Fea SR Couplings

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SAND97-1652 UC-122
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Printed September 1997

Finite Element Analysis of Sucker Rod

Couplings with Guidelines for Improving
Fatigue Life
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Department of Energy by Sandia Corporation.
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Printed September 1997

Fin te Element Analysis of Sucker Roc Couplings with

Guidelines for Improving Fatigue Life
Edward L. Hoffman
Engineering and Structural Mechanics Division
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87 185

The response of a variety of sucker rod couplings to an applied axial load was simulated using
axisymmetric finite element models. The calculations investigated three sucker rod sizes and
various combinations of the slimhole, Spiralock, and Flexbar modifications to the coupling. In
addition, the effect of various make-ups (assembly tightness) on the performance of coupling
was investigated. The make-up process, based on measured circumferential displacement of
the coupling from a hand-tight position, was simulated by including a section of an axially
expanding material in the box section which, when heated, produced the desired mechanical
interference which would result from making-up the coupling. An axial load was applied to
the sucker rod ranging from -5 ksi to 40 ksi, encompassing three load cycles identified on a
modified Goodman diagram as acceptable for indefinite service life of the sucker rods. The
simulations of the various coupling geometries and make-ups were evaluated with respect to
how well they accomplish the two primary objectives of preloading threaded couplings: (1) to
lock the threaded coupling together so that it will not loosen and eventually uncouple, and (2)
to improve the fatigue resistance of the threaded connection by reducing the stress amplitude
in the coupling when subjected to cyclic loading. A coupling will remain locked as long as the
mating surfaces of the pin and box sections remain in compression, resisting rotational motion
or loosening. The fatigue evaluation was accomplished in two parts: nominally and locally. In
the nominal evaluation, a set of equations based on the gross dimensions of the coupling were
derived which describe how a load applied to a sucker rod is distributed throughout a
preloaded coupling. The local fatigue evaluation characterized the fatigue performance of the
various couplings using the local stresses predicted in the finite element simulations and a
stress equivalencing criterion for multiaxial stress states. This criterion is based on Sines’
equivalent stress theory which states that the permissible effective alternating stress is a linear
function of the mean hydrostatic stress. Perhaps the most significant finding in this study was
the characterization of the coupling parameters which affect these two stress measures. The
mean hydrostatic stress, which determines the permissible effective alternating stress, is a
function of the coupling make-up. Whereas, the alternating effective stress is a function of the
relative stiffnesses of the pin and box sections of the coupling and, as long as the coupling
does not separate, is unaffected by the amount of circumferential displacement applied during
make-up. The results of this study suggest approaches for improving the fatigue resistance of
sucker rod couplings.

Figures.................................................................... 6
..................................................................... 8
1 Introduction ............................................................. 9
2 AnalysisModel ......................................................... 12
2.1 Finite Element Model of the Coupling Geometry .......................... 12
2.2 Preload of Sucker Rod Couplings ...................................... 13
2.3 Materials and Load History ........................................... 15
2.4 Summary of Analysis Cases ........................................... 17
3 Analysis Results ........................................................ 18
3.1 Yielding in the Sucker Rod Coupling ................................... 18
3.2 Load Distribution in Threaded Coupling During Load Cycling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.3 Estimating Fatigue Life .of Sucker Rod Couplings .......................... 31
3.3.1 Considerations in Life Prediction .................................. 32
3.3.2 Fatigue Damage Criterion for Multiaxial Stress ....................... 34
3.3.3 Identification of Critical Fatigue Locations .......................... 38
3.3.4 Equivalent Stress at Critical Locations .............................. 38
Root of First Engaged Pin Thread ............................... 44
PinNeck .................................................. 48
Root of Last Engaged Box Thread .............................. 53
3.3.5 Effect of Make-up on Service Life ................................. 60
4 Conclusions and Recommendations ......................................... 63
References ................................................................ 65
'Distribution ............................................................... 66

Figure 1. Illustration of sucker rod pump. 9
Figure 2. Threaded pin and shoiilder at each end of the sucker rod. 10
Figure 3. Modified Goodman diagram for allowable stress and range of stress for sucker rods
in non-corrosive service. 11
Figure 4. Detailed illustrations of the 7/8-inch coupling, with dimensions of the coupling and
the threads. 12
Figure 5. Axisymmetric finite element model of 718 inch sucker rod coupling, showing the
pin and box sections. 13
Figure 6. Existing sucker rod coupling designs and proposed design modifications under
investigation. 14
Figure 7. Modified Goodman diagram for API Grade C carbon steel, identifying load cycles
and extreme loads selected for analysis. 16
Figure 8. Von Mises stress distribution (ksi) in the 7/8-inch API standard coupling (Analysis
1) at preload, maximum compression, and maximum tensile loads. ' 19
Figure 9. Von Mises stress distribution (ksi) in the 7/8-inch Spiralock coupling (Analysis 12)
at preload, maximum compression, and maximum tensile loads. 20
Figure 10. Illustration of sucker rod coupling. 21
Figure 11. Pin load and coupling force as a function of axial load for the 3/4,7/8, and
l-inch coupling sizes (36, S7, and S8, respectively). 26
Figure 12. Pin load and coupling force as a function of axial load for the 7/8-inch standard API
coupling size (S7) with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, and 1.5. 27
Figure 13. Pin load and coupling force as a function of axial load for various combinations of
the Flexbar (FB),Spirailock (SL), and slimhole (SH) geometry modifications to the
base geometry (S7). 29
Figure 14. Pin load and coupling force as a function of axial load for the base geometry (S7)
with Spiralock threads (SL) and make-ups of 0.0, l.O,lS,2.0,2.5, and 3.0. 30
Figure 15. Schematic S-N curves for steel at various stress ratios. 34
Figure 16. Maximum principal stiress directions in the 7/8-inch API standard coupling at
minimum (-5 ksi) and maximum (40 ksi) loads. 35
Figure 17. Distribution of the fatigue safety factor with respect to indefinite service life for the
7/8-inch API standard coupling subjected to the three load cycles. 39
Figure 18. Distribution of the effective alternating stress in the 7/8-inch API standard
coupling subjected to the three load cycles. 40
Figure 19. Distribution of the hydkostatic mean stress in the 7/8-inch API standard coupling
subjected to the three load cycles. 41

Portions of ttris document may be illegible
in decmnic image products. Images are
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Figure 20. Difference between the effective alternating stress and the alternating effective
stress in the 7/8-inch API standard coupling subjected to the three load cycles. 42
Figure 21. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the first engaged pin thread as a
function of applied axial load for various coupling sizes. 45
Figure 22. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the first engaged pin thread as a
function of applied axial load for various make-ups of the 7/8-inch API coupling.
Figure 23. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the first engaged pin thread as a
function of applied axial load for various combinations of the Flexbar (FB),
slimhole (SH), and Spiralock (SL) modifications to the base coupling (S7). 47
Figure 24. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the first engaged pin thread as a
function of applied axial load for the Spiralock coupling with make-ups of 0.0,l .O,
1.5,2.0,2.5, and 3.0. 49
Figure 25. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the pin neck as a function of applied axial load
for various coupling sizes. 50
Figure 26. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the pin neck as a function of applied axial load
for various make-ups of the 7/8-inch API coupling. 51
Figure 27. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the pin neck as a function of applied axial load
for various combinations of the Flexbar (FB), slimhole (SH), and Spiralock (SL)
modifications to the base coupling (S7). 52
Figure 28. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the pin neck as a function of applied axial load
for the Spiralock coupling with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, 1.5,2.0,2.5, and 3.0. 54
Figure 29. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the last engaged box thread as a
function of applied axial load for various coupling sizes. 55
Figure 30. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the last engaged box thread as a
function of applied axial load for various make-ups of the 7/8-inch API coupling.

Figure 31. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the last engaged box thread as a
function of applied axial load for various combinations of the Flexbar (FB),
slimhole (SH), and Spiralock (SL)modifications to the base coupling (S7). 58
Figure 32. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the last engaged box thread as a
function of applied axial load for the Spiralock coupling with make-ups of 0.0,l .O,
1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0. 59
Figure 33. Fatigue safety factor distribution in the 7/8-inch Spiralock coupling (with make-
ups of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0) subjected to the full axial load range (-5 ksi to 40 ksi). 61

Table 1 . API Sucker Rod Joint Make-up Recommendations ....................... 15
Table 2. Summary of Analysis Cases ......................................... 17
Table 3. Pin and Box Cross-Sectional Areas and Load Partitioning Factors for Various Cou-
pling Geometries ........................................................... 24
Table 4. Summary of Coupling 'Performance for Various Analysis Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

1 Introduction
Oil and gas production in the US has reached a point where significant effort is required to
forestall declining production and stop the abandonment of significant unproduced resources.
New technology developments are needed. However, because lifting costs are high relative to
oil prices, the petroleum industry is downsizing and investing less effort in the development of
new technology. The goal of Sandia National Laboratories’ Applied Production Technology
(APT) project is to extend the life of marginally economic wells by reducing the negative
impacts of persistent production problems. The approach is to use “Sandia Technology” to
rapidly diagnose industry-defined production problems and then propose or develop improved
technology utilizing the capabilities of industry. One task of the AFT project is the
investigation of sucker rod and sinkerbar failures. Sucker rods and sinker bars are the primary
components of rod pumping systems, the most common artificial lift technology utilized in
domestic oil production. Thus, high sucker rod failure rates have a large economic impact on
the domestic oil industry and threaten the domestic oil reserves with high abandonment rates.
If the level of technology and understanding of the rod pumping system can be increased,
there will be significant benefit to both the domestic industry and domestic energy security.

A sucker rod pump, illustrated in Horse Head

Figure 1, brings underground oil to
the earth’s surface. The primary drive
motor turns a flywheel with a crank
arm. Attached to the crank arm is a
Pitman Arm which links the crank to
the walking beam. The walking bean
is a lever arm which pivots at its
midsection. At the other end of the
walking beam is the horsehead. A F,owllne
hanger cable hangs off the horsehead
and is clamped to the rod string. This
mechanism converts the rotary
motion of the drive motor to a Cosing
translational pumping motion. Two
valves are used to maintain the ---Tubtng
direction of flow. A traveling valve, Rod String
often just a ball in a cage, is attached
to a plunger at the end of the rod
string. At the base of the well is a
stationary valve (another ball in a
cage) called a standing valve. Traveling Valve
Standing Valve
The rod string, capable of reaching
lengths of over 10,000 ft, consists of
individual sections of steel rods called
sucker rods. Sucker rods come in
lengths ranging from 25 to 30 ft and Figure 1. Illustration of sucker rod pump.

nominal diameters ranging from 0.5 to 1.125 inches. Each rod contains a threaded pin at each
end as shown in Figure 2. Threaded couplings, known as boxes, are used to connect the sucker
rods to produce the rod string. These pin and box coupling are tightened to a specified
preload, known as the joint make-up, so that it will not loosen during normal operation.

