Final Model Contract Dentist

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[Insert name of employing organisation]* and

[Insert name and address of employee]1


1. The post

1.1 Your job title is [ ]*.

1.2 The appointment is subject to the national Terms and Conditions of Service for
Salaried Primary Dental Care Services (England) (“the TCS”) which may be
amended by collective negotiation from time to time.2

2. Commencement of Employment

2.1 Employment under this contract [begins/began]* on [insert date]*.

2.2 Your continuous employment on this pay scale [begins/began]* on [insert

date]*. [Note: this includes service in the pay scale(s) that this contract
subsumes for those transferring to this pay scale]

2.3 Your continuous employment with this employing organisation, for the purposes
of the Employment Rights Act 1996, [begins/began]* on [insert date]*.

2.4 For the purposes of certain NHS conditions of service, previous service within
the NHS, whether with this Trust or another NHS employer, although not
continuous for the purposes of the Employment Rights Act 1996 will count as
reckonable, so that for some purposes other dates prior to the dates set out
above may count. The amount of reckonable service is [ ]*.

3. General Mutual Obligations

3.1 While it is necessary to set out formal employment arrangements in this

contract, we also recognise that you are a senior and professional employee. It

Employing organisation to complete
A copy of the TCS may be found at

is essential that you and we work in a spirit of mutual trust and confidence. You
and we agree to the following mutual obligations in order to achieve the best for
patients and to ensure the efficient running of the service:

3.1.1 to co-operate with each other;

3.1.2 to maintain goodwill;

3.1.3 to carry out our respective obligations in agreeing and

operating a Job Plan;

3.1.4 to carry out our respective obligations in accordance with

appraisal arrangements; and

3.1.5 to carry out our respective obligations relating to the

organisation’s policies, objectives, rules, working practices and


4. Location

4.1 You may be required to work at any site within your employing organisation,
including new sites. Your principal place of work is [ ]*. Other work
locations including off site working may be required and incorporated in your
Job Plan where appropriate. You will generally be expected to undertake your
duties and responsibilities at the principal place of work or other locations
agreed in the Job Plan. You may also be required to travel between work sites
and attend official meetings at other locations.

5. Hours of work

5.1 You are required to work [insert]* hours per week, on average, excluding meal
breaks. [Note: The standard hours of work for full time staff shall be 37.5 hours
per week excluding meal breaks. The hours will need to be adjusted for part
time dentists.]

5.2 The pattern of your working hours will typically be from [insert time] to [insert
time] on [insert days].

6. Duties

6.1 Main Duties

Except in emergencies or where otherwise agreed with your manager, you are
responsible for fulfilling the duties and responsibilities set out in your Job Plan,
as reviewed from time to time in line with the provisions in clause 7.1 below.
Work will be carried out in accordance with the Primary Care Trust Dental
Service Directions 2006 or such successor Directions as may from time to time
be enacted.

6.2 Objectives

The purpose of including agreed personal objectives in your Job Plan is to set
out clearly what you and your clinical manager have agreed should reasonably
be achieved in the year in question. You have a duty to make all reasonable
efforts to achieve them.

7. Job Planning

7.1 Job Plan

You and your clinical manager have agreed a prospective Job Plan that sets
out your main duties and responsibilities, a schedule for carrying out your
duties, your responsibilities, your accountability arrangements and your
objectives and supporting resources.

You and your clinical manager will review the Job Plan annually in line with the
provisions in Schedule 4 of the TCS.

7.2 Scheduling of duties

You and your clinical manager will agree in the schedule of your job plan the
times and locations at which agreed activities are scheduled to take place. You
and your clinical manager will seek to reach agreement in the scheduling of all

8. Flexibility

You and your clinical manager can agree flexible arrangements for timing of

You and your clinical manager may agree, as part of your Job Plan,
arrangements for the standard hours to be worked over any reference period.
Your Job Plan will set out variations in the level and distribution of hours within
the overall total.

You and your clinical manager may agree, as part of your Job Plan, other
arrangements for flexible scheduling of commitments over an agreed period of

Any variations in your scheduled weekly commitments should be averaged out

over seventeen (17) weeks, so that your average commitment is consistent
with the provisions of the Working Time Regulations.

9. Out of hours care

9.1 You may, occasionally, be required to work beyond your regular

contracted hours, for example to ensure the safe completion of a patient care
episode, we will ensure that you are neither advantaged nor disadvantaged for
this flexibility. Specific arrangements to cover this situation are set out in [Note:
employing organisation to add reference to local procedures]

9.2 Non emergency work (outside your contracted working hours) during
weekdays or at weekends will only be scheduled by mutual agreement between
you and your clinical manager, or in accordance with your contracted
responsibilities or hours of employment.

