Big Data Management

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Implementing process repeatability, aligning vocabulary, and automating key processes are some tips discussed.

Aligning processes and documentation along a common vocabulary is an area often overlooked.

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Big Data
2nd Informatica Special Edition

by Mike Wessler

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Big Data Management For Dummies®, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION................................................................................................ 1
About This Book.................................................................................... 1
Icons Used in This Book........................................................................ 2
Beyond the Book................................................................................... 2

CHAPTER 1: Identifying Big Data.................................................................... 3

Evolution of Data over the Years......................................................... 3
Introducing Big Data............................................................................. 5
The Vs of Big Data................................................................................. 5
Identifying Different Sources of Data................................................. 6
How Big Data Is Used in Business....................................................... 7

CHAPTER 2: Understanding the Challenges of Big Data............. 9

Identifying the Traditional Challenges of Big Data............................ 9
Emerging Next-Generation Challenges............................................ 10
State of Big Data Projects................................................................... 11
Understanding Why Businesses Are Struggling
with Big Data........................................................................................ 13
Introducing Big Data Management................................................... 14
Understanding the layers of big data.......................................... 15
Defining big data management capabilities............................... 15
Overcoming obstacles with big data management................... 16

CHAPTER 3: Building Blocks of Effective

Data Management..................................................................... 17
Understanding a Big Data Laboratory versus Factory.................... 18
Identifying the Three Pillars of Data Management......................... 20
Integration...................................................................................... 20
Governance.................................................................................... 21
Security............................................................................................ 21
Diving Deep into Big Data Management Processes........................ 23
Empowering the Big Data Team........................................................ 25

CHAPTER 4: Using Big Data Management in the Wild................ 27

Implementing Big Data Management in Business.......................... 28
Identifying Big Data Tools.................................................................. 30

Table of Contents iii

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Leveraging the Right Tools................................................................. 32
Considering Commercial Tools Built atop
Open Source Projects......................................................................... 33
Combining Management with Integration, Governance,
and Security......................................................................................... 34

CHAPTER 5: Ten Essential Tips for Succeeding

with Big Data Management............................................... 37
Design Use Cases for Business Value............................................... 37
Automate and Centralize Your Data Management......................... 38
Leverage Data Lakes........................................................................... 38
Create Collaborative Methods for Governance............................... 39
Identify Data Quality Issues Early...................................................... 40
See Your Data and Relationships with a 360-Degree View............ 40
Work with Expert Vendors to Accelerate Your Deployments........ 41
Look for Process Repeatability.......................................................... 41
Align Your Vocabulary......................................................................... 42
Automate Key Processes.................................................................... 42

iv Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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ig data is the subject of great energy and excitement, and
for good reason. The prospect of channeling all the data in
the universe (and that is a lot of data) into analytical engines
to understand relationships between entities, identify illusive
patterns, and predict future events is exciting! It is changing our
lives and altering the way businesses see us as consumers. When
used correctly, businesses find that big data unleashes a wealth of
information and insights which translate to higher profits,
reduced costs, and less risk; it is a win!

The downside is, despite all the hype, many big data projects
struggle to deliver on those lofty promises. The fact is that while
technology evolved and data grew at an exponential pace, the
processes to manage big data were left behind. The result was
frustration with many big data projects.

This book provides a solution through big data management.

Based on three pillars of integration, governance, and security,
big data management provides a set of processes and technologies
that make big data projects successful. These pillars will deliver
data that is clean, governed, and secure to discover insights and
turn them into real business value.

About This Book

Big data management is the solution to struggling big data proj-
ects in business today. Too much emphasis is placed on individual
technologies and not enough focus on foundational components
of data integration, data governance, and data security. Applying
these foundational components and their underlying processes
will improve the effectiveness of big data projects that rely too
much on new and unmanaged point-solution technology and
“do-it-yourself” (DIY) manual processes.

The focus of this book is learning what big data management is

and how to apply it to real-world big data projects. You will learn
strategies, processes, and identify tools to implement big data
management so you can deliver big data projects faster and with
greater value.

Introduction 1

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Icons Used in This Book
Throughout this book, you will occasionally see special icons to
bring your attention to a point that needs to be emphasized. I will
keep them brief, and sometimes a little funny, but if you see one,
take note because it’s something you should know.

Tips indicate information that you may find useful. Often, they
relate to an experience I had (or I wish I had at the time), or they
add additional context to a topic.

If you see this icon, it’s probably something that will help you
later. You won’t find the meaning of life here, but you may find
some advice that will make your life easier.

Warning means just that; be careful! I use warnings to alert you to

common mistakes and serious issues for you to avoid.

I am a technical person at heart and I love to understand how

and why things work (or don’t). Yes, this is a Dummies book, but
sometimes I delve deeper into a subject so you understand the
“why” and “how” for a key topic.

Beyond the Book

This book can’t teach you everything about big data, big data
management, analytics, or exciting technologies like Hadoop or
NoSQL. I encourage you to research these topics on your own, if
not from a professional perspective, at least explore big data and
the impact it will have on you as both a consumer and as a citizen
in our ever-connected society.

One good place to visit is the Informatica Big Data Ready web page

2 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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»» Understanding the evolution of data

»» Explaining big data

»» Leveraging big data in business

Chapter  1
Identifying Big Data

ata has evolved over the years and will continue to evolve.
Originally a stable stream of well-structured data, the growth
of technology has unleashed a flood of varied data from a
myriad of sources. The flood of big data can overwhelm those who
are unprepared, but for those ready for big data, many new business
opportunities await. In this chapter, I explore how data has evolved
into big data and how big data is used in business.

Evolution of Data over the Years

In the early days of data processing (an early term for IT), data
came from relatively few, well-defined sources; and once it came
into the computers of the day, it was structured. That is, structured
data is in a known format of data size and type; think alphanu-
meric data for customer names, identification numbers, and sales
numbers. Over time, the size and number of data sources grew to
be large, but they grew in a predictable manner and maintained
their structured format.

Technologies to store and manage data such as Relational Data-

base Management Systems (RDMS) evolved and excelled at man-
aging this kind of structured data. Programming languages and
Business Intelligence (BI) reporting tools were developed to glean
value from the data. As structured data grew, iterative improve-
ments in technology kept pace.

CHAPTER 1 Identifying Big Data 3

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As new technologies emerged, they generated a new type of data:
unstructured data. Unstructured data comes in a variety of data
types, sizes, and formats. Examples of unstructured data include
audio and video files, pictures and images, and unstructured text
streams such as mobile texts or social media posts.

Some people use the term semi-structured data to further differ-

entiate within unstructured data. Social media posts and mobile
texts, which are loosely formatted text, are considered semi-
structured data. Log files and sensor equipment are also semi-
structured examples.

Technologies to manage structured data struggled to adapt to

support unstructured data as well. Many established technologies
offered support for unstructured data, but often the implemen-
tation wasn’t as mature as what existed for structured data. In
response, new technologies such as Hadoop and NoSQL emerged
especially suited for unstructured data.

Hadoop is an open source software framework from the Apache

Software Foundation used to store and process large non-
relational data sets using a distributed architecture. NoSQL is a
class of databases engineered to process large unstructured and
semi-structured datasets. Commercialized and open source dis-
tributions of these technologies exist including Cloudera, Horton-
works, and MapR for Hadoop and Apache Cassandra, MongoDB,
MarkLogic, and Couchbase for NoSQL.