In addition to supporting the pumping forces, each sucker rod must be strong enough to
support the weight of the rods below it. Hence, loads are greater on the sucker rods farther up
the rod string. The diameter of each sucker rod is specified by the well designer based on the
strength of the rod material and the loads it will be exposed to. As most rod strings are made
up of a single material, the resulting optimized rod string tapers down in diameter with
distance down the well. Because: the rod string is extremely long relative to its diameter,
elastic stability of this long slender column is of concern to pump designers. The rod string
must translate the force to the pump in both stroke directions. Because the entire length of the
rod string will be in tension on the upward stroke, elastic stability of the rod string is not a
problem. Furthermore, if the weight of the rod string exceeds the required pumping force on
the downward stroke (as it typically does), then the upper sucker rods will also be in tension
on the downward stroke. The lower rods, on the other hand, will be in compression on the
downstroke, a condition which could result in downstroke compression buckling of the lower
rods. To keep the rod string straight and in tension throughout the pump cycle, a section of
large diameter bar, known as a sinker bar, is placed just above the pump. The sinker bar,
typically consisting of large-diameter sucker rods (such as 7/8 or 1-inch), replaces an equal
length of sucker rods immediately above the pump. This large diameter section of the rod
string is both heavy enough to keep the sucker rods in tension and stiff enough to resist
buckling. The sinker bar may also increase pump plunger overtravel (on the downstroke)
which increases fluid production.

Rod string failures are very expensive to repair since the entire string must be disassembled
and removed to access the failed rod. The rod string must then be reassembled. Wells with
low production rates may not warTant the cost of repairing a failed rod. To maximize system
reliability, safety and simplify system design, nearly every aspect of sucker rod system design,
manufacturing and assembly has been standardized by the American Petroleum Institute
(API). Because sucker rods are exposed to cyclic stresses, they are at risk of fatigue failure.
Fatigue is the process of cumulative damage caused by repeated fluctuating loads whose
magnitude is well below the material’s ultimate strength under monotonic loading. To ensure
a long fatigue life of the sucker rods, the API uses the modified Goodman stress diagram

Df = Pin Shoulder Diameter

W, =Wrench Square Width

Figure 2. Threade:dpin and shoulder at each end of the sucker rod.

(shown in Figure 3) to determine the allowable range of stress for a sucker rod. Based on the
ultimate tensile strength of the material, the modified Goodman diagram defines a stress
envelope (shaded area) within which a structural component can operate such that it will
provide an infinite service life. Using this system, the well designer can determine the
appropriate rod diameter based on a knowledge of the minimum load (on the downstroke) and
the maximum load (on the upstroke). The modified Goodman diagram provides the
fundamental rating which can be used where corrosion is not a factor. Since all well fluids are
corrosive to some degree, the stress values determined from this diagram must be adjusted by
an appropriate service factor based on the severity of the corrosion.

In spite of the thorough efforts of the API to ensure performance within the fatigue limits of
the selected materials, sucker rod failures still occur. Pin failures comprise a large fraction of
all rod pumped system failures. Not much is known about the performance of sucker rod
couplings as they have not been extensively studied in the past. Because the coupling diameter
is much larger than that of the rod, it has been assumed that the oversized coupling falls within
the stress range specified by the Goodman diagram for the rod. This may not be true as the
coupling is a complex preloaded mechanism which will react differently to axial loads than a
solid rod. This report documents finite element simulations of the sucker rod coupling which
were performed to provide a better understanding of sucker rod couplings and attempt to
explain pin failures. All of the simulations were performed with JAC2D [l], a quasistatic
finite element analysis code developed at Sandia National Laboratories.

SA = (0.25T + 0.5625 Smin)SF

AS, = SA Smin

T = Minimum Tensile Strength
SF = Service Factor
SA= Maximum Allowable Stress
ASA=Maximum Allowable Range of Stress

Figure 3. Modified Goodman diagram for allowable stress and range of stress for sucker
rods in non-corrosive service.

2 Analysis Model
2.1 Finite Element Model of the Coupling Geometry

Detailed illustrations of the 7/8-inch coupling, with dimensions of the coupling and threads,
are shown in Figure4. An axisymmetric finite element representation of the sucker rod
coupling is shown in Figure 5 with the axis of symmetry on the left side of the model.
Although the threaded connection is a three-dimensional geometry, it can be adequately
represented with an axisymmetric model since the thread pitch is small relative to the other
dimensions of the coupling. Because the lower boundary of the box section is modeled with a
symmetry plane, the model represents the coupling of two rods. The pin is modeled up to the
shoulder and does not include the narrower rod section. This simplification was made to avoid
modeling the asymmetric wrench flats which are located between the rod and the coupling
shoulder. Since the applied loads are specified (from the Goodman plots) as stresses in the
rod, the resulting stress at the larger diameter coupling shoulder was required as input into the
model. This was accomplished by specifying a pressure multiplier equal to the ratio of the rod
area to the shoulder area.

Four existing sucker rod designs and five proposed design modifications were the subjects of
this computational study. The various sucker rod pin designs and proposed pin modifications
are shown in Figure 6. The four existing sucker rod couplings studied here include the
standard couplings for 3/4, 7/8, and 1-inch sucker rods. In addition, a 7/8-inch slimhole


718" API Box and Pin
Sucker Rod Connection

(Thread Detail) .


(length = 0 67P)



Figure 4. Detailed illustrations of the 7/8-inch coupling, with dimensions of the

coupling and the threads.

pressure boundary ,

Pin Section


+- Boxsection

symmetry boundary
Figure 5. Axisymmetric finite element model of 718 inch sucker rod coupling, showing the
pin and box sections.

coupling, used in applications of low well bore clearance, is also studied. The five modified
geometries are variations of two basic modifications: the Flexbar pin, and Spiralock box. The
Flexbar pin uses the same coupling as the standard sucker rod coupling designs. However, the
pin is slightly longer and incorporates a shoulder on which the coupling rests. The second
modification consists of a proprietary thread design, called Spiralock threads, which are used
in the box section of the coupling. The pin retains the standard API threads in this

2.2 Preload of Sucker Rod Couplings

The API sucker rod tables contain recommendations for the assembly or preloading of sucker
rod couplings, also known as make-up. The recommendations are based on a circumferential
displacement, measured at the shoulder of the sucker rod, while tightening from a hand-tight
position. These recommendations are summarized in Table 1 for the 3/4, 7/8,and 1-inch
diameter sucker rods. The axial displacement of the pin (or interference at the shoulder) can
be calculated as:

314" Sucker Rod
API Threads
- i i
7 / 8 Sucker Rod
API 'Threads
1" Sucker Rod
API Threads

(a) Existing Sucker Rod Coupling Designs

718" Sucker Rod
API Threads
Slimhole Coupling

7/8 Sucker Rod

Flexbar Pin
7/8"Sucker Rod
Flexbar Pin
Slimhole Coupling
718" Sucker Rod
Spiralock Threads
718" Sucker Rod
Spiralock Threads

(b) Proposed Modifications to Sucker Rod Coupling Designs

Flexbar Pin
718" Sucker Rod
Spiralock Threads
Slimhole Coupling

Figure 6. Existing sucker rod coupling designs and proposed design modifications
under investigation.

where P is the thread pitch, dc is the circumferential displacement, and Dfis the shoulder
diameter. All of the sucker rod sizes listed in Table 1 have a thread pitch of 0.1 inches.
Simulating the preloading of the threaded coupling posed a particularly difficult problem. The
interferences listed in Table 1 were large enough that the initial stress-free mesh required a
significant amount of mesh overlay at the pin-shoulderhox interface. The contact and solution
algorithms of JAC2D had difficulty pushing back the overlapping meshes and converging on
a solution. This was further complicated by the fact that in some cases the pin and box
sections exhibited a slight amount of yielding on preload, making joint preload a nonlinear
event. To circumvent these difficulties, a section of material was added to the box section
which is identical to the box material except that it has an axial thermal expansion coefficient
(see Figure 5). Preload was obtained by heating the model so that this section of material
expanded, producing the required amount of displacement to preload the joint.

2.3 Materials and Load History

Since the API specifies allowable stress ranges for sucker rods based on the grade of steel
used, the load history is coupled to the material selection. The API specifies many grades of
steels for use in sucker rods and box couplings, depending on the particular application and
load history. An API Grade C carbon steel was selected as the subject for this study. The API
Grade C specification includes any steel with a minimum yield strength of 60 ksi, and a
minimum tensile strength of 90 ksi. Hence, these inelastic properties were used in the present

Table 1: API Sucker Rod Joint Make-up

Pin Minimum Calculated axial
Rod size
Shoulder Circumferential displacement or
(in) OD (in) Displacement (in) interference (in)

314 1.500 7/32 4 . 6 4 ~0


718 1.625 9/32 5.51x l 0"

Hand-tight joint Made-up joint

study. The post yield behavior Wiis modeled with a linear hardening modulus of 100 ksi. In
addition, an elastic modulus of 29 x lo6 psi and a Poisson's ratio of 0.3 were used.

The fatigue limits of API Grade C sucker rods were determined specifically from the modified
Goodman plot shown in Figure 7. This diagram shows the allowable stress range for API
Grade C steel and identifies three load scenarios selected for analysis in the present study:
cycling between -2 ksi and 8 ksi, between 2 ksi and 23 ksi, and between 15 ksi and 30 ksi. In
the presentation of the analysis results these load cycles are identified as Cycles 1, 2, and 3,
respectively. The three load cycles identified in the modified Goodman diagram (Figure 7) are
load cycles which will provide an indefinite service life with respect to rod failure. In addition
to the above load cycles, extreme loads of -5 ksi and 40 ksi were chosen for analysis to
determine if the threaded coupling behaves elastically under these allowable extreme loads.
Assuming that the coupling deformations are linearly elastic while cycling between the
extreme loads, then all three load cycles can be studied from a single calculation following
this load path. Hence, following preload, all of the models were first subjected to the
maximum compressive load (-5 ksi) followed the maximum tensile load (40ksi). If the
coupling were to experience inelastic deformation during this first load cycle (e.g. in the
threads), then the coupling stresses would not follow the same path in subsequent load cycles.
To determine if this was the case, the models were subjected to an additional load cycle

90 ksi

90 ksi

Figure 7. Modified Goodman diagram for API Grade C carbon steel, identifying load cycles
and extreme loads selected for analysis.

between the extremes to assure that the stress path was repeated for every point in the

2.4 Summary of Analysis Cases

A variety of geometries and preloading options have been presented. The particular cases
selected for analysis are listed in Table 2. To simplify the presentation of the analysis results,
the abbreviation FB is used to identify a coupling with the Flexbar modified pin, SH to
identify a slimhole coupling, and SL to identify a coupling with Spiralock threads. In addition,
the 3/4, 7/8 and I-inch coupling sizes are identified as S6, S7, and S8, respectively. The
Table 2: Summary of Analysis Cases

1 F 718" API API 1.o

2 F 718" API API 1.5

3 F 718" API API 0.0

4 F 718" FB API 1.o

5 SH 718" API API 1.o

6 SH 718" FB API 1.o

7 F 314" API API 1 .o

8 F 1" API API 1.o

9 F 718" FB SL

10 SH 7~ API SL 1.o

11 I F I 718" I API I SL I 0.0

12 F 718" AP I SL 1.o

13 F 718" API SL 1.5

14 F 718" API SL 2.0

15 F 718" API SL 2.5

16 F 718 API SL 3.0

F = full bore, SH = slimhole

** API indicates standard API threads, FB indicates Flexbar extended pin with shoulder
*** SL = Spiralock threads in box section

standard 7/8-inch sucker rod coupling (Analysis 1) was selected as the base case by which to
benchmark the other cases. A make-up of 1 .O indicates that the joint is made-up according to
the M I recommendations. Analyses 2 and 3 are of the same geometry but with make-ups of
1.5 and 0, respectively. A make-up of 1.5 indicates that the joint is made-up to one and a half
times the recommended circumferential displacement. Analysis 4 adds the Flexbar pin to this
base geometry, while Analysis 5 looks at the slimhole configuration of the base case. Analysis

6 combines both the Flexbar pin and the slimhole box section into a single analysis. Analyses
7 and 8 look at the 3/4 inch and 1 inch versions of the same base coupling. Analysis 9 takes a
look at the base coupling geometry with the addition of the Flexbar pin and Spiralock thread
modifications. Analysis 10 examines the slimhole version of the base geometry with
Spiralock threads. Finally, Analyses 11 through 16 are of the same geometry (base 7/8 inch
coupling with Spiralock threads), ibut with make-ups varying from 0.0 to 3.0.

