Mathematics and The Sciences: Felix E. Browder

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Felix E.


Mathematics and the Sciences

1. Introduction
The principal thrust of this essay is to describe the current state of in-
teraction between mathematics and the sciences and to relate the trends
to the historical development of mathematics as an intellectual discipline
and of the sciences as they have developed since the seventeenth century.
This story is interesting in the context of the history of present-day
mathematics because it represents a shift in the preconceptions and stereo-
types of both mathematicians and scientists since World War II.
The notion that significant mathematical and scientific advances are
closely interwoven is not particularly new. The opposing notion (asso-
ciated, with whatever degree of justice, with the name of Bourbaki) was
never as fashionable, at least among working mathematicians, as in the
two decades immediately after World War II. The situation has changed
significantly during the past decade and had begun turning even earlier.
It turned not only among mathematicians, but even more significantly in
such sciences as physics. The frontier of mathematical advance was seen
again to be in forceful interaction with the basic problems and needs of
scientific advance.
This is an essay on significant trends in mathematical practice. The rela-
tions between the history and philosophy of mathematics as usually con-
ceived and mathematical practice have often been very ambiguous. In part,
this has resulted from the efforts of some historians and philosophers to
impose a framework of preconceptions upon mathematical practice that
had little to do with the latter. In part, however, it resulted from the diver-
sity of mathematical practice, to lags in its perception, and to the com-
plexity of viewpoints embedded in that practice.
Let me preface this account with two statements by great American
mathematicians of an earlier period who put the case in a sharp form.


The first is John von Neumann in a 1945 essay titled "The Mathema-
Most people, mathematicians and others, will agree that mathematics
is not an empirical science, or at least that it is practiced in a manner
which differs in several decisive respects from the techniques of the em-
pirical sciences. And, yet, its development is very closely linked with
the natural sciences. One of its main branches, geometry, actually
started as a natural, empirical science. Some of the best inspirations
of modern mathematics (I believe, the best ones) clearly originated in
the natural sciences. The methods of mathematics pervade and dominate
the "theoretical" divisions of the natural sciences. In modern empirical
sciences it has become more and more a major criterion of success
whether they have become accessible to the mathematical method or
to the near-mathematical methods of physics. Indeed, throughout the
natural sciences an unbroken chain of successive pseudomorphoses, all
of them pressing toward mathematics, and almost identified with the
idea of scientific progress, has become more and more evident. Biology
becomes increasingly pervaded by chemistry and physics, chemistry by
experimental and theoretical physics, and physics by very mathematical
forms of theoretical physics.
The second is Norbert Wiener in a 1938 essay titled "The Historical
Background of Harmonic Analysis:"2
While the historical facts in any concrete situation rarely point a clear-
cut moral, it is worth while noting that the recent fertility of harmonic
analysis has followed a refertilization of the field with physical ideas.
It is a falsification of the history of mathematics to represent pure
mathematics as a self-contained science drawing inspiration from itself
alone and morally taking in its own washing. Even the most abstract
ideas of the present time have something of a physical history. It is
quite a tenable point of view to urge this even in such fields as that
of the calculus of assemblages, whose exponents, Cantor and Zermelo,
have been deeply interested in problems of statistical mechanics. Not
even the influence of this theory on the theory of integration, and in-
directly on the theory of Fourier series, is entirely foreign to physics.
The somewhat snobbish point of view of the purely abstract mathemati-
cian would draw but little support from mathematical history. On the
other hand, whenever applied mathematics has been merely a technical
employment of methods already traditional and jejune, it has been very
poor applied mathematics. The desideratum in mathematical as well
as physical work is an attitude which is not indifferent to the extremely
280 Felix E. Browder

