Alba English Trinity DipTESOL Handbook 2018

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Alba Trinity DipTESOL Handbook





Welcome ............................................................................................................. 2

Aims & Objectives ................................................................................................ 3

Course Structure ................................................................................................ 10

Your Diploma: The Moodle ................................................................................. 28

Your Diploma: The In-School Component ............................................................ 35

Reading List....................................................................................................... 37

Assessment ....................................................................................................... 38

Acknowledgement .............................................................................................. 39

Recommended Further Reading .......................................................................... 40

Welcome to the Alba Trinity Licentiate Trinity Diploma in TESOL candidate handbook. This
guide has been designed to give you an overview of both the content and delivery of the
course. We recommend that you refer to it from time to time in order to regain any lost
focus, or if you have any questions related to specific points.

Of course, you are more than welcome to get in touch with us at any time during your
course with questions or comments relating to your coursework. There is no such thing as a
silly question; so rather than second guessing or stressing, send us an email
([email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]), call
us (0044 (0)131 668 4336), or use the Moodle (more on that later).

Should you have any concerns, queries or problems during your course, you can contact
Corinne Wales, the Course Director (email above) or Jenny McLay, Director of Alba English
([email protected]) by email, post or in person at Alba English, 86-92 Causewayside,
Edinburgh, EH9 1PY.

Aims & Objectives

The aims of the Alba Trinity Diploma in TESOL are as follows:

 to enhance your knowledge of contextual issues concerning the teaching of

English to speakers of other languages

You will reflect on your own teaching and learning contexts individually and collectively; you
will develop a deeper understanding of the historical, evolutionary and post-modern context
of TESOL approaches; the socio-cultural aspects of TESOL including i. text-types / genres
and pragmatics ii. learner differences (e.g. gender, age, culture, phonology) and the
implications these may have for TESOL. You will also consider the differentiation of TESOL
pedagogical contexts e.g. ESP & EAP, Young Learners, CLIL.

 to refine and extend your ability to employ a variety of practical skills

You will be encouraged to critically and reflectively engage with old and new TESOL
methods and, crucially, apply newly acquired or refined practical skills in your own teaching
practice with the ‘into the classroom’ components of the curriculum. You will be continually
nudged into self-evaluation and development of your own skills and the course has been
designed to personalise learning. Generally, you will explore techniques for teaching lexis
and grammar and pronunciation, skills-based teaching methods, lesson staging,
incorporating learner styles & strategies, syllabus and classroom material design, formative
and summative assessment techniques, learners with special needs and mentoring and
managing staff in an EFL context.

 to develop your knowledge and skills to a point where you become an

effective practitioner in a range of known and unpredicted TESOL teaching
situations without supervision

You will develop the second language teaching and learning knowledge and resources to
make effective classroom decisions in a range of teaching contexts and in relation to a
diversity of learners (e.g. mixed ability classes, monocultural vs multicultural classes,
learners with special needs). Syllabus design, classroom management and consideration of
diverse and differentiated learner needs will be refined through reading, webinars,
collaborative peer workshop activities and practically oriented case studies and scenarios.

 to recognise and confirm your achievements in the above areas

You will be able to track and acknowledge your own progress throughout the course
primarily by way of progress milestone markers, structured reflective blogs and statements.

You will acquire and employ these reflective and self-evaluation techniques and strategies to
monitor your own learning achievements in and beyond the course.

 to extend your motivation and inform your strategies for continuing
professional development

You will be encouraged to follow your own, personal professional development interests and
pathways within the course especially in relation to the Unit 2 assignments and into-the-
classroom practical applications of learning. Through the use of reflective statements and
blogs, self-evaluation techniques and collaborative construction of knowledge, you will view
the completion of the Trinity Diploma TESOL as a solid foundation on which you can go on
to construct your own personal learning and development pathways. Course tutors will
discuss and advise future progression routes with you during tutorials in the in-school

 to contribute to the development internationally of TESOL as a mature,

qualified and regulated profession and act as a benchmark for employers and
others with concern for the quality of TESOL

All candidates who have graduated from the course will have been required to complete
Trinity Diploma assessed modules as well as in-course development assignments. You will
hold an internationally recognised TEFL-Q qualification which is rigorously benchmarked and
adds to the overall quality of the TESOL profession.

 to enhance your digital literacy and confidence in bringing digital resources

into the classroom

This will be achieved by experiencing a digitally mediated, collaborative learning

environment (the Moodle) and using its affordances in authentic communicative contexts.
You will also be introduced to or asked to share a variety of free practical applications of
digital & online tools and resources such as padlet, wikis and quizziz to enhance your
teaching and learning contexts. Course tutors approach the notion of digitally mediated
communication as an authentic and transformative medium of 21st century communicative
practice rather than an optional add-on to a teaching ‘toolbox’.

You will be expected to demonstrate the following learning objectives on completion of the

Language and Language Topics

 An in-depth understanding of the systems of contemporary English

(phonology, grammar, lexis, discourse) commonly taught in beginner to
advanced syllabuses, with reference to British Standard English and other
principal varieties of English.

You will develop your knowledge of the systems of contemporary English through input
sessions and co-constructed (between tutor and candidates) task-teach-task Moodle
workshops. Consideration of these systems will be given from BSE, Global Englishes, EFL
and ELF perspectives. You will also be required to give consideration to aspects of these
systems such as form and function, appropriate stage of syllabus introduction and common

learner needs and problems in order to provide plenty of examination preparation. To
further enhance understanding, the course will employ discourse, pragmatics and genre-
based approaches to contextualise the systems of contemporary English.

 The ability to identify the language background, needs and motivation of

learners and the influence of cultural context of both learners and teachers.

You will learn about the common problems of specific language learning groups through
input sessions, through peer to peer tasked discussions around ‘my learning context’ and
through your own reading (for example, Learner English: A teacher’s Guide to Interference
and Other Problems (Second Edition), Michael Swan and Bernard Smith, CUP, 2001). In a
similar fashion, the needs, motivations and cultural context of learners will be explored. You
will also engage with contemporary debates in TESOL such as the role of L1 in the
classroom, NS versus NNS teacher issues, culturally related power and participation
dynamics in teaching and learning environments. Input sessions, reading and the model of
teacher as ‘ethnographic researcher’ will help you identify the influence of cultural context in
their own classrooms.

 An awareness and understanding of the changing roles and status of English

in different regions of the world.

You will be required to critically evaluate the ‘native speaker model’ as an aspirational target
within TESOL internationally as well as the traditional high status of RP against the
recognition and elevation in status of national regional accents and World Englishes.
Questions will be raised around linguistic (as well as cultural) imperialism and the
development of creoles and pidgins. The changing role and status of English within an
increasingly globalised world will look in depth at the concept of international English and
the notion of ‘comfortable intelligibility’ associated with English as a lingua franca (ELF).

Learning and Teaching

 A critical understanding of current and historical developments in language

learning theory and teaching methodology, with particular reference to ESOL.

