User's Manual: Series 988

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Series 988

User’s Manual
Includes 986, 987, 988 and 989

1/8 DIN Microprocessor-Based Temperature/Process Controller

User Levels:
• New User........................... go to Introduction
• Experienced User................... go to page 4.1 96
• Set-up..................................... go to page 1.1
• Wiring & Installation................ go to page 2.1

3 Year Warranty

ISO 9001

Registered Company
Winona, Minnesota USA

Watlow Controls
1241 Bundy Blvd., P.O. Box 5580, Winona, MN, USA 55987-5580, Phone: (507) 454-5300, Fax: (507) 452-4507

0600-0009-0001 Rev V $10.00

December 1997
Made in the U.S.A.
Supersedes: W988-XUMN Rev U00
Printed on Recycled Paper 10% Postconsumer Waste
Series 988
User’s Manual
Includes 986, 987, 988 and 989

The Series 988 User’s Manual is copyrighted by Watlow Winona, Inc., © 1997, with all rights reserved. (1233)
Table of Contents

Introduction to the Watlow Series 988 Chapter 6

Controllers The Factory Menus
ii Using this Manual 6.1 Navigating the Factory Menus
ii Document Every Step 6.2 Panel Lockout Menu
iii Notes, Cautions and Warnings 6.7 Diagnostics Menu
iii Technical Assistance 6.13 Calibration Menu
iii We Value Your Feedback
Chapter 7
Chapter 1 Tuning, Manual Operation,
Hardware Setup Alarms and Error Codes
1.1 Dip Switch Locations and Functions 7.1 Auto-tuning (Heat and/or Cool)
7.2 Manual Tuning
Chapter 2 7.4 Manual and Automatic Operation
Installation and Wiring 7.5 Changing the Output 3 Alarm Jumper
2.1 Panel Cutout and Dimensions 7.6 Using Alarms
2.2 Installing the Series 988 7.8 Error Code E1 and E2 Messages
2.4 Wiring the Series 988 7.9 Error Code Actions
2.4 Input-to-output Isolation
2.4 Power Wiring Chapter 8
2.5 Sensor Installation Guidelines General Software
2.6 Wiring Example 8.2 Burst Fire
2.8 Input 1 Wiring 8.4 Communications
2.9 Input 2 Wiring 8.6 Dead Band
2.11 Event Input 1 Wiring 8.8 Digital Events
2.12 Output 1 Wiring 8.10 Heater Current
2.13 Output 2 Wiring 8.12 Input Filter
2.14 Output 3 Wiring 8.14 Input Linearization
2.15 Output 4 Wiring 8.16 Ramp to Set Point
8.18 Remote Set Point
Chapter 3 8.20 Retransmit
Front Panel and Display Loop 8.22 Slidewire Feedback
3.1 Keys and Displays
3.2 Display Loop Chapter 9
Enhanced Software
Chapter 4 9.2 Cascade
The Setup Menus 9.6 Differential
4.1 Navigating the Setup Menus 9.8 Dual PID Sets
4.2 Input Menu 9.10 Duplex
4.18 Output Menu 9.12 Ratio
4.34 Global Menu
4.44 Communications Menu Appendix
A.2 Glossary
Chapter 5 A.4 Specifications
The Operation Menus A.5 Warranty and Returns
5.1 Navigating the Operation Menus A.6 Index
5.2 System Menu A.10 Menu Overview
5.9 PID A and PID B Menus A.11 Model Number – Ordering Information
A.12 Declaration of Conformity

Table of Contents WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual

Introduction to the
Watlow Series 988 Controllers

Figure Int.1 -
The Series 988
Watlow’s Series 988 controllers set a new standard in the controller indus-
try by packing an impressive array of features into an 1/8-DIN package.
No other controller offers the flexibility, compact size and durability of the
Series 988. It can control a wide variety of temperature and process appli-
cations, with a broad range of input and output options that allow control
of virtually any process variable.

The Series 988 is the only 1/8 DIN controller that can provide single-unit
cascade control of a process. Its other features include heater current
monitoring, remote set point input, ratio control and valve control through
slidewire feedback. The Series 988 also delivers expanded auto-tuning
capabilities, increased alarm functionality and several unique control algo-

When we refer to the “Series 988” controller, we refer also to the horizontal
and low-voltage versions of the Series 988: the 986, 987, 988 and 989. We
recommend that you read all of this manual’s introduction to familiarize
yourself with the conventions and content of this manual and the steps to
setting up a Series 988 controller. Make sure you understand the
“Caution” and “Warning” symbols we use in the book.

Introduction WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual i


Using this Manual

This manual provides the information you will need to install and operate
a Series 988 controller.

If you need information about Series 988 configurations and model num-
bers, refer to the Appendix of this manual or, for more detailed informa-
tion, to Optimizing Your Process System with the Series 988 Controller: An
Application Guide for the Watlow Series 988 Family.

If your Series 988 controller will be used for data communications, you
will also need our communications manual, Data Communications with the
˜ Watlow Series 988 Family of Controllers (green cover).

NOTE: Series 988 controllers are calibrated in the factory, but if you need to do
The 12-digit number periodic calibration you will need our calibration manual, Calibrating
is printed on the top Watlow Process Controllers, (blue cover).
of the stickers on
each side of the This manual explains the five steps of setting up a Series 988 controller:
controller’s case
and on the right-
hand or top circuit 1. Set and document all of the DIP switches, if applicable: Chapter 1.
board. 2. Mount the controller: Chapter 2.
3. Wire and document the controller wiring: Chapter 2.
4. Configure and document the controller software: Chapters 3-6.
5. Run, test and adjust your application. Update documentation.
˜ Chapters 7 and 8 and the Appendix provide detailed advice, definitions
NOTE: and specifications along with application examples to help you optimize
The Menu Overview
the safety and performance of your application. Use the Table of Contents
in the Appendix
shows all the and Index to find specific information.
menus and
Document Every Step

The Series 988 provides powerful and complex features. Carefully docu-
ment each step of the setup and any subsequent changes. This will make
it much easier to change, adjust and troubleshoot your application.

Make the configuration documentation available to engineers and techni-

cians, on all shifts, who may need to work with the Series 988. We provide
space in this manual to record configurations. You may prefer to photo-
copy the blank forms and keep them in a separate binder. However you
maintain your documentation, be sure to replace all old copies of the doc-
umentation with updated versions whenever the controller configuration is

ii WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Introduction


Notes, Cautions and Warnings

We use note, caution and warning symbols throughout this book to draw
your attention to important operational and safety information.

A bold text “NOTE” marks a short message in the margin to alert you to
an important detail.

A bold text “CAUTION” safety alert appears with information that is

important for protecting your equipment and performance. Be especially
careful to read and follow all cautions that apply to your application.

A bold text “WARNING” safety alert appears with information that is

important for protecting you, others and equipment from damage. Pay
very close attention to all warnings that apply to your application.

The ç symbol (an exclamation point in a triangle) precedes a general

CAUTION or WARNING statement.

The Ó symbol (a lightning bolt in a triangle) precedes an electric shock

hazard CAUTION or WARNING safety statement.

Technical Assistance

If you encounter a problem with your Watlow controller, review all of your
configuration information for each step of the setup to verify that your
selections are consistent with your applications.

If the problem persists after checking all the steps, you can get technical
assistance by calling Watlow Controls at (507) 454-5300, between 7 a.m.
and 5 p.m. CST, and asking for an applications engineer. When you call
have the following information on hand: the controller’s model number
(the 12-digit number is printed on the top of the stickers on each side of
the controller’s case and on the right-hand or top circuit board); your
user’s manual; all configuration information; and the Diagnostics Menu

We Value Your Feedback

Your comments and suggestions on this manual are welcome. Please send
them to, Technical Writer, Watlow Controls, 1241 Bundy Blvd., P.O. Box
5580, Winona, MN 55987-5580 or call (507) 454-5300 or fax (507) 452-

Introduction WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual iii

Chapter 1 Hardware Setup
DIP Switch Locations and Functions
The Watlow Series 988 has at least one and as many as six dual in-line
package (DIP) switches inside the controller, depending on the model
number. They allow users to configure the controller for a variety of input
sensors, to provide power for external signal conditioners or to lockout
front panel access to some functions.

To set any DIP switch:

• Remove the controller from the case by pressing firmly on the two release
tabs on one side or the top of the bezel until they unsnap. Then firmly
press the two release tabs on the opposite side or the bottom of the con-
trol until they unsnap. You will need to gently rock the bezel back and
forth to release it from the chassis.

• Use the illustrations on the following pages to locate and set each DIP switch.



Release Release
L1 L2 L3 L4
Tabs Tabs





Figure 1.1 - Press
the release tabs to PROCESS
remove the con-
troller chassis.

L1 L2 L3 L4 SERIES 989


Hardware Setup, Chapter 1 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 1.1

DIP Switches

1. Set the input DIP

Input 2 DIP
switches to match the
sensors you are using ON

in your application. Input 1 DIP

Only controllers with
model number 98_ _-
˜ 2_ _ _-_ _ _ _ or 98_ _-

_2_ _-_ _ _ _ have an
input DIP switch. Controller Chassis
The Input 2 DIP Rear View
switch is mounted
upside down.

Input 1 Input 2
˜ (98 _ _-2_ _ _-_ _ _ _) (98 _ _-_2_ _-_ _ _ _)

Only controllers

1 2 3

RTD (100 Ω)

with the indicated
3 2 1

model numbers
have these DIP

1 2 3
N 3 2 1

thermocouple: R, S or B

1 2 3
N 3 2 1

thermocouple: J, K, T, N, E, C, D, Pt2
or 0-50mV (high impedance)
Figure 1.2 - O
1 2 3

Input DIP switches.
3 2 1

0-20 or 4-20mA; 0-5, 1-5 or 0-10V

1.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Hardware Setup, Chapter 1

DIP Switches

2. Set DIP switches for

O utput 1
outputs equipped with Option Board
an external signal con- O utput 2
on off

ditioner power supply. Option Board and DIP

O utput 4
Only controllers with off on Option Board and DIP

model number 98_ _-_ O utput 3

_ _T-_ _ _ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ Option Board and DIP off on

˜ _-T_ _ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _

_-_T_ _ have an exter-
nal signal conditioner
For other voltages
or current settings
power supply. Controlle r Chassis
Top V ie w (9 8 6 & 9 8 8 )
Le ft-side V ie w (9 8 7 & 9 8 9 )
contact the factory.

Only controllers Output 2 Output 3 Output 4
(98 _ _-_ _ _T-_ _ _ _) (98 _ _-_ _ _ _-T_ _ _) (98 _ _-_ _ _ _-_T_ _)
with the indicated
model numbers
have these DIP O
1 2
1 2
1 2
switches. ↑ ↑ ↑
20V ± 5% @ 30mA
1 2 1 2 1 2
↑ ↑ ↑
12V ± 5% @ 30mA
Figure 1.3 - O
1 2
1 2
1 2

External signal con- N



ditioner power sup- 5V ± 5% @ 30mA

ply DIPs.

3. When the DIP switches are set, gently insert the controller chassis into
the case and push it firmly into place until all four tabs snap into place.

Hardware Setup, Chapter 1 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 1.3

DIP Switches

4. The lockout DIP switch

ç hides the Setup Menus
CAUTION: (Input, Output, Global and
The lockout DIP Communications) and the
switch makes the Factory Menus (Panel
Setup and Factory Lockout, Diagnostics and
menus unavailable. Calibration). All units have
Configure all the a lockout DIP switch.
Setup and Factory
menus before lock-
ing them out. Fail-
ure to do so could
result in damage to
equipment in the
event of a setup

1 2 1 2
↑ ↑
no hardware lockout or
(Switch 1 has no effect.)
1 2 1 2
↑ ↑
lockout Setup and Factory menus or
Figure 1.4 - (Switch 1 has no effect.)
Lockout DIP switch.

Input Output Global
[InPt] [OtPt] [GLbL] [COM
[`SEt] [`SEt] [`SEt] [`SEt]


[PLOC] [diAG]

[Fcty] [Fcty] [Fcty]

1.4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Hardware Setup, Chapter 1

Chapter 2 Installation and Wiring


NOTE: 4.03"
Space panel PROCESS
cutouts at least 1.66
inches (42.2mm)
apart. 4.03" DSPY MODE
L1 L2 L3 L4 (102mm)
DISPLAY (55 mm)


L1 L2 L3 L4 SERIES 989

˜ SERIES 988

Adjustable mount- 2.18"
(55 mm)
ing brackets can be

Panel Adjustable

Mounting Bracket
Panel Cutout

Maximum Panel
NOTE: Thickness
0.38" (9.65mm)
Holes can be cut in
the panel using a
Greenlee 1/8 DIN
Hydraulic Kit
#60068 (punch 3.62" + 0.03 -0.00
#60069, die #60070). (92mm + 0.8)

Figure 2.1 -
Series 988 and
0.68" 4.06"
Series 989 1.77 + 0.02 -0.00 (103 mm)
(17 mm)
(45mm + 0.6)
dimensions and
terminal number
1 11

21 22
2 12
3 13
11 20
4 14 15 16
12 13 14 17 18 19
22 24
5 15

6 16
21 23
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
7 17
1 10
8 18

9 19
23 24

10 20

Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 2.1

Installing the Series 988

Installing and mounting requires access to the back of the panel.

1. Make a panel cutout using the panel cutout dimensions from the previ-
ous page.

2. To remove the controller chassis from its case, press in firmly on the two
tabs on one side or the top of the bezel until they unsnap, then unsnap
the two tabs on the opposite side or the bottom. Pull the chassis out of
˜ the case by gently rocking it.
Removing the con- 3. Slide the case into the panel cutout. Check to see that the gasket is not
troller chassis from twisted, and is seated within the case bezel flush with the panel. Slide
its case makes
mounting easier.

Side (986 or 988)

or Top and Bottom (987 or 989) View
Top and Bottom (986 or 988)
Panel Adjustable
or Side (987 or 989) View
Mounting Bracket
Figure 2.2 -
Side and top view.

Release Tabs

Mounting Slots

External Gasket Mounting Collar

2.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2

the mounting collar over the back of the control.

4. Loosen the mounting bracket screws enough to allow for the mounting
collar and panel thickness. Place each mounting bracket into the
mounting slots (head of the screw facing the back of the controller).
Push each bracket backward then down to secure it to the control
case. To guarantee a proper NEMA 4X seal, Series 986 and 988
units (vertical) must have the mounting brackets located on either
side of the unit. When installing Series 987 and 989 units (horizon-
tal) the brackets must be on the top and bottom of the unit.

ç 5. Make sure the case is seated properly. Tighten the installation screws
firmly against the mounting collar to secure the unit. To ensure a
CAUTION: NEMA 4X seal, there should be no space between the bezel and
Follow the installa- panel. Overtightening the screws will distort the case and make it diffi-
tion procedure cult to remove or replace the controller.
exactly to guarantee
a proper NEMA 4X
6. Make sure the inside gasket is seated properly and not twisted.
seal. Make sure the
gasket between the
Insert the controller chassis into its case and press the bezel until all
panel and the rim of four tabs snap.
the case is not
twisted and is seat- 7. To release the mounting brackets, loosen the mounting bracket screws
ed properly. Failure and push the brackets forward, then pull it up and out.
to do so could
result in damage to

Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 2.3

Wiring the Series 988

WARNING: Wiring options depend on the model number and DIP switch settings.
To avoid potential Check the terminal designation stickers on either side of the controller
electric shock, use and compare your model number to those shown here and with the model
National Electric number breakdown on the inside back cover of this manual.
Code (NEC) safety
practices when
wiring and connect- Input-to-output Isolation
ing this unit to a
power source and
to electrical sensors The Series 988 uses optical isolation between the analog inputs and the
or peripheral controller outputs/digital input. This isolation provides a 500VÅ (ac) bar-
devices. Failure to rier to prevent ground loops when using grounded sensors and/or periph-
do so could result eral equipment.
in injury or death.
Here is a breakdown of the isolation barriers:
• Analog inputs 1 and 2 are grouped together.
• Outputs 1 through 4 and the standard event input are grouped together.
˜ This does not apply to Output 4 when configured as communications.
• The digital communications output (4) is separate from the above
Input-to-output iso-
lation is defeated
when the external Power Wiring
signal conditioner
power supply is
used to power a ‡ (ac/dc) nominal, (85 to 264 actual)
100 to 240V‡
transmitter con-
nected to input 1 or Vertical Package 98 8 _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ L1 L2
+ -
input 2. Horizontal Package 98 9 _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ fuse
21 22 11
earth ground

‡ (ac/dc) nominal, (20 to 30 actual)

24 to 28 V‡

Figure 2.4 - Vertical Package 98 6 _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

Power wiring. Horizontal Package 98 7 _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _

2.4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2

Sensor Installation Guidelines

ç Maintain isolation between input 1 and input 2 to prevent a ground loop.

A ground loop may cause incorrect readings, dashes across the upper dis-
CAUTION: play or the display of error codes.
The Series 988 will
not function with Thermocouple input: Extension wire for thermocouples must be of the
two grounded ther- same alloy as the thermocouple itself to limit errors.
mocouple inputs.
Avoid using a
grounded thermo-
Using grounded thermocouples for both input 1 and input 2 may create
couple for both ground loop problems. To correct this problem, replace at least one of the
input 1 and input 2. grounded thermocouples with an ungrounded thermocouple. If the appli-
Failure to follow this cation requires grounded thermocouples, use an isolated transmitter,
guideline could such as a Watlow Gordon 5702 isolated transmitter.
result in damage to
equipment. RTD (100 Ω) input: Each 1Ω of lead wire resistance can cause a +2°C
error when using a two-wire RTD. A three-wire RTD sensor overcomes this
problem. All three wires must have the same electrical resistance (i.e.,
same gauge, same length, multi-stranded or solid, same metal).
Input-to-output iso- Process input: Isolation must be maintained between input 1 and input
lation is defeated 2. If both input 1 and input 2 are used as process inputs, a separate
when the external power supply and transmitter must be used for each input. Output option
signal conditioner T (external signal conditioner power supply) can be used to supply power
power supply is
for only one input.
used to power a
transmitter connect-
ed to input 1 or
input 2.

Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 2.5
Wiring Example

To avoid potential
electric shock, use L1
National Electric 120VÅ (ac)
Code (NEC) safety high-temperature
practices when earth ground light

wiring and connect- high-limit

ing this unit to a fuse coil mechanical
power source and 21 22 11
to electrical sen- 1 2 (+) 1 5
sors or peripheral SSR-240-10A-DC1
1 3 (-)
devices. Failure to out dc input
limit control
1 2
do so could result
4 3
in injury or death. in

9 (+)
13 14
1 0 (-)
10 11
WARNING: red + -

Install high or low 988A-10CA-AARR

rear view optional
normally open
temperature limit process sensor limit sensor
momentary switch
control protection
in systems where
an over tempera-
ture fault condition
could present a fire
hazard or other haz-
ard. Failure to 120VÅ (ac)
install temperature L1 L2
limit control protec-
tion where a poten-
tial hazard exists 1 21 22
1 3 2
could result in dam-
age to equipment, 4 (+) Series 988
2 9 988A-10CA-AARR
property and injury 3 5 (-) 10 temperature control 11
to personnel.

ç 4
12 13

WARNING: in SSR-240-10A-DC1
To avoid damage to 3-32VÎ (dc) solid-state relay, dc input
(+) (-)
property and equip- 1 CR-1
ment, and/or injury 5 out heater
of loss of life, use 1 8 9 10 2
24-240VÅ (ac)
National Electric
Code (NEC) stan-
dard wiring prac- 6 1 2
1 11 2
tices to install and 7 12 13 Series 92
operate the Series 8 13 14 92A3-1DJ1-0000
988. Failure to do limit control
9 (+) 14 10
so could result in
such damage, 10 (-) 15 11 3 1CR
and/or injury or 11
4 16 2
death. 12 1 17 5
13 R
18 2
high-temperature light
Figure 2.6 -
System wiring

2.6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2
Wiring Notes

L1 L2
earth ground

21 22

To avoid damage to
property and equip-
ment, and/or injury
of loss of life, use
National Electric
Code (NEC) stan-
dard wiring prac-
tices to install and
operate the Series
988. Failure to do
so could result in
such damage,
and/or injury or

Sketch in your
application on this
page or a copy of it.
See wiring exam-
ples in this chapter
and in the Appen-

Figure 2.7 -
Wiring notes.

Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 2.7
Input 1 Wiring

Figure 2.8a — Thermocouple or 0-50mV (high impedance)

Successful installa- Thermocouple only
tion requires five 98 _ _ - 1 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ (no DIP switches)
• Model number and Universal signal conditioner
1 2 3 1 2 3 + 9
software choice 98 _ _ - 2 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ O


- 10
J, K, T, N, C, E, D, Pt2, R, S, B + 9
• DIP switch set- Input impedance: 20MΩ 0-50mV DIP Settings DIP Settings - 10
tings (Chapter 1); 0-50mV

• Sensor match
(Chapter 2 and
• Sensor installation
(Chapter 2); and Figure 2.8b — RTD (2- or 3-wire) (100 Ω)
• Wiring (Chapter 2).
Universal signal conditioner
#9 to #10
98 _ _ - 2 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ for 2-wire
1 2 3 S1 8 S1 8
↑ S2 9 S2 9
DIP Switch S3 10

Figure 2.8c — 0-5VÎ Î or 0-10VÎ
1-5VÎ Î (dc) Process
Universal signal conditioner
98 _ _ - 2 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
1 2 3

Input impedance: 10KΩ
DIP Switch
+ 9
- 10

Figure 2.8d — 0-20mA or 4-20mA Process

Universal signal conditioner

98 _ _ - 2 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ 1 2 3

Input impedance: 7Ω DIP Switch

- 8
+ 10

2.8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2
Input 2 Wiring

Figure 2.9a — Thermocouple or 0-50mV (high impedance)

Successful installa-
tion requires five Thermocouple only
steps: 98 _ _ - _ 1 _ _ - _ _ _ _ (no DIP switches)
• Model number and
software choice Universal signal conditioner
98 _ _ - _ 2 _ _ - _ _ _ _
↑ ↑

(Appendix); 3 2 1
3 2 1
O 19 +
• DIP switch set- 20 -
R, S, B
tings (Chapter 1); Input impedance: 20MΩ J, K, T, N, C, E, D, Pt2,
DIP Settings 19 +
0-50mV DIP Settings
• Sensor match 20 -
(Chapter 2 and
• Sensor installation
(Chapter 2); and
• Wiring (Chapter 2). Figure 2.9b — RTD (2- or 3-wire) (100 Ω)
Universal signal conditioner
#19 to #20
98 _ _ - _ 2 _ _ - _ _ _ _
for 2-wire

3 2 1
O 18 S1 18 S1
19 S2 19 S2
DIP Switch 20 S3
Setting 20

Figure 2.9c — 0-5VÎ Î or 0-10VÎ
1-5VÎ Î (dc) Process

Universal signal conditioner ↑

98 _ _ - _ 2 _ _ - _ _ _ _
3 2 1

DIP Switch
Input impedance: 10KΩ 19 +
20 -

Figure 2.9d — 0-20mA or 4-20mA Process

Universal signal conditioner ↑

98 _ _ - _ 2 _ _ - _ _ _ _ 3 2 1

DIP Switch
Input impedance: 7Ω Setting 18 -

20 +

Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 2.9
Input 2 Wiring

NOTE: Figure 2.10a — Slidewire Feedback or Potentiometer Input

See Chapter 8 for
information on
slidewire feedback. 98 _ _ - _ 3 _ _ - _ _ _ _

18 CCW
19 Wiper
20 CW

A process output Figure 2.10b — Current Transformer Input
cannot be installed
on output 1 when
using a current 98 _ _ - _ 4 _ _ - _ _ _ _
transformer input.
The current transformer must be pur- Load wire
chased separately. See Appendix for 19 CT
Watlow current transformer part 20
numbers. Center leg not used
NOTE: Systems that use more than 50 Amps
Successful installa- need an interstage transformer. For
tion requires five example, if you use a 300A current
steps: transformer, part #16-0073, and an
• Model number and interstage transformer, part #16-
software choice Phase
0176, the 300A current transformer dot
(Appendix); provides a 5A signal to the interstage T1
• DIP switch set- transformer. In turn, the transformer 20
tings (Chapter 1); sends a 20mA maximum signal to the
• Sensor match controller.
(Chapter 2 and
3-phase using 2 current transformers
• Sensor installation
(Chapter 2); and
• Wiring (Chapter 2).
Figure 2.10c — Digital Event Input 2

98 _ _ - _ 5 _ _ - _ _ _ _

open 0-3VÎ (dc) Event Input 2 off

closed 14-36VÎ (dc) Event Input 2 on
+5VÎ (VDC)
20 20
Internal Circuitry



1KΩ .01µf

2.10 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2
Event Input 1 Wiring

Figure 2.11a — Digital Event Input 1

Successful installa-
tion requires five Available on all units.
steps: OPTO
• Model number and open 14-36VÎ (dc) Event Input 1 off
software choice closed 0-3VÎ (dc) Event Input 1 on
4.99KΩ .01µf
• DIP switch set-
tings (Chapter 1); +24VÎ (dc) 750Ω
23 24
• Sensor match + -
10KΩ 4.99KΩ
(Chapter 2 and
• Sensor installation Internal Circuitry

(Chapter 2); and 23 24

• Wiring (Chapter 2).

Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 2.11
Output 1 Wiring

Figure 2.12a — AC Outputs

Successful installa-
tion requires five Solid-state Relay with Contact Suppression
steps: 98 _ _ - _ _ B _ - _ _ _ _
• Model number and 0.5 amps, minimum off-state impedance: 20KΩ
software choice External
(Appendix); Electromechanical Relay with Contact Suppression 12 NO Load
• DIP switch set- (Suppression between NO and COM contacts only)
13 COM L1
tings (Chapter 1); 98 _ _ - _ _ D _ - _ _ _ _ 14 NC

• Sensor match (#14 for D & E outputs only)

Form C, 5 amps, minimum off-state impedance: 20KΩ

(Chapter 2 and
Electromechanical Relay without Contact Suppression
• Sensor installation
(Chapter 2); and 98 _ _ - _ _ E _ - _ _ _ _
• Wiring (Chapter 2). Form C, 5 amps off-state impedance: 31MΩ

Solid-state Relay without Contact Suppression

98 _ _ - _ _ K _ - _ _ _ _
0.5 amps, off-state impedance: 31MΩ

Switching inductive
loads (relay coils, Figure 2.12b — Switched DC, Open Collector
solenoids, etc.) with
the mechanical
relay or solid state 98 _ _ - _ _ C _ - _ _ _ _ 19 to 32VÎ (dc)
relay output options + 12
790Ω 13 -
requires using an Maximum voltage: 42VÎ
Î (dc) 13
14 COM
R.C. suppressor. Maximum current: 1A 14
Watlow carries the Internal Circuitry

R.C. suppressor
Quencharc brand
name, which is a
trademark of ITW
Paktron. Watlow
Part No. 0804-0147- Figure 2.12c — 0-20mA and 4-20mA Process
98 _ _ - _ _ F _ - _ _ _ _

Maximum load impedance: 800Ω 14


Figure 2.12d — 0-5VÎ Î and 0-10VÎ
1-5VÎ Î (dc) Process

98 _ _ - _ _ F _ - _ _ _ _
Minimum load impedance: 1KΩ 14

2.12 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2
Output 2 Wiring
Figure 2.13a — AC Outputs
Successful installa- Solid-state Relay with Contact Suppression
tion requires five 98 _ _ - _ _ _ B - _ _ _ _
0.5 amps, minimum off-state impedance: 20KΩ
• Model number and
software choice
(Appendix); Electromechanical Relay with Contact Suppression External

• DIP switch set- (Suppression between NO and COM contacts only) 15 NO Load
16 COM
tings (Chapter 1); 98 _ _ - _ _ _ D - _ _ _ _ Fuse

17 NC
• Sensor match Form C, 5 amps, minimum off-state impedance: 20KΩ (#17 for D & E outputs only)

(Chapter 2 and
Appendix); Electromechanical Relay without Contact Suppression
• Sensor installation 98 _ _ - _ _ _ E - _ _ _ _
(Chapter 2); and Form C, 5 amps off-state impedance: 31MΩ
• Wiring (Chapter 2).
Solid-state Relay without Contact Suppression
98 _ _ - _ _ _ K - _ _ _ _
0.5 amps, off-state impedance: 31MΩ

Figure 2.13b — Switched DC, Open Collector

Switching inductive
loads (relay coils, 98 _ _ - _ _ _ C - _ _ _ _ 19 to 32VÎ (dc)

solenoids, etc.) with + 15

the mechanical Maximum voltage: 42VÎ
Î (dc) 16
15 +
relay or solid state Maximum current: 1A 17 External
16 - Load
relay output options Internal Circuitry
17 COM
requires using an
R.C. suppressor.
Watlow carries the
R.C. suppressor
Quencharc brand Figure 2.13c — 0-20mA and 4-20mA Process
name, which is a 15 +
trademark of ITW
Paktron. Watlow 98 _ _ - _ _ _ F - _ _ _ _ 17 -

Part No. 0804-0147-

0000. Maximum load impedance: 800Ω

Figure 2.13d — 0-5VÎ Î and 0-10VÎ
1-5VÎ Î (dc) Process
NOTE: 98 _ _ - _ _ _ F - _ _ _ _ 16 +
Input-to-output iso- -
lation is defeated Minimum load impedance: 1KΩ
when the external
signal conditioner
power supply is
used to power a
transmitter connect- Figure 2.13e — External Signal Conditioner Power Supply
ed to input 1 or
Loop powered
input 2.
15 + 1
98 _ _ - _ _ _ T - _ _ _ _ 16 - 2
V+ Transmitter
V- 4-20mA out

- +
1 or 2

Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 2.13
Output 3 Wiring

NOTE: Figure 2.14a — AC Outputs

Successful installa-
tion requires five
NC Form B
steps: Solid-state Relay with Contact Suppression External or
• Model number and 98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - B _ _ _ L2
Load NO Form A 1
software choice 0.5 amps, minimum off-state impedance: 20KΩ L1
• DIP switch set- Electromechanical Relay without Contact Suppression
tings (Chapter 1); Form A or B
98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - J _ _ _ _ alarm jumper
• Sensor match
(Chapter 2 and Form A or B, 5 amps, off-state impedance: 31MΩ settings (98__-
____-J___ only)
Appendix); Form A
• Sensor installation Solid-state Relay without Contact Suppression
(Chapter 2); and 98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - K _ _ _ _
• Wiring (Chapter 2). 0.5 amps, off-state impedance: 31MΩ Form B

NOTE: Figure 2.14b — Switched DC

Switching inductive
loads (relay coils,
solenoids, etc.) with 98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - C _ _ _ 19 to 32VÎ (dc)
+ 1
the mechanical 1 +
Load - 2
relay or solid state Minimum load resistance: 500Ω 2
relay output options
requires using an Internal Circuitry

R.C. suppressor.
Watlow carries the
R.C. suppressor
Quencharc brand
name, which is a
trademark of ITW
Paktron. Watlow Figure 2.14c — Process Retransmit
Part No. 0804-0147-
0-20mA, 4-20mA, Load impedance: 600Ω max. +

98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - M _ _ _ - 2

Input-to-output iso- 0-5VÎ
Î, 1-5VÎ
Î, 0-10VÎ
Î (VDC), Load impedance: 500Ω min.
lation is defeated 98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - N _ _ _
when the external
signal conditioner
power supply is
used to power a
transmitter con-
nected to input 1 or Figure 2.14d — External Signal Conditioner Power Supply
input 2.
Loop powered
98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - T _ _ _ +

Transmitter V+
- 2
4-20mA out V-

NOTE: + -
See Chapter 1 for Input
1 or 2
power supply DIP
switch information.

