Protecting Electricity Networks From Natural Hazards: Organization For Security and Co-Operation in Europe

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Protecting Electricity Networks

from Natural Hazards

Organization for Security and

Co-operation in Europe

The materials in this publication are for ease of reference only. The views, findings, interpretations and conclusi-
ons expressed herein are these of the authors and contributors and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies
of the OSCE and its participating States. The OSCE does not accept any liability for any damage or loss which may
arise out of the reliance on information contained in this publication.

© 2016 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE);

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Protecting Electricity Networks from Natural Hazards.

2016 © OSCE

Design & Layout: red hot 'n' cool

Cover photo: © Mohamed Kasim Naufal |
Language Editor: Kathryn Platzer

The project received financial support from the following participating States: Republic of Austria,
Federal Republic of Germany, Slovak Republic and United States of America.

Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic

and Environmental Activities
Wallnerstrasse 6
A.1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel: +43 1 514 360 E-Mail: [email protected]
Protecting Electricity Networks
from Natural Hazards

Organization for Security and

Co-operation in Europe

The Handbook on Protecting Electricity Networks from Natu- Special thanks go to all contributors to this publication:
ral Disasters is the result of a collaborative effort of the col-
Eric Andreini (RTE), Brigitte Baltasar (Willis Re), Terry Boston
leagues mentioned below from inside and outside the OSCE.
(GO15), Kanat Botbaev (Energy Charter Secretariat), Jed Co-
The production of this publication was conceived by the hen (Virginia Tech), Christine Eismann (Federal Office of Civil
Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental activi- Protection and Disaster Assistance), Torolf Hamm (Willis Re),
ties, supervised by Desiree Schweitzer, Deputy Co-ordinator/ Alexander Garcia-Aristizabal (AMRA), Matjaž Keršnik (Elec-
Head, Environmental Activities, OCEEA, and managed by tro Ljubljana), Martin König (Environment Energy Agency)* ,
Daniel Kroos Senior Programme Officer for Energy Security. Wolfgang Kröger (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zu-
Special thanks go to the OCEEA colleagues who supported rich), Marc Lehmann (Willis Re), Iryna De Meyer (Energy
the project in its different phases: Cyril Leroy in its inception, Charter Secretariat), Hubert Lemmens (GO15), Klaus Moe-
Snezhana Shtonova and Petronela Durekova of the OCEEA in ltner (Virginia Tech), Milka Mumovic (Energy Community
the production phase. Secretariat), Johannes Reichl (Energy Institute at the Johannes
Kepler University), Giovanni Sansavini (Swiss Federal Institute
The production of this publication was managed by the Office
of Technology Zurich), Michael Schmidthaler (Energy Insti-
of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental
tute at the Johannes Kepler University), Alain Steven (GO15),
activities (OCEEA), under the direction of Desiree Schweitzer,
Lubomir Tomik (CESys), Christopher Zobel (Virginia Tech),
Deputy Co-ordinator/ Head, Environmental Activities, with
Friedemann Wenzel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology).
responsibility for energy security and Daniel Kroos- the cur-
rent- and Cyril Leroy -the former- Senior Programme Officer
for Energy Security, as Project Managers. Special thanks go to
the OCEEA colleagues who supported the project in its differ-
ent phases: Snezhana Shtonova and Petronela Durekova.

The OCEEA is deeply grateful to Nadejda Komendantova,

Senior Research Scholar at the ETH Zurich and coordinator of
Governance in Transition Theme at International Institute for
Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), lead consultant and editor
of the Handbook for her commitment and substantive contri- * Martin König passed away shortly after authoring his contribution. He was a leading
expert in climate change adaptation research and a valued colleague with a distinguished
butions, bringing this publication to fruition. publication record on disaster risk reduction.

Table of contents

Acknowledgements 2
Foreword 5
Executive summary: From science to policy 7
Chapter 1: Principles of disaster risk reduction 11
1.1. Key elements of risk assessment of electric power networks 11
1.2. Multi-risk assessment in critical infrastructure:
the case of electricity transmission networks 25
1.3. Multi-hazard perspectives for power network resilience 29
1.4. Electricity supply security, service valuation,
and public perception of energy infrastructure 34
1.5. Transition to a renewables-based power system:
why public participation has an important role to play in power grid planning 43
1.6. Safety culture in high risk industry and main principles 48
1.7. Electricity grid resilience under climate change 51

Chapter 2: Case studies 59

2.1. Case studies of three blackouts: 2003 in Italy and
Switzerland as well as in Sweden and Denmark, and of 2006 in Germany 59
2.2. Slovenia: Icing in 2014 63
2.3. Southeastern Europe: Floods in 2014 66
2.4. France: Storms in1999. 69
2.5. China: Earthquake of 2008 71

Chapter 3: Good practices from private and

public sector stakeholders 77
3.1. National Civil Protection 77
3.2. GO15 81
3.3. Insurance industry 85
3.4. Energy security: International organizations 92

Figures 98
Authors and organisations 100


I am pleased to present the Handbook on Protecting Elec-

tricity Networks from Natural Hazards. The Handbook of-
fers a comprehensive view of concepts and tools in risk miti-
gation and risk management, as well as a number of local and
regional case studies. It aims to support participating States
in protecting critical electrical energy infrastructure from
natural hazards through increased threat resilience.

Energy security provides the backbone of industrialized soci-

eties and economies. Without uninterrupted power supplies,
modern economies could not function. As regional econo-
mies grow increasingly interconnected, they also become
increasingly vulnerable to regional and supra-regional black-
outs. The consequences to the economy and the environ- Halil Yurdakul Ygitguden, Co-ordinator of OSCE
ment can be severe. Blackouts lasting several days can lead Economic and Environmental Activities
to the breakdown of communication, transport, and district
heating systems. They can threaten water supplies and sani-
tary systems. They can bring trade and production processes key stakeholders from the public and private sector and aca-
to a halt and oblige hospitals to work using emergency power demia, followed by the preparation of this Handbook on Pro-
supplies. In short, power blackouts can threaten the stability tecting Electricity Networks from Natural Hazards, which is
of entire regions. Recent data suggest that climate change largely based on the recommendations of the workshop.
leads to an increased number of extreme weather events,
The purpose of this Handbook is to raise awareness and build
thus increasing the likelihood of severe impacts on electric-
capacity among key stakeholders, namely, transmission opera-
ity infrastructure that lead to blackouts.
tors, relevant ministries, national regulators, NGOs, and the
The protection of electricity networks from natural disasters private sector, to exchange best practices and knowledge on
is a highly relevant issue for the Organization for Security effective risk mitigation and management strategies before
and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) whose 57 participat- and after national and regional electricity networks are affect-
ing States and 11 Partners for Co-operation include some ed by natural disasters. The Handbook provides a unique view
of the largest producers and consumers of energy as well as on the subject by including contributions from all key stake-
many strategic transit countries. In December 2013 OSCE holders mentioned above. Mitigating and managing risks of
participating States adopted a Ministerial Council Decision blackouts in electricity transmission grids remains a complex
on Protecting Energy Networks from Natural and Man- challenge to all key stakeholders. Effective cooperation among
Made Disasters [MC.DEC/6/13]. Under this they commit- OSCE participating States can be a powerful tool that helps us
ted to cooperation and improved consideration of all neces- to make critical energy infrastructure more resilient to natural
sary measures to increase the protection of energy networks hazards.
from natural and man-made disasters. In the decision, the
Office of the Coordinator of Economic and Environmental
Yours truly,
Activities (OCEEA) was tasked to facilitate the exchange of
good practices, technological innovations, and information
sharing on how to effectively prepare for threats to energy
networks from natural disasters, with sole emphasis on elec-
tricity networks.

In implementing MC.DEC/6/13 the OCEEA in 2014 or- Halil Yurdakul Yiğitgüden

ganized an Expert Workshop on Sharing Best Practices to Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and
Protect Electricity Networks from Natural Disasters with Environmental Activities

Executive summary:
From science to policy

Security of energy supply requires sufficient electricity to be mission grids is a challenging task because of the complexity
generated to cover energy demand and its reliable transmis- of electricity transmission system and the number of com-
sion of electrical power from generation to consumption ponents involved, such as generators, transformers, and
centers. Electricity transmission infrastructure is vital for high- and low-voltage transmission and distribution lines.
functioning of modern economies and is, thus, regarded as All these components are interdependent and include a large
a “critical” infrastructure. As industry, communication sys- number of elements, such as interconnectors, edges, and
tems, transportation, and several other sectors depend on nodes. Each element can become vulnerable to existing and
the secure and reliable supply of electricity, failures in elec- newly emerging risks such as natural hazards, terrorist and
tricity delivery can result in significant economic costs and cyber-attacks, or human failures. Electricity transmission
the collapse of modern economic and social life. To protect grids can also incur multiple or multi-risks, including their
electricity transmission and distribution grids from multiple conjoint and cascading effects, or systemic risks. Natural
risks, the functionality, continuity, and integrity of electric- hazards like earthquakes, storms, floods, and heatwaves, are
ity transmission networks must be ensured; this includes as- among the major causes of electricity blackouts. These can
sessment, mitigation, and effective management of blackout damage or destroy electricity transmission infrastructure or
risks. Creating a resilient electricity transmission system will reduce its transmission capacities. Hydro-meteorological
reduce the likelihood of damage to critical infrastructure, disasters or extreme weather conditions, such as storms and
limit negative effects on national and regional economies, floods, are the most frequent events. According to the avail-
and shorten time needed to recover supply. able scientific evidence, climate change impacts will be more
frequent and intense in the near to medium term.
Today, the task of protecting electricity transmission systems
has become a greater challenge than ever before: during the The OSCE is the world’s largest regional security organiza-
last decade the number of blackouts has grown steadily, as tion and, among other activities, focuses on critical energy
have their respective impacts, affecting an increasingly large infrastructure, including electricity transmission, which is
number of people in developing, transition, and developed an emerging and important security-related topic. In 2013
countries. The number of major blackout events – classified the OSCE Ministerial Council in Kiev adopted a decision on
as disasters when 1000 people or more people are affected “Protecting Energy Networks from Natural and Man-made
for at least 1000 hours or 1 million people are affected for at Disasters” (MC.DEC/6/13). In line with this decision, the Of-
least one hour – has increased. These major blackouts have fice of the Co-ordinator of Economic and Environmental Ac-
also grown in terms of their intensity and impact, both inside tivities (OCEEA) of the OSCE prepared this Handbook on
and outside the area of the Organization for Security and Co- the Protection of Electricity Networks from Natural Hazards,
operation in Europe (OSCE). 1 based on an expert workshop on the same topic held in Vi-
Mitigating and managing blackout risks in electricity trans- enna, Austria, on 2 July 2014. The objective of the workshop,
“Protection of Electricity Networks from Natural Hazards”
1 For instance, a major blackout in the USA and Canada took place on 9 November 1965, and of the present handbook was to contribute to enhanc-
affecting 30 million people. Subsequent blackouts in Thailand on 18 March 1978 and in
Brazil on 11 March 1999 affected 40 million people and a record number of 97 million
ing the capacities of OSCE participating States to fulfill their
people, respectively. The largest number of major blackouts have occurred post-2001. commitments with regard to MC.DEC/6/13 by raising aware-
On 2 January 2001, 230 million people were affected in India. In the same year, 55 million
people were affected by a major blackout in the USA and Canada. In 2001, 55 million ness of, and facilitating dialogue and knowledge sharing on,
people were affected in Italy and Switzerland. In 2005 a major blackout hit Java, Indonesia,
the protection of electricity networks from natural disasters.
affecting 100 million people. Five major blackouts occurred during the last six years: in
2009 in Brazil and Paraguay affecting 87 million people, in 2012 in India affecting 620 The expert workshop brought together government officials
million, in 2014 in Bangladesh affecting 150 million, in 2015 in Pakistan affecting 140
million, and in 2016 in Sri Lanka affecting 21 million people. from participating States as well as representatives of inter-

national organizations and institutions, specialized agencies, The novelty of this handbook lies in the selection of contri-
the energy industry (including transmission system opera- butions it contains, which allow the reader to gain a holistic
tors), and academia. The scope of the workshop was limited view of efforts to protect electricity transmission networks
to protection of electricity networks from natural disasters: across the entire disaster risk reduction cycle. It also brings
geophysical (earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides); hydrologi- together the views and perspectives of stakeholders from
cal (floods, landslides, avalanches); meteorological (storms); different sectors, such as transmission systems operators,
and climatological (extreme temperatures, droughts). The insurance companies, national civil protection authorities,
workshop provided insights into good practices and brought non-governmental organizations, international and multi-
together knowledge and experience from different countries lateral organizations, and academia. The handbook does not
and stakeholders across the entire process of protecting elec- aim to be a “step-by-step” manual. Its main goal is to collate
tricity networks from natural disasters. These included risk information on a variety of practices available to stakehold-
assessment (to identify threats, assess vulnerabilities, identify ers from different sectors to facilitate the exchange of infor-
and quantify potential losses); risk preparedness, prevention, mation and to provide a “snapshot” of the existing heteroge-
and mitigation (including technical and physical protection neity of voices, experiences, and practices.
measures and planning, as well as organizational measures,
capacity building, early warning, and internal controls); risk The handbook has been designed as a guide for practition-
management (disaster management); reconditioning (back- ers such as representatives of public and private stakeholders
up supply and provisional repair); and risk recovery (recon- and also academia and civil society, to enable them to benefit
struction, financing, repairing, and restoring). from the wide range of contributions presented in this hand-
book. It will serve as a reference for government policymak-
This handbook integrates recommendations developed dur- ers, state authorities, and regulators in charge of protecting
ing the Vienna workshop, such as the need for intensified energy networks, as well as public and private owners and
cooperation among different groups of stakeholders, en- operators of electricity networks. The handbook encourages
hancement of risk awareness, and the stronger involvement infrastructure owners and operators, emergency responders,
of civil society. In particular, the workshop developed the regulators, government stakeholders, and industry groups
recommendation to pursue a comprehensive approach to the to work together more closely to improve the resilience of
protection of electricity transmission networks. This entails critical electricity transmission infrastructure. With this
cooperation among all key stakeholders: national govern- in mind, the handbook shares advice and existing practices
ments, regional and non-governmental organizations, the available to different stakeholders to continuously improve
business community, academia, development agencies, and the resilience of electricity transmission infrastructure to
financial institutions. natural hazards.

Chapter 1
Principles of disaster risk reduction

This chapter deals with key concepts of risk assessment, mit-

igation, and management of natural hazards affecting elec-
1.1. Key elements of
tricity transmission networks. The chapter aims to provide risk assessment of
a holistic and multi-risk view on the issue of protection of electric power networks
electricity transmission networks. It therefore not only in-
cludes natural hazards but also discusses other relevant haz-
Wolfgang Kröger and Giovanni Sansavini
ards and the systemic risks connected with different types
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH),
of technologies of electricity generation. The chapter also
Zurich, Switzerland
discusses the relevance of human failures in a multi-risk per-
spective and the overall resilience of electricity transmission
The highly meshed European transmission system is grouped
systems. Covering the entire disaster risk reduction cycle,
into five synchronous areas and managed by a network of
it addresses the topic of risk governance and human fac-
41 transmission system operators (TSOs) from 34 countries
tors affecting the implementation of risk management and
across Europe (Figure 1).
mitigation measures. Risk governance also includes public
and social acceptance of deployment of additional electricity
Current major energy political and organizational changes,
transmission grids and should incorporate key concepts of
namely, the targeted increase in the share of renewable en-
an effective corporate safety culture.
ergy resources (RES) and the European unbundled Interna-
tional Energy Market, are posing the following challenges
Contributions to this chapter comprise an overview of key
to transmission systems: (a) the integration of intermittent
elements of risk assessment by ETH Zurich, Switzerland,
asynchronous energy sources, which are usually abundant
and key elements of multi-risk assessment by AMRA, Ita-
in scarcely populated areas and often available during low
ly. The chapter also includes a multi-hazard perspective of
demand periods (e.g., night hours) thus requiring both mas-
electricity transmission network resilience by the Karlsruhe
sive power transfers over long distances and peak smoothing
Institute of Technology, Germany, and Virginia Tech, USA.
strategies; (b) close-to-real-time monitoring is commonly
Contributions on risk governance then follow, including: so-
performed via unprotected communication channels and
cioeconomic impacts of blackouts by the Johannes Kepler
safety checking which entails ubiquitous use of commercial
University, Austria and Virginia Tech, USA; participatory
IT hardware and software; (c) short-term trading entails both
governance to enhance electricity transmission systems re-
SCADA data and cross-border power exchange.
silience by Germanwatch, Germany; and safety culture by
CESys, Slovakia. The chapter ends with a contribution by the
The synchronous European transmission system is managed
Environment Agency of Austria on the vulnerability of elec-
according to the instructions in the UCTE (now ENTSO-E)
tricity transmission system to climate impacts.
Operational Handbook (OH); this is a comprehensive collec-
tion of operational principles, technical standards, and rec-
ommendations for TSOs in continental Europe which aim to
support safe operations of the interconnected, synchronous
grid and to ensure interoperability among all TSOs, with
each partner being responsible for its own network. In par-
ticular, TSOs are not allowed to interfere with market forces
unless system safety is at stake.

Key figures (2012):
• 5 synchronous areas
• Network of 41 TSOs from
34 countries
ENTSO-E members • Serving 534 million citizens
Non ENTSO-E members – 3’300 TWh consumption,
13% cross-border
• 305’000 km of
transmission lines

Main goals:
• Security of supply,
reliable operation
• Efficient and
competitive market
• Optimal management and
sound technical evolution
of the system

Figure 1.
The synchronous European
Transmission System.
Source: ENTSO-E Memo 2012

Power system reliability as a concretization of the concept of modating the change of flows caused by the single failure;
“safety” is defined as the ability to: a cascade of trippings or the loss of a significant amount of
consumption should be avoided. N – 1 security should be
–– Ensure normal system operation; monitored at all times by the TSOs for their own systems and
–– Limit the number of incidents and avoid major incidents; some defined parts of adjacent systems. After a contingency,
–– Limit the consequences of major incidents whenever each TSO is supposed to return to N – 1 compliant condi-
they occur. tions as soon as possible.
There are three types of contingency: “normal,” comprising
To guarantee system reliability, protection must be provided the loss of a single element such as a line; “exceptional,” com-
against three main phenomena: a) cascade tripping; b) vol- prising elements such as two lines at the same tower over
tage collapse or frequency collapse; c) loss of synchronism. a long distance; and “out-of-range,” comprising losses of a
very small likelihood. Lists of contingencies are developed by
To ensure “security” against sudden disturbances in opera- TSOs and need to be taken into account for N – 1 security
tional planning and real-time operations, the N – 1 principle calculations. Thus, N – 1 can be ranked as a best-practice
is of major importance in preventing unplanned events that deterministic criterion complemented by a probabilistic ap-
produce abnormal system conditions. Such “disturbances” proach to exclude contingencies from ex ante simulations
may follow an unexpected failure or outage of a system com- (see Figure 2 for summary).
ponent or may also include multiple components, related by
situations, leading to simultaneous component outages, all The assessment of power system security can be broadly di-
defined as “contingency.” According to the N – 1 principle, vided into static and dynamic security. Static security assess-
elements in operation after the failure of a single element ment is performed through the N -1 principle and includes:
of the interconnected network must be capable of accom- i) computation of the available transfer capability of trans-

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

One goal 2 — "Best efforts" to set-up remedial actions, that

"No cascading with impact outside my border" is not always possible or sufficiently efficient
by one single TSO to cover exceptional
Two obligations contingencies
1 — Obligation for each TSO to monitor the 3 — Be aware of impacts of domestic operational
consequences of the events defined in its decisions (switching, redispatching, outage
contingency list (= normal + exceptional planning, capacity assessment) on neighboring
contingencies) and warns its neighbours when systems
its own system is at risk at any operational
planning stage and in real time Risk assessment: a concern
2 — Mandatory coordination by bi-multilateral, Each TSO is only responsible for the operation
even regional actions to better assess the of its own network. But it is required to inform
consequences of any domestic TSO's decision relevant neighbors in case it assumes some risks
to come from outside or to come from inside to be
Three behaviours propagated abroad.
1 — "Be aware of the risks", even if not sufficiently
covered by remedial action due to too high Inter-TSO coordination
costs (potential emergency situations) Bilateral, multi-lateral or regional coordination is
requested to assess risks, to ensure efficiency of
operational decisions and remedial actions.

Figure 2. Summary of the N – 1 principle according to ENTSO-E Operational Handbook

Source: ENTSO-E Operational Handbook

mission links and identification of network congestion bot- risk is a property of the system being analyzed and that it
tlenecks for pre-contingency states; and ii) the evaluation of comprises the probability of whether or not undesired events
bus voltages and line power flow limits for post-contingency will occur and an indication of how severe their consequenc-
states. The main concern of static security assessment is cas- es will be. A more recent interpretation claims that there are
cade tripping. no inherent probabilities describing the system, and whether
events occur or not and how severe their consequences might
Static security assessment assumes that every transition be is uncertain, being dependent on the state of knowledge
from the pre- to post-contingency state takes place without (Hokstad 2012).
any instability phenomena arising. Dynamic security assess-
ment evaluates the stability and quality of the transition from Regarding the operation of a power system, we accept the
the pre- to post-contingency state. Its main concern is volt- definition of a risk assessed by the product “Event probability
age collapse, frequency collapse, and loss of synchronism. x Expected loss.” The loss might be defined either by a finan-
The main components of the dynamic security assessment cial loss or, more commonly for a power system, in terms of
are described in CIGRE Report No. 325. a potential power cut or energy loss. The following formula
Security management has recently been challenged by i) the quantified the risk Ri associated to the event i:
increase in the share of renewable energy resources; ii) the un-
bundled International Energy Market; and iii) the increased Ri =Pi * Si where Si = Gi * Di
participation of an active demand side. Indeed, the interplay
among these elements changes the system operating condi- Where Pi is the likelihood of the event i for a given unit of
tions by affecting the generation output and the demand in- time (namely, an hour), Si is the associated severity, expressed
put, and this forces the system operator to continuously moni- in terms of non-feeded energy (the severity is the multiplica-
tor and steer the system state within safety bounds. tion of the gravity Gi and the restitution time Di ).

As the above definition of the risk is based on the non-feeded

1. Scope, goals and measures of
energy, it is also possible to estimate the cost Ci of this risk:
risk analysis; illustration of results;
contrasting terms Ci = Ri * €

There is no commonly agreed definition of risk. To express The results of a risk analysis can be illustrated in a risk reg-
risk in risk analysis there is the traditional interpretation that ister, that is, a table with undesired events in separate rows

Zone 1
Zone of out-of-norm events
Expected loss : Zone 2
€, MW, MWh Unacceptable CONSEQUENCES zone
(e.g. cascading effects on neighbouring countries)

Zone 3
Unacceptable RISKS zone (e.g. domestic propagation)
Isorisk curve
(corresponding to the maximum accepted risk)

Zone 4
Acceptable risks zone

EHV busbar / N-2 outage Auto-transformer Line Generation set
outage outage outage
Low probability
Dimensioning events
Non-dimensioning events (outage of a nuclear site or of a 400kV substation)

Figure 3. UCTE (now ENTSO-E)1 iso-risk curve.

Source: ENTSO-E Operational Handbook

and typical column headings such as i) hazard/threat con- amount desired. Thus, electric power system reliability can
tingency; ii) possible corresponding event, disturbance; iii) be addressed by considering the ability
probability of the event occurring; and iv) associated conse-
quences. The results might also be mapped in a risk matrix –– to supply the aggregate electrical demand and energy
with probabilities and severity of undesired events as axes requirements of the customers at all times, taking into
and colored acceptability regimes. The so-called Frequency- account scheduled and reasonably expected unscheduled
Consequence diagram is one of the most meaningful ways to outages of system elements (“adequacy”)
express the results of risk analysis and allows for risk levels –– to withstand sudden disturbances such as electric short
that should be respected for all kinds of events and reference circuits or unanticipated loss of system elements (“secu-
values as shown in Figure 3, formed by and taken from ENT- rity”)
SO-E Operational Handbook.
While the term risk is used primarily to express uncertainty
The risk assessment of power transmission systems is usually regarding adverse events, the concept of vulnerability (Hok-
performed after the system design and planning phase. As stad 2012) is more directly related to the characteristics of
an example, although the N - 1 principle is limited to opera- a system. The focus in a vulnerability analysis thus moves
tions, it should already be enforced in the system planning away from the possibility that adverse events occur to system
process of electric power grids, with the risk related to a spe- properties determining how easy it is to eliminate major sys-
cific contingency having been included as a constraint at the tem functions. For example, a vulnerability analysis of power
optimization phase. supply aims to examine how the system is able to withstand
adverse events and threats, such as line breaks, sabotage,
Reliability is measured in terms of the probability that a sys- and aging. Often, a vulnerability analysis extends the regular
tem or a component is able to perform its required function system limits, that is, it focuses not only on the number of
at a given point of time, or over a given period of time, for a affected end users, but also on the impacts, such as who is
given set of conditions. With respect to the electric power affected (e.g., a hospital or a key company in the region), and
system, reliability describes the degree of performance of the measures implemented to mitigate the consequences (e.g.,
elements of the system that results in electricity being de- mobile gasworks).
livered to customers within accepted standards and in the
The concept of resilience has been developed and explored
1 Disclaimer: “This document and other chapters of the UCTE Operation Handbook as well
in various fields; there is no common accepted definition as
as excerpts from it may not be published, redistributed or modified in any technical means
or used for any other purpose outside of UCTE without written permission in advance.” yet. In general, resilience is the ability of a system to react
Copyright issues must therefore be discussed with ENTSO-E
publications/system-operations-reports/operation-handbook/Pages/default.aspx and recover from unanticipated disturbances and events. To

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

adapt (learn) transform Four essential patterns,

(4) adaptive behavior (1) absorbing a shock

without collapsing,
(1) ribust behavior (2) recovering from
System Performance MOP x

a shock,
(2) “ductile” behavior (3) adapting through
self-organization and
learning, and
threshold xa (4) eventually
transforming into a
different system by
altering structures,
ts tr (3) “collapsing” behavior functions and
feedback loops.
absorb recover

Time t

Figure 4. The essential patterns of resilient response behaviors

Source: Heinimann, 2014

elaborate, resilience is the ability of a system or a “system-of- iors, that is, with the potential for nonlinearities, dynamics,
systems” to resist/absorb the adverse effects of a disruptive cascades, collapses, feedback loops, with weak dependence
force and the speed at which it is able to return to an ap- on other CIs besides ICT, in particular, for black starts.
propriate functionality; the essential patterns are shown in
Figure 4. As a hallmark of their inherent complexity, power grids have
witnessed several blackout events in the last decade, as re-
Depending on the extent of the capability of the electric power ported in Table 2. In particular, Figure 5 details the complexi-
system to adapt, self-organize, and recover, system perfor- ties associated with the system split that occurred in the syn-
mance could either collapse to zero level or, on the other hand, chronous European transmission system in 2006.
recover and achieve even higher levels than before the shock.

3. Conceptual and analytical frameworks

The assessment of resilience in electric power grids helps
identify best strategies to restore system operations and and phases of RA
minimize performance losses. It also allows a quantification A conceptual framework for risk/vulnerability analysis of
of the trade-offs between investing in system robustness or CI was proposed, for example, in Kröger and Zio (2011) to
investing in system recovery. Indeed, a system which fails bring all system aspects and attributes together and to take
gracefully and does not experience large performance devia- advantage of the diverse capabilities of the available model
tion but cannot achieve the target performance for extended and simulation approaches. Vulnerability analysis addresses
time may not be more convenient or viable than a system several system issues: the end states of interest for the given
that fails abruptly but is capable of promptly recovering its systems; the boundary definition; the threats and hazards of
target performance value. relevance and the susceptibility of the system; the resulting
cascades; system interdependencies and their impact; the
uncertainties involved; the obvious and non-obvious (“hid-
2. Characteristics of electricity networks,
den”) vulnerabilities to be reduced and managed.
learning from past events
Electric power transmission systems are large-scale, multi- The conceptual framework for vulnerability analysis follows
component, wide-area, spatially distributed, interconnected a stepwise, problem-driven approach tailored to the needs
networks with numerous interdependencies, that are open of the analysis, and distinguishes five steps, several decision
to direct impacts (local or spatial). Some impacts are attrib- points, and feed-back loops (Figure 6).
utable to the usage of the system by market players. Those
networks are highly integrated systems with complex behav-

Table 1. Major recent blackouts

Blackout Loss [GW] Duration [h] Nos. affected Main causes

14 Aug 03 Great Lakes, ~ 60 ~ 16 50 m Inadequate right-of-way maintenance, EMS fail-

NYC ure, poor coordination among neighboring TSOs
23 Sep 03 Denmark/ 6.4 ~7 4.2 m Two independent component failures (not
Sweden covered by N-1 rule)
28 Sep 03 Italy ~ 30 up to 18 56 m High load flow CH-I, line flashovers, poor
coordination among neighboring TSOs
12 Jul 04 Athens ~9 ~3 5m Voltage collapse
25 May 05 Moscow 2.5 ~4 4m Transformer fire, high demand leading to
overload conditions
22 Jun 05 Switzerland 0.2 ~3 200,000 Non-fulfilment of the N-1 rule, wrong
(railway ­supply) passengers documentation of line protection settings,
inadequate alarm processing
14 Aug 06 Tokyo ? ~5 0.8 m Damage to a main line due to construction work
4 Nov 06 Western ­Europe ~ 14 ~2 15 m High load flow D-NL-maintenance, violation of
(planned line ­households the N-1 rule, poor inter-TSO coordination
cut off )
10 Nov 09 Brazil, ­Paraguay ~14 ~4 60 m Short circuit on key power line due to bad
weather. Itaipu hydro (18 GW) shut down
11 Mar 11 Northern 21 days 40 m Grid destruction by earthquake & tsunami/
­Honshu, Japan supply gap/rolling blackouts
22 De 13 USA/CND 22 few hours to 1m Massive damage to electric power transmission
blackout 7 days and trees due to freezing rain and snow from ice
31 Mar 15 Turkey 33 8 76 m Combination of hydro production oversupply,
reduced thermal generation and maintenance on
east-west transmission lines

The first step, the preparatory phase (step 1) integrates the steer to, the in-depth analysis which may turn out to be nec-
task framing and definitions into the process of familiariza- essary and leads off with development of adequate system
tion with the system. It is also important here to decide on understanding; we assume that information provided from
the spectrum of hazards and threats to be included into the system owners/operators allows for general understanding
analysis. Furthermore, it is necessary to deeply understand of main functionalities, states of relevance, interfaces, and in-
failure models and effects on each of the components. For terdependencies. In this phase, the main emphasis is placed
a more effective screening of the system vulnerability, some on experts’ opinions, brainstorming, etc., rather than on ap-
reasonable simplifications should be made that need to be plication of detailed models. If the results and insights gained
revisited at a later phase of the assessment. Furthermore, the by screening analysis are not satisfying (not “clear-cut”) and
knowledge base should be checked with respect to the avail- major hidden vulnerabilities are still feared, a more sophisti-
ability of methods suitable for the defined tasks. cated in-depth analysis (step 3) has to be launched.

The purpose and goals of the analysis affect the degree of de- To achieve a higher degree of accuracy in the vulnerability
tail, for example, the assessment of interdependencies and evaluation, system understanding has to be further devel-
cascading failures or the width of system boundaries. It is oped on the basis of additional information about the system
assumed that the vulnerability analysis should evolve in two and its operating environment. Special attention should be
steps where appropriate. A screening-type of analysis (step placed on interdependencies within or among systems. The
2) could be efficient and sufficient to identify eye-catching, reassessment of simplifications made earlier may call for more
obvious weak points (e.g., awkward topology, spatial prox- sophisticated methods of analysis and also for integrating a
imity of interconnected systems or bottlenecks) and further comprehensive spectrum of different phenomena. While full
actions should focus on eliminating or reducing them. The validation and verification of models and methods, and of
screening analysis could also prepare the ground for, and give results, seems infeasible, benchmarking against other similar

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction


TSOs not aware of High wind infeed in 51.4

different protection northen Germany,
settings on the two high load flow to the
sides of the line Netherlands.
Rescheduled line outage, neighbouring TSOs not 50.6
informed, congestion forecast not updated. 50.4

f [Hz]
Conneford-Diele lines switch off 50.0
Sequence of events

No N-1 security; no load flow

calculation by TSO
TSO couples busbars in 48.8
Landesbergen, unexpected
increase of the load flow 04.11.2006 04.11.2006 04.11.2006 04.11.2006 04.11.2006 04.11.2006 04.11.2006
22:00:00 22:10:00 22:20:00 22:30:00 22:40:00 22:50:00 23:00:00

Tripping of Landesbergen- frequency Bassecourt   frequency Ag. Stefanos   frequency Ternitz

Wehrendorf line

Wide Area Monitoring System (WAMS) frequency

Cascading line tripping leads to measurements, synchronized by GPS, prior to the
3 separated areas
disturbance and up to the resynchronisation

Figure 5. The system split that occurred in the Western European transmission system in 2006
Source: Final Report – System Disturbance on 4 November 2006, UCTE

analyses, plausibility checks, and checks against experienced or brainstorming aim to use data collected by interviewing
events, if available, may help to support the credibility of the experts and/or analyze past events to acquire information
vulnerability assessment and build confidence in the decision and improve the understanding of system vulnerability and
making that follows. System improvements (step 5) may be risk. This knowledge-based approach is straightforward and
proposed to further reduce and better manage vulnerabilities easy to understand. It is capable of providing a qualitative
by all means of provisions. assessment of the severity of system abnormal states and can
be considered as an efficient screening method. However, it
is a purely data-driven, knowledge-based approach, meaning
4. Overview of methods and approaches;
that the accuracy of results depends on the quality and the
associated data needs and computational interpretation of the information collected.
Data needs: statistical information on past events (e.g., trig-
Applied modeling approaches have different viewpoints (e.g.,
gering causes, chain of events leading to major losses, re-
functional or structural, different levels of abstraction, differ-
sponse of protection devices, impact on supply, duration of
ent focus, objectives and metrics, different degrees of matu-
disruptions, etc.) can be accumulated from the reports com-
rity) and are based on different levels of available information
piled by the TSOs involved and national energy authorities.
and knowledge. It is commonly agreed that a universal, all-
encompassing approach or model accounting for all issues
II. Modeling and simulation
does not exist. Three main methods can be distinguished,
Advanced modeling approaches are available, have been ap-
that is, knowledge-based investigations, model-based ap-
plied, and are widely accepted, for example, Input-output In-
proaches, and best practices.
operability Modeling (IIM), Complex Network (CN) Theory,
Agent-based Modeling (ABM), and others (see also, Kröger
I. Knowledge-based investigations
and Zio 2011).
These use statistical data, including information on blackouts
and underlying patterns (see also Table 3.1) to make high-
level aggregate inferences regarding future system behavior. The IIM approach captures dependencies among infrastruc-
Their applicability to specific power grids is limited due to ture systems via mathematical models. It assumes that each
the generalized results they obtain. Empirical investigations system can be modeled as an atomic entity whose level of

Stakeholders Decision on „Problem Scientific
improvements owner“ Community

1st Step: Preparatory phase

1.1 Task framing and definitions

•! goals, objectives and terms
•! hazards threats, failure modes, system boundaries, etc.
1.2 Provision of key information
•! layout, (inter)dependencies, safety/security criteria, operational
procedures, organizational factors, etc.
•! data (performance, experienced failures/events, etc.)
1.3 Permissible simplifications (decoupling, reductions, focal parts)
1.4 Knowledge base (available methods, richness of experience, etc.)

2nd Step: Screening Analysis

2.1 Development of adequate system understanding

(functioning, dependencies, interconnectedness, etc.)
2.2 Evaluation of historical data, empirical investigations
2.3 Identification of obvious vulnerabilities
•! bottlenecks, deficits in design, operation, maintenance,
emergency procedures, etc.
•! crucial contextual factors (stress level, lack of awareness, etc.)
2.4 Structural analysis (awkward topology, etc.)

Indication assessment

"not clear-cut"

3 Step: Detailed Analysis


3.1 Development of detailed understanding of interconnected systems

3.2 Re-assessment of permissible simplifications (see 1.3)
3.3 Provision and application of detailed modeling and simulation
techniques, coping with (inter-)dependencies, etc.
3.4 Scrutinizing of results and accounting for uncertainties
•! benchmarking, plausibility and experience check, “zooming into”
results of simulation, etc.
4th Step: •! addressing types and causes of uncertainties
of knowledge "not credible"
Results assessment
research and "credible"
5 Step: Identification of potential improvements

aiming to reduce and better manage vulnerability

Figure 6. Conceptual framework for the risk/vulnerability analysis of interconnected infrastructures

(flow chart-type of illustration; double arrows represent two-way interactions)
Source: Kröger and Zio 2011

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

operability depends on other systems and that propagation These approaches are usually combined into hybrid mod-
between them can be described mathematically based on els in order to synergistically profit from their strengths, for
the basic Leontief high order mathematical model. The IIM example, power flow models are integrated into ABM. As
approach is capable of analyzing cascading effects into in- combined approaches are under development and subject to
terdependent economic industries (e.g., societal impacts of research advancements, they are not yet established as best
blackouts; Haimes et al. 2005). practices.

Fundamental elements of the CN theory approach are origi- III. Best practice methods with reference to Operational
nally formed by graph theory. It captures the coupling among Handbook (i.e., N – 1 simulations for types of contin-
systems as a set of nodes connected by a set of links and there- gencies, e.g., load flow analysis, Real Time Estimator,
by characterizes their topology. A number of modeling efforts and EPRI best practice methods.)
have been undertaken to adopt this approach to develop infra-
structure system models and interdependency-related assess- With respect to power system assessment models, three
ments, and thereby demonstrate its capability of representing categories can be identified: I) security-constrained as-
relationships established through connections among system sessment; II) online risk-based assessment; III) cascad-
components (Kröger and Zio 2011; Buldyrev 2010). The CN ing outage assessment.
theory approach is based on the network model and maps
physical configuration of the components (nodes) of studied I) Models for security-constrained assessment are used in
infrastructure systems and their (physical or logical) intercon- system planning. These models employ optimization with
nections (links). An analysis of the topological properties of respect to total costs and constrain reliability parameters
the network reveals useful information about the structural (e.g., line flow or other stability indicators to be within a cer-
properties, topological vulnerability, and level of functionality tain range after a contingency occurs). Examples are secu-
demanded for its components. However, this approach lacks rity-constrained optimal power flow for single (electricity)
the ability to capture uncertain and dynamic characteristics of (Fu 2005) or multiple energy carriers (gas + electricity) (Liu
infrastructure systems and system properties when dynami- 2009). Markets can be embedded.
cal processes, acting on the network, occur. For instance, the
underlying physics of voltage collapse or frequency instability II) Online risk-based assessment is used to assess whether
in electric power grids is overlooked by CN theory models. the real-time state of the power system is secure with respect
to several indicators (i.e., overloads, voltage instabilities, or
In the ABM approach, each agent is characterized by internal cascading overloads) (Ni 2003). They exploit a system per-
data, its behavior, and its environment, and adapts itself to formance indicator for online assessment of the state of the
environmental changes (D’Inverno and Luck 2004). An agent power grid. Online assessment can also be included in an op-
can be used to model both a technical component (e.g., trans- timization loop; constraints include an indicator of cascad-
mission line), and a non-technical component (e.g., human ing effects, called a cascading index (Dai 2012). Operational
operator) (Schläpfer et al. 2008). The rules of the behaviors procedures or technical equipment are not captured by this
of each agent are represented by finite state machines and assessment.
include both deterministic and stochastic time-dependent,
discrete events. The ABM approach achieves a closer rep- III) Models for cascading outages capture the propagation
resentation of system behaviors by integrating the spectrum of a disturbance from the local level up to the systemic level.
of different phenomena that may occur, for example, gener- They rely on different level of abstraction. In power energy
ating a multitude of representative stochastic, time-depend- systems, these models represent the behavior of electric
ent event chains. However, this approach demands a large equipment following a system perturbation (Vaiman 2012).
number of parameters to be defined for each agent, which They can be static (use steady states solutions, i.e., power
requires thorough knowledge of the systems studied. flow) or dynamic (include transients (Yan 2015)).