instructive nature of actual physical situations, yet which is not dom-

inated by these to the dwarfing and paralyzing of its intellectual orig-
inality. Viewed as a whole, the theory of harmonic analysis has a very
fine record of this sort. It is not a young theory, but neither is it yet
in its dotage. There is much more to be learned and much more to be
2. Mathematics and the Natural Sciences
One of the most striking features of recent developments in the physical
sciences has been the convergence of focal theoretical problems with ma-
jor themes in mathematical research. Mathematical concepts and tools
that had arisen in an autonomous way in relatively recent research have
turned out to be important components in the description of nature. At
the same time, this use of novel mathematical tools in the sciences has
reacted upon the development of mathematical areas having no direct con-
nection with scientific applications to yield new and surprising mathe-
matical consequences. We ask whether this kind of interaction will con-
tinue in a serious way in the foreseeable future, and, if so, what the
consequences will be for the future development of mathematics and the
Let us begin our analysis by examining the different ways in which
novel, relatively sophisticated mathematical tools have been applied in re-
cent scientific developments. We may classify them into five relatively
broad modes of attack.
(1) The use of sophisticated mathematical concepts in the formulation
of new, basic physical theories on the most fundamental level. At the pres-
ent moment, this takes the form of the the superstring theory, which has
as its objective the total unification of all the basic physical forces and
interactions—electromagnetic, weak, strong, and gravitational. This new
phase of physical theory, which is the culmination of the earlier develop-
ment of gauge field theories and of theories of supersymmetry, exhibits
the use of a wide variety of relatively new mathematical tools developed
in the past two decades; examples are Kac-Moody algebras and their
representations, the existence of Einstein metrics on compact Kahlerian
manifolds satisfying simple topological restrictions, and representations
of exceptional Lie groups. The body of techniques and mathematical
arguments embodied here includes the theory of Lie groups and algebras,
their generalizations and representation theory; differential geometry in
its modern global form in terms of vector bundles; the study of the ex-

istence of solutions of manifolds of highly nonlinear partial differential

equations; differential and algebraic topology; and the whole melange of
analysis, algebra, and geometry on manifolds that has been called global
analysis. The implementation of this program may involve still other ma-
jor directions of mathematical research—for example, noncommutative
geometries based on rings of operators.
A similar pattern of use of sophisticated mathematical tools in the
development of fundamental physical theories appeared earlier in the
context of the study of instantons in gauge field theories and the study
of singularities in the equation of general relativity in connection with
black holes. What must be strongly emphasized is that the role assumed
by sophisticated mathematics was not the result of a willful act by ei-
ther physicists or mathematicians, but of the intrinsic necessities of the
development of the physical theory. Physicists, no matter how sophis-
ticated mathematically they may be, are not free ad libitum to choose
the mathematical tools they wish to use. Certainly, the mathematicians
have no power to prescribe such uses to the physicists. We are very far
from the decades after World War II when it was a commonplace among
physicists that all the mathematics they would ever need had been com-
pletely worked out (at least as far as the involvement of research math-
ematicians was concerned) before World War I. It is the radical trans-
formation of fundamental physics in the past decades that has caused
the disappearance of this commonplace, and not any basic transforma-
tion in the sociology of the relations between physicists and mathema-
(2) A focal interest in the complex mathematical consequences of sim-
ple physical laws. One sees major examples in the modeling of turbulence
in terms of bifurcation, of the asymptotic properties of differential equa-
tions, and of iteration of simple nonlinear transformations (Hopf bifur-
cation, the Lorenz equation, strange attractors, and Feigenbaum cascades).
Simple causal mechanics can be shown to lead to disorderly regimes
(chaos), but in relatively simple and classifiable forms. A historically earlier
example of an attack on turbulence in the 1930s to 1950s used models in
terms of stochastic processes where disorder was directly injected into the
premises of the theory. Another current example is the use of fractal
models (self-similarity under changes of scale, fractional Hausdorff dimen-
sions) to describe complex phenomena in the study of materials.
(3) Mathematical models of pattern formation and symmetry breaking
282 Felix E. Browder