You will be supported through the Moodle and guided through a set book ‘How Languages
are Learned’ (2013: Fourth Edition) by Lightbown & Spada, Oxford Handbooks for Language
Teachers, which relates theories of first and second language acquisition to what actually
goes on in the ESOL classroom. A comparative, reflective approach will be taken towards the
different language learning theories such as behaviourism, Chomsky’s Universal Grammar
hypothesis, cognitive and sociocultural approaches. A historical survey of learning theory
and teaching methodology with be presented in a Group Tutorial. You will take a focussed
look at Michael Halliday and Lev Vygotsky and deliberate over how ideas from each have
implications for classroom teaching, for example Halliday’s language as ‘meaning-making’
and Vygotsky’s ZPD and scaffolding.

 Familiarity with the interface between language teaching and psychology,
including issues related to motivation and second language acquisition.

One of the marked differences between newer and more experienced teachers is their ability
to understand more about their learners. Through a combination of the course reading, the
collaborative effect of the course structure and the reflective nature of the tasks contained
therein, you should leave the course not only with a sound theoretical basis in this key,
although difficult to quantify, area, but also practical ideas on how to plan and teach more
effectively when taking account of learner identity, personality, motivation, anxiety and

 The ability to plan, design and deliver a series of ESOL lessons appropriate to
the learning and teaching context, and employing a range of lesson types and
classroom management techniques appropriate to learners’ language needs
and learning styles as individuals and as a group.

As part of the design of the course, you will be encouraged to experiment with new and/or
unfamiliar teaching approaches and techniques, prior to the assessed teaching component.
In addition, the self-reflective nature of the course should allow you to reaffirm the
strengths present in your teaching, so that they you able to justify both the decisions you
regularly make before, during and after lessons, as well as over a longer time period.

 The ability to design, deliver and evaluate a language learning programme

over an extended period.

Through both the theoretical and practical components of the course, you will develop an
overall approach to their teaching which, although may be present before the course, will
likely be informed to a greater degree on its successful completion. This will feed into your
ability to make decisions of an informed nature when considering longer term courses. This
is likely to consist of what has been termed 'principled eclecticism'; you, through the nature
of the course, will be in a position to evaluate a range of key factors when designing
courses, and incorporate relevant features from a range of sources, as well as forge your
own framework for what constitutes an appropriate and relevant course.

 The ability to evaluate, select and utilise materials and other resources in the
teaching and learning context as described above.

As with much of the course, you will be strongly encouraged to cast a critical eye over much
of what is put before you. Whether you are familiar with material selection and evaluation
procedures or not, upon successful completion of the course, you will co-construct a
relevant framework in which to ensure that materials that you select and use will be relevant
to you learners; in other words, ensuring a greater level of learner-centredness in your
overall approach, and having an informed view of the materials you yourself use.

 The ability to assess and test learners’ knowledge of and skills in English on
the basis of current assessment and testing theory and materials, and to build

on learners’ developing competence with appropriate attention to their
strengths and weaknesses and learning styles.

In a world in which formal assessment is quite often one of the foremost reasons for
language learning in the first place, modern language teachers need to understand the what
and the why of current assessment. You will employ a reflective approach to understanding
assessment, before exploring and evaluating the options available when making your own
decisions regarding both formative and summative assessment methods.

 The ability to use a wide range of reference sources for short-term teaching
purposes and long-term personal development.

The course will encourage you to do research into areas of particular interest or relevance to
you, and also to generally encourage you to read current journals and publications to keep
abreast of best practice thinking in the field. A convention of referencing of source materials
in collaborative work and individual assignments will be embedded in the course. You will
also build up a shared database of web resources on the Moodle.

 An understanding of the main methods, materials and forms of assessment

appropriate to young learners from Primary level upwards

Although not all candidates will have had direct experience of teaching young learners prior
to the commencement of the course, an awareness of key concepts related to this area of
ELT is essential for any practitioner who seeks to claim they have a rounded understanding
of the industry. Furthermore, the course will ask those candidates with young learner
experience to revisit some of their own beliefs about teaching to this diverse group. You will
develop a more thorough understanding of the particular needs of young learners, and how
this informs effective classroom practice.

Personal and Professional Development

 The ability to assess your own effectiveness as a language teacher and

classroom manager and develop your skills accordingly through a conscious
process of personal professional development.

You will be strongly encouraged to approach your portfolio work as a conscious process of
professional development by reflecting on your own personal teaching practice and context
as a starting point in any rationale. Throughout the course, you are required to submit
reflective statements which are structured to encourage and develop a reflective disposition
rather than assume it is already there. Furthermore, the intensity of collaboration and peer
review throughout the course will expose you to the insights gained by external, non-
threatening, constructive critique.

 The ability to provide principled professional support to teachers of lesser
experience — in particular those who have recently obtained a CertTESOL or
equivalent level of TESOL qualification.

On completion of the Trinity Diploma TESOL, you will have gained the knowledge, skills and
the confidence required to support lesser experienced teachers. The Moodle is designed to
engender a collaborative, professional learning community and it is hoped that you will carry
the principles and ethos underpinning this environment away into your own immediate

 An appreciation of the principles and processes of teamwork, including

teacher groups, and of professional collaboration.

As above. By practically applying the social constructivist affordances of the Moodle

environment, you will appreciate the principles and processes of collaborative knowledge-
building between peers.

 The ability to carry out classroom based investigation. Portfolio work will
form one strand of learning to carry out classroom based investigation.

The Course Director is an expert researcher and well equipped to advise and guide you
about the fitness for purpose of a wide range of research methodologies and tools. It is
envisaged that you will develop competencies in action research, evaluative self and peer
observation and classroom ethnography.

 A heightened awareness of the requirements of teaching observation and

provision of appropriate feedback at initial level of training in the field of

Course tutors will prepare you for the ten hours (600 minutes) guided observation part of
your Portfolio assignment. You will be given guidelines as to how to approach observation
with minimal impact in the classroom and maximum consideration for the observed teacher.
You will observe your peers within your own teaching contexts (verified by using the pro
forma provided for this purpose). Observed teachers will have either: a) a full teaching
qualification (LTCL Diploma or equivalent) and at least one year’s post-qualification teaching
experience, or b) a formal pre-service qualification (CertTESOL or equivalent) and at least
three years’ post-qualification experience in TESOL. You will gain an understanding of how
observation can be used supportively to improve performance (at an individual and/or
institutional level). Furthermore, as part of the preparations for your own assessed teaching
practice, you will consider comparatively appropriate feedback at TEFLI and TEFLQ stages of

 A heightened awareness of the requirements of providing input at initial level

of training in the field of TESOL.

The collaborative mode of learning combined with the cumulative theoretical and practical
knowledge that you gain from completing the Alba English Trinity Diploma in TESOL will

develop your competencies in providing support, guidance and expertise to new apprentices

Course Structure

The Alba Trinity DipTESOL contains four units, each comprising three sections. See the table
below for an outline of what each unit and section is focused on.

