up to 800
mph (1,288 kph). Scrap Drone: level 3, Speed defense as level
5 due to size, mechanics tasks as level 5;
SURPRISE ATTACK Armor 4; flies an immediate distance each
Level: 1d6 + 2 round; long-range projectile weapon inflicts 4
Earth: Ring points of damage; may possess an additional
Ardeyn: Ring weapon system such as a one-use long-range
Ruk: Adhesive patch missile attack that inflicts 6 points of damage
Effect: If the cypher is triggered as part of an on the target and all within immediate range
Surprise, page 110 attack action, the attack becomes a surprise of the target.
attack because of an unexpected distraction,
the direction from which the attack actually Witch: level 5, deception and disguise as level
comes, an unexpected malfunction of the 7, Speed defense as level 6 due to familiar;
foe’s armor, and so on. health 21; attacks include shrivel and charm;
can cast spell to add +11 to health and +3 to
SURVIVAL CARAPACE Armor for one minute.
Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Smartphone app Earth Elemental: level 5; health 30; earthen
Ardeyn: Elixir with green fluid fist attack inflicts 6 points of damage;
Ruk: Insectlike creature earthquake attack every other round inflicts 5
Effect: Coats user’s body with a translucent, hair- points of damage on creatures within short
thin layer of force that grants +1 to Armor range and knocks them to the ground.
and the ability to withstand exposure to no

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
atmosphere or crushing pressure, as well as SYMPATHETIC IMAGER
the ability to breathe in such situations, for Level: 1d6 + 2
twenty-four hours. Earth: Glove
Ardeyn: Gauntlet
SWIFT SHIFT Ruk: Transparent spider
Level: 1d6 + 4 Effect: User sees an image of the most recent
Earth: Striped pill creature that passed through an area within
Ardeyn: Green elixir immediate range, that touched an object
Ruk: Color-changing oil in an ampule within immediate range, or that brushed by or
Effect: User adds 1 to her Speed Edge for one interacted with a creature within immediate
hour. In addition, her maximum Speed Pool range.
increases by 4 for twenty-four hours.
SWIFT STEP Level: 1d6
Level: 1d6 + 2 Earth: Injection
Earth: Liqueur Ardeyn: Elixir
Ardeyn: Dust Ruk: Fluid in sealed tube
Ruk: Leg stents Effect: Produces an elasticity in the user’s brain
Effect: User gains the capacity to run much state for twenty-four hours, allowing her to
farther than normal for ten minutes. As learn from repetitive actions. She has an asset
part of another action, he can move up to a on rolls for similar tasks after successfully
short distance. As an action, he can move a accomplishing them the first time (such
long distance, or up to 200 feet (60 m) as a as operating the same device or making
difficulty 2 Speed-based task. the same kind of attacks against the same
foe). Once she moves on to a new task, the
familiarity with the old task fades unless she
starts doing it again.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Earth: Smartphone app The user of a torture spike can specify the
Ardeyn: Figurine kind of instrument of torture she’d like the
Ruk: Homunculus victim to hallucinate, which can be as simple
Effect: Produces a humanoid creature that fits or as dramatic as desired. Staples include
the context of the recursion and will perform branding irons, the rack, and scalpels,
a variety of minor tasks for the user for though many more insidious objects have
twenty-four hours. The tasks include cleaning, been applied to weeping victims since the
sorting, mapping, building simple structures practice was first invented.
out of supplied materials, running errands, Branding Iron: Heated in hot coals, an iron
carrying extra equipment, and so on. A task rod sears flesh.
valet will not serve in combat, and in fact it Rack: A long, tablelike device with chains
runs from conflict. and winches hooked up to manacles that
stretch the victim’s arms and legs beyond
TELEKINETIC BLOOM normal endurance.
Level: 1d6 + 2 Scalpels: Knives with short, very sharp
Earth: Green liquor blades are alternately used to pare lengths
Ardeyn: Green mist of skin away and then to remove a digit or
Ruk: Subdermal injection earlobe.
Effect: User gains the ability to move things with
his mind for one minute. He can mentally
manipulate objects within long range as if
Trans-mutation cyphers physically present. In addition, he can attack TRANS-MUTATION (ARMORED)
are tricky for a few reasons. all creatures or objects within short range, Level: 1d10
First, they are notoriously causing them to fly backward a short distance. Earth: Injection
difficult to identify properly.
Affected creatures also take 4 points of Ardeyn: Elixir
Second, sometimes the
effect gained begins to damage and are prone. The user also gains Ruk: Inhalable powder
degrade before the noted +2 to Armor from a subconscious field of Effect: Grants user an ability that could normally
duration elapses, especially telekinetic force for the duration. be gained only by translation, which means
if the user employs the the effect conferred also brings visible physical
cypher in a recursion TORTURE SPIKE changes. This cypher transforms the user’s
operating under the law of Level: 1d6 skin, adding +1 to Armor for one hour but
Standard Physics. Earth: Injection covering her in iridescent green scales for the
Ardeyn: Elixir duration.
Ruk: Gas in sealed tube
Effect: A target within immediate range TRANS-MUTATION (BRAWN)
hallucinates that it has been strapped into (or Level: 1d10
is subject to) an instrument of torture for up Earth: Injection
to one minute. During this period, the user Ardeyn: Elixir
can ask questions that the victim must answer Ruk: Inhalable powder
if the user succeeds on an intimidation task; Effect: Grants user an ability that could normally
the difficulty of such tasks is decreased by be gained only by translation, which means
two steps. Each round in which the victim the effect conferred also brings visible
remains in the grip of the hallucination, the physical changes. This cypher updates the
victim takes damage equal to the cypher user’s skeletal structure, adding 1 to his Might
level. The user can release the victim from the Edge for one hour but giving him a hunched,
hallucination prior to its normal duration. apelike posture and relative limb length for
the duration.
Earth: Smartphone app Level: 1d10
Ardeyn: Wand Earth: Injection
Ruk: Blue umbilical Ardeyn: Elixir
Effect: User affected by an unwanted affliction Ruk: Inhalable powder
(such as disease, paralysis, a curse, a broken Effect: Grants user an ability that could normally
limb, and so on, but not damage) can transfer be gained only by translation, which means
it to another creature within short range. the effect conferred also brings visible

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
physical changes. This cypher gives the user the effect conferred also brings visible
the ability to move on any surface as if on physical changes. This cypher alters the user’s
normal ground for one hour, but she sprouts musculature, adding 1 to his Speed Edge for
four additional spiderlike arms that grant this one hour, but it also thins him out, making
capacity for the duration. him appear to be a slender, sticklike parody of
his former self for the duration.
Earth: Injection Level: 1d10
Ardeyn: Elixir Earth: Injection
Ruk: Inhalable powder Ardeyn: Elixir
Effect: Grants user an ability that could normally Ruk: Inhalable powder
be gained only by translation, which means Effect: Grants user an ability that could normally
the effect conferred also brings visible physical be gained only by translation, which means
changes. This cypher infuses the user with the effect conferred also brings visible physical
life-sucking anti-energy, allowing him to inflict changes. This cypher increases the user’s
8 points of damage to targets with a touch brain mass and adds 1 to her Intellect Edge for
for ten minutes. However, his body becomes one hour, but her head swells dramatically for
skeletal, as pale as a ghost’s, and he can speak the duration.
only in moans and hisses for the duration.
Level: 1d10 Earth: Injection
Earth: Injection Ardeyn: Elixir
Ardeyn: Elixir Ruk: Inhalable powder
Ruk: Inhalable powder Effect: Grants user an ability that could normally
Effect: Grants user an ability that could normally be gained only by translation, which means
be gained only by translation, which means the effect conferred also brings visible physical
the effect conferred also brings visible changes. This cypher grants the user a
physical changes. This cypher increases the venomous bite (a light melee attack that inflicts
user’s physical density, which grants her +1 2 points of damage that ignore Armor for
to Armor and allows her to inflict 2 additional three rounds) for one hour, but she becomes a
points of damage with melee attacks for one human-sized serpent for the duration.
hour. However, her skin and body take on the
semblance of an animate pile of stone for the TRANSMUTATION DUST If transmutation dust is
duration. Level: 1d6 + 1 physically mixed into a
Earth: Chalky grey substance liquid and imbibed in a
TRANS-MUTATION (FLYING) Ardeyn: Glowing fluid recursion that operates
under the law of Magic,
Level: 1d10 Ruk: Iridescent slime
reports indicate that the
Earth: Injection Effect: An object or part of an object about 1 cubic imbiber gains a “boon to
Ardeyn: Elixir foot in volume, or various discrete objects her life force,” whatever
Ruk: Inhalable powder filling the same volume, are transmuted into that means.
Effect: Grants user an ability that could normally a material determined by the user, such as
be gained only by translation, which means copper, silver, gold, or uranium.
the effect conferred also brings visible physical
changes. This cypher alters the user’s cellular TRANSPORTER
relationship with gravity; he can move through Level: 1d6 + 2
the air as easily as on a solid surface for ten Earth: Goggles
minutes, but his skin and organs become Ardeyn: Mask
translucent for the duration. Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing
Effect: The user gains the ability to teleport for
TRANS-MUTATION (SWIFT) one minute. She can use a move action to
Level: 1d10 teleport to any location she can see within
Earth: Injection short range if she makes a difficulty 2 Speed
Ardeyn: Elixir roll. She can use an action to teleport to any
Ruk: Inhalable powder location she has previously visited within the
Effect: Grants user an ability that could normally recursion if she makes a difficulty 3 Intellect
be gained only by translation, which means roll. She can also teleport to any location she

