Engineering Mechanics 2016: 22 International Conference

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22 International Conference
Svratka, Czech Republic, 9 – 12 May 2016



M. Klapka *, I. Mazůrek **, O. Macháček ***

Abstract: The article deals with recent failures of the EUSAMA methodology which is used for non-
destructive testing of the car chassis without disassembling. On simulated data, there is performed an
analysis of false-negative evaluation of car condition which occurs often on cars in actually good technical
shape. High tire stiffness in combination with small axle load are identified as main causes of the
methodology failures. Such combination of technical features is common for car chassis designed according
contemporary trends in automotive industry. Adjustment of the too high excitation stroke is suggested as
possible future recourse. Therefore the testing conditions should comply with contemporary quality of the
road surfaces.

Keywords: Technical diagnostics of vehicles, car suspension, EUSAMA methodology.

1 Introduction
The shock absorber is an important design element of the car chassis. It has appeared on cars in various
design forms since their “birth.” Nowadays, the shock absorber has at least the same importance to ensure
good vehicle adhesion and crew comfort as quality of the tires or brake system have. According Calvo
(2008) or Coylu (2013), worn shock absorber significantly prolongs the braking distance, causes much
faster wear of other chassis parts etc. Therefore, recent pressure to perform regular technical diagnostics
of car suspension condition is fully understandable.

Fig. 1 Pressure force - time response during EUSAMA test procedure

These testing devices evaluate the adhesion of the wheel to the oscillating platform according to the
EUSAMA methodology. This methodology was introduced by "European Shock Absorber Manufacturers
Association" in the '70s last century. The wheel of the car is placed on the vertically oscillating platform.
Stroke of the platform oscillations is 6 mm and it simulates road roughness. Wheel pressure force to the
platform is acquired during test. Frequency of platform oscillation decreases gradually from 25 Hz to stop
after the driving motor is switched off. Main goal of the test is to acquire the wheel pressure force time
response during whole testing interval – i.e. frequency range. EUSAMA value is determined as division

Ing. MilanKlapka, Ph.D.:Institute of Machine and Industrial Design, Brno University of Technology;Technická 2; 616 69,Brno;
CZ, [email protected]
Assoc. Prof. Ivan Mazůrek, CSc.: Institute of Machine and Industrial Design, Brno University of Technology;Technická 2; 616
69,Brno; CZ, [email protected]
Ing. Ondřej Macháček.:Institute of Machine and Industrial Design, Brno University of Technology;Technická 2; 616 69,Brno;
CZ, [email protected]

of the minimum pressure force Fmin which acts between the wheel and the oscillating platform and the
static force Fst which acts on the platform at rest (figure 1). The minimum permissible value of 20 %
relative downforce is recommended by EUSAMA (1976) prescription.

2 Formulation of problem
The EUSAMA methodology is able to directly measure mechanical grip of the examined wheel which is
huge advantage. The criterion of the wheel relative pressure to the road is easy to understand and
quantifiable. However, a new phenomenon arose in the last decade when the test results were negative for
a brand new cars. The faulty assessment of the rear axle suspension of the FIAT 500 car model is
a typical representative of this new category of phenomenon as mentioned by Tassiaux (2009) and Winter
(2010). The assessed vehicle could be declared as unfit for purpose provided that too low EUSAMA
value is obtained through the test.

3 Objectives
Main goal was to elaborate the analysis of most serious causes of frequent negative EUSAMA evaluation
occurrences of vehicles otherwise in good technical condition. Knowledge obtained by analysis is
invaluable to further solution of the problem.

4 Methods
Selected method of solution was based on analysis of simulated dataset which imitates signals obtained
by real tests at testing facilities. An explicit linear mathematical model was used to enable calculation of
large number of possible input variants. There was generated curve which describes response of dynamic
force acting on the oscillating platform Fdyn(ω) in dependency on the angular frequency (ω). Similar
response curve was generated for phase shift Φ(ω) of this force delay to excitation stroke in dependency
on angular frequency. Both curves were generated from the transfer function of excitation stroke and tire
deformation for each of the simulated chassis variant.