Section 1 Section 2 Section 3

Unit 1: Written paper Language Learning and teaching

Unit 2: Coursework Observation Independent research

Developmental record
portfolio instrument project

Discussion on topics
Talk on prepared Phonemic
Unit 3: Interview concerning aspects of
topic and discussion transcription
theory and practice

Planning, teaching Planning, teaching

Unit 4: Classroom
and lesson evaluation and lesson evaluation Teaching journal
(internally assessed) (externally assessed)

In the following pages, we will break down each unit into their relevant sections.

Unit 1: Written paper

Assessed at the very end of the in-school component, the three-hour Written Paper
requires answers to a range of set questions. You will be given examples of these questions
throughout your course in the Language Clinic on the Moodle. It is your responsibility to
make use of this opportunity by providing answers to the papers posted. Your tutors will
provide feedback and sometimes post suggested answers from Trinity. There is also a past
paper available via the Trinity website. The written paper is marked by an external
examiner, not your course tutors.

You need to answer four of the five questions in Section 1: Language. The questions
usually focus on the similarities and differences between specific structures, and especially
on use, as opposed to usage. This is where you can link your theoretical knowledge with
your practical skills and classroom experience. It is acceptable to use note forms and
diagrams to help you answer these questions. Your answers will be graded according to
their accuracy and completeness.

In Section 2: Learning and Teaching, you select one of the three questions, writing a
longer form answer. You might notice that the questions challenge you to justify and/or
define certain aspects of classroom practice. This is a good opportunity to use the reading
from the course, as well as the discussions with tutors and fellow candidates, to support
your approach to teaching.

Finally, in Section 3: Professional Development, you are often asked to outline the
advice or support you would give to others in a professional context, answering one from a
selection of three possible questions. Again, the more you can combine practical approaches
with a sound theoretical basis, quoting from or referencing key sources where possible, the
higher you are likely to score. You do not have to quote verbatim, but instead should seek
to make reference to published sources, such as the core reading from the course.

In both sections 2 and 3, your answers will be grade according to the following table.

Criteria Weighting

Discussion, analysis, evaluation, relevance and quality of information. 45%

Familiarity with current thinking in ELT, e.g. from background reading. 15%

Reference to practical application in the classroom… and to the

candidate’s own teaching experience.
Presentation: organisation into a coherent academic essay, style, lexical
and grammatical command, orthography

The table below summarises what is expected of you in Unit 1

Unit 1: Written
Section 1 Section 2 Section 3
Answer 4 from a Answer 1 from a Answer 1 from a
Number of questions
choice of 5 choice of 3 choice of 3
40 marks available 30 marks available 30 marks available
Marking 20 marks required 15 marks required 15 marks required
to pass this section to pass this section to pass this section
You must pass this You must pass at least one of these two
Important information
section sections to pass the paper as a whole

Unit 2: The Coursework Portfolio

For this unit of the course, you will produce three pieces of academic research work. The
course tutors will provide guidance and support, but the choice of focus and research should
come from you, dealing with areas of interest or aspects of language teaching that you wish
to develop. For most candidates, the portfolio will be worked on simultaneously alongside
the Moodle work. If you join the course before the Moodle starts, you can start some of the
background planning and reading for the portfolio.

Candidates are usually expected to submit the final versions of their three portfolio
assignments when they arrive for the in-school session. However, this can be negotiated
Course Director. Please contact us if you are unlikely to submit your portfolio when
attending the in-school session – we reserve the right to charge a fee of £50 if this is not
agreed in advance.

In Section 1: Observation Instrument, you are required to design and develop an
observation instrument (OI) that results in useful data being collected for the purposes of
classroom research and professional development.

The guide below shows the necessary stages in the development of this section.

Select area Write and Design and Redesign Write

of interest submit use first and use report
•Choose rationale instrument instrument evaluating
something •Explain why •There are at least instrument
that is you have
specific twice •What you
chosen this criteria about
and relevant have learned
area, and what who you can •Find ways of
to ELT in the design
you hope to observe; see improving
and use of the
achieve in the table both the use
OI? What
observing this below and value of
in other the instrument
will it have for
your future

You might find Ruth Waynryb's Classroom Observation Tasks (CUP, 1993) a useful resource
for inspiration or ideas for this section. There are a huge range of possibilities for this
section of the portfolio, so do take the opportunity to talk over your ideas with your tutor
before deciding on one particular path. Error correction strategies, attending styles,
interaction patterns and teacher talking time are all examples of what other candidates have
chosen to focus on in the past.

Like all three sections of this unit, an academic style is necessary. You will need to refer to
reading accurately throughout, as well as adhere to a word limit of 2,700-3,300 words
(excluding appendices). Your instruments must be included in the main body of the report,
not in the appendices. On the Moodle, you will find a self-evaluation checklist for this
and all of the assignments, so you can be sure to include all the necessary items and

There are also restrictions on the teachers you can observe when using the OI. You must
observe LTCL Trinity DipTESOL-qualified (or equivalent) candidates with one year's post-
qualification experience, or CertTESOL (or equivalent) teachers with at least three years'
post-qualification experience. Please contact us if you have any difficulties in setting up the
observations. It may be possible to carry them out at Alba English School.

The marking criteria for the OI are outlined below. You should pay attention to the
weighting of the marks when writing up your report.

Criteria Weighting

A clear rationale, a statement of the initial instrument 20% (40 marks available)

Rationale for the revision process leading to at least two

25% (50 marks available)
additional instruments within the same initial theme
Evaluation of the effectiveness of the final instrument, and the
40% (80 marks available)
results produced with it
Presentation: organisation into a coherent piece of academic
writing style, standard of written English and mechanical 15% (30 marks available)

You will need to complete ten hours of guided, purposeful observation. The assignment will
be based on a minimum of six hours from these ten. There is a proforma available to
download on the Moodle. Please complete this as you complete your observations, and
submit it with your hard copy at the beginning of the in-school component.

For Section 2: Developmental Record, you will select a particular aspect or skill of your
teaching repertoire to focus on and develop. This part of the portfolio is very personal, and
should reflect something that you wish to improve in your own teaching. The motivation for
working on this area should come from you, but may be something that has been
highlighted in your own institution’s CPD or observation programme.

As with the rest of the course, the Developmental Record (DR) is a reflective, formative
approach to development. You will want to connect the core reading, your teaching
practice, as well as other, extended reading in relation to your chosen area. You can also
make use of your fellow candidates, and use the Moodle for ideas and advice.

The DR must cover a minimum of ten hours' of teaching, with each lesson having a
minimum of six learners. You are free to chart your development over the course of
teaching several different class types, so you can develop your chosen skill across a range of
lesson contexts. Previous candidates have chosen areas such as 'motivation in writing skills'
and ‘teaching phonological awareness'.

The marking criteria for the DR are outlined below. You should pay attention to the
weighting of the marks when writing up your report.

Criteria Weighting

A clear rationale, a statement of the objectives 20% (40 marks available)

Quality and relevance of reflection on the developmental

25% (50 marks available)
Evaluation and conclusions drawn and implications for future
40% (80 marks available)
Presentation: organisation into a coherent piece of academic
writing style, standard of written English and mechanical 15% (30 marks available)

We strongly recommend writing up your lesson by lesson evaluations as soon as possible

after the lessons themselves. This way, you will be able to relate to your objectives in a
responsive, accurate manner. At the end of the ten to fifteen hours' worth of lessons, a full
evaluation of your DR, along with considerations of how what you learned through the
process of compiling it will impact on your future teaching practice, should help you to round
it off.

