BMG 2nd Edition Compendium English1.3

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This compendium collects together all of the special traits, weapon special rules,
effects, special attack forms, and strategies that make the Batman Miniature Game
so compelling and tactically diverse.


Traits provide models with various special
Many traits contain the keyword ‘Dose’.
rules. These are an exception to the basic rules
and always take precedence over them where
This simply means that the model can use
there is a conflict. In order to benefit from a it once per each dose it has (if that kind
trait, the model must, of course, possess it (it of dose allows to do it), for example if the
will be listed on the model’s Character Card). model has 2 Venom doses he will be able to
Additionally, some traits require you to spend a use it twice during the game. Each time a
variable number of Action Counters of specific
model gains a Dose this allow to use it one
types to activate the ability – any associated cost
will usually be indicated next to the trait’s name
more time if the model is able to do so. A
in the list below, as well as on the Character model may only use one Dose per round.
Card. In these cases, the model must still have
enough Action Counters left to spend in the
appropriate categories in order to trigger the A Challenge for you
trait’s effect. At the start of the game (before taking the
lead) you can switch the position of two enemy
When a model activates a trait only benefits Objective markers of any kind.
from that trait’s effect during his own activation,
unless otherwise specified. The only exception is Absolute Power
Passive traits which can be activated during other If this model is your crew’s Boss, you can hire
model’s activations. Henchmen with the Cop trait, regardless of their

One Use Only Acrobat

This model gains +1” to its basic movement
Many traits contain the sentence ‘One use
distance. It does not treat a Jump as Impaired
only’ at the beginning of their description. Movement. This model does not spend any MC
This simply means that the model may use to Jump, or to get up after being Knocked Down.
this trait only once per game. It can move ‘through’ other models as though
they weren’t there, but cannot end its move on
another model. Models with Acrobat can use the
rule Dodging Ranged Attacks rule.

Adaptable Air Support (2SC)
At the beginning of the Raise the Plan phase, Place the Explosion template anywhere on the
the player controlling this model must choose table. During this round, the area under the
between the Attack, Defense or Movement basic template is considered to be under the effect of
skills. The model receives +1 to the chosen skill Lights.
until the end of the round.
Addict This model receives a +1 bonus to its Hit and
This model may use Doses (of any kind) Block rolls. In addition, Damage rolls against
belonging to a friendly model in contact, as if the this model suffer a -1 penalty.
Dose were its own.
Amazon Lineage
Affinity (Model) If this model is your crew’s Boss, you can only
This model shares a special affinity with another recruit models with Affiliation: Amazons of
character. This model can be recruited as a Themyscira.
Free Agent by the crew that includes the model
named in parentheses. S/he may be recruited Amazon Princess
by that crew even if they have the Leader or This model can use the Charge special attack,
Sidekick rank, and the crew already includes its paying only 1SC. The targets of this special
maximum number of those ranks (this model’s attack incur a -1 penalty to their dice rolls to
rank is effectively changed to Free agent for the block it. While this Upgrade Character Card is
purposes of configuring the crew). Recruiting added to Wonder Woman, she cannot use the
this model does not allow a further use of the Bracelets of Submission trait or the Lasso of
trait (if, for example, another character has an Hestia weapon, and does not benefit from the
Affinity to this model). effects of her Magic Shield.

Aggressive Schizophrenia Amphibious

(Mental Disorder) This model does not suffer Impaired Movement
If this model is in contact with another model when moving through Difficult Ground elements
(friend or foe) at the beginning of its activation, that are considered water (i.e. rivers, swamps,
they must attack – they take a single close canals, ponds, etc.). This Model can enter a
combat strike against each model in contact, Sewer by spending only 1MC.
at no cost in AC. Once the attack is resolved,
this model may continue its turn normally. This Anger Management
attack doesn’t count to the limit a model can (Mental disorder)
make during an activation. When performing a ranged attack, this model
must always select the closest model in line of
Agile sight, friend or foe, as the target.
When this model suffers Falling Damage, make
an Agility Roll. If successful, the model takes no
Damage and ignores the Knocked Down effect.

Animal Assistance
This model gains a bonus of +2” to its basic While a friendly Robin (Boy Wonder) is in play,
move distance. When it moves, it can ignore this model gains +1 Willpower. If a friendly
obstacles up to 2” high, but cannot Climb or Robin (Boy Wonder) is removed as a Casualty,
Jump. If this model suffers the Fire effect, at the this model gains +1 Strength until the end of
beginning of the Recount phase (before resolving the game.
the effect) make a Willpower roll (which cannot
be rerolled). If this roll is failed, the model Atomica
cannot move in the following round. When this model attacks an enemy non-vehicle
model, before rolling to hit, the enemy model
Archie must pass an Agility roll. If it fails, it suffers -1
This model is not deployed as normal at the Defense until the end of the round.
start of the game. Once per game, at the start of
the Raise the Plan phase of any round, you may Attorney’s Allegation (2SC)
place this model anywhere on the table that is One Use Only. All friendly Henchman within
not inside a building, as long as there is enough 8” gain 2 free Action Counters. These counters
space for the model’s base to fit. are immediately allocated to Movement, Attack,
Defense or Special.
Arkham Asylum Doctor (1SC)
All friendly models with a Mental Disorder trait Autorepair/X
within 4” of this model (but not the activated In the Recount phase after calculating VPs, this
model itself) gain 1 free additional Action model rolls 1D6. On a result of X+ remove a
Counter. This counter is immediately placed Damage counter from this model.
in Movement, Attack or Defense. This bonus
counter may take the number of assigned Action Aversion: (model)
Counters above the model’s normal maximum. This model cannot be hired in the same crew as
This model can use this rule once per round. the specified model.

Arrest (1MC+1SC) Backpack

When in contact with a KO, non-vehicle model, This model can move with a Loot Objective
this model may immediately remove the KO marker without paying the 1MC cost.
model from the game as a Casualty.
Bat-Armor Mk I
Arrogant Roll 1D6 for each hit you suffer, before the
This model may only be recruited if it has the attacker makes Damage rolls. On a result of 5+
highest Reputation value of all models in the the hit is ignored.
Bat-Armor Mk II
Assassin X Roll 1D6 for each hit you suffer, before the
If this model removes an enemy Boss as a attacker makes Damage rolls. On a result of 6+
casualty, immediately gain an extra ‘X’ Victory the hit is ignored. In addition, this model gains
Points. +1” to its basic movement distance.

Bat-Armor Mk III Batclaw/GRAPPLE GUN (1MC+1SC)
Roll 1D6 for each hit you suffer, before the Once per round, during this activation, this
attacker makes Damage rolls. On a result of 5+ model gains +8” to its basic movement distance,
the hit is ignored. In addition, if this model has and can move in any direction (including
moved this activation, it can make close combat vertically) The model can move over other
attacks against enemies up to 2” away in line of models, obstacles and Difficult Ground without
sight (ignore all traits that improve the model’s extra cost or penalty. However, the model cannot
line of sight, such as Total Vision, for the use this rule in two consecutive activations.
purpose of these attacks).
Batmobile Synchronizer
Bat Cape (1SC, Passive) If Batman (Ben Affleck) drives this Batmobile,
As long as it is able to spend a Special Counter, the Batmobile does not lose RoF for moving.
the model will not take Damage, be Knocked Instead, the Twin-Minigun gains the Imprecise
Down, nor become a Casualty as a result of special rule.
Falling or Jumping. In addition, the model
may Leap Down without spending the MC,
and without using any of its total movement

Two-Face occupies a balcony within 14” of Batman. In order to reach his enemy, Batman spends 1MC to add 2” to
his basic movement distance, and another MC plus 1SC to activate the Batclaw, adding another 8”, for a total of
14”. Two-Face gets a nasty surprise...

Batpod Boss’s Orders (2SC)
This model gains +8” to its basic movement Until the end of the round, all friendly
distance. It can neither jump, climb, nor can it Henchmen within 8” of this model gain +1 to
enter Sewers. At the beginning of the Raise the their Hit rolls in close combat. This model can
Plan phase, you may remove this model from use this trait only once per round.
the Game and replace it with Batman (The Dark
Knight Rises). If you do this, swap the Character Bot Bomb (2SC)
Card, maintaining all damage and effect markers. Once per round, choose one of your models with
Place the new model in a position previously the Bot trait to explode. Center the Explosion
occupied by the Batpod. template over the bot. There is no need to roll to
hit. This is an Explosive attack with Strength 4+
Bipolar (Mental Disorder) and Damage ( AA ). Once the attack is resolved,
At the beginning of this model’s activation, roll remove the Bot as a Casualty.
a die or flip a coin. If the result is even/heads,
this model gets 1 extra Action Counter to spend Bot
during the round. If the result is odd/tails the This model cannot recover from KO or recover
model loses an Action Counter instead! Stun damage in the Recount phase. However,
Firearms, Mechanical and Beam weapons
Bloodthirsty (Mental Disorder) damage this model on a result of 4+ instead
During the Raise the Plan phase, if this model of their usual specified score. In addition, this
has at least 1 Damage marker of any kind, it model cannot use Doses of any kind, and is
gains 1 extra Action Counter to use during the immune to the Enervating, Hypnotize, Poison,
round, which must be allocated to Attack. Scared and Terror effects.

Bluff (1SC) Bot Mechanic (2SC)

Choose an enemy model within line of sight, Target a model with the Bot trait within 4”
no further than 6” away. The target reduces and in Line of Sight. Remove up to 3 Damage
its Attack by 1 until the end of the round. If markers from that model. A model can use this
multiple models with this trait target the same trait only once per round.
model, the effect is not cumulative. This model
can use this trait only once per round. Boy Wonder
Enemy models cannot reroll Hit rolls against this
Bodyguard (1SC, Passive) model granted by the Handy rule.
If a friendly model with the Leader or Sidekick
rank within 2” of this model and Line of Sight is Bracelets of submission
hit by an attack (of any kind), this model takes The first time this model is hit by an enemy
the hit instead. ranged attack in each round, it may make an
Agility roll. If successful, one hit is canceled.
Bonebreaker (1SC) This Agility roll takes place before any Dodging
Until the end of the current round, this model’s Ranged Attacks attempts.
unarmed strikes have CRT ( AA ).

Brutal Can You Solve This? X+ (1SC)
This Trait allows the model to reroll the Once per round this model can attempt to place
Collateral Damage dice (the second result must a friendly Clue marker. Roll a dice – on a result
be accepted, even if it worse than the first). of X+, place a Clue Marker in contact, if it won’t
fit, the marker is lost. A Clue marker cannot be
Bullet Time (3SC) placed within either player’s deployment area, or
One use only. This model can attack twice during within 4” of any other Clue marker, friendly or
its activation, with different ranged weapons. enemy. No more than five friendly Clue markers
Each Attack must be paid for as usual (2AC) may be placed on the board at any one time. In
and consumes an Ammunition magazine. This the Recount phase, your side scores 1 VP for
model doesn’t lose RoF this round for firing after each friendly Clue marker in play. A model in
moving. However, the model cannot Crouch in contact with a Clue marker can remove it from
the same round that it uses this ability. the game with a Manipulate action.