Beyond formatting structure, data itself is categorized into differ-

ent categories that are useful to understand:

»» Traditional data: Data already existing in legacy systems,

corporate databases, and local data stores such as Excel
spreadsheets. This tends to be structured data and is well
managed using existing technologies.
»» Enrichment data: Data which is specific to a purpose and
supplements traditional data. This is often external such as
demographically available data about the customers already
stored in traditional customer tables.
»» Emerging data: Data which is new, external, and is often big
data; usually in an unstructured, non-traditional format.
Examples include social media, sensor, or log data. Data
that’s internal to the enterprise includes emails, documents
and comments, and machine log files.

4 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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Data is continually evolving and will continue to do so as technol-
ogy grows. Technology scientists, vendors, and businesses have
the challenge of keeping up with this evolution, and the latest
major evolutionary step is big data.

Introducing Big Data

In its simplest terms, big data isn’t just a lot of data; it’s a lot of
data being generated very rapidly and in a lot of different formats.
Big data is by its nature both structured and increasingly unstruc-
tured, and it’s being generated at a very fast rate from a variety
of data sources. These factors ensure that big data is “big” in that
there’s a lot of it, and it’s increasing at an explosive rate.

Beyond raw size, big data exceeds the capacity of existing tradi-
tional systems to store and process it; new technologies and pro-
cesses are required to make effective use of big data. Big data is
very often unstructured and not stored within an organization’s
corporate databases; it’s external and doesn’t neatly fit into pre-
defined formats.

Traditional technologies and methodologies are simply not suited

to capture, store, or process big data. The new technologies and
methodologies are critical for businesses and data professionals
to understand when they enter into the world of big data.

The Vs of Big Data

Definitions of big data vary and will evolve because it’s still a rel-
atively young field. However, most reputable definitions include
reference to the original “Three Vs of Big Data”:

»» Volume: The vast size of the data in terms of actual size and
number of data items
»» Velocity: How fast the data is being created and moves
across networks
»» Variety: Variation of data types including factors such as
format, structure, and source

CHAPTER 1 Identifying Big Data 5

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Recently, two additional Vs have been increasingly added as big
data is better understood and used within business:

»» Veracity: The trustworthiness of the data in terms of quality

and accuracy
»» Value: The benefit of the data to the organization and
questions being asked; how it can be turned into business

It’s a safe statement that big data is defined by its volume, veloc-
ity, variety, and veracity; these are all key factors to consider from
the technical perspective. Including the “value” of big data in its
definition recognizes that data varies in its business impact to an
organization and that value is an important factor in determining
the time horizon as to where to store and retain the data.

Advances in computing power and software are mitigating some

of the impact of large data volume and velocity. What is increas-
ingly important is the management of big data, which defines suc-
cessful implementations. The Vs of big data are important, but the
people, processes, and technology standardization and rational-
ization are where your projects will succeed or fail.

Identifying Different Sources of Data

To fully understand big data, why it’s significant, and why it’s
challenging to manage, you must appreciate that

»» Data is growing at an unprecedented, explosive rate.

»» Technology is generating data in new and different ways.
How much is data growing? Consider these facts:

»» The amount of data in the world doubles every two years

based on multiple sources.
»» By 2020, there will be 450 billion transactions on the Internet
every day, according to International Data Corporation (IDC).
»» As of 2013, there were between 2.5 to 3 zettabytes (ZB), but
by 2020 there will be 44 ZB of data per IDC.

Where in the world is all this data coming from? New technolo-
gies, sensors on existing technologies, metadata (for example,

6 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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data about data), and data about nearly everything a person or
device does adds to the data universe every second. Examples
include the following:

»» The over 7 billion mobile devices in use today allow for one
device per person on Earth — wow! Furthermore, consider
the many apps on each device that generate location,
communication, purchase, picture, video, and social media
»» Online activities for web users ranging from browsing,
communications, and commerce are other common
examples. Usage patterns and preferences contained in
sessions yield a gold mine of useful data to be harvested.
»» Sensors in the everyday devices you use in your lives.
Increasingly, telemetry and location data within cars, home
appliances, and entertainment devices are added as new
features and capabilities are introduced.
»» Sensors within medical, scientific, and manufacturing
devices. As each device becomes more capable and net-
worked, the data generated increases. Everything from
hospital beds tracking a patient’s detailed statistics to
sensitive controllers on the factory floor are examples.

Networked chips embedded within appliances, manufactur-

ing devices, mobile devices, and others are part of the Internet of
Things (IoT). IoT is a growing contributor to big data and is itself
a rapidly expanding technology.

While traditional data will always grow, unstructured enrich-

ment and emerging data are growing even faster. Understand-
ing the magnitude of data growth and having an appreciation
of its sources better posture you to understand big data and its

How Big Data Is Used in Business

A strong theme for businesses is to leverage technology to
enhance operational effectiveness, reduce costs, and reach new
and existing customers with better products and services faster
than the competition. Much of the value proposition of big data is
to be able to identify key information about your environment and
customers so you can act more quickly to seize an opportunity.

CHAPTER 1 Identifying Big Data 7

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Examples of how businesses can use big data are vast and indus-
try specific, but common use cases include

»» Business revenue generating and risk reduction operations

to find new opportunities, reach out to new customers,
increase customer loyalty, and increase operational
»» IT cost-reduction activities such as data warehouse optimiza-
tion and offloading, and building centralized data lakes.
Additionally, cost reductions can be realized by implement-
ing projects to update existing IT infrastructure and opera-
tions to better leverage external data sources rather than
reproducing in-house.
»» Industry-specific activities to improve predictive mainte-
nance in manufacturing environments, reduce healthcare
costs while improving outcomes, service improvements in
utilities and telecommunications, and identify and reduce
fraud and default in insurance and financial industries.

The limit of how big data can be leveraged is increasingly less

about the limits of technology and more about the imagination
and management processes of its practitioners.


Cloud computing is about providing something useful as a service.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and
Software as a Service (SaaS) are the most common forms of this com-
puting architecture. Current examples of IaaS and PaaS from large
vendors include Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.

Cloud computing in terms of big data includes accessing external data

as a service. Rather than attempting to store data internally, you must
access it via a service. It can be conceptually simple as customer
demographic data or Twitter feeds or more complex industry-specific
data in a private cloud. Another example is providing big data analyti-
cal processing capabilities as SaaS. Many companies can’t establish a
big data analytics capability in-house so they wisely use a big data
SaaS offering to accelerate their implementation at lower cost and
reduced complexity.

8 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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»» Highlighting the challenges of big data

»» Learning why businesses struggle with

big data

»» Overcoming challenges with big data


Chapter  2
Understanding the
Challenges of Big Data

ig data promises incredible opportunities, but unfortu-
nately, a lot of work and complexity are involved in unlock-
ing those opportunities. Some challenges are obvious, while
others are more subtle. Beyond technical obstacles, the opera-
tional and management challenges are often the most difficult to
address. Fortunately, the intelligent use of a data management
methodology can solve these challenges. In this chapter, I discuss
the challenges of big data and introduce big data management as
a solution.