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
has previously visited in another recursion if UNIVERSAL LOCK
she makes a difficulty 5 Intellect roll, but this Level: 1d6 + 3
immediately ends the cypher’s duration. Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: Skeleton key
Level: 1d6 + 2 Effect: Firmly locks a container, door, or other
Earth: Handheld device object that can be closed within short range.
Ardeyn: Wand The lock mechanism level is equal to the
Ruk: Adhesive patch cypher level. The lock remains until the lock is
Effect: For the next ten minutes, when the user picked, forced, or otherwise rendered irrelevant.
makes a successful attack against a single
target, she inflicts additional points of damage UNRESTRAINED MOVEMENT
equal to the cypher level. Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Pill
UNIVERSAL KEY Ardeyn: Elixir
Level: 1d6 + 3 Ruk: Green fluid in tube
Earth: Smartphone app Effect: The user moves without hindrance,
Ardeyn: Skeleton key regardless of terrain, for one hour. In addition
Ruk: Tattoo graft to ignoring the effects of mud, sand, waist-
Effect: Unlocks a lock, container, or door (level deep water, and similar terrain, she can ignore
less than or equal to the cypher level) the effects of other cyphers, artifacts, and
within short range that is locked, is stuck, is abilities that would restrict her movement.
magically held, or otherwise prevents access. Likewise, mundane situations like being
Depending on the object, it may spring open, bound or chained to a wall can’t keep her from
and it may automatically close and lock itself moving; bindings slip loose, chains break, and
again within a few hours. so on. Only impassible barriers like walls or
locked doors stymie this effect.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6
Earth: Pill Earth: Data glasses
Ardeyn: Elixir Ardeyn: Goggles
Ruk: Clear fluid in tube Ruk: Eye graft
Effect: For ten hours, the user does not Effect: User can focus on one creature or object
need to breathe, can see in the dark as within immediate range and immediately
if in bright light, is immune to damage visualize up to three significant past events
from decompression and extremely cold that involved the object or happened near
environments, and ignores penalties for any it, starting with the most recent. The events
action (including fighting) in low- or zero- are those that involved intense emotion or
gravity environments. sensation, or that had an impact on the way
history unfolded afterward. The GM decides
VACUUM PROTECTOR whether the user sees the event, gains some
Level: 1d6 understanding of what happened, or receives
Earth: Translucent head mask impressions of what was experienced.
Ardeyn: Hooded robe Afterward, the user has an asset on any task
Ruk: Slime in clear tube to identify the object.
Effect: Keeps the user alive in vacuum for twenty-
four hours by protecting against extremes of VISUALIZER (SCANNING)
vacuum-caused heat and cold and eliminating Level: 1d6
the need to breathe for the duration. Earth: Data glasses
Ardeyn: Goggles
VANISHER (DAYLONG) Ruk: Eye graft A daylong vanisher is a
Level: 1d6 + 3 Effect: For one hour, the user sees a heads- more potent version of the
Earth: Circuit-embedded cloak with paired up information display highlighting one base vanisher cypher.
battery belt creature or object within long range per
Ardeyn: Three iron rings and a crown woven round. Laid over the creature or object, text
together callouts provide a bevy of information about Vanisher, page 331
Ruk: Temporary skin graft the target, including level, the names of all
Effect: User becomes invisible for twenty-four objects carried, special abilities or organs
hours. While invisible, she is specialized in of a creature, special functions of an object,
stealth and Speed defense tasks. This effect and so on. Using a scanning visualizer on an
ends if she does something to reveal her artifact reveals how that artifact can be used
presence or position—attacking, using an without requiring an Intellect task to figure it
ability, moving a large object, and so on. If out. The user also knows the weakness, if any,
this occurs, she can regain the remaining of any creature observed through the cypher.
invisibility effect by taking an action to focus
on hiding her position. WATER FORM
Level: 1d6 + 1
Level: 1d6 + 2 Ardeyn: Elixir
Earth: Smartphone app Ruk: Clear fluid in tube
Ardeyn: Jade figurine Effect: User is transformed into animate water
Ruk: Extra organ, self-installing for one hour. She can roughly shape herself
Effect: For one hour, the user can spend points into various forms, including a semblance of
from her Might Pool, Speed Pool, or Intellect her normal form, but she can also take the
Pool to apply levels of Effort to any task, form of a pool, a fountain, and so on. The
attack, or defense. user is immune to normal attacks but likewise
has a hard time affecting her environment: If a vigor transition or
VIGOR TRANSITION the difficulty of manipulating items, making similar cypher is used in
Level: 1d6 + 4 normal attacks with weapons, and other tasks a Substandard Physics
Earth: Ebony pill requiring a physical form is increased by two recursion, there are reports
that the increase to the
Ardeyn: Burning elixir steps. On the other hand, she has an asset on
Might Pool is permanent,
Ruk: Black oil in an ampule making smothering or drowning attacks. though with an attendant
Effect: User adds 1 to her Might Edge for one risk of “physical collapse,”
hour. In addition, her maximum Might Pool whatever that means.
increases by 4 points for twenty-four hours.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 (IMPAIRING)
Earth: Injection Level: 1d6 + 2
Ardeyn: Potion Earth: Electronic module
Ruk: Yellow gas in clear ampule Ardeyn: Transferable rune
Effect: User and all her equipment are Ruk: Adhesive patch
transformed into an equal volume of clear, Effect: When attached to a melee weapon, for
waterlike fluid for a predetermined time, but twenty-four hours the weapon gains the ability
no longer than seventy-two hours. While in to impair the actions of victims. Instead of
her watery state, the user has no awareness dealing damage on a successful hit, the user
of her surroundings or the passage of time. can instead choose to impair the target for
Even if the water making up the user is one minute so that the difficulty of all its tasks
boiled, consumed, dispersed, drained away, is modified by one step to its detriment.
or entered into the climate water cycle, at the
end of the predetermined period, molecules WEAPON ENHANCER
of the water are drawn together again and (LIMB BREAKING)
transformed back into the user. Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Electronic module
WEAPON ENHANCER Ardeyn: Transferable rune
(DISARMING) Ruk: Adhesive patch
Level: 1d6 + 2 Effect: When attached to a melee weapon, for
Earth: Electronic module twenty-four hours the weapon gains the ability
Ardeyn: Transferable rune to break the limbs of victims. Instead of
Ruk: Adhesive patch dealing damage on a successful hit, the user
Effect: When attached to a melee weapon, for can instead choose to break the victim’s arm
twenty-four hours the modified weapon or leg. A broken arm becomes useless and
becomes the perfect tool for disarming may render the victim unable to take certain
foes who attack the wielder. If the wielder is actions; two broken arms may render the
attacked by a foe using a melee weapon, after victim unable to make attacks. One or more
that attack is resolved (whether it’s a hit or broken legs renders the victim unable to move
miss), the wielder disarms the foe and can without assistance.
decide where the loose weapon lands after
being struck from the foe’s hand, up to a short WEAPON ENHANCER
distance away. (RETURNING)
Level: 1d6 + 2
Earth: Electronic module
Ardeyn: Transferable rune
Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: When attached to a melee weapon, for
twenty-four hours the weapon can be thrown
as a ranged weapon at any target within long
range. The user makes the attack as if using
the weapon normally. Hit or miss, the weapon
returns to the wielder’s hand afterward.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 2 Level: 1d6 + 1
Earth: Electronic module Earth: Gun-shaped fob
Ardeyn: Transferable rune Ardeyn: Wand-shaped figurine
Ruk: Adhesive patch Ruk: Gun-shaped spider
Effect: When attached to a melee weapon, for Effect: For one minute, the user can wield two
twenty-four hours the weapon inflicts 2 weapons at the same time, making two
additional points of damage. In addition, separate attacks on her turn as a single action.
if a foe is struck in combat, the wielder can She remains limited by the amount of Effort
choose to spend 1 or more XP. For each point she can apply on one action, and because
of XP spent, the attack inflicts 10 additional she makes separate attacks, her opponent’s
points of damage. Armor applies to both. Anything that modifies
her attack or damage applies to both attacks,
WEAPON ENHANCER unless it’s specifically tied to one of the
(STUNNING) weapons. The user can wield small, medium,
Level: 1d6 + 2 or large weapons while this cypher’s effect is
Earth: Electronic module active, including artifacts, wands, and ranged
Ardeyn: Transferable rune weapons. The only restriction is on weapons
Ruk: Adhesive patch that require two hands to operate, such as
Effect: When attached to a melee weapon, for bows.
twenty-four hours the weapon gains the ability
to stun victims. Instead of dealing damage on WEATHER ORACLE
a successful hit, the user can instead choose Level: 1d6 + 2
to stun the target so that it loses its next turn. Earth: Smartphone app
Ardeyn: Crystal orb
WEAPON ENHANCER Ruk: Spider that speaks
(TERRIFYING) Effect: Accurately details the weather for the next
Level: 1d6 + 2 seventy-two hours for a given region. This is
Earth: Electronic module not a prediction, but an accurate portrayal of
Ardeyn: Transferable rune approaching weather conditions.
Ruk: Adhesive patch
Effect: When attached to a melee weapon, for WEATHERMAKER
twenty-four hours the weapon becomes a Level: 1d6 + 2
terrifying symbol of death. Instead of dealing Earth: Smartphone app
damage on a successful hit, the user can Ardeyn: Crystal orb
instead choose to afflict the target with Ruk: Spider that speaks
overwhelming fear, which leaves the target Effect: Changes weather patterns within the next
paralyzed for two rounds or sends it fleeing seventy-two hours for a given region, allowing
for the same period. the user to turn sunny days rainy, break a heat
wave (or cause one), and disperse or call a
WEAPONIZER storm. The weather alterations cannot be
Level: 1d6 + 4 impossible or even extreme for a region, but if
Earth: Handheld device an area is known for dramatic thunderstorms,
Ardeyn: Staff this cypher can call one. Weather alterations
Ruk: Extra limb, self-installing take about an hour to come to full effect.
Effect: To use this cypher, the user must also
supply a light or medium weapon. The WILDWALKER
weapon becomes fused into her body, Level: 1d6 + 1
granting her training with the weapon (even if Earth: Injection
she is not normally trained in other weapons Ardeyn: Thorn
of the same type). The weapon is concealed Ruk: Green fluid in tube
until she wishes to use it. The weapon Effect: For one hour, natural animals and plants
remains fused for twenty-four hours. will not harm the user or those the user