2.14 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2
Output 4 Wiring

NOTE: Figure 2.15a — AC Outputs

Successful installa-
tion requires five
steps: Solid-state Relay with Contact Suppression
• Model number and 98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ B _ _
software choice 0.5 amps, minimum off-state impedance: 20KΩ
• DIP switch set- Electromechanical Relay with Contact Suppression External
Load NO
tings (Chapter 1); (Suppression between NO and COM contacts only) L2
• Sensor match L1
98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ D _ _ _ Fuse
(Chapter 2 and NC 7
Form C, 5 amps, minimum off-state impedance: 20KΩ (#7 for D & E outputs only)
• Sensor installation
(Chapter 2); and Electromechanical Relay without Contact Suppression
• Wiring (Chapter 2). 98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ E _ _ _
Form C, 5 amps, off-state impedance: 31MΩ

Solid-state Relay without Contact Suppression

98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ K _ _ _
0.5 amps, off-state impedance: 31MΩ
Switching inductive
loads (relay coils,
solenoids, etc.) with
the mechanical Figure 2.15b — Switched DC, Open Collector
relay or solid state
relay output options
98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ C _ _ 19 to 32VÎ (dc)
requires using an + 5
5 +
R.C. suppressor. 790Ω External
Load - 6
Watlow carries the Maximum voltage: 42VÎ
Î (dc) 6

R.C. suppressor Maximum current: 1A 7

Internal Circuitry
Quencharc brand
name, which is a
trademark of ITW
Paktron. Watlow
Part No. 0804-0147-
Figure 2.15c — External Signal Conditioner Power Supply
Input-to-output iso- 98 _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ T _ _ Loop powered
lation is defeated Transmitter V+
+ 5
- 6
when the external 4-20mA out V-
transmitter power
supply is used to
˜ + -
power a signal con- NOTE: 1 or 2
ditioner connected See Chapter 1 for
to input 1 or input 2. power supply DIP
switch information.

For data communications wiring refer to Data Communications

with the Watlow Series 988 Family of Controllers.

Installation and Wiring, Chapter 2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 2.15
Chapter 3 Front Panel and Display Loop

Keys and Displays

Upper Display Lower Display

Indicates the actual process value, Indicates the set point, deviation,
prompt parameter value or error percent power, temperature unit,
code. menu prompt name or alarm code.

WATL W L1, L2, L3, L4

These LED’s indicate when output
When lit, the lower display shows
1, 2, 3 or 4 are active. Outputs can
the most recent deviation unit from
be configured as:
the set point.
Ot1 Control
PROCESS Ot2 Control or Alarm
Ot3 Alarm or Retransmit
% OUT LED Ot4 Alarm or Communications
When lit, the lower display shows (flashes on transmit and
the current percent output. receive)
L1 L2 L3 L4
Up-arrow Key
DEV Display Key
Increases the value or changes the
parameter in the upper display
DISPLAY Pressing this key enters the
% OUT Display Loop. Press the Display
(except for set point changes in the
key at any time to return to this
Display Loop, which occur in the
AUTO loop. The next page has more
lower display). Hold the key down
MAN information on the Display Loop.
to increase the value rapidly. New
data takes effect in five seconds or
when the Mode key or Display key
MODE Auto/Man Key
is pressed.
In Manual mode the lower display
shows percent output. Pressed
Down-arrow Key once, it clears any latched alarm. If
Decreases the value or changes pressed again within five seconds
the parameter in the upper display it will toggle between Auto and
(except for set point changes in the Mode Key Manual mode.
Display Loop, which occur in the Enters new data and steps to
lower display). Hold the key down the next prompt in the current
to decrease the value rapidly. New menu. Auto/Man LED
data takes effect in five seconds or Lit when the control is in Manual
when the Mode key or Display key operation. Press the Auto/Man key
is pressed. Mode + Up-arrow Keys twice to enter Automatic operation.
Hold the Mode key then press When blinking, press the Auto/Man
Up + Down Keys the Up-arrow key to move key to toggle between Auto and
Press simultaneously for three sec- backwards through the cur- Manual. After five seconds without
onds to go to the Setup Menu. rent menu. Scrolling stops pressing the Auto/Man key, the
Continue to press both keys for when you reach the top of the LED stops blinking and returns to
another three seconds to go to the menu. its previous state.
Factory Menu. Access to the Setup
and Factory menus can be dis-
abled with lockout DIP switch.

Figure 3.1 -
Series 988 Keys and Displays

Front Panel and Display Loop, Chapter 3 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 3.1
Display Loop

Display Loop

The Display Loop is the “home” state of the Series 988 controller. Pressing
˜ the Display key ∂ returns the controller to the Display Loop from any
prompt in any menu. The controller automatically returns to the Display
NOTE: Loop from any menu when a minute passes without any keys being
For information on pressed.
input 1 [`In1] and
input 2 [`In2]
ranges, refer to
Chapter 4. [`988] current input 1 reading
[`988] set point 1 (change with Up-arrow > or Down-arrow < key)

[`988] current input 2 reading
[Pr`2] input 2 process (appears only if controller equipped with input 2 hardware)
[`988] current input 1 reading
If [``no] is selected DISPLAY [`988] deviation from set point, process 1 minus set point 1 (DEV light on)
for [`In2], in the
Input Menu, the
[`988] current input 1 reading
[`100] percent output (%OUT light on)
[Pr`2] prompt will
not appear. DISPLAY
[`988] current input 1 reading
[``°C] units selected (units, °F or °C)
Figure 3.2 -
The Display Loop

3.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Front Panel and Display Loop, Chapter 3
Chapter 4 The Setup Menus
Navigating the Setup Menus
When navigating
through menus,
To reach the Setup Menus, begin in the Display Loop and press both the Up-
outputs will be dis- arrow > and Down-arrow < keys for three seconds. The Setup Menu
abled. prompt [`SEt] will appear in the lower display, and the Input Menu prompt
[InPt] will appear in the upper display. The four Setup Menus are: Input
[InPt]; Output [OtPt]; Global [GLbL]; and Communications [COM]. Use the
Up-arrow > or Down-arrow < key to select a menu and the Mode key µ
to step through a menu. The Communications Menu appears only on units
˜ equipped with the data communications option.
Press the Display You will not see every prompt in any of these menus. The unit’s configuration
key ∂ to return to and model number determine which prompts appear. After stepping through
the Display Loop each menu, the Series 988 returns to the Setup Menu prompt [`SEt]. Use
from any point in the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys to select the next menu, or use
any menu. the Mode key µ to advance through the same menu again. To move back-
wards through the menu hold the Mode key µ down and press the Up-
arrow key >. Use the Up-arrow > or Down-arrow < key to change the
prompt setting.

Refer to the Appendix for model number options. For information about
communications and the communications prompts, refer to the supple-
mental manual Data Communications with the Watlow Series 988 Family of



❶ Begin in the Display Loop, and press the Up-arrow

L2 L3 L4

> and Down-arrow < keys simultaneously to

reach the Setup Menus.


[Inpt] [OtPt] [gLbL] [COm]

[`Set] [`Set] [`Set] [`Set]

Figure 4.1 - Input Output Global Communications

Navigating the Menu Menu Menu Menu
Setup Menus. p.
p. 4.2 p.
p. 4.18 p.
p. 4.34 p. 4.44


❷ Press the Up-arrow key > to select one of the
The lockout DIP
switch hides the L1 L2 L3 L4
Setup Menus.

Setup Menus. See % OUT


Chapter 1. MAN



Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.1

Setup-Input [`Set] Setup Prompt Enter your settings,
MODE from the controller's
[`In1] Input 1 upper display.

Reaching the Input Menu MODE

[deC1] *Decimal 1

[`rL1] Range Low 1


[`rH1] Range High 1

Input 1 (p. 4.3)
[CAL1] Calibration Offset 1


[rtd1] *RTD Calibration Curve 1

L1 L2 L3 L4

AUTO [Ftr1] Software Filter 1



SERIES 988 [Lin1] *Linearization 1


❸ Select the Input Menu, then press [`ln2] *Input 2

the Mode key µ to step through the MODE

prompts. [`rSp]
MODE *Remote Set Point

[deC2] *Decimal 2

[`RL2] *Range Low 2


[`RH2] *Range High 2

MODE Input 2 (p. 4.9)
[```0] [```1] [```2] … [``60] [LrnL] *Learn Low
[Ftr1] [Ftr1] [Ftr1] [Ftr1] MODE

[LrnH] *Learn High


[CAL2] *Calibration Offset 2

[``no] [root]
[Lin1] [Lin1] [rtd2] *RTD Calibration Curve 2

[Ftr2] *Software Filter 2

❹ Press the Up-arrow key > or the MODE

Down-arrow key < to select one of [Lin2] *Linearization 2

the prompt values.

[Hunt] *Hunt
(p. 4.16)
Slidewire (p.
*Prompts may not appear,
[SHYS] *Slidewire Hysteresis
depending on controller

Figure 4.2 -
The Input Menu.

4.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


Input Prompts

˜ When you are in the Setup menus, the Series 988 displays the menu selec-
tion ( [InPt], [OtPt], [GLbL] or [COM] ) in the upper display, and [`SEt] in
NOTE: the lower display.
Decimal points may
not always be in the The Up-arrow > or Down-arrow key < selects another menu. Press the
position specified
Mode key µ to display the prompt in the lower display and its value in the
below depending on
the the settings in upper display. Use the Up-arrow > or Down-arrow < key to change the
the Decimal 1 value in the upper display. The new value will not take effect until after a
[dEC1] and Decimal five-second delay or until you press the Mode key µ.
2 [dEC2] parame-
ters in the Input

[`In1] Input 1

Select sensor type for input 1. This selection must match the sensor type
connected to terminals 8, 9 and 10. See Appendix for more information
about sensors.

• Changing the value of [`In1] changes all other prompts to the factory
default values, except the Communications and Lockout menus, the
ç [`C_F] prompt in the Global Menu and the [`dFL] prompt in the
Calibration Menu. If you change the value, the default warning [dFLt]
will flash in the upper display.
Changing the value
of [`In1] changes • Changes do not take effect automatically after five seconds; you must
most other prompts press the Mode key µ to enter the sensor type change and advance to
to the factory
the next prompt.
default values.
Document all set- [`In1] This prompt always appears.
tings before chang-
ing sensor type. If Default
Verify the correct ↓ ↓
sensor type before
making a change. 98_ _-1_ _ _-_ _ _ _
Failure to follow no DIP J K T N E W5 W3 Pt2 0-50mV
this guideline could [```J] [```H] [```t] [```n] [```E] [```C] [```d] [`Pt2] [0-50]
thermocouple [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1]
result in damage to only
equipment or prop-
erty. Document all 98_ _-2_ _ _-_ _ _ _
settings before Input 1 DIP J K T N E W5 W3 Pt2 0-50mV
changing sensor O
1 2 3 [```J] [```H] [```t] [```n] [```E] [```C] [```d] [`Pt2] [0-50]
type. N
↑ [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1]


[`In1] Input 1 DIP R S B

Input 1 continued O
1 2 3 [```r] [```S] [```b]
on next page. ↑ [`In1] [`In1] [`In1]


Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.3


[`In1] If Default
↓ ↓
Input 1 continued
Input 1 DIP RTD RTD(0.1°)
from previous
page. O
1 2 3 [`rtd] [`r†d]
↑ [`In1] [`In1]


Input 1 DIP 4-20mA 0-20mA 0-5VÎ 1-5VÎ 0-10VÎ (dc)

1 2 3 [4-20] [0-20] [`0-5] [`1-5] [0-10]
↑ [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1] [`In1]


[dEC1] Decimal 1

Select the decimal point location for process type input 1 data. This
prompt, in conjunction with the Range Low and Range High prompts,
allows you to format and limit units of measure for process 1.

• All prompts with units of measure related to input 1 will display in the
selected decimal format.

• This affects propbands, alarm set points, process set points, calibration
offsets, deadbands and ranges.

[dEC1] This prompt appears only if you have set input 1 [`In1] to a
process input or to a thermocouple input set to 0-50mV.


[```)] [``)0] [`)00] [)000]
[dEC1] [DEC1] [dEC1] [dEC1]

4.4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[`rL1] Range Low 1 and Range High 1

Select the low and high limits for input 1. These prompts limit the
[`rH1] adjustment range for the set points. The default values are the same as
the limits of the sensor you selected by setting the input 1 DIP switch and
selecting a value for Input 1 [`In1].

• Process inputs are scaled by these values. Range high is the value dis-
played when the maximum process signal is present at the input. Range

˜ low is the value displayed when the minimum process signal is present
at the input.
NOTE: Example: Set [`In1] to [4-20]mA.
These values do not
affect the low or the
Set [`rL1] to [`100].
high set point limit Set [`rH1] to [`500].
for process alarms. A 4mA input will display [`100].
A 12mA input will display [`300].
A 20mA input will display [`500].

• The low and high values of each sensor type are listed on the specifica-
tions page of the Appendix.

• Choose between Fahrenheit and Celsius at the [`C_F] prompt in the

Global Menu.

[`rL1] [`rH1] These prompts always appear.

Default Default Default Default

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
˜ [``°F]
[`rL1] [`rH1]
[`rL1] [`rH1]
When high imped- [```J] [``32]…[1500] [```0]…[`816] 98_ _-1_ _-_ _ _ or
[``in] [`rL1] [`rH1] [`rL1] [`rH1] 98_ _-2_ _-_ _ _
ance [0-50] is
selected for input 1 (K)
[```H] [-328]…[2500] [-200]…[1371]
the range high for
both [``°C] and
[``°F] can be [```t] [-328]…[`750] [-200]…[`399]
extended to
[9999]. The range [```n] [``32]…[2372] [```0]…[1300]
low when [``°C] is
selected can be [```E] [-328]…[1470] [-200]…[`799]
extended to (W5)
[-999]. [```C] [``32]…[4200] [```0]…[2316]
[```d] [``32]…[4200] [```0]…[2316]

[`rL1] [`Pt2] [``32]…[2543] [```0]…[1395]

[`rH1] high impedance
Range Low 1 and [0-50] [-999]…[`999] [-573]…[`573]
Range High 1
continued on next

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.5


[`rL1] [``°F]
[`rL1] [`rH1]
[`rL1] [`rH1]

Range Low 1 and [```r] [``32]…[3200] [```0]…[1760] 98_ _-2_ _-_ _ _
Range High 1 only
continued from
previous page. [```S] [``32]…[3200] [```0]…[1760]

[```b] [``32]…[3300] [```0]…[1816]

˜ [`rtd] [-328]…[1472] [-200]…[`800]

These values do not [`r†d] [-9(9]…[99(9] [-7#3]…[53&7]
affect the low or the
high set point limit [4-20] [-999]…[9999] units
for process alarms.
[0-20] [-999]…[9999] units

[`0-5] [-999]…[9999] units

[`1-5] [-999]…[9999] units

[0-10] [-999]…[9999] units

[CAL1] Calibration Offset 1

Offset the input 1 signal by a positive or negative value. This allows you
to compensate for lead resistance, sensor errors or other factors.

[CAL1] This prompt always appears.

If Default
↓ ↓
[``°F] [-999] … [```0] … [9999]
[`C_F] [CAL1] [CAL1] [CAL1]
(Global Menu)
[``°F] & [`r†d] [-9(9] … [``)0] … [`9(9]
[`C_F] [`In1] [CAL1] [CAL1] [CAL1]
(Global Menu) (Input Menu)
[``°C] [-999] … [```0] … [9999]
[`C_F] [CAL1] [CAL1] [CAL1]
(Global Menu)
[``°C] & [`r†d] [-5%5] … [``)0] … [`5%5]
[`C_F] [`In1] [CAL1] [CAL1] [CAL1]
(Global Menu) (Input Menu)
[-999] … [```0] … [`999] units
a process input [CAL1] [CAL1] [CAL1]
is selected

4.6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[rtd1] RTD (100Ω) Calibration Curve 1

Select the calibration curve for the RTD 1 input. The RTD input uses
either the European (DIN, 0.003850Ω/Ω/°C) or the Japanese (JIS,
0.003916Ω/Ω/°C) linearization standard.

[rtd1] This prompt appears only if you have set [`In1] to [`rtd] or


[`din] … [`JIS]
[rtd1] [rtd1]

[Ftr1] Software Filter 1

Select the filter time constant, in seconds, for input 1. This smooths a
rapidly changing input signal for display or control purposes.

• Select a positive value to filter only the display.

• Select a negative value to filter the input signal.

• Set the value to [```0] to disable the filter.

[Ftr1] This prompt always appears.


[`-60] … [```0] … [``60]
[Ftr1] [Ftr1] [Ftr1]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.7


[Lin1] Linearization 1

Select square root linearization for input 1.

[Lin1] This prompt appears only if you have set [`In1] to a process input
˜ or to a thermocouple set to [0-50]mV.
See Chapter 8 for
more information
on input lineariza- ↓
tion. [``no] [root]
[Lin1] [Lin1]

4.8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[`In2] Input 2

Select sensor type for input 2. This selection must match the sensor
 type connected to terminals 18, 19 and 20. See Appendix for more infor-
mation about sensors.
Changing the value • Changing the value of [`In2] changes all other prompts to the facto-
of [`In2] changes ry default values, except the Communications and Lockout menus,
most other prompts
the [`C_F] prompt in the Global Menu and the [`dFL] prompt in the
to the factory
default values. Calibration Menu. If you change the value, the default warning
Document all set- [dFLt] will flash in the upper display.
tings before chang-
ing sensor type. • Changes do not take effect automatically after five seconds; you must
Verify the correct press the Mode key µ to enter the sensor type change and advance to
sensor type before the next prompt.
making a change.
Failure to follow [`In2] This prompt and other Input 2 prompts appear only on controllers
this guideline could equipped with input 2 hardware (not 98_ _-_0_ _-_ _ _ _).
result in damage to
equipment or prop-
erty. Document all
settings before If Default
changing sensor
↓ ↓
98_ _-1_ _ _-_ _ _ _
no DIP J K T N E W5 W3 Pt2 0-50mV
[``no] [```J] [```H] [```t] [```n] [```E] [```C] [```d] [`Pt2] [0-50]
˜ thermocouple
[``In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2]

NOTE: 98_ _-2_ _ _-_ _ _ _

If [``no] is selected
Input 2 DIP J K T N E W5 W3 Pt2 0-50mV
for [`In2] none of
[``no] [```J] [```H] [```t] [```n] [```E] [```C] [```d] [`Pt2] [0-50]
the other input 2 O
1 2 3

↑ [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2]
prompts will
appear. thermocouple

Input 2 DIP R S B
1 2 3 [``no] [```r] [```S] [```b]
↑ [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2]


Input 2 DIP RTD RTD (0.1°)

1 2 3 [``no] [`rtd] [`r†d]
↑ [`In2] [`In2] [`In2]


Input 2 DIP 4-20mA 0-20mA 0-5VÎ 1-5VÎ 0-10VÎ (dc)

1 2 3 [``no] [4-20] [0-20] [`0-5] [`1-5] [0-10]
↑ [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2] [`In2]

Input 2 continued
on next page.

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.9


If Default
Input 2 continued
↓ ↓
from previous
98_ _-3_ _ _-_ _ _ _
no DIP slidewire potentiometer
[``no] [SLid] [`POt]
resistance [``In2] [`In2] [`In2]

98_ _-4_ _ _-_ _ _ _

no DIP current
current [``no] [SLid]
transformer [``In2] [`In2]

98_ _-5_ _ _-_ _ _ _

no DIP event 2
[``no] [`Ei2]
digital event [``In2] [`In2]

[`rSP] Remote Set Point

Enable a remote set point signal.

[`rSP] This prompt appears only if the controller is equipped with input 2
hardware and if [`In2] is not set to [``no] and if [CntL] (in the Global
Menu) is set to [`nor].


[`OFF] [``On]
[`rSP] [`rSP]

4.10 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[dEC2] Decimal 2

Select the decimal point location for process type input 2 data. This
prompt, in conjunction with the Range Low and Range High prompts,
allows you to format and limit units of measure for process 2.

• All prompts with units of measure related to input 2 will display in the
selected decimal format.

• This affects propbands, alarm set points, process set points, calibration
offsets, deadbands and ranges.

[dEC2] This prompt appears only if you have set input 2 [`In2] to a
process input, [Curr] or a thermocouple input set to [0-50] mV.


[```)] [``)0] [`)00} [)000]
[dEC2] [dEC2] [dEC2] [dEC2]

[`rL2] Range Low 2 and Range High 2

[`rH2] Select the low and high limits for input 2. These prompts limit the
adjustment range for the set points. The default values are the same as
the limits of the sensor you selected by setting the input 2 DIP switch and
selecting a value for Input 2 [`In2].

• Process inputs are scaled by these values. Range high is the value dis-
played when the maximum process signal is present at the input. Range
low is the value displayed when the minimum process signal is present
at the input.

Example: Set [`In2] to [4-20]mA.

Set [`rL2] to [`100].
Set [`rH2] to [`500].
A 4mA input will display [`100].
A 12mA input will display [`300].
A 20mA input will display [`500].

• The low and high values of each sensor type are listed on the specifica-
[`rL2] tions page of the Appendix.
[`rH2] • Choose between Fahrenheit and Celsius at the [`C_F] prompt in the
Range Low 2 and Global Menu.
Range High 2
continued on next [`rL2] [`rH2] These prompts appear only if the controller is equipped
page. with input 2 hardware and with Input 2 [`In2] not set to [``no] or

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.11


[`rL2] Default




[`rH2] [``°F] [``°C]
[`rL2] [`rH2] [`rL2] [`rH2]
Range Low 2 and
Range High 2 con- [```J] [``32]…[1500] [```0]…[`816] 98_ _-1_ _-_ _ _ or
tinued from previ- [`in2] [`rL2] [`rH2] [`rL2] [`rH2] 98_ _-2_ _-_ _ _
ous page. (K)
[```H] [-328]…[2500] [-200]…[1371]

[```t] [-328]…[`750] [-200]…[`399]

[```n] [``32]…[2372] [```0]…[1300]

[```E] [-328]…[1470] [-200]…[`799]

˜ (W5)
[```C] [``32]…[4200] [```0]…[2316]
NOTE: (W3)
These values do not [```d] [``32]…[4200] [```0]…[2316]
affect the low or the
high set point limit [`Pt2] [``32]…[2543] [```0]…[1395]
for process alarms. high impedance
[0-50] [-999]…[`999] [-573]…[`573]

[```r] [``32]…[3200] [```0]…[1760] 98_ _-2_ _-_ _ _ only

˜ [```S] [``32]…[3200] [```0]…[1760]

NOTE: [```b] [``32]…[3300] [```0]…[1816]

When high imped-
ance [0-50] is [`rtd] [-328]…[1472] [-200]…[`800]
selected for input 1
the range high for [`r†d] [-9(9]…[99(9] [-7#3]…[53&7]
both [``°C] and
[``°F] can be
extended to [9999]. [4-20] [-999]…[9999] units
The range low when
[``°C] is selected [0-20] [-999]…[9999] units
can be extended to
[-999]. [`0-5] [-999]…[9999] units

[`1-5] [-999]…[9999] units

[0-10] [-999]…[9999] units

[0-50] [-999]…[9999] units

[0=00] [-999]…[9999] units

[SLid] [`100]…[1200] ohms
[Curr] [```0]…[``50] amps
[`POt] [```0]…[1200] ohms

4.12 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[LrnL] Learn Low

Write the low-end resistance of the slidewire potentiometer to the

range low 2 parameter.

[LrnL] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with input 2

˜ hardware and with Input 2 [`In2] set to [SLid] or [`POt].
See Chapter 8 for Default
more information

on slidewire feed-
back. [``no] [`YES]
[LrnL] [LrnL]

[LrnH] Learn High

Write the high-end resistance of the slidewire potentiometer to the

range low 2 parameter.

˜ [LrnH] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with input 2

hardware and with Input 2 [`In2] set to [SLid] or [`POt].
See Chapter 8 for
more information Default
on slidewire feed- ↓
[``no] [`YES]
[LrnH] [LrnH]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.13


[CAL2] Calibration Offset 2

Offset the input 2 signal by a positive or negative value. This allows

you to compensate for lead resistance, sensor errors or other factors.

[CAL2] This prompt appears only if the controller is equipped with input 2
hardware and if [`In2] is not set to [``no] or [`Ei2].

If Minimum Default Max. setting/range

↓ ↓
[``°F] [-999] … [```0] … [`999]
[`C_F] [CAL2] [CAL2] [CAL2]
(Global Menu)
[``°F] & [`r†d] [-9(9] … [``)0] … [`9(9]
[`C_F] [`In2] [CAL2] [CAL2] [CAL2]
(Global Menu) (Input Menu)
[``°C] [-555] … [```0] … [`555]
[`C_F] [CAL2] [CAL2] [CAL2]
(Global Menu)
[``°C] & [`r†d] [-5%5] … [``)0] … [`5%5]
[`C_F] [`In2] [CAL2] [CAL2] [CAL2]
(Global Menu) (Input Menu)
[-999] … [```0] … [`999] units
a process input [CAL2] [CAL2] [CAL2]
is selected

[rtd2] RTD Calibration Curve 2

Select the calibration curve for the RTD 2 input. The RTD input uses
either the European (DIN, 0.003850Ω/Ω/°C) or Japanese (JIS,
0.003916Ω/Ω/°C) linearization standard.

[rtd2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with input 2

hardware and with [`In2] set to [`rtd] or [`r†d].


[`din] [`JIS]
[rtd2] [rtd2]

4.14 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[Ftr2] Software Filter 2

Select the filter time constant, in seconds, for input 2. This smooths a
rapidly changing input signal for display or control purposes.

• Select a positive value to filter only the display.

• Select a negative value to filter the input signal.

• Set the value to [```0] to disable the filter.

[Ftr2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with input 2

hardware and with [`In2] not set to [``no] or [`Ei2].


[`-60] … [```0] … [``60]
[Ftr2] [Ftr2] [Ftr2]

[Lin2] Linearization 2

Select square root linearization for input 2.

˜ [Lin2] This prompt appears only if you have set Input 2 [`In2] to a
process input or to a thermocouple input set to [0-50] mV.
See Chapter 8 for
more information Default
on input lineariza- ↓
tion. [``no] [root]
[Lin2] [Lin2]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.15


[Hunt] Hunt

Set the deadband, as a percentage of output, to keep the valve from

˜ hunting.

NOTE: • The slidewire hysteresis [SHYS] setting provides additional control over a
See Chapter 8 for valve.
more information
on slidewire feed- [Hunt] This prompt appears only if the controller is equipped with slidewire
back. hardware (98_ _-_3_ _-_ _ _) and with [`In2] set to [SLid].


[``)3] … [``!0] … [10)0]
[Hunt] [Hunt] [Hunt]

4.16 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[SHYS] Slidewire Hysteresis

Set the inner hysteresis, the point at which the valve output turns

• The figure below illustrates the interaction between slidewire hysteresis

[SHYS] and hunt [Hunt].
˜ [SHYS] This prompt appears only if the controller is equipped with slidewire
NOTE: hardware (98_ _-_3_ _-_ _ _ _) and with Input 2 [`In2] set to [SLid]
See Chapter 8 for
more information
on slidewire feed- Default
back. ↓
[```0] [Hunt]

turn-on point (close)

turn-off point (close)

Hunt Hysteresis slidewire position
set point

turn-off point (open)

Figure 4.17 -
Hunt and slidewire turn-on point (open)
inner hysteresis.

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.17

Setup-Output [`set] Setup Prompt Enter your settings,
from the controller's

[`Ot1] Output 1 upper display.

Output 1 (p. 4.19)
Reaching the Output Menu [Prc1] *Process 1

[HyS1} *Hysteresis 1

❶ Begin in the Display Loop, and [`Ot2] *Output 2

press the Up-arrow > and Down- MODE

arrow < keys simultaneously for [Prc2] *Process 2

three seconds to reach the Setup MODE

Menus. [Hys2]x*Hysteresis 2
Output 2 (p. 4.21)
[Sp2c] *Set Point 2 Control

[Inpt] [OtPt] [gLbL] [COm] [`Al2] *Alarm 2

[`Set] [`Set] [`Set] [`Set] MODE

[A25d] *Alarm 2 Side

Input Output Global Communications
Menu Menu Menu Menu MODE

4.2 p.p.4.18
4.18 p.p.4.34
4.34 p.
p. 4.44
4.44 MODE *Latching 2

[SIL2] *Silencing 2
❷ Press the Up-arrow key > to select MODE

one of the Setup Menus. *Output 3

[`Al3] *Alarm 3
Output 3 (p. 4.25)
[A3sd] *Alarm 3 Side

[Hys3] *Hysteresis 3
❸ Press the Mode key µ to step
through the prompts. MODE

[Lat3] *Latching 3

[SIL3] *Silencing 3

[`Ot4] *Output 4

[``Ht] [``CL] [`AL4] *Alarm 4

[`Ot1] [`Ot1]
Output 4 (p. 4.28)
(p. 4.28)
… [A4Sd} *Alarm 4 Side

[HyS4] *Hysteresis 4

[```1] [```2] [```3] … [`999] MODE

[Hys2] [Hys2] [Hys2] [Hys2] [LAt4] *Latching 4


[SIL4} *Silencing 4
❹ Press the Up-arrow key > or the MODE

Down-arrow key < to select one of [Aout] *Analog Output

the prompt values. MODE

[Prc3} *Process 3
*Prompts may not appear, MODE Output 3 retransmit
depending on controller [A`rL] *Retransmit Low Limit (p.
(p. 4.31)
configuration. MODE

[A`rH] *Retransmit High Limit

Figure 4.18 -
Navigating the MODE

Output Menu. [ACAL] *Retransmit Calibration Offset

4.18 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


˜ Output Prompts
Decimal points may When you are in the Setup menus, the Series 988 displays the menu
not always be in the selection ( [InPt], [OtPt], [GLbL] or [COM] ) in the upper display, and
position specified [`SEt] in the lower display.
below depending
on the the settings The Up-arrow > or Down-arrow key < selects another menu. Press the
in the Decimal 1 Mode key µ to display the first prompt in the lower display and its value
[deC1] and Decimal in the upper display. Use the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys to
2 [deC2] parame- change the value in the upper display. The new value will not take effect
ters in the Input
until after a five-second delay or until you press the Mode key µ.