Identifying the Traditional Challenges

of Big Data
Some challenges of big data are obvious and tie back to the three
Vs of big data: volume, variety, and velocity. These challenges
manifest themselves as

»» Large, ever expanding volume of data across a multitude of


CHAPTER 2 Understanding the Challenges of Big Data 9

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»» Different data types, especially with unstructured data
»» Constant generation of new data to the point of system

New roles are emerging inside organizations like data scientists

who need very quick access to data for discovering new insights.
Automation systems and new types of data-driven applications
also require constant access to trusted data assets. All these
requirements can be challenging to deliver against as new data
platforms, like Hadoop, emerge, which introduce new skills and
new systems to integrate and manage.

These represent the traditional and obvious challenges of big

data. On the positive side, while they are indeed daunting chal-
lenges, they are well understood by business and technical folks
alike. Furthermore, evolution of technology and increases in pro-
cessing power and storage help mitigate some of their impact.
However, on the negative side, these obstacles don’t reflect the
full spectrum of challenges faced by big data practitioners; there’s
another set of more subtle yet equally important next-generation

Emerging Next-Generation Challenges

As companies delve into big data projects and technical and busi-
ness specialists roll up their sleeves and “get dirty,” they find
a whole new class of challenges they may have never seriously
considered before. These challenges are every bit as daunting as
the more traditional challenges, and in fact they’re often more
difficult to overcome.

Next-generation challenges include the following:

»» Varied data sources: Data comes from and resides in many

different internal and external sources, including data
warehouses, data marts, data lakes, generated reports, the
cloud, and third-party resources. Data commonly originates
from business transactions, web and machine log files, and
social media.
»» Data silos: Valuable data may not be accessible due to
overly stringent polices and/or politics, or it may be so
distributed, segregated, and walled-off that accessing it is too

10 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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resource intensive and not repeatable. Or there may be
useful data, but it’s in a silo you aren’t aware of; thus, you
miss a full 360-degree view of the data.
»» Increasing security risks: Data breaches are big news and
legitimately can spell disaster for a company or organization;
no one wants their CIO in the newspapers for a data breach.
Sensitive data exists by itself and aggregation of seemingly
non-sensitive data can become a security issue.
»» Lack of data governance: In absence of a unified data
governance policy, either too many controls or not enough
as relate to data quality and data sharing are enforced, and
there’s no uniform process of accessing and managing
(curating) data. At best, your efforts to access, prepare, and
curate data are inconsistent and inefficient; at worst, you
either can’t access data, can’t trust the data, or you create a
potential security issue.
»» Too many emerging and changing technologies: Big data
is still evolving with new vendors, technology, and open
source projects. Keeping track of this shifting landscape is
difficult, and standardizing on a big data platform and
methodology is both technically and often politically
»» Value is difficult to unlock: Data in itself has little value, but
finding the important relationships within a data universe to
identify actionable information is the real challenge. IT,
business, and management stakeholders must be equipped
with technology, policy, and the will to find and exploit
opportunities from data before real value is achieved.

Next-generation big data challenges are often as process- and

policy-driven as they are technical. In these cases, faster CPU
chipsets won’t help; it takes people breaking down institutional
barriers, implementing new policies, and leveraging smarter
toolsets that simplify work to overcome these obstacles.

State of Big Data Projects

Unfortunately, traditional- and next-generation challenges
often encumber projects and frustrate businesses with a negative
impact on the perception of big data. Industry experts claim big
data will solve everyone’s problems overnight, but many projects
haven’t experienced stellar results.

CHAPTER 2 Understanding the Challenges of Big Data 11

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Most savvy technology, business, and executive folks understand
the value of big data someday; regrettably, despite their efforts,
that day is not today. Many big data projects have similar issues:

»» Increased complexity: Pulling out the valuable insights

from data is harder than originally imagined. Finding,
accessing, integrating, and preparing diverse data can
consume most of the project resources.
»» Extended delays: Moving from inception to delivering a
production-ready product takes too long. Subsequent
projects also take nearly as long.
»» Moving beyond the Proof of Concept (POC): The POC
project either languishes indefinitely without showing
results, or it’s a one-off event that’s difficult to reproduce on
a larger scale.
»» Immature processes: Business processes, data governance,
and security compliance standards aren’t yet mature enough
to support the effort.
»» Unexpected cost: Time and resources invested exceed what
was initially expected.
»» Slow Time to Value: The ROI being delivered is less than
what was originally promised.

You can see in Figure 2-1 the complex ecosystem of big data proj-
ects with many data inputs, business outputs, cross-system pro-
cesses, and multi-disciplinary stakeholders; no wonder these are
difficult to manage.

FIGURE 2-1: Common problems with big data projects.

12 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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The ultimate effect of these problems is a degradation of faith
in big data projects by business leaders. Executives conceptu-
ally understand big data can provide value, but for a multitude
of reasons, they become hesitant to aggressively pursue future
projects. This perception is unfortunate because once expecta-
tions are properly set and managed, coupled with the right data
management methodology, great results are possible. However,
to get past these initial hurdles, it’s necessary to understand why
big data projects experience problems.

Beware the magic “cure-all” solution regardless of the technol-

ogy involved. Vendors love to sell companies tools that promise
to erase complex problems, make everything faster, and reduce
costs while bringing in huge profits, often with the single click of
a button. The truth is, tools can bring you great outcomes, but it
takes work to make it happen. Be realistic and know how to sepa-
rate hype from reality.

Understanding Why Businesses Are

Struggling with Big Data
Why the disconnect between the wonderful promises of big data
versus the reality of many big data projects? The answer is usu-
ally a combination of factors, but often a set of common themes is
found in struggling big data projects.

Companies struggling with big data projects typically have fallen

prey to one or more of the following pitfalls:

»» Trying to do it all yourself: Do It Yourself (DIY) is how many

projects begin, but they struggle uphill as teams stumble
through a steep learning curve for technology, processes,
and governance. Inefficiencies, delays, and lost opportunities
are common with this trial-and-error approach. Appealing at
first as an attempt to keep costs low or as a POC effort, DIY
seldom pays off in the long run.
»» Not enough trained and experienced people: Closely tied
to DIY, not having a sufficient pool of expertise on the project
will cause delays and inefficiencies while driving up costs.
Developing big data skillsets takes time and resources; it’s

CHAPTER 2 Understanding the Challenges of Big Data 13

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not something staff can easily do in addition to their other
»» Custom, hand-coded solutions: A by-product of DIY,
inexperienced teams are developing custom, hand-coded
solutions, which aren’t repeatable for future efforts.
Common with data cleansing and integration processes,
these home-grown solutions are hard to initially develop and
aren’t reusable when new datasets or projects are intro-
duced. Thus, over time, a myriad of custom solutions are
written at great expense with limited future benefit.
»» Not leveraging appropriate tools and best practices:
Reinventing the wheel time and time again while ignoring
the expertise more experienced big data experts (and
vendors) have developed is wasteful in terms of time and
resources. Taking too much of a narrow view without
leveraging the greater body of expertise and tools frequently
leads to frustration, delay, and reduced positive results.

Did you notice these common errors are more about methodol-
ogy than they are about raw technology? And their roots are in
next-generation challenges more than traditional challenges? If
you want to be successful with big data, you need to understand
and embrace big data management.

