Makino 2013
Makino 2013
Makino 2013
Abstract— This paper proposes instantaneous current profile This paper presents PWM-based tracking control of instan-
tracking control for minimizing torque ripple of switched reluc- taneous current profile for torque ripple suppression of the
tance motors. Because of its unique principle of torque genera- developed four-phase SR servomotor. In the proposed ap-
tion different from conventional AC motors, instantaneous cur- proach, the controller determines the instantaneous current
rent profiling control is essential to regulate the torque with profile for a given torque command and rotor position, which
ripple minimized. In addition, since its conventional motor mod- minimizes torque ripple. Then, the controller calculates the
el in order to determine an adequate applied voltage reference is instantaneous applied voltage command which is determined
established not yet, a hysteresis current regulator is generally based on the voltage equation derived from non-linear magne-
employed, in which it is rather difficult to design switching fre-
tizing curve model. To achieve fast current tracking response,
quency of converter. In the proposed scheme, the controller can
the proposed controller predicts the flux linkage at next sam-
calculate the adequate applied voltage reference which can de-
termined based on the voltage equation derived from non-linear ple point and calculates the reference voltage being applied at
magnetizing curve model. The applied voltage reference is rea- next sampling interval based on the predicted flux linkage.
lized under conventional subharmonic PWM with a carrier fre- The instantaneous applied voltage reference is realized under
quency of 12 KHz and fixed DC-voltage of 283V. The experi- conventional subharmonic PWM with carrier frequency of 12
mental results using 400W test motor with 8/6 poles configura- KHz and fixed DC-voltage of 283V. Experimental studies
tion verify that the measured instantaneous current profiles well using the developed four-phase test motor show that the
follow the reference profiles. measured current waveforms can accurately track the instan-
taneous reference current profiles.
With the development in manufacturing industry, the
amount of servomotors used has increased for last decade. Figs. 1 and 2 shows a cross sectional view and a photo-
The most of servomotors of the day are a permanent magnet graph of test motor. In Fig. 1, the red colored dotted line indi-
(PM) servomotor using rare-earth magnet such as NdFeB. As cates series-connected winding of A-phase as an example.
well-known, however, the use of rare-earth magnet is bringing The major dimensions and specifications of the test motor
with it the risks such as cost elevation and under supply. In appear in Table 1. As mentioned earlier, the test motor, four-
order to avoid the risks, the authors have been developing phase 8/6-pole SR motor, has been designed for 400W servo
switched reluctance (SR) servomotor with four-phase 8/6-pole drive applications [1]. To achieve both the high efficiency
configuration as an alternative of PM servomotor [1]. The SR and high torque density without rare-earth permanent magnet,
servomotor developed has been intentionally designed so as to a short airgap length with 0.1mm has been employed in this
be comparable with 400W PM servomotor using the rare-earth machine design. Fig. 3 demonstrates the measured maximum
magnets in terms of the maximum torque capability in short- torque curve of the test motor. The test machine barely meets
time duty and motor efficiency more than 85% under frequent for the 300% torque requirement in short-time duty up to a
operating condition while keeping same motor size and similar few seconds under the given maximum current limitation
power supply restrictions. Whereas, another indispensable with 8 Amps. From this result, it seems reasonable to suppose
issue for servomotor drive applications is minimizing its tor- that the 300% torque requirement must be not satisfied if tor-
que ripple. que ripple minimization is considered in design process. Ta-
ble 2 summarizes losses and efficiency measurement results
Torque [Nm]
C 54.1mm C 14mm 53.9mm
ia ~ d
θ∗ ω∗ T∗
Figure 2 External photograph of test motor.
θ ω va*~ d
Rated power [W] 400
Rated torque [N⋅m] 1.27
Rated speed [r/min] 3000 Figure 4 Block diagram of servo drive system.