Data needs: IIM requires the commodity flow exchange As these models quantify the extent and magnitude of black-
among the electric power sector and the other industrial sec- outs, they fit a probabilistic risk assessment of power sys-
tors of economies. CN theory requires the knowledge of grid tems. Yet, they are difficult to develop and validate because
topology, and it can complement this with physical informa- the operational procedures executed by TSOs and techni-
tion, for example, line length, capacity, and impedance, for cal equipment behaviors (automatic regulation) have to be
weighted approaches. ABM requires structural and electrical captured. To this end, AMB may be helpful in representing
properties of the grid, and, depending on the level of mod- operational procedures and technical equipment behaviors.
eling accuracy, may require data about protecting devices The inclusion of operational procedures and technical equip-
and operational procedures. The computational resources ment behaviors entails specific assumptions and undermines
required increase with the amount of data needed. the generality and applicability of these models. Data needs:

Table 2. Checklist for the categorization of hazards and triggered events in the EPS

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Character Triggered event Probability

Natural (external) Meteoro­ Strong wind m/p, d, a Failure of above-
logical ground power lines
Extreme heat
Extreme cold, snowfall, ice rail
Extreme precipitation, induced
Geological/ Snow slide
geotechnical Land slide
Fire Forest
Ling grass
Cosmic Solar flare
Medical/biological Human Household disease
Internal/external Pandemics
Technical Random Line break S, d, e
failure Tower break S, d, e
Substation/transformers S, d, e
Systemic Line break S, d, e
failure, aging Tower break S, d, e
Substation/transformers S, d, e
Structural collapse S, d, e
Accident, fire Transformer, substation
(internal) Control room
Nearby Industrial fire/explosion
accident Transportation (rail, road, aviation,
(external) marine), toxic release
Failure of ICT
Unavailability Exchange/repair of components
of resources
Human Failure Control room operator
unintentional Maintenance crew
Human-intentional Malicious Terrorism, destruction of critical
behavior (insider, acts (physical, components
outsider) cyber) Manipulation of SCADA

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Character Triggered event Probability

Management, Lack of safety Top management Interference with
organizational culture, risk economic factors
and operational awareness Control room operators Inadequate
activities (inside/
N – 1 simulations
Other relevant actors Manipulated
settings of
protective devices
Lack of
Inadequate Lack of surveillance of safety-
institutional relevant activities
programs Tree cutting programs Induced flashover
Market/economics- Undue
related economic

Models III.1 and III.2 require structural and electrical prop- for the identification and categorization of hazards/threats
erties of the grid. Models III.3 also require data about pro- and triggered events in the EPS.
tecting devices and operational procedures, depending on
the level of modeling accuracy. Models III.3 perform grid Table 3 is meant for use of TSOs for the region of control as
simulations and are much more computationally demanding a checklist for the identification of the hazards in a specific
than III.1 and III.2. area. Those hazards deemed irrelevant can be screened out
from the following risk assessment. Table 6 has been filled
with a few exemplary cases.
5. Classification of hazards/threats;
identification techniques including
check lists 6. Identification of vulnerabilities
and contingency scenarios,
ENTSO-E OH provides a list of credible types of contingen- critical components analysis and
cies, which must be taken into account for N – 1 simulations.
They are divided in a) normal types, i.e., loss of a single ele-
ment; b) exceptional types, i.e., which could lead to cascade TSOs use empirical investigations, statistical data, brain-
effects with non-negligible probability; and c) out-of-range storming, and blackout patterns to assess the severity of
types, i.e., loss of elements with very low likelihood. system abnormal states and discover bottlenecks, critical
points, and critical operations. However, these tools are
To be more general and comprehensive, occurring hazards/ based on past experience and might lack predictive capabili-
threats may affect a single critical component(s) or a number ties in some instances. They can therefore be complemented
of those components (m) or parts (p) of the EPS, either di- with model-based tools, which may unveil “unthinkable” or
rectly (d) or indirectly (i), i.e., via a failure of another system/ “unpredictable” scenarios.
service/function that the EPS depends on. The impact may be
localized (l) or areal (a); the source can be external or internal. Complex network theory methods can be applied to the
For example, an earthquake is large-areal, external, may affect analysis of CIs to a) help identify preliminary vulnerabilities
multiple parts of the EPS directly (p, d) and/or indirectly (p, by topology-driven and dynamical analyses and b) guide and
i). It can trigger events endangering the continuous electricity focus further detailed analyses of critical areas. Topological
supply (“hazard/threat events”). analysis based on classical graph theory can unveil relevant
properties of the structure of a network system (Albert et
Hazards/threats can be categorized, levelized, and charac- al. 2000; Strogatz 2001) by i) highlighting the role played by
terized, and triggered events can be associated to them. A its components (nodes and connecting arcs) (Crucitti et al.
probability judgment can also be assigned to these hazards/ 2006; Zio et al. 2008), ii) making preliminary vulnerability
threats in order to assess whether they can be credible and assessments based on the simulation of faults (mainly repre-
included in the risk assessment. Table 3 provides a checklist sented by the removal of nodes and arcs) and the subsequent

reevaluation of the network topological properties (Rosato et A blackout can be partial (if part of the system is affected)
al. 2007; Zio et al. 2008). or total (if the whole system is collapsed). From this state,
restoration is undertaken with stepwise reenergizing and re-
The two main outputs of the vulnerability assessment by synchronizing of the power system.
network theory are the quantification of system vulnerabil-
ity indicators and the identification of critical elements. The The complexity of electric power grids poses challenges to
information they provide is complementary: while vulner- the most suitable methods or combination of methods to
ability indicators are parameters encompassing the static perform risk analysis. The specific characteristic of each
or dynamic characteristics of the whole system, the identi- method, the goals of the analysis, and the availability of data
fication of critical elements provides rankings of component guide their selection. A general classification of all the pos-
criticalities with respect to their connectivity efficiency or sible combinations of these factors is achieved during the
their contributions to the propagation of failure through the analysis of the specific system; nonetheless, specific exam-
network. ples can be identified. Models III.1 and III.2 (Section 4) do
not allow for the quantification of events following a contin-
The pure topological structure can be complemented with gency, therefore their use in risk assessment is limited. Mod-
weights extrapolated from the physical features of the power els III.3 (Section 4) provide the phenomenological evolution
grid. For example, reliability and electrical “distances” can of the system state following a contingency by steady-state
be combined in the vulnerability assessment of an electri- or dynamic assessment. Models III.3 in combination with
cal transmission system and used as weights for the network ABM seem the most promising for the quantification of the
arcs of the graph representative of the system; by so doing, impacts and cascades following initial contingencies. These
the vulnerability and centrality measures evaluated in the models are mainly static because the applicability of dynamic
weighted analysis encompass the information on the physics security assessment in large power grids is still unfeasible.
of the service provided by the CI under analysis. Further, the
analysis of the vulnerability of the network in terms of the The societal impact of lack of power supply can be estimated
degradation of its global efficiency due to the disconnection by integrating models III.3 and IIM to propagate the demand
of a set of links allows the network elements (arcs or nodes) not served to customers up to financial losses stemming
to be ranked with respect to their role in the network global from the various industrial sectors of economies.
communication efficiency.
Given the broad span hazards, which can trigger various con-
tingencies in the electric power grid, cascade diagrams might
7. Characterization and evaluation of
be useful for the assessment of the risk of cascading failures.
impacts and cascades These diagrams are represented in the usual frequency/mag-
Power system states are classified in relation to the grid or nitude axes and portray the risk of propagating failures for
load/frequency risk levels and urgency of actions related to specific system operation set points. The associated severity
risks of propagation: (a) Normal: no risk for interconnected can be measured either in power not supplied (i.e., demand
system operation. All consumption and production are in not served to the customers) or energy unserved.
balance and requirements on ancillary services and frame-
work conditions are met; frequency, voltage, and power flows In view of the assessment of power network resilience, the
are within their predefined and allowed limits, and reserve duration of a loss of supply or of a blackout is a relevant
(margins) are sufficient to withstand predefined contingen- measure to quantify the restorative capability of the system
cies. (b) Alert: risk for interconnected system operation. during recovery. To this end, a combination of models III.3
System within acceptable limits. TSO has uncertainties to and ABM is suitable for capturing the interplay among TSO
come back to a normal state after one or more contingency. actions, operations of the power generating stations and the
(c) Emergency: deteriorated situation (including a network response of protection and safety equipment during the re-
split at a large scale). energizing transient following a black start.

Higher risk for neighboring systems, security principles are In case of incomplete data, CN theory methods can be use
not fulfilled, global security is endangered, and no guarantee as approximation of best-practice models. This application
of total efficiency of remedies to limit propagation to neigh- entails a strong level of approximation because the physics of
boring systems or to the whole ENTSO-E system. From this the electric flow is only partially approximated by CN theo-
state, once stabilized, restoration of parts of the system can ry, which only considers the propagation along the shortest
be undertaken (e.g., after load shedding or system split). (IV) paths connecting pairs of components.
Blackout: characterized by the almost total or total absence
of voltage in the transmission power system with conse-
quences abroad and the triggering of TSO restoration plans.

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

8. Inclusion of corrective, risk reducing, predictability by applying new knowledge and advanced
and resilience increasing measures modeling techniques, and use a framework to study in-
As outlined previously, the ENTSO-E Operation Handbook
As a general rule reduce interdependencies (particularly the
focuses on security aspects in operation (not in planning)
dependence of the electric power system on other infrastruc-
with N-1 as a key principle to avoid and manage abnormal
tures), as interdependent networks are significantly more
and insecure situations. However, disturbances may occur
vulnerable than their non-interacting counterparts (Kenett
and be propagated over a wide area and within a short period
of time. To handle such “deteriorated situations,” in which
security principles are not fulfilled, global security is en-
dangered, and the whole system may collapse (“blackouts”). 9. Protection against cyber attacks/
Action must be taken against them either before automatic manipulation of cyber-physical control
defense devices are activated or afterwards during restora- systems
tion. OH Policy 5 deals with “emergency operations”: main
issues concern i) the awareness of the system states; ii) de- Electric power supply systems are automated and controlled
fense plans at national level including under frequency lead by sensors and actuators and associated human interven-
shedding and secured functions of control rooms; and iii) the tions. As they are spatially distributed, timely data flow be-
restoration processes to return to normal operation with a tween field devices and the central control room. Control
complex sequence of coordinated actions (for details, best data and commands are transmitted through communica-
practice standards and guidelines see UCTE Operational tion channels. The SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data
Handbook). Acquisition) systems – as a prominent example – has tradi-
tionally been a dedicated proprietary system and not con-
As shown by past experience the deterministic N-1 principle nected to the outside world, while recently there has been a
and the associated concept of prevention and mitigation in- growing trend towards more general-purpose solutions and
cluding emergency measures are – if diligently implemented “commercial off-the-shelf software and hardware making it
– powerful tools to ensure high performance of the electric more vulnerable to a set of threats and risks they have not
power system but insufficient to cope with multiple failures been exposed to before” (Hokstad 2012). For instance, con-
and a plethora of triggered, potentially cascading scenarios. trol data are often of interest and used by trading units linked
This standard approach should therefore be complemented by to the open access internet, thereby providing entry points
a more holistic, probabilistic approach that strives to achieve to malevolent cyber-attacks, not directly constrained by the
increased resilience, in particular for planning purposes. dynamics of the physical process.

The robustness and resilience of the electric power supply There is clear evidence that industrial control systems such
system can be strengthened by following basic guiding prin- as SCADA systems are vulnerable to threats, STUXNET be-
ciples, all under cost–benefit constraints: ing the most informative example. Several types of targeted
–– Allocate resource buffers/reserves, implement functional attacks can be disseminated through malicious links, for ex-
redundancy and diversity, ensure functionality of key ample, stealthy deception and false-data injection attacks,
coupled components (nodes, links), implement physical replay attacks, denial-of-service attacks, infected worm at-
redundancy and diversity tack (manipulation of software).
–– Decrease system connectivity, perform decoupling strat-
egies (islanding, FACTS) Methods are available for both, for identifying threats and
–– Design a robust grid topology, i.e., balance interconnect- studying potential incidents/triggered event scenarios. Those
edness by allowing both centralized and decentralized methods comprise a standard on how to perform risk assess-
clusters, identify critical nodes and prevent them from ment for ICT systems (e.g., IS0/IEC 27001 – 2005, misuse
spreading failures, optimize the grid structure (degree, case diagrams and attack trees) (Hokstad 2012).
connectivity) against random failures and targeted attacks
–– Balance complexity as well as automation and human Estimating the likelihood of information security attacks and
control incidents is commonly difficult due to a number of fuzzy fac-
–– Design for operation within safety margins, for capability tors, including rapid changes in technology and threats, as
of system reorganization in response to external changes, well as dominating political targets, intentional (bad) charac-
and enable self-regulation ter of acts, and lack of available sound statistical data. There-
–– Use real-time measurements and N-1 security checks fore, designing and operating such vital control systems as
and implement adaptive feedbacks based on these dedicated, isolated systems seem to be imperative, or at least
–– Span hazards and threats and associated scenarios to all worth considering.
imaginable, including malicious cyber attacks; strive for

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Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

1.2. Multi-risk assessment in A typical electricity transmission network includes a number

critical infrastructure: The case of elements that we can group in different classes as power
generation (“sources” in Figure 7), high and medium voltage
of electricity transmission net- transmission, and medium/low voltage distribution (“sinks”
works in Figure 7). In network analysis, such elements constitute
the vertices of the network and are the main points of inter-
Alexander Garcia-Aristizabal, Center for the Analysis
est for the vulnerability analysis (e.g., Poljanšek et al. 2012;
and Monitoring of Environmental Risk (AMRA)
Cavalieri and Franchin 2014; Correa-Henao et al. 2013).

Adopting a multi-risk perspective provides a number of ad-

vantages: (1) the intrinsic risk harmonization allows for the
Recent disasters highlight the fact that natural or man-made comparison and ranking of different risks; (2) the identifi-
events can trigger other events, leading to a significant in- cation and quantitative assessment of cascading-effect sce-
crease in fatalities and damages. There is thus a growing de- narios allows for the identification of possible consequence
mand from risk managers to implement multi-type hazard amplification, which is an important opportunity to increase
and risk assessments that take into account scenarios of cas- preparedness; (3) a multi-risk perspective provides a frame-
cading effects (Scolobig et al. 2014). The issue of vulnerability work for assessing the effects of possible mitigation options.
and performance of critical infrastructure is also attracting
attention from both the policymaking and academic commu- The intrinsic characteristics of both multi-risk analysis and
nities. The term “critical infrastructure” in general singles out network behavior make multi-risk implementation in net-
those infrastructure elements that, if significantly damaged work systems a complex task. Natural hazards have the capac-
or destroyed, would cause serious disruption of a system. ity to cause physical damage to network elements; thus, the
Disturbances in the services provided by these infrastructure response of the infrastructure network is strongly dependent
systems can have serious implications for the economy, eve- on the physical vulnerabilities of its constituent assets, which,
ryday life, and national security (e.g., Holmgren 2006). In this in turn, are dependent on their structural characteristics (e.g.,
chapter we present a brief discussion of the implementation Poljanšek et al. 2012). The risks associated with different types
of multi-risk assessments for critical infrastructure, consid- of natural hazards, for example, volcanic eruptions, landslides,
ering specific aspects of impacts of multiple natural hazards floods, or earthquakes (see e.g., Figure 7), are generally esti-
to electric networks (Figure 7). mated using different procedures, leading to the incompara-

extreme events Terrorism

Floods ...


Volcanoes issi Nuclear
... Elect Hydro power

Electricity Natural gas

Wind farms U RC
... SO
K S” Photovoltaic

Figure 7. Representation of the electric network

Source: author

bility of individual results and the neglect of possible interac- Regarding the interactions at vulnerability level, the problem
tions (Marzocchi et al. 2012). However, the events themselves is to assess the consequences of the simultaneous action of
can be highly correlated (e.g., floods and debris flows could be two or more events (not necessarily linked among them) on
triggered by an extreme storm event); one type of threat can the response of a given typology of exposed elements (e.g., a
trigger another, for example, an earthquake triggering a land- structure). This kind of interaction is therefore referred to the
slide), or several independent events may occur close together case in which the occurrence of one event (the first one occur-
in time (e.g., hurricanes and earthquakes) impacting the same ring in time) may alter the response of the impacted elements
elements. The potential consequences associated with differ- to another event. In this case, it is assumed that two or more
ent hazards when considering their interactions may lead to events act on a set of network elements and that the additive
the situation where their combination is much greater than or cumulated effect produces a change in the response of the
simply the sum of their parts (Marzocchi et al. 2012). system with respect to the conditions that existed before the
first occurring event. The cases that can be grouped under
this kind of interaction are of different natures; in general, the
Multi-risk assessment in network systems
physical processes of interest are those related to the response
The multi-risk assessment may be understood as the process of the system to the loads caused by different events, taking in
to determine the whole risk from several hazards, taking into account their additive or cumulated effects. Note that the dif-
account possible hazards and vulnerability interactions (e.g., ferent events may be of the same nature (i.e., same kind of haz-
Garcia-Aristizabal et al., 2015). Within this context, cascading ards, as, for example, two earthquakes shaking the same struc-
effects are a consequence of interactions generated by cause- tures in a short-time window) or coming from different kinds
effect relationships among different phenomena. In the case of phenomena (e.g., the shaking caused by an earthquake as
of network behavior, however, cascading effects pertain not the first event, followed by loads caused by a landslide or by
only to the events impacting the network, but also to dam- strong wind). Note also that the different events causing addi-
ages spreading through the network; the last, depending on tive loads can themselves be the result of a common triggering
the connectivity of the network, defines how the vulnerability event or may be independent events, and this relationship is
of each element influences the vulnerability of the network as important for the quantitative analyses.
a whole.
Figure 8 illustrates the main elements for the multi-risk as-
The nature of the interactions may be described by a wide set sessment of cascading effects with respect to electricity trans-
of phenomenological relationships, and this makes it difficult mission networks. First, an exhaustive set of cascading sce-
to set a generalized procedure for quantification of cascading narios need to be identified and structured (Figure 8a). The
effects. To simplify the setting of this problem in a multi-risk relevant scenarios can be identified through implementation
framework, we can consider the following two major sets of of an adaptive scenario-structuring strategy (e.g., Haimes
interactions: i) interactions at the hazard level and ii) interac- 2009), which results from combining forward and backward
tions at the vulnerability level (see e.g., Garcia-Aristizabal et al. logic approaches. The forward logic analysis consists of iden-
2015a; Marzocchi et al. 2012). It is worth noting that complex- tifying possible outcomes from each initiating event (e.g., a
ity and the ubiquitous random effects that may affect these flood or an earthquake) following an event-tree-like struc-
processes make probabilistic approaches the most appropriate ture. The backward logic strategy begins with an endpoint
way of quantitatively characterizing such interactions. (effect) and works backwards to find the most likely causes of
the effect, following a fault-tree-like structure. The combina-
The interactions at the hazard level are relevant for the iden- tion of both approaches stems from the idea of iteratively us-
tification of sequences of events impacting one or more ele- ing forward and backward logic approaches and combining
ments of the network. The problem at hand is to identify and the results obtained to exhaustively identify all the relevant
quantify possible chains of adverse events in which the oc- scenarios for the specific problem at hand. A first screening
currence of one hazardous event entails a modification of the of the identified scenarios can be performed using a qualita-
probability of occurrence of a secondary event, and where any tive approach, whereas a transition to semi-quantitative and
event from the sequence can have an impact on the network detailed quantitative analyses is required to analyze the most
system. The physical phenomena that can be grouped under relevant scenarios. Liu et al. (2015) present a method for ob-
this class are those cases in which an initial event produces a jectively driving such a transition from qualitative to quanti-
perturbation that, when acting on a given system, may bring tative analyses in multi-risk assessments.
it to an unstable state, forcing it to find a new equilibrium
matching the changing conditions (e.g., a new morphological Once the relevant scenarios have been screened, it is possi-
equilibrium after a debris flow event). Reaching this new equi- ble to proceed with detailed quantitative assessments of the
librium may imply the occurrence of an event that, in this case, interactions. To do this, the conditional probabilities repre-
may be said to be triggered by the initial one (Gasparini and senting the interactions both at the hazard (Figure 8b) and at
Garcia-Aristizabal 2014; Liu et al. 2015). the vulnerability (Figure 8c) levels need to be calculated. The

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

(d) (b) Conditional probabilities


Exceedance probability
Network level

(Intensity of En)
ilur Inc
Fa rea
sing y Enm
inte ensit
nsi g int
ty E easin
n Incr

(a) Hazard level interactions

Element level
ith network element (c) Multi-dimensional fragilities
damage P(Damagej| Ea,Eb)

P(damage|Ea, Eb)
E1 E2 E3 En

E21 E22
Increa tensity
sing in sing in
Ea Increa

Identification/structuring scenarios Vulnerability level interactions

Figure 8. Assessing cascading effects in a multi-risk framework

Source: author, panels (b) and (c) modified from Gasparini and Garcia-Aristizabal 2014

hazard level interactions are generally assessed with respect to to different typologies of hazards, and likewise each hazard to
the intensity of the triggering event and its capacity for trig- different hazard intensities (this is a consequence of the spatial
gering a secondary event of a given size. This assessment may distribution of both the network and the hazard intensity). The
result from statistical analyses of databases or from perform- damaged network configuration can be generated once we de-
ing physical modeling. On the other hand, multi-dimensional, termine which elements have failed; as the number of required
damage-dependent fragility functions are required for assess- scenarios is normally high, this process is generally compu-
ing the interactions at the vulnerability level (Figure 8c). Fragil- tationally intensive. For that reason, Monte Carlo simulations
ity functions are a widely used tool to assess the vulnerability are one of the most frequently adopted approaches to track
of physical elements to a given type of hazard; they are de- this kind of problem (e.g., Cavalieri et al., 2014). The output of
pendent of the intensity measure used to characterize the haz- the network analysis generally relies on the analysis of prede-
ard. The multi-dimensional fragilities are then functions that fined performance measures such as, for example, connectiv-
depend on a set of intensity measures from different hazards, ity loss or the impact on the population served.
taking into account their additive or cumulated effects (see
e.g., Gasparini and Garcia-Aristizabal 2014; Liu et al. 2015).
Applied example
After calculating the failure probabilities of each element (by An example of a multi-risk assessment with respect to cas-
combining the hazard and vulnerability information), it is pos- cading effects involving electric networks was presented by
sible to use network analysis tools to assess the connectivity Garcia-Aristizabal et al. (2014, 2015b). In these studies, dif-
characteristics of the damaged network (Figure 8d). The aim ferent possible scenarios of cascading effects triggered by
of network analysis is to study how the performance of a net- earthquakes were analyzed. Beyond assessment of the di-
work is affected by the removal of elements; in this way, it is rect impacts of the earthquakes (main shock and triggered
possible to determine how a change in the network’s structure seismic sequence) on the built environment, the authors
affects the network vulnerability. It is worth noting that, in a present a quantitative assessment of a cascading scenario in
given scenario, every element of the network can be exposed which earthquakes may cause a failure in a medium-voltage

(c) Cumulated effects of events
in the triggered sequence

(b) Direct impact of main event

Damage to
Fire ignition
electric network
(triggered sequence)
(main event)
Damage to
Fire ignition
electric network

Figure 9. Cascading effect scenarios triggered

by earthquakes as example of implementing a
multi-risk assessment framework considering
an electricity transmission line (d) Probability of Fire ignition considering damages
(modified from Garcia-Aristizabal et al. 2015b) to voltage trasmission lline caused by earthquakes

transmission line which, in turn, may potentially ignite a fire vidson 2012; Miller and Baker 2015) can be a valid strategy
(Figure 9). The example is based on the simulation of an to make such a multi-risk analysis a computationally feasible
earthquake sequence occurring in the surroundings of task. Such approaches often use proxy measures as indirect
L’Aquila province (Abruzzo, Italy). A set of cascading-event indicators for network performance, which are usually more
scenarios was identified for this example, a subset of which is tractable measurements (Miller and Baker 2015).
represented in Figure 9a. Figure 9b shows a map with the as-
sessment of expected structural damages in buildings caused
Annex: Glossary
by the direct impact of the main shock, whereas Figure 9c
shows an assessment of the expected impacts caused by the In the context of this chapter, the following definitions are
successive triggered seismic sequence. Regarding the sce- adopted (adapted from selected references):
nario involving the electric network, Figure 9d shows a map Cascading effect scenario: is a synoptical, plausible, and
representing the probability of fire ignition, considering the consistent representation of a series of actions and events, in
potential damages in different segments of the electric trans- which an event triggers or interacts with one or more sequen-
mission line (caused by the earthquakes) and the availability tial events.
of fuel in the surrounding areas. Fragility function: a probability distributions indicating the
probability that a component, element, or system will reach a
damage state as a function of a predictive demand parameter.
Final remarks
Multi-risk assessment: determining the whole risk from several
The discussion presented in this chapter focuses on a descrip- hazards, taking into account possible interactions at the hazard
tion of the physical aspects of multi-risk assessment. Howev- and vulnerability levels (see also “cascading effect scenario”).
er, the consequences of multiple natural events impacting a Vulnerability: this concept is defined, interpreted, and ap-
network system are of a different nature, ranging from direct plied in various ways depending on the research field and
to indirect consequences, both tangible or intangible. Ho- context in which it is applied. In the context of this chapter we
listic multi-risk analyses also requires the indirect tangible adopt the “physical” dimension of vulnerability, understood
consequences to be integrated (see e.g., Garcia-Aristizabal as the probable damage to an element at risk given a level
et al. 2015), but network analysis under such conditions is of intensity of an adverse event (see also “fragility function”).
complex. Optimization-based approaches (e.g., Han and Da-

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

References 1.3. Multi-hazard perspectives

Cavalieri, F., P. Franchin, J.A.M. Buriticá Cortés, & S. Tesfamariam
for power network resilience
(2014), Models for Seismic Vulnerability Analysis of Power Networks:
Comparative Assessment. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure En- Friedemann Wenzel and Christopher Zobel,
gineering, 29: 590–607, doi: 10.1111/mice.12064 Geophysical Institute of the Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT), Germany and Pamplin College of
Correa-Henao, G. J., J. M. Yustab, & R. Lacal-Arántegui (2013). Using
Business, Virginia Tech, Dept. of Business Information
interconnected risk maps to assess the threats faced by electricity in-
frastructures, Int. J. of Crit. Infrastructure Protection 6:197-216, doi: Technology, Blacksburg, USA

Garcia-Aristizabal, A., P. Gasparini, & G. Uhinga (2015a). Multi-risk as-

sessment as a tool for decision-making. Future Cities, 4 (Climate change Abstract
and urban vulnerability in Africa, Pauleit et al., Eds.):229-258, doi:
10.1007/978-3-319-03982-4_7 In recent years there have been many power interruptions
and failures caused by natural disasters, some of them in-
Garcia-Aristizabal, A., M. Polese, G. Zuccaro, M. Almeida, and C. Au- fluenced by more than one type of hazard. Because of the
brecht (2015b). Improving emergency preparedness with simulation of
cascading events scenarios. Proceedings of the 12th International Con-
inherent complexity of such situations, multi-hazard and
ference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management multi-risk analysis are needed to appropriately manage their
(Palen, Buscher, Comes and Hughes, eds.), Kristiansand, Norway. impacts. On the risk side, power supply interruptions can
affect an area much larger than the hazard-stricken region
Garcia-Aristizabal, A., M. Almeida, C. Aubrecht, M. Polese, L.M. Ribeiro,
D. Viegas, and G. Zuccaro (2014). Assessment and management of cas- itself, and there is a high potential for such interruptions
cading effects triggering forest fires. In “Advances in Forest Fire Research” to cause indirect losses to businesses. Such events can also
(D. Viegas, Ed.), pp 1073-1085. doi: 10.14195/978-989-26-0884-6_117 have a significant continuing impact during post-disaster
Gasparini, P. & A. Garcia-Aristizabal (2014). Seismic Risk Assessment, response and reconstruction. To add to this complexity, not
Cascading Effects. In: Beer M., Patelli E., Kougioumtzoglou I., Au I. (Ed.) only do power supply networks change over time, but they
Encyclopedia of Earthquake Engineering, SpringerReference, p. 1-20. can also change their characteristic features as networks. Ap-
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-36197-5_260-1
proaches for managing such disruptions must therefore be
Han, Y. & R.A. Davidson (2012). Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis responsive and flexible, and they must consider both the im-
for spatially distributed infrastructure. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn, mediate impacts of a disruption and the longer-term process
41(15):2141-2158, doi:10.1002/eqe.2179
of recovery. To address this need, this chapter adopts a resil-
Haimes, Y. Y. (2009). Risk Modeling, Assessment and Management (3rd ience perspective on the process of managing multi-hazard
ed). John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. situations and conducting risk assessment and mitigation.

Holmgren, Å. J. (2006), Using Graph Models to Analyze the Vulner-

ability of Electric Power Networks. Risk Analysis, 26: 955–969, doi: Cases
There are many reported cases of natural disasters causing
Liu, Z., F. Nadim, A. Garcia-Aristizabal, A. Mignan, K. Fleming, &
B. Luna (2015). A three-level framework for multi-risk assessment.
power losses. We begin by providing a number of examples
Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems of such disasters in order to illustrate the wide range of haz-
and Geohazards 9, doi: 10.1080/17499518.2015.1041989 ards, from hydro-meteorological and geological/geophysical
incidents to space disasters, to which power systems may be
Marzocchi, W. A. Garcia-Aristizabal, P. Gasparini, M. L. Mastellone, &
A. Di Ruocco (2012). Basic principles of multi-risk assessment: a case exposed.
study in Italy, Nat. Hazards, 62(2): 551-573, doi: 10.1007/s11069-012-
0092-x Despite the variety of different events represented in this list,
Miller, M., & Baker, J. (2015), Ground-motion intensity and damage map notice that each one is nevertheless presented as involving
selection for probabilistic infrastructure network risk assessment us- only a single type of hazard. Almost without exception, such
ing optimization. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn., 44: 1139–1156, doi: situations will typically involve multiple interrelated hazards
that occur either simultaneously or in a cascading fashion.
Poljanšek, K., F. Bono, & E. Gutiérrez (2012), Seismic risk assessment
of interdependent critical infrastructure systems: The case of European The recent Nepal M7.9 earthquake of 24 April 2015 is an
gas and electricity networks. Earthquake Engng. Struct. Dyn., 41: 61–79,
example of a multi-hazard situation: the ground shaking
doi: 10.1002/eqe.1118
triggered widespread landslides, which not only destroyed
Scolobig, A., A. Garcia-Aristizabal, N. Komendantova, A. Patt, A. Di residential buildings and caused loss of life but also blocked
Ruocco, P. Gasparini, D. Monfort, C. Vinchon, M. Bengoubou-Valeri- roads and interrupted the power supply. This initial combi-
us, R. Mrzyglocki, & K. Fleming (2014). From multi-risk assessment to
multi-risk governance: recommendations for future directions. Chapter nation of events led to significant economic losses and made
3-20 in: Understanding risk: The Evolution of Disaster Risk Assessment, relief operations much more difficult. The situation also in-
Editor: Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR). creased the potential for the displaced soil masses to become
World Bank: 163-167

Table 3. Cases of natural disasters causing power losses

Brush fires: On 17 May 1985, a 10 acre brush fire in the Florida Everglades damaged overhead
transmission lines, causing a blackout across much of South Florida for several hours. A total
of about 4.5 million people were impacted, including the entirety of the cities of Miami and
Fort Lauderdale (Ft. Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, 1985).

Storms and ­hurricanes: On the night of 16 October 1987, the strongest storm in England for nearly 300 years, the
so-called Great Storm of 1987, blacked out the City of London for six hours, and caused
approximately £2 billion in damage (Kinder 2013).

Winter storm Anatol struck Europe on 3 December 1999, and was followed on 26–28
December 1999 by extratropical cyclones Lothar and Martin. The combination of storms
brought severe damage to thirteen countries, and 10 million people across France and
Germany were left without power. A fourth of France’s high-tension transmission lines were
destroyed and 300 of its high-voltage transmission pylons were knocked down; it ultimately
was described as one of the most significant energy disruptions ever been experienced by a
modern, developed country (Tatge 2009).

When Hurricane Katrina came ashore on 29 August 2005, it led to more than 2.7 million
people in Louisiana and Mississippi losing power (USDOE 2005). This was in addition to the
1.3 million people who had lost power in southeastern Florida when it made landfall there
several days earlier (NOAA 2005).

On 27–28 August 2011 Hurricane Irene caused over 4.3 million people on the east
coast of the United States to lose power, ranging from North Carolina to Massachusetts
(Gonzalez 2011).

On 29 and 30 October 2012, Hurricane Sandy struck the eastern United States, bringing
high winds and significant flooding. It ultimately left an estimated 8.5 million homes and
businesses without power across 16 states and the District of Columbia (WITN 2012).

Earthquakes: 1.4 million PG&E customers lost power on 17 October 1989, when the Loma Prieta
earthquake struck Northern California and damaged a number of transmission substations
(National Research Council 1994).

On 22 February 2011, a 6.3-magnitude earthquake struck the city of Christchurch, New

Zealand. Direct costs to the electric power distribution network operated by Orion New
Zealand Limited were estimated at over $40 million, and it took approximately 10 days before
power was restored to 90% of the company’s customers. The underground cable network was
particularly impacted by the earthquake (Kestrel 2011).

As a result of the Tohoku earthquake of 11 March 2011 in Japan, the Tohoku Electric
Company immediately lost about 55% of the gross capacity of its fossil-fired and geothermal
plants. As a result, around 4.4 million of their customers lost power (Kazama and Noda 2012).

Landslides: On 29 July 1999, a landslide in Taiwan cause the #326 transmission tower to collapse,
disconnecting about 8.5 million people from the electric power grid (Lee and Hsieh 2001).

Geomag-netic storms: On 13 March 1989, a geomagnetic storm caused the entire Hydro-Québec power system to
collapse in just over 90 seconds. The predominance of hydropower generation in the system
allowed for 83% of the total load to be restored within 11 hours (Kappenman 2010).

Ice storms and snow: A severe ice storm impacted Spokane, Washington, on 19 November 1996, causing half of
the city to lose power and leaving some residents without electricity for up to two weeks. The
total damage were estimated at over $22 million (NOAA 2013).

Heat waves: On 10 August 1996 power surges due to high summer heat caused a cascading power failure
that forced the Pacific Intertie, the main power artery between the Northwest and California,
to shut down, blacking out power to more than four million people in nine states (Golden

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

mudflows once the monsoon started in June. If some of the are not separate events but expressions of the same main
slopes had been brought close to failure by the ground shak- phenomenon.
ing, they could easily have slid with the increased precipi-
tation that comes with the monsoon. This could then have Different hazards may occur more or less simultaneously by
distorted the initiated reconstruction efforts as well. chance. This appears at first glance very unlikely. However, it
is actually not if we (a) look at combinations of rare events,
In the following discussion we reflect on current definitions for instance, a big earthquake and more frequent events and
used in the multi-hazard context and plead for simplification (b) understand disasters from a resilience perspective so that
that seems to be justified from a resilience management per- one looks at the impact, the response phase, and the recovery
spective. Methodologies used in hazard and risk assessment period, which may range on a scale of years. The immediate
are briefly presented and a more systemic view is developed impact of an earthquake in terms of economic loss and fa-
by considering power supply systems not as static but as dy- talities does not strongly depend on the weather conditions.
namic structures. Finally, we introduce the notion of resil- However, adverse conditions like very low temperatures or
ience and explicitly address potential options for improving heavy monsoon, which may occur every few years, will make
such resilience in these complex situations. rescue and response much more difficult and cause conse-
quential losses.

Multiple hazards – Definitions

The relevance for power supply networks depends very much
Multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment can be understood on their resilience. If repair and restoration times are short,
in different ways. For risk management one tries to include as provisions against disasters have been implemented, the
different perils in the risk assessment process by making their chance of a multi-hazard impact is reduced automatically.
impacts comparable. This can be done easily if the impacts For operational purposes it is important to distinguish be-
are quantified strictly in monetary values, as this provides a tween brownouts (partial outages) and blackouts (total out-
common basis for comparison. Otherwise, if the risk metrics ages), rolling black-outs, etc. Different conditions with re-
are more complex, for instance, because they include intan- gard to safety, losses, and restoration times apply if only parts
gible items such as cultural heritage and political stability, of the network are without power instead of the entire one.
then indicator-based systems or rankings following expert In the following we ignore these distinctions, as the focus of
judgment are common. the paper is on the hazard aspects.

In contrast with cases where the events in different perils are

Methodologies for multi-hazard and
independent and have no temporal relationship, there are
also cases where several hazards and risks can coincide in multi-risk assessment
time and even be causally related. These events are mostly Disasters can have wide-ranging implications for the gen-
addressed in the current scientific and engineering debate eration of power, its distribution, and its customers or users.
(Schmidt et al. 2012; Kappes et al. 2012; Marzocchi et al. The potential loss pattern is thus far more complex than is
2012). The causally related hazards and risks are of particu- indicated by the assessment of risk for a particular building
lar interest as they are more demanding in scientific and op- or set of buildings. When the interrelated potential impacts
erational aspects and have the capacity to develop into great of multiple events of such a kind are also taken into account,
disasters through cascading effects. In mountainous areas an this further complicates the situation and the analysis.
earthquake often triggers landslides. If a large rock or soil
mass slides into a dammed reservoir, it may spill over and In risk analysis for natural disasters, one considers the hazard
create a flood downstream from the river that was dammed. in a particular parametrization, the vulnerability of struc-
Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes occur frequently togeth- tures, the exposure of these vulnerable entities, and finally
er or in sequence, sometimes also generating a local tsunami. the expected losses within a given time period. Hazard pa-
These interconnected events can be addressed either by logic rameters are chosen after consideration of the structures at
trees or Bayesian chains (Mignan et al. 2014). risk. For earthquakes this is ground motion, as peak accelera-
tion or peak velocity of the surface, duration of shaking, etc.
However, we adopt the view that the hazards in the cases For floods this can be height, duration, streaming velocity,
mentioned are – from a risk management perspective – etc. of the inundation. For storms, it is usually gust veloc-
one hazard only. A major earthquake with magnitude large ity. A hazard’s characteristics can be provided by scenarios
enough to rupture the entire crust of the Earth includes and also as probabilistic quantities, where the exceedance
the “secondary” hazards of triggered landslides, liquefac- probabilities for values of the hazard parameter within a pre-
tion, tsunami, and if the fault is located in the ocean and the defined period of time are specified (for instance, 50 years
earthquake has a significant thrust component, seiches, af- for buildings). Vulnerability is then measured as the mean
tershocks, and earthquakes triggered in the vicinity. These damage ratio (= mean expected percentage damage) of the

object at risk, given a certain level of the hazard parameter. quency and intensity are often categorized as high, medium,
The financial component of risk can be measured, with many and low, which requires appropriate expert judgment.
metrics related to direct economic losses (for instance, the
replacement value of the damaged parts of the power genera-
Hazards and changing power
tion and supply system), as well as indirect economic losses
(consequential losses to objects, businesses, institutions, that supply systems
while experiencing no direct damage did not function due Several countries are in the process of changing their power
to loss of power). Such economic losses, which are strongly supply systems from centralized to decentralized systems.
dependent on downtime, are obviously a significant part of This is one consequence of the widespread introduction of
risk analysis in the context of power systems. Another type renewable energy forms which implies the introduction of
of loss is that associated with social impacts related to the many decentralized power generation methods (wind, so-
loss of power (non-functional hospitals, lack of heat in win- lar, geothermal, bio), the reduction of base supply capacity
ter or cooling in hot summers) that can create injured and/or by the big utilities, and higher reliance on the networks that
traumatized persons. On a local scale, individuals can be im- distribute power to industrial and private customers with
pacted by live electric lines brought down by strong winds. networks of growing complexity.
On a larger scale, the loss of power during periods of very hot
or very cold weather can negatively impact large numbers The distribution systems are the most vulnerable parts of the
of people, particularly the more susceptible segments of the system. Most failures occur because of damage to this system
population, such as the elderly or infirm. that propagates across the network. In some cases (geologi-
cal disasters) sub-stations are also damaged. Nevertheless,
Different disasters vary in terms of their hazard parameters the growing complexity of the distribution system represents
and in the associated frequencies of their occurrence, the in- an immanent exposure to natural disasters.
verse of which is the return period; they also vary in terms of
the real extent to which they might be affected by the disas- The intent of the smart grid is to use technology to make such
ter, its duration and evolution. Earthquakes occur suddenly decentralized networks more effective and more efficient. By
without warning but are short on the scale of minutes. At implementing technology that allows for localized control,
higher magnitudes they affect large areas but are then rare at power networks can take advantage of several opportunities:
a given site. Floods may occur much more frequently and can i) grow from the bottom up in a modular way – complement
have a long duration if precipitation is extensive. They also af- the existing structure without needing to replace it; ii) dif-
fect large areas. However, they are dependent on topography ferent modules can continue to function whether connected
and evolve over time subject to the amount of precipitation to the main grid or not; iii) disruptions can be isolated from
(also how saturated the soil is from previous weather condi- the rest of the system to reduce cascading failures; iv) unused
tions). They propagate along the rivers in the catchment area energy can be fed back into the system to better balance de-
so that early warning and appropriate response can save lives mand between peak and off-peak hours; v) renewable energy
and property. Apart from the hazard the loss pattern is also sources can more easily be connected (Farhangi 2010).
Issues with the smart grid include the lack of robust stand-
The key point here is that different hazards are difficult to ards for new technologies, and the associated difficulty of in-
compare. If the risk metric is direct economic loss, the differ- terfacing new and old technologies. Cost is also an issue, as
ence is only the hazard. In this case, the rare earthquake can is governmental support; the potential for cybersecurity is-
cause much higher losses compared with the more frequent sues is also of increasing concern, as more control is brought
floods with their smaller losses. This was actually found in online, particularly with the growing complexity and less hu-
a study (Gruenthal et al. 2006), which compares direct eco- man oversight (Holmukhe and Hegde 2015).
nomic losses to the city of Cologne in Germany for floods,
earthquakes, and winter storms. The value of interest is the
The resilience perspective
annual average loss that is comparable between floods and
earthquakes. Disaster resilience has many definitions, but is generally con-
sidered to provide a means of representing a system’s ability
A standard approach to “compare” and weight the impact of to rebound from a disaster. Much work has been done on
different disasters on a risk target, which can be applied even characterizing the inherent characteristics of communities
in cases where detailed probabilistic hazard and loss models that support resilient behavior (Cutter et al. 2013), but it is
are not available, is the “risk matrix” (Garvey 2008). Different also important to look at the system behavior in response to
disaster types are evaluated in the form of scenarios, which a particular event – how much loss and when and where, and
need to be associated with a frequency of occurrence, the to what, and to whom, and how quickly over time can the sys-
losses being evaluated in terms of intensity of impact. Fre- tem recover? And what can we do to either reduce the losses

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

or speed up recovery, or both, so that the amount of time mental improvements can have big effects, as demonstrated
spent in a state of loss is minimized? We can start with the by cost-benefit analysis.
physical system, that is, the ability to resist or recover from
an actual physical disruption. The impacts of that disruption While early warning, particularly for hydro-meteorological
to the economic or social side is critical to keep in mind. It is disasters, is considered as key mitigation measure against
not just the physical system that needs to recover – the inter- loss of life and injuries, we doubt that its full potential has
related networks that it supports are also impacted. been explored for mitigating power supply losses and their
adverse impacts.
Strengthening is important for resilience, so that the infra-
structure does not suffer a loss in the first place. Avoidance
is also important, such as burying power lines underground.
Preparedness also helps with resilience – by prepositioning Although multi-hazard events that cause or aggravate power
resources in the run up to a storm, they can be mobilized systems failures have not been widely observed to date, they
more quickly. Because of the uncertainty of occurrence do pose a challenge, as they add significant complexity to
(earthquake, landslide, tsunami) and of the impact (hurri- risk assessment and mitigation strategies. The lack of pos-
cane, winter storm) associated with different types of events, sibilities to “predict” all conceivable impacts, cascades, and
the ability to change plans and adapt as needs become more their implications for various societal sectors requires a high
apparent is also critical. Redundancy provides flexibility degree of adaptability in developing resilience for those sys-
(with an associated cost), and good connections with neigh- tems. This is particularly true if we understand power supply
boring or regional communities can help to facilitate pro- systems as dynamic systems that change characteristics quite
curement of more or different types of resources. rapidly in time.