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Level: 1d6 + 1 Level: 1d6
Earth: Injection Earth: Barometer
Ardeyn: Green, leaf-shaped amulet Ardeyn: Rune
Ruk: Green fluid in tube Ruk: Crystal
Effect: For one minute, natural animals, plants, Effect: User can control the wind direction and
and even the terrain (if in a wilderness area) speed within short range for three rounds.
attack foes within short range of the user. She can cause the wind to cease or increase
Attacks are minor and include being tripped it to a maximum speed of 72 mph (116 kph),
by rocks, tangled in vines, bitten by insects, which is enough to knock creatures over and
and so on. These attacks increase the difficulty deal damage equal to the cypher level, move
of the foe’s tasks by one step. a vehicle off the road, strip the siding off a
house, or lift the user into the air. She can
WIND AURA choose whether to remain immune to her
Level: 1d6 + 1 changes to wind velocity or be affected by
Earth: Belt them.
A zero gravity cypher Ardeyn: Circlet
allows a user to ignore the Ruk: Feathery antennae graft ZERO GRAVITY
effects of special abilities Effect: Surrounds the user with an aura of swirling Level: 1d6
that manipulate gravity,
wind, giving him +10 to Armor that works only Earth: Black pill
the crushing gravity of a
supermassive planet or
against ranged attacks of a physical nature for Ardeyn: Black elixir
a black hole, and even ten minutes. Ruk: Black adhesive patch
normal Earth gravity. This In addition, the wind aura attacks all targets Effect: For twenty-four hours, the user is treated
latter effect means a user within immediate range each round while the as if in a zero-gravity environment, regardless
could literally jump off the effect lasts, inflicting damage equal to the of the actual gravity environment.
face of the earth, either cypher level and knocking the target down and
purposefully or accidentally. out of immediate range.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

“I have not heard from you for some time, dearest. I trust that the relic I had transferred to our
collection arrived safely? I confess, I am having second thoughts about bringing the demonic
rune blade into our archives, even with all the safeguards we instituted.”
~Sir Raymond Creswicke, in a letter to his paramour Irene
located in the constructed recursion of Paradiso

The tables in this chapter provide alternate ways

to randomly select artifacts, in addition to the
general tables in chapter 1. This chapter includes
tables that break the artifacts down into weapons,
guns and beam weapons, swords and other melee
weapons, magic implements (ranged weapons),
and armor. In addition, it includes tables that
categorize the artifact by the law they operate under
(any law, Exotic, Mad Science, Magic, Psionics, and
Standard Physics). Items in these tables marked
with an asterisk are from The Strange corebook.

1 Ankh of death 35 Foam restraint rifle 67 Retractable laser claws
2 Armor-piercing machine gun 36–37 Freeze ray 68–69 Rocket-propelled grenade
3 Axe of the Dwarvish Fathers 38 Gas gun 70 Rod of blasting
4 Beam projector 39 Gravity gun 71 Rune staff (Ashur)*
5–6 Blade of warding 40 Gravity maul* 72 Rune weapon of blood*
7 Blaster 41 Guardian weapon 73 Rune weapon of striking*
8 Blister glove 42 Gungnir, spear of Odin 74–75 Serpent pistol
9 Burner 43 Kusanagi 76 Shamshir twinblade*
10 Carbonizer 44 Machine plasma gun 77 Soul weapon*
11–12 Carnwennan 45 Medusa rifle 78 Spear of Longinus
13 Confusion ray 46–47 Microwave gun 79 Spectacles of slaying
14–15 Crying gnat 48 Mind blade 80–81 Spirit revolver
16–17 Death ray 49 Mind blade (conscious) 82 Spiritslaying weapon*
18 Death’s scythe 50 Mind blade (mind feeding) 83 Staff of Ra
19 Defabricon 2 51 Mind blade (psychic bane) 84 Staff of spell mastery
20 Demoleculizer 52 Mindcrusher 85 Strange sword
21 Demonic rune blade 53 Mjölnir, hammer of Thor 86–87 Strangelance*
22 Disintegration beamer 54 Negation rifle 88 Suggestion ray
23 Electric katana 55–56 Plasma crossbow 89 Time-slicing dagger
24–25 Elvish knife 57 Plutonian iron knife 90 Vibro saber
26 Elvish long sword 58 Power glove 91 Vorpal sword*
27 Elvish short sword 59 Prion gun 92 Wand of blasting
28 Empathic psychotron 60 Protohibitor 93–95 Wand of delirium (madwand)
29 Excalibur 61 Psychic whip 96 Wand of spider’s webbing
30–31 Faterazor 62–63 Railgun 97–98 Wand of vampire slaying
32 Flamethrower (antipersonnel) 64 Reality-tearing knife 99 Z-com
33 Flashlight laser 65 Replication rifle 00 Zero pistol
34 Flintlock of certainty 66 Retractable claws

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
1–3 Armor-piercing machine gun 42–44 Empathic psychotron 78–80 Prion gun
4–6 Beam projector 45–47 Flamethrower (antipersonnel) 81–82 Protohibitor
7–10 Blaster 48–50 Flashlight laser 83–84 Railgun
11–13 Blaster goggles 51–53 Flintlock of certainty 85–86 Replication rifle
14–16 Blister glove 54–56 Foam restraint rifle 87–89 Rocket-propelled grenade
17–19 Burner 57–59 Freeze ray 90–91 Serpent pistol
20–22 Carbonizer 60–62 Gas gun 92–93 Spirit revolver
23–25 Confusion ray 63–64 Gravity gun 94–95 Suggestion ray
26–28 Crying gnat 65–67 Machine plasma gun 96 Terahertz cannon
29–32 Death ray 68–69 Medusa rifle 97–98 Z-com
33–35 Defabricon 2 70–72 Microwave gun 99–00 Zero pistol
36–38 Demoleculizer 73–75 Negation rifle
39–41 Disintegration beamer 76–77 Plasma crossbow


1–4 Ankh of death 35 Faterazor 66–69 Power glove
5–8 Axe of the Dwarvish Fathers 36–39 Guardian weapon 70–73 Psychic whip
9–12 Blade of warding 40 Gungnir, spear of Odin 74–77 Reality-tearing knife
13–14 Carnwennan 41–42 Kusanagi 78–82 Retractable claws
15–16 Death’s scythe 43–46 Mind blade 83–86 Retractable laser claws
17 Demonic rune blade 47–50 Mind blade (conscious) 87–90 Retractable venomous head spikes
18–21 Electric katana 51–54 Mind blade (mind feeding) 91 Spear of Longinus
22–25 Elvish knife 55–58 Mind blade (psychic bane) 92–94 Strange sword
26–29 Elvish long sword 59–60 Mindcrusher 95–97 Time-slicing dagger
30–33 Elvish short sword 61 Mjölnir, hammer of Thor 98–00 Vibro saber
34 Excalibur 62–65 Plutonian iron knife


1 Magic wand 8–14 Ascended armor plating
2 Rod of blasting 15–21 Force armor
3 Spectacles of slaying 22–28 Green armor
4 Staff of Ra 29–35 Gun armor
5 Staff of spell mastery 36–43 Helm of Hades
6 Wand of binding 44–50 Impact cloak
7 Wand of blasting 51–60 Impact cloak (reflective)
8 Wand of delirium (madwand) 61–67 Impact cloak (stealth) ARTIFACTS THAT OPERATE UNDER
9 Wand of spider’s webbing 68–74 Kavacha, armor of Karna THE EXOTIC LAW
10 Wand of vampire slaying 75–80 Metalodermis graft 1–25 Blister glove
81–87 Mind armor 26–50 Mask of happiness
Artifacts that operate in Exotic recursions often 88–93 Mind armor (conscious) 51–75 Mirror of fading beauty
make great items for characters to discover in a 76–00 Reality-tearing knife
94–00 Shadow cloak*
horror-themed adventure.


