8dio Blackbird Manual PDF

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User Manual


All 8DIO libraries are watermarked with your

personal data and IP address using proprietary
watermarking techniques developed by 8DIO.


Download and install our download utility (found in the email you received from us). We offer both PC and MAC versions of the
download tool.

1. Enter the ENTIRE serial code (found in the email you received from us)

2. The download utility will automatically download and install your library.

3. The library can be found through the regular browser in Kontakt.

The download utility should generally work for all download purposes, however please use our manual download links if you
encounter any issues. The manual download links are generally slower downloads, but allows you to download the compressed
library files (.rar compression) through your browser. You can access the manual download links here:


Please use your purchasing email address and enter ENTIRE serial code.

This library does NOT use the “add library” function in Kontakt and all files must be access through the regular Kontakt browser
(upper left side of Kontakt). Please use the file browser in Kontakt and locate the program (.nki) files in the library to use it.

Please contact us at ​
[email protected]
- if you encounter any other unforeseen issues.
BLACKBIRD is an extension to one of the most comprehensive drum kits ever sampled containing over 37,000

BLACKBIRD contains 10 individual microphone positions for ultimate mixing flexibility. You have individual
microphones for kick, snares, hi-hats, cymbals, toms and dedicated overhead, room and custom distortion. The
user-interface is highly intuitive and flexible, so both beginners and experts can have fun from the get-go.

Our Advanced Drum Series libraries are the first libraries to utilize our new flow-note technology. One of the
challenges with normal drum sampling is that elements like hats and cymbals artificially stack upon each other. In
reality a cymbal doesn’t stack. It is partially muted when it is hit again, while also carrying some sound from the
previous hit. We call this concept Flow Note.

BLACKBIRD is powered by the powerful Kontakt engine allowing for ultimate flexibility and effective streaming.
BLACKBIRD also contains features for advanced users, including ability to choose individual FX per microphone
position. The ability to send each channel to separate outputs and remapping tools. The entire user-interface was
designed in 3D and is incredibly intuitive to use.

But most importantly BLACKBIRD just works. It sounds completely real out of the box and doesn’t take a drum expert
or pro engineer to operate. The flow-note technology just makes everything connect. The mixer allows you to dial in
your desired sound in seconds.

BLACKBIRD is all about hyper-realistic sound, playability, and of course - ease of use.



BLACKBIRD contains two patches: ​

and L

The ​
Master ​patch loads every single sample of the BLACKBIRD collection, whereas the ​
Light ​
designed for faster loading times and less ram consumption.
Both patches are compatible with each other, that means that the user can start a project using
the ​
Light ​patch and, before rendering, he can swap to the ​
Master ​patch without needing to
re-adjust anything.
BLACKBIRD has a highly intuitive front end, allowing you to do such simple tasks such as change
between our carefully designed presets, to individually tuning the drums to your personal taste.
To adjust any drum or cymbal, simply click its image highlighting it. You will now see a range of
controls available for that drum or cymbal. These controls are as follows.
- Controls the gain of that particular drum across all microphone positions.

- Controls the panorama of that particular drum across all microphone positions.

- Adjusts the tuning in semitones either up to +12, or down to -12.

- Adjusts the fine tuning up and down 1 semitone allowing you to fine tune the drum.

- Adds an artificial fade into the sound allowing you to reduce the sharpness of the sound.

- Controls the fade out of the sound upon the release of the key, allowing you to gate or shorten tails.

SNARES:​BLACKBIRD contains 3 separately recorded snares, allowing you to choose and shape the most
vital part of the kit to best fit your song. To select a different snare simply click its icon towards the
right of the interface.
PREVIEW:​If your are programming drums and need to check what particular drum you have selected,
simply click the PLAY icon located in the bottom menu to preview the drum or cymbals you have
PRESETS:​ BLACKBIRD contains several carefully crafted presets to help you get started. To select a
- ​
different preset, click the PRESETS drop down menu, this will bring up a list of all the included presets
for that particular patch.
MIXER:​To access the microphone mixer page, just click the mixer icon to the right of the drum kit, this
will bring up the mixer page.

RE-MAPPER:​ BLACKBIRD follows standard midi

- ​
mapping guidelines, but for ease of use you can
bring up the RE-MAPPER by clicking the GEAR icon
in the lower menu, allowing you to re-map up to
12 drum sounds to whatever keys you prefer.
BLACKBIRD has a fully dedicated Mixer page, with all the controls you could ever want to
customise this kit.
- The faders allow you to alter each microphone positions volume.

- PURGE allows you to remove samples from RAM, saving valuable system resources.

- The PAN dial controls the panning for each independent microphone position.

- Adjusts the amount of gain sent from each microphone to the customisable reverb send.

- SOLO and MUTE can be used to alter what channels you can hear at any one time.

- Allows you to completely flip the master stereo perspective from “PLAYER” to “AUDIENCE”.

- Allows you to adjust the instrument’s main volume, also available via CC11 [Expression].
OUTPUT:​Each microphone channel in BLACKBIRD has the option to route its
output to any channel in your system. Simply click the “+” icon in the upper corner
of each channel and a drop down menu will appear.