As with the OI, above, there is a strict word limit of 2,700-3,300 words, excluding
appendices. The proforma that is required for submission and verification can be
downloaded from the Moodle.

Finally, you have to submit Section 3: Independent Research Project. This, as outlined
in the syllabus, should have a particular and well-defined focus that can be meaningfully
researched and written up within the constraints of the time and word count.
Essentially, you are free to choose your own focus within the broad scope of issues relating
to learning, teaching, training or management. Past Independent Research Projects (IRP)
have dealt with areas such as CPD programmes, syllabus design, or materials development
and/or implementation

Even more so than with the other two components of Unit 2, it is essential you consult
your course tutor before you get started with this section. The procedure for the IRP is
broadly outlined below.

Devise a simple research plan that will include some or all of the following:gathering
classroom-based data, reading relevant literature (published and unplublished),
designing a questionmaire for data collection, making use of other sources of information
and data as appropriate

Carry out the research

Write up the conclusions as appropriate and evaluate the planning and carrying out of
the research against the initial aims

The marking criteria for the IRP are outlined below. You should pay attention to the
weighting of the marks when writing up your report.

Criteria Weighting

A clear rationale, a statement of the research focus 20% (40 marks available)

Quality and relevance of the data collected 25% (50 marks available)

Evaluation and conclusions drawn and implications for future

40% (80 marks available)
Presentation: organisation into a coherent piece of academic
15% (30 marks available)
writing style, standard of written English and mechanical


Your final mark for the portfolio will be an amalgamated mark of all three components.
Scoring between 50-79% will result in a pass, and over 80% will achieve a distinction. Your
portfolio will be assessed by one of the Alba Trinity DipTESOL tutors and then externally
moderated. Each section is given a score out of 200.

Unit 3: The Interview: Phonological Theory in Classroom Practice

This unit gives you the chance to discuss and show evidence of your knowledge related to
the phonological systems of English, and how they can be applied to the classroom context.

The interview is conducted and assessed by the external examiner and lasts for thirty
minutes. It is divided into three sections.

In Section 1: Talk by candidate and discussion with examiner on the talk you give
a short presentation to the examiner about a particular aspect of phonology in relation to
classroom practice for 5 minutes. The topic must be submitted, in writing, a fortnight
before the session, and your course tutor will discuss the various options you might be
thinking of well in advance.

The phonology sessions of your Moodle course should give you some ideas as to relevant
topics, and we suggest keeping a record of how different aspects of phonology relate to
your learners and your teaching environment. As you can see from the table below, the
topic should relate to classroom practice. So, the more you can connect the talk to your own
teaching and learners, the better. Think about what you have knowledge and experience of
– and if you don’t have much at the start of the course, now is the time to start integrating
phonology into your everyday classroom routines.

The talk is followed by a further 5 minutes of discussion in which the examiner will ask
questions and prompt you to give further consideration to the topic.

The marking criteria for the talk and discussion are outlined below.

Criteria Weighting

Accuracy – is the information given by the candidate accurate? 20%

Completeness – does the candidate finish the presentation? 20%

Organisation – in the content of the talk clear and presented in an

organised way?
Relevance to classroom experience – is the content based on classroom
experience? If not, is the content potentially relevant/appropriate for class 20%
use? This would be covered in the discussion on the talk.
Communicative skills – during the talk and discussion of the talk – this
refers to self-expression, clear and intelligible spoken English.

Section 2: Phonemic transcription requires you to transcribe - using the International
Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols, marking tonic syllables and intonation patterns – a live,
on-the-spot utterance from the examiner of approximately 14-16 words of at least two
phrases or sentences. There will be features of connected speech, such as assimilation,
elision, linking and vowel reduction in the utterance, as well as an emotive element to the

You can ask the examiner to repeat the entire utterance as many times as you require.

If you are not familiar with the IPA, do not worry. There will be plenty of practice of this
section throughout the course. You are, of course, free to practice in your own time. Try the
Sounds app from Macmillan, Alba English's page with video on the sounds, or the British
Council's interactive version of the chart if you would like to get started. Some candidates
find it useful to create a collection of flashcards with the different symbols on them.

This section of the Interview lasts for 5 minutes, and is assessed according to the following

Criteria Weighting

Accuracy – segmental features 20%

Accuracy – suprasegmental: has the candidate correctly indicated, e.g.

elision, weak forms, assimilation, as spoken by the examiner?
Accuracy – suprasegmental – intonation and stress patterns: has the
candidate appropriately marked intonation and stress patterns?

Completeness – did the candidate complete the task in the time given? 20%

Presentation – e.g. is the written transcription legible and clear? 20%

Finally, in Section 3: Discussion on theory and practice of phonology you will
conclude the interview by having a 15-minute discussion, integrating theory and practice,
covering some, but not all of the topics in the table below. Throughout the Moodle
component, with guided reading and with further practice during the in-school component,
you will become conversant in these aspects of phonology. However, if your teaching until
now has not featured much work in these areas, it is worth doing some extra reading. Speak
to your course tutor, who will gladly advise you further.

The examiner will lead the discussion and is likely to make reference to the transcription
from Section 2, and may use any comments or omissions from Section 1, too. You should be
prepared to talk about any of the topics from the table below. As with most of the units and
sections, you should try to refer to your own teaching practice to illustrate and support the
points you make. Not only does this make it easier to discuss, but is expected by the

comparative and contrasting features of the first
language of students that the candidate has recently
main features of English phonology to be considered
when teaching speaking skills and listening skills
awareness of differences between spoken and
written discourse
understanding and use of relevant phonetic symbols
Phonology as taken from the IPA
awareness and use of weak forms
production of the English sounds, explaining how
sounds differ in their articulation
understanding how adjacent sounds affect the way it
is pronounced
sentence stress and intonation
syllable and word stress (word, syllable, sentence)
meaning as conveyed by stress
use of intonation in question forms and statements
use of intonation to communicate tone and intention
use of intonation in longer spoken discourse.
identification of strategies and techniques to improve
learners’ ability to identify the sounds of English
identification of sub-skills in listening to English, and
Aspects of teaching

strategies and techniques which could be used in

developing these sub-skills in learners
exploitation of authentic spoken discourse in the
development of listening competence
identification of strategies and techniques to develop
the correct use by learners of the phonological
features of English, including those which present
particular problems to specified groups of learners
identification of sub-skills in speaking and listening,
and suggesting ways in which these sub-skills could
be taught and practised
integration of phonology with other aspects of
language teaching and learning, e.g. grammar, lexis,
skills development, etc.

As with all sections in this unit, the criteria have equal weighting. They are outlined below.