Is your big data project entirely IT driven or does it have a busi-

ness leader as champion? Where is the funding (and hopefully
there is funding) coming from and what and when is the projected
ROI? And is the staff trained and allocated as a dedicated resource
or is this yet another side project as time allows? Be sure to ask
these questions and consider the consequences.

Introducing Big Data Management

Big data management is defined as the capture, integration,
administration, and governance of big data for use in an orga-
nization’s data-related applications, often with an emphasis on
business intelligence and analytical applications. It spans both
technical and non-technical aspects of access, integration, gov-
ernance, and security of data being used within an organization
to highlight relationships, identify trends, or otherwise provide a
more complete view of the business environment. In particular,

14 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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the focus is on the integration, governance, and security of big
data. However, to really understand big data management, one
must first comprehend the hierarchy of big data architectural

Understanding the layers of big data

Operating on big data is best visualized as a three-layered archi-
tectural hierarchy:

»» Visualization and analysis: This includes visualization tools

like Tableau and Qlik and analytic tools with advanced
statistics and machine-learning algorithms like R, SAS, and
»» Big data management: This includes the technology
needed to integrate, govern, and secure big data such as
pre-built connectors and transformations, data quality, data
lineage, data mastering, and data masking. Platform vendors
for big data management include Informatica and a variety
of startups with specific point solutions.
»» Storage persistence layer: This includes persistence
technologies and distributed processing frameworks like
Hadoop, Cassandra, data warehouses, and MPP appliances.

The world of big data management exists in the middle, between

the visualization and analytics and the storage and processing
framework layers. Big data management interfaces with the data
at the storage layer, processes that data, and provides datasets for
visualization and analysis to the upper layer.

Defining big data management

Big data management performs several core functions within a
defined hierarchy. Some functions are entirely technical, while
others are non-technical. The core functions are

»» Integration: Finding, accessing, integrating, cleansing,

preparing, and delivering the data
»» Governance: Managing and curating the data to ensure it is
high quality, clean, trusted, and “fit-for-use”

CHAPTER 2 Understanding the Challenges of Big Data 15

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»» Security: Protecting the data from unauthorized access and

In Chapter 3, I dive deep into each function of big data manage-

ment as you explore the details of integration, governance, and

Overcoming obstacles with big

data management
Assume you have established a successful big data management
solution; what problems can it solve? Big data management can
help you

»» Reduce the time to access, integrate, and prepare data

»» Enhance the trustworthiness and quality of the data
»» Protect sensitive data and reduce security breaches
»» Enforce compliance and standards across the board
»» Create repeatable processes to accelerate future efforts
»» Bring projects from proof of concept to production faster,
and with less risk and effort
»» Adapt as technology and data evolves
Big data management is the solution needed to get you past the
traditional and next generation stumbling blocks common to so
many projects today. Using big data management won’t magically
solve your problems overnight, but it will move you much closer
to meeting the expectations and achieving the ROI that has been
promised for so long.

16 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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»» Exploring the differences between a big
data laboratory and factory

»» Learning the three pillars of big data


»» Detailing the processes within big data


»» Enhancing effectiveness through

empowerment and intelligent resource

Chapter  3
Building Blocks
of Effective Data

f you’ve been reading this book straight through, at this point
you know what big data is and why big data projects encounter
problems; you are now ready to take a deep dive into big data
management to understand why it is core to a big data strategy.
I cover in detail the three pillars of big data management and what
they do and why they’re critical to your project’s success. Next,
you explore the processes associated with big data management in
detail. Finally, I end the chapter with help on how to empower
your team and make the most of the resources you already have in
place. This chapter provides the foundational knowledge to truly
understand big data management.

CHAPTER 3 Building Blocks of Effective Data Management 17

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Understanding a Big Data Laboratory
versus Factory
Before I delve into the details of big data management, I must
apply context to the environments in which big data is used.
Depending on the environment, the requirements for an effective
implementation differ in several key ways; I explore those ways
and why they matter.

In terms of environments, everyone often thinks in terms of

development, test, and production, but with big data that isn’t
entirely accurate. Rather, think in terms of laboratory environ-
ment versus a factory environment.

Big data laboratory environments are typified by data scientists

testing a series of datasets with a set of analytical algorithms in
an attempt to identify key insights that bring potential value to
the business. This is entirely scientific experimentation with the
intent to find datasets and analytical models that can be passed
to the operations team who will put the solution into produc-
tion (aka “the factory”); that is where real business value will be
derived. I use the term factory, but some organizations refer to it
as operations or production.

Big data factories take the model provided by the laboratory and
put those solutions into use as production. In big data analytics
uses cases, these environments are managed by a team of IT spe-
cialists with business analysts reviewing and applying the result-
ing insights to the business. However, more common use cases
(for example, next best offers, fraud detection, new data-driven
products, predictive maintenance, and so on) strive to deliver
actionable information directly to the end-user in real time.
This eliminates the need for a business user acting as a middle-
man layer between the end-users and data. Big data factories are
focused on data products that provide actionable information
directly to end business users and consumers.

There is a relationship and dependency between laboratories and


»» Laboratories experiment until they have a solution that will

provide business value. They pass that solution on to the
factory for production.

18 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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»» Factories implement the solution provided by the laborato-
ries to generate real business value.
»» Without factories, laboratories would have no reason to
»» Without laboratories, factories would have no solution to
implement in production.

There are, however, critical differences between the needs of lab-

oratories and factories:

»» Self-service autonomy in the laboratory is critical because

data scientists will be conducting many, many experiments
until they find a winning solution. Data scientists need the
freedom to set up and execute experiments themselves
rapidly to pursue their research.
»» Data in the laboratory is less subject to cleansing than in a
factory environment. There’s relatively little impact if data
isn’t fully curated in a laboratory environment as long as it’s
an authentic and accurate representation of the real world.
»» Operational agility in factory environments is important
because after a valuable insight is identified, the business
must be nimble enough to exploit its temporary advantage.
It does little good to have key information if you’re unable to
take advantage of that knowledge or if a competitor
implements it first.
»» Data integrity, timeliness, and trustworthiness are also
important requirements in a factory environment; the only
thing worse than no data is bad data. Taking action based on
incorrect or outdated information can be costly in terms of
time and resources; plus it degrades the trust the business
has on big data for future operations.
»» Laboratories and factories must conform to corporate
security policies to protect sensitive data and adhere to
regulatory compliance.

During the transition from laboratory to factory, make sure

applicable governance and security policies are followed and put
in place. On occasion, a less stringent laboratory environment
introduces elements that aren’t permitted in a controlled factory

CHAPTER 3 Building Blocks of Effective Data Management 19

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Why does this matter in terms of big data management? Assum-
ing you accept that laboratories and factories are critical to the
big data operations within a company, those two distinct envi-
ronments must be managed appropriately. The needs and dif-
ferences of the environments must be respected and carefully
managed; recognizing these different approaches to integration,
governance, and security is important when evaluating big data
management platforms. Fortunately, big data management can
be architected to be flexible enough to meet the needs of labora-
tories and factories once you understand how it works.

Identifying the Three Pillars of

Data Management
The power of flexibility of big data management comes from its
architecture. Rather than attempting an overly complex architec-
ture, big data management builds on three foundational pillars:

»» Integration
»» Governance
»» Security
In Figure 3-1, you see the pillars of data management.