1–3 Boots of the Strange 34–36 Estate surveillance van Model 7 67–69 Naturalizer
4–6 Communicator 37–39 Fractal wing* 70–72 Picture of Dorian Gray
7–9 Cypher chest 40–42 Fundament tunneler* 73–75 Planetovore skin*
10–12 Cypher siphon (boost) 43–45 Gate map 76–77 Power rod
13–15 Cypher siphon (detonation) 46–48 Gate ring* 78–81 Recursion anomaly bell
16–18 Cypher siphon (healing) 49–51 Genius proximator 82–85 Requisition arch
19–21 Cypher siphon (ray emitting) 52–54 Interface disc* 86–89 Spark damper
22–24 Cypher siphon (shielding) 55–57 Interface gauntlets* 90–93 Strange harness
25–27 Equalization field generator 58–60 Minor network terminal* 94–96 Strange sword
28–30 Equilibrium infuser* 61–63 Moriarty’s cane 97–99 Translation anchor
31–33 Estate badge (enhanced) 64–66 Moriarty’s pistol 00 Translation staff

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
First roll a d6 to determine which Mad Science table to roll on.
Artifacts that operate under the law of Mad
1–3 Mad Science Artifacts 1
Science usually make great items for characters
4–6 Mad Science Artifacts 2 to discover in a science fiction-themed adventure.
1–2 Antigrav boots 35–36 Dimensional modulator 72–73 Graft (light eating)
3 Artificial blood 37 Disintegration beamer 74–75 Graft (skill specialization)
4 Ascended armor plating 38–39 Duplicator 76–77 Graft (skill training)
5 Battle armor* 40–41 Ecstasy node 78–79 Graft (slow-twitch muscle)
6–7 Beam projector 42–43 Enigmalith* 80–81 Graft (synthesis gland)
8–9 Biosplice companion* 44–45 Exoskeleton (gravity assistance) 82–83 Graft (tentacle)
10–11 Blaster 46–47 Exoskeleton (melee) 84–85 Gravity gun
12–13 Blaster goggles 48–49 Exoskeleton (turret) 86 Gravity maul*
14–15 Burner 50–51 Flashlight laser 87 Guardian weapon
16–17 Carbonizer 52–53 Foam restraint rifle 88 Gun armor
18–19 Cellular prod 54–55 Force armor 89–91 Gunbot (mark one)
20–21 Cellular sampler 56–57 Freeze ray 92–94 Gunbot (mark two)
22–23 Communion platter* 58–59 Friction modulator 95 Gunbot (mark three)
24–25 Confusion ray 60–61 Gas gun 96–97 Human helper
26–27 Crying gnat 62–63 Ghost instance 98 Human suit
28–29 Cybernetic hand 64–65 Graft (All Song implant) 99 Impact cloak
30 Death ray 66–67 Graft (cypher pocket) 00 Impact cloak (reflective)
31–32 Defabricon 2 68–69 Graft (fast-twitch muscle)
33–34 Demoleculizer 70–71 Graft (gravitic assist)


1 Impact cloak (stealth) 37 Power glove 74–75 Sleep band
2–3 Inapposite case 38–39 Prang suitcase 76 Sonic harmonizer
4–5 Learning torc 40–41 Prion gun 77 Sonic toolgrip
6–7 Lock seal 42–43 Prism of the eighth ray* 78–79 Space suit
8–9 Machine plasma gun 44–45 Probe bot 80–81 Stasis ring
10–11 Memory eraser 46–47 Protocol bot 82–83 Suggestion ray
12–13 Memory spike (focus) 48–49 Protohibitor 84–85 Tattoo graft
14–15 Memory spike (knowledge) 50–51 Psychic inverter 86 Tendril graft*
16–17 Metabolism bud* 52–53 Railgun 87 Terahertz cannon
18–19 Metalodermis graft 54–55 Recursion pod* 88–89 Transfer discs
20–23 Microwave gun 56–58 Replication rifle 90–91 Venom trooper command helm*
24–25 Monocle of doom 59–61 Retractable claws 92–93 Vibro saber
26–27 Morphic integrator 62–63 Retractable laser claws 94 War walker
28–29 Mutation mask 64–65 Retractable venomous head spikes 95 Water wand
30–31 Nanobot pill 66–67 Robodoc 96–97 Weapon graft*
32–33 Pheromone banner* 68–69 Robodoc (longevity) 98 Windrider*
34 Plasma crossbow 70–71 Shrink ray 99 Z-com
35–36 Power bracers 72–73 Skill bud* 00 Zero pistol

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
First roll a d6 to determine which Magic table to roll on.
Artifacts that operate under the law of Magic
1–3 Magic Artifacts 1
are perfect for fantasy adventures or adventures
4–6 Magic Artifacts 2 where characters meet mythological beings.
1 Aegis 33 Dragon horn 67 Hammer of wishes
2 Aladdin’s lamp 34 Dragon’s eye* 68 Hand of glory
3 Ankh of death 35–36 Dragon’s teeth 69 Helm of Hades
4–5 Ankh of life 37 Dragontongue weapon* 70 Hlidskjalf, seat of Odin
6–7 Ascended armor plating 38 Draupnir, ring of Odin 71 Holy Grail
8 Axe of the Dwarvish Fathers 39–40 Eaglestone 72–74 Jack-o’-lantern
9–10 Belt of divine strength 41 Elvish knife 75 Jade dragon
11 Blade of warding 42 Elvish long sword 76 Kavacha, armor of Karna
12 Capricious hookah 43 Elvish short sword 77 Knot of Isis
13 Carnwennan 44–45 Excalibur 78 Kusanagi
14–15 Chaos skiff* 46 Eyeglasses of memory 79–80 Learning torc
16 Chest of worms 47 Falcon cloak 81 Lich eye
17 Cloak of elfkind 48 Faterazor 82 Lich hand
18 Cloak of innocence 49–50 Flintlock of certainty 83 Luck stone
19–20 Cloak of wisdom 51 Flute of the elder spirit 84–88 Magic wand
21 Coil of endless rope 52–53 Flying carpet 89 Marvelous powder of life*
22 Coinbringer 54–55 Foldable keep 90 Mask of dream
23 Cosmetic case of beauty 56 Game of Screams 91 Mask of Oceanus*
24–25 Crown of immortality 57 Gem of dreams 92–93 Medusa rifle
26 Crown of the king 58 Gjallarhorn, horn of summoning 94–95 Midas’s touch
27 Crown of terror 59–60 Glass from Leng* 96 Mjölnir, hammer of Thor
28 Death’s scythe 61 Gleipnir, chain of binding 97–99 Monitor’s monocle*
29–30 Demon powder 62–63 Green armor 00 Necroham radio
31 Demonic rune blade 64–65 Guardian weapon
32 Dr. Nikidik’s celebrated wishing pills* 66 Gungnir, spear of Odin

1 Necronomicon* 34–35 Shadow cloak* 65–66 Talaria
2 Necronomicon (Latin edition) 36 Shamshir twinblade* 67 Tesla goggles
3 Omni arm* 37 Siege Perilous 68 Time-slicing dagger
4–5 Orb of far sight 38 Skatert-Samobranka 69 Trickster’s charm
6 Personal wardstone 39–40 Sonic harmonizer 70 Veil of judgment
7 Phial of elflight 41 Soul sheath* 71 Violin of Erich Zann
8 Phylactery 42 Soul weapon* 72 Vorpal sword*
9–10 Plutonian iron knife 43 Spear of Longinus 73 Wand of binding
11 Pnakotic Manuscripts 44–45 Spectacles of slaying 74 Wand of blasting
12 Potion of invincibility 46 Spellbook of the Amber Mage* 75 Wand of delirium (madwand)
13 Red coat 47 Spellbook of the dragon’s maw 76–80 Wand of spider’s webbing
14–15 Ring of dragon’s flight* 48 Spellbook of Dreadimos 81 Wand of vampire slaying
16 Ring of fall flourishing Felthane* 82 Ward tape
17 Ring of Gyges 49 Spellbook of elemental summoning 83 Water of Urd
18 Ring of invisibility 50–51 Spellbook of glass 84–88 Water wand
19–20 Ring of magic breaking 52 Spellbook of ineffable evil 89 Whorl of destiny
21 Ring of Ruling (Zauber Maleficarum) 90 Wings of the sun*
22 Ring of wishes 53 Spellbook of searing light 91 Witch’s broom
23 Rod of blasting 54–55 Spellbook of Thoth 92–93 Wizard’s staff
24–25 Rune staff (Ashur) * 56 Spirit revolver 94 Yasakani no Magatama
26 Rune weapon of blood* 57 Spirit ward* 95 Yobuko mask (dominating)
27 Rune weapon of striking* 58 Spiritslaying weapon* 96 Yobuko mask (intimidating)
28 Sand of dreams 59 Staff of Moses 97–98 Yobuko mask (knowledge)
29–30 Scarab of shielding 60 Staff of Ra 99 Yobuko mask (observant)
31 Seal of Solomon 61–62 Staff of spell mastery 00 Yobuko mask (protective)
32 Serpent pistol 63 Strangelance*
33 Seven demon bag 64 Swordbreaker Zeal fragment