as paradigms for structured systems developing out of apparently unstruc-

tured regimes. We might think of this mode of attack (which goes back
to Turing in 1952) as the converse of (2). Stable structures arise from
mathematical models of differential equations or stochastic games of an
apparently structureless nature in the presence of noise and possible
disorder. The most striking paradigm is the oscillating chemical reaction
of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii type. The objective here is eventually to
model phenomena in such areas as developmental biology and brain
(4) Soliton theories, involving the existence in nonlinear differential
equations of stable structures (solitons) arising from complete integrability.
The now classical paradigm is the Korteweg-De Vries equation of shallow
wave theory, rediscovered by Kruskal and his collaborators in the late 1950s
after an earlier partial rediscovery in computer experiments by Fermi-
Pasta-Ulam. New models of a similar kind have been found and exten-
sively analyzed as a possible way of describing a broad range of physical
and engineering phenomena.
(5) The need to develop a usable and fruitful mathematical theory of
complex systems whose elements might well be simple to an extreme but
whose complexity arises from the interaction of these elements, whether
linear or nonlinear, local or global. It is abundantly clear that every mode
of analysis in science or in practice will eventually get to the stage where
this theme is dominant.
After this summary of major themes in present-day scientific investiga-
tions to which sophisticated mathematical tools are being applied, we may
ask whether this is really a new situation. A careful answer to this ques-
tion demands an analysis with a historical and philosophical focus, which
1 present in the final section of the paper.
3. Mathematics and the Computer
The observant reader is already aware that the description in section
2 of the mathematical component of important themes in contemporary
scientific research omitted explicit mention of the high-speed digital com-
puter, one of the most conspicuous objects of our age. In the context of
the present kind of discussion, this might seem to many like a performance
of Hamlet without the Noble Dane. Yet we must segregate the discussion
of the computer and its interrelation with the development of contem-
porary mathematics, both because of its important and distinctive role

and because of the prevalence and intensity of myths in this domain that
prevent realistic assessment of the situation.
We are all very conscious of the role of the high-speed digital com-
puter as one of the decisive facts of the present epoch and for the
foreseeable future. We all know of the tremendous impact it has had on
the structure of processes in industrial society that depend on calculation,
communication, and control. In practice, this excludes very few domains
of human existence in modern society, whether technological, economic,
social, political, or military. The sciences and mathematics have not been
immune from this impact. Indeed, the scope and nature of scientific and
mathematical instrumentation and practice in our society have already been
radically changed by the existence of high-speed digital computation and
its continual decrease in cost during recent decades. I have deliberately
used the unusual phrase mathematical instrumentation to point up the
radically new fact that such a phenomenon now exists and is an impor-
tant component of our situation.
At the same time, although we are all conscious of the importance of
the digital computer (sometimes to the point of hysteria), and indeed are
inundated with advertising hyperbole from the most diverse quarters about
all the wonders that supercomputers will accomplish, many are much less
conscious of what is ultimately an even more important fact: the com-
puter is as much a problem as it is a tool. We must understand the nature
and limitations of this most powerful of all human tools. It is important
to know what cannot be computed and the dangers of what can be
These limitations can be seen most plainly in the context of mathe-
matical and scientific practice. Perhaps the most significant use of the com-
puter in this context is as an experimental tool, sometimes even displac-
ing the laboratory experiment altogether. One translates a scientific or
mathematical problem into a simpler mathematical model and then uses
the computational power of the computer to study particular cases of the
general model. This approach has turned out to be very useful, particularly
when the conditions for experiment in the usual sense or of precise calcula-
tion become impossibly difficult. The mystique of such practices has grown
to such an extent that some speak of replacing Nature, an analog com-
puter, by a newer and better model of a digitalized nature.
The drawbacks and dangers of such practices without a background
of thorough critical analysis are equally clear. We must ask about the ade-
284 Felix E. Browder