One cannot predict everything, so one has to be flexible

Tools to improve resilience
enough to adapt. Some events may be likely, making it eas-
As complex relationships make multi-hazard difficult to plan ier to focus on and prepare. Scenarios and stress-testing to
for, the notion of flexibility is very important. Problem-solv- understand the range of possibilities will allow people and
ing is important in human resources, as is practice – sim- systems to get prepared. We need to better understand
ulated drills, etc. Stress-testing is a useful methodology to multi-hazard events and cascading impacts. Incremental
capture some of the complexity and to help anticipate not improvements can help to protect against multi-hazard, but
only cascading features in the evolution of a disaster, but also there are trade-offs because it may never come to pass. De-
the different impacts on different sectors of society. There is veloping the scientific background around these issues will
no standard methodology for stress tests, as no systematic be very important for understanding cause and effect and
scientific basis for them has yet been developed. implications across the different dimensions of a disaster and
fostering the efficiency of operational approaches against ad-
The planned capabilities of the smart grid can potentially verse impacts.
improve power network resilience by both reducing im-
pacts and speeding recovery: i) reducing cascading impacts
through isolation of the impacted portions of the network;
and ii) providing the ability for sub-networks to function “Blackout Hits S. Fla. 4.5 Million Left Without Power”. Ft. Lauderdale
(possibly at a reduced level) and regulate power usage, even Sun-Sentinel. May 17, 1985. Retrieved June 1, 2015.
if not connected to the main network. They can be self-heal-
Cutter, S.L., J. A. Ahearn, B. Amadei, P. Crawford, E. A. Eide, G. E. Gal-
ing in the sense that components can also come back online loway, M. F. Goodchild, H. C. Kunreuther, M. Li-Vollmer, M. Schoch-
automatically once loads return to standard levels, and they Spana, S. C. Scrimshaw, E. M. Stanley, G. Whitney and M.L. Zoback,
can adapt to the situation, perhaps by shifting to a higher 2013. “Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative,” Environment: Science
and Policy for Sustainable Development 55(2): 25-29.
percentage of renewable energy generation, as necessary, to
offset other losses. With advances in standards, the support Holmukhe, R. M., & Hegde, D. S. (2015). Adoption of Smart-Grid Tech-
for modularity can also help with bringing emergency power nologies by Electrical Utilities in India: An Exploratory Study of Issues
sources quickly online. and Challenges. In Energy Security and Development (pp. 231-246).
Springer India.

Mitigating one disaster can have impacts on others. Mitiga- Farhangi, H. (2010). The path of the smart grid. Power and Energy Maga-
tion saves. Strengthening a substation against an earthquake zine, IEEE, 8(1), 18-28.
can also protect against a landslide or bomb attack. Preemp- Garvey, P.R. (2008). Analytical Methods for Risk Management – A
tively shutting down a substation can protect against electro- Systems Engineering Perspective, Chapman & Hall/CRC, ISBN 978-1-
cution and allow for quicker post-flooding recovery. Incre- 58488-637-2.

Golden, T. (1996). Blackout May Be Caution Sign on Road to Utility De- USDOE (2005) Hurricane Katrina Situation Report #42. U.S. Depart-
regulation. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://www.nytimes. ment of Energy, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability
com/1996/08/19/us/blackout-may-be-caution-sign-on-road-to-utility- (OE). Retrieved from
deregulation.html?pagewanted=1 rina_092305%20_1500.pdf

Gonzalez, A. (2011, Aug. 29) Utilities Scramble to Restore Power. Wall

Street Journal. Retrieved from

Grünthal, G., Thieken, A. H., Schwarz, J., Radtke, K. S., Smolka, A.,
1.4. Electricity supply
Merz, B. (2006): Comparative risk assessments for the city of Cologne,
Germany - storms, floods, earthquakes. - Natural Hazards, 38, 1-2, p.
security, service valuation,
21-44. and public perception of
Kappes MS, Keiler M, von Elverfeldt K, Glade T (2012) Challenges energy infrastructure
of analysing multi-hazard risk: a review. Nat Hazards 64:1925–1958.
doi:10.1007/s11069-012-0294-2 Johannes Reichl, Jed Cohen, Klaus Moeltner and
Michael Schidthaler,
Kappenman, J. (2010). Geomagnetic storms and their impacts on the US
power grid. Metatech. Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz,
Austria and Dept. of Agricultural and Applied Economics,
Kazama, M., & Noda, T. (2012). Damage statistics (Summary of the 2011
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA
off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake damage). Soils and Founda-
tions,52 (5), 780-792.

Kinder, L. (2013, October 27). The Great Storm of 1987: What happened
26 years ago. The Guardian. Retrieved from
This contribution investigates the socio-economic relevance
Lee, C. H., & Hsieh, S. C. (2001). A technical review of the power outage
on July 29, 1999 in Taiwan. In Power Engineering Society Winter Meeting, of electricity supply security, and some challenges to main-
2001. IEEE (Vol. 3, pp. 1353-1358). taining the current level of reliability in Europe. Thus, firstly,
historic evidence of large-scale power interruptions are pre-
Marzocchi W, Garcia-Aristizabal A, Gasparini P, Mastellone ML, Di
Ruocco A (2012), Basic principles of multi-risk assessment: a case study
sented and their socio-economic ramifications are discussed.
in Italy. Nat Hazards. doi:10.1007/s11069-012-0092-x Secondly, a newly developed analysis tool, blackout-simu-, which assesses the social consequences and eco-
Mignan, A., Wiemer, St., and Giardini, D. (2014). The quantification of
nomic damage from power outages in the European Union
low-probability-high-consequences events: part I. A generic multi-risk
approach, Nat. Hazards, DOI 10/1007/s11069-014-1178-4. (EU) up to now, is presented. This open access analysis model
allows, for the first time, an evaluation of the effects of user-
National Research Council (1994). Practical lessons from the Loma Pri- specified power interruptions at a fine scale, both geographi-
eta earthquake. National Academy Press: Washington D.C., p. 142.
cally (266 Nuts-II regions at state level for 27 EU member
NOAA (2013) This Month in Climate History: 1996 Eastern Washing- states), and for all sectors of the economy and households
ton Ice Storm. National Centers for Environmental Information – News, (10 customer groups in total). This section also contains a
November 19, 2013. Retrieved from
damage assessment of the September 2003 blackout in Italy.
Thirdly, this contribution contains the first trans-European
NOAA (2005) Hurricane Katrina. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ad- evidence as to how infrastructure projects such as power
ministration, National Climatic Data Center. Retrieved from http://www.
grid expansions are seen by the public, and what factors
influence these public perceptions. The empirical analysis
“Resilience Lessons: Orion’s 2010 and 2011 Earthquake Experience.” conducted finds, for instance, that while a priori opposition
(2011). Kestrel Group Ltd. Retrieved from http://www.oriongroup. to new grids exists at different degrees across EU member
states, auxiliary information regarding the positive effects of
“Sandy’s Impacts State by State: Millions Without Power, More Than 50 a grid development project can have a substantial impact in
Dead.” WITN. October 31, 2012. Retrieved from terms of decreasing the opposition of local stakeholders. This
knowledge is paramount in being able to support required
energy infrastructures and to ensure a reliable power supply
Schmidt, J., Matcham, I., Reese, S., King, A., Bell, R., Henderson, R., in the future.
Smart, G., Cousins, J., Smith, W., Heron, D., Quantitative multi-risk
analysis for natural hazards: a framework for multi-risk modelling, Nat
Hazards (2011) 58:1169–1192 DOI 10.1007/s11069-011-9721-z
1. Introduction
Tatge, J. (2009) Looking Back, Looking Forward: Anatol, Lothar and For highly specialized societies in Europe, a reliable electric-
Martin Ten Years Later. Air-Worldwide. Retrieved from http://www.air-,-Looking- ity supply is more than an amenity and an input factor for
Forward--Anatol,-Lothar-and-Martin-Ten-Years-Later/ productive processes. This is reflected by substantial societal
vulnerabilities in the case of a power interruption and by the

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

Table 4. Overview of historic power interruptions, their dimension and their origin

Date Country People Affected Origin

Mar 2015 Turkey 70,000,000 Technical problem at transmission level
Jan 2015 Pakistan 140,000,000 Militant attack
Jul 2012 India 620,000,000 Overload
Feb 2008 USA (Florida) 6,000,000 Transformer station
Jul 2007 Germany (Düsseldorf ) 150,000
Jul 2007 Spain (Barcelona) 350,000 Defective switchgear
Jul 2007 Georgian Republic (Tiflis) 1,100,000
Nov 2006 Germany/NW Europe 10,000,000 Switching error at high voltage-level
Nov 2005 Germany (Münsterland) 250,000 Buckling pylons
Jun 2005 Switzerland 200,000 Error in railway grid
May 2005 Russia (Moscow) 2,000,000
Nov 2004 Spain 2,000,000 Fire in transformer station
Sep 2004 Germany (Rheinland-Pfalz) 1,000,000 Short-circuit
Dec 2003 Germany (Gütersloh) 300,000 Sabotage
Sep 2003 Sweden / Denmark 4,000,000 Switching error
Sep 2003 Italy 56,000,000 Breakdown of high-voltage line
Aug2003 USA / Canada 50,000,000 Computer error / ageing grid
Aug 2003 UK (London) 1,000,000 Wrong safety device
Jun 2003 Italy 6,000,000 Insufficient KW-capacity
Jan 2001 India (New Delhi) 200,000,000
Dec1999 France 3,400,000 Hurricane “Lothar”
Dec 1995 USA (Oregon) 2,000,000 Storm
Jul 1977 USA (New York) Lightning strike
Nov 1965 USA / Canada 25,000,000
Source: RWTH Aachen, Verivox, Spiegel, primary research

evidenced level of personal discomfort resulting from power only did social and economic life come to a stop for up to
outages. Public attention in this regard has increased in past 24 hours, but because of the large-scale incidents, hundreds
years, which has brought about a plethora of research dedi- of thousands were stranded as private and public traffic col-
cated to this topic. lapsed, and had to spend the night far from their homes. As
another example, Detroit had to ban the drinking of munici-
This contribution summarizes recent evidence on the impor- pal tap water for 72 hours after the restoration of power fol-
tance of electricity supply security, both economically and lowing a blackout. The threat of epidemic reached a critical
socially; it also provides an overview of the societal challeng- level after water pipes could not be rinsed during the black-
es associated with maintaining the current level of reliability. out, leading to further critical situations, for example, in the
We first elaborate the dimension and consequences of actual medical system (Klein et al. 2005). Thus, it is important to be
power outages, then evaluate the public perception of energy aware of the scope and damage categories of power outages,
infrastructures such as power grids. especially for long-term planning of the required infrastruc-
tures. Table 5 provides an overview of various historic black-
outs and highlights their technical or human-induced caus-
1. Socio-economic dimension of
es. Only when the origins of power outages are considered
power outages in the course of developing countermeasures, can protection
One reason for the increasing public and scientific attention against cascading effects and other malfunctioning be devel-
to electricity supply security is rooted in the experiences of oped and the proper functioning of critical infrastructures
adverse effects to society from actual power outages. For in- assured.
stance, within a couple of weeks in 2003, a series of blackouts
left over 110 million people in Italy, Sweden, Denmark, UK, The consequences of cascading effects are especially devas-
Canada, and the USA without electricity (Bialek 2004). Not tating, as evidenced by the Italian blackout of 28 September

Table 5. Summary of historic power outages

Social impacts
Country & year Number of end-users interrupted Duration, energy Estimated costs to whole
not supplied society
Sweden/Denmark, 2003 0.86 million in Sweden and 2.4 million 2.1 hours, 18 GWh €145-180 m
in Denmark
France, 1999 1.4-3.5 million, 193 million m3 wood 2 days -2 weeks, 400 €11.5 bn
damaged GWh
Italy/Switzerland 2003 55 million 18 hours
Sweden, 2005 0.7 million, 70 million m3 wood 1 day-5 weeks, 111 €400 m
damaged GWh
Central Europe 2006 15 million households Less than 2 hours

Source: Bompard et al. 2011

2003. Triggered by smaller incidents at different parts of the allows an efficient estimation of the ramifications of power
power interconnections with neighboring countries, this outages for all European provinces. The next section briefly
outage finally affected 56 million Italian citizens. It is a vivid shows how objective measurements of the costs of power
example of current vulnerability and preparedness patterns. interruptions can be conducted and highlights how the pre-
For this and other reasons, this power outage has been inten- sented model can be used to elicit the ad hoc costs of power
sively researched. The investigation of blackout characteris- outages.
tics helps shed a light on the societal importance of power
supplies. Bompard et al. (2011), for instance, compares the
2. Economic dimension of power outages
Italian blackout with – in total – 34 blackouts (of which an
excerpt for Europe is provided in Table 6). The estimated Decisions to invest in or maintain the current transmission
costs, the amount of energy not supplied, and the number of and distribution infrastructure rely on scientific assessments
interrupted end-users are discussed in detail. of the economic worth of supply security.

This summary of various outage characteristics highlights While developing the necessary measures to enhance supply
the correlation between the scope of blackouts and the num- security is mainly a challenge to the engineering disciplines,
ber of residents affected. In addition, an estimate is given it is the task of economic research to support the develop-
with regards to the macroeconomic costs of these power ment of a system of incentives to counterbalance possible
interruptions. However, for a holistic analysis of electricity market failures. Obviously, supply security constitutes a
supply security, various additional damage categories ought non-market good and can be purchased only in combina-
to be accounted for. Thus, personal effects, such as stress, tion with the product (electricity). Thus the value of supply
mistrust, and other utility losses need to be taken into con- security cannot be determined directly. That is why the fail-
sideration. In addition to personal effects, the inclusion of ure of electricity supply, and in particular the costs occurring
business damages is paramount. Even the location choices of when electric power cannot be accessed, are usually used to
businesses are affected by the prevailing level of supply secu- assess the value of supply security (Baarsma and Hop 2009;
rity. Finally, the knowledge of the value of electricity supply de Nooij et al. 2007). Generally, the economic costs of power
security is particularly relevant, as infrastructure investment outages can be divided into three categories (Munasinghe
costs in particular need to be counterbalanced by quantifi- and Sanghvi 1988): (i) direct costs, (ii) indirect costs, and
able monetary infrastructure benefits. (iii) resulting long-term costs of macroeconomic relevance.
While in the public eye direct economic losses are typically
To provide sound quantifications of the value of supply secu- at the top of the list, they are usually subordinate to indirect
rity, the European FP7 project SESAME2 conducted a thor- economic losses. Indirect costs also arise as a consequence of
ough investigation of the socio-economic dimension of large power outages, yet they belong to that part of the total losses
power interruptions. This led to the development of the – resulting from the absence of electricity supply in the after-
open access – analysis tool, which math of the power cut, which includes the cost of production
outages or lost value added due to inputs or logistics being
2 Sesame is a FP7-security project co-funded by the European Commission under grant
number 261696, aiming to provide a contribution to the development of tools and
unavailable (Centolella, 2006).
a regulation framework for the security of the European power grid against natural,
accidental, and malicious attacks. The views expressed
herein are those of the SESAME consortium and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect
the official position of the European Commission.

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

Table 6. WTP increasing factors for European households to avoid power cuts

Variable WTP Increase compared to mean of entire sample

Belonging to country’s highest 20% income group 8.6%
Children below 14 in household 4.4%
Spare time is affected 14.6%
Whole country is affected (instead of residential street only) 32.7 % takes these into account and com- as season and time of an outage, household characteristics
bines direct and proxy measurements with a third assess- such as level of education, degree of urbanization, previous
ment category – contingent valuation methods (CVM) – blackout experience, age and household income, as well as
which forms the cornerstone of the evaluation of household the geographical extent of the outage. An application of this
damages. CVM permit the valuation of power outage-related tool is presented subsequently.
losses incurred from the customers’ perspective (Reichl et al.,
2013). Thus, the model includes 8,336 interviewees from all 2.1. Demonstration of –
EU member states (at least 250 in each country) to evaluate Assessment of September 2003 power outage in Italy
the willingness of households to pay (WTP) to avoid power
A prominent example of a large power outage in Europe oc-
outages. The chosen sample of survey participants is consid-
curred on 28 September 2003 in Italy. The outage was due
ered representative of the European population. Results were
to a series of transmission failures and subsequently affected
checked for consistency. For instance, households typically
all of Italy (except Sardinia). Figure 10 and Table 8 show the
show higher WTP to prevent (geographically) larger inter-
extent of this power outage and the average time needed to
ruptions compared to outages, which affect only their neigh-
fully restore the electric power supply to different parts of
the country. The economic losses are modeled for the period
from 3am until full recovery. The total duration was 3 hours
Importantly, the season in which a power interruption oc-
in the north, 9 hours in the center, 12 hours in the south, and
curs is found to significantly influence the damages assigned
16 hours in Sicily. Figure 10 also depicts the characteristics of
to an outage. European households have a significantly lower
this outage scenario. In, the affected
WTP to prevent an outage in the summer than during the
areas are selected by means of an interactive map function.
winter. This can be explained by lower dependence on elec-
tricity for lighting and the fact that crucial services such as
The economic losses and effects due to this power outage are
heating are likely to be primarily affected during the winter
presented in Figure 10. The damage to businesses is calculated
season.4 Table 7 presents a summary of influencing factors
at €897.5 million. Households’ change of utility, both material
with respect to the valuation of supply security. It should be
and non-material amounted to €285 million. This substantial
interpreted in the following way: if a household belongs to
damage corresponds to .08% of the annual Italian GDP.
the 20% highest income group, then this household is – on
average – willing to pay 8.6% more to avoid a power out- All damages to the different NACE sectors are reported in
age than the average household in the European Union. The million (m) €.
same applies to the other variables.
The results were compared with other relevant studies, such
as an assessment by a dedicated board of Italian experts and
To summarize, the combination of household and non-
scientists (Commissione di Indagine, 2003) which found the
household modeling approaches allows blackout-simulator.
outage caused costs of approximately €640 million and a loss
com to assess 266 (of the original 271) Nuts 2 regions in the
of load of 160 MWh. While this only takes into account non-
European Union. In total, nine economic sectors, as well as
household damages, it only marginally deviates from the
households, are incorporated into the analysis. This high
damages of businesses and the public sector calculated using
level of detail is important, especially if results are utilized as given in Table 8. Figure 11 pre-
in regional infrastructure planning, regulation, and energy
sents a summary of the power outage assessment with black-
policy. Thus, can assess various and its intuitive assessment procedure.
outages with different properties. The database was designed
to control for the outages’ and residents’ properties, such
As shown, provides an intuitive5 and
3 In absolute terms WTP to prevent a five-hour power outage affecting the entire country rational means of evaluating the value of electricity supply
increases from €4.4 to €5.9 on average across all 27 member states in the European Union
(2012) when compared to smaller blackouts.
4 The WTP of European households in this case on average decreases from €4.4 (winter) to 5 Depending on the desired level of detail, the elicitation of power outages is now a matter
€2.9 (summer). of about two minutes and five to ten mouse clicks.

3 hour outage
9 hour outage
Figure 10: Evaluation of the power outage in Italy on 12 hour outage
28 September 2003 16 hour outage

Date of start of outage 28 September 2003

Start time of outage 03:00 am
Duration in hours 3-16h depending on the region
Provinces affected Italy (except Sardinia)
Public holiday Yes (Sunday)

Table 7. Total losses across all regions and sectors; summary of

Primary Secondary Tertiary Total WTP Total losses

sector sector sector losses Households in region
Region North 5.3 136.7 60.8 202.8 43.0 245.8
Region Center 20.6 217.6 154.6 392.8 98.2 491.0
Region South 20.9 82.8 97.5 201.2 94.3 295.5
Region Sicily 12.4 33.7 54.6 100.7 49.5 150.2
Total 59.2 470.8 367.5 897.5 285.0 1182.5
% of GDP 0.004% 0.031% 0.025% 0.060% 0.019% 0.079%

stability-enhancing investments and other energy policy de- supply for the future. However, especially in the recent past,
cisions. In making this tool available for the broader public, new installations – for instance, of overhead transmission
the model allows the economic valuation of supply security lines – across Europe have been stymied by local opposition
on the basis of blackout costs for companies, institutions, and which causes long delays in project completion and occa-
households’ willingness to pay (WTP). For its development, sional cancellations. However, the implementation of renew-
an unprecedented survey incorporating over 8,300 house- able electricity sources in particular hinge on increased grid
holds in all EU member states was conducted. In the light of connectivity (ENTSO-E, 2012). To overcome this dilemma,
the presented – substantial – value of electricity supply se- knowledge of the public perceptions of infrastructures and
curity, measures to secure this amenity have gained increas- the influential factors of such perceptions is paramount. This
ing public attention. In this regard, social factors such as the is the case not only for the electricity system.
perception of grid developments are highly important to en-
sure a smooth interaction with the public when investing in To this end Cohen et al. (2016) present the first empirical
a secure network infrastructure of the future. The following assessment of the social acceptance of electricity infrastruc-
section thus presents a novel assessment approach making tures with a focus on transmission lines. They find sub-
use of a trans-European quantitative framework, which has stantial differences across Europe, with a strong tendency
recently become available. of locals to initially oppose nearby grid development in the
Western European countries, and a more welcoming view
in the new (Eastern) EU member states. In many cases, the
3. Social perception of electricity
resistance against power infrastructure is understandable
infrastructures from a personal perspective, yet a profound assessment of
The challenge to maintain high levels of reliability will re- this problem has so far been missing. The importance of tak-
quire an adaptation and modernization of energy infrastruc- ing into account these perception patterns has nevertheless
tures. Furthermore, the current European Union vision for been acknowledged. For instance, a recent ENTSO-E report
a low-carbon electricity system requires the large-scale ex- states, with respect to grid enhancement, that “overall, there
pansion of overhead transmission lines to integrate renew- has been material delay to the delivery of one third of the in-
able energy sources (RES) while ensuring a secure electricity vestments, mostly because of social resistance” (ENTSO-E,

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

Figure 11. Implementation of the assessed power outage in Italy on 28th September 2003
using (own depiction).

Proportion of DNA responses

out of sample

Figure 12. Social acceptance of power infrastructure

and grids in Europe
Source: Cohen et al. 2016

2012). The tendency whereby a general acceptance – name-

ly, of the transition towards a low-carbon society – meets
resistance for nearby, yet necessary, development is often
referred to as a “not-in-my-backyard,” or NIMBY issue. An
analysis of this “NIMBY-Status-Quo”6 as provided by Cohen
et al. (2016) is presented in Figure 12. This depicts the gener-
al perception of electricity networks being built 250 m from
the home of surveyed residents.

The fact that Western European countries tend to exhibit

greater tendencies to reject energy infrastructures is clearly
visible. Apart from this analysis of the Status-Quo, Cohen et
al. (2016) also provide an assessment of the effects of infor-
mation regarding an infrastructure project’s advantages. In-
terestingly, a strong effect of upfront information campaigns
is found. As soon as locals are informed that power lines will
have a positive economic or environmental impact, these
projects will generally meet less resistance than those having
only compensatory benefits to the community (e.g., building
public infrastructure). In particular, emphasizing any long-
term carbon reduction potential or economic benefit of a Legend
particular project will, on average, decrease the likelihood Marginal Effect (%)
that a locality is strongly opposed to the project by 10-11%.
>20 0-5
The relative effects of different information campaigns are
displayed in Figure 13. 10-20 <0
It can therefore be concluded that, in fact, it does matter
what kind of information regarding the – possibly – posi-
Figure 13. Evaluation of perception-changing
6 In particular, this concerns the share of residents who strictly oppose the presented information campaigns
development. In this regards DNA corresponds to “Definitely not accept” as shown in the
figure. Source: Cohen et al., 2016

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

Acceptance abd Prevalence of Rebewables

60 %
Predicted prob (DNA)

40 %

20 %

0 %
0 10 20 30 40 50

% renewables in final energy consumption

Figure 14. Acceptance of energy infrastructures and share of renewable energy utilization
Source: Cohen et al. 2016

Average Treatment Effect and Prevalence of Renewables

30 %

20 %
Marg. EIE

10 %

0 %

-10 %
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

% renewables in final energy consumption

Figure 15. Average effects of information campaigns vis-a-vis renewable energy presence.
Source: Cohen et al. 2016

tive effects of a certain infrastructure project are transmitted Figure 14 shows that the larger the proportion of RES in final
to residents. This is very important for project managers to energy consumption, the lower the chance of outright oppo-
know so that they can adapt and plan their information strat- sition to new grid projects (Cohen et al. 2016).
egy accordingly.
The same is the case for the efficacy of information cam-
Overall, the results show that if the positive benefits of a paigns. When compared and correlated to the share of RES,
proposed energy infrastructure can be presented to locals, they are found to have less – positive – effect.
acceptance of a project raises substantially. The strong posi-
tive effect on acceptance induced by two out of three benefit The summarize, the data suggest that if renewable sources are
packages suggests that many locals can overcome NIMBY already heavily used, the likelihood of immediate rejection is
sentiments when presented with the proper information. reduced, but also that information campaigns have less of an
effect once residents are strictly against an energy infrastruc-
In addition to the country-specific analysis, particular atten- ture project. More generally, research on social acceptance
tion has been paid to the effects and prevelance of electricity of electricity networks has shed light on the driving factors
greening strategies. Recent findings dwell upon the fact that behind people’s perceptions regarding new infrastructures.
the national use of renewable energy sources (RES) influenc- The empirically rooted results emphasize the need for devel-
es both acceptance levels and the efficacy of treatment effects opers to tailor their acceptance strategies to the specification
to change a potentially negative (i.e., rejecting) precondition. of projects and the special situation of nearby residents. As

already discussed by Cohen et al. (2014), the development of Finally, a presentation of the public perception of power
nearby energy infrastructure incurs a real cost to local stake- infrastructures highlights the differences among European
holders; thus, acceptance strategies should be focused on fa- countries and presents opportunities to support appropriate
cilitating quick and efficient negotiations between locals and information campaigns. It was found that environmental and
infrastructure developers, and not on ignoring the claims of economic advantages should be presented in most of the EU
locals. member states in order to bring affected – and mainly op-
posing – residents to the table for further discussions and
This contribution shows which information strategies will explanations of a project’s specifications. Generally, however,
have the largest positive effect in terms of reducing outright although energy infrastructures are regarded as necessary,
opposition, which would make reaching a compromise with the challenge of social acceptance is among the main causes
local residents difficult. This is available for each country in of big delays in European grid infrastructures. Using novel
the European Union separately and enables project manag- evidence, this can now be addressed and best-practice infor-
ers to tailor specific information campaigns with particular mation campaigns can thus be developed based on country-
features. Thus, for instance, any economic ramifications specific preference structures.
of new transmission lines should be flagged in France and
Spain, whereas any benefits to the environment should be
the focus in the Netherlands and Belgium.
Baarsma, B. E., & Hop, J. P. (2009). Pricing power outages in the Nether-
lands. Energy , 34 (9), 1378-1386.
4. Summary
Bialek, J. W. (2004). Recent Blackouts in US and Continental Europe: Is
The supply of electricity is considered highly reliable in Eu- Liberalisation to Blame?
rope. However, maintaining this degree of reliability in the
future involves a number of challenges. Despite high levels of Bompard, E., Huang, T., Tenconi, A., Wu, Y., Zelastiba, D., Cremenescu,
M., et al. (2011). Securing the European Electricity Supply Against Mali-
supply security, large scale interruptions – which are shown
cious and accidental threats.
to occur even in Europe – bring about substantial challenges
for societies, businesses, and every individual. Centolella, P. a.-D. (2006). Estimates of the Value of Uninterrupted Ser-
vice for The Mid-West Independent System Operator. Tech. rep., SAIC.

Efficient decisions regarding investment in energy infra- Cohen, J., Moeltner, K., Reichl, J., & Schmidthaler, M. (2016). An Empiri-
structures are possible only if the value of electricity supply cal Analysis of Local Opposition to New Transmission Lines Across the
security to households and businesses can be determined. To EU-27. The Energy Journal , 37 (3), 59-82.
obtain a holistic valuation of supply security, a model-based Cohen, J., Reichl, J., & Schmidthaler, M. (2014). Re-focussing research
approach is presented: This includes efforts on the public acceptance of energy infrastructure: A critical re-
precise information from over 8,300 European households view. Energy (76), pp. 4-9.
and accounts for damages to businesses, administration, and
de Nooij, M., Koopmans, C., & Bijvoet, C. (2007). The value of supply
public institutions using a split accounting approach. security. The costs of power interruptions: Economic input for damage
reduction and investment. Energy Economics , 29, 277-295.
As a result, not only particularly vulnerable sectors, such as
ENTSO-E. (2012). Ten year network development plan 2012.
the semiconductor industry, papermaking, or data-generat-
ing processes, but all branches of the economy (NACE 2008 Klein, K. R., Rosenthal, M. S., & Klausner, H. A. (2005). Blackout2003:
economic classification) can be modeled. It is thus possible Preparedness and Lessons Learned from the Perspective of Four Hospitals.
for the first time to judge subsectors of the European econo- Munasinghe, M., & Sanghvi, A. (1988). Reliability of Electricity Supply,
my province by province with respect to their degree of de- Outage Costs and Value of Service: An Overview. IAEA Special Issue
pendence on a reliable supply of electricity. Electricity Reliability Issue (9).

Reichl, J., Kollmann, A., Tichler, R., & Schneider, F. (2008). The impor-
This contribution contains a demonstration of this tool, tance of incorporating reliability of supply criteria in a regulatory sys-
which analyzes the effects of the 2003 power outage in Italy tem of electricity distribution: An empirical analysis for Austria. Energy
affecting over 55 million people. It lasted for three hours Policy , 36 (10), 3862-3871.

in the north, nine hours in the center of Italy, 12 hours in

the south, and up to 16 hours in Sicily. The macroeconomic 5. Appendix
damage of this power outage in its entirety was calculated
1.1. Economic Sectors
to be €1.18 billion (in 2003 €). The level of detail is unprec-
edented and includes economic damage data for every sec- Based on data availability we determined nine economic sec-
tor and for households (€897.5 million and € 285.0 million, tors, which are based on the NACE Rev. 2 System.
respectively). –– (A) Agriculture, forestry and fishing
–– (B,D,E) Mining and quarrying;

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply;

Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation
–– (C) Manufacturing
–– (F) Construction
–– (G,H,I) Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehi-
cles and motorcycles;
Transporting and storage;
Accommodation and food service activities
–– (J) Information and communication
–– (K) Financial and insurance activities
–– (L,M,N) Real estate activities;
Professional, scientific and technical activities;
Administrative and support service activities
–– (O,P,Q,R) Public administration and defence, compulsory
social security;
Human health and social work activities;
Arts, entertainment, and recreation
Figure 16. The future renewables-based power system
in Europe requires new interconnections to transmit
renewable electricity from remote generation sites to
consumption centers and storage sites.
1.5. Transition to a renewables- Source: Germanwatch 2015
based power system:
Why public participation has Power grids of the future
an important role to play in Power grids form an integral part of energy transition in Eu-
power grid planning rope and have an important role to play in the future Euro-
pean low-carbon power system based on renewables (Balke
Rotraud Haenlein, Germanwatch
2014). They are cost- and energy-efficient compared to other
infrastructure options such as storage technology. More and
smarter power grids can help balance fluctuations in renew-
able energy supplies. Therefore, the upgrade of European
An upgrade of the European electricity infrastructure is cru- power grids is an important part of restructuring our energy
cial for the future renewables-based low-carbon power sys- system.
tem that will ensure energy security and sustainability. We
see more and more evidence that a power system based on In the context of this ongoing transition, we are facing both
fluctuating energy sources such as wind and solar can provide technical and social challenges. Often, when large transmis-
a secure, low-carbon supply even in a highly industrialized sion lines are being planned or constructed there are local
Europe. But at the same time, these new renewable energy protests. Those conflicts should be addressed through early
sources pose a challenge in terms of network integration. At and meaningful participation with affected communities and
the same time, transmission grid projects have turned out to other stakeholders. This article outlines general principles
be at the center of the public debate on the local level. for meaningful public participation with reference to expe-
Enhanced stakeholder engagement, public dialogue on cor- riences from the European BESTGRID project. Within this
ridor finding and technology, and a transparent planning project, five European TSOs have closely cooperated with
procedure based on high environmental standards may help environmental NGOs and over the period 2013-2015 have
overcome public concerns about new transmission grid pro- tested different approaches of early cooperation with civil
jects. Several European transmission grid operators (TSOs) society stakeholders in Belgium, the UK, Italy, and Germany.
have tested different innovative approaches to achieve early Other examples throughout Europe support their learning
cooperation with environmental groups and to involve the that early stakeholder engagement may help in finding plan-
public at a very early stage in the planning procedure. Their ning options that have better local acceptance (Sander et al.
experience shows that it is worth cooperating early with local 2012).
stakeholders. At the same time, this remains a field of con-
tinuous learning.

Needs assessment Corridor / route planning Construction
Level 1 Level 2 and operation
(a two-step procedure in some countries)

Scenarios Grid development Corridors Detailed routes Construction and

plan operation
Scenario development Grid or network Corridors Detailed
EU / national development plans EU determination of
(TYNDP) / national routes

What are the likely What projects are In which corridor Which route should be
future developments of needed? should the power line determined in detail?
electricity generation be built? Where will pylons (or
and demand? cables) be built?

Spatial planning Corridor and route


Figure 17. Planning procedure for transmission lines

Source: Germanwatch, based on Bundesnetzagentur 2015

Transparent planning procedure To answer these questions, two planning levels – needs as-
sessment and corridor and route planning, as shown in
Planning a power grid is highly complex, making it difficult
Figure 17 – should be analyzed separately from each other.
for transmission system operators (TSOs) to provide clear
and useful background information. Most people would not
At both planning levels, public participation might follow a
want to read long reports or consult numerous studies and
five-step approach (Rottmann 2015):
other documents. Also, different stakeholders will want dif-
1. A thorough and diligent stakeholder analysis (“stake-
ferent information: experts might want to know about com-
holder mapping”)
plex technical issues, while non-expert local residents might
2. A tailor-made and transparent public participation
want easily understood information that is relevant to their
strategy to be used during the needs assessment or for a
specific project
3. Sound implementation and execution of the participa-
The relevant authorities, as well as the TSOs, must take re-
tion strategy
sponsibility for providing information early in the planning
4. Presentation and discussion of the outcome of public
process to experts and others interested in being consulted.
consultations, including room for feedback from the
Those responsible for grid planning should make use of all
stakeholders concerned
means of communication to reach broader audiences and
5. Evaluation of the public participation strategy
provide different types of information. They need to commu-
In addition to these general guidelines for effective par-
nicate clearly how the power grid planning procedure works
ticipation, TSOs will also need to develop strategies that
in the respective country. A key condition of an open, trans-
relate to the interests expressed by stakeholders con-
parent planning process is that all concerned understand the
cerned with a specific power line project.
structure of the planning procedure and know the major play-
ers with legal planning responsibility in power grid planning.
Options for and limits to public
Early participation in corridor finding participation in power grid planning
procedure Stakeholders engaging in planning processes often have high
expectations about the outcome. To avoid disappointment,
Transmission system operators wishing to develop an in-
grid planners and operators need to clearly explain what they
novative and participatory approach to power grid planning
mean by participation.
will ask themselves at an early stage of the process:
–– Who should be involved, when and how?
Until now, public participation in the grid planning process
–– What level of participation is appropriate and feasible at
has usually been limited to the first two levels of participa-
which stage of the planning process?