9.3 Where you participate in an on-call rota as part of your role, your job
plan will set out the frequency of the rota.


10. Registration Requirements

It is a condition of your employment that you are, and remain, a fully registered
dental practitioner with the General Dental Council and be included on the list
established in accordance with the provisions of the National Health Service
(Performers List) Regulations 2004, as amended, or such successor
Regulations as may from time to time be appropriate to your employment. [It is
a condition of your employment that you also remain on the General Dental
Council’s Specialist List [Note: only required if Band C Specialist Dentist]].

11. Additional Fees

Schedule 9 of the TCS sets out the principles governing the receipt of
additional fees.

12. Deductions from Pay

We are entitled to make certain deductions from and variations to your salary,
as required by statute and by nationally agreed changes to the TCS. Other
deductions will be made with your express consent.

13. Appraisal and Clinical Governance

The appraisal process for your post is set out in Schedule 5 of the TCS. You
must co-operate fully in the operation of the appraisal scheme. You must also
comply with our clinical governance procedures. [Note: employing
organisation to add reference to local procedures]

14. Gifts and Gratuities

You are required to comply with our rules and procedures governing the
acceptance of gifts and hospitalities. [Note: employing organisation to add
reference to local procedures]

15. Policies and Procedures

You are required to comply with our Policies and Procedures as may from time
to time be in force. [Note: employing organisation to add reference to local

16. Grievance Procedures

The grievance procedures, which apply to your employment, are set out in
[ ]*. [Note: employing organisation to add reference to local procedures]

17. Disciplinary Matters

Wherever possible, any issues relating to conduct, competence and behaviour

should be identified and resolved without recourse to formal procedures.
However, should we consider that your conduct or behaviour may be in breach
of our code of conduct, or that your professional competence has been called
into question, the matter will be resolved through our disciplinary or capability
procedures and will be subject to the appeal arrangements set out in those
procedures (which will be consistent with the 'Maintaining High Professional
Standards in the Modern NHS' framework) and/or we may act in accordance
with the National Health Service (Performers List) Regulations 2004, as
amended, or such successor Regulations.

18. Intellectual Property

You will comply with our procedures for intellectual property which reflect ‘The
NHS as an Innovative Organisation, Framework and Guidance on the
Management of Intellectual Property in the NHS’. [Note: employing
organisation to add reference to local procedures]

19. Other Conditions of Service

The provisions in Schedule 3 of the TCS will apply.


20. Salary

20.1 Basic Salary and Pay Progression

Your basic salary on commencement is [£ ]. *[Note: employing

organisation to complete based on Schedule 8 of the TCS] This has been
calculated in accordance with the provisions in Schedule 8 of the TCS. Your
salary will be payable monthly.

Full time basic salary is set out in the latest pay circular issued by NHS

Your basic salary will increase when you receive pay progression in
accordance with Schedule 10 of the TCS.

Pay progression is not automatic. It is expected that you will progress
incrementally according to the criteria set out in Schedule 10 of the TCS and in
accordance with transitional arrangements. We will make all reasonable efforts
to support you in meeting the criteria for pay progression.

21. London Weighting Allowance

The provisions in Schedule 8 of the TCS shall apply.


22. Pension

The provisions in Schedule 3 of the TCS shall apply.

You will be entitled to become/continue to be [Note: employing organisation to

delete as appropriate] a member of a NHS Pension Scheme subject to its terms
and rules, which may be amended from time to time.

You are contracted out of the State Second Pension Scheme.


23. Leave and Holidays

You will be entitled to [ ] annual leave with full pay each year. [Note:
employing organisation to delete as appropriate.] Full details of annual leave
and public holidays, professional and study leave, sick leave, special leave,
maternity leave and sabbaticals are as set out in the TCS.


24. Expenses

You are entitled to be paid expenses, which should be submitted in a timely

manner (normally within one month), for travel, subsistence and other
expenses. Expenses will be as set out in the model provisions in Schedule 13
of the TCS or any local alternative (which must be at least as favourable) [Note:
employing organisation to delete as appropriate.]


25. This is a permanent post. [Note: Employing organisation’s should amend this
paragraph as appropriate for a Fixed Term Appointment].


26. Provisions governing termination of employment are set out in

Schedule 12 of the TCS.


27. Entire Terms

This contract and the TCS and any local agreements contain the entire terms
and conditions of your employment with us, such that all previous agreements,
practices and understandings between us (if any) are superseded and of no
effect. Where any external term is incorporated by reference such
incorporation is only to the extent so stated and not further or otherwise.

I [insert name]* and [insert employer]*

have understood and agree to honour the terms and conditions set out in this
contract of employment

[ ] Dentists’ signature

[ ] Representative of employing organisation’s


Date of this agreement [ ]*


You are normally covered by the NHS Hospital and Community Health Service
indemnity against claims of medical negligence. However, in certain circumstances
(especially in respect of service for which you receive a separate fee) you may not be
covered by the indemnity. We therefore advise you to maintain membership of a
medical defence organisation. Details of the NHS indemnity scheme may be
obtained from the Human Resources department upon request.

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