Data Handling Notes and Exercises

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Data Handling
Statistics is the study of data and involves:
The collection, sorting, displaying, analyzing data and drawing conclusions from data


 A list of values recorded in any order is known as RAW DATA. It gives us very little
information about the values involved.

5 27 13 24 16 19 21 19 6 3 19

 Rewrite the set of values in ascending order ( from smallest to largest). This is known as

sum of all the values

 The ARITHMETIC MEAN ( average) =
total number of values

Calculate the arithmetic mean of the data above. Show all working.

 The MODE is the value that occurs most often. (Also known as the MODAL VALUE)

The mode of the data above is __________

 The MEDIAN is the middlemost number.

The median of the above data is __________

Sometimes there is no single middlemost number. Then you must add the two numbers in the
middle and divide by two.
EG: in the list 3 ; 5 ; 8 ; 10 ; 12 ; 15 ; 18 ; 19 the median is __________

 The RANGE (spread) is given by the formula: largest value  smallest value

The range of the data in the table is __________

Exercise 1:

1. Two batsmen are being considered for selection for a cricket team. Their last eleven scores are:

Batsman 41 44 47 54 55 48 50 53 50 49 59

Batsman 0 35 50 50 65 20 10 100 70 80 70

1.1 Rewrite the scores of each batsman as an ordered array and then determine the following for each
of the batsmen:

1.1.1 The arithmetic mean

1.1.2 The median
1.1.3 The mode
1.1.4 The range

1.2 What do you notice about the arithmetic mean?

1.3 Does it help the selector to make his choice?

1.4 Discuss which of the other measures are more useful.

Any values on a set of data that are extremely high or low are referred to as OUTLIERS.
Let us examine their effect on a set of data.

2. Given the following data: 7 ; 2 ; 3 ; 1 ; 4 ; 5 ; 31 ; 5 ; 6

2.1 Write the data in an ordered array and calculate the arithmetic mean of all 9 numbers.

2.2 Now ignore the outliers and calculate the arithmetic mean of the remaining numbers. How does
this compare with your previous answer?

2.3 Does an outlier significantly affect the mode or the median. Justify your answer.
There are two types of data:

EXERCISE 2: Answer on the module

Describe the following data using one of these terms:-

Qualitative ; Quantitative discrete ; Quantitative continuous

1. the number of passengers in an aircraft: ___________________________________________

2. the weights (mass) of people in a lift: ______________________________________________

3. the way people travel to work: ___________________________________________________

4. the temperature in Durban at midday during July 2005: _____________________________

5. the number of apples in a bag: ___________________________________________________

6. the number of goals scored in a netball match: _____________________________________

7. the time taken to get to work: ____________________________________________________

8. the population of Empangeni: ___________________________________________________

9. types of cars: __________________________________________________________________

10. the width of an aeroplane’s wings: _______________________________________________

11. the number of spectators at a cricket match: _______________________________________


Tally (Frequency) Tables

This is a way of writing the information (data) that you have collected in a logical and easy to
read way. The number of times a particular item occurs is called its frequency.
EXERCISE 3: Answer in exercise book

1. The number of matches in 60 boxes of matches was counted and the following results were

1.1 Illustrate the information on a tally table.

1.2 What is the most common number of matches that was found in these boxes of matches?

2. The following are the marks (out of 10) which a group of 30 learners obtained in a test:

2.1 Illustrate the information on a tally table.

2.2 With reference to the frequency table, answer the following questions:

2.2.1 Which test mark appears most frequently?

2.2.2 Which test mark appears least frequently?
2.2.3 How many learners scored 9 out of 10?
2.2.4 How many learners scored 50% or more?

3. A record was kept of the sales of a particular product.

60 of the standard model were sold – half were red and one fifth were green.

Of the deluxe model, 5 more red ones were sold than of the standard model, and
4 fewer blue ones were sold than of the standard model.

Altogether 31 green items were sold.

3.1 Copy the table and fill in the


3.2 What fraction of the total items sold were blue ones?
Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Another way of re-organising data is to write them as a stem-and-leaf diagram.

John Tukey, an American mathematician and statistician, invented this way of organizing data
in the 1960’s. Stem and leaf plots are a way of rewriting lists of numbers in order to present
data more clearly.

In a stem-and-leaf plot – the tens digit forms the stem and the units digits form the leaves.