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

tion.7 This is because planning a power grid requires expert

knowledge in a range of fields, including energy economics, Needs Corridor /
electrical engineering, planning law, and nature protection assessment route finding
law, to name a few. Power grid and energy experts thus take
Self-Governance /
the final decisions related to the needs assessment. These
experts may include “trusted experts” from different stake-
holder groups, but in addition, local knowledge needs to be
taken into account by these experts. However, public partici-
Cooperation /
pation may go further in the corridor planning process and
involve some form of co-decision making (third step on the
“ladder of participation” shown in Figure 18). There are good
opportunities for public participation in power grid planning
at the level of information and consultation. Public participa-
tion can be extended to the level of co-decision, especially
when it comes to determining corridors and routes.
Grid operators, politicians, and public authorities have gone
beyond the formal requirements and extended their scope Figure 18. Public participation levels in
of engagement by organizing informal information and dia- power grid planning
logue events at an early stage of the planning. There are vari- Source: Germanwatch: based on Arnstein (1969) and Rau et al. (2012)
ous reasons for this: first, early engagement can contribute
to finding more suitable planning options. Second, iden-
who love a particular landscape may feel strongly about
tifying the concerns and needs of local and environmental
their area and thus oppose a project they feel will nega-
stakeholders at an early stage helps to more effectively deter-
tively impact on the environment, landscape, or residen-
mine local mitigating measures. Finally, various stakeholder
tial areas. Concerns about impacts on landscapes and
groups have expressed their dissatisfaction that legally re-
nature may add to public pressure that aims to prevent
quired planning procedures do not take their interests suf-
projects going ahead. Grid operators often struggle with
ficiently into account.
addressing the interests and heightened emotions of con-
cerned residents during the corridor planning process.
There is still much more to do: ways should be sought how
They have to take account of various legitimate and le-
best to incorporate the conclusions of informal dialogues,
gally protected goods and interests, including property
in which concerns raised by locals and other relevant stake-
law, nature and conservation regulation, and emission
holders are discussed, into the formal planning procedure.8
control legislation. Landscape protection is, in some
countries, part of nature conservation law, but in a large
Stakeholder interests and public concerns number of countries, the law does not sufficiently pro-
tect the legitimate interests of stakeholders such as tour-
A broad range of stakeholders may be directly or indirectly
ist associations and local residents. As a result, little or
affected by a power line project. Their legitimate yet some-
no attention is paid to their concerns about protecting
times conflicting interests and arguments need to be taken
their surrounding landscapes during the formal planning
into account and carefully balanced during the planning pro-
procedure. Similarly, no regulation has been enacted to
cess. There are, however, various public concerns, which are,
require that power lines be built far from residential ar-
from the point of view of numerous local stakeholders, not
eas. Any such attempt, however, may prove challenging,
sufficiently addressed within the formal planning procedure:
given that within such a legal framework no new power
line could be built in densely populated countries, for ex-
–– Landscape: New power lines and new power generating
ample, Belgium.
facilities, like wind turbines, change the appearance of
familiar landscapes. Local residents, tourists, or people
–– Concerns related to electromagnetic fields (EMF):
In spite of national exposure limits based on scientific
7 With reference to the “Arnstein ladder of participation”: Sociologists suggest that public
participation can be divided into four levels, ranging from pure information to self- knowledge, public concerns about the possible health
governance. Arnstein, Sherry R (1969). A Ladder of Citizen Participation. JAIP, Vol. 35,
No. 4, 216-224.
impacts of magnetic fields surrounding power lines have
html. Rau, I, Schweizer-Ries, P & Hildebrand, J (2012). Participation Strategies: The Silver not been sufficiently overcome by international research.
Bullet for Public Acceptance? In: Kabisch, S et al: Vulnerability, Risk and Complexity:
Impacts of Global Change on Human Habitats, Leipzig, 177-192. Certain health issues remain a concern. For one, the ques-
8 Further information on the options for participation within formal and informal planning tion as to whether EMF exposure might have additional
procedures in European, German, and UK legislation can be found in Harrison K and
Verheyen R (2015, in press). Opportunities and Restrictions for Public Participation in adverse impacts has not been satisfactorily explained by
European Transmission Grid Projects (

Large power plants
Onshore and offshore wind farms,
large conventional coal, gas or
nukes plants
transmission system
220 / 380 / 400 kV

Medium-sized Substation Very energy-intensive

onshore and offshore wind farms,
large solar plants High-voltage
distribution system
60 / 110 / 150 kV
Smaller power plants
Solar parks and roof systems, Substation Energy-intensive
onshore wind farms, biomass, small industry and cities
conventional gas power plants Medium-voltage
distribution system
3 to 36 kV
Small renewable energy plants Commercial companies
Domestic PV roof systems, small Industrial companies
decentralised power plants (e.g. Small cities
combined heat and power units) Low-voltage
distribution system
230 / 400 V

Figure 19. Power grids: Technology depends on the voltage level

Source: Germanwatch, based on 50Hertz transmission

the international research community. Second, on a more ties can also include non-financial measures that re-
general level, people are uncomfortable with the invisibil- duce the negative impacts of other local projects.
ity of EMF, which they feel is not addressed satisfactorily –– Compensatory measures for environmental im-
either. Therefore, further research and transparent infor- pacts: If environmental impacts cannot be avoided,
mation about the impacts of EMF is needed. Power grid then compensation must be awarded according to Eu-
planners need to take health-related issues very seriously. ropean and national nature conservation legislation.
They should provide detailed information on the poten-
tial impacts of electromagnetic fields and cooperate with
Technology: Overhead line or
experts from universities in explaining their potential
impacts. underground cable?
Faced with the upgrade or construction of new power lines,
–– Decrease in property value: In many cases, public ob- many affected communities or civil action groups have been
jections to a grid extension project may remain despite requesting that grid operators use underground cabling in-
efforts to reduce impacts, as some power lines will need stead of overhead power lines. However, there are compel-
to cross private property, particularly in densely popu- ling economic and technical reasons to do otherwise.
lated areas. There are different types of compensatory
measures which need to be considered or taken accord- In general, the voltage at which electricity is transmitted or
ing to national law, including: distributed determines the technology applied. In various
European countries, grid operators use underground ca-
–– Financial compensation for land, forest, or prop- bling for a large part of the low- and medium-voltage net-
erty owners: Property owners are compensated ac- work. For extra-high voltage lines in the transmission grid,
cording to national law when the approving author- this is very rarely the case. This is due to several technical
ity obliges them to accept a pylon being built on their and economic constraints for underground cable technol-
property or spanning a line over their property. ogy at higher voltage levels. At the extra-high voltage level
–– Compensation for communities: In some countries, (EHV), technical restrictions and risks, especially within
for example in Germany, TSOs pay compensation for the AC technology, as well as the substantially increased
the construction of new transmission lines on munici- costs, explain why overhead technology is the world’s most
pal territory. Compensatory measures for communi- commonly used technology.

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

However, “partial undergrounding” has become prominent

in some parts of Europe. Underground cables in AC technol- United Kingdom North Sea
ogy at the extra-high voltage level are sometimes used for

small sections of the transmission grid (mostly about 3-5 and

up to 10 km in length) in densely populated areas. Several

small-scale projects have been implemented, one of the larg- Zeebrugge
est being the Dutch Randstad 400kV AC cable, spanning over Belgium
10 km, laid near Rotterdam and operated by the transmission
system operator TenneT. Other such projects are planned in
Offshore Route Stevin
Denmark, Belgium, and Germany. wind farms

Due to technical challenges and economic restrictions, under-

ground cable technology will presumably not prove to be an New RES
easy solution for the upcoming transmission grid projects. But generation Zomergem
partial undergrounding may in some cases contribute to ac-
ceptable solutions for some projects. The use of underground
Figure 20. NemoLink interconnector between England
cables should be based on the development of comprehensible
and Belgium, and Stevin project, Belgium
criteria developed in a transparent procedure. This requires
Source: Germanwatch, based on Elia 2014
consultation with a broad range of stakeholders. The feasibil-
ity of different technology options needs to be addressed and
satisfied even by a procedure that follows good practice. But
communicated in public consultations. This includes an open
a transparent and participative approach may result in a bet-
and honest dialogue about the feasibility, restrictions, disad-
ter and more legitimate final decision reflecting the concerns,
vantages, and advantages of different technology options.
suggestions, and interests of a broader range of stakeholders.

Nature conservation European TSOs have tested and analyzed new ways of allow-
ing early public participation within several BestGrid pilot
Power grid extension projects, which form part of the energy
projects (ie., the NemoLink interconnector and the Belgian
transition, have impacts on the landscape and the natural
StevinLink project).
environment. Therefore, environmental impact assessment
plays an important role in the planning procedure. The EU
Learning from these experiences, they are fully aware that this
Environmental Impact Assessment Directive and nature
is the beginning of a long but important and fruitful process of
conservation directives determine common, high environ-
establishing a regular public dialogue on the future power grid
mental standards that are applied in grid development. But
development in European countries. They see the dialogue as
there is considerable scope for advancing good practice in
a joint learning process, not as a “push and accept” strategy.
complying with these regulations and in other areas of nature
This process needs strong backing by national policymakers
protection and enhancement.9
who must explain the importance of power grid infrastructure
for the transition towards a low-carbon power system that can
Early cooperation between grid operators guarantee a safe, secure, and sustainable energy future.
and environmental groups
The BESTGRID project partners, TSOs and NGOs alike, References
have discovered that local stakeholders are highly interested
in being involved in the corridor- and route-finding proce- 50Hertz Transmission (2014). The 50 Hertz electricity highways. How
overhead lines work.
dure. They rightly demand a transparent explanation of the
criteria for choosing one or several route alternatives. Arnstein, S (1969). A Ladder of Citizen Participation. JAIP, 35 (4) 216-
224, or:
However, early stakeholder engagement per se does not of
course mean that all concerns can be dispelled. Even the best Balke, J (2014). Integration of Renewable Energy in Europe. KEMA
participatory approach cannot provide a generally accepted Consulting. Report on behalf of the European Commission. https://
solution, bearing in mind that a broad range of differing in-
terests is affected by large transmission grid projects such as
the Belgian Stevin project. Those who live near the power line Bals C, El Alaoui A & Hänlein R (2015). Public Participation and Trans-
may, understandably, reject the project as such and will not be parency in Power Grid Planning. Recommendations from the BEST-
GRID Project. Handbook - Part 1.
9 See Part 2 of the BestGrid handbook “Protecting Wildlife and Nature in Power Grid
Planning” (2015, Birdlife Europe, 2016)

Bundesnetzagentur (2015). Mitreden beim Stromnetzausbau. http:// account for about 80% of all events. To increase network re- silience and improve disaster risk management, a solid and
practical safety culture is essential.
Elia (2014). Het Stevin-project, essentieel voor de energiebevoorrading
van België.
jectbrochure_Stevin.pdf What is Safety Culture?
Rau, I. Schweizer-Ries, P & Hildebrand, J (2012). Participation Strate- Simply put, safety culture (SC) is that part of a culture which
gies: the Silver Bullet for Public Acceptance? In: Kabisch, S et al: Vul- relates to safety. It is a subset of the following elements that
nerability, Risk and Complexity: Impacts of Global Change on Human
relate to safety: shared mental content, norms, institutions,
Habitats, Leipzig, 177-192.
and characteristic of physical items, such as things that peo-
Rottmann, K (2012). Recommendations on Transparency and Public ple make, have, use, or respond to, for example, forms, pro-
Participation in the Context of Electricity Transmission Lines. Position cedures, signs, equipment (Corcoran 2010).

Sander, A & Schneider T (2012). European Grid Report. Beyond Public One example is nuclear energy. The following differentiations
Opposition. Lessons Learned Across Europe; Renewables Grid Initia- and categories of safety culture are given by the International
tive, Berlin.
Nuclear Safety Advisory Group (INSAG): i) individual com-
mitment to safety, which includes personal accountability,
questioning attitude and effective safety communication; ii)
management commitment to safety, which includes leader-
ship safety values and actions; iii) decision-making and re-
1.6. Safety culture in high risk spectful work environment; and iv) management systems,
industry and main principles which include continuous learning, problem identification
and resolution, and the right environment for raising con-
Lubomir Tomik,
cerns and work processes.
Consulting company CESys Ltd.
According to INSAG, safety culture can be defined as fol-
Safety culture plays an important role for all high-risk in- lowing: “Safety culture is that assembly of characteristics and
dustries, including energy and transmissions systems opera- attitudes in organizations and individuals which establishes
tions. Improvement in human safety behavior is the most that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues re-
cost-effective solution to strengthen risk management. Hu- ceive the attention warranted by their significance.”
man factors play a decisive role in failure management and

James Reason – Five components of Safety Culture

Figure 21. Safety culture

Source: Corcoran 2010

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

Tool No 2


Figure 22. Just Culture Process

Source: Reason, 1998

The World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) de- is impossible to underestimate any details. Preventing failure
fines the following approach to safety culture, based on eight and critical thinking can prevent fatal outcomes.
principles: i) everyone is personally responsible for nuclear
safety, ii) leaders demonstrate commitment to safety, iii) One of the examples of implementation of safety culture is
trust permeates the organization, iv) decision-making re- the project, being carried out by Slovenske elektrarne, the
flects safety first, v) nuclear technology is recognized as spe- Slovenian part of the ENEL group. The approach is based on
cial and unique, vi) a questioning attitude is cultivated, vii) the following performance drives: equipment performance,
organizational learning is embraced, and viii) nuclear safety organizational culture, processes, human performance,
undergoes constant examination. performance excellence. To achieve a common approach
to safety, the project has the following deliverables: revised
Another example is the aviation industry. For instance, ac- corporate policies, development of clear set of values and be-
cording to the document published by UK CAA in 2002, there havior that support safety, preparation of new tools and op-
are the following recommendations to aviation maintenance erational procedures, implementation and communication
organizations: general and introduction to human factors, plan, specific training for workers and management, regular
safety culture and organizational factors, human errors, hu- self-assessment and benchmarking on the application of the
man performance and limitations, environment, procedures, principles of safety culture.
information, tools and practices, communication, teamwork,
professionalism and integrity, and an organization’s human Another example of the tools used is an employee award
factors program. program. This reinforces exemplary behavior on the part of
all employees through visible positive support and the pres-
According to psychological theory, safety culture is very entation of awards to those who act as role models in terms
complicated as “most of the culture is below the surface. of observing safety principles; it also motivates employees
Above the surface we find the visible aspects of culture: ar- to actively report their concerns, weaknesses, and safety im-
tifacts, people’s actions, and language use.” (Schein, 1985). It provement issues. Another important aspect is to reinforce

Safety Message 1. Everyone is personally responsible for safety.
2. Leaders demonstrate commitment to safety.

of the Week 3. Trust permeates the organization.

4. Decision making reflects safety first.
5. The nuclear technology is recognized as
special and unique.
Week 16
6. A questioning attitude is cultivated.
7. Organizational learning is embraced.
Relates to SC principles: 1 , 6, 7
8. Safety undergoes constant examination.

When lifting, slinging and handling loads safety is a priority

Safe behaviour examples Risks and unacceptable behaviours

I only carry out lifting and slinging work Persons passing under the moving
with the required qualification. load do not avoid the load being
As a slinger I monitor the whole path of the
load. I make sure it is not transported over When transporting the load, the
people working below and I myself do not slinger does not move along with the
stand under the load. load to warn the persons passing by.
As a slinger I warn people about the load Managers are not trained about the
moving above them in a timely manner. basic rules of load lifting and slinging.
When a load is lifted in a complex Issues and near - misses related to
environment, an independent supervisor is slinging and lifting are not reported or
called for. investigated.
Before working with lifting equipment I
review its functioning and make sure there
are no unsecured objects that may fall.

Area : Occupational Health and Safety Author: Maintenance – B2000

Figure 23. Safety Message

Source: Slovenske Elektratne

trust between management and employees using various fi- Implementation of the tools should be accompanied by a
nancial and non-financial awards. proper communication process such as weekly safety mes-
sages, the main goal of which could be to initiate a regular
A further tool is the Culpability tree implementation in discussion between management and employees on safety
the Just Culture (Figure 22). According to this tool there are issues. There needs to be reinforcement of a risk awareness
several forms of unsafe behavior: human error, which in- environment and every employee should be involved in and
cludes an unintentional act; an act carried out unwillingly responsible for improvements to the safety culture and fi-
by a person; negligent conduct, when a person did not pay nally achieve common understanding and implementation
enough attention; reckless conduct, when a person did not of values and behaviors supporting SC principles. Usually
care about what happened; and intentional “willful” viola- the content, topic, schedule and type of communication is
tions. We can transform such a culture to a process diagram prepared by the plant SC committee. Topics are identified
(see Figure 23). to support expected behaviors, good practices, and lessons
learned (Figure 23).
Confidential reporting is another tool. A confidential chan-
nel for the reporting of issues should be established at each The tools introduced in this article are examples of tools for
plant to allow reporting of any kind of safety issue without use only in high-risk industries. Safety culture, like culture
disclosing the originator of the report. According to WANO, generally, is difficult to measure. However, in several high
eight out of ten events regarding fuel damage in reactor core risk industries, the evaluation of safety culture is a regular
are caused by human failure; 75% of reported events at NPPs activity carried out a few times per year, and usually divided
is caused by human error; 15-20% of production losses result into two parts: anonymous self-evaluation by workers and
from incorrect company decisions. evaluation by an external third party, usually a specialized

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

company, which uses sophisticated methods and tools to

measure various criteria.

Today, the science of safety culture is well developed par-

ticularly in the aviation, nuclear, and space industries. Im-
plementation of this knowledge with respect to electricity
transmission networks will provide additional synergies for
overall protection, reducing negative trends and operational
risks, given that human error is the biggest contributor to
industry disasters.

Corcoran, W., (2010). Safety Culture — Back to the Basics, Figure 24. Power line damages caused by wind throw.
PhD Thesis, 2010
Source. FF Güssing,

Reason, J., (1998). Achieving a safe culture: theory and practice.

Work and Stress, 1998, vol.12, No.3, 3 293-306

Schein, Edgar H., Organizational Culture and Leadership

(1985). University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s Academy
for Entrepreneurial Leadership Historical Research Reference
in Entrepreneurship. Available at SSRN:

1.7. Electricity grid resilience

under climate change
Martin König, Figure 25. Ice crusts damaging power lines in
Department for Environmental Impact Carinthia, Austria, in winter 2014
Assessments and Climate Change, Source: KELAG

Environment Agency, Austria

of extreme weather events or changing water and air tem-
peratures, affect energy demand, supply, and transmission.
Adaptation should therefore be considered at the planning
and operating stages of energy systems at all territorial levels,
Electricity grid infrastructure is highly exposed to weather from local to European. While adaptation is not necessarily a
and climate as the sum of all weather conditions at a certain separate field of action, it is, suitable for mainstreaming into
spot. The line-bound infrastructure of electricity transmis- existing energy policies on, for example, the internal energy
sion and distribution is also crucial, as damage at a single market, TEN-E/CEF, the energy road map, energy efficiency
spot could lead to failures across the network. Several pro- policies, and other strategies already set by important play-
jects of the Austrian Environment Agency in recent years ers in the field, like the European Union (cf. Strategic Energy
have shown how vulnerable these infrastructures are to cli- Technology Plan and Smart Grid initiative). Furthermore,
mate impacts and how important it is to take action to in- grid operators should factor (changing) climate parameters
crease their resilience. into their network security plans and maintenance.

While mitigating greenhouse gas emissions has been the fo- A great number of greenhouse gas mitigation measures and
cus of climate action for decades, adaptation policies are a policies have the potential to indirectly include and main-
new but vital approach to coping with the effects of changing stream adaptation, that is, to maintain/enhance security of
climatic parameters. Indeed, different studies suggest that cli- supply. This includes measures not only on the demand side
mate change has significant impacts on the energy sector and of electricity consumption, but also those connected to the
emphasize the need for adaptation in the sector (Rademaek- extension of renewable energy systems, such as diversifica-
ers et al. 2011; Ebinger and Vergara 2011; Williamson et al. tion of energy supply to reduce energy imports from po-
2009). Climate change impacts, such as increased frequency litically instable regions and decentralization of electricity

Luxemburg - 2013
Denmark - 2013
Switzerland - 2013
Average annual interruption time for customers connected to distribution networks
Germany - 2013
Last available year (light color) and 5 years average (dark color)
The Netherlands - 2013
Austria - 2013
United Kingdom - 2013
France - 2013
Spain - 2013
Sweden - 2013
Finland* - 2013
Norway* - 2013
Italy - 2013
Ireland - 2013
Portugal - 2013
Slovenia* - 2013
Hungary - 2013
Czech Republic - 2013
Greece - 2013
Lithuania - 2013
Estonia - 2013
Poland - 2013
Malta* - 2013
Croatia - 2013
Latvia - 2013
Romania - 2009
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Harmonized total SAIDI: Average annual interruption time for LV customers, all interruptions considered
Last available year (indicated next to the country name) Average over the five last years (available years only)

Non-harmonized average annual interruption time, all interruptions considered Latvia: 621 minutes in 2013,
Interruptions which originate from incidents on LV networks not taken into account, or average 834 minutes in average over 5 years
annual interruption time taking into account MV customers and weighted by average consumption Romania: 1005 minutes in 2009
’Likely underestimated compared to "harmonized total SAIDI", by about 5-20%

Last available year (indicated next to the country name) Average over the five last years (available years only)

Figure 26. Per capita average minutes without electricity (based on the SAIDI index, i.e., average outage time
per capita). Note that exceptional weather events and planned (technical) interruptions as well as interruption
below 3 minutes are not considered for the SAIDI index.
Source: CEER (2015).

production. It is important to stress that mitigation efforts Vulnerability of grid infrastructure

sometimes go hand in hand with adaptation in terms of rais-
Electricity grid infrastructure is directly exposed to extreme
ing resilience. For example, cutting summer-time demand
weather conditions Overhead lines as well as substations
peaks reduces the risk of failure in the electricity grid due to
and transformers are potentially threatened by storms (wind
overloads and so-called flashovers (high-voltage discharges
throws, see Figure 24), icing (see Figure 25), wet snow de-
caused by lightning). This concept is further elaborated in
posits, lightning, floods, and mass movements such as ava-
the background report for the European adaptation strat-
lanches, landslides. and rock falls.
egy (McCallum et al. 2013). In general, climate change and
changing patterns of extreme weather events and periods are
Heatwaves are also a stress factor for the transmission and
hitting a European infrastructure that was constructed 50-60
distribution grid. In transmission terms, they constitute an
years ago and an energy market that is more interconnected
indirect stress factor because the use of air conditioning
than ever before with highly loaded transnational grids.
creates a higher demand/load, resulting in a higher risk of
flashovers In distribution terms, heatwaves are a direct stress
factor due to heating of cables – overhead and, even more so,
underground (urban) cables.

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

There is, however, no clear evidence of a correlation be- ​Strom topology of socio-economic
tween blackouts. This is indicated by the performance of probability electric grid importance
the Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI;
for 16 European countries in 2004/2005) (Figure 26) on the
one hand and rising temperatures, droughts, or increased
frequency of extreme events on the other. We are thus un-
able, as yet, to fully assess the impact of climate change on
electricity supply security. Current documentation by en-
ergy regulators, however, suggests an already high share of
weather-related outages and even blackouts.

Some examples of major weather-related blackouts:

–– Blackout in September 2003 in Italy, caused by a flasho-

ver from trees to the heavily overloaded Lukmanier and
San Bernardino highest voltage transmission lines, storm
events, and heavy demand for cooling purposes.10
–– Blackouts in Sweden in September 2003 and January
2005, when a series of rainstorms caused blackouts for
3.5 million and 400,000 people, respectively.
Figure 27. Damage parameters (for example, storm),
–– Blackout in Germany in November 2005 where wet
grid topology, and number/type of households and
snow deposits caused a long-lasting blackout for around
companies, determining the vulnerability of grid
250,000 people in the Münster region.11
infrastructure and the impacts of failure.
These, as well as numerous small-scale blackouts, show how Source. Offenthaler, 2015
vulnerable the electricity grid is to weather and climate ex-
tremes. The large-scale event in 2003 in Italy shows how ac-
celerated electricity demand due to a heatwave and severe mission and distribution in (remote) regions. According to
weather can collude to produce highly adverse effects. In qualitative data gathered, most cities across Europe use un-
fact, the event in question constitutes a clear warning sign derground cabling to some extent as distribution infrastruc-
for hot summer threats and vulnerabilities across Europe. ture for electricity. That is why, for example, Wien Energie14
(Vienna’s main energy supplier and Distribution System
Special attention should be given to the fact that grid lines, Operator [DSO]) with its 83% share of underground cabling
when pushed to the limits of their capacities, are more vul- can be regarded as climate- resilient, at least in terms of the
nerable to flashovers from trees. There is thus a correlation distribution infrastructure. Urban heatwaves are also prob-
between reduced grid transmission capacity due to weather lematic – especially for underground cables beneath dark
and climate extremes12 and the occurrence of blackouts.13 surfaces with low albedo such as pavements (which heat up
fast due to their low reflective properties). Substations and
In principle, all European citizens can expect to be affected transformers, however, are still exposed to extreme events
by blackout threats, particularly because of the cascading ef- and can fail; so, too, are interconnections to and from the
fects that come into play when blackouts occur. In fact, coun- overhead grid.
try comparisons of the average per capita minutes without
electricity per year, as depicted in Figure 26, show different The differences in vulnerability between overhead and un-
vulnerability patterns emerging across Europe. derground cables come down to the fact that underground
cables are per se protected from direct meteorological im-
pacts like wet snow deposits, icing, and storms. Neverthe-
Disparities at the regional level
less, in urban areas heatwaves remain a risk factor, as do mass
Differing regional vulnerabilities result from discrepancies movements (especially landslides) in mountainous terrain.
between urban, rural, and higher-scale high-voltage trans-
DSOs play an important role in the design of resilient grid
10 Cf. and SFOE (2003) for more details structures, as they are the most vulnerable towards extreme
11 Cf. and http://
weather events such as wind, snow, and ice load; this is be-
12 Cf. NatCat Service data from MunichRe at for example: cause their infrastructure – especially medium- and low-
voltage overhead infrastructure – is particularly vulnerable
13 Cf. CEER (2008) at
Benchmarking%20Report%20EQS_10-Dec-2008_re.pdf 14

Table 8. Climate impacts and risks for electricity transmission and distribution

Type Natural hazard Risk Time frame of expected Main affected area
Extremely high Decreased network Medium negative (2025) to EU-wide
temperatures capacity extreme negative (2080)
Snow, icing storms Increased chances Medium negative to low NW-EU
of damages to positive (2050)
energy networks
and blackouts
Heavy Mass movements Time frame, magnitudes, and Especially
precipitations (landslides, mud frequencies uncertain mountainous regions
and debris flows)
causing damages

and distribution
networks directly
Higher High AC demand in Short-term medium to long- EU-wide
temperatures summer; term strong negative (i.e.,
high cooling rise in electricity demand in
demand by food summer season)
Droughts Low heating Positive (for both; cf. studies Southern and eastern
demand in winter by Dolinar et al. 2010 for Sl, Europe
Mirasgedis et al. 2007 for GR
and Christenson et al. 2006
Energy demand for CH)
indirectly affecting
Droughts High energy Low negative
demand from
transmission and
pumping for

Source. König in Altvater et al. (2011)

(see Martikainen et al. 2007) on Finland. However, the big Example of Austria: National climate
energy producers own a good share of the distribution net- change strategies as a response to climate
work – either directly or through subsidiaries. change
Vulnerability is a function of exposure (of the grid infrastruc- Electricity and grid resilience have been incorporated into
ture to weather influences), its sensitivity (i.e., its physical several national climate change adaptation strategies. In the
strength), and the capacity (of grid operators) to adapt to or Austrian adaptation strategy, some of the measures in the
cope with meteorological/climatological challenges. Thus, energy/electricity sector focus on the grid. These are:
regional impacts are affected by the number of components
and the physical strength of the grid infrastructure (includ- –– Optimizing the grid infrastructure to avoid bottlenecks
ing power poles, power line configuration, transformers, and overcapacities
substations, etc.); the meteorological hazard potential (e.g., –– Development and promotion of decentralized energy
susceptibility to storms, mass movements, icing, wet snow production and supply
deposits, etc.); and the number of households and companies –– Adapted system planning for the transmission and dis-
that depend on the infrastructure for their electricity supply. tribution grid
The respective layers are shown in Figure 27. –– Reduction of energy demand especially peak demands
(BMLFUW 2012)

Chapter 1 | Principles of disaster risk reduction

Measures to increase the resilience of the transmission/dis- High demand, for example, during heatwaves or cold
tribution grid infrastructure can be classified into 1. techni- spells leads to overheating of the network due to overu-
cal measures; 2. measures on standards and regulations; 3. se. Extreme events are events, such as storms, icing, hail,
capacity building; 4. communications and awareness-raising; or periods of droughts, combined with low hydropower
5. guidelines, and 6. EU financing schemes (McCallum et al. and wind power, and heatwaves leading to overheating
2013) as follows: of the transmission of cables due to high temperatures
(measure 16).

1. Technical measures
1 Making the grid climate-proof (measure 13-15) 7 Install new storage facilities, such as pumped storage
Transmission: Installing additional network capacities with units, especially in regions with volatile base load (Ibra-
a special focus on volatile base load countries and regions him et al. 2008).
with high potential and future dependence on non-base 8 Explore potential of other storage methods, for exam-
load capable renewable energy sources. This measure refers ple, hydrogen (H2) or methane (CH4) that can be built up
to smart grid activities that have already been implemented in parallel with expanding the renewable energy share
(e.g., EDSO-SG) but do not, as yet, take into account the (Ibrahim et al. 2008, URS 2010).
threats of climate change to the security of supply through 9 Mid-term: Make use of and maintain existing gas distri-
the stepwise implementation of renewable energy goals. bution network for CH4 transmission and storage, once
the SABATIER process (“solar fuel,” or other biochemi-
Transmission: Installing additional network capacities with cal methods) reach industrial application/marketability.
particular respect to countries and regions with storage po- (Currently, research is progressing fast on new methods
tential. For instance, in Norway there only pumped storage for electrolysis and methanizing H2 to CH4).
units currently exist (cf. ENTSOE 2010). However, water
pumping storage capacities have the highest efficiency.
2. Standards and regulations
Distribution: Making stronger use of the electric railway Transmission:
network to further decentralize the distribution and trans- 10 Higher standards for overhead transmission cables with
mission network (measure 12). This measure would allow for respect to increasing demands by climate change, such
cost-efficient support of additional urgently needed distribu- as temperature increase, and also energy demands, such
tion capacities while using small-scale facilities to decentral- as overheating (measure 2.d)
ize energy supply.
11 Empower ACER (Agency for the Cooperation of Eu-
ropean Regulators) to unbundle the distribution and
2 Transmission: Detect vulnerability hotspots (William-
transmission network and promote competition among
son et al. 2009), for example, in the overhead transmis-
transmission system operators leading to enhanced in-
sion networks (measures 16 and 18) towards monitor-
vestments in energy distribution and transmission net-
ing of mass movements, storms, floods, and overheating
works. Most of these measures have to be financed by
(measure 10)
power suppliers/TSOs and should not be subject to pub-
3 Transmission: Install underground cables at vulner- lic spending, only co-funding, as put forward in meas-
ability hotspots, which are expensive, according to ZEW, ures 21-23.
costs may be over ten times the costs of ordinary over-
12 Foster standards in power transmission to further enable
head transmission; the conductivity of underground
electrified railway networks to be used for decentralized
cables is also limited due to fast warming and the ad-
distribution (measure 1.c)
ditional cooling facilities needed.

4 Transmission: Expand aisles through forests to the de-

3. Capacity building (measures 1-6)
gree necessary, which is controversial, but in some ex-
plicitly storm-exposed regions possibly unavoidable. 13 Transmission: Engage in strong cooperation with the
European Transmission Operators via ENTSO-E (man-
5 Transmission/Distribution: Depending on the scope of
dated by internal energy market directive 2009/72/EC)
the measure, slope stability measures such as protective
to climate-proof the transmission network
forests or technical measures are put in place.
14 Transmission: Enhance cooperation of ENTSO-E with
6 Transmission/Distribution: Set up an early warning
small electricity producers to make the transmission net-
system (Williamson et al. 2009; Ebinger and Vergara
work more resilient to natural hazards by better connect-
2011) for energy shortcuts.
ing decentralized energy supply facilities to the network

15 Transmission/Distribution: Promote cooperation 23 Transmission: Utilize EU Cohesion Funds to support
among the European Electricity Grid Initiative (EEGI), large-scale energy adaptation projects
the EDSO-SG (European DSO Association for smart
grids), the grids R&D Roadmap 2010-2018, and ENT-
SO-E’s R&D activities towards European smart grid so-
lutions that are not only suitable to optimize supply and Increasing the resilience of the electricity grid infrastructure
demand issues but also to allow for emergency switches – and especially the distribution grid – is a core task for in-
(“detours for transmission”) of the network in the event frastructure providers. Special attention should be given to
of local/regional disruptions caused by meteorologically the privatized networks and the need to increase investment
extreme events in electricity transmission infrastructure to make it more re-
silient to climate change impacts.

4. Communication/awareness raising These investments are necessary as meteorologically trig-

gered outages and blackouts are already significant and their
16 Transmission/Distribution: Provide information such
frequency will increase in the future. The economic costs of
as impact/vulnerability maps and good practice exam-
service interruptions are extremely high.
ples (Ebinger and Vergara 2011) and easy access to in-
formation to ENTSO, EDSO and all energy producers
(e.g., communicate results from research projects such References
as AEOLUS to the wind power producers) (measure 2)
BMLFUW (2012): The Austrian Strategy for Adaptation to Climate
17 Transmission/Distribution: Take care for adaptation Change. Vienna.
to be taken into account in further integration (Ebinger klimapolitik_national/anpassungsstrategie/strategie-kontext.html
and Vergara 2011) of the national networks into a pan- CEER (2015): CEER benchmarking report 5.2 on the Continuity of
European one (i.e., mainstream adaptation into further Electricity Supply. Data update. Brussels.
proceedings of ENTSO, EDSO, ACER, EEGI, and the McCallum S., Dworak T., Prutsch A., Kent N., Mysiak J., Bosello F.,
execution of the SET plan. Klostermann J., Dlugolecki A., Williams E., König M., Leitner M.,
Miller K., Harley M., Smithers R., Berglund M., Glas N.,

Romanovska L., van de Sandt K., Bachschmidt R., Völler S., Horrocks L.
5. Guidelines (2013): Support to the development of the EU Strategy for Adaptation
to Climate Change: Background report to the Impact Assessment, Part
18 Transmission/Distribution: Develop check list and I – Problem definition, policy context and assessment of policy options.
guidance for TSOs and DSOs to assess vulnerability and Environment Agency Austria, Vienna.
possible adaptation options (measure 2) policies/adaptation/what/docs/background_report_part1_en.pdf

19 Transmission/Distribution: Develop guidelines for Ebinger, J. & Vergara, W. (2011): Climate Impacts on Energy
Systems. Key issues for energy sector adaptation. World Bank study.
setting up pan-European early warning systems for en- Washington. (
ergy shortcuts (measure 6) Book_Climate%20Impacts%20on%20Energy%20Systems..pdf )

ENTSO-E (2010): Pilot Ten Year Network Development Plan. https://
6. EU financing scheme
Ibrahim, H.; Ilinca, A. & Perron, J. (2008). Energy storage systems—
20 Increase funding within EU RTD funding schemes, most characteristics and comparisons. Renewable and Sustainable Energy
importantly for the following: Reviews 12: 1221–1250.
–– Storage: Electricity storage systems and methods Martikainen, A., Pykälä, M.L., Farin J. (2007): Recognizing climate
–– Transmission: New material for transmission cables change in electricity network design and construction. VTT Research
–– Transmission/Distribution: Smart grids managing Notes 2419.
new demand patterns, system operations after dis- Rademaekers, K. et al. (2011): Investment needs for future adaptation
ruptions and larger share of renewable energy measures in EU nuclear power plants and other electricity generation
technologies due to effects of climate change. Final report. Published by
21 Transmission: Use market-based instruments such as
European Commission. Brussels. (
tax reduction schemes to create incentives for TSOs to studies/doc/2011_03_eur24769-en.pdf )
invest in further climate-proofed networking capacities.
URS (2010) Adapting Energy, Transport and Water Infrastructure to
This would be a classic no-regret measure, since these the long-term impacts of climate change. Ref. No RMP/5456. (http://
investments have to be made anyway.
22 Transmission/Distribution: Use the European Com- full-report.pdf )
mission-European Investment Bank (EIB) initiative “EU Williamson, L.E.; Connor, H. & Moezzi, M. (2009): Climate-proofing
Sustainable Energy Financing Initiative” and the Mar- Energy Systems. (
guerite equity fund (led by EIB) to mainstream adapta- Williamson, L.E.; Connor, H. & Moezzi, M. (2009): Climate-proofing
tion into funded projects. Energy Systems. (

Chapter 2
Case studies

Chapter 2 includes different case studies of electricity black- sion networks in Europe. It also shows the need of a multi-
outs and power outages in Europe, in countries like Italy, risk approach to build resilience of electricity transmission
Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Germany, France, Serbia, Bos- infrastructure and to address systemic risks, which affect
nia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia as well as an example electricity transmission infrastructure.
from China. The contributions in this chapter are provided
by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
(IIASA), ETH Zurich, Electro Lubliana, Slovenia, Energy
Community Secretariat, Réseau de Transport d’Electricité In the year 2011 the European Commission published the
(RTE), France and Human and Environment Linkage Pro- roadmap towards the reduction of green house gas emis-
gram, an NGO from the US and China. sions in electricity generation by at least 80% by 2050, mainly
through scaling up of renewable energy generation (COM,
2011). The 2030 EU policy framework on climate change and
energy foresees an increase of the share of renewable energy
by at least 27% (COM, 2014). Considering that the most of
2.1. Case studies of three energy generated by renewable sources is consumed and
blackouts: 2003 in Italy and transmitted as electricity, the 2030 target also increases the
Switzerland as well as in importance of electricity transmission networks as a major
critical energy infrastructure. Also the European Union En-
Sweden and Denmark, and of ergy 2020 Strategy identifies development of grids as a key
2006 in Germany factor for further deployment of renewable energies.