3 Analysis Results
The purpose of preloading a threaded coupling is to (1) lock the threaded coupling together so
that it will not loosen and eventually uncouple, and (2) improve the fatigue resistance of the
threaded connection by reducing the stress amplitude in the threaded coupling when subjected
to cyclic loading. Hence, the “relative goodness” of the various coupling geometries and
preloads analyzed here will be based on how well they accomplish these two objectives.

3.1 Yielding in the Sucker Rod Coupling

If the coupling yields at the same location on every cycle, a condition known as plastic
ratcheting, then it will fail in a relatively small number of cycles. Even if the coupling only
yields on the first cycle, this will reduce the preload in the coupling. If the preload is reduced
enough to cause separation of the coupling, then the coupling integrity and the fatigue life can
be compromised.

Figure 8 is a plot of the von Mises distribution in the 7/8-inch API standard coupling at
preload (no axial load), maximuim compression (-5 ksi), and maximum tension (40 ksi).
Recall that the yield strength of the API Grade C steel is 60 ksi. Hence, a red contour is
indicative of regions which have yielded. As the figure shows, during preload the steel yields
in the pin shoulder, the pin neck, and at the root of the first three pin threads. Yielding during
preload was predicted in all of the simulations except for those which had a zero makeup.
When subjected to the maximum compressive load, the pin shoulder yields further while no
further yielding is experienced in the threads. Finally, when subjected to the maximum tensile
load, the pin threads and pin neck yield even more while no further yielding is experienced in
the pin shoulder. Yielding during the first load cycle was predicted in all of the simulations.
However, none of the simulations experienced further yielding on the second load cycle.

The von Mises stress distributions in all of the simulated couplings using the API thread form
are very similar to that shown in Figure 8. Only the Spiralock modification produced a
significant change in the coupling mechanics. Figure 9 is a plot of the von Mises distribution
in the 7/8-inch Spiralock coupling (Analysis 12) at preload (no axial load), maximum
compression (-5 ksi), and maximum tension (40 ksi). The major difference between the
Spiralock and API simulations is that the stresses in the pin and box bodies are much smaller
in the Spiralock case than in the API case, indicating that the Spiralock coupling is not
generating as much preload. This will be better quantified in the following section. During the
make-up process the Spiralock coupling yields only at the tips of the pin threads. This differs
from the API coupling which yielded in the threads, the pin neck, and the pin shoulder. The
reason for the thread yielding is the very localized point contact between the pin and box
threads. This point contact generates very high deviatoric stresses in the pin threads upon


preload (no applied load) -5 ksi applied load 40 ksi applied load

Figure 8. Von Mises stress distribution (ksi) in the 7/8-inch API standard coupling
(Analysis 1) at preload, maximum compression, and maximum tensile loads.


preload (noapplied load) -5 ksi applied toad 40 ksi applied load

Figure 9. Von Mises stress distribution (ksi) in the 7/8-inch Spil-alwk coupling (Analysis
12) at preload, maximum compression, and maximum tensile loads.

loading. The deformation of the pin thread tips is so great that it reduces the preload in the
coupling. No further yielding occurs when the coupling is subjected to the maximum
compressive load. This is indicated by the fact that the maximum yield stress at the maximum
compressive load (68.8 ksi) is less than that at preload (74.7 ksi). Finally, when subjected to
the maximum tensile load, the pin threads yield even more, conforming to the shape of the
box threads. No further yielding was predicted to occur in the second load cycle. Although the
yield regions in the above examples appear to be small, these nonlinear deformations have a
profound effect on the performance of the couplings as will be observed in the following

3.2 Load Distribution in Threaded Coupling During Load Cycling

The sucker rod coupling joint is basically a bolted joint in tension. A better understanding of
the numerical results presented in this report is facilitated by a review the theory of bolted
joints [3]. The illustration in Figure 10 defines many of the terms used in this discussion.

t applied axial load

,pin shoulder

1 grip length

\ first engaged thread

last engaged thread

Figure 10. Illustration of sucker rod coupling.

Treating both the pin and the box :sectionsas elastic members, the deflection (6) of each under
simple tension or compression can be expressed as

ij= FZ

where F is force, A is the cross-sectional area of the pin or box section, E is the modulus of
elasticity, and I is the grip length. .As shown in Figure 10, the grip length is assumed to extend
from the pin shoulder (where it contacts the box) to a distance just below the first engaged
threads. The actual grip length, though difficult to calculate, is slightly longer. The threads can
be neglected when calculating the cross-sectional areas of the pin and box sections since, in
most cases, the majority of the grip length is not threaded (see Figure 6). Therefore, the
stiffness constant of each can be expressed as:

F -
k = z I (3)

Note that the bolt theory presented below is primarily concerned with the material between
the pin shoulder and the first engaged thread. It is this material which carries and benefits
from the initial preload Fi.

When an external load P is applied to the preloaded sucker-rod coupling, there is a change in
the deformation of the pin and the box sections. The pin, initially in tension, gets longer. This
increase in deformation of the pin is

A6p = kp
where the subscript p denotes the pin, and Pp is the portion of the load P taken by the pin. The
box section is initially in compression due to the preload. When the external load is applied,
this compression will decrease. The decrease in the deformation of the box section is

where P , is the portion of the load P taken by the box section. If the pin and box section have
not separated, the increase in deformation of the pin must equal the decrease in deformation of
the box.

p-P ---p b
kP kb

Since P = Pb + Pp

P, = -
k p + kb

Given an initial preload of Fi, the resultant load on the pin is

F p = P p + Fi = -
k p P + Fi = ypP + Fi
k p i- kb

Similarly, the resultant load in the box is

where yp and yb are load partitioning factors. The load partitioning factors are the fractions of
the applied load which are taken by each member.

Equations 2 thru 10 apply as long as there is compression between the pin and box sections. If
the external load is large enough to remove this compression completely, the pin and box will
separate and the entire load will be carried by the pin.

Fp = P (after separation)

This review of threaded connection theory is particularly insightful into the design of
couplings subjected to cyclic load conditions. Under cyclic loading conditions the pin is more
likely to fail due to fatigue since crack growth only occurs under tensile stress conditions.
Prior to separation, the resultant load in the pin (F,) varies according to Equation (8) which,
assuming a finite box stiffness, has a slope (yp) of less than one with respect to the external
varying load. Once separation has occurred, the slope of Fp increases to one (Equation 11).
This tells us two things. First, to improve the fatigue resistance of a sucker rod coupling, the
joint should have a preload sufficiently high to prevent separation of the pin and box. Second,
the amplitude of the tensile load cycle in the pin section can be reduced by increasing the
stiffness of the box section relative to the pin. By doing this, the pin load partitioning factor
(yp) is reduced. Although the box load partitioning factor (yb) is increased, this is not
significant since the resultant load in the box section is cycling in compression.

It is difficult to exactly determine the stiffness of the pin and box sections. However, since the
length and elastic modulus are the same in both the box and pin, the relative stiffness of the
two components should be proportional to their cross-sectional areas. Hence,

Table 3 shows the calculated cross-sectional areas and approximate load partitioning factors
for the various geometries evaluated in this study. All three coupling sizes (for 3/4,7/8 and 1-
inch rods) have similar load partitioning factors, transferring approximately 35 percent of the
applied load to the pin. The amount of load taken by the pin increases to nearly 48 percent for
the slimhole configuration due to ithe smaller cross-sectional area of the slimhole box section.

Figures 11 thru 14 show the pin load and the coupling force as a function of the applied rod
load for all 16 calculations performed for this study. Each case will be discussed in greater
detail after some general comments. Each plot identifies the three different load cycles under
investigation: Cycle 1 (-2 ksi to 8 ksi), Cycle 2 (2 ksi to 23 ksi), and Cycle 3 (15 ksi to 30 ksi).
The pin load is the total axial force in the neck of the pin (the region between the pin shoulder
and the threaded section of the pin). This was calculated by integrating the axial force (on a
per element basis) across the cross-sectional area of the neck. The coupling force is the total
axial load at the interface of the pin shoulder and box section. This was calculated by
integrating the axial force in the axially expanding section of the box coupling (see Figure 5)
over the cross-sectional area of the coupling at this location. For both calculated quantities a
positive load is tensile while a negative load is compressive.

Since the axial load history was specified in the simulations as a pressure boundary condition
and is the same for all of the simixlations, it is also presented in the plots in pressure units to
permit direct comparison of the many simulations (i.e. the different rod sizes result in
different axial force quantities). All of the load diagrams follow the history of the simulations
which initiated at preload with no axial load. Next, they were loaded to the maximum
compressive load of -5 ksi, and thien loaded in tension up to the maximum tensile load of 40
ksi. This load sequence is represented as a dashed line in the plots. An additional load cycle to
-5 ksi and again to 40 ksi was simulated to determine if the coupling stress response follows
the same path, assuring that the deformations are linear elastic. This second load cycle is
represented in the plots as a solid line. The data points on the plots indicate points at which the
finite element solutions were reported and are of no other significance. Because the couplings
exhibit some yielding on the first application of compression and tension loads, the dashed
line (representing the first load cycle) and the solid line (representing the second load cycle)
do not overlap in any of the simulations. However, the compression stroke (40 ksi to -5 ksi)
and the tension stroke (-5 ksi to 40 ksi) of the second load cycle follow the exact same path for

Table 3: Pin and Box Cross-Secitional Areas and Load Partitioning Factors for Various
Coupling Geometries
Pin Area, Box Area, Ab
Geometry YP yb
A~ (in2) (in2)

S6 0.6576 1.158 0.362 0.638

s7 0.8495 1.440 0.371 0.629

S8 1.1820 2.234 0.346 0.654

S7, SH 0.8495 0.9335 0.476 0.524

each of the simulations, indicating that the second load cycle is elastic throughout the entire
load range.

By looking at both the pin load and coupling force for each configuration, it is easier to
identify where the applied axial load is transferred. As was shown in the discussion on
threaded couplings, the applied load is carried by the pin and the box sections. The portion of
the load carried by the pin is the difference between the pin load at load and the pinload at
preload. Similarly, the portion of load carried by the box section is the difference between the
coupling force at load and the coupling force at preload. The sum of these two loads is always
equal to the total load applied to the sucker rod.

The most significant performance characteristics identified in these plots are summarized in
Table 4. This table includes the initial preload before the coupling is subjected to any loading,
and the preload after the coupling has been cycled between the maximum and minimum loads.
The former is the preload right after make-up, while the latter accounts for any loss in preload
due to yielding in the first load cycle. The last column in Table 4 is the pin load partitioning
factor for each of the simulations. This was calculated by taking the difference between the
pin load at the maximum applied tensile load (40 ksi) and the pin load at zero applied load
(preload after load cycling), and dividing by the total applied load (40 ksi times the rod area).
The results summarized in Table 4 are helpful in the following more thorough discussion of
each case.

