Experiment 3 Le Chatelier S Principle

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Experiment #3: Le Chatelier’s Principle

Jumawid, Noreen Antoinette B.

Sanchez, Aycee Cleo A.
Varquez, Trisha Elysse T.
Group no. 5; Chem 18.1; MEG1 ; Mr. Pelovello
September 17, 2015
I. Abstract

Le Chatelier’s Principle states that if a system at equilibrium is disturbed by a change in temperature, pressure, or a
component concentration, the system will shift its equilibrium position so as to counteract the effect of the disturbance.
(Brown et.al., 2003). The factors that affect the chemical equilibrium, concentration, temperature, pressure, and the
addition of a catalyst, are examined in the experiment. The experiment conducted was composed of placing substances in
a spot plate and observing the reactions. The experiment was conducted to show how the change in concentration and
temperature affect the systems. The increase of concentration yielded a forward shift and the decrease in concentration
yielded a reverse shift. The change in temperature produced a forward shift because the reaction was exothermic. These
were observed from the color changes that the chemical reactions produced. Chemical equilibrium is applied in everyday
life when we observe the state of equilibrium in the natural system of man, such as blood (between O 2 and hemoglobin)
as well as in the production of ammonia (N2(g) + 3H2(g) <==> 2NH3(g)).

II. Keywords chemical equilibrium, concentration, disturbance, Le Chatelier’s Principle, temperature

III. Introduction if the system is at constant temperature. (Brown et.al.,

Chemical Equilibrium is the state where there are
no observable changes as time goes by. When a The change in temperature is the only one that
chemical reaction has reached the equilibrium state, the can alter the equilibrium constant. When the temperature
concentrations of the reactants and the products remain increases, an endothermic reaction is favored, and when
constant over time and there are no observable changes the temperature decreases, an exothermic reaction is
in the system. Le Chatelier’s Principle states that when a favored. (Claros & Pascua, 2011).
stress or disturbance is applied to a system, the system
adjusts in a way that the stress will affect the system as it The addition of a catalyst does not cause a shift
reaches a new equilibrium position. (Chang, 2010). The in direction or alter the equilibrium but only hastens it.
factors that affect the equilibrium, or the stressors, are This is because the catalyst affects the activation energy
changes in concentration, changes in temperature, of the forward or reverse reaction similarly. (Claros &
changes in volume and pressure, and the addition of a Pascua, 2011).
Le Chatelier’s Principle is important because it
The concentration of a reactant or a product helps in the prediction and manipulation of equilibrium. By
shifts the equilibrium state forward or reverse, depending understanding the effect of these factors, certain needs or
on if the substance is added or removed from either the requirements, can be attained whether it be to produce
product or the reactant side. If a substance is removed, more or less of the reactants and products.
then the concentration decreases and the system will
The experiment conducted was to observe the
return to equilibrium by producing more of the substance.
effect of concentration and temperature to the
Similarly, if the more of the substance is added, then the
equilirbrium of the chemical reactions.
system will return to equilibrium if more of the substance
is consumed. (Brown et.al., 2003). IV. Experimental
The change in pressure and volume only affects The first part of the experiment focused on
the equilibrium of gases. When the volume decreases, determining the shifts in the direction of the equilibrium to
the pressure increases. According to Le Chatelier’s either to the product or reactant side. To do this, 1.0 mL
Principle, the system responds by shifting the equilibrium of 2.0 M Cu(NO3)2, 1.0 mL of 2.0 M NH4OH, and 5 mL of
to reduce the pressure by reducing the total amount of distilled H2O were mixed in a small test tube. The mixture
gas molecules. Thus, if the volume increases and the was then mixed well with a stirrer. Five drops of the
pressure decreases then the system responds by solution were each placed in spot plate depressions
increasing the total amount of gas molecules. This occurs labeled A to F. Five drops of each of the following

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reagents were also added to its designated spot plate Table 3. Direction of shift in equilibrium
depression: System Direction of Shift
A Right/ Forward
Table 1. Reagents to be added to the Spot Plate Depressions B Right/ Forward
Position Reagent C Left/ Reverse
S H2O (standard for comparison) D Left/ Reverse
A 0.1 M Cu(NO3)2 E Left/ Reverse
B 0.1 M NH4OH F None
C 0.1 M K4Fe(CN)6 G Right/Forward
D 0.1 M HCl The next table shows the changes in color that
E 0.1 M NaOH has occurred with the addition of 5 drops 0.1 M K 2CrO4
F 0.1 M NaNO3 and 6.0 M HCl dropwise to position H of the spot plate. It
In another small test tube, 1.0 mL of the solution and also shows the observations incurred from the addition of
0.5 mL of water were mixed. The test tube was then 5 drops 0.1 M K2CrO4, 0.1 M Pb(NO3)2, and 6.0 M HCl to
placed in a cold water bath for 5 minutes. After this, 10 position I of the spot plate.
drops of the mixture were transferred to position G on the
spot plate. The result was compared to the standard S. Table 4. Observations For Part B
Reagent Added Observations
On the second part of the experiment, 5 drops of 0.1 To position H
M K2CrO4 were placed in position H. Six M HCl was also 5 drops 0.1 M Yellow to orange
added dropwise, and the mixture was mixed after every K2CrO4
addition, until a change in color is observed. Lastly, 5 6.0 M HCl Orange to near yellowish
drops of 0.1 M K2CrO4 were added to position I, together
To position I
with a dropwise addition of 0.1 M Pb(NO3)2 until
5 drops 0.1 M Yellow precipitate
precipitation is complete. Six M HCl were also added K2CrO4
dropwise. Results were then observed and recorded. 0.1 M Pb(NO3)2 Darkening of solution from
yellow to orange; decrease in
V. Results amount of precipitate
6.0 M HCl
The color of the solution in the first part of the
experiment was blue. After the designated reagents were
added to the spot plate depressions, the different systems VI. Discussion
were compared to the standard solution, S, and garnering
Table 5.Observation of effect of shift in equilibrium
the following observations:
System Direction Explanation
Table 2. Comparison of Each System with Standard S of Shift
System Observations A Forward Increase in reactant
S Light blue solution concentration
A Darker blue solution compared to S B Forward Increase in reactant
B Darker blue solution compared to S concentration
C Dark reddish brown solution C Backward Decrease in reactant
D Lighter blue solution compared to S concentration; Cupric
ions react with
E Lighter blue solution compared to S
F Same color as S
D Backward Decrease in reactant
concentration; H+ ions
react with NH3
It was also observed that the mixture of the solution and
E Backward Decrease in reactant
water in #3 that was placed in a cold bath for 5 minutes. concentration; Cupric
Based on this observation, the following shifts in ions react with OH-
equilibrium were concluded: F None Na+ and NO3- are
spectator ions
G Forward Exothermic reaction;
Lower temperature
results in forward