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
1–5 Companion oracle 1–8 Armor-piercing machine gun
6–10 Empathic psychotron
9–16 Electric katana
11–15 Goggles of mind control
16–20 Goggles of mind leeching 17–24 Flamethrower (antipersonnel)
21–25 Guardian sphere (defensive) 25–32 Gecko jumpsuit
26–30 Guardian sphere (offensive) Artifacts that operate under
33–40 Grip glove the law of Standard Physics
31–35 Intellect cache
41–48 Inapposite harness* are perfect for modern-day
36–40 Mind armor
spy-themed adventures.
41–45 Mind armor (conscious) 49–56 Microdrone
46–51 Mind blade
57–64 Negation rifle
52–58 Mind blade (conscious)
59–60 Mind blade (mind feeding) 65–72 Perpetual motion engine*
61–66 Mind blade (psychic bane) 73–80 Rocket-propelled grenade
67–72 Mindcrusher
81–88 Terahertz scanner
73–78 Mirror of mental swapping
79–84 Psychic circlet 89–00 World key*
85–90 Psychic skin
91–95 Psychic whip
96–00 Weapon of splendor*

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

Having a place to call your own is a dream
many people share. How much more exciting DISCOVERY OF PERSONAL
would it be if you could claim a personal pocket RECURSIONS
dimension all to yourself, a place that exists The quickened have been traveling limited
outside the world of normal matter, hidden alternate worlds for a long time, though
away as a limited recursion in the Strange? the Implausible Geographical Society of
Sounds pretty great, right? Well, now you can. historical Earth and the Quiet Cabal of Ruk
To be fair, player characters already possess long held the policy of experimenting with
the means to create recursions, which is recursions and the theory underlying the
Genesis quest, page 138 described in The Strange corebook as a genesis Strange as little as possible, lest unhappy
quest. The thing about a genesis quest is that, surprises result. Now that the Estate
as is advertised by the presence of the word and the Office of Strategic Recursion on
“quest,” it’s not an easy process to undertake. Earth are aware of the Strange, they’ve
Characters must find a reality seed before decided that ignorance of its secrets is
anything else. Even if such an elusive item more dangerous than researching them.
can be tracked down, next they must locate a Bringing a data-driven, science-oriented
nexus—a special location in the Strange itself— mindset to the issues continually yields
and undertake something not unlike a ritual. new and interesting results. The most
Usually, participation by multiple characters recent and perhaps most exciting of those
proves the easiest route to success, and when all findings is the discovery of the method for
is said and done, the created recursion doesn’t creating a personal recursion.
belong to any one particular character.
On the other hand, a recursion created using
a genesis quest can be continually tended and
grown, and with maintenance it could become If all these ingredients are in hand, the
a major limited world within the Strange. character simply initiates a translation trance,
When creating a personal Personal recursions never become so grand, as if attempting to translate to a known
recursion via a translation at least in the normal course of maturation. In recursion. During the trance, she expends the
trance, the initiator can addition, a character could conceivably create spare cypher and spends the 2 XP. When the
allow friends to help her
many recursions via genesis quests, but only trance ends, she makes a difficulty 5 Intellect-
hasten the translation,
or she can gain help as ever have one personal recursion. But personal based roll.
described under the helping recursions offer several advantages, including If the character succeeds, she has created
rules in the corebook. relative ease of creation and the conferral a personal pocket dimension and gains the
of certain abilities and opportunities for a benefits described below. If she fails, she must
character who spends time there. roll on the Translation Failure table in The
Translation Failure Strange corebook and then translate away to
table, page 128 an extant recursion (or face whatever other
CREATING A PERSONAL RECURSION consequences the table generates). The only
Helping, page 118 Creating a personal recursion, for a quickened silver lining of a failure is that the 2 XP and
player character, requires only that the PC have spare cypher are not used up in the attempt.
some time, a spare cypher, and 2 experience points A character may have only one personal
(XP) to donate to the cause. (And, of course, the recursion. If she wants to start fresh, the old
knowledge that such a feat is even possible.) personal recursion dissolves away.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

Alternative Method: If a character lacks the personal recursion has an actual realized—
required ingredients, she can simply find one though limited—theme.
of the various personal pocket dimension Personal pocket dimension
cyphers, any of which can create a personal Level: 1. cyphers, page 120
recursion. The personal pocket dimension
cyphers that upgrade extant recursions always Theme: The character can choose a limited
default to creating a recursion if a PC doesn’t theme, which can include furniture, decorations,
already have one. If the character already has flora (and minor, mundane fauna), and possibly
a personal recursion, the cypher grants it an even a level 1 creature without the spark to play
additional feature particular to that cypher. the part of a butler, confidant, or another role
that the player and the GM work out.
Alternatively, roll on the Random Personal
PERSONAL RECURSION ATTRIBUTES Themes table on the next page to generate a
A character’s newly created personal recursion theme for a personal recursion randomly.
has the attributes described below. Note that After a personal recursion is created, the
these are just the starting attributes of the character has options for updating the theme,
new recursion; the character can modify and foci, skills, and so on, as described under
adjust her recursion later as described under Improving Your Personal Recursion.
Improving Your Personal Recursion.
Law: Standard Physics. However, if the
Pocket Dimension: A pocket dimension is character spends 4 XP instead of 2 XP when
essentially a single open space about as big as creating the personal recursion, she can
a large office or a tiny forest clearing. Unlike choose any law or upgrade to a new law later.
a pocket dimension created by a genesis A character who rolls randomly for the theme
quest, which normally only hints at terrain, might end up with a nonstandard law without
architecture, flora and fauna, and so on, a having to pay the extra 2 XP.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
Playable Races: As the connected prime world 9–10 Constant masquerade party as if in an
or recursion, or as befits the chosen theme. Earth ballroom of the 1920s. (Standard
Draggable foci, page 52 Foci: Draggable only. 11–12 Crystal tower chamber overlooking a
glowing city. (Psionics)
Skills: None initially. 13–14 Recursion appears as the bridge of a
starship from a popular science fiction
Connection to Strange: None, unless the TV show or movie. (Mad Science)
character explicitly desires one in the form of 15–16 Owner appears as a giant who uses
an immobile door, hatch, archway, mirror, or medieval castle walls as a place to
surface of a small pool. sit, for storage, and sometimes for
entertainment. (Exotic)
Connection to Earth or Recursion: Initially, an 17–18 Gym filled with exercise equipment
inapposite gate in the form of an immobile and raucous dance music. (Standard
door, hatch, archway, mirror, or surface of a Physics)
small pool.
19–20 Five-star hotel room. (Standard Physics)
Size: Initially, up to 225 square feet (21 square m). 21–22 Library; its books shift and change and
are as hard to read as tomes found in
Spark: 0% a dream. (Standard Physics)
23–24 NASA mission control-themed.
Recursion traits, Trait: The recursion has a trait chosen from Sometimes, messages from space
page 141 those noted in the corebook (especially if the missions are audible. (Standard Physics)
character used a personal pocket dimension 25–26 Submarine-themed with an attentive
cypher to create the recursion). Alternatively, first mate. (Standard Physics)
the trait could be inspired by the spare cypher 27–28 Classical maze with the question
expended during the creation process, which of whether a scary minotaur lives
requires the player and GM to work together on somewhere deep within. (Magic)
the effect provided.
29–30 Bonfire under the stars with what
For example, if a character expended a
seem to be mastodons and other
Curative, page 315 curative cypher, the personal recursion might Pliocene creatures in the far distance.
grant her the same number of points to (Substandard Physics)
her Might Pool the first time she visits the
recursion in any given twenty-four hour period. 31–32 Genetics research lab with attentive
lab assistant. (Standard Physics)
33–34 Modern space station with cupola view
RANDOM PERSONAL THEMES of Earth below; zero-gravity conditions
Roll a d100 to determine the theme of the new apply. (Standard Physics)
personal recursion. Some themes provide a 35–36 Subterranean stone chamber with
convincing illusion that they are bigger than a dungeonlike corridors leading into
regular pocket dimension. darkness, with a central pool that
sometimes forms strange images.
1–2 Smoky bar with an attentive barman.
(Standard Physics) 37–38 Lounge in a dance hall with a changing
array of performers, who appear and
3–4 Edible walls taste like the character’s
disappear according to their own
favorite ice cream, though it’s always a
schedule. (Magic)
bit chilly in the recursion. (Exotic)
39–40 Owner appears as tiny as an ant within
5–6 Wonderland-themed; events from
an ant colony (the ants defer to her but
the story appear as if animated on
do not serve her). (Exotic)
the interior walls of the recursion.
Sometimes voices are audible. (Magic) 41–42 Sci-fi armory replete with all manner
of beam and particle weapons (small,
7–8 Haunted-house themed. Sometimes
medium, and heavy ranged weapons).
ghosts are visible on the stairs.
(Mad Science)