[`Ot1] Output 1

Set the way that output 1 will respond to a difference between the set
point and an input variable.

• [``Ht] select reverse action, so that output 1 responds when the input
signal is less than the setpoint.

• [``CL] select direct action, so that output 1 responds when the input
signal is more than the setpoint.

[`Ot1] This prompt always appears.


[``Ht] [``CL]
[`Ot1] [`Ot1]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.19


[Prc1] Process 1

Select the process range for output 1.

[Prc1] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 1

process hardware (98_ _-_ _F_-_ _ _ _).


4-20mA 0-20mA 0-5VÎ 1-5VÎ 0-10VÎ (dc)
[4-20] [0-20] [`0-5] [`1-5] [0-10]
[Prc1] [Prc1] [Prc1] [Prc1] [Prc1]

[HYS1] Hysteresis 1

Select the switching hysteresis for output 1. This determines the

change in temperature or process units needed to turn the output from
full on to full off.

[HYS1] This prompt does not appear on controllers equipped with output 1
process hardware (98_ _-_ _F_-_ _ _ _). This prompt only appears with the
controller set up as an on/off controller ( [PBIA] = [```0] ).

If Default
↓ ↓
[``°F] [```1] … [```3] … [`999]
[`C_F] [HYS1 ][HYS1] [HYS1]
(Global Menu)
[``°F] & [`r†d] [``)1] … [``#0] … [`9(9]
[`C_F] [`In1] [HYS1] [HYS1] [HYS1]
(Global Menu) (Input Menu)
[``°C] [```1] … [```2] … [`555]
[`C_F] [HYS1] [HYS1] [HYS1]
(Global Menu)
[``°C] & [`r†d] [``)1] … [``@0] … [`5%5]
[`C_F] [`In1] [HYS1] [HYS1] [HYS1]
(Global Menu) (Input Menu)
[```1] … [```3] … [`999] units
a process input [HYS1] [HYS1] [HYS1]
is selected

4.20 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[`Ot2] Output 2

Set the way that output 2 will respond to a difference between the set
point and an input variable.

• [`AL2] de-energizes output 2 in an alarm condition.

• [AL2n] energizes output 2 in an alarm condition.

• [``Ht] select reverse action, so that output 2 responds when the input
signal is less than the set point.

• [``CL] select direct action, so that output 2 responds when the input
signal is more than the set point.

[`Ot2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 2

hardware (not 98_ _-_ _ _A-_ _ _ _). [`AL2] and [AL2n] do not appear if out-
put 2 is a process output (98_ _-_ _ _F-_ _ _ _). [``Ht] and [``CL] do not
appear if [AL90] (in the Global Menu) is set to [dUPL].


[``no] [`AL2] [Al2n] [``Ht] [``CL]
[`Ot2] [`Ot2] [`Ot2] [`Ot2] [`Ot2]

[Prc2] Process 2

Select the process range for output 2.

[Prc2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 2

process hardware (98_ _-_ _ _F-_ _ _ _) and with [`Ot2] not set to [``no].


4-20mA 0-20mA 0-5VÎ 1-5VÎ 0-10VÎ (dc)
[4-20] [0-20] [`0-5] [`1-5] [0-10]
[Prc2] [Prc2] [Prc2] [Prc2] [Prc2]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.21


[HYS2] Hysteresis 2

Select the switching hysteresis for output 2. This determines the

change in temperature or process units needed to turn the output from off
to on.

• If [`AL2] is set to [rAtE] settings for [HYS2] will be in degrees per

minute or units per minute.

• If the input referenced by [`AL2] is set to [`r†d] the range is affected as

listed below.

[HYS2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 2

hardware and with the controller set up as an on/off controller ([Pb2A} =
[```0]), and with [`Ot2] not set to [``no]. This prompt does not appear
on controllers equipped with output 2 process hardware, ([`In2} = [sLid],
or if [ALg0} in the Global menu = [dUPL]).

If Default
↓ ↓
[``°F] [```1] … [```3] … [`999]
[`C_F] [HYS2] [HYS2] [HYS2]
(Global Menu)
[``°F] & [`r†d] [``)1] … [``#0] … [`9(9]
[`C_F] Input 1 or 2 [HYS2] [HYS2] [HYS2]
(Global Menu) (see note above)
[``°C] [```1] … [```2] … [`555]
[`C_F] [HYS2][ HYS2] [HYS2]
(Global Menu)
[``°C] & [`r†d] [``)1] … [``@0] … [`5%5]
[`C_F] Input 1 or 2 [HYS2] [HYS2] [HYS2]
(Global Menu) (see note above)
[```1] … [```3] … [`999] units
a process input [HYS2] [HYS2] [HYS2]
is selected

[SP2c] Set Point 2 Control

Select a second set point.

• [``Pr] enables a set point independent from the Set Point 1 [`SP1]

• [``dE] enables a set point at a deviation from the Set Point 1 [`SP1]

[Prc1] This prompt appears only if output 2 hardware is present and is

equal to the output 1 setting.

[``Pr] [``dE]
[SPc2] [SPc2]

4.22 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[`AL2] Alarm 2

Select the alarm type for alarm 2. Select the trigger points for the alarm
with the [A2LO] and [A2HI] settings in the System Menu [`SYS].

• [`Pr1] uses the process signal from input 1. Changing the set point
does not change the alarm response.

˜ • [`dE1] uses a deviation from the input 1 signal. Changing the set point
changes the alarm response.
See Chapter 7 for • [`Pr2] uses the process signal from input 2. This choice does not appear
more information
if the controller is not equipped with input 2 hardware or if [`In2] is set
on alarms.
to [``no] or [`Ei2].

• [`dE2] uses a deviation from the input 2 signal. This prompt does not
appear if the controller is not equipped with input 2 hardware or if
[`In2] is set to [``no] or [`Ei2].

• [rAtE] uses the rate of change at input 1 in degrees per minute.

[`AL2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 2

hardware and with [`Ot2] set to [`AL2] or [AL2n].


[`Pr1] [`de1] [`Pr2] [`de2] [rAtE] [``no]
[`AL2] [`AL2] [`AL2] [`AL2] [`AL2] [`AL2]

[A2Sd] Alarm 2 Side

Select what triggers alarm 2.

• [both] triggers an alarm when the signal ≤ [A2LO] or ≥ [A2HI].

• [HigH] triggers an alarm when the signal ≥ [A2HI].

• [LoW] triggers an alarm when the signal ≤ [A2LO].

[A2Sd] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 2

hardware and with [`Ot2] set to [`AL2] or [AL2n].


[both] [HigH] [Low]
[A2Sd] [A2Sd] [A2Sd]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.23


[LAt2] Latching 2

Select whether alarm 2 will be latching or non-latching. A latching

alarm [`LAt] must be turned off manually. A non-latching alarm [`nLA]
turns off when an alarm condition no longer exists.

˜ [LAt2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 2

hardware and with [`Ot2] set to [`AL2] or [AL2n].
See Chapter 7 for
more information Default
on alarms. ↓
[`nLA] [`LAt]
[LAt2] [LAt2]

[SIL2] Silencing 2

Select silencing to inhibit alarm 2 on startup and to allow the opera-

tor to reset the alarm output, not the visual display.

• Silencing disables the alarm until the signal is between [A2LO] and

[`AL2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 2

hardware and with [`Ot2] set to [`AL2] or [AL2n].


[`OFF] [``On]
[SIL2] [SIL2]

4.24 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[`Ot3] Output 3

Select the alarm condition for output 3.

• [`AL3] de-energizes output 3 in an alarm condition.

˜ • [AL3n] energizes output 3 in an alarm condition.

NOTE: [`Ot3] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 3
See Chapter 7 for hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-B_ _ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-J_ _ _ or
more information 98_ _-_ _ _ _-K_ _ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-C_ _ _).
on alarms.

[`AL3] [AL3n] [``no]
[`Ot3] [`Ot3] [`Ot3]

Alarm 3
Select the alarm type for alarm 3.
• [`Pr1] uses the process signal from input 1.

• [`dE1] uses a deviation from the input 1 signal.

• [`Pr2] uses the process signal from input 2. This prompt does not
appear if the controller is not equipped with input 2 hardware or if
[`In2] is set to [``no] or [`Ei2].

• [`dE2] uses a deviation from the input 2 signal. This prompt does not
appear if the controller is not equipped with input 2 hardware or if
[`In2] is set to [``no] or [`Ei2].

• [rAtE] uses the rate of change at input 1 in degrees per minute.

[`AL3] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 3

hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-B_ _ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-J_ _ _ or
98_ _-_ _ _ _-K_ _ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-C_ _ _), and with [`Ot3]
set to [`AL3] or [AL3n].


[`Pr1] [`de1] [`Pr2] [`de2] [rAtE] [``no]
[`AL3] [`AL3] [`AL3] [`AL3] [`AL3] [`AL3]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.25


[A3Sd] Alarm 3 Side

Select what triggers alarm 3.

˜ • [both] triggers an alarm when the signal ≤ [A3LO] or ≥ [A3HI].

NOTE: • [HiGH] triggers an alarm when the signal ≥ [A3HI].
See Chapter 7 for
more information • [LOW] triggers an alarm when the signal ≤ [A3LO].
on alarms.
[A3Sd] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 3
hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-B_ _ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-J_ _ _ or
98_ _-_ _ _ _-K_ _ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-C_ _ _) and with [`Ot3]
set to [`AL3] or [AL3n].


[both] [HiGH] [LOW]
[A3Sd] [A3Sd] [A3Sd]

[HYS3] Hysteresis 3

Select the switching hysteresis for alarm 3. This determines the change
in temperature or process units needed to turn the output from off to on.

• If [`AL3] is set to [rAtE] settings for [HYS3] will be in degrees per

minute or units per minute.

• If the input referenced by [`AL3] is set to [`r†d] the range is affected as

listed below.

[HYS3] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 3

hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-B_ _ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-J_ _ _ or

98_ _-_ _ _ _-K_ _ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-C_ _ _).

If Default
↓ ↓
[``°F] [```1] … [```3] … [`999]
[`C_F] [HYS3] [HYS3] [HYS3]
(Global Menu)
[``°F] & [`r†d] [``)1] … [``#0] … [`9(9]
[`C_F] Input 1 or 2 [HYS3] [HYS3] [HYS3]
(Global Menu) (see note above)
[``°C] [```1] … [```2] … [`555]
[`C_F] [HYS3] [HYS3] [HYS3]
(Global Menu)
[``°C] & [`r†d] [``)1] … [``@0] … [`5%5]
[`C_F] Input 1 or 2 [HYS3] [HYS3] [HYS3]
(Global Menu) (see note above)
[```1] … [```3] … [`999] units

a process input [HYS3] [HYS3] [HYS3]

is selected

4.26 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[LAt3] Latching 3

Select whether alarm 3 will be latching or non-latching. A latching

alarm [`LAt] must be turned off manually. A non-latching alarm [`nLA]
turns off when an alarm condition no longer exists.
˜ [LAt3] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 3
NOTE: hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-B_ _ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-J_ _ _ or
See Chapter 7 for 98_ _-_ _ _ _-K_ _ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-C_ _ _) and with [`Ot3] set
more information to [`AL3] or [AL3n].
on alarms.

[`nLA] [`LAt]
[LAt3] [LAt3]

[SIL3] Silencing 3

Select silencing to inhibit alarm 3 on startup and to allow the opera-

tor to reset the alarm output, not the visual display.

• Silencing disables the alarm until the signal is between [A3LO] and
˜ [A3HI].
NOTE: [SIL3] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 3
See Chapter 7 for hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-B_ _ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-J_ _ _ or
more information 98_ _-_ _ _ _-K_ _ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-C_ _ _) and with [`Ot3] set
on alarms.
to [`AL3] or [AL3n].


[`OFF] [``On]
[SIL3] [SIL3]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.27


[`Ot4] Output 4

Select the alarm condition for output 4.

˜ • [`AL4] de-energizes output 4 in an alarm condition.

NOTE: • [AL4n] energizes output 4 in an alarm condition.

See Chapter 7 for
more information [`Ot4] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 4
on alarms. hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_B_ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_D_ _ ,
98_ _-_ _ _ _-_E_ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_K_ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_C_ _).


[`AL4] [AL4n]
[`Ot4] [`Ot4]

[`AL4] Alarm 4

Select the alarm type for alarm 4.

• [`Pr1] uses a process signal from input 1.

• [`dE1] uses a deviation from the input 1 signal.

• [`Pr2] uses the process signal from input 2. This prompt does not
appear if the controller is not equipped with input 2 hardware or if
[`In2] is set to [``no] or [`Ei2].

• [`dE2] uses a deviation from the input 2 signal. This prompt does not
appear if the controller is not equipped with input 2 hardware or if
[`In2] is set to [``no] or [`Ei2].

• [rAtE] uses the rate of change at input 1 in degrees per minute.

[`AL4] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 4

hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_B_ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_D_ _ ,
98_ _-_ _ _ _-_E_ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_K_ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_C_ _).


[`Pr1] [`dE1] [`Pr2] [`dE2] [rAtE] [``no]
[`AL4] [`AL4] [`AL4] [`AL4] [`AL4] [`AL4]

4.28 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[A4Sd] Alarm 4 Side

Select what triggers alarm 4.

• [both] triggers an alarm when the signal ≤ [A4LO] or ≥ [A4HI].

˜ • [HiGH] triggers an alarm when the signal ≥ [A4HI].

NOTE: • [LOW] triggers an alarm when the signal ≤ [A4LO].

See Chapter 7 for
more information [A4Sd] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 4
on alarms. hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_B_ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_D_ _ ,
98_ _-_ _ _ _-_E_ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_K_ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_C_ _)
and with [`Ot4] set to [`AL4] or [AL4n].


[A4SD] [A4SD] [A4SD]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.29


[HYS4] Hysteresis 4

Select the switching hysteresis for alarm 4. This determines the change
in temperature or process units needed to turn the output from off to on.

• If [`AL4] is set to [rAtE] settings for [HYS4] will be in degrees per

minute or units per minute.

• If the input referenced by [`AL4] is set to [`r†d] the range is affected as

listed below.

[HYS4] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 4

hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_B_ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_D_ _ ,
98_ _-_ _ _ _-_E_ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_K_ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_C_ _).

If Default
↓ ↓
[``°F] [```1] … [```3] … [`999]
[`C_F] [HYS4] [HYS4] [HYS4]
(Global Menu)
[``°F] & [`r†d] [``)1] … [``#0] … [`9(9]
[`C_F] Input 1 or 2 [HYS4] [HYS4] [HYS4]
(Global Menu) (see note above)
[``°C] [```1] … [```2] … [`555]
[`C_F] [HYS4] [HYS4] [HYS4]
(Global Menu)
[``°C] & [`r†d] [``)1] … [``@0] … [`5%5]
[`C_F] Input 1 or 2 [HYS4] [HYS4] [HYS4]
(Global Menu) (see note above)
[```1] … [```3] … [`999] units
a process input [HYS4] [HYS4] [HYS4]
is selected

[LAt4] Latching 4

Select whether alarm 4 will be latching or non-latching. A latching

alarm [`LAT] must be turned off manually. A non-latching alarm [`nLA]
turns off when an alarm condition no longer exists.
˜ [LAt4] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 4
NOTE: hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_B_ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_J_ _ or
See Chapter 7 for 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_K_ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_C_ _). and with [`Ot4] set
more information to [`AL4] or [AL4n].
on alarms.

[`nLA] [`LAt]
[LAt4] [LAt4]

4.30 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


Silencing 4
Select silencing to inhibit alarm 4 on startup and to allow the opera-
tor to reset the alarm output, not the visual display.

˜ • Silencing disables the alarm until the signal is between [A4LO] and
See Chapter 7 for [SIL4] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with output 4
more information hardware for a relay (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_B_ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_D_ _ ,
on alarms. 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_E_ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_K_ _) or switched dc (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_C_ _)
and with [`Ot4] set to [`AL4] or [AL4n].


[`OFF] [``On]
[SIL4] [SIL4]

[Aout] Analog Output

Select which value to retransmit as the output 3 signal.

• [Prc1] retransmits the process 1 value.

˜ • [StPt] retransmits the set point.

NOTE: • [Prc2] retransmits the process 2 value. This prompt appears only if the
See Chapter 8 for
controller is equipped with input 2 hardware and if [`In2] is not set to
more information
on retransmit. [``no] or [`Ei2].

• [``no] turns off retransmit function.

[Aout] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with retransmit

hardware (98_ _-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _).


[Prc1] [StPt] [Prc2] [``no]
[Aout] [Aout] [Aout] [Aout]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.31


[Prc3] Process 3

Select the range for the retransmit signal at output 3.

[Prc3] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with retransmit

hardware (98_ _-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _) and with [Aout] not
set to [``no].


4-20mA 0-20mA 0-5VÎ 1-5VÎ 0-10VÎ (dc)
[4-20] [0-20] [`0-5] [`1-5] [0-10]
[Prc3] [Prc3] [Prc3] [Prc3] [Prc3]

[A`rL] Retransmit Low Limit

Select the low limit for the retransmit signal at output 3.

˜ • The default value is equal to [`rL1] or [`rL2] (in the Input Menu)
depending on whether [Aout] is set to [Prc1] or [Prc2].
See Chapter 8 for • The decimal precision of [A`rL] is determined by [dEC1] (Input Menu) if
more information [Aout] is set to [Prc1] or [StPt]; it is determined by [dEC2] if [Aout] is
on retransmit. set to [Prc2].

[A`rL] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with retransmit

hardware (98_ _-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _) and with [Aout] not
set to [``no].

[-999] … [A`rH]
[A`rL] [A`rL]

4.32 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


Retransmit High Limit

Select the high limit for the retransmit signal at output 3.

• The default value is equal to [`rH1] or [`rH2] (in the Input Menu)
depending on whether [Aout] is set to [Prc1] or [Prc2].

• The decimal precision of [ACAL] is determined by [dEC1] (Input Menu) if

[Aout] is set to [Prc1] or [StPt]; it is determined by [dEC2] if [Aout] is
set to [Prc2].

[A`rH] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with retransmit

hardware (98_ _-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _) and with [Aout] not
set to [``no].

[A`rL] … [9999]
[A`rH] [A`rH]

[ACAL] Retransmit Calibration Offset

Select an offset value for the retransmit signal at output 3.

• The decimal precision of [ACAL] is determined by [dEC1] (Input Menu) if

˜ [Aout] is set to [Prc1] or [StPt]; it is determined by [dEC2] if [Aout] is
NOTE: set to [Prc2].
See Chapter 8 for
more information
[ACAL] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with retransmit
on retransmit. hardware (98_ _-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _) and with [Aout] not
set to [``no].

If Default
↓ ↓
[``°F] [-999] … [```0] … [`999]
(Global Menu)
[``°C] [-555] … [```0] … [`555]
(Global Menu)
[-999] … [```0] … [`999] units
a process input [ACAL] [ACAL] [ACAL]
is selected

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.33


Reaching the Global Menu [GlbL]

[`Set] Setup prompt Enter your settings,
MODE from the controller's
[`C_F] *Celsius-Fahrenheit upper display.
❶ Begin in the Display Loop, and
press the Up-arrow > and Down- MODE

[FaIL] Failure Mode

arrow < keys simultaneously for
three seconds to reach the Setup MODE

Menus. [`Err] Error Latching


[CntL] *Control Type


[CSAC] *Cascade Action

[Inpt] [OtPt] [gLbL] [COm] MODE

[`Set] [`Set] [`Set] [`Set] [ALGO] *Algorithm

Input Output Global Communications MODE

Menu Menu Menu Menu [Pid2] *PID 2 Crossover Selection

p. 4.2
p. 4.2 p. 4.18
p. p. 4.34
p. 4.34 p. 4.44
PID (p. 4.38)
[Proc] *Crossover Process Value
❷ Press the Up-arrow key > to select MODE

one of the Setup Menus. [StPt] *Crossover Set Point Value


[`EiI] Event Input 1

Event Input (p. 4.40)

[`Ei2] *Event Input 2

❸ Press the Mode key µ to step
through the prompts. MODE

[Anun] Annunciator

[`LoP] Low Power Limit


[``°F] [``°C] [`HiP] High Power Limit

[`C_F] [`C_F]

[AtSp] Auto-tune Set Point


[``rP] *Ramping Function Ramping (p. 4.43)
(p. 4.43)
[```0] [```1] [```2] …[9999] MODE

[rate] [rate] [rate] [rate] [Rate] *Ramp Rate

❹ Press the Up-arrow key > or the *Prompts may not appear, depending
Down-arrow key < to select one of on controller configuration.
the prompt values.

Figure 4.34 -
Navigating the
Global Menu.

4.34 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


Global Prompts
When you are in the Setup menus, the Series 988 displays the menu
Decimal points may
not always be in the selection ([InPt], [OtPt], [GLbL] or [COM]) in the upper display, and
position specified [`SEt] in the lower display.
below depending on
the the settings in The Up-arrow > or Down-arrow key < selects another menu. Press
the Decimal 1 the Mode key µ to display the first prompt in the lower display and its
[dEC1] and Decimal value in the upper display. Use the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow <
2 [dEC2] parame- keys to change the value in the upper display. The new value will not take
ters in the Input effect until after a five-second delay or until you press the Mode key µ.

[`C_F] Celsius-Fahrenheit

Select which temperature scale the controller will use.

[`C_F] This prompt appears only on controllers with either Input 1 or

Input 2 set to something other than a process input.


[``°F] [``°C]
[`C_F] [`C_F]

[FAIL] Failure Mode

Select the output level that the controller will maintain if an input

• Bumpless transfer [bPLS] maintains the same output settings after an

input failure.

[FAIL] This prompt always appears.

If Default
↓ ↓
[bPLS] [-100] … [`100] %
a heat/cool
application [FAIL] [FAIL] [FAIL]

[bPLS] [```0] … [`100] %

a heat-only
application [FAIL] [FAIL] [FAIL]

[bPLS] [-100] … [```0] %

a cool-only
application [FAIL] [FAIL] [FAIL]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.35


[`Err] Error Latching

Select whether errors will be latching or non-latching.

• Non-latching alarms [`nLA] turn off when there is no alarm condition.

• Latching alarms [`LAt] must be turned off manually.

[`Err] This prompt always appears.


[`nLA] [`LAt]
[`Err] [`Err]

Control Type
Select a control method: normal [`nor]; cascade [CSCd]; ratio [rAti];
or differential [diFF].

[CntL] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with enhanced

software (98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _) and input 2 hardware for a basic thermocou-
ple signal conditioner (98_ _-_1_ _-_ _ _ _) or a universal signal conditioner
(98_ _-_2_ _-_ _ _ _) and with [`rSP] set to [`OFF].


[`nor] [CSCd] [rAti] [diFF]
[CntL] [CntL] [CntL] [CntL]

4.36 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[CSAC] Cascade Action

Select the control action between the inner and outer loop of a cas-
cade system.

• Direct action [`dir] makes the percent output from the outer loop
directly proportional to the set point of the inner loop (input 2). A 100%
signal in the outer loop will set the inner loop to range high 2 [`rH2]
(Input Menu). A 0% signal in the outer loop will set the inner loop to
range low 2 [`rL2] (Input Menu).

• Reverse action [`rEU] makes the percent output from the outer loop
inversely proportional to the set point of the inner loop (input 2). A 100%
signal in the outer loop will set the inner loop to range low 2 [`rL2]
(Input Menu). A 0% signal in the outer loop will set the inner loop to
range high 2 [`rH2] (Input Menu).

[CSAC] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with enhanced

software (98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _) and with [CntL] set to [CSCd].


[`dir] [`rEU]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.37


[ALGO] Algorithm

Select the control algorithm.

• [`Pid] selects one set of PID prompts.

• [`Pdr] selects proportional/derivative control with manual reset in per-

cent power.

• [Pid2] selects two complete sets of PID prompts. This selection does not
appear if [CntL] is set to [CSCd].

• [dUPL] selects duplex (heating and cooling) control. This prompt does
not appear unless output 1 is a process output.

[ALGO] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with enhanced

software (98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _).

[`Pid] [`Pdr] [Pid2] [dUPL]

PID 2 Crossover Selection

[Pid2] Select which parameter determines the crossover from PID A to PID
B: process [Proc]; set point [StPt]; or none [``no].

[Pid2] This prompt appears only on controllers with [ALGO] set to [Pid2].


[Proc] [StPt] [``no]
[Pid2] [Pid2] [Pid2]

4.38 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[Proc] Crossover Process Value

Select the process value at which the control algorithm will crossover
between PID A and PID B. PID A is active below this value and PID B is
active above this value.

• This value cannot be set lower than range low 1 [`rL1] or higher than
range high 1 [`rH1].

[Proc] This prompt appears only on controllers with [Pid2] set to [Proc].


[`rL1] [`rH1]
[Proc] [Proc]

[StPt] Crossover Set Point Value

Select the set point value at which the control algorithm will
crossover between PID A and PID B. PID A is active below this value and
PID B is active above this value.

• This value cannot be set lower than range low 1 [`rL1] or higher than
range high 1 [`rH1].

[StPt] This prompt appears only on controllers with [Pid2] set to [StPt].


[`rL1] [`rH1]
[StPt] [StPt]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.39


[`Ei1] Event Input 1

Select the effect of closing the event input 1 switch.

• [``no] disables event input 1.

• [`LOC] locks out the front panel keys.

• [`ALr] resets an alarm.

• [A-M] switches the controller to manual mode at the power level set at
[FAIL] (Global Menu) and disables the Auto/Man Πkey.

• [`OFF] turns all control outputs off (de-energize relays).

• [`Pid] switches from PID A to PID B.

• [Actn] selects the opposite control action for output 1 and 2.

• [`rSP] switches to a remote set point.

• [IdSP] switches to an idle or second set point.

[`Ei1] This prompt always appears.


[``no] [`LOC] [`ALr] [A-M] [`OFF] [`Pid] [Actn] [`rsp] [IdSP]
[`Ei1] [`Ei1] [`Ei1] [`Ei1] [`Ei1] [`Ei1] [`Ei1] [`Ei1] [`Ei1]

[`Ei2] Event Input 2

Select the effect of closing the event input 2 switch. The selections are
the same as for event input 1.

[`Ei2] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with hardware

for a second event input (98_ _-_5_ _-_ _ _ _) and with [`In2] set to


[``no] [`LOC] [`ALr] [A-M] [`OFF] [`Pid] [Actn] [IdSP]
[`Ei2] [`Ei2] [`Ei2] [`Ei2] [`Ei2] [`Ei2] [`Ei2] [`Ei2]

4.40 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[Anun] Annunciator

Select whether alarm messages will flash in the lower display.

[Anun] This prompt always appears.


[``on] [`OFF]
[Anun] [Anun]

[`LoP] Low Power Limit

Select the low limit for the percent output. For cooling (direct acting)
enter a negative number.

[`LoP] This prompt always appears.

If Default
↓ ↓
[-100]%… [`Hip]
a heat/cool [`LoP] [`LoP]

[```0]%… [`Hip]
a heat only [`LoP] [`LoP]

[-100]%… [`Hip]
a cool only [`LoP] [`LoP]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.41


[`HiP] High Power Limit

Select the high limit for the percent output. For cooling (direct acting)
enter a negative number.

[`HiP] This prompt always appears.

If Default
↓ ↓
[`LoP] … [`100]%
a heat/cool
application [`HiP] [`HiP]

[`LoP] … [`100]%
a heat only
application [`HiP] [`HiP]

[`LoP] … [```0]%
a cool only
application [`HiP] [`HiP]

[AtSP] Auto-tune Set Point

Select the percentage at which the controller will auto tune the cur-
rent control set point.

[AtSP] This prompt always appears.


[``50] … [``90] … [`150] %
[AtSP] [AtSP] [AtSP]

4.42 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[``rP] Ramping Function

Select when the controller will ramp. Ramping limits the speed at
which an element can heat up. Ramping is often used to protect parts that
would crack or warp if they heat up too quickly.

• [`OFF] sets the system to heat as quickly as possible.

• [Strt] sets the system to ramp only at startup.

• [StPt] sets the system to ramp at startup and whenever the set point

[``rP] This prompt appears only on controllers with [`rSP] (Input Menu)
set to [`OFF] and with [`Ei1] not set to [`rSP] and with [CntL] (Global
Menu) not set to [diff] or [rati].


[`OFF] [Strt] [StPt]
[``rP] [``rP] [``rP]

[rAtE] Ramp Rate

Select the ramping rate in degrees per minute.

[rAtE] This prompt appears only on controllers with [``rP] set to [Strt]
or [StPt].


[``90] … [`100] … [9999] °/min.
[rAtE] ][rAtE] [rAtE]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.43


Reaching the Communications Menu

❶ Begin in the Display Loop, and [COm]

press the Up-arrow > and Down- [`Set] Setup Prompt Enter your settings,
arrow < keys simultaneously for MODE
from the controller's
three seconds to reach the Setup [BaUd] Baud Rate upper display.
Menus. MODE

MODE [Data] Data Bits and Parity

[Prot] Protocol Type

[Inpt] [OtPt] [gLbL] [COm] MODE
[`Set] [`Set] [`Set] [`Set]
[addr] *Address
Input Output Global Communications MODE

Menu Menu Menu Menu [IntF] *Interface Type

4.2 p. 4.18
p. 4.18 p. 4.34 p. 4.44
p. 4.34 p. 4.44

❷ Press the Up-arrow key > to select

one of the Setup Menus.
*Prompts may not
appear, depending
on controller config-

❸ Press the Mode key µ to step

through the prompts.

The Communications Menu
appears only on controllers
[9600] [`300] [1200] …[4800]
[baUD] [baUD]
equipped with communications
[baUD] [baUD]
hardware (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_R_ _,
98 _ _-_ _ _ _-_U_ _ or 98_ _-_ _
_ _-_S_ _).

See Data Communications with

[`485] [`422] the Series 988 Family of
[Intf] [Intf]
Controllers for detailed informa-
tion on communications.

❹ Press the Up-arrow key > or the

Down-arrow key < to select one of
the prompt values.

Figure 4.44 -
Navigating the
Communications Menu.

4.44 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


Communications Prompts

When you are in the Setup menus, the Series 988 displays the menu
selection ( [InPt], [OtPt], [GLbL] or [COM] ) in the upper display, and
[`SEt] in the lower display.

The Up-arrow > or Down-arrow key < selects another menu. Press the
Mode key µ to display the first prompt in the lower display and its value
in the upper display. Use the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys to
change the value in the upper display. The new value will not take effect
until after a five-second delay or until you press the Mode key µ.

Baud Rate
Select the communications speed.

[bAUd] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with communi-

cations hardware (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_R_ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_U_ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-
_S_ _).