Bulletproof Vest Catcher Gear

Firearms weapons require a 4+ to Damage a Enemies attacking this model never benefit from
model with this Trait, instead of the usual 2+. the Heavy weapon special rule.

Business Agent Chain of Command

When this model is recruited, add $350 to the When its crew’s Boss becomes a Casualty, this
crew’s available Funding. model gains the Leader rank. If more than one
model in the crew has this trait, the controlling
Canary Cry (2SC) player must choose which is affected.
Place the Spray template in base contact with
this model – all models whose volume lies Chill Touch
partially or wholly beneath it will receive one Unarmed close combat attacks made by this
automatic hit with the Sonic special rule. model deal ( ) and have CRT: Cooled.
Affected models must pass a Willpower roll or
take ( ) Damage and become Stunned. This
A Chaotic Friends
action doesn’t count as an attack action. A model Friendly models with the Gotham City Siren trait
can use this trait only once per round. in this model’s crew gain the Unpredictable rule.

Cannibal Chaotic Planner

When this model causes a non-vehicle enemy Each time you use a strategy, roll 1D6. On a
a Casualty in close combat, remove up to 2 result of 1, the strategy is cancelled.
Damage markers of any kind from its Character
Card. Charismatic
A crew that includes this model can recruit
1 additional Free Agent, ignoring the usual

Charm Combat-Mode (3MC)
Whenever this model becomes the target of a Until the end of the round, this vehicle can move
close combat attack, the attacker must pass a in any direction while moving, not just straight
Willpower roll or the attack automatically fails. forward.

Chlorokinesis (1SC) Combo: (Weapon)

Once per round, this model can be placed from For every 2 AC spent using the specified weapon,
one point inside of an action zone of a plant to this model may strike 3 times.
another point in the same action zone.
Claws This model can use the Arrest rule by spending
This model’s Unarmed attacks inflict Damage only 1MC.
AB ).
Concealment (1MC+1SC)
Clay body Until the end of the round in which this ability
When this model uses the Charge special attack is used, enemy models can only see this model
it only costs 1SC. In addition, this model is if it is in contact with them. This ability works
immune to the Steal effect. even when the model is within the area of effect
of a Light. However, the model is still subject
Climbing Claws to other rules that aid detection, such as Total
This model never suffers Impaired Movement Vision or Superior Sense of Smell, etc. This
when Climbing. In addition, the model may model can be affected by templates, but cannot
end its movement at any point on a climbable be targeted directly.
surface, such as on the side of a wall. Make the
model’s end position clear to the opposing player Confusion (2SC)
if it is not possible to physically place the model Once per round, this model can target a
there. non-vehicle enemy model within its line of sight,
and no further than 8” away. Reduce the target
Close Combat Master model’s Attack and Defense ratings by 1. Also,
When fighting Unarmed, this model may reroll the target cannot spend SC this round. Both
failed Hit rolls in close combat. effects last until the end of the round.

Clue Launcher Control Pheromones (3SC)

When a Riddler driving this vehicle uses the Can A model with this Trait may choose a non-
You Solve This? trait, the Clue marker can be vehicle enemy model within its line of sight and
placed within 4” and in LoS of this model. no further than 5” away. The target immediately
suffers the Hypnotize effect. A model can use
Combat Flip (1SC) this trait once per round.
This ability may be used when the model is in
contact with an enemy. Move this model up to Cop
3”. This model can use this trait once per turn. This model gains +1 to Hit rolls against models
with the Criminal trait.

Corrupt Critical Strike (1SC)
If this model is included your Crew, you can When striking an enemy model in close combat,
recruit up to 3 Henchmen with the Cop trait. before rolling for damage, the Collateral die isn’t
Additional models in the crew with this trait rolled and is automatically a 6.
have no further effect.
Cruel (2SC)
Counter Attack (1SC) (Passive) When this model is in contact with a KO,
Once this trait is activated, for the rest of the non-vehicle enemy model, that model is removed
round this model may make one strike against an from play as a Casualty.
attacker for each successful Block roll it makes
against that attack (to a maximum equal to the Cybernetic
number of successful strikes the attacker made). This model gains +1 to its Block attempts, and
These Counter Strikes take place immediately, can reroll Recovery rolls.
thus they are resolved before the normal
sequence of play resumes. Cyclops
This model’s ranged attacks gain the Imprecise
Countermeasures rule when the target is more than 8” away.
This model gains one of the following rules
at the start of each activation, until its next Daddy’s Girrrl
activation: Stealth, Night Vision, Ignore the If this model starts her activation within 6”
Anti-tank rule. of a Leader, she gains an extra Attack counter.
This can allow the model to exceed the usual
Court of Owls crew maximum.
This crew can only hire models with Court of
Owls ( ) affiliation. Death marks
The first Casualty inflicted by this model in the
Coward’s Reward (1SC) game gives 1 extra VP to its crew.
Until the end of the round, when an enemy
model in contact with this model wishes to move Death or Exile (2SC)
away, it must first pass an Agility roll or suffer This model can target one KO, non-vehicle
( ) damage.
A model within 8”. The targeted model is removed
as a Casualty.
The first time that this model makes an enemy Death Pack
model KO or Casualty, it receives +1 Willpower If the target of this model’s close combat attacks
until the end of the game. is already in contact with one or more other
friendly models with this trait, this model gains
Criminology +1 to Hit rolls and one free attack dice against
All enemy models within 12” of this model lose that target.
the Runaway trait.

Delirium Dirty Money
This model cannot make recovery rolls at the If this model is the Boss, its crew has an extra
end of the round (for example, to remove a ( B) $300 in its Funding stash than is normal for the
or recover from KO). game size.

Demoralize (1SC) Disarray (1SC)

All enemy Henchmen within 6” lose 1 Action Once per turn, this model may change the
Counter of your choice. This model can use this position of 2 Action Counters on the Character
trait only once per round. Card of a non-vehicle enemy model in line of
Demotivate (2SC)
Pick a target model within 8” and line of sight. Discourage (2SC)
The model must pass a Willpower roll or Once per round, this model can choose a
immediately lose up to 2 Action Counters of non-vehicle enemy model within line of sight.
your choice. The target model must reduce its Willpower by 2
until the end of the next Raise the Plan phase.
This model does not reduce its number of Action Disruptor (2SC)
Counters as it accumulates Damage markers. Target one enemy model within 8” and in line
Note that, in earlier editions of the game, this of sight. The target cannot use ranged weapons
rule was called Insensitive, and may be listed as with the Firearm or Beam rule until the end of
such on some Character Cards. the round.

Detective Distract (1SC)

For each Detective model you have in play, you Target one enemy model within 4” and in line of
may cancel one of your opponent’s ‘passes’ at sight. The target reduces its Defense by 1 until
the beginning of each round. the end of the round. If multiple models with
this trait target the same model, the effect is not
Detective Mode cumulative. A model can use this trait only once
This model does not suffer the Blind effect and per round.
can see through Smoke.
Disturb (1SC)
Direct Connection to the Speed Force Choose one model in line of sight. That model’s
This model may reroll the Paradox roll. Action Counters cannot be reallocated during
this round (even by a trait such as Disarray, for
Dirty Fighter example).
This model can use ranged weapons even if it is
in contact with enemy models. If it uses a ranged Dodge
weapon to target an enemy model in contact, it This model can use the Dodging Ranged Attacks
gains +1 to its Hit rolls. rule.

Dollotrons Elusive (1MC, Passive)
When you recruit Professor Pyg, you must also This model may spend 1MC to reroll a Ping!
recruit three Dollotron models, at no additional
Reputation cost. EMP
This model rerolls failed Damage rolls against
Duelist models with the Cybernetic, Bot or Robot traits,
While in contact with only one enemy model, and against models with the Vehicle rank.
this model may reroll failed Hit rolls in close
combat. Enemies of the Court
While this model is in play, your crew gains
Duke of Duality 1 additional VP each time an enemy model
When the controlling player of this model gains becomes a Casualty.
any number of VP, flip a coin or roll a D6: if the
result is ‘heads’ (or an even number) gain an Energy Field
additional VP, if not, gain one less VP. Roll 1D6 for each hit this model suffers from a
ranged attack (before the attacker takes Damage
Echolocation (1SC) rolls). On a result of 5+, the hit is ignored.
Until the end of the round, this model is
immune to the Smoke effect. In addition, this Enhanced Vision
model may see at any distance, limited only by This model can see at any distance and ignores
his line of sight and intervening scenery. the Concealment trait. In addition, the model is
immune to the Blind effect.
All light sources within 6” of this model become Escape Artist
canceled (effectively illuminating an area of 0”). Enemies may not make Grab special attacks
against this model.
Electric Handshake (3SC)
Choose a model in contact. The target model Exclusive Driver X
must pass a Willpower roll or suffer the Stunned Only X can be the driver of this Vehicle.
Exhaustive Planner
Elite: Type Before the game starts, this model may
Your crew can only include 1 Elite model of each cancel one of the opponent’s Strategies. In a
type, unless you also include the Elite Boss: multiplayer game, only one Strategy is cancelled,
Type. not one for each opponent. If there are several
models in play with this trait, they may each
Elite Boss: Type cancel one enemy Strategy.
If your crew includes a model with this trait, you
may recruit any number of Elite models of the Expendable
same type as the Elite Boss. Your opponent cannot score VPs for making this
model KO.

Experimental AMMO Flare (1MC)
This model can’t manipulate Ammo Crates (or One use only. The entire gaming area is under
the SWAT Van). the effect of Light until the end of round.

Expert Marksman Fly (1MC+1SC)

This model’s ranged attack targets suffer a -1 Once per round, during this activation this model
penalty to their Ping! rolls. gains +8” to its basic movement distance and can
move in any direction (including vertically). The
Explosive Gel model can move over other models, obstacles and
A model with Explosive Gel may Manipulate Difficult Ground without extra cost or penalty.
a lamppost, sewer, dumpster, phone booth, or When this model suffers a Fall, reduce the result
other item of urban furniture (at a cost of 1MC on the Falling chart by one step.
as usual). When he does so, place a Gel marker
on it. This model may then choose to destroy
the marked item and remove it from the game
spending by 1SC at any time during any of its
activations. Note that Explosive Gel may not be
used to destroy Objective markers.

Extremely mutated
This model cannot buy more than one item of

This model gains +2” to its basic movement distance.

Feint (1SC)
Target a single enemy model in contact and make an
Agility roll – if successful, the target cannot Block
this model’s attacks until the end of the round.

This model gains +1 to Hit rolls when
attempting a Grab attack in close combat.