As you can see in Figure 3-1, there are only three pillars, but each
pillar encompasses multiple processes.

FIGURE 3-1: Understanding the pillars of data management.

Integration ingests and processes data to achieve a result; this
processing must be scalable, repeatable, and agile. The longest

20 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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delays in big data projects occur during integration; smarter inte-
gration will reduce these time frames, automate processes, and
allow for rapid ingestion of new data. Key components of integra-
tion include

»» Agile and high performance ingestion of next generation

»» Automated and scalable integration, cleansing, and master-
ing of next-generation data
»» Optimized and readily usable tools for ingestion and
processing, coupled with repeatable processes

Governance defines the processes to access and administer data,
ensures the quality of the data, how it is tagged and cataloged,
and that it is fit-for-purpose. Essentially, the business and IT
teams must have confidence their data is clean and valid. Key
components of governance include

»» Collaborative governance to allow everyone to participate in

holistic data stewardship
»» 360-degree view knowledge graph of data assets showing
semantic, operational, and usage relationships
»» Trust and confidence that the data is fit-for-purpose
»» Data quality, provenance, end-to-end lineage and traceability,
and audit readiness

Security identifies and manages sensitive data with a 360-degree
ring of risk assessment and analysis. Security must occur at the
source, not just at the perimeter. Identifying which data is sensi-
tive (credit card information, email addresses, addresses, Social
Security numbers, and other personally identifiable information)
and which data aggregated together becomes sensitive is a grow-
ing challenge. Key components of security are

»» 360 degrees of sensitive data discovery, classification, and


CHAPTER 3 Building Blocks of Effective Data Management 21

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»» Data proliferation and risk analysis
»» Masking and encryption for sensitive data
»» Security policy creation and management


Of the three pillars of data management, governance is often the
most foreign to people with a technical background. Governance is
about the policies, procedures, techniques, and technology you use to
administer your data to ensure it is trustworthy, accurate, available,
and actionable.

Governance is inherently a bureaucratic process; regulations, laws,

and auditors require controls to exist. That frequently concerns
people because they think governance must be a hindrance, and that
perception isn’t correct. Governance can either work for or against
you, depending on how it is approached.

If you have weak governance, data will effectively become “locked up”
because there is no established process to “free” it. Every time you
want data, it’s a battle to gain access.

If you establish strong governance processes allowing access to data

across your enterprise, you will have created a standardized, repeat-
able process that will pay many dividends. Getting data becomes
streamlined because you already have polices to access that data.

Governance also improves the quality and trustworthiness of your

data, and it helps identify relationships within that data. In this con-
text, you use governance techniques and technologies to enrich,
curate, and tag metadata, thus making the data more useful and

Knowing the provenance (origin) of data, and tracing it from creation

to its current state (end-to-end lineage), allows that data to be much
more transparent and trustworthy to the business. Done correctly,
you will continuously enrich a golden data record of your customers,
and that brings real value to the table.

22 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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Security is huge, and many organizations rightfully protect their
data like a grizzly bear protecting her cubs. This can become an
obstacle for data access (ingestion as part of integration), espe-
cially if you can’t prove you have sufficient security and gover-
nance controls in place.

It is far better to do the security, compliance, and governance

work up front to alleviate data owners’ concerns before request-
ing sensitive data. You must demonstrate you have appropriate
security controls in place; otherwise data owners will block your

Diving Deep into Big Data

Management Processes
Much of the heavy lifting of big data management occurs within
integration. During integration, data ingestion, cleansing, prepa-
ration, and processing occur; however, security and governance
also have processes as well. Understanding these processes will
enhance your ability to manage big data more effectively.

Key big data management processes include

»» Access data: Set up repeatable, well-managed processes to

acquire data from both traditional and next generation data
sources. Multiple data sources will be used, so having
pre-configured access tools and connectors are a great
»» Integrate data: Establish processes to prepare and
normalize data for a myriad of data sources. This process is
often very challenging; resist the temptation to rely on
manual methods, and leverage automation and repeatability
as much as possible.
»» Cleanse data: Review the data to ensure it’s ready for use;
that means checking for incomplete or inaccurate data and
resolving any data errors that may bias analysis or negatively
impact business operations and decision making. Beware
this process can be tedious, and leverage automation
options when available.

CHAPTER 3 Building Blocks of Effective Data Management 23

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»» Master data: Organize your data into logical domains that
make sense to your business such as customers, products,
and services. Furthermore, you can add enrichment data to
further paint a clearer picture of your customers, products,
and services and their relationships.
»» Secure data: A mix of governance and security allows you to
establish security rules and then implement those rules.
First, you must determine how you will manage your
sensitive data. Next, you must find and assess the risk of
your sensitive data and implement rules via policy and
technology. This process is very important but prone to be
under-addressed by those inexperienced in big data
»» Explore and analyze data: Implement a data laboratory to
perform experiments with a clear business goal in mind.
Based on your hypotheses, find what data exists and how it
can be analyzed to create a model that delivers results. Then
determine if the results are beneficial to the business;
remember that providing actionable information and
processes is the goal. Develop best practices to enhance
agility and processes before pushing the solution into the
»» Explore and analyze for business needs: Test out data
products to see if they provide a real value for the business;
often you just need to try something to see if it works. It is
common to use A/B testing to determine if a new data
product adds value to the business. Make iterative improve-
ments over time as you learn what works, what doesn’t
work, and what can be improved.
»» Operationalize the insights: Automate and streamline your
processes to create a steady pipeline of actionable insights to
business users. It’s not enough to have occasional production
runs from the big data factory; the factory must be running
regularly to be truly productive, meet business service-level
agreements (SLAs), and achieve the expected ROI.

These processes aren’t necessarily linear, although they have a

general flow with reiteration and loopback as necessary. Really,
these processes run as a cycle as data is brought into the system,
processed, tested, and then implemented for the business; then
the next data project or test is started.

24 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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The system will ingest data from data sources, clean, integrate,
and manage that data, and then pass it to analytic applications for
processing to develop insights and finally to business applications
in the form of actionable information, all while applying big data
management processes. Understanding the processes of big data
management enables you to better manage environments.

Empowering the Big Data Team

It is not cliché to say a company’s greatest asset is its people;
it’s the truth. The challenge is what can be done to increase their
effectiveness and ability to produce results, and in this context I
mean working with big data.

First, understand the role and needs of each team member or cat-
egory of member. There will be a mix of data scientists, modelers,
analysts, stewards, engineers, and business users, all with differ-
ent perspectives, skill levels, and needs. Some will require greater
self-service autonomy (in the laboratory environment), while
others require operational agility (in the factory environment);
your job is to identify their needs within the big data environment.

Next, incorporate the three pillars of big data management into

the team members’ operating principles and environment. Using
a disciplined approach, ensuring that in particular governance
and security processes are followed, is one of the biggest favors
you can do for your team. Not having governance policies enabling
hassle-free access to data will doom your team to needless head-
aches negotiating access to needed data. Failing to have neces-
sary security controls in place also adds to data access issues, but
worse yet it opens up the risk the team could be associated with a
data breach. Make sure your team understands the value of gov-
ernance and security and uses it to their advantage.

