Linking Sensor

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Linking Sensor Data – Why, to What, and How?

Carsten Keßler∗ , Krzysztof Janowicz†

Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Münster, Germany
[email protected]

GeoVISTA Center, Pennsylvania State University, USA
[email protected]

Abstract. The Sensor Web provides access to observations and mea-

surements through standardized interfaces defined by the Open Geospa-
tial Consortium’s Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) initiative. While clients
compliant to these standards have access to the generated sensor data, it
remains partially hidden from other knowledge infrastructures building
on higher-level W3C standards. To overcome this problem, it has been
proposed to make sensor data accessible using Linked Data principles
and RESTful services. This position paper discusses the embedding of
such data into the Linked Data cloud with a focus on the outgoing links
that hook them up with other data sources. We outline how such links
can be generated in a semi-automatic way, and argue why curation of
the links is required. Finally, we point to the query potential of such an
additional interface to observation data, and outline the requirements for
SPARQL endpoints.

1 Introduction and Motivation

Blending the Sensor Web with Semantic Web technologies is attractive for sev-
eral reasons [1]. From a Sensor Web perspective, it is desirable to enrich the SWE
services by semantic annotations1 [2] and ontologies to reduce ambiguity and to
provide machine-readable descriptions of the provided data, the underlying pro-
cesses, as well as the relevant instruments. This would improve interoperability
for automatic service chaining, enable search beyond code lists, and support
the reuse of sensor data [3]. From a Semantic Web and Linked Data perspec-
tive, semantically enabled SWE services such as the Sensor Observation Service
(SOS) are rich sources of data to augment static knowledge about the world
with dynamic sensor observations. Stream Reasoning engines and applications
can be used to mine for specific patterns and to detect change. Recent examples
include weather warning systems [1,4] or context-aware mobile decision support
systems [5]. Finally, many applications such as Web mashups benefit from a
URI-based access to sensor observations encoded using accepted standards such
as the Resource Description Framework (RDF) [6]. The Sensor Web community
has recently adopted the Linked Data principles [7,8] to use URIs as reference
and for look-up as well as RDF and SPARQL for storage, access, and querying.
See, for example,
First attempts have been made to provide Linked Sensor Data [9] and to serve
them via RESTful interfaces2 as transparent encapsulations of existing SWE
services [10,3].
While providing observations or sensor meta-data as Linked Data is desirable
to make them accessible for a broad audience, an in-depth discussion of the
challenges and benefits is still missing. The exact motivations to provide Linked
Sensor Data, the ontological and technological implications, and the potential of
Linked Sensor Data remain partly ambiguous. Moreover, it is hard to measure
how successful a Linked Sensor Data initiative is because of a lack of benchmarks
– just counting triples for a sensor service that potentially produces hundreds
of measurements per minute will not be sufficient. These questions have to be
carefully considered to ensure that Linked Sensor Data does not remain on the
level of yet another data encoding [11].
To foster discussion, this paper outlines these questions both from a data
provider’s and from a data consumer’s perspective. The discussion is structured
by the three questions indicated in the title and inspired by previous work from
Kuhn [12]. Why is concerned with the motivations, potentials, and benchmarks
for Linked Sensor Data. We analyze the different requirements for a Linked Sen-
sor Data service and outline how providers can measure the success of their
service. To what discusses how to hook Linked Sensor Data into the Linked
Data cloud so that useful additional resources can be discovered. We argue for
a curated approach, where potentially useful out-links are recommended by the
system, but need to be verified to assure correctness. How sheds light upon
the technical aspects, specifically the question how to identify and store specific
events [13] in the long term to reduce the amount of stored data. We also out-
line how the conversion process that has already been demonstrated for static
datasets can be implemented to generate Linked Data on the fly. As recent re-
search has shown, 80% of all triples in the Linked Data cloud point to URIs
within the same namespace, literals, or blank nodes [14]. The linking aspect
thus needs to be taken seriously, both to provide context for the provided data,
and to make the Web of Data less sensitive to outages of single hubs. Therefore,
while the paper is intended to provide a general overview, we will especially focus
on outgoing links and the the interplay of the spatial, temporal and thematic
dimensions of Linked Sensor Data.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico serves as a running ex-
ample to demonstrate general challenges and to point towards specific solutions.
To do so, we have updated the Freebase page on the oil spill to provide up-to-
date information. The oil spill is an interesting use case as there are numerous
different sources for data on the oil spill, a number of affected parties and in-
terest groups, and there is ample public interest in independent data. Moreover,
the example demonstrates the value of raw data and freedom of interpretation,
since many documents that were released by official sources were biased into a
certain direction.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we
give an overview of relevant related work from the areas of Linked Data and the
Semantic Sensor Web. Section 3 illustrates the different motivations for providing
observations and measurements as Linked Data. Section 4 discusses the question
how sensor data can be turned into Linked Data. The technical requirements and
approaches for implementation are discussed in Section 5, followed by conclusions
and an outlook on future work in Section 6.