Nadejda Komendantova However, achieving the renewable energy targets, such as

decarbonisation of electricity generation sector by 2050, will
International Institute for Applied Systems
require substantial changes in quality and quantity of the
Analysis and ETH Zurich grid infrastructure, including an increase in the number of
international interconnectors, construction of long-distance
transmission grids, a denser network of grids to connected
distributed generation facilities and smart grid technologies
The recent power outages in several countries of Europe to manage different energy supply options. The achievement
showed vulnerability of electricity transmission grids to of the 2030 target also requires providing security of electric-
multiple hazards, when interactions between different risks ity transmission.
resulted in interruptions of electricity transmission. This
contribution reviews three historical cases of blackouts Already in 2008 the European Council was highlighting
in Europe, such as the blackout in the year 2003, which af- the growing need to protect critical infrastructure, includ-
fected Italy and Switzerland, the blackout in Sweden and ing electricity transmission grids, against multiple hazards
Denmark, which happened during the same year, and the (Directive 2008/114/EC). Currently protection of the grids,
blackout which happened in the year 2006 in Germany. The including blackouts prevention and minimization of their
review of these case studies illustrates the variety of factors, impacts, is in the responsibility of national states and the
which currently affect vulnerability of electricity transmis- owners or operators of infrastructure, as a primary respon-

sibility to secure electricity supply (Directive 2008/114/EC). the frequency and voltage of the grid dropped and the en-
In the year 2009, the European Commission settled the over- tire subsystem collapsed. The major reason for this blackout
all framework for disaster prevention and minimization of was that a severe grid fault, such as failure of double busbar,
the disasters impacts and advocated for the development of which shutted down two major nuclear units and reduced
national policies based on the disaster management cycle, transmission capacity, occurred only couple of minutes after
including such phases as prevention, preparedness, response the ordinary fault, such as the loss of a 1.250 MW genera-
and recovery. The European Commission also underlines the tion unit. The probability of such coincidence is very low, but
usefulness of a multi-hazard approach to prevent disasters it shows the requirements of grid security standards, going
(COM, 2010). The UN process also speaks about the need beyond n-1 level (Larsson and Ek, 2003).
to strengthen multi-risk assessment “research methods and
tools for multi-risk assessments should be developed and The blackout of 2006 in Germany lasted for up to two hours.
strengthened” (UNISDR, 2005) to address the vulnerability This was a major blackout, which affected more than 15 mil-
of the European Union infrastructure to multiple natural lion people. The blackout had cascading effects on people in
hazards such as earthquakes, floods, droughts, storms, heat Poland, Benelux countries, France, Portugal, Spain, Greece,
waves, icing, fires and others, which not only damage infra- Balkans and even Morocco.
structure and its elements but also reduce capacities of elec-
tricity transmission (UNISDR, 2013). The German TSO E.ON Netz had to switch off a high volt-
age line to let a ship pass underneath. Simultaneously there
was a high amount of wind electricity, which fed into the grid
Methodology: three case studies
10,000 MW from wind turbines to Western and Southern Eu-
The blackout of the year 2003, which started in Switzerland rope grids. Insufficient communication about this switch-off
and then also affected Italy, left 56 million of people without led to instabilities of the frequency in the grid and to over-
electricity. The blackout was caused by cascading effects of loading of lines. Devices had to switch customers off the grid
several failures. For instance, the overload of the 380 kV line in the affected countries. This was necessary to cope with the
between Mettlen and Lavorgo led to the raise of core tem- lack of power in the Western zone automatic. The investiga-
perature of the grid, which affected nearby trees and resulted tion, carried by the Union for the Coordination of Transmis-
in a flashover. The further failure of the Mettlen-Lavorgo sion of Electricity (UCTE), identified three factors, which af-
line resulted in an increasing loading of the 380 kV Sils-Sosa fected vulnerability of the grid. The first one was the absence
line. The domino effect from the Swiss line put the entire Ital- of security tools by transmission system operator, which did
ian line out of synchronization with the Union for the Coop- not allow verification that the system was operating at secu-
eration of Transmission Electricity (UCTE), and led to the rity limits. The second was the absence of communication
power outage in Italy lasting up to 16 hours. between European transmission system operators, who did
not receive information about actions of the German trans-
Another blackout, which took place during the same year, mission system operator. The third one was the lack of invest-
affected 1.6 million people in Sweden and 2.4 million people ment into reliability and operation of the grid (UCTE, 2006).
in Denmark. It also resulted that 4.700 MW of load was lost
in Sweden and 1.850 MW in Denmark. This was the most
Results: factors influencing vulnerability of
severe disturbance in the Nordic power system for the last
20 years. The blackout was caused by coincidence of several electricity transmission grids
risks, which increased burden on the electricity transmission The three above mentioned case studies allowed identifica-
system. Prior to blackout, two 400 kV lines were taken out tion of the following factors influencing vulnerability of elec-
for service for maintenance works as well as the High Voltage tricity transmission networks: new requirements for elec-
District Current link between Poland and Germany. The fail- tricity infrastructure in Europe, current state of electricity
ure disconnection of two busbars resulted that two nuclear infrastructure, barriers for upgrading of infrastructure and
units with total output of 1.750 MW were tripped, the grid enhancing its capacity, existing interdependencies between
lost its transmission capacity along the west coast, increasing different electricity transmission systems and existing and
heavy load of the grid in the remaining south-east and south- emerging multiple risks.
central parts. At the same time the demand in the area re-
covered and this lowered further the voltage of 400 kV, which Worldwide renewable power capacity grew by 85% over the
ended in a voltage collapse in a section of the south-west grid past 10 years and reached 1.700 GW in 2013, making over
close to Stockholm. Following this, the southern part of the 30% of all installed capacity (IRENA, 2014). The currently
grid between Sweden and eastern Denmark remained inter- existing in Europe electricity transmission system was de-
connected but was affected by massive inadequacy of gener- signed half a century ago to integrate electricity generated
ation. The remaining generators in Denmark were not able to close to major energy consumption centers and mainly from
increase capacity to satisfy the demand and within seconds the large-scale fossil fuel capacities. Today requirements for

Chapter 2 | Case studies

the grid are changing and include the need to integrate grow- Need
ing volumes of renewable energy, which is located in different 5
geographic areas and also often in the areas with low popula- 4
tion density and low level of consumption. Renewable energy 3
generation creates new challenges for electricity transmis-
sion grids, such as the difference in pick loads for demand Benefit Engagement
and supply, need for adequate infrastructure to integrate 1
varying outputs of renewable energy sources, fluctuations in 0
demand and generation side changes. The so-called power
ramps, which result from intermittent character of renew-
able energy generation, can seriously affect electricity grids.
The grid stability is also affected in the areas of interconnec-
tors, which were constructed to ensure stability of the grid Environment Transparency
and the back-up to adjust transmission systems. Deployment
of renewable energy sources far away from the consumption
centers requires that grids will be also able to gather and Elia TenneT 50Hertz
transmit electricity from different sources. If existing and
future flexible and back-up units cannot be located close to Figure 28: Concerns according to five
renewable energy generation and use the same transmission guiding principles
grid, the need for more lines and smarter grid management Source: Komendantova et al., 2015
will increase (Eurelectric, 2011).

Another challenge is the current shape of electricity trans-

Public acceptance is currently one of the major bottlenecks
mission grids, which are aging. The majority of the grids is
for upgrading of the grids. The EU supported BESTGRID
30-40 years old, several thousands kilometers of grids need
project identified that inhabitants of communities, which
to be upgraded or replaced. In many countries grids are al-
will be affected by planned electricity transmission infra-
ready at the border of their capacities and it is questionable
structure question on the first hand the need of such pro-
if this capacity will allow integration of the growing volumes
jects. The review of pilot projects realized Elia, TenneT and
of electricity generated by renewable energy sources (EWEA,
50 Hertz in Germany and Belgium showed that concerns
2010). Also cross-border interconnectors need upgrading
about the need of such projects were the most frequently ex-
(Battaglini et al., 2012).
pressed concerns (figure 28).

The European high voltage transmission grid is composed of

A number of events, which we designed in frames of the
high and low voltage lines. Vulnerability of electricity grids
BESTGRID project, showed the successfulness of the actions
in Europe is also affected by interdependencies between dif-
to provide more information about the need of the electric-
ferent systems and potentials for cascading effects (Poljanšek
ity transmission projects, such as round table discussions of
et al., 2012). Integration of renewable energies and resil-
information markets.
ience of electricity grids to multiple risks require substan-
tial upgrading of existing grids as well as deployment of new
Stakeholders especially appreciated actions on providing
grids. Around 42,000 km of transmissions lines need to be
more information in the form of detailed maps about alter-
upgraded or constructed to secure market integration, se-
native corridors, possibilities for direct discussion with the
curity of supply and to accommodate the renewable expan-
representatives of the companies realising the projects and
sion planned for 2020 (ENTSO-E, 2010). There are different
involvement of local NGOs into organisation of public infor-
challenges for further deployment of electricity transmission
mation events.
grids, which go beyond the technical and financial barriers.
Rather the lack of regulations and acceptance for further de-
ployment of electricity transmission infrastructure are major Discussion:
bottlenecks. The inability to properly address public and so-
As recent blackouts in Italy, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark
cial acceptance issues may cause enormous delays and even
and Germany showed, the electricity transmission infrastruc-
cancellation of the projects. For instance, in some countries
ture is a very complex system, which can become a subject
no single line at voltages higher than 200kV was construct-
to cascading effects of different risks and to trans-boundary
ed during the last 10 years (ETSO, 2006). Only in Germany
risks, affecting several countries. Reducing vulnerability of
3.600 km of new 380kV lines have to be constructed until
electricity transmission grids requires consideration of mul-
2020, however, since 2005 only 80 km of new grids were con-
tiple risks as well as interdependencies between these risks.
structed (DENA, 2012).

Figure 29: Public information events in frames of BESTGRID project
Source: RGI, 2015

This already extremely complex system is currently undergo- ETSO (2006). Overview of the administrative procedures for
constructing 110 kV to 400 kV overhead lines. European Transmission
ing changes, which might increase its complexity and vulner- System Operators (ETSO), 2006.
ability. For instance, electricity transmission architecture is
changing and is facing challenges of intermittent renewable EURELECTRIC (2011). Power statistics and trends. Synopsis,
December 2011.
electricity, decentralized electricity generation, two-ways
electricity flows, from producer to consumer but also from EWEA (2010). Large Scale integration of wind energy in the European
consumers back to the grid. Besides of this, grid becomes a power supply: analysis, issues and recommendations. European Wind
subject to multiple risks, which includes already existing and Energy Association (EWEA) Brussels, 2010.

known risks but also includes emerging and new risks. ETSO (2006). Overview of the administrative procedures for
constructing 110 kV to 400 kV overhead lines. European Transmission
All these factors require a multi-risk and a systemic approach System Operators (ETSO), 2006.
in risk assessment, which will consider conjoint and cascad- IRENA (2015). Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2014
ing effects of multiple risks as well as a multi-risk governance
approach in risk mitigation and management. Komendantova, N., Voccciante, M., Battaglini, A., (2015). Can the
BestGrid Process Improve Stakeholder Involvement in Electricity
Transmission Projects? Energies, 2015, 8, 9407-9433, doi: 10.3390/
Larsson, S., Ek, E., (2003). Black-out in southern Sweden and eastern
Battaglini A, Komendantova N, Brtnik P, Patt A (2012). Perception
Denmark, September 23, 2003. Svenska Kraftnät, the Swedish
of barriers for expansion of electricity grids in the European Union.
Transmission System Operator.
Energy Policy, 47:254-259.
Poljanšek, K., Bono, F., Gutiérrez, E., (2011). Seismic risk assessment of
COM (2014). Communication from the Commission to the European
interdependent critical infrastructure systems: The case of European
Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social
gas and electricity networks. Earthquake Engineering and Structural
Committee and the Committee of the Regions. A policy framework for
Dynamics Volume 41, Issue 1, January 2012 Pages 61–79
climate change and energy in the period from 2020 to 2030. Brussels,
Simonsen, I., Buzna, L., Peters, K., Bornholdt, S., Helbing, D., (2008).
Dynamic Effects Increasing Network Vulnerability to Cascading
COM (2011). Risk assessment and mapping guidelines for disaster
Failures. Phys.Re.Lett.100, 218701 (2008)
management. European Commission staff working paper, European
Union, Brussels, 2011.
UCTE (2006). Final Report: System Disturbance on 4 November 2006.
Union for the Coordination of Transmission of Electricity
COM (2010). A Community approach on the prevention of natural and
man-made disasters. 2010. Risk Assessment and Mapping Guideline
UNISDR (2013). Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk
for Disaster Management. European Commission Staff Working Paper
Reduction. United Nation Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, Geneva,
1626, Brussels, 2010.
DENA (2012). Planning of the Grid Integration of Wind Energy in
UNISDR (2005). Implementing the Hyogo Framework for Action
Germany Onshore and Offshore up to the Year 2020 (dena Grid study).
in Europe: Regional Synthesis Report 2011–2013. United Nations
Deutsche Energie Agentur, Berlin, 2012.
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, 2005.
ENTSO-E (2010). Ten-year network development plan 2010-2020.
UNISDR (2005). Hyogo Framework for Action 2005-1015: Building the
European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity
Resilience of Nations and Communities to Disasters. United Nations
(ENTSO-E), Brussels, 2010.
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, 2005.

Chapter 2 | Case studies

2.2. Slovenia: Icing in 2014

Matjaz Kersnik, Electro Lubliana

Severe icing caused a big power disturbance in Slovenia in
February 2014. This paper outlines the circumstances that
led to the icing, the damage caused over a large territory
and the main ensuing problems, the extreme duration of the
disturbance, and how the problems were managed. The con-
clusions and possible solutions for future mitigation of dis-
turbances of electricity disturbances due to extreme weather
conditions are provided.

Introduction: weather conditions

At the end of January 2014 there was a red alert in Slovenia
for extreme weather conditions. The storm caused the big-
gest damage of the century with severe icing over almost the
whole of the country. In many places the higher than average
rainfall froze immediately on contact with the ground and
electrical facilities, leading to massive damage. In some plac-
es the layer of ice was several centimeters thick. This was too
heavy for many trees and power lines and there was major
damage to the overhead lines. Figure 30 shows the first days
of the storm: Figure 31. Broken overhead network lines
Source: Elektro Ljubljana

31.1.2014 00h - 3.2.2014 00h

The consequences were catastrophic and the authorities an-
nounced a state of emergency. Damage occurred to overhead
transmission lines (400 kV, 220kV, 110kV), overhead distri-
bution lines (110kV, 20kV), and LV (up to 1kV) lines for a
total length of more than 1,000 km. About 5,000 x 20/0.4kV
substations were affected. Over 250,000 people were with-
out electrical power, and some were left completely without
electricity for over 10 days. After the blackout, some parts of
the networks were found to have been totally destroyed and
9.2.2014 09:17 CET only emergency electricity from diesel generators was avail-
able until the end of April. In total, over 100 diesel generators
2.2.2014 00h - 3.2.2014 ooh (CET) up to 1MVA were used to generate electricity. At the peak,
over 1,500 workers from electrical distribution companies
and other emergency services, such as civil protection, fire
fighters, army, as well as volunteers, construction companies,
and foreign expert workers were working together to rees-
tablish the supply of electric power to at least the cities and
bigger settlements. The estimated damage to the electricity
distribution network was estimated at €70 m

The communications lines failed almost immediately because

9.2.2014 09:10 CET
the GSM base stations had no power, and in due course the
Figure 30. Rates of weather risk in colors, red station batteries also ran out. Because of the failure on the
representing the highest level and yellow the lowest. 110kV lines, the FM signal also disappeared. There was no
Source: ARSO, National Meteorological Service, Bureau of Meteorology information on the situation. As there was no remote control

–– Providing sufficient numbers of specialists for implemen-
–– (Regional) Cooperation with foreign specialists
–– Public response
–– Availability and satisfactory condition of work equip-
ment, including personal safety equipment and materials
–– Transportation and logistics
–– Functioning communication systems (FM, GSM)
–– Keeping records of the works, material consumption, and
final remediation of defects
–– Keeping records of aggregates, fuel consumption, and
consumers connected on aggregates
–– Deployment of volunteers and retirees
–– Organization of nutrition and rest times
–– Contractual relationships with hired maintenance workers
–– Documentation for work safety and full compliance with
security measures and rules

In the following, after explaining each of these challenges,

we will examine how in our case study, they were addressed.

Worker activation implies a rapid response to disturbance

messages and takes place at the level of the unit or company.
In this case, response was 10 minutes or less in some areas.
Figure 32. Emergency restoration structures (ERS)
Companies and operators monitoring events are responsible
Source: Elektro Ljubljana
for setting response times. Staff deployment, number of spe-
cialized staff, and where they operate depends on the extent
everything done manually. To repair damage, fault handling of the emergency. For instance, some staff initially work in-
was carried out working from high to low voltage. dependently, then get deployed to a higher level. Local coor-
dination played an important role in this case because of the
For some important HV overhead lines, modular Emergency exact knowledge locals had of the terrain.
Restoration Structures (ERS) were used temporarily to bring
electricity to 110kV/20kV transformer stations. Using ERS to Extensive damage needs clear and coordinated management
repair damaged high-voltage overhead power lines allowed and operation of active Distribution Control Centers: the lo-
quick and effective recovery after the extreme weather con- cal distribution control centers are particularly important.
ditions damaged the towers; ERS is a quick way of tempo- The number of active workers includes all available workers,
rarily replacing damaged lines after natural hazards strike. and also non-technical staff who helped in locating errors.
It also allows the owner of the high voltage overhead power Foreign workers (civil protection, fire fighters, military, con-
line to systematically prepare for permanent recovery via struction contractors, foreign technical groups, cutters, aid
problem analysis, development of new documentation, high from other electro-distribution companies, aid from abroad)
quality preparations for construction, and construction of in the most affected area can exceed the local workforce by
new high voltage overhead power towers. It also allows for 500%. In the first week over 1,500 workers were deployed
regular inspections and dealing with faults detected on high simultaneously at different sites (distribution and foreign
voltage overhead power line towers or consoles (brackets). workers). Good cooperation was established especially with
Elektro Ljubljana uses ERS for damage of this nature. Other the locally based contractors, who were familiar with the ter-
damage was treated as routine damage. But the number of rain. The language barrier with foreign workers turned out
faults and the highly difficult circumstances over the country to be an obstacle, as did the fact that contractors selected
caused many problems. through a tender are not necessarily familiar with the ter-
rain, which means additional preparations are needed. Local
Applying the ERS approach creates a number of challenges staff turned out to be insufficient in numbers because local
and issues, that need to addressed to ensure an effective re- experts also had to lead foreign workers.
sponse and crisis management, most importantly:
While the public response, notably in rural areas, was mostly
–– Timely activation of maintenance personnel positive and sympathetic, the scope of work achieved would
–– Effective management of staff not been possible without foreign assistance.

Chapter 2 | Case studies

The availability and condition of work equipment was more of monitoring aggregates and fuel consumption. The most
or less sufficient. It was also used by non-professional staff, problems were in the monitoring of aggregates and fuel con-
who usually do not have adequate equipment for fieldwork. sumption. There were some failures on aggregates that had
To guarantee work safety, personal protective equipment to be removed immediately. Here, too, the content and level
(PPE) has to be available to all maintenance staff. The fact of information to be collected was not clearly defined. In ret-
that PPE was widely available and could be supplemented rospect, obtaining information in general proved to be chal-
wherever additional equipment was needed showed how ef- lenging. Another problem was due to rental of aggregates
fective the functioning and organization of the health and and migrating them at locations according to the needs. Es-
safety department actually was. tablishing a reporting system for installed aggregates took
several days. 

Transportation was a challenge as many roads were closed While involving volunteers and retirees in the works build
due to the extreme weather conditions. It is recommended on their support, it raised concerns regarding work safety,
that in future all vehicles should be equipped with four- responsibility, and liability regarding the execution of work
wheel drive to be able to negotiate roads that are closed to tasks. Volunteers and retirees were mainly involved in less
regular traffic. difficult work.

The availability of material in the first days of the event was Due to a lack of staff all workers had to work additional hours
poor, mainly due to a low level of emergency stocks. Some and were overburdened with the workload. At a certain
material intended for other investment projects was used. point, workers had to take mandatory resting periods as the
Later on, efficient procurement of supply logistics was in lack of rest caused fatigue and threatened work safety.
place. Handling supplies through a centralized warehouse
with sufficient stock levels improves logistics. Contractual relationships with hired workers include regu-
lated contracts and written agreements. Workers were also
When some of the GSM base stations ran out of power sup- engaged with whom contracts and written agreements had
ply, FM/GSM based communication were used. At first it was not been concluded. In fact, it was not even possible to print
only possible to use satellite phone communication. Failure agreements in some areas because there was neither power
of the 110 kV lines meant there was also no longer an FM sig- supply, nor sufficient time for this work. However, these were
nal or optical telecommunication and consequently no FM contractors trained to work with electrical equipment that,
communication and remote control. After a while the batter- in the past, had worked for electrical distribution companies.
ies at the transformer stations were discharged and there was The issue of written agreements should be resolved before
no information on the situation of SCADA. It was necessary the arrival of hired workers on the ground. One option may
to manually check the position of switches and work fully in be to create templates of a written agreement for workforce
manual mode. It was also not possible to use data links for providers to collect the data of workers and sort out the legal
exchanging information. As a result, there were some parts framework beforehand.
of the country left without communication with the rest of
the world for 10 days. Documents for safe work are needed at different phases of
the project. During the first phase, defect localization, issu-
Record-keeping of the works, material consumption, and ing documents for safe work was abandoned. As soon as the
needs for the final remediation of defects (plan) was prob- workers started to work in a organized manner, documents
lematic in that different companies used different record were issued on safe working practices. In areas where there
keeping systems (different IT support and strategies). The was a breakdown of the electricity system, the issuing of
situation improved later after a certain level of regulation documents for safe work began when the 110 kV power was
was implemented. A common problem was a lack of staff to restored. Safety instructions and measures were neverthe-
collect and record defects. less carried out in accordance with the instructions. For each
switch manipulation, voice communication (FM) was used,
Further complication was caused by additional information- which enabled recording in the Distribution Control Centre.
al requirements of ministries, agencies, DSO, and other in-
stitutions. They requested information, but sometimes even Compliance with security measures and rules varies depend-
they did not know what they wanted and why. Each entity ing on the difficulty of the terrain, how extreme the weather
would request information but often lacking clear definition conditions, and restrictions of movement in the forest due to
and specification on the level or content of the information forest protection concerns.
The safety instructions and measures should be implement-
Keeping records of aggregates, fuel consumption and con- ed in accordance with the instructions as much as possible.
sumers connected on aggregates posed challenges in terms The emergency plan should be worked out with a proposal

that provides the safety and protection of workers and the
provision of emergency medical care in the case of injuries.
2.3. South-Eastern Europe:
In addition, such emergency situations demonstrate the ne- Floods in 2014
cessity of special knowledge about territorial organization,
services, and facilities. Milka Mumovic
Energy Community Secretariat
The following measures are recommended to improve re-
sponsiveness and performance in crisis situations:
Ice storms, floods, and landslides hit the Balkan region in
- Improve the hierarchy of crisis staff and adhere to it recent years with devastating consequences. Network op-
- Prepare local operation control centers for activation in erators from affected areas had to cope with technical con-
crisis situations straints to repair and restore their system and with financial
- Increase the number of skilled workers during normal constraints to recover the costs and stabilize the income
operations who can guide and lead contracted workers streams.
in a crisis
- Improve the fleet of vehicles and equipment The recovery indicated the need to define and put in place
- Reorganize and create a central distribution warehouse policies and procedures for:
large enough to supply the main material and organize - Precautionary measures
logistics for delivery of the necessary material - Quick response
- Prepare written agreements for leased workers in ad- - Restoration/reenergizing
vance - Managing aftermaths.
- Lay cable networks wherever possible
- Work in accordance with the safety rules in crisis situa- All these activities are associated with costs. Under all con-
tions straints and difficulties, the systems were restored success-
- Develop methods and content of record keeping in crisis fully. However, the financial viability of network operator
situations remains critical.
- Identify what work can be carried out by volunteers and
retirees Recalling that network operators are regulated businesses,
- Arrange a way of providing rest for workers facing sub- the network tariffs should reflect adequately all the risks as-
stantial overtime and teams that are understaffed sociated with repair and restoration of the system against
- Develop and maintain an independent communication natural disaster.
system (FM or similar)
- Regulate the coordination and communication of the
Recent natural disasters in the Balkans
civil protection organization and distribution compa-
nies at the national level In 2012 heavy snow piled up on overhead lines causing inter-
- Keep press releases in crisis Staff Administration Com- ruptions in power supply and obstructing access to damaged
pany - relief of local emergency headquarters infrastructure. In 2014 ice storms hit the western Balkans
again, causing poles and lines to fall and and interruption in
Natural disasters cannot be prevented. Extreme weather supply.
conditions will continue to pose a threat to energy security.
A crisis can be made less painful by being prepared for the In mid-May 2014 continuous, heavy rainfall resulted in ex-
unexpected and through effective training for a faster resto- tensive flooding in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and
ration of the system. Croatia, described as the “epic floods.”

The floods caused landslides and devastation of overhead

and underground infrastructure, transformer stations, cus-
Keršnik, M., and Krešimir, B., (2015), A big disturbance in Slovenia in tomer connections, and metering equipment. The floods af-
February 2014 caused by severe icing, CIRED Lyon 2015, 23rd Interna- fected millions and resulted in 80 casualties. The severe and
tional Conference on Electricity Distribution, held 15-18 June 2015 widespread rains triggered over 3,000 landslides. Power sup-
Pungartnik, T., (2013), Emergency restoration structures (Ers), ac-
ply to more than 250,000 customers was interrupted.15
ceptable solution in the maintenance of high voltage overhead lines.
Proceedings of the 10th conference HRO CIGRÉ, Cavtat, 6. – 10.
November 2011.
15 Relief web: Balkan floods 2014

Chapter 2 | Case studies

After the disastrous floods and landslides in the Balkans and
breakdown of distribution systems supplying electricity to
key public services and households, network operators did
all they could to restore supply as soon as the water subsided.
The scale of destruction is reflected in tens of thousands of
meters damaged beyond repair, wrecked transformers and
respective ancillary equipment, conductors and overhead
lines, including complete destruction of spare parts and ma-
terial in flooded warehouses.

It took only days after the water receded to restore the emer-
gency power supply and connect priority facilities in affected
areas. The gravity of the situation forced network operators
to work day and night to prevent further devastating conse-
quences for populations and economies. 

Full restoration of network infrastructure, which was de-

pendent on the restoration of other infrastructure and con-
sumer facilities, took months.
Figure 33: Recent natural disasters in the Balkans
Source: Energy Community Secretariat, Report of the Elektroprivreda
Republike Srpske of the Damage on Distribution Assets Recovery measures - assessment tools
An assessment of recovery needs17 indicates that the top pri-
The Balkans floods, May 2014 16
ority are activities for restoration of the power system and
measures aimed at mitigating the consequences. This is fol-
In Serbia, the floods affected some 1.6 million people and
lowed by measures to manage the risks and improve the abil-
resulted in 51 casualties, of which 23 were due to drowning.
ity of the network operator to respond to a natural disaster
Around 32,000 people were evacuated from their homes.
of such or similar scale. Short-term measures included quick
The majority of evacuees found accommodation with rela-
response and restoration. The sequence can be presented in
tives, but some 5,000 required temporary shelters in camps
the following steps:
established by the Government and the Serbian Red Cross.
Health facilities, schools, and agricultural lands were dam-
Short-term or quick-response measures include:
aged. On 15 May the Government declared a state of emer-
- urgent relocation of key facilities away from
gency for its entire territory.
flood-prone areas,
- provision of emergency equipment and material
In Bosnia and Herzegovina, over a million people were af-
fected by flooding, almost 90,000 were displaced, and 25
- rapid rehabilitation of damaged and destroyed
casualties were recorded. The severe and widespread rains
power lines and equipment on a priority basis,
triggered over 3,000 landslides. Floods and/or landslides hit
- installation of meters and safe energizing of
75,000 houses, of which 25,000 were severely damaged or
affected sites.
destroyed, and also caused extensive damage to livelihoods,
health, water, and sanitation facilities. (IFRC, 21 Jun 2014) After these quick response measures aiming to provide elec-
In Croatia, the floods caused widespread power outages, tricity to reinstate basic social and commercial functionali-
water shortages, damage to infrastructure, livestock and ties in affected areas, mid-term measures are designed and
livelihoods, and displacement. Three people were killed. implemented to allow network operators to reduce losses
Of the estimated 15,000 people evacuated, more than 7,000 due to lower electricity demand.
were registered and looked after by the Croatian Red Cross.
Mid-term measures include:
(IFRC, 30 May 2014). Flooding was also reported in Romania
- replenishing the equipment and spare parts inventory
and Bulgaria (ECHO, 24 Apr 2014). 
used up during the emergency phase,
- reconstruct/rehabilitate and construct new power
distribution facilities,

16 Report UN 23/05/2014 17 Recovery needs assessments prepared by EU Delegation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014
oods&Kw2=&Kw3=#.VriQvjj2bq4 )

- restore all affected facilities to operation with a better place to conduct such an evaluation. In principle, an asset
disaster-resilience capacity, should be repaired if the fair value of the repaired asset will
- and rehabilitate and rebuild affected infrastructure and exceed the book value, whereas the book value equals the
assets, while taking into account flood and landslide sum of net book value and costs of repair.
protection measures,
- and reconnect affected business premises to ensure Costs of repair and disposal include used material, engage-
continuation of uninterrupted business operation. ment of staff and equipment, transport and field work of staff
and outsourced services of third parties. In the given circum-
As was the case during the recent Balkans flooding, develop- stances, the costs are usually higher compared with a similar
ing a comprehensive restoration plan which takes full account scope of work in regular course of business. Repair and re-
of access to affected areas, priority connections and pace of habilitation costs are reflected in the company’s accounts as
restoration of consumption sites and facilities is vital at this costs for the period. If a company does not have insurance
stage. In the aftermath, the lack of material, spare parts, tools coverage or a dedicated contingency fund, the costs of the
and equipment was evident, partly due to the scale of destruc- period in question are likely to rise significantly. The assets
tion, partly because warehouses were damaged or destroyed. damaged beyond repair have to be written off to zero and
Regional neighboring DSOs provided assistance in quick accounted for at net book value. These are one-time costs,
response measures and later European DSOs in EURELEC- eventually adjusted for a salvage value, if any, and costs of
TRIC were asked to provide support by supplying urgently disposal, which may include dismantling, transport, and res-
needed material and spare parts, primarily meters. toration of the site, in line with company accounting policies.

Long-term measures include precaution and managing Replacement is when new equipment is installed to replace
aftermaths. In the long run, network operators have to tie destroyed equipment, taking account of updated design pa-
reconstruction and recovery efforts to development and rameters to improve resilience. All expenditures incurred to
growth strategies. These strategies need to take account of put new assets in place and condition for their intended use
the risks of natural disasters and improving resilience to are capitalized (i.e., registered as fixed assets). This acquisi-
them. Based on the risk assessments, the plans may include: tion will not have an immediate effect on the profit and loss
development of quick response and full restoration plans, re- account of the current year, as the asset is depreciated over
view of emergency procedures for the future, relocation of its useful life.
key facilities away from known flood areas, new design pa-
rameters and/or practices for energy infrastructure and as- In times of disaster, companies receive donations and grants,
sets to improve performance and resilience, and strategically either monetary or in kind. It is important to account for
located emergency equipment and material inventory such everything received – to determine the fair value of received
as mobile substations. assets in kind and to account for all related costs of acquisi-
tion, such as transport, installation, trial run, etc. Grants are
Massive damages to customer facilities led to substantial de- important because received assets do not give rise to opera-
crease in demand requiring network operators to revise not tional expenses. In the short term, grants and donations of
only their development plans but also the capacity require- equipment alleviate the financial position of a network op-
ments from the reconnected facilities. erator and the pressure on network tariffs, as donated assets
should be factored out when tariffs are being set.

Tool to assess financial viability of

Lost revenues are connected with a prolonged outage and
restored networks also have indirect devastating consequences. Electricity is
After returning to business as usual, network operators need not supplied to customers and consumption is not registered
to assess their position before and after the disaster, analyze until metering equipment is installed. Revenues are not in-
the procedures and measures applied and their effectiveness curred during the period when services were not supplied
and to adjust policies and procedures accordingly. Immedi- and the fixed costs of the period are not covered. If the com-
ate financial consequences include costs of repair of equip- pany does not have insurance or contingency coverage to
ment and rehabilitation, writing off and disposal of equip- bridge the emergency expenditure and lost revenue, its vi-
ment, costs of procurement and installation of new and ability will be endangered. It is not only the network opera-
replacement equipment, and lost revenues. tor that loses revenues. All other economic operators in the
affected area are prevented from operating and earning in-
Damaged equipment must be urgently examined and re- come. Indirect damages are estimated using different meth-
paired whenever possible. If repair is not possible or not odologies, but for the electricity network, the key indicator is
reasonable, the equipment will be disposed of and replaced. the value of loss load. The value of lost load is the estimated
A network operator should have a transparent procedure in value that customers attribute to security of electricity sup-

Chapter 2 | Case studies

ply measured as the amount they would be willing to pay to several storms that have severely impacted its electricity
avoid a disruption in their electricity service. This estimate network. The two most important, Lothar and Martin, hap-
may be used to determine the social costs and benefits of pened on 26 and 27 December 1999 with winds of nearly
measures to improve resilience and reduce natural hazard. 200km/h (Figure 34).

Insurance of distribution equipment and policy is a mat-

ter of internal economics. For a network operator insurance
should at minimum cover the risks of regular operation.
Extending the coverage to situations declared as a state of
emergency and natural disasters is not very common. The
decision will be based on a well substantiated cost–benefit
analysis, taking into account overall impact on cost of service
and value of lost load.

Network operation is a regulated business and consequently

decisions related to insurance coverage will depend on a reg-
ulatory assessment. A network operator will not incur costs
which cannot be recovered from tariffs. On the other hand,
it is the responsibility of network operators to evaluate costs
and benefits in different scenarios for insurance coverage.

A network operator, as a provider of an important public
service, has to take due care of network security and costs
of operation. Keeping the two in balance requires a compre-
hensive analysis and assessment of different scenarios, keep-
ing up to date with scientific and technological achievements
and implementation of best practices. Regulatory oversight
and approval is part of the process. A network operator must Figure 34: consequences of natural disasters
strive to substantiate its proposal with sufficient evidence for Source: RTE library
an informed decision. The priorities are:
- permanently check and upgrade emergency and Each year between 2009 and 2012 there was a storm with an
restoration plans; impact on the network: Klaus - January 2009: comparable in
- explore lowest cost options to minimize damage to terms of wind power with Lothar and Martin, it damaged four
existing energy assets in the future; times fewer towers than in 1999, Joachim - December 2011,
- review insurance policy and assets insurance coverage; Andrea - January 2012, and Foehn - April 2012, affected the
- and analyze cost efficiency of design parameters for grid by winds in excess of 110 km/h, with minor damages.
improved resilience solutions and revised
development plans. This is why Transmission System Operators (TSOs) must
take into account the natural disasters in their development
and maintenance strategies for the electricity networks.

2.4. France: Storms in 1999 Consequences of natural disasters on

Eric Andreini, electricity networks
Electricity transmission networks consisting mainly of over-
Réseau de Transport d’Electricité (RTE)
head lines, cables, and pylons are particularly sensitive to
storms and strong winds and falling trees. This results in in-
terruptions in energy supply which can be very long because
Introduction: Natural Disasters -
of the major repair works needed (Figure 36).
reality and increasing risks
Under climate change, natural disaster events tend to be France had never experienced such storms previously. As
more unpredictable, frequent, and devastating for critical shown in the above table, the consequences were serious, but
energy infrastructure. Since 1999 France has experienced the network showed a good level of resilience: only 0.5% of

December 1999
First storm Second storm
Lothar (25 – 26) Martin (27 – 28)

Figure 35. Key figures of those storms: wind speed from blue to red
Source: Meteo France

the total number of towers were affected. This does not seem
much, but around 10% of the circuits and more than 180 sub-
63/90 kV 300 destroyed 50% Wind
stations were out of order for five days or more. Hence, the
fundamental importance of power system resilience against 421/4900 circuits 500 damaged 50% Wind
the consequences of natural disasters to the network. out of order 50% Trees
225 kV 125 destroyed 90% Wind
10% Trees
Implementation of technical issues to
81/1050 circuits 25 damaged 50% Wind
strengthen the network: The mechanical out of order 50% Trees
strength program 400 kV 120 destroyed 100% Wind
Following these events, RTE decided to implement a new 5 damaged
mechanical upgrading of its network based on i) increas- 38/450 circuits out of order 5 damaged 100% Trees
ing the hypothetical wind pressure at the design stage; and
Figure 36. Key statistics of the consequences of
ii) implementing anti-cascading towers every 5 km to limit
the 1999 storms: (damage = number of towers)
damage. The goals of these measures are: i) continuity of
Source: Data, RTE
the service; even if another 1999 storm occurs, transmission
lines must keep on supplying “source” substations; ii) resto-
ration of the service if a bigger storm hits; the delay both in A new “technical” law (2001) with three “legal” wind
resupplying “source” substations and ensuring the security pressures:
of the public must be overcome, as infrastructure damages - Normal wind (inland): 570 Pa on conductors (+20%)
have consequences for both energy supply and safety in pub- (previously, 480 Pa)
lic areas. In order to face recorded wind speeds of around - Strong wind (some regions): 640 Pa
200km/h and more in areas where RTE had never before re- - Very strong wind (coastline/river-crossing): 720 Pa
corded more than 160km/h, the technical upgrading is the “Anti-cascading” towers must be erected every 5 km: to
subject of a new technical law. avoid big cascading failures and to allow quick restoration
thanks to temporary lines (5 km long).

Chapter 2 | Case studies

Figure 37: Emergency restoration training and cooperation

Source: RTE library

Results: 2.5. Resilience of Electricity

All the proposed provisions were completed by the end of Networks to Natural Disasters
2010: treatment of 1,395 x 400kV towers, treatment of 842
tower foundations, and expansion of 8,400 km of forest cor- Wei Liu,
ridors Human and Environment Linkage Program
Based on the feedback, the following goals were achieved:
- Ensure that at each delivery point RTE has a secure
power supply line, resistant to winds of an intensity In modern societies, electricity transmission networks, one
equivalent to that of the 1999 storm. The item qualified of the critical components of the lifeline systems, play a vital
“complete security” concerns around 2,500 points of role to supply energy to support national and regional econo-
secure deliveries, 48,700 km grating (3700 lines) which mies and people’s daily lives. Reliability of these networks,
constitute the securing of the target network. At the end often high dimensional, is essential to the security of energy
of 2012, approximately 61% of delivery points and 74% of supply, or even national security. As the electricity networks
the target network lines were secure. grow, they face a variety of threats, among which the top is
- Strengthen the important road crossings and overlook- natural hazards, such as earthquakes, tsunami, floods, land-
ing areas. This item concerns brought about 8000 and is slides, et cetera. Natural disasters may disrupt or damage
made up to 80% at end 2012 and end in 2017. critical lifelines, such as electricity networks, with serious ef-
- Reconnected each delivery substation cut in five days in fects beyond the losses suffered directly by the utility or elec-
case of exceptional events. tric system operators. Electricity is essential to maintain the
functionality of emergency services and other lifelines such
The program should be completed by 2017. The mechani- as water supply, fuel supply, and communications, and also
cal security program the implementation of which started plays a major role in the economic vitality of the community.
in 2002, was funded to the tune of €100 million/year until Failure of electricity networks in a disaster may cause not
2007 on RTE’s operating budget. From 2008 this deployment only huge direct/indirect economic losses, but also severally
has accelerated to reach 185 million €/year (excluding invest- impact people’s normal life and social production, or even
ment). RTE’s investment program over the network contrib- trigger a cascade of economic, social and environmental in
utes about 20% to the development of security policy. today’s highly complex and interconnected societies. Rapid
restoration of electricity network is critical to the recovery of
a disaster-stricken region. Therefore, discussions about re-
Emergency restoration training and cooperation: silience of electricity networks become essential in regions
and countries with significant natural hazards and also in the
RTE has made a commitment to the French state to restore
context of climate change.
power to the substation within five days at the most. Emer-
gency restoration organization is then implemented and
Multiple perspectives of resilience
based on crisis management, 400 and 225 kV temporary
lines, and regular team training exercises. RTE signed the In this section we briefly review a variety of perspectives on
GO15 Protocol Agreement for Mutual Assistance in Novem- resilience from different disciplines and discuss how they
ber 2012. relate to the protection and resilience of electric power net-
works and other critical infrastructure systems.

Engineering and material resilience The emerging social-ecological resilience
Engineering resilience is probably most commonly known Partly building on Holling’s work on ecological resilience,
to general public. Davoudi (2012, pg. 300) defined it as “the the concept of social-ecological system resilience was re-
ability of a system to return to an equilibrium or steady-state cently developed together by natural and social scientists.
after a disturbance…such as flooding or earthquakes, or a Resilience Alliance defined it as “the capacity of a social-
social upheaval, such as banking crises, wars or revolutions”. ecological system to absorb or withstand perturbations and
The level of resilience is proportion to the speed of bounc- other stressors such that the system remains within the same
ing back. In material science, resilience refers to the ability regime, essentially maintaining its structure and functions.
of a material to absorb energy when it is subjected to strain, It describes the degree to which the system is capable of
without being permanently distorted. And the more energy self-organization, learning and adaptation” (RA 2015). The
a material can absorb before reaching the maximal elasticity social-ecological system perspective sees that human socie-
limit, the more resilient it is. Holling (1996, p. 33) points out ties, the physical world, and the biosphere are all intercon-
that engineering resilience “focuses on efficiency, constancy, nected and considers resilience thinking an important part
and predictability – all attributes at the core of engineers’ de- of the solution to sustainable development because it strives
sires for fail-safe design.” to build flexibility and adaptive capacity in the longer term
and enable people to anticipate change and influence future
pathways, instead of focusing on optimizing short-term sys-
Ecological resilience
tem performance and/or efficiency.
Holling coined the term ecological resilience and defined it
as “a measure of the persistence of systems and their ability Building on the abovementioned perspectives, we propose
to absorb change and disturbance and still maintain the same that a more holistic framework for building the resilience of
relationships between populations or state variables” (Hol- electricity networks to natural disaster should (1) consider
ling, 1973, p. 14). He stresses the concepts of persistence, the electricity networks as both the physical components and
change, and unpredictability in this definition, in contrast their human individuals and organizations that operate the
to efficiency, constancy, and predictability in engineering re- systems, (2) see electricity networks embedded in a broader
silience. A resilience ecosystem has the capacity to absorb regional or national social-ecological setting, and (3) identify
disturbance (e.g., fire, pest) and reorganize while undergoing resilience as being able to maintain functionality and recovery
changes. capacity in face of future disasters and continue improving
using experience learned from disaster events that occurred.