Next, get help for your team in terms of training, effective tech-
nology, outside experts, and vendor experience. Odds are your
team is already overworked; why make them do things the “hard
way” by denying those tools and expertise to increase their effec-
tiveness? Forcing your team to work in isolation devoid of the
great work already done with big data will send the team down a
path of one-off, custom solutions, manual processes, and tedious

CHAPTER 3 Building Blocks of Effective Data Management 25

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work that is not reproducible. That DIY approach results in frus-
tration for the team and costly lost opportunities for the business.

Finally, consider what you can do with what you already have
by creating repeatable, automated processes and standardized
technologies. Rather than re-inventing the wheel and expend-
ing resources for each new project or dataset, seize opportunities
where you can

»» Reuse existing infrastructure and tools

»» Reuse skillsets, expertise, and processes
»» Reuse previous projects’ components
Working big data projects is initially complex work, but when
quality big data management principles are followed, that work
can be reused again and again to the benefit of the team and the

Taking steps to empower your big data staff isn’t just right for
them as employees, but it yields benefits for the company as well.

Your people are an investment, and those in the big data field
know their value. There’s an industry shortage of qualified data
scientists, data engineers, and those who have knowledge and
experience in the big data world, and that shortage is expected
to increase in the near future. You must be willing to develop and
retain your highly skilled big data workforce; otherwise they may
go elsewhere under favorable market conditions.

26 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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»» Identifying common use cases and
drivers in big data management projects

»» Learning more about big data

management tools and techniques

»» Highlighting several big data

management toolsets in use today

»» Reviewing real-world business

experiences of big data management

Chapter  4
Using Big Data
in the Wild

nderstanding the foundational concepts of big data man-
agement is essential, but you must also understand how
the concepts exist in the practical world. Businesses initi-
ate big data management projects for various purposes and from
multiple perspectives; it’s important to understand the drivers of
those efforts. The ability to identify key attributes in big data
management tools and how to effectively use those tools within
the principles of big data management in production environ-
ments is critical information I provide. Finally, I identify some
useful toolsets and highlight business experiences with those
tools. In this chapter, you gain an understanding of how to merge
the big data management principles with real-world business

CHAPTER 4 Using Big Data Management in the Wild 27

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Implementing Big Data Management
in Business
Companies initiate big data management projects for a variety of
reasons. While the industries and circumstances may vary greatly,
most projects originate from two emphases:

»» Business centric
»» IT centric
Business-centric big data management projects are just that:
focused on generating a business benefit. Often, the intent is to
generate new or additional revenue where it is relatively easy
to calculate the ROI.  In other cases, more subtle benefits occur
such as better understanding the preferences or relationships of
perspective customers or improving existing business processes.
Even more subtle benefits are avoidance or detection of specific
conditions such as fraud, claims, or preventing a component fail-
ure via the Internet of Things (IoT). These projects are frequently
initiated by business analysts and executives.

Examples of common business-centric uses cases include

»» Using credit card transaction and money transfer data for

real-time fraud detection
»» Analyzing website visitor behavior with clickstream data
»» Processing customer data for a customer 360 initiative to
gain a complete picture of customers’ demographics,
interests, patterns, and behavior
»» Devising and implementing a program to increase customer
»» Using predictive analytics to detect failing components and
replace them before an assembly line is impacted
»» Improving hospital patient outcomes and reducing the total
cost of care

IT-centric big data management projects often seek to improve a

process or provide an analytical or data capability that previously
didn’t exist. These projects provide infrastructure cost savings and
an indirect business benefit and are more difficult to calculate ROI.

28 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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For example, IT may create a new data lake or build a Hadoop
cluster that provides enhanced capability for the organization,
but in isolation these projects don’t generate revenue unless they
support a business process or initiative. These projects are often
generated by IT as a consolidation or modernization initiative or
in response to business requests to explore a new capability.

Examples of common IT-centric uses cases include

»» Building a staging environment to offload data storage and

Extract, Load, and Transform (ELT) workloads from a data
»» Extending a data warehouse with a Hadoop-based
Operational Data Store (ODS)
»» Building a centralized data lake that stores all enterprise data
required for big data analytics projects

These use cases are just the tip of the big data iceberg; below are
examples of real companies’ positive experiences:

»» A large bank wanted to reduce the time required to detect

fraudulent events. By better and faster preparation of data
before processing with anti-fraud software, fraud events
were detected quickly. The bank also integrated data from
outside sources including credit card, money transfers, and
mortgage payment information to further enhance their
fraud analysis and detection.
»» A well-known insurance firm sought to better understand
their customers and to generate more carefully targeted and
personalized marketing campaigns. By using big data
management tools, the company ingested, cleaned, and
matched data from customer profiles, partner data, previous
history, web logs, and social media activity. This data created
a 360-view of customers enabling more customized and
effective marketing campaigns.
»» A large healthcare insurer wanted to lower the cost of care
while improving patient outcomes. The company leveraged
big data management tools, improving its analytics infra-
structure, which allowed more effective patient-provider
collaboration and member engagement. These efforts
improved patient outcomes and reduced costs, while
retaining and increasing the number of those insured.

CHAPTER 4 Using Big Data Management in the Wild 29

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Putting big data management in the context of business and
IT-centric projects is beneficial in understanding how big data
management can help your business.

Identifying Big Data Tools

Within big data management architecture, there are processes
and tools. Often the processes used are dependent on one or more
tools for implementation. Rather than focusing on specific prod-
ucts (which can encompass several tools), you must first identify
the categories of tools common in big data environments.

Big data tools are commonly separated into the following


»» Data Ingestion: Ingest (obtain, import, and process) data

from different sources at various latencies (for example,
including real-time), in an efficient usable manner leveraging
pre-built connectors to simplify the data ingestion process.
»» Data Management: The end-to-end tools and processes
used to integrate, govern, secure, and administer the
transformation of source data into data that is “fit-for-
purpose” and in compliance with corporate and regulatory
»» Data Integration: Combine data from different sources
using a variety of transformations such as filtering, joining,
sorting, and aggregating while establishing relationships
within the datasets to provide a unified view.
»» Data Quality: Clean up data to ensure it’s fit for its intended
purposes to appropriately address incomplete or irrelevant
entries, eliminate duplications, standardize and normalize
data, and ensure data exceptions are handled properly,
preferably in an automated and repeatable fashion.
»» Metadata Catalog: A dedicated repository to collect,
manage, and report on data assets, their relationships, and
the processes used to integrate, govern, and secure those
assets. A universal metadata catalog that spans the entire
data infrastructure landscape is the foundation for big data

30 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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»» Master Data Management: Enforce and ensure the
accuracy and accountability of the critical data in an organi-
zation to provide a common point of reference and truth.
»» Data Masking: De-identify, obfuscate, or otherwise obscure
sensitive data, such as credit card numbers, so relational
integrity is maintained, yet key sensitive values aren’t
»» Data Security Analytics: Analyze and assess the risk of a
data security breach by identifying the location and prolifera-
tion, and tracking the usage of sensitive data.
»» Streaming Analytics: Collect, process, and analyze multi-
latency data (including real-time) to provide event-based
insights and alerts within a time-interval of maximum
business impact (often in real-time or near real-time).
»» Big Data Analytics: Apply analytical formulas and algo-
rithms to datasets to answer questions based on big data;
these algorithms are employed by data experts to test
hypotheses and validate analytic models used to improve
business outcomes.
»» Data Lakes: Collect and store all types of data as originally
sourced for use as a live archive, data exploration, and an
operational data store for pre-processing and preparing data
for big data analytics.
»» Data Warehouses: Collect and store structured data into a
large repository for the purpose of applying analytics and
generating reports.