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
43–44 Fantasy armory replete with all manner 75–76 Royal court with comfortable throne
of melee weapons (small, medium, and an attentive counselor who is
and heavy swords, axes, polearms, and trained in tasks related to statecraft,
so on). (Magic) strategy, and tactics. (Standard
45–46 Wide rug flying over an endless desert Physics)
landscape by night. (Magic) 77–78 Wizard academy study chamber.
47–48 Mad scientist’s lab like that of Sometimes a wizard teacher appears
Frankenstein, complete with an (specialized in tasks related to magic
attentive Igor. (Standard Physics) knowledge and spells). (Magic)
49–50 Wizard’s private study, complete with 79–80 Inside a cage as if in a zoo; outside,
an attentive winged humanoid familiar. wild animals in clothes growl and
(Magic) bark as they observe the primate in
its natural habitat (a home office).
51–52 Doctor’s office with attentive physician (Exotic)
who is trained in healing tasks.
(Standard Physics) 81–82 The color blue into apparent infinity;
the user manifests as the scent of
53–54 Professor’s office with attentive winter. (Exotic)
teaching assistant who is trained in one
knowledge task. (Standard Physics) 83–84 Blessed sanctum centered around
a glowing statue of a divine being.
55–56 Owner appears as small as a rabbit in Sometimes it offers guidance. (Magic)
a burrow (the rabbits defer to her but
do not serve her). (Exotic) 85–86 Lone beach house set on a gloriously
white beach; tasty drinks are served
57–58 Platform strapped to the back of a once per day at sunset. (Standard
huge brontosaurus trundling through Physics)
Jurassic-period flora. (Standard
Physics) 87–88 Flatland-like analog; a space that exists
only in two dimensions. (Exotic)
59–60 Rolling, thumping interior as if inside
a traveling lounge car on a passenger 89–90 Treasure hoard of a red dragon, with
train. (Standard Physics) piles of gold, jewels, and mythic
artifacts everywhere. Taking them out
61–62 Wax museum featuring famous and of the recursion risks the ire of the
semifamous Earth personalities, unseen (but not unheard) dragon.
mostly historical. Sometimes, the (Magic)
figures move. (Magic)
91–92 In the luxurious first-class cabin of an
63–64 Religious chapel with attentive spiritual international flight winging across an
guide who is trained in one palliative endless sea; warm towels and service
task. (Standard Physics) every hour. (Standard Physics)
65–66 Mountain chalet, complete with 93–94 Rockwellian American home from the
hearty breakfast served once per day. 1940s replete with nostalgia and a
(Standard Physics) turkey feast once per day. (Standard
67–68 Opera stage with a varying backdrop Physics)
for famous operas. Includes a dressing 95–96 Superhero secret lair, with a few spare
room with a plethora of costumes. costumes sized to fit the user. (Mad
Sometimes music echoes up from the Science)
orchestra pit. (Standard Physics)
97–98 Art gallery hung with all manner
69–70 Deluxe coffee shop serving drinks and of famous art (recursion replicas).
snacks once a day. (Standard Physics) (Standard Physics)
71–72 Magic shop replete with props, 99–00 Science fiction and fantasy bookshop
magician’s kits, and books on filled with used titles and an
legerdemain. (Standard Physics) affectionate shop cat. (Standard
73–74 Monastery dojo with serene Physics)
decorations and a place to meditate
or practice. Sometimes a sensei
(specialized in unarmed combat) is
present to teach. (Psionics)

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
IMPROVING YOUR PERSONAL Gate Upgrade (4 XP): One inapposite gate
RECURSION mouth outside the personal recursion becomes
The owner of a personal recursion can use mobile and flexible, allowing the owner to put
personal pocket dimension cyphers (if she the gate on the interior of a suitcase, a big
can find any) to improve her recursion. In cloak, or even in liquid that can be poured out
addition, if she has XP to spend, she can use of a jug to form the gate mouth.
it to upgrade her recursion at a rate of up to Size Upgrade (2 XP): Add another 225 square
2 XP per day, so some upgrades may require feet (21 square m) to the recursion. This also
more than twenty-four hours to complete. The allows the owner to add up to two discrete
upgrades a character can make to her recursion spaces (like extra rooms).
are as follows. Law Update (2 XP): Change the law to a
Additional Gate (4 XP): Create a second different law. This could presumably have a
inapposite gate within the personal recursion. positive or negative effect on the theme; the
The second gate can lead either to an alternate player should work with the GM to determine
location in the host recursion (or on Earth) or an outcome they both like.
to a different recursion altogether. To make the Theme Update (2 XP): Change the theme
connection, the owner must first translate to to whatever the owner desires, or choose one
Portal sphere, page 135 the new destination and choose where to place randomly from the list. This replaces the previous
the endpoint of the inapposite gate. theme, but any objects or creatures the owner has
brought in from another recursion remain.
Level Improvement (4 XP): The level of the
recursion improves by 1. The level can never
exceed the owner’s tier (or level, if an NPC) by
more than 1.
Recovery Translation (4 XP): Instead of gaining
the standard benefits of a recovery roll, the user
can choose to be instantly pulled into her personal
recursion as if through an inapposite gate.
Auto Translation (4 XP): The first time the
character becomes debilitated in any twenty-
four hour period, she is automatically pulled
into her personal recursion (unless she
chooses not to be recalled) as if she’d walked
through an inapposite gate.
Dimension Ward (2 XP): An unauthorized
creature attempting to translate into the personal
recursion finds the difficulty of the translation
attempt increased by four steps. An unauthorized
creature who tries to enter the recursion through
an external inapposite gate must succeed on a
difficulty 5 Intellect-based task.
Empowerment (4 XP): The owner can specify
a task that she is trained in and encode that
into the recursion as an aura, in the person of
an attendant already present, or in some other
fashion. Thereafter, when she attempts that
task within her personal recursion, she has an
asset. The task can be as mundane as knitting
to as specialized as casting a particular spell (if
Magic is the operant law).
Keyed Gate Sphere (2 XP): The character
creates six portal spheres keyed to her personal
recursion and can distribute them as she
wishes. The portal spheres create temporary
inapposite gates when used.

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)



Gate description:

Leads to:








Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

KEY: chained trauma E 85 desiccation inducer E 90 exotic servitor E 95
C = The Strange corebook chaos skiff C 231 destabilizer E 90 expert knowledge E 95
E = Encyclopedia of charge (accelerated) E 85 dexterous bulwark E 90 explosive spittle E 95
Impossible Things charge (interrupting) E 85 dimensional flattener E 90 explosive touch E 96
charge (ramming) E 85 dimensional modulator E 38 extended awareness E 96
abeyance trap C 312 charming summons E 85 disguise module C 315 extra punch E 96
acrobatic boost E 80 chest of worms E 34 disintegration beamer E 12 extra recovery E 96
aegis E 29 clean and bright E 85 doomsday device E 90 extra sense E 96
age taker C 313 cloak of elfkind E 34 Dr. Nikidik’s celebrated eye blaster E 96
Aladdin’s lamp E 32 cloak of innocence E 34 wishing pills C 254 eyeglasses of memory E 41
ammunition (armor phasing) E 80 cloak of wisdom E 34 dragon horn E 38 falcon cloak E 41
ammunition (inapposite) E 80 cognizance booster E 85 dragon’s eye C 186 false image E 96
ammunition (regenerating) E 80 coil of endless rope E 34 dragon’s teeth E 38 false image (assassin) E 97
ammunition (sentient) E 80 coin trick (Mars) E 85 dragontongue weapon C 187 falsifier E 97
ammunition (tracer) E 80 coin trick (moon) E 85 draining capacitor C 316 falsifier (reverse) E 97
ammunition (truth) E 80 coin trick (sun) E 86 Draupnir, ring of Odin E 39 far attack E 97
analeptic C 313 coin trick (Venus) E 86 dupe E 91 Faterazor E 23
ankh of death E 21 coinbringer E 35 duplicator E 39 feast E 97
ankh of life E 32 colossus E 86 eaglestone E 39 feast (fortifying) E 97
antidote C 313 communicator E 35 earthshaker E 91 fiery leap E 98
antigrav boots E 32 communion platter C 209 ecstasy node E 39 fire form E 98
aquatic adaptation E 81 companion oracle E 35 edge of celerity E 91 fission duplicates E 98
arm addition E 81 companion seeds E 86 edge of exhilaration E 91 flamethrower (antipersonnel) E 13
armor (vengeance enhancer) E 81 condition remover C 314 effect resistance C 316 flashburst (memory erasing) E 98
armor reinforcer C 313 conduit link (fire) E 86 effort enhancer C 316 flashburst (mind numbing) E 98
armor-piercing machine gun E 10 conduit link (lightning) E 86 effort enhancer (combat) C 316 flashburst (terrifying) E 98
artifact enabler E 81 confidence trick E 86 electric katana E 23 flashburst C 317
artifact transferer E 81 confuser E 86 electric summons E 91 flashlight laser E 13
artifact translator (type 1) E 81 confusion ray E 12 electric touch E 91 flintlock of certainty E 13
artifact translator (type 2) E 82 contextualizer C 314 elvish knife E 23 floating bubble E 98
artificial blood E 32 contingent activator C 314 elvish long sword E 23 flurry of punches E 99
ascended armor plating E 29 cosmetic case of beauty E 35 elvish short sword E 23 flute of the elder spirit E 41
assassin flyer E 82 crown of immortality E 35 ember storm E 91 flying carpet E 42
assistant E 82 crown of the king E 35 empathic psychotron E 13 foam restraint rifle E 13
attractor C 313 crown of terror E 36 encrust E 92 focus hook C 317
axe of the Dwarvish Fathers E 21 crying gnat E 12 endurance enhancer E 92 foldable keep E 42
battle armor C 242 curative C 315 enduring shield C 317 force armor E 29
battlecry (berserking) E 82 curse bringer C 315 energy drain E 92 force armor projector C 317
battlecry (enervating) E 82 cybernetic hand E 36 energy siphon E 92 force screen projector C 317
battlecry (inspiring) E 82 cypher alchemist E 87 enigmalith C 209 fractal wing C 231
beam projector E 10 cypher chest E 36 equalization field generator E 39 freeze ray E 14
beast form E 82 cypher codicil (boost) E 87 equilibrium infuser C 231 frenzy boost E 99
beast lure E 82 cypher codicil (defense) E 87 equipment cache C 317 friction modulator E 42
belt of divine strength E 33 cypher codicil (healing) E 87 equipment stash E 92 frictionizer E 99
biosplice companion C 209 cypher extender (area expander) E 88 escape E 92 frigid summons E 99
blackout C 313 cypher extender escape (explosive) E 92 fundament tunneler C 232
blade of warding E 21 (duration doubler) E 88 escape (hiding) E 92 fusion prime E 100
blaster E 11 cypher extender escape (luring) E 93 Game of Screams E 43
blaster goggles E 11 (range elongator) E 88 escape (misleading) E 93 gas ammunition C 318
blister glove E 11 cypher siphon (boost) E 37 escape catapult E 93 gas gun E 14
blurred form E 83 cypher siphon (detonation) E 37 escape route E 93 gaseous sneak E 100
body bastion E 83 cypher siphon (healing) E 37 essence binding (allied) E 93 gaseous warrior (acidic) E 100
body bulwark E 83 cypher siphon (ray emitting) E 37 essence binding (offensive) E 93 gaseous warrior (possessing) E 101
body burst (grave) E 83 cypher siphon (shielding) E 37 essence binding (soul fuel) E 93 gate map E 43
body burst (nova) E 83 darkness (eye eating) E 88 essence binding (soul touch) E 93 gate ring C 232
body burst (temporal) E 83 darkness (hungry) E 88 essence inhalation (blasting) E 94 gecko jumpsuit E 43
body throwing E 83 darksight C 315 essence inhalation (healing) E 94 gem of dreams E 43
boots of the Strange E 33 data ingestor E 88 essence inhalation (inspiration) E 94 genius proximator E 44
brain burgeon E 83 data specialization (weapons) E 89 essence inhalation (knowledge) E 94 ghost defense E 101
brain sentinel E 84 data training (weapons) E 89 essence inhalation ghost instance E 44
breaker E 84 death disguiser E 89 (transportation) E 94 ghost offense E 101
brute bloom E 84 death eye E 89 essence transfer (body) E 94 giant E 101
bubble cage E 84 death module C 315 essence transfer (mind) E 94 Gjallarhorn, horn of
buoyancy E 84 death ray E 12 Estate badge (enhanced) E 39 summoning E 44
burner E 11 death’s door guardian E 89 Estate surveillance van Model 7 E 40 glass from Leng C 254
calculator E 84 Death’s scythe E 22 Excalibur E 23 Gleipnir, chain of binding E 44
calming presence E 84 deception module E 89 exoskeleton (gravity assistance) E 40 glue C 318
camouflage coating E 84 defabricon 2 E 12 exoskeleton (melee) E 41 goggles of mind control E 45
camouflage screen E 84 defense of friends E 89 exoskeleton (turret) E 41 goggles of mind leeching E 45
capricious hookah E 33 deflection guardian E 89 exotic blood (acidic) E 95 golden glow E 101
carbonizer E 12 déjà vu E 89 exotic blood (exhilarating) E 95 graft (All Song implant) E 45
Carnwennan E 21 demoleculizer E 12 exotic blood (healing) E 95 graft (cypher pocket) E 45
cellular prod E 33 demon powder E 37 exotic blood (swiftness) E 95 graft (fast-twitch muscle) E 45
cellular sampler E 34 demonic rune blade E 22 exotic blood (tornadic) E 95 graft (gravitic assist) E 45

