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Can Information System Provide Business With A Competitive Advantage

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The document discusses how information systems can provide businesses with a competitive advantage. It explains that information technology is transforming value chains and affecting competition in three ways: by changing industry structure, creating competitive advantages through lower costs or differentiation, and spawning new businesses. It argues that information technology must be conceived broadly and that its strategic importance comes from enhancing information content in products and transforming how value activities are performed.


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Can Information System Provide Business With A Competitive Advantage

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The document discusses how information systems can provide businesses with a competitive advantage. It explains that information technology is transforming value chains and affecting competition in three ways: by changing industry structure, creating competitive advantages through lower costs or differentiation, and spawning new businesses. It argues that information technology must be conceived broadly and that its strategic importance comes from enhancing information content in products and transforming how value activities are performed.


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The information revolution is sweeping through our economy. No company can escape its effects.
Dramatic reductions in the cost of obtaining, processing, and transmitting information are changing the
way we do business. Most general managers know that the revolution is under way, and few dispute its
importance. As more and more of their time and investment capital is absorbed in information
technology and its effects, executives have a growing awareness that the technology can no longer be
the exclusive territory of EDP or IS departments. As they see their rivals use information for competitive
advantage, these executives recognize the need to become directly involved in the management of the
new technology. In the face of rapid change, however, they don’t know how.

Today, information technology must be conceived of broadly to encompass the information that
businesses create and use as well as a wide spectrum of increasingly convergent and linked technologies
that process the information. In addition to computers, then, data recognition equipment,
communications technologies, factory automation, and other hardware and services are involved.

they don’t know how.

This article aims to help general managers respond to the challenges of the information revolution. How
will advances in information technology affect competition and the sources of competitive advantage?
What strategies should a company pursue to exploit the technology? What are the implications of
actions that competitors may already have taken? Of the many opportunities for investment in
information technology, which are the most urgent?

To answer these questions, managers must first understand that information technology is more than
just computers. Today, information technology must be conceived of broadly to encompass the
information that businesses create and use as well as a wide spectrum of increasingly convergent and
linked technologies that process the information. In addition to computers, then, data recognition
equipment, communications technologies, factory automation, and other hardware and services are

The information revolution is affecting competition in three vital ways:

1. It changes industry structure and, in so doing, alters the rules of competition.

2. It creates competitive advantage by giving companies new ways to outperform their rivals.
3. It spawns whole new businesses, often from within a company’s existing operations.
We discuss the reasons why information technology has acquired strategic significance and how it is
affecting all businesses. We then describe how the new technology changes the nature of competition
and how astute companies have exploited this. Finally, we outline a procedure managers can use to
assess the role of information technology in their business and to help define investment priorities to
turn the technology to their competitive advantage.

Strategic Significance:-

Information technology is changing the way companies operate. It is affecting the entire process by
which companies create their products. Furthermore, it is reshaping the product itself: the entire
package of physical goods, services, and information companies provide to create value for their buyers.

An important concept that highlights the role of information technology in competition is the “value
chain.” This concept divides a company’s activities into the technologically and economically distinct
activities it performs to do business. We call these “value activities.” The value a company creates is
measured by the amount that buyers are willing to pay for a product or service. A business is profitable
if the value it creates exceeds the cost of performing the value activities. To gain competitive advantage
over its rivals, a company must either perform these activities at a lower cost or perform them in a way
that leads to differentiation and a premium price (more value).

The value chain:-

A company’s value chain is a system of interdependent activities, which are connected by linkages.
Linkages exist when the way in which one activity is performed affects the cost or effectiveness of other
activities. Linkages often create trade-offs in performing different activities that should be optimized.
This optimization may require trade-offs. For example, a more costly product design and more
expensive raw materials can reduce after-sale service costs. A company must resolve such trade-offs, in
accordance with its strategy, to achieve competitive advantage.

Transforming the value chain:-

Information technology is permeating the value chain at every point, transforming the way value
activities are performed and the nature of the linkages among them. It also is affecting competitive
scope and reshaping the way products meet buyer needs. These basic effects explain why information
technology has acquired strategic significance and is different from the many other technologies
businesses use.Every value activity has both a physical and an information-processing component. The
physical component includes all the physical tasks required to perform the activity. The information
processing component encompasses the steps required to capture, manipulate, and channel the data
necessary to perform the activity.
Transforming the product:-

Most products have always had both a physical and an information component. The latter, broadly
defined, is everything that the buyer needs to know to obtain the product and use it to achieve the
desired result. That is, a product includes information about its characteristics and how it should be used
and supported. For example, convenient, accessible information on maintenance and service
procedures is an important buyer criterion in consumer appliances.

Historically, a product’s physical component has been more important than its information component.
The new technology, however, makes it feasible to supply far more information along with the physical
product. For example, General Electric’s appliance service data base supports a consumer hotline that
helps differentiate GE’s service support from its rivals’. Similarly, some railroad and trucking companies
offer up-to-the-minute information on the whereabouts of shippers’ freight, which improves
coordination between shippers and the railroad. The new technology is also making it increasingly
possible to offer products with no physical component at all. Compustat’s customers have access to
corporate financial data filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and many companies have
sprung up to perform energy use analyses of buildings.