EFFECTS:​Every microphone position has its own effects chain attached to it, such as STEREO SPREAD,
EQ, COMPRESSOR and LOFI. BLACKBIRD even has its own REVERB send with many custom designed
convolution reverbs.

CHANNEL SELECT:​To select a different microphone channel, simply click on the microphone name.
Channels are also be automatically selected upon SOLOing that microphone position.

MAIN PAGE:​To return back to the main drum options, click “MAIN PAGE”.
8DIO ​
LICENSE AGREEMENT 4. Limited Warranty/Limitation of Liability:
By installing any 8Dio product you accept the following product license agreement: TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, 8DIO DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES AND
The license for this product is granted only to a single user. You may use this product on up to two (2) QUALITY, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, WITH REGARD TO THE PRODUCT. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT
separate computers, which computers shall be owned and used by you exclusively. If you need more, PERMITTED BY LAW, NEITHER 8DIO, ITS SUPPLIERS, DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS, NOR THE AGENTS OR
special arrangements may be made on a case-by-case basis. All sounds and samples in this product are EMPLOYEES OF THE FOREGOING WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL OR
licensed, but not sold, to you by 8Dio, Inc. for commercial and non-commercial use in music, sound-effect, INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OF ANY SORT, (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOST
audio/video post-production, performance, broadcast or similar finished content-creation and production PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR LOSS OF DATA ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THE PRODUCT)
use. 8Dio allows you to use any of the sounds and samples in the library(s) you’ve purchased for WHETHER OR NOT SAME HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, OR OF ANY
commercial recordings without paying any additional license fees or providing source attribution to 8Dio, CLAIM BY ANY OTHER PARTY.
5. Term:
This license is nontransferable and expressly forbids resale or lease of the product. This license agreement is effective from the moment the product is installed by any means. The license
This license also expressly forbids any inclusion of content contained within this library, or any other 8Dio will remain in full effect until termination. The license is terminated if you break any of the terms or
library, into any other virtual instrument or library of any kind, without our express written consent. This conditions of this agreement. Upon termination you agree to destroy all copies and contents of the
license forbids any re-distribution method of this product, or its sounds, through any means, including but product at your own expense. In the event of termination, the following sections of this license will
not limited to, re-sampling, mixing, processing, isolating, or embedding into software or hardware of any survive: 2, 3, 4 and 7.
kind, for the purpose of re-recording or reproduction as part of any free or commercial library of musical 6. NFR (Not for Resale)/EDU (Educational) Sales:
and/or sound effect samples and/or articulations, or any form of musical sample or sound effect sample All 8Dio libraries are subject to the terms of this license agreement, unless specified otherwise. NFR and
playback system or device or on a stand alone basis. EDU copies are exempt from update or upgrades or additional discounts, sales or coupons.
2. Rights/Watermarking Policy: Notwithstanding other sections of this license, any products provided to you for an EDU purpose shall only
The product, including accompanying documentation, is protected by copyright laws and international be used by students or faculty, staff and administration attending or working in educational institutional
copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. 8Dio retains full copyright facilities and must not be used for commercial purposes. Please note that not all products are available for
privileges and complete ownership of all recorded sounds, instrument programming, documentation and our EDU Sales program.
musical performances included in this product. Any rights not specifically granted herein are reserved by 7. General Terms:
8Dio. (a). This license shall be governed by California law applicable to contracts fully negotiated, executed and
Any unauthorized use, distribution or reproduction of the product shall not be permitted, shall constitute a performed therein. Only the California courts (state and federal) shall have jurisdiction over controversies
violation of law, and shall entitle 8Dio to, in addition to any other remedy at law or equity, injunctive regarding this license; any proceeding involving such a controversy shall be brought in those courts, in
relief. It is unlawful to deliberately circumvent, alter or delete technological measures of protection and Los Angeles County, and not elsewhere. In the event of any claim arising from the breach or alleged
information provided by 8Dio which identifies the products, its owner and the terms and conditions for its breach of the terms of this license, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys’ fees and
use. Please note that the product has been imbedded with a digital watermark specific to the serial court costs.
number you have been given for this product. If the product ends up in other people’s music, you will be (b) You agree that this license contains the complete agreement between the parties hereto, and
held legally responsible, so we ask you to keep this product for yourself. You further agree to take all supersedes all other communication, relating to the subject matter of the license.
reasonable steps to protect this product from unauthorized copying or use.
(c) You acknowledge that you have read this license and understand it and agree to be bound by its terms
3. Refunds: and conditions.
All sales are final and your purchase is not refundable, so please choose your selection carefully.
8DIO ​

so much for purchasing the 8DIO BLACKBIRD


The production of BLACKBIRD is not only a product of our own vision, but also a product of patience
from friends and family - and a product of countless discussions with great composers and producers.
special thanks to Tawnia, Cam and Alejandro for keeping it together and dealing with my mad brain. You
guys are - once again - the true puppet masters.

If you have any questions, concerns, love-letters or hate mail feel free to send it to: [email protected].

♥ Troels Folmann 

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