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
graft (light eating) E 45 inapposite harness C 159 memory eraser E 53 omni arm C 238
graft (skill specialization) E 45 infiltrator E 107 memory remover E 115 oracle E 119
graft (skill training) E 45 information lenses C 319 memory spike (focus) E 53 orb of far sight E 56
graft (slow-twitch muscle) E 46 insanitron lure E 107 memory spike (knowledge) E 54 orbital armor E 119
graft (synthesis gland) E 46 insanity cure E 107 memory switch C 322 orbital offense E 119
graft (tentacle) E 46 insect eruption E 108 mental bulwark E 115 overload E 119
gravity gun E 14 insight C 320 mental scrambler C 322 pain capacitor E 119
gravity maul C 242 instant projectile weapon E 108 metabolism bud C 210 pain inverter E 119
gravity tower E 101 instant shield (blinking) E 108 metallic form E 115 path E 119
gravity turret E 102 instant shield (endurance) E 108 metalodermis graft E 30 perfect papers E 120
green armor E 29 instant shield (improved) E 108 metamorphic cypher E 115 perfect tool E 120
grenade C 318 instant shield (mind) E 108 microdrone E 54 perfection E 120
grenade (adhering) E 102 instant shield (reflective) E 108 microwave gun E 15 permanent handle E 120
grenade (attracting) E 102 instant shield (traveling) E 109 Midas’s touch E 54 permanent pocket E 120
grenade (banishing) E 102 instant sword E 109 mighty E 115 perpetual motion engine C 159
grenade (black hole) E 102 instant vehicle E 109 mimic E 116 personal pocket dimension E 120
grenade (confounder) E 102 instant wall E 109 mind armor E 30 personal pocket dimension
grenade (creature) C 319 instant warrior E 109 mind armor (conscious) E 31 (confounding) E 120
grenade (daylight) E 102 instant weapon turret E 110 mind blade E 24 personal pocket dimension
grenade (disintegration) E 103 intellect booster C 320 mind blade (conscious) E 25 (extra foci) E 120
grenade (expanded radius) E 103 intellect cache E 50 mind blade (mind feeding) E 25 personal pocket dimension
grenade (expanded range) E 103 intellect limiter E 110 mind blade (psychic bane) E 26 (extra gate) E 120
grenade (forgetting) E 103 intelligence enhancement C 320 mind meld C 322 personal pocket dimension
grenade (gravity inversion) C 319 interface E 110 mind sled E 116 (from fiction) E 121
grenade (health) E 103 interface disc C 232 mind stabilizer C 323 personal pocket dimension
grenade (ice) E 103 interface gauntlets C 232 mind-control implant E 116 (imperator) E 121
grenade (petrification) E 103 invigorator E 110 mind-restricting wall C 323 personal pocket dimension
grenade (protein misfolding) E 104 iron punch E 110 mindcrusher E 26 (juvenile) E 121
grenade (recursion) C 319 iron skin E 111 mindjack E 116 personal pocket dimension
grenade (recursion collapsing) C 319 jack-o’-lantern E 51 mine (cypher) E 116 (pass) E 121
grenade (recursion shifting) E 104 jade dragon E 51 mine (damage) E 116 personal pocket dimension
grenade (restraining) E 104 judge E 111 mine (holding) E 116 (young) E 121
grenade (shock) E 104 juggernaut E 111 mineralize E 117 personal wardstone E 57
grenade (siphoning) E 104 Kavacha, armor of Karna E 30 minor network terminal C 232 phantasm E 121
grenade (stunning) E 104 kill proofer E 111 mirror of fading beauty E 54 phase adhesive E 122
grenade (telepathic bond) E 105 killer instinct E 111 mirror of mental swapping E 54 phase changer C 324
grip glove E 46 knot of Isis E 51 mirth E 117 phase wall C 324
guardian sphere (defensive) E 46 knowledge enhancement C 320 mist producer (fear) E 117 phasing wave E 122
guardian sphere (offensive) E 47 kusanagi E 24 mist producer (joy) E 117 pheromone banner C 210
guardian weapon E 24 learning torc E 51 mist producer (poison) E 117 pheromone spray E 122
gun armor E 29 lich eye E 52 mist producer (revulsion) E 117 phial of elflight E 57
gunbot (mark one) E 47 lich hand E 52 mist producer (suggestibility) E 117 phylactery E 57
gunbot (mark two) E 47 life sense E 112 Mjölnir, hammer of Thor E 26 picture of Dorian Gray E 57
gunbot (mark three) E 47 lifeleech touch E 112 monitor’s monocle C 187 planetovore skin C 233
Gungnir, spear of Odin E 24 lift C 321 monoblade C 323 plasma crossbow E 15
halo (mindjamming) E 105 liftlock E 112 monocle of doom E 54 plentiful wallet E 122
halo (mindreading) E 105 liftlock (detonating) E 112 monohorn C 323 plutonian iron knife E 26
halo (protective) E 105 liftlock (energized) E 112 Moriarty’s cane E 54 Pnakotic Manuscripts E 57
halo (targeting) E 105 liftlock (persisting) E 113 Moriarty’s pistol E 55 possession rod E 123
halo (telekinetic) E 105 lightning seed E 113 morphic adjustment (eyes) E 117 potion of invincibility E 58
halo (transposing) E 106 limb extension E 113 morphic adjustment power bracers E 58
halo (truth casting) E 106 liquid confidence E 113 (kangaroo) E 117 power glove E 27
halo (weapon) E 106 locater E 113 morphic adjustment (tentacle) E 118 power rod E 59
halo (winged) E 106 lock seal E 52 morphic integrator E 55 power source E 123
hammer of wishes E 47 luck maker E 113 mount E 118 prang suitcase E 59
hand of glory E 48 luck stone E 53 multiphasic module C 323 prion gun E 16
hand of immobility E 106 machine plasma gun E 14 multiplier E 118 prism of the eighth ray C 254
harm buffer E 106 magic wand E 19 multiplier (damage) E 118 prison E 123
hasten attacks E 106 magnetic master C 321 murderous strength E 118 probability alteration E 123
helm of Hades E 29 magnetic radical E 114 mutation mask E 55 probe bot E 59
Hlidskjalf, seat of Odin E 49 manipulation beam C 321 nanobot pill E 55 projectile buffer E 123
Holy Grail E 49 mapper C 321 naturalizer E 56 protection from law E 123
home beacon E 106 martial multiplier E 114 necroham radio E 56 protective film E 123
human helper E 49 martial presence E 114 Necronomicon C 254 protocol bot E 59
human suit E 50 marvelous powder of life C 254 Necronomicon (Latin edition) E 56 protohibitor E 16
ice form E 106 mask of dream E 53 negation rifle E 15 provoking E 123
illusory scene E 106 mask of happiness E 53 neuron buttress E 118 psychic circlet E 60
image duplicator E 107 mask of Oceanus C 187 neuron fort E 118 psychic entanglement E 124
image projector E 107 matter remapper E 114 neuron tower E 118 psychic explosion E 124
immobilizing grip E 107 matter transference ray C 321 nimble bloom E 118 psychic inverter E 60
impact cloak E 30 maze guide E 115 null field C 324 psychic skin E 60
impact cloak (reflective) E 30 meditation aid C 322 nullification ray C 324 psychic whip E 27
impact cloak (stealth) E 30 medusa rifle E 14 nutrition and hydration C 324 psychokinetic adversary E 124
inapposite case E 50 melt all C 322 omega point E 118 purifier E 124