When evaluating tools and software packages, ask “what does this
actually do and where does it fit within my big data architecture?”
Often, if you can’t find a satisfactory answer of what a product
does or how it complements or replaces an existing technology
within your IT infrastructure, you should beware that it may have
limited or no value. The same concept applies with big data man-
agement tools; if the perspective tool doesn’t include functional-
ity listed in the above categories, there may be more marketing
hype than substance.

CHAPTER 4 Using Big Data Management in the Wild 31

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Leveraging the Right Tools
It isn’t enough to simply have tools; to be effective you must have
the right tools to complete the task at hand. The challenge is, how
do you know what the right tools are? Specifically, what attributes
make one tool more desirable over another tool? In an industry
ripe with marketing hype and buzzwords, one must know how to
identify real value.

One great way to start is applying the three pillars of big data
management. If the tool relates to one or more processes within
the pillars of integration, governance, or security, then odds are
you are on the right track. Next, as discussed in the preceding sec-
tion, determine what function or work the tool actually performs;
it should be clearly defined with a demonstrated purpose or out-
put. Finally, drill down into the specific features for each tool to
determine which ones support forward looking, enterprise-grade
features such as

»» Automation and repeatability of key processes

»» Reduced complexity with increased productivity via pre-
defined and dynamic templates, connectors, transforma-
tions, rules and algorithms, and intuitive management tools
»» Resiliency to underlying technology changes to preserve
development and reduce maintenance
»» Support for hybrid architectures such as cloud computing
»» Agile and rapid deployment across multiple environments
»» Leveraging existing skillsets and resources
Consistent with the focus on the three pillars of big data manage-
ment, several key features under each pillar are

»» Integration
• High volume multi-latency ingestion
• Optimized for powerful, scalable processing
• Rapid deployment across varied environments

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»» Governance
• Collaborative self-service approach
• 360-view of data relationships
• Fit-for-purpose data
»» Security
• Complete discovery and view of sensitive data
• Analysis and assessment of security risks
• Risk-centric and policy-based security
The ability to distinguish between okay versus great tools and
needless fluff versus real features is important for any IT pro-
fessional, not just those working in big data. By applying the
methodologies above, you will more accurately identify quality
tools warranting further investigation and discard tools providing
lesser value.

Considering Commercial Tools Built atop

Open Source Projects
Open source projects have given a wealth of powerful tools that
drive the IT industry; examples include Apache web server, Tom-
cat application server, and Hadoop. By themselves, these open
source products are used by many businesses, large and small,
with great success.

However, no product is perfect, and vendors often use open source

products as the basis for their offerings. Their reasoning is very
compelling; take a proven open source package and add vendor-
specific modifications to make a good open source package into
a better commercial product. This is a common practice and has
yielded many successful results.

Customers often prefer vendor solutions built atop open source

for several reasons:

»» Dedicated and accountable support for issues and bug fixes

»» Regularly scheduled and accountable upgrades and security

CHAPTER 4 Using Big Data Management in the Wild 33

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»» A single point of contact for issues, training, and expertise
»» Features and enhancements made possible only by vendors
with extensive expertise and large R&D engineering
»» Comfort level and compliance assurance that a paid vendor
is behind the product

In the world of big data management, Informatica has taken a

similar approach of integrating their data management expertise
with open source packages.

For example, Informatica leverages several open source tools as

part of their big data management stack. Specifically, Informatica
leverages open source MapReduce, Spark, Hive on Tez, YARN,
Navigator, and Sqoop. As a user, you can expect the functionally
of each open source package, but additional enhanced capabilities
from Informatica.

Combining Management with

Integration, Governance, and Security
Big data management pillars of integration, governance, and security
form the overarching hierarchy of management processes. Those
processes are implemented via technologies  — often open source
technologies. In Figure  4-1, you see how big data management
processes span a comprehensive set of capabilities needed to turn
raw big data into trusted data assets.

FIGURE 4-1: Comprehensive capabilities for big data management.

34 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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The approach shown in Figure  4-1 is common in the big data
world. Using a mix of open source tools (Hadoop, Spark) with a
vendor big management engine (Informatica Blaze) and universal
metadata catalog (Informatica Live Data Map), big data manage-
ment processes are applied to technology to deliver integration,
governance, and security.

Informatica, a leader in data management technology, has recently
released its v10 family of new and upgraded products. Providing the
three pillars of big data management, these tools merit investigation.

Tools of particular interest to the big data management practitioner


• Big Data Management v10: Complete delivery of integration,

governance, and security built on Hadoop
• Secure at Source v10: Enables data security intelligence allowing
identification, analysis, and mitigation of security risks
• Master Data Management (MDM) v10: Provides MDM capabili-
ties to provide a single view of data and 360-degree view of rela-
tionships and transactions
To learn more about these big data management products, visit the
Informatica website at

CHAPTER 4 Using Big Data Management in the Wild 35

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36 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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»» Designing use cases with business value

»» Leveraging data lakes

»» Governing data collaboratively

»» Working with expert vendors

»» Automating key processes

Chapter  5
Ten Essential Tips for
Succeeding with Big
Data Management

anaging big data is the key to successful big data proj-
ects. Beyond technology, the management techniques
deployed make the difference between success and
­failure. In this chapter, I identify tips and techniques to make you
more effective at managing big data in the real world.

Design Use Cases for Business Value

Delivering value early and often is a function of your overall
strategy. Sure, you can develop a very large and ambitious plan
that promises a substantial payout at the end of the project, but
that approach is fraught with risk and is often difficult to sell to
senior leadership. Overly sized projects are difficult for new teams
to tackle, and if issues occur (as they usually do), the future of the
project is jeopardized.

CHAPTER 5 Ten Essential Tips for Succeeding with Big Data Management 37

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A better way is to establish uses cases that deliver smaller victo-
ries earlier in the process. Using smaller, agile teams who focus
on rapid, iterative development practices to show value early
has many benefits. First, agile development does solve many of
the challenges and mitigate risks found in larger projects; plus
agile is the current, favored development methodology in many
organizations. Next, a project that shows value early is easier to
“sell” to management initially and to sustain as the project con-
tinues. Finally, smaller, more realistic goals are easier to achieve
while building the confidence and capability of agile teams. When
designing your uses cases and assembling your teams, focus on
quicker wins that show a benefit rather than risking an overly
ambitious project.

Automate and Centralize Your

Data Management
Big data management practices are the defining factor in a proj-
ect’s success. Too often, organizations find themselves with frag-
mented, disparate teams attempting manual or one-off processes
under the guise of big data management. These efforts often
evolve from a lack of centralized direction from the top and never
define an enterprise toolset to manage big data. In these situa-
tions, despite individuals’ best efforts, success is often elusive.

To avoid this situation, at the outset define a core team to man-

age big data for the organization. Empower this team and break
down organizational barriers to their success, often related to
data ownership and access. Next, give them the enterprise-class
tools required to do the heavy lifting of integration, governance,
and security in an automated manner. The goal is to develop a
team of data experts who focus their time and the organiza-
tion’s resources on solving data challenges rather than battling
with other internal groups or struggling with inefficient tools and
labor-intensive processes.