Figure 11 shows the load plots for the 314, 7/8, and 1-inch coupling sizes. Note that for all
three sizes, the pin load and coupling force do not return to the same exact value after the
coupling is initially subjected to the maximum compression load and then returned to zero
applied load. This occurs because the pin shoulder yields during the first compression cycle
(as shown in Figure 8). After the coupling is subjected to the maximum tensile load and
returned to zero, the preload changes once again. This time the change is due to the yielding in
the pin threads predicted on the first application of the maximum tensile load (as shown in
Figure 8). After the initial yielding in the first tension and compression cycles, the coupling
behaves elastically throughout the entire load range, as evidenced by the linear relationship of
pin load and coupling force with respect to axial load. The coupling force remains
compressive throughout the load range, indicating that none of the coupling sizes separate.
Recall that the portion of load carried by the pin is equal to the change in pin load from
preload to the loaded condition. At the maximum applied load of 40 ksi, the load in the 7/8-
inch rod is approximately 50 ksi, while at preload the pin load is approximately 40 ksi. Hence,
the pin takes 9.7 kip of the 24 kip applied load, resulting in a load partitioning factor of 0.402.
The load partitioning factors for the 56 and S8 rods are 0.373 and 0.344, respectively. In a
relative sense, the numerically calculated load partitioning factors compare very well with the
theoretical values reported in Table 3. The partitioning factor for the 7/8-inch coupling (S7) is
the largest, while that of the 1-inch coupling (S8) is the smallest.

Figure 12 shows the load plots for the base geometry (S7) with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, and 1.5.
As the plots show, the additional 50 percent of make-up produces very little additional preload
in the coupling. This is due to the fact that the pin shoulder of the S7 coupling yields during
the make-up process. Additional make-up produces further yielding of the shoulder, but very
little additional preload. As expected, the 0.0 make-up case separates immediately upon









-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

loooo r--r-r I I

-1 0000 '







-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 11. Pin load and coupling force as a function of axial load for the 3/4,7/8, and
1-inch coupling sizes (S6, S7, and S8, respectively).

80000 ,
I i i I I

cycle 1 cycle 3

4 F
cycle 2 I
t I I
1 I




-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)



2 -30000
8 -50000



-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 12. Pin load and coupling force as a function of axial load for the 7/8-inch standard
API coupling size (S7) with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, and 1.5.

tensile loading. At the maximum axial load, the pin is carrying the entire 24.1 kip load. The
slope of the pin load diagram for the 0.0 make-up simulation is greater than that of the
preloaded cases. Hence, for any of the three load cycles labeled in the plot the stress amplitude
will be approximately 2.7 times larger (l/@ in the pin with no preload.

Figure 13 shows the load plots for various combinations of the Flexbar (FB),Spiralock (SL),
and slimhole (SH) geometry modifications to the base geometry (S7). The Flexbar
modification to the base coupling geometry (S7) produces very little change in the preload at
full make-up, reducing from 40.1 kip to 38.4 kip. This was expected since the Flexbar
modification merely increases the grip length of the coupling but does not change the cross-
sectional areas (i.e. the stiffness) of the pin and box sections. Hence, the performance of the
Flexbar coupling is nearly identical, in terms of load partitioning, to that of the base API
geometry. The slimhole variation of the base geometry reduces the preload to 36.0 kip.
Because the slimhole modification reduces the cross-sectional area of the box section, the
relative stiffness of the pin and box are changed. This is evidenced in slope changes in both
the pin load and coupling force plots. At the maximurn load, the slimhole pin takes
approximately 11 kip of the 24 kip applied axial load, resulting in a pin load partition of
0.456. This relative increase in the predicted partitioning factor agrees well with the
theoretical partitioning factor for the slimhole geometry (Table 3).

As seen in Figure 13, the inclusion of the Spiralock thread form to the base geometry
produces a significant reduction iin the preload of the fully made-up joint, reducing from
42 kip to 26 kip. This reduction in the preload is due to a greater amount of yielding of the
Spiralock threads relative to the standard API threads. Because the preload is reduced, the
coupling separates at approximately 30 ksi of axial load. The separation is evidenced by the
fact that the coupling force goes to zero, while the slope of the pin load plot increases
(indicating that the pin is carrying all of the load). The increased load on the pin causes the
threads to yield even further. As stated in the previous section, yielding of the pin threads and
shoulder reduces the preload in the coupling. Note that when the load applied to the Spiralock
coupling is returned to zero, the preload is reduced from 15.3 kip to 1.8 kip. The effects of
adding the slimhole or Flexbar modifications to the Spiralock threads is minimal. The
performance with these additional modifications is nearly identical to the base Spiralock
geometry. These results suggest tlhat the Spiralock thread form requires a greater make-up
than a standard API coupling to achieve the same amount of preload. Figure 14 shows the
load plots for the Spiralock coupling (SL) with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5, and 3.0. The
Spiralock coupling separates with make-ups of 0.0 and 1.0. Once separation occurs, the pin
carries the entire axial load (a maximum 24.1 kip). The 1.5 make-up case experiences a
greater amount of thread yielding during the make-up process. As a result, the coupling does
not separate and a significant amount of the preload is retained after the initial compression
and tension loads (reducing from 20.7 kip to 20.5 kip). While a make-up of 1.5 is sufficient to
prevent separation within the load range, a make-up of over 2.0 is required to obtain the same
amount of preload as the fully made-up 7/8-inch API coupling. Further increases in the make-
up over 2.0 produce very small increases in the preload. As in the case of the base geometry
(see Figure 12), this is due to yielding of the pin shoulder during preload.

S7, FB, 1.0 MU
s7, SH, 1.0 M U
70000 S7, SH,FB, 1.0 M
o S7, SL,1.0 MU





E 30000


-1 0000
-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)



2 -30000



-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 13. Pin load and coupling force as a function of axial load for various combinations
of the Flexbar (FB),Spiralock (SL), and slimhole (SH) geometry modifications
to the base geometry (S7).


70000 I
cycle 1 cycle 3
cycle 2



10000 S7, SL, 0.0 MU -

1 0 S7, SL, 1.0 MU
A s7, SL, 1.5 MU
0 S7,SL, 2.0 MU -
o S7, SL,2.5 MU
A S7,SL, 3.0 MU
-10000 I I , * ,

-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)


-1 0000




-50000 e S7,SL, 1.0 MU

A s7,SL, 1.5 MU

-60000 o S7 SL 2.5 MU


-5000 0 5000 I0000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 14. Pin load and coupling force as a function of axial load for the base geometry
(S7) with Spiralock &reads (SL) and make-ups of 0.0, 1.0,1.5,2.0,2.5, and 3.0.

Table 4: Summary of Coupling Performance for Various Analysis Cases

Initial Preload

4 I S7, FB, 1.0MU I( 41.3 I 48.6 I 38.4 I 45.2 I 0.398

5 I 57,SH, 1.0MU I/ 38.2 I 45.0 I 36.0 1 42.4 I 0.456

* SH = slimhole, FB = Flexbar, SL = Spiralock

** Maximum load of 40 ksi is 17.7kip for S6,24.1 kip for S7,and 31.4 kip for S8

3.3 Estimating Fatigue Life of Sucker Rod Couplings

In the previous section, the load distribution in the threaded coupling was discussed in detail.
The factors that affect the stress amplitude in the pin under cyclic loading conditions were
examined. It was mentioned that the fatigue resistance of the coupling would be greatly
improved if the stress amplitude in the pin were minimized. However, this discussion was
presented in terms of loads and nominal stresses. These nominal stresses can be greatly
affected by the geometrical features of the coupling, producing stress risers in the coupling
which will provide preferred sites for crack initiation and growth. In this section, the stress
risers will be identified and the fatigue response at these locations will be characterized for
each of the simulations performed for this study in an attempt to identify features which could
limit the service life of the coupling.

3.3.1 Considerations in Life Prediction
Life prediction involves calculating the stresses in the component based on the given material,
component geometry, and applied loads. Through the application of an empirical failure
criterion, the calculated stresses are then transformed into fatigue damage or crack growth.
The following section describes the failure criterion used in the present study.

In metals such as steel, fatigue damage and crack growth occurs by a process called reversed-
slip [4].Slip is the process by which planes of atoms move past each other along a slip plane.
The amount of slip on a given cycle relates to the amount of cyclic stress imposed. The slip
process is responsible for fatigue crack initiation and crack growth processes. The differences
in the slip behavior during crack initiation and growth are in the magnitude of the slip and the
volume of the material affected. Slip during crack initiation is low level but widespread
compared to crack growth. During crack growth, the magnitude of slip is relatively large and
concentrated at the small plastic zone at the crack tip. Hence, during crack initiation, slip is
concentrated in highly stressed regions. Once cracking begins, the deformation, formerly
accommodated by slip in the highly stressed regions, is taken up by deformation in the region
surrounding the crack tip. Slip occurs easiest at the surface and is concentrated by material
and geometric stress risers [4].This is why most fatigue failures initiate at the surface of the
component. Hence, the fatigue life is affected by processing and other factors, such as
corrosion, which alter the surface and create stress risers.

The fatigue process occurs everywhere in a structural component where the stresses are large
enough to cause continued reversed-slip. Since the rate of the fatigue process is proportional
to the magnitude of the reversed-slip, the fatigue process is problematic in regions where the
stresses are the largest. These regions typically correspond to stress risers and are critical in
the fatigue life of the component. The fatigue process includes a period of damage
accumulation leading to crack initiation and a period of crack growth, ultimately ending with
the catastrophic failure of the component. Hence, the total life of the component is the sum of
the crack initiation and propagation lives.

The methods used in estimating the crack initiation and propagation lives are fundamentally
different since the presence of a cr<ackalters the stress field of a component. The finite element
method is based on a continuum formulation and does not accurately calculate the stress field
ahead of crack tips unless specialized elements are used. Hence the stresses calculated using
this technology are due to the component geometry as modeled. Until a crack forms which is
long enough to disturb the stress field, an approach based on these calculated stresses can be
used to simulate the damage accumulation process. Such an approach for life prediction is
based on fatigue data developed from unnotched specimens. Once a crack forms which is long
enough to disturb the stress field, the slip process concentrates at the crack tip. Stresses
located even a small distance from the crack (Le. those determined from a finite element
simulation) no longer characterize the magnitude of slip at the crack tip. Hence, nominal
stresses cannot be used to characterize the slip process at the crack tip. Methods of lifetime
estimation which account for the crack’s effect on the stress field involve the use of fracture
mechanics [5]. These approaches to life prediction relate the calculated stress field to a crack
growth rate and are based on fatigue data developed from notched or precracked specimens.