1. The leaf is the digit in the place furthest to the right in the number.
The stem is the digit or digits that remain when the leaf is dropped. So if the list of
numbers included 120 ; 134 ; 127 then 12 and 13 would be the stems and 0 ; 4
and 7 would be the leaves.
2. If the list of numbers included a single digit number then the stem must be zero. So if
the list of numbers includes the numbers 2 ; 3 ; 7 you write them as 02 ; 03 ; 07.
The stem is 0 and the leaves are 2 ; 3 ; 7.
3. Before organizing data into a stem-and-leaf plot it is useful to put the information into an
ordered array.

EG: Suppose the members of your maths class scored the following in a maths test:

Ordered array: 32; 33 ; 36 ; 39 ; 39 ; 40 ; 44 ; 45 ; 45 ; 45 ; 47 ; 47 ; 48 ; 50 ; 51 ; 52 ; 52 ; 53 ;

54 ; 54 ; 55 ; 55 ; 55 ; 56 ; 56 ; 57 ; 57 ; 58 ; 59 ; 61 ; 62 ; 63 ; 65 ; 65 ; 66 ; 69 ; 71; 72 77 ; 78

stem leaf It can be clearly seen that the data clusters

3 23699 around the row with a stem of 5.
4 04555778
5 0122344555667789
6 1235569
7 1278
In a stem-and-leaf plot, to find:

1. The mean:- add each number together and divide the total by the number of terms

2. The mode:- find the leaf that occurs most often

3. The median:- count off half the total number of leaves.

4. The range (spread):- largest number  smallest number

EXERCISE 4: Answer in exercise book

1. The marks for a T.D exam out of 100 were as follows:

97 ; 99 ; 81 ; 78 ; 73 ; 95 ; 33 ; 97 ; 64 ; 100 ; 85 ; 83 ; 85 ; 88 ; 79 ; 81 ; 93 ; 86 ; 83 ; 71.

1.1 Draw a stem-and-leaf plot to illustrate the data.

1.2 What are the mean , median, mode and range of the data?

1.3 Given this information, would you say that the learners did well on the exam? Explain your

2. Lindi works as a waitress. She keeps a record of what she earns each day. This is what she earns:
R120 ; R90 ; R150 ; R170 ; R200 ; R120 ; R90 ; R60 ; R130 ; R150 ; R110 ; R170 ;
R180 ; R140 ; R150 ; R200 ; R250 ; R130 ; R120 ; R150 ; R190.

2.1 Draw a stem-and-leaf plot to illustrate this data.

2.2 What are the mean, median and mode of the data?

2.3 What was her average daily income?

3. Study the following stem-and-leaf plot.

stem leaf
10 5
11 023
12 055
13 025

3.1 Find the mean of the data

3.2 Find the median of the data

3.3 Find the mode of the data


 A bar graph uses bars, side by side, to display data. The bars can go up or across the
 The length of the bar stands for the size of the data it shows. This makes it easy to
compare data.
 The bars can be drawn horizontally or vertically. If the data is discrete (counted), the
bars do not touch (BAR GRAPH). If the data is continuous (measured) the bars touch

Exercise 5 Answer in exercise books

1. This bar graph shows the most

popular sports amongst some of the
grade 11 learners in a particular

1.1 Which sport got the most votes?

1.2 Which sport got the fewest votes?

1.3 Which sport got the same number of


1.4 What is the difference between the number of learners who voted for soccer and the number of
learners who voted for netball?

1.5 How many learners were surveyed?

2. 200 people were asked which their favourite TV channel was.

TV 1 76
The results were:
TV 2 44

TV 3 75
2.1 Draw a bar graph to illustrate this information. Draw vertical

2.2 Make up two more questions of your own about this graph. Swop E TV 23
questions with someone else and answer each other’s questions.

 Sometimes you need to compare data.

 Looking at each diagram on its own is not a very easy way to compare them so the bar
graphs can be combined into one diagram.

Exercise 6 Answer in exercise books

1. The bar graph below shows how long men and women, in six different countries, are expected to

Use the bar graph to estimate the

answers to the following questions.

1.1 In general, can males or

females expect to live
In which country is this not

1.2 In which country do women

have the highest life
Approximately how many

1.3 In which countries do women have the lowest life expectancy? Approximately how may years?

1.4 What is the difference in life expectancy between men and women in Russia?

1.5 In which country is there the largest difference in life expectancy? Approximately how many

2. A population survey was carried out in the two suburbs of Northvale and Eastvale. The residents
were asked how many people live in each house. The information was collected and entered into a
frequency table.