When this model attempts a Push attack in close
combat, they do not have to spend SC.
Hawkman spends 1SC + 1MC to Fly. As he can travel
Flak Armor 12” in any direction, ignoring intervening models and
This Model is immune to damage caused by terrain, he opts to move straight up, landing on the
weapons with the Explosive and/or Expansive rules. platform of the water tower.

Flying High (1MC+3SC) Get ’em (1SC)
One use only. This model gains +20” to its One friendly Henchman within 8” and line of
basic movement distance and can move in any sight of this model gains 2AC.
direction (including vertically). The model can
move over other models, obstacles and Difficult Goad (1SC)
Ground without extra cost or penalty. Target one enemy non-vehicle model within
8” and line of sight, the target must make a
Follow Me! (1SC) Willpower roll. If the roll is failed, you may move
All friendly Henchmen within 4” of this model the enemy model up to 2”, following all of the
(but not the activated model itself) gain 1 free usual Movement rules. During this movement,
MC. This MC may take the number of assigned you cannot force the target to Fall, nor may
Action Counters above the normal maximum. A you spend any of its Action Counters. You may
model can use this trait only once per round. not target the same model more than once per
Football Gear
Enemies attacking this model never benefit from God Killer
the Sharp and Heavy weapon special rules. This model’s Attacks gain the Magic weapon
special rule. In addition, the model is immune to
For the Family (1SC) (Passive) the Poison effect, and ignores damage inflicted
If a friendly Carmine Falcone within 2” and line by weapons with the Electric weapon special
of sight of this model is hit by an attack (of any rule.
kind), this model takes the hit instead. This Trait
can’t be used against attacks by models with Good Aim (1SC)
Name: Selina Kyle. By spending 1SC, this model can move and fire
(or fire and move) when using a weapon with
Fully Equipped the Aim weapon special rule. In addition, the
This model can purchase any equipment listed model gains +1 to hit rolls with ranged attacks
for Jason Todd even if it comes from a different until the end of the round. A model can use this
crews equipment list. trait only once per round.

Funny Bomb (1AC+1SC) Gotham City Siren

Treat this ability as a ranged attack action. One use only. Target another friendly model with
Center the Explosion template over this model. this trait within 4” – the target gains 1 Action
There is no need to roll to hit. This is an Counter. This may take the number of assigned
Explosive attack with Strength 3+ and Damage Action Counters above a model’s normal
AB ). Once the attack is resolved, remove this maximum.
model as a Casualty.
Gas Mask The only Objectives this model can control are
This model ignores Damage and effects caused Loot and Safe Boxes.
by any attack (weapon or trait) with the Gas
special rule.

Green Travel (2MC+2SC) Hardened
One use only. This model may be placed up to Each round, the first Injury Damage marker ( A)
16” from its starting position. A model may not inflicted on this model becomes a Stun Damage
perform any other movement action in the same marker ( B ) instead.
round that it uses Green Travel.
Hates: Crew/s
Grin Twins This model can never be hired with the specified
This model gains +1 to Attack, Defense and crew/s.
Willpower while there is at least one other
friendly model in play with this trait. Hates Humanity
This model cannot be affected by friendly
Gunman (2SC) models’ traits.
Until the end of the round, when this model
makes a ranged attack, it can make 2 ranged Heavy Armor
attacks instead of 1. Each Attack consumes an Damage rolls against this model suffer a -3
Ammunition Magazine as usual. The two attacks penalty.
can be performed with different weapons.
Heir to the Cowl
Hacking (1SC) If there is no model with the Alias ‘Batman’ (any
Once per turn this model may change the version) in the same crew, this model changes its
position of 2 Action Counters on the Character Rank to Leader.
Card of an enemy model with the Bot, Robot or
Cybernetic Trait. Henchman Bomb (2SC)
One use only. Choose one friendly Henchman
Handyman model and center an Explosion template on
This model does not have to spend MC to it. There is no need to roll to hit. This is an
Manipulate an object. In addition, if the Explosive attack with Strength 2+ and Damage
Handyman is in contact with a damaged or ( AAA ). After resolving this attack, the chosen
Broken vehicle at the end of the Recount phase, Henchman is removed as a casualty.
he may spend 1SC to attempt to repair the
vehicle. Roll a D6 – on a 4+, the vehicle removes Heroic (1SC)
1B . Target any one friendly model on the board.
That model immediately gains 1 Action Counter
Hard Driving of your choice. This may take the number of
For each two Action Counters spent in the same assigned Action Counters above a model’s
Basic Skill, this model has -1 Handling in the normal maximum. A model can use this trait
next Raise the Plan phase (can be cumulative). once per round.

Hard Guys
If this model is the Boss, all friendly Henchman
with the Reinforced Gloves trait or Brass
Knuckles weapon may reroll failed Damage rolls.

Hidden Huge
After Objectives have been placed (at the end These models are usually a lot bigger than a
of the pre-game phase D), this model may be standard human, so they are subject to the
deployed anywhere in the playing area. The following special rules:
model must be placed more than 4” away from
any Objective and out of line of sight of any • Huge models have a base size of 60mm.
enemy model or 12” away from them. If this is • The model gains +3” to its basic movement
not possible, this model should be deployed in distance.
the usual deployment zone. • A Huge model cannot be Pushed or Grabbed,
and cannot be Knocked Down in close combat
Hidden Boss except by attacks from models that also have
When your crew’s Leader becomes a Casualty, the Large or Huge trait.
this model gains +1 Willpower and the Leader • Huge models suffer a -2 penalty to their Ping!
Rank until the end of the game. rolls.
• Huge models gain the Charge special attack
Hidden Sniper (2AC) and can reroll Endurance rolls.
Select a target that this model can see, and that
is also within 12” of any board edge. The target I Believe in Harvey Dent
receives a Ranged Attack ignoring the Ping! rule. If this model is the Boss, friendly henchmen
This attack has RoF 2, Damage ( AA ) and the roll a die or flip a coin at the beginning of their
Firearm rule. activations, if the result is even/heads that
model immediatelly allocates 1 extra Action
Hockey Gear Counter.
Enemies attacking this model never benefit from
the Sharp weapon special rule. I know what I’m doing
Once per game, this model can ignore the result
Hover (1MC) on the Paradox table. The speed power still fails.
When this ability is activated, place a Hover
marker on the character card. The model is in Ice Flash (2SC)
Hover mode for the rest of the round. While a Select a target model within 10” and line of
model is in Hover mode, they can only be hit in sight. The target must pass an Endurance roll,
close combat on a natural result of 6. A model or become subject to the Cooled effect. If the
with a Hover marker cannot benefit from the target passes the Endurance roll, it still suffers
Ping! or Crouch rules. If a model with a Hover -1 to Defense until the end of the round, and
marker becomes KO, Knocked Down, Paralyzed, loses 1MC. This model can use this trait once
Pinned Down or Stunned, it receives ( AA ) in per round.
addition to any other effects, and immediately
loses the Hover mode. Immortal
This model doesn’t award VPs to opponents
At the beginning of the Raise the Plan phase, the when it is removed as a Casualty.
model loses the Hover mode.

Incorporeal (1SC) Instinctive Shooting (1SC)
Until the end of the round, this model is Until the end of the round, this model can move
immune to Stun Damage ( B ). The model can and its weapons can still be used at full RoF.
move ‘through’ other models and scenery as
though they weren’t there, but cannot end its Intimidate (2SC)
move over another model or inside solid scenery. Target an enemy non-vehicle model within 8”
and line of sight. For the rest of the round,
Informer the target cannot spend SC and cannot reroll
As long as this model is in play, and provided it’s Willpower. A model can use this trait once per
not KO, the crew gains one additional Pass on round.
Intimidation (1SC)
Inspire (1SC) Target an enemy non-vehicle model within
All friendly Henchmen within 4” of this model 8” and line of sight. The target must make a
(but not the activated model itself) gain 1 free Willpower roll. If they fail, they can’t make close
additional Action Counter (it may be assigned to combat attacks for the rest of the round.
Movement, Attack, Defense or Special). This may
take the number of assigned Action Counters Invaluable
above a Henchman’s normal maximum. A model When this model becomes a Casualty, the
can use this trait only once per round. opponent gains 1 additional VP.

Inspire Fear (2SC) Invulnerability (X)

Select an enemy non-vehicle model within This model is immune to CRT: Casualty. In
4” and line of sight. The target must pass a addition, the first ‘X’ Damage markers received
Willpower roll. If it fails, compare the amount by this model during each round are ignored.
that it failed by with the Fear Chart below to
determine the effects. I Will Break You
When you hire this model, chose one of the next
Fear Chart options:
Difference on the willpower roll
• Bane gains +3 Extra Venom Dose.
result EFFECT
• Bane gains Exhaustive Planner and +1 to
1 or 2 Scared Willpower.
3 or 4 Scared + Terror 1 • Bane Gains Close Combat Master.
5 or 6 Scared + Terror 2
7 Scared + Terror 3
Joker’s Gas (2SC)
All models within 4” must pass an Endurance
8 or More Model becomes Casualty; +1VP roll or suffer Enervating/1 and ( ) Damage. A
model can use this trait once per round.

Joy for the Victory Kryptonian/X
While this model is in play its crew can’t be A model with this trait gains a number of rules
affected by the Run Away rule (they can’t flee). determined by the trait’s level (X), see below. A
In addition, Friendly models within 8” have -1 to model with this trait can Push, Grab and Knock
their Willpower rolls. Down a model with the Large trait even if it is
not itself Large or Huge.
When this model makes an enemy model KO, flip a In addition, if the scenario takes place at night
coin or roll a D6: if the result is ‘heads’ (or an even (for instance, in most Gotham City scenarios),
number) remove the enemy model as a Casualty. the Kryptonian gains the set of abilities detailed
in Table 1: Night Rules. If the scenario takes
Jump Up place in daylight, use Table 2: Day Rules. If the
If this model suffers the Knocked Down effect, scenario uses rules for switching between night
this model can lose 1 action counter to ignore and day, the table also switches accordingly:
the Knocked Down effect.
Table 1: Night Rules
Kaos Agent Level Kryptonian Rules
Before the start of the game, remove 1 of each of
your opponents’ dice or counters from the bag Fast, Invulnerability/1, Natural
or container you use to Take the Lead. This can Immunities.
make the game end before the established Round Fast, Invulnerability/2, Natural
Limit. In addition, all Henchmen in this model’s 2
Immunities, Super Jump.
crew gain the Trickster trait.
Fast, Fly, Invulnerability/3, Natural
KaPow!!! (1SC) Immunities.
Until the end of its activation this model’s Unarmed Fast, Fly, Invulnerability/3, Natural
strikes gain +1 to hit rolls and CRT: (BBB ). A 4
Immunities, Tough Skin.
model can use this trait only once per round.
Fast, Fly, Hover, Fly High,
Kevlar Vest 5 Invulnerability/4, Natural Immunities,
Whenever this model takes Damage, reduce the Tough Skin.
total number of Damage markers it receives by Fast, Fly, Hover, Fly High,
1, to a minimum of 1. You may choose which 6 Invulnerability/5, Natural Immunities,
marker is ignored.
Tough Skin.
Kill them! (1SC)
All friendly Henchmen within 4” of this model
(but not the activated model itself) gain 1 free
Attack Counter. This AC may take the number of
assigned Action Counters above a Henchman’s
normal maximum. A model can use this trait
only once per round.