The manufacturers and designers of sucker rod systems exercise extreme care in controlling
the factors which affect the fatigue life of sucker rods. The rods are polished, the specified
load range accounts for corrosion, and the thread geometry is designed to minimize stress
risers by rounding the root of the threads. As an indication of design intent, sucker rods are
sized based on a modified Goodman criteria which ensures an indefinite fatigue life. Hence,
this study has taken a conservative approach to lifetime estimation by choosing to apply only
crack initiation methods to the life estimation of sucker rod couplings. This study neglects the
crack growth life which can contribute a significant number of cycles to the component life.
Instead, this study assumes that the coupling has failed once fatigue damage has produced a

As previously stated, crack initiation methods are based on fatigue data developed from
unnotched specimens. In these tests, a specimen is subjected to alternating stresses that vary
between fixed limits of maximum and minimum stress until failure occurs. The load range is
typically characterized by a stress ratio, defined as follows:

Alternatively, the load range is sometimes described in terms of a mean stress and an
alternating stress, defined as follows:

Omax Omin
om= +

Fatigue tests are repeated for other specimens at the same stress ratio but different stress
amplitudes. The results of these tests are plotted to form an S-N diagram. A family of S-N
curves for a material tested at various stress ratios is shown schematically in Figure 15. In the
case of ferrous metals and alloys, the fatigue strength decreases as the number of cycles
increases, asymptotically approaching the fatigue limit or endurance limit. If the stress
amplitude in a component does not reach the fatigue limit for a given stress ratio, an infinite
number of load cycles can be applied to the component without causing failure. An endurance
limit does not exist for nonferrous materials. Because S-N curves have this horizontal
asymptote, a small change in the stress amplitude can result in a large change in the number of
cycles to failure. Figure 15 also illustrates the effect of stress ratio on the fatigue life and
endurance limits. For a given lifetime, as the stress ratio increases, the stress amplitude
decreases. Similarly, the endurance limit decreases as the stress ratio increases. Hence, the
fatigue life of a component is effectively reduced by the presence of a mean stress.

The data from S-N curves like that illustrated in Figure 15 can be used to construct a modified
Goodman diagram. The modified Goodman diagram illustrated in Figure 3 is constructed
from endurance limit data, hence, providing an indefinite fatigue life. However, a modified

Goodman diagram can be constiucted for any finite life (e.g. lo5 cycles). The modified
Goodman diagram illustrated in Figure 3 exhibits the same dependence on mean stress as the
plot in Figure 15. For example, under complete load reversal (R = -l.O), the allowable stress
amplitude is T/3. For a fluctuating load ( R = O.O), the allowable stress reduces to T/4. The
allowable stress amplitude (Ao)continues to decrease up to the limit where the minimum and
maximum stress converge to the ultimate tensile strength of the material. It appears that the
allowable stress range adopted by the API (the shaded area in Figure 3) represents a
conservative application of the modified Goodman diagram. This conservatism was probably
adopted to ensure that the maximum stress always stay below the yield strength of the sucker
rod material (approximately 66 percent of the ultimate tensile strength of API Grade C steel).

3.3.2 Fatigue Damage Criterion for Multiaxial Stress

Nearly all fatigue data is based 011 uniaxial tests. Under uniaxial conditions, the axial stress,
von Mises stress, and maximum principal stress are all equal. Furthermore, the load direction
in a uniaxial test never changes throughout the test. Hence, uniaxial test data apply directly to
components which are similarly loaded. Since sucker rods are loaded uniaxially, their fatigue
performance can be determined directly from fatigue data. In cases where the component is
subjected to a multiaxial stress state, stress measures such as the von Mises stress and
maximum principal stress are not necessarily equal. Hence, an equivalence criteria must be
developed to provide a viable basis to relate the multiaxial state of stress being analyzed to the
predominantly uniaxial data which exists in the reference data.

There are two cases of multiaxial stress, referred to as simple and complex multiaxial stress.
Simple multiaxial stress refers to the case in which the principal alternating stresses do not
change their direction relative to the stressed part. Complex multiaxial stress refers to the case

- R=0.0

- R = 0.6

Llog. lifetime (number of cycles)

Figure 15. Schematic S-N curves for steel at various stress ratios.

in which the directions of the alternating principal stresses change. The first case can be
handled easily by calculating the appropriate equivalent stress [7]. The later case is
considerably more difficult to analyze and is considered to be beyond the current state of
technology [4]. Figure 16 shows the maximum principal stress directions in the threads of the
7/8-inch API coupling at minimum (-5 ksi) and maximum (40ksi) loads. The vectors show
only the direction of the maximum principal stress (Le. the vector lengths are not proportional
to the magnitude of the maximum principal stress). The figure shows that the maximum
principal stress directions do not change between these extreme loads. In fact, the maximum
principal stress directions do not change for any of the load steps reported by the simulations.
Since the calculations are axisymmetric, the hoop direction is one of the principal stresses and
its direction never changes. Since the principal stress directions are orthogonal, it reasons that
the third principal stress direction does not change either. Hence, sucker rod simulations
represent a case of simple multiaxial stress and, as such, can be analyzed with a simple
equivalence criteria.

The present study uses Sines’ method [7,8,9] to determine an equivalent stress for comparison
with test data. Although no test data exists specifically for API Grade C steel, the method will
be useful in identifying regions with a high potential for crack initiation and to evaluate the
relative effects of various design changes on the coupling fatigue life. The method states that
the permissible effective alternating stress is a linear function of the mean hydrostatic stress.
This can be mathematically expressed as follows:

where 6,is the effective alternating stress,

amis the mean hydrostatic stress,

Figure 16. Maximum principal stress directions in the 7/8-inch API standard coupling at
minimum (-5 ksi) and maximum (40ksi) loads.

k is a constant specific to the material and fatigue life, and
A is the assumed failure criteria.

As long as the left side of Equation (16) is less than the right side, the multiaxial stress state
will not cause failure of the material within the desired life. The constants k and A change with
the assumed fatigue life.

This criterion can be expressed in terms of the principal stresses as follows:

where Sui= alternating component of the principal stresses

Smi = mean component of the principal stress
SN = uniaxially fully reversed fatigue stress for N cycles
m = coefficient of mean stress influence

It should be noted that SN is the endurance limit when N approaches infinity. The constants m
and SN which describe the fatigue properties for a material can be determined from two
fatigue curves in which the stress ratios are appreciably different. Two curves which are
convenient for the determination of these constants are the reversed axial test (R = -1.0) and
the zero-tension fluctuating stress (R = 0.0). In the fully reversed uniaxial test, Equation (17)
reduces to:

verifying that SN is the amplitude of the uniaxial reversed fatigue stress. In the zero-tension
fluctuating stress test, the criterion reduces to:

f N = S f
N- 3

wherefN is the amplitude of the fluctuating stress ( R = 0.0) which would cause failure at the
same lifetime as the reversed stress SN ( R = -1.0). Solving the above two equations for m

As previously stated, most fatigue failures initiate at the surface where the stress state is
biaxial. In a biaxial stress state, Equation (17) defines lines of constant von Mises stress which
form ellipses that enclose regions of “safe” alternating stress with respect to a specific fatigue
life. The size of the ellipses varies with the mean stress. As long as the alternating stress (the
left side of Equation (17)) is less than or equal to the “safe” limit (the right side of

Equation (17)), the multiaxial stress state will not cause failure of the material within the
desired life.

The criterion in Equation (17) can be expressed as a safety factor with respect to the desired
life, expressed as follows:

S N - mam
D =

such that when D e 1.0, the stress state will result in a shorter than desired fatigue life. If
D 2 1.0, the multiaxial stress state will result in a component life greater than or equal to that
which is desired. Equation (21) allows one to determine the “safe” range of the alternating
effective stress for a given mean hydrostatic stress. If the mean hydrostatic stress is large
enough, making the second term in the numerator larger than the first, D cannot be positive,
indicating that there is no “safe” range of alternating stress which will produce the desired life.

It should be emphasized that each fatigue life (specified in number of cycles) will result in a
new set of constants, SN and rn. Hence, a safety factor can be calculated with respect to any
desired fatigue life. Since the sucker rods are designed for indefinite service, the safety factor
calculated in the present study was with respect to infinite service life. Although there is no
known fatigue threshold data for API Grade C steel, the constants rn and SN can be
approximated from the modified Goodman plot shown in Figure 3. Since a safety factor with
respect to failure was desired, the full envelope of the Goodman plot was used to derive these
constants instead of the more conservative shaded region used by the API. As shown in
Figure 3, the amplitude of the reversed stress which will provide an indefinite service life is
T/3, whereas the amplitude of fluctuating stress which will provide an indefinite service life
is T/4. Hence, the constants for API Grade C steel evaluate as follows:

m = 3(T/3-
1) = 1.0

Thus, the safety factor with respect to failure can be expressed as:

30ksi - am
D =

with respect to indefinite service life. Because Equation (24) is based on approximate
constants derived from the modified Goodman diagram rather than actual fatigue data, this
criterion should not be interpreted as predicting failure but rather identifying regions with a
potential for fatigue failure. In the case of uniaxial loading, Equation (17) with the constants
S, = 30 ksi and m = 1.0 describes the modified Goodman diagram in Figure 3 in terms of
mean stress and stress amplitude.

3.3.3 Identification of Critical Fatigue Locations

Figure 17 is a plot of the safety factor with respect to indefinite service life for the 7/S-inch
API standard coupling for all the three load cycles under investigation. The plot identifies
three regions with a high potential for fatigue damage: at the top of the pin neck, at the root of
the first engaged pin thread, and the root of the last engaged box thread. These three locations
correspond to the locations of failures observed in field units. Although not as bad as the first
two regions, the root of the last engaged box thread does have a high hydrostatic mean stress
and a high effective alternating stress relative to the rest of the coupling. A slight change in
the geometry or load conditions could make this a more critical location. It is important to
understand that regions of high effective stress do not necessarily have a high potential for
fatigue failure. Rather, the fatigue damage criterion identifies regions where the effective
alternating stress is high relative to the mean hydrostatic stress. Figure 8 shows the
distribution of effective stress in the 7/S-inch API coupling at preload as well as the extreme
loads. Note that the regions with the highest effective stress do not necessarily correspond to
the regions with a high potential for fatigue failure. The distributions of the effective
alternating stress and the hydrostatic mean stress are plotted in Figures 18 and 19,
respectively. The regions identified with a high potential for fatigue failure also have a high
mean hydrostatic stress component (Figure 19) but do not necessarily have the largest
alternating effective stress amplitude (Figure 18).

Because the equation for the hydrostatic stress is linear with respect to the principal stresses,
the mean hydrostatic stress is always equal to the hydrostatic mean stress. However, because
the effective stress equation is nonlinear with respect to the principal stresses, the effective
alternating stress (used in Equation 17) is not necessarily equal to the alternating effective
stress. In the former, the components of the effective stress equation are the amplitudes of the
alternating principal stresses. In the later, the components of the effective stress equation are
the principal stresses themselves. The only time that the effective alternating stress will be
equal to the alternating effective slress is when the principal stresses increase proportionally, a
case called proportional stressing [4].Figure20 is a plot of the difference between the
effective alternating stress and the alternating effective stress throughout the 7/8-inch API
standard coupling for all three 1oa.d cycles. The plot shows that the difference is small in the
areas of interest (the pin neck, the root of the first engaged pin thread, and the root of the last
engaged box thread), allowing for the assumption of proportional stressing. The proportional
stressing assumption is convenient in that it allows one to look at the effective stress and
hydrostatic stress at critical locations throughout the entire load range to determine the “safe”
operating range for a coupling. It also simplifies the comparison of different coupling designs.
The convenience of this approach will become more clear upon investigation of the
simulations performed for this study.