Criteria Weighting
Accuracy (theory) – e.g. can the candidate give correct definitions, as
selected by the examiner, and account for their choice of phonemic script 20%
if this is referred to?
Characteristics of spoken English (this can, but need not necessarily,
directly relate to the phonemic transcription in Section 2) – can the
candidate hold a discussion on accents, varieties of English, functions of
intonation, word/sentence stress, etc?
Aspects of teaching (this criterion covers class implementation of the
theory discussed) – can the candidate discuss, e.g. what remedial tasks
they have implemented and why? Or how important listening skills are in 20%
the teaching of pronunciation? Or how strategies and techniques are
identified to aid the learners' development in specific areas?
General professional development – can the candidate specify how the
Diploma course has helped their professional development in the teaching
of phonology or how phonology might be integrated with the teaching of
grammar and skills work? Can the candidate discuss a specific nationality
taught by them, the problems faced, and how this experience has
enhanced their awareness generally in understanding their learners?
Coherence — can the candidate discuss, e.g. with clarity, evaluate
effectively, offer suggestions and alternative strategies, speak clearly and 20%
appropriately for a teacher of English?

In order to pass Unit 3, you must pass the unit as a whole, not each individual section.
50-79% would indicate a pass, whereas a distinction requires at least 80%.

The marking scheme reflects the time allocation, and is given below.

Section 1 is out of 100

Section 2 is out of 50

Section 3 is out of 150

The raw total the three marks is then divided by three to calculate your score.

Unit 4: Teaching Practice: Learner Analysis, Preparation, Delivery and Self-
Evaluation in Teaching

In this unit, which takes place throughout the in-school component, you will plan, teach and
reflect on a series of five lessons, each one sixty minutes long. The three sections –
internally assessed lessons (x4), an externally assessed lesson, and an assessed teaching
journal – must all pass to successfully pass the unit as a whole.

It is worth reading Trinity’s note on their approach to the assessment of teaching here:

Trinity’s approach to assessment is based on many years’ experience of encouraging and

evaluating the teaching of ESOL. Trinity recognises that a lesson may well be, and often is,
considerably more (or less) than the sum of its parts. The assessment of the four internally
assessed lessons has equal weighting.

In Section 1: Internally-assessed lessons and Section 3: The Teaching Journal you
will plan for and teach to a minimum of eight students, including a variety of lesson
types across the four lessons. The internally assessed lessons are worth 40% of this section,
while the journal is worth 20%. The mark for your lessons is the average of all four – so the
40 marks available for each lesson (totalling 160) is divided by 4 to work out your final

You will have a five-minute pre-lesson discussion about your plan and a twenty-
minute face-to-face discussion and feedback session immediately after the
lesson, which is also part of the assessment process. Your tutor takes on two roles here.
First as assessor, then as tutor once the discussion moves on to feedback. You then
reflect on and evaluate your lesson in your teaching journal. The lesson evaluation is worth
25% of this component.

You must provide a lesson plan to your assessor, containing lesson procedures, rationales
and learner profiles. We will provide a template designed to assist you in achieving all the
criteria. You need to ensure that the plan is given to your assessor in good time so that we
can prepare for the observation, too. Please remember that the plan is evaluated as seen in
the written form, and not as seen ‘in action’. Therefore, your attention to detail and explicit
description of various procedures, anticipated issues and rationale for selection of language
and activities play a major role in your grade. The plan is worth 25% of the grade for the
lesson component.

During the observation, the assessor will use a standard pro forma, ensuring your lessons
are objectively assessed. We will give you guidance on the criteria, as well as Moodle
activities and a tutorial on this, so that you approach the teaching component fully informed.
The lesson delivery is worth 50% of this component.

Section 2: Externally examined lesson, is the always the final lesson in the sequence.
The procedure is largely the same as the internally assessed lessons, although there will be
an external examiner as opposed to the tutor observing the lesson.

After submitting the lesson plan to the examiner at least twenty minutes prior to the lesson,
you will have a five-minute discussion with them. You teach the lesson as normal, and then
spend time reflecting on the lesson while the examiner moderates your teaching journal for
twenty minutes. Next, you spend twenty minutes with the examiner, evaluating the lesson,
justifying changes to the lesson in action from what was planned, making suggestions about
future practice.

This single externally examined lesson is worth 40% of the total grade for Unit 4, and is
graded in a similar way to the internally assessed lessons. In a similar vein to the internally
assessed lessons, 50% of the weighting is for the lesson itself, with 25% allocated
to the planning and self-awareness and reflection respectively.

Once again, 50% is required to pass. Scoring score 80% or over merits a

Your Diploma: The Moodle
The Moodle platform is the method used to deliver the distance learning course content. No
specialist knowledge or software is required to access the platform – simply a computer,
laptop, tablet or phone with an internet connection.

Additionally, the Moodle is where you will find a range of ways in which to interact with both
the course tutors and your fellow participants. The Alba DipTESOL is built on the foundation
that collaborative learning is key to successful teacher development. Throughout the course,
you and the other candidates will make use of various aspects the Moodle offers.

What is on the Alba Trinity DipTESOL Moodle?

Lessons: A varied series of pages that combine input content with practical, short
response-required questions.

Workbooks: Slightly more traditional than lessons, these typically contain page of input
content which may take the form of online pages, embedded files or videos. They usually
conclude with instruction to take what you have learned into the classroom to experiment
and reflect.

Assignments: Written responses to reflection questions provided by your tutors. We use

these, alongside the discussion forums and tutorials, to evaluate your progress.

Wikis (collaborative and personal): Co-constructed pages in which knowledge, experience,

ideas and inspiration are written and recorded in order to widen your understanding of and
response to input materials. You and your fellow teachers are responsible for writing, editing
and maintaining these.

Glossary: Concise and efficient pages in which you co-construct a moderated set of
explanations for key terminology in the ESOL context. You can and should add to the
glossary as often as possible, and at least once a week during the online component,
making use of it as a space to deal with key concepts in a digestible way.

Discussion forums: Topic-based exchanges of questions and answers, observations and

comments on any of the input provided. Although there will be guided prompts from your
tutors as when and what to post about, you are free to post and reply to topics that you feel
will be of benefit to you and the other teachers on the course.

Quizzes: Opportunities for you to self-check your own progress and also review. You will
see these appear at intervals throughout the course.

Tutorials: Both group and individual tutorials are timetabled into the course to allow you
honestly assess your progress, as well as raise any concerns and questions in real-time with
your course tutor and fellow candidates. Group tutorials are on timetabled dates, whereas
individual tutorials can be scheduled upon request.

Please note, these are delivered through BigBlueButton, which is integrated into the
Moodle; no Skype or other specialist software is required, just earphones and microphone
(using your computer’s internal microphone will usually result in a lot of feedback).

However, the tutorials will, at present, only work with a laptop or desktop computer, not via
a phone or tablet.

Narrated presentations: More than just another powerpoint presentation, these are
designed to make the input more accessible, ensuring that the key concepts and ideas are
talked about and explained in a more human way, as well as supported by text on the

Checklists: Lists of ‘core’ work that should be completed in relation to the week’s input.