Table 2: Day Rules Large
Level Kryptonian Rules These models are usually around twice the size
Fast, Invulnerability/2, Natural of a standard human, so they are subject to the
1 following special rules:
Fast, Invulnerability/3, Natural
2 • Large models have a base size of 40mm.
Immunities, Regeneration, Super Jump. • The model gains +2” to its basic movement
Fast, Fly, Invulnerability/4, Natural distance.
Immunities, Regeneration. • A Large model cannot be Pushed or Grabbed,
Fast, Fly, Invulnerability/4, Natural and cannot be Knocked Down in close combat
except by attacks from models that also have
4 Immunities, Regeneration, Swift,Tough
the Large or Huge trait.
Skin. • Large models suffer a -1 penalty to all their
Fast, Fly, Hover, Fly High, Ping! rolls.
5 Invulnerability/5, Natural Immunities, • Large models gain the Charge special attack,
Regeneration, Swift, Tough Skin. and can reroll Endurance rolls.

Fast, Fly, Hover, Fly High, Laser Sight (1MC)

6 Invulnerability/6, Natural Immunities, Target one model in line of sight. The target
Regeneration, Swift, Tough Skin. counts as being under the effect of Light until
the end of the round, or until the target moves
Kryptonite or changes its current position.
While a model with this trait is within 4” of a
model with the Kryptonian trait, the Kryptonian Lazy Cousins
model loses the Invulnerability and Regeneration This model suffers -1 to its Willpower skill if
traits (if they possess them). there are no other models with this trait in play.

Lantern (1SC) Leadership

If this model is not in contact with an enemy All friendly models within 8” of this model may
model, it can illuminate (see Light) an area of 2” reroll Willpower rolls.
radius around itself (measured from the center
of its base). This ability lasts until the end of the

Let’s go! (1SC, passive) Lord of Business
When a friendly Henchman ends its activation, If this model is the Boss, its crew has an extra
roll a die. On a 4+, you may immediately $500 in its Funding stash than is normal for the
activate this model who has not yet been game size, and may repeat once the Objective:
activated this round. This model activates Loot.
without giving the opposing player the chance
to activate one of his models in between. When Lord of the Sewers
this model has finished its turn, subsequent This model does not count towards the
models with the Let’s Go! trait may also attempt maximum number of models that can enter
to activate, incurring a -1 penalty to the die each Sewers during a round. This model may start
time (so the third model in a row activates on a the game in contact with any Sewer Marker. In
5+, the fourth and all subsequent model on a 6). addition, this model’s Crew generates 1 extra
A result of 6 is always a success. Sewer marker. Once per game, this model can
exit from a Sewer marker without ending its
Light Armor activation.
Damage rolls against this model suffer a -1 penalty.
Luck (1SC, Passive)
Living Legend This model may spend 1SC to reroll any single
This model can make two activations each round. die that he has rolled, for whatever reason.
Each activation is independent of the other (and
cannot usually be made consecutively). At the Lunatic Laugh (2SC)
start of the second activation, the model receives All non-vehicle models within 4” of this model
2 Action Counters, which must be allocated (but not this model itself) lose 1 Action Counter
immediately. (of their choice).

In addition, once per round, when a trait Magic Tattoos

specifies this model as a target, you may cancel This model is immune to the Steal and Fire
the use of that trait. A crew that includes a effects.
Living Legend loses one Pass on Activation each
round, if applicable. Make them perfect
This model may perform a Grab special attack
Long Guns without paying the SC cost.
If this model is the Boss, select up to three
friendly Henchmen with ranged weapons with Man of Steel
the Short Range and Firearm rules. Those This model is Immune to the Push, Fire and
weapons replace the Short Range rule with the Enervating effects. If a model with this trait also
Medium Range rule. These models must be has Tough Skin, Damage rolls against it suffer a
selected before Pre-Game Phase C. -2 penalty instead of the usual -1.

Martial Artist
This model ignores the penalty for being
Outnumbered in combat.

Martial Expert Menace (2SC)
This model causes a Critical on a collateral result Enemy models must spend 1 additional Action
of 4, 5, or 6, not just 6. Counter to attack this model, in close combat
or at range. This effect lasts until the end of the
Master Criminal round.
All friendly Henchmen with the Criminal trait benefit
from a +1 bonus to their Hit rolls when making Mental Dominance (2SC)
attacks. Once per turn, this model may change the position
of 4 Action Counters on an enemy non-vehicle
Master Fighter model’s Character Card in line of sight.
This model gets a +1 bonus to its Hit rolls when
making Unarmed attacks. Mercenary
You can only recruit this model in a League of
Master Marksman Assassins Crew if a model with Name: Bane is
This model can reroll failed Hit rolls when also included in the crew.
making ranged attacks.
Military Tradition (2SC)
Master of Stealth Friendly models with the Veteran trait
Enemies can only see this model if it is within (excluding this model) within 8” can move up
6”. It is still subject to rules that aid detection, to 2” immediately. This model can use this trait
such as Light, Total Vision, etc. When this model once per round.
uses the Sneak Attack special attack, it gains +1
to its Hit rolls. Millionaire
This model’s crew gains an additional $400
Mastermind Funding.
Before the start of the game, add 1 extra die or
counter representing your crew to the bag or Mind Blast (2SC)
container you use to Take the Lead. Target a non-vehicle model within 8” and line of
sight. The target must pass a Willpower roll or
Medic (2SC) receive (AA ) damage. A model can use this
This model may remove ( ) or (
A BB ) trait once per round.
markers from a friendly non-vehicle model in
contact. This trait may not be used if this model Mind Control (2SC)
is also in contact with an enemy. The model Choose a non-vehicle enemy model within
with the Medic trait may not use the ability on 8” and line of sight. The target immediately
itself. During a round in which a model recovers suffers the Hypnotize effect. In addition, if the
from KO using this ability it will not have an target fails the Willpower roll, it loses 1 Action
activation or be able to generate any counters. Counter of your choice. A model can use this
trait once per round.
Medium Armor
Damage rolls against this model suffer a -2 penalty.

Mind Control Device (2SC) Monitoring Device (1SC)
Choose a non-vehicle enemy model within 8” This model gains Total Vision and its ranged
and line of sight. The target immediately suffers weapons gain Remote Controlled until the end
the Hypnotize effect. If the target fails the of the round.
Willpower roll, gain 1 VP. A model can use this
trait once per round. Moral Compass
As long as this model is in play and not KO,
Mine (1MC+1SC) none of your models may use Coup de Grâce.
Place a Mine marker (30mm diameter) in
base contact with this model. The model may Mortal Kiss (2SC)
subsequently move away, leaving the marker in If this model successfully performs a Grab attack
place. When a Vehicle moves into contact with against a non-vehicle model and damages the
the marker, immediately perform a Strength 1+ target, remove the target model as Casualty.
Damage roll against it. If the roll is successful,
the vehicle suffers (
AAA ), and the marker is Multifire (2SC)
removed from play. If the roll fails remove the When using a ranged weapon, this model gains
Mine Marker. A model may only place two Mine +2 to the weapon’s Rate of Fire. The model
markers in a game, so make a note when they cannot move in the same round that it uses
are used. this ability. A model can use this trait once per
This model can be hired up to three times in a Multitask
crew, regardless of its name. When you hire this model, chose one of the next
Mixed Combat Style (2SC)
• Explorer: Gain the Undercover trait and +1
The model may perform a close combat attack Movement.
action and a free ranged attack action in the • Hacker: Gain +1 Willpower. Also gains
same activation this round (no Action Counters Computer Intrusion (1SC): Once per turn this
are required for the ranged attack). model may change the position of 2 Action
Counters on the Character Card of an enemy
Mob model within 8”, as long as the target has the
All models in the same crew as this model gain Bot, Robot or Cybernetic trait.
a +1 bonus to their Let’s Go! rolls. • Defensor: Gain +2 to Endurance. Also gains
Force Field (1SC): Target friendly model in
Mobster base contact benefits from a Ping! roll until
When attacking an Outnumbered model in close the end of the round, even if it is not behind
combat, this model makes an additional strike at cover.
no AC cost. • Fighter: Gains +1 Attack, +1 Defense and the
Claws trait.

Multiverse Teleportation Device Obsessive (Mental Disorder)
This model is not deployed as normal at the If this model selects the same target for all of
start of the game. At the start of the Raise the its attacks in a single activation, it gains +1 to
Plan phase of the second round, place this model Damage rolls of this attack.
anywhere on the board (but not inside a building
or similar enclosed space), as long as there is Obstinate
enough space for the model’s volume to fit. This model’s Action Counters cannot be
reallocated/swapped by other models.
Narcotic Dose (DOSE)
A model may use a Narcotics Dose at the OCD (Mental Disorder)
beginning of the Raise the Plan phase. If it does If this model selects the same target for all of its
so, the model gains the Desensitized trait until attacks in a single activation, it gains +1 to Hit
the end of the round. rolls to this attack.

Natural Immunities One-Armed

This model cannot be affected by the Blind, This model suffers a -1 penalty to Block rolls.
Poison or Steal effects.
One of the Boys
Negative Speed Force This model can use the Let’s Go! trait (treat the
While this model is in play, the Speed Force Pool model like a Henchman for the purposes of this
maximum is reduced by 2. rule).

Night Vision One-Shot Gun (2AC+2SC)

This model may see at any distance, limited only One use only. Instead of attacking, this model
by his line of sight and intervening scenery. may choose an enemy model within 8” and line
of sight. The target automatically receives one
No Mercy!!! Hit, with Damage ( AAA ), and CRT: (AAA ).
All friendly Henchmen have CRT: ( A) Damage. This ability is considered a ranged weapon with
the Firearm rule, so all rules, traits and abilities
Non-Lethal Ammo that relate to it are in effect – line of sight, Ping!
When this model attacks other non-vehicle rolls and abilities that affect Firearms (such as
models with its ranged weapons, all ( ) damage
A Bulletproof vests, and Disruptors).
becomes ( B ) damage.
Order (1SC)
Objectives? Puzzles everywhere!!! This model may use an Order on another
A crew that includes this model does not follow friendly model within line of sight. The chosen
the normal rules for placing Objectives during model can immediately reallocate up to 2 Action
Phase D of the Pre-Game Sequence. Instead, this Counters on its Character Card.
crew uses Clue markers to obtain VPs.