[9600] [`300] [`600] [1200] [2400] [4800]
[bAUd] [bAUd] [bAUd] [bAUd] [bAUd] [bAUd]

[dAtA] Data Bits and Parity

Select the communications format (start bit = 1, stop bit = 1).

• Setting [Prot] to [Mod] automatically sets [dAtA] to [``8n].

[dAtA] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with communi-

cations hardware (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_R_ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_U_ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-
_S_ _).


[``7o] [``7E] [``8n]
[dAtA] [dAtA] [dAtA]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.45


[Prot] Protocol Type

Select the communications protocol.

• [FULL] selects ANSI X3.28 2.2 - A.3.

• [``on] selects Xon/Xoff.

• [Mod] selects Modbus

[Prot] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with communi-

cations hardware (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_R_ _, 98_ _-_ _ _ _-_U_ _ or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-
_S_ _).


[FULL] [``On] [mod]
[Prot] [Prot] [Prot]

[Addr] Address

Select an address for the controller. The computer will use this address
when communicating with this controller.

[Addr] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with communica-

tions hardware for EIA/TIA-485 and EIA/TIA-422.

If Default
↓ ↓
[`485] [```0]… [``31]
[IntF] [Addr] [Addr]

[`422] [```0]… [```9]

[Intf] [Addr] [Addr]

[Mod] [```0] … [```1]… [`247]

[Intf] [Addr] [Addr] [Addr]

4.46 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Setup Menus, Chapter 4


[IntF] Interface Type

Select the interface type for Output 4, Option S.

• [`485] selects EIA/TIA-485.

• [`422] selects EIA/TIA-422.

[IntF] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with communications

hardware for EIA/TIA-485 and EIA/TIA-422 (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_S_ _).


[`485] [`422]
[IntF] [IntF]

[IntF] Interface Type

Select the interface type for Output 4, Option U.

• [`485] selects EIA/TIA-485.

• [`232] selects EIA/TIA-232.

[IntF] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with communications

hardware for EIA/TIA-485 and EIA/TIA-232 (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_U_ _).


[`232] [`485]
[IntF] [IntF]

Setup Menus, Chapter 4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 4.47

Chapter 5 The Operation Menus

Navigating the Operation Menus

To reach the Operation Menus, begin in the Display Loop and press the
Mode key µ. Depending on the controller configuration, either the Set
Point 2 prompt [`SP2], the Idle Set Point prompt [IdSP] or the Operation
Menu prompt [OPEr] will appear in the lower display. The three Operation
Menus are: System [`SYS]; PID A [PidA]; and PID B [Pidb]. Use the
Mode key µ to step past the Set Point 2 prompt [`SP2] or the Idle Set
Point prompt [IdSP], if they appear (see prompt information). Upon reach-
˜ ing the Operation Menu prompt [OPEr] use the Up-arrow > or Down-
arrow < key to select a menu and the Mode key µ to step through a
Press the Display menu.
key ∂ to return to You will not see every prompt in any of these menus. The unit’s configura-
the Display Loop tion and model number determine which prompts appear. After stepping
from any point in through each menu, the Series 988 returns to the Operation Menu prompt
any menu.
[OPEr]. Use the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys to select the next
menu, or use the Mode key µ to advance through the same menu again.
To move backwards through the menu hold the Mode key µ down and
press the Up-arrow key >. Use the Up-arrow > or Down-arrow <
key to change the prompt setting.

WATL W ❶ Begin in the Display Loop, and press the Mode key
µ to reach the Set Point 2 prompt [`SP2], the Idle
Set Point prompt [IdSP] or the Operation Menu
L2 L3 L4




[`SP2] Set Point 2

[IdSP] Idle Set Point

[`SyS] [PIDA] [PIdb]

[OPEr] [OPEr] [OPEr]

System PID A PID B

Menu Menu Menu
p. 5.2
5.2 p.
p. 5.9 p.
p. 5.9

WATL W ❷ Use the Mode key µ to step past the Set Point 2
prompt [`SP2] or the Idle Set Point prompt [IdSP], if
they appear (see prompt information). Upon reaching
L2 L3 L4

the Operation Menu prompt [OPEr] use the Up-arrow

AUTO > key to select a menu.

Figure 5.1 - MAN

Navigating the SERIES 988


Operation Menus.

Operation Menus, Chapter 5 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 5.1


Reaching the System Menu Enter your settings,

from the controller's
upper display.
[`SP2] *Set Point 2
Set Points (p. 5.3)
[IdSP] *Idle Set Point
[`SP2] Operation Prompt

[Ei1S] *Event Input 1 Status

L1 L2 L3 L4
Event Input (p.
(p. 5.4)

AUTO [Ei2S] *Event Input 2 Status



[A2LO] *Alarm 2 Low


[A2HI] *Alarm 2 High

❸ Select the System Menu, then
press the Mode key µ to step MODE

through the prompts. MODE [A3LO] *Alarm 3 Low Alarms (p. 5.4)

[A3HI] *Alarm 3 High


[A4LO] *Alarm 4 Low


[A4HI] *Alarm 4 High


[`AUT] *Auto-tune
[-999] [-998] [-997] … [```0] MODE
[A2LO] [A2LO] [A2LO] [A2LO]
[`L-r] *Local-remote

❹ Press the Up-arrow key > to step *Prompts may not appear, depending
through the prompt values. The on controller configuration.
Down-arrow key < backs through
the values.

Figure 5.2 -
The System Menu.

5.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Operation Menus, Chapter 5


System Prompts
Decimal points may After you step past the Set Point 2 prompt [`SP2] and the Idle Set Point
not always be in the prompt [IdSP] to the Operation menus, the Series 988 displays the menu
position specified selection ( [`SYS], [PidA] or [PidB] ) in the upper display and [OPEr] in
below depending the lower display.
on the the settings
in the Decimal 1 The Up-arrow > or Down-arrow key < selects another menu. Press the
[dEC1] and Decimal
Mode key µ to display the first prompt in the lower display and its value
2 [dEC2] parame-
ters in the Input in the upper display. Use the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys to
Menu. change the value in the upper display. The new value will not take effect
until after a five-second delay or until you press the Mode key µ.

[`SP2] Set Point 2

Select a second set point that will activate output 2. This allows you to
boost the heating or cooling action of the output 1 device.

• The range and default settings depend on the [`In1], [`rL1] and
[`rH1] settings (Input Menu).

[`SP2] This prompt appears only if [`Ot1] and [`Ot2] (Output Menu) are
both set to [``Ht] or [``CL].

[`rL1] … [`rH1]
[`SP2] [`SP2]

[IdSP] Idle Set Point

Select the set point to be activated by an event input. This allows you
to select a temperature that will be maintained when the application is

• The range and default settings depend on the [`In1], [`rL1] and
[`rHI] settings (Input Menu).

[IdSP] This prompt appears only if [`Ei1] or [`Ei2] (Global Menu) is set
to [IdSP].

[`rL1] … [`rH1]
[IdSP] [IdSP]

Operation Menus, Chapter 5 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 5.3


[Ei1S] Event Input 1 Status

Indicates whether the event input 1 circuit is open or closed (read


[Ei1S] This prompt appears only if [`Ei1] (Global Menu) is set to some-
thing other than [``no].


[OpEn] [CLOS]
[Ei1S] [Ei1S]

[Ei2S] Event Input 2 Status

Indicates whether the event input 2 circuit is open or closed (read


[Ei2S] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with a second

digital event input (98_ _-_5_ _-_ _ _ _) and with [`Ei2] (Global Menu) set
to something other than [``no].


[OpEn] [CLOS]
[Ei2S] [Ei2S]

[A2LO] Alarm 2 Low

Select the low trigger value for the output 2 alarm.

[A2LO] This prompt appears only if [`AL2] (Output Menu) is set to some-
thing other than [``no].

If Default
↓ ↓
[`Pr1] or [`pr2] value of … value of … [A2HI]
[`AL2] [`AL2] sensor [`rL1] (or [`rL2] ) [A2LO]
(Output Menu) range (Input Menu)

[`dE1] or [`dE2] or [rAtE] [-999] … [```0]

[`AL2] [`AL2] [`AL2] [A2LO] [A2LO]
(Output Menu)

5.4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Operation Menus, Chapter 5


[A2HI] Alarm 2 High

Select the high trigger value for the output 2 alarm.

[A2HI] This prompt appears only if [`AL2] (Output Menu) is set to some-
thing other than [``no].

If Default
↓ ↓
[`Pr1] or [`pr2] [A2LO] … value of … value of
[`AL2] [`AL2] [A2HI] [`rH1] (or [`rH2] ) sensor
(Output Menu) (Input Menu) range

[`dE1] or [`dE2] or [rAtE] [```0] … [`999] … [9999]

[`AL2] [`AL2] [`AL2] [A2HI] [A2HI] [A2HI]
(Output Menu)

[A3LO] Alarm 3 Low

Select the low trigger value for the output 3 alarm.

[A3LO] This prompt appears only if [`AL3] (Output Menu) is set to some-
thing other than [``no].

If Default
↓ ↓
[`Pr1] or [`pr2] value of … value of … [A3HI]
[`AL3] [`AL3] sensor [`rL1] (or [`rL2] ) [A3LO]
(Output Menu) range (Input Menu)

[`dE1] or [`dE2] or [rAtE] [-999] … [```0]

[`AL3] [`AL3] [`AL3] [A3LO] [A3LO]
(Output Menu)

Operation Menus, Chapter 5 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 5.5


[A3HI] Alarm 3 High

Select the high trigger value for the output 3 alarm.

[A3HI] This prompt appears only if [`AL3] (Output Menu) is set to some-
thing other than [``no].

If Default
↓ ↓
[`Pr1] or [`pr2] [A3LO] … value of … value of
[`AL3] [`AL3] [A3HI] [`rH1] (or [`rH2] ) sensor
(Output Menu) (Input Menu) range

[`dE1] or [`dE2] or [rAtE] [```0] … [`999] … [9999]

[`AL3] [`AL3] [`AL3] [A3HI] [A3HI] [A3HI]
(Output Menu)

Alarm 4 Low

[A4LO] Select the low trigger value for the output 4 alarm.

[A4LO] This prompt appears only if [`AL4] (Output Menu) is set to some-
thing other than [``no].

If Default
↓ ↓
[`Pr1] or [`pr2] value of … value of … [A4HI]
[`AL4 [`AL4] sensor [`rL1] (or [`rL2] ) [A4LO]
(Output Menu) range (Input Menu)

[`dE1] or [`dE2] or [rAtE] [-999] … [```0]

[`AL4] [`AL4] [`AL4] [A4LO] [A4LO]
(Output Menu)

5.6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Operation Menus, Chapter 5


[A4HI] Alarm 4 High

Select the high trigger value for the output 4 alarm.

[A4HI] This prompt appears only if [`AL4] (Output Menu) is set to some-
thing other than [``no].

If Default
↓ ↓
[`Pr1] or [`pr2] [A4LO] … value of … value of
[`AL4] [`AL4] [A4HI] [`rH1] (or [`rH2]) sensor
(Output Menu) (Input Menu) range

[`dE1] or [`dE2] or [rAtE] [```0] … [`999] … [9999]

[`AL4] [`AL4] [`AL4] [A4HI] [A4HI] [A4HI]
(Output Menu)

[`AUt] Auto-tune

Initiate an auto-tune.
[Pidb] appears only on controllers with enhanced software (98_B-_ _ _ _-_
_ _) and with [ALgO] (Global Menu) set to [Pid2] or [cscd].

[`AUt] This prompt always appears.

For more informa-
[`OFF] [PidA] [Pidb]
tion on auto-tune
see Chapter 7. [`AUt] [`AUt] [`AUt]

Operation Menus, Chapter 5 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 5.7


[`L-r] Local-remote

Select a local or remote set point. With [```r] selected the controller
displays the remote set point rather than the internal (local) set point, and
the set point cannot be changed with the Up-arrow or Down-arrow key.

[`L-r] This prompt appears only if [`rSP] (Input Menu) is set to [``On].


[```L] [```r]
[`L-r] [`L-r]

5.8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Operation Menus, Chapter 5

Operation-PID A or B
Reaching the PID Menus [PIDA]
[Oper] Operation Prompt Enter your settings,
MODE from the controller's
❶ Begin in the Display Loop, and [Pb1A] Proportional Band, Output 1A upper display.

press the Mode key µ to reach the MODE

Set Point 2 prompt [`SP2], the Idle [RE1A] *Reset, Output 1A
Set Point prompt [IdSP] or the [````]
[It1A] *Integral, Output 1A
System Menu [`SYS]. (p. 5.10)
Output 1 (p. 5.10)
[rA1A] *Rate, Output 1A
[dE1A] *Derivative, Output 1A
[`988] [````]
MODE [Ct1A] *Cycle Time, Output 1A
[`SP2] Set Point 2
[`988] [Pb2A] *Proportional Band, Output 2A
[IdSP] Idle Set Point MODE
MODE [Re2A] *Reset, Output 2A
[It2A] *Integral, Output 2A
[`SyS] [PIDA] [PIdb] Output 2 (p. 5.13)
[OPEr] [OPEr] [OPEr] [````]
[rA2A] *Rate, Output 2A
Menu Menu Menu [dE2A] *Derivative, Output 2A
p. 5.2 p. 5.9 p. 5.9 MODE
[Ct2A] *Cycle Time, Output 2A
❷ Use Mode key µ to step past [db`A]

*Dead Band A
the Set Point 2 prompt [`SP2] and
the Idle Set Point prompt [IdSP], if [PIdb]
[OPer] *Operation Prompt Enter your settings,
they appear (see prompt informa-
from the controller's
tion). Upon reaching the Operation {Pb1b] *Proportional Band, Output 1B upper display.
Menu prompt [OPEr] use the Up-

arrow > key to select a menu. [RE1b] *Reset, Output 1B


[It1b] *Integral, Output 1B
Output 1 (p. 5.10)
❸ Press the Mode key µ to step MODE

[rA1b] *Rate, Output 1B
through the prompts.

[de1b] *Derivative, Output 1B

*Prompts may not
{CT1b} *Cycle Time, Output 1B

appear, depending on
controller configuration.
[Pb2b] *Proportional Band, Output 2B
[`)00] [`)01] [`)02] … [`(99]
[dE1A] [dE1A] [dE1A] [dE1A] MODE

[re2b] *Reset, Output 2B

❹ Press the Up-arrow key > to MODE

[It2b} *Integral, Output 2B
step through the prompt values. Output 2(p.
(p. 5.13)
The Down-arrow key < backs
[rA2b] *Rate, Output 2B
through the values.

[dE2b] *Derivative, Output 2B

Figure 5.9 - MODE

The PID Menus. [Ct2b] *Cycle Time, Output 2B


[db`b] *Dead Band B

Operation Menus, Chapter 5 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 5.9

Operation-PID A or B

˜ PID A or PID B Prompts

Decimal points may After you step past the Set Point 2 prompt [`SP2] and the Idle Set Point
not always be in the prompt [IdSP] to the Operation menus, the Series 988 displays the menu
position specified selection ( [`SYS], [PidA] or [Pidb] ) in the upper display and [OPEr] in
below depending the lower display.
on the the settings
in the Decimal 1 The Up-arrow > or Down-arrow key < selects another menu. Press the
[dEC1] and Decimal
Mode key µ to display the first prompt in the lower display and its value
2 [dEC2] parame-
in the upper display. Use the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys to
ters in the Input
Menu. change the value in the upper display. The new value will not take effect
until after a five-second delay or until you press the Mode key µ.

[Pb1A] Proportional Band, Output 1A or 1B

[Pb1b] Select the proportional band for PID output 1. If set to [```0] it func-
tions as an on/off control, and the switching differential is determined by
the [HYS1] value (Output Menu). The decimal precision is determined by
[dEC1] (Input Menu).

[Pb1A] This prompt always appears.

If Default
↓ ↓
[``US] [``°F] [```0]…[``25]…[9999]
˜ [`dFL]
(Calibration Menu)(Global Menu)
[Pb1A] [Pb1A] [Pb1A]
The PID B Menu & [`r†d] [``)0]…[``25]…[99(9]
Input 1 or 2 [Pb1A] [Pb1A] [Pb1A]
appears only on
(Input Menu)
controllers with
enhanced software [``US] & [``°C] [```0]…[``14]…[9999]
[`dFL] [`C_F] [Pb1A] [Pb1A] [Pb1A]
(98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _)
(Calibration Menu)(Global Menu)
and with [AhgO] set
to [Pid2]. & [`r†d] [``)0]…[``14]…[99(9]
Input 1 or 2 [Pb1A] [Pb1A] [Pb1A]
(Input Menu)
[``SI] & [Pid2] [``)0]…[``#0]…[99(9] % of span
[`dFL] [ALgO] [Pb1A] [Pb1A] [Pb1A]
(Calibration Menu) (Global Menu)

5.10 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Operation Menus, Chapter 5

Operation-PID A or B

[rE1A] Reset, Output 1A or 1B

[rE1b] Tune reset to eliminate the offset or droop between the set point and
the actual process temperature for PID output 1. When set to [```0]
reset is disabled.

[rE1A] This prompt appears only if [`dFL] (Calibration Menu) is set to

[``US] and [Pb1A] is not set to [```0].

If Default
↓ ↓
[00)0] … [99(9] repeats/min.
[rE1A] [rE1A]

[`Pdr] [=0)0]% … [``)0] % … [10)0] %

[ALG0] [rE1A] [rE1A] [rE1A]
(Global Menu)

[It1A] Integral, Output 1A or 1B

[It1b] Tune integral to eliminate the offset or droop between the set point
and the actual process temperature for PID output 1. When set to
[```0] integral is disabled.

[It1A] This prompt appears only if [`dFL] (Calibration Menu) is set to

[``S1] and [Pb1A] is not set to [```0].
˜ Default

The PID B Menu
appears only on [`)00] … [9(99] min. / repeat
controllers with [It1A] [It1A]
enhanced software
(98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _).

Operation Menus, Chapter 5 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 5.11

Operation-PID A or B

[rA1A] Rate, Output 1A or 1B

[rA1b] Adjust the rate to eliminate overshoot on startup or after the set
point changes. The rate setting will not influence the percent power if the
process temperature is more than twice the proportional band from the set
point. When set to [```0] rate is disabled.

[rA1A] This prompt appears only if [`dfL] (Calibration Menu) is set to

[``US] and [Pb1A] is set higher than [```0].


[`)00] … [`(99] min.
[rA1A] [rA1A]

[dE1A] Derivative, Output 1A or 1B

[dE1b] Adjust the derivative to eliminate overshoot on startup or after the

set point changes. The derivative setting will not influence the percent
power if the process temperature is more than twice the proportional band
from the set point. When set to [```0] derivative is disabled.

[dE1A] This prompt appears only if [`dFL] (Calibration Menu) is set to

[``SI] and [Pb1A] is set higher than [```0].

˜ Default

[`)00] … [`(99] min.
The PID B Menu
[dE1A] [dE1A]
appears only on
controllers with
enhanced software
(98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _).

5.12 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Operation Menus, Chapter 5

Operation-PID A or B

[Ct1A] Cycle Time, Output 1A or 1B

[Ct1b] Select the time, in seconds, of a complete on/off cycle.

[Ct1A] This prompt appears only if [`In1] (Input Menu) is not set to a
process, [CntL] (Global Menu) is not set to [CSCd] and [Pb1A] is set high-
er than [```0].

If Default
↓ ↓
mechanical [``%0] … [`1)0] … [99(9] min.
relay [Ct1A] [Ct1A] [Ct1A]

open collector [brSt] [``)1] … [``!0] … [99(9] min.

or solid-state [Ct1A] [Ct1A] [Ct1A] [Ct1A]
relay outputs

[Pb2A] Proportional Band, Output 2A or 2B

[Pb2B] Select the proportional band for PID output 2. If set to [```0] it func-
tions as an on/off control, and the switching differential is determined by
the [HYS2] value (Output Menu). Decimal precision is determined by the
[`dEC1] or [`dEC2] setting (Input Menu).

[Pb2A] This prompt appears only if [CntL] (Global Menu) is not set to
˜ [CSCd] and if [`Ot2] (Output Menu) is set to [``Ht] or [``CL] or if [ALg0]
(Global Menu) is set to [dUPL].
The PID B Menu
appears only on
If Default
controllers with ↓ ↓
enhanced software [``US] & [``°F] [```0]…[``25]…[9999]
(98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _). [`dFL] [`C_F] [Pb2A] [Pb2A] [Pb2A]
(Calibration Menu) (Global Menu)
& [`r†d] [``)0]…[``25]…[99(9]
Input 1 or 2 [Pb2A] [Pb2A] [Pb2A]
(Input Menu)
[``US] & [``°C] [```0] [``14]…[9999]
[`dFL] [`C_F] [Pb2A] [Pb2A] [Pb2A]
(Calibration Menu) (Global Menu)
& [`r†d] [``)0]…[``14]…[99(9]
Input 1 or 2 [Pb2A] [Pb2A] [Pb2A]
(Input Menu)
[``SI] [``)0]…[``#0]…[99(9] % of span
[`dFL] [Pb2A] [Pb2A] [Pb2A]
(Calibration Menu)

Operation Menus, Chapter 5 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 5.13

Operation-PID A or B

[rE2A] Reset, Output 2A or 2B

[rE2b] Tune reset to eliminate the offset or droop between the set point and
the actual process temperature for PID A output 2. When set to [```0]
reset is disabled.

[rE2A] This prompt appears only if [`dFL] (Calibration Menu) is set to

[``US] and [Pb2A] is set higher than [```0].

If Default
↓ ↓
[00)0] … [99(9] repeats/min.
[rE2A] [rE2A]

[`Pdr] [=0)0] %… [``)0] %… [10)0] %

[ALG0] [rE2A] [rE2A] [rE2A]
(Global Menu)

[It2A] Integral, Output 2A or 2B

[It2b] Tune integral to eliminate the offset or droop between the set point
and the actual process temperature for PID output 2. When set to
[```0] integral is disabled.

˜ [It2A] This prompt appears only if [`dFL] (Calibration Menu) is set to

[``SI] and [Pb2A] is set higher than [```0].
The PID B Menu Default
appears only on ↓
controllers with
[`)00] … [9(99] repeats / min.
enhanced software
[It2A] [It2A]
(98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _).

5.14 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Operation Menus, Chapter 5

Operation-PID A or B

[rA2A] Rate, Output 2

[rA2b] Adjust the rate to eliminate overshoot on startup or after the set
point changes. The rate setting will not influence the percent power if the
process temperature is more than twice the proportional band from the
set point. When set to [```0] rate is disabled.

[rA2A] This prompt appears only if [`dFL] (Calibration Menu) is set to

[``US] and [Pb2A] is set higher than [```0].


[`)00] … [`(99] min.
[rA2A] [rA2A]

Derivative, Output 2A or 2B
[dE2b] Adjust the derivative to eliminate overshoot on startup or after the
set point changes. The derivative setting will not influence the percent
power if the process temperature is more than twice the proportional band
from the set point. When set to [```0] derivative is disabled.

[dE2A] This prompt appears only if [`dFL] (Calibration Menu) is set to

[``SI] and [Pb2A] is set higher than [```0].

˜ Default

NOTE: [`)00] … [`(99] min.
The PID B Menu [dE2A] [dE2A]
appears only on
controllers with
enhanced software
(98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _).

Operation Menus, Chapter 5 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 5.15

Operation-PID A or B

[Ct2A] Cycle Time, Output 2A or 2B

[Ct2b] Select the time, in seconds, of a complete on/off cycle.

[Ct2A] This prompt appears only if [CntL] (Global Menu) is not set to
[CSCd] and [Pb2A] is set higher than [```0].

If Default
↓ ↓
mechanical [``%0] … [`1)0] … [99(9]
relay [Ct2A] [Ct2A] [Ct2A]

open collector [brSt] [``)1] … [``!0] … [99(9]

or solid-state [Ct2A] [Ct2A] [Ct2A] [Ct2A]
relay outputs

Dead Band A or B
[db`b] Select the width of the zone between the action of the heating output
and the cooling output. If you select a positive value the heat and cool
outputs cannot be energized at the same time. If you select a negative
value, both outputs can be energized at the same time.

• If a process input is selected the decimal precision will be determined by

the [`dEC1] setting (Input Menu).
˜ [db`A] This prompt appears only if [Pb2A] is set higher than [```0] and
NOTE: one output performs heating action and the other performs cooling action.
The PID B Menu
appears only on If Default
controllers with ↓ ↓
enhanced software
[``°F] [-999] … [```0] … [`999]
(98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _).
[`C_F] [db`A] [db`A] [db`A]
(Global Menu)
[``°C] [-555] … [```0] … [`555]
[`C_F] [db`A] [db`A] [db`A]
(Global Menu)
a process [-999] … [```0] … [`999] units
input is selected [db`A] [db`A] [db`A]

5.16 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Operation Menus, Chapter 5

Chapter 6 The Factory Menus

Navigating the Factory Menus

˜ To reach the Factory Menus, begin in the Display Loop and press the Up-
NOTE: arrow > and Down-arrow < keys together and hold for three seconds.
The Factory Menus The [`SEt] prompt will appear in the lower display. Press and hold the
will not appear if the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys together again for three seconds
hardware lockout until the [Fcty] prompt appears in the lower display. The Factory Menus
DIP is set to on. will not appear if the hardware lockout DIP is set to on. (See Chapter 1 for
See Chapter 1 for more information on DIP switch settings.) The three Factory Menus are:
more information.
Panel Lockout [PLOC]; Diagnostics [diAg]; and Calibration [`CAL]. Upon
reaching the Factory Menu prompt [Fcty] use the Up-arrow > or Down-
arrow < key to select a menu and the Mode key µ to step through a
˜ menu.
The Factory Menus You will not see every prompt in any of these menus. The unit’s configura-
can only be entered tion and model number determine which prompts appear. After stepping
when the setup through each menu, the Series 988 returns to the Factory Menu prompt
prompt [`SEt] is [Fcty]. Use the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys to select the next
displayed. menu, or use the Mode key µ to advance through the same menu again.
To move backwards through the menu hold down the Mode key µ and
press the Up-arrow key >. Use the Up-arrow > or Down-arrow <
key to change the prompt setting.
Press the Display
❶ Press the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys
key ∂ to return to PROCESS together and hold until the [`SEt] prompt appears in
the Display Loop the lower display. Press and hold again until the
from any point in L1
L2 L3 L4
[Fcty] prompt appears in the lower display.
any menu. % OUT




[PLOC] [diAg] [`CAL]

[Fcty] [Fcty] [Fcty]

Panel Diagnostics Calibration

Lockout Menu Menu
Menu p 6.7 p 6.13
Figure 6.1 - p 6.2
Navigating the
Factory Menus.


PROCESS ❷ Use the Up-arrow key > to select one of the

L1 L2 L3 L4
Factory Menus.




Factory Menus, Chapter 6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 6.1

Factory-Panel Lockout

Reaching the Panel

Lockout Menu [PLOC]
[Fcty] Factory Prompt
Enter your settings,
[````] from the controller’s

[`LOC] Front Panel Lockout upper display.

[`SYS] System Menu
[PidA] PID A Menu
L2 L3 L4

[PidB] *PID B Menu

[Inpt] Input Menu

[Otpt] Output Menu
❸ Select the Panel Lockout Menu, ?
then press the Mode key µ to step
[GlbL] Global Menu
through the prompts. MODE ?

[COM] *Communications Menu

[Diag] Diagnostics Menu

[`CAL] Calibration Menu

[FULL] [rEAd] [nonE]

[InPt] [Inpt] [Inpt]

*Prompts may not appear, depending

on controller configuration.

[```0] [```1] [```2] [```3]

[`LOC] [`LOC] [`LOC] [`LOC]

❹ Press the Up-arrow key > or the

Down-arrow key < to select one of
the prompt values.

Figure 6.2 -
The Panel Lockout

6.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Factory Menus, Chapter 6

Factory-Panel Lockout

Panel Lockout Prompts

When you are in the Factory menus, the Series 988 displays the menu
selection ( [PLOC], [diAg] or [`CAL] ) in the upper display and [FctY] in
the lower display.

The Up-arrow > or Down-arrow key < selects another menu. Press the
Mode key µ to display the first prompt in the lower display and its value
in the upper display. Use the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow < keys to
change the value in the upper display. The new value will not take effect
until after a five-second delay or until you press the Mode key µ.

Front Panel Lockout

Sets the Lockout level for the Front Panel. This allows you to disable
[`LOC] keys on the front of the controller.

• [```0] enables all keys.

ç • [```1] disables the Mode key µ.

CAUTION: • [```2] disables the Mode key µ and the Auto/Man key å.
Setting [`LOC] to
[```2] or [```3] • [```3] disables the Mode key µ and the Auto/Man key å and locks
disables the the set point value.
Auto/Man key å
and will force the [`LOC] This prompt always appears.
controller into man-
ual mode if an open Default
sensor occurs. ↓
Verify that the con- [```0] [```1] [```2] [```3]
troller is operating [`LOC] [`LOC] [`LOC] [`LOC]
in the desired mode
(auto or manual)
before setting the
lockout level.
Failure to do so
could result in dam-
age to equipment
and or property.

Factory Menus, Chapter 6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 6.3

Factory-Panel Lockout

The prompts within the Panel Lockout Menu allow you to lockout an
entire menu. You can set the level of lockout to none [nonE], read only
[rEAd], or lockout read and write [FULL].

[`SYS] System Menu

Select the lockout level for the System Menu. Set the System Menu
lockout to no lockout [none], read only [read] or full lockout [FULL].

[`LOC] This prompt always appears.


[none] [read] [FULL]
[`SYS] [`SYS] [`SYS]

[PidA] PID A Menu

Select the lockout level for the PID A Menu. Set the PID A Menu lock-
out to no lockout [none], read only [read] or full lockout [FULL].

[PidA] This prompt always appears.


[none] [read] [FULL]
[PiDA] [pida] [pida]

PID B Menu
Select the lockout level for the PID B Menu. Set the PID B Menu lock-
out to no lockout [none], read only [read] or full lockout [FULL].

[PidB] This prompt appears only on controllers with enhanced software

(98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _) and with [ALgO] (Global Menu) set to [Pid2] or
[CntL] (Global Menu) set to [CSCd].


[none] [read] [FULL]
[PiDb] [pidb] [pidb]

6.4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Factory Menus, Chapter 6

Factory-Panel Lockout

[Inpt] Input Menu

Select the lockout level for the Input Menu. Set the Input Menu lock-
out to no lockout [none], read only [read] or full lockout [FULL].

[InPt] This prompt always appears.


[none] [read] [FULL]
[Inpt] [InPt] [Inpt]

[Otpt] Output Menu

Select the lockout level for the Output Menu. Set the Output Menu
lockout to no lockout [none], read only [read] or full lockout [FULL].

[OtPt] This prompt always appears.


[none] [read] [FULL]
[Otpt] [Otpt] [Otpt]

[GLBL] Global Menu

Select the lockout level for the Global Menu. Set the Global Menu lock-
out to no lockout [none], read only [read] or full lockout [FULL].