quacy of the model, about the accuracy (not to say the meaningfulness)
of the computational process, and, last but not least, about the represent-
ative character of the particular cases that one computes. Without serious
cross-checks on these factors, we are left with yet another case of the zeroth
law of the computer: garbage in, garbage out, particularly with serious
scientific and mathematical problems that cannot be solved by computa-
tion as they stand. One replaces them by manageable problems, and the
validity of the replacement is precisely the crucial question. It is the im-
portance of this question that has led to pointed comments about the ad-
jective scientific in the currently fashionable emphasis on programs for
scientific computation on supercomputers.
These critical questions do not mean that we should neglect the com-
puter as a tool in science and mathematics. They do point up a sometimes
neglected fact—namely, that the computer is a difficult tool whose use
must be studied and refined. Computers are brute force instruments; their
effective use depends vitally on human insight and ingenuity. I intend here
to emphasize the importance of the intellectual arts and insights that are
or can be connected with the digital computer and its uses. These intellec-
tual arts have a vital relation to the mathematical enterprise. They con-
stitute a specialized and different way of applying classical mathematical
ideas and techniques with radically new purposes in mind. Their vitality,
both intellectual and practical, depends in an essential way upon a con-
tinuing contract with the central body of mathematical activity.
There is an interesting and slightly ironic aspect to the relationship be-
tween computer science and the central body of mathematics. Since the
mid-nineteenth century, mathematicians and physical scientists have tended
to see a dichotomy between mathematics that is applicable to the uses of
physical modeling and calculation and another kind that is not applicable.
The rules for this division have changed in recent years, with an ever-
increasing diversity of mathematical themes and theories falling into the
first category. Even so, the stereotype tends to persist, and some areas
of active mathematical research—like algebraic number theory or math-
ematical logic—tend to be relegated to the second category. Yet it is pre-
cisely these areas, grouped together with various forms of combinatorics
under the general label of discrete mathematics, that have turned out to
be most vital in major areas of advance in computer science. The basic
theoretical framework of computer science and the development of com-
plexity of computation rest upon the foundation of mathematical logic.

The development of algorithms depends essentially upon combinatorics,

number theory, and, most recently, on probabilistic models of a com-
binatorial type. The practical area of coding and cryptology is vitally
dependent upon sharp results in number theory and algebraic number
We should reject efforts to oppose the natural sciences to the "artificial"
sciences. Human art and artifice are part of all the sciences, as is the con-
frontation with the objective realities beyond human will and control that
we personify under the figure of Nature. Indeed, computer science in its
necessary advance, seen today under such perspectives as parallel process-
ing, artificial intelligence, and expert systems, and the whole family of
problems subsumed under the label of computer systems and structure,
can be seen as part of the general perspective of complexity of organization.
4. The Core of Mathematics
There is a danger in any form of discussion of the role of mathemat-
ics that emphasizes (as I have done) the active participation of new
mathematical concepts and tools in the development of other scientific
disciplines. Despite the strong emphasis on the new, it is far too easy to
use such an approach as a prescription for future mathematicians sim-
ply to facilitate the interactions that I have described. Such a prescrip-
tion would be a recipe for a massive failure, not only for the development
of mathematics itself but also for the sciences. Such prescriptions are
based upon the unconscious principles that creativity and newness in con-
ceptual advance are always a matter of the past. The autonomy of
mathematical research, in the sense of its freedom from any strong
dependence upon the current processes of research in other disciplines
and upon their rhythm of activity, has been one of the principal com-
ponents of its creativity throughout its lengthy history since the Greeks.
There are commonsense reasons why this creativity is important for the
sciences: for example, when the advance of scientific understanding needs
mathematical concepts, theories, or methods of calculation and argument,
it is often essential that they be already available in a reasonably usable
Once mathematical problems are solved in any context, the solutions
can be digested and turned to new uses in other contexts. Yet new
mathematics (concepts, solutions, theorems, algorithms, proofs, calcula-
tions), if it is genuinely new, must be created by someone, and whoever
286 Felix E. Browder