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)
quantum spears E 124 rune weapon of blood C 187 spirit ward C 189 trickster’s charm E 71
quietude E 124 rune weapon of striking C 187 spiritslaying weapon C 189 uninterruptible power source C 331
radiation proofer E 124 sand of dreams E 63 spying grenade C 328 universal key E 142
radiation spike C 325 sapience inducer E 131 staff of Moses E 68 universal lock E 142
railgun E 16 scarab of shielding E 63 staff of Ra E 19 unrestrained movement E 142
rapport enabler E 124 scuttling scorpion (explosive) E 131 staff of spell mastery E 20 vacuum adaptation E 143
ray emitter C 325 scuttling scorpion (spying) E 131 stalking target E 136 vacuum protector E 143
ray emitter (command) C 325 scuttling scorpion standard of allied aid E 136 vanisher (daylong) E 143
ray emitter (disintegrator) E 125 (transponder) E 131 standard of allied defense E 136 vanisher C 331
ray emitter (fear) C 325 seal of Solomon E 63 standard of allied power E 136 veil of judgment E 71
ray emitter (friend slaying) C 325 searing summons E 132 standard of enemy affliction E 136 venom trooper
ray emitter (gravity multiplier) E 125 serpent pistol E 17 standard of enemy morale E 136 command helm C 211
ray emitter (gravity repulsion) E 125 seven demon bag E 63 starshine E 136 versatile E 143
ray emitter (kindling) E 125 shadow animator (armor) E 132 stasis keeper C 328 vibro saber E 28
ray emitter (mind disrupting) C 326 shadow animator (attack) E 132 stasis ring E 68 vigor transition E 143
ray emitter (reaping) E 125 shadow animator (reach) E 132 stillness E 137 violin of Erich Zann E 71
ray emitter (shrinking) E 126 shadow cape (terrifying) E 132 stim C 328 visual displacement device C 331
ray emitter (unstable flame) E 126 shadow cape (traveling) E 132 storm lure E 137 visualizer (psychometry) E 143
ray emitter (unstable ice) E 126 shadow cloak C 188 stormcaller E 137 visualizer (scanning) E 143
ray emitter (withering) E 126 shamshir twinblade C 188 Strange ammunition C 328 vocal translator C 331
reality-tearing knife E 27 shape of fire E 132 Strange apotheosis C 329 vorpal sword C 254
reanimator E 126 shape of gravity E 132 Strange harness E 68 vu, déjà E 90
recovery acceleration E 127 shape of ice E 133 Strange melee enhancer E 137 wand of binding E 20
recovery advantage E 127 shape of the storm E 133 Strange sword E 28 wand of blasting E 20
recursion anchor C 326 share pain E 133 Strangelance C 189 wand of delirium (madwand) E 20
recursion anomaly bell E 61 share sense E 133 strength boost C 329 wand of spider’s webbing E 21
recursion code C 326 sheltering recursion C 327 strength enhancer C 329 wand of vampire slaying E 21
recursion control (damaging) E 127 shield garment (athletic) E 133 stunning summons E 137 war walker E 71
recursion control (holding) E 127 shield garment (empathic) E 133 stunning whip E 137 ward tape E 72
recursion control (wayfaring) E 127 shrink ray E 64 stunt E 137 water adapter C 331
recursion lens E 127 Siege Perilous E 64 suggestion ray E 17 water form E 143
recursion pod C 211 skatert-samobranka E 64 summon ally E 138 water of Urd E 72
recursion projection E 127 skill bud C 211 supersonic E 138 water transformation E 144
red coat E 61 slammer E 133 surprise attack E 138 water wand E 73
redactor E 128 slave maker C 327 surveillance set C 329 weapon enhancer (disarming) E 144
reflex enhancer C 326 slayer E 134 survival carapace E 138 weapon enhancer (impairing) E 144
regenerative boost E 128 slaying (armor piercer) E 134 swift shift E 139 weapon enhancer
relieve affliction E 128 slaying (bleeding) E 134 swift step E 139 (limb breaking) E 144
remembering C 326 slaying (closing) E 134 Swordbreaker Zeal fragment E 69 weapon enhancer (returning) E 144
remote control E 128 slaying (critical strike) E 134 sympathetic imager E 139 weapon enhancer (slaying) E 145
remote viewer (space) E 128 slaying (disconcerting) E 134 talaria E 69 weapon enhancer (stunning) E 145
remote viewer (time) E 129 slaying (marking) E 134 task imitator E 139 weapon enhancer (terrifying) E 145
repeating module C 326 slaying (shadowclad) E 134 task valet E 140 weapon graft C 211
replication rifle E 17 sleep band E 65 tattoo graft E 69 weapon of splendor C 238
repulsive wave E 129 sleep inducer C 327 telekinetic bloom E 140 weaponizer E 145
requisition arch E 61 snapshot E 134 telepathic bond C 329 weaponnaut E 145
respiratory attack sniper module C 327 temporary shield C 329 weather oracle E 145
(brain eating) E 129 sonic harmonizer E 65 tendril graft C 211 weathermaker E 145
respiratory attack (fiery) E 129 sonic toolgrip E 65 terahertz cannon E 17 whorl of destiny E 73
respiratory attack (poisonous) E 129 soul sheath C 188 terahertz scanner E 70 wildwalker E 145
resurrector E 129 soul sipper E 135 Tesla goggles E 70 wildwhisperer E 146
retractable claws E 27 soul weapon C 188 time-slicing dagger E 28 wind aura E 146
retractable laser claws E 27 sound encrypter E 135 tissue regeneration C 330 windrider C 211
retractable venomous space suit E 65 torture spike E 140 windtamer E 146
head spikes E 28 spark damper E 65 tracker C 330 wings of the sun C 189
revealer E 130 spark investiture E 135 trans-mutation (armored) E 140 wings C 331
revealer (matter phasing) E 130 spark suppression E 135 trans-mutation (brawn) E 140 witch’s broom E 73
revealer (present through past) E 130 Spear of Longinus E 28 trans-mutation (climbing) E 140 wizard’s staff E 73
revealer (third eye) E 130 spectacles of slaying E 19 trans-mutation (death) E 141 world key C 159
rhetoric enabler E 130 speed boost C 327 trans-mutation (density) E 141 yasakani no magatama E 73
ring of dragon’s flight C 187 speedburst E 136 trans-mutation (flying) E 141 yobuko mask (dominating) E 74
ring of fall flourishing E 61 spellbook of the Amber Mage C 189 trans-mutation (swift) E 141 yobuko mask (intimidating) E 74
ring of Gyges E 61 spellbook of the dragon’s maw E 66 trans-mutation (thinking) E 141 yobuko mask (knowledge) E 74
ring of invisibility E 62 spellbook of Dreadimos trans-mutation (venomous) E 141 yobuko mask (observant) E 74
ring of magic breaking E 62 Felthane C 189 transfer affliction E 140 yobuko mask (protective) E 74
ring of Ruling E 62 spellbook of elemental transfer discs E 70 z-com E 18
ring of wishes E 62 summoning E 66 translation anchor E 70 zero gravity E 146
robodoc E 62 spellbook of glass E 66 translation remedy C 330 zero pistol E 18
robodoc (longevity) E 62 spellbook of ineffable evil translation staff E 70
rocket-propelled grenade E 17 (Zauber Maleficarum) E 66 transmutation dust E 141
rod of blasting E 19 spellbook of searing light E 67 transporter E 141
rubicon E 130 spellbook of Thoth E 67 transvolution C 330
rumor bringer E 131 spirit question E 136 trauma multiplier E 142
rune staff (Ashur) C 187 spirit revolver E 17 trick embedder C 330

Joshua McNatt (order #9512197)

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