Many products also process information in their normal functioning. A dishwasher, for example,
requires a control system that directs the various components of the unit through the washing cycle and
displays the process to the user. The new information technology is enhancing product performance and
is making it easier to boost a product’s information content. Electronic control of the automobile, for
example, is becoming more visible in dashboard displays, talking dashboards, diagnostic messages, and
the like.

There is an unmistakable trend toward expanding the information content in products. This component,
combined with changes in companies’ value chains, underscores the increasingly strategic role of
information technology. There are no longer mature industries, rather, there are mature ways of doing

Changing the Nature of Competition

After surveying a wide range of industries, we find that information technology is changing the rules of
competition in three ways. First, advances in information technology are changing the industry
structure. Second, information technology is an increasingly important lever that companies can use to
create competitive advantage. A company’s search for competitive advantage through information
technology often also spreads to affect industry structure as competitors imitate the leader’s strategic
innovations. Finally, the information revolution is spawning completely new businesses. These three
effects are critical for understanding the impact of information technology on a particular industry and
for formulating effective strategic responses.

Changing industry structure

The structure of an industry is embodied in five competitive forces that collectively determine industry
profitability: the power of buyers, the power of suppliers, the threat of new entrants, the threat of
substitute products, and the rivalry among existing competitors (see Exhibit V). The collective strength
of the five forces varies from industry to industry, as does average profitability. The strength of each of
the five forces can also change, either improving or eroding the attractiveness of an industry.

Creating competitive advantage

In any company, information technology has a powerful effect on competitive advantage in either cost
or differentiation. The technology affects value activities themselves or allows companies to gain
competitive advantage by exploiting changes in competitive scope.

Lowering cost. As we have seen, information technology can alter a company’s costs in any part of the
value chain.8 The technology’s historical impact on cost was confined to activities in which repetitive
information processing played a large part. These limits no longer exist, however. Even activities like
assembly that mainly involve physical processing now have a large information-processing component.

Canon, for example, built a low-cost copier assembly process around an automated parts-selection and
materials-handling system. Assembly workers have bins containing all the parts needed for the
particular copier. Canon’s success with this system derives from the software that controls parts
inventory and selection. In insurance brokerage, a number of insurance companies usually participate in
underwriting a contract. The costs of documenting each company’s participation are high. Now a
computer model can optimize (and often reduce) the number of insurers per contract, lowering the
broker’s total cost. In garment production, equipment such as automated pattern drawers, fabric
cutters, and systems for delivering cloth to the final sewing station have reduced the labor time for
manufacturing by up to 50%. (See the insert, “Aim: A Competitive Edge,” for further examples.)

Changing competitive scope. Information technology can alter the relationship between competitive
scope and competitive advantage. The technology increases a company’s ability to coordinate its
activities regionally, nationally, and globally. It can unlock the power of broader geographic scope to
create competitive advantage. Consider the newspaper industry. Dow Jones, publisher of the Wall
Street Journal, pioneered the page transmission technology that links its 17 U.S. printing plants to
produce a truly national newspaper. Such advances in communication plants have also made it possible
to move toward a global strategy. Dow Jones has started the Asian Wall Street Journal and the Wall
Street Journal-European Edition and shares much of the editorial content while printing the papers in
plants all over the world.

The information revolution is creating interrelationships among industries that were previously
separate. The merging of computer and telecommunications technologies is an important example. This
convergence has profound effects on the structure of both industries. For example, AT&T is using its
position in telecommunications as a staging point for entry into the computer industry. IBM, which
recently acquired Rolm, the telecommunications equipment manufacturer, is now joining the
competition from the other direction. Information technology is also at the core of growing
interrelationships in financial services, where the banking, insurance, and brokerage industries are
merging, and in office equipment, where once distinct functions such as typing, photocopying, and data
and voice communications can now be combined.

Broad-line companies are increasingly able to segment their offerings in ways that were previously
feasible only for focused companies. In the trucking industry, Intermodal Transportation Services, Inc. of
Cincinnati has completely changed its system for quoting prices. In the past, each local office set prices
using manual procedures. Intermodal now uses microcomputers to link its offices to a center that
calculates all prices. The new system gives the company the capacity to introduce a new pricing policy to
offer discounts to national accounts, which place their orders from all over the country. Intermodal is
tailoring its value chain to large national customers in a way that was previously impossible.

lets take the example of USPS when they used IT in their systems they started to use bar code to track
their packages so they have a competitive advantage over their competitors. So by this they are
delivering packages on time and with the ease to provide better information to the customer they have
a really strong advantage over their competitors. So by this we can say that a company which is usig IT
they can maximize there profits and can also cut their cost of labour and other expenses.

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