Outlaw Field Commander (1SC) Pickpocket
Choose one friendly model within 4” and line This model may perform a Manipulate action
of sight. That model gains 1 Action Counter. while in contact with a KO model. If it does so,
This may take the number of assigned Action immediately follow the rules for the Steal effect.
Counters above a model’s normal maximum. A
model can use this trait once per round. Planning the move
All friendly models with the Gotham City Siren
Painful Empathy (1SC) rule in this model’s crew (but not this model
Transfer up to (AA ) Damage markers from a itself) gain the Primary Target X trait, where X is
friendly non-vehicle model in line of sight to this the Objective of your choice.
model. If any Damage marker is moved in this
way, this model gains +1 to Attack and Defense Plant
until the end of the round. A model can use this A crew can recruit up to three Plants for every
trait only once per round. 200 Reputation points, or parts thereof, of the
crew limit. Each Plant recruited to your crew
Panda Costume grants you two Seed markers (30mm diameter).
This model must spend 2 Action Counters to
stand up. Plants are not deployed as usual, instead follow
the rules below. After Objectives and all other
Paranoid (Mental Disorder) models have been placed, deploy the seed
If this model has at least 1 Damage marker on its markers at any point on the tabletop at least 2”
Character Card, then during the Raise the Plan away from any other marker (including Sewers,
phase it gains 1 free Action Counter, which must Lampposts, Objectives, etc.).
immediately be allocated to Defense.
At the beginning of any Raise the Plan phase,
Perfect Creations you may replace one or more Seed markers with
If a friendly Professor Pyg is removed from the one of your Plants (place them one by one if
game as a Casualty, all friendly Dollotrons are you want to replace more than one Plant). Once
removed as well. Dollotrons do not award VP placed, the Plant is treated as a normal model in
for being made KO or becoming a Casualty. If a your crew.
friendly Professor Pyg wihin 2” of this model and
LoS is hit by an attack (of any kind), this model If a Plant gets Knocked Out, remove it
can spend 1SC to take the hit instead. Dollotrons immediately from the game as a Casualty.
can only be hired with Professor Pyg.
Plants can only be Pushed by Large or Huge
Persuasive (1AC+1SC) models. If they are successfully Pushed, it is
At the end of this model’s activation, nominate removed as a Casualty.
any enemy model yet to activate this round and
in Line of Sight. That model must be the next to A Plant’s basic movement distance is 0, and it
activate. The opponent can’t use a Pass to ignore cannot use MCs.
this rule. A model can use this trait once per

Plants do not grant VPs in the usual way. Power Armor (Passive)
Instead, the total VPs earned for removing a You can spend SC to ignore 1 Damage marker
plant as a Casualty is always 1. received per each SC used. Damage rolls against
this model always suffer a -1 penalty.
Plants have a 4” ‘action area’ radius. Within that
radius, Plants are able to attack in close combat Power Armor MKII (PASsive)
(no line of sight is needed), and prevent enemy You can spend SC to ignore 1 Damage marker
models from controlling objectives. received per each SC used. In addition, this
model is Immune to CRT.
Plants can’t control objectives or Manipulate.
Power Dampening (1SC)
Plants are immune to Poison, Knocked-Down, All models within 4” of this model lose the
Hypnotize and Blind effects. Incorporeal and Invulnerability traits until the
end of the round.
Play Nice!
All friendly Henchmen in this model’s crew gain Precise Aim (1SC)
the Bluff trait. If this model has not moved, it can activate this
ability to gain a +2 bonus to ranged attack rolls.
Plead (2SC) This model may not move after using Precise
Choose one enemy non-vehicle model within 4” Aim.
and line of sight of this model. The target must
pass a Willpower roll or be unable to attack this Primary Target: Type
model this round. Before starting the game, choose 1 Objective in
play of the indicated Type. If this model controls it
Poison Master at the end of a round, it awards 1 additional VP.
To remove Poison markers inflicted by this
model, the poisoned model must roll 3 dice Protect Me! (1SC, Passive)
instead of 2 and ignore the lowest result. If this model is hit by an enemy attack (close
combat or ranged), you may nominate a friendly
Pollution Hate non-vehicle model within 2” and line of sight
This model cannot enter Sewers. to take the attack instead. Resolve any Damage
and/or effects against the nominated model.
When this model is the Boss you can recruit Psychiatrist (1SC)
up to three Henchman with any Affiliation (as All friendly Henchmen models within 8” and line
long as they don’t have the Bot or Cybernetic of sight of this model, with a Mental Disorder
traits). Their Affiliation is assumed to be the trait, gain +1 to their Attack and Defense skills.
same as this model. However, Henchmen These bonuses last until the end of the next
hired in this way lose -1 Willpower and gain Raise the Plan phase. A model can use this trait
the Self-Discipline trait if they do not have it once per round.

Psycho Radio
This model’s Willpower skill is never reduced This model can reroll failed Let’s Go! rolls.
under any circumstance or by the effect of any
rule. However, the model still loses Action Raised in the Sewers
Counters as a result of accumulated Damage This model does not count towards the limit of
markers as usual. models that can enter in the Sewers during a
This model gains 2VP when it Manipulates a Ranged Master
Riddle; no roll is needed. In addition, it can This model gains +1 bonus to its Hit rolls when
perform the sub-trait, Psychoanalysis. using ranged attacks.

Psychoanalysis (1SC): Target a model, friend or Rapid Fire (1SC)

foe, within 8” and line of sight, and who is also When using a ranged weapon, this model gains
subject to any Mental Disorder Trait. The target +1 to the weapon’s Rate of Fire. If the model
ignores the effects of their Mental Disorder until moves, it still gains this bonus. A model can use
the end of the round. this trait once per activation

Public Resources Reanimated Owl

If this model is in your crew, you may place one This model can reroll failed rolls to recover
additional Lamppost and Sewer marker before from KO. When this model becomes a Casualty,
the game starts. In addition, add $300 to the however, the opponent gains +1 VP.
crew’s available Funding.
Puzzle Master This model can reroll failed Agility rolls.
This model gains 4VP when it Manipulates a
Riddle; no roll is needed. In addition, while Regeneration (1SC)
this model is in play, enemy models cannot When this ability is used, remove any one
reroll when Manipulating a Riddle under any Damage marker from the model. A model can
circumstances. use this trait once per round.

Pyromania (Mental Disorder) Regrets

If, at the beginning of its activation, this model At the start of each of this model’s activations,
can see a model with a Fire marker, this model it must pass a Willpower roll or be unable to
gains 1 Action Counter. make any attack or use Flaming Wave during this
Quiz Master
You can repeat the Objective: Riddle. Each Reinforced Gloves
Riddle objective you take let you to place 3 This model’s Unarmed attacks inflict Damage
Riddle Markers instead of 2. ( BB).

Repairman (1SC) Safe hands
Remove 1 Damage counter from a target vehicle This model is immune to the Steal effect.
in contact.
Sapper (2SC)
Resilient Once per game, this model may place a marker
This model can reroll failed Endurance rolls. (30mm diameter) in base contact. The marker
has Defense 2, Endurance 4, and is treated as a
Retractable Claws small obstacle that provides Ping!
This model’s Unarmed attacks inflict Damage
AB ) and have the Sharp weapon special rule. Savage Fighter
This model gains +1 to Hit rolls when
Revenge (2SC) attempting a Push attack in close combat.
All friendly Henchmen within 8” gains 1AC.
This may take the number of assigned Attack Scheming (X)
Counters above a model’s normal maximum. If this model is in the crew that Raises the Plan
first, the controlling player can nominate X
Ricochet (1SC) number of models to Raise their Plan after all
After this model successfully hits with a ranged opposing players have done so. If your opponent
attack, whether not the attack causes Damage, uses this rule and you also have a model with
select another model within 2” and line of the Scheming trait, you may reduce the number
sight of the target. Perform a free ranged attack of models they nominated by X.
against this second target with the same weapon,
ignoring line of sight and range. A model can use Scientific
this trait once per round. This model gains +1 to its Special skill. If this
model is removed as a casualty, it awards 1
Riddler Bots additional VP to the enemy.
When you hire a model with the trait ‘Can you
solve this?/X’, this trait changes to Autorepair/X Searcher
(X is the value of the ‘Can you solve this?’ trait) Before the game starts, your opponent loses 1
and Multitask. Strategy point.

Roots (2SC) Self-destruction (1AC+1SC)

Target an enemy model within 8” and line of Treat this ability as a ranged attack action.
sight. The target model must pass an Agility roll Center an Explosion template on this model.
or become Pinned Down until the end of the There is no need to roll to hit. This is an
round. Explosive attack with Strength 2+ and Damage
( AB ). After resolving this attack, remove this
Runaway model as a casualty.
This model is immune to the Arrest trait.

Self-discipline Speedster X
This character cannot be controlled by an This model can use Speed Force Powers, and
opponent (for example, by means of an ability has a maximum reserve of X Speed Force
that inflicts the Hypnotize effect). counters. A Speedster model gains +2” to its
basic movement distance. The model does not
Sharpshooter treat Difficult Ground and Climbing as Impaired
Ranged attacks made by this model ignore the Movement, although others effects that modify
Ping! rule. the terrain (i.e. Ice) must be taken into account.
Close combat attacks from this model cannot
Shockwave (1SC) be Blocked unless the target has the Speedster
When this ability is used, remove 1MC from all trait too.
enemy models within 4” of this model.
Speed Force Absorption
Shooter This model can steal 1 Speed Force counter
When this model performs ranged attacks from another model with the Speedster trait at
against targets within 8”, the target does not the end of the Drain Speed Force sub-phase.
benefit from the Ping! rule. This counter may cause the model to exceed
the normal maximum reserve of Speed Force
Small Counters.
This model gains a +1 bonus to its Ping! rolls.
Speed Force Master
Smuggler This model can spend up to 2 Speed Power
When this model is included in a crew, its crew counters during the round like Action Counters.
can buy equipment listed as Magazines and
Radio at half of the cost. Stealth
Enemies can only see this model if it is within
Sneaking 8”. However, it is still subject to other rules
At the start of the Recount phase, this model can move that aid detection, such as Light, Total Vision,
up to 2”, using the rules for normal movement (but Superior Sense of Smell, etc.
with no cost in MC).
Steel Hands
Soul Armor (3SC) This model’s Unarmed attacks inflict damage
One use only. Remove up to 2 Damage markers (BBB ) and inflict the Pushed effect.
from this model (any type).
Stop! (1SC)
Target a non-vehicle enemy model within 8” and
line of sight. Reduce the target model’s Defense
skill by 1 (this trait is not cumulative if it used
multiple times on the same model). In addition,
the target cannot spend MC this round. Both
effects last until the end of the round. A model
can use this trait once per round.