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In Part A, the following equilibrium reaction was 2CrO42- + 2H+ Cr2O72- + H2O
observed for the first solution (S): Yellow Orange
HCl was added to K2CrO4 was added transforming
Cu2+(aq) + 4NH3(aq) ↔ Cu(NH3)42+(aq) the color from yellow to orange. This is change in color
blue colorless deep blue
could be attributed to the formation of dichromate ions
which are orange in color. When NaOH was added to the
Tetra-amine copper (II) ion complex was formed
solution, the color transformed from orange to a clear
when cupric ions reacted with ammonia.
yellowish solution. The color transformation was caused
Systems A and B had forward shifts since both by the reaction between H+ and OH- ions, forming water.
experienced an increase in the reactant concentration.
Dichromate ions (Cr2O72-) dominated the acidic
For System A, Cu(NO3)2 was added which then solution because upon addition of HCl, H+ ions reacted
dissociated to Cu2+ and NO3-, thus resulting in the addition with chromate ions, favoring the formation of dichromate
of the reactant Cu2+. In the case of B, NH4OH was added ions and causing a forward direction of the equilibrium
which then dissociated to NH3 and H2O, thereby shift.
increasing the reactant NH3. An increase in reactants
Chromate ions (CrO42-) dominated the basic solution
results in forward shifts.
when NaOH was added. OH- ions reacted with the H+
Systems C,D, and E also experienced a similar ions to form water in the dichromate side. This increase in
direction of shifts. The backward shift could be attributed the concentration of products causes a backward shift in
to the decrease in the concentration of the reactant. equilibrium. The change in color from orange to yellowish
could be attributed to the transformation of dichromate
In C, K4Fe(CN)6 was added. The reagent then ions to chromate ions.
dissociated into K+ and Fe(CN)6- ions. Instead of reacting
with NH3, Cu2+ reacted with the ferrocyanide ions to form For the second set of Part B, the following equilibrium
Cu2Fe(CN)6, the reddish brown precipitate. reaction was observed:

In D, HCl was added, dissociating into H+ and Cl-. CrO42-(aq)+ Pb2+(aq) PbCrO4(aq)
The lighter color of the solution is explained by the
Pb(NO3)2 was added to K2CrO4, forming the yellow
reaction between the H+ ions and NH3, decreasing the
precipitate PbCrO4 and decreasing the chromate
reactant concentration and causing a backward shift.
concentration of the solution. When HCl was added, the
In E, NaOH was added to the solution which then amount of yellow precipitate decreased. This could be
dissociated into Na+ and OH- ions. A decrease in the attributed to the reaction between H+ ions with chromate
reactant concentration was observed when Cu 2+ reacted ions to form dichromate ions, shifting the reaction in favor
with OH- to form Cu(OH)2. of the reactants’ side.

No change was observed in System F. This is

because when NaNO3 was added into the solution, it VII. Conclusion and Recommendations
dissociated into Na+ and NO3- that only acted as spectator
Le Chatelier’s principle states that if an external
stress is applied to a system at equilibrium, the system
For System G, the solution was placed in an ice bath, adjusts in such a way that the stress is partially offset as
forcing the reaction to release heat. In order for the the system reaches a new equilibrium position. As seen
exothermic reaction to achieve a state of equilibrium, it in the experiment, a change in concentration, pressure
shifts forward, allowing more products to form. This and volume, temperature and the presence of a catalyst
increase in the concentration of the products explains the can all cause a stress on a system. Only a change in
darker color of the solution. temperature however can change the value of the
equilibrium constant. Changes in concentration, pressure,
Part B was divided into two sets of procedures. For and volume can only alter the equilibrium concentrations
the first set, the following equilibrium reaction was of the reacting mixtures.

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It is recommended to keep a keen eye on the
changes in color that has occurred in the reacting
mixtures. A more exact utilization of the dropper is also
best to make results more accurate.

VIII. References

Brown, T., Lemay, H.E., Bursten B., Murphy C.,

Woodward, P. & Stoltzfus, M. (2015). Chemistry:
The Central Science. 13th ed. Upper Saddle, NJ:
Pearson Education, Inc.

Chang, R. (2003). General Chemistry: The Essential

Concepts. 3rd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill

Claros, C., Pascua, R. (July 9, 2011). Experiment 3: Le

Chatelier’s Principle.

I hereby certify that I have given substantial contribution

to this report.

Noreen Antoinette Jumawid

Aycee Cleo Sanchez


Trisha Elysse Varquez

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