4.1 The simulation model

Fig. 2 ¼ model of the wheel suspension on EUSAMA testing rig

Analysis of inaccurate diagnostics results was made with ¼ simulation 2 DOF (degree of freedom) model
of the wheel suspension similar to Malmedahl (2005), Simms (2002) and Sun (2002) ones, which
describes motion of the masses excited by tester (figure 2). The oscillating masses m1 and m2 are
separated by springs c1, c2 and by the damper k. Motion of masses can be described by transfer function
between the excitation platform stroke h(ω) and the force of adhesion Fdyn(ω):

Fdyn (ω ) c1
WF (ω ) = = c1 ⋅ −1 (1)
h(ω ) ( c 2 + iω ⋅ k ) 2
c1 + c 2 + iω ⋅ k − ω ⋅ m1 −

c 2 + iω ⋅ k − ω 2 ⋅ m 2

EUSAMA relative downforce is defined as the ratio of the minimum force acting on the platform
during its oscillating motion and the static force acting on standstill platform:
Fmin Fst − Fdyn max g ⋅ (m1 + m2 ) − Fdyn max
EUSAMA = = = (2)
Fst Fst g ⋅ (m1 + m2 )
The damping ratio is usually used to evaluate damping efficiency of linear dampers in dynamics
branch. It is possible to determine damping ratio of the unsprung mass of the wheel suspension (fig. 2)
which is given by equation:
ξ1 = (3)
2 ⋅ m1 ⋅ (c1 + c2 )
According to the literature by Reimpell (1996), Tsymberov (1996) and Dixon (2007), minimum
damping ratio of sprung mass should be ξ1 = 0.1.

5 Results and discussion

The test procedure was simulated for large dataset of the wheel suspensions with respect to current
designs of suspension and chassis of cars. Overview of the range of simulated input variables is as
follows: unsprung mass: m1 = 20 to 60 kg; ratio of masses m2 and m1: pm = m2/m1 = 3 to 13; static
deformation of tire: sbt = g.(m1+m2)/c1 = 7.5 to 22.95 mm; natural freq. of mass m2: f2 = √(c2/m2)/2π =
0.95 to 2.2 Hz; damping constant: k = 100 to 2000 Ns/m.
Calculation of the transfer function WF(ω) in simulation model enables to obtain simulated values of
EUSAMA relative downforce very efficiently. Relative downforce was calculated for 11164 chassis
variations using ¼ suspension model and equation (2). In figure 3, there are plotted obtained EUSAMA
values proportionally to input damping ratio (each dot represents one chassis design). Unfortunately, used
linear model is unable to simulate the tire's ability to flex only in pressure region. Therefore, simulated
adhesion values could have negative value (in fact, they cannot fall below 0 in reality).

Fig. 3 Simulated EUSAMA test procedure (excitation stroke 6 mm)

Two problematic areas of the resulting values are depicted in figure 3. First group of problematic
results contains EUSAMA value ≥ 20%, although ξ1 <0.1. Second group of suspicious results contains
EUSAMA values <20% despite ξ1 ≥ 0.1. The first group can be put aside as it is on side of high adhesion
safety. On the contrary second group of results requires urgent solution. Among all simulated variants,
there were 9346 of simulated test procedures with input value of the damping ratio of the unsprung mass
above 0.1. However, 794 of such simulations ends with EUSAMA value below 20%, which is roughly
a tenth of them. Thus, it can be concluded that inaccurate diagnostic result of the methodology is an
objective phenomenon which occurs thanks to interference of several partial effects. These are the most
important of them:
•High tire stiffness (low profile number, runflat design)
•Low load on axle (especially non driven rear axles)
It could be assumed that vast majority of cars which does not pass the test criteria was equipped with
tires with higher stiffness. This assumption is based on many available recordings of routine test
performed by PTI (periodical technical inspection) facilities. This rising trend is mainly based on the
recent demands to reduce rolling resistance and thus acoustic noise generated by tires. Black points in
figure 3 represents results of simulation with smallest ratio of axle load and stiffness of tire (m1+m2)/c1.
Obviously, the assessment of the relative downforce is affected severely by value of this ratio at most.

6 Conclusions
Essentially, the EUSAMA methodology simulates driving on a road with certain surface roughness.
However, it was created in the '70s last century when general condition of the roads was completely
different compared to the present. With some exaggeration one can say that quality of driving on modern
roads approaches conditions on the racetrack. Frequently, the designers of the passenger car chassis are
therefore using similar designs of suspensions as competition cars have. There are clearly visible trends
such as to equip low profile tires, increasing of the tire stiffness, reduction of suspension stroke and
increasing overall efficiency of suspension.
The situation requires urgent solution regarding the perspective of users and producers of the
EUSAMA principle testing devices. We suggest that the possible solution is to adjust the testing
hardware. Thus the test conditions should better reflect the current general quality of road surfaces (it
means reduction of the excitation stroke). Such solution should lead to a significant reduction of errors in
assessment of the technical condition of the car suspension occurring especially within contemporary
cars. Therefore, it seems that further study of effect of excitation stroke value to the relative downforce
assessment is essential in future. Provided such analysis is available there would be possible to determine
the new value of the excitation stroke for testing.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the MEYS under the National
Sustainability Programme I (Project LO1202) and with support of the the BUT grant nr. FSI-S-14-2329.

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