Please note that evidence of progress is required (as shown through forum discussions,
assignments, tutorials and checklists, as well as emails to your course tutors) in order for
you to progress to the in-school session. We reserve the right to delay your in-school
session if there is insufficient evidence of your progress throughout the course.

Getting online

Once you have officially signed up for the course, and upon payment of the deposit, you will
receive an email with a username and temporary password for the Moodle course. After
following the link and changing your password, you will be able to access the Moodle.

You will be presented with your 'Dashboard', an initial page that updates you on activity
related to the course. This may be from course tutors or other candidates.

By clicking on the Alba Trinity Diploma TESOL title, you will enter the course proper. Now
you can begin, so take a look around. Please read the welcome message, as well as
familiarising yourself with the various units of the course.

Your initial tutorial with one of the course tutors will clarify what you can expect from the
Moodle and what is expected of you on this part of the course. If you are familiar with
online distance learning courses, then you probably know what to expect. If this is your first
such course, then do not worry; it all very quickly becomes second nature, and you will be
accessing workbooks, writing forum posts and joining workshops in no time.

Do bear in mind that there are assigned sections of the Moodle to complete based on the
sessions, outlined in the table below. Therefore, we open the sections weekly as the course
progresses. We keep the previous sections open (so you can always catch up with the
reading later).

Sample week by week overview

Week Overview

Details of course structure and Moodle.
What dispositions and skills are needed to successfully complete the
What is a
1 Reflective
Practitioner? Group forming.
Your Portfolio. Grammar in the ESL classroom: form & function, inductive &
deductive approach, the place of grammar in the class room.

Roles & relationships in the classroom; Approaches and methods

employed in TEFL; their place in the development of current
2 Language Forum
thinking. Including: Grammar translation; Natural Approach; Direct
Method; Audio-lingualism

Identifying your
own strengths and The morphology of English and its lexical organisation; affixation;
weaknesses. conversion; compounding; the lexical approach; Hoey’s lexical
priming; collocational relationships; phrasal verbs; teaching
Your Portfolio.

Phonology: theoretical issues & practical implementation; age;

personality; aptitude; exposure and phonological transfer;
4 Language Forum
phonological universals and markedness; EIL: accents, ‘native
speaker model’, ELF; ‘linguistic genius of babies’

Theories Scope & explanatory power of different language learning theories.
Focus: Chomsky, Halliday and Vygotsky.


Identifying lesson stages; interactions; tasks – and evaluating

6 Language Forum planning. How are tasks achieved?

Workshop: Prepare a plan

Week Overview

Feedback Sessions
7 Learning Styles & Strategies: a critical look.

8 Language Forum Phonology: Speech sounds and the phonemic chart.

Progress check for

assignment phase
9 of the course Assignment Tasks Focus.


Materials in the classroom & for the classroom, Authentic materials,

10 Language Forum
Technology, Dogme & ‘teaching unplugged’. Institutional constraints.

Feedback &
Assignment Task Genre, Genre-based approach and register in different text-types
11 Progress (oral & written). Cultural dimensions to teaching EFL: situating your
own teaching context; situating your learners

Phonology: The economies of spoken grammar; Pragmatics.

12 Language Forum
Teaching and learning speaking.

What does it Halliday on functional grammar, Saussure on signifier, signified,

13 mean to mean? connotation denotation, illocutionary and perlocutionary force


Phonology: Stress & intonation. Recognising what we hear.

14 Language Forum Your learners: what particular challenges have been faced? Why?
How have you helped them?

Week Overview

Focus Phonology Syllabus Design: General + Young Learners, Teenagers & CLIL.
(IT) Teaching Young Learners.

Purpose, audience, cohesion & coherence & other discursive

16 Language Forum features

Teaching and learning writing.

It’s the way that Phonology: The effect of intonation on communication; strategies in
17 you say it spoken discourse, discourse markers

(GT) Features of connected speech review.

Types of test and assessment; validity; reliability; ‘levels’, formative

18 Language Forum and summative assessments

‘Errors’ are your syllabus

Feedback &
The psychologies of language learning: motivation, the autonomous
Assignment Task
19 Progress learner


20 Language Forum Teaching and learning listening and reading

Preparing for your observed lessons: principles of delivering a

coherent series of lessons
Preparing for your Individual learner and class profiles
21 observed lessons
Classroom decision-making: task – teach – task (drawing together
(GT) contextual / cultural issues, learning styles, ‘levels’, motivation etc.).
Using Criteria for Marking, Unit 4 Trinity Diploma TESOL syllabus as
springboard for collaborative wiki.

Week Overview

Phonology: Preparing for the Interview. Transcribing workshop.

22 Language Forum
Bringing it all together.

Feedback &
Assignment Task Training initial level teachers: mentoring, developing, supporting
23 Progress
Learners with special needs; treating differences equally

Preparing for the in-school course: portfolios; presentation tasks set

Final preparation for participant-led workshops; phonology presentation topics, what
24 for the in-school to expect – timetables and components.
Tutorial slots

Your Diploma: The In-School Component
The in-school component of the course is a timetabled, intensive two-week course that
builds on the Moodle component and finalises preparation for Unit 1: Written paper, Unit 3:
Interview, and Unit 4: Classroom teaching. These are timetabled as part of the in-school
component; it is therefore essential that you treat this component as a full-time effort.

During this part of the course, you will plan, teach and reflect on a sequence of five
assessed lessons (four of these are assessed by course tutors, the fifth and final lesson is
externally assessed by a Trinity examiner), sit a three hour written exam and have a one-to-
one interview with an external Trinity examiner who will assess and discuss your knowledge
of phonology.

There are a variety of sessions, led by you, the course candidates, designed to prepare you
for the exam, interview and teaching assessments. However, course participants are likely to
also spend time preparing for the various components outside of these timetabled slots. The
school will provide resources and space where possible and as necessary. A sample in-
school session timetable is provided below. Please note, the individual sessions are subject
to change.

Week 1

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

workshop Different syllabus
Phonology: The value of

(1 hour) / course types

Segmentals Plan, Reflect & Phonology 3
and their
Task – teach - Evaluate Mock Interview
Group Plenary: implications for
task consolidation consolidation
Classroom managers
workshop Focussed Group

Scheduled Joint Teaching Assessed Assessed

session based on
Tutorials with Sessions with teaching practice teaching practice
Group Plenary: assessed
candidates learner groups 1 (Unit 2) 2 (Unit 2)
Evaluating teaching
Sunday Lunch +
Welcome /

Phonology: Joint Teaching

Course Outline + Assessed Assessed Space for
Suprasegmentals Sessions
Peer to peer teaching practice teaching practice reflection,
Task – teach - with learner
Feedback on 1 (Unit 2) 2 (Unit 2) review, prepare
task consolidation groups
proposed Lesson
Space for
Participant-led Participant-led Post-lesson

workshop workshop evaluations + So you want to

review, prepare Post-lesson
RRP be a DOS?
(RRP) evaluations +
Group Plenary: Group Plenary: Management in
Teacher roles in Learner / Class Lesson Plan different contexts
Lesson Plan
the classroom profiles discussions

Week 2

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

Group Tutorial: Group Tutorial:

Teaching The written

Journals paper

Lesson Plan Lesson Plan Exam Day

discussions discussions
Written Paper
Scheduled Assessed Assessed

Tutorials with teaching practice teaching practice

candidates 3 (Unit 2) 4 (Unit 2)
Exam Day

Exam day

Sunday Lunch:

Where are we? Assessed Assessed

teaching practice teaching practice
Mock Written 3 (Unit 2) 4 (Unit 2)
Paper Farewells and
Feedback on

Post-lesson Post-lesson
Mock Written
evaluations + evaluations +
Paper (contd)

Reading List
Trinity College London does not prescribe specific books. Instead, each course provider, in
this case Alba Teacher Training, provides course participants with a recommended reading
list. For Trinity's full bibliography, please see Trinity's Course Summary and Bibliography
document (link: Please note however,
that candidates are by no means expected to read all the books listed by Trinity.