does the job is a mathematician by definition. The task of the practitioner

of another scientific discipline with respect to mathematics is to use it to
understand and analyze the subject matter of that discipline, to see through
the mathematics to the structure of the subject matter. From the fact that
mathematics from the latter point of view ought to be transparent, one
cannot draw the false conclusion that mathematics does not exist and needs
no process of development in its own right.
It may seem like a paradox to some that I should introduce this strong
affirmation of the essential autonomy of mathematics into a paper devoted
to the interaction of mathematics and the sciences. This paradox is super-
ficial. Any affirmation of interaction is only significant if the two sides
of the interaction have a full-fledged separate existence and meaning-
fulness. In particular, we must affirm a central autonomous core of mean-
ing in the mathematical enterprise if our thesis of strong interaction is
to have full significance.
What is this core of meaning? I shall give a number of related answers
in the form of programmatic definitions of mathematics. Each of these
definitions points to important characteristics of mathematical practice,
and each program leads to a slightly different perspective on that prac-
tice. It would take me too far afield to describe the interrelation of these
perspectives and the tension between them. Suffice it to say that I am
among those who believe in an essential unity of mathematics, though
rejecting some of the dogmatic and oversimplified programs for achiev-
ing that unity by putting mathematics in a Procrustean bed and cutting
off some of its limbs.
(1) Mathematics is the science of significant forms of order and relation.
(2) Mathematics is the science of the structure of possible worlds.
(3) Mathematics is the science of infinity.
(4) Mathematics is the science of the structure of complex systems.
(5) Mathematics is the study of the modeling of reality in symbolic form.
Each of these definitions taken by itself is a deep truth in the sense
of Niels Bohr: its negation is also a deep truth. Taken jointly, they give
us a reasonable perspective on the broad range of mathematics since the
Renaissance. (Definitions 1 and 2 are due to Descartes and Leibniz, com-
bined under the term mathesis, whereas definition 3, which was originated
by Leibniz, was revived in modern times by Poincare and Weyl.)

5. Applicable Mathematics
Mathematical research in its various forms is an enterprise of great vital-
ity in the present-day world (although it is invisible to some outsiders).
Despite its fundamental autonomy, the enterprise of advanced mathemat-
ical research has interacted strongly in the last two decades with various
advances in the sciences. For the purposes of the present discussion, I
present two kinds of evidence.
The first consists of taking a conventional breakdown of the principal
active branches of contemporary mathematical research and inquiring in
general terms whether these branches have interactions of the type de-
scribed with the sciences. In the table of organization for the Internation-
al Congress of Mathematicians in Berkeley, California, in the summer
of 1986, we have such a breakdown in the division of the Congress into
nineteen sections. Of these nineteen sections, we may set aside two (his-
tory of mathematics, teaching of mathematics) and ask about the appli-
cability of the seventeen mathematical areas in this classification. Five
(probability and mathematical statistics, mathematical physics, numerical
methods and computing, mathematical aspects of computer science, ap-
plications of mathematics to nonphysical sciences) relate directly to the
sciences and technology. Eight have direct relation in contemporary prac-
tice to theory and practice in the natural sciences (geometry, topology,
algebraic geometry, complex analysis, Lie groups and representations, real
and functional analysis, partial differential equations, ordinary differen-
tial equations and dynamical systems). The remaining four (mathematical
logic and foundations, algebra, number theory, discrete mathematics and
combinatorics) have an equally vital relation to computer science. There
is no residue of mathematics that is fundamentally not applicable on this
The second kind of evidence is illustrated by the study of the soliton
theory of the Korteweg-De Vries equation in the periodic case. The ap-
plications of algebraic geometry and complex analysis to the study of the
Korteweg-De Vries equation under periodic boundary conditions not only
contributed to the understanding of the physical model involved but reacted
upon the disciplines involved. New ideas and methods in both math-
ematical disciplines arose from this interaction, resulting in the solution
of classical problems in algebraic geometry and function theory. In an
even more striking case, the young Oxford mathematician Simon Donald-
288 Felix E. Browder

