Clothes Flashcards

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Subject : English Class: Time
Theme : World of Self, Family, LESSON
Focus skill: Listening CCE: Language Date:
and Friends 56
Teaching aids: 21st Century Skills/Strategy/Activity:
Flashcards, audio recording, worksheets, chant chart. Communication, collaboration, circle map.
Language/Grammar focus:
Clothes vocabulary: clothes, jeans, sweater, jacket, skirt, shorts, cap, shoes, socks, T-shirt, trousers
Imperative: Put on
Get Dressed!

1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar 3.3 Read independently for information and
M contexts C enjoyment

1.2.2 Understand with support specific information 3.3.1 Read and enjoy simple print and digital games
M and details of simple sentences C at sentence level
At the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to listen to the dialogue and point to at least 6 pictures of clothes
M correctly.

C At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to read and enjoy the chant with support.

1. Stand where all the class can see you.

2. Point to some of your clothes and elicit any that pupils know.
3. Write Clothes in a circle on the board and write the words they say. (bubble map)
4. Help them with vocabulary if necessary.
1. Hold up each flashcard in turn.
2. Say the word for pupils to repeat in chorus.
3. Then, ask them to point to the item if they or their friends are wearing it.
4. Stick the flashcards on the board to make a word map for clothes.
5. Pupils look at the picture. (Student’s Book page 82)
6. Play the recording. (CD3 track 02)
II. LESSON DEVELOPMENT 7. Pupils point to the clothes when they hear them and repeat the clothes words.
8. Put up a chant chart on the board.
9. Play the recording. Pupils listen and follow. (CD3 track 03)
10. Do the chant as a class and then in groups.
11. Make six groups. Hand out a flashcard to each group.
12. Pupils do the chant again, standing up and holding up the relevant flashcard / pointing
to their clothes when they say the clothes words.
1. Distribute worksheets. Low level (worksheet A) High level (worksheet B)
III. POST LESSON 2. Pupils look at the pictures and find the words.
3. Check with the class.

a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to listen to the dialogue and Lesson postpone:
M point to at least 6 pictures of clothes correctly. a. Course c. CRK
b. Sick leave d. Meeting
a. ___ out of ___ pupils were able to read and enjoy the chant
C with support. Other :
Worksheet A Name:

Find the clothes. Look and .

T-shirt sweater skirt

h u s o c k s j h
T s h i r t k a f
cap socks
w j e a n s i c x
r i w v e b r k s
l c a p n z t e h
m s w e a t e r e
y t r o u s e r s
trousers shorts

jacket shoes jeans

Worksheet B Name:

Find the clothes. Look and .


h u s o c k s j h
T s h i r t k a f
w j e a n s i c x
r i w v e b r k s
l c a p n z t e h
m s w e a t e r e
y t r o u s e r s

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