3.3.4 Equivalent Stress at Critiical Locations

Figures 21 thru 32 show plots of ithe effective (von Mises) and hydrostatic stress at the three
critical locations identified above as a function of the load applied to the sucker rod. Also
identified on these plots are the three different load cycles under investigation: Cycle 1 (-2 ksi
to S ksi), Cycle 2 ( 2 ksi to 23 ksi), and Cycle 3 (15 ksi to 30 ksi). Once again, almost all of
these plots exhibit the effects of plastic deformation. This is exhibited by a slight change in


Cycle 1 (-2 ksi to 8 ksi) Cycle 1 (2 ksi to 23 ksi) Cycle 1 (1 5 ksi to 30 ksi)
Dmin = -9.0 Dmin= -4.6 Dmin= -6.8

Figure 17. Distribution of the fatigue safety factor with respect to indefinite service life
€or the ?/8-inch API standard coupling subjected to the three load cycles.




4 4 4

Figure 18. Distribution of the effective alternating stress in the 7/8-inch API standard
coupling subjected to the three load cycles.

Stress (ksi) 1

Cycle 1 (-2 ksi to 8 ksi) Cycle 1 (2 ksi to 23 ksi) Cycle 1 (1 5 ksi to 30 ksi)

Figure 19. Distribution of the hydrostatic mean stress in the 7/8-inch API standard
coupling subjected to the three load cycles.


Figure 20. Difference between the effective alternating stress and the alternating
effective stress in the 7/8-inch API standard coupling subjected to the three
load cycles.

the unloaded state (zero axial load) after the first application of the maximum compression
and tension loads. This is typically due to yielding of the pin shoulder and the threads. Hence,
the first application of the maximum compression and tensile loads is identified with a dashed
line, while the subsequent applied load cycle is identified by a solid line. Because the
numerator of Equation (24) must be positive in order for there to exist a “safe” range of
alternating stress, the mean hydrostatic stress must be less than the ratio Sdm,which is 30 ksi
for API Grade C steel. Hence, for all locations where the hydrostatic stress is greater than
30 ksi, there exists no allowable stress range which will produce an indefinite life.

Before considering each case, it is useful to discuss how the information presented in the
stress plots in Figures 21 thru 32 can be used by a sucker rod designer. Whereas safety factor
distribution plots like that shown in Figure 17 provide a “snapshot” of the fatigue potential for
a given load cycle, the stress plots in Figures 21 thru 32 permit in-depth investigation of an
infinite number of load cycles between -5 ksi and 40 ksi. If fatigue data is available, the stress
plots can be used to estimate the service life of the coupling. In this case, the constants ,S and
rn from Equation (17) can be calculated for various lifetimes (expressed in number of cycles).
The information from the stress plots can then be used to calculate the estimated lifetime of
each of the three critical locations. Assuming the desired load cycle is known (Cycle 2 for
example), then the mean hydrostatic stress is the value of hydrostatic stress at the middle of
the cycle (assuming the hydrostatic stress curve is linear over the range of the cycle). The
effective stress amplitude is one half of the total change in effective stress over the range of
the cycle. These two values can then be used in Equation (17) with various (S, m)
combinations until the left side of Equation (17) is less than the right. The service life
associated with the (SN,m) pair which satisfies the inequality is the approximate service life at
that critical location. The expected coupling life would be the smallest of the estimated lives
for the various critical locations. Alternatively, the sucker rod designer can use the stress plots
to back out the load cycles which will provide a desired service life. In this case, the constants
(SN, rn) corresponding to the desired service life can be used in Equation (17) to determine the
allowable effective stress amplitude for a given mean hydrostatic stress. The designer can then
use the stress plots to extract the corresponding minimum and maximum loads to be applied to
the sucker rods.

In the absence of fatigue data, the stress plots can be used to compare the relative performance
of various coupling designs and make-ups. This is how the information will be used in the
following discussion. Hence, the specific cases are grouped logically to facilitate direct
comparison. For a given load cycle, several characteristics of the stress plots provide
meaningful information for comparison of the various analysis cases. First, the slope of the
effective stress curve is more significant than the absolute magnitude since the slope is
directly proportional to the effective stress amplitude over any given load cycle. The greater
the slope, the higher the effective stress amplitude. Hence, the terms “stress amplitude” and
“slope” are used interchangeably in the following discussion of the results. Second, the
absolute magnitude of the hydrostatic stress at the middle of a given load cycle is very
important. The smaller the mean hydrostatic stress, the greater the allowable alternating
effective stress. If, for example, Coupling A has both a higher mean hydrostatic stress and its
effective stress plot has a greater slope (i.e. a higher effective stress amplitude) than Coupling
B, then Coupling A will have a shorter service life. It is difficult to assess how much shorter

without actual fatigue data. As Figure 15 illustrates, even small differences in the mean
hydrostatic stress or effective stress amplitude can result in large differences in service life.

Root of First Engaped Pin Thread

Figure 21 shows the effective and hydrostatic stress ranges in the root of the first engaged pin
thread for the 3/4, 718, and 1-inch API couplings. Since the hydrostatic stress of all three
couplings is greater than 30 ksi over the entire load range, all three couplings are predicted to
have a finite life. Of the three coupling sizes, the 1-inch coupling exhibits the smallest
effective stress amplitude over the range of applied loads, while the 7/8-inch coupling exhibits
the largest effective stress amplitude. Note that the slopes of the effective stress curves are
consistent with the load partitioning factors presented in Table 3. Since the hydrostatic stress
is nearly the same for all three coupling sizes, the 1-inch coupling will probably have a longer
service life than the other two coupling sizes.

Figure 22 shows the effective and hydrostatic stress ranges in the root of the first engaged pin
thread for the 7/8-inch API coupling with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, and 1.5. For all three load
cycles, the made-up couplings have a higher hydrostatic stress but a smaller effective stress
amplitude than the coupling which is not made-up. The made-up joints have a higher mean
hydrostatic stress because they are preloaded, meaning this location is stressed even when
there is no applied axial load. Thie joint which is not made-up separates immediately upon
tensile loading, which is why the slope of the effective stress plot is higher. Interestingly, the
joint which is not made-up should provide an indefinite service life with respect to failure at
this location, whereas the two madle-up joints are predicted to have a finite life at this location.
(The problem with the joint which is not made-up is that it will continue to loosen and
eventually uncouple.) Finally, the plot shows that the additional make-up of 1.5 over 1.O does
not have any effect on the fatigue life of the first engaged pin thread. This plateau with respect
to make-up is due to yielding of the pin threads and shoulder.

Figure 23 shows the effective and ]hydrostaticstress ranges in the root of the first engaged pin
thread for various combinations (of the Flexbar (FB), slimhole (SH), and Spiralock (SL)
modifications to the base coupling (S7). The Flexbar and slimhole modifications to the base
geometry produce small changes in the hydrostatic and effective stress for all three load
cycles. However, as previously mentioned, small changes in the mean hydrostatic stress or
effective stress amplitude can have: significant effects of fatigue life. The incorporation of the
Spiralock threads produces a significant reduction in the hydrostatic stress for all three load
cycles. This occurs because the Spiralock threads reduced the preload in a fully made-up
coupling (see Figure 13). However., the slope of the Spiralock effective stress curve is greater
than that of the API couplings for applied loads greater than approximately 7 ksi. This is the
load at which the Spiralock couplings separate. Recall that when the coupling separates the
pin takes the entire axial load, and the load partitioning factor (y,) increases to one. This is
evidenced by an increase in slope of the pin load diagram (Figure 13), which translates into an
increase in the stress range over the same load range. Once again, the slimhole and Flexbar
modifications to the Spiralock coupling have no significant effect on the performance of the
Spiralock coupling.

70000 r A
S8. 1 .O M U


Cycle Cycle 3

-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

S6,1.0M U
0 57,1.0 M U





-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 21. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the first engaged pin thread as a
function of applied axial load for various coupling sizes.

0 S7,l.O MU

-5000 0 5000 10300 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

S7,l.O MU



2 20000

1 woo

-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 22. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the first engaged pin thread as a
function of applied axial load for various make-ups of the 7/8-inch API coupling.

S7, 1.0 MU
0 57.FB. 1.0 MU
A s7; SH; 1.0 MU
60000 S7, SH, FB, 1.0 M
o S7, SL, 1.0 MU
A s7, SL, SH, 1.0 M






-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

S7, 1.0 MU
S7, FB, 1.0 MU
A s7, SH,1.0 MU

50000 S7, SH, FB, 1.0 M

o S7, SL, 1.0 MU
A s7, SL, SH, 1.0M
x S7, SL, FB, 1.0 MU



-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

- Figure 23. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the first engaged pin thread as a
function of applied axial load for various combinations of the Flexbar (FB),
slimhole (SH), and Spiralock (SL) modifications to the base coupling (S7).

Figure 24 shows the effective and hydrostatic stress ranges in the root of the first engaged pin
thread of a Spiralock coupling with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0. Again, the
effective stress amplitude increases when the coupling separates (the cases with make-ups of
0.0 and 1.O). That is why the slope: of the 0.0 and 1.O make-up curves is larger than those with
make-ups of 1.5 and greater. As the make-up increases above 1.5, the effective stress
amplitude over any of the three cycles stays the same (i.e. the slopes of the curves are the
same), while the mean hydrostatic stress increases. This increase in the hydrostatic stress will
shorten the service life in this region. Further increases in the make-up over 2.0 produce no
significant changes in either the effective or hydrostatic stress. This plateau is due to yielding
of the threads during preload. In summary, the Spiralock thread form with a make-up of 1.5
appears to offer an improvement over the standard API coupling (1.O MU) with respect to
minimizing both the mean hydrostatic stress and the effective stress amplitude in the root of
the first engaged thread. This is tnie for all three load cycles. However, if the coupling is over
tightened (make-ups greater than or equal to 2.0), then the performance is very similar to the
base 7/8-inch API coupling.

Pin Neck
All of the above comments made for the stress range in the first engaged pin thread also apply
to the plots for the pin neck (Figures 25 thru 28) since the fatigue performance at this location
exhibit the same dependencies on the design parameters. Hence, the discussion of the results
at this location may seem slightly repetitive. Figure 25 shows the effective and hydrostatic
stress ranges in the pin neck for the 3/4,7/8, and 1-inch API couplings. The effective stress
amplitude decreases as the coupling size increases, while the mean stress increases with
coupling size. Once again, note that the slopes of the effective stress curves are consistent
with the load partitioning factors presented in Table 3. Since the mean hydrostatic stress is
greater than 30 ksi over the entire load range, all three coupling sizes are predicted to have a
finite life in the pin neck region. ]Fatigue data would be required to accurately determine the
differences in fatigue life of the three coupling sizes.

Figure 26 shows the effect of make-up on the stress range in the pin neck. No make-up results
in the pin carrying the entire axial load. Hence, the effective stress amplitude in the unmade-
up coupling is quite large comparfedto the cases which are made-up. However, make-up has
the effect of increasing the hydrostatic stress in this region which decreases the fatigue life.
The hydrostatic stress of the unmade-up joint is less than 30 ksi over the entire load range.
Hence, for every mean stress there exists an alternating effective stress which provide
indefinite service life. In the case of the made-up joints, the hydrostatic stress is greater than
30 ksi over the entire load range. Hence, both of the made-up joints will have a finite service
life for any load cycle in this range. Further increases in make-up over 1.0 provide no
significant change to either the effmtive stress amplitude or mean hydrostatic stress in the pin

The most effective method for increasing the fatigue life of a component is to decrease the
severity of the stress concentraticln. The Flexbar modification to the standard API coupling
was designed to decrease the sevlerity of the stress concentration in the pin neck. Figure 27
shows that the Flexbar modificatiion reduces both the mean hydrostatic stress and effective
stress amplitude in the pin neck for any of the three cycles. Since the effective stress curve for

70000 t I I I I
m S7, SL, 0.0 MU
0 S7, SL, 1.0 MU
A s7, SL, 1.5 MU

60000 o S7, SL, 2.0 MU

7 o S7, SL, 2.5 MU
A S7. SL. 3.0 MU






-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

0 S7, SL, 1.O MU

A s7, SL,1.5 MU
S7, SL, 2.0 MU
o S7, SL, 2.5 MU

-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 24. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the first engaged pin thread as a
function of applied axial load for the Spiralock coupling with make-ups of 0.0, 1.O,
1.5,2.0,2.5, and 3.0.