You will, however, need to obtain a number of books to gain the knowledge necessary to
complete and take an active part in the course. These books should ideally be obtained as
soon as possible after acceptance onto the course. Many candidates choose to buy hard
copies of these books in order to have constant access to them, both during the course and
in the future. Others may wish to use their own institution's copies for the duration of the
course. You can also use digital versions, such as Kindle, for some of the essential reading
list (NB you do not need a Kindle device to use these – Kindle apps are available for almost
all types of device that you may already own. Follow this link to find out more ), or make use of digital libraries such as
Scribd, where, for a relatively small subscription fee, you can download and access a huge
number of titles relevant to the Diploma. If you are having difficulty accessing any books on
the essential reading list, please contact your course tutors as soon as possible.

The list below are ‘Essential Reading’ - each session may refer to topics and chapters within
these books and you won’t be able to complete the online component without them.

Alba Trinity DipTESOL Essential Reading List

 Hedge, T. (2000) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom: A guide

to current ideas about the theory and practice of English language teaching
(Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers)
 Lightbown, P. M. & Spada, N. (1999 / 2013). How Languages Are Learned.
Oxford: OUP (Kindle edition available)
 Parrott, M. (2010) Grammar for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP
 Rogerson-Revell, P, (2011) English Phonology and Pronunciation Teaching,
London: Continuum International Publishing Group
A wider range of reading is essential. In Appendix I you will see our own list of
recommended further titles. You may also wish to examine this list carefully with a view to
your own research in relation to Unit 2.

The assessment criteria requires candidates to score a minimum of 50% in each unit. A
score of between 50 and 79% will result in a Pass being awarded. A score of at least 80%
will result in a Distinction being awarded.

Please note, that if Unit 4 is unsuccessful during the in-school component, it may be
retaken. However, a further fee will apply for this.

Below is a brief overview of the assessment criteria. Further, more detailed information can
be found in Appendix IV.

Mark is aggregated from the three

Unit 1: Externally assessed by Trinity sections
Written paper examiner
Section 1 must pass

Mark is aggregated from the three

Unit 2: Internally assessed by course sections
Coursework tutors and externally
All sections must pass
portfolio moderated by Trinity examiner
Individual sections may be retaken

Externally assessed by Trinity Mark is aggregated from the three

Unit 3: Interview
examiner sections

Mark is averaged over the four

Internally assessed by course
internally assessed lessons (worth
Unit 4: tutors (4 of 5 lessons and teaching
40%), the teaching practice
Classroom practice journal) and externally
journals (worth 20%) and the one
teaching assessed by Trinity examiner (1
externally assessed lesson (worth
of 5 lessons)

We would like to warmly acknowledge and give thanks to the staff at Broadstairs English
Centre, Broadstairs, UK, for their support and guidance during our Trinity Diploma validation

We would also like to thank Dave Weller of EF for his ideas and guidance.

Recommended Further Reading
At the top of each subsection, you will find some of the principal literature on each topic.
The titles listed underneath contain relevant reading, usually related to more narrowly
defined contexts. You may wish to use them when applicable to your own context, or in the
event that you wish to examine this area for further research.

Approaches to language learning and teaching

Benson, P. (2011) Teaching and Researching: Autonomy in Language Learning (Applied

Linguistics in Action), Routledge (Kindle edition available)

Brown, S. & Larson–Hall, J. (eds.). (2012). Second Language Acquisition Myths: Applying
Second language Research to Classroom Teaching. Michigan: University of Michigan.

Dornyei, Z. (2001) Motivational Strategies in the Language Classroom. Cambridge: CUP **.

Ellis, R. (1994 / 2008). The Study of Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: OUP.

Ellis, R. and Barkhuizen, G. (2004). Analysing Learner Language. Oxford: OUP.

Foley, J. (1994) ‘Key concepts in ELT: Scaffolding’ ELT Journal 48 (1) pp. 101-1

Forman, R. (2008) ‘Using notions of scaffolding and intertextuality to understand the

bilingual teaching of English in Thailand’ Linguistics and Education 19 pp. 319-332

Guardian Science Weekly Podcast ‘Universal grammar: are we born knowing the rules of
language?’ 11 January 2017

Griffiths, C. (2004) ‘Language Learning Strategies: Theory and Research’ Occasional paper
no. 1

Hall, D. and Hewings. A. (Eds.) (2000) Innovation in English Language Teaching. London:
Routledge ISBN: 0415241243

Halliday M.A.K (2004 [1980]) ‘Three aspects of children’s language development’ in Halliday,
M.A.K. (ed.) The Language of Early Childhood: Vol. 4 The Collected Works of M.A.K. Halliday

Harmer, J. (2007). How to Teach English. London: Longman or Harmer J (2015) The
Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman Handbooks for Language Teaching

Hammond, J & Gibbons, P. (2005) ‘Putting scaffolding to work: The contribution of

scaffolding in articulating ESL education’ Prospect Vol. 20, No. 1

Hoey, M. (2001). Textual Interaction. London: Routledge. (E-book google / kindle edition

Hughes, J. (2014). ETpedia. Hove: Pavilion (see also )

Larsen-Freeman D & Anderson M. (2011). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching.

Oxford: OUP. (Kindle edition available)

Lessard-Clouston, M. (1st pub. 1997) ‘Language Learning Strategies: An Overview for L2

Teachers’ The Internet TESL Journal

Lewis, M. (1993). The Lexical Approach. Hove: LTP.

Lewis, M. (1997). Implementing the Lexical Approach. Hove: LTP.

McDonough, J. & Shaw, C. (2003 / 2012). Materials and Methods in ELT. Oxford: Blackwell.
(Kindle edition available)

Meddings, L. & Thornbury S. (2012) Teaching Unplugged, Delta Teacher Development

Mishan, F. & Timmis, I. (2015) Materials Development for TESOL, Edinburgh Textbooks in
TESOL . (Kindle edition available)

Mitchell, R., Myles, F. & Marsden, E. (2013 3rd ed.). Second Language Learning Theories,
Routledge (Kindle edition available).