Other disciplines – psychological, social

and economic Resilience Four properties of resilience and its
The concept of psychological resilience in originated from implication for protecting and building
both child/youth development and epidemiology. It is about resilient electricity networks
the ability of an individual to maintain physiological and psy-
While the resilience of a system is often place-, scale- and
chological health in the face of a traumatic/adverse event and
context-specific, some general properties or principles do
recover from it. It has also been expanded to the concept of
exist. In this section we briefly introduce four main prop-
community resilience, which looks at the collective ability of
erties that have been identified in various resilient systems
community members to cooperate and thrive in an unpre-
(Cimellaro et al., 2010), namely the four Rs – robustness,
dictable environment (Welsh, 2013; Berks and Ross, 2013).
redundancy, resourcefulness, and rapidity. Cimellaro et al
The latter is also related to the emerging social resilience
defined then as following -
perspective (Adger et al. 2000; Keck & Sakdapolrak, 2013),
which stresses for the coping, adaptive and transformative
–– Robustness: strength, or the ability of elements, systems,
capacities of communities facing changes and shocks. In
and other measures of analysis to withstand a given level
economics, resilience is generally related to how the ability
of stress or demand, without suffering degradation or
of markets to maintain function (e.g., continue producing
loss of function.
or growth) when shocked by recession, change in consumer
–– Redundancy: capacity of satisfying functional require-
preferences, damage to capital (e.g, disasters), et cetera. Eco-
ments in the event of disruption, degradation or loss of
nomic resilience necessitates a stable and effective macroe-
conomic and institutional environment and efficient market,
–– Rapidity: the capacity to meet priorities and achieve
along with social development (Rose, 2007).
goals in a timely manner in order to contain losses, re-
cover functionality and avoid future disruption.
–– Resourcefulness: the capacity to identify problems, es-
tablish priorities, and mobilize alternative external re-

Chapter 2 | Case studies

Hydropower Installed Capacity

Medium 0.1 1 10 100 1000 
risk Recovery Time
zone Minjiang < 1 week 4 - 12 months
1-4 weeks 12 months

1-3 months

Landslide - New

Dujiangyan Landslide - Historical

Geological disaster zoning

High risk zone 0 10 20 30 40 km

Figure 38. The electricity generating and transmission systems in hazard-prone areas of Wenchuan County,
Sichuan, China near the epicenter of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.

Figure 39. Damaged Gengda Hydropower Plant (left) and nearby substation (right) near the epicenter of
the Wenchuan Earthquake (Photo credit: Mingchong Liu).

sources when conditions exist that threaten to disrupt resources, which include trained personnel and organization
some element, system, or other measure. with necessary knowledge and experience to operate the sys-
tem during emergency and recovery periods. Redundancy
These four properties are highly relevant in the context of the refers to the extent to which alternative elements, systems,
resilience of electricity networks to natural disasters. Current or other measures exist, that are substitutable for the existing
discussions on electricity network resilience mostly pay at- ones. For electricity networks, this could be either back-up
tention to the robustness of the physical components, such physical equipment, and having extra personnel or training
as substation equipment and transmission lines and towers, them to have multiple skillsets to operate the system. Rapid-
and focus on correcting design issues such as poorly detailed, ity refers to how fast related organization and personnel can
improperly restrained, or unanchored equipment that are respond to disaster during emergency and also how quickly
vulnerable to disasters such as earthquakes and landslides. A a network’s functionality can be recovered if certain damage
robust electricity network should also include robust human is unavoidable. Rapidity also takes account of learning, such

as how soon an electricity network operating organization disruption that prevented thousands of base stations from
can learn from a disaster event and be better prepared for functioning (Chen and Booth 2011).
the next event, and may involve a transformation. Resource-
fulness means the ability to mobilize material (i.e., financial, The Wenchuan Earthquake posed an unprecedented chal-
physical, technological, and informational) and human re- lenge to electricity network in Sichuan, and to the whole en-
sources to the whole process of disaster risk management and ergy industry in China as well. The lack of resilience in the
resilience building. Resourcefulness, often through making electricity network system apparently was a critical factor
financial and organizational decisions to engage additional behind the severe losses and damages and indirect impacts.
and alternative resources, could help improve robustness by The physical network was not robust enough to sustain the
replacing legacy equipment and supporting structures with impacts of the earthquake and quake-induced landslides.
more modern and disaster-robust equipment and structures In areas near the epicenter, the seismic intensity reached
to prevent and reduce disaster risk; create redundancy by XI, much higher than the specified seismic intensity level
providing resources to maintain additional equipment and (mostly at VII) in the design of the networks. Three 500kV-
personnel; and enhance rapidity ex post by making relevant electricity transmission lines and 56 220kV lines tripped af-
investment ex ante. ter the earthquake and 122 110kV-lines, and 110 35kV-lines
and 795 10kV-lines suffered outages, mainly due to fallen
pylons, broken poles, and damage to transformers, circuit
Resilience of electricity networks in
breakers and other high voltage equipment (Eidinger 2009).
the Sichuan earthquakes in China The electricity network operators were not prepared to such
Mountains in the Western China province Sichuan lie at the an event either, due to the lack of emergency response plans
eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where several of and related knowledge and experience. The level of redun-
the largest rivers in Asia originate from and feed tens of mil- dancy in both equipment and personnel was also low, partly
lions people downstream. The province has great potential in due to the fact that historically investment and development
hydropower, with a gross theoretical capacity of 143 million in electricity transmission network significantly lagged be-
kW (ca. 21% of the national total capacity of China) and a hind the construction of power plants. While the level of
technical theoretical capacity of over 100 million kW. The general resourcefulness of the country was high and the gov-
total installed capacity of hydropower in Sichuan has re- ernment rounded up huge amount of financial and human
cently reached 63.7 million kW, supplying electricity to both resources into the earthquake relief and recovery processes,
within and outside of the province. The mountainous area in the electricity network across the vast quake-stricken areas
Sichuan is also a global hotspot of earthquake and landslide did not return back to basic functioning till weeks or even
disasters. Through recent human history dozens of large months later, a sign of lack of rapidity. The reconstruction of
earthquakes have been recorded in this region and landslides the whole electricity network in the region only finished five
and flashfloods are common, especially in summer monsoon years later.
seasons (Xing and Xu 2010).
Taking the hard lessons from the Wenchuan Earthquake,
The Mw 7.9 (Ms 8.0) Wenchuan Earthquake at 14:28 on about 26 billion Yuan (~4.2 billion US Dollar) were invested
May 12, 2008 was the most devastating earthquake in main- in reconstructing a more resilient electricity network sys-
land China in the past 60 years, and resulted in the most tem in Sichuan by 2013 (SGN 2013). Modern seismic design
serious losses and damages with the largest stricken area guidelines were taken into account to rebuild the power sys-
of about 500,000 km2. At least 69,227 people were killed, tems, such as reducing the fragility of equipment and con-
374,643 injured and 17,823 missing during the earthquake, structing substations outside landslide zones so that these
while about 15.1 million people in over 400 counties (cities equipment can sustain a higher level of seismic intensity.
or districts) in 10 provinces (municipalities or autonomous More importantly, a new electricity network disaster emer-
regions) needed to be urgently relocated (Xing and Xu gency and risk management system was designed and imple-
2010). The earthquake severely destructed regional infra- mented by the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Corpora-
structures, including the electricity system. Besides dam- tion, covering disaster risk prevention, preparation, response
ages to dozens of hydro and thermal power plants (such as and recovery stages (CPNN 2015). This new system was soon
those near the epicenter shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 left), the tested in the Ms. 7.0 Lushan Earthquake on April 20th, 2013.
regional high voltage power transmission network and lo- The epicenter of this Mw 6.6 (Ms 7.0) earthquake was just
cal distribution systems were also seriously destructed (see 85 km southwest to the Wenchuan Earthquake epicenter,
pictures in Fig.2 right). A total of 2.46 million users suffered with a highest seismic intensity measured at IX. Although
power outage. There was widespread failure of the water less devastating than the Wenchuan Earthquake, the Lushan
supply in the quake-stricken area due to lack of electric- Earthquake still affected around 2 million people in over 100
ity for pumps and other equipment. Half the wireless com- counties and caused substantial damages to lifeline systems.
munications were lost in Sichuan, partly because of power Some similar damages to electricity network equipment was

Chapter 2 | Case studies

still observed, mainly in high landslide risk locations; but Chen, Y., & Booth, D. C. (2011). The Wenchuan earthquake of 2008:
anatomy of a disaster. Springer Science & Business Media.
the overall emergency response was much improved (Chen
2013). Electricity supply to the centers of the three counties Chen, A. (2013). “On the importance of modern emergency manage-
closest to the epicenter were all recovered only one day later, ment: Lushan Earthquake and Wechuan Earthquake (从芦山地震和汶
and it took only 20 days to recover electricity supply to all af- 川地震看现代应急管理的重要性).” Science and Technology Review
31(12): 11.
fected villages. The success shown in the Lushan Earthquake
response and recovery was largely due to the resourcefulness Cimellaro, G., Reinhyorn, A. & Bruneau, M. (2010) Seismic resilience
of the central and provincial governments, which have the of a hospital system, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 6(1-2),
capacity to mobilize large amount of human and financial re-
sources, and also the rapidity of learning by all sectors from CPNN (2015). State Grid Sichuan Electric Power Corporation raises
the Wenchuan Earthquake. emergency management capacity in four steps (四川电力四步骤提升
应急处置保障能力). China Power News Net. Retrieved March 29th,
The Wenchuan Earthquake and its reconstruction is a mile-
stone in China’s disaster emergency and risk management Davoudi, S. (2012) Resilience: A Bridging Concept or a Dead End, Plan-
history and also a critical event that changed the trajectory ning Theory and Practice 13(2): 299-307.

of China’s power network system development toward re- Eidinger, J. (2009). Wenchuan earthquake impact to power systems.
silience building. While significant improvement has been In Proceedings of the 2009 technical council on lifeline earthquake
achieved in mountainous Sichuan, as evidenced by the Lush- engineering (TCLEE) conference: lifeline earthquake engineering in a
multihazard environment, Oakland, June.
an Earthquake, the nature of mountainous Western China
being hotspot of various disasters make it a long-term chal- Holling, C. (1973) Resilience and Stability in Ecological Systems, An-
lenge to build resilience electricity network and other lifeline nual Review of Ecology and Systematics 4: 1-23.
systems for millions of households in this least developed
Holling, C. (1996) Engineering Resilience Versus Ecological Resilience,
region of the China. Engineering Within Ecological Constraints, ed.: Peter Schultz, National
Academy Press, Washington D.C., pp. 31–43.

Conclusions Keck, M., & Sakdapolrak, P. (2013). What is social resilience? Lessons
learned and ways forward. Erdkunde, 5-19.
In summary, we reviewed key perspectives on the concept
of resilience in various disciplines, including engineer, ecol- RA (2015). “Resilienca Alliance key concepts: Resilience.” Retrieved
March 15th, 2016, from
ogy, psychology, economics and social-ecological systems,
building on which we propose that the resilience of critical Rose, A. (2007) Economic Resilience to natural and man-made disas-
infrastructure systems, such as electric power network, to ters: Multidisciplinary origins and contextual dimensions, Environmen-
tal Hazards. 7 (4): 383-398.
natural disasters should include both the physical capacity
of the power systems (transformation substations, transmis- SGN (2013). Completion of the electricity network reconstruction in
sion lines, etc.) and the organizational capacity of the oper- Wenchuan Earthquake stricken regions (“5·12”汶川地震灾区电网重建
ating groups. We further elaborated four necessary proper- 工作全面完成). State Grid News.

ties, robustness (ability to withstand a shock), redundancy Welsh, M. (2013) Resilience and responsibility: governing uncertainty
(functional diversity), resourcefulness (ability to mobilize in a complex world. The Geographical Journal.
when threatened), and rapidity (ability to contain losses
Xing, H., & Xu, X. (2010). M8. 0 Wenchuan Earthquake (Vol. 123).
and recover in a timely manner), of a resilient system, and Springer.
demonstrate how each of them can be operationalized in the
context of maintaining reliability of electricity networks and You, H. and F. Zhao (2013). Analysis of the causes of damages to power
facilities in the M7.0 Lushan Earthquake (芦山7.0级地震及电力设施破
other critical infrastructure systems in a more and more in-
坏原因分析). Electric Power Construction 34(8): 100-104.
terconnected world facing increasing frequency and inten-
sity of natural hazards. We demonstrated how the concept
and properties related to disaster resilience of electricity net-
work system can be operationalized using the case of 2008
and 2013 earthquakes in Sichuan, China.

Adger, W. N. (2000). Social and ecological resilience: are they related?.
Progress in human geography, 24(3), 347-364.

Berkes, F. & Ross, H. (2013) Community resilience: toward an inte-

grated approach, Society and Natural Resources 26: 5-20.

Chapter 3
Good practices from private and
public sector stakeholders

Chapter 3 provides examples of good practices on preven- position of defining protection goals, infrastructure opera-
tion of power blackouts caused by natural disasters, which tors have the lead in risk prevention within the organiza-
are available at the German Federal Office of Civil Protec- tion; thus, each stakeholder has a different perspective and
tion and Disaster Assistance, to prevent long-term security responsibility.
of supply and to increase short-term reliability of the power
system, available at GO15, the organisation bringing togeth- The examples will be presented according to the four phases
er several transmission systems operators. The chapter also of the integrated risk and crisis management cycle (see Fig-
contains perspectives of the insurance industry, provided ure 40). However, the reader should keep in mind that some
by the Willis Towers and Willis Re, which is followed by the of the examples touch on several phases. To deal with the risk
discussion of the early warning mechanism, provided by the of power failure successfully, action needs to be taken during
Energy Charter Secretariat. all four phases:

–– Prevention to lessen the probability and intensity of a

blackout happening, decision on which risks to take and
3.1. National Civil Protection which to avoid
–– Preparedness to establish structures that are able to deal
Christine Eismann, with a blackout in case it occurs despite the prevention
German Federal Office of Civil Protection
–– Response to keeping blackouts small and short and the
and Disaster Assistance degree of damage low
–– Recovery to get back to normal life by building on experi-
ences from the event.
1. Introduction –
Electricity networks are in focus
2. Prevention
This article highlights some of the successful measures that
were implemented in Germany in order to prevent power Systematic prevention of the risk of power failure is achieved
blackouts caused by natural disasters, as well as examples of by performing risk management. Risks need to be analyzed,
how power disruptions can be handled. Within Critical In- evaluated, and treated at all different levels of government
frastructure Protection, the German Federal Office of Civil as well as in companies. Some examples are now listed. The
Protection and Disaster Assistance (Bundesamt für Bev- examples are chosen from the perspective of Civil Protec-
ölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe, BBK) focuses on tion. Of course, the design of the legislative framework also
electricity networks as part of the Critical Infrastructure of plays an important part in risk prevention. It is, however, not
“Energy Supply.” As almost all other infrastructures depend in focus here.
on it, failure can have dramatic consequences for the citizens
(Petermann et al. 2010). In Germany, regular reports on Risk Analysis in Civil Pro-
tection at the National Level are presented to parliament.
The most important conclusion from the examples is that In the scenarios “winter storm” and “storm surge,” power
successful risk and crisis management cannot be realized blackouts are given special consideration. To catch the de-
by one organization alone. Cooperation is key. Every stake- pendencies, power failures are treated as part of the sce-
holder has a part to play. While public authorities are in the nario in the report. The cascading effects on other criti-

“Emergency Planning”
– Emergency Plans
n es
– Site Maps Warning
–… a r Event Re

Early Warning on
Preparedness of Alerting

Risk Treatment Risk Communication
– Prevention
– Reduction
Risk and Crisis Communication
– Transfer
– Acceptance Management
n tio



Risk Evaluation



– Prioritizing risks

– Provision of resources for affected R

k Ide
Risk Analysis nti

Hazard Catalog
Figure 40. Risk and Crisis Management Cycle
Source: BBK

cal infrastructures (CI) are described on a generic level Operators of CI and governmental authorities – ideally –
(Deutscher Bundestag 2013). exchange information on the relevant findings of their risk
analyses in order to strengthen the protection of Critical In-
For private and governmental organizations, the German frastructures and therefore of the population from hazards.
Ministry of the Interior (Bundesministerium des Innern, This cooperative approach is manifested in the German Crit-
BMI) published a Guideline for Risk and Crisis Manage- ical Infrastructure Strategy (BMI 2009). A successful exam-
ment in Critical Infrastructures (BMI 2011). It provides for ple is the Working Group on Electricity, in which the roles of
all operators a methodology to perform a well-structured the public authorities (from the interior and economy port-
analysis of their own operability/operational capability, con- folios) and of the operators are defined as shown in Figure
sidering not only everyday hazards, but also extreme events. 39: The authorities supply the scenarios and the protection
The analysis also looks at the vulnerability and criticality of goals. The operators identify the processes and assets that
infrastructures and their processes and elements. Electricity are critical, meaning that their failure would result in large
network operators who perform risk and crisis management supply disturbances. They perform an analysis of the vulner-
according to the guideline add to the security of the electric- able parts in their system and define and implement protec-
ity infrastructure. Other methods for risk management are tion measures. Both operators and authorities are responsi-
also available, for example as described in ISO 31010 (ISO. ble for validating the effects of those measures.
IEC 31010:2009).

Chapter 3 | Good practices from private and public sector stakeholders

System / Process for Public-Private Cooperation

Mainly public authorities’ task Mainly operators’ task

Hazard / Threat Scenarios Protection Goals

Protection Vulnerability Risk

Measures Analysis Assessment

Protection Measures

Figure 41. Assignment of tasks within the cooperative approach

Source: BBK 2012

Voluntary cooperation also takes place in the UP KRITIS, provide the framework for this. A good practice example
a platform on which representatives of private companies is that in the German Federal Regional Planning Act, it is
and authorities meet to discuss different aspects of critical obligatory to consider critical infrastructures in the stake-
infrastructure security (BSI 2014). It is hosted by the Federal holder process (Raumordnungsgesetz). This serves to give
Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für Sicherheit critical infrastructure protection an adequate role in wider
in der Informationstechnik, BSI). In the Sectoral Working planning processes: Is centralization of power lines, which
Group for Electricity, threats, criticalities, and vulnerabilities might be useful from an economic perspective, also a good
are discussed. idea when considering questions of vulnerability? Might
transformer stations be exposed to threats due to their geo-
Complementing the cooperative approach, in cases where graphical position?
equal standards and procedures are necessary, legislative so-
lutions are needed. An example for this is the new IT Security Research projects can generate input for the risk manage-
Act (IT-Sicherheitsgesetz, ITSiG), which defines procedures ment regarding power failures. In a project funded by the
for operators of critical infrastructures to report incidents to German Ministry of Education and Research, the partici-
the Federal Office for Information Security (Bundesamt für pants developed a methodology to generate threat scenarios
Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, BSI). by combining hazards with different effects. An example was
the combination of flooding and a cold spell, with the low
Critical infrastructures are also, protected according to the temperatures resulting in frozen water that might hit roads
European Program on Critical Infrastructure Protection and houses as well as transformer stations (BBK 2014). In the
(EPCIP). For the energy sector, the 2008 Directive on Eu- same project, a simulation of an earthquake was run as an ex-
ropean Critical Infrastructures has been implemented into ample for an extreme single risk. The simulators were able to
national legislation. This means that the operators of Euro- get much more detailed information on the vulnerability of a
pean critical energy infrastructures in Germany have to pre- transformer station than was previously known. The opera-
pare Operator Security Plans (advanced business continuity tor could therefore take well-adjusted measures (BBK 2014).
plans) and nominate Security Liaison Officers (linking the
owner/operator with the national authority responsible for For local authorities, the BBK and the United Nations Uni-
critical infrastructure protection). versity (UNU) provide guidelines for specific scenarios that
might be more frequent in the future due to climate change.
The operators of the critical energy infrastructures are the The guidelines “Assessing Vulnerability to Flood Events at
stakeholders that have to implement the protection meas- a Community Level” and “Assessing Vulnerability to Heat
ures and that can give detailed information on viable ways Waves and Heavy Rainfall at a Community Level” contain ex-
to improve protection measures – both physical and by pedient checklists for the users. These are also on the topic of
deliberate planning. The (legislative) authorities have to blackouts: such as the checklist on “Emergency power supply

in a flooding event” (BBK and UNU 2014). Another guideline 4. Response
provides checklists on “Vulnerability assessment of the mu-
The ability to respond in case of a major power outage de-
nicipality to power failures” (BBK and UNU, 2014). They are
pends strongly on the level of preparedness. Only structures
directed at officials, the population, emergency services, and
and procedures that were established beforehand can be
critical infrastructure operators.
quickly used in a crisis. The effectiveness is validated by exer-
cises and real-life events.
3. Preparedness
In 2004 the exercise scenario for the German cross-state
Risk preparedness builds closely on prevention. The focus
(Laender) exercise in national crisis management (LÜKEX)
shifts from technical and physical protection measures to
was a power blackout in one of the German states.22 The
planning the necessary capacities for the event that a risk
experiences from the exercise were compiled in the Crisis
materializes despite all preventive measures or because it has
Handbook Electricity Blackout (Krisenhandbuch Stromaus-
been explicitly taken. This is necessary because not all risks
fall) (BBK, IM BW and KIT, 2010). This contains extensive
can be diminished. Preparation is, just as prevention, a part
information and detailed checklists on crisis management in
of risk management.
cases of blackouts.

To be prepared, the BBK is working on emergency planning

Actual power blackouts are rare events in Germany, where
for widespread and long-lasting electricity blackouts, taking
the annual power interruption per person ranks at approx-
into account the preparations of all relevant stakeholders.18
imately 15 to 20 minutes. However, there have been a few
The goal is to bring all efforts together in a harmonized con-
long-lasting blackouts caused by the snow storms in north-
cept. This, for example, guarantees that a minimum level of
ern Germany in the winter of 1978/1979 and the snow storm
supplies is available for every citizen. To get an overview of
in the Münster area in November 2005. The latter is a refer-
the multitude of projects being worked on in Germany’s fed-
ence for much of the current emergency planning. Around
eral system of civil protection, a series of workshops has been
250,000 people (at first more, then less) were without power
started by BBK.
for several days. The situation was handled without much
more than economic damage, due to the good cooperation of
Research projects help generate good practice solutions to
the involved emergency response teams and the close collab-
keep necessary goods and services available in blackout sce-
oration of different power companies. The situation was also
narios. Examples of this are a logistics system to bring fuel
less destructive than it might have been in a more densely
supplies to emergency power units and solutions for passing
populated area, since personal preparedness (food supplies,
on information to crisis managers as well as to the population.
ovens) was comparatively high (BNetzA 2006).
These topics are worked on in the projects TankNotStrom
(engl.: TankEmergencyPower)19 and Katastrophenschutz-
Leuchttürme (engl.: Disaster Protection Lighthouses),20, 5. Recovery
funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research.
When a harmful event has taken place, people tend to learn
from it. It is no coincidence that people are better-prepared
Solutions for a limited power supply on a household level are
for events that they have experienced before. This is valid
also being worked on.21 Powered by small devices, mostly
also for electricity blackouts.
using regenerative energies, individuals can build up their
own emergency supply and take precautions (BBK 2015a).
Smaller blackouts with several thousand affected citizens
Guidelines for emergency power supplies for authorities and
within one county or city take place more frequently than
companies are also available (BBK 2015b).
large events. The electricity supply is mainly restored within
a few hours, but sometimes the disruption lasts for a day or
longer. Although these events are only small, they challenge
the local authorities, infrastructure operators, and disaster
18 Some of the German states (Länder) as well as some counties or other administrative response teams. In cities that have experienced such black-
bodies have already done detailed work on the topic and published guidelines or analyses
on the topic. Just two examples are: outs, emergency power supplies are often strengthened in
Hessisches Ministerium des Innern und für Sport (HMdIS) (2013): Rahmenempfehlungen
zur Einsatzplanung des Brand- und Katastrophenschutzes bei flächendeckendem, lang­
the aftermath.
andauerndem Stromausfall. Online available at
katastrophenschutz/infothek/rahmenempfehlung-stromausfall-0. (German only)
Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe (2014): Musternotfallplan Stromausfall. Handlungs­ The risk recovery phase is usually a window of opportu-
empfehlungen zur Vorbereitung auf einen flächendeckenden und langanhaltenden Strom­
ausfall. Online available at
nity for implementing additional protection measures. The
Documents/2014011_MNP_Stromausfall.pdf. (German only) stakeholders wish to avoid the same kind of damage in the
21 22
x_k2db4zhweo70Dzwo.html Vergangene_Uebungen/vergangene_uebungen_node.html

Chapter 3 | Good practices from private and public sector stakeholders

future, so that destroyed infrastructure components are re- Praxis_Bevoelkerungsschutz/Band_13_Notstromversorgung.pdf?__

blob=publicationFile. (German only)
built in a less vulnerable way. Following the winter storm in
the Münster area 2005 and the highly destructive storm Ky- BMI (2009): National Strategy for Critical Infrastructure Protection
rill in January 2007, the electricity network operators have (CIP Strategy). Online available at
worked together in an association and adjusted their criteria let/contentblob/598732/publicationFile/34423/kritis_englisch.pdf

for building electrical towers. With their new Technical Rule BMI (2011): Schutz Kritischer Infrastrukturen – Risiko- und Krisen-
they went beyond setting stricter standards for new towers management. Leitfaden für Unternehmen und Behörden. Online
to better resist storms and ice load. Under certain conditions available at
even the existing towers need to be retrofitted to fulfill the blob=publicationFile. (German only)
criteria of the technical rule VDE-AR-N 4210-4, 2014.
BNetzA (2006): Untersuchungsbericht über die Versorgungsstörun-
gen im Netzgebiet des RWE im Münsterland vom 25.11.2005.
6. Conclusion Online available at
The various examples provided, which are by no means com- Versorgungssicherheit/Berichte_Fallanalysen/Bericht_12.pdf?__
plete, show that the issue of power blackout due to natural blob=publicationFile&v=2. (German only)

disasters is acknowledged as a serious issue to be addressed BSI (2014): UP KRITIS - Public-Private Partnership for Critical Infra-
in Germany. Germany has a strictly federal system, which structure Protection. Basis and Goals. Bonn. Online available at http://
means that civil protection is largely composed of different
volunteer organizations. Even without this special setting,
however, the protection from electrical failures is a task that Deutscher Bundestag (2013): Unterrichtung durch die Bundesr-
has to be performed by a multitude of different stakehold- egierung. Bericht zur Risikoanalyse im Bevölkerungsschutz 2013
(Drucksache, 18/208). Online available at
ers. Authorities, private operators, and the public all have to
dip21/btd/18/002/1800208.pdf. (German only)
work together to protect citizens effectively.
Ibid., pp 155-176.
The examples also illustrate the wide variety of possible
ISO.IEC 31010:2009 – Risk management – Risk assessment techniques.
measures when it comes to protecting electricity networks
and protecting citizens from blackouts. The different phases Petermann T, Bradke H, Lüllmann A, Poetzsch M, Riehm U (2010).
of risk and crisis management – prevention, preparedness, Gefährdung und Verletzbarkeit moderner Gesellschaften am Beispiel
eines großräumigen und langandauernden Ausfalls der Stromver-
response, and recovery – pose different challenges. They also sorgung. Endbericht zum TA-Projekt (Arbeitsbericht, Nr. 141). Online
provide different opportunities for protection. If these are available at
utilized well, then a good protection level can be reached. berichte/TAB-Arbeitsbericht-ab141.pdf. (German only)

Raumordnungsgesetz (ROG) §2 (2) Sentence 3, available at https://de- (German only)
VDE-AR-N 4210-4 (2014): Anforderungen an die Zuverlässigkeit beste-
BBK, IM BW, KIT (2010): Krisenhandbuch Stromausfall Baden-Würt- hender Stützpunkte von Freileitungen. Online available at https://www.
temberg. Handbuch mit Planungshilfen. Bonn. Short Version available
sung_pdf.html. (German only)

BBK (2014): Stromausfall. Grundlagen und Methoden zur Reduzierung 3.2. GO15
des Ausfallrisikos der Stromversorgung. Wissenschaftsforum 12.
Online available at
BBK/DE/Publikationen/Wissenschaftsforum/Bd12_Stromausfall. Hubert Lemmens, Terry Boston,
pdf?__blob=publicationFile,p 61. (German only) Alain Steven,
BBK, UNU (2014): Assessing Vulnerability to Flood Events at a GO15
Community Level. Practical Experience in Civil Protection 4. Online
available at
EN/booklets_leaflets/Assessing_Vulnerability_to_Flood_Events.pdf?__ Introduction
blob=publicationFile, pp 157-168.
With the continued population growth, economic develop-
BBK (2015a): Stromausfall. Vorsorge und Selbsthilfe. Online available
ment, and the shift towards a higher share of electric power
likationen/PublikationenKritis/Stromausfall_Vorsorge_u_Selbsthilfe. in energy consumption, energy demand is expected to dou-
pdf?__blob=publicationFile. (German only) ble in the next 15 years. Due to new technologies, the costs
associated with energy interruptions will rise. In addition,
BBK (2015b): Notstromversorgung in Unternehmen und Behörden.
Praxis im Bevölkerungsschutz 13. Online available at http://www. blackouts have been seen not only as technical issues, but also as subject to strong political influence.

In the last decades, the most frequent causes of system dis- cables are stolen or guyed cables cut off, thus occasioning
turbances have been: natural phenomena, communication faults on the transmission lines. A sharp increase in cyber
and control system failure, design and application error, op- attacks targeting the power industry, along with the prolif-
erator error, and primary equipment failure. eration of computing devices in the field to support smart
grid initiatives, will require utilities to rethink cyber security.
New environmental constraints affecting or delaying the
building of traditional power plants and new transmission System operators are facing unprecedented challenges in
corridors have aggravated power system performance. the threat levels confronting their enterprises: terrorists,
More recently, electricity in common with other physical hostile states, criminality, and extreme weather conditions.
and logistic networks has been subject to natural disasters Although, to date physical and/or cyber attacks have not led
and to threats from aggressors; all networks have vulnerabili- to severe blackouts, several measures must to be adopted in
ties that are difficult to defend. See the report published by the face of increasingly sophisticated and frequent attacks.
the Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress, We need to understand and accept this reality and to adopt
“Physical Vulnerability of the Electric System to Natural Dis- countermeasures to ensure power system security.
asters and Sabotage.” This report also documents the inter-
ruption costs, estimating them to be in the range from $1 This report will focus on the problems caused by adverse
- $5 /Kwh of disrupted service, depending on the length of weather conditions and will propose actions to minimize
outage, the types of customers affected, and the time of day. their impact. Of course, the proposed remedial actions can
also help power systems to face multiple contingencies from
Power system vulnerability has significantly increased in different causes or origins. Power system restoration can take
recent years for several reasons: dramatic increase in in- from hours to days and even weeks for distribution grids,
terregional bulk power transfers, leading power systems to depending on the severity of the blackout and the physical
operate closer to their limits; increase in transmission trunk damage to power system infrastructure. The societal reac-
bottlenecks; new environmental constraints leading to dif- tion increases the longer the total restoration time takes.
ficulties in building new transmission facilities and hydro
plants (mainly with reservoirs); integration of renewable
Understanding challenges
generation sources (RES) replacing traditional thermal gen-
eration. Europe today is facing the fundamental challenge of It is difficult to imagine modern society without a power grid
shifting from large-scale, centralized predictable power gen- that provides electricity in a reliable, cost-effective, efficient,
eration to a system in which generation capacity is becoming and timely manner. The trends are towards increasing needs
decentralized and intermittent. for more and more energy. This infrastructure will thus face a
number of new challenges.
Without a doubt, the electricity industry is being impacted
immensely by the fundamental shift in the base load genera- The challenges we are addressing are familiar to everyone in-
tion mix. For example, low gas prices and an abundant gas volved in grid modernization: cyber security, the integration
supply, combined with stringent environmental policies in of renewable energy sources, gaps in standards, harmoniza-
the USA are driving the change from coal- to gas-based. The tion of global standards, consumer engagement and transac-
consequences are electricity generation far from load cent- tive energy, to name a few.
ers, increase in transmission trunk power flow, and new gen- More recently and assuming that threats continue increasing
erating units with poor controls, all of which affect power in the short run, power system security is likely to degrade.
system reliability and security. Possible impacts to nuclear generation also cause some un-
certainty regarding the future of the industry.
In the last years, new issues have been affecting power system
performance in a negative way. These has been an increase Clearly, society expects increased reliability and reduced res-
in natural disasters, cyber/internet attacks, and vandalism. toration time. Thus, pressures have increased considerably
It is important to note that all threats to security travel either for utilities. Under the critical eye of both regulators and
through the power network itself or via communication and consumers, we must ask: are utilities currently better pre-
information systems. In terms of natural disasters: heat waves pared to face extreme weather than they were before?
are hotter, heavy rain events are more frequent, and winter
storms have increased in both frequency and intensity. These For example, Superstorm Sandy interrupted power to close
kinds of events are among the leading causes of large-scale to two million customers of the PSE&G (Public Service En-
power outages. The increasing occurrence of severe weather terprise Group of New Jersey), who went a combined 164
could lead to infrastructure breakdown with far-reaching million hours without electricity. Waters from Hurricane
consequences. In some countries, acts of vandalism moti- Irene and Sandy damaged 29 substations.
vated by theft are quite common, as when transmission line

Chapter 3 | Good practices from private and public sector stakeholders

Basic structure of the electric system.

Colour Key :
Blue : Transmission Transmission Lines
Green : Distribution 500, 345, 230, 138 kV
Customer 26 kV and 69 kV
Black : Generation
Step Down
Primary Customer
13 kV and 4 kV
Generator Step Transmission
Generating Station Up Transformer Customer 138 kV
and 230 kV
Secondary Customer
120 V and 240 V

Fuel Transmission Adequacy Overhead/Underground

Generation Adequacy N-x redundancy network
Mean time to repair

Free Market Regulated Monopoly

Figure 42: Basic structure of the electric system

Source: US DOE, complemented by the authors

Local US leaders clearly remember what occurred after Hur- are key elements for resilience. Security of supply also de-
ricane Irene and Superstorm Sandy. They understand the pends on real time observability and controllability resources
costs imposed by extended outages and expect to see meas- (ENTSO-E 2012).
ures to protect against the next storm.
While generation investments are made at the initiative of
The number of record-breaking storms since 2011 especially market players and mainly driven by economic objectives,
in the northeast of the USA has increased attention on utili- transmission investments are planned and realized under a
ties and their ability to handle emergency response. As bil- regulated regime and are subject to reliability criteria (EN-
lions of US dollars have been used to battle power outages TSO-E Ten Year Network Development Plan). Therefore,
and energy supply shortages because of the 2015-16 low tem- the transmission grid is planned with redundancy (N-1 cri-
peratures, consumers are wondering what the weather might terion); however, common mode failures are in general not
bring next and if their local power company will be prepared. covered. The (N-2) criterion is adopted in specific cases only.
In Europe, Maros Sefcovic, Vice President of the European
Commission and in charge of energy union in the 28-nation
Short-term reliability of the power system
EU bloc, announced on 1 April 2015 that the European Com-
mission plans to introduce stress tests for the power sector When we think about short-term reliability of the power sys-
in 2016 along the lines of those carried out for the EU gas tem, we have to consider different threats:
sector. It is, therefore key to understand and accept this new
reality if cost-effective countermeasures are to be adopted to –– Failures in the distribution grids which in general are not
ensure power system security. redundant by design, meaning that a single failure will
be experienced by the consumer as a power interruption
–– “Excursions” from planning criteria: events that for eco-
Long-term security of supply
nomic reasons cannot be taken into account in grid plan-
In general, and at the level of an entire power system, long- ning criteria. Examples are multiple simultaneous failures
term security of supply depends on: secure access to fuels; –– Delay in transmission corridor chronograms.
generation adequacy on a regional basis, taking into account –– Asset aging: the actual performance of an asset, com-
reserves for maintenance and unplanned outages; transmis- pared to its original design requirements.
sion adequacy; and the transmission capacity available with- –– Human errors caused, for example, by unreliable infor-
in a given region to accommodate power transfers. Resist- mation, flawed reasoning and decision making, or faulty
ance to the physical threats and redundancy of infrastructure execution of an intervention in the power system.

Prior to an Event During an event After and Event
The ability to absorb shocks The ability to manage a The ability to get back to
and keep operating disruption as it unfolds normal as quickly as possible
Robustness Resourcefulness Rapid Recovery

Adaptability/Lessons Learned
The ability to absorb new lessons after a disaster

Figure 43: Resilience concept

Source: PJM

–– Forecast errors for renewable energy resources of such a move is likely to be very high. In addition, as we are
–– Combination of the above-mentioned risks dealing here with relatively rare conditions, it would be very
difficult to justify large-scale projects on this basis. However,
On top of these mostly internal threats, some additional ex- limited-scale projects for critical corridors could well be jus-
ternal threats are emerging: severe weather events, and cy- tified. A generic model was developed by GO15 members to
ber attacks and terrorist attacks against grid infrastructure. enable experience exchange and benchmarking at the level
These are nowadays considered as the most serious and dif- of design criteria. However, no common standards could be
ficult in terms of managing risks to a secure power supply. proposed due to the great differences in boundary conditions
of the different power systems.

During an event: operation of the power system in a more
To measure the quality of power supply, several critical per- secure mode than normal when such severe natural phenom-
formance indicators (CPIs) have been identified. Some of the ena are forecast. If the risk is high, then such measures can
most commonly used are listed here: usually be justified. If the system becomes unstable, power
system operators trigger “Defense Plan” to return to stable
–– Number of affected consumers state; the main measures are load shedding, generation drop-
–– Affected area ping, and islanding.
–– Average load restoration time
–– Average Interruption Time (AIT): the time a customer After an event: after stabilization (could be during blackout):
would not be supplied if all power not been delivered due activation of “Restoration plan”: this is a systematic ap-
to power failures during a year were to be equally spread proach for repowering lost load and reducing duration of im-
among all consumers pact. In the case of severe infrastructure damage, restoration
–– System average interruption duration index (SAIDI): the can take days to weeks –deployment of the disaster recovery
time a customer would not be supplied in a given year if plan, coordination of operational teams, external contrac-
interruptions were equally spread among all consumers tors, consultation with public authorities, priority setting,
communication. GO15 provides two supporting tools: a
SAIDI is a measure for the frequency and duration of the in- crisis communication network and communication pro-
terruptions, while AIT places the emphasis on the impact of tocol, helping members to understand what is happening
the power failures. in another member’s system and a framework for mutual
assistance, which enables members to provide each other
with emergency help and relief in case serious infrastructure
Improving resilience
damage has occurred.
Figure 43 is used to describe members’ response to severe
events and GO15 support to its members in improving grid Post-incident learning: a database with case studies on se-
resilience. It includes several blocks, such as prior to an vere power system failure is available for members to enable
event, during an event, and after an event. them to learn from other incidents.

Prior to an event: the cost versus security dilemma or cost/

Framework for mutual assistance
benefit trade-off appear. There is a need to increase the re-
silience of transmission equipment so it can remain reliable By sharing operational experiences and best practices, the
under a wider range of ambient conditions. The capital cost capability of Power Grid Operators around the world to re-

Chapter 3 | Good practices from private and public sector stakeholders

spond quickly to exceptional situations is greatly enhanced. seen over the years, low frequency, high impact events such
In cases of extensive damage to the power grid assets, resto- as natural hazards can cause significant property damage
ration of the service is accelerated by obtaining spare equip- and business interruption to critical infrastructure. A major
ment and resources from neighboring operators. In this con- event like an earthquake, windstorm, or flood ultimately im-
text, the GO15 members have developed a framework for pact the ability to provide and maintain vital lifeline supplies
Mutual Assistance. The aim of the framework is to speed up to the wider population. The destruction of this infrastruc-
restoration after a major power disturbance, on the one hand ture can cause a significant impact to national security and
by sharing experiences, and on the other hand by facilitating economy. Such events do not occur just in highly exposed
arrangements among the members for access to spare parts regions around the world. We have witnessed the damage
and workforces. and disruption that recent storm events such as Desmond
(December 2015) and Imogen/Ruzica (February 2016) have
The framework includes a signed protocol which defines pre- caused to various parts of the UK and EU knocking out pow-
agreed terms for such assistance, a library of relevant reports er lines and flooding entire substations and resulting in the
documenting how previous incidents were handled, and a prolonged loss of power to many households and businesses.
mapping guide that helps members in need of assistance to
quickly access subject matter experts who can be consulted Transferring risk to insurance is part of financial risk man-
to address specific types of incidents. agement. Insurance is a mechanism for sharing risks over
time, a large group, and geographical areas; however, it does
The protocol of mutual assistance expresses the will of GO15 not mitigate or reduce potential disaster consequences or
members to collaborate, and encompasses a template for con- occurrence probability. Yet, within the insurance and rein-
tractual agreement. This template can avoid lengthy negotia- surance industry there is enormous knowledge and exper-
tions about terms and conditions when there is a request for tise in identifying, analyzing, and modeling risks that can
assistance. The library is composed of contributions from the be accessed through insurance transactions. This enables
members featuring reports from past incidents in the GO15 and empowers the insured to better understand the prob-
members’ networks and the way they were handled, includ- able risks and help develop further risk mitigation strategies
ing root cause analysis and recommendations. Additionally, and integrative risk management approaches. With respect
general interest publications about threats to secure opera- to electricity networks one needs to keep in mind that in-
tion of the electricity networks are shared. frastructure owners are not directly exposed to the full costs
borne by society due to infrastructure failure in the event of
The mapping guide is a practical tool that allows experts a natural catastrophe. Thus, the losses incurred by individu-
from the members and a list of available spare parts to be als and companies due to power outage can be much larger
indexed to any to subject matters. It thus helps members in than the cost to the electrical utility of repairing the damage.
their search for help to identify the right companies and the
right persons within the companies, member of GO15. This article offers some possible pre-event risk management
concepts and methodologies to help electricity networks
It is well known that in case of severe crisis, communication identify exposures, quantify expected losses or likely down-
is of utmost importance. Therefore, the framework consti- times, and consider good practice risk mitigation solutions.
tutes a Crisis Communication Network. The members of It will briefly discuss some typically observed vulnerabilities
GO15 have agreed on guidelines for information exchange of electrical power network systems to different perils, com-
with the aim of facilitating support actions and promoting ment on our experience in the assessment of these types of
efficient communication among members if a major event assets regarding natural hazards, and present tools and risk
occurs. assessment techniques employed to assess the general resil-
ience of power distribution and transmission systems. This
section is rounded up by some insights on Superstorm Sandy.
Given the evolution of risk, an outlook on emerging risks will
3.3. Insurance industry be provided followed by some concluding comments.