* 0 S7, 1.0 MU

-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

~ ~~

S6, 1.0 MU
0 S7,l.O MU
A S8.1.O MU


3 30000
I 1
.- I
1 I



Cycle .

I " '

,*' 5000
" "

10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 25. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the pin neck as a function of applied axial load
for various coupling sizes.

Cycle S7,0.0 MU
a S7,l.O MU

50000 4 4
cn 40000
cn 30000


-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

I m S7,0.0 MU
0 S7,l.O MU
A S7.1.5 MU

Cycle 1
I ) Cycle 2
-10000 " " , + , I , . , , " "

-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 26. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the pin neck as a function of applied axial load for
various make-ups of the 7/8-inch API coupling.

Cycle s7, 1.0 MU
S7, FB, 1.0 MU
S7, SH, 1.O MU
60000 S7, SH, FB, 1.0 M
o 57, SL, 1.0 MU
A s7, SL, SH, 1.0 M


cn 30000


-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Cycle 31
iS7, 1.0 MU
0 S7. FB. 1.0 MU
A s7; SH; 1.O MU
50000 LI S7, SH, FB, 1.0 M
o 57. SL. 1.0 MU



-1 0000
-5000 0 5000 IOCIOO 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 27. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the pin neck as a function of applied axial load
for various combinations of the Flexbar (FB), slimhole (SH), and Spiralock (SL)
modifications to the base coupling (S7).

the Flexbar coupling (S7, FB, 1.0 MU) is nearly flat, the stress amplitude is almost zero.
Hence, the Flexbar modification should extend the service life in the neck region of the 7/8-
inch coupling. However, since the hydrostatic stress is still greater than 30 ksi over the entire
load range, the Flexbar coupling is still predicted to have a finite life.

The slimhole modification, also shown in Figure 27, reduces the mean hydrostatic stress due
to a decrease in the preload capacity of the slimhole couplings (as seen in Figure 13).
However, the effective stress amplitude increases over the three load cycles due to the fact
that the slimhole coupling is not as stiff as the standard coupling (hence y, is larger). The
reduced stiffness results in more of the applied load being carried by the pin (see Section 3.2).
The slimhole coupling will probably have a longer service life (in the pin neck) since the
reduction in mean hydrostatic stress is greater than the increase in effective stress amplitude.
Finally, the Flexbar modification with the slimhole coupling reduces the effective stress
amplitude over the three load cycles, yet increases the mean hydrostatic stress slightly. Once
again, fatigue data will be required to perform accurate service life estimates.

The incorporation of the Spiralock threads, shown in Figure 27, produces a significant
reduction in the hydrostatic stress for all three load cycles. This occurs because the Spiralock
threads reduced the preload in a fully made-up coupling. As was the case for the pin thread
region, the slope of the Spiralock effective stress curve is greater than that .of the API
couplings for applied loads greater than approximately 7 ksi. This is the load at which the
Spiralock coupling separates, increasing the load partitioning factor (y,) to one. As a result,
the effective stress amplitude increases substantially after separation occurs.

Figure 28 shows the effective and hydrostatic stress ranges in the pin neck of a Spiralock
coupling with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0. The pin neck exhibits the same
behavior as the first engaged thread for the same reasons sited in the previous section. This
figure shows that the Spiralock couplings must be sufficiently made-up to avoid the high
effective stress amplitudes associated with coupling separation. Compared to the 7/8-inch API
coupling, the Spiralock coupling with a make-up of 1.5 reduces both the mean hydrostatic
stress and the effective stress amplitude in pin neck. If overtightened (make-ups greater than
or equal to 2.0), the coupling performs similar to the 7/8-inch API coupling.

Root of Last Enpaped Box Thread

Figure 29 shows the effective and hydrostatic stress plots in the root of the last engaged box
thread for the 3/4, 7/8, and l-inch API couplings. At zero axial load (or preload), all three
couplings exhibit a finite amount of stress. This indicates that there is load transfer between all
of the threads, even this far from the first engaged thread. Furthermore, the effective stress
amplitude (or slope) at this location is significantly greater than that predicted at the first
engaged thread (Figure 21) or the pin neck (Figure 25). This was expected since the material
in this region of the box section, not benefiting as greatly from preload, is subjected to the full
range of the applied axial load. Hence, the slopes of the effective stress curves are fairly
constant between the sizes and are not consistent with the load partitioning factors presented
in Table 3. Since the hydrostatic stress in the l-inch coupling is greater than 30 ksi for all
positive loads, this region of the l-inch coupling is predicted to have a finite life. For the 3/4
and 718 inch couplings, the hydrostatic stress is less that 30 ksi for axial loads up to 17 ksi.


0 S7, SL, 1.0 MU

A s7, SL, 1.5 MU
o S7. SL. 2.0 MU

I o S7; SL; 2.5 MU
A S7, SL, 3.0MU

u) 40000


-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

= S7, SL, 0.0 MU
0 S7. SL. 1.0 MU
A S7; SL; 1.5 MU
50000 S7, SL, 2.0 MU
o S7. SL. 2.5 MU





-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 28. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the pin neck as a function of applied axial load
for the Spiralock coupling with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0,2.5, and 3.0.

Cycle ' I Cycle 4 b
H S6, 1.0 MU
Cycle 2 S7, 1.0 MU
. I






-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)


0 S7,l.O MU
A 58.1.0 MU

t 2


-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 29. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the last engaged box thread as a
function of applied axial load for various coupling sizes.

Hence, the safety factor (0) will be greater than one in Cycle 1, but less than one for Cycles 2
and 3. This is a good example of al marginal region for which the design loads can be tailored
to improve the fatigue life.

Figure 30 shows the stress range in the root of the last engaged box thread for the 7/8-inch
API coupling with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, and 1.5. As the plot shows, the made-up couplings
have a greater mean hydrostatic ,stress than the coupling which is not made-up. However,
unlike the first engaged pin thread (Figure 22), the effective stress amplitude in the last
engaged thread is not significantly affected by the amount of preload in the coupling (i.e. the
slope does not change much for the made-up couplings). Again, this is due to the fact that the
material in this region of the box section is subjected to nearly the full range of the applied
axial load, regardless of the coupliing preload. Hence, because preload elevates the mean stress
in the last engaged box thread, coupling make-up actually will reduce the fatigue life of the
coupling. Consider Cycle 3 for example, the 7/8-inch API coupling with no make-up will
have a safety factor greater than one, whereas the safety factor drops to less than one with a
makeup of 1.0. Again, the problem with no make-up is that the coupling will loosen and
eventually separate. Notice that for the made-up joints the effective stress amplitude at the last
engaged box thread is significantly greater than that predicted at the first engaged pin thread
(Figure 22) or the pin neck (Figure 26). However, for the coupling which has no make-up, the
effective stress amplitudes in all three locations are nearly equal.

Figure 31 shows the stress range in the root of the last engaged box thread for various
combinations of the Flexbar (FB),Spiralock (SL), and slimhole (SH) geometry modifications
to the base geometry (S7). The Flexbar modification produces very little change in the
effective stress amplitude or the mean hydrostatic stress for any of the three load cycles
identified on the plots. This was expected since the Flexbar modification merely increases the
grip length of the coupling, but does not change the thread pattern of the pin and box sections.
The largest stress amplitude is predicted for the slimhole couplings. Because the slimhole
couplings have a box section with a smaller cross-sectional area, the stress amplitude is larger
than that of the base (S7) coupling. Hence, the stress amplitude in the last engaged thread will
also be larger. In the three Spiralock cases, the mean hydrostatic stress in the last engaged root
thread is significantly smaller than the base (S7) coupling. This is due to the fact that the
preload in these couplings is significantly reduced by thread yielding (see Figure 13).
However, the effective stress amplitude is much larger due to the fact that these couplings
separate at low axial loads (approximately 7 ksi). Once again, in all cases, the effective stress
amplitude at the last engaged box thread is greater than that predicted at the first engaged pin
thread (Figure 23) or the pin neck (Figure 27) due to the fact that this section of the box is
subjected to the full range of the applied load.

Figure 32 shows the stress range in the root of the last engaged box thread for the Spiralock
coupling with make-ups of 0.0, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0. The Spiralock coupling separates
with make-ups of 0.0 and 1.0. Once separation occurs, the pin carries the entire axial load.
This is evident in Figure 32, where the slope of the stress curve increases at the point at which
separation occurs. Once again, Figure 32 shows that the Spiralock couplings must be
sufficiently made-up to avoid the high effective stress amplitudes associated with coupling
separation. Compared to the 7/8-inch AF'I coupling, the Spiralock coupling with a make-up of

B s7,o.o MU
0 S7,l.O MU


2 40000



-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 30. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the last engaged box thread as a
function of applied axial load for various make-ups of the 7/8-inch API coupling.

S7, 1.0 MU
0 S7. FB. 1.0 MU
A s7; SH, 1.0 MU
60000 I I I 57,SH, FB, 1.0 M
I i o S7. SL. 1.0 MU
A s7; SL; SH,1.0 MY
x S7, SL, FB, 1.0 MU

u) 40000


-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 31. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the last engaged box thread as a
function of applied axial load for various combinations of the Flexbar (FB),
slimhole (SH), and Spiralock (SL) modifications to the base coupling (S7).

m S7, SL, 0.0 MU
0 S7, SL, 1.0 MU
A s7. SL. 1.5MU
o S7;SL; 2.0 MU
o S7, SL, 2.5 MU

-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Cycle 1
,I Cycle 2
Cycle 4
d 1- 0 S7. SL. 1.0 MU
+ I
I A 57;SL; 1.5 MU
50000 S7, SL, 2.0 MU
o S7, SL, 2.5 MU
1 A S7. SL. 3.0 MU

40000 I

-10000 I " " " " " " " ~ ' " ' ~ ' ' " " " ' " " " ' " '

-5000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

Axial Load (psi)

Figure 32. Von Mises and hydrostatic stress at the root of the last engaged box thread as a
function of applied axial load for the Spiralock coupling with make-ups of 0.0, 1 .O,
1.5, 2.0,2.5, and 3.0.

1.5 reduces the mean hydrostatic stress in the last engaged box thread, while the effective
stress amplitude at this location is about the same in both couplings. At higher make-ups (2.0
and greater), the mean hydrostatic stress of the Spiralock coupling is still significantly lower
than that of the API coupling, but the effective stress amplitude is greater.

3.3.5 Effect of Make-up on Service Life

Based on the stress plots presented in the previous section, the Spiralock coupling is predicted
to have a longer service life than an equivalent API standard coupling. This longer service life
is attributed to the lower hydrostatic mean stress throughout the coupling, which is due to a
reduction in preload for a standard make-up of 1.0. The reduced preload was achieved
because the Spiralock threads yield more during make-up. As stated previously, the yielding
of the Spiralock threads is due to very localized point contact between the pin and box
threads. This point contact generates very high stresses in the pin threads, causing them to
yield at lower make-ups. Hence, the Spiralock threads function as a preload limiter which will
extend the service life of the coup ling.