2 Related Work
The Semantic Sensor Web [1] is essentially a fusion of technologies of the Sensor
Web on the one hand and the Semantic Web on the other. The Sensor Web
builds on standards for services such as the Sensor Observation Service (SOS)
and the Sensor Planning Service (SPS), as well as on data models and encodings
such as Observations and Measurements (O&M) or the Sensor Model Language
(SensorML). These standards are developed unter the umbrella of the Sensor
Web Enablement (SWE) initiative3 . While these specifications are adopted by
an ever-growing number of sensor data providers, they target syntactic rather
than semantic interoperability. The semantics of the provided observations, pro-
cedures, and observed properties remains ambiguous to a certain degree. This is
especially relevant for the discovery and retrieval of sensor data [15]. The Seman-
tic Web [16] targets these problems for arbitrary data using ontologies, semantic
annotations, as well as deductive and inductive reasoning.
Combinations of these two infrastructures have been proposed in a number of
different flavors. Sheth et al. [1] proposed a metadata approach for SWE services
using RDFa4 (RDF in attributes). Based on a Semantic SOS [4], rule-based rea-
soning on data from different sensors has been demonstrated in an application
that identifies potentially dangerous weather conditions. Neuhaus and Comp-
ton [17] introduce an ontology for sensor descriptions that links a sensor to its
measurement process, the physical feature for which a certain value is observed,
and the corresponding domain of discourse. Devaraju et al. [18] combine this
approach with a generic process ontology to facilitate sensor data retrieval. In
a previous paper, we have outlined a semantic enablement approach for spatial
data infrastructures that enables reasoning on spatial – and specifically on sensor
– data that does not require a modification of established OGC standards [3]. It
can thus be implemented without blocking access for ‘non-semantic’ clients.
These approaches to the Semantic Sensor Web all rely on the Semantic Web
layer cake and especially on the Web Ontology Language (OWL) or the Semantic
Web Rule Language (SWRL), which implies a level of complexity that is often
not required and leads to new problems instead of solving them. The latest
incarnation of the Semantic Sensor Web thus takes a more light-weight approach
based on Linked Data. Providing sensor data in RDF format has been proposed
by different researchers [19,20,9,10], as this format exposes observation data to
See for an overview.
a large number of clients and users that are often not aware of the geospatial
services defined by the OGC. Moreover, this approach allows for easy integration
with other sources in the Linked Data cloud5 . Existing implementations range
from static, converted data sets6 to tools for on-the-fly translation between OGC
services and RDF [10]. The pure mapping of encodings between the GML-based
OGC standards and RDF is straight-forward as they are isomorphic [21].
Patni et al. [22] discuss the challenge of provenance in Linked Sensor Data,
which is especially challenging for phenomena that are observed by a number of
different sensors. The paper applies a provenance ontology to solve this problem
that establishes an explicit link between the observed phenomenon and all in-
volved sensors. Janowicz et al. [10] illustrate the need for a Linked Data Model
in addition to classical data and conceptual models and discuss the challenge
of assigning meaningful URIs [20] for highly dynamic information derived from
sensor data.

3 Motivations: Why?

This section discusses the motivations for making sensor data available using
Linked Data principles [7] and what makes Linked Data more than just another
encoding. It also discusses some first ideas on how to benchmark the success of
a Linked Sensor Data project.