son observed that if one combined the mathematical techniques developed

for the study of the mathematical theory of gauge fields by Karen Uhlen-
beck with the penetrating geometric attack upon the structure of four
dimensional manifolds of Michael Freedman one could obtain a new and
totally surprising geometric result in four dimensions. The result in ques-
tion asserts that, unlike Euclidean spaces in every other dimension, four-
dimensional Euclidean space possesses two systems of coordinates that
are fundamentally different from one another.
These two cases illustrate a possibility that has turned into a current
reality—that the strong mathematical attack upon mathematical problems
raised in the context of development of scientific research can provide the
occasion and stimulus for major conceptual advances in mathematics itself.
6. Historical Perspectives
To close, let us turn to the question of the future relation of mathe-
matics and the sciences. We may recall another well-known saying of Niels
Bohr: Prediction is difficult, especially of the future. Attempts to predict
the future are hypotheses about the past and present. Let us formulate
a hypothesis that we can check for coherence and accuracy against the
past and present and then try to gauge its consequences for the future.
Our scientific tradition is inherited from the civilization of the ancient
Greeks. It was there that the concept of science as a self-conscious struc-
turing of objective lawful knowledge of the world (or, more strictly, of
the hidden processes of the world) first arose. Although the Greeks in-
vestigated the full range of human experience, their achievement in creating
permanent scientific knowledge was primarily in the mathematical sciences,
in mathematics itself and in such highly mathematical disciplines as math-
ematical planetary astronomy, musical theory, and the mathematical treat-
ment of statics. The Greeks created a highly perfected form of sophis-
ticated mathematical theory treating of whole number, geometry, ratio,
and geometrical measure. In this theory, they also perfected a fully mature
concept of mathematical argument, of logical deduction. On the basis of
these achievements, Plato might argue in his celebrated dialogue Timaeus
for a mathematical myth of the cosmos and its formation on the basis
of geometric elements, and Aristotle could formulate the logical principles
of deduction while rejecting the possibility of mathematical laws for the
phenomena of terrestrial physics.
It is fashionable to talk of scientific revolutions. On the most fundamen-
tal level, there has been only one scientific revolution—that of the seven-

teenth century, in which modern science was formed. The concept of

science that this century produced gave a description of the cosmos, the
physical universe, in terms of the geometry of space and numerical rela-
tions, a description that applied to both the skies and the earth. It saw
this cosmos as a realm of objective lawful relations, devoid of human agen-
cy or affect. Reality was separated after Descartes into two completely
distinct parts, the physical universe and a separate world of human con-
sciousness and spirit. In this framework, it made total sense for human
consciousness to try to determine the secrets of natural processes not by
passive observation but by transforming nature by experiment.
There was a mathematical counterpart of the new physical science,
which served both as its precursor and principal tool. This was the
mathematics of the new algebra and of the analytic movement of Vieta
and Descartes, a mathematics that substituted calculation and manipula-
tion of symbolic expressions for the deductive sophistication of the Greeks.
It substituted the analysis of complex phenomena into simple elements
for the Greek emphasis on deduction. In the seventeenth century, this new
mathematics had two overwhelming triumphs. The first was the creation
of an analytic geometry through which the geometric structure of space
could be transformed by coordinatization into the subject matter of
algebraic analysis. The second was the invention of the great analytic engine
of the differential and integral calculus, by which the sophisticated and
difficult arguments by exhaustion of Eudoxos and Archimedes for han-
dling infinite processes were replaced by much simpler and more man-
ageable algebraic formulae or calculi. This was the tool with which Newton
built his great mathematical world-machine, the central paradigm for the
scientific world pictures of all succeeding ages.
There are essentially two forms in which objective human knowledge
can be formulated: in words and in mathematical forms. Aristotle opted
for the first and created a systematic description of the world in which
the subject-predicate form of the sentence was transformed into the pat-
tern of the individual object or substance possessing a certain quality. From
the seventeenth century on, modern science has rejected this form of
description and replaced it by descriptions in various mathematical forms.
These forms have altered as the stock of mathematical forms has increased
and become richer and more sophisticated. The original forms were
geometric, in the style of the Greeks. In the Renaissance, a new and more
flexible concept of number, the 'real' number in the present-day sense,
came into being as the common measure of lengths, areas, volumes,
290 Felix E. Browder