[gLbL] This prompt always appears.


[none] [read] [FULL]

Factory Menus, Chapter 6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 6.5

Factory-Panel Lockout

[COM] Communications Menu

Select the lockout level for the Communications Menu. Set the
Communications Menu lockout to no lockout [none], read only [read] or
full lockout [FULL].

[COM] This prompt appears only on controllers equipped with

Communications hardware (98_ _ -_ _ _ _-_R_ _ or 98_ _ -_ _ _ _-_S_ _ ).


[none] [read] [FULL]

Diagnostics Menu
[diag] Select the lockout level for the Diagnostics Menu. Set the Diagnostics
Menu lockout to no lockout [none], read only [read] or full lockout

[diAg] This prompt always appears.


[none] [read] [FULL]
[Diag] [diag] [diag]

Calibration Menu
[`CAL] Select the lockout level for the Calibration Menu. Set the Calibration
Menu lockout to no lockout [none], read only [read] or full lockout

[`CAL] This prompt always appears.


[none] [read] [FULL]
[`CAL] [`CAL] [`CAL]

6.6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Factory Menus, Chapter 6


Reaching the Diagnostics Menu [Diag]

[Fcty] Factory Prompt Enter your settings,
MODE ? from the controller's
[date] Factory Ship Date upper display.
❶ Press the Up-arrow > and Down-arrow MODE ?
< keys together and hold until the [SOft] Software Revision
[`SEt] prompt appears in the lower dis- MODE ?
play. Press and hold again until the [Fcty] [Sn--] Serial Number
prompt appears in the lower display.
[AMB] Ambient Temperature
[Acnt] Ambient A/D count
[`gnd] Ground A/D count
[PLOC] [diAg] [`CAL] MODE ?
[Fcty] [Fcty] [Fcty] [cnt1] Input 1 A/D count
Panel Diagnostics Calibration
Lockout Menu Menu
Menu p 6.7 p 6.13 [cnt2] Input 2 A/D count
p 6.2 MODE ?
[ity1] Input 1 Module Type
❷ Use the Up-arrow > key to step from
the Panel Lockout Menu [PLOC] to the
[ity2] Input 2 Module Type
Diagnostics Menu [diag]. MODE

[Oty1] Output 1 Module Type
[Oty2] Output 2 Module Type
❸ Press the Mode key µ to step through
the prompts.
[Oty3] Output 3 Module Type
[Oty4] Output 4 Module Type
[dISP] Test Display
[``no] [`YES]
[dISP] [dISP] MODE ?
[tout] Test Outputs
[OPLP] Open Loop
[`OFF] [out1] … [out4]
[tout] [tout] [tout]

❹ Press the Up-arrow key > or the Down-

Figure 6.7 -
arrow key < to select one of the prompt The Diagnostics Menu.

In the Diagnostics Menu only the values of

[dISP], [tout] and [OPLP] can be

Factory Menus, Chapter 6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 6.7


[DAte] Factory Ship Date

Shows the date that the final factory control test was performed. The
first two digits represent the week as numbered from [01--] to [52--].
The second two digits represent the year [--94], [--95], etc…

[dAtE] This prompt always appears.

[sOft] Software Revision

Shows the controller’s software revision code when set to [`yes]. This
letter should match the software revision code on the cover of the manual
that came with your controller; [```n] and W988-XUMN Rev N00.

[SOFt] This prompt always appears.

[Sn--] Serial Number

Shows the controller’s serial number. The first two letters in the upper
display are to indicate that the controller is in serial number mode. The
right half of the upper display shows the first two digits of the serial num-
ber. The lower display shows the last four digits of the serial number.


This is what the controller with the serial number 0988345678 would dis-

[Sn--] This prompt always appears.

[AMB] Ambient Temperature

Shows the ambient temperature at the Input 1 terminals. The temper-

ature is shown in °F in the form [00)0] regardless of the settings of
[deC1], [deC2], [`dfL] or [`C_F].

[AMb] This prompt always appears.

6.8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Factory Menus, Chapter 6


[acnt] Factory Use Only

[`gnd] These prompts are used only at the factory.

[Acnt] [`gnd] [cnt1] [cnt2] These prompts always appear.


Inputs 1 and 2 Module Types

[ity2] Displays which input module is installed in the controller. Please doc-
ument this value before contacting the factory for technical assistance.

Input Types

• [none] No input module

• [``tc] Thermocouple only module

• [Curr] Current detect

• [SLid] Slidewire module

• [UOFF] Universal off

• [Urtd] Universal rtd

• [Utch] Universal high-gain thermocouple

• [UtcL] Universal low-gain thermocouple

• [UMu] Universal millivolts

• [UPrc] Universal process

• [`Ei2] Event input 2

[ity1] [ity2] These prompts always appear.

Factory Menus, Chapter 6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 6.9


[Oty1] Outputs 1, 2, 3 and 4 Module Types

[Oty2] Display the controller’s output module. Please document this value
before contacting the factory for technical assistance.

[Oty3] Output Types

[Oty4] • [none] no output module (A)

• [SSr1] 0.5A solid-state relay (K)

• [SS1S] 0.5A solid-state relay with suppression (B)

• [``dc] switched dc open collector (C)

• [rLyc] form C relay (E)

• [rLcS] form C relay with suppression (D)

• [rLAb] relay A/B (J)

• [Proc] process output (F)

• [Uret] voltage/retransmit (N)

• [Iret] current/retransmit (M)

• [SpLy] power supply (T)

• [`232] EIA/TIA-232 communications (R)

• [`485] EIA/TIA-485 or EIA/TIA-422 communications (S)

• [`232] EIA/TIA-232 or EIA/TIA-485 communications (U)

[Oty1] [Oty2] [Oty3] [Oty4] These prompts always appear.

6.10 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Factory Menus, Chapter 6


[disp] Test Displays

Runs a brief test of the controller’s displays and LEDs. To run the test,
scroll through the Diagnostics Menu until [disp] is shown in the lower
display. Use the Up-arrow key > or Down-arrow key < to select
[`YES] from the upper display and press the mode key µ.

The controller will run pattern tests, blink all the LEDs on and off, and
end with the model number in both displays.

[diSP] This prompt always appears.


[``no] [`yes]
[disp] [disp]

[tout] Test Outputs

This prompt tests each output. To run the test, scroll through the
Diagnostics Menu until [tout] is shown in the lower display. Use the Up-
arrow key > or Down-arrow key < to select an output [out1], [out2],
[out3], or [out4]. The LED for that output should light after a second or
two indicating that the output has been successfully energized. Do not
press the mode key µ to activate the test; it starts automatically when
anything other than [`OFF] is selected.

If any of the LEDs fail to light contact the factory.

[tout] This prompt always appears.


[`OFF] [out1] [out2] [out3] [out4]
[tout] [tout] [tout] [tout] [tout]

Factory Menus, Chapter 6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 6.11


[OPLP] Open Loop

Checks the control loop, consisting of the controller output, power

control, heater and sensor. With open loop enabled, the controller moni-
tors the output power level and checks for a change in the process input
value. If the output power is at maximum for a period of time equal to the
reset time and the process input has not changed by at least ±5°F, the
controller will switch to manual mode at 0% output power and [OPLP] will
be displayed in the lower display.

To clear this error, enter the Setup Menu and press the display key ∂.
To get back into auto mode, press the Auto/Man key å.

[OPLP] This prompt always appears.


[`OFF] [``on]

6.12 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Factory Menus, Chapter 6

Reaching the Calibration [Fcty] Diagnostics Prompt Enter your settings,
? from the controller's

[A`50] upper display.

❶ Begin in the Display Loop, and
press the Up-arrow > and Down-
arrow < key simultaneously for six
seconds until the Setup Menu [`SEt], MODE ?
then the Factory Menu [fcty] ?
appear. MODE ? [b380]
❷ Use the Up-arrow key > or Down- [a`0H] MODE
arrow key < to step through the MODE ? [b10U]
Factory Menu to the Calibration Menu [A`20] MODE
[`CAL]. MODE ? [b`0U
[A`15] MODE
MODE ? [b20A]
[A380] MODE
[PLOC] [diAg] [`CAL] MODE ? [b`4A]
[Fcty] [Fcty] [Fcty] [A10U] MODE

Panel Diagnostics Calibration MODE ?

Lockout Menu Menu
MODE ? [b`0U]
Menu p 6.7 p 6.13 [A`0U] MODE

p 6.2
MODE ? [b100]
❸ Press the Mode key µ to step MODE [A20A] MODE

through the prompts. ?

MODE ? [1`4`]
MODE ? [1`20]
[``no] [`YES] ?
[`rSt] [`rSt] MODE ? [1`0`]
[A100] MODE
❹ Press the Up-arrow key > or the ?
MODE ? [1`10]
Down-arrow key < to select one of [b`50] MODE
the prompt values. ?
MODE ? [2`4`]
Refer to Calibrating Watlow Process MODE
Controls for information about the MODE ? [2`20]
Calibration Menu. [b`0H] MODE
MODE ? [2`0`]
ç [b`20] MODE
MODE ? [2`10]
Before attempting to calibrate, make sure [b`15] MODE
you have the proper equipment called for in [`3LO]
each procedure. The Series 988 is calibrat- MODE

ed and tested before it leaves the factory. ?

Attempting to calibrate the controller with- [`3HI]
out the proper equipment could result in MODE
damage to property and/or equipment. [`rSt] Restore
Figure 6.13 - [`dFL] Default
The Calibration Menu.

Factory Menus, Chapter 6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 6.13


[`rst] Restore
Restores the original factory calibration values when set to [`YES].
This is a simple way to recover from a mistake made while calibrating the

[`rSt] This prompt always appears.


[``no] [`yes]
[`rSt] [`rSt]

[`dfl] Default
Set the operating parameter defaults to domestic or international

• [``US] (domestic) sets the controller to °F; rate in minutes; proportional

band in degrees or units; and reset in repeats per minute.

• [``SI] (international) sets the controller to °C; derivative in minutes;

proportional band in percent of span; and integral in minutes per repeat.

[`dFL] This prompt always appears.


[``US] [``sI]
[`dFL] [`dFL]

6.14 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Factory Menus, Chapter 6

Chapter 7 Tuning, Manual Operation,
Alarms and Error Codes

Auto-tuning (Heat and/or Cool)

The Series 988 can automatically tune the PID parameters to fit the char-
acteristics of your particular thermal system.

˜ Standard software units (98_ A -_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _) have 1 set of PID parame-

ters. Units with enhanced software (98_ B -_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _) and [AlgO] set
NOTE: to [Pid2] (Global Menu) have two sets of PID parameters, PID A and PID
A useful reference B. Only one PID set can be auto-tuned at a time. For information on tun-
on tuning is Tuning ing a cascade system, see Chapter 8.
of Industrial Control
Systems by Arman- Before beginning the auto-tune sequence, make sure the [AtSP] parame-
do B. Corripio, pub-
ter located in the Global Menu is at the proper setting. This allows the
lished by the
Instrument Society
user to select the tuning set point as a percentage of the current control
of America. set point. See Chapter 4 for more information on this parameter. The fig-
ure below uses the default setting, 90%, to define the auto-tuning process.

Once the auto-tune sequence has begun, the output 1 and output 2 pro-
NOTE: portional band is set to 0 and the control goes into an on/off mode of con-
Auto-tune can be trol at the set point percentage determined by the [AtSP] parameter. The
initiated if [`rSp] displayed set point remains unchanged.
is set to [``on].

For information
about tuning a cas-
cade system, see
Chapter 9.

Auto-tuning at a set point of 200°F

NOTE: auto-tune auto-tune

begins complete
Before attempting to
200° set point
auto-tune a cascade
system, see

Cascade Setup in 180°

Chapter 9.
90% of
100° set point
( [AtSP] default setting)
Figure 7.1 -

Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 7.1

When the control finishes “learning” the system, it resumes standard PID
control using the PID values established by the auto-tuning process.
Changing the set point during an auto-tune restarts the auto-tune proce-

During auto-tuning the process must cross the set point four times within
ç an 80-minute time span for the Series 988 to successfully complete the
auto-tune. If this does not happen within the 80-minute time limit, the
CAUTION: Series 988 chooses PID values based on the 80-minute tuning cycle per-
If a mechanical
relay or contactor is
switching power to
the load, a longer To start auto-tuning:
cycle time may be 1. Press the Mode key µ to advance to the System Menu [`SyS].
desirable to mini- Press the Mode key µ to advance through the menu until the [`AUt]
mize wear on the prompt appears in the lower display.
mechanical compo-
nents. The typical 2. Use the Up-arrow > or Down-arrow < key to select [PidA] or [Pidb],
life of a mechanical
if your controller is equipped with enhanced software (98_ B -_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _).
relay is 100,000
cycles. Verify that Only one PID set can be auto-tuned at a time.
the cycle time
selected is appro- 3. Press the Display key ¥. While the control is in the tuning mode
priate for the output the lower display alternates every second between the normal informa-
device type. Failure tion and the [tunE] prompt.
to do so could
result in damage to 4. When tuning is complete, the displays return to their previous state
equipment and/or
and [`AUt] reverts to [`OFF]. The Series 988 installs the PID tuning
parameters it has calculated and saves them in non-volatile memory.

To abort auto-tuning either reset the [`AUt] prompt to off, press the
Auto/Man key å twice, or cycle power off and on. In all cases, aborting
auto-tune restores all values to their state before auto-tuning began.

Manual Tuning
For optimum control performance, tune the Series 988 to your thermal
system. The tuning settings here are for a broad spectrum of applications;
your system may have somewhat different requirements. NOTE: This is a
slow procedure that may take hours to obtain optimum values.

Tune heating outputs at a set point above the ambient process value.
Tune cooling outputs at a set point below the ambient process value.

If your controller is equipped with enhanced software (98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _

_ _), the [Pidb] parameters may need to be tuned also. Perform this
procedure on both PID sets, they are functionally identical. The para-
meters within the procedure apply to both output 1 and 2, and PID A
and B.

7.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7

1. Apply power to the Series 988 and enter a set point. Begin with
[``Pb] set to [```1]; [``rE] or [``It] set to [`0)0]; [``rA] or [``dE]
set to [`0)0]; [``Ct] set to [``%0]; [`CAL] set to [```0]; and [`AUt]
set to [`OFF].

2. Proportional Band Adjustment: Gradually increase [``Pb] until the

upper display process value stabilizes at a constant value. The process
value will not be right on set point because the initial reset value is
0.00 repeats per minute. (If [``Pb] is set to [```0] then [``rE],
[``It], [``rA] and [``dE] are inoperative, and the Series 988 func-
tions as a simple on/off control.) The [`HYS] prompt determines the
switching differential value.

3. Reset/Integral Adjustment: Gradually increase [``rE] or [``It] until

the upper display process value begins to oscillate or “hunt.” Then
slowly decrease [``rE] or [``It] until the upper display stabilizes
again near set point.

4. Cycle Time Adjustment: Set [``Ct] as required. Faster cycle times

sometimes achieve the best system control. See Chapter 8 for more
information on the burst fire feature. However, if a mechanical contac-
tor or solenoid is switching power to the load, a longer cycle time may
be desirable to minimize wear on the mechanical components.
Experiment until the cycle time is consistent with the quality of control
you want. [``Ct] will not appear on units with a process output (98_ _
-_ _ F _-_ _ _ _ or 98_ _ -_ _ _ F -_ _ _ _).

5. Rate/Derivative Adjustment: Increase [``rA] or [``dE] to 0.10

minute. Then raise set point by 20° to 30°F, or 11° to 17°C. Observe the
system’s approach to the set point. If the load process value overshoots
the set point, increase [``rA] or [``dE] to 0.50 minutes.

Raise the set point by 20° to 30°F, or 11° to 17°C and watch the
approach to the new set point. If you increase [``rA] or [``dE] too
much, the approach to set point will be very sluggish. Repeat as neces-
sary until the system rises to the new set point without overshooting or
approaching the set point too slowly.

6. Calibration Offset Adjustment: You may want your system to control

to a process value other than the value coming from the input sensor.
If so, measure the difference between that process value (perhaps at
another point in the system) and the process value showing in the
upper display. Then enter the [`CAL] offset value you want.
Calibration offset adds or subtracts degrees from the value of the input

Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 7.3

Manual and Automatic Operation

To change from auto to manual operation, press the Auto/Man key å

Manual operation provides open-loop control of the outputs from a range

of -100% to 100% output. The Series 988 allows a negative output value
˜ only when [`Ot1] or [`Ot2] (Output Menu) is set to [``CL] (cool).
Automatic operation provides closed-loop on/off or PID control. When the
When a sensor operator transfers from a closed loop to an open loop, the Series 988 sets
opens, the con- the power level to the setting of the [FAIL] parameter. If [FAIL] is set to
troller switches [BPLS] the controller retains the power level from the closed-loop control.
from automatic to When the Series 988 returns to closed-loop control, it restores the previ-
manual operation. ous set-point process value.

The Auto/Man LED (located on the Auto/Man key å) indicates whether

the controller is in automatic or manual operation. When the LED is lit,
the control is in manual operation. When the LED is off, it is in automatic
operation. When the LED flashes, press the key again within five seconds
to complete the change in operation.

• If [FAIL] is set to [BPLS] and the process has stabilized at a power level
less than 75% ( ± 5%) for a two-minute period prior to the sensor break,
then the Series 988 switches to manual operation at the last automatic
power level. If these conditions are not met, the output goes to 0% power
(output disabled).

When transferring from automatic to manual operation, the control out-

put, or outputs, remain stable — a bumpless, or smooth, transition. The
lower display changes from the set point to the % output value.

• If [FAIL] is set from [`=00] to [`100], the Series 988 switches to man-
ual operation at that percent power.

7.4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7

Changing the Output 3 Alarm Jumper

If you have model number 98 _ _ -_ _ _ _- J _ _ _ , output 3 can be con-
figured as a Form A (NO and common contact) or Form B (NC and com-
mon contact) alarm. To change the alarm jumper:

1. Remove the control from the case. Release the two tabs on one side of
the control, then release the two tabs on the opposite side. You may
need to rock the bezel back and forth several times to release the chas-

2. Set the jumper to the position you want. See below for jumper location.

Figure 7.5 - Contacts Contacts
Alarm jumper (Form B) (Form A)

Controller Chassis - Top View

3. Return the controller chassis to the case. Be sure you have it oriented
correctly. Press firmly, but gently, to seat the chassis.

If you select Form A, the contact is open when power is removed from
the control. If you select Form B, the contact closes when power is

Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 7.5

Using Alarms
Output 2, 3, and 4 of the Series 988 can function as alarms. This is
accomplished with the [`Ot2], [`Ot3] or [`Ot4] prompt (Output Menu). If
[`AL2], [`AL3] or [`AL4] is selected, the output is energized in the non-
alarm condition and de-energizes the output in the alarm condition.
Selecting [AL2n], [AL3n] or [AL4n] reverses this action: de-energizing the
output in a non-alarm condition and energizing it in an alarm condition.

If the L2, L3 or L4 LED on the front panel is lit, this indicates an alarm
condition for output 2, 3 or 4 respectively.

Once you’ve configured the outputs as alarms, enter the Output Menu
again and select the [`AL2], [`AL3] or [`AL4] prompt. At these prompts
you can select the type of alarm: process; deviation; or rate. Each may be
independently set low and high. Choose between [`Pr1] (process alarm
input 1), [`Pr2] (process alarm input 2), [`dE1] (deviation alarm input
1), [`dE2] (deviation alarm input 2) or [rAtE] (rate alarm referenced to
input 1).

Example: [`Pr1] can reference the input 1 process value against the
˜ [A2LO] and [A2HI] settings, or [`Pr2] can reference the input 2 process
value against the [A2LO] and [A2H1] settings.
An alarm display A process alarm sets an absolute temperature range or process value
will be masked by
range. When the temperature or process leaves the range an alarm occurs.
an error condition
or when the control A process alarm is not tied to the set point.
is in the Calibration
or Setup menus. Example: If your set point is 100°F and a process alarm high limit is set
to 150°F and the low limit is set to 50°F, the high limit trips at 150°F, and
the low alarm at 50°F. If you change the set point, the process alarm lim-
its remain the same.

A deviation alarm alerts the operator when the process strays too far
from the set point. The operator can enter independent high and low
alarm settings. The reference for the deviation alarm is the set point. Any
change in set point causes a corresponding shift in the deviation alarm.
Low alarms are usually set at a negative deviation while high alarms are a
positive deviation.

Example: If your set point is 100°F, a deviation alarm high limit is set to
+7°F and the low limit is set to -5°F, then the high alarm trips at 107°F,
and the low alarm at 95°F. If you change the set point to 130°F, the
alarms follow the set point and trip at 137°F and 125°F.

7.6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7

A rate alarm alerts the operator when the process monitored by input 1 is
increasing at a rate higher than the alarm high setting ( [A2HI], [A3HI] or
[A4HI] ) or decreasing at a rate lower than the alarm alarm low setting
( [A2LO], [A3LO] or [A4LO] ). The rate is sampled once a second.

Alarms can be latching or non-latching. When the alarm condition is

removed, a non-latching alarm automatically clears the alarm output and
alarm message, if one is present. You must manually clear a latching
alarm before it will disappear.

The alarm output is indicated by the corresponding LED on the front

panel: L2; L3; or L4. There may be an alarm message flashing in the lower
display, but if the [`Anun] prompt is set to [`OFF] (Global Menu), no
alarm message is displayed. When an alarm message is displayed, it alter-
nately flashes with the current prompt at a one-second interval in the
lower display.

To clear a latching alarm, first correct the condition then press the
Auto/Man key å once.

Alarm silencing is available with all alarms. This function overrides the
alarm on initial power up. On power up, the alarm message will not
appear and the appropriate L2, L3 or L4 LED and output will reflect a
non-alarm condition. Silencing is active until the process has entered the
safe region located between the low- and high-alarm settings. Then devia-
tion outside this safe zone triggers an alarm. If an alarm occurs at this
point, the output can be silenced by pressing the Auto/Man key å once,
but the controller still displays the alarm message.

Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 7.7
Error Codes

Error Code E1 and E2 Messages

Four dashes, [----], in the upper display indicate a Series 988 error. The
˜ control goes into the manual mode and maintains the percent output
NOTE: selected at the [FAIL] prompt (Global Menu). That value (percent of out-
To view the error put) is shown in the lower display.
code press the
Auto/Man key å [E1`1] [E2`1]: A/D underflow error
once. The upper dis- The analog-to-digital (A/D) converter of the input indicated by the first
play shows the number is under range. An open or reversed polarity sensor is the most
error code for five likely cause. Check the sensor. Make sure the input prompt is set to the
seconds before
correct sensor.
returning to the
[----] display.



L1 L2 L3 L4

Figure 7.8 - MAN

Error code display. MODE


[E1`2] [E2`2]: Sensor under-range error

The sensor at the input indicated by the first number generated a value
lower than that allowed for the range of the sensor, or the analog-to-digital
(A/D) converter malfunctioned. Make sure the setting for the input (Input
Menu) matches the sensor type and that the sensor range falls within the
range of the process being controlled.

[E1`3] [E2`3]: Sensor over-range error

The sensor at the input indicated by the first number generated a value
˜ higher than that allowed for the range of the sensor, or the analog-to-digi-
tal (A/D) converter malfunctioned. Make sure the setting for the input
NOTE: (Input Menu) matches the sensor type and that the sensor range falls
An alarm display
within the range of the process being controlled.
will be masked by
an error condition
or when the control [E1`4] [E2`4]: A/D overflow error
is in the Calibration The analog-to-digital (A/D) converter at the input indicated by the first
or Setup menus. number is over range. An open or reversed polarity sensor is the most like-
ly cause. Check the sensor. Make sure the input (Input Menu) is set to the
correct sensor type.

The analog-to-digital (A/D) converter input voltage may be too high to con-
vert an A/D signal.

7.8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7
Error Codes

[`Er3]: Ambient temperature error

The ambient temperature of the Series 988 has dropped below 32°F/0°C
or risen above 149°F/65°C. Calibration errors can also cause this error
code. Try setting [`rSt] (Calibration Menu) to [`yES]. (Read about
Factory Calibration in Chapter 6.)

[`Er4]: RAM verification error

An internal RAM failure has occurred. Contact the factory.

[`Er5]: Non-volatile checksum error

An EEPROM checksum error was detected. Turn the power off then back
on again. If this does not clear the error, contact the factory.

[OPLP]: Open-loop detect

This error is not available while in the on/off mode. It is only active when
[OPLP] is set to [``on] (Diagnostics Menu).

[`Er9]: Configuration error

An incorrect module has been installed in the control. Contact the factory.

Error Code Actions

All of the above error codes except [`Er4], [`Er5] and [`Er9]
will result in these conditions:

• If [FAIL] is set to [bPLS] (Global Menu)…

…and the control was in automatic operation when the error
occurred, it goes into manual (% power) operation. If the output power
is less than 75% (± 5%) power and there was a change in power (< 5%)
within the last two minutes, the Series 988 switches to manual opera-
tion at the last automatic power level (bumpless transfer). If the con-
trol was in manual operation, it remains there. (Press the Auto/Man
key å once to see the error code.) The error code is shown in the
upper display for five seconds and the lower display shows the %
power. After five seconds the upper display reverts to the [----] dis-

• If the control was operating with stable output values when the error
occurred, it continues to operate at those levels on a percent-power

• If output values were not stable, or the percent output was greater
than 75%, the control outputs drop to 0% power (off).

• If [FAIL] is not set to [bPLS]…

… and the control was in automatic operation when the error
occurred, it goes into manual (% power) operation. The power level is
determined by the [FAIL] prompt value ([`=00] to [`100] percent).

Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 7.9
Error Codes

To clear an error code…

• If [`Err] is set to [`nLA], the error code should clear once the prob-
lem is corrected.
• If [`Err] is set to [`LAt], correct the problem and cycle power. You
can also clear the error by pressing both the Up-arrow > and Down-
arrow < keys to enter the Setup Menu, then press the Display key

Error codes [`Er4], [`Er5] and [`Er9] will result in these


• The control is in automatic operation with both control outputs off.

• The alarm outputs are in their alarm state (de-energized with the LED
• The lower display is blank.
• The upper display indicates the error code.
• All keys are inactive.
• With [`Er5], all Setup Menu prompts return to default values.
˜ • The above conditions occur regardless of the [FAIL] value, or the set-
NOTE: tings in the Setup and Factory menus.
An alarm display
will be masked by Cycle power to the control. If the error is still present contact the factory.
an error condition
or when the control
is in the Calibration
or Setup menus.

7.10 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Tuning, Manual Operation, Alarms and Error Codes, Chapter 7
Chapter 8 General Software

Burst Fire 8.2

Communications 8.4
Dead Band 8.6
Digital Events 8.8
Heater Current 8.10
Input Filter 8.12
Input Linearization 8.14
Ramp to Set Point 8.16
Remote Set Point 8.18
Retransmit 8.20
Slidewire Feedback 8.22

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.1
General Software

Burst Fire
• This feature only works with zero-cross, solid-state devices. It will not
function correctly with random-fire devices.

ç • To enable burst fire the Series 988 must have an open collector or solid-
state relay output: controllers with option “B,” “C” or “K” selected for
CAUTION: output 1 (98_ _-_ _*_-_ _ _ _), output 2 (98_ _-_ _ _*-_ _ _ _), output 3 (98_
The burst fire fea- _-_ _ _ _-*_ _ _) or output 4 (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_*_ _).
ture only func-
tions with zero- • The time burst is appropriate for fast loads or very tight control. It pro-
cross, solid-state vides advantages only for PID control, not for on/off control.
devices. It will not
function correctly • The short time bases used by burst fire makes it incompatible with the
with random-fire heater current feature (98_ _-_4_ _-_ _ _ _). The heater current option
devices. Verify requires a minimum of 300 milliseconds on time to get a reading.
that the output
switching device • The Series 988 has built in zero-cross detection circuitry, eliminating the
is compatible need for external firing circuitry to trigger SCR’s. The controller will not
before selecting allow burst fire to be selected if its zero-cross detection circuitry is not
burst fire. Failure functioning.
to follow this
guideline could • The feature is enabled by selecting burst fire [brst] at the cycle time
result in damage prompt for the appropriate output in the PID Menu — [Ct1A], [Ct1b],
to equipment. [Ct2a] or [Ct2b].

• Only the 988 and 989 can use the burst fire feature. The low-voltage
units (986 and 987) cannot use burst firing.

Variable, time-base burst firing from the Series 988 provides the most
even distribution of power with the lowest level of noise generation (RFI).
An SSR or SCR firing card translates a command signal into a burst of ac
cycles. The output is zero-cross fired, which always allows at least one full
ac cycle to pass within the variable time base. Burst firing is the preferred
mode to control resistive loads.

The Series 988 detects when the ac sine wave of the load will cross the 0-
volt point. It uses this information to switch the load on or off only at a 0-
volt point, minimizing RFI.

The burst fire time base in the Series 988 varies from a maximum 1.66-
second time base (1-percent output; 1 cycle on, 99 off) down to a 33.3-mil-
lisecond time base (50-percent output; 1 cycle on, 1 off). The graphs on
the next page show how the time base varies with the percent output.

8.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software

100% output 66% output

10 on, 0 off 2 on, 1 off

50% output 10% output

1 on, 1 off 1 on, 9 off

Figure 8.3a - Sine

waves of burst fire

S e mic onduc t or O v e n

input 1 output 1 with temperature

QCD sensor
L2 L3 L4

MAN heated platen


Figure 8.3b -
oven with burst fire. Sample Application
A Series 988 controls a heated platen in a semiconductor oven. Previously
it used a power control requiring a 4-20mA signal to implement burst-fire
control. We have replaced the power control with a Watlow Loyola QPAC
with a QCD card that accepts a signal directly from an open-collector out-
put of the Series 988. This gives smooth control at a lower overall system

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.3
General Software

Choose which interface your application will use: EIA/TIA-232 serial com-
munications (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_R_ _), EIA/TIA-485 or EIA/TIA 232 serial com-
munications (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_U_ _), or EIA/TIA-485 or EIA/TIA-422 serial
communications (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_S_ _). The computer must have a compati-
ble serial port or an appropriate converter must be used.

The serial communications feature allows the Series 988 family to receive
commands from and transmit data to a master device, usually a comput-
er. Any function that can be performed via the front panel, can also be
accomplished using a serial communications port, allowing you to operate
the controller from a computer and to store process data on a computer.
L4 acts as the RX/TX indicator on the front display panel of the 988.

The Series 988 is available with a choice of serial hardware interfaces. An

EIA/TIA-232 interface allows for one master (computer) and one con-
troller, with a maximum network length of 50 feet (15 meters).

The EIA/TIA-485 or EIA/TIA-422 option equips the controller for a multi-

drop interface: up to 32 total network devices with EIA/TIA-485 and up to
10 total network devices with EIA/TIA-422. Each controller will have its
own unique address. The total maximum network length is 4,000 feet
(1,219 meters). All interfaces are isolated.