Stator diameter [mm] 80
Stack length [mm] 40
iabcd Current Feedback
Shaft diameter [mm] 14
Air gap length [mm] 0.1 Torque Ripple
Grade of lamination steel 35H360
θ Minimizing
Current Swabcd
Stator pole width [mm] 7.9 Control
Rotor pole width [mm] 9.1 B
A Sw i*
IV. CURRENT PROFILING TECHNIQUE FOR TORQUE During the single phase excitation, only one phase generates
RIPPLE SUPPRESSION torque and the value of torque contour is stuck at 1. On the
other hand, in overlapping period, the shape of torque contour
A. Torque contour function
function between θ0 and θf0 is also a free parameter. Although
In order to achieve instantaneously flat torque, a control there are many possible choices of function to express the
approach based on instantaneous current profiling is well shape of torque contour function between θ0 and θf0, the fol-
known for SR motor drive. There are so many methods to lowing expression is employed in this study taking into ac-
create instantaneous current profile for each phase as a func-
count of reducing the maximum current and the necessary
tion of given rotor position, average torque reference and
applied voltage at the threshold speed.
motor speed [2]-[6]. Among them, a method to generate in-
stantaneous current profile via torque contour function [2] is
employed in this study. 1 ⎧⎪ ⎛⎜ θ − θ fo ⎞⎟ ⎫⎪
fTa (θ ) = ⎨cos π ⎟ + 1⎬ (4)
Fig. 6 depicts one possible selection of torque contour 2 ⎪⎩ ⎜⎝ θlap ⎠ ⎪⎭
function for a four-phase SR motor. The torque contour func-
tion fTx(θ) defines normalized generating torque profile in B. T-i-θ model based on the measured flux curve model
each phase as a function of rotor position and satisfies follow-
ing condition, In the proposed current profiling, torque-current-position
(T-i-θ) model is used. The process to build the T-i-θ model is
explained as following steps.
DfTd (θ ) ∑total
f (θ )
1.2 0.2
1 every 5/3deg
0.4 0.1 Unaligned
0.2 Position
0 θ o θ fo θ fc θ c 60
Rotor position (deg) θlap θlap 0 2 4 6 8
Finally, a certain x-phase instantaneous current reference ix*
λ (i,θ ) = ∑ Ln (θ ) ⋅ i n (7) at the detected position θd can be calculated by substituting
n =1
computation result of (11) into (10) as in,
2) The second stage ― Calculating model of i-T-θ charac-
teristics from the magnetizing curves model: The magnetic mmax
D. Motoring and regenerating torque control
Wm ' = ∫ λ (i,θ )di (8)
0 The motoring and regenerating torque control of SR motor
is discussed in this section. The instantaneous current profiling
The instantaneous torque can be calculated from the rate of based on (12) generates motoring (positive) torque. Fig. 9 de-
change of the magnetic co-energy at constant current. picts A-phase instantaneous current profiles for motoring and
regenerating torque control. As can be seen in the figure, the
∂Wm '
relationship between two current profiles is symmetrical about
τ (i , θ ) = (9) the unaligned rotor position. Therefore, each-phase instanta-
∂θ i =const
neous current profile for regenerating torque control is calcu-
lated using the same coefficients for the motoring torque con-
Substituting (7) and (8) into (9), the model of T-θ-i characte- trol in (12) and given in,
ristic, the relationship among the torque T, the rotor position θ
and the current i of test motor, is obtained as shown in Fig. 8. mmax
Based on the model of T-θ-i characteristic, i-T-θ model is ob- ( )
ix* τ x* (θ d ) , θ d = ∑ K m ( 60 − θ d ) ⋅ τ x* (θ d )
tained as following expression. m =1
i (T ,θ ) = ∑K
m =1
A. Advantage of PWM based current tracking control
where, the coefficients Km(θ) are tabled and stored in memory The reference current profile i* with respect to a given
space for every 0.09 mech. degrees according to the position torque command T* and a detected rotor position θd for mini-
sensor resolution. In consideration of online processing time, mizing torque ripple is computed online based on i-T-θ model