3.1 Motivations

The prime motivation to publish data about sensors and their observations as
Linked Data is to make them available outside of Spatial Data Infrastructures,
provide unique HTTP-resolvable identifiers using URIs, and hence ease the ac-
cess and re-usability of sensor data as well as support their integration and fus-
ing [23]. While this motivation highlights the role of sharing data, sensor data
providers need to take into account several other aspects and understand their

– Why Linked Sensor Data instead of classical SDIs? Besides increasing the
number of potential clients and thus the usage of the service, the integration
with external (non-OGC) data sources is a classical task that can be ad-
dressed by using RDF as common data encoding. Additionally, at least for
government data, it may turn out that open exchange formats for raw data
become a legal requirements in the near future7 . Such a legislative initia-
tive would be especially desirable for natural disasters, as it would allow for
informed, independent evaluations, and increase the accessibility of relevant
data sets for local interest groups. In case of the oil spill example, observation
See for the current version.
See, for example,
See and, for example.
data on the position of underwater oil plumes could be compared against dif-
ferent spreading models, or the data could be combined with marine data
on fish habitats, for example. Finally, the close relationship between Linked
Data and ontologies as conceptual reference models offers a promising alter-
native to one of the Achilles’ heels of SDIs – namely, catalog services and
code lists. An impressive example, demonstrating the interplay of Semantic
Web technologies, ontologies, and Linked Spatiotemporal Data was recently
discussed by Vilches-Blazquez et al. [24] for hydrographical data.
– When we say Linked Data, do we mean it? Linked Sensor Data can only un-
fold its full potential if the linking part is taken seriously [14]. Accordingly,
it is crucial to identify other sources in the Linked Data cloud that could be
linked in a meaningful way; see Section 4 for details. While links between
data differ from the classical inter-document links of the Web, they are still
created for some purpose and to express relatedness. However, providers of
sensor data are interested in keeping their repositories as free of a partic-
ular interpretation as possible. It is unlikely that a provider of sensor data
about water quality will link certain data sets to a DBpedia entry about the
Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Therefore, in most cases links will be created
on-the-fly by users as knowledge engineers [25]. Based on the experience with
documents on the Web so far, incoming and outgoing links may therefore
become an issue at law. This is especially interesting as, in contrast to clas-
sical Web links, the owl:sameAs construct is bidirectional. With a growing
interest in Linked Data, link hubs such as will need to find a
solution to the curation and ownership of links.

While an RDF representation supports the integration of O&M data, sensor

metadata and ontologies, it also reduces the spatial querying capabilities. While
GML and RDF are isomorphic, complex spatial queries, are only standardized
for GML so far. Most Semantic Web applications and reasoners still reduce
spatial queries to simple containment based on bounding boxes or nearby with
respect to point data [26]. This situation will likely change in the future, as
GeoSPARQL – a GML-compliant spatial extension to SPARQL – is currently
under development in a special interest group at the OGC. In case of the oil
spill scenario, many interesting queries require rather complex spatial operators
such as buffers or overlaps. The following GeoSPARQL example (adapted from
the OGC working group) queries for turtle habitats that have been reached by
the oil:

PREFIX ogc: <>

PREFIX ex: <>
SELECT ?habitat
WHERE { ?habitat ogc:overlaps ex:oilSpill }

The underlying geometries must be defined as literals in well-known text

(WKT) format, as in the following example showing an extract from the speci-
fication of a habitat of the endangered Green Turtle:
ex:greenTurtleHabitat ex:hasWKTSerialization
“Polygon((28.7366 -88.3659, ...))” .

It is worth mentioning that transforming such geometries to an RDF-based

representation is not necessarily useful, but it always adds complexity. Therefore,
providers need to decide from case to case whether such a transformation is
reasonable, i.e., whether it adds additional retrieval, data mining, or reasoning
capabilities [10].

3.2 Benchmarks

While the success of a certain Web page or application can be measured in

terms of its search engine ranking, incoming links, user counts, and so forth,
measuring the success of Linked Sensor Data will require other or additional
criteria. For instance, while the number of incoming links can serve as an esti-
mation of the degree of embeddedness within the Linked Data cloud, the type of
links play a role as well. If most of these links are owl:sameAs links, they could
either connect different information about the same entity and, hence, enrich
both data sets, but they could also indicate that the provided Linked Data are
rather needless or regarded as redundant. A typed version of an algorithm like
PageRank [27] could be used to rate the different sources on the Linked Data
cloud. A weather service with thousands of users per day will typically be rated
more important than a prototype platform in its early stages. Likewise, impor-
tant hubs of the Linked Data Cloud as sources of incoming links will receive
higher weights than small, specialized datasets. Semantic ping services such as are another useful way to keep track of in-
coming links. In contrast, the number of generated triples should not be used
as benchmark as even single sensors may produce hundreds of new observation
triples per minute.