Number of residents living in each house 1 2 3 4 5 6

Number of houses in Northvale with that many people living in 5 24 14 20 3 4
Number of houses in Eastvale with that many people living in 26 15 3 5 1 0

2.1 Draw a dual bar graph to illustrate the information gathered in the survey.
2.2 What differences do you notice between the number of people living in each house in Northvale
and Eastvale?
- 10 -

We use sectional bar graphs when we have two, or more, different sets of information on the
same topic. They are very useful when we are also interested in the total of the two or more

Exercise 7 Answer in exercise books

1. The number of bakkies and cars sold by a garage in the first six month of the year are as follows:

1.1 In which month were the most vehicles sold? How many?

1.2 In which month were the smallest numbers of cars sold? How many?

1.3 In which month were the smallest number of bakkies sold? How many?

1.4 In which month were the greatest number of cars sold? How many?

1.5 What trends can you read from this graph?

2. Twenty people were asked to keep a record of which television channel they were watching at
8:15 pm on two successive nights.

2.1 Draw a sectional bar graph to

illustrate this data.

2.2 Study the graph and write down all

the conclusions you can make.
- 11 -

 You can replace a bar graph by a line graph if the horizontal axis is continuous ( e.g.
time, temperature, age)
 The data is plotted as a series of points joined by straight lines.
 Line graphs are useful as they show trends that can be easily extended. This means
that with some graphs it might be possible to continue the line to show what might
happen in the future.


This table shows a country's grape production (in thousands ('000s) of tonnes) for the years
1950, 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990.

Year 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

Grapes ('000 36 28 69 74 58

Represent the data in the form of a line graph.

We have no information for the years between 1950, 1960, 1970, 1980 and 1990, so we join the
points with straight lines.

Did you notice the jagged lines

close to the origin?

These indicate a broken scale.

- 12 -
Exercise 8 Answer in exercise books

The following table shows the temperature ( in 0C ) as measured at certain times during the day.

Time ( in hours) 7h00 8h00 11h00 12h00 13h00 15h00 17h00 19h00
Temp ( 0 C ) 8 12 16 20 22 18 10 6

Draw a line graph in order to estimate the following values:

1. The temperature at 10h00

2. The temperature at 14h00

3. the a.m. time when the temperature was 130C

4. the p.m. time when the temperature was 120C


 A pie graph is a circular diagram used to display data.

 It is used if you want to show how a population is divided up into different parts, and
what proportion of the whole that each part represents. This proportion can be written as
a common fraction, a decimal fraction or as a percentage of the whole.

Sometimes it is easy to estimate the sizes of these fractions:


120 learners in Grade 9 were asked how they came to school and a pie graph was drawn to
illustrate the results.

1. What fraction of the learners came to school by bus?

2. What fraction (decimal) of learners walked?

3. What percentage of learners came to school by car?

- 13 -

4. 120 learners were surveyed. How many learners

4.1 came to school by bus? ___________________________________________
4.2 walked? ________________________________________________________
4.3 came to school by car? ___________________________________________
4.4 came to school by bike? __________________________________________

Sometimes you cannot find the fractions or percentages by just looking at the pie graph.
You must then use the angles at the centre of the circle to work out the size of each fraction.

There are 36 students in a class. The number of students belonging to the respective sports
houses of the school are represented in the pie graph below:

Re d


Gre en

Use the pie graph to complete the table below:

Size of angle at centre

House Fraction of circle Number of students
(round off to nearest degree)
- 14 -
Exercise 9 Answer on module

1. Sihle decided to draw a pie graph to show what he did during an average day.

He works out that 24 hours  3600

So 1 hour  3600  24 = 150

1.1 Complete the table below:


School 5 5  150  750
Meals 1
Homework 3
TV 2
Travel 1
Sleep 8
Others 4

1.2 Draw a pie graph to illustrate how Sihle spends his time on an average day. Do not forget to label
each sector and give the graph a heading.
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2. This pie graph shows what a bran breakfast cereal is made of:

2.1 Calculate the angle at the centre for the

sector representing fat.
35 

2.2 What fraction of the circle represents the 37 

amount of fat in the cereal?

Carbohydrates 185

2.3 The mass of an average serving of this 93 
cereal is 45 grams. What is the mass of
fat in the serving of cereal?



We get a scatter diagram when we plot values of one quantity against corresponding values of
another quantity

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ise 10 Answer in exercise book.

1 Do exercise 12.5 nr 1, 2

2. The length from beak to tail and the wing span of some birds are shown in the following table:

2.1 Draw a scatter diagram to illustrate the results

2.2 Do you think there is a strong/definite correlation between the two measurements? Explain your


Homework exercise:

1. Summarise the following term in your own words:

a. Census
b. Survey
c. Population
d. Sample
e. Representative Sample
f. Random Sample

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