Electricity is an essential resource for many critical services

Brigitte Balthasar,
(e.g., water, gas, communications, internet etc.), and other
Torolf Hamm and Marc Lehmann infrastructure systems depend on its continuity for their
Willis Towers Watson and Willis Re smooth functioning. At the same time electricity power net-
works have continued to develop into large and highly com-
Energy infrastructure, particularly the electric power grid, plex technical systems with a greater geographical spread,
is one of the critical lifeline infrastructures on which many which means that exposure to natural hazards is increasing.
other types of critical infrastructure depend. As we have The very occurrence of natural disasters and their impact

on electricity power networks has been the focus of many range, which produces an amplification of the seismic
countries around the world, as has been the need to enhance forces in the equipment (resonance effect); and ii) inherent
the resilience of these infrastructure systems, particularly in structural deficiencies, notably the brittle nature and low-
light of evolving trends such as climate change. Resilience energy dissipation properties of electrical insulating mate-
depends on equipment, building codes, and technology, but rial such as porcelain equipment used, for example, at 230
even more so on the organization, mitigation, and standard- and 500kV substations. Heavy, unanchored circuit break-
ized emergency preparedness of well-structured electricity ers and transformers can also be susceptible to sliding and
companies. overturning damage as a result of strong ground motions.
While the transmission lines, towers, and poles are gener-
According to a report (Cabinet Office 2011), the UK energy ally less susceptible to ground shaking due to their flexibility,
sector under the direction of the Energy Networks Associa- earthquakes can still cause transmission outages when tower
tion (ENA) produced an Engineering Technical Report on foundations are subject to earth slippage. Detailed soil analy-
Resilience of Flooding of Grid and Primary Substations (ETR ses, adequate foundation design, and periodic inspection of
138). The report provides a risk-based approach to flood- existing foundations are therefore essential at the outset and
ing as well as methods to improve the resilience of services during the lifespan of the electrical network systems.
where this was technically feasible and economically viable.
The electricity transmission and distribution industry has set The variety of impacts can be attributed to the fact that gen-
out target levels (standards) of resilience for different assets eration and transmission systems consist of large, clustered
within their sector, which includes a risk-based target of a 1 assets in generation facilities and in substations, whereas
in 1000 (0.1%) annual probability flood for the highest prior- distribution assets are spread over wide geographical areas.
ity assets within their critical national infrastructure. Other Overall, it heavily depends on the peril as well as risk loca-
measures to improve resilience include the capacity to re- tion, which risk mitigation measures and risk management
connect or provide an alternative energy supply to consum- structures need to be put in place to protect the electricity
ers. This model of cooperation in the development of stand- network according to asset and operational vulnerabilities.
ards is being rolled out further to evaluate other hazards in
the energy sector.
Managing natural hazards
As part of one of the world’s leading risk management and
Asset and operational vulnerabilities of
insurance intermediaries the Strategic Risk Consulting
electricity networks (SRC) team at Willis Towers Watson adopts a wide range of
Natural hazards that have the potential to cause extended catastrophe risk consulting services to help utility companies
blackouts include earthquakes, (extra) tropical storms, tor- better identify and quantify their exposure to natural hazard
nados, flooding, and severe thunderstorms. Each type of per- risks for a range of return periods and to assist in making
il can affect power systems in a different way. Earthquakes, more informed decisions to support their operational risk
for example, can damage all types of power system equip- management, insurance purchasing, and mitigation require-
ment, and are the most likely to cause power interruptions ments.
lasting more than a few days. Other perils such as wind-
storms mostly affect the overhead transmission and local The methodology has been set out to address the questions
distribution (T&D) lines, whereas widespread flooding can we are hearing from our clients. For Electricity Networks, for
impact lower level electrical generating equipment, result- example, these can include:
ing in extended business interruption losses. Tornados and
severe thunderstorms can also affect transmission and distri- What hazards are our operations exposed to on a local, re-
bution lines through lightning strikes and wind damage, cou- gional, or global basis?
pled with falling trees and other wind-borne debris capable
of pulling down complete lines. Winter storms can create ice What are the potential material damages and disruptions we
buildup on power lines resulting in increased wind exposure may face due to a major natural hazard?
and weight on the high voltage cables.
How do these compare with our current risk management
From an earthquake perspective it is worth noting that the strategies, resilience, and recovery plans?
increase in transmission voltage over the years has resulted
in larger substation equipment, the size and weight of which Can more than one key facility or multiple parts of the net-
makes it more vulnerable to lateral seismic loading. The in- work be affected by the same event?
creased exposure to damage is caused by two principal fac-
tors: i) a drop in the frequencies of vibration into a lower and What risk mitigation options can we consider to reduce our
more severe region of the characteristic seismic frequency risk exposure?

Chapter 3 | Good practices from private and public sector stakeholders

Figure 44. Sample Analysis Outputs

Source: Authors

Through this we adopt a comprehensive Natural Catastrophe techniques to help evaluate and quantify the risks within
Risk Management framework using the following top-down the system. Geospatial mapping based on accurate location
approach to help identify, evaluate and manage company- data can pinpoint assets and represent them in a clear visual
wide risks from natural perils: manner to identify the components of the network that are
at higher risk than others. In turn, this can help organizations
Detailed review of a network’s natural hazard exposures on a to shape an appropriate strategy to manage these risks.
global, regional, and single- site basis to help shape their strat-
egy for managing natural catastrophe risks to their business. Below are some sample exhibits from this type of analysis.
The image on the left side shows a “heatmap” or hazard ma-
Natural catastrophe modeling to quantify the expected loss- trix where we can evaluate which sites are exposed to which
es and likely downtimes of the power network assets and as- type of hazards and to what degree (red representing “Very
sess which specific components are driving the risks by peril High” hazard, green “Very Low”). To the right tools, such as
and region. Google Earth can be used to geospatially visualize the loca-
tions, their relative values (height of the bars) and identify
CAT Risk Engineering Assessments and Site Surveys for possible clusters. At the bottom we show a sample catas-
individual facilities of high value and strategic importance. trophe modeling graphic that represents a loss exceedance
Detailed estimates of the expected material damages and curve mapped against a sample insurance program, often
downtime as a result of a major natural event. Provision of used to assess if suitable insurance cover is in place to protect
recommendations to help reduce the risk exposure and im- the assets against natural perils.
prove business continuity at the facility.
Quantitative catastrophe modeling can then capture the im-
The exposure and reliability of electricity networks under the pact of a wide range of possible natural hazard scenarios such
action of natural hazard events can be assessed using a com- as earthquakes or windstorms on a system, and in particular
bination of geospatial mapping and probabilistic modeling those lower frequency higher impact (or extreme) events that

Figure 45. Accumulation analysis for regulatory modeling or conflagration analysis for terrorism risk
Source: Authors

would have the greatest impact on a power network. These

models can also take into account the type of construction,
age, and height of key assets to simulate the vulnerabilities
to a given hazard. The outputs would typically comprise loss
estimations for material damages and operational disruption
or downtime, helping network operators focus their attention
on where potential upgrades or additional redundancy may
be required. Moreover, the modeling outputs support the de-
cision making with respect to risk transfer and mitigation.

Figure 46. Identifying areas of peak exposure

To assist clients, Willis Re has developed its own view of
Source: Authors
catastrophe risk for all major perils and territories globally.
These models are complex risk quantification tools that are
based on extensive scientific analysis. Despite this, there locations and exposure of electricity networks and power
have been unexpected shocks when major loss events have suppliers, one needs to work through the range of models
occurred. Willis Re seeks a full understanding of what is and complex scientific views to establish if their view of risk
and is not captured in these models and how to consider the is adequate. The geospatial visualization combined with ca-
complexities and uncertainties in catastrophe risk modeling. tastrophe modeling within tools such as SpatialKey opens
This enables our clients to more accurately understand, com- the world of effectively managing exposure accumulation
municate, and efficiently mitigate their own risk. and profitability, running location-based scenario analyses,
as well as real-time monitoring and post-event reporting.
To maintain and continuously enhance this view, the special-
ist teams work in close conjunction with the extensive re-
CAT Risk Engineering Assessments
sources of the Willis Research Network.23 Given the specific
For individual, high value, and strategic level facilities such
23 The Willis Research Network is the world’s largest insurance related network of academic
as a major substation or hydro power facility a detailed be-
institutions. It operates across the full spectrum of risk from natural catastrophe, to legal
liability, financial and security issues linked across driving themes: Resilience, Security & spoke approach may prove to be more beneficial. This assess-
Sustainable Growth; Managing Extremes; Insurance & Risk Management and Mastering
the Modelled World. ment would typically involve a detailed single site assessment

Chapter 3 | Good practices from private and public sector stakeholders

Figure 47. Developing a bespoke realistic disaster scenarios or post event calculations
Source: Authors

Figure 48. CAT risk engineering survey and PML assessment

Source: Authors

and/or physical site inspection by a specialist natural hazard Willis Re’s Catastrophe Management Services conducted
engineer to assess in situ vulnerabilities and gain an under- post-event field assessments and Willis Research Network
standing of likely failure modes, the associated loss potential scientist Dr. Michael Kunz and his colleagues at the Center
(PML), and methods to reduce the risk exposures. From an for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology,
earthquake perspective, the focus may be more on checking Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany, studied the di-
whether suitable anchorage and lateral restraint methods are rect and indirect impact of Sandy on business. This publicly
in place for critical equipment such as transformers and gen- available study helps to better understand electric utility be-
erators, whereas for flood it can focus on the ingress routes havior in the case of a catastrophic event and to draw conclu-
of water into a facility and the elevation of susceptible assets sions on societal and economic implications.
such as electrical switchgear and control cabinets.
Hurricane Sandy was a storm system with special meteoro-
logical characteristics and caused widespread damage from
Case study, Superstorm Sandy
the Caribbean to the U.S. East Coast. At the U.S. coast, es-
In addition to the natural catastrophe risk assessment and pecially in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, Sandy
modeling, academic research is another key to quantifying resulted in a relatively high death toll compared to historic
and understanding risk. Hence, close cooperation between events. Critical infrastructure failures (electricity, transpor-
the insurance industry and research ensures that the view of tation) are expected to lead to a high amount of indirect
risk is maintained and at the highest standard. Below, a sum- damages. The impact of Sandy on the longer term and the
mary of post-event report and findings on Superstorm Sandy indirect losses are difficult to estimate due to the complex in-
as at 6 November 2012 are described where members of terrelations between socioeconomic and technical systems.

Figure 49. Very soft casual map/flow chart to capture main effects of extended power outages for human basic
needs and possible emergency measures to avoid further risks.
Source: CEDIM

In most of the regions affected by Hurricane Sandy where the for the first day, and $14.4 billion for ten days of blackout (us-
electricity broke down, the power supply was successfully re- ing a GDP24 per capita per day of $132.72 and a linear recov-
stored after multiple blackouts. Power outages were reported ery function from 20 million people affected on Monday, 29
on Monday 29 October and Tuesday 30 October in 14 north- October to 2 million on Wednesday 7 November). This lin-
eastern states, leaving an estimated 8.7million customers (ap- ear function correlates well to the number of people reported
prox. 2.51 people per residential customer) without power. without power. However, it overestimates towards the end of
A week after the storm, on Monday 5 November, around 1.3 the ten-day estimate.
million people were still affected by the outage. The storm
stressed both the power utilities in their restoration schedules Overall, it was observed that Sandy caused extensive struc-
and the people living in the regions without power. tural damage to buildings and structures from storm surge
and related flooding in the surveyed areas. Building damage
The (direct and indirect) costs of the blackout caused by due to storm surge ranged from moderate to complete col-
Sandy can be roughly estimated by comparison with similar lapse. In general, the direct damage to buildings due to the
past events (e.g., 2003 northeast blackout of about $6.3 bil- wind component of the storm was none to minor. However,
lion, 2005 one-day blackout estimates of $5.6 billion – calcu- significant and widespread damage to structures was ob-
lation based on GDP per person and the number of people served due to tree fall and other flying debris.
affected). Using a similar approach, the costs for the power
24 It should be noted that this value of GDP is a U.S. country average, with the GDP per capita
outage following Sandy would be approximately $2.6 billion being around 1.3 times greater on the East Coast on average than the U.S. average.

Chapter 3 | Good practices from private and public sector stakeholders

Contingency and emergency or even global impacts solar storms can have on infrastruc-
response planning ture and the consequent cost for repair and recovery, not to
mention loss due to business interruption, require attention
In addition to identifying and quantifying potential risks
and forewarning.
from natural hazards, the other requirement to ensure the
resilience of a network is to put in place robust plans for
To this end, space weather desks around the world are moni-
both contingency and emergency response following a ma-
toring the sun and are able to give alerts for when an event
jor event. Depending on the expected peril the requirements
is on the way, hopefully helping to mitigate damages or loss.
and procedures will be different for handling power flow in-
Even though we are more vulnerable than ever due to in-
stability after major disasters and ensuring that operators are
creased exposure and reliance on susceptible infrastructure,
trained to implement these contingency plans. Willis Towers
we are also more prepared than ever to mitigate geomag-
Watson advises their clients regularly on good practice plan-
netic disaster. Data and models are available through NASA’s
ning procedures aimed at complementing existing measures
Heliophysics Division (among other sources) for academic,
already put in place by the network operators.
civil, and industrial use, allowing us to learn more about this
beautiful yet potentially disruptive risk.
Outlook on emerging risks in
the energy sector Insurance mechanisms:
The list of emerging risks covers the kind of perils that keep A useful tool to mitigate risk and
risk managers up at night: cyber risk, oil price volatility, the absorb losses from disaster
changing demands of today’s workforce, corruption, terror-
ism, the over-confidence corporations have in the ability of The key tasks and core of the insurance industry is under-
their entity to withstand a negative event, and more. While standing and identifying risk – the threefold of hazard, vul-
the energy sector has been affected by natural disaster risk nerability, and exposure. To manage insurance products and
over centuries, there are new, emerging risks that threaten financial risks, it is necessary to estimate occurrence rates
the operation and resilience of critical infrastructure. Given of events and associated economic damages with a certain
the uncertain and unknown forms, there is a challenge in un- level of reliability. Within the insurance business, certain
derstanding, analyzing, and quantifying such emerging risks; technical and actuarial expertise has been developed with
consequently, it is difficult to find appropriate management respect to the abundance of historic data in order to provide
tools such as insurance products for those risks. However, risk assessment and risk allocation mechanisms that are not
as the market evolves, different types of insurance solutions only used by households and business to absorb losses from
are developed to account for the high degree of uncertainty disasters, but equally valid for governments. This knowledge
and to open the option to share such risk. Moreover, within can also help to adapt and become more resilient to catas-
the world of catastrophe models new platforms and models trophes through better understanding of the risk, providing
are also being developed, for example, to quantify and assess economic incentives to certain behaviors that can reduce
terrorism and cyber risk. risk, contributing to data collection to assess risk, promot-
ing risk awareness and possibly improving (re-)construction
In addition to the mentioned risk, space weather events are methods (or codes) and regulation.
another threat to the electricity networks. When the sun’s
surface ties itself in a knot, the results can be unimaginably
powerful and blindingly beautiful. At the end of February
2014 space weather enthusiasts were spoiled by the biggest
solar flare, and associated coronal mass ejection (CME), of ‘A Guide to improving the resilience of critical infrastructure and
essential services’, Cabinet Office Oct 2011.
the year – classified as an X4.9. X-class denotes the most
intense flares, and these are often followed by long-lasting Knutson et. al., “Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change,” NATURE
solar radiation storms. The scale is based on a multiplication GEOSCIENCE Vol.3, p. 157-163 (2010)
scheme: X2 is twice as intense as X1; X3 is three times the “Global Climate Projections,” in CLIMATE CHANGE 2007: THE
intensity, and so forth. The main impact of this event was a PHYSICAL SCIENCE BASIS. Contribution of Working Group I to the
mesmerizing display of Aurora Borealis. But solar flares can Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (2007).
have a much more damaging impact on earth by disrupt-
ing communications technology, like satellites, and trashing “State of the Science Fact Sheet: Atlantic Hurricanes, Climate Vari-
electrical infrastructure. When solar storms strike the earth, ability, and Global Warming,” National Oceanic and Atmospheric
electrical surges can damage power grids by blowing trans- Association, May 2012.

formers and can also create interference with high-frequency Michael Kunz et. al., CEDIM FDA-Report on Hurricane Sandy 22-30
radio communications and GPS systems. The wide regional October 2012, 2ndReport

3.4. Energy security: ter promotes international cooperation in the energy field.
International organizations The Charter framework covers the EU and its member states,
countries of Central and Eastern Europe, Central Asia and
the Caucasus, as well as Japan, Australia, Mongolia, and ob-
Kanat Botbaev, server countries in African and American continents.
Iryna De Meyer
Energy Charter Secretariat The legal framework of the Energy Charter provides for vari-
ous instruments to sustain energy supply, including, inter
alia, preventive diplomacy measures and mitigation of ener-
gy-related risks by means of the Model Energy Charter Early
Energy is a backbone of the economy. The energy sector is Warning Mechanism (the EWM).
critical to other sectors such as transportation, health, busi-
nesses, and households. The risk of natural disasters such
as floods, droughts, earthquakes, tsunami, as well as inten-
Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism25
tional and unintentional human actions, make the “critical
infrastructure” of energy extremely vulnerable. Disruption The Model Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism was
or damage to energy networks, especially in the complex and developed during the Russia- Ukraine gas dispute in 2014,
interconnected modern world, can affect millions of people, but is designed to address emergency situations in any type of
causing loss of life, multiple environmental impacts, and a energy sector, including electricity. Hence, according to the
cascade of interlinked economic losses. Model Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism, “Emer-
gency situation” is a situation with a significant disruption or
The importance of protecting energy infrastructure cannot physical interruption of supply of electricity, natural gas, and
be underestimated. Recent examples of accidents caused oil within the Energy Charter constituency with cross border
by natural disasters and human actions in the energy sector significance.26
clearly indicate that their scale and long-term consequences
go far beyond national borders. Earthquakes and related According to Art. 2.1 of the Model Energy Charter Early
tsunami, as well as climate-related disasters such as hurri- Warning Mechanism, its objective “is to provide for a non-
canes, floods, landslides, or hail storms, mainly result in seri- binding framework aimed at preventing and overcoming
ous physical damage to the critical infrastructure, making it emergency situations in the energy sector related to the tran-
almost impossible for a single country to cope. The failure sit and supply of electricity, natural gas, oil and oil products
of energy networks often becomes a transboundary issue; through cross-border grids and pipelines.”
therefore, any effort in this area needs to be of an interna-
tional nature. Taking into account the current state of energy The methodology of the Model Energy Charter EWM in-
interdependence and interconnection, the biggest challenge cludes “exchange of information and response to requests for
to recover and restore requires coordinated efforts by the in- information, consultations, confirmation of information and
ternational community. monitoring, risk evaluation and recommendations for action
in view of an emergency situation or the threat of an emer-
Today, maintaining the operation of the interconnected en- gency situation” (Art.2.2).
ergy system is a challenge in itself, even if a major disaster
does not place. As an example, the extreme weather condi- The mechanism presents three levels. The mechanism may
tions of February 2012 in continental Europe revealed other be initiated by any signatory of the 1991 Energy Charter or
threats to energy networks. The growing share of intermit- the 2015 International Energy Charter in case of an emer-
tent energy sources throughout the European Union creates gency situation or the threat of an emergency situation by
significant challenges for the transmission system operators notification to the Secretary General (Art. 4.1). The notifi-
of the interconnected systems. These risks, associated with cation should include relevant information, for example,
the large-scale integration of renewables along with physi- a description of the situation, names of other parties that
cal risks from natural and man-made disasters, impose major may be involved or affected, and any information requested
threats to the security of the energy supply, which has be- from those. The notifying party and other Parties Involved
come a concern worldwide. or affected by an emergency situation are called the “Par-
ties Involved” (Art. 4.3). Parties involved can assign their
The Energy Charter, a multilateral organization promoting
energy security and international cooperation, is unique in 25 See U. Rusnák; I. De Meyer “The Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism: 2014 Russia-
terms of its membership, which includes energy- producing, Ukraine-EU Transit Issues” OGEL 6 (2015),, URL:
transit, and energy-consuming countries. The Energy Char- 26 The text of the Model Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism is available at http://

Chapter 3 | Good practices from private and public sector stakeholders

General Public Signatory of the European Energy Charter


Secretary General
(may also initiate)

may decide
to release
information Parties Concerned
Chairmanship invites
(established by SG)


(may invites further parties)

may establish

Energy Charter Monitoring Group

Figure 50. Functioning of the Model Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism

representatives from any level: a country representative, an At this level it is important that parties should share mutual
authorized person, an official from a diplomatic mission, or confidence and provide the counterparty with the necessary
administrative officer. Representatives are not required to information about the situation.
have an expertise in the energy field.
To establish the facts concerning the energy flows between
The Energy Security Contact Group is the core of the Model countries involved, the Energy Charter EWM envisages the
EWM. The Contact Group can be established either by re- creation of a Monitoring Group. The composition of this
quest of any of the Parties Involved or by the Secretary Gen- Group as well as its terms of references is decided upon by
eral upon his own initiative. The Contact Group is a primary the Energy Security Contact Group (Art. 6.2). The Monitor-
working body chaired by the Secretary General and includes ing Group can potentially include experts and monitors in a
representatives of the parties involved, the Chairmanship of certain energy field (gas, oil, electricity). In practical terms,
the Energy Charter Conference (Vice-Chair of the Contact the monitors from the Group should be allowed access to
Group), and other invited parties (Art. 5.3). the national dispatch centers in order to carry out necessary
verification and control.
The Contact Group encourages cooperation, and the exchange
and analyses of information among the parties involved on is- A Monitoring Group can be established, for example, be-
sues they consider relevant. The Parties Involved may request cause of the inability of the Contact Group participants to
the Chair to invite experts to provide additional information. travel to places that require monitoring or when it is impera-
The Contact Group has two objectives. Firstly, it proposes an tive to have independent members with monitoring expertise
agreed assessment of the situation and, secondly, it develops to ensure accuracy of data provided by the parties involved.
recommendations to eliminate the threat of an emergency The establishment of the Monitoring Group is optional. This
situation, or to overcome an emergency situation (Art. 5.7). working group can be established in case of a need to con-
Recommendations refer to provisions agreed on by all parties firm information gathered within the Energy Security Con-
involved and are in the nature of a “code of conduct,” without tact Group (Figure 50).
any legal obligation and enforcement.

The Energy Charter EWM is of a multilateral nature. The tives from their respective diplomatic missions to the EU;
Energy Charter policy would be used as a forum, a neutral and the EU’s DG Energy and European External Action Ser-
place for information exchange on developments, which may vice representatives.
result in an energy security threat to a country or region.
The EWM is an instrument for preventive diplomacy and During this meeting the parties exchanged views on the situ-
confidence building. It provides a platform for cooperation ation and possible implications for the flow of gas within the
and suggests solutions to overcome emergencies. The Model Energy Charter constituency. The Russian and Ukrainian
Energy Charter EWM is of a non- legally binding nature. It is representatives both reiterated their country’s commitment
based on full transparency and neutrality. to fulfil respective contractual obligations to avoid any inter-
ruption to energy flows. The Parties agreed to meet again one
The EWM is complementary to existing mechanisms and week later and thereby demonstrated their good faith and
does not duplicate them (Art. 4.2). Parties can refer to it vol- readiness to discuss the problem.
untarily on a case by case basis. It will be complementary to
other mechanisms for early warning and dispute resolution The second Contact Group meeting took place on 13 March
agreed bilaterally between individual parties. 2014. Recognizing that transparency is the key for confidence
building, the Secretary General proposed that a system for
The mechanism is not a dispute settlement mechanism, but collecting relevant information on the physical gas flow
an Early Warning Mechanism, meaning that it does not aim should be put in place for the benefit of the Contact Group
to replace any dispute resolution mechanisms provided by discussions. In other words, the Secretary General proposed
the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). Its main objective is to that the Russian, Ukrainian, and EU parties should provide
prevent a real or potential crisis and to set up a neutral plat- the Group with “daily actual flows … daily nominations for
form with voluntary participation of the countries involved flows of gas … across borders from, through or to the areas
to collect and share the relevant information before taking of the parties involved; volumes transited as documented by
any further steps. The Secretary General facilitates the dia- the operators” (Art. 5.6).
logue between the parties involved and ensures that possible
misunderstandings, manipulations, and misuse of the data After the events of the Crimea in March 2014, there was a
are avoided between them. need to de-escalate the tensions between Russia and Ukraine
and to strike a line between political and energy confronta-
tion. In his public statement from 17 March 2014, the Secre-
The implementation of the Model Energy
tary General reminded the Russia and Ukraine of their inter-
Charter EWM: 2014 Ukraine case national commitments with regard to energy security in the
Although the Russian-Ukrainian gas disputes are perceived region and existing investors.28 He reiterated that the Energy
by the international community as political rather than com- Security Contact Group was a neutral channel of communi-
mercial, the Energy Charter has made efforts to settle the cation and common evaluation, and encouraged the parties
situation from the energy perspective and within the Energy to continue participation.
Charter legal framework.
At the third Energy Security Contact Group meeting at the
The Energy Charter was prepared for possible energy security end of March, the Secretary General repeated that the En-
threats and on 3 March 2014 the Secretary General made a ergy Charter was a technical political body with a mandate
statement regarding the situation in Ukraine and initiated the to ensure the energy security of the constituency. For this
Energy Security Contact Group on the Ukraine Crisis upon reason, the parties were invited to discuss the outline of the
his own initiative to act in the spirit of partnership relations Model Energy Charter EWM.
and international commitments (Art. 4.2). Only the Secretary
General and parties involved can initiate a Contact Group The last Energy Security Contact Group meeting was held
meeting which is explained by the need to facilitate the deci- on 4 April 2014. To advance and benefit the Contact Group
sion-making process in a situation of high emergency. discussions and build confidence among the parties involved,
the Secretary General reiterated the need for the Energy
On 5 March 2014, the first Energy Security Contact Group Charter Secretariat to set up a system for collecting relevant
meeting with voluntary participation of the parties involved data on physical gas flows. The Group was to reconvene
took place.27 It was chaired by the Secretary General and again when the Russian and Ukrainian representatives had
consisted of the Kazakh, Russian, and Ukrainian representa- received instructions from the capitals concerning provi-

27 For more information about all the Energy Charter Security Contact Group meetings see
Energy Charter news items, (accessed 28 “Development of the Situation in Ukraine,” Statement by the Secretary General, Brussels,
15 November 2014). 17 March 2014, (accessed 28 November 2014).

Chapter 3 | Good practices from private and public sector stakeholders

sions of the necessary information, or concerning alternative 2014.31 The company has sent respective proposals to Brus-
suggestions to resolve the situation in the Contact Group. sels and Vienna, but no information on follow up has been
made available. In November, Naftogaz again called on the
Since April 2014, the Energy Charter Secretariat made efforts EU to send observers to Ukraine to monitor gas flows.32 It
to reconvene the Security Contact Group. Another meeting is worth mentioning that back in 2009 monitors were pre-
was scheduled for the end of May and then rescheduled for vented from entering the dispatch centers in Ukraine. The
June. The Secretary General suggested that at that meeting invitation to international monitors by Ukraine reflects the
the Contact Group might assess the possibility of develop- third level of the Energy Charter EWM – establishment of a
ing the proposal for the Ukrainian Government to imple- Monitoring Group. An acceptance by the party of different
ment the essential terms of the Early Warning Mechanism transparency procedures, including granting access to moni-
of the Energy Charter. However, the European Commission tors to its national dispatch center on the voluntary basis, is
requested cancellation of the meeting due to the ongoing tri- at the core of the Energy Charter EWM. It is worth mention-
lateral discussions between the Ukrainian, Russian, and EU ing, that such a level of transparency and readiness to receive
representatives through its own intermediary. Since no pro- the monitoring mission on its territory was not expressed by
gress was achieved, and due to the escalation of the conflict Russia. There is thus no publicly available set of data for com-
between Russia and Ukraine, further meetings of the Energy parison between the Russia and Ukraine.
Charter Security Contact group were suspended. Despite
this, the Secretariat, continues to maintain contact with the All the initiatives of the Ukrainian gas company Naftogaz
country representatives. and its subsidiary Ukrtransgaz with regard to joining various
European data platforms will increase confidence in their in-
The March discussions in the framework of the Energy Char- ternational partners. Ukraine is willing to demonstrate that
ter did not give sufficient impetus to the rapid initiation of its gas transportation system is reliable and that its State-
transparency regime. However, following the efforts of the owned gas company with its shady reputation commits to
Secretary General, some months later Ukraine introduced international best quality business practices. Providing data
unprecedented transparency initiatives regarding gas flows on gas flows via Ukraine was a key recommendation by the
on its territory. Energy Charter Contact Group. Ukraine fulfilled it after the
Contact Group ceased to meet. It should be noted however,
As from 6 May 2014, NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine, the leading that although not directly referred in the abovementioned
gas transmission and storage company, joined Aggregate Gas initiatives, the Energy Charter EWM provided useful input
Storage Inventory (AGSI+) transparency platform of Gas In- and indirect influence in this matter.33
frastructure Europe (GIE). The information on the volume of
gas available in Ukrainian underground storage facilities are
Implications of EWM for electricity sector
reported, disaggregated by each storage facility, every Friday
on the GIE website.29 The electricity supply, like the gas supply, is dependent on
fixed infrastructure, which is characterized by a high degree
Moreover, from 15 May 2014, PJSC “Ukrtransgaz,” a subsidi- of interconnectivity and complexity. If such infrastructure
ary of Naftogaz, started daily reporting on the volumes of is vulnerable, especially when it comes to cross-border pro-
natural gas transit through Ukraine’s gas transport system on jects, a risk of disruptions and significant economic losses
their website and on the ENTSOG website.30 These transpar- is posed. Regional cooperation in the electricity sector is a
ency initiatives are expected to provide improved interaction common phenomenon today to benefit from economies of
between Ukraine and international partners in the energy scale and optimize the use of generation units. Therefore, in-
sector. ternational cooperation on the political and technical level is
key to ensuring sustainable power supply and mitigating any
Another step by Ukraine towards transparency was its invi- risks of disruption.
tation to international observers to monitor gas transit via
Ukrainian GTS. Thus, Ukrtransgaz was ready to provide of-
ficial observers from the European Network of Transmission
System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG, Belgium) and the En-
ergy Community (Austria) with access to the Ukrainian gas 31 “Ukrtransgaz Ready To Allow European Observers To Control Implementation Of Transit
Obligations”, 25 June 2014, Naftogaz news,
measuring stations to monitor gas transit via Ukraine in June nsf/0/6568DB532E812325C2257D080039D624?OpenDocument&year=2014&month=06
&nt=News& (accessed 10 April 2015).
32 “Naftogaz increases transparency on gas transit, calls on EU to send observers to Ukraine
to monitor gas flows”, 25 November 2014, Naftogaz news,
(accessed 28 November 2014).
29 Gas Storage Europe, (accessed 28 November 2014). 33 Such as the Energy Charter Intergovernmental and Host Government Model Agreements
30 Ukrtransgaz, Operational Information, and in electricity and gas which furnish guidelines and a balanced starting point for new cross-
Entsog Transparency Platform (accessed 28 November border project agreements for new cross-border and transit infrastructure (i.e., Baku-
2014). Supsa Pipeline Project).

The operation of interconnected energy systems, indepen- According to the Central Asia and Caucasus Disaster Risk
dently of whether it is gas/oil pipeline or power grid, requires Management Initiative, UNISDR: “The countries of Central
a certain degree of coordination. In the case of emergency, Asia and the Caucasus (CAC) have a history of devastating
issues of transparency and coordination are even more im- disasters that have caused economic and human losses across
portant. Severe weather conditions and low temperatures the region. Almost all types of natural and technological haz-
caused emergency situation in Balkans in winter of 2012. Un- ards are present, including earthquakes, floods, landslides,
favorable hydro-meteorological conditions led to increased mudslides, debris flows, avalanches, droughts, and extreme
electricity consumption and limitation of exports, creating temperatures. Earthquakes are the most dangerous haz-
severe difficulties for EU common energy market. ard, causing destruction to human life, buildings and infra-
structure alike, while also triggering secondary events such
Given the provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty prohib- as landslides, mudslides and avalanches. This mountain-
iting unjustified export restrictions, the possible effects of ous region provides compelling evidence of the destructive
measures on transit within the region, and security of sup- power of such secondary events: landslides, mudslides and
ply, the Secretariat called for maximum transparency with debris flows caused most casualties during the earthquakes
respect to any measures limiting the electricity export in the in Armenia (1988 Spitak), Azerbaijan (2000 Baku), Kazakh-
constituency and also reiterated that the measures applied to stan (1887, 1889, and 1911 Almaty), Kyrgyzstan (1992 Jalal-
prevent or relieve critical shortage of electricity on domes- Abad), Tajikistan (1949 Khait, 1989 Gissar), Turkmenistan
tic markets should not be employed for periods longer than (1948 Ashgabat) and Uzbekistan (1966 Tashkent). Climate
necessary to achieve that objective. Now in a similar situa- change is expected to exacerbate disasters associated with
tion, each Contracting Party of the ECT or Signatory of the hydro-meteorological hazards.”
International Energy Charter can utilize the Early Warning
Mechanism as a tool for transparency, coordination, and The power systems of Central Asia and the South Caucasus
monitoring. inherited highly meshed and radial transmission lines as a
legacy of the former Soviet Union. Both of these regional
Under the ECT, the Contracting Parties are obliged to secure power systems used to be part of the unified power system
established flows of energy materials and products to, from, of the Soviet Union which was designed and built under the
or between the areas of other Contracting Parties and shall command economy without taking into account nation-
not, in the event of a dispute over any matter arising from al borders. This is still the case when part of the networks
transit, interrupt or reduce or permit any entity to interrupt owned by one country crosses the border of the other one,
or reduce existing flows of energy materials and products making it difficult to react in case of emergency.
prior to the dispute resolution procedures set out in Article The growing need to address security risks is exemplified a
7(7) of the ECT, except where this is specifically provided for number of large infrastructure projects in Eurasia which aim
in a contract or permitted in accordance with the concilia- to facilitate cross-border electricity trade and transport. The
tor’s decision (Article 7(6) of the ECT). CASA-1000 project developed by the World Bank stands for
exports of hydropower surpluses from Central Asia to ener-
The Treaty highlights the significant principle of “freedom of gy deficient countries of South Asia – Afghanistan and Paki-
transit” and obliges the Contracting Parties to facilitate en- stan. The initial concept of Gobitec and the Asian Supergrid
ergy transit on a “non-discriminatory” basis. In other words, projects is elaborated by the Asian Development Bank with
the ECT acts as a safeguard of energy security of the ECT the involvement of countries of northeast Asia. In large-scale
constituency, as the rationale behind freedom of transit is the projects like this, protection of infrastructure both from
non-interruption of transit and prevention of any obstruc- man-made and environmental risks is a top priority in order
tion to existing flows of energy. to generate the anticipated benefits.

Furthermore, the ECT imposes a soft law obligation on Con- The Model Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism may
tracting Parties to encourage Transmission System Opera- be seen as a multilateral instrument of preventive energy
tors (TSOs) to cooperate in measures to mitigate the effects diplomacy, confidence building, and emergency response
of interruptions to energy supply (Article 7(2)(c) of the ECT). based on voluntary cooperation. This instrument is especial-
ly relevant in light of the growing inter-regional infrastruc-
Central Asia and the southern Caucasus are two important ture projects currently promoted throughout the Eurasian
regions within Energy Charter constituency where electricity continent. Capital-intensive projects involving several coun-
trade and transport are critical elements of energy security. tries would benefit from a framework which could address
Both regions are characterized by a high degree of vulner- potential risks associated with critical energy infrastructure.
ability to geophysical (earthquakes) and climate-related dis-
asters (floods, droughts, landslides).


Figure 1. The synchronous European Transmission System. Source: ENTSO-E Memo 2012 12
Figure 2. Summary of the N – 1 principle according to ENTSO-E Operational Handbook 13
Figure 3. UCTE (now ENTSO-E) iso-risk curve. 14
Figure 4. The essential patterns of resilient response behaviors 15
Figure 5. The system split that occurred in the Western European
transmission system in 2006 17
Figure 6. Conceptual framework for the risk/vulnerability analysis
of interconnected infrastructures 18
Figure 7. Representation of the electric network 25
Figure 8. Assessing cascading effects in a multi-risk framework 27
Figure 9. Cascading effect scenarios triggered by earthquakes as
example of implementing a multi-risk assessment framework
considering an electricity transmission line 28
Figure 10: Evaluation of the power outage in Italy on 28 September 2003 38
Figure 11. Implementation of the assessed power outage in Italy on
28th September 2003 using 39
Figure 12. Social acceptance of power infrastructure and grids in Europe 40
Figure 13. Evaluation of perception-changing information campaigns 40
Figure 14. Acceptance of energy infrastructures and share of renewable energy utilization 41
Figure 15. Average effects of information campaigns vis-a-vis renewable energy presence. 41
Figure 16. The future renewables-based power system in Europe requires new
interconnections to transmit renewable electricity from remote generation sites to
consumption centers and storage sites. 43
Figure 17. Planning procedure for transmission lines 44
Figure 18. Public participation levels in power grid planning 45
Figure 19. Power grids: Technology depends on the voltage level 46
Figure 20. NemoLink interconnector between England and Belgium,
and Stevin project, Belgium 47
Figure 21. Safety culture 48
Figure 22. Just Culture Process 49
Figure 23. Safety Message 50
Figure 24. Power line damages caused by wind throw. 51
Figure 25. Ice crusts damaging power lines in Carinthia, Austria, in winter 2014 51
Figure 26. Per capita average minutes without electricity 52
Figure 27. Damage parameters (for example, storm), grid topology,
and number/type of households and companies, determining
the vulnerability of grid infrastructure and the impacts of failure. 53
Figure 28: Concerns according to five guiding principles 61
Figure 29: Public information events in frames of BESTGRID project 62
Figure 30. Rates of weather risk in colors, red representing the highest level
and yellow the lowest. 63

Figure 31. Broken overhead network lines 63
Figure 32. Emergency restoration structures (ERS) 64
Figure 33: Recent natural disasters in the Balkans 67
Figure 34: consequences of natural disasters 69
Figure 35. Key figures of those storms: wind speed from blue to red 70
Figure 36. Key statistics of the consequences of the 1999 storms:
(damage = number of towers) 70
Figure 37: Emergency restoration training and cooperation 71
Figure 38. The electricity generating and transmission systems in
hazard-prone areas of Wenchuan County, Sichuan, China
near the epicenter of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. 73
Figure 39. Damaged Gengda Hydropower Plant (left) and nearby
substation (right) near the epicenter of the Wenchuan Earthquake 73
Figure 40. Risk and Crisis Management Cycle 78
Figure 41. Assignment of tasks within the cooperative approach 79
Figure 42: Basic structure of the electric system 83
Figure 43: Resilience concept 84
Figure 44. Sample Analysis Outputs 87
Figure 45. Accumulation analysis for regulatory modeling or
conflagration analysis for terrorism risk 88
Figure 46. Identifying areas of peak exposure 88
Figure 47. Developing a bespoke realistic disaster scenarios or post event calculations 89
Figure 48. CAT risk engineering survey and PML assessment 89
Figure 49. Very soft casual map/flow chart to capture main effects of
extended power outages for human basic needs and possible
emergency measures to avoid further risks. 90
Figure 50. Functioning of the Model Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism 93

Table 1. Major recent blackouts 16
Table 2. Checklist for the categorization of hazards and triggered events in the EPS 20
Table 3. Cases of natural disasters causing power losses 30
Table 4. Overview of historic power interruptions, their dimension and their origin 35
Table 5. Summary of historic power outages 36
Table 6. WTP increasing factors for European households to avoid power cuts 37
Table 7. Total losses across all regions and sectors; summary of 38
Table 8. Climate impacts and risks for electricity transmission and distribution 54

Authors and organisations

AMRA (Center for the Analysis and

Monitoring of Environmental Risk)
AMRA is an entirely public, non-profit organization formed by five public Universities from the
Campania Region (Italy) and three national public research institutes (CNR, INGV and the Zoo-
logical Station “Anton Dohrn”). AMRA operates in the fields of natural and anthropogenic risk
assessment and mitigation, including the assessment of environmental impacts associated with
energy technologies. Early warning methods and quantitative probabilistic multi-risk assess-
ment methods have historically been the core of its activities. Recently, assessing environmental
impacts of energy technologies have become one of AMRA’s most strategic research fields.