The stress plots for the three critical regions suggest that there is an optimum make-up. The
couplings must be sufficiently made-up to avoid the high effective stress amplitudes
associated with coupling separalion. Yet the couplings should not be overtightened, as
additional make-up increases the: mean hydrostatic stress in the coupling which reduces
fatigue life. This point was illustrated in the previous section for the Spiralock coupling.
Compared to the 7/8-inch API standard coupling, the Spiralock coupling with a make-up of
1.5 reduces both the mean hydrostatic stress and the effective stress amplitude at all three
critical locations. If too loose, the coupling separated and the slope of the effective stress plot
increased. If too tight (make-ups greater than or equal to 2.0), the coupling performed similar
to the 7/8-inch API coupling. To better illustrate the effect of make-up on fatigue life,
Figure 33 shows the distribution of the fatigue safety factor (with respect to indefinite service
life) in the 7/8-inch Spiralock coupling (with make-ups of 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0) subjected to the
entire load range (-5 ksi to 40 ksi)i. Although the load range is more extreme than sucker rod
couplings are typically subjected to, the plot illustrates that there is an optimum make-up
which will maximize the fatigue life of a sucker rod coupling. At a make-up of 1.5, the fatigue
affected regions are small and thc: minimum safety factor is 0.8. If too loose (1.0 MU), the
affected regions increase in size and the minimum safety factor decreases to 0.7. If the
coupling is too tight (2.0 MU), the affected regions increase in size and the minimum safety
factor decreases to -2.1 (the negatjwe implies there is no “safe” amplitude of effective stress).
Hence, the optimum make-up is that which is just enough to avoid coupling separation during
the desired load cycle. From a practical standpoint, the make-up should be increased slightly
above this point so that the coupling will not loosen and uncouple.

The above discussion suggests that the sucker rod designer can maximize the service life of a
rod string by controlling the preload achieved during make-up. The Spiralock coupling
partially achieves this by using a thread design that yields during make-up. Even with the
Spiralock threads, there is an optimum make-up (approximately 1.5) which should not be
exceeded. The difference in make-ups of 1.5 and 2.0 is only 9/64-inch of circumferential
displacement, little more than one tenth of an inch. Hence, the fatigue life of a sucker rod
coupling is very sensitive to the amount of circumferential displacement. From a practical

S7, SL,t .O M U S7, SL,1.5 M U S7, SL,2.0 MU
Dmin= 0.7 Dmin= 0.8 Dmin= -2.1

Figure 33. Fatigue safety factor distribution in the 7/8-inch Spiralock coupling (with
make-ups of 1.O,1S , and 2.0) subjected to the full axial load range (-5 ksi to
40 ksi).
standpoint, it is unreasonable to expect field workers to make-up joints within such tolerances.
Even if they could, the Spiralock coupling has another disadvantage. If the coupling is
reworked (disassembled and then reassembled), the threads will not yield as much on the
second make-up (due to work hard.ening of the threads) and the preload in the coupling will
increase. Hence, the circumferential displacement required to achieve a given preload of the
Spiralock coupling will change with each rework. This will be true of any coupling which
yields during make-up. A more repeatable solution for controlling coupling preload could be
obtained by using crushable steel washers between the box and the pin shoulder. The high
strength steel used for the pin and box sections is necessary for fatigue resistance. A steel
washer would be necessary to maintain the coupling stiffness. However, a much lower
strength steel could be used for the washer since in is always loaded in compression, and,
therefore, does not need to be fatigue resistant. The lower yield strength washer will result in a
constant crush force for a fairly wide range of circumferential displacements. This way, the
coupling preload would not be particularly sensitive to the circumferential displacement. Such
a design would allow the optimum preload to be achieved with current API thread forms.
Furthermore, the washers could be discarded and replaced should the coupling need to be

4 Conclusions and Recommendations
The response of a variety of sucker rod couplings to an applied axial load was simulated using
axisymmetric finite element models. The sucker rod geometries included the 3/4, 7/8, and 1-
inch API (American Petroleum Institute) standard couplings. Various combinations of the
slimhole, Spiralock, and Flexbar modifications to the 7/8-inch coupling were investigated,
resulting in a total of nine simulated geometries. In addition, the effect of various make-ups
(assembly tightness) on the performance of the 7/8-inch API standard and 7/8-inch Spiralock
couplings was investigated, resulting in a total of 16 simulations. The make-up process, based
on measured circumferential displacement of the coupling from a hand-tight position, was
simulated by including a section of an axially expanding material in the box section which,
when heated, produced the desired mechanical interference which would result from making-
up of the coupling. After make-up, an axial load was applied to the sucker rod ranging from -
5 ksi to 40 ksi, encompassing three load cycles identified on a modified Goodman diagram as
acceptable for indefinite service life of the sucker rods. Two cycles of the -5 ksi to 40 ksi load
cycle were applied to assure that the coupling response was elastic. The constitutive response
of the API Grade C steel to the applied loads included both elastic and plastic response.

All of the simulations exhibited some yielding during the make-up process and in the first
application of the maximum compression and tensile loads, generally in the pin neck,
shoulder, and threads. Yielding on the first load cycle reduced the preload in the coupling
which was obtained after make-up. Hence, the preload in a given coupling is a function of the
extreme loads it is subjected to. After the initial yielding during make-up and in the first
compression and tension cycles, the coupling responds elastically throughout the entire load
cycle. Although the sucker rod stresses were, by design, within the envelope of the modified
Goodman diagram, the local stresses in the couplings were clearly outside of this envelope for
all three load cycles, indicating that all of the simulated couplings would have a finite life.

The simulations of the various coupling geometries and make-ups were compared with
respect to how well they accomplish the two primary objectives of preloading threaded
couplings: (1) to lock the threaded coupling together so that it will not loosen and eventually
uncouple, and (2) to improve the fatigue resistance of the threaded connection by reducing the
stress amplitude in the coupling when subjected to cyclic loading. Evaluation of the first
objective, locking the threaded coupling, was relatively simple. A coupling will remain locked
as long as the mating surfaces of the pin and box sections remain in compression, resisting
rotational motion or loosening. Determining how well the various couplings satisfy the second
objective, fatigue resistance, was considerably more difficult. This evaluation was
accomplished in two parts: nominally and locally. In the nominal evaluation, a set of
equations based on the gross dimensions of the coupling were derived which describe how a
load applied to a sucker rod is distributed throughout a preloaded coupling. A percentage of
the load reduces the compression between the pin and box sections, while remainder increases
the tension in the pin section. The later portion, termed the pin partitioning factor, is
proportional to the stiffness of the box section of the coupling. A smaller pin partitioning
factor reduces the nominal stress amplitude in the pin section and, hence, improves its fatigue
resistance. Once a coupling separates, all of the applied load is carried by the pin and the pin
partitioning factor increases to a maximum of one. Hence, fatigue resistance is maximized if

the coupling remains locked. The relative stiffness of the pin and box sections is, in general,
proportional to their cross-sectional areas. The results of the finite element simulations, in
terms of nominal load distribution, agreed well with the nominal load distribution equations.

The local fatigue evaluation characterized the fatigue performance of the various couplings
using the local stresses predicted in the finite element simulations and a stress equivalencing
criterion for multiaxial stress states. This criterion is based on Sines’ equivalent stress theory
which states that the permissible effective alternating stress is a linear function of the mean
hydrostatic stress. The fatigue damage criterion identified three locations with a high potential
for fatigue failure: the pin neck, the root of the first engaged pin thread, and the root of the last
engaged box thread. All three locations correspond to the locations of failures observed in
field units. Perhaps the most significant finding in this part of the study was the
characterization of the coupling parameters which affect the two controlling stress measures
of the fatigue criterion. The mean hydrostatic stress, which determines the permissible
effective alternating stress, is a function of the coupling make-up. Whereas, the effective
alternating stress is a function of the relative stiffness of the pin and box sections of the
coupling. As long as the coup1i:ng does not separate, the alternating effective stress is
unaffected by the amount of circumferential displacement applied during make-up. The local
and nominal evaluations were consistent in that the local effective alternating stress
amplitudes were proportional to the pin load partitioning factors calculated using the nominal
stress equations. These findings suggest three approaches to improving the fatigue resistance
of sucker rod couplings.
e Decrease the nominal alternating stress amplitude by increasing the box stifiess relative
to the pin stifiess. This could be accomplished by either increasing the outside diameter
of the box section or by decreasing the pin diameter. The later approach could be taken in
instances where well bore clearance is tight. In addition to reducing the nominal stress
amplitudes in the pin, a larger box cross-section will reduce the nominal stress amplitude
near the last engaged box thread. Demonstrating the effects of relative stiffness, the
slimhole coupling, which has a smaller diameter box section, is less stiff than the standard
API coupling. As a result, the finite element simulations exhibited a larger nominal load
amplitude in the slimhole coupling as well as larger local alternating effective stresses.
e Optimize the preload generated during the make-up process to minimize the local mean
hydrostatic stress in the coupling. The preload in a coupling needs to be large enough to
lock the coupling and avoid the high effective stress amplitudes associated with coupling
separation. Additional preload serves only to increase the local mean hydrostatic stresses
and decrease the service life of the coupling. The Spiralock coupling partially
accomplishes this optimization by incorporating a thread design which yields extensively
during make-up, reducing the preload generated in a standard API make-up. As a result,
the local mean hydrostatic stresses are considerably smaller in the Spiralock coupling than
they are in the API coupling. The analyses demonstrated that the optimum make-up for the
Spiralock coupling was appro.simately one and a half times the standard API make-up.
Hence, achievement of an optimum preload still depends on assembler skill. Perhaps a
more effective and repeatable method for controlling preload would be to use a crushable
steel washer between the pin and box sections.

Decrease the severity of the stress concentrations which provide preferred sites for fatigue
damage. This approach was taken in designing the Flexbar modification to the standard
API coupling. The results of the Flexbar simulations indicate that this modification was
successful in reducing both the mean hydrostatic and effective alternating stresses in the
pin neck, extending the service life of the coupling with respect to failure at this location.

Any combination of the above design approaches could be used to extend the service lives of
existing sucker rod couplings, or to design a coupling which would meet the desired
requirement of indefinite service life.

The local fatigue damage criterion used in this study provided a format for identifying regions
with a high potential for fatigue damage and for comparing the fatigue performance of the
various coupling geometries and make-ups. If fatigue data was available, this local fatigue
damage criterion could have been used to perform service life estimates of the various
couplings and make-ups. Consideration should be given to performing multiaxial fatigue tests
which could validate this criterion and be used to estimate service lives of sucker rod

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J. W. Waggoner, R. G. Buchheit, “Analysis of Sucker Rod and Sinkerbar Failures,”

Southwestern Petroleum Short Course, pp. 124-141, 1993.

J. E. Shigley and L. D. Mitchell, “Mechanical Engineering Design,” Fourth Edition,

McGraw Hill, New York, 1983.

“Fatigue Design Handbook,” Second Edition, Society of Automotive Engineers, 1988.

J. M. Barsom and S. T. Rolfe, “Fracture and Fatigue Control in Structures, Applications

of Fracture Mechanics,” Second Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1987.

H. E. Boyer, “Atlas of Fatigue Curves,” American Society for Metals, 1986.

H. 0. Fuchs and R. I. Stephens, “Metal Fatigue in Engineering,” John Wiley & Sons,

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