Tutorial Power System Analysis - Power Flow Analysis-Solution

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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

1) A power system network is shown in Figure 1. The values marked are impedances in per unit on
a base of 100 MVA. Convert network impedances to admittances and determine the bus
admittance matrix.

Figure 1: Single line diagram with network impedances


EET 308-Power System Analysis (Semester II – Session 2016/2017) Page 1

Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

2) In the power system network shown in Figure 2 below, bus 1 is a slack bus with V1 = 1.00 per
unit and bus 2 is a load bus with S2 = 280 MW + j60 Mvar. The line impedance on a base of 100
MVA is Z = 0.02+j0.04 per unit.
a) Using Gauss-Seidel method, determine V2. Use an initial estimate of V2(0) = 1.0+j0.0 and
perform three iterations.
b) If after several iterations voltage at bus 2 converges to V2 = 0.90-j0.10, determine S1 and
the real and reactive power loss in the line.

Figure 2: Single line diagram of two-bus power system


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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

3) Figure 3 shows the single-line diagram of a simple three-bus power system with generation at
buses 1 and 3. The voltage at bus 1 is V1 = 1.0250 per unit. Voltage magnitude at bus 3 is fixed
at 1.03 per unit with a real power generation of 300 MW. A load consisting of 400 MW and 200
Mvar is taken from bus 2. Line impedances are marked in per unit on a 100 MVA base. Line
resistances and line charging susceptances are neglected.
a) Using Gauss-Seidel method and initial estimates of V2(0) =1.0+j0 and V3(0) =1.03+j0 and
keeping V3 = 1.03 pu, determine the phasor values of V2 and V3. Perform two iterations.
b) If after several iterations the bus voltages converge to
V2  1.001243  2.1  1.000571 j 0.0366898pu
V3  1.031.36851  1.029706 j 0.0246pu
Determine the line flows and the line losses and the slack bus real and reactive power

c) Construct a power flow diagram and show the direction of the line flows

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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

Figure 3: Single line diagram of three-bus power system


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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

4) In the two-bus system shown in Figure 4, bus 1 is a slack bus with V1 =1.00 pu. A load of 150
MW and 50 Mvar is taken from bus 2. The line admittance is y12 = 10-73.74 pu on a base of
100 MVA. The expression for real and reactive power at bus 2 is given by

P2  10V2 V1 cos(106.26   2  1 )  10V2 cos(73.74)


Q2  10V2 V1 sin(106.26   2  1 )  10V2 sin(73.74)


Using Newton-Raphson method, obtain the voltage magnitude and phase angle of bus 2. Start
with an initial estimate of V2(0) = 1.0 pu and 2(0) = 0. Perform two iterations.

Figure 4: Single line diagram of two-bus system


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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

5) Figure 5 shows the single-line diagram of a simple three-bus power system with generation at
buses 1 and 2. The voltage at bus 1 is V =1.00 per unit. Voltage magnitude at bus 2 is fixed at
1.05 pu with a real power generation of 400 MW. A load consisting of 500 MW and 400 Mvar is
taken from bus 3. Line admittances are marked in per unit on a 100 MVA base. Line resistances
and line charging susceptances are neglected.
a) Show that the expression for the real power at bus 2 and real and reactive power at bus 3
P2  40V2 V1 cos(90   2  1 )  20V2 V3 cos(90   2   3 )
P3  20V3 V1 cos(90   3  1 )  20V2 V3 cos(90   3   2 )
Q3  20V3 V1 sin(90   3   1 )  20V3 V2 sin(90   3   2 )  40V3

b) Using Newton-Raphson method, start with the initial estimates of V2(0) =1.0+j0 and V3(0)
=1.0+j0 and keeping V2 = 1.05 pu, determine the phasor values of V2 and V3. Perform
two iterations.

Figure 5: Single line diagram of three-bus power system


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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

6) From Figure 5, obtain the power flow solution using the fast decoupled algorithm. Perform two

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Tutorial Power Flow Analysis

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