4 Outgoing Links: To What?

This section introduces relevant datasets to which Linked Sensor Data can refer
to. Moreover, we outline how to identify potential outgoing links depending on
the corresponding application and argue why these links have to be curated.

4.1 Outgoing Links

Links are the glue of the Web of data and the connections that turn single, iso-
lated information silos into one global graph. They enable cross-dataset queries,
such as the comparison of the current state of a feature of interest with histor-
ical data [28] in the first place. Nonetheless, the generation of Linked Data is
often reduced to the conversion of an existing data source to RDF – without dis-
cussing how to link the data to other sources in the Linked Data cloud. In order
to properly embed Linked Sensor Data in the Linked Data cloud and increase
findability, it is hence crucial to identify useful sources for further information
that are related to a specific service, the sensors it offers, the observed phenom-
ena, or the features of interest. Moreover, picking the appropriate vocabularies is
an essential step to support retrieval and reuse of data. Besides the omnipresent
rdf:about and owl:sameAs, popular vocabularies include Dublin Core (DC) for
metadata, Friend Of A Friend (FOAF) for relationships among people, or the
Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS) for categorizations and concept
maps. A vocabulary for sensors and observations is currently developed by the
W3C Semantic Sensor Network Incubator Group8 .
The following example shows outgoing links for a sensor observing the Deep-
water Horizon oil spill, using the Dublin Core, Semantic Sensor Web, and Marine
Metadata Interoperability Platforms ontologies. Outgoing links point to a FOAF
profile, the freebase entry on the Deepwater horizon explosion, to the Geonames
entry on the Gulf of Mexico, and to the New York Times data entry about BP.

@prefix dc: <> .
@prefix obs: <> .
@prefix mmi: <> .
@prefix son: <> .
dc:description "Deepwater Horizon Observation" ;
dc:creator <> ;
dc:subject <> ;
dc:coverage <> ;
dc:relation <> ;
obs:observedProperty :oilConcentration ;
dc:relation :dhBuoy .
:oilConcentration rdf:type obs:PropertyType .
:dhBuoy rdf:type mmi:NeutrallyBuoyantFloat .
:sensor1 rdf:type son:Sensor .

4.2 Link Recommendations and Curation

Since links are a core component of Linked Data, their quality and accuracy is key
to meaningful retrieval and reasoning. Undefined vocabulary terms, mismatched
semantics, and unintended inferences can reduce the quality of linked data or
even render them useless9 . Consequently, a fully automated generation of links
and especially of owl:sameAs relations to existing sources may rather do harm
than add semantics. We therefore propose a curated approach where relations are
recommended to the service administrator based on a previously selected set of
Linked Data sources and vocabularies for relations. Adding semantic annotations
See for a detailed discussion.
based on automatically generated recommendations has already been proposed
for Volunteered Geographic Information [29]; we adopt this approach here for
Linked Sensor Data. Figure 1 shows the workflow for link recommendation and
1. Sensor metadata (as defined in the service capabilities) and O&M data are
converted to RDF documents [20].
2. Keywords are extracted that match entities on the linked data cloud.
3. These keywords and their specifications and sources are presented to the
user, who can then establish the first owl:sameAs relations.
4. Further potential thematic matches from the Linked Data cloud are com-
puted based on similarity [30]. Potential spatial matches are computed based
on co-location and containment.
5. These potential matches are presented to the user with an indication of the
degree of similarity. The user can then curate these recommendations and
establish the relations with the appropriate vocabularies.
The huge amount of sensor data will require the definition of templates for
O&M data that are applied to new observations as they come in. The overall link-
ing approach follows the idea of bootstrapping: As the amount of Linked Sensor
Data increases, the linking opportunities increase as well. Therefore, new poten-
tial links can eventually be discovered and recommended after every iteration
by inspection of the outgoing link selected in the previous step. Note, however,
that there is no cold start problem, as newly created Linked Sensor Data can
link to other parts of the Linked Data cloud as long as no related Linked Sensor
Data are available. A more connected Linked Data cloud could be generated if
the underlying ontologies specifying the used vocabularies would be linked to
each other [31]; however, this is out of scope for this research. Figure 2 shows a
conceptual design for are curation interface that implements this functionality
for service administrators.
In the mapping process, the recommender service automatically replaces any
concrete values by variables, so that later measurements following the same
scheme can be converted on the fly. The following code shows a sample extract
from a template for oil concentration measurements.
@prefix obs: <> .
:observation$id obs:result :result$id ;
:result$id rdf:value ?//om:result/swe:DataArray/swe:values