the highest torque order mmax is set to 10 in this study. of the test motor. To make the actual instantaneous current
follow the reference current profile at a certain rotor position,
C. i-T-θ model based online computation of instatanoues one of well-known technique is the use of hysteresis current
current profile regulator. However, the hysteresis band control depends on a
For the given torque command T* and the detected posi- level of DC-bus voltage as well as switching frequency. For
tion θd, the instantaneous torque command τx*(θd) to be the purpose of current profile tracking control with the mini-
charged to a certain x-phase can be determined via the torque mum current ripple and delay, the proposed current control
contour function and given in, implements PWM based voltage control under fixed switching
frequency and DC-bus voltage. Fig. 10 illustrates the calcula-
tion and execution diagram of applied voltage with respect to
τ x* (θ d ) = T * × fTx (θ d ) (11) the sampling intervals under PWM control. Here, the all equa-
tions proposed in this section are executed the sampling inter-
val from “n” to “n+1”. Fig. 11 shows the block diagram of
Torque (Nm)
i =8.1 A 9
4.0 6 Regenerating
Idealized inductance
every 0.3 A
Current (A)
1.0 0
0.0 i =0.0 A
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 -3
Rotor position (deg. ) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Rotor position (deg)
Figure 8 T-θ-i characteristics calculated from the measured magnetizing
curves model of test motor. Figure 9 Instantaneous current profiles at motoring and regenerating con-
proposed current regulator. Symbol “x” denotes again the computation, the controller only calculates (7) on the condi-
name of phase. Based on the torque contour function, x-phase tion that the highest current order is limited by 4. This num-
torque reference is determined from the total reference torque ber is selected by trial and error taking modeling error and
T*[n+2] and the estimated rotor position θest[n+2] and given in, memory capacity into consideration. As s result, the flux lin-
kage at the sampling point “n” is calculated as a function of
the detected phase current i[n] and the detected rotor position
τ x*[n + 2] = T *[n + 2] × fTx (θest [n + 2]) (14)
θ[n] as given in,
where, the reason for description “n+2” is that the reference is ML
achieved at the sampling point “n+2”. The estimated rotor λx [n] = ∑ Lm (θ d [n]) ⋅ ix [n]m . (19)
position θest[n+2] is calculated by extrapolation using the m =1
ix*[n + 2] = ix* τ x*[n + 2],θ est [n + 2] . ) (17) The change of flux linkage between “n” and “n+1” is esti-
mated by the voltage reference vx*[n].
Thirdly, the controller computes the voltage reference be-
A certain phase of the applied voltage equation of SR mo-
tween the sampling interval “n+1” and “n+2”. Using (19),
tor in the discrete from is expressed as,
the reference of flux linkage at the sampling point “n+2” is
given in,
* * *
* ix [n + 2] + ix [n + 1] λx [n + 2] − λx [n + 1]
vx [n + 1] = R + (18) ML
2 TS λx*[n + 2] = ∑ Lm (θ est [n + 2]) ⋅ ix*[n + 2]m . (21)
m =1
Z −1 v *x [n + 1] i x [ n + 1] i x [n]
+ R + −1 drive
+ 2 + circuit
ix*[n + 2] −1
v x** [ n] Z i x [ n − 1]
Z −1
+ − R + +
Vdc = 283[V ] Encoder
1 / Ts
2 Gate signals 1000ppr
Figure 11 Block diagram of applied voltage reference computation. Figure 12 Experimental system.
speed control. Subharmonic PWM is used, in which the ca-
reer frequency is set to 12 kHz. The sampling frequency of
4 Reference A-phase
the proposed controller is also 12 kHz.
3 B-phase C-phase
B. Measured instantaneous current profile 2 D-phase
Current (A)
Fig. 13 demonstrates comparisons between the reference
and the measured current profiles under the proposed control.
In the figure, the operating conditions are set to (a) motoring, -1
with the rated torque of 1.27 N⋅m under the threshold speed -3
300 r/min. It can be seen from the figure that the measured -4
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