Strategist/Grand Strategist Surgical madness (Mental disorder)
A model with Strategist receives 1 additional When this model uses the Medic trait, the target
Strategy point at the beginning of the game. model removes 1 extra Damage marker. In
A model with Grand Strategist receives 2 addition, roll 1D6. The target model gains the
additional Strategy points at the beginning of the following trait until the end of its next activation:
1. Weak
Street Guy 2. Stupid
This model may Crouch without spending SC. 3. Aggressive Schizophrenia
4. The Voices
Stupid 5. OCD
This model cannot Manipulate anything, under 6. Desensitized
any circumstances.
Sturdy When this model is made a Casualty, do not
This model loses 1 Action Counter for every 3 remove it from play. Instead, roll a D6: on a
Damage markers accumulated, instead of the result of 5+ the model removes 1 Injury marker
usual 2. and remains in play (the model is Knocked
Down, and removes the Action Counters
Subliminal Suggestion (2SC) normally for damage accumulation). If the roll is
Choose a single model (friend or foe) within 8” failed, the model becomes a Casualty normally.
and line of sight of this model, with a Mental
Disorder sub-trait. You may move the target Sustained Defense
model up to 4”, but cannot force the target to This model may roll 3 Block dice for every 2DC
Fall, or spend any Action Counters. spent.

Superior Sense of Smell Swift

This model doesn’t need an uninterrupted line of For each 2MC spent to improve its basic
sight to see its target. Instead, anything within movement distance, this model gains an extra
10” can be seen by this model, even if the target +2”.
is not under the effect of Light. In addition, this
model is immune to the Blind effect. Tachyon device
In the Drain Speed Force sub-phase, if there
Super Jump (2MC+1SC) aren’t any Speed Force counters in the Speed
Place this model in any direction up to 8”. A Force pool, this model adds up to 2 Speed Force
model can use this trait once per activation. counters to its own reserve.

All attacks made by this model have the Magic
weapon rule.

Take Cover! (1SC) The Big Blue Boy Scout (1SC, Passive)
All friendly Henchmen within 4” of this model If an allied Bruce Wayne model receives any
(but not the activated model itself) gain 1 free number of hits while within 4” of this model, the
DC. This DC may take the number of assigned hits may be resolved against this model instead.
Action Counters above a Henchman’s normal
maximum. A model can use this trait only once The Boss
per round. If this model is the crew’s Boss, friendly
Henchmen gain the Expendable trait.
Takedown (1SC)
When this model makes another model KO with The Dynamic Duo
an attack, they may spend 1SC to immediately This model can activate immediately after a
make the target a Casualty. friendly Robin (Boy Wonder) model within 8”,
interrupting the usual sequence of play.
Taunt (1SC)
Choose one enemy non-vehicle model within The Fear Master (1SC)
8” and line of sight. You may reallocate up to 2 When this model uses the Inspire Fear trait,
Action Counters on the target’s Character Card it can choose to have it affect all non-vehicle
into Attack. models within 4” and line of sight (friend and
foe). When using this ability, Inspire Fear also
Teamwork X (All) gains the Gas trait.
During its activation, this model may use X
Action Counters from any friendly model with the The Holiday Killer
Teamwork trait within 4” as if they were their own. When this model attacks a target with a
Reputation cost higher than 50, it may reroll Hit
Teamwork X (Model) and Damage rolls.
During its activation, this model may use X
Action Counters from the named friendly model The main man
within 4” as if they were their own. One use only. At the start the Raise the Plan
phase, this model gains +1 to its Attack and
Teen Titans Founder Defense skills until the end of the round.
This model can be recruited in a Teen Titans
Team, ignoring ‘The Sidekick’ trait. When The Murderer
operating as part of a Teen titans crew, this This model only earns VP for making enemy
model gains +1 Willpower, +1 Strength and the models KO or Casualty. This model cannot
Reinforced Gloves trait. control Objectives.

Tension The Sidekick

This model obtains a +1 bonus to Attack and This model can only be hired if Batman (Modern
Defense while it has at least one Damage marker Age) is leading the crew. While a friendly
on its Character Card. Batman model is in play, this model gains +1
Strength. If a friendly Batman is removed as a
Casualty, this model suffers -1 Willpower.

The Song of the Sirens Timely arrival
All friendly Henchmen can use their Bodyguard This model is not deployed as normal at the start
rule on any model in the crew with the Gotham of the game. Instead, at the start of the Raise the
City Siren trait. Plan phase of the second round, you may place
this model anywhere on the table, no closer
The Target of the Bat than 4” to any Objective or enemy model. The
If a model with Name: Bruce Wayne KO’s this model’s volume must fit in the chosen position.
model, the Bruce Wayne model’s controlling
player gains 2 bonus VPs. Tireless
This model can spend up to 1SC like 1MC per
The Untouchable turn.
If this model is your crew’s Boss, friendly
Henchmen using the Bodyguard trait to take Titan Addict
a hit on its behalf do not spend SC to do so. This model may use the Titan Dose rule more
In addition, while this model is the Boss, all than once per game (if it has enough), but no
friendly Henchmen gain the For the Family trait. more than once per round.

The Voices (Mental Disorder) Titan BERSERK

This model’s Attack Counters (AC) are When this models uses the Titan Dose rule it
wildcards. It may spend these counters on any gains Invulnerability:3 too.
other skill or action, immediately converting
them into the appropriate type of counter for Titan Dose (DOSE)
that action. When converted, the counters do A model may use a Titan Dose at the beginning
not count towards the maximum counters the of the Raise the Plan phase. If it does so, the
model may hold in any particular skill. model gains +1 to all of its basic skills until the
end of the round. The same model cannot use
The World’s Greatest Detective more than 1 Titan dose per game.
At the end of the Raise the Plan phase, you may
choose one enemy non-vehicle model on the Total Vision
board (line of sight is not required). The target This model may see at any distance, limited
model must immediately make a Willpower roll. only by his line of sight. Additionally, the
If it fails, you may force the opponent to activate model’s line of sight can cross any obstacle
the target model first. or terrain element. It may not shoot through
these elements, unless using a weapon with the
Thirty days has… Remote Control rule.
Depending on the month the game starts
Calendar Man gains the specific trait for Tough Skin
that month: January-Demotivate, February- Damage rolls against this model suffer a -1
Confusion, March-Luck, April-Trickster, May- penalty.
Disarray, June-Demoralize, July-Veteran, August-
Intimidate, September-Cruel, October-Undead,
November-Unpredictable, December-Survivor.

Tracking (2SC) Vanish (2SC)
At the end of the Recount phase, this model Make a free EM Smoke Grenades attack (not
can move up to 1D6 inches, using the rules for affected by Rapid Fire) that make an automatic
normal movement (but with no cost in MC). hit. For the duration of this attack, the EM
Smoke Grenades gains the Light special rule. If
Treacherous this model does not move during this activation
This model cannot be the Boss of your crew. and is beneath the template when it makes this
attack, this model may be placed completely
Trickster within 4” of its current position. This placement
At the beginning of this model’s activation, it does not count as movement, but this model
may reallocate any or all of its Action Counters cannot move this activation (or use the Grapple
on its Character Card. Gun/Batclaw Trait). This model ignores the
effects and damage caused by his EM Smoke
True Love (name) Grenades (like the Smoke effect). This spends
If the model named as the True Love (in a magazine as usual but does not count as this
parentheses) and this model are in the same model’s Attack Action.
crew, and the True Love model is removed as a
Casualty, this model gains +1 Willpower and +1 Venom Dose (DOSE)
Attack until the end of the game. A model may use a Venom Dose at the beginning
of the Raise the Plan phase. If it does so, for the
Undead rest of the round the model gains +1 Strength
This model is immune to all effects and CRT, and can reroll Damage rolls when fighting in
except Knock Down and Smoke. close combat.

Undercover Venom Enrage

After placing Objectives, this model may be When this models uses the Venom dose rule it
deployed up to 8” away from its deployment gains Invulnerability:2 too.
area, but no closer than 4” to an objective.
Vertigo Dose (DOSE)
Unstoppable (1SC) A model may use a Vertigo Dose at the
Each strike the model makes this turn requires 2 beginning of the Raise the Plan phase. If it does
successful Blocks to successfully defend against. so, for the rest of the round the model gains +1
willpower and can reroll failed Willpower and
Unpredictable Agility rolls until end of the round.
This model’s SC are wildcards. It may spend
Special Counters on any other skill or action, Veteran
immediately converting them into the At the beginning of its activation, this model
appropriate type of counter for that action. can reallocate up to 2 Action Counters on its
When converted, the counters do not count Character Card.
towards the maximum counters the model may
hold in any particular skill.

Volunteer Weak
This model cannot be removed from play due to This model generates 1 less Action Counter for
the Suicide Mission rule. The Boss of a Suicide each Damage marker it has accumulated, rather
Squad Team automatically gains this trait. than every 2 Damage markers as usual. It also
immediately loses 1 Action Counter (of your
Vulnerability to Cold choice) for each Damage marker received.
If this model receives the Cooled or Freeze effect,
they also receive an Injury marker ( ). On some
A Weapon Master
older Character Cards this trait may be listed as This model benefits from a +1 bonus to Hit rolls
‘Weakness to Cold’. when making close combat attacks, as long as it
is not Unarmed.
Vulnerability to Fire
Each Fire marker received causes Damage Wizard of Quiz
AA ) to this model. Objectives within 6” of this model grant 1 VP
less to opponents (to a minimum of 1 VP).
Can only be affiliated with other models with the
special ‘Watchmen’ rank. A Watchmen crew does
not require a model of the Leader rank. This
model is not affected by the Run Away rule, and
is considered a Free Agent for awarding VPs.

special attacks
Special attacks are shown on the Character Card, and are treated much like Traits.
They are additional combat tactics, giving certain models much more versatility in
combat beyond the standard Attack/Grab/Push options.

During their activation, models may attempt Electric Storm (3SC)

to make a single special Special attacks usually When using this Special Attack, center the
modify the effects of normal attacks. To perform Explosion Template on the attacking model. All
special attacks, the character must meet all the models partially or totally under the template
requirements and be able to pay the associated (except the attacking model himself) receive one
Action Counter costs. hit with a Strength of 3+ and Damage ( BB ).
This model may attack normally before and/or
360° Attack (1SC+1AC). after this Special Attack.
The model performs a single, free strike against
each model in range (friend and foe). This Flaming Wave (3SC)
special attack doesn’t count as an attack action. When using this Special Attack, center the
A model can use this rule once per round. Explosion template on this model. All models
partially or totally under the template (except
Charge (1MC+1SC) this model) receive one hit with a Strength of 3+
This special attack must be activated before the and Damage ( ), plus 1 Fire effect marker.
models moves during its activation. This model,
during its Movement Action, must move in a This model can only use Flaming Wave once per
straight line, it can move through other models activation, and may attack normally before and/
whose bases of equal size or smaller than its own, or after this Special Attack.
but cannot end its move on another model. During
this movement all models who have enter in This model receives damage ( B) after using
contact with this model receives an automatic hit this Special Trait.
in close combat (this hit can be blocked) with the
strength value of this model and Damage ( BB ). Lethal Blow (1SC)
At the end of the Movement Action, this model can Once this trait is activated, for the rest of
attack normally. the round when this model damages a non-
vehicle enemy model in a Close Combat
Deadly Strike (1SC) Attack Action, the damaged model suffers the
Once this trait is activated, for the rest of the Stunned effect too.
round this model gains CRT: Casualty on all its
Close Combats Attack Actions. Power Strike (1SC)
Once this trait is activated, for the rest of the
Devastating Blow (1SC) round when this model damages a non-vehicle
Once this trait is activated, for the rest of the round enemy model in a Close Combat Attack Action,
this model gains a +1 Strength bonus and CRT: the damaged model suffers the Knocked Down
( ) on all its Close Combats Attack Actions.
A effect too.