To select between EIA/TIA-485 or EIA/TIA-422, enter the Setup Menus by

holding the up-arrow > and down-arrow < keys simultaneously until
setup [`SEt] appears in the bottom display. Use the up-arrow key to
select the Communications Menu [COM]. At the interface prompt [Intf]
select between [`422] or [`485].

Other parameters that must be configured in the Communications Menu

[COM] are the baud rate [bAUd], data bits and parity [data], protocol
[Prot], and device address [Addr]. The protocol prompt must be set to
full (ANSI X3.28 2.2-A3) or RTU Modbus if multiple devices are used with
the EIA/TIA-485 or EIA/TIA-422 interface. If the full protocol or RTU
Modbus is selected, a device address must be selected at the address
prompt. For EIA/TIA-232, full [FULL] or on [``on] (XON/XOFF) protocol
may be selected.

8.4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software

Te s t Te s t Te s t Te s t Te s t
Cha mbe r 1 Cha mbe r 2 Cha mbe r 3 Cha mbe r 4 Cha mbe r 5



L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4





output 4 output 4 output 4 output 4 output 4

pe rs ona l
c omput e r
with EIA/TIA-422 port

Figure 8.5 - Test

chambers with Sample Application
communications. A test engineer uses Series 988s to control the temperatures of several
automated test chambers. His computer is linked to the controllers
through its EIA/TIA-422 serial communications port. His computer pro-
gram monitors the temperatures of the chambers and initiates automatic
test sequences when certain program parameters are met. After complet-
ing a sequence, the computer loads the next temperature to the controller.
The computer periodically interrogates each controller for its process tem-
perature, set point and alarm status. This information is stored on a disk
to provide test verification data for the completed products.

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.5
General Software

Dead Band
The dead band feature is standard on any Series 988 controller with two
control outputs. The dead band prompts will appear if the control outputs
ç are configured for heat/cool or cool/heat.

WARNING: Overview
If the dead band is The dead band prompts, [db`A] and [db`b], located in the PID menus,
set to a negative determine the amount of interaction between heat (reverse acting) and cool
value, the heat (direct acting) control outputs. The dead band directly offsets the target set
and cool outputs point of the cool control output.
can both be ON at
the same time. With a positive dead band, both control outputs will never be ON at the
same time. With the process in a positive dead band, the output value is
determined by adding the percent heat output to the percent cool output
and only applying the result to the correct output — cooling action if the
sum is negative and heating action if it is positive.

8.6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software

cool cooling action

set point
( 75 +
2 = 77°
[`dbA] cool set point )
no action 2° dead band

set point heating action set point

Figure 8.7a -
Dead band graph.

E nv ironme nt a l Cha mbe r


input 1 output 1 chiller

output 2 temperature

L1 L2 L3 L4 limit sensor sensor




Figure 8.7b -
Environmental Sample Application
chamber with dead An engineer for an environmental chamber manufacturer, who is design-
band. ing the heating and cooling system for a new chamber, wants to minimize
the energy costs of operating the chamber. She has chosen the Series 988
and will configure the heat and cool outputs with a positive dead band.

When the chamber temperature is near ambient the cooling and heating
systems had a tendency to buck one another, resulting in inefficient use of
energy. The engineer started with a dead band of five degrees, but in the
process of tuning the system for optimal control, the setting was reduced
to two degrees. This made the chamber more energy efficient and reduced
wear on the refrigeration system.

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.7
General Software

Digital Events
A single digital event input is standard on all controls. A second digital
input is available as an option for input 2 (98_ _-_5_ _-_ _ _ _).

The digital event input options on the Series 988 controller allow the oper-
ator to select one of several software functions with the close of a cus-
tomer-supplied switch or by a change in dc voltage (See Chapter 2 for volt-
age and wiring information.).

The list below outlines the functions that can be controlled with a digital
event input:

• Idle set point [IdSP] lets the operator select a second (idle) set point.

• Turn control outputs off [`OFF] inhibits the control outputs.

• Alarm reset [`ALr] resets alarms from a remote location.

• Switch PID sets [`Pid] selects between PID set A or B (requires

enhanced software, 98_B-_ _ _ _-_ _ _ _).

• Remote set point [`rsp] switches to remote set points.

• Front panel lockout [`LOC] locks out the front panel keys to prevent

• Control output action [Actn] switches the control action of outputs 1

and 2 from heating to cooling, or vice versa.

• Auto/Manual operation [A-M] switches to the manual mode of opera-

tion at the percent power selected with [FAIL] (Global Menu) and disables
the Auto/Man key.

8.8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software


input 1 output 1 limit limit temperature

sensor sensor
L1 L2 L3 L4



input 3
(event input 1)

Figure 8.9 - Heater

with digital event. Sample Application
A manufacturing engineer is building an application that needs to switch
to an idle temperature at the end of a batch and maintain that tempera-
ture until the next batch is loaded, with minimum operator interaction.

By connecting an external switch to the digital event input, he can select

either the operating temperature or the idle temperature with the flip of a
switch. The idle set point prompt is enabled by setting the Event Input 1
prompt [`Ei1], in the Global Menu, to idle set point [Idsp]. The idle set
point value is accessed by pressing the MODE key µ from anywhere in
the display loop. When the switch closes, the lower display will indicate
the idle set point, and the controller will maintain this new set point.

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.9
General Software

Heater Current
Choose the heater current option (98_ _-_4_ _-_ _ _ _) for input 2 and an
appropriate current transformer. A current transformer must be ordered
˜ separately.

NOTE: Output 1 cannot be used as a process output. The heater current feature
To obtain a reading, monitors only output 1.
the output ON-time
must be a minimum Overview
of 0.3 seconds. The heater current feature measures and responds to heater current in a
system. This is an ideal method for detecting heater loss in applications
with multiple heaters. The current is measured when output 1 is on. For
˜ instance, if a system has five, 10-amp heaters, the heater current input
measures 50 amps regardless of the percent output.
The heater current
To view the heater current press the DISPLAY key and advance to the
feature will not
function with burst- Process 2 prompt [Pr`2]. The upper display indicates the last valid cur-
fire outputs. rent reading.

The Input 2 prompt [`In2] under the Input Menu [InPt] can be set to
current [Curr] or loop error detect [LooP]. Current [Curr] allows you to
˜ monitor heater current and set alarm set points based on high and low
heater current values. Alarms can only be configured as process alarms
NOTE: (see Alarms, in Chapter 7). Setting to loop error detect [LooP] enables
The heater current monitoring and alarm functions, and also triggers an error and shuts off
feature will not
all outputs if current is present with output 1 off or when no current is
function when the
Series 988 has a present and output 1 power is more than zero.
process output for
output 1. There are limits associated with this feature:

• To obtain a reading, the output on-time must be a minimum of 0.3 sec-

onds. To calculate this, multiply the percent output by the cycle time set-
ting. Example: With 30-percent output and a 2.0 second cycle time, the
on-time would be: 0.30 x 2.0 = 0.6 seconds. This would yield a valid read-
ing. If a valid reading is not possible, the 988 will display the last valid

• The heater current feature will not function with burst-fire outputs:
Controllers with option “B,” “C” or “K” selected for output 1
(98_ _-_ _*_-_ _ _ _), output 2 (98_ _-_ _ _*-_ _ _ _), output 3
(98_ _-_ _ _ _-*_ _ _) or output 4 (98_ _-_ _ _ _-_*_ _). This does not neces-
sarily apply to the loop error detect feature. If enabled, any current detect-
ed with no output triggers an error.

• This feature will not function when the Series 988 has a process output
for output 1 (98_ _-F _ _ _-_ _ _ _). A known cycle time is required to detect
the current. There is no cycle time associated with process outputs.

The maximum signal the input can accept from the current transformer
secondary is 50mA. So, you must calculate the output range of the cur-
rent transformer before wiring the system.

8.10 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software

input 1

output 1 Compre s s ion Molding P re s s

input 2 L1 L2 L3 L4

MODE 10A heaters

SERIES 988 limit temperature
sensor sensor

Figure 8.11 -
Compression mold- Sample Application
ing press using the The Series 988 controls the lower platen of a compression molding press
heater current fea- that contains five, 10-ampere heaters. A 50A:50mA current transformer is
ture. used to monitor heater current.

Set the Input 2 prompt [`In2] to current [Curr], the Range Low 2 prompt
[`rL2] to 0 and the Range High 2 prompt [`rH2] to 50. Find the range
high 2 value with the following equation:

range high 2 = (maximum CT primary current (load current)) x 50mA

(maximum output from CT secondary (input))

The application uses a Watlow current transformer (CT) part# 16-0233,

which has a maximum input of 50 amperes, which corresponds to a maxi-
mum output of 50mA.

range high 2 = (50Amps) x 50mA


Solving for rH2 gives you 50. This is the range high 2 setting.

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.11
General Software

Input Filter
This feature is standard on all Series 988 controllers.

In certain applications the process being measured can be unstable,
NOTE: which makes it difficult to control and also makes the constantly changing
Use this feature display difficult to read. The Series 988 input filter can solve these prob-
with caution, lems by smoothing out just the display or the display and the input signal.
because a large
time constant could You can set a time constant in seconds for a low-pass filter that will, if you
hide system select a positive value, affect the display only. Select a negative value to fil-
upsets. ter the input signal itself.

8.12 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software

Display readings with input filter OFF Display readings with input filter ON


time time

Figure 8.13a -
Display readings
with input filtering.

Humidit y Cha mbe r


input 1 output 1 limit

L1 L2 L3 L4

heater transmitter

Figure 8.13b -
Humidity chamber
with input filtering. Sample Application
A Series 988 controls the humidity in an environmental chamber. The rel-
ative humidity (RH) sensor provides a 4-20mA signal over a 0-100% RH
range. The sensor is very sensitive to changes caused by air flow in the
chamber. The turbulence in the chamber makes the controller display
jump two to three percent. To remove this display dithering set the filter
time constant [Ftr1] for input 1 to two seconds. This will smooth the dis-
play and provide a more realistic reading.

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.13
General Software

Input Linearization
The square root extraction feature is standard on any Series 988 con-
troller with universal signal conditioner inputs. The linearization prompt
will appear if a process input is selected with the DIP switches (see
Chapter 1).

In many flow applications the output signal from a flow transmitter repre-
sents a squared value of the actual flow. The square root must be extract-
ed from the signal to make it useful to the operator. Many flow transmit-
ters offer this feature in the transmitter itself, but this can add significant-
ly to the cost. Using the square root extraction option in the Series 988
controller can save the operator money. The feature is enabled simply by
setting input 1 linearization [lin1] or input 2 linearization [lin2] to
square root extraction [root].

8.14 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software

16 O
14 O
12 O
linearized signal O
flow in O
gallons per 8 O
minute 6 O non-linearized signal
4 O
2 O
0O O O O
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Figure 8.15a - 4-20mA input signal
Graph of linearized

input 1 output 1

L1 L2 L3 L4



transmitter Wa t e r Tre a t me nt P ond

Figure 8.15b -
Waste-water treat- Sample Application
ment with input lin- A waste water process engineer needs to control the flow of a solution to
earization. be mixed with wastewater to treat it. The transmitter provides a 4-20mA
output without square root extraction. The engineer used the Series 988
with a universal signal conditioner input and a 4-20mA process output to
control the flow. The input signal was linearized using the square root
extraction feature of the 988.

The above system has a flow range of 0 to 16 gallons per minute. The
range low and range high parameters for input 1 would be set to 0 and 16
respectively. The input 1 linearization prompt [lin1] would then be set to
square root extraction [root]. You can see from the above graph that
without square root extraction to linearize the signal it would not be use-
ful for controlling the process.

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.15
General Software

Ramp To Set Point

This feature is standard on all units.

Ramp to set point enables the Series 988 to ramp the set point at a user-
defined rate. This allows the controller to start up a system or change
between set points at a rate that will not stress the product or system
components. The ramp rate is defined in degrees per minute. Ramp to set
point can be initiated at start up only, or at start up and also on any set
point changes.

When a ramp is initiated, the starting point for the ramp is the current
process value. If the ramp is initiated on start up, the Series 988 looks at
the process value upon power up, and uses that value as the starting
point for the ramp. If a set point change initiates the ramp to set point
function, the controller looks at the process value when the change is
made and uses that value as the starting point for the ramp. If the set
point is changed during a ramp, the process value at the time of the
change becomes the starting point for the new ramp.

8.16 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software


Muf f le Furna c e

input 1 output 1 limit

limit sensor
L1 L2 L3 L4




Figure 8.17 -
Muffle furnace with Sample Application
ramp to set point. An engineer needs to control the temperature of a muffle furnace. The fur-
nace set point must be ramped up at a defined rate to prevent stressing
the muffle and other system components. By enabling the ramp to set
point function in the Series 988, the engineer can control the rate at
which the set point will rise. Ramp to set point is enabled in the Global
Menu using the Ramping Function prompt [``rp]. To ramp on start up
only, select start [Strt]. To ramp on start up and on any set point
changes, select set point [StPt]. The ramp rate [rate] is in degrees per

For further protection of the system, output 2, 3 or 4 can be configured as

a rate alarm, monitoring the rate of increase or decrease in the process
variable on input 1. The Alarm Low [A2LO] and Alarm High [A2HI]
prompts (The “2” in these examples refers to output 2.) establish the
ramp-down and ramp-up rate set points, respectively, in degrees per

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.17
General Software

Remote Set Point

Input 2 must be either a thermocouple (98_ _-_1_ _-_ _ _ _ ) or universal
signal conditioner (98_ _-_2_ _-_ _ _ _).
Make sure all input
and output To use a Series 988 as a master controller, choose one of the retransmit
impedances are options for output 3 of the master (98_ _-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _ for 0-20mA or 4-
compatible. 20mA; or 98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _ for 0-5VÎ (dc), 1-5VÎ or 0-10VÎ).

NOTE: The remote set point feature allows the Series 988 to use a thermocouple,
Input 1 and 2 are not RTD or process signal at input 2 to establish the set point. This feature
isolated from each gives the Series 988 the ability to have its set point value manipulated by
other. an external source. A common application would use one ramping con-
troller with a set-point retransmit output to ramp multiple controllers
using the remote set point. Or you could use an analog output from a PLC
to send set point values to a Series 988.

You may select between local and remote set points at the front panel,
with an event input, from a remote computer using the communicatons
feature or from an external switch using an event input.

8.18 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software

zone 1 zone 2 zone 3 zone 4 zone 5 zone 6 zone 7 zone 8

Ma s t e r

Re mot e Re mot e Re mot e Re mot e Re mot e Re mot e Re mot e
L1 L2 L3 L4

MODE L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4 L1 L2 L3 L4






output 3

input 2 input 2 input 2 input 2 input 2 input 2 input 2

Figure 8.19 -
Zone heating with Sample Application
remote set point. An engineer has a machine with eight independent zones of heat. He
wants to change set points on all zones without having to adjust each con-
trol individually. This can be achieved using a Series 988 with a 0-5VÎ
(dc) retransmit output as the master controller. The seven remote 988s
will use the 0-5VÎ (dc) signal on input 2 as a remote set point. When the
set point is changed on the master controller, the retransmit output
changes the set points of the seven remote controllers. By enabling the
ramp to set point feature in the master controller, all eight zones are
ramped up to set point at a user-defined rate on power up.

The retransmit output from the master Series 988 is set so that 0VÎ (dc)
represents 0°F and 5VÎ (dc) represents 800°F. On the remote controllers,
set the input 2 DIP switch to the position for the 0-5, 1-5, 0-10VÎ (dc)
process input. In the Input Menu, under the Input 2 prompt [`In2],
select 0-5. The Remote Set Point prompt [`rsp] should be set to ON
[``on] and decimal 2 [deC2] set to 0. The range low 2 [`rL2] and the
range high 2 [`rH2] parameters will establish the scaling for the remote
set point input. Range low 2 [`rL2] should be set to 0 and range high 2
[`rH2] should be set to 800. To operate a specific zone ten degrees hotter
than the others, increase the range low 2 [`rL2] to 10 and the range high
2 [`rH2] to 810.

With remote set point [`rSP] enabled and local [```L] selected under the
Local-remote prompt [`L-r] in the System Menu, the set point is adjusted
using the up-arrow and down-arrow keys. Selecting remote [```r] under
the Local-remote prompt [`L-r], disables the up-arrow and down-arrow
keys, allowing the set point value to be manipulated by the input 2 signal.

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.19
General Software

Output 3 is used for the retransmit option. Choose either a milliamp (98_
_-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _) or a voltage (98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _) signal. Select the output
range in the Output Menu.

The retransmit feature can be used to transmit an analog signal repre-
NOTE: senting the value of either input process variable or the target set point
Enhanced software variable. The retransmit signal is factory configured as either a milliamp
is not required for (98_ _-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _) or a voltage (98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _) signal. In choosing
this feature. the type of retransmit signal the operator must take into account the
input impedance of the device to be retransmitted to and the required sig-
nal type, either voltage or milliamps.

Typically applications might use the retransmit option to record one of the
variables with a chart recorder or to generate a set point for other controls
in a multi-zone application (see page 8.19).

8.20 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software

He a t - t re a t O v e n

input 1 output 1 temperature

PROCESS limit sensor
L2 L3 L4

output 3 sensor



Cha rt
Re c orde r

Figure 8.21 -
Heat-treat oven with Sample Applications
retransmit. A Series 988 is being used to control the temperature of a heat-treat oven.
The temperature of the process must be recorded on a chart recorder. The
oven temperature range stays between 600° and 900° F. The chart
recorder requires a 4-20mA signal.

In the Output Menu [OtPt] set analog output [Aout] to [Prc1] to tag the
input 1 process value as the parameter to be retransmitted. Set retransmit
low limit [`ArL] to 600 to set the low range for the retransmit signal to
600. Set retransmit high limit [`ArH] to 900 to set the high range for the
retransmit signal to 900. Set retransmit calibrate offset [ACAL] to 0,
assuming there is no calibration offset required.

The retransmit output will be 4mA until the oven temperature is greater
than 600 degrees F, at which point the signal will increase with tempera-
ture to 20mA at 900° F and will not exceed 20mA.

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.21
General Software

Slidewire Feedback
A slidewire configuration uses at least two inputs and two control out-
NOTE: puts. Input 2 can only be selected as a slidewire input (98_ _-_3_ _-_ _ _ _).
Outputs must be
compatible with the Overview
slidewire valve actu- The Series 988 can control the position of a valve with a slidewire feed-
ators. back position indicator. The controller senses the resistance of the
slidewire and compares it to the range low and range high settings to
determine the valve position. The controller compares this to the percent
output and takes action to match the two by opening or closing the valve.

Set the hunt [hunt] parameter to limit valve hunting. The value is set for
the percent of output (0.0 to 100.0). When the valve is within this dead
band, a change in output greater than half the hunt parameter is required
to trigger action. Output 1 responds to “close” commands and output 2
responds to “open” commands.

8.22 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software

Gas-fired Furnace
Valve Actuator
input 1 output 1 (close) temperature

output 2 (open) sensor

input 2 limit
L2 L3 L4



MODE gas

gas valve cut-off

slidewire input

Figure 8.23 -
Gas-fired furnace Sample Application
with slidewire feed- A Series 988 controls the gas valve for a gas-fired furnace to heat treat
back. large metal parts. First the controller must be “married” to the slidewire
feedback from the valve actuator. To do this, first set the Input 2 prompt
[`In2] to slidewire [Slid]. Advance to the Learn Low Resistance prompt
[LrnL]. Close the valve manually to the minimum resistance reading from
the slidewire. Select [`yes] in the upper display and press the Mode key
µ to advance to the Learn High Resistance prompt [LrnH]. Manually
open the valve (maximum slidewire resistance). Select [`YES] in the upper
display and press the Mode key µ. At this point both the high and low
resistance values have been learned and stored in the range low 2 and
range high 2 parameters.

You can also manually set the range low and range high values. From the
slidewire specifications, determine the low and high resistance values and
enter these at the Range Low [`rL2] and Range High [`rH2] prompts.

Once the control is operating, adjust the hunt [hunt] parameter, to mini-
mize valve oscillations. The hunt parameter sets up a dead band on both
sides of the current valve position. The desired valve position is then com-
pared to the actual position. If the difference is greater than the one-half of
the hunt value, the Series 988 repositions the valve to achieve the temper-
ature set point. Once repositioning is complete, the dead band is recalcu-
lated for the new valve position.

General Software Features, Chapter 8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 8.23
Chapter 9 Enhanced Software

Cascade 9.2
Differential 9.6
Dual PID 9.8
Duplex 9.10
Ratio 9.12

Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 9.1
Enhanced Software

Cascade control requires enhanced software and two analog inputs, input
1 to monitor the primary, or outer, loop and input 2 to monitor the sec-
ondary, or inner, loop. At least one control output is required to control
the process.

Cascade control can handle a difficult process with minimal overshoot,
while reaching the set point quickly. This minimizes damage to system
components and allows for oversizing heaters for optimal heat-up rates.
Heater life is also extended by reducing thermal cycling of the heater.

Systems with long lag times between the energy source (heater, steam,
etc.) and the measured process value cannot be controlled accurately or
efficiently with a single control loop, because a lot of energy can build up
before a response is detected. This
A can cause the system to overshoot
the set point, which could damage
point the heater, product or heat transfer
B medium, such as a heat transfer

This graph illustrates a system with

Figure 9.2a - System a long lag time. Curve A represents
heat-up profiles a single-control system with PID
using three different
parameters that allow a maximum
control methods.
heat-up rate. Too much energy is
introduced and the set point is over-
shot. In most long-lag-time systems the process value may never settle out
to an acceptable error. Curve C represents a single-control system tuned
to minimize overshoot. This results in unacceptable heat-up rates, with
the final value taking hours to reach. Curve B shows a cascade system
that limits the energy
Two controllers in one introduced into the sys-
tem, allowing an opti-
output 1
input 1 In1 input 2 In2 mal heat-up rate with
% out
Figure 9.2b - The SP SPint
minimal overshoot.
cascade feature % int
allows one Series This drawing shows two
988 controller to controllers configured
internalize the func- Outer-loop Inner-loop as a cascade system.
Controller Controller
tions of two con- The second controller
trollers. generates the internal
set point. The Series
988 effectively combines both controllers into a single package.

The primary controller measures the process in the outer, or primary, loop
with input 1 and compares the value to the desired set point. The differ-

9.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9
Enhanced Software

ence between the set point and the process temperature generates an
internal percent output value for the second, or inner loop, controller. This
value cannot be seen by the operator. This internal percent (% int) output
generates the internal set point for the secondary, or inner loop. The sec-
ondary loop uses this set point and the value of input 2 (typically attached
to the heater sheath) to control the heat source temperature.

The following formulas show how the primary control sends a set point
(based on input 2 range-high and range-low values) to the secondary con-
trol. The secondary control uses this set point (SP int) to generate a per-
cent output (% out) to the heater.

1.) %int = PID Set A [In1 - SP]

2.) SPint = (rH2 - rL2) * %int + rL2

3.) %out = PID Set B [In2 - SPint]

The critical parameters are the range settings for input 2 of the inner loop
controller. The range-high value (rH2) is the maximum allowed set point
for the secondary, or inner, loop. The range-low value (rL2) is the mini-
mum allowed set point. In a system controlling a heater this would be the
maximum and minimum desired sheath temperatures of the heater.
Typically the range-low term is set below the ambient temperature.
Otherwise the system could never fully cool down.

When tuning a cascade system, the inner loop must be tuned first. In a
heating system the inner loop is comprised of the output device and the
input 2 sensor, which usually measures the heater sheath temperature.
The output device controls a power switching device, which, in turn
switches the heater. The set point for the inner loop is generated by the
outer loop and will have a range between range low 2 [`rL2] and range
high 2 [`rH2].

Before tuning the inner loop you must make sure [`rL2] and [`rH2] are
set properly. Set the value of [`rL2] slightly lower than the ambient tem-
perature, otherwise the system will never fully cool down. Set [`rH2] to
the maximum desired heat source temperature. The inner loop can be
auto-tuned by setting [`AUt] to [Pidb]. While auto-tuning, the inner loop
will be controlled in an ON/OFF mode at a set point equal to [AtSP] x

Once the inner loop, PID B, has completed auto-tuning, we can then auto-
tune the outer loop, PID A. The outer loop will generate the set point for
the inner loop. This is done by comparing the value of the input 1 sensor
to the process set point, performing the control algorithm by using the val-
ues of [PidA], then generating a set point between [`rL2] and [`rH2].

Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 9.3
Enhanced Software

The outer loop can be auto-tuned by setting [`AUt] to [PidA]. While auto-
tuning, the outer loop will be controlled in an on/off mode at a set point
equal to [AtSP] x [`SP1]. In a heating application, make sure the set
point is set at a value above ambient temperature. In most cases, the
auto-tuning feature will tune [PidA] for acceptable control. If not, you
must then manually tune the outer loop.

Before beginning manual tuning, record the values of [Pb1A] and [rE1A]
generated by the auto-tuning feature. The auto-tune for the outer loop will
not generate a value for [rA1A], because rate (derivative) in the outer loop
seems to cause instability in most systems.

Start manual tuning by setting [rE1A] to [`)00]. Enter the desired

process set point and let the system stabilize. Once the system stabilizes,
observe the value of [`Pr2] in the Display Menu. If the [`Pr2] value fluc-
tuates, make the proportional band setting [Pb1A] wider until the [`Pr2]
value stabilizes. Make adjustment [Pb1A] in 5° to 10° increments, allowing
time between adjustments for the system to stabilize.

Once [`Pr2] has stabilized, observe percent power in the display loop. It
should be stable, ±10%. At this point, the process temperature should also
be stable, but will exhibit droop (stabilized below set point). The droop can
be eliminated with reset of integral.

Start with a setting of 0.01; allow 10 minutes for the process temperature
to come up to set point. If it has not, increase the setting to 0.05 and wait
another 10 minutes. After this, double the reset setting until process value
equals the set point. If the process becomes unstable, the reset value is
too large. Decrease the setting until the process stabilizes.

9.4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9
Enhanced Software


WATL W oil in oil out

input 1 output 1

input 2 L1 L2 L3 L4



heater inner-loop

limit sensor
Lube O il Ta nk

Figure 9.5 - Lube oil

tank with cascade Sample Application
control. A Series 988 controller is used to heat lube oil to 125°F with a screw-plug-
style heater. To protect the oil from breaking down and maximize its life, it
is desirable to limit the maximum heater sheath temperature to 250° F.

The Series 988 is ordered with two thermocouple inputs. Input 2, the
inner loop in the cascade configuration, measures the heater sheath.
Input 1, the outer loop, measures the lube oil temperature before it leaves
the tank. The external set point is 125°. By setting range high 2 [`rH2] to
250° the set point for the heater sheath will be limited, thus extending the
lube oil life.

Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 9.5
Enhanced Software

Two inputs and the enhanced software option are required.

Differential control allows the Series 988 to control one process at a differ-
ence to another process. Input 2 acts as a remote set point input. However
the displayed set point indicates the desired difference between input 1
and input 2. The set point that input 1 will use is determined by the equa-

internal set point = input 2 + differential set point

The lower display shows the differential set point, which can be adjusted
with the increment (up-arrow) and decrement (down-arrow) keys.

Please note that while in the differential control mode the internal set
point for input 1 cannot be viewed and must be calculated with the equa-

9.6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9
Enhanced Software

Wa t e r Boile r

outside input 1 output 1
temperature limit
sensor limit
input 2 sensor
L2 L3 L4





heating element

Figure 9.7 - Water

boiler with differen- Sample Application
tial control. The most common application using differential control is to maintain
water temperature in a boiler at a differential to the outside air tempera-
ture. A thermocouple at input 2 senses the outside air temperature and
adjusts the internal set point to maintain the boiler water temperature
120 degrees higher. Substituting values we have: boiler temperature =
outside temperature + 120°.

In this application the system uses two type J thermocouples: one to

sense boiler water temperature (input 1) and one to sense the outside air
temperature (input 2).

To configure the controller, first enable input 2 (set [`In2] to [```J] ). To

enable the differential control algorithm set the control prompt [CntL] in
the Global Menu to differential [diFF]. Press the DISPLAY key. The lower
display will read 0, indicating no differential between input 1 and input 2.
Adjust the set point to 120. The internal set point for input 1 is now equal
to the input 2 value plus 120, which will maintain the boiler water tem-
perature 120 degrees higher than the outside air temperature.

Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 9.7
Enhanced Software

Dual PID Sets

The Series 988 controller needs the enhanced software option to use dual
PID sets.

Standard software units have a single set of PID parameters. Units with
enhanced software can use two independent sets of heat/cool PID para-
meters, PID A [PidA] and PID B [Pidb]. To enable dual PID, enter the
Global Menu and set the algorithm prompt [ALgO] to dual PID [Pid2].
This second set of PID parameters enables the controller to switch
between two sets of PIDs, to compensate for changes in the system char-
acteristics. This need can arise from a variety of circumstances, such as
significant set point changes (controlling at 250, then controlling at 750),
operating a furnace with half a load versus a full load of steel, changing
the speed of a conveyor through a curing oven or using different materials
in an extruder.

Series 988 controllers can be configured to switch between PID A and PID B
based on a process value, a set point value or the event input status.

• At [Pid2] PID 2 Crossover Selection (Global Menu) select what will

cause the switch:
• [Proc] Crossover Process Value, (input 1), PIDs will switch
based on the crossover process value;
• [StPt] Crossover Set Point (1) Value, PIDs will switch at the
crossover set point value, PID A used below the crossover
point and PID B above;
• [``no] no crossover.

• At [`Ei1] Event Input 1 or [`Ei2] Event Input 2 select [`Pid]:

• PID A is used when the event input switch is open;
• PID B when the event input switch is closed.

(Note: One event input is standard on all units, a second event input is an

9.8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9
Enhanced Software

Te s t Cha mbe r

input 1 output 1
output 2

limit sensor
input 2 sensor
L2 L3 L4 limit



Figure 9.9 - Test

chamber controlled Sample Application
with dual PID sets. A test engineer needs to control the temperature in a test chamber that
can be operated at normal atmosphere or under vacuum conditions. If he
tunes the controller for normal atmospheric conditions, when he reaches
the portion of his test that requires a vacuum, he must stop the test and
enter new PID parameters to maintain stable temperatures. The system
characteristics are so very different, that one set of PIDs will not give satis-
factory results under both normal and vacuum conditions.

The Series 988 solves this problem with the dual PID option. Auto-tuning
PID A under normal atmospheric conditions, then auto-tuning PID B
under vacuum conditions, establishes PID values for two sets of system
characteristics. A pressure switch connected to the event input tells the
controller when to switch between PID A and PID B, eliminating the need
to change PID values manually.

Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 9.9
Enhanced Software

The duplex control feature requires enhanced software and a process out-
Duplex applications Overview
require a special Certain systems require that a single process output control both heating
valve. and cooling outputs. A Series 988 controller configured with enhanced
software and a process output can function as two separate outputs. With
a 4 to 20mA output the heating output will operate from 12 to 20mA (0 to
+100 percent) and the cooling output will operate from 12 to 4mA (0 to -
100 percent). In some cases this type of output is required by the device
that the 988 controls, such as a three-way valve that opens one way with
a 12 to 20mA signal and opens the other way with a 4 to 12mA signal.
This feature reduces the overall system cost by using a single output to
act as two outputs.

9.10 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9
Enhanced Software

Fluid S a mple Cont a ine r


input 1 output 1 hot water


L1 L2 L3 L4 transmitter




cold water

Figure 9.11 - Fluid

sample container Sample Application
with duplex control. The system outlined above uses a three-way valve for heating and cooling
a fluid sample. Coils surround the container holding the fluid. When the
temperature needs to be raised, the signal to the valve will be between 12
and 20mA, sending hot water through the coils. When cooling is required,
the signal will be between 12 and 4mA, sending cold water through the

Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 9.11
Enhanced Software

Ratio control requires enhanced software. Two analog inputs are required
to monitor the process, and at least one output adjusts the controlled part
of the process.

This feature allows the Series 988 to control one process as a ratio of
another process. This is especially useful in applications that mix two
materials, whether steam, paint or food ingredients.

Input 2 of the controller measures the part of the process that is either
uncontrolled or controlled by another device. The part of the process con-
trolled by the 988 will be maintained at a level equal to the quantity mea-
sured at input 2 multiplied by the ratio term set by the user. Input 1 mon-
itors the controlled part of the process.

9.12 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9
Enhanced Software


input 1 output 1 mixed paint


input 2 L1 L2 L3 L4
controlled flow flow flow
of pigment transmitter transmitter

Mix ing Ta nk
motorized uncontrolled
valve flow of
unmixed paint

Figure 9.13 - Mixing

tank with ratio con- Sample Application
trol. Blue pigment must be added to paint at a ratio of one part per 100 to cre-
ate a mixed paint of the desired color. The uncolored paint flows into the
mixer in an uncontrolled stream that is set manually and sensed by input
2. A motorized valve controls the flow of pigment, which is monitored by
the flow sensor to input 1. The flow rate of the uncolored paint determines
the set point for the motorized valve that controls the pigment flow. If an
operator needs to change the rate of flow for the uncolored paint, the set
point will shift accordingly to maintain the correct ratio in the mixing

The application engineer set up this feature in software by choosing ratio

[rAti] as the control [CntL] parameter in the Global Menu. The set point
value displayed was then a ratio value. He entered 0.01 to maintain an
input 1:input 2 ratio of 1:100.

Enhanced Software Features, Chapter 9 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual 9.13

Glossary A.2
Specifications A.4
Warranty and Returns A.5
Index A.6
Menu Overview A.10
Model Number A.11
Declaration of Conformity A.12

Appendix WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual A.1

Glossary, A - L
annunciator — A visual display that uses pilot lights to (RC) filter.
indicate the former or existing condition of several items in digital adaptive filter — A filter that rejects high
a system. frequency input signal noise (noise spikes).
heat/cool output filter — A filter that slows the
bumpless transfer — A smooth transition from auto change in the response of the heat or cool output. The out-
(closed loop) to manual (open loop) operation. The control put responds to a step change by going to approximately
output(s) does not change during the transfer. 2/3 its final value within the number of scans that are set.

burst fire — A power control method that repeatedly turns form A — A single-pole, single-throw relay that uses only
on and off full ac cycles. Also called zero-cross fire, it the normally open (NO) and common contacts. These con-
switches close to the zero-voltage point of the ac sine wave. tacts close when the relay coil is energized. They open
Variable-time-base burst fire selectively holds or transits when power is removed from the coil.
ac cycles to achieve the desired power level.
form B — A single-pole, single-throw relay that uses only
calibration offset — An adjustment to eliminate the dif- the normally closed (NC) and common contacts. These
ference between the indicated value and the actual process contacts open when the relay coil is energized. They close
value. when power is removed from the coil.

cascade — Control algorithm in which the output of one form C — A single-pole, double-throw relay that uses the
control loop provides the set point for another loop. The normally open (NO), normally closed (NC) and common
second loop, in turn, determines the control action. contacts. The operator can choose to wire for a Form A or
Form B contact.
closed loop — A control system that uses a sensor to
measure a process variable and makes decisions based on hunting — Oscillation of process temperature between the
that feedback. set point and the process variable.

cold junction — See junction, cold. hysteresis — A change in the process variable required to
re-energize the control or alarm output. Sometimes called
cold junction compensation — Electronic means to com- switching differential.
pensate for the effective temperature at the cold junction.
integral — Control action that automatically eliminates
current transformer — A transformer designed for mea- offset, or droop, between set point and actual process tem-
suring electrical current. perature. See reset, automatic.

dead band — The range through which a variation of the isolation — Electrical separation of sensor from high volt-
input produces no noticeable change in the output. In the age circuitry. Allows use of grounded or ungrounded sens-
dead band, specific conditions can be placed on control ing element.
output actions. Operators select the dead band. It is usu-
ally above the heating proportional band and below the Joint Industrial Standards (JIS) — A Japanese agency
cooling proportional band. that establishes and maintains standards for equipment
and components. Also known as JISC (Japanese Industrial
default parameters — The programmed instructions that Standards Committee), its function is similar to Germany’s
are permanently stored in the microprocessor software. Deutsche Industrial Norm (DIN).

derivative — The rate of change in a process variable. JIS — Joint Industrial Standards.
Also known as rate. See PID.
junction — The point where two dissimilar metal conduc-
Deutsche Industrial Norm (DIN) — A set of technical, sci- tors join to form a thermocouple.
entific and dimensional standards developed in Germany. cold junction — Connection point between ther-
Many DIN standards have worldwide recognition. mocouple metals and the electronic instrument. See refer-
ence junction.
DIN — See Deutsche Industrial Norm. grounded junction — Type of thermocouple
probe in which the hot, or measuring junction, is an inte-
droop — In proportional controllers, the difference gral part of the sheath material. No electrical isolation is
between set point and actual value after the system stabi- provided.
lizes. isolated junction — A form of thermocouple
probe construction in which the measuring junction is
duty cycle — The percentage of a cycle time in which the fully enclosed in a protective sheath and electrically isolat-
output is on. ed from it. Commonly called an ungrounded junction.
reference junction — The junction in a thermo-
external signal conditioner power supply — A dc voltage couple circuit held at a stable, known temperature (cold
source that powers external devices. junction). Standard reference temperature is 32°F (0°C).
thermocouple junction — The point where the
filter — two dissimilar metal conductors join. In a typical thermo-
digital filter (DF) — A filter that slows the couple circuit, there is a measuring junction and a refer-
response of a system when inputs change unrealistically ence junction. See reference junction.
or too fast. Equivalent to a standard resistor-capacitor ungrounded junction — See isolated junction.

A.2 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Appendix

Glossary, M - Z
linearization, square root — The extraction of a linear perature. Also see integral.
signal from a nonlinear signal corresponding to the mea- automatic reset — The integral function of a PI
sured flow from a flow transmitter. Also called square root or PID temperature controller that adjusts the process
extraction. temperature to the set point after the system stabilizes.
The inverse of integral.
Modbus (RTU) — Remote Terminal Unit. automatic power reset — A feature in latching
limit controls that does not recognize power outage as a
NEMA 4X — A NEMA specification for determining resis- limit condition. When power is restored, the output is re-
tance to moisture infiltration. This rating certifies the con- energized automatically, as long as the temperature is
troller as washable and corrosion resistant. within limits.
manual reset — 1) A feature on a limit control
on/off — A method of control that turns the output full on that requires human intervention to return the limit to
until set point is reached, and then off until the process normal operation after a limit condition has occurred. 2)
error exceeds the hysteresis. The adjustment of a proportional control to raise the pro-
portional band to compensate for droop.
open loop — A control system with no sensory feedback. no key reset — A method for resetting the con-
troller’s memory (for instance, after an EPROM change).
output — Control signal action in response to the differ-
ence between set point and process variable. resistance temperature detector (RTD) — A sensor that
uses the resistance temperature characteristic to measure
overshoot — The amount by which a process variable temperature. There are two basic types of RTDs: the wire
exceeds the set point before it stabilizes. RTD, which is usually made of platinum, and the thermis-
tor, which is made of a semiconductor material. The wire
P control — Proportioning control. RTD is a positive temperature coefficient sensor only,
while the thermistor can have either a negative or positive
PD control — Proportioning control with derivative (rate) temperature coefficient.
retransmit output — An analog output signal that may
PDR control — Proportional derivative control with manu- be scaled to represent the process value or set point value.
al reset, used in fast responding systems where the reset
causes instabilities. With PDR control, an operator can RTD — See resistance temperature detector.
enter a manual reset value that eliminates droop in the
system. slidewire feedback — A method of controlling the position
of a valve. It uses a potentiometer to vary resistance and
PI control — Proportioning control with integral (automat- indicate position of the valve.
ic reset) action.
switching sensitivity — In on/off control, the tempera-
PID — Proportional, integral, derivative. A control mode ture change necessary to change the output from full on to
with three functions: proportional action dampens the sys- full off. See hysteresis.
tem response, integral corrects for droop, and derivative
prevents overshoot and undershoot. thermal system — A regulated environment that consists
of a heat source, heat transfer medium or load, sensing
process variable — The parameter that is controlled or device and a control instrument.
measured. Typical examples are temperature, relative
humidity, pressure, flow, fluid level, events, etc. The high thermocouple (t/c) — A temperature sensing device
process variable is the highest value of the process range, made by joining two dissimilar metals. This junction pro-
expressed in engineering units. The low process variable is duces an electrical voltage in proportion to the difference
the lowest value of the process range. in temperature between the hot junction (sensing junction)
and the leadwire connection to the instrument (cold junc-
proportional band (PB) — A range in which the propor- tion).
tioning function of the control is active. Expressed in
units, degrees or percent of span. See PID. thermocouple break protection — The ability of a con-
trol to detect a break in the thermocouple circuit and take
proportional control — A control using only the P (pro- a predetermined action.
portional) value of PID control.
three-mode control — Proportioning control with integral
rate band — A range in which the rate function of a con- (reset) and derivative (rate). Also see PID.
troller is active. Expressed in multiples of the proportional
band. See PID. time proportioning control — A method of controlling
power by varying the on/off duty cycle of an output. This
ratio — A method by which the controller measures the variance is proportional to the difference between the set
flow of an uncontrolled variable and uses a proportion of it point and the actual process temperature.
to control the flow of a second variable.
zero cross — Action that provides output switching only
reference junction — See junction. at or near the zero-voltage crossing points of the ac sine
wave. See burst fire.
reset — Control action that automatically eliminates off-
set, or droop, between set point and actual process tem- zero switching — See zero cross.

Appendix WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual A.3

• Process, 0-20mA, 4-20mA into 800Ω maximum, 0-
Specifications 5VÎ (dc), 1-5VÎ (dc) or 0-10VÎ (dc) into 1kΩ mini-
mum1, reverse acting, isolated.
(1234) • Electromechanical relay, Form A/B, 5A @ 120/240VÅ
Control Mode (ac), 6A @ 28VÎ (dc), 1/8 hp. @ 120VÅ (ac) or
• Dual input, quad output, optional retransmit of set 125VA @ 120VÅ (ac). Without contact suppression.
point or process variable. • External transmitter power supply, 5V ±5% @ 30mA,
• Programmable direct and reverse acting control out- 12V ±5% @ 30mA or 20V ±5% @ 30mA.
puts. • EIA/TIA-232 communications or EIA/TIA-485, EIA/TIA-
• One-step auto-tuning. 422 communications, opto-isolated.
Operator Interface Accuracy
• Local/remote set point capability. • Calibration accuracy and sensor conformity: ± 0.1% of
• Dual, 4-digit LED displays: upper, 0.4” (10mm); lower, span, ±1 LSD, 77°F ± 5°F (25°C ± 3°C) ambient and
0.3” (8mm). rated line voltage ±10%.
• Mode, Auto/Man, Display, Up and Down keys. • Accuracy span: 1000°F (540°C) minimum.
Input • Temperature stability: ± 0.2°F/°F (0.1°C/°C) change in
• Contact input for software function select. ambient.
• Type J, K, T, N, C(W5)2, D(W3)2, E, R, S, B, Pt 22 • Voltage stability: ± 0.01% of span /% of rated line volt-
thermocouple, 1° or 0.1° RTD. age.
• 0-50mVÎ (dc), 0-20mA, 4-20mA, 0-5VÎ (dc), 1-5VÎ Agency Approvals
(dc), 0-10VÎ (dc) process. • UL, C-UL File #43684
• Slidewire, digital event input or heater current options. • CE: 89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility
• Sensor break protection de-energizes control output to Directive.
protect system or selectable bumpless transfer to EN 50081-2: 1994 Emissions.
manual operation. Latching or non-latching. EN 50082-2: 1995 Immunity.
• °F or °C display or process units, user selectable. • 73/23/EEC Low-Voltage Directive.
EN 61010-1: 1993 Safety.
Sensor Ranges • NEMA 4X
J t/c: 32 to 1500°F or 0 to 816°C Terminals
K t/c: -328 to 2500°F or -200 to 1371°C • #6 compression universal head screws (tighten to 5
inch/pounds maximum), accepts 20-14 gauge wire.
T t/c: -328 to 750°F or -200 to 399°C
Line Voltage/Power
N t/c: 32 to 2372°F or 0 to 1300°C • 100 to 240VÅ 1 (ac) +10%/-15%, 50/60Hz, ± 5%.
R t/c: 32 to 3200°F or 0 to 1760°C • 24 to 28V‡ 1 (ac/dc) +10%/-15%, 50/60Hz, ±5%.
S t/c: 32 to 3200°F or 0 to 1760°C • 16VA maximum.
B t/c: 1598 to 3300°F or 870 to 1816°C • Fused internally (factory replaceable only) Slo-Blo®
E t/c: -328 to 1470°F or -200 to 799°C type (time-lag): 2A, 250V for high-voltage versions;
C t/c (W5)2: 32 to 4200°F or 0 to 2316°C 5A, 250V for low-voltage versions.
• Non-volatile memory retains data if power fails.
D t/c (W3)2: 32 to 4200°F or 0 to 2316°C
Operating Environment
Pt 22: 32 to 2543°F or 0 to 1395°C • 32 to 149°F (0 to 65°C), 0 to 90% RH, non-condens-
1°RTD (JIS): -328 to 1166°F or -200 to 630°C ing.
1°RTD (DIN): -328 to 1472°F or -200 to 800°C Storage Temperature
0.1°RTD • -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C).
(JIS and DIN):-99.9 to 999.9°F or -73.3 to 537.7°C Mechanical
0-5VÎ (dc): -999 to 9999 • 1/8 DIN panel mount, NEMA 4X (IP65 equivalent) front
1-5VÎ (dc): -999 to 9999
• Overall width x height x depth:
0-10VÎ (dc): -999 to 9999 horizontal - 4.03" x 2.18" x 4.74"
0-20mA: -999 to 9999 (102mm x 55mm x 120mm);
4-20mA: -999 to 9999 vertical - 2.18" x 4.03" x 4.74"
0-50mVÎ (dc): -999 to 9999 (55mm x 102mm x 120mm).
Slidewire: 100 to 1200Ω • Depth behind panel; 4.06" (103mm).
Current: 0 to 50A • Weight: less than or equal to 14.0oz (0.40kg).
Sample/Update Rates
Potentiometer: 0 to 1200Ω
• 1 input: 10Hz.
Output Options • 2 inputs: 5Hz.
• Solid-state relay, 0.5A @ 24VÅ (ac) min., 253VÅ (ac) • Retransmit: 1Hz.
max., opto-isolated, burst fire. With or without contact • Remote set point: 1Hz.
suppression. • PID: 10Hz.
• Open collector: Max. voltage 42VÎ (dc), max. current • Outputs: 10Hz.
1A. • Display: 2Hz.
• Switched dc signal: Min. turn-on voltage of 3VÎ (dc) • Alarm Outputs: 1 Hz
into min. 500Ω load; max. On voltage not greater than Resolution
32VÎ (dc) into an infinite load, isolated. • Inputs: 16 bits.
• Electromechanical relay1, Form C, 5A @ 120/240VÅ • Outputs: 12 bits.
(ac), 6A @ 28VÎ (dc), 1/8 hp. @ 120VÅ (ac) or
1 Electromechanical relays are warranted for 100,000 clo-
125VA @ 120VÅ (ac). With or without contact sup-
pression. Off-state output impedance with RC sup- sures only. Solid-state switching devices are recom-
pression is 20kΩ. mended for applications requiring fast cycle times or
extended service life.
2 Not an ANSI symbol.
A.4 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual

Warranty Returns
The Watlow Series 988 is warranted to be free of 1. Call Watlow Customer Service, (507) 454-5300,
defects in material and workmanship for 36 months for a Return Material Authorization (RMA) num-
after delivery to the first purchaser for use, providing ber before returning any item for repair. We
that the units have not been misapplied. Since need this information:
Watlow has no control over their use, and some- • Ship to address • Bill to address
times misuse, we cannot guarantee against failure. • Contact name • Phone number
Watlow's obligations hereunder, at Watlow's option, • Ship via • Your P.O. number
are limited to replacement, repair or refund of pur- • Symptoms and/or special instructions
chase price, and parts which upon examination • Name and phone number of person returning
prove to be defective within the warranty period the material.
specified. This warranty does not apply to damage
resulting from transportation, alteration, misuse or 2. Prior approval and an RMA number, from the
abuse. Customer Service Department, is needed when
returning any unused product for credit. Make
sure the RMA number is on the outside of the
Watlow Controls carton, and on all paperwork returned. Ship on
a Freight Prepaid basis.
Watlow Controls is a division of Watlow Electric Mfg.
Co., St. Louis, Missouri, a manufacturer of industrial 3. After we receive your return, we will examine it
electric heating products since 1922. Watlow begins and determine the cause for your action.
with a full set of specifications and completes an
industrial product that is manufactured totally in- 4. In cases of manufacturing defect, we will enter
house, in the U.S.A. Watlow products include elec- a repair order, replacement order, or issue cred-
tric heaters, sensors, controls and switching it for material. A 20-percent restocking charge is
devices. The Winona operation has been designing applied for all returned stock controls and
solid state electronic control devices since 1962, accessories.
and has earned the reputation as an excellent sup-
plier to original equipment manufacturers. These 5. If the unit is unrepairable, it will be returned to
OEMs depend upon Watlow Controls to provide you with a letter of explanation. Repair costs will
compatibly engineered controls which they can not exceed 50 percent of the original cost.
incorporate into their products with confidence.
Watlow Controls resides in a 100,000-square-foot
marketing, engineering and manufacturing facility in Shipping Claims
Winona, Minnesota.
When you receive your Watlow control, examine the
package for any signs of external damage it may
have sustained enroute. If there is apparent dam-
age either outside the box or to its contents, make a
claim with the shipper immediately. Save the origi-
nal shipping carton and packing material.

Appendix WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual A.5

Index a-h

%OUT LED 3.1

0-5VÎ (dc) process wiring B DIN A.2
DIP switch functions 1.1 - 1.4
input 1 2.8 baud rate 4.45, 8.4 DIP switch locations 1.1 - 1.4
input 2 2.9 brackets 2.1 - 2.3 DIP switch setting
output 1 2.12 bumpless transfer 4.35, 7.4 input 1.2
output 2 2.13 burst fire 8.1 - 8.3, A.2 lockout 1.4
0-10VÎ (dc) process wiring output 1.3
input 1 2.8
input 2 2.9
C display 6.11
Display Key 3.1
output 1 2.12 calibration curve, RTD 2 4.14 Display Loop 3.2
output 2 2.13 calibration manual ii displays 3.1
0-20mA process wiring Calibration Menu 6.13 - 6.14 documentation, maintaining ii, 6.9
input 1 2.8 lockout 6.6 Down-arrow Key 3.1
input 2 2.9 calibration offset A.2 droop A.2
output 1 2.12 calibration offset 1 4.6 dual in-line package (DIP) switches 1.1 -
output 2 2.13 calibration offset 2 4.14 1.4
0-50mV (high impedance) wiring calibration offset adjustment 7.3 dual PID sets 9.8 - 9.9
input 1 2.8 cascade control 9.2 - 9.5, A.2 duty cycle A.2
input 2 2.9 auto-tuning 9.3 duplex control 9.10 - 9.11
1-5VÎ (dc) process wiring manual tuning 9.4
cascade action 4.37
input 1 2.8
input 2 2.9 cautions iii E
output 1 2.12 Celsius 4.35 environmental chamber 8.7
output 2 2.13 clearing error codes 7.10 error code messages 7.8
4-20mA process wiring closed loop A.2 error code results 7.10
input 1 2.8 cold junction A.2 error codes, clearing 7.10
input 2 2.9 communications 8.4 - 8.5 error latching 4.36
output 1 2.12 Communications Menu 4.44 - 4.48, 8.4 event input 1 4.40
output 2 2.13 lockout 6.6 event input 1 Status 5.4
compression molding press 8.11 event input 1 wiring 2.11
consumer feedback iii event input 2 4.40
A controller chassis, removing 1.1, 7.5 event input 2 status 5.4
access to panel back 2.2 controlling output action 8.8 event input 2 wiring 2.10
ac output wiring control outputs off 8.8 external signal conditioner
output 1 2.12 control type 4.36 power supply A.2
output 2 2.13 crossover process value 4.39 power supply DIPs 1.3
output 3 2.14 crossover set point value 4.39 power supply wiring
output 4 2.15 current 8.10 output 2 2.13
address 4.46 current transformer 8.11, A.2 output 3 2.14
alarm current transformer input 2.10 output 4 2.15
deviation 7.6 current transformer wiring 2.10
cycle time
process 7.6
rate 7.7 output 1 5.13 F
alarm 2 4.23 output 2 5.16 Factory Menus 6.1 - 6.14
alarm 2 high 5.5 cycle time adjustment 7.3 factory ship date 6.8
alarm 2 low 5.4 failure mode 4.35
alarm 2 side 4.23
alarm 3 4.25
D Fahrenheit 4.35
feedback iii
alarm 3 high 5.6 data bits & parity 4.45, 8.4 filter time constants 8.12 - 8.13
alarm 3 low 5.5 data communications ii, 2.15, 4.1, 8.4 input 1 4.7
alarm 3 side 4.26 Data Communications with the Watlow input 2 4.15
alarm 4 4.28 Series 988 Family of Controllers ii, fluid sample container 9.11
alarm 4 high 5.7 2.15, 4.1, 4.44 form A 7.5, A.2
alarm 4 low 5.6 date 6.3 form B 7.5, A.2
alarm 4 side 4.29 dead band 5.16, 8.6 - 8.7 form C A.2
alarm display, masked 7.6 sample application 8.7 front panel 3.1
alarm high 5.2 decimal 1 4.4 front panel lockout 6.3, 8.8
alarm jumper, changing 7.5 decimal 2 4.11
decimal point, location of 4.3, 4.35
alarm low 5.2
alarm reset 8.8 Declaration of Conformity A.12 G
alarms 7.5 - 7.7 default 6.14, A.2 gas-fired furnace 8.23
alarms, latching 7.7 derivative A.2 Global Menu 4.34 - 4.43, 9.8
alarms, non-latching 7.7 output 1 5.12 lockout 6.5
alarm silencing 7.7 output 2 5.15 Glossary A.2 - A.3
algorithm 4.38, 9.3 deviation alarm 7.6 ground loops 2.4 - 2.5
ambient temperature 6.3 device address 8.4
DEV LED (set point deviation) 3.1
analog output 4.31
annunciator 4.41, A.2 Diagnostics Menu 6.7 - 6.12 H
Auto/Manual key 3.1, 7.4 lockout 6.6 heater with digital event 8.9
Auto/Manual LED 3.1, 7.4 differential control 9.6 - 9.7 heater current 8.10 - 8.11
auto/manual operation 7.4, 8.8 digital event input options 8.8 - 8.9 heat-treat oven 8.21
automatic operation 7.4 digital event wiring high power limit 4.42
auto-tune 5.7 input 1 2.11 humidity chamber 8.13
auto-tune set point 4.42 input 2 2.10 hunt 4.16, 8.22, 8.23
auto-tuning 7.1, 9.3 dimensions 2.1 hunting A.2

A.6 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Appendix

Index h-r

hysteresis A.2 L4 (output 4) 3.1 process retransmit 2.14

hysteresis 1 4.20 latching 2 4.24 switched dc, open collector 2.14
hysteresis 2 4.22 latching 3 4.27 output 4 4.28
hysteresis 3 4.26 latching 4 4.30 output 4 wiring 2.15
hysteresis 4 4.29 latching alarm 7.7 ac outputs 2.15
learn high range 4.13 external transmitter power supply 2.15
learn low range 4.13
I linearization A.2
switched dc, open collector 2.15
output configurations
idle set point 5.3, 8.8 linearization, input 8.14 - 8.15 output 1 (control) 3.1
inner loop, cascade 9.2 - 9.3 linearization 1 4.8 output 2 (control or alarm) 3.1
input 1 4.3 - 4.8 linearization 2 4.15 output 3 (alarm or retransmit) 3.1
input 1 wiring 2.8 local-remote 5.8 output 4 (alarm or communications) 3.1
0-5VÎ (dc) process 2.8 locating DIP switches 1.1 - 1.4 output DIP switches 1.3
0-10VÎ (dc) process 2.8 Lockout, Panel Menu 6.2 - 6.6 Output Menu 4.18 - 4.33
0-20mA process 2.8 lockout DIP switch 1.4 lockout 6.5
0-50mV (high impedance) 2.8 lockout level, setting 6.2 - 6.6 output module types 6.10
1-5VÎ (dc) process 2.8 loop error detect 8.10 output power supply
4-20mA process 2.8 lower display 3.1 output 2 2.13
RTD (2- or 3-wire) 2.8 low power limit 4.41 output 3 2.14
thermocouple 2.8 lube oil tank 9.5 output 4 2.15
input 2 4.9 -4.16 overriding alarms 7.7
input 2 wiring 2.9 - 2.10
0-5VÎ (dc) process 2.9
M overshoot A.3

maintaining documentation ii, 6.9

0-10VÎ (dc) process 2.9
0-20mA process 2.9 manual operation 7.4 P
0-50mV (high impedance) 2.9 manual tuning 7.2 P control A.3
1-5VÎ (dc) process 2.9 mechanical relay 7.2 panel back access 2.2
4-20mA process 2.9 menu lockout 6.2 - 6.6 panel cutouts 2.1 - 2.2
current transformer input 2.10 mixing tank 9.13 Panel Lockout Menu 6.2 - 6.6
digital event input 2 2.10 Mode Key 3.1, 8.23 PD control A.3
potentiometer input 2.10 Modbus 8.4 PDR control A.3
RTD (2- or 3-wire) 2.9 model number ii, iii, A.11 PI control A.3
slidewire feedback 2.10 module types 6.9 - 6.10 PID 2 crossover selection 4.38
thermocouple 2.9 mounting 2.1 - 2.3 PID control A.3
input DIP switches 1.2 muffle furnace 8.17 PID A Menu 5.9 - 5.16
0-5V 1.2 PID B Menu 5.9 - 5.16
0-10V 1.2
0-20mA 1.2
N PID Menu lockout 6.4
PID parameters 7.1, 9.8
0-50mV 1.2 National Electric Code (NEC) 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 PID sets, switching 8.8
0-50mV (high impedance) 1.2 NEMA 4X seal 2.3, A.2 PLOC Menu 6.2
1-5 1.2 non-latching alarm 7.7 potentiometer wiring 2.10
4-20mA 1.2 notes iii power supply (see external signal conditioner)
RTD 1.2 DIP switches 1.3
thermocouple 1.2
input filter 8.12 - 8.13
O output 2 2.13
output 3 2.14
input linearization 8.14 - 8.15 on/off control A.2 output 4 2.15
Input Menu 4.2 - 4.17 Operation Menus 5.1 - 5.16 power wiring 2.4
lockout 6.5 operation parameters, manual tuning 7.2 process variable A.3
input module 6.9 open loop 6.12, A.2 process 1 4.20
input ranges (tables) ordering information A.5 process 2 4.21
input 1 4.5 - 4.6 outer loop, cascade 9.2 - 9.3 process 3 4.31
input 2 4.12 output A.2 process alarm 7.6
input-to-output isolation 2.4, 2.13 - 2.15 output 1 4.19 process retransmit wiring 2.14
installation 2.1 - 2.3 output 1 wiring 2.12 process value, 8.16
integral A.2 0-5VÎ (dc) process 2.12 proportional band A.3
output 1 5.11 0-10VÎ (dc) process 2.12 output 1 5.10
output 2 5.14 0-20mA process 2.12 output 2 5.13
interface type 4.47 1-5VÎ (dc) process 2.12 proportional band adjustment 7.3
isolation 2.4, A.2 4-20mA process 2.12 proportioning control A.3
ac outputs 2.12 protocol type 4.46, 8.4
switched dc, open collector 2.12
J output 2 4.21
JIS A.2 output 2 wiring 2.13 Q, R
jumper location 7.5 0-5VÎ (dc) process 2.13 ramping function 4.43, 8.16
junctions A.2 0-10VÎ (dc) process 2.13 ramp rate 4.43, 8.16
0-20mA process 2.13 ramp to set point 8.16 - 8.17
1-5VÎ (dc) process 2.13 range high 1 4.5 - 4.6
K 4-20mA process 2.13 range high 2 4.11 - 4.12
keys 3.1 ac outputs 2.13 range low 1 4.5 - 4.6
external transmitter power supply 2.13 range low 2 4.11 - 4.12
switched dc, open collector 2.13 rate
L output 3 4.25 output 1 5.12
L1 (output 1) 3.1 output 3 wiring 2.14 output 2 5.15
L2 (output 2) 3.1 ac outputs 2.14 rate alarm 7.7, 8.17
L3 (output 3) 3.1 external transmitter power supply 2.14 rate band A.3