Alexander Garcia-Aristizabal
PhD in Geophysics, is a senior researcher in AMRA. His main interests include
Bayesian data analysis, stochastic modeling in geophysics, and computational
methods for stochastic processes. His research activities are mainly centered
in the use of Bayesian methods applied to inverse problems in geophysics,
extreme value analyses, multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment.

Authors and organisations

Center for Disaster Management and

Risk Reduction Technology
The Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology (CEDIM,
is an interdisciplinary center within the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) aiming at the de-
velopment of risk assessment methodologies, in the context of natural disasters. Since 5 years
the Center focuses on near-real time (forensic) damage assessment in case of earthquakes,
tropical cyclones, and floods. As indirect losses, caused by the interruption of services, play an
increasing role in developed societies our current focus shifts to infrastructure losses and the
development of concepts to increase the resilience of critical infrastructure, including power
supply networks. CEDIM is part of the IRDR initative sponsored by ICSU.

Prof. Friedemann Wenzel

Friedemann Wenzel (born 1951) is Professor at and Director of the
Geophysical Institute of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Before his
PhD at Karlsruhe University in 1985 he was Research Scientist at Lamont-
Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, New York (1979
– 1981). After 3 years as Associate Professor) at the Geophysical Institute
Karlsruhe he became Principal Research Scientist for the Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Division of Exploration
Geoscience, Sydney, and Fellow at School of Earth Sciences of Macquarie
University, Sydney (1990 – 1992), Director of the Department ‘Structure of
the Earth’ at GeoForschungs Zentrum Potsdam, and Professor of Geophysics
at Potsdam University (1992 – 1994), and in 1994 Professor at the Geophysical
Institute in Karlsruhe. From 1996 to 2006 he coordinated the Collaborative
Research Center: ‘Strong Earthquakes - A Challenge for Geosciences and
Civil Engineering’ at Karlsruhe University, funded by the National Research
Foundation (DFG); acted as Editor in Chief of TECTONOPHYSICS between
1996 and 2001; established in 1998 as co-leader (jointly with Dr. Fouad
Bendimerad, U.S.) the ‘Earthquake and Megacities Initiative’ operating under
the umbrella of UNESCO and ICSU; coordinated between 2006 and 2012
CEDIM (Center for Disaster Mangement and Risk Reudction Technology);
served between 2000 and 2004 as vice-chairman of the German Committee
for Disaster Reduction and chairman of its Scientific Board; is 2002 member
of the Heidelberg Academy of Science and Humanities; sincs 2003 professor
Honoris Causa of Bucharest University; since 2006 member of the Academia
Europaea. Research interests between 1979 and 1994 focused on methods
for reflection seismic data processing, and numerical modelling of elastic
wave propagation including applications in the hydro-carbon industry. As
director at GFZ in Potsdam he initiated GFZ’s national instrumental program
for digital geophysical field measurements. Since 1994 research interests
focused on engineering seismology, geophysical hazards and risks, urban risk
management, seismic loss estimation, and development of resilient systems.

Consulting company CESys Ltd.

Lubomir Tomik
Director of consulting company CESys Ltd. working in the field of energy and
safety. After graduating ČVUT, Faculty of Engineering with specialization on
nuclear energy he worked in SE, a.s as a control room engineer for NPP V1
(SE,a.s.-Npp operator in Slovakia).During establishing of Nuclear Regulatory
Authority of the Slovak Republic he worked in the field of probabilistic
safety assessment and nuclear inspection. Over transition economy in 90’ he
gained experience in abroad in number of industry and energy companies.
During last years he worked as manager in foreign IT companies solving
the opening and deregulation of CZ & Slovak energy market. During the
period of 2002 – 6 he was managing director of CENS (Centre for Nuclear
Safety), international company working on the region of Central and Eastern
Europe, focusing on Enhancement of Nuclear safety with close cooperation
with IAEA. Regarding the SE, a.s., privatization he is author and co-author of
various studies performing energy market scenario modeling, i.e. Feasibility
Study on NPP Mochovce 3 and 4 Completion for Ministry of Economy of the
Slovak Republic. He is occupied by publication activities, mainly in the field of
nuclear power industry and has wide experience in organizing of international
and specialized professional conferences and meetings. He is co-author of
several training courses devoted to Nuclear safety( Understanding of Nuclear
safety, Safety culture and questioning attitude, etc.) CESys act as certified
body (Ministry of education of SR) for training in safety related topics.

Authors and organisations

Electro Ljubljana
Mission, Vision, Values
aspx Mission: We network with positive energy. Elektro Ljubljana provides a reliable, safe, quality
and sustainable electricity distribution system by combining the most advanced services from
the field of power supply. Elektro Ljubljana has been integrating the needs of its consumers,
owners and employees for more than 115 years. Vision: By providing efficient, innovative and
comprehensive solutions in the field of power supply Elektro Ljubljana remains the leading part-
ner in the development of energy industry at the national and local levels as well as the leading
company for the management of modern electricity infrastructure network entailing a pertinent
yield for the owners and a motivating environment for the employees.   
Elektro Ljubljana promotes dialogue with the employees, owners, partners in projects and wider
environment. Elektro Ljubljana develops the best long-term solutions for all the stakeholders.
Threats and opportunities are combined and exceeded with system services (solutions) entailing
above-average quality and value added. Tradition is combined with innovativeness, knowledge
with curiosity. Elektro Ljubljana propels a cycle of environmentally-friendly technological devel-

Matjaž Keršnik
Matjaž Keršnik is the head of maintenance and development coordination
service, operation and development of distribution network, Electro Ljubljana.
He is also a member of the international committee of CIGRE.

Energy Charter Secretariat
The role of the Energy Charter Secretariat is to, primarily, provide the Energy Charter Conference,
as the main decision-making body, with all necessary assistance for the performance of its duties
and carry out the functions assigned to it in the Energy Charter Treaty or in any Protocol and any
other functions assigned to it by the Charter Conference. The Secretariat is thus responsible to
and reports to the Charter Conference.

The Secretary General is the main representative of the Secretariat who is appointed by the
Energy Charter Conference for a maximum period of five years on a first appointment.

The Secretariat’s functions are:

· to monitor implementation of the Energy Charter Treaty and Protocol’s obligations;
· to organise and administer meetings of the Energy Charter Conference and its subsidiary bodies;
· to provide analytical support and advice to the Energy Charter Conference and its subsidiary
bodies on all aspects of the Energy Charter Process;
· to represent the Energy Charter Conference in the development of its relations with non-
member states and other relevant international organisations and institutions;
· to support negotiations on new instruments mandated by the Conference.

Kanat Botbaev | Expert - Transit, Energy Charter Secretariat.

Kanat Botbaev joined Energy Charter Secretariat in June 2012. He is a graduate
of the American University in Central Asia. He has extensive experience
both in public and private sectors. He started his career in the State Energy
Agency – the regulatory commission for the energy sector in the Kyrgyz
Republic. He also dealt with the coordination of energy investment projects
during his service in the State Investment Commission and the Ministry of
Finance. He has over ten years of professional experience of dealing with the
transboundary water and energy issues in Central Asia, electricity demand
management programs, development of least-cost expansion plans for power
sector, audit of management practices of power distribution utilities and other
projects. Currently, as a member of the Secretariat’s team he is responsible for
the support of the Trade and Transit Group and coordination of the activities
related to regional energy cooperation, including Central and South Asia,
South Caucasus and Northeast Asia.

Iryna De Meyer | Junior Legal Assistant, Energy Charter Secretariat

Iryna De Meyer joined Energy Charter Secretariat in October 2013. She is
a graduate of the University of Maastricht (Master in European Law) and
Free University of Brussels (Advanced Master in International Business
Law). She started her career as a Trade Coordinator at the Energy Charter
Secretariat, and was responsible for implementation of trade provisions of
the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), monitoring developments in the WTO
(Environmental Goods Agreement negotiations), as well as organization of
Energy Charter workshops and seminars in the WTO premises in Geneva.
She made a research on gas transit issues between Ukraine and Russia and
potential of the Energy Charter Model Early Warning Mechanism (‘The
Energy Charter Early Warning Mechanism: 2014 Russia-Ukraine-EU Transit
Issues’, by U. Rusnák, I. De Meyer, Energy Charter Secretariat). Currently, as
a member of the Secretariat`s legal department, she is working on the legal
commentary to the ECT provisions and provides a general support to the
Legal Council of the Secretariat.

Authors and organisations

Environment Energy Agency (EEA)

The EAA is the Austria’s largest organisation of experts on all environmental issues. As an
independent partner, the institution builds bridges between the economy, science and politics
at national and international level. With more than 450 experts in 55 academic disciplines the
EAA is a leading provider of environmental solutions. In the field of climate impacts, vulnerability
of and adaptation for electricity grids the EAA gained expertise via several projects delivered in
recent years. The EU DG Climate financed projects on climate proofing EU policies as well as
the background report for the European Adaptation Strategy were important steps to emphasize
the necessity to adapt the European energy system (including supply, demand and transmission/
distribution) towards more resilience. Find the background report including the energy chapters at

The Austrian climate and energy fund (KLIEN) finances via its ACRP program the project Switch-
Off (stands for Shifts in Weather Incidents Threatening reliability of the electricity distribution
and transmission/economic performance due to climate Change & Opportunities For Foresight
planning), in which the project consortium (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences,
Environment Agency Austria and Energy Institute at the University of Linz) investigates current
and future climate vulnerability of e-grid infrastructure, its economic performance under climate
change and elaborates adaptation needs.

Martin König
Martin König was a senior expert at the Environment Agency of Austria.
He coordinated activities on setting up national CCIVA research programs,
initialized and coordinated EU projects for better cooperation of national
climate research programs throughout Europe (CIRCLE) and was involved
into adaptation projects providing background, instruments and DSS for
different sectors and scales—from regional via national to European. For him,
his involvement in various climate impact studies was one important base for
meaningful policy consulting on response strategies.

Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University
The Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz is a not for profit research organisa-
tion, with multidisciplinary knowledge about energy-related research topics. The Energy Insti-
tute’s three departments cover Energy Economics, Energy Law and Energy Technologies. The
combination of these core disciplines allows comprehensive analyses and accounts for all as-
pects of future-oriented energy topics. We analyse the economic effects of questions regarding
energy-related policy, discuss the most recent developments in the European energy legislation
and evaluate strategies for CO2 abatement schemes as well as measures aimed at promoting en-
ergy efficiency goals. The Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University Linz is deeply rooted
in the Austrian research community, publishes in high level journals and possesses experience
in numerous national and European research projects, among them large multinational projects
about the security of Europe’s electricity supply. The energy security related research efforts at
the Energy Institute focus on the provision of decision support. Related analyses range from
economic assessments of the value of security and thereby provide guidance about economic
efficient investment levels, to the public perception and acceptance of security related policies.

Johannes Reichl
Johannes Reichl is an applied statistical researcher who develops advanced
econometric methods while investigating the challenges facing society in
the fields of energy and resource economics. Currently he is the scientific
coordinator and principal investigator of the Horizon 2020 project “Personal
Energy Administration Kiosk application” (PEAKapp), a Task Manager of the
Horizon 2020 project “Innovative Large Scale Energy Storage Technologies &
Power-to-Gas Concepts after Optimisation” (STORE & GO), and is the Legal,
Ethical, Privacy and Policy Issues (LEPPI) Officer in the FP 7 project “Smart
Grid Protection Against Cyber Attacks” (SPARKS). Furthermore, he was
the vice-coordinator of the FP7 project “Securing the European Electricity
Supply Against Malicious and Accidental Threats” (SESAME), and was the
chief developer of the software package He has
organised and moderated a number of high level policy maker workshops
on energy related topics, such as the 2016 workshop “Smart Grids Security
Requirements: Economic, Legal and Societal Aspects” in the European
Parliament, Brussels, and the 2012 workshop “Emerging Malicious Threats
to Electricity Infrastructure: Awareness and Preparedness of Professionals
in TSOs and National Security Agencies” in the European Commission,
Directorate-General for Home Affairs, Brussels.

Michael Schmidthaler
Dr. Michael Schmidthaler is a project manager at the Energieinstitut at the
Johannes Kepler University Linz. He completed his Doctorate at the Johannes
Kepler University Linz, holds Masters in Economics and Environmental
System Sciences (M.A & M.Sci with distinction) from the Karl-Franzens
University of Graz and gained international experience in various research
stays in the USA, Hawaii, Spain and South America. For several years he has
been working on a variety of projects with a focus on quantitative analyses of
energy supply security (2010-2015), on regulatory schemes (2011-2014), on
smart metering and grid services, as well as on the economics of greenhouse
gas abatement actions and energy efficiency efforts. He is task leader in the
FP 7 project SPARKS, conducted part of the regulatory assessment in the
FP 7 project SESAME and is project/work package leader in national energy,
security and efficiency research efforts

Authors and organisations

Energy Community Secretariat

The Energy Community is an international organisation which brings together the European Union
and its neighbours to create an integrated pan-European energy market. The organisation was
founded by the Treaty establishing the Energy Community signed in October 2005 in Athens,
Greece, in force since July 2006. The key objective of the Energy Community is to extend the
EU internal energy market rules and principles to countries in South East Europe, the Black Sea
region and beyond on the basis of a legally binding framework.

As of January 2016, the Energy Community has nine members: the European Union and eight
Contracting Parties - Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine. Georgia, Armenia, Norway and Turkey
participate as Observers. ECDSO-E is established as a discussion forum and a coordination plat-
form of distribution system operators from the Energy Community, set up to facilitate discussion,
experience sharing, exchange of views and initiatives among experts interested in the distribution
system operation.

Milka Mumovic
Milka Mumovic is the electricity and statistics expert in the Energy Community
Secretariat, Vienna. Before joining the Energy Community Secretariat in 2009,
Ms. Mumovic was working  for the power utility Elektroprivreda Republike
Srpske during implementation of the power reconstruction project in Bosnia
and Herzegovina  and for the Regulatory Agency for Energy of Republic of
Srpska. Her key competences are related to economics of energy businesses
and price regulation, business analysis, financial and accounting control, cost
structure and tariff design. In the Energy Community Secretariat, in addition
to monitoring implementation of the Treaty in the matters of electricity market
and statistics, she is responsible to handle and moderate peer consultation
and experience sharing within an electronic coordination platform for DSOs
from the Energy Community (ECDSO-E).

* All references to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population in this text should be understood in full compliance with UNSCR 1244

Federal Office of Civil Protection and
Disaster Assistance
The Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (German: Bundesamt für Bev-
ölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe – BBK) is a federal authority within the portfolio of the
Federal Ministry of the Interior. It fulfils tasks relating to civil security measures in close coopera-
tion with the German States (Länder), but also with authorities at all levels of the administration,
as well as organisations and institutions working in civil protection. Some examples of its tasks
are the coordination of a national risk analysis, the development of framework concepts for civil
protection, the warning and information of the population, education and training of decision
makers and managers from the sector of civil security measures, and cooperation with infrastruc-
ture operators on critical infrastructure protection.

Christine Eismann
Christine Eismann works in the division for Critical Infrastructure Protection
Concepts, with a focus on energy infrastructures. She has been in charge
of different projects on blackout prevention and preparation, and has
cooperated in different work groups with operators and authorities on critical
infrastructure protection. Before joining the Federal Office of Civil Protection
and Disaster Assistance, she has conducted risk research at the University of
Bonn, Department of Geography.

Authors and organisations

GO15. Reliable and Sustainable Power Grids is a voluntary initiative of the world’s 17 largest
Power Grid Operators representing more than 70% of the world’s electricity demand and provid-
ing electricity to 3.4 billion consumers on the 6 continents. Following several severe weather re-
lated incidents in different continents, GO15 members decided to put Grid resilience on their joint
agenda. It goes without saying that for low probability/high impact events experience exchange
is extremely important. Preventive and corrective measures are benchmarked, including costs
assessments for improving grid reliability. Eventually, members agreed on a framework for mutual
assistance. Improving electric power grid resilience will engage important amounts of invest-
ments. Therefore, it is a shared responsibility among federal agencies, state and local regulatory
entities and industry partners. GO15 promotes a better mutual understanding for the develop-
ment of the worldwide power grids. G015 brings together an international network of experts who
share best practices and experiences to address the challenges of the increased complexity of
very large power grids by ensuring that consumer needs are met by means of providing safe and
reliable power supply at reasonable costs. The common vision and recommendations of the 17
members are shared with relevant shareholders like regulators, decision makers, manufacturers
and research centers. GO15 joint activities are organized into five Committees that address the
operational, technological, financial and communication aspects.

Hubert Lemmens
Hubert Lemmens obtained a Master in Engineering from the Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven (1977). He also holds a degree from the Vlerick
Business School and the “General Management Program” from CEDEP
in Fontainebleau (2000). After several positions in the Electricity sector,
he joined in 2003 the Elia Management Board, where he was successively
Director of System Operation, Maintenance and Research and Innovation. He
was deeply involved in the unbundling process and the start up of the Belgian
System operator Elia from 1999 on. Hubert chaired the ENTSO-E R&D
committee for 3 years and lead the development of the first R&D Roadmap
of ENTSO-E. In the course of his career Hubert build a broad experience
in Power economics. Trough his international contacts with European and
global power companies, he had the opportunity to get familiarized with
different business models and organisations in the power sector.

Terry Boston
After serving as president and CEO of PJM since 2008, Mr. Boston retired
at the end of 2015. Mr. Boston is past president of GO 15, the association
of the world’s largest power grid operators. In 2014 Mr. Boston was elected
to the National Academy of Engineering, one of the highest professional
honors accorded an engineer. Mr. Boston was honored with several other
professional awards in the US. He is chair of the Electric Infrastructure
Security Council E-PRO executive committee. He served on the board of
Electric Power Research Institute, is currently on the Boards of GridLiance
GP LLC, Grid Protection Alliance and the National Academy’s Board on
Energy and Environmental Systems. Mr. Boston holds a Bachelor of Science
in engineering from Tennessee Technological University and a Master of
Science in engineering administration from the University of Tennessee.

Alain Steven
Alain Steven has over 47 years of experience in the electric power industry,
including 30 years as a senior executive, with focus on real-time mission critical
systems for demand side management, energy markets, grid management,
nuclear and fossil power plants. Alain Steven is Secretary General for GO15,
an international association of the largest Power Grid and Market Operators
in the world. He is also the CTO of Advanced Microgrid Solutions, a San
Francisco based company using advanced storage technologies to provide grid
operators with load relief while helping consumers reduce their electricity
bills. He was CTO and co-founder of Viridity Energy, a company specialized
in advanced Demand Response services, and is the author of seven patents.
Prior to Viridity, Alain held senior executive positions as CTO of the PJM
Interconnection, President of PJM Technologies, CEO of Alstom ESCA
Corporation and Vice President Simulator Business at ABB Combustion
Engineering. He graduated from the University of Liège (Belgium) in 1968,
where he earned a degree of Engineer in Physics and Aerospace.

Authors and organisations

Human and Environment Linkage Program

Human and Environment Linkage Programme (HELP) is a 510(c)3 not-for-profit organization
based in the California, USA and Beijing, China. HELP focuses on the intersection of disaster
risk management, community development and environment conservation in ecologically fragile
regions in the developing world, with a current geographical emphasis in Southwest China. HELP
works with a variety of stakeholders across public, private, academic and civil society sectors to
jointly support communities facing multiple challenges to pilot and practice integrated and adap-
tive management strategies to build resilience and pursue sustainability transitions. Since 2012,
HELP works in China as a subsidiary of Cheung Kong Philanthropy Fund under the Chinese Red
Cross Foundation. A priority in HELP’s mission is to promote resilience thinking and practices,
through on-the-ground implementation, rigorous science, and innovative communication, in the
public and civil society sectors in China.

Wei Liu
Dr. Wei Liu was trained in Biology and Economics at Peking University in
China and later received his MS in Ecology at Iowa State University and
PhD in Conservation Development at Michigan State University in the
USA. His research encompasses disaster risk management, socioeconomic
development and ecosystem management. He has authored and co-authored
~30 peer reviewed articles in top international journals, such as Ambio,
Biological Conservation, Journal of Environmental Management, and PNAS,
and provided consultancy services to a number of governmental agencies
and international non-governmental organizations, such as UNESCO and
IUCN, often on the topics of social-ecological, climate and/or disaster risk
and resilience. He is the co-founder and executive director of Human and
Environment Linkage Programme, a US and China based NGO focusing on
community-based DRM, conservation and poverty reduction. As a Research
Scholar in the Risk and Resilience program of International Institute for
Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), he works with scientist and practitioner
collaborators to combine scientific research methodology with stakeholder
participatory processes and citizen science approaches to explore innovative
solutions for enhancing disaster resilience of communities in Nepal, Indonesia
and other countries. His currently research at IIASA, including the writing of
this chapter, is supported by the Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance.​

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
(IIASA) and ETH Zurich
IIASA is a scientific institute located in Laxenburg, nearby Vienna. The Risk and Resilience (RISK)
Program at IIASA aims to better understand the risks to economic, ecological, and social systems
arising from global change and to help transform the ways in which societies manage them. The
Governance in Transition research theme analyzes how governance structures shape decisions
and subsequent outcomes by building on and contributing to research on decision-making pro-
cesses, public acceptance, risk perception, cognitive biases, and cultural perspectives, as well
as participatory governance design.

Climate Policy Group at the ETH Zurich conducts problem-driven research on the strategies to
address climate change and related environmental problems. Currently the group focuses on an-
alyzing pathways for creating a sustainable electricity system for Europe and beyond, the means
to mitigate human vulnerability to climate and other natural hazards, and the effects of policies on
the use and protection of natural resources.

Nadejda Komendantova
Dr. Nadejda Komendantova is senior research scholar at the Climate Policy
Group at ETH Zurich, Switzerland and a coordinator of the research theme
'Governance in transition' within the RISK Program at IIASA, Austria. Her
research interests include participatory and multi-risk governance of climate
change mitigation and adaptation, based on the understanding of views
and risk perceptions of involved stakeholders, of governance structures,
market and civil society as well as social institutions and political processes
towards more adaptive and inclusive governance approach, which is central
to the science-policy interface. Dr. Komendantova is currently a principal
investigator of the project 'Linking climate change mitigation, energy security
and regional development in climate and energy model regions in Austria'
(LINKS) project, supported by the Austrian Climate Research Program. She
is also involved into the project 'MENA Sustainable ELECtricity Trajectories
Energy for sustainable development in North Africa and the Middle East'
(MENA-SELECT) supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The work of Dr. Komendantova
includes more than 60 publications, including contributions to Global
Corruption Report (Transparency International), Global Assessment Report
(GAR) report and Global Renewable Energy Report (REN21). She was granted
awards from the Academic Council of the United Nations as well as the Julius
Raab Foundation. She received a number of invitations to speak at high-level
forums such as at the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the
European Commission, NATO, Energy Community Secretariat and Energy
Charter Forum.

Authors and organisations

Organization for Co-operation and Security in Europe

Office of the Co-ordinator of OSCE Economic and

Environmental Activities
The OSCE has a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses politico-military, eco-
nomic and environmental, and human aspects. It therefore addresses a wide range of securi-
ty-related concerns, including arms control, confidence- and security-building measures, human
rights, national minorities, democratization, policing strategies, counter-terrorism and economic
and environmental activities. All 57 participating States enjoy equal status, and decisions are
taken by consensus on a politically, but not legally binding basis.

OSCE economic and environmental activities incorporate energy security, including the protec-
tion of critical energy networks, a dialogue on strategic security related energy issues and re-
newable energy and energy efficiency. As a pan-European and trans-Atlantic platform, the OSCE
supports an energy security dialogue among its participating States and other international bod-
ies that deal with energy issues.

Daniel Kroos
Daniel studied Law, Business and International Relations in Berlin and
Washington DC. He has advised Policy Planning Council of the German
Federal Foreign Office in Berlin, the European Commission in Brussels and
British Petroleum in Baku, Azerbaijan on energy issues.

From 2008-2010 he served as Deputy Director of the German Chamber of

Commerce in Baku, Azerbaijan. Before joining OSCE he led the oil & gas
practice as Vice President of BTO Management Consulting AG in Berlin and
Zürich, managing international projects in M&A, post-merger integration
and optimization in the oil & gas industry.

Daniel currently serves as Senior Programme Officer for Energy Security

at the Office of the Co-ordinator of Economic and Environmental Affairs
(OCEEA) at the OSCE Secretariat in Vienna, advising on regional energy
security issues as well as renewable energy.

RTE is the French transmission system operator and has to provide economical, reliable and
clean access to electrical power, regarding 3 objectives: optimizing operation of the French pow-
er system, second by second, seeing to the security of supply for our customers, with access
to economical, reliable and secure electricity, now and tomorrow and adapting the transmission
system to facilitate the energy transition. With nearly 105,000 km of lines, RTE operates a largest
grid in Europe. 46.2% of extra-high voltage lines (400,000 and 225,000 volts) transmit electricity
over long distances and to 48 cross-border connections with the neighboring countries. The
lines at 150,000, 90,000 and 63,000 volts are designed for regional sub-transmission. RTE fos-
ters constant dialogue with his European partners, specifically through the European Network of
Transmission System Operators for Electricity, ENTSO-E, of which he is an active member.

Eric Andreini
Since 1983, the career of Eric within EDF and RTE included performance of
different jobs in the field of generation and transmission energy, particularly
in maintenance, engineering and management of teams as for the acitvities of
French electric network, such as Deputy Director of RTE’s regional area for
Paris and Normandy, General Manager of RTE’s regional control center for
Finance West area and Engineer graduate of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure
d’Arts & Métiers

Eric joined the European Affairs Division at its inception in January 2012. He
is in charge of the topics of asset management, maintenance and engineering
of the grid at the European level. Thus, he is a chairman of the working
group Asset Implementation and Management of ENTSO-E. He also assures
the internal coordination for RTE of the ENTSO-E’s activities in Asset
Management and does the link with the operational departments of RTE
specially National Expertise, Maintenance and R&D.

Authors and organisations

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH)

Laboratory for Safety Analysis led by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kröger was established in 1990 within the
Institute of Energy Technology at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH
Zurich. Research and teaching activities have been focused on the modeling and simulation of
large-scale technical systems with regard to reliability, vulnerability and risk. We have developed
frameworks, methods and tools to meet current requirements and future challenges to systems
design and operations. Main projects aimed at (a) providing methods and data suitable to model,
analyze/simulate and optimize complex engineered systems such as critical infrastructures in the
energy, transportation and ICT domain, and their interconnectedness,(b) developing a framework
for comprehensive risk and vulnerability analysis and related management strategies, (c) provid-
ing tools for decision making processes and applying them within programs of critical infrastruc-
ture protection. Furthermore, efforts have been made to put technical risks into a broader societal
context and to shape evolving concepts such as “resilience”.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Kröger

Wolfgang Kröger, born in Germany, has been full professor of Safety
Technology at the ETH Zurich since 1990 and director of the Laboratory
for Safety Analysis, Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering.
Simultaneously, before being elected Founding Rector of the International
Risk Governance Council (IRGC), Geneva, in 2003 he headed nuclear energy
and safety research at the Swiss national Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), where he
was also on the board of directors. After his retirement early 2011 he became
the executive director of the newly established ETH Risk Center and stepped
back from this position by end of 2014. Presently he is acting as an advisor
and consultant on future technical systems. Prof. Kröger studied mechanical
engineering at the RWTH Aachen, Germany, and completed his doctorate
in 1974, his habilitation thesis followed in 1986. Nowadays, he is chiefly
involved in methodical issues pertaining to modelling and analysis of complex
interdependent technical systems like critical infrastructures. He strives for
reducing associated risks and to increasing their resilience. He is engaged in
putting the assessment and management of technological risks into a broader
context and providing advanced tools for decision-making processes. Inter
alia he is elected member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences
heading the topical platform “Risk” and has been awarded “Distinguished
Affiliate Professor” by the TU Munich. Most recently, he is member of the
International Review Group of the Japanese Nuclear Safety Institute and
served on the ad-hoc Advisory Group on “EU Energy Roadmap 2050” and
as expert on OSCE missions to Armenia, Georgia and Belarus. He authored/
contributed to numerous publications and books, the latest on “Radioactive
Waste”, “Vulnerable Systems”, “Networks of Networks”, all published by

Reliability and Risk Engineering Laboratory led by Prof. Dr. Giovanni
Sansavini was established in June 2013 within the Institute of Energy
Technology at the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering, ETH
Zurich. Research at the Reliability and Risk Engineering Laboratory is aimed
at the development of hybrid analytical and computational tools suitable for
analyzing and simulating failure behavior of engineered complex systems. We
aim to quantitatively define and estimate reliability, risk and resilience within
these systems. We focus on highly integrated energy-carrier networks, energy
supply with high penetrations of renewable energy sources, communication,
transport, and other physically networked critical infrastructures. Our
main research areas include: modeling and protection against cascading
failures in interdependent energy-carrier networks, e.g. electric power and
gas supply systems; vulnerability analysis of interdependent cyber-physical
infrastructures, e.g. Smart Grid communication networks; optimum
performance restoration after disruptions; decision making for energy
systems under uncertainty.

Prof. Dr. Giovanni Sansavini

Giovanni Sansavini joined ETH Zurich in June, 2013, as an Assistant Professor
of Reliability and Risk Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and
Process Engineering (D-MAVT). He received his B.A. in Energy Engineering
in 2003 and his M.A. in Nuclear Engineering in 2005 from Politecnico di
Milano (POLIMI). In 2010, as a member of the Atlantis Dual Doctoral Degree
Program, he received his Doctoral Degree in Radiation Science and Technology
from POLIMI and his Doctoral Degree in Mechanical Engineering from
Virginia Tech. His doctoral dissertations aimed at developing a methodology
for critical infrastructure vulnerability assessment from the standpoint of
complex systems theory.

Authors and organisations

Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech (VT) is a public land-grant university founded in 1872 in the State of Virginia, USA.
Virginia Tech is dedicated to the discovery and dissemination of knowledge through teaching,
research, and engagement with the community, following its motto “Invent the Future.” One of
VT’s priority objectives is international collaboration, such the efforts between the Energy Institute
at JKU and VT’s Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics (AAEA) that led to this book
chapter. The AAEA department at VT has traditional research strength in environmental and
energy economics, applied econometrics, food and health economics, development economics
and international trade.

The Pamplin College of Business is ranked among the top 50 undergraduate business schools
in the United States by U.S. News & World Report. It is one of eight different colleges at Virginia
Tech, which offers 240 undergraduate and graduate degree programs to more than 31,000 stu-
dents. Virginia Tech manages a research portfolio of $513 million, including a number of projects
in resilience, communications, and sustainable electric power.

Christopher Zobel
Christopher W. Zobel is the R.B. Pamplin Professor of Business Information
Technology in the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech.  He earned
a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering from the University of Virginia, and an M.S.
in Mathematics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  His
primary research interests include disaster operations management and
humanitarian supply chains, and he has published his work in journals
such as Decision Sciences, Decision Support Systems, and the Journal of
Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, among others.  He
is one of the co-editors of Advances in Managing Humanitarian Operations,
which is part of Springer’s International Series in Operations Research &
Management Science. Dr. Zobel is currently serving as one of the Co-Directors
of Virginia Tech’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program in Disaster
Resilience, and he was a 2015 Fulbright Scholar in Karlsruhe, Germany.  He
is on the Board of Directors of the International Association for the Study of
Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), and
he is an active member of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI), the Institute
for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), and the
Production and Operations Management Society (POMS).

Klaus Moeltner
The VT authors, Klaus Moeltner and Jed Cohen, both work within the
environmental and energy economics, and applied econometrics field groups.
They have been engaged in research on energy reliability and economic
implications of power outages for the last several years. Dr. Moeltner is
an economist with expertise in environmental and resource economics
and applied econometrics. The primary focus of his research program is
to estimate the monetary value to society of environmental amenities and
natural resources, such as clean air and water, forest health, reduction of
flood risk, reliable energy, and recreational opportunities. These values are
critical for an informed comparison of benefits and costs of environmental
policy interventions. In recent years, Dr. Moeltner has fostered collaborative
efforts between the Energy Institute (EI) at the Johannes Kepler University
(JKU) in Linz, Austria, and his own workplace in the United States, Virginia
Tech (VT) University in Blacksburg, Virginia. As part of this collaboration,
he participated in several grant-funded projects on energy reliability and
the acceptability of energy-related infrastructure that were administered by
the EI-JKU. He was the keynote speaker at the symposium on the “Public
Acceptance of Electricity Infrastructure,” held at JKU in June 2014. Over the
years Dr. Moeltner published in all leading journals of his field, as well as in
highly ranked journals of general economic interest. He was the PI or Co-PI
for over 20 grant-funded projects totaling close to $3 million. He also holds
the position of Co-editor for Environmental and Resource Economics, a top
field journal.

Jed Cohen
Jed Cohen is a PhD candidate and researcher in the Applied and Agricultural
Economics Department at Virginia Tech University, USA. Jed worked for
a year at the Energy Institute at Johannes Kepler University as a project
associate. He continues to collaborate with European colleagues on research
projects relating to the de-carbonization and associated restructuring of the
European electricity grid. Jed specializes in econometric techniques applying
them to a wide range of contexts in economics including: energy, forestry,
environment, and climate change. Jed has authored numerous noteworthy
publications in his short career including contributions to leading energy
and environmental economic journals. Jed also received the 2013 award for
Outstanding Master’s Thesis from the national Agricultural and Applied
Economics Association for his work on the economic impact of forest pests.
Jed hopes to continue his research into energy and environmental issues with
a focus on the impact of climate change to aid in the global movement toward
low carbon energy systems.

Authors and organisations

Willis Towers Watson and Willis Re

Willis Towers Watson is a leading global advisory, broking and solutions company that helps
clients around the world turn risk into a path for growth. With roots dating to 1828, Willis Towers
Watson has 39,000 employees in more than 120 countries. It designs and delivers solutions that
manage risk, optimize benefits, cultivate talent, and expands the power of capital to protect and
strengthen institutions and individuals. Corporate Risk and Broking (CRB) provides a broad range
of risk advice and insurance broking services to clients ranging from small businesses to multina-
tional corporations. The mission is to help clients to become more resilient in an increasingly com-
plex and risky world, so that they can secure their existing business and develop new ones. Willis
Re is one of the world’s leading reinsurance advisors and a member of the newly merged Willis
Towers Watson serving 80% of the world’s 1,000 largest companies. Its core focus is to provide a
comprehensive suite of solutions to help clients manage, analyze and measure risk and capital –
through investment advice, advanced analytics, structuring and completing transactions, issuing
securities and placing risk, to identify and quantify sources of risk, and how they interrelate, using
a wide range of innovative analytical tools and techniques. The tools includes a complete set of
commercial models supported by our own proprietary models providing additional insight. The
Willis Research Network further supports our risk quantification through open academic research
and the development of new risk models and applications. The ethos of the Willis Research Net-
work is to provide an open forum for the advancement of the science of extreme events – creating
close collaboration between universities, insurers, reinsurers, catastrophe modeling companies,
government research institutions and non-governmental organizations.

Marc Lehmann
Marc Lehmann joined Willis Towers Watson in October 2008 as founding
member of the Strategic Risk Consulting team in London. His primary
responsibility is to coordinate, manage and deliver a wide range of natural
hazard risk consulting services (including catastrophe modelling and risk
engineering assessments) for the Willis global corporate client base. The list of
clients Marc has worked for, both at Willis and in previous positions includes
some of the major public, commercial and industrial organizations around the
world. Prior to Willis Marc was Principal and Business Development Director
for the global engineering firm ABS Consulting (formerly EQE International),
where his responsibilities included the undertaking and management of
various Natural and Man-Made Hazard risk management assignments for
industrial clients such as conducting property surveys for earthquake, storm
and flood hazards to assist clients in their risk transfer decisions, as well
as identifying and implementing risk mitigation solutions. Marc’s earlier
experience included working a senior structural design engineer on a number
of international construction projects for companies such as Ove Arup &
Partners, Battle McCarthy, Systra and Calatrava Valls. Marc holds engineering
degrees from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich and
Imperial College, London and is fluent in English, French and German.

Torolf Hamm
Torolf Hamm joined Willis Towers Watson in 2011 and now leads the
Natural Catastrophe Strategic Risk Management Consulting team in
London. His primary responsibility is to manage natural and man-made
hazard risk consulting projects (including catastrophe modelling and risk
engineering assessments) for large global organisations. Torolf has a strong
track record of delivering risk financing and risk mitigation projects across
all sectors, including energy and oil & gas companies. Prior to Willis Towers
Watson, Torolf worked as Senior Catastrophe Modeller and Technical Lead
Vulnerability Engineer for Risk Management Solutions (RMS), where he was
responsible for the development of the vulnerability and building inventory
model for the RMS UK’08 Flood Model and the upcoming RMS Euro Flood
Extension Model. He led and participated in various Catastrophe Response.
Missions that included the 2007 Kent Earthquake, June 2007 UK Summer
Inland Floods and the July 2009 Inland Floods in Austria. While at RMS Torolf
also was strongly involved in the development of the RMS Euro Windstorm
’11 Inventory and Industry Exposure Model (IED). Torolf ’s earlier experience
included working as a Principle Buildings Materials Consultant on a number
of high profile projects, in some cases as expert witness for STATS Limited
(now RSK STATS Limited). Torolf holds a PhD in Engineering Geology from
Imperial College and a German Diploma in Geology (Dipl.Geol) from the
RWTH Aachen.

Brigitte Balthasar
Brigitte joined Willis Re Analytics in 2009 as a catastrophe risk analyst. Working
in different regional teams such as Japan, Latin America and Europe as well as
locations (London, Washington D.C. and Paris) she has 7 years of catastrophe
modelling experience and is leading the Catastrophe Management Services
team for Germany, Austria and Switzerland since 2011. She is currently based
in Munich, Germany. In her current position, her primary responsibility is
to coordinate, manage and deliver a wide range of catastrophe risk consulting
services for the Willis Re client base in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.
Moreover she engages in the Willis Research Network in the field of global
risk assessments and climate change mitigation. Relatedly, she conducted
her secondment with the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction (UNISDR) in Geneva in early 2011. In her role as a consultant
she co-authored the Global Assessment Report of disaster risk reduction
and developed recommendations for its further development. Before joining
Willis, Brigitte was a high school teacher instructing mathematics and
geography in Germany, and acquired a certification in bilingual education.
She conducted her studies at the Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) and the
Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (Germany). The latter awarded her MSc
degrees in geography, mathematics and instructional design. She is fluent in
English and German.
Organization for Security and
Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Wallnerstrasse 6
A-1010 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43 1 514 360

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Protecting Electricity Networks

from Natural Hazards

Organization for Security and

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