The $id variable in templates is replaced by unique IDs upon conversion,

so that every literal (e.g., every observation) within the given name space is
distinct. Fragments starting with ? contain an XPATH query for the node in
the input O&M document whose value is to be integrated here. These queries
are generated by the mapping engine on the fly when the administrator creates
a sample mapping for a single O&M document.
Sem- Wiki-
BBC Surge ampton
LIBRIS Web- company
Playcount Radio Central RDF
Data ohloh
Doap- Buda-
Music- space Semantic ReSIST
brainz Audio- pest Eurécom

MySpace Scrobbler QDOS SW Wiki
Conference IRIT
Corpus Toulouse

RAE National

BBC BBC Crunch 2001 Science
BBC Music Later + John Base Revyu Foundation
Jamendo Peel profiles Sites
TOTP Open-

flickr RKB
Pub Geo- Euro- wrappr Explorer
Guten- Virtuoso
Guide names stat Pisa CORDIS
berg Sponger eprints
Programmes Open
riese World Linked
Magna- Fact- MDB IEEE New-
tune book
ampton castle
RDF Book
DBpedia Mashup

GeoData lingvoj Freebase LAAS-
US CiteSeer
Census CNRS
Data IBM
WordNet Hannover

Track Reactome
LinkedCT UniParc
Open Taxonomy
Cyc Yago Drug
Daily Bank

Homolo KEGG UniProt
Pfam ProDom
Disea- CAS
ChEBI Ontology
Symbol OMIM



2 1
Mapping 8
Recommendation Keyword
extraction RDF

add new
7 relations

Fig. 1. Workflow for link curation. After converting O&M and SensorML data
to RDF (1), keywords are extracted (2) and matched against previously selected
sources in the Linked Data cloud (3). Matches are recommended to (4) and
curated by (5) the user, who adds new relations to the RDF documents and
templates this way (6). These relations can then iteratively be used as input
for a similarity measurement (7) that finds similar concepts and entities in the
Linked Data cloud (8), which serve again as input for the recommendation (9).
[Linked Data cloud figure by Richard Cyganiak.]

5 Implementation: How?

The section discusses the technical aspects of publishing Linked Sensor Data.
We focus on the peculiarities caused by the spatio-temporal dynamics of sensor
data and the challenges they cause for representation, reasoning and provenance.

5.1 Handling the Dynamics of Linked Sensor Data

Any kind of sensor-related data is inherently dynamic. While this is obvious for
observation data whose sole intention is to keep track of the dynamics of the
real world, it also applies to meta-data about sensors. Sensors can be relocated,
their feature of interest can change, and the actual instruments can be replaced.
Phenomena such as the Deepwater Horizon oil spill are characterized by their
three-dimensional spatial distribution. Moreover, they also involve a temporal
Fig. 2. Conceptual design for curation user interface. After selecting a node
in the service output (a capabilities document, in this case), the service offers
mappings and allows the user to insert link targets. Potential matches identified
by the keyword mapping and similarity reasoners are highlighted and can be
curated by clicking the corresponding button shown in line 340 of the capabilities

dimension as well as various attributive aspects. As discussed in previous work

[10,25], assigning URIs to properties and features of interest is not straightfor-
ward. Similarly, difficulties may arise when using the URIs provided for REST-
ful access to sensor data stored in SOS as references. For instance, construct-
ing a triple <#OilSpill> <#observedBy> <#Sensor1> bears the danger that
the sensor will be deployed in a different environment in the future. Addition-
ally, a URI such as http://.../sos/observations/Sensor1/SpillRegion42/
WindDirection refers to all wind direction observations of Sensor1 for the region
42 [10]. As new records are added over time, the URI does not provide a unique
reference for a specific set of observations. Some of these difficulties go beyond
certain characteristics of the Sensor Web, as they are essential design issues of
RDF; see also Hayes’ notion of surfaces10 .

