Philippine Folk Dance Steps
Philippine Folk Dance Steps
Philippine Folk Dance Steps
To left. (4 measures)
(1) Step R (L) foot in fourth in front (ct. 1),
Repeat the same movements, starting with close
the L foot, going sideward left. Reverse the L (R) to R (L) foot in third in rear or in first
position of the arms. position (ct. 2). This may be executed in any
Note: This step may be done also this way: direction.
After the "sarok" and step sideward (cts. 1, 2, 3), Music: ¾ time. Counts 1, 2, 3.
the L foot may step
across the R (2) Step R (L) foot in fourth in front (cts, 1, 2),
right in front instead of in rear on counts 1, 2. The
rest of the movements are the same.
L (R) to R (L) foot third in rear or in first
and turn it sideward left (pivoting or This may be done in any direction.
pushing on the heel
of the L foot) at the same time bringing the R HOP-STEP
foot to
pointing in fourth in front (cts. 2, 3). Repeat as Music: 2/4 time. Counts 1, 2.
many times as desired.
(2) To right: Repeat (1) starting with the other foot
(1) This is done in the manner as the step-hop in
the reverse order, that is, the hop is done on
to sideward right. Pivot on the R foot and point
the first count and step on the second.
with the
To left. (4 measures)
L foot.
Music: ¾ time. Counts 1, 2, 3.
Step R (L) foot in fourth in front (ct. 1) and cut the Glide R (L) foot in second (ct. 1), cut R (L)
R (L) foot with L (R) thus displacing it and at the sideward with the L (R) foot (ct. 2), hop on the L
same time taking the weight of the body with the L (R)
(R) foot (ct. ah). There are two galops foot
to one measure. This is executed with one foot and beat R (L) in rear or in front the R (L) foot close
leading and may be done to the ankle of the L (R) foot (ct. 3). This step may
in any direction. be executed forward or going around also.
steps for every count. In non-Christian dances the (L) close to L (R) foot in third in rear (ct. and), step
mincing step is L (R) in fourth in front (ct. 2), pause (ct. and). Bend
usually the body
done with both feet flat on the floor or the heel of to the
rear foot with slightly raised. same direction of the step. This may be executed in
any direction.
Music: ¾ time. Counts 1, 2, 3. Music: ¾ time. Counts 1, and, 2, and.
Step L (R) foot in fourth in front (ct. 1), step R Music 4/4 time. Counts 1, 2, 3, 4.
Brush or slide R (L) obliquely forward or (1) Step L (R) foot in fourth in front (ct. 2), hop
sideward on the same foot and raise the R (L) foot in
(ct. 1), raise R (L) in fifth in front or rear (ct. 2), front or in rear (ct. 2). This may be executed in
brush or slide R (L) again as in count 1 (ct. 3), any direction.
raise up as in count 2 (ct. 4). Take three steps in Music: ¾ time. Counts 1, 2, 3.
place turning right
(2) Step L (R) foot in fourth in front (cts, 1, 2),
(left) about (cts. 1, 2, 3), pause
hop on
(ct. 4).
the same foot, and raise the R (L) foot in
front or in
The turn may be a complete or half turn
rear (ct. 3). This may be executed in any
around either to
right or left.
across the R foot in front (ct. and), step R (b) Raise the L knee in front with toes pointed
obliquely backward (ct. 3). downward. The body is slightly bent forward
(b) Point L foot in fourth position in front (cts. (ct. 1), and raise gradually upward to erect
position (cts. 2, 3). The left arm is bent
1, 2, 3).
forward and is made to follow the
Hold arms in fourth position, R arm high.
Execute a movement of the body. The
"Kumintang" with the right and left hands while R arm is bent forward in level with the shoulder.
pointing with the L foot on counts 1, 2, 3.
To Left:
To Left: Start with the L foot and reverse the arm
Start with the L foot and reverse the arm positions.
Note: The Ilocano way has the body straight
(2) SWAY BALANCE WITH A BRUSH and the "kumintang" is done quicker on the
(2 M.). last count only.
foot on counts
1, 2, 3 of the second measure. To Left:
Start with the L foot and reverse the arm
To Left: positions.
Start with the L foot and reverse the arm
positions. TOUCH STEP
To Left: 5. PIVOT-TURN
Repeat all, starting with the L foot and turning
around in place to the Music: 2/4 time. Counts 1, and, 2, and.
To Right: (2 M.).
2. CHANGE-STEP-TURN (a) Step R foot in fourth in front (or a little
close to fifth
Music: 2/4 time. Counts 1, and, 2, or 1, 2. position) and bend the knee slightly (ct. 1),
execute a quarter-turn right with a push on the
(a) If a moderate turn is desired, execute two ball of the L foot
change steps (heel of the L foot is raised), and raise the R foot
(R, L or L, R) around in place, clockwise (to R)
or counter clockwise (to L) (2 M.). from the floor (ct. and). Repeat all once more (ct.
2, and).
The turn can be done also in eight points for eight 10. THREE-STEP TURN IN PLACE
Do all the above steps with the feet as close
possible (in first position) (cts. 1, 2, 3). Finish with
Music: ¾ time. Counts 1, 2, 3. a bow and the feet are together.