Precise Blow (1SC) Aim
Once this trait is activated, for the rest of the The wielder of this weapon will not be able to
round this model gains +1 bonus on the Hit roll, move if he will use it during its activation.
and may reroll the Collateral Damage die.
Sneak Attack (1SC) This weapon ignores the penalty to Damage rolls
This trait may only be performed if, at the of Light, Medium and Heavy Armor traits, and
beginning of the attacker’s activation, the target may re-roll failed Damage rolls against models
could not see the attacker. The target model with those traits. Furthermore, Anti-Tank
cannot Block strikes from this model during this weapons ignore the Bulletproof Vest, Hardened
activation. and Kevlar Vest traits.

Technique (1SC) Assault X

Once this trait is activated, for the rest of the If the wielder moves during its activation before
round when this model damages a non-vehicle firing this weapon, the weapon’s RoF will be X,
enemy model in a Close Combat Attack Action, no matter what the original RoF was.
the damaged model suffers the Paralyze effect too.
Thief (1SC) All hits from this weapon inflict Damage on
Once this trait is activated, for the rest of the round a result of 2+. Ignore the wielder’s Strength
this models close combat attacks gains CRT: Steal. for the Damage roll. In addition, the target of
this weapon suffers a -2 penalty on their Ping!
Weapon special rules rolls. Beam weapons cannot receive an Ammo
The following special rules are attributes that are Magazine from an Ammo Crate or SWAT Van.
applied to particular weapons. Remember, once a
model attacks with a particular weapon, it must Bleed: X
use it for the remainder of the round – a model If you score a Critical Damage with this weapon,
does not benefit from all of the weapon special instead of the normal Critical Damage, the target
rules it has, just those for the weapon it is using. suffers X damage ( ).
Accurate Blunt: X
The targets of an attack made by this weapon If you score a Critical Damage with this weapon,
suffer a -1 penalty to Movement Basic skill when instead of the normal Critical Damage, the target
using the Dodging Ranged Attacks rule against it. suffers X damage ( ).
Acid Cold
When this weapon damages a target, that model When this weapon hits, the target model loses
reduces its Attacks and Defense by 1 until the up to 1MC.
end of the round (this effect does not stack if the
weapon or another weapon with the same rule
damages the target several times). In addition,
these weapons ignore the Light Armor trait.

Caustic Gas
Even when this weapon fails to damage, the This weapon ignores the Just a Scratch and Ping!
target takes ( ) Damage. This damage replaces
A rules. Characters in the ‘blank’ area of a Spray
that produced by the rule Just a Scratch! Template are considered to be in the ‘lethal’ area.

Crushing Grenade
Each strike from these weapons requires the These weapons use their own special rules. See
target to make two successful Blocks to defend grenades, later.
against it.
Defensive When using this weapon, the wielder may reroll
A model carrying this weapon can reroll failed failed Hit rolls.
Block rolls. This is a passive ability, and may be
used even if the model used a different weapon Heavy
during its activation. When using this weapon the attacker gains a +1
Strength bonus.
Attacks with this weapon roll two Collateral Imprecise
Damage dice. You must apply both results. This weapon suffers a -1 penalty to Hit rolls.

Electric Kryptonite
This weapon has CRT: Stunned, and can reroll If a weapon with this rule hits a model with
failed Damage rolls against targets with the Bot, the Kryptonian trait, that model loses the
Cybernetic or Robot traits. Invulnerability and Regeneration traits (if they
possess them) until the end of the round.
Instead of having a Rate of Fire, this weapon Light
uses the Spray Template to determine how many A model can fire this weapon even when it is in
models are hit (see Templates, below). contact with an enemy model.

Explosive Magic
When this kind of weapon hits, place the If a weapon with this rule hits a model with
Explosion Template over the impact point the Invulnerability, Incorporeal and Tough Skin
(usually the target model). See Templates, below. traits, that model loses those traits (if they
possess them) until the end of the round.
All hits from these weapons inflict Damage Mechanical
on a result of 2+, regardless of the wielder’s All hits from these weapons inflict Damage
Strength. on a result of 3+, regardless of the wielder’s

Medium Range Reload
Unlike most ranged weapons, the maximum Weapons with this special rule cannot be used
range of these weapons is not unlimited. They in 2 consecutive rounds. In order to reload the
may never fire more than 16”, even if the wielder weapon, the wielder must spend at least one
can see a target further away than that. round in which it does not declare any ranged
attacks with this weapon. If the model has more
One Use than one weapon that required reloading, it
This weapon can only be used once per game. may only reload one per round spent reloading
– declare which weapon is being reloaded
Overwhelming during the activation. These weapons cannot be
The target of an attack made by this weapon reloaded while a model is KO.
suffers -1 to dice rolls when blocking.
Remote Controlled
Protective When using these weapons, the model needs
These weapons award a +1 bonus to the to be able to see the target as usual, but does
wielder’s Block rolls. Furthermore, the wielder not need to draw a straight uninterrupted line
benefits from an extra Ping! roll after normal to it. Instead, measure range from the firer’s
Ping! rolls have been made. This is a passive volume to the target, carefully measuring around
ability, and may be used even if the model used obstacles. The weapon’s maximum range cannot
a different weapon during its activation. Once be exceeded in order to reach the target. Targets
per round a friendly model in contact can benefit of Remote Controlled weapons cannot benefit
from the extra Ping! Roll too. from Ping! rolls against these attacks.

Reach Scope
These weapons do not require the wielder to While performing a ranged attack with this
be in contact with an enemy model in order weapon, the firer can see at any distance, limited
to perform a Close Combat Attack against it. only by their line of sight. Targets of this weapon
Instead, the wielder may strike a model up to 2” cannot benefit from Ping! rolls against it.
away and in line of sight.
Red Dot When using these weapons, the wielder may
Weapons with this special rule can reroll up to 1 reroll failed Damage rolls.
failed Hit roll when performing a ranged attack.
Short Range
Unlike most ranged weapons, the maximum
range of these weapons is not unlimited. They
may never fire more than 8”, even if the wielder
can see a target further away than that.

The target of an attack made by this weapon cannot
use the Dodging Ranged Attacks rule against it.

Sonic Note: When a template is used, it affects any model
When this weapon hits, the target model loses whose volume it interacts with – depending on how
up to 1SC. your tabletop scenery is arranged, this means that
sometimes models on different levels of the board (on
Throwing stairs, walkways, or rooftops, etc.) may be affected by a
This weapon always uses its full Rate of Fire, template on another level. Templates are considered to
even if the wielder has moved. extend 2” above and below the point of impact.

Templates Explosion Template

Some weapons shoot clouds of gas, flames or When an attack or weapon uses an Explosion
other lethal substances rather than conventional template, the attacker must roll to hit the
ammunition. Others, such as grenades, rockets initial target as usual. If successful, center the
or Molotov cocktails explode upon impact. To Explosion template over the target, unless
represent the area of effect of these weapons, we otherwise specified in the weapon’s special rules.
use templates. There are two types of template If fails or the hit becomes ignored the explosion
– Explosion and Spray. You can download them template is not placed and the attack is lost.
from our website. If a weapon requires the use
of a template, the exact type will be noted in All models totally or partially under the template
its special rules or Rate of Fire. Special rules (friend and foe) will receive one automatic hit
that allow a model to avoid ranged attacks (with no further Ping! rolls allowed). Make a
(such as Dodge) may be used against templates Damage roll for each model. Affected models
as normal. All hits caused by a template are may suffer additional effects depending on the
resolved at the same time. exact weapon used (for example, CRT: Freeze).

8 4 8 4

Players should consider that explosive templates The Spray template has four range-bands marked
do not pass through solid objects like walls upon it: One is blank, the others are Lethal,
– don’t worry about the small obstacles, but Serious and Mild. The blank area closest to
certainly consider things like building, tall the shooter indicates that no damage is done
advertising hoardings, huge shipping crates etc). to models within the area. The Damage done
to models within other areas will be noted
Grenades in the weapon’s rules. A model between two
Weapons with the ‘Grenade’ type (i.e. Freeze damage bands always counts as standing in the
Grenades) are used just like other ranged narrowest area.
weapons for the purposes of line of sight and
Ping! A weapon with the Expansive rule that has only
a single Damage icon on its profile applies this
However, when a model throws a grenade, it Damage to all zones on the Expansive template.
may target any point on the table within range
and line of sight, not just a model. Roll a D6 – Ice Template
on a score of 3+, center the Explosion template Place an Explosion Template centered on
on the target point, rolling to damage and the target. Until the end of the round, any
applying any effects to all models even partially model moving through or into contact with
beneath the template (with no further Ping! rolls the template suffers Impaired Movement.
allowed). If the roll to hit was a 1 or 2, then the Furthermore, each model in contact with the
attack fails – the grenade was a dud, or rolled template during its activation must pass an
away harmlessly. Agility roll or become Knocked Down. A model
must roll only once; if the roll is passed, then the
Spray Template model continues its activation normally.
If a weapon requires the use of a spray
template, the controlling player must place the Models with the Speedster trait that come into
narrow end of the template in contact with the contact with the template lose 1 Speed Power
base of the firing model, and direct the other counter from their personal reserve.
end in any direction they wish. To affect a
model with this template, the attacker must be
able to trace Line of Sight to the affected model,
although cover is ignored. All models totally
or partially under the template (friend and foe)
receive one automatic hit (with no Ping! rolls
allowed) – make a Damage roll for each model.
Affected models may suffer additional effects
depending on the exact weapon used (for
example, CRT: Freeze). However, the affected
models may suffer different Damage and effects
depending on its position within the template,
as follows.

As these special effects are shared between a wide range of rules, they are
collected together here for convenience.

Many of the traits or special rules presented so far Enervating (X)

trigger particular effects as a result of their use. The target loses up to ‘X’ Action Counters.