Leverage Data Lakes

Not all efforts require the same characteristics of data quality or
access, or are even used for the same purpose. In some cases, data
scientists use data experimentation, visualization, and advanced

38 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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analytic tools to explore possibilities. In other cases, business ana-
lysts use reporting and BI tools to make key decisions. Many other
examples exist, and they all have different data requirements.

Data lakes provide powerful capabilities to meet different require-

ments from the same repository of raw data. A data lake stores a
large amount of raw data in its native format; it’s tagged with
unique identifiers and metadata, but it’s still raw. When a busi-
ness question is asked, the data is queried and the appropriate,
smaller subset of data is returned to answer the question. This is
in contrast to data marts, which offer a pre-built subset of data
designed for a specific use case; in many situations the siloed
nature of data marts is a liability.

The power of the data lake is that the same repository of raw data
can be used for different use cases. Data scientists can use the
data lake for their research while business analysts access more
curated and governed datasets for their operational requirements.
Sharing the same data lake for different purposes adds flexibil-
ity to the organization without the overhead cost of redundant,
purpose-specific data marts.

Create Collaborative Methods

for Governance
Establishing data governance is not a one-time event. As with
most policies, after creation it is necessary to continuously moni-
tor results and periodically revise policies to ensure they are rel-
evant and make sense for the organization.

Establishing data governance methods is a collaborative approach

between multiple stakeholders, but the two core groups are IT
staff and business experts. The work itself is a continual cycle
with key phases being discovery, definition, execution, and con-
tinuous monitoring. During discovery, automated tools discover
data domains, and data stewards profile the data to gain insight
into the quality of the data. During definition phase, the business
glossary, metadata, data taxonomy, data quality, data matching,
data access, and retention rules are established. In the execution
phase, data stewardship, master data management, and provi-
sioning policies are applied. The final phase uses measurement

CHAPTER 5 Ten Essential Tips for Succeeding with Big Data Management 39

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and continuous monitoring of results. The cycle is repeated as
needed, and changes are identified and implemented. Throughout
this cycle, careful collaboration between business and IT stake-
holders occurs.

A universal metadata catalog is a key capability supporting data

governance processes. It provides the ability to holistically under-
stand and manage data assets and their relationships facilitating
search, discovery, collaboration, and automation.

Identify Data Quality Issues Early

Few problems get better by themselves with age; the same concept
holds true with data quality issues. Data quality issues degrade
the integrity and trust in big data output. The sooner issues are
identified, the sooner they can be addressed.

Tools and processes exist to identify problem data. After data has
been initially ingested, cleansed, and processed, the method of
applying data scorecards begins. You must define data profiles for
the data quality scorecards and rules to be applied to the data.
Once applied, you can address exceptions in the data both auto-
matically and through alerts that require human intervention,
and monitor scorecard results. Use of data scorecards will help
ensure data quality is maintained.

See Your Data and Relationships with a

360-Degree View
Seeing the complete picture of your data provides the greatest
opportunity to identify opportunities and mitigate risks. Multiple
views of data exist, but two primary perspectives to consider are
security and relationships.

Viewing data from a security perspective entails several differ-

ent factors. First, you need to identify and protect your sensitive
data across the whole of your operations, not just in one area.
Siloed data protection is not effective if one area isn’t protected;
take a holistic approach. Set up effective security policies with
audit triggers and notifications for key events. These efforts will

40 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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give you a much more complete view and, therefore, control of
your data.

Identifying relationships within datasets is where business value

and opportunities exist; you must see these relationships to seize
the greatest benefit possible. Place your efforts into identifying
relationships between customers, intermediate parties, and prod-
ucts to know where best to leverage sales opportunities or antici-
pate specific events.

Work with Expert Vendors to Accelerate

Your Deployments
A common error in companies engaged in big data projects is they
try to do too much themselves without assistance. Big data man-
agement and analytics is an inherently complex discipline; it’s
not easy. Furthermore, most IT staff are almost entirely occupied
just keeping current operations running; engaging in major proj-
ects outside their area of expertise often results in long-running
projects with suboptimal results.

A wise solution is to intelligently engage vendors specializing in

big data technologies, management, and analytics from the very
start of your project. Include in-house IT and business experts
because they understand business processes and IT peculiarities
of the organization better than anyone else. However, leverage
the deep expertise and technologies offered by reputable vendors
to do the heavy lifting specific to big data management. Lever-
aging the right mix of in-house knowledge with outside exper-
tise will yield positive results faster and with less risk for your

Look for Process Repeatability

The most complex and time-consuming steps related to big data
management are accessing, cleansing, and integrating the data. It
is a given that the first time you perform these processes, it will
be tricky. That said, successful organizations position themselves
to endure this only once, rather than repeating the exact same
struggles every time a new dataset is identified and accessed.

CHAPTER 5 Ten Essential Tips for Succeeding with Big Data Management 41

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Implementing process repeatability is a key to success. First, avoid
custom programming solutions unique to a situation and manual
processes. Just as code reuse is a key to effective programming,
standardizing and reusing processes and logic are highly benefi-
cial with data management. Processes and logic related to data
cleansing and integration are often good candidates to standard-
ize and reuse. Find and document patterns in processes and logic
that your teams can reuse time and time again to speed up delivery
and reduce their workload so they can focus on more meaningful
efforts. Leverage these reusable patterns and logic for tasks such
as data ingestion, web log processing, ELT offloading, address
validation, masking credit card numbers, and so on.

Align Your Vocabulary

An area that is often overlooked is aligning your processes and
documentation along a common vocabulary. A popular exercise
for many in school was to whisper a simple message around a cir-
cle in the classroom. Once the message was verbally received by
the last student in the classroom, that message was compared
to what was originally sent. Usually the message was distorted
and often it was radically different. If that happens with common
language, why would you expect different results with technical
and business terms?

When starting a data management project, start off right by cre-

ating a glossary of accepted business terms and relevant techni-
cal terms. Be sure the terms are defined within the context of
the data, processes, and project. Particularly when using business
or technical terms, make sure they are fully defined and given
the appropriate context. Distribute the glossary among relevant
stakeholders and ensure their vocabulary is aligned with the con-
tents of the glossary. Enforce rigor and adherence to the glossary
throughout the project to reduce drift in language and prevent
issues later.

Automate Key Processes

“I’d like to automate that long, manual process, but it is just too
complex” is a statement commonly heard in IT operations. Some-
times a process truly cannot be automated, but too often there are

42 Big Data Management For Dummies, 2nd Informatica Special Edition

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other factors at play including Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (the
FUD factor) or simply not having enough time or resources, which
prevent automation.

Identifying your repeatable processes and automating those pro-

cesses yield great benefits in terms of greater efficiency, faster
output by IT staff, fewer human errors, and freeing up staff so
they can apply their talents to more beneficial tasks. As men-
tioned throughout this book, data integration and governance can
easily consume 80 percent of your analytics staff’s time, so lever-
age tools wherever possible to simplify and automate key pro-
cesses involved in managing your data. Consider your time spent
automating key processes to be an investment, and it is a wise
investment to make.

CHAPTER 5 Ten Essential Tips for Succeeding with Big Data Management 43

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