Appendix WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual A.7

Index r-z
Prompt Index
rate/derivative adjustment 7.3 temperature limit control protection 2.6
ratio control 9.12 - 9.13, A.3 terminal designation stickers 2.4
[----] (error) 7.8
reference junction A.2 test chambers
relay, mechanical 7.2
release tabs 1.1, 2.2 - 2.3, 7.5
wih communications 8.5
with dual PID sets 9.9
remote set point 4.10, 8.8, 8.18 - 8.19 test displays 6.11 [A2HI] (alarm 2 high) 5.5, 8.17
removing controller chassis 1.1, 2.2 - 2.3, test output 6.11 [A2LO] (alarm 2 low) 5.4, 8.17
7.5 thermal system A.3 [A2Sd] (alarm 2 side) 4.23
reset thermocouple 2.5, A.3 [A3HI] (alarm 3 high) 5.6
output 1 5.11 thermocouple break protection A.3 [A3LO] (alarm 3 low) 5.5
output 2 5.14 thermocouple wiring [A3Sd] (alarm 3 side) 4.26
reset/integral adjustment 7.3 input 1 2.8 [A4HI] (alarm 4 high) 5.7
restore 6.14 input 2 2.9 [A4LO] (alarm 4 low) 5.6
retransmit 8.20 - 8.21, A.3 three-mode control A.3 [A4Sd] (alarm 4 side) 4.29
retransmit calibration offset 4.33 time constant, filter [ACAL] (retransmit calibration offset) 4.33
retransmit high limit 4.32 input 1 4.7 [Actn] (control output action) 8.8
retransmit low limit 4.32 input 2 4.15
[Addr] (device address) 4.46
RTD A.3 time proportioning control A.3
[`AL2] (alarm 2) 4.23
RTD calibration curve 1 4.7 tuning
]AL2n] (alarm 2 reverse) 7.6
RTD calibration curve 2 4.14 automatic 7.1 - 7.2
[`AL3] (alarm 3) 4.25
RTD input 2.5 manual 7.2 - 7.4
RTD wiring settings 7.2 - 7.3 [AL3n] (alarm 3 reverse) 7.6
input 1 2.8 Tuning of Industrial Control Systems 7.1 {~AL4} (alarm 4) 4.28
input 2 2.9 [AL4n[ (alarm 4 reverse) 7.6
RTU Modbus 8.4 [ALgO] (algorithm) 4.38, 9.8
[`ALr] (alarm reset) 8.8
U [AMb] (ambient temperature) 6.8
S Up-arrow Key 3.1 [Anun] (annunciator) 4.41
safety practices 2.4, 2.6, 2.7 upper display 3.1 [Aout] (analog output) 4.31
semiconductor oven 8.3 using manual ii - iii [`ArH] (retransmit high limit) 4.32
sensor installation 2.5 [`ArL] (retransmit low limit) 4.32
sensor type
input 1 4.3 V, W [AtSP] (auto-tune set point) 4.42, 7.1
[`AUt] (auto-tune) 5.7, 7.2
input 2 4.9 - 4.10 warnings iii
serial number 6.8 warranty A.5
set point, in tuning 7.2 - 7.3 waste-water treatment 8.15 B
set point, ramp to 8.16 - 8.17 water boiler 9.7 [bAUd] (baud rate) 4.45
set point 1 3.2 wiring 2.1, 2.4 - 2.15 [both] (alarm 3 trigger) 4.26
set point 2 5.1, 5.3 event input 1 2.11 [bPLS] (bumpless transfer) 4.35
set point 2 control 4.22 event input 2 2.10 [brSt] (burst fire) 8.2
setting DIP switches 1.1 - 1.4 input 1 2.8
input 1.2 input 2 2.9 - 2.10
lockout 1.4 output 1 2.12 C
output 1.3 output 2 2.13 [`C_F] (Celsius_Fahrenheit) 4.35
Setup Menus 4.1 - 4.48 output 3 2.14 [`CAL] (calibration lockout) 6.6
shipping claims A.5 output 4 2.15 [`CAL] (Calibration Menu) 6.13
silencing 2 4.24 wiring example 2.6
[CAL1] (calibration offset 1) 4.6
silencing 3 4.27 wiring safety 2.4, 2.6, 2.7
[CAL2] (calibration offset 2) 4.14
silencing 4 4.30
[CntL] (control type) 4.36
silencing alarms 7.7
slidewire feedback 8.22 - 8.23, A.3 X, Y, Z [COM] (Communications lockout) 6.6
slidewire feedback wiring 2.10 zero switching A.3 [COM] (Communications Menu) 4.44, 8.4
slidewire hysteresis 4.16 zone heating 8.19 [CSAC] (cascade action) 4.37
software filter 1 4.7 [CSCd] (cascade control) 4.36
software filter 2 4.15 [Ct1A] (cycle time, output 1, PID A) 5.13, 8.2
software revision 6.8 [Ct1b] (cycle time, output 1, PID B) 5.13, 8.2
specifications A.4 [Ct2A] (cycle time, output 2, PID A) 5.16, 8.2
square root extraction (linearization, [Ct2b] (cycle time, output 2, PID B) 5.16, 8.2
square root) 8.14 - 8.15, A.2 [Curr] (current) 8.10, 8.11
storing data 8.4 - 8.5
switched dc, open collector wiring
output 1 2.12
output 2 2.13 [dAtA] (data bits & parity) 4.45, 8.4
output 3 2.14 [DAtE] (factory ship date) 6.8
output 4 2.15 [``db] (dead band) 5.16
switching sensitivity A.3 [db`A] (dead band PID A) 5.16, 8.6
system heat-up profiles 9.2 [db`b] (dead band PID B) 5.16, 8.6
System Menu 5.1 - 5.8 [`dE1] (deviation alarm input 1) 7.6
lockout 6.4 [`dE2] (deviation alarm input 2) 7.6
[dE1A] (derivative, output 1, PID A) 5.12
T [dE1b] (derivative, output 1, PID B) 5.12
[dE2A] (derivative, output 2, PID A) 5.15
technical assistance iii, 6.10 [dE2b] (derivative, output 2, PID B) 5.15
[dEC1] (decimal 1) 4.4

A.8 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Appendix

[dEC2] (decimal 2) 4.11 [`LOC] (front panel lockout) 6.3, 8.8
[`dFL] (default) 6.14 [`LoP] (low power limit) 4.41
[diAg] (Diagnostics Menu) 6.7 [LooP] (loop error detect) 8.10 [rtd2] (RTD calibration curve 2) 4.14
[diAg] (diagnostics lockout) 6.6 [LOW] (alarm 3 trigger) 4.26
[`L-r] (local-remote) 5.8
[diFF] (differential) 4.36, 9.7
[`dir] (direct action) 4.37 [LrnH] (learn high) 4.13, 8.23
[dISP] (test displays) 6.11 [LrnL] (learn low) 4.13, 8.23 [`SEt] (Setup Menu) 4.1
[dUPL] (duplex) 4.38 [SHYS] (slidewire hysteresis) 4.16
[SIL2] (silencing 2) 4.24
M, N [SIL3] (silencing 3) 4.27
E [Mod] (Modbus) 4.46 [SIL4] (silencing 4) 4.30
[E1`1] (A/D underflow error) 7.8 [`nLA] (non-latching) 4.36 [SLid] (slidewire) 8.23
[E2`1] (A/D underflow error) 7.8 [``no] (none) 4.38, 9.8 [``Sn] (serial number) 6.8
[E1`2] (sensor under-range error) 7.8 [`nor] (normal) 4.36 [SOFt] (software revision) 6.8
[E2`2] (sensor under-range error) 7.8 [`SP1] (set point 1) 9.3
[E1`3] (sensor over-range error) 7.8
[E2`3] (sensor over-range error) 7.8
O [`SP2] (set point 2) 5.3
[SP2c] (set point 2 control) 4.22
[E1`4] (A/D overflow error) 7.8 [`OFF] (control outputs off) 8.8 [StPt] (set point) 8.17, 9.8
[E2`4] (A/D overflow error) 7.8 [``on] (on) 8.4, 8.19 [StPt] (crossover set point value) 4.39
[`Ei1] (event input 1) 4.40 [OPEr] (Operation Menus) 5.1 - 5.16 [Strt] (start) 8.17
[Ei1S] (event input 1 status) 5.4 [OPLP] (open loop) 6.12, 7.9 [`SYS] (system lockout) 6.4
[`Ei2] (event input 2) 4.40 - 4.41 [`Ot1] (output 1) 4.19 [`SyS] (System Menu) 5.2
[Ei2S] (event input 2 status) 5.4 [`Ot2] (output 2) 4.21
[`Ot3] (output 3) 4.25
[`Er3] (ambient temperature error) 7.9
[`Er4] (RAM identification error) 7.9 [`Ot4] (output 4) 4.28 T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
[`Er5 (non-volatile checksum error) 7.9 [OtPt] (output lockout) 6.5 [tout] (test outputs) 6.11
[`Er9 (configuration error) 7.9 [OtPt] (Output Menu) 4.18
[`Err] (error latching) 4.36 [OtY1] (output 1 module type) 6.10
[OtY2] (output 2 module type) 6.10
[OtY3] (output 3 module type) 6.10
F [OtY4] (output 4 module type) 6.10
[FAIL] (failure mode) 4.35
[Ftr1] (software filter 1) 4.7
[Ftr2] (software filter 2) 4.15
[FULL] (full) 4.46, 8.4 [Pb1A] (proportional band, output 1, PID A) 5.10
[Pb1b] (proportional band, output 1, PID B) 5.10
[Pb2A] (proportional band, output 2, PID A) 5.13
G [Pb2b] (proportional band, output 2, PID B) 5.13
[gLbL] (Global Menu) 4.34 [`Pid] (switch PID sets) 4.38, 8.8
[gLbL] (global lockout) 6.5 [Pid2] (PID 2 crossover selection) 4.38, 9.8
[PidA] (PID A Menu) 5.3, 9.8
[Pidb] (PID B Menu) 5.3, 9.8
H [PidA] (PID A lockout) 6.4
[HigH] (alarm 3 trigger) 4.26 [Pidb] (PID B lockout) 6.4
[`HiP] (high power limit) 4.42 [PLOC] (Panel Lockout Menu) 6.1 - 6.6
[Hunt] (hunt) 4.16, 8.22, 8.23 [Pr`2] (input 2 process ) 3.2, 8.10, 9.4
[HYS1] (hysteresis 1) 4.20 [Prc1] (process 1) 4.20
[HYS2] (hysteresis 2) 4.22 [Prc2] (process 2) 4.21
[HYS3] (hysteresis 3) 4.26 [Prc3] (process 3) 4.31
[HYS4] (hysteresis 4) 4.29 [Proc] (crossover process value) 4.39, 9.8
[Prot] (protocol type) 4.46, 8.4

[IdSP] (idle set point) 5.3, 8.8
Q, R
[`In1] (input 1) 4.3 - 4.4 [rA1A] (rate, output 1, PID A) 5.12, 9.4
[`In2] (input 2) 4.9 [rA1b] (rate, output 1, PID B) 5.12
[InPt] (Input Menu) 4.2 [rA2A] (rate, output 2, PID A) 5.15
[InPt] (input lockout) 6.5 [rA2b] (rate, output 2, PID B) 5.15
[IntF] (interface type) 4.47 [rAtE] (ramp rate) 4.43
[It1A] (integral, output 1, PID A) 5.11 [rAti] (ratio) 4.36, 9.13
[It1b] (integral, output 1, PID B) 5.11 [rE1A] (reset, output 1, Pid A) 5.11, 9.4
[It2A] (integral, output 2, PID A) 5.14 [rE1b] (reset, output 1, PID B) 5.11
[It2b] (integral, output 2, PID B) 5.14 [rE2A] (reset, output 2, PID A) 5.14
[itY1] (input 1 module type) 6.9 [rE2b] (reset, output 2, PID B) 5.14
[itY2] (input 2 module type) 6.9 [`reU] (reverse action) 4.37
[`rH1] (range high 1) 4.5 - 4.6
[`rH2] (range high 2) 4.11 - 4.12, 8.11, 9.3
J, K, L [`rL1] (range low 1) 4.5 - 4.6
[`LAt] (latching) 4.36 [`rL2] (range low 2) 4.11 - 4.12, 8.11, 9.3
[LAt2] (latching 2) 4.24 [root] (square root extraction) 8.14, 8.15
[LAt3] (latching 3) 4.27 [``rP] (ramping function) 4.43, 8.17
[LAt4] (latching 4) 4.30 [`rSP] (remote set point) 4.10, 8.8, 8.19
[Lin1] (input 1 linearization) 4.8, 8.14, 8.15 [`rSt] (restore) 6.14
[Lin2] (input 2 linearization) 4.15, 8.14 [rtd1] (RTD calibration curve 1) 4.7

Appendix WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual A.9

Menu Overview
Display Loop Press ¥ to exit 75 Pr 2 InSP 0 50 °F

(Lower Display) any menu and Set point 1, Process input 2 Inner Loop DEV LED on % OUT LED on Process units
Remote set point
reach the Display set point or (cascade only)
Ratio value
Loop at any time.
Operation Menus SP2 ( ) Set point 2 Press µ to advance to the Operation
IdSP ( ) Idle set point menus. Outputs are still active.
OPEr ( ) Operation
Figure A.10 - >
The Series 988 Map.
(SyS) (System) (PIDA) (PIDA) (PIDB) (PIDB)
Ei1S ( ) Event input 1 status Pb1A ( ) Output 1 proportional band A Pb1b ( ) Output 1 proportional band B

˜ Ei2S ( ) Event input 2 status

A2LO ( ) Alarm 2 low
( ) Output 1 reset A
( ) Output 1 integral A
( ) Output 1 reset B
( ) Output 1 integral B
µ A2HI ( ) Alarm 2 high rA1A ( ) Output 1 rate A rA1b ( ) Output 1 rate B
NOTE: A3LO ( ) Alarm 3 low dE1A ( ) Output 1 derivative A dE1b ( ) Output 1 derivative B
This is a complete A3HI ( ) Alarm 3 high µ Ct1A ( ) Output 1 cycle time A µ Ct1b ( ) Output 1 cycle time B
A4LO ( ) Alarm 4 low Pb2A ( ) Output 2 proportional band A Pb2b ( ) Output 2 proportional band B
listing of all Series A4HI ( ) Alarm 4 high rE2A ( ) Output 2 reset A rE2b ( ) Output 2 reset B
988 prompts. AUt ( ) Auto-tune It2A ( ) Output 2 integral A It2b ( ) Output 2 integral B
L-r ( ) Local-remote rA2A ( ) Output 2 rate A rA2b ( ) Output 2 rate B
dE2A ( ) Output 2 derivative A dE2b ( ) Output 2 derivative B
Not all prompts will Ct2A ( ) Output 2 cycle time A Ct2b ( ) Output 2 cycle time B
appear on your con- db A ( ) Dead band A db b ( ) Dead band B

trol. They are

Press > and < for 3 seconds to enter
dependent on your
Setup Menus Setup SEt ( ) the Setup menus. Outputs are disabled.
configuration and >
model number. (OtPt)
(InPt) (Input) (Output) (gLbL) (Global) (COM) (Communications)

Ot1 ( ) Output 1 bAUd ( ) Baud rate

In1 ( ) Input 1 C_F ( ) Celcius_Fahrenheit
dEC1 ( ) Decimal place 1 Prc1 ( ) Process 1
FAIL ( ) Failure mode µ dAtA ( ) Data bits and parity

HYS1 ( ) Hysteresis 1 Prot ( ) Protocol type

rL1 ( ) Range low 1 Err ( ) Error latching
Addr ( ) Address
To navigate: rH1 ( ) Range high 1 Ot2 ( ) Output 2
CntL ( ) Control type
intF ( ) Interface type
CAL1 ( ) Calibration offset 1 Prc2 ( ) Process 2
CSAC ( ) Cascade action
Press ¥ to return rtd1 ( ) RTD calibration curve 1 HYS2 ( ) Hysteresis 2
ALgO ( ) Control algorithm
to the Display Loop Ftr1 ( ) Input 1 software filter SP2c ( ) Control set point 2 µ Pid2 ( ) PID 2 crossover selection
Lin1 ( ) Input 1 linearization AL2 ( ) Alarm 2
from any location and In2 ( ) Input 2 A2Sd ( ) Alarm 2 side
Proc ( ) Crossover process value
StPt ( ) Crossover set point value
to advance through µ rSP ( ) Remote set point LAt2 ( ) Latching for alarm 2
Ei1 ( ) Event input 1
SIL2 ( ) Silence alarm 2
dEC2 ( ) Decimal place 2
the Display Loop. ( ) Range low 2 Ot3 ( ) Output 3 Ei2 ( ) Event input 2
AL3 ( ) Alarm 3 Anun ( ) Annunciator
rH2 ( ) Range high 2

Press > or < to LrnL ( ) Learn range low µ A3Sd ( ) Alarm 3 side LoP ( ) Low power limit

HYS3 ( ) Hysteresis 3 HiP ( ) High power limit

LrnH ( ) Learn range high
move between the CAL2 ( ) Calibration offset 2
LAt3 ( ) Latching for alarm 3 AtSP ( ) Auto-tune set point

menus. rtd2 ( ) RTD calibration curve 2 SIL3 ( )

Silence alarm 3 rP ( ) Ramping function
Ftr2 ( ) Input 2 software filter Ot4 ( ) Output 4 rAtE ( ) Ramp rate
Lin2 ( ) Input 2 linearization AL4 ( ) Alarm 4

Press µ to Hunt ( ) Slidewire dead band A4Sd ( ) Alarm 4 side

HYS4 ( ) Hysteresis 4
advance through a SHyS ( ) Slidewire inner
hysteresis LAt4 ( ) Latching for alarm 4
menu. SIL4 ( ) Silence alarm 4
Aout ( )
Analog output
Prc3 ( ) Process 3
Hold µ while A rL ( ) Retransmit low limit

pressing > to A rH ( ) Retransmit high limit

ACAL ( ) Retransmit cal. offset
move backwards
through the menus. At the [`SEt] prompt, press > and < another
Factory Menus Fcty ( ) Factory
3 seconds to enter the Factory menus.
Press > or < to (Calibration)
(PLOC) (Panel Lockout) (diAg) (Diagnostics) (CAL)
select prompt values. b380 ( )
LOC ( ) Front Panel lockout dAtE ( ) Factory ship date A 50 ( ) b10U ( )
SyS ( ) System menu lockout SOFt ( ) Software revision ( )
A 00 b 0U ( )
PidA ( ) PIDA menu lockout Sn ( ) Serial number ( )
tc b20A ( )
µ Pidb ( ) PIDB menu lockout AMb ( ) Ambient temperature A 0H ( ) b 4A ( )
NOTE: InPt ( ) Input menu lockout Acnt ( ) Ambient A/D count
A 20 ( ) b 0u ( )
The controller will OtPt ( ) Output menu lockout µ gnd ( ) Ground A/D count
A 15 ( ) b100 ( )
gLbL ( ) Global menu lockout cnt1 ( ) Input 1 A/D count ( )
not default back to COM ( ) Communications menu lockout cnt2 ( ) Input 2 A/D count
A380 14 ( )
A10U ( ) 1 20 ( )
normal display diAg ( ) Diagnostics menu lockout ity1 ( ) Input 1 module
A 0u ( ) 10 ( )
CAL ( ) Calibration menu lockout ity2 ( ) Input 2 module
while in the Factory Oty1 ( ) Output 1 module
A20A ( ) 1 10 ( )
A 4A ( ) 24 ( )
Menu. All outputs Oty2 ( ) Output 2 module
A 0u ( ) 2 20 ( )
( ) Output 3 module
are disabled while Oty3
( ) Output 4 module
A100 ( ) 20 ( )
in this menu. dISP ( ) Test displays
b 50 ( ) 2 10 ( )

tout ( ) Test output

µ b 00 ( ) 3 LO ( )
b 0H ( ) 3 HI ( )
OPLP ( ) Open loop
b 20 ( ) rSt ( ) Restore factory values
b 15 ( ) dFL ( ) Default prompts

A.10 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Appendix

Model Number
Ordering Information
To order, complete the code number to the right with the information below:

Series 988: a single-channel, temperature/process controller,
1 analog input, 1 digital input, 1 analog or digital input, 4 outputs.
Power Supply & Mounting
6 = 24 to 28Vı (ac/dc) nominal, vertical mounting
7 = 24 to 28Vı (ac/dc) nominal, horizontal mounting
8 = 100 to 240Vı (ac/dc) nominal vertical mounting
9 = 100 to 240Vı (ac/dc) nominal horizontal mounting
A = Standard
B = Enhanced (Includes cascade, ratio, |
duplex, dual PID set)
Input 1
1 = Thermocouple only (Excluding Type B, R, and S)
2 = Universal signal conditioner
Input 2
0 = None
1 = Thermocouple only (Excluding Type B, R, and S)
2 = Universal signal conditioner
3 = Slidewire feedback
4 = Current transformer2
5 = Digital contact event (One digital event is standard on all units)
Output 1
B = Solid-state relay, Form A, 0.5A, with RC suppression (NO & C)
C = Switched dc or open collector, isolated
D = Electromechanical relay1, Form C, 5A with RC suppression
E = Electromechanical relay1, Form C, 5A without contact suppression
F = Universal process, 0-5VÎ (dc), 1-5VÎ (dc), 0-10VÎ (dc),
0-20mA, 4-20mA, isolated
K = Solid-state relay, Form A, 0.5A, without contact suppression (NO & C)
Output 2
A = None
B = Solid-state relay, Form A, 0.5A, with RC suppression (NO & C)
C = Switched dc or open collector, isolated
D = Electromechanical relay1, Form C, 5A with RC suppression (NO, NC & C)
E = Electromechanical relay1, Form C, 5A without contact suppression (NO, NC & C)
F = Universal process 0-5VÎ (dc), 1-5VÎ (dc), 0-10VÎ (dc),
0-20mA, 4-20mA, isolated
K = Solid-state relay, Form A, 0.5A, without contact suppression (NO & C)
T = External signal conditioner power supply, 5, 12 or 20VÎ (dc) @ 30mA
Output 3
A = None
B = Solid-state relay, Form A, 0.5A, with RC suppression (NO & C)
C = Switched dc or open collector, isolated
J = Electromechanical relay1, Form A or B, 5A without contact suppression (NO or NC)
K = Solid-state relay, Form A, 0.5A without contact suppression (NO & C)
M = Retransmit, 0-20mA, 4-20mA
N = Retransmit, 0-5VÎ (dc), 1-5VÎ (dc), 0-10VÎ (dc)
T = External signal conditioner power supply, 5, 12 or 20VÎ (dc) @ 30mA
Electromechanical relays Output 4
warranted for 100,000 clo- A = None
sures only. Solid-state B = Solid-state relay, Form A, 0.5A, with RC suppression (NO & C)
switching devices recom- C = Switched dc or open collector, isolated
mended for applications D = Electromechanical relay1, Form C, 5A with RC suppression (NO, NC & C)
requiring fast cycle times or E = Electromechanical relay1, Form C, 5A without contact suppression (NO, NC & C)
extended service life. K = Solid-state relay, Form A, 0.5A without contact suppression (NO & C)
R = EIA/TIA-232 communications, opto-isolated
A Current Transformer input S = EIA/TIA-485 / EIA/TIA-422 communications, opto-isolated
cannot be used in conjunc- T = External signal conditioner power supply, 5, 12 or 20VÎ (dc) @ 30mA
tion with a process output U = EIA/TIA-485 / EIA/TIA-232 communications, opto-isolated
installed on output 1. Display
Slo-Blo® is a registered GG = Green/Green displays RR = Red/Red displays
trademark of Littelfuse, Inc. GR = Green/Red displays XX = Custom overlays or default settings
RG = Red/Green displays

Appendix WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual A.11

Declaration of Conformity
Series 986, 987, 988, 989
96 Erklärt, daß das folgende Produkt:
Serie 986, 987, 988, 989

9 8 (6 7 8 oder 9) (beliebiger Buchstabe) - (1 oder 2)

1241 Bundy Boulevard (0 1 2 3 4 oder 5) (B C D E F oder K) (A B C D E F K
oder T) - (A B C J K M N oder T) (A B C D E K R S
Winona, Minnesota 55987 USA oder T) (2 beliebige Buchstaben)
Klassifikation: Regelsystem, Installationskategorie II, Emissionsgrad II
Nennspannung: 100 bis 240 V~ (ac) oder 24 bis 28 V‡ (ac/dc)
Nennfrequenz: 50/60 Hz
Stromverbrauch: Max. 16 VA
Declares that the following product: English Erfüllt die wichtigsten Normen der folgenden Anweisung(en) der Europäischen
Designation: Series 986, 987, 988, 989 Union unter Verwendung der untenstehenden einschlägigen Dokumente:
Model Number(s): 9 8 (6, 7, 8 or 9) (Any letter) - (1 or 2) (0 1 2 3 4 or 5) 89/336/EEC Elektromagnetische Übereinstimmungsanweisung
(B C D E F or K) (A B C D E F K or T) - (A B C J K M EN 50082-2: 1995 EMC-Rahmennorm für Störsicherheit, Teil 2: Industrielle
N or T) (A B C D E K R S or T) (Any two letters) Umwelt
Classification: Control, Installation Category II, Polution Degree II EN 61000-4-2: 1995 Elektrostatische Entladung
Rated Voltage: 100 to 240V~ (ac) or 24 to 28V‡ (ac/dc) EN 61000-4-4: 1995 Elektrische schnelle Stöße
Rated Frequency: 50/60 Hz ENV 50140: 1994 Strahlungsimmunität
ENV 50141: 1994 Leitungsimmunität
Rated Power Consumption: 16VA maximum
ENV 50204: 1995 Mobiltelefon
Meets the essential requirements of the following European Union Directive(s) EN 50081-2: 1994 EMC-Rahmennorm für Emissionen, Teil 2: Industrielle
using the relevant section(s) of the normalized standards and related documents Umwelt
shown: EN 55011: 1991 Beschränkungen und Methoden der Messung von
89/336/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive Funkstörungsmerkmalen industrieller, wissenschaftlicher und
EN 50082-2: 1995 EMC Generic immunity standard, Part 2: Industrial medizinischer Hochfrequenzgeräte (Klasse A)
environment EN 61000-3-2: 1995 Grenzen der Oberwellenstromemissionen
EN 61000-4-2: 1995 Electrostatic discharge EN 61000-3-3: 1995 Grenzen der Spannungsschwankungen und Flimmern
EN 61000-4-4: 1995 Electical fast transients 72/23/EEC Niederspannungsrichtlinie zu entsprechen
ENV 50140: 1994 Radiated immunity EN 61010-1: 1993 Sicherheitsrichtlinien für Elektrogeräte zur Messung, zur
ENV 50141: 1994 Conducted immunity Steuerung und im Labor, Teil 1: Allgemeine Richtlinien
ENV 50204: 1995 Cellular phone
EN 50081-2: 1994 EMC Generic emission standard, Part 2: Industrial
environment Declara que el producto siguiente: Español
EN 55011: 1991 Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance Designación: Series 986, 987, 988, 989
characteristics of industrial, scientific and medical radio-
frequency equipment (Class A) Números de modelo: 9 8 (6 7 8 ó 9)(Cualquier letra) - (1 ó 2)(0 1 2 3 4 ó
EN 61000-3-2: 1995 Limits for harmonic current emissions 5)(B C D E F o K)(A B C D E F K o T) - (A B C J K M
EN 61000-3-3: 1995 Limitations of voltage fluctuations and flicker N o T)(A B C D E K R S o T)(Cualquier combinación
73/23/EEC Low-Voltage Directive de dos letras)
EN 61010-1: 1993 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for Clasificación: Control, categoría de instalación II, grado de
measurement, control, and laboratory use, Part 1: contaminación ambiental II
General requirements Tensión nominal: 100 a 240 V~ (Vca) o 24 a 28V ‡ (Vca/Vcc)
Frecuencia nominal: 50/60 Hz
Consumo nominal
Déclare que le produit suivant : Français de energía: 16 VA máximo
Désignation : Série 986, 987, 988, 989 Cumple con los requisitos esenciales de las siguientes directivas de la Unión
Numéro(s) de modèle(s) : 98 (6, 7, 8 ou 9) (lettre quelconque) - (1 ou 2) (0, 1, 2, Europea, usando las secciones pertinentes de las reglas normalizadas y los
3, 4 ou 5) (B, C, D, E, F ou K) (A, B, C, D, E, F, K ou documentos relacionados que se muestran:
T) - (A, B, C, J, K, M, N ou T) (A, B, C, D, E, K, R, S, 89/336/EEC - Directiva de compatibilidad electromagnética
ou T) (deux lettres quelconques) EN 50082-2: 1995 Norma de inmunidad genérica del EMC, parte 2:
Classification : Commande, installation catégorie II, degré de Ambiente industrial
pollution II EN 61000-4-2: 1995 Descarga electrostática
Tension nominale : 100 à 240 V ~ ou 24 à 28 V ‡ (c.a./c.c.) EN 61000-4-4: 1995 Perturbaciones transitorias eléctricas rápidas
Fréquence nominale : 50/60 Hz ENV 50140: 1994 Inmunidad radiada
Consommation ENV 50141: 1994 Inmunidad conducida
ENV 50204: 1995 Teléfono portátil
d’alimentation nominale : 16 VA maximum
EN 50081-2: 1994 Norma de emisión genérica del EMC, parte 2: Ambiente
Conforme aux exigences de la (ou des) directive(s) suivantes de l’Union
Européenne figurant aux sections correspondantes des normes et documents
EN 55011: 1991 Límites y métodos de medición de características de
associés ci-dessous : perturbaciones de radio correspondientes a equipos de
89/336/EEC Directive de compatibilité électromagnétique radiofrecuencia industriales, científicos y médicos (Clase A)
EN 50082-2 : 1995 Norme générique d’insensibilité électromagnétique, EN 61000-3-2: 1995 Límites para emisiones de corriente armónica
Partie 2 : Environnement industriel EN 61000-3-3: 1995 Limitaciones de fluctuaciones del voltaje
EN 61000-4-2 : 1995 Décharge électrostatique 73/23/EEC Directiva de baja tensión
EN 61000-4-4 : 1995 Courants électriques transitoires rapides EN 61010-1: 1993 Requerimientos de seguridad para equipos eléctricos
ENV 50140 : 1994 Insensibilité à l’énergie rayonnée de medición, control y uso en laboratorios, Parte 1:
ENV 50141 : 1994 Insensibilité à l’énergie par conduction Requerimientos generales
ENV 50204 : 1995 Téléphone cellulaire
EN 50081-2 : 1994 Norme générique sur les émissions électromagnétiques,
Partie 2 : Environnement industriel
EN 55011 : 1991 Limites et méthodes de mesure des caractéristiques
d’interférences du matériel radiofréquence industriel, Erwin D. Lowell Winona, Minnesota, USA
scientifique et médical (Classe A) Name of Authorized Representative Place of Issue
EN 61000-3-2 : 1995 Limites d’émission d’harmoniques
EN 61000-3-3 : 1995 Limitations d’écarts de tension et de papillotement
General Manager January 9, 1996
73/23/EEC Directive liée aux basses tensions
Title of Authorized Representative Date of Issue
EN 61010-1 : 1993 Exigences de sécurité pour le matériel électrique de
mesure, commande et de laboratoire, Partie 1 :
Exigences générales
Signature of Authorized Representative


A.12 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual Appendix

Watlow Series 988 User’s Manual
Watlow Controls, 1241 Bundy Blvd., P.O. Box 5580, Winona, MN 55987-5580, Phone: 507/454-5300, Fax: 507/452-4507

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