Weapons trigger their effects on a successful Fire

Hit, or when they roll Critical Damage (CRT). If a Model is affected by Fire, place a Fire
Multiple hits or CRT rolls in the same activation marker on its Character Card. At the start of the
only apply the effect once. Any marker produced Recount phase, models with at least one Fire
by an effect must be placed on the affected marker receive 1( ) for each Fire marker they
model’s Character Card. have, and add 1 more Fire marker. A model may
spend one Movement Counter at any time to
When an effect or special rule remove Action remove one Fire marker.
Counters from a model at the same time, the active
player must decide the order to resolve them. Flash
A model suffering from Flash cannot see (i.e.
Blind draw line of sight), and cannot perform ranged
A model suffering from Blind cannot see (i.e. attacks. All of the model’s Hit and Block rolls
draw line of sight), and cannot perform ranged suffer a -2 penalty. This effect lasts until the end
attacks. All of the model’s Hit and Block rolls of the round.
will only succeed on a natural result of 6. In
addition, the model cannot spend MC. This Freeze
effect lasts until the end of the round. Place a Freeze marker on the Character Card
of the affected model. The model reduces its
Casualty Defense skill by -1, and cannot spend Action
If this effect is triggered (usually as part of a Counters of any kind, for any reason. At the
Critical effect, i.e. CRT: Casualty), then the beginning of the model’s activation, it must pass
target model is removed from play as though it an Endurance roll to remove the Freeze effect.
had received its maximum allocation of Injury Speedsters cannot use Speed Force Powers if
markers. they are affected by the Freeze effect.

Place a Cooled marker on the Character Card
of the affected model. A cooled model reduces
its Defense skill by -1, and cannot spend Action
Counters of any kind, for any reason, until the
end of its next activation. Speedsters cannot use
Speed Force Powers if they are affected by the
Cooled effect.

Hypnotize Scared
Any non-vehicle model affected by Hypnotize The affected non-vehicle model cannot Crouch
must make a Willpower roll immediately. If it or use the Dodging Ranged Attacks rule, and
fails, it becomes completely under the control of suffers a -1 penalty to its Hit rolls (close combat
the player who hypnotized it, counting as one of and ranged) and Block rolls. This effect lasts
that player’s crew in all respects, until the end until the end of the round.
of the target’s next activation. Models that are
Hypnotized cannot be moved so they would Fall, Smoke
nor can they enter sewers. Place an Explosion template in the location
of the Smoke cloud. Models cannot draw line
Knocked Down of sight through the template. Models even
Place a Knocked Down marker on the Character partially within the template suffer the Blind
Card of the affected model. A Knocked Down effect. The Smoke dissipates at the end of the
model cannot attack, or defend itself, and it round – remove the template automatically.
cannot use any traits with an activation cost Weapons with the Smoke rule cannot be
until it stands up again. A model may move canceled. Unlike other templates, a smoke
while Knocked Down, but this movement will be template is of infinite height.
Impaired. A Knocked Down model will always
be hit by close combat attacks on a roll of 2+. A Steal
Knocked Down model doesn’t grant Ping! rolls A model triggering this effect may attempt to
when a shot passes through or over it, however. steal a weapon from another non-vehicle model
(if the target model carries more than one
Paralyze weapon, choose randomly which one is stolen,
Place a Paralyze marker on the card of the either by rolling a die or flipping a coin). From
affected model. A paralyzed model reduces its that moment on, the model will be able to use
Defense skill by -2, and cannot spend Action that weapon in addition to its usual armament
Counters of any kind, for any reason, until the (with whatever Ammunition it had left at the
end of the round. time of the theft). A stolen weapon cannot be
used by its previous owner (unless it gets it
Poison back). A model may only carry a single stolen
If a non-vehicle model is affected by Poison, weapon at a time, but it may try to steal different
place a Poison marker on its Character Card. weapons in subsequent turns. If a model steals
At the beginning of its next activation, the more than one weapon, it must choose which
poisoned model must make an Endurance roll. one of them it would like to keep, and discard
If the roll succeeds, remove the Poison marker. the other (discarded weapons are lost, and will
This will continue in each round until the roll no longer be available to use by any model for
is passed. Make one roll for each Poison Marker the rest of the game).
the model has. A model may be affected by more
than one Poison Marker at the same time. At
the beginning of the Recount phase the affected
model suffers 1( ) Damage marker for each
Poison marker it has.

Stunned Strategies (Optional Rules)
A Stunned model cannot spend Action Counters The following rules are optional, and are
until the end of the round, when the effect is included so that more experienced players can
removed. add an extra tactical element to their games.
You may choose from a number of strategies to
Terror (X) help achieve your plans of glorious victory. Rules
When a non-vehicle model is affected by Terror, for choosing Strategies are presented below.
it loses up to ‘X’ Action Counters. For the Strategies are then played before the game
entirety of the following round, their Willpower begins, using the Pre-Game Sequence.
is reduced by ‘X’ points, this penalty does not
stack, the highest value suffered is applied. Choosing Strategies
Each Strategy has an associated value ranging
Toxic (X) from 1 to 3. Players have 3 points to spend on
The target receives a number of (A) Damage Strategies, chosen from the chart below. Players
markers equal to ‘X’. can repeat strategies unless it states otherwise.
Strategies should be played during the Pre-Game
phase indicated in their description.

Global Plan – You may choose a specific scenario, instead of a random pick. If both
3 A
players choose this strategy, then neither can apply its effect.
Fast Advance – Increases your deployment area by 4”. If you have two
2 C deployment areas, increase each by 2”. If both players choose this
strategy, then neither can apply its effect.
Ambush – Deploy your entire crew after the other player has deployed his. If both
2 C
players choose this strategy, then neither can apply its effect.
Patrol – You may place one model up to 4” outside your deployment zone’s
1 C limits. If this scenario doesn’t include a deployment zone, you gain +1 to the
rolls to enter the game zone instead.
Reinforcements – You may pick one model from your crew and roll a die. If the result
is 4+ you may hold it off table rather than deploy it. At the Raise the Plan stage of the
1 C
second round of the game, you may deploy that model in contact with any edge of the
playing area, except within the enemy deployment zone.
1 B Maps – Gain 2 extra Lamp posts or 1 Sewer marker (your choice).
Secret Objective – Set 1 additional objective of your choice. This Strategy allows the
2 D
player to exceed the objective limit and may only be chosen once per player.
Change of Plans – Roll 1D6, and then move an objective that many inches in a direction
2 D of your choice. This strategy may only be chosen once per player, and it may only after
placing the objective markers in the game zone.
Early Bird – You may choose who Takes the Lead in the first round without having to
2 E
draw counters. If both players choose this Strategy, then neither can apply its effect.
Battle Cry – Your crew only tests to Run Away when your Reputation is reduced by 80%
2 E
or more of its starting value.
Perfect Plan – At the beginning of the game add an extra counter for your crew to the
3 C
bag or container for determining who Takes the Lead.

Vandalism: When your opponent has placed all their Sewers and Lampposts, you can
1 B remove 1 of them from play. This strategy may not be chosen by The Brave and the
Bold crews. This Strategy can be selected once per player.
Rapid Response Training: Select up to two Henchmen in your crew – these models gain
+2” to their basic movement distance during their first activation of the game. This
1 E
strategy may only be selected by The Brave and the Bold crews. This Strategy can be
selected once per player.
Objective Trap: Choose and mark one objective. The first model that comes into contact
1 D with the marked objective must pass an Agility roll or suffer AB damage. Once
triggered, the trap does not work again. This Strategy can be selected once per player.
Fake Objective: Choose one of the opponent’s objectives. That objective awards 1VP
less than usual, to a minimum of 1VP. If the opponent doesn’t have any objectives,
2 E
subtract 4VP from their points’ total at the end of the game instead. This Strategy can
be selected once per player.
Public Resource Upgrade: Choose up to 3 Lampposts on the board. Those lampposts
1 E now illuminate an area of 6” radius instead of 4”. This strategy may only be selected
by the Brave and the Bold crews. This Strategy can be selected once per player.
Sewer Maps: The maximum number of models in your crew entering a sewer per round
2 E
is increased by 1. This Strategy can be selected once per player.
Road warning signals: After both players have finished placing Lamps and Sewers, you
may deploy up to 4 Road warning signals, 2” from the edge of the playing area, and 4”
1 B
from each other. Road warning signals count as Lampposts, but only illuminate within
2”. This Strategy can be selected once per player.

Crew Strategies
The following strategies are used in addition to
the ones presented above. You may only choose
these strategies if your crew or your Boss is the
one written in the first column. Each of these
strategies can be selected only once per player.


I Am the Night: Once per game at the beginning of any Take the Lead phase,
Batman 1 ?
your Boss can be placed up to 6” from its current position.
Effective Henchmen: When a Henchman passes the Let’s Go! roll and
Penguin 2 ?
becomes activated, that model can immediately move a free 2”.
Joker 1 ? Why so serious?: Your crew’s Boss gets the Immortal trait.
League of
2 ? Indomitable Will: All of your Henchmen gains a -2 on Willpower rolls.
The Brave and Police Training: All Henchmen in the crew with the Arrest rule only need to
1 ?
the Bold use 1SC to activate it.
Guardian of Gotham: Once per game at the beginning of any Take the Lead
Two Face 1 ?
phase, your Boss gains +2 to Willpower until the end of the round.
One Night to Kill the Bat!: All friendly Henchmen gain +1 to their Hit rolls in
Black Mask 1 ?
close combat against an enemy Leader or Sidekick.
Regrowth: Once per game, at the start of the Take the Lead phase, you can
Poison Ivy 1 ?
change the position of one friendly Plant in play to another Seed counter.
Organized Payday: When a friendly Henchmen makes an enemy Free Agent, Sidekick or
1 ?
Crime Leader a casualty you obtain 1 additional VP.
Undercover Spy: Select an enemy Henchman. The target model cannot
Riddler 2 E
control or contest objectives.
Frozen Area: Place an Ice Template in the neutral zone. Roll a die at the end
Mr. Freeze 1 E of each Recount phase – on a roll of 5+, remove the Ice Template, otherwise
it remains in play.
A City in Fear: At the beginning of the Take the Lead phase of each round,
Militia 2 ? select an enemy non-vehicle model that is not a boss. The target must pass a
Willpower roll or become Scared.

Weird Crew: One Free Agent in your crew is treated as a Henchman for the
rest of the game. Note: This model is still considered a Free Agent for the
Mad Hatter 1 E
purposes of configuring your crew, and cannot therefore select equipment
limited to Henchmen.
Lords of Gotham: Place 2 additional Sewer markers on the game area, and
Court of Owls 1 B clearly mark these as ‘special’ in some way. These Sewers can only be used
by friendly models.
Adaptable Plan: Once per game at the end of any Recount phase, up to 2
Oliver Queen 1 E
friendly models can be moved 1D6 inches.
Titan Container Located!: Choose any one Titan Container objective. You
Bane 1 D may move the chosen objective up to 4”, you can ignore the usual rules for
placing objectives.
Gorilla Grodd 2 ? Hunting Pack: All friendly henchmen gain the Fast rule.


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