masses, and so forth, without the precise distinction between these

measures in terms of geometric form to which the Greeks had held. In
the ensuing development of algebra, new kinds of 'numbers' appeared
as the solutions of algebraic equations. Since they were not numbers in
the old sense, some were called 'imaginary', and mixtures of the two types
were called 'complex'. It was not until the end of the eighteenth century
that these 'complex' numbers were fully naturalized as members of the
commonsense mathematical realm by being identified in a simple way with
the points of a Euclidean plane, the complex plane.
Since the seventeenth century, the enterprise of the scientific descrip-
tion of nature has continued to develop within this mathematical medium,
which was dimly foreshadowed by Plato's mathematical world myth. New
scientific disciplines developed, and they entered the same framework of
numerical relationship, geometric form in space, and formulation of basic
principles in mathematically expressed laws. As Kant put it in a well-known
aphorism from his Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Sciences: "In
every special doctrine of nature, only so much science proper can be found
as there is mathematics in it."
In the nearly four centuries that have elapsed since Galileo began the
seventeenth century scientific revolution, the curious relationship of
autonomy and mutual dependence between the natural sciences and
mathematics has taken ever more complex and sophisticated forms. The
mathematical medium in which the various sciences live has continued to
develop and take on new shapes. In the early nineteenth century, the in-
tuitive concept of symmetry that was applied to the study of the roots
of algebraic equations gave rise to the concept of group. The group con-
cept, passing through the medium of its application to geometry and dif-
ferential equations, became in the twentieth century the most essential
building block of the fundamental description of the physical universe.
The concept of space, enriched by the insights of Gauss and Riemann,
gave rise to the richer geometric concepts of Riemannian manifold and
of curvature, through which the theory of general relativity of Einstein
was to describe the cosmos. Through the analysis of integral equations
and differential equations in the early twentieth century, the concept of
an infinite-dimensional vector space was born, and the especially rich con-
cept of a Hilbert space. Hermitian operators on a Hilbert space with their
spectral theory served as the eventual underpinning of the the formal struc-
ture of quantum mechanics. These are three important examples of a very
broad phenomenon.

New concepts and theories arise in mathematical research through the

pressure of the need to solve problems and create intellectual tools through
which already existing mathematical theories and structures can be ex-
tended and applied. Once the new concepts and theories are established,
they themselves become the focus of intensive investigation. The new is
achieved by mathematical imagination, applied through the medium of
mathematical constructions through which the new concepts and struc-
tures are given definite form. Although the imaginative process is free in
some ultimate sense, its result once produced becomes a new objective
realm of relationship of a determinate character. Classical tools like deduc-
tion and calculation are used to establish its properties, leading to new
technical problems that may eventually demand new concepts and con-
structions for their solution. The jump of insight and imagination that
leads to new mathematical breakthroughs belies the stereotypes of math-
ematical activity as an automatic, machinelike process of mechanical ap-
plication of formal rules.
Mathematical research as a whole balances the radical process of genera-
tion of new concepts and theories with the conservative tendency to main-
tain in existence all those domains, problems, and conceptual themes that
once became established as foci of significant mathematical research. The
balance between these opposing tendencies gives rise to the striking fact
that, at the same moment, one can find active research programs of appar-
ently equal vitality bearing on two themes, one of which is two thousand
years old and the other perhaps only a decade old. Yet the two-thousand-
year-old problem might well be solved with tools and concepts of relatively
recent vintage.
The richer the repertoire of modern mathematical research, the broader
the arsenal of concepts and tools available for the use of the mathe-
maticized sciences. The difficulty lies in the problem of communication,
of the scientific practitioners being able to penetrate through the difficulties
of translation between the languages of different disciplines, of knowing
what is relevant in the concepts and techniques that are available.
As the concerns and principal foci of scientific interest move into do-
mains ever further from the classical ones of theory and experience, the
role of mathematical ideas and techniques inevitably grows because they
often provide the only tools by which one can probe further into the
unknown. This is particularly true for domains involving complexity of
organization or nonlinearity of interaction, the future frontier of the ma-
jor themes of scientific advance. Although they may become the subject
292 Felix E. Browder

matter of major scientific disciplines in their own right, I doubt that this
will lead to the disappearance of professional differences between special-
ists in various disciplines in attacking these scientific problems. The dif-
ference between specialties has a positive function as well as negative
consequences. Specialists can rely upon the intellectual traditions and
resources of their scientific specialty, and this applies with the greatest
force to the mathematician. We can ask for a broader and more effective
effort at communication, however, among those concerned with common
problems, and we can cultivate an active interest in and sympathy with
the thematic concerns of other specialties than our own.

1. In The Works of the Mind, ed. Heywood and Nef (Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1945); reprinted in The World of Mathematics, ed. J. Newman, vol. 4 (New York:
Simon and Schuster, 1956), pp. 2053-63.
2. In Semi-Centennial Addresses of the American Mathematical Society, 1938.

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