Oxford, R. (2011) Teaching & Researching: Language Learning Strategies (Applied

Linguistics in Action), Routledge (Kindle edition available)

Oxford, R. (2003) Learning Styles and Strategies, Oxford GALA,

Pritchard, A. (2013). Ways of learning: Learning theories and learning styles in the
classroom. Abingdon: Routledge (Kindle edition available)

Scharle, A. and Szabo, A. Learner Autonomy. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 2000.
ISBN: 0521775345

Skehan, P. A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning. Oxford University Press: Oxford,

1998. ISBN: 0194372170

Skehan, P. Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. Arnold: London, 1989.

ISBN: 0713166029 (Kindle edition available)

Skehan, P. (1996) A Framework for the Implementation of Task-based learning

Thornbury, S. About Language. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1997. ISBN:

0521427207 **

Vygotsky, L. (1994 [1978]) ‘Interaction between Learning and Development in Vygotsky, L.

S. (1978). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes (Cole, M.,
John-Steiner, V., Scribner, S. & Souberman, E., Eds.) Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University

White, L. Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar. Cambridge University Press:
Cambridge, (2003 / 2012). ISBN: 0521796474 (Kindle edition available)

Williams, M., Mercer, S. Ryan, S. Exploring Psychology in Language Learning and Teaching,
2015, (Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers)**

Willis, J. A & Willis D. Doing Task-Based Teaching: A practical guide to task-based teaching
for ELT training courses and practising teachers. 2007 (Oxford Handbooks for Language
Teachers) (Kindle edition available) **

Willis, D. (2003). Rules, Patterns and Words. Cambridge: CUP.

General pedagogy
Carter, R. and Nunan, D. (2001). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English as a Second or
Other Language. Cambridge University Press: CUP. (Kindle edition available)
Coe, R., Aloisi, C., Higgins, S., & Major, L. E. (2014). What makes great teaching? Review of
the underpinning research [online]. Available at Accessed on 11/02/17
Finley, T. Are Learning Styles Real - and Useful? 2015 Edutopia Accessed on 11/02/17
Freire, P. (1970). The Pedagogy of the Oppressed. London: Continuum.
Hattie, J. (2003). Teachers make a difference: what is the research evidence?. Melbourne:
Australian Council for Educational Research. Accessed on 11/02/17
Hattie, J. (2012). Visible learning for teachers: Maximizing impact on learning. Abingdon:
Routledge (Kindle Edition available)
Nunan, D. (2015) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages: An Introduction,
Petty, G. (2009). Evidence-Based Teaching A Practical Approach. Oxford: OUP. And Geoff’s
books for downloads for EBT
Scrivener, J. (2005 / 2011). Learning Teaching. London: Macmillan.
Sotto, E. (2007). When teaching becomes learning: A theory and practice of teaching.
London: Continuum.
Thompson S. & N (2008) The Critically Reflective Practitioner, Palgrave: Macmillan (Kindle
edition available)
Thompson, N. & Pascal J. Developing critically reflective practice in Reflective Practice Vol
13, No. 2., April 2012 pp. 311-325 (free download on ResearchGate)
Ur, P. (1996). A Course in Language Teaching Practice. Cambridge: CUP.


Hedge, T. (2000) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom: A guide to current
ideas about the theory and practice of English language teaching (Oxford Handbooks for
Language Teachers)


Anderson, A. & Lynch, T. (1988). Listening. Oxford: OUP

Brown, G. (1990) Listening to Spoken English (Applied Linguistics and Language Study)

Cauldwell, R. (2013). Phonology for Listening. Birmingham: Speechinaction.

Davis, P. & Kryszewska, H. (2012) The Company Words Keep, Delta Publishing

Dellar, H. & Walkley, A. (2016) Teaching Lexically: Principles and Practice, Delta Publishing

Field, J. (2000). Finding one’s way in the fog: listening strategies and second-language
Learners. MET. 9/1.

Field, J. (2008). Listening in the Language Classroom. Cambridge. CUP (Kindle edition

Field, J. (1998) ‘Skills and Strategies: towards a new methodology for listening’. ELTJ. 52/2.

Goh, C. (1997). ‘Metacognitive awareness and second language listeners’. ELTJ. 51/4.

Ridgway, T. (2000). ‘Listening Strategies – I beg your pardon?’ ELTJ. 54/2.

Rost, M. (2013). Teaching and researching: Listening. Abingdon: Routledge.

Wilson, J. (2008). How to Teach Listening. Harlow: Pearson Longman.


Hedge, T. (2000) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom: A guide to current
ideas about the theory and practice of English language teaching (Oxford Handbooks for
Language Teachers)


Cook, G. (1989). Discourse. Oxford: OUP.

Davis, P. & Kryszewska, H. (2012) The Company Words Keep, Delta Publishing

Dellar, H. & Walkley, A. (2016) Teaching Lexically: Principles and Practice, Delta Publishing

McCarthy, M. (1991). Discourse Analysis for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP.

Nolasco, R. & Arthur, L. (1987). Conversation. Oxford: OUP.

Paterson, K., Caygill, C & Sewell, R. (2011 / 2012) A Handbook of Spoken Grammar, Delta

Thornbury, S. (2005). Beyond the Sentence. Macmillan


Hedge, T. (2000) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom: A guide to current
ideas about the theory and practice of English language teaching (Oxford Handbooks for
Language Teachers)


Banford, J & Day, R. (2004). Extensive Reading Activities for teaching Language.
Cambridge: CUP.

Cook, G. (1989). Discourse. Oxford: OUP.

Dellar, H. & Walkley, A. (2016) Teaching Lexically: Principles and Practice, Delta Publishing

Grellet, F. (1981). Developing Reading Skills. Cambridge: CUP

Thornbury, S. (2005). Beyond the Sentence. Macmillan


Hedge, T. (2000) Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom: A guide to current
ideas about the theory and practice of English language teaching (Oxford Handbooks for
Language Teachers)


Badger, R. & White G., ‘A process genre approach to teaching writing’, ELT Journal Volume
54/2 April 2000

Harmer, J. (2004). How to Teach Writing. Harlow: Pearson.

Hedge, T. (2005). Writing. Oxford: OUP

Raimes, A. (1983). Techniques in Teaching Writing. Oxford: OUP.

Tribble, C. (1996). Writing. Oxford: OUP.

Discourse and Pragmatics

Thornbury, S. (2005). Beyond the Sentence. Oxford: Macmillan ELT


BARDOVI-HARLIG, K. and DÖRNYEI, Z. (1998), ‘Do Language Learners Recognize Pragmatic

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Materials & syllabus design

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Management & training

Breen, M. and Littlejohn, A. (eds.) (2000). Classroom Decision-Making. Cambridge: CUP.

Hughes, J. (2015). A Practical Introduction to Teacher Training in ELT. Hove: Pavilion.

Richards, J. (2001). Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.

White, R. (1995). The ELT Curriculum: Design, Innovation and Management. Oxford: Basil

White, R., Martin, M., Stimson, M. and Hodge, R. (1991). Management in English Language
Teaching. Cambridge: CUP.

Further Resources

The New School Youtube Channel

Leo Sellivan’s Blog Leoxicon

Scott Thornbury’s Blog An A-Z of ELT


TED and TEDed


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