The URI encoding for dynamic information discussed above makes infor-
mation on timestamps available for clients working directly on one these service
URIs. However, once the delivered data is cached or passed on for further process-
ing, information on when the represented facts were valid is lost. This problem
applies to all kinds of data delivered via such URIs, which can come in different
forms based on content negotiation between client and server [32]. For example,
an RDF triple – once published – does not bear any information about whether
the encoded fact is still valid or not. The temporal dimension therefore also needs
to be covered within the dataset. The following example demonstrates how this
information can be attached using a named graph [33]:

:G1 { ex:sensor128 swe:hasFOI ex:foiPlume .

:G1 dc:date "2010-08-30T11:00:00-5:00" }

It is thus made explicit that sensor 128 is observing a feature of interest

called foiPlume on August 30, 2010 at 11:00 AM local time.

5.2 Provenance and Persistence

The curation approach outlined in Section 4.2 is based on the assumption that a
human user is required to confirm (or reject) proposed links. The data provider,
for example, has additional contextual information and can therefore make sense
of literals in RDF triples. He can hence make a more informed decision about the
relations to establish and the appropriate vocabularies for that. In order to allow
users of the data generated this way to assess their quality, however, meta-data
about the relations are required. This applies especially in the open government
data case, where legal liabilities may be implied. Particularly information about
the creation timestamp of a new relation, the recommender engine (if applicable),
as well as the curator provide useful information on the provenance of a dataset.
Such information may even be used in clients to process only triples confirmed
by trusted curators, for example. These meta-data can also be attached using
named graphs, as demonstrated in Section 5.1.
An equally important issue to make Linked Sensor Data successful in the
long run is the question how to store observation data persistently. Data on
natural phenomena are potentially useful to lern about processes such as climate
change. Simply storing all collected observations, however, does not seem feasible
as we have already reached a point where more data than storage (hard disks
etc.) is being produced at any time [34]. This trend is likely to continue, as
more and more sensors are being deployed, and humans as sensors [35] produce
even more potentially useful data. While a detailed discussion of this issue is
out of scope for this paper, the Linked Data cloud bears potential to overcome
this problem. As information from numerous different sources is available in the
cloud, it should be possible to thin out the comprehensive data collection so
that only relevant data are kept. In addition to periodic observation data, more
dense data should be kept for specific events such as natural disasters [13]. The
automatic identification of such phenomena based on different sources on the
Linked Data cloud will require an annotation of the observation data that goes
beyond RDF, as it has been indicated in previous research [1,4,3].

6 Conclusions and Future Work

Linked Sensor Data is a promising approach to make observation data available

for clients that are not compliant to OGC SWE standards, and to facilitate data
integration with other sources on the Semantic Web. In this position paper,
we have discussed the motivations and challenges for publishing Linked Sen-
sor Data. We have stressed the importance of embedding Linked Sensor Data
properly into the Linked Data cloud. Different target data sets and vocabularies
have been discussed. In order to facilitate the linking process, we have outlined a
semi-automatic approach based on recommendation and curation that helps ser-
vice providers to establish the required mappings. The challenges that arise from
the spatio-temporal dynamics of sensors and the corresponding observation data
have been pointed out, especially with respect to finding appropriate represen-
tations in RDF. We have proposed to turn triples describing spatio-temporally
dependent properties into named graphs to enable the annotation with time
stamps and locations. While this approach makes querying Linked Sensor Data
more complex, it makes explicit what the meta-data refer to. The same applies
for provenance data, which are required to fully document the lineage of both
the observation data and their conversion into RDF. Finally, we have touched
upon the persistence of Linked Sensor Data, which is especially challenging given
the huge volumes of data that are produced.
The idea of Linked Sensor Data is a new approach that is just about to be
put into practice, with first data sets and publishing tools available. Some of
the ideas outlined in this paper will hence only be realizable in the medium
term, when a reasonable number of Linked Sensor Data services are available.
A first step in this direction is the further development of the RESTful Sensor
Observation Service [10]. The current version only supports GET requests. An
integration of the Sensor Planning Service within the same URI scheme could
also make use of the PUSH, POST and DELETE requests to task a sensor. Moreover,
the conceptual design for the relation recommender needs to be turned into an
actual implementation. This requires an integration of the SIM-DL similarity
server [36] which is currently being updated to a new version.


This work has been partly funded by the German Research Foundation’s Sim-
Cat project (DFG Ra1062/2-1 and Ja1709/2-2; see
and is part of the